Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 03, 1901, PART I, Page 8, Image 8

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Dnvls sells glass.
DavH sell drugs.
Htoekerl sells carpets nnd rugs.
l'lno Missouri oak. Gilbert Htos.
Gas fixtures and globes at Illxby's.
l'lno A. 11. C. beer. Ncumnyer's hotel.
Wollmnn, scientific optician, WJ ll'd'y.
Kchmltlt M photon guaranteed to please.
Moore's stork food kills worms, fattens.
W. J. Hosteller, dentist, Haldwln block.
Lcffort, Jeweler, optician, 236 Ilroadway.
Drink tludwclser leer I. itosciifcld. nut
Picture framing. G. K. Alexundcr St Co .
SI! IJrondwny.
W. !' CI ruff, undertaker and dlslnfcctor.
101 South Main street. Phone EM.
Get your work done ut the popular IC.igle
laundry, 721 liro.idwuy. 'Phono In.
Alderman l.ovrtt relumed vMerdny from
Chicago, where he was In Id ip with grip.
Morgan W-ln. upholster log. urnUiiK
repairing, mattress making. Ki H. Main st.
I'nr rent, two modern rerldenres In hnrt
or ilty. Inuiilro of V. I.. Kearney, 2.U
Main ftreet
A want nd In The llee will brim? results.
The fnme nttentlon given to n want Ad In
Council Mutts us ut the Omaha olllec.
All kinds of wearing apparel for ladles,
ready made ami In order. Knuy payment.
The Novelty Cloak Htore. MO Ilroadway.
Hherldnn cat, once tried always used,, no soot, clinkers nor sulphur.
Price !, r..50. Kenlon & Foley, sole ngent!".
Jewel court No. 2. Tribe of Hen llur. will
meet tomorrow nlghi In regular cession,
when thcro will be work In the court de
gree. A Valentino sroliit. Riven by the Indepen
dent rluli at Mth Hasor M, loj Smith Seventh
street. IVhruary 7. Krlends of liont nnd
corps nro Invited.
The funeral of Henry ('. Ilebencee will bo
nt in o'clock this morning Irom the family
liome In Keg Creek township. Hurlftl will
be In Fulrvlew cemetery.
Services at Grace Episcopal elnrch today
will be as follows: Sunilay school nt ! 45
n i.i . holy communion ut II, evening prayer
uml sermon at 7:;!0 o'clock.
Wanted to rent, large house with large
barn In or right near Council Muffs. Ad
ilres H. Xc II., care llourlclus Music House,
stating prlro and particulars.
lCnlortiilnmctit and dunce by Myrllo lodge,
Degree of Honor. 1'rlday evening, February
K, In Knights of Pythias hall. Itefreshnients
will be served. Tickets, 2.1 cents.
Miss Anna H. Moore, formerly with .lohn
Heno ft Co., has purchased the millinery
store of Mis. Alice Stork, nil Ilroadway.
and will be Kind lo meet a'l friends who
may call.
The funeral of George WollH, 11.13 North
Klghth street, who died Friday, will bo In
morrow afternoon nt .1 o'clock from St.
FrnnclH Xavlcr'ii church. Ilurlul will be In
l'alrvlew cemetery.
Wan lie la, Infiinl daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. O. H. McLeuil. llfi'i West Ilroadway,
died yesterday morning, aged Hi months.
The funeral was yesterday nfterjioon, burial
being In Fulrvlew ceniPtery.
Charles J. llnrghnuncn, a music teacher
of 22lllcnton street, who wns recently re
leased from the asylum at Cliirlnda. was
tnkui In ehnrgo ngiilu yesterday by the
Hoard if Insanity Commissioner.
Today being the second anniversary of
Itev George l'Mward Walk'H rectorship of
St Paul'H Kplscopnl church lie will preach
this morning an anniversary sermon and
rciiuests that every member of the, church
do present.
The First Church of Christian Sclentlstn
will have services this morning nt 10:15
o'clock In the Hupp building. The subject of
tho 'essnn will be "Spirit." The regular ex
perience meeting will bo Wednesday even
ing at S o'clock.
Headquarters for talking machines. Wo
have Just got In tho finest lotnf griiphoplioun
records that has ever reached tho west.
HourlelUH Music House. Xl'i Uroadway,
Council Muffs, whero the organ stands
upon tho building.
The State Hoard of Control has awarded
the plumbing in tho new stale hnspltnt
building at Glenwood, la., to .1. C. Mxby &
Son of this city. This will be one of the
finest equipped hospital bul'illugM In the
Mtate ThlH Ilrm also has the contract for
the heating In Dr. Carter'H new residence.
Tim funeral of Mrs. Martha Knepper was
yesterday afternoon from her home, (127
First avenue lleautlful Moral offerings
covered the casket. Hov. W. S. Harnes,
pastor of the First Presbyterian church,
conducted the services. Ilurlul was hi Wal
nut lllll cemetery. These were the bear
ers. A. W. Hlekman, J. II. Pltimer, H. W.
Hart. I. M. Treynor, J. M. Otirslcr and C.
W Coker
Tho contract for heating, ventilating nnd
heat regulation apparatus fur the new hos
pital building of the stnte Institution at
Glenwood, la., was awarded to Stephan
Pros, of this city. Their bid on the work
was in competition with sixteen other llrms.
This Is certainly n creditable showing for
Council Muffs, when II Is taken into con
sideration that many of the bidders were
eastern llrms and from all parts of tho
"The Sympathy of Christ" will be Hie sun.
Jeet of Itev. J W. Wilson's sermon this
morning at the FlrstCongregatlonal church.
At 7:30 p. in. there will be a service In rec
ognition of the twentieth anniversary of tho
founding of the tlrsl Christian Kndeavor
society. Whorl addresses will bo delivered
by the pastor and members of tho local or
ganization. Miss Jessica Wallace will slug
n solo. Sunday school will be at noon nnd
the prayer meeting of the Christian Hn
deavor society at G:30 p. m.
