THE (VMAIIA "DAILY 11 HE: Sl'XDAT, F121HUTAHY inoi. THEY DENY EXTRAVACANXE School Dirooton Oompare Ourrent Expsntes with Those of Part. AVERAGE PER PUPIL LOWER THAN EVER Cost of lliliu-nt Inn In Oituilin Compare I'liMiralilr Willi Ciiit In Other Cities. Areurillnit to ()f llclal llrport. Since tho charge of extravnganco was brought ngalnst the Doord ot Education by a committee from the (,'ommerclM club the members of tho board hnvo been engaged In collecting data concerning expenditures for previous yearn and the amount ot mono) which other cltlcii the sUa of Omaha ex rend In maintaining their schools, A spc clal meeting of tho board was held yester day afternoon and tho following statement as endorsed as an o 111 clal cxprcsidon from tho members: I'Ikui-c Arc HiibntlUcil. Tho Hoard of Kdtirntlon has hail tho lot lowing ilgures prepared for thn Information of lis members niul of tho nubile. Tho last four school years, ending June HO, Wf), To compared with tho four years ending Juno 30, 1M3. These figures linvo bren prepared In View if n demand made by some persons that tho tn x levy proposed to be asked for by nhls board be birgely t educed, and lh ntntcmeiit made, tho members of the board think, by persons not very well Informed In tbu mutter that running expeiMM could bo largely reduced. Those who read theso llgutcs mav lie In terested to remember that W. 9. P ipiilelon was n member of tho Hoard of Education fur all except tho lust few months ot the four years first quoted, those ending with .nine, ISM. the four years when cxnondl- lures stem to have been nomowhat free, at least when compared with those made by win uoimi during me tour yearn nisi pan. Total Resources for .Maintenance Av. Dully of Hchools.. Attendnne? 1RM.M WLMi 9.0!) I 1S1K1-D1 407.H1I H.71I 1M1-!K! 3WJ,fl 10,370 1W2-I'J 388,112 10.7S8 Averuge .'. .13M.W1 !,W3 Avorngo amount nvallablu per child par year ior ino lour years, wu.iw. Total Hesources for Maintenance Av. Dally oi Mcnoo i. Atiennnnee 1S90-97 U97-9S .-. U9S-M 1899-1900 I33S.7I2 4;iS,91fl 1.1.MII t'Jfi.SIl 1.101, 197,315 ll.CCI Average Jliri.lCO 13,731 Average lunount nvullnhle per child per year ior me lour years, .iu.:i5. Mr. I'onnleton and Ills associates had during tho four years they were In control of the schools, moro per year to spend ror each child in nttcniiauce thin tna hoard has had for the last rour years. Incotno from other sources than taxation lfc$D-!t0 tl'I.V'4.-, MiC-HT J2IS.0II 1890-91 .".11,201 1S07-IN 310.491 1591-92 327,210 1S9S-99 31S.707 1VJ2-U3 ;,K,iiii imai-iikm .mo.iUi Average $3."2,621 Averngo $304 IIS AveniKO ner child Averairo tier child per year during tho per year during tho four yenrs, i-u.ii. tour yearn, ?z::.iu. Mr. I'onnleton and his tiBsoclntes had nc tually $18,475 more per year from other sources than taxation during tho four years thoy managed th schools thnn tne nnartl tins had for tho hint four years, although In that time tho attendance has Increased 3,711, or 37 ner cent. They had $10.22 more Incomo per yenr per child in utieniinnco rrom sources omer man taxation than tho board has had for tho last four years. This explains in pnrt why moro of tile school fund must ho raised now liv taxation thnn ten yenrs ago, nlthotiKli tho schools aro managed at a smaller per capita, cost. Income from licenses: 1RS9-90 $213 173 1890-97 W1.S99 IMhl.'ll 262.SS1 1F97-9S .'09.201 1S91-92 S71.B93 1S9S-K9 2T.S.0ID 1892-93 157,515 1899-1900 201,012 Averngo., $258.S78 Average $250,018 Averngo per child Average per child per year during tho per yenr during tho four years. $25,90. four years, $1S.21. niirlrnr tbu last four years tho board has lind actually $8,830 less Income per yenr from licenses than Mr. Popploton and his nssoclntes had when they managed the schools. Tho incomo per cniin hub cumin Ished from $25.90 per year to $18.21 per year, n fniiliiir off of 17.09 ner child In nttendaneo: 11 falling off ot ubout 30 per cent In this Hource of Income. This further explains why now moro of tho school revenues must 110 rniseu ny iiixaiion. Incomo from police court lines: $20,200 1890-97 $1,102 1t.00.91 17.970 1597-9S lU'St! 1M1-92 15.9M! 1S9S-99 S.120 1MI2-93 3J.63& IsiKMWU , Vto A vera an 122.073 Averneo $4.00: Average per child Average per child per yenr during the per yenr during the lour years. unir jr, .j uwiun. Tim rnvniuioH nf the hoard havo 111 tllO last four years been $1.9S loss per child, a falling ore of si per cent, leaving mo income from this sourco only 13 per cent ot what THE ROOT OF THE MATTER. lie Cured Himself of Serious Stoinitcb Trouble llimn to ririt l'rlnelploi A man of largo nffalrs In ouo of our prominent cltlea by too closo attention to business, toojlttlo exorclao and too many club dinners, finally began to pay nature's tax. levied in tho form of chronic stomnch trouble; tho failure of his digestion brought nbout a nervous Irritability mnklng It liu possible to niply hlrasolf to his dnlly bus! noss and tlnnlly deranging tho kidneys and heart. In hla own