12 THE OMAHA "DAILY" -REE: TUESPAV, V I2BI?UATJY 5. 1001. NOW FOR THE BIG SHOPS Official Verification of tho Union Pacific's Expansion. WORK WILL BEGIN IN EARLY SPRING I'lnnn CoiilrniplMli' Milnuhr .rn Jliillilliiu Tliiiroiiulil.v Modern In liter)- lletnll Menu lucretmrtl AllllllMT (If lllliplo) V Conllrmnllori lins been given the report thai hHH been mi open secret In local ml I road tire I ok for a short tlmo paid re tailing tho Intenilt'il rebuilding "t tho Union Pnclllc shops In thl3 city. Tho new structure, which will bo modern through out nuil us nearly llreproof as possible, will be equipped with new machinery, and tho tntlru cost will approximate $1,000,000. It Is expected that work on the new buildings will begin with tho opening of spring. Plans and specifications have been drawn up and are now In the possession of Piesldrnt Hurt, Chief IJnglnccr Ileiry and J. II. MeConnclI, superintendent of motive power and machinery, who nro In New York attending a meeting of directors of the Lnlon Pacllle. Hxceutlvo olllclnls of tho I'nlon raclllc resident In Omaha have long appreciated Ihe need of additional and Im proved shop facilities. So apparent has tho necessity been that much of tho dotnll con nected with tho proposed new buildings has been arranged and all that remains now Is mi endorsement of tho pluns by tho direct ors and tho granting of an appropriation necessary to cover tho expense. That this will bo dono in tho Immediate future thcro Is not tho slightest doubt and tho assur ance emanates from high olllclal sources that Ihe Union I'aclilc motive and machinery departments will bo in their new quartern Just us soon ns tho work can bo pushed to a completion after tho start Is mado early in tho spring. Plan for Xrtv Itiilltlluu", The plan as outlined is that the new buildings will occupy tho present alto of the shops and maehlno quarters. Tho foundations will bo nmplo to withstand tho ravages of tlmo and tho elements. Tho present slto will bo raised from four to six feet, In order to place It safely nbovo high water mark, nnd tho supcr Ktructuro will bo gorundeil on a foundation as solid as atho rock of Gib raltar. It is tho intention to build the now shops without Interfering with tho operation of tho present facilities. As rap idly as tho exigencies will permit tho now mnchlnory will bo Installed, replacing that of tho old which has been outdated by lm protecl appliance. Klcctrlclty will bo used nn extensively as posslblo nnd tho old lathes and belt machinery that have been In servleo for so long will bo consigned to tho scrap heap. With the enlarged nnd Improved shop nnd machine, facilities tho department of motive power anil machinery will bo ex panded uud tho construction nnd building of equipment will bo conducted on n moro extensive scaln than at tho present time. Additional facilities for repairing and re building locomotives anil other railroad equipment will bo provided and employ ment will bo given many more men than nro now on tho payrolls of tho Union raclllc shops. In Union I'aclilc ofllelal circles It Is said to bo probable that work on tho new shops will begin directly after I'resldent Hurt's return from Now York. Tho actual building operations will not bo In full sway until spring sets In and Insures ngalnst any delay that might como from bad weather conditions. Tiii-jv i.iki: cai.ii'imi.ma whathuh. Jinny Iimvii CIII.t-iiN .Niimlx-rril Among I 'lie I Hi; TimrlMtH. (icnernl Passenger Agent .1. 