N. Y. Plumbing Co., telephone 250.
Mures ('lose Ijwiilnu.
Tho Hetali Clerks' Protective associa
tion has gained ltn point nnd the lending
stores of tho city will henceforth close every
evening In the week except Saturday at C
o'clock. This agreement will go Into effect
tomorrow. Grocery stores will bo permitted
to keep open until (1:30 o'clock. Heretofore
tho principal Htorcs In the city have been
kept open Monday nnd Saturday evenings.
Itenl Kxlute Tr.'iiiNfers.
Tho following traiiBfors were filed yester
day In the abstract, title and loan ofllce of
J. W. Squire. 101 Pearl street:
Kmmn G. Wilbur ot al to Chrlntlan
church of Mount Pleasant, w 2U feel
lot 2, block IS, Grimes' add, n. c. d...$ 3
liuclnda Carter to Georgn W. Free
man, sr., lots I and 5, Curtcr h 2d ndd
to Hancock, w. d
J M Cunningham and wife to Vir
ginia M. Hlcklehaupt. lots 19. 20 and
s'i 21, block (!, Carson, w. d
C C Ciftnii and wife to Frank H.
Clirton, lot 3, block 8. Hurke's mid,
s. w. d
Total four transfer
$ l.tUl
MnrrliiK Itleeiises,
I.Icouscr to wed were Issued to tho follow
ing persons:
Name and Pestilence. Age.
AV C. Klger, Henderson, la 31
Mltllo 1.. Wilson, Macedonia, l.i 27
Henry II. I.ush. Parsons, Knn 1:1
Freda Kurts, Council Muffs :t3
Davis sells paint-
Don't Be
In a
When you come to our store.
Look around nnd examine (lis
different styles of our shoes.
Wo nlm to keep something
that will pIcnEO you. Wc don't
claim thnt our shoos will Inst
forever, but we da claim they
will flt perfect, look well and
wear longer thiiu n poor qiml
lt shoo thnt costs the same,
money, If not more, It's good
quality and low prices with
this store.
Look for the Bear.
Negotiated In Eastern Nebraska
nnd Iowa. Jninci N, Cnsndy, r
Hi Main St., Cornell Muffs,
Judge Thoroell Hanrh Down Decision in
Caxo of lmer E. Etnith.
Clitlm Somen hot, lull lie.
Hint Potliivtitlninle Must
fur Clerk lllrr of I In
Pnsl Veiir.
Judge Thornell handed down his decision
yesterday morning In the case of County
Hecorder Hlmei K. Smith against Potlnwnt
Inmlo county The decision was a victory
for the county recorder, although the court
did not allow the full amount sued for. He
reduced the salnry of tho second nsslstant
from Vo0 to $300. allowing tho balauco as
sued for.
County Itccorder Smith brought suit
ngnlnst tho county to rccovor $1,608, which
ho had pnld out during 1D00 for clerk hire,
In order to keep up the business of the
olTlco ns required by law. Tho County Honrd
of Supervisors refused to allow tho amount,
contending thnt It had no power under tho
statute to allow the county recorder more
than his salary of $1 fiOO and pay for n dep
uty nt $U00 per annu.n.
In his suit the county recorder sought to
lecover !00 that ho paid out during 1000 to
his first assistant. JFmO to his second ns
Mstnnt nnd J5S for extra clerk hire.
In handing down his decision, Judge Thor
nell, nfter reciting the fact that Smith was
tho duly qualllled recorder of Pottnwnttamlo
county, received tho maximum snlnry of Jl,
r,00 ns allowed by law. and that tho Hoard of
Supervisors had granted him nnd paid for
thu services of n deputy at $900 per annnum,
ns provided by stntute, held that by reason
of tho pressure of business In tho recorder's
ofllco It was Impossible for tho recorder and
his ono deputy to perform all tho duties of
tho ofllco or to record the Instruments fllod
during the year. Further, that the volume
of business wns to great thnt It was abso
lutely necessary for the recorder to employ
two assistants and additional help to tho
amount of $53 for tho benefit of the public.
Judge Thornell, tnklng these circumstances
Into nccount, held thnt $900 wart n reason
nblo snlnry for the first assistant nnd that
$300 was sufficient compensation for the
second nsslstant.
The court referred to tho fact that tho
fees of the office during 1S0O amounted to
Jl.S'iS.Cn, and that tho total expenditures
found to bo reasonable nnd necessary were
$3,C58, and ho therefore ordered thnt County
Hecorder Smith recover from tho county tho
sum of $1,259.
. i.i, rin: (iii:niT(iiis siiAitn amicu.
Tuenly-I'lve Per Cent Is Ordered
Distributed by .linlKe Thornell.
According to an order mado by Judge
Thornell yesterday afternoon, all tho cred
itors of Officer & Pusey's bank will sharo
nllko In n dividend of 2,r per cent, which
Receivers Hereshiim nnd Murphy wero in
structed to make ns soon an possible. That
Is to say. nil predllors, even those whose
claims wero decreed preferred ones, will
nt this time receive 2." per cent, which, It
Is expected, tho receivers will bo ublo to
disburse tomorrow or Tuesday. No claims
for Interest will be taken Into account In
paying tho first dividend, but nil such clnlm
for Interest ns mny bo allowed will bo
ndjusted nt the tlmo ot the payment of tho
second dividend.
Judgo Thorncll's order Is as follows:
Order of (lie Cniirl.
It Ik ordered by the court thnt John
Hereshelm nnd L. F. Murphy, the receivers
herein, pay nut of the funds In their hands
as such receivers a dividend of 25 per cent
of tho face amount of all d.ilms tiled herein
and allowed by the court, excepting those
claims which the court lias heretofore de
dared entitled to preference, and on such
cialniH a dividend of 2." per cent of tho
amount found by the court In Its order al
lowing preference shall be paid.
It Is further ordered that a receipt of
tho dividend herein provided by those
claimants who have heretofore filed peti
tions asking that their claims bo preferred
nnd the prayer of which petitions has been
denied by the court shall not operate as a
waiver of their right to appeal from such
order of the court.
