TJIE OMAHA DAILY JiEK: SIiNDAV, FTC.lT?IATl V 15, 1001. 1 OMIIA GIRLS ARE WINNERS IfefMt Lincoln High School at Buket Ball Beronteen to Sixteen. SUPERIOR TEAM WORK; SKILL AT GUARD In Sjilln of Terrinc nnil Telling Spurt t( Tlielr Opponent The)' lluvo (1m AiIvhiiIoki- Throughout tue Lively (.nine. MNCOI.N, Fob. 2. (Special Tologram.) lloforo 2,000 porsonn In tho Auditorium to night tho Lincoln High schools girls' basket hull team went down beforo a team of inus culur and skillful co-eds from the Omaha Hlgh HChool, tho Bcoro being 17 to 1G. Superior team v,ork and excellence In guarding gavo thn visitors an ndvantngh throughout, but tho terrific nnd tolling spurts of tho local left the result In doubt until tlmo was called at the end of tho came. Tho attondnnco far excelled expectations. In tho uudlcuco wcro many members of thn faoully of tho two schools and of tho unl veralty. A featuro was tho spoctncular playing ot Mllllcent Htobblns, tho plucky Omaha for. ward, who retired with a sprained knot. durluR tho latter part of the Kami1. Sho wan succeeded by Lorraine Comstock. Flftecn-mlnuto halves were played, tho ncorn being 8 to fi In favor of Lincoln at tho end of tho Iltst half. Tho second half wu roplitn with brilliant plays, Omaha ma); lug tho Html and winning goal less than onn mltiuiH beforo time was called. As a preliminary tho faculty teams of the two schools were pitted ngnlnst onrh other, Lincoln winning. 7 to C. Lineup OMAHA. MNVor.N'. i. .. ""'"o Center Inez ftvemtt xtm! .'.'"'i1.'0;', r"'urds Uthel Alnc Mllllient Stebblim Pearl Archil. iltl Joy Keck .. .... cluurds. IMith IJurilnR.nmi Substitutes: Lucia Wolworth nnd Lor ralno Cotnutoek. CLOSE GAME OF BOWLING Mnl eli Context llctueen Tln South Omiiliu Ten in n Item Its In Tie Sonre. Tho tennis of tho Union Stork Ynrds National bank mid tho South OiiiiiIiii Nn. tlonul bank met In n matrh Knme of bowl Iiik ut Clark's ulleys yesterday. The scoro madti was: UNION STOCK VAims NATIONAL. I till III KM. .. i. 2. a. '' V ? r, tis V," Vi 1 - i- JiSSP c s l V, "V.'V. I 3 2 !l """ u 3 311 Total j auUTH OMAHA NATIONAL. innings. Miller Itrown i. i'. ;i. fi 2 R 1.1 -'- V") 2 4 n u Owen I 0 alii Total 2 In playing off the tie tho Soutli Omaha Nationals won by making four points to tliret) for their opponents. Ilerenletl the WeMlerun. Tho I'axton & Gallagher bowling team defeated the Westerns Friday evening at ( larks alleys by 210 pins. Following was tho scoro: WKSTKUN8. (Inusson 114 m 140 3H ,Moek 119 170 130 4.V, KXj 1SG 107 3.17 Sollock ifti) i;ji n,i lloynolds u) 143 I3S 4C2 Totuls G73 721 m siois l'AXTON-O A LLAO M 13 1 18. rickard v DM 128 132 3r, Staiienborst ..' lw llii ll 4S7 (SelhlN m 144 150 432 Nowcomb lis jyj is.S f,;u Inches H7 H7 j; iiH Totals 741 7&7 7GU 304 CANNOT BE FOUGHT IN OHIO lifivrriinr NiihIi Siijn l'l nutty Thnt I!,? Will ot l'ermlt .lellrlen-ltulillii Mnteh. COLUMUUS, O., Kob. 2.-Oovernor Nash bus tuleKraphed to the directors of the HuciiKertvRt Athletic association ut Cincin nati that the Huhlln-Juffrles light cannot bu held In Ohio. CINCINNATI. Feb. 2.-AlthoiiKll tho mayor of Cincinnati has Issued u permit for a ten-round bout between Chllds nnd Mar tin ami a twenty-round bout between Jef fries and Hulilln in this city on February 15 It Is evident now that tho events eannot bo pulled off without coming In contllct with the wholo power of tho state, as well ns with tho opposing elements In this city. Mayor Flolscbmnn has persistently refused permits for local tights or boxing contests of nny kind, but In sympathy with tho old Haengerfest association he promised u per mit for Its bonetlt on February 15 and kept bis word, notwithstanding tho strong local opposition. It Is not believed that Mayor Flelschmun will go any further than ho has gone In issuing tho permit. Ho will not use A CAUSK