THE OMAHA DAILY TiEft: TUESDAY, FEIUU'AHY 1001. 11 SPECIAL JOTICES Ailvertlftrnienli for these column Trill lie liikrn iinlll Jli m, for tin; eienlitst edition mill until HMO p. in. for mornliiK ntul Miindny rillllon, Hntes, I I-2r n word firm limcrtlnn, Ir u ivord therrnftrr. Nothing tnkrn for less tlinn 2fie for tlip llrat Irnrr lion. TIipp Advertisements must be rim eoiiseentl vely, Adverle.r, by rennetlnr a num bered check, cnn linvp nniincM nil drrsaetl to n nnnilirrril ppr In enre of The Hee. A nan em no mill rrMril vrlll lip delitrreil un pre seutntlon of the check only. WAXTED-Sril'ATIO.VS. EXPEHT accountant. Holbrook, Urown hlk I A-CI5 SITUATION ns house mid Imrn man or on farm. Hoom 31, 21814 N. ICtli st. A-M.H5 5 WA.NTIID-MAI.IJ HELP. WANTED, wo have steady work for ti tew gcod hustler of good habits rind appear ance. C F. Adams Co., 1005 Howard ft. 11 Vjj JlAlUlKIt trnil.! tnught thoroughly In short time: cntnloguc At particulars free. int ern Harbors' Institute, Omaha, Neb. 11 &o6 MEN or women to sell goods to city iral'. Oond pay and steady employment. HIx rnbaugh & Co., Ware block, omnhii. , H-.MI12 Mnrl5 WANTED,in7asscrs. 1620 Douglas St. 11 Mi'iO WANTED, f or 4good structural Iron moulders; steady workj Marshall Foun dry. Mnrshulltown, la. Q-M!)72 7 WANTED, young man to rlrrk In bakery nnd confectionery storo; also attend srda fountain; must be single rod experi enced Address O. H. Peters, Mini's drove. la. H-MOQi; r, WANTED, men to lcnm barber tr.idc; pre. pnro now for prlng rush, only iw mentlis rcnulrcd: 112 to 115 paid ra litatcs or can stun biiKlnoK' nn our enpluil; many pood locations on file; wo linv the Hut proposition ever made young nun; our diplomas reeo'jnlzf.d evcrywiT"; write nt once for rntn'oguo and pirt'cti Inrs. Molcr Harbor College, mil Farnnm st . Omaha. Caution Our success has enured some 5. cent shops to call their places1 e Poses. Do not be deceived. We are n branch jf tho original Mnlcr system. 11 M0U2 7 WANT HI), two solicitors for new stjln por traits: kooiI comtulsiilons. MS McCuguo HIi!. Il-fW 4 SALESMEN for elgnrs; new plan, quirk sales, pood business, big money. Con sumers' Clgnr Co., C3I H. 7th St., Ht. Louis. U- W ANTED, first-class short order cook for restaurant. T. J. Evans, Hot 2VB. Fnlr bury. Neb. H-M.121 Jl WANTED, tinner. llurr Incubator Co., 2Sth and Davenport. H-M31U 5 POSITIONS under the government: Thou sands of appointments will bo made from civil service examinations to be held everywhere In March and April. Cata logue of Information free. Columbian Cor respondence College, Washington. 1). C. 11-M.HI & ANY person who will distribute circulars for ill dally should nddrcss Standard Co., 4 Wells, Chlcngo, III. No cimviisslns. H-MJI.I .V HI IOH SALESMAN. SHOE SALESMAN. Old established house wants experlenceil salesman to sell well advertised line of hooln anil shoes: liberal commission; good territory. Address, with references, Hox ESO, Hoston. .Mass. li-.UIM) 5 w..Ti:ii-pi:.ii.i.i: m-ji.i. WANTED, 200 girls. 1321 Dodge. Tel, SW. C M7 SO Rlrls wanted. Cuuadlau olllcc, 1D22 Douglas YOl.'NO lady to. learn moHsaKc; pcnn.inent position for rlsht parly. Apply Si) lien. IUUk. . - --0-t21- WANTICD, ladles to learn halrdrenslnp, inanlcurlm; anil facial massiiKo; prepam for summer season nnd resort positions; splendid openlnKS; Kood pay; positions Ktliirnnteed: I to i; weeks complotes; best tlnio to IickIii. Call or wrlto for particu lars. Molfr's llalnhessliib' Collenn. 1H2J Karnnni. Omaha. C 301 11' COMPKTUNT Klrl for small family. ra l'arker Ht. C-G'u WANTIJD, two Kraduate Inlrdressers who iinderstanil manlcuhiB for out of city position. Address J I ill. Hee. C 30.1 I' TllltniC flrs'ti-elass halrdreSisers ImldhiK dl iilomas fiom tho Moler tlolrdrosliiR Col lego can seoiue steady employment at good wages by uddresshiK; II Ci, Hee. C-302 5 WANTED, an " experienced general uKcnt for nice IlKht Hue, payliu; kooiI salary and commission. Address H U2, Hee. C M323 5 OIUIj for i;encral housework. r,lt N. 23d. C-M31S (! yon iu:t not m-,s. IF you want your houses well rented placo them with Hcnnwa & Co. D SW ALWAYS movhiK 11. 11. goods. Motion. Olllce. ICU',4 Farnam St. Tel ISM or ftl. D-S0) IIOUHKH for rent In all parts of tho city. Hrennan-l.ove Co,. 320 So. 13th fit. D 01 IIOU81JB, stores. Henils, I'axton block. D-S02 BEE 11ENUY 11. PAYNE, C01 N. Y. UFE. I )-G3 JIOUSUS, etc F. D, Wend, 1321 Dotn7la D-ifil llOCSES nnd Hats. IlliiKwalt, Ilarker lllk 11-SC3 HOUSES wanted. "Wallace, Hrown Hlk. D Sdu NEW 7-room brlek. strictly modern, ea3t frc nt. 27th un I St. Mary s nve M5. Hcmls Pcxton block. I) -7 21th, near Farnam; ton-room modern hoiKC cmnpleto In every respect; ten minutes' walk of center nf city; reasonable ,'ent. Omaha Loan & Trust Co., Kith und Doui;. hill Sis. D-S72 MODEItN fi-room Hat. ciiarleHlianley 1010 Paclllc St. D-MlllO' FOH HENT, S-room cottuce, modern ex cept furnace. 25 M Davenport, $20. JOHN W. HOIIHINS, ls02 FAltNAM. D-WI BTl'ItOES. MAHTIN CO., 517 K Y. Life D-OSl V2t 6-HOOM cottage, $19 n month. 3:2 N. 2,'d st' D-DV) -HOOM house. 1711 Jackson, D-M2iM FOH HENT, 2921 Pndllc st., S rooms all luoiutrii. iiuiiuce, ku, piiiii;, n v Sholes & Co., 310 N. Y. Mfe. );n 5 STdl 8EWAHD HT.. new live-room cottage good barn and city water; tent. JI2.50. Omaha Loan & Trust Co., 16th & Douclas. D-69 roil iti:.T ri'ii.i.siii:i itoons. STEAM heated rooms at Tho Tliurston. E-!.73 DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam K-i-71 no N. 17TH ST., steam heated rooms. K-MH6 F5 FOH HENT, a nicely furnished front room; wiimn wanting, (imatico or postaiuco; Keiuicman ouiy; us; oi u.un nun icic phone; no other roomers. Address II 16 lift. v E-.M762 HOFHEKEEPING roomp, J up. 26.1 St Mary's. E-.AliiO1) .Marl NICELY furnished rooms. 