It Is further ordered that n receipt of pay
ment or declaration of tho dividend to
those creditors whose claims havo been or
dered by this court lo bo entitled to a pref
eience shall not bar the right of the re
ceivers or any creditors liming the right to
appeal to take the appeal from such order
or orderH allowing such preferences and
no payment other than a dividend of 25
per cent, as herein declared, shnll bo made
on such preferred claims until after tho ex
piration of the time wherein which nn ap
peal may bo taken from the orders of the
court establishing such claim or claims
The question of Interest on tlmo certltl
cates and general dei-oslts Is reserved for
future order of tho court.
It will bo seen by this order that the
reason for only allowing a dividend of 23
per cent on those claims which linvo been
preferred Is duo to tho fnet thnt tho period
In which an npponl mny bo taken by nny
creditor of tho bank does not oxplro for
six months. Tho. object In thus paying n
level dividend to nil creditors la to give
nn opportunity for appeal nnd thu tiling of
objections and to pnstpono tho final nd
JuUincnt of nil preferred claims until such
time as the court may order tho payment of
a second dividend.
Ilecelver Muriili) 'n ltepurt.
In accordance with the Instructions issued
by Judgo Thornell. Receiver Murphy Hied
yesterday morning his report showing tho claims nnd deductions for Interest
on time certificates of deposit in thoso
cases where preference was allowed by tho
court. They nro ns follows, tho llrst figures
being tho original amount of tho claim, nnd
'the second the Interest to bo deducted:
I, . C. Prouty, Gnrner township, $507X0;
$30 M.
S. H. Snyder, guardian Hurry and J. A.
Hathaway $52u; $15.
J. 11. Slgafoos, for Frank nnd Hay Blga
foos. H2.4; $3.t.
II. H. Knnwies, guardian ot Lament Orr,
.i.i; ;.'Xi.7i.
Margaret A. Frank, $1,071.17; $133.17.
T. A. lilllug. guardian. t2.23S.ll; $715 20.
William Larson, $3n0: $12.
John Mltheu, guardian, 5:,:1; $13.'.
The total amount of the claims allowed
preference) up to dato by tho court Is $28,
215.91. and by Receiver Murphy's computa
tion the Interest to bo deducted from these
claims will amount to only about $1,700.
The sentiment of the bank's creditors now
Is to wind up the affairs of tho Institution
ns quickly ns possible and It Is not likely
that the receivers will bo Impeded by nny
more litigation of a serious nature. The
next stop to be tnken by the receivers Is
to dlsposo of tho real cstato holdings of
the bank, nnd It is understood that Bevernl
offers nro now under consideration for sev
eral pieces of tho property. Tho prices of
fered. It Is stnlcd by the receivers, exceed
tho price nt which the property was listed
lu tho rocolvers' report nnd In that made
by tho npprulscrs appointed by tho court.
('mill I j- Treasurer In Meet,
William Arnd, treasurer of Pottawattamie
county has Issued a call for the annual
meeting ot the Stnte Association of Couuty
Trensurers, of which ho Is president, to
be held In Pes Moines, Februnry 13 and 14.
The meeting will bo In tho K Irk wood house
club room, and all county treasurers and
ex-treasurers aro entitled to nttend. Tu
executive committee, consisting of Cleorgo
W. Hakle, treasurer of l.lnn county; V. It.
Cahnll. treasurer of Outhrlo couuty, and
John White, treasurer of tlrundy county,
has not prepared uny llxcd progrnm, ns ex
perience has demonstrated that the discus
sion and consideration of tho various ques
Hons that present themselves wilt consti
tute an Interesting meeting.
.V lit sv
Luncheons, Tens. Dunces nil it Cnril
Pnrlle Are Kujo'cil by Mimy.
Mrs. K. U. Hnrt of Park avenue enter
lalned nt a 1 o'clock luncheon Tuesday aft
ernoon nt her home In honor of Mrs. Wil
liam Hcach of Now York City. Covers worn
laid for fourteen. Decorations were In
pink nnd white enrnntions and sword feme.
Mltu I'lonrnr Mnli: Bomerv r lit f r tulticil nt a
t o'clock ten Wednesday afternoon nt hci l
homo In honor of Mrs. William Peach ot 1
?.v VnrU. The inbles .' effectively uee- '
crated In green
utid white. ( 0,0,3 woro
laid for twenty.
Mcsdunips J. II. Atkins and M. F. Uojiret
entertained the women nnd their friends ot
St. Paul's Hplscopal church on Wednesday
afternoon at tho home of Mrs. Hohrcr. on
Vino street, nt n Pnrlslan ten. Refresh
ments wero served. Over 100 women wero
In nttndnnce.
The Calendar Dancing club will meet
Friday ovenlng nt Chamber's hall.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Chnrlcs Lunkley entertained
the members of the Cnlendar Card club nt
their home on Frldny evening. Refresh,
mcnts wero served.
Tho mnrriago of W. W. Haitghcy ot In.
dlnnapells nnd Miss Irene Test of this city
will bo on Wednesday nfternoon nt tho
homo of the bride on Fifth nver.uc.
Mrs. John Haldwln enteltnlncd n numbor
of friends Informally on Thursdny evening
nt her npurtments In tho Grand. Refresh
ments wero served.
Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Hnrt entertained nt
enrds on Mondny evening for Mr. nnd Mrs.
William Peach of New York.
Tho First Avenuo Card (dub was enter
tained on Friday evening nt tho homo ot
Mrs. N. C. Phillips of First nvenuo. Tho
rooms wero prettily decorated In cut flowers.
Prize nt enrds, a dainty decorated plate,
was won by Mrs. Robert Mullls. Refresh
ments wero served.
Mrs. W. I.. Douglass will entertain nt
dinner on Tucsdny ovenlng.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur H. Swcotlng m
Glen avenuo entcrtnlncd nt a handsome
7 o'clock dinner on Friday evening. Covers
wero laid for twelve.