OF HliADACIIL. Olio Very Common Cntiae, O en era II)' 0 erloolieil. Ilcadacho 1b a symptom, an Indication of dorangomout or dlseauo In some organ, and tho cauBo of tho hcadacho Is difficult to lo cate becauso bo uianr diseases have head ache as a prominent symptom; derange nieut of tho stomach and liver, heart trouble, kldnoy disease, lunt; trouble, eyo strain or 111 fitting glasses all produce headaches and It wo could always locato tho organ which Is at fault tho euro of abstluatu headaches would be a much simpler matter. However, for that form of headache called frontal headache, palu back of tho eyes and In forehead, tho causa Is now known to be catarrh of tho head and throat; wlum tho hoadacho Is located In back ot head and neck It Is often caused from catarrh ot tho Btomach or liver. At any rate catarrh Is tho most common causo o' such headaches and tho euro ot tho catarrh causes a prompt disappearance of tho headaches. Thero Is at present no treatment for catarrh so convenient and effective as Stuart's Catarrh Tablets, a new internal remedy In tablet form, composed of nntl- soptlcs like Eucalyptol, Oualacol and Ulood Hoot which act upon tho blood nnd causo tho elimination of tho catarrhal poison from tho system through tho natural chan nels. Miss Cora Alnsloy, a prominent school toucher In ono of our normal schools, speaks of her experience with catarrhal headaches nnd eulogliea Stuart's Catarrh Tablets as a euro for them. Sho says; "I suffered dally fiom severe frontal headache ami palu In and buck of the eyes, at times so Intensely ns to Incapacltuto me In my dally duties, I had suffered from catarrh, moro or less for years, but never thought It was tho ca'uso ot my headaches, but Ilnally be camo convinced that such was tho case because tho headaches were always worse whenever I had u cold or fresh attack of cntarrh. "Stuart'B Catarrh Tablets were highly recommended to mo us a safo and pleasant catarrh cure and after using it few fifty cent boxes which I procured from my drug gists 1 wu surprised and delighted to find that both tho catarrh and headaches had gone for good," Stuart's Catarrh Tablets ore sold by drug gists at fifty ceuts per package, under the guarantee of the proprietors that they con tain absolutely no cocaine (found In so many catarrh cures) no opium, (so common lu cheap cough cures) nor any harmful drug They contain simply the wholesome anti septics nessary .o destroy and drlvo from the police of the city to protect the contest In the event of tho promoter trying to pull It off. MEET IN SECRET SESSION Unit I'lnjem Isntie n Mnnlfento Olr Inu I'crinliidiiii In Ainerlenn LeiiKUc .Men to Miiii, CLEVELAND. Feb 2.-For five or six hours today tho delegates to the Players' Protective usKoclntlon were In secret ses sion nt the Hollemlfti hotel In this city. The meeting was called to learn the views of tho delegates In regard to the demands whlrh tho bapo bnll players proposed to make upon tho Notional league mngnntes for tho coming season. The players have several points on which they wish a confer ence with tho Nntlonnl league people and they hope to obtain ti conference nt the coming annual meeting In New York, prob ably next month. Tho formal declaration of tho players Is made In the following statement: First Tho cases of nil tho members re ported to havo violated nny of tho rules of tho association have been referred to the grievance committee to be acted on by said committee after an Investigation. Second The association has at present no knowledge us to any Improper conduct on the part of any olllcers of the associa tion. Third Tho association la In excellent con dition financially nnd In other respects. Fourth -Members who last year played In tho American league nro uuthorlzed to sign for the coming season In that league only the new