1'rancls of the Burlington asserts Mint thero nro moro lownns spending tho winter In California than representatives of nil other western ntntes put together. "This statement may seem a bit sweeping," said Mr. Krnncls, "but It Is corroborated by fnctH ;.nd llgurcs mining from rollablo and trustworthy Kourccs. To tho visitor at tho resorts of tho l'aelllc coast It seems us though a good part of Iowa's population hail moved to California for tho winter. Wherever ono goes ho Invariably meets ono or moro Hawkeyos. If It wcro not for the money Iowa people spend In California, many of tho hotels and hoarding houses would closo their doors. "Tho hotel registers In many places look like lists of tho principal towns and cities In tho alalo of Iowa. An Incident showing that lown Is tho statu which tho bulk of tho tourists conies from camo to my ntlentlou a few days ago when ono of our tourist conductors said that tho last party ho accompanied lo California was mado up of eighty pcoplo from various parts of tho country. No less than twenty-seven of these hailed from Iowa: tho others were from Nehrasku. Illinois, Indiana, Ohio nnd the Now England states. "Tho purser of tho llttlo Btenmer which connects Snuta Catallna Island with San J'cdro, Cnl.. Is an ex-Iowan and ho told mo recently Mint hardly a day passes, but that ho meets some ono from his nntlvo stale, lie said that ns he makes tho rounds of the passengers collecting tickets It Is a dally occurence to near such remarks as these: " 'Noxt tlmo I go to Des Moines, I'll ,' I used (o know that fellow when I lived at Cedar Rapids,' 'Yes, ho represented I'otta wattnmln county In tho legislature of 'SO.' " HnllMiiy .Villi- mill P-rNiiiu!. A. A. Heard. usHlstnnt general passenger win in win i.ciiign valley, is n visitor in tho city from New York. Oerrlt Fort, assistant general pasenger "Ki-iii "i wiu i nion rnciuc, pus resumea the duties of his position after an extended iilisenco In California, where ho was sick with typhoid fever A party of seventy-flvo In warm will pass thrniiKli Omaha today via the Illinois t'entrul and tho Ilurllugton bound for tho new settlements in Oklahoma. Tho Northwestern lias taken oft the Omaha-Chicago dally train which left this city ut ! o'clock p. ni. Tho train, No. is, will be operated between Cedar Ilaplds nnd Chicago hereafter, leaving Cedar Kuplds at 6: Si) n. m. and reaching Chicago In the nucrnooii ut i:iu. PROTEST AGAINST GAME LAW OiiihIih Sport hiiicii Di-cIiIp lit Pro purr it lllll of Their Ottn. The Omaha (Jim club held a meeting yes terday morning nt tho ollleo of Judge Ogden for tho purpose of con tddcring bills for tho restriction of hunting privileges ono introduced In tho house, by J. B. Evans of Lincoln county and an Identical bill in tho senato by Senator VuuHoskirk. Tho muasure was unanimously condemned by tho mombers of tho club and u discussion of methods of preserving tho guino of tho stato wero dis cussed. Ono member favored n stringent law prohibiting tho shipment nnd salo of game In tho stato, while another thought that. If the farmers were permitted to sell u limited umount of gamo they would pro tect tho young birds and the nests, whllo It they found they could mako no money from them, tho nests would bo destroyed. A committee consisting of Charles B. Jo hannes, John F. Schmelznr, 8. O. V. Oris- wold, Henry Iloman, Dr. Worley anil Charles Ogden, was appointed to draft a bill which would bo satUfactory to the club, or to mako desired amendments to the pending bill nnd to transmit It to Lincoln tomor row. Representative Mead was nt tho meeting