2nd lloor. 1405 Jackson, 4 .1UUI tt' FUHNI8HED rooms for light housekecp- wig. jh x. iTitn. iv .Mim 5' 3 Fl'HNISHED rooms for housekeeping man nnu wire, arj .North iitn hi. E-305 FIHMSIIKH HOO.MS AM) HOARD. GLENCA1HN, transients, 1.25 day. Ii9 Doug I'l ltMSIIEI) ItOd.MS AM) Illl.VItll. Tho Morrlam, good winter home. 2S & DixIro F-870 liAHOE front parlors with board; also smaller room; leasonablc rates. The Hose, 220 Harney. F-M&01 UTOPIA, 1721 Davenport St. F--877 THE Pit ATT i desirable rooms. Hot water heat. E-l?t EI.EOANT larpe stenm-li?.tlod front zooms, with board. IIsjO Capitol av F-.M11 0 NEWI.Y furnished rooms with Rood lioard. 621 N. 23d St. I -H3 ONE larso room with alcove, deep closetr, excellent board; prices reasonable. !07 Ho. 21th St. K-M I 1011 HUNT STUHIJS AM) tH'FICI'.S. TiXi.h, 102 So. 14th, cor Dodge at. I M1C3 FT roil HENT Store, In Ilrst-clnss location; rent reasonable. Apply II. C. Peters & Co , ground lloor, Hee HldR. 1260 FOIl HENT Tho bulldlni; formerly occu pied by Tho Hee nt 916 Farnam St. It has four stories and a basement which was formerly used as Tho Hee press room. This will be rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at onco to C, 0. Ilnse wuter, secretary, room 10), Hee Uulldlnif. UMAi for rent, 102 H. llth, corner Dodge. I-M163-F-7 Atir.vrs WA.NTEl). AOENTH, Mt'lck men to visit stores nnd sell machine for printing signs on fences, bridges, slduwnlks, etc. Arc Co.. Ilaclne, Wis. J-M312 li "VICTOHIA. Queen nnd Empress," a com nlete hlogrnpliy and hlstoty of her tlmo. Four yenrs In preparation; agents wanted; extra terms; freight paid; credit given; outllt now rendy; sent free; a great opportunity; wrlto today, '.legler Co., 21 .Motion building, Chicago. J M311 u w.wri:i)-Fi it.viMii:i) WANTED, thrco or four unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. Address H 03, Hee. K-297 4 stoh vt;r. PACIFIC Storage nnd Wnrehnuso Co., 012 911 Jones, rcnetal storage and forwarding. 87S OM. Van Htor. Co.. lSlt'.iFarn. Tels. 1&."9-M3. S79 WAV'l'i:i)-T() IIL'Y. WANT to purchase hot coffee urn. p.-nnut roaster nnd soda fountain. Address Hx C23, Norfolk. Neb. T3s3 7 Dltl'O STOHE In western or southwest town, 1.0i'J to II..7W stock; town of l.OO to 30."). Address C. H. Adair, Yale. Iowa. N-M32I S i'oh s vi.ii i't;iiMTi;iti;. CHICAGO Fl'HNITI.'HE CO.. 1110 Dodge. Tel. 2020. NiW & 2dhand furniture boucht, hoM, exchanged. O foii s.i.i:-iioiisi:s, vehicles, hit. YOITH WAGON or biiRgy may need repairs; have It done right, nt Harry Frost's, llth and I.envenworth. P &81 'nntEEgood horses, two of them 1.20) each. Call at Wth und Poppleton nve. P M316 5 FOH SALE MIM.'HI.I.AM:oU.S. HAHD and soft foundation piling; hog fences nnd cribbing. 901 Douglas. Q-SS2 2DIIAND safo cheup. Derlght, 1116 Farnam. SAFES; buy. sell exe'ge. Schwartz, 114 3. 13. HEHTFOHD & CO., 16th nnd Uworth. FCHN1TUHE .t UPHOLSTEIUNO. Q-SS5 TIMOTHY liny and all kinds feed nnd coal. Monroe-& vn. " ton INCL'HATOHS. Send lo the Sure Hatch Inouimior i;o., yuay denier, icu lor a hanilsomo free catnlogu. .Q 111 FOH SALE, 26 sccondhond woo.len chairs, 111 good eoilillinili, rf ti-iun c.i;ii. il'i.y Heo Huslness olllce. Q-')l FOH SALE, frrsh Jersey cow. Call or aililress Jtimes ncuneiiier, atu .-s street, South Omaha. Q-M2)2 OFF fOll THE KLONDIKE! Who wants my ' oe piano cneap. uuresn II r,i, Hee. Q--M2I2 FOH SALE Milk dairy of 6 cows. Addr-s 2SI0 South tOt ll. Q M173 5 CI..UHVOYANTS. MI1S. FHITZ, medium. 819 North 16lh. MJIE.GYLMEn.gcnulnepalmlst. 1003 Dodge ZENO, clairvoyant and healer, 1915 Farnam. a sif. X.ENO, clnlrvoyant and henler, 1915 Fartinm. S .Mill, 1U" i:i,i: "I'ltic 'riiEAT.Mi:.T. ELITE parlors, 013 South 10th, second lloor. i i.'i r-3 MABEL QUAY, 31714 N. 15th St., Hat E MISS MAE LESLIE, 619 S. 10th. 2d lloor. 4 .HIMi 1' -i M.ME. AMES. 1613 Howurd, 2d lloor, room 1; thermal natns, x v PEItStl.VAL. PRIVATE homo beforo and ilurlnc conllno nieut; babies adopted. Mrs. JJurgot. 2620 Ittu-uette. u FRENCH act'ordlon pleating; Ivory rim but tuns; mall orders. Omaha Pleutlng Co., 1521 Douglas. U-S91 SUPPLIES for nil machines; machines for tent, wihiu bowiub aincninc, i;o ioug luM. Tel. 23JI. U-Wl lUH'TCHE cured; no knife, no pain, no danger; send for circulars. Emplro Hup turo Cure, 932 N. Y. l.lfo Hulldlng. Oniiihn. U-M4U-F-18 PRIVATE hospital for ladles beforo nnd n.b,,lln.intA,H mlnnlA.t 'lift! III11JIIH llllllllVltlVH , , uwu.vw WW Grant St. U-S03 VIAVI Womnn's wny to health; rational, wnoiesomu uuiuu iicuum-m. u tl'i. U !9l RUY from the innnufacturor. Hurkloy En velope Co., umnua. u .ineui1 -i. DR. HOY. chiropodist; corns & superlljou bulr removeu by electricity. H. 12 ! renzcr block. U-S9a HllASS nnd Iron beds at . nml 'n off at ljuwey c uionu ruiiuimu v,". u o'-. TCHKISH bnths. massago baths, electric baths, lor lames otuy; SKi ieu women massage operators; finest equipped baths In tho city. Renstrom Hath Company, Rooms 216 to o. lieu Jliug. v suo CHILDREN'S clothtnR made to order. Iiifimt.q' upnr anil ladles' underwear a specialty. Satisfaction guaranteed, 1919 Hurt Ht U Mi L1EIIEN, theatrical, masquerade costumor 1(48 Farnnm, U-S97' M. GOLDMAN & CO.-Only perfect nc cordeon pleating plant In tho west. Mall oniers soueiteu. huiiq w uouglas iiiock, opposiie iiayuvn s. u is)l WE RENT sowing machines for 73c per vii-n, nu it'iuii iiuti run ui'uiucK anil ai tnclunents for any machine made. Neb, Cyclo Co,, Cor 15th & Hurncy. Phono 1MT3, U-M123 M2 A HON of Ho-No-May . Powder Is not n luxury when It affords you n euro and secures tho comfort nnd happiness of your room-mine, U M212 DON'T miss the brass nnd lrm bed sale nt ' Vi nrui 'A on, newey ,v Htono Furn. Co U-307-1 mom:y to i.oax-heai, ustatu. MONEY lo loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Hrennnn-Love Co., 309 South 13th. W A35 PRIVATE money, 5, 6H, 6 pr cent: no de lay, Uarvln Uros., 1613 Furnam. Sa MO.M1V TO 0.