words ho says: "I consulted ono physician after another and each ono seemed to uudorstaml my case, but all tho same they each fulled to bring about tho re turn of my former digestion, nppotita and vigor. Kor two years I went from pillar to post, from ono sanitarium to another, I gave up smoking, I quit coneo ami evou renounc cd my dally glaso or two of beer, but with out any marked Improvement. "Krlcnds had often advised mo to try a well known proprietary medlciuo, Stunrt's Dyspepsia Tablets and I had often perused tho newspaper advertisements of tho rem edy but never took any slock In advertised medicines nor could bcllevo a fifty-cent pntcnt mcdlctno would touch my case. "To make a Ions story short, 1 Anally bought a couplo of packages at tho nearest druc store and took two or three tablets nf tcr each meal and occasionally a tablet between meals, when I folt any feeltug of nausea or discomfort. "I was surprised at tho end of tho first week to note a marked improvement In my appetlto and general health and before tho two packages were gono I was certain that Stuart's Dj'BpcpBla Tablets waa going to euro completely and thoy did not disappoint me. I can at and Bleep and enjoy my coffee and cigar and nu one would nupposo I had over known the horrors of dyspopsln. "Out of friendly curiosity 1 wroto to the proprietors of tho remedy asking for In formation as to what tho tablets contained and they replied that tho principal Ingra dlents voro nsoptlc pepsin (government test) malt diastase and other natural dl gcstlvcs, which digest food regardless of tho condition of the stomach," Tho root of the matter Is tlilf tho dices tlve elements contained In Stuart's Dyspep ala Tablets will digest the food, glvo the. overworked stomach a chanco to recuperato nnd tho nerves and wholo system recelvo tho nourishment which can only coma from food; stimulants and nervo tonics uovor glvo real strength, they gave a fictitious strength, Invariably followed by roactlon Every drop of blood, every nerve aud tissue is manufactured from our dally food, and It you can Insure Its prompt action nnd com plcto digestion by tho regular use of so good und wholesorao a remedy as Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, you will have no need of uerve tonics and snnltarluuis. Although Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets havo been In tho market only a few years yet probably every druggist In the United States Canada and Oreat Ilrltrttn uow sells them and considers them the most popular and successful of any preparation for stomach troubles. Mr. I'onnleton ntid his associates enjoyed during their administration i ti. exii,,uns ruriher why now it if necessary to raise more of the sehoo' fund b taxation. Homo tiiientlnti bits been raised about the sjms pn'd jHtiltors. Some Ilgures follow: Pnld lanitors: 1SVJ.W $1 415 1SM-S7 $2(1.201 1S90-91 K.G71 1S07-9S 27.15 1591-92 3.1.J1S UttS-M JE.tSSi 1W2-93 33.M7 lSW-lfjO 2yj2 Average 132.1SS Average I2.,111 Average tier child Axeraire tier child per year during the per year during the lour years, s.3. rour years, s.i". Mr. Pontdeton and. his nssorlatcs actually paid out for Janitors $.1.!7 per year more than .has been pnld per year for the last four years, thouch during the last four years 3,741, or 37 per cent, more children havo been cured for. The Inst four years tho board has provided Janitor service for 11.17 less per child than was paid during Mr. Poiipleton's time, a reduction in cost of 80 per cent. Homo question nns neon raised as to salaries paid for Instruction. Some figures follow: l'nld for Instruction: 1MS-W lJiW.116 lSM-M $215,207 1MO-91 ?1S.!7? 1SU7-0S 2C.3S6 lS!ll-!2 22U.C7 1S9S-99 2S9.H71 1SD2-93 231.903 1599-1900 272,29 Average $221, Ml Avorngo $243,7is worngo per cnild .werago per child per year during the ner year during the uui juarn, ...n. lour years, tii.u. During the last four venrs Ibn cost nf teaching In the schools fins been $1.05 less er cnim in attemiance. henry is per cent esrf than durlnu tho time of Mr. I'onnleton nnd his associates. Mr. 1'oppleton expressed great anxiety that tho people shall bo relieved from what h considers excessive taxation. It may bo Interesting to examine some Ilgures us to mai. hchool Incomo from taxation: 1W9-90 $70,514 1S90-97 $ JO.009 1KW-91 93,030 1597-9 10S,423 1S9I-92 OS.93 189S-99 10S.1IC 42.902 1S99-1900 170,037 Avorngo $71,927 Average $115,902 Avernuu ner child Avernco nor child per yenr during the per year during the four years. $7.2o. four years. SS.II. Theso fltriiroH show that while Mr. I'nmile. ton nnd his associates hail 110.22 more tier child from other siurces than tnxntlon to spend upon the schools they collected each year irom tne people in taxes only i.. less than the. board has received per year from taxes during tho last four years. Homo comnaratlve 11 mires may be Inter esting ns between different cities. The fo'. lowing uro based upon tho form of financial statement recommended by tho National l'Mucatliin association