contract agreed upon between said leuKtio and our ussoclatloti. However, nil such members iiru advised to send their contractu to tho association at once for inspection before signing. Fifth No member shall sign n eontrnet to play In the Nntlonnl, the Knstern league or the Amerlcuu association until further Instructions. Sixth No member who Inst season did not llnlsh with an American league club shall sign for tho coming season In tho American tongue until further Instructed. C L. KI.MMI2U, President. C. C. OUIFFITII. Vice President. WILLIAM J. CLAllKi:. Treasurer. HtrUil JIINNINOS. Secretary. Tho fact that tho American league has grunted practically nil the demands of the players gives them much encouragement and a hope that they will receive similar treatment from the National league, the nlavers elaliiilm: that their demands nro very renHonnbV and Just, among them being tatier treatment in the matter or irnnsiers of players from tho ono club to another without the consent of tho player. The meeting wus over about 7 o'clock this evenlnir and tho dclcimtcs to the conference anil visiting players are going to their Homes tnnigllt. Tho opinion prevails tonight that n boy cott ngiilnst tho Nntlonnl league Is the ru- unit ..r Ihn Tirntrtnl le. l'lnvrtm' nHnnelfi I Ion meeting held today nnd the terms of the tioycott are stated in mngunge umi is noi likely to be misunderstood. Tho Amerlenn lengue wns not represented nt the meeting, but from the resolJtlon adopted It Is evl ilent that n distinct understanding between the players' association and that lenguo ests and that the National league will either have to recognize the pluyero' asso ciation or light to a tltilsu. 1'nttirlty for 1'iinls. TCKW YOItlf. Fell. 2. The Fnslg-Tlnton company today announced that the Charter oak rune uriving usMoeiniion ni uiiriioru, Conn., bus opened up a futurity for foals of 1901. The purso will be $11,U"0. Tho an mini riiHtom has been to i:lvo a SlO.OtH) nurse. but this yeur the nominator of tho winner will add J1.00D. The entries will o'.ose March 15 with M. Stulker, secretary of the Faslg-Tlplon company, New York. Tho nomination roe is ji DUKE EATS HIS HUMBLE PIE Orleans Is L'imIIHiik In He I'roren Out uT Sueh mi I nt i rt it n t (iiitherlnii of Iloiilt'. (Copyright, 1901, by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS. Feb 2. (Now York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) Unwilling to bo squeezed out of such an Important gathering of royalties, tho duko of Orleans went to Queen Victoria's funeral, Having llrnt eaten humble pie. On tho day following Victoria's death the countoss of Paris, tho duku'fl mother, wrote n beautiful letter of sympathy to King IMwnrd and Queen Alexandra, expressing the profound affection of nil her family for Victoria. Next day ono of the king's equerries called at tho W Ickenham nnd thnnked tho countess. Tho latter showed tho equerry a telegram JUBt received from her son, dated Italy. Iu It tho duko reiterated tho deep lovo ho ulways boro the queon, called her his "second mother" nnd snld his heart was grieved profoundly on account of tho estrangement between him nnd tho queen's family which prevented his coming to Knglaud to pay a last trlbuto of affection to a "peerless sovereign and glorious woman." "This," said the countess, "shows my son's devotion to her majesty, which has bceu unaltered nil his life, but which was crossly misrepresented by the newspapers ascribing to him praiso for tho villainous caricatures of tho queeu. Tell their royal highnesses and tho dukes that my son's sorrow la doubly keen because ho knows ho forfeited her majesty's lovo through tho Infamous nowspnper falsehoods, which he was too high-spirited to deny. Tho equerry carried tho message to Osborno house and tho countess of Paris was unremitting In