-lti;l ESTATE. $1.0") and upward to loan on Improved city property and farms. W Farnam Smith At Co., 1320 Farnam. W--9"0 LOANS on eastern Nebrnkn nnd western Iowa fnrms at 5 per cent; borrowers cnn pay 1100 or nny multiple; nny Interest date: no delay. Hrennau-Love Co., 300 H. 13th St., Omaha, Neb. AV-991 WANTED Clty'loans, bonds nnd warrants. George St Company, 16ol Farnam street. W 902 WANTED City and farm loans; also bonds und warrants. H. C. Peters & Co., 1702 St., Hee Uldg. W-S"J8 MONEY to loan on farm and city property; lowest rates. O. F. Davis Co., llyVi Farnnm. W-9M MONEY to loan nt 3 and 5 per cent on Omaha property. W. H. Melkle, 101 S. 13th. W-900 PRIVATE money to loan. J. II. Sherwood, 93!) N Y. Life. W-903 FlVIper cent money. Hcmls, Paxton block. W 907 5 AND 5U per cent loans. W. II. Thomas, First National Hank building. Tel. 16IS. W-&0U PRIVATE money. F. D. Wcad, 1521 Doiglas. W-'J10 MOMIY TO LOAX-CIIATTEI.S. MONEY TODAY, Loans mado In amounts from 10 to $250 on household furniture, pianos, horses, car riages, etc., without rcmovul, or on your 8-A-L-A-H-Y without security. All or a part of tho money mny bo paid back the first month or no pnrt of It need bo paid back for several months. Each payment made reduces the cost accordingly. Em ployers und neighbors know absolutely nothing of our business relations. People who need money nru Invited to call and get my ter.iis and comparo them with what others offer, Loans of other com panies mav bo transferred to inc. No charge for papers. All business strictly confidential Quick service and lowest rates guaranteed. J. W. TAYLOE, IS First Nntional Hunk. Hide. Southeast Corner 13th and Farnnm Sts. Tel. 743. X-911 DO YOU NEED MONEY? We loan $10.00 nnd up on furniture, pianos, horses nnd other chattels. SALARY LOANS without mortgage to people holding permanent positions. You can get tho money in n few hours nfter making ap plication and take 1. 2, 3, 4. 5, 0 months or more In which to pay It back, and you need not pay for it ono day longer than you keep It. We charge nothing for papers nnd we give you tho full nmotint In cash. There aro no lower rates than ours; our terms are tho euslest; our business Is confidential nnd our motto Is "Try to Please." Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., 119 Hoard of Trade Uldg. Tel. 2293. (Established lS.'O 3u0 South 16th St. X-9I2 SALARY LOANS. If you are employed by a responsible firm we wip loan you sums irom io to on your note at much cheaper und easier rates than elsewhere. Of this we lire poi-ltlVfc. Absolutely no charges for papers. Noll lug deducted from nmotint desired. Easiest partinl payments. Reliable Credit Co., room 3"S, Paxton Hlock. X 911 SALARY LOANS at reduced rates. AMERICAN LOAN CO.. 11. 001, Heo HIdtr. X M9 MONEY loaned salaried people holding per manent position wun respousinie concern upon their names without security; ensv payments. Tolman, 410 Hoard Trade bldg. X -791 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, norses, cows, etc. u. i . need, 319 s. 13. X--91S MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, horses. cows, jowciry. uuii ureen, i; 8, iiarner iiik. X-919 SALARY loans at reduced rates. Omaha Credit Co., 020 Now York Life Hlilg. X-320 CHATTEL & Salarv loons. Joe II. Fleas- nnts, di HnrKer Hlk. X M50I F19? LOANS on furniture, plnuos, etc. Berger's i.oan v-o., 1.104 Farnam st. x sin lit Sl.VKSS CHANCES. $150 CASH or easy payments buys 23 strictly luwiiii inicKcij sun maeiiines inr driHK), cigars or cash; will earn $2 and upward weekly each. Earl Clark ft Co., Furni ture Manufacturers, Chicago, III. Y-920 FOP. SALE, furniture and undertaklns'. fresh clean stock, $2,200; sickness; will bear cloi-est Inspection. Henry H-iyia, Crete, Neb. Y M950 5 FOR KALE, agricultural Implement and carriage business In south central Ne braska. For further particulars Address Hox 603, West Liberty, la. Y M731 TAILORS' agents, whether you nro iner- ciiiuii!) or salesmen, we can increase your tailoring rules tenfold and guarant.-o a splendid Income; something entirely noiv; If the render of this ndvcrtlsemcnt bus a friend who sells tailoring from snmplej he should call his attention to this propo. sltion; It menus money In his nojkot: write today; only one man In each town can securo this valuahlo Information; give particulars as to your prcfent business ;u this lino, also references; none but ex perienced men need apply; nbsoliitely no charge whatever for this proposition P. O. Hpx' C24, Chicago. V MIO) 6 A GENTLEMAN with $5 can doi7b!oli!s money ni home; wo want no curiosity seekers, but hard hended business men. Address Manager, 41, Murray St., New York. Y 233 5 FOH SALE, 5,000 to 0.000 general merchan dise stock; good location, good trade, good reasons for Belling. To trnde, good lown farm for stock gen eral merchandise. Address Hox 3''3. Mis- sourl Valley, In. Y M22J 8 HANK wanted; good location; other Hues of business well represented. Address Hox 9, Hoone, Neb. Y M230 S FOH EXCHANGE, stock of drv goods, etc.; new stock staple, up-to-date and clenn; no old out-of-date goods; Invoice nbout $1,700; part cash and pnrt land. C. W. Snmors, 507 Manhattan Hlk.. Ht. Paul, Minnesota. Y M3I0 5 FOR EXCHAXfJE A FINE $S".0O Imported magic lantern as good as new, only used a short time; sult nb'c for lectures, churches or loriuo enter tnlnmcutH; n bargain. Address F 01, Hee ofllcc. Z 179 TO TRADE, good piano for span of horses, weight not less than 1,10). Address II 64, Hee. IC XS-7 FOH SALE-HEAL ESTATE LIST property nnd business for snle with Geo. W. Holbrook, 307 