for uso In nil city school systems as tho fairest for purpose s oi comparison. Tho reports upon which these figures nrn bnsed are In the possession of tho Hoard of i;uuctition. in most cases tney tire in writ ing mutlo direct to us by tho school au thorities of thoso cities. In a few cases the Inst published annual report nt hand has been used. The following list Includes nil cities between 90.000 nnd 200.0i)0 notiMlntlon. reports from which aro nvniinoie vitner maun direct to .is or ns rcgu any issued in nrlntel form. Most renorts nre for tho school year ending with the summer of 1"0, thinm i in some cases a nrintcn ronori ornn earlier date has been used where nothing Inter was nvullahlc. Denver J37.S3 Syrncuso $20.20 Lowell 33.0) Albany 25.S2 Cninbr duo 22.30 Port and. Ore. . . . 25.S1 Worcester 30.92 Knll Hlver 21.22 I,os Angelas 29.43 Kansas City .... 23.43 l'rovldenco 27 13 Paterson 22.51 Omaha 2.1.99 St. Paul 22.11 roltlinbus. O.. ..20 74 Toedo ,.'0.12 Indianapolis 20.30 Ht. Joseph IS 25 Theso figures show that In six cities of thoso compared the cost of education Is greater than m umnha. while in eleven cities It Is less. Four cities ranee In cost between 120 anil 127. ono of these belnir omana. six cities rnngo in cost, nimvo mis nroun. win o em it ranee ueiow. i lie six cities nbovo averngo $11 87, or MM moro than we: the eleven cities ueiow averuuo $23.S0, or $3.19 less than we. umnnn rurnisucs rreo tn nu pupus me text books nnd practically all other nrtlcles needed for school use. Whoro this is done the cost to the community Is nbout half the nmouut for theso things, which must bo nn el where each nunl buys his own. If Omnhn did ns most cities do in this nintter tho cost of education would probably be ns low or lower thnn In nnv other of the four cities stundlug between $20 nnd 127. In St. I'nui the cost is less. The schools of that city are Just now undergoing the nlnch of retrenchment cnused by hard times. Omaha underwent tho bitterest part of tins experience n row years ago. when extx'nses were lower here thnn now. St. Paul put off shortening sail for n few vears longer than Omaha nnd Is Just in the bite of that exiericnco now. scnooi expenses mere havo not usually heen so low. nor are they likely to continue so very lonir. Knnsns City is less than Omnha. Knnsas City has a much denser population than this cltv. nearly twlco as many neonlu to tho squnro mile. This tnnkes It possible for school and city government to he adminis tered moro cheaply. Hot weather comes earlier m thnt eitv and stays later than hero and the neonle there seem contented with nhoht thlrty-slx weeks In tho school year. Tho neonle of this cltv havo nlwnvs protested vlgorous'y when tho school year has heen reduced to less man thlrty-clght weeks. Taking these Items, denser nopu Intlon nnd shorter school vear. anil the added fact thnt th city down the river does not h.iv tho text hooks useu ny pupils, while this cltv does, and tho dlfferenco In cost Is nbout all accounted for. AUDITORIUM FUND GROWING Over Tun TIioiiniiiiiI Dnlliirs Added In Small SuhicrliitloiiH During tin Inst Seven Ilnyn, Sinnll suscrlptlons for tho stock of tho Auditorium company continue to come lu dnlly and now and then tho fund Is glvon a good lift by a big contribution. The weok Just ended hns added moro than $2,- 000 to tho fund, as follows: Previously reported $110,237.0: Dr. Hobert GIlmoTe EO.oo Cnrrlo Kalrchlld 2.00 Anna Goldstein 2.00 Cnrrlo M. Kumpf 2.00 Minnie Dnvls 2.00 I.ucy W. F.vnns 2.00 Minnie It. Wilson 5.00 Jeanotto McDonald 2.M Kllzn. C. Westcott ' 1.00 lleno K, II. Cuso 10.00 Lucretla H. Urodley 1.00 Martha W. Chrlstlnncy 5.00 Lillian A. I.lntellcld 5.00 Alice M. Craig 2.00 Clara M. Kpetmonn 2.00 Susan l;. Kveleth 0.00 Alice L. I lamer 2.00 Carrio Hontellc 1.00 Laura V. Hrunner l.Oo Caroline Scherer 0.00 Neva. W. Turner 2.00 i:nith partridge 2.09 Carrie Nash 0.W) Anna M. Mllroy s.oa Dora Harney 3 00 Salllo Oroh o.oo nrnlco Smith i 0.00 Mnrgaret Sweetmnn 0.00 Amanda I.undbcrg 40 Reginald J. dinner 4.00 ICdwIn Meredith 7.00 John Kdwnrds 5. Oil Mlscollnncnus 5.00 L. 1;. Cunningham :i.oi) w. n. istchiFon 3.00 Henry Dlvldgo 11. 00 II. A. licit 0.00 K. J. Carvlll lo.oo Uans 1. Hansen 10.00 8. O. Stovenson 10.W II. II. Ilurgess 2.00 Chnrlcs Kverts 100.00 John Rowe im.oo Itutherford & Jensen oo.oo 13. A. Dayton Co W.00 John T. Yntes 50.00 J. C. Hoot 200.00 A. 1 Hubermnu 25.00 Frank Colby moo Drown & Horshe m 25 00 II. Hnrdy loo.oo O. M. Hnrt 25.00 Hex Stock Kood company joo.oo W. A. Corson 60.00 T. V. lialfe 50.01 Miscellaneous I, Clnrlhel Drake 0.00 J. M. Olllan 10.00 Omaha Haekmen's union 25.00 Champion Iron nnd Wlro works.... 