hor efforts to havo the Drltlsh royal fumlly offer tho ollvo branch Through Queen Alexandra she Ilnally obtained consent for tho duko to attend tho funeral. Orleans mcanwhllo hurried to nrussels, whence ha communicated telegraphically with his mother. Ho also telegraphed to tho now king his heartfelt sympathy Finally, rocelvlng word that ho might at tend tho funeral, he hastened to London, Tho king being at Osborno bouse, tho duko hurried to Aldorshot, where Jio had an Interview with tho duko of Connaught. Tho latter received tho Frenchman coldly. Orleans stayed at the Wlckonhiun, run nlng up to liOtulon twlco In hopes of secur ing an Interview with tho sovereign. Tho king thrlco succeeded In evading tho duke. Ho only met him onco brlelly and coldly ex changed n hnnushnko. Ho cut Orleans short when tho latter tried to refer to tho caricatures of Victoria. This story Is related hero by n promlnont royalist leader, who entertains a great per sonal dlsllko of tho duke. He says none of Orleans' suite nccompanled him to Brussels or London, showing that tho duko wus uncertain as to his movements. Concerted More Auollixt liners. PRETORIA, Feb. 2. Oeueral Dowet and 3,000 In his command crossed tho Thnba N'Chu lino going southward. Tho Boers havo collected 111 forco in tho eastern Transvaal in order to facilitate their es- euro. Tho horso sickness now prcvnlls In sov- eral districts and Is making comiuunlca tlon moro difficult. Organized nttucks havo been mndo along tho eastern lino nnd n largo combined move tucut has been nrrnnged against thosa taking part In thorn, with tho Intention or clearing tho wholo region of the Uoers and ot supplies. Columns commanded by Smlth-Dorlen, from Wonderfonteln; Camp bell, from Mlddelburg; Alderson, from Kcratofnbrlen; Knox, from Koolfonteln; Al louby, from Kuurfoutoln, Dnrtnell, from Spring, nnd Colvllle. from Oreyllngstndt all In touch with each other, aro moving In an easterly direction. Holler for Nor" ckIiiii Storm Suirei erx CHRISTIANA, Norway. Feb. 2. Tho Pro mlor will nsk tho Storthing to vote 20.000 kron for tho storm-rulncd districts In Nor- way. Ilmllex Will He HroiiKlit Home, WASHINGTON. Feb. 2. It Is tho Int tlon of tho War department to hnvo tho corps of undertakers now in tho Phil I pines disinter and Bend to the Unit :ed Stntcs during tho present winter, if pra o- tlcable, tho bodies of nil officers and s sol dlers now burled In those Islands. I'orto It 1 fit it m Opiiuxe Tax Hill, SAN JUAN, Porto Ulco, Feb. 2. The Chamber of Commerce, tho banks and the leagues of proprietors aro opposed to tho tax bill. It Is considered by them as ruin oub to tho Island nnd formal protests may bo presented by tho president of tho board RESENT AMERICANS AGAIN Vpiirnrnnee lleftire Uureii I)ne Xot Untitle tti Court Privileges DurltiK I'd" aril'" IIcIkiii (Copyright, 1901, by Press Publishing Co ) LONDON. Feb. 2. (New ork worm Cablegram Speclaf Telegram.) All Ameri cans presented at court hero during Vic toria's reign must be presented ngalu to the king. If they desire, as the former presentation lapsed with tho death of tho sovereign. Ouecn Alexandra fnvored Issuing an order that all presentations to Victoria still held good, as sho dreads tho strain of a long terles of big drawing rooms, but the klug absolutely vetoed the suggestion. Already King Udward Is beset with dim- cultles in selecting his personal suite. In the ordinary course Sir Francis Kuollys, an Ideal royal prlvato secretary, would be come private secretary to tho king, whom he so Invaluably served as prince of Wales, Dut Sir Arthur lllgge. whose qualities aro equally high and whoso qualifications aro even higher becauso of his ttntquo experi ence with n monarch's stato business. gained under the queen, stands In tho way. It Is believed the king will solve the diffi culty