Hrown Hlock. RE-037 PROPERTY boupht & sold; money lnnned: rents collected. teu. ij. i,. Johnson Co., 31 1 So. 15th St. . RE-102-F19 SEE HENRY H. PAYNE, 001 N. Y. LIFE HE-922 HOUSE'S, lots, farms, lands, loans; also llro Insurance Hcmls. Paxton Hlk. JlE 923 FARMS, largo and smnll. Let mo know v hat you wont. William Nelson, coi S. Wth- HE-M9I3 CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Furnam Ht. RE-925 CHEAPEST lot In city nf Omaha; C2ii-foot east front In Nelson's nddltlon. M. J. Kennard & Son, 310 Hrown block. RE-921 RANCH AND FARM lands for sale bv tho Union Pacific Railroad company. H. A MeAllaster land commissioner. Union Paclllc Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE-921 HOUSE to move. Wallace, Hrown, hlk. UE-926 $rS.OO).oo IMPROVED city property and some cash to exchanse for farm lands. PA YN E-KNOX COM PAN Y, Main Floor N. Y. Llfo Uldg., Omaha, Nobraskn. HE-MHO S STUHGES, MARTIN CO,, 617 N. V. Ll.' HE 951 F23 FIVE $000 lots In north part of town. Ken (lull's add., marked down to $200 and $230 each IK SOLD WITHIN NEXT WEEK. These are SNAPS If there over wore any, PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY. Main Floor N. Y. Life Hldg. IIE-MIOO S FOR SALE HEAL ESTATE. HEAL HAIULUNsTn HKLT 12-ieom house, lot 02x132, on Ch.irlc, nf- twten d nnd JSd, modern extept fur- ni ee. A real snap. Rfhiitlful home, lUth nnd Urown st. ; J ror.ins; lot 80x127; good bntn. well, tt, $!.3m. Two 5-rnnm house"', lot 50x121. on 2lth, rorth of Spaiildlng. $2,.V0. 4- room house, lot 30x127, on Seward. c! of aoth. $o 5- room house, lot 40x112, on 29(h st.. bi tween Farnam nnd Douglas, $1,500. 1-rconi house, lot 50x101. on 2oth av , be tween Arbor nnd Cnstellnr sts. $,(nri. A one-story brick store building, lot 20x132, 1107 Cuming st. A Renulne bargain. Lot 7, block 313, city, with one 6-rm.m .ti'.l one 8-ronm house. Ji.("W. Will sell one or both. ii'-ncre farm In eastern Kansa under cut - tlvatlou, $20 per ncrc, or will exciiangi- for Omaha property. 100 ncres nf land well Improved In Vnti It tire n county. $23 per ncrc. Must br sold In a few days I have nlso several oth6r farms nnd rome nddltlonal bargains In City p.opoity Sco me before th? prices ndv.iiHe. CHRIS HOYEH, 22d and Cuming. Tel. 2043. HE-M.l 6 I I THE best bargain In tho city for $2,7oo; a modern nine-room house Hint cost $3,500, ten blocks from city Hall, with a full lot thrown In. This property will rent for $30 per month. J. 11. Piper, Hamge Hl ick. HK-.M2.Vi 5 600-ACHE bottom farm near Council Muffs, 2i) acres ploughed, 200 acres meadow, bal. pasture; giud, house, near railway sta tion: value Increasing rnpldlv; will srll chenp. need money. Address Owner. H M, earn Hee. Omnlin 1tf-M'.a r, I'OH SALE, new fi-room cottage. 10th nnd Arbor sts.; modern except furnace: at tractive home; ."heap for cash, or pnrt on ensy monthly payments, Inqtilro nt 507 N. Y. Llfo bldg. Hi:- T H A C K A OE P H O PE RTYT"l I A I . F IlT.OCK NORTH SIDE IZARD. HUT WHEN '.'1ST AND 22D STS.. AT A GREAT H VROAI.V IF SOLD THIS WEEK. HE ST TRACK". AGE PROPERTY IN THE CITY, WILL SELL PART OF IT. HEM IS. I'AXTON HLOCK. HE-M32J PATENTS. 1NM.NTOHS GOT AN IDEA ' Wo handle patents, copyrights nnd trnd" marks; yu give us the barj Idea ri"hd v will lo th rest; modern i quipped machine shop nnd foundry In connection; Olllclai Onznro on file; guldo book free. Mason, Fenwlck ft I.nwrence. pntent lawyers. I Ml Howard St.; Tel. II 19, Omaha. J. P. Cronln, rep;'. INVENTORS, wo nsk no feo until the patent Is procured; If we fall, wa get no lee; ndvlce free. Sues tc Co.. Patent Law yers, Hee Hldg., Omaha, Neb Iing dis tnnce telephone 1623, - HS-Mnr.13 LCl!IIAT()ltS A,M) HHOODEHS. INCUHATOHS nnd brooders; cntaloguo free. Write Hurr Incubator Co., It 2, Omalta, Neb. Fnctory'nt 21th it Davenp n -179 SIIOHTIIA.M) AM) TYPEWRITING. A C. VAN SANT'S School, 717 N. Y. Llfo. 929 HOYLES' College, court reporter, principal. uce lung. yjo NEH. Huslness & Shorthand college, IJovd'a riieaior. ni OREGG Shorthnnd. Om. C. Col., 16 & Doug, 9 .MEDICAL, LADIES out of health find prompt relief. HrtV n.,,.tt. Vnh f ',..1. In. ,1,1 I -927 GONOVA is a Frenh trontmcnt for malo nnd femnle, for the positive cure of Gon orrhoea, Gleet, Unnntural Discharges, ln tlammatlons, Irritations nnd Ulcerations of tho mucouB membranes. An Internal remedy with Injection combined, war ranted to cure worst cases In one week; $3 per package or two for $5. Sent nny where on receipt of price. The Kldd Drug Co.. Elqln. 111. American Olllcc, retail, wholesale. Myors-DlllonOrug Co.. Omaha; M. A Dillon, South umuhn: Davis Drug Co.. Council Muffs. Full lino of rubber goods. LADIES! Chichester's Qngltsh rennyroyal Pills are the best: safe., reliable; tnko no other. Send 4c stamper for particulars. "Hellef for Ladles'' iln-dfttter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co.. Phllndetffhlu. Pa. OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute. 615 N. Y. I. Dldg. Tel. lfiOi; Alice Johnson, u. u., ladles' dept.; Old E. Johnson, Ostcopathlst, Mgr. -933 M. E. DONOIIUE. D. O., of Htlll school, Klrksvllle, Mo., C01 Paxton Hlk. Tel. 1367. 931 IIICYCLES. START buying your bicycles now; $1 down, $1 per weeUj L. Fleschcr, 1C22 Capitol Ave. M -6M r.XPEHT ACCOL"! A XT. LESSONS In bookkeeping, etc.. day or evening, u. iu, uum, ism. nam;, i. it, Hathbuu. -731 Hl'lllll'.lt STAMPS. HADGES. medals. Om. ITt. Co., Beo Mdg, j ei vsj IIAXCIXG SCHOOL, THE winter term of Mwrnnd's Dancing scuooi uegius tins ween, .uuuin, Tiicsnay nnd Friday, 8 p. m.; 12 lussons, gentlemen, $S; Indies, $6. l'rlvato lessons day nnd evening M 222 Fll NICKEL PLATING. OMAHA FLATING CO.. ISoo Mdg. Tel. 2333. -933 II III MS A XI) TAXIDERMY. STOCK'S Mrd Store. 