50.00 T. J. O'Hrlen 100.00 Total $118,577.02 PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. A. T. Andrews of Crete Is nt tho Murray. W. M. Herdmnn of Lincoln Is nt tho Mil lard. Mrs. V. H. ICeeshcn has left for Denver, to he gono two weeaB, Mrs. John Weber of Sioux City Is tho gtlesi or ;urs. v . inson. T. J. Mnjors of Peru, James D. dago of Mllford, J, 11. Itoyco of Randolph nnd C. D. Ruther of Stanton aro state guests at the ller uninu. Mrs, Hogan will entertain for the Woman's auxl'lnry nf St. Martin's church nt her home, woriningion nneo. weunes day ovenlng, February 6, at S o'clock. Nebruskans at tho Merchants; 7, D Teator and John Coomev of I.von. Mr. mill Mrs. F. R Wllllson of Columhun, John Curran of Canton. Nels HJelom of Han- croft and w, ii. ttavvu oi i rcuiont. IN MEMORY OF MARSHALL Local Ear Association Will Great Jurist. Honor tho CEREMONY AT CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH llnr .iclntlnu lliiniiucl l'nlloi the Clinrch Scrlcc Ciiiiiini liKiriitlnv Amilt ersiir)' nf .VtnrsliiillS A'cciilon to the llciicli. Tho Omnhn Ilur association will commem orate the memory of Chief Justlco John Marshall with special services, to bo held at the First Congregational church nt 7:30 to morrow evening. At 9 o'clock the nnnual banquet of tho association will bo held In one of tho leading hotels. Ono hundred years ago tomorrow John Mnrshall entered upon his duties as chief Justlco of the supremo court of the United States. For thirty-four years ho filled tho ofllec with so much wisdom and Judgment thnt ho was accorded llrst place among the Jurists of the new world, n position which seems more cccure as years pass by and glvo further opportunity for the study of hli decisions. Congress has honored soldiers nnd states men by designating certain days which aro to bo observed in commemorntlon ot their deeds. Marshall waa both a soldier and a statesman. IIo served with distinction In tho revolutionary war. IIo was nn Inllucntlul member of the Vir ginia legislature and distinguished himself ns cungr8Stnau from Virginia. Ho was ap pointed secretnry of war by President Ad- nms, but before he assumed his duties was placed at tho head of tho State department. It la as a Jurist, however, that ho will always bo remembered. John Marshall Is the ldenl of every young attorney and tho admiration of men who ,hnve grown old In the legal profession. Tho National Har as sociation Is socking to havo February 1 sot aside as John Mnrshall day. unic Itcwi-ed by Lawyer. Attorneys In all parts of tho United States will celebrate the centennial of Marshall's entrance upon his career as chief Justlco to- inoi row, nnd a movement will bo Inaugu rated which will no doubt result lu tho uni versal observanco of a day named after tho honored Virginian. February 4 has for yearn been tlio dato of tho Omaha liar associations annual banquet, but on account of tho especial significance of tho occasion this year un usually elaborato preparations have been made. Previous to the banquet services will be held in tho First Congrcgatlouul church that the public may Join with tho legal fraternity In honoring John Mar shall. Tho services will begin at 7:30 p. m. and will bp In charge of T. J. Mahonoy, presi dent ot the Omaha Har association. Hlshop Coadjutor Williams will pronounco the opening prayer and tho chief address of tho evening will bo by James M. Wool worth on "Tho Ufa nnd Works of John Marshall.'' Tho association's banquet will begin nt 9 o'clock. Invitations havo been extended to about 100 of tho prominent members of tho Nebraska Har association outside of Omnhn and at least 150 attorneys will be seated at tho banquet tables. F. A. Hrogan will be master of ceremonies. Four speakcrr, have been selected to an swer toasts and members of tho associa tion wilt bo called upon for Impromptu addresses. J. M. Drydon of Kearney will respond to "Tho Country Lawyer," W. it.. Dennett will discuss the legal profession from n business man's standpoint, Unv. 12. 1 Trefz will discuss lawyers from n min ister's standpoint nnd O. M. Hitchcock will tell what newspaper men think of lawyers. The war between Hngland and Its colo nics brought John Mnrshall Into promt nenco and secured for him the friendship of Cicnernl Washington nnd nthcr colonial leaders. Hu was 18 years old at tho tlmo tho trouble began between Kngland and America nnd until that tlmo had spent nn uneventful life upon his father's estnto at Ocrmantown, Va. In 1773 ho was ap pointed lieutenant In a company of mlnuto men. He was afterwards promoted to a captaincy. Marshall took part lu the fnmous engage mcnts nt Hrandywlno, Oermantown and Monmouth and was ono of tho heroic band of patriots which spent tho memorable whiter nt Valley Forge. Whllo In tho servlco ho frequently nctcd ns Judge ndvocnte, and while performing tho dutlc3 of this ofTlco he attracted the attention of Generals Washington nnd Hamilton, with whom ho was afterwards on very friendly terras. At tho closo of tho war ho resumed his studies nnd took a courso In William and Mnry collego. In 17S0 ho received a llccnso to practice law. Two years later ho was elected to tho Virginia legislature and honored with u plnco on the stnto executlvo council. For years ho stood with Madison In tho Virginia legislature as an advocato of tho union of all the colonics under a federal