Members of the younger set wero enter,
tnlnod on Friday ovenlng at tho homo of
Miss Anna nnd Robert Wilson In Omaha
Refreshments were served.
A number of tho Muffs society people at
tended the subscription cotillon In Omaha
Tuesday eveninc.
The Mondny Kuchro club was entertained
on Monday nfternoon nt tho homo of Mrs.
Louis Zurmuchlen ot Willow avenuo. Re
freshments wero served.
Miss Georgia Mitchell entertained tho
members of the Jolly High Flvo club at her
homo last evening. Refreshments wero
Tho Woman's Whist club was enter.
tnlncd during tho Inst week by Miss Rice.
Tho Wednesday Whist club wns enter
thlned during tho Inst week nt tho homo of
Mrs. Van Hrunt on Mutt street. Refresh
ments wero served.
The Jolly Forty Card club was enter
tained on Friday evening nt tho homo of
Mr. and Mrs. 1). J. Rockwell. Refresh
ments wero served.
The Independent Tuesday club was cntor
taiued during the last week at tho homo
of Mrs. CosciiH of Muff street.
Henry II. I.usk ot Parsons, Kan., and
Miss Freda Kurtz wero mnrrlod yesterday
nfternoon ut the homo of tho brldo's mother,
Mrs. S. Kurtz, 72S Mynster street, by Rev.
W S. Harnes, pastor of tho First Prcsby
.tu church. Mr. and Mrs. Lusk left last
evening for St. Louis nnd will be nt homo to
friends In Pnrspns after February 15. Tho
groom, In addition to being postmaster nt
Pnrtons, is owner nnd editor of tho Parsons
Sun. Tho bride Is well known In social
circles In this city.
Rov. R. L. Knox nnd daughter. Mary,
will leavo tomorrow for a two weeks' visit
nt McCook nnd other points In western Ne
braska. II. W. Hinder left last evening on a two
weeks' visit to friends in Vermont.
B. 11. Ott left yesterday for Hot Springs,
Ark., for tho benefit of his health.
Mrs. P. C. DoVol nnd son, Roy, left yes.
terday morning for Kuroka Springs, Kan.
Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Honham nro enter
tnlnlng Mrs. Cora Watts of Chicago.
Miss Mary Koy hns gono to Now Orleans
on n two months' visit to friends nnd rein.
Mr. nnd Mrs. L, S. Munger nro visiting In
Mr. nnd Mrs. S. F. Robinson and family
hnvo removed their resldonco from Park
nvenuo to tho Hnldwin homo on Willow
Club .Votes.
Tho local exocutlvo honrd of the federa
tion held two meetings during tho past
week. Tho first meeting wns held Monday
nfternoon nt the club rooms, tho second Fri
day afternoon nt tho homo of Mrs. I). W.
Hushnell of Muff Btreet. Tho work nt both
meotlngs consisted largely In arranging tho
vnrlous committees nnd In tho appolutment
of tho chairman nnd members of tho com
mittees. Tho members of tho board aro
Mesdamcs Horace Kverctt, It. W, Bushmill,
Thomas Mctealf, P. C. DoVol, Jacob Sims,
J. J. Steadmnn, Chnrlcs Swalno, Mathews
and Miss Cnrollno Dodgo nnd Miss O'Don
noil, who was unanimously elected to a po
sition on tho board by tho members of tho
exocutlvo board nt their Becond meeting,
all tho other members being entitled to
positions on tno board In vlrtuo of tho fact
that they nro presidents of tho vnrlous
clubs of tho city. Mrs. Jncob Situs being
president of two clubs, tho Atlas nnd tho
Womnn's club, Is entitled to two votes. All
matters relative to thu biennial will bo
finnlly decided upon by this board, but It
has been ngrccd that no member of this
honrd shall bo expected to net on nny of
tho committees. Tho ofllcera nro: President,
Miss Dodge; secretary, Mrs. Sims, Tho
next meeting ot tho board will bo hold
Monday, February 11, at tho club rooms,
Tho beginners' class In French of ths
Council Muffs Woman's club will meet
Thursday nftornoou nt 1 o'clock nt tho club
Tho beginners' class In German of tho
Council Muffs Woman's dub will meet
at tho club rooms Tuesday afternoon at 4
Tho udvnncod German class of the Coun
cil Mulfs Womnn'B club will meet Monday
afternoon nt 4 o'clock at tho club rooms.
Tho Curient Kvents' department of tho
Council Muffs Woman's dub will meet
Tuesday nfternoon nt the club rooms, with
Mrs. C. A. Wlloy ns chairman.
Tho Llteraturo department of tho Council
Muffs Woman's club will meet Thursday
afternoon under tho direction of Mrs. J. K.
Tho Woman's club held Its regular
weekly meeting Wednesduy nfternoon nt tho
club rooms. A fair attendance was present,
and tho usual .program in tho study of !
KngUah history was given.
The Central University Kxtenslon club ,
will meet Tuesday nfternoon with Mrs. W.
S. IVtulson of Fifth nvenuo.
The Art department of tho Council Muffs
Woman's dub will meet at the club rooms
tomorrow evening, under the leadership of
Miss Pile.
The general meeting ot tho Council Mutts
Woman's club will be held Saturday after
I noon nt 2.30 ut the club rooms, and will be
; largely n business session, Instead of a so
; clal one, ns is usually tho custom nt these
I general meetings.
The Atlas club will meet Tuesday. Kebru
nry G, at the homo of Mrs. W. N. Clifford
of Frank street.
I The ndvnuccd French class of the Council
I Illufls Woman's club will meet Friday after
noon nt tho dub rooms.
Tho Now Century club met Wednesday
afternoon nt the homo of Mrs. Mnrtln.
Tho study of the history of Greeco Is nt
present occupying tho women's attention.
Tho club will meet this week with Mrs.
Tho Ideal club met Tucsdny nfternoon at
the home of Mrs. P. C. Dcvol.