by retaining both. Tho beautiful and tnlcnted young duchess of Sutherland, a halt-sister of the countesi of Warwick, will probably bo tho new mistress of robes Instead of tho duchess ot Iluccleuch. Tho king Is being subjected to strong prcssuro to provide places nt court for some of his boon cumpaulous of the Marl borough house set, but ho has (Irmly re fused, though ho will probably exorcise his prerogative of conferring orders and peer- nges on friends like Reuben Sassoon, Alfred Rothschild nnd Hon. Sidney Qrovlllc, who havo no political claims for Inclusion In the promler's Hat. Henry Labouchere entertains high hopes that tho new king will trend In the footsteps of his mother ns n constitutional rulor. Mr. Labouchere writes; 'I am not a courtier I somewhnt despise courtiers. I regard the entire human race ns little animals fussing about on tho rind of one of the millions on millions of globes that float In Infinite spare for a second or two of eternity and then dis appear. "Artificial distinctions between theso little animals havo no moro significance to mo than those between nnts In tho nest, which the foot of some passerby sweeps out of existence. Hut I Bay It In no spirit of llattcry that If I had a voto ns to who should be king of theso realms, ns I under stand such kingship, my vote would bo given to tho gentleman on whom It has devolved by thu chance of birth." Test Cases on I'i-iimIoiin, WASHINGTON, Fob. 2. Tho subcommit tee of tho houso committee on pensions to day favorably reported to tho full commit tee tho bill of tho secretary of tho Interior which provides that ttu enses covering points In controversy regarding rulings shall be carried to tho supremo court of thu United States, whoso decisions shall govern tho futuro rulings of tho depart ment. Tho full committee will act on tho bill next Monday. Action upon this bill wns taken nfter tho long fight over the Orand Army of tho Republic court of ap peals bill ended In Its defeat. More AsMlNtniit Army Siirueons. WASHINGTON. Feb. 2.-In pursuatico of a provision of tho nrmy reorganization law tho secretary of war this afternoon ordered medical examining boards to convene nt Wnshlngton. D. C, San Francisco nnd Ma- ntln, P. I., for tho examination of candidates for appointment as assistant surgeons In tho army. There aro nbout 130 of theso ap pointments, and It Is expected that tho ma- Jorlty of them will bo taken from the pres ent volunteer nrmy. Chamller'H lllotv nt Ciii'iMirntlonx. WASHINGTON. Feb. 2. Senator rhnmller todoy Introduced n bill to prohibit corpora tions chartered or controlled b- Ihn l'nltnd Stntes from making contributions for cam paign purposes. M(M)i:it OCIJAX COAL (IMTTtl.VS. HioiiKliI lo ii Point When; Stenmohln omiMinieM HfNIre a n. In tho Inst ten years tho race for tho transatlantic record has been far moro in teresting thn i nny other period, for It has been In this decado that the great coal uurners havo been built. It Is also the twln-scrow period" of ocenn navigation. nnd with tho twin screws hnvo como greater speed, moro and heavier engines and corro spondlng Increase of boiler power, writes tieorgo K. Wnlsh. The American liners Paris and Now York wcro tho first to cm- body tho new nnd radical departures from tho old methods of shipbuilding, and In many respects they marked an entirely new- era In shipbuilding. They wero from tho first brilliant successes In speed and sea worthiness, but they wcro nlso responsible for a new era ot coal consumption that has at last brought tho steamship companies to the point whoro they are nnxlously looking for somo lot-up. Tho Paris soon broke tho rocord from Now York to Queenstown, mak Ing tho trip In much less than six days nt nn nvorngo speed of twenty knots nn hour. Tho Teutonic and Majestic, which followed though larger In every