and stated that he with Mr, Mc Coy would take charge of tho bill for tho club. m:i.!j ici:i,i,i:v-s ri(ii:it's xiioi; stock. All Keltrj-MllKrr' l-'liir SIiiim on Snip Nimv nt 1 1 n If Price. AT IIOSTON STOHK, OMAHA. I'coplo nro Just commencing to realize what Immense bargains tho Hoston Store Is offering In tho salo of the Kclley-Stlgcr shoe stock. Kvorybody knows how flno these shoes nro nnd It, Is only becauso they did not wish to handle shoes nny moro that Kellcy-Stlgcr fc Co. sacrificed their shoo stock to Hoston Htorc. The misses' nnd children's shoes, the boys' nnd youths' shoes have been cut Just ns deeply as tho women's. ON IMMKN8B DAROAIN SQUARES. IN THB HASKMUNT AND ON Tim MAIN P.OOIt. This stock tnkes up so much room that wo have been obliged to devote one-third of our basement to Its salo In addition to our regular shoe selling space on the main floor and In tho basement. 1,000 pairs of women's shoes that wcro marked lo sell for up to $2, go at 89c. Hoys', youths' and llttlo gents' enamel shoes, !Sc. Misses' nnd children's shoes, GOc and 75c. 75c Infants' shoes, 30c. 60c children's shoes, 29c. $1 Infants' shoos, C9c. $3.50 Indies' Ideal kid shoes, $1.C9. $1 ladles' shoes, $1.9?. $." ladles' shoes, $2.50. Hoys' shoes half ptlce. Ladles' slippers half prlc. M12.VS SIIOICS ON I1AHOAIN SQUARES IN THB HASB.MENT AND ON TUB MAIN FLOOR. 1.000 pairs men's enamel shoes, $1.39. 1,200 pairs men's horded kid shoes, $1.59. 3,000 pairs men's winter tnn shoes, worth $1, $3 and $0. ut $1.9$. IIOSTON STORK, OMAHA, Selling Kclley-Stlger & Co. shoo slock. J. L. Hrnndcls & Sons, l'roprlotors. TO GO TO A HIGHER COURT I'nrlNli-Slilvliln lllcctlfin Cnntcxl Kniln Ilcforc .IuiIki VIiinoii- llllllT. Tho I'arlsh-Shlclds election conlest camo lo an end In the county court yes terday morning when Judge Vlnsonhnler, utter tho contestant nnnounccd Mint ho rested his case, decided In favor of tho Incumbent. Tho recount of tho ballots was completed Saturday afternoon, resulting In nn Increase of Shields' majority of 71, ns returned by tho election olllclnls, to 115. Parish was expected to proceed with tho Introduction of evldenco to substantiate his .charges of fraud when tho. trial of tho caso was resumed yestcrdny, but ho an nounced that ho had no further testimony to put In nt this time. Tho court then stated that there was no evldenco to show that Shields had not been legally elected to tho ollleo of county attorney nnd ordered Judgment in favor of tho contestec. l'arlsh served notice In open court that ho would nppcal the caso to tho district court, nnd afterwards stated to the news paper reporters that his evldenco to show tho illegality of Shields' election would bo produced In tho higher court. Tin I'otvrr of I In' l'rci Is n common expression, but fow ronllzo Its actual power. (Jreat as is tho Influence of tho press, It cannot begin to equal the power of Hostettcr's Stomach Hitters over disease. TIo Hitters strengthens the stom ach, purlllcs tho blood and cures dyspepsia, Indigestion and constipation. It will tone up tho nerves, stimulate Inactive kidneys, nnd ns nn appetizer it Is unequalled. If you want to get well and keep well, uso Hos tettcr's Stomach Hitters. A n 11 ii II II i imii ni tn of Hie TIu-hIitm. Mr. Alfred A. Farland, tho world re nowned banjo virtuoso, has been engaged for a recital nnd concert to ho given by the First Congregational church, under tho nusplccs of (leorgo F. (icllcnbcck and fleorgo R. Colemnn. Mr. Farland's pro gram embraces the most dllllcult classics, ncludlng