Tho household economic department of the
Council Muffs Woman's club met Tuesday
nfternoon nt tho club rooms under tho
chnlrmnnshlp of Mrs. Woodford. A largo
nttendnnco wns present. Among the topics
discussed were: "Household Expenditures,"
"Huylng for tho Household," "How lo Live
on $1,000 a Year" nnd "Cash versus Credit."
Among those taking part on tho program
were; Mesdamcs Treynor, Cooper, V. B.
Labbe, Woodford nud Wnltcr I. Smith. Tho
club will hold Its next meeting February 12.
The Oakland Avenuo Rending club met
Frldny nfternoon nt tho homo of Mrs. V.
Street of Oakland nvonuo. Tho regular pro
gram In tho study of Russia wns given.
Tho club will meet this week nt tho homo of
Mrs. Orcutt.
Tho New Century club nt a recent meet
ing decided to donate $15 to tho entertain
ment fund of tno federation meeting. The
generous offer wns thankfully accepted by
thoso having tho federation meeting In
Tho members of tho clubs of the city arc
making every effort for tho success of n
rumuuigo salo to be given by tho club
women some tlmo this month for the benefit
of tho tcderntlnn cutertnlnment fund.
Tho Independent club will meet Tuesday
nfternoon with Mrs. Irwin, 612 Washington
All kinds of wearing apparel for ladle,
ready mado nnd to order. Kasy payments,
Tho Novelty Cloak Store, 536 Ilroadway.
DcLong will print It right.
Siiinllpn Patient After IMen.
Jnmcs Cnrroll, tho first smnllpox pntlent
tnken to tho pesthouso from tho Atlnntlt.
hotel, becamn hungry for plo last evenlnn
nnd whilo the nurso's bach wns turned
slipped out nnd went to a grocery on North
Klghth street.
Ho kept In tho middle of tho road nnd
nwny ns far ns posslblo from nny person he
met. Reaching tho grocery storo ho
knocked on tho window, saying: "I nm
Jnmes Cnrroll, tho smallpox patient from
tho pesthouso and I want five pies." Ho
showed 25 cents, but tho owner of tho storo
told him to keep his money and get nwny
from tho place. He then placed flvo pics
on tho sidewalk nnd Carroll promptly
grabbed them nnd started on his return trip
to tho Isolation hospital, reaching thero
after nn nbsenco of two hours.
Cnrroll, tho nurso reported, during tho
nfternoon, had been surly nil day nnd hnd
mado threats to break nway unless tho
nurso nttended on nil his wnnts. Cnrroll Is
nbout recovered and tho nurse, having four
other patients to look nfter, left him to
nttend to himself.
Ornvol roofing. A. II. Reed, 541 Broad'y.
Verdict fur Hundred Dollnrs.
Tho district court Jury In tho suit of
R. C. Patterson against II. R. Gould camo
In yesterday evening with a verdict for tho
plaintiff in tho sum of $100. Tho Jury hnd
been out slnco Friday morning. Patter
son sued for $1,000 commission on a real
estato deal, which ho carried out at tho
alleged solicitation of Gould, but which tho
latter refused to abldo by.
In tho suit of M. ncnton ngnlnst Dr. F. P.
Holllnger for $5,000 damages for nlleged
malproctlco, tho Jury brought In a verdict
for tho defendant.
In tho enso of Sam Dobson ngnlnst Georgn
W. Hewitt tho defendnnt filed a motion for
a now trial.
Judgo Thornell adjourned district court
until Tuesday morning and loft for his homo
last evonlng.
Tho arguments in tho caso of the stato
against David Johnston were comploted nnd
Judgo Wheeler took his decision under ad
visement. Howell's Antl-Kawf cures coughs, colds.
Ilrynnt In Jiiftlloe.
Tho decision of tho supreme court In tho
Titus amendment caso places former JuBtlco
Ovldo Vlen hors du combat, nnd R. T
Hrynnt Is now Justice of tho peace for Kano
township without nny dlsputo to his title.
Vlen wa3 tho only local politician who at
tempted to hold over under the peculiar
wording of tho amendment, although a
Justice nnd n township clork In ono of tho
country precincts emulated his exnmplo.
Justlco Hrynnt celebrnted tho occnslon by
perfotmlng his first Judicial function, n
mnrrlngo ceromony. Tho bride nnd groom
wero both from St. Paul. Minn., and the
groom was decidedly short of funds nnd
Justice Hrynnt had to accept as his first
feo 90 rents Instend of the customary $
constnbio Albert! will act as constable
of Justlco Bryant's tourt, now that Ovldc
Vlon has no further uso for him.
ficoll Held for Grnnd .lorr.
Hob Scott, who wns released from tho
county Jail In order that ho might go nnd
sco a sick sister at Mnnawa, kept his prom
lsu nnd wns duly on hand In Justlco For
rler's court yesterday morning, when tho
caso ngalnst him, In which ho Is charged
with stealing an overcoat, the property of
A. Read, wns called, Scott waived examl
nation nnd wns bound over to the grand
Jury, but wns nllowed out on hla recog
nlznnco on 'condition thnt he stay
sister's homo nt Mannwa. If ho
como to town ho Is to bo placed
county Jail until tho Jury disposes
nt his
In tho
of his
SuMitlim "Ferret'" Ileport.
In tho caso ot Hogan Ouren, reported by
"Tax Ferret" Cunningham to own proporty
which hail been omitted from assessment,
County Treasurer Arnd decided yesterday
that Cunningham had proved his claim as
to $20,000 for tho years 1898, 1S99 and 1900
but not ns to the two preceding years
Ouren at onco filed notice of uppenl to tho
district court. This Is tho first caso In
which tho county treasurer has sustained
the report mado by Cunningham.
Fifty (inlloiiN n Minute.
Tho artesian well of John G. Woodward
& Co. yesterday had reached a depth of 800
feet, when :i lino flow of water was struck
with a capacity of fifty gallons a minute,
Tho well will bo sunk a numbor of feet be
low this In order to increaso tho capacity
ot tho new, r possible.
I (riuidfiillier to Mmiy.