government and he was a member of tho Virginia convention which assembled In 178S to ratify the federal constitution. Whllo In Philadelphia arguing a case be foro tho supremo court In 1790, Mnrshall widened his ncqualntanco among northern statesmen and was offored tho attorney generalship by President Washington, hut refused it. He ulso declined an appoint ment ns minister to Franco, stntlug that ho preferred to devote his entlro tlmo to law. At tho suggestion of Oeneral Washington ho became n cnndldato for congrebs lu 1799 and was elected after a spirited contest. In tho momorablo session of 17D9-1S00 he distinguished himself by his masterly do batcs. President Adams nnmed Marshall secretary of stato in 1S00 and a year later ho resigned this ofllco to accept tho chief Justiceship left vacant by the resignation of Chief Justlco Kllswortb. Marshall re mained on the supreme bench until his death in 1S35. AMUSEMENTS. j Field's MliiMtreln Al O. Field was tho attraction at Hoyd's theotor Saturday afternoon and evening. it was the occasion of tho celebrated min strel's annual visit to Omaha and ho came accompanied by a company of capablo ar tists, nut it was ror Al himself that tho warm applnuso of tho two largo audiences was reserved and he mado himself ns en tcrtnlulng as ono could wish of a favored guest. Mr. Field's performance differs not a great deal from tho ordinary minstrel entertainment. His singers havo now songs and his comedians new Jokes, but tho show Is much like every minstrel performance and that means that for a largo clientele It fills a niche lu their estimation which nothing else can fit. A decidedly Interest ing nnd novel flnalo Is Introduced by tho nppcaranco of a tribe of Moorish Mamo lukcs In sports, pastimes und games pe culiar to tho Orient. Their performance Is marvelous, tao agility and acrobatic skill of tho soveral participants being ex traordlnary. Himv ti Cure the lirlp, Remain quietly n,t homo anJ tnko Cham berlain's Cough Remedy as directed and a quick recovery Is sure to follow. That remedy counteracts any tendency of the grip to result In pneumonia, which Is really the only serious danger. Among the tens of thousands who have used It for tho grip k 9 not ono case has ever been reported tha' did ijot recover, For sale by all druggists. 1 I Do Not Treat All Diseases, but Cure Ail B Treat, I mnde up my mind soon after graduat ing from college that tin one man was great enough to master the entire lle!d of mcdlclnu nnd stirgury. Many physicians havo tried to no this, but they have met with results usually disappointing to them selves nnd often disastrous to their patients For this reason I determined early In my profeslonal career to routine my practice strictly to a single line of ills ease und to originating and perfecting c.tres for them I therefore treat onlv what 1 am absolutely certain that I can positively cure to stay cured-VA RICOI'IU.K, STI!U' Tl Hi:, L'ONTAUIOI H Kl.OUD POISON. NF.HVO-SKXfAD DKHI1.IT Y, and all re Ilex complications and assoclnte llscis-s und weaknesses of men To these mui.i dlea nlono many of the best ve.irs of my life have been enrnestly levelled ni'l en them nil my faculties nre concentrated. Our consultation and operating room nro thoroughly equipped with every sclentl lo nppnratus, Instrument and dewco es.'ntln to the mot modern method of practice, nnd our references, both professional nnd financial nre nmons the best citizens of this vicinity who have been cured bv us and made happy. I want evfty .ittllrtjd man to freely und fully Investigate our treatment. Kach ense is treated separtt'.y, scientifically, closely matching It and .Mre fully following Its symptoms with remedies varied through every singe. Tho diseases thnt constitute my specialty nro more fully commented upon lielow and nre well worth the careful perusal of ull men In need of medical attention. Varicocele Whatever may be iho cause of Varico cele, Its injurious effect is well known It depresses the mind, weakens the body, rucks the nervous ssti'm and ultimately leads to n complete loss of sexual power. If you nre a victim of this dire dlscuso conio to our olllce nnd lei me explain to you my process of treating It. You will then not wonder why I have positively cured hundreds of eases of varicocele dur ing the past nvcle months. Under my treatment the patient Improves from tho very beginning All pain Instantly ceases Soreness and swelling quickly mibsldo. The pools of stagnant blood ure forced from tho ciliated veins, which rapidly assume their normnl size, strength and soundness. All Indications of disease nnd weakness vanish completely nnd In their stead come tho pride, tho power nnd the pleasuro of perfect health and restortd manhood. REFERENCES Best Banks and Leading Business Men In This City. CONSULTATION FREE AND CONFIDENTIAL OFFICE HOURS-From 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sundays, IO a. m. to I p. m. tate OMAHA SUBURBS. Florence. Miss Mattlo Tucker visited friends In Omaha