tho works of llach. Ilecthovcn and Mendelssohn. He astounds bin auditors with tho most brilliant flights of virtuosity ever heard on stringed Instruments nnd his technical capacity on tho banjo seems to know no limit. It Is gratifying to know that tho Omaha engagement of Robert Downing will com prise four performances Instead of three. as unnounced on Sunday. Thursduy ulght and nt tho Saturday mntlneo ho will pro sent a doublo bill. "Paris In 1793" nnd "lngomar, tho Harharlan." Friday nnd Saturday nights ho will nppcnr in his now comcd -drama, "Tho Sovonth Command ment," by Edward Davis, A. M. I'rei lliMiirx, If you desire full information in regard to the Kiowa, Comanche, Apache, Wichita and Caddo reservations In tho Indian Terri tory, which nro soon to ho opened for set tlement, send GO cents for book with qunr-tcr-soctlonal Illustrated map and full de scription of tho lands to D. P. UROWN, 1323 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. "Xrtv Orli-iuiN for Hip Tnnrlnt" Is tho tltlo of an illustrated booklet. Issued by tho Illinois Centrnl railroad, describing points or interest in Now Orlcnns. La. For copy, uddress W. II. Drill, D. P. A., Omaha, .cu. JIOMIJSIM'.K Kit' TICKHTS. Vlu Illicit iNlniul lloiilt. Tickets on salo February G to nolnts In Oklahoma, Indian Territory nnd Toxas. Shortest and quickest lino to Oklahoma; no cbttiigo of enrs. City Ticket Office, 1323 Farnam ut. Funeral iiIIim-. Tho funeral of Daniel Hroslus will takn place nt 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, Feb ruary G, 1901, from his lato residence, 1824 North Seventeenth street, to I'rospcct Hill coiBctery. Friends invited. nn:i. CONVF.Y-Snrah, wife of James W. Con- c. hi hit resilience, ji; isortll Seven teenth street. February 3, ut 11:15. Fuiiorul February i at S::w in ui.. lb- church lit 9 a. m. Intprimmt In n,i.. Sepu Icher. SOMMBIIS-Mury. wlfo of Paul Summers, tiled of pneumonia February 4 nt 1 a. in.. Vi1.1., turM- I'unerai rroni reslilonce, 919 Hickory street. Wednesday, February (!, nt 2 p. in. Interment at Prpspoot Hill. ItOSS-Cbarles, sr., died February 3d nt 4 p. in.. In his Gltli year nt residence. H.'S South Blghteciith. Funeral Wednesday nt 1 p. m. from residence, ll.VS South Eight eenth street. Interment In Forest Lawn. No flowers. "Why Smith Left Home.? That's easy. Ho waa guttering with a cold ami went down to Schacfer's for a hot Mo of Cough Syrup mado by Schnofcr tho best cough euro on tho market. Never falls to euro and tho prlco Is only 20c. Cramer's Kidney Ci.io 5o Dr. Karl Crumer's Pennyroyal rills. . . .$1.00 Menuen's Talcum I'owder , i;c Wlno of Ca-du 73c Carter's Liver rills 150 Ayers' Hair Vigor 75a Duffey's Molt Whiskey fcBc S. S. B 75c Syrup of Figs C0a Miles Nervine 75a Malted Milk 40c Pierce's Prescription 75c Donn's Pills 40c Undo Sam's Tobacco Cure 60c Obtintrcn druggist i W. Cor. Kith and Chicago It FIGURES ARE MADE PUBLIC Official Announcement of Omaha's Asicited Valuation is Qiion Out. INCREASE IS SHOWN OJER PREVIOUS YEAR (.'limine of llimU In .MnUlntr Arn liinit HtpllihiH I In? Inrrrnsi; on i'crftiiiuil Proprrl j ConinuT i'lnl CI lib Interested. Tho total assessed valuation of Omnha property for tho year 1901 Is $30,111,710. This is nn lncicaso of $719,G0S over the nmnunt upo'i which taxes wero levied In 1900. Tho Commissioner William Fleming 1ms been working on the lists since the adjourn ment of tho Hoard of Equalization nnd the olllclal figures wcro given nut yesterday morning for the first time. Real estate is assessed nt $20,218,165 nnd personal property Is listed for taxation ut $7,163,5.M. In 1900 tho nmount upon which real estalo owners paid taxes was $181, ISO less than for 1901 nnd tho nssessed valua tion of personal property fell $538,329 below tho mark set for the present year. ( Iiiingi- In Hip IIimIi. Tho Increase In personal nsHcsDnicnts Is explained by tho change In tho basis of assessment. Last year one-third of the actual valuation of such property was turned In whllo this year tho percentage was raised up to -lo Mint realty and personal property might nhnro tho burdens of taxa tion moro equally. Assessments originally mado by tho tns commissioner would hnvo raised tho taxable valuation of property to $3S,000,000. Per sonal property was turned in nt more than $9,000,000 by Mr. Fleming, but the Hoard of Review nnd the Hoard of Equalization reduced tho figures lo $7.1C3,G51. FOR DECOYING YOUNG GIRLS line of tin- Alleui'il Victim Iti-tiirnn front Sou til lluUntii to File l'liriiinl I'litirKPn Ilcrtlo Moore arrived yesterday morning from Deadwood, S. D., to .oppeur against tho men who, sho says, decoyed her from the Btnte, deceiving her us to tho employment she was to havo In Deadwood. In her con versation sho has Implicated J. A. Hawk and Joseph M. lleankey ns tho men who wero tho principals In sending her nway and says that tho final arrangements wore mado In nn employment ollleo In tho presence of Henry Munnwllcr, though ho took no part In them. Mrs. C. tl. Fisher, president of tho Woman's Christian Temperance union, met tho young woman nt tho train und took her lo her own homo on Dodgo street. According to the story which tho young woman told, sho had misgivings when sho left Omnha that all was not as it should he, tho first thing to nrouso her Biisplclonn being the fact that her trunk check was withheld from her and sent direct to the parties who wero to receive her In Deadwood. A letter was also given tho train porter, who was to baud It to tho Deadwood parties. Miss Moore communi cated her suspicions to tho conductor, who Is said to havo secured and opened tho letter nnd found that sho had been do eclved. Word was sent lo tho Deadwood pollco nnd tho scheme was foiled. Miss Moore said that tho reason sho has refused lo ictiirn hero until given transportation hnck to Deadwood from this city wub that sho had found that sho could really do better in tho Dakota city. Sho has n good position In a restaurant, re ceiving higher wages than she did here. Hawk, Munnwllcr nnd Hennkey arc In Jail awaiting n hearing In the case. Mnnuwller had been released, as no complaint had been filed, but when ho appeared In court this morning ho was formally arrested on tho charge of fraudulently decoying girls from tho state. Ho nnd Ilcankoy wcro arraigned yesterday. Hawk's hearing Is set for Mils nfternoon. Tho pollco havo Information of four more girls who arc said to havo had tho samo cxperlcnco nnd it Is expected that they will bo brought to tho station to Identify. If pos sible, tho men under arrest as tho ones who decoyed them lrom tho state. Notice! Tho members of Dcgreo of Honor No. 28 nro requested to meet nt 1132 North Sev enteenth street. Wednesday at 9 o'clock a. in., to attend the funeral of Sister Sarah Conway. HIRDIB I'lLORIM, MARY I.IDDELL, Recorder. Chief of Honor. IIOMKMOUKKHS' TICK UTS, Vlu Hock Inlnnil Itoulc. On Tuesday, February G to points In Okla homa, Indian Territory and Texus. Short est and quickest lino to Oklahorau. Through cars. City Tlcekt Ofllce, 1323 Farnam st. SWEEPING REDUCTIONS IN .ATES VIA. UNZON PACIFIC OMAHA TO CALIFORNIA 25 DOLLARS OMAHA To Oftden, Salt LaKe.Ut $23.00 To Butte ami Helena, Mont' 2J.00 Tn Pnrll.nnd. Oreirnn 28.00 To Spokane, Wash 24.00 in inrnma ana cauiL asn.... -c.uu TirucTc rn nr nu csi F I llVrtklf P V J W VII mtw February 12, 19. 