way, wcro slower In epced nnd less expensive In operating. With only 18,000 Indicated horse power, against tho 20,000 of tho Paris, tho Teutonic con sumes only 300 tons of conl n day to de velop ttB nineteen and a half knots. Two mnngulllccnt steamers ot tho Cunard company tho Lucanla aud tho Campania which soon followed tho launching of the American liners, establishing new ocean rec ords nnd now coal-consuming figures. Tho Campania, with 19,000 tons displacement, hnd 30.000 horso oowor and developed speed of twenty-two knots, with a dally coal couBiimptlon of about 475 tons. Tho modern coal gluttons wero In full force by this time, nnd tho steamship companies had to confess that tho lowering of the record meant not only larger ships, but heavier coal est. Tho Knlsor Wllhclm der Crosse of tho North German Lloyd Steam Fhlp company was built on linos which fully recognized this fact. It Is twenty six feet longer than tho Campania, ono foot grentor In beam and has 1,000 tons moro displacement. Her fastest trip was mado nt an average speed of 22.79 knots, cover ing In ono period of twenty-four hours 680 knots. Nevertheless, Its horso power was Fllghtly less than that of the Campania, being 23,000, against tho latter' 30,000, and hor coal consumption a trifle more, amount Ing, nccordlng to tho owner's figures, to 500 tons a day. Tho Knlser Wllholm der Grnsso, tho Oce ante and the Deutscbland nro tho three modern steamers that offer tho best com parlsons and represent the highest effort of the best marlno architects of tho day. Differing somewhat in size, tdiapo and gen oral equipment, they nevertheless present features so much alike that valuable lessons enn bo drnwn from them. Tho Oceanic ex cecds either steamer In tho matter of length beam nnd displacement, nnd has tho sarao horse power as the Knlser Wllhelm dor Grcsse, but Is much slower than this former rocord holder. Tho Deutscbland develops 35,000 horse power, ngalnst tho 28.000 of tho other two, and to feed tho engines autll clently to maintain a twenty-threo-knot speed It requires tho greatest amount ot coal ever fed to an ocean steamer. (utile Iilnm to Ills Cluirneter. Some of Mr. Armour's characteristic say Ings- "I hnvc a little religion, but no politics. I am a plain business man," "No general can fight his battles alone, He must depend upon his lieutenants and his success depends upon his ability to select tho right man for the right place," "How much am I worth? Ask my wife." "Most men talk too much. Much of my success has been duo to keeping my mouth shut " "The young man who wants to marry happily should pick out a good mother nnd marry ono of her daughters any ono will do." "Oood men are not cheap." "There Is no such thing ns luck." "Capital can do nothing without brains to direct it." "This Is tho country of tho young." "An American boy counts ono long beforo his tlmo to vote." co-oi'intATivi: iio.mi: tit, CoiiiIiik Convention of l'nlteil States l.f nunc Mutter of Interest. The ninth annual meeting of tho United States League of Local Loan and Building associations will take place at New Orleans February 15 and 10. Heretofore tho league meetings wore held In July, but lu ordor to meet tho wishes of Louisiana associations tho dato for this year's meeting wns ad vanced to February. The tlmo chosen Is In tho height of the Mnrdl (Iras Benson and tho attractions of that famous festival, with tho nttenduut reduced rates of travel, are expected to bring the attendance ot dele gates up to tho average. The program for the meeting la notnblc far the number of papers scheduled nnd the diversity of topics chosen for discussion. The list comprises seventeen papers, be sides tho repoits of officers nnd tho custo- ( muiy uuiiieauH 01 welcome. Amuug ine speakers aro the governor of Louisiana, tho mayor of New