Saturday and Sunday. J. W. Tuttlo went to Herman, Neb., Wednesday and returned home Thursday. Walter, tho llttlo son of Georgo Soronscn, hns been very sick for the last few days. Lon Guy of Bes Moines, la., attended tho f unci ul of his sister-in-law, Mru. Kltuer Guy. Several young people wero entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Hardy at their homo Wednesday night. Miss Mabel Tucker taught school tho last week In tho country, her sister, the regular teacher, being sick. Miss Josephlno Kellethcr, ono ot the tenchcrs In the public school here, passed Saturday und Sunday In Omaha ultb rela tives. Thomas Hoach, au old soldlor, died Sat urday. Tho funeral was Monday In tho Presbyterian church. In charge of the Grand Army of tho ltepubllc. Hurlal was In Forcst l.awn cemetery. Mrs. Franklin Guy, wlfo ot Klmcr Guy, died Thursday morning of heart trouble. Sho was III only a short time. Sho leaves a husband and son. Services wero In the Presbyterian church nnd Imrial in Forest Lawn cemetery. Tho two ice companies resumed ice-cutting Thursday morning. Tho Hescrvolr Ico company finished cutting tho reservoirs. Tho Klerlo Ico compauy filled one houso for Nicholson & narrett from tho river nnd is uow at work filling Its own house along tho railway track. Mrs. Maggie Tuttle, wlfo of J. W. Tuttlo, dted Sunday evening, having beon sick a couplo of weeks, aged 2S years. Sho leaves a husband and ono sou, aged 18 months. Services wero conducted in tho Christian church, of which she was a member. Hurlal was In Forest Lawn cemetery. llCIINOII. Mrs. J. Ncvlns was ill with grip tho last week. services will be held today nt the Metho dist church at 11 a. in. and 8 p. m. rtnilev has returned from Kim- ball, Neb., where ho visited relatives. a .lniinhtnr was horn to Mr. and Mrs. James A. Howard on Sunday, January 27. i.-vnminntinns ucro In session In all tho rooms ot tho public school during the week. M,d I A Mnrklev llllod tho pulpit ot tho Methodist church Sunday morning on nccount ot tho Illness of tho pastor. 1l,n wnmen nf the Method St IvDlSCOPM church gavo a sock social in tho towu hall T.viiinv evenlnu and realized $25 toward tho church dobtE. Tlicro wero selections by tho Frlya quintet of Omaha, a solo, "Tho Owl,' by Mrs. J. A. Morgan; a duet, cornet nnd organ, by M. Stnerch and Mrsi McCoy; a recitation by Harma Markley, a selection by tho Honson Hoys- quartet, u soio, -mo llravo Sentinel." by Mr. Totmen; a recita tion by Mrs. Mnrkley and a solectlon by a double quartet. Dundee', Frod Schearcr has recovered from his Illness. On Saturday Miss Louise VanOleson en tertained a number of Hrownell Hall girls at luncheon. The water company Is placing a numbei ot hydrants, which will afford better pro- tectlou aualnst nre. Monday evening tho Dundee Improvement club met at the school houso to provide ways and menus for procuring land for t vlllago paik. Tho Harmonic club met at tho homo of Mrs. H. C. VanOleson on Friday evening. Fifty persons wero present. Violin, piano nnd vocal solos tilled tho program. Tho Hound Dozen club, which Is doing much to promote ncqualntanco and socia bility among the women of Dundee, met at tho home of Mrs D. L. Johnston on Wed nesday. School Tcnelier' Iliitertaliuiii-iit. Tho fourth number of tho Omaha public schoul teachers' entertainment course was given nt tlio First Congregational church lust evening. Miss Ida Hcnfoy, nn elocu tionist of exceptional ability, rendered- sov eral selections, chief nmong them being Victor JlJgo's famous story, "Les Mlscr ubles," A pleasing c hararterlstie of this re. cltal was tho vividness with which tho story win tc Id. Miss llenfcy also guvo threo humoro is recitations, Including a selection from George miot'a "The Mill on the Floss.'- DR. TOLSON, Spcciulist in Dlscrsws of .MI'N, niul Consulting Physician of the State Klcotro. Medical Institute, HWS Fai niini St., Oiiiahn, Neb. Stricture It matters not hove' long you have suf fered from stricture, nor how many differ ent doctors have disappointed you. Our treatment will euro you Just ns certainly i as you come to our olllce for treatment I . will not do It by diluting or cutting My treatment Is new, entlrel original with inn I nnd perfcrt y puinlrss. it completely dts- 1 solves the stricture nnd perin.inently re moves every ousiruciion irom tne utinnry passage. It stopi every unnatural dis charge, olluys ull Inlluminntlmi, reduces the piosl'ite gland when cnlamed, cleanses nnd iiealu the bladder and kidneys when Irri tated nnd congested, Invlguruteo the sexual organs and restores health und soundness to every purt of tho body affected by tho disease. Nervo-Sexnal Debility Men. tunny of yoj nro now reaping tho result of your former folly. Your manhood Is railing nnn win soon tie :ost unies you do something for yourseir There In 1 no time to lose liupotency, like all sexual diseases. Is mver on tho standstill. With1 It you can tnske no compromise Klther , you must master it or It will muster you, , 1 und 1111 your whole future