ON AW A, la.. Fob. 2. (Special.) Georgo
W. Cork of this city, who has Just passno
his seventy-ninth birthdny anniversary, Is
high man nmong Monona county's pro
gcnltors. Ho has seventy grandchildren
and thirty great-grandchildren.
Speelnl Trnlii lo Xo I'urpoKe,
CRESTON, la., Feb. 2. (Special Tele
gram.) Henry Reese, tho Dixon county
farmer who last week hired a special train
to bring nn Omaha surgeon to his homo to
perform an operation, died this morning.
Iowa GoYtrnor'g Frionds Denj That Ha Eror
Had Buck Aspiration.
Present Minister lo Clilnn Wilt lie
llroimlit Forunrit nlesn He
Promptly Korlililn PerhhiN tin
.Next A nllnli'.e Mull,
DBS MOINBS, Feb. 2. Special.) Tim
friends of Governor Shaw nro giving it out
thnt he Is not a candidate for governor
a third term, has not been at nny time nnd
will not brt nnd tho friends of A. H. Cum
mins nro almost convinced that ho will not
consent to bo n candidate for tho ofllco this
year; so they nro nil looking about for a
candidate who will not arouse the nn
tngonlsm of either of tho factions which
havo been conspicuous in Iowa politics In
recent yenrs. They have begun to consider
the merits of Mnjor K. 11. Conger, I'nltcd
States minister to China, who Is n resident
of this city nud a stanch republican. He
has been communicated with In reference
to tho matter, and If ho does not at once
put his veto on nny such movement his
name Is sure to como prominently before
the stato as a candidate in n few weeks,
Major Conger was unfortuunte some years
ago nnd tost a large nmount of money In a
Dcs Moines bank nnd In bad investments
mado through friends, nnd ho hns desired to
rcmnin In n post whero ho could recoup his
fortune, but It Is known that ho did not
deslro to go to China nnd Is looking for-
wnrd to the tlmo when he can rctlro with
honor, nnd ho may be Induced to run for
governor. In caso neither of tho three
nnracd will stand ns tho repuhllcnn cnndl-
dato for governor, tho field is wido open
with tho nvnllnblrs in tho following order:
Georgo I). Perkins. II. W. Hyers, A. II.
Funk. W. F. Harrlman, J. A. T. Hull nnd
John Herrlott.
Inlo limit Island Depot.
Tho projected Iowa Falls railroad, which
s believed to be In the Interest of tho Il
linois Centrnl In order to glvo that com
pany nn entrance into Dcs Molncs, will en
ter tho new Rock Island depot and uso the
terminals of that road In Dcs Molmjs. Ar
rangements had been pnrtlnlly comploted
for running of tho trains Into tho union
depot, which Is used by tho Mllwaukeo,
Great Western nnd other Hues, but objec
tion wns mado by some of the other com
panies, nnd tho engineer Is engaged In
surveying n routo to a connection with tho
Rock Islnnd terminals near tho city. Tho
lown rails company hns not been nblo to
effect a settlement with tho projectors of
tno nuiuth fc New Orleans company, nnd
nolli companies hnvo surveys over practic
ally tho snmo route.
Two Fanner IlfinUriipl.
William B. Duff of Pcnn township, Madi
son county, nnd Hornco B. Bwlng of Scrnn
ton havo hied petitions In voluntnry bnnk-
ruptcy In tho United States court. Both nro
Judgo Holmes In tho district court this
nfternoon nppolntcd W. II. Hedges receiver
for tho united Stntcs Murcantlle Indemnity
association. Ills bonds wero fixed nt $10,000.
The nppolnttncnt of n receiver Is tho result
of a suit begun by tho stnte of Iowa ex rel
Attorney General Milton Rcmley on tho
grounds that nn investigation of tho nlTnlrs
of tho company revealed nn lnsulllclont
nmount of capital to conduct the business.
New Ciirpnrnt IniiN.
Tho following aro new corporations an-
thorlzcd by law: Tho Willliim Tnckaborrv
company, Sioux City; cupitnl, $175,000; in
corporators, William, W. B. and R. C. Tnck
abcrry und S. J. Johnson. Sumner Planing
Mill company, Sumner; capital. $40,000; In
corporators, H. J. Hrownoll, H. C. Kedlng
and James Urowncll.
Mrs. Xiitlmi ( Invited.
All ot tho lending prohibitionists denv
that they know anything nbout the contem
plated visit of Mrs. Cnrrio Nation of Kan
sas to Des Moines and say they havo not
Invited her nor sought her presence hero.
Tho tcmpernnco societies hero nro working
nloug qulto different lines nnd are engnfjd
in organizing tho stato by school districts
to dotcrmlno how many voters can bo se
cured for prohibition, local or stnte wide,
und thoy say they do not care to hnvo their
work broken In upon by an outsider.
Mormon Conference.
Tho ciders of tho Church of Jesus Christ
of Lnttcr Day Saints nro holding a confer
ence In Des Molues, attended by about
thirty mlBBlonurles of tho Mormon church,
all from Utah, who aro engaged In mission
ary work In lown. Rev. L. A. Kelsch of
Chicago, who, has chargo of tho missionary
work of tho church, will assign tho elders
to their fields In lown. Tho missionary
work hns been cnrrled on vigorously In
Iowa for scvernl years without molcstntlon
and tho Mormons report that they receive
many converts from tho stnte.
Coroner Jury Attribute Denth if
John I'. 'Worrell to uu Atlnok
by Frank Demit.
ONAWA, la.. Feb. 2. (Special.) "Wo,
tho Jury, find that the deceased camo to hla
death from blows upou tho head delivered
by ono Frank Dennis, with a blunt In
strument, Inflicted with murderous Intent."
This verdict ts tho result of tho investiga
tion of tho coroner's Jury Into tho death
of John P. Worrell, whoso body was found
on tho bank of a sandbar In the Missouri
river near hero.