26, Martli 5, 12,19, 2i April 2. 9. 16, 2J, JO. 1901, City Ticket Office 1324 Farnam Street. Telephone 316. Union Station 10th and Marcy. Tel 629 mtmmtwm THIS OUGHT TO BE SWEET ,rlirnsln Sumtr licet (!rimrr lo Until Their .iintinl Nrinlnn In dm nil ii, There will bo a mealing of the Nebraska Sugar llcot Orowcrs' nssoclntlon today at tho Comiueiclnl club rooms for tho puiposo of dlcusslng the future of tho sugar beet Industry in the state. It Is expected Hint members will bo present from all parts of tho beet growing districts of tho state. Tho Intention of tho members Is to In spire now life Into tho association nnd short tnlka along tho lino of practical beet culture and tho marketing of the product will bo mado by tho officers of the nsso clntlon nnd prominent beet raisers of tho state. 'In I'liirliln Without Cliuimlnu Cum. This Is tho convenience offered by the Pennsylvania Short Lines every Tuesday and Friday on tho Chicago und Florida Special, on which pnssengers may go to Jacksonville or St. Augustine without step ping from the train of dining, sleeping und observation cars. II. II. During, A. (1. P Ant., 318 South Clark street, Chlcngo, will mako reservations nnd furnlsl,tlckot8 upon application. LA TOSGA The Antliorjci'i version, urrivcil this moi'Mlni. Barkalow Bros.' Bookshop, Hil'2 Fnrnuin Street. CLOAKS MUST GO Scofield Will Close Them Out Tuesday. $50.00 Cloaks for $45.00 Cloaks for $40.00 Cloaks for $35.00 Cloaks for $30.00 Cloaks for WK MIC AN lU'SINHSS-On March 1 n line Wo havo got lo make room for it. Wo carpenters nro ready lo commence tearing TUB CLOAKS MUST 1113 SOLD. $27.50 $25.00 $22.50 $20.00 $17.50 $15.00 Cloaks for Cloaks for Cloaks for Cloaks for Cloaks for Cloaks for All tho Cloaks wo havo for misses only want a line cloak that will bo In good stylo attend this sale. OK SCOFIELD CLOAK & SUIT CO, Q NEW ORLEANS Tickets, on sale Fubnuiry 11-17. inclusive. Never 'before has such a low rate been made from Omaha for the Mardi (!ras festival. Never before has thero been sucli an opportunity to visit the South at its best season. Excellent service via the ISiirlintou Houte. Ticket Office, 1502 Farnam Street, Telephone 250. I U1VI1CII1 nAlUCnS At 40c on Tim French, Sliriner & Urner the Williams & Hoyt stock, the C. IT. Aborn & Son stock 5 of in America, secured by our buyer the factory lloors. All Fittest, Newest and Most Stylish Shoes U sizes and -widths, piled high on our 20 big bargain tables, in our two big shoe departments. Expert shoe salesmen to wait on you, and shoes fitted as care fniiv ns if vnii naid the roirular price. The best makes of now. stylish shoes nt one-fourth to one ABSOLUTELY THE GREATEST SUOE SALIO EVEIi HELD IN OMAHA. i.-.ni, Bh-innr s. Timer's mako of men's lino shoos, In Hussla calf nnd vlcl kid, on salo for $2.t8. J. V. Smith Co'b mako of mens nne wuil solo $1.G0 and $5.00 shoes, vlcl kid, kanga roo and Russia cnlf, In this salo for $2.48. French, Shrlner & Urner's maKo 01 lames hand welt mannish shoes, on salo for $2.48. Wllllani3 & Hoyt's mako of ladles' flno 14.00 and $4.