with misery nnd ' Electro - Medical Institute Premanently Located 1308 Farnam Street. Omaha, RIPPE? TRY (MARIAN! WINE) WORLD FAMOUS TONIC. Marinnl Wlno is n tonlo prepared upon truly Edentlflc principles. It Is safo and beneficial, as well as agreeable. Marinnl Wlno has more than 8,000 writ ten Indorsements from leading physicians In ull parts of the world. II. Llbcrmunn, M. I)., Surgdon-General of tho French Army, in nn nrtlclo on "La Grlppo" (Influenza,) recommends tho fol lowing hot grog: "One-third goblet of Vln Mnriaul, with two-thirds boiling wnter, cloves nnd cinnamon, and with or without sugar. It Is best taken nt bed time. In tho grip epidemics In Frnnce It was tho toulc absolutely relied upon, nnd has received frequent deserved mention in tho Medical Tress." Marlanl Wlno Is specially Indicated for General Debility, Overwork, Weakness from whatever causes, Profound Deprcsslon.nnd Exhaustion, Throat and Lung Dlsirascs, Consumption and Malaria. It Is a dltfuslblo tonic for the entire system. Dr. Cyrus Kelson of tho New York Health Department has mado a careful study of the subject In his book on "La Grippe," pub lished by Applcton & Co. On pngo 39 ho writes of Vln Marlanl nnd calls special at- tcnllon to it in tne form or a hot grog, in speaking of tho complcto prostration ac companied bv tho depression caused by this disease, and also during entire convalos conce, his preference for a tonic stlmulnnt Is n hoi grog of Vln Mnriaul. Ho says It Is oxcellent for tho purpose Intended, nnd recommends Its uso freely. Tho remedy Is simple and within easy reach of all who suffer from this dreaded dlaeaso. To thoso who will kindly write to Marl anl & Co., 52 West 15th Street, Now York City, will bo sent, postpaid, book containing portraits with Indorsements of Kmporors, Kmprcss, Princes, Cardinals, Archbishops and other Interesting matter. Meutlon this paper. For sale by all druggists. Avoid Substl tutes. When Prof. Munyon says what his Cold Cure will do he only says what all the world knows. Nearly evory body seems to bo tnklng this remedy whenever a cbld ap pears. It relieves the head, nose, throat and lungs so quickly that a cold need no longer be a forerunner of grippe, diph theria or pneumonia. Kvery ono of his remedies Is ns sure. All druggists, mostly 25o vial. Oulde to Health free. Write to Broadway and 28th fit., New York, for medical advlco free. Mm. tViimlntv'n Mmtmiic hyi-iip. Has been used for over FIFTY YICAHS by MILLIONS of MOTHIJItS for their C1IIL UltlSN WHlLU TUUTHINO, with PKIt FISUT BUCCEKS. IT SOOTIIU.S the CHILD, fiOFTKNS tile- OL'.MS, M.LAYS nil PAIN, CL'HKS WIN'I' COLIC, and Is he best rem edy for DIAltltllOKA. Hold by Ortigglats In every nurt ot tho world He sure and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow h Soothing Hyrup," and tnko no otner kind. Twonty-tlvo cents a bottle. CUiU TUdKSELF I I'io HI J for uuuatural illiehalg(.,lutUliiiiillooi, Irritations or ulrrrMlotia of luuumm riif mbraiiej. l'klnlris. ii ml not mtrln. IthiEva..sChiuicuC3, " t P"1"0" I Hold ny iiruceUU, or mit tn i-Uln wrrrr. or L-inrcNH. rronaol. tat l ID T 3 I tlir, 2 7 vhculur nut eu r'jueit. MUNYCN'S GOLD CURE ! Mntr ciiii"i ia I iniiod.M. a Wttrnti Ou(aln. Indescribable woe. 1 have treated so many cases of this kind that I nm ns familiar with them ns you nre with tho very day light. Oncu cured by us you will never again bo bothered with emissions, drains, premut.irencss. smnll or weak organs, ner vousnets, fnlllng memory, loss of ambition or other symptoms which rob you of your manhood and absolutely unfit you for stud, business, pleas re or niarrlnge. Our treatment fr wrnk tnn will correct nil these evils und restore you to what nature Intended-a hale, hearty, happy man, with phslcal, mental nnd sexunl powers com plote. Contagious Blood Poison On account of Its frightful hldeousnrss contuglous b'ood poison is commonly called tho king of venereal discuses. It may bo cither hereditary or contracted. Onco tho system Is minted with It, tho dlseasa may manifest Itself In the form of scrofula, ecyemu, rheumatic pains, stiff or swollen joints, eruption or copper-coioreu spots on face or body, llttlo ulcers In tho mouth or on tho tongue, soro throat, swollen tonsils, falling out of the hair or eyebrows nnd i finally a. lenrous-llke decay of the flesh and bone. If you have any of these or 1 A New BONOS TO RUN FOR TWENTY YEARS. 