Tho placo whero tho body was found wns
visited today, that tho Investigation might
bo thorough, nnd a dozen witnesses wero
Dennis Is in Jail now, undor arrest, nnd
will bo given a hearing beforo Justice Rosfc
AVIsli Ilie IllNense lnvelluneil.
CRESTON, iu., Fob. 2. (Special Tele
gram.) Farmers residing south of Crcston,
under smallpox quarantine, today Ignored
tho law's restrictions nnd camo to tho city.
It Is believed they purposely violated tho
quarantine to take Issue with tho Stato
Hoard of Health and bring nbout nn Inves
tigation of tho dlsoaso, which they claim Is
only chlckenpnx.
Creston, Kent and Lenox phyBlclans have
disagreed with tho physicians sent to this
locality by tho stnte board to inako nn In
vestigation. Tho farmers today brought
and Bold butter to merchants, bu.t It was
seized and confiscated by tho Hoard of
Health. There Is consldorablo Indignation
on both sides.
Hun Down liy the Ciirn,
FORT DODGK, la.. Feb. 2. (Special
Telegram.) J. H. Miner, living at Hrltt,
was struck and Instautly killed by a freight
train on the Mluueapnlls & St. Louis road
Friday afternoon. Tho train was switching
nnd detached several cars on a side
track. Miner wns walking besldo the track
and, being deaf, did not hear the approach
of tho train. Just before the cars readied
him he stepped on tho track. Ills body
was cut completely In two.
(trluitell Student lliinrniilliied
GRINNBLL, la., Feb.. 2.-(Spcelal Tole-
gram.l Students of Iowa collego and Grin
nell citizens nro nlarmed over the appear
anee of a ease of smallpox among the stu
dents of the college. II- B Jones of Perry,
a member of the sophomore class. Is the
vtrtlm. Jones has been Hick for a week
As Hoon as hi case was diagnosed ns
smallpox ho was removed to a detuned
in our Stationery Department.
A pretty assortment, and like everything else in our sta
tionery department the prices are low.
honso In tho outskirts ot tho town and the
honso lu which he hns boon rooming Is
strictly quarantined. Thieo students aro
anions thoso quarantined.
A special meeting ot tho council was held
nnd tho health oHlcers will tako ovcry pre
caution to provent any further ppresd ot
the disease.
Plymouth Comity I'nlr Rnfca.
LCMAUS, la., Feb. 2. (Special.) At a
meeting of tho Plymouth County Fair aao
clatlon, September 3, 4, 5 nnd 6, wero de
cided on as tho dates for the 1S01 fair.
ArriuiKlnir Fnlr Clrrnlt.
CP.KSTON, In., Feb. 2. (Special,) South
western Iowa towns are arranging for a
fair circuit. Ked Oak, Atlantic, Shenan
doah nnd possibly Crcston will enter.
KHUNim (riihiiilrr. Assisted by 100
Women, Will Soon Mnkc All nek
iii Tnpoka Saloona.
TOPEKA. Knn., Feb. 2. Mrs. Carrlo Na
tion addressed a largo nudlenco In tho To-
peka auditorium tonight. People of nil
classes gathered to listen to her.
Mm. Nation's talk was along tho line ot
tho duty of women In protecting the world
from monstrous evils. Thcro wns nothing
sensational iu tho evening's cxorclBos.
Mrs. Nation announced that she would
begin hor 'ork on tho saloons of this city
early next week. Sho Bald sho had given
them amplo warning nnd that thoy could
not blnmo her If anything happened to
them now.
It is expected that Mrs. Nation will bo
gin her crusndo ngalnst tho joints Monday
morning. She has secured tho promise of
200 women to aid her.
IlriiKKlst Convrtcil liy ErnnicellsU
IlcHlroyn Mock of Liquor on
Street ScntTold.
ST. JOSEPH, Mo Feb. 2. A special to
tho Dally News says that at Hiawatha,
Kan., today a large quantity of beer and
whisky belonging to E. J. ElcholU, drug
gist, was destroyed on a scaffold erected In
tho main street of the town.
Evangelists Alexnndcr nnd Williams have
been conducting revival meetings In Hla
wutha for several weeks and have made 400
converts. Among theso were a number of
druggists who sold liquor. Etcholtz joined
tho church nnd announced that he would
publicly destroy his stock of liquor today.
The smashing of bottles, demijohns and
bnrrcln vns conducted by tho druggist and
tho two ovengollsts In tho presence of hun
dreds ot people, amid shouts of approval.
.Mi. .Viitinii 11 eel lire That Her Wnr
fiire Will He Extended lo Thnne
Who llent to Joint Keeper.
TOPEKA, Kan., Feb. 2. Mrs, Carrlo Na
tion today nddresscd tho following letter
to people who rent buildings to joint keep
You havo entered Into partnership with
tlio keepers of these murder shops nnd
our Indignation will be nllko against the
Hhelterer of these criminal factors ns
ngalnst the bar UxtUrcs and liquid dam
nation. If wo llnd unbarred doors wo
may spnro them, otherwlso we will annl
hllnto nil opposition, nnd you will find
nt a trlbunnl of Justlco that your build
Inge will bo held to pay the fines of these
murderers, your partners ngnlnst "homo
protectors:" MP.B. C'AltHIi: NATION.
Opium I.nw nei'ltircd t'nconntltiitlonBl,
reaving Xo llestrlrtlonii on
Snle of Urn.
HONOLULU, Jan. 25 (via San Francisco,
Feb. 2). Circuit Judgo Humphreys has
rendered a decision declaring tho Hawallnn
opium law unconstitutional. This leave
tho territory without nny law to regulate
tho salo or use of tho drug.
E. C. Kaufmann, who was leader of the
band on Dewey's flagship at tho battlo of
Manila, committed sulcldo hero on the even
ing of tho 21th by shooting hlmsolf in the
head. Ho had been nccusod of immorality.
Tho Porto Hlrans brought to this coun
try by the sugar planters havo all reached
tho plantations that nro to employ them
and nro nt work.