&0 vlcl kid and patent leathor shoes, In this salo for $2.48. C. H. Aborn & Sons- maKo oi mines nno vlcl kid laco $3.60 and $4.00 shoes, In doublo aud single soles, In this salo for $1.00. J. Wm. Naylor's maKo or innics mm and $1.00 vlcl kid and patent leather shoes for $1.96, I'reston 11, Keith's mako of men's $1.00 welt solo Uussia calf and kangaroo shoes, on sale for $1.90. O. H. Aborn &. Sons' mako of men's flno $3.50 patent leather nnd calf laco shoes In this salo for $1.90. Misses' lino $1.75 nnd $2.00 shoes, made by Williams & Hoyt, In vlcl kid and box calf, sizes 11 to 2, In this salo for $1.23. Chllds' lino $1.60 kid lace shoes for 98c. Boys' flno $200 calf nnd vlcl kid lace shoes, mado by C. H. Aborn & Sons, sizes 2V4 to 6, for $1.23. Youths' flno satin calf $1.50 laco hhocs, for 08c. ' HAYDEN Three Telephones Now Wo hnvo THHKH telephones now and Tllltni: messenger boys with wheels lo quickly deliver tho orders for drugs which nro coming over tho phone. It you havo n prescription to nil, our boys will call for It, mid deliver the medicine without extra charge. CUT PIHCKS ALWAYS. Me Carter's Utile Uver Pills lie Apetltu Water, buttle 15c uud 'Jfm ll.no Hulli Family 9yrlii3o r."e Jl.Ou I'eriinii, we sell Tic H.oo Plnkhnm'x Compound V $l.f.O rd'ow's Hyrtii 11. W Wj Wyi'th's Pliosphute Soda. 4io 2.o Malt N'utrlup '.He r"c Phillip's Digest Cocoa -too "o I.iixutlve llromo Quinine 15c 60c Ooild'H Kidney Pills "- Fngle nr Swiss Condensed Milk 1."o il.W Wine Cardul 71c Sherman & McConnell Drug Co Now Storo 8. W Cor ICMi and Dodge. ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT PAIN. We extract one or nil your teeth With VITAU.UD All". Leaves no nfter olToet--lluvo your teeth examined. No churgo for exiiiuliiutloii. Gold Crowns, $5.00 Gold l:illifiS, SI. 50 up. Taft's Philadelphia Dental Rooms 1517 Douglas St. Millinery stock will bo added lo our regular hnvo extcnslvo alterations to mako the out old ilxturcs to put In now ones. a few left will go nt $5.00 each. If you next year for tho lowest prlco you ever saw, 1510 Douglas St. Omaha AND RETURN Burlington Station, 10th and Mason Sts Telephone 128. 38,000 Pairs Best Shoes the Dollar. stock., the J. P. Smith Co., stock, Preston 15. Keith & Co. stock, the the biest manufacturers' stocks on his eastern trip direct from - half their regular price. BRS. Everv tKe Thermometer takes A turrfo!e to itself. feet keep the grip away, nnd keep the doctor awny. Pay Close Attention to Your Feet. You pay less for good shoes at The Nebraska, than you pay for good-for-nothing shoes elsewhere. We don't claim that there are no other shoes just as good as Nebraska shoes, but we are sure they will cost you more money than we charge for same quality shoes. Men's Box Calf hhoes Leather lined, all si.es and widths, medium heavy soles, the chances are that you can save $1 of your 0 OO money in this shoe regular $', value, for &VJJ Men's Box Calf or Vici Shoes Goodyear wells, neat, durable, dressy, comfortable- regular J?;'..."!) value, for jkJVJ Men's Enamel Shoes Extra good value, medium heavy soles, popular style lasts, you can decide as to value when you O ESf see them our price only kJJ Women's Welt Shoes We are offering to the public a woman's kid or box calf shoe, welt, well made, good slock, good styles, C0 any toe, A A to 10, regular $:.f0 value, for MYDEfis HmQEHs Meat Sale. Host brand No. 1 hams 10 lie. No.l California hams 7 lie New bologna sausage r.c. 5 pound palls best lard, 18c. Fancy chipped hoof, 15e. Frankfurt eausago T'.tc. IJonelcs3 cottage hams lflc. Specials in Cheese. American club house 10c. Mcl.arno'B Imperial ICc. Canadian lied Cloud, n fancy full cream heeso 10c. Full cream Wisconsin yellow 1214c. Cracker Specials. (linger snaps Cc. Pearl Oyster crackers Be. I emon nnd vanilla crackers 10c. Anlmnl crackers 8'c. Kroslcd creams 7c. Shredded wheat biscuit 11c. Pretzels 10c. Fish Specials. Good family mackerel 12c pound. Very fat Spanish mackerel 15c. New Norway mackerel ir,c pound. Ijibrador herring Oo pound. Norway herring 9c. Imported Holland herring (Milch), 10c lb. Grocery Bargains. 