5 Per Cent Debenture Bonds Payable in Gold at Maturity. Interest Semi-Aiinually in Gold, PAYABLE JANUARY I, AND JULY I. SOLD IN LOTS OF FROM SI, OOO TO $200,000. Issued, Guaranteed and Insured by the Equitable Society OF NEW TII1J SAFEST AND SPECIAL FEATURES. These Bonds nro preferable to Oovornmont Securities. They aro practically as safo because thoy nro Issued by the strongest financial In stitution of Its kind, whoso Surplus (103,000,000) Is larger than that ot nny other company In tho world. They aro superior to Government bonds, because 1. Tho interest rate is higher (5 per cent.) 2. Tho cost Is less. 3. Thoy may bo paid for in Instalments, Government bonds, railroad securities, and other, similar Investments , 1 . - H ..II n .1,. Ill, ...... ' IUU51 uu Ji.llil IUI 111 lull Ull UUItlCI, 4. rney nro lnsureu. TERMS. Tho purchaser may pay for thoso IJonds In twenty equal annual In stalments If preferred. Tho prlco of tho Uonds, In conscqucnco of tho lnsuranco feature, varies according to the ngo of tho purchnser. GUARANTEED SURRENDER VALUE. If tho purchaser of these Donds desires to ivlthdrnw. tho transaction can bo terminated and a surrender value obtained from the Society nt nuy time nftor three Instalments havo been paid, This value may bo drawn In cash, but there are other methods of ad Justing tho transaction. GUARANTEED MARKET VALUE. If tho purchaser, upon the receipt of these Donds, wishes to convert them Into cash, tho Kqultablo Society guarantees that their market valuo shall not bo less thnn 130 at tholr date of Issue or at any tlmo thorenfter beforo tho llrst Interest payment foils due. Thnt is to say, tho bonds can be sold nt a premium of 30 per cent ThUB - A singlo Ilond whoso par wilun Is $1,000 will bring $1,300 cash. A block of Donds whoso pnr vnluo Is $100,000 will bring $130,000 cash. For price list, samplo bonds, nnd all other particulars, apply in per son or by letter to H. D. NEELY, gr'SASSL 206-208 Bee Bulldfiijr, Omaha, Neb V Many Special Rates New Orleans and Return $20.25 Mobile and Return $31.25. ox sai.i: Fllll. Ilth to 17th, IXCLI sivi:. Tourist rates now on sale to Arkansas, Florida, Cuba and all the winter resorts of tho south. HomesoekcrB' excursions, ono faro plus $2 00 for the round trip, on salo first and third Tuesday each month to many points south. All Information at City Ticket Olllce, HIS Farnnra St, (Pnxton Hotel Ulock), or wrlto Harry E. Moores, C V, & T. A., Omaha, Neb, Treat EVIen Only, and Cure them to Stay Cured. similar symptoms you nrs cordially Invited to consult us Immediately If I nnd your fenrs aro unfounded 1 will quickly unbur don your mind. Hut If yojr constitution I Infected with syphilitic virus I will tell you so frankly nnd show you how to go rd of It. Our special treatment for conta gious blood poison Is practically the result of our Hfo work and Is endorsed by the best phvslclnns of America nnd lJuropt It contains no injurious drugs or dangerous medtclnei of any kind It goes to tin very bottom of tho disease nnd forces out every pnrtlcln of Impurity Soon every sign nnd symptom of blood poison disappear com pletely and forever The blood, the tlssuo, tho flush, the bones, and the whole syMcm are cleansed, purified nnd restored to per fect health and the patient prepared for tho dJtles and pteasures of life. Associate Diseases In curing an ailment of nny kind wo never fnll to remove nil reflex complica tions or ussoelato diseases. If tho case Is Vnrlcocole. the weakness caused by It disappears It Is I stricture und hns ds veloped Into Prostatic. HUdder or Kldnoy aflVetlons. the Injured orgnns nre all re stored to n perfectly heulthy condition. If It Is Contagious IKood Poison, tiny and all Hkln, Hlood and Hone Dlsenses arlslnr from the taint are entirely nnd permmi'nt ly eliminated from the system. If It Is lm potency the many distressing symptoms fol lowing In Its train and Indlcntlng n pre mature decline of physical, meimil nnd sex ual power lire totally removed nnd rapidly replaced by the yci.ithful energy of robust manhood Ilruce ull the resulting Ills und reflex comp'lcutlons, which may hit prop erly termed associate diseases, nnd which, In fs.'t, nre often more serious than tho original ailment that gives rise to them nil, we sny. dlsnppear completely and for ever with tho cure of tho main malady Correspondence Most cases can bo trentcd successfully at home. One personal visit Is proferrod, hut If It Is Impossible or Inconvenient for you to call ut our" olllce. write Us a full und unreserved history of your case, plain ly stating your symptoms. Physicians hay ing fitnbburn casts to treat are cordially Invited to consult us. We mako no chnrg for nrtvuto counsel, and kIvo to each pa tient a legal contract to hold for our prom ises. Nebraska. Issue of EITHER COUPON OR YORK. BEST OF SECURITIES. CHNYROVAL PILLS -Q-iX . ..r,ln Onlr Utniiln. .nAPK. f r.tlil.l. l.oillf-. nt Umtilil m m 'iii( iii;srr.ith i;N;i,i.mi In Itr.l) in4 ll.ilil utlilllt bum ilu lib bin. rltitwn Takuna other. Htf. IIo urrnu. r,u! and Imlta. Il',nt. Mu7 r jour ()rull nr.t.14. la :l'J",,;,',', 'ir".",!fr Tutlmanlala 01 "ltrll.rr.rl.aiMt., "In r- Ucttl.otbl, ,,, Mailliaa likiiarr. IMIU.A., I'a! . fflSttet. Relieve Klancy i & Biatiuors tioublM at (in.c Curco in 48 Hours n, URINARY DISCHARGES r.neli Can. uie trr i'ie (Mimic nairir tW Itrwarr r f rlr rrmntermi. Cook'slJiicbpaaTftt,irtsrruccMsfullr IM uiied nicntiil)' by over lu.OWJadles, Price, 113 . Ilv mini. SLOT, beud 4 ce nts for 1 sainiiln and psnleulnis. Tbn (Violc Co., UM W'-nJwHKt , Detroit. Al It'll, Bold In Omaha tr. Kutn C'ei,, ts Uouflta, 1 v