1603 Leavenworth. -93S PAWXHROKHHS. EAGLE Loan Ofllce, reliable, accommodat ing; nil husi.icss conlidentlal. 1501 Doug'av, -936 WATCH HEPKIHIN'G, AV. O. SANDERS, room 21, Darker Mock. -I2X F-1 6 STA.MMEHIXIS AND STl.TTEHIXC.. CURED Julia Vaughn, 430 Humgo Hldg FIHNITI'HE HEPAIHIXIi. TEL. 1331. M. S. Walklln, 2111 Cuming St !I0 TICKET IIHOKEH. CUT rato tickets overywhere. P. II. rhll bln. 1503 Farnam. Telephone 781. 911 IIEI.GIAX HARES. SNAP-Pedlgrted JJelglan does, hrcd. $1 each. Clason Co., 933 C St., Lincoln. Nob. 296 6 LAUXDHY. OMAHA Steim Laundry; shirts, 7e; collars, 2c; cufffc, 4c, 1750 Loavcnworth. Tel. 317, -912 CARPENTERS A XI) JOHHEHS. ALL kinds of carpenter work nnd repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, 20th nnd l.uko'StR. 370 ACCOHDIOX PLEATING, ACCOHDION plea ting, cheapest, heat, quick- est. Mrs A. c. Mnrk, s. k. cor. 17th and Fnrnnm. -913 LOST. LOST, on 21th. near Hurney. two graphs, Finder please return tn 2321 Hnr- ney, i.osii ,tu o IIAILWAY TI.METAIILES. CHICAGO MILWAUKEE a St Paul Hallway City Ticket Oltlce. 1504 Farnam Street. Telephone. 2SI, Depot, Tenth and Mason Btieotfi. Teephone, C29. Leave. Arrive. iMlLWAUk Chicago Limited Ex.. ,a CM) pm a S:03 nm Chicago & Omaha Ex.,b 7:15 nm b 3:40 pm a Dally, b Pally xccpt tiunday, II.VILW AY TIME TAIILES. j FREMONT. KLKHOHN ' Missouri Vnllcy Hnllrond - "Tho Northwestern t-ltin-' . nuni'ml UltceS. 1'nltCd States National Hank Mdg , 8. W. Corner . .V. 1 M tltm ,,,, , v7., . iiiL-uui uuu riiiiitiiu i 7 ,i.V""LCi lm Farnnm St. Tel. Mil. ue pot. loth und Webster Sts. Tel. 1IM. ,,, Lenve. Arri'e. u'n: I Mils, Dcadwood, lint NiirlfKT- t AA n T.rY nm Uyoniliig. Casper and wougias d 3:(0 pm c 5:00 pro Hnsmiks. ior.(, David ( Ity. huperlor, Ccnpa, Lseter ami sewurd ..b 3:00 pm b 5:00 pm Norf,H!, Vcrdlgro nnd 1 , l remont b 7;30 nm bl0:2j nm Lincoln. Wuhoo nnd Fremont . b 7:3) nm bl0:25 nm remont Local c 7:30 nm a DnJIy. b Dally except Sunday, c Sun day only, d )ally oxcept Saturday. Dally except Moimav. CHICAGO A NORTH- western Hallway "Tha Northwestern Line" City Ticket Odlce, 1401 Farnnm St. Telephone, 161 Depot, Tenth and 5lnrcy Sts, Telephone 029. Arrlve. IVllcht Cblenirn Ann. rfti I .. . aa , ,w mil Chlcngo Pnssenger a 4:13 pm nll:30 pm a 3:19 am iiiirn j'ixpress, Des Moines, .Marshnlltown, Cedar Rapid and Chlcngo ... nl0:55 am Lnstern Spcclnl, Chi- a 4:03 pm a 4:05 pm n 2:45 pm nst .dull, Chicago to nmnlm Om.lllti -('hicaVo'VdrnVt'd.a 7:43 nm h nm Fnst Mnl ..... ' .. i;.i.i.', ' nupius i-nssengcr u a:3) pm BIOUX CITY PACIFIC Ilnllroad - "The North western Lino" General Ofllces, United States i National Hank Hulidlng, i 8 W Corner Twelfth nml irnrmiin Ufa tuIa, i Ofllcc, 1401 pot, Tenth Farnam St. Telephone 501 De and Marcy Sts, Telcpnone 029. Leave Arrive. Express n fi:5S am nl0:23 pm Limited... ...a 7:35 pm n 8.15 am Local u 8:00 am a 3:50 pm Twin City Twin City ssinux city a Dally. CHICAGO, ST PAUL.. Minneapolis & Omaha Rallwny "Tho North western ' Lino" General Ofllccs, Nebraska Divi sion, 13th and Webster Hts. Citv Tlekni niiipn 1401 Farnam St. Telephone, 061. Depot. 16th Olid Webster Sts. 1 jnvn A Twin City Paseiser...a 0:00 nm n 9:10 p'm Omaha Paiscn,6r all:I0 am ciouj. un? t Piortn- east Nebraska a 3:43 om a Dally. OMAHA Us S'l . LOUIS RAIL rend -Omaha, Kansas City & Eastern Hnllrond "Tho Qulncy Hnute"-Tlekot Of lice, 1415 Farnam St. Tele phone, 322. Depot, Tenth nnd Mnrcy Streets. Telephone. f.rnvn A l... St. Louts Cannon Hall w-tn.o. .u w.,u pin u o;toy am Kansas City nnd Qulncy i.ocni a 7:uo am a 9:00pm a Dally UNION PACIFIC-"THE OVER Isn1 lotito" General Ofllccs N B. Cor. Ninth nnd Furnnm Streets City Ticket Ofllce. lai Fnrnem Street. Telephone, 310 Telephone, C29. y ols' i.cnve. The Overland Limited.. a s:20 am The Chicago-Portland Special a S:20 am Tho Fast Mall a 8:50 am The Mall and Express. .nll:3j pm Lincoln. Hentrlco and Airlve. a 7:30 pm n 7:30 pm n 3:23 pm a 4:25 pm Stromsburg Express.. b 4:03 pm bl2:30 nm 1 IIU I .null, n von. . u 1 .msI l(ll Tho Atlantic Express... Grand Island I.ut.-ai....b 5:30 pm a Dully, b Dally except Sunday n 6:50 nm b 9:33 am tllj. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL tGmSt " ' -ncl,t,raI Ofllces nnd StP Tlckct "lcc"' Bouthenst "JIGU4: Comer 141h und Douglas ,1" (llllM- ITnlnll fltnllnti ' L'nvp. A St. Louis and Kansas Clry Impress alO:00 am a 6:23 nm K. C, St. L. Express... al0:50 pin a 0:15 um Leave from l.Vn und Webster Streets: Nebraskn Local, Via Weening Water b 1:10 pm nl0:45 nm a Dally, b Dally oxcept Sunday. WABASH RAILROAD Ticket Ofllcc. 1415 Farnam Street. Telephone. 322. Da. tint. Tenth and Marcy sts. Telephone, 029. V uenve. Arrive. St. Louis "Cannon Hall" Express a 5:1a pm a 8:20 am a Dully. "t'HLINOTON & Mis souri Hlver Railroad "Tho Ilurllngton llouto " General Ofllces, North west Corner Tenth and Farnam Streets, Ticket Olllce 1502 Farnam Street, Hurllnctnu Stntton. Tenth Telephone. 250' n,,i Mn.mi utrnptH. q'clenhone. 12S. U . . t. A....0W.. .... . I . , Leave. Arrive. Lincoln, Hastings nnd McCook a 8:4" am a 7:3a pm Lincoln, Denxcr. Colo rado, Utah. California. a 4:2.i pm n 3:00 pm Lincoln & Muck Hills.. n 9:00 pm n 0:43 nm Montana fuget Sjund,,u 9:0) pm a 0:45 am Lincoln Fust Mall b 3:00 pm a 9:17 am Wytnnre, Hentrlco and Lincoln a 8:40 am bll:53am Denver, Colorado, Utah nnd California South Held, Louisville, Plnttvmouth b 3:35 om Ft Oroo::, 1'lattsmouth and Paclllc Junction a 7:00 pm tl.ll lA lll.i ll.lnnllll, a 6.15 am bll:03 am n 8:20 am Ul'lll'vui nuioitiumti and Paclllc Junction.. a!2:10 am a Dally, b Dally execut Sunuuy. KANSAS CITY. ST. JO- soph & Council Muffs Railroad "Tho Hurling ton Route" Ticket Ofllce, 1602 Farnnm Street. Tele phone, 250. Depot, Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele phone. 