. rli'iui rin Ciinninny Wlthdrnwa
llrcnunc of Innhlllly to .Secure
Schedule Prices,
WATKKW'RY, Conn., Feb. 2.- It Is an
nounced hero that tho combination of manu
facturers known as tho Mrass Oooda' asso
ciation Is practically dissolved by tho ac
tion of tho American Pin company In de
claring Us Intention to withdraw from the
combination on February 13, becuuan ot
Its alleged innblllty to obtain orders at
the schedule nf prices fixed by tho associa
tion, The firms Involved In the association
People desiring quality will find it In
the workmanship and the finish of
our work. Our methods have been
scientifically studied to make gentle
men's linen perfect in the stiffening,
polish and color, and we neither fray
the edges nor tear the button holes,
lly our method laundry work will not
soil us easily as when done by other
systems. Telephone 200 and we will
do the rest.
Evans Laundry Co.,
Cor. 6th Ave. and Pearl St., Co. Bluffs.
307 Broadway
Council Bluffs.
The Drainage and Water
Supply Question
l of pcrmniipnt Importance- to nil. Next
to food nnd clotliliiR, it most concorna
lienltli, nnd without health what Is
wealth or oven llfo. Wo nro plumhciH
who roRard wanltatlon na their chief
nlly in building up nnd retnitilnt; n Rood
Inislness. Every proved modern method
nnd nppllanco 1h adopted and you got
the beet work ah n consequence.
J. C. Bixby & Son,
202 Mnln. 203 Penrl Street.
Tel. 103. Council Muffs, lown.
House of 4 rooms, cellar, pantry, closets,
stable, somo fruit, UM.
House of 4 rooms, cistern, ntnblo, chicken
house S125.
3-roc.m house, cellar, well, cistern, stable.
nlinfln trftnn tnnn tirl' f?r. ... tlivi .i
.......... . . , ' - ' -' " .w nunii.
balnncei monthly.
Good 3-room house, nice corner lot, city
water, cellar, good street. MM.
6-room house, cellnr, well, cool house, near
Northwestern depot, 9M; easy terms.
MDU30 oi o rooms, ceuar, wen, ham
chicken house and buggy shod, J 700. '
Good house of S rooms, cellar, well, cistern
barn, two lots, only $1,400.
Good house of 4 rooms and summor kitchen
cellar, cltv water, good 01-foot lot, coal
house, $1,100: J100 down, balance $13 to 115
per month.
Good fi-room cottago, cellar, cistern, city
water, bath, oenspool, barn, JS.600; J1W
cash, bnlnnco ensy terms.
Good S-room house on -Mill st., cellar, cltv
water, cistern, bam, shade trees, only
House of 8 rooms, bath nnd closet, furnace.
gas nnd barn, 12,100.
Houso of 7 rooms nnd storo room, pantry
cemented cellar, city water, coal house!
fruit, 4 blocks from P. O., only $1,600.
Johnston & Kerr
541 Broadway, Co. Bluffs.
Telephone 417.
Genterviiie Coal
And cool from tho bofit tninos in tho
countrt. Also hard coal nnd wood.
Prompt delivery ifl our motto.
Transfer Line Between Council Bluffs
and Omaha
councii Bluffs Offlco, No. 23 North Main
St. Tolophono 128.
Omaha Ofllco, .'111 South 12th Stroot.
Tolophono 1308.
Connection mado with South Omaha
100 Ilroadtvay. Coiiiunll IIIuRn,
Arlcsa, per lb lfo
M. Brand ISo
niu, best 1!53
Knntos !5o
2-lb. enn Mocha and Jnva 5'o
11. & M. lilend S3c
Sun-Drled Japan, per lb fco
Kpldcr hog, per lb Mo
(Junpowdcr, per lb 50o
Young Hyson, per lb 7ro
English Breakfast, per lb 'Do
Use lied Cross Itlieumatism C'uro, a
prompt und suro euro for rheumatism In
any form. Cures sciatica, lumbago, neu
ralgia, gout, pains In tho hack, lameness,
stiff nnd swollen Joints. Tho best blood
purlflcr mndc. A wonderful remedy has
cured thoimnds will euro yo:i try It. At
drug stores or sent by express, prepaid.
Price $1.00. lied Cross Drug Co., Council
Uluffs, Iow-n.
Include tho Amorlcnn Pin company, tho
Ilurbccker company nnd Rowland Manu
facturing company of this city, tho II. L.
Judd company of Wnlllngford, Conn.; T.
C. Hlchards company of Torrlngton and
the (iould-Mesernu Manufacturing com
pany nnd Krodor & Houhol compnny of
Now York. Tho association was formed n
yenr and a half ngo to fix the prices of
upholtitcrers' trimmings. It Is supposed
that tho action of the American Pin com
pany will mean a break In tho price sched
.VeTpnier t'ensii lilt cm ('iipltul of
llir Kmv Population of
17l,(ll I.
KAN8A8 CITY, Mo., Keb. 2. Kansas City,
Mo., has a population of 170,011, according
to tho Kansas City Tlmeii' census, which
has Just been completed. Theso figures
show an Increaso over tho count returned by
tho government enumerators of 12,259.
The city directory estimates tho popula
tion of tho city at 200,000. According to tho
registration of voters for tho November
election this estimate does not appear lo
bo an exaggerated ono. After the govern
ment census, which gave tho city a popula
tion of 103,752, thcro wbb a general fooling
bore that this numbor did not rcprcsont all
of the people In Kansas City, and many
persons claimed that thoy wero not visited
and counted by tho government enumera
tors. Tho Times took tho matter up nt Its
own expcno nnd proceeded to lakn another
census, Tho greatest enro has been exer
cIbciI In the work.
Ileutv Smur In Wcnlcni Kinmnx.
IAHNIcn. Knn.. Feb. 2. i'lvo Inches of
snow fell hero today and a. light rain Ih now
falling. Ileports received horn indlcntu that
the nnwfnll has been general through
weidem Knnsan It will provo of great
vitluo lo tho wheat throughout the western
half f the state, much of which was be
Elu nlm; to need moisture badly,