10-11). sack whole wheat Hour 25c. 10-lb. sack graham Hour 20c. 10-11). sack corn meal inc. 10-lb sack N. Y. buckwheat 50c. lOdh. sack Nebraska buckwheat 35c. 10-lb, rolled oats U.'.c. Pcnrl barley 5e. Farina 714c. Tapioca 7M.sc. Sago 71c Specials in Teas and Coffees. Wo will glvo awoy o beautiful China cup and saucer with ono pound of nny of our teas. Sun dried Japan tea, fancy drink, 39c. Ilasket llred Japan tea, first crop. lUe. Ungllsh breakfast tea, choice drink, 45c. Moyuno gun powder nnd Ceylon ten 13c. llxtrn special wales on coffer HAYDEN BROS i Registered A. Mayer Co. ni i: BUILDING, OMAHA, Mill. MISS A. MAYKIt: In reply to your note I am pleased to say that tho tondor and perspiring feet nro things of tho past. About two or threo applications of your powder relieved thorn entirely. I am more than glad .to rccommcud tho uso of your powder to my friends. Very respectfully, nit. K. C. HKNIIY. RE-NO-IUAA WHITE POWDER removes nil bodily odors. If properly used no dress shields nro required. v PRICE 50 CENTS Sold lis cr here. A. MAYER CO., 316 Bee Building; Omaha, Neb. CO.NSUl.TATIO.t I'MtlSU I'llOSI lo -l. When ordering by mall add 6 ccnta for postage. THE SMOKERS PREFER w-cal'sk Tin: joiinKiis' profit is addiji) to tub quality U. IHCU 31. C. CO., MAMrACTCHUUtt, ST. I.OUIb, MO. UNION MADE Almost dailv we have called attention to the fact that yon must get oil" the earth. There's nothing that helps the doctor along as much ns damp feet, lie gets his grip and goes after you, because you have the grip. Good, warm Dress Goods Sale. All goods ndvcrtlsed for Monday's snlo will bo on snlo Tuesday also, nnd In nil dltloit wo will sell CO pieces of $1.50 poplins all colors except black, nt 9Sc. COO pieces ot silk striped challls, all shades and grades, nt 15c. Oros Iloman now challls Just received, tho $1.00 nnd S5c grades will start them out nt C5c. Ill Economy Bargain Room. 100 pieces of New Ungllsh plerolas or crcpons, regular 75c goods, on salo at 29c. COO pieces of black satin fiber, flno stylc3, worth 75c, on salo at 23c. COO drcsa patterns nt one-third of their usual value, OSc, $1.25, $l.9S for entlro pat tern. A Big Sale on New Spring Silks. Wc arc now reclving every day great lots of tho choicest silks to bo had for tho spring seabon, nnd truly thcro la not n silk department nuywhero In the land that Is moro comploto or that shows a moro comprehensive (.ollectlon of styles and dc hlgns. Hvery now line, every now style, every new wenvo has found a placo In tho big silk department. Kvcry yard ot silk offered during this Great salo Is now and bright nnd clean. Now colored wash idlk at 39c nnd 19c. Now black Jap silk at 39c and 19c. Now black nnd colored tnffotn at COc. New white, 21-ln. wldo whlto wash Bilk 19c. Now foulards, Just opened, f9c nnd 75c. Now Persian waist silk at $1.00. New silk flannels n embroidered dols, v.orth $1.50, on snlo PSo. DO YOUR FEET PER SPIRE IN WINTER? -NO-MAY PINK POWDIvIt tint only relloves, hut positively cures nil Ulsenscs of tho feet und hands. Htups odurous perspiration cured ten der nnd swollen fcot. Hndorsyd, and prescribed by leading physicians.