12fi Leate. Arrlv. n 6:25,Vm a 6:15 am Kansas city Day Ex a 9:20 am Knnsns City .Night Ex..oiO:30 pm St. Louis Flyer for -t Joseph and St Louls..a 5:10 pm nll:15 nm a Dally CHICAGO. nURLINGTON & Qulncy HaIlrnad-"Tha uurliugton Houto" Ticket Ofllce 1502 Farnnm Street. Telephone. 250. Depot. 3 -nth i nnd Mnson streets Tclcphono, 128. Daylight Chicago S,)o- rnve- cla( n 7:00 am nl0:!5 nm Chicago Vcstlbuled Ex. a 4:00 pm a 7:15 am Chicago Local Express. a 9,30 am a 4:05 nm Chicago Limited a 7:50 pm a 7M5 nm fmi;.' 11 2Ui CnilCAOO. ROCK ISL. nnd Pacific Hnllrond -"The Great Hock Isl and Houto" City Ticket Office, 1323 Far nam Slroet. Telephone. 4L'S, Uiinot. Tl.nlh nti.l Rfnrev Hto phone, 629. i.eave. EAST. Dcs Mnlnen and Daven port Local .'...a 7'25 am Chlcnco Kvprcss ........1)11:15 nm Des Moines Local r '"0 pm Chlcngc Fast Express. ,n :w) pm Dcs Moines. Rock Isl Arrive. bll:33 nm n 8:10 nm a 4:45 pm a 1:25 pm and nid Chlcagi..a 7:40 pm n 9:35 pm Lincoln, Colorado Spgi., ' Denver, Pue'ulo and West a 1:30 pm a 4:15 cm Coloindo,. Oklahoma & v Texas Flyer a 5:20 pm a 9:50 nm a Dolly b Dally except Sunday. fLLINOIS CENTRAL Hallroad-Clty Tlckct Of. flee. 1102 Farnam Street, Telephone, 215, Depot, Tenth and Marcy Streets. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Express ., Chicago Limited .. Minm upolis and Paul Express ... Minneapolis ond ,.,a7:00um ail; pm ...u 7.45 pm m 8;0j um St, ... ,b 7:00 am b 9:40 pm St. Paul I Imlted .a 7:ts pm jx 8:05 am Fort Dodge Local from Council Hiurrs ... Fort Dodge Local Council Muffs . .b 4:30 pm a 6:16 am a 0 oo nm a Dally b Dallv except Sunday. PORTO Popular Tours RICO Teh. 2 nnd 10, March 2. Illuv l nil id primrnnu 24 days, nil (.peiifri, ll'is lnyn.ond i Wliltcomb, 103 Adams SL.CIiIcjuo s,. Sl V3, -mm MOBILE WtltV I nut ships in eonstcTios wrrs r VtS9IO StRVICt THIH0IIZ0I0 AtONO Ttll NORTH SlltmK HAVANA, MATANIAS, CARP UNAS, SA0UA, CA. BAOt.1, MEVIIAS, UIDARA, fi BARACOA, Hi tker torn. MtlMSON" STKAMSHIP J.INE7 Wllllm.i. Mew York City HAIMOM) A WIHTCOMR, J6 Uftlon SquAr. New York. For Tickets, Stateroom Reservation ud Oeutril Information of the MO MLB SERVICE, apply to Ticket Agent Mobile & Ohio 11, II, and South ern Hr. GO EHNMENT Mti'lCES. CU lEF " QUART E R Al7 ST H 1 1' f OFFICE. OMAHA, Neb.. Jan. ,10. 19 d. -Sealed Pio posaN In trtidlcnte, will lie f -celved here i.ntll 2 o'clock p. ni.. March 1. lVd. and then opened for furnishing type, prces, ot. and nil material and labor of evorv ilcMTlptlon that may be required for prnil Ing at Headquarters Department of 'he MltFouri, during llfcal year commeiirliu Jul) 1, 1901 Circular giving full Infirma Hon. with rorms for bidding, will he fur nished on application. The (' S. reserves right to reject any or nil bids. Envelopes containing propi snls to be marked "Prv posali for printing," and n ensed to l.Uutcnnnt Colonel F. H. HATHAWAY. C. Q. M. Fl .. 26-27 M PROPOSALS I'O R SUHSI HT K N C l": STORES-Oflleo Purchasing Commissary of Subsistence, Omaha, Nob.. February 4, 1901, Sealed proposals, subject to the usual conditions, will be received at this ofllce until 10 o'clock a. in., February II, 1901. nt which time and place they will be publicly opened, tor furnishing subsistence stores as follows Pork, sugar, niunrd goods, etc. Preference will bo given lo articles of domestic production. Hlnnk proposals and specifications can be obtained at this ofllce. D. ll. WILSON. Purchasing Commissary. Fl It Kl PosTOFFICiyN-OTIUi;." " Should bo rend DAILY by nl. Interested, as changes may occur nt any lime, Foreign mnlls the week ending Febu rary 9, 1901, will close (PROMPTLY In all cases) nt the General Postolllcc ns followsi PARCELS POST MAILS close ONE HOUR EARLIER thnn closing time shown below. Parcels Post Malls for Germany close nt 5 p. m on February 6 per b. s. Dresden, via llrcmen. and February 8 per s. s. Hul gtirla, via Hamburg. Regular and Supplementary malls closo at Foreign Hrnnch half hour later than closing tlmo shown below. Trntis-Atlniitlc .Mulls. WEDNESDAY-At 0:30 a. in. for EUROPE, per s. s. New York, via Southampton (mail for Ireland must be directed "per s. s. New York)"; ut 8:30 n. m. (supple mentnry 10 a. in.) for EUROPE, per s. s. Teutonic, via QueenMown; at 10 a. m. for HEI.GH'M direct, per s s. Westernlnnd (mnl! must be directed "per s. s. West ornlund"). THURSDAY At 7 n. m. for FRANCE, SWITZERLAND. ITALY. SPAIN. POR TUGAL. TURKEY. EGYPT. GREECE, HRITISH INDIA and LOREN.O MAR QL'EZ, per h. h. La Uretugne, via Havre (mall for other parts of Europe must he directed "per s. s. La Hretngne",. S AT UH I) A Y A I 5 30 p. m. for EUROPE, per s. s. Lucantu, Qliecnstown; at 7 n. m. for DENMARK direct, per s. s. Ileltla (mall must be directed "per s. s. llekla"); at 7:36- a. m. for NETHERLANDS direct, per s. s. Stiiitcndnui (mnll must be di rected "per s. s. Sluatendam"); nt 10 a. ni. for SCOTLAND direct, per s. s. As toria (mnll must be directed "per s. s. Astorln"). PRINTED MATTER, ETC.-Thls stenmcr tnkes Prlntd Matter. Commcrelnl nnd Samples for Germany only. The sanm class nf mall niiwtcr for other parts nf Europe will not be sent by this ship unless specially directed by lint. , After tho closing of the Supplementary Trnns-Atlantlo Mills named nbove nddl tlonal supplementary malls nro opened on the piers of tho American, English, French and German steamers and remain open until within Ten Minutes of tho hour of sailing of steamer. Mulls for South mill fe:itrnt America, 'West Indies. Etc. TUESDAY At 7 n. m. for HRA.tL, per s. s. HevellUH (mail for Northern Jlnizll, Argentine Republic, Uruguay nnd Para guay must be directed "per h. 8. llev ellus"); at 9:30 n. m. (supplementary 10:30 n. m.) for CENTRAL AMERICA (except Costa Rica) and SOUTH PACIFIC PORTS, per s. s. Finance, via Colon (mall for Guatemala must bo directed "per s. s. Finance"); nt 0:30 p. m. for JAMAICA, per s. s. Admiral Farragtlt. from Hoston; ut M1 p. m. for NASSAU, per steamer from Miami, Fin. WEDNESDAY At S a. m. for DERMl'DA, per 8. 8. Trinidad; nt 9:30 u. in. for FOR TUNE ISLAND nnd HAITI, per 8. s. Lnuenburg; at 12 in. Tor CUHA. YUCA TAN, CAMPECIIE. TAHASCO nnd CHI APAS, per s. s. Orizaba, via Havana und Progreso (mail for other parts of Mexico must bo directed "per s. s. Orizaba"); at 11 p. m. for JAMAICA, per s. s. Admiral Schley, from Philadelphia. FRIDAY At 9 n. m. lor HAHHADOS and NORTHERN HHA.1L. per 8 8. Fluml nenso; at 9 a. m. for NEWFOUNDLAND, per s. 8. Sllvlu; at 12 in. for MEXICO, per s. s. Niagara, via. Tnmplco (mail must lie directed "per 8. 8. Nlngtira"); at "11 fi. m. for NASSAU, per steamer from Miami, Fin. SATUHDAY-at 10 a. m. for ARGENTINE HEPUULIC, URUGUAY and PARA GUAY, per s. 8. Hellarden; at 9 a. ni. (supplementary 9:30 u. m.) for PORTO HU'O (via San Juan), VENEZUELA nnd CURACAO, per s. s. Phllndclphla (mall for Savnnllla and Cnrthagena must be directed "per s. h. Philadelphia"); at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary in a. m.) ror jiriii JU'DA, ST. THOMAS. ST CROIX. LEE WARD nnd WINDWARD ISLANDS and DEMERARA, per s. 8. Mndlaua (mail for Grenada and Trinidad must bo directed "per s. s. Madlana"); at 9:30 a. m. for HRAX.IL, per 8. H. Ragusa (mall for Northern Hrazll, Argentine Republic, Uruguay nnd Paraguay must bo directed "per s. 8. Hagusti"); ut 10 a. in. for CUHA, per s. s. Mexico, via Havana; at 10 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for FOR TUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA, SAVA NII.LA and CARTHAOENA. per s. s. Athos (mall for Costa Rica must bo di rected "per s. s. Athos"); ut 10 a. in. (sup plementnry 10:30 a. in.) for HAITI, per 8. 8. Adirondack: at 12:30 p. in. for MATAN 7.AH. CAIHARIEN, NUEV1TAS. I1ARA I'OA and GIHARA, per s. ii. Curllyba (ordinary mall only, which must be di rected "per 8. s. Curltylm"). Mnlls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney, and thence by stenmcr, close nt this ofllce dally at 0:30 p. tn. (connecting closo hero every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday). Malls for Mlqueinn. by rail lo Hoston. nnd thenco by steamer, closo nl this ofllco dally at 6:30 p. m. Malls for Cuba, by rail to Port Tnmpn, Fl,i nnd thenco by stenmcr, closo nt this ofllco dally nt '6 n. m. (the connecting clones nre on Sunday, Wednesday nnd Friday). Malls for Mexico City, overland, unless specially addressed for dispatch bv steamer, close nt tld" olllce dally ot 1:30 p. in. and 11 p. m. Mnlls for Con In Rlra Hellzo, Puerto Cortu. nnd Guntemula, by rail to Now Orleans, and thenco by steamer, close nt this ofllco dnlly at 30 p. in. (connecting closes here Mondays for Hellzo, Puerto Cortez and Guatemala and Tuesdays for Costu Hlca). "Registered mail closed at 6 p. m. previous dny. Triiim-I'ikelllo MiiIIh, Mulls for Australia (except West Australia, which goes via Europe, find New Zea land, which goes vlu Bon Francisco) and FIJI Islands, via Vancouver, close hero dally at 0-30 p. m. after January "19 nnd up to February "2, Inclusive, for dlspntch per s. s. Aornngl (supplementary malls, yhi Seattle, closu ut 0:30 p. m. Februury Mails for Pnpelll. via San Frnnclsco, close hero dally at 0:30 p. m. up to February "S for dispatch per s. s. Australia. Malls for Hawaii, China, Japan and Philip pine Islands, via San Frniicisco. closo horo dally at 6.30 p. m. up to February 4, In cluslvo, for dispatch per u. s. Doric. Malls for Chlnn. Japan and Philippine Islands, via Taenma, close hero dully nt 6:30 p. m. up to February 7, for dispatch per s. s. Adelaide Malls for Australia (excopt West Australia, which Is forwarded via Europe), New Zealand. FIJI. Samoa nnd Hawaii, via Sun Francisco, close hero dnlly nt 0:30 p m nfter Februnry "3 up to February 9, In elusive, or. on nrrlval of 8. s. Uuihrln duo at Now York February "9, for dls patch per s. s. Sierra. Malts for Hawaii, Japan. Chlno nnd Phllln. plno Islunds, via San Francisco, closo hero daily at 0:30 p in. up 'o February 11, inclusive, for dispatch per s. h, Nip pon Mnru. Malls for Ilnwall, via San Francisco, close hero dally at 6:30 p. m. up to February 18 for dispatch per s. s. Zeulaudla. Malls fot i pir umi laoan. m i un nuvur, closo hnro dnlly at 6:30 p, m. up to Febru nry Inclusive, for dispatch ptr s. s. Emprefs of China (registered mall must bo dlrecU'il "via Vancouver' i Trnns-Paclflo malls nro lorwardcd to port of sailing daily and the schedule oi closing Is arranged oiutho presumption of their uninterrupted dverlnnd transit. Regis tered rnall cloes at 6 p. m previous day CORNELIUS VAN COTT, Postmaster Postolllcc, Now York, N Y, February 1, l&ul. i NEW V0RK( TftMI-MOsTMU. TO AMEND CRIMINAL CODE Judge B. S. Baker Prepares Tbreo Bills for the LegliUtnre. IMPORTANT CHANGES ARE CONTEMPLATED Seeks t Clone Technical Loophole Through Which llmuliir nml Other CrliuliiiilN Arc Aimv Alloiri'il to Esi'iipe. Judge lien S. linker has drawn three bills for Important nmeudmctits to tho criminal codo of Nebraska. Ho will have the bills inttodtlrcd 111 tho legislature wlthlu a few days nnd will urgo their passage. One bill has for Its purpose the removal of tho tine distinction In law bctwecu bur glary nnd "breaking nnd entering In tho daytime." As tho statutes stiind It Is in-c-essary to show that a house wns broken Into nt nighttime In order to convict of bur glary, nml In many cases It Is Impesslblo In provo tho exact tlmo of tho commission of tho crime whclhtr It was before or after sunrise. Loophole lor Escape. Judge linker Is of tho opinion that many burglars escape Just punishment by the In ability of tho public prosecutors to convict them of anything hut "breaking and enter ing In tho diiythne." nnd his bill proposes lo do nw.iy with that definition altogether and mnko breaking und entering either In the day or nighttime burglary, with a pen ally nf not less than ono year In tho county Jnll or not moro than ten years In the peni tentiary. Tho wldo ratigo of tho penalty Is for tho purposo of allowing the trial court to II x tho punishment according to tho seriousness of tho offense. The second hill is aimed at tho growing rlnss of oiing miscreants who enter vacant houses nnd carry nwny plumbing fixtures nnd otherwise Injuro the property. Ti InereiiMi- IVmilty, Under tho present lnws this ohenso Is described ns trespass and Is punlslinblo by light tlno or Inprlsonmeiit. Tho new hill mukes tho offense larceny nnd provides a punishment of not moro than ono year in tho county Jnll or not moro thun flvo yenrs in the penitentiary. Tho present bribery laws of Nebraska ap ply only to ministerial and Judicial olllcers nnd Judge linker's third hill Is designed to mnko them apply ."to nil public olllcors elected or nppolntcd." Tho bill nlso pro vides that tlio offense slmll bo complete, when nny pnrt of tho bribery trntisnctlon, Including the promise, Is made within tho state. EXHIBITS COMING RAPIDLY Prospects Are llrlitm fur Anilllorliiiu'n AiiproiicliliiK Trnde Displny. The principal feature of tho meeting ot tho nudltorium committee yesterday afternoon was tlio report of thu superintendent of exhibits ot tho coming trade display. Tho report showed that 110 firms nulsldo of Omaha have signified their' Intention nt making un exhibit nnd that ot this number a Inrgo pnrt ot tho exhibits nro already lu the city, nt tho houses ot tbo locnl rep reseutntlves of tho firms, nt thu express nnd freight depots and nt tho headquarters of tho association. Ono hundred other linns nro considered almost certain to mnko exhibits besides those from this city. Tho superintendent Is preparing a circular to bo sent to tho local linns with a request that they Immediately notify him ot tho style and nnturo ot thu exhibits to be mado and tho nmotint ot spaco desired. Tho cx hlLItlou committee Is devoting Its tlmo to securing an available building fpr tho ex hibit, and It In probable that tho matter will be settled this week. A special commlttco was appointed to clcso up tho subscriptions ot tho larger retail establishments and to visit ccrtnlti wholesale dealers who have not mimed tho amount of their subscription. Tho secretary reported that tho commlt tco had issued 1,200 Invitations for tho mass meeting Thursday night and that tho Com mercial club would Ibsuo 450 nddltlonnl In vitations; that twelve speakers would nd drcsn tho meeting, and that of this num ber Judgo Woolworth, W. F. Kellogg, J. C. Hoot, W. S. Poppleton, John It. Webster and Asa Taylor ot tho Central Lnbor union had expressed their intention of being present. It was decided to start tho canvass of South Omuha eotno tlmo this week nnd dlvldo tho city Into districts for n close canvass after the meeting Thursday evening. A donation of JSO was reported from a California fruit asboclatlon through n local wholesale house. BURGLARS MAKE GOOD HAUL 11 1 H: II ii ii c Ii of SliM'k In 'I'm Ken from PleUerlnu: llliiic Store mi NUIi-entli Slrerl. Thloves mado a raid about 1 o'clock yesterday morning on tho glovo storo ot Ed F. Pickering, 103 South Sixteenth street, and carried nwny n rnrefully selected assortment of silk und fur lined stock to tho vnluo of nbout $330. Another package was being prepared when tho thluves wero ovldently scared nivay, for they had sorted out about 250 worth of gloves, hut left them on tho lloor. An attempt was made to cuter tho vault, but It was not successful. Tho untraiico to tho store, which Is In tho basement, wns effected by breaking one nt (ho lnrgo window lights through which they gnincd necess to tho window lock. That tlio work was dono quickly Is ovldenced li tho fact that tho pollco patrolman passed tho storo nt 1- lu and reports that It was In good condition, but at 1:30 thu block watchman discovered tho burglary. Tlio work wns ovldently dotio by enmo one ncqunlntcd, In u measure, with tho stock, tor tho condition of tho gloves this morning showed that n cnreful selection hud been mado of tho most expenslvo ones Women's hnnd wear was avoided to n con hlderablo extent, though ono line, Intitul ing about ten dozen gloves, which wero made In such n manner ns to closely re scmblo men's gloves, wns taken. To tlm pollco this Indicates thnt thu Job was the work of a professional, ns women's gloves cnn bo sold only to the lnrgo stores while men's gloves tiro salablo at almost any small store. Scarcely a plnco in tho Bluro escaped the ottention of tno Intrudeni. They pullo I out the desk drawers, but took nothing from them. Tho big vault door shows whero the, had tried to pry It open, hut this was un successful. Tho vault contained about $30 In cash Tho counter money drawer held about I nnd this was overlooked. COME TO OMAHA AND LIVE AU-Hiir-llcn Ooini In om Heeoril iin ii Lite I'resen ii llve. "Omnha's health record for January Is quite remarkable. In spltp of the epidemic of grip and smallpox which existed, there were less deaths than In tho corresponding month of 1900," said Health Commissioner Victor II. Coffman. "There wero 118 deaths In January of Inst year, wlillo only ninety deaths wero reported for thu month Just ended. Ono hundred and flfty-thrcn chil dren wero born during tho month. Of this numbor six wero colored. Ono pair of twins was reported " liny It Try II You will never change your brand Cook's Imperial Extra Dry Chauipugiic nivef full, to plcauo.