Orlenns, tho Roman Catholic bishop of Indlnunpolli, department officials of California, New York and Michigan nnd ono woman, Mrs. H. S. Twltchell of Now Or leans. Tho annual meeting of the Massachusetts Stato league was held in Boston on the 25th ult. The chief featuro of tho proceedings of outside Interest Is the unanimous ap proval of an Invitation to tho United States lengue to meet In Boston In tho summer of 1902. Severnl futile attempts have been mndo In former yenrs to enrry tho conven tion to the Hub and It Is likely that thu will bo rewarded this time. J. Warren Bailey and 1). Kldrr lgo aro tho delegates to tho New Orleans convention. The Massa chusetts lengue has n membership of fifty four nssoilntlons or co-operative banks. Tho first of theso Institutions wcro started twenty-four yenrs iigo. Now they havo 72,- 000 meinberi and assets aggregating f 2S.O0O,- 000. Tho McCook (Neb.) co-oporntlvo asso ciation tecently observed tho fourteenth anniversary of Us organization by stnrtlng the twenty-seventh series. In thirteen yenrs thu association matured seven serlvs of sharea at nn average of 119 months each, a net profit of $S1 per share. .No lliixliie of Ills. Chicago Tribune: "I beg your pardon, air," said tho coachman, a sedate and re spectable person who had seen better days, "but horses ato a good deal llko human beings. They will do their work nil tho better If you don't swear at them." "If you don't llko tho wny I talk to my horses," wrathfully responded his employer, "you can take yourself uway from hero nnd hunt another situation!" Which shows tho absurdity, not to sny the downright foolhnrdlncss, of n man pre suming to have convictions that do not per tain strictly to his Job. AVhlle lien (iullty ot AnmiiiiII. MIT 13 CITY. Lu.. Feb. 2. -Two brutal nnd unprovoked nurdcrs wero perpetrated near areola nisi ntgni, ine victims uemg nn old negro named Arthur Nlckcrson and his 5-yenr-olu daughter. Tho iiernetnitors of the outrnge were white men. After kill ing tlio o'd mnn aim ins child they shot his grown (lnughter. who wns endeavoring to escape, but she was only slightly wo.imled. Alter this iney eaugni nnoiner gin. ngeu tUl'IV III I IIIIV, .III ll.J.(tlllv (11111 1111- snulted her. The authorities hnvo n clue that tnn lend to the arrest of the murder ers. All Our 1901 Samples ot Clevelands Nationals Racycles Mansons and Spaldings Come In nnd neo the lending high grado wheels for 1901 ninny new ami Interesting things to show you. A big lino of new wheels from tho Cleveland nnd National Cycle Cos. stocks, for $15 and $20. 2nd hand whcoU $5 up, Omaha Bicycle Co Corner 10th and Chlcaco StB. Our Bicycle Man- Is not nn artist ho Is ony ubIdb our Rold paint Just us you can If you want to hrlKhten up your frames, rndlators, registers, chairs and a hundred other arti cles thnt show tho finger marlts of rather Time. For silver effect uso Aluminum Unnmel. For Jet hlnck eenamel uso our "G" enamel theso goods aro not cheap looklnR, hut glvo a llnlsh equal to tho finest. Como In and lot us show you how nlco they work. Furnaco nnd otovo castings for nil btoves over mado aud men to do tho work. If you need gasullno stovo repairs or hot water attachments of any kind telcphono 9C0. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS Telephone 000. 1207 Douglas Hfc About Misses Shoes it may not 1m known to every one In Omulm that Drex I.. Shooiimn earrleH the lat'ceht lino of mioses' and clillclruu'H shoes In the west in faet, there are few stores In the larger eltles that liavo so complete n line so many mowing feet are niineil liy inlsllttinti-nll catieil by lack of sizes and widths our line niakorf It possible for us to make perfect llts we have a toe-out shoe that corrects the toe-in habit of so liuiny for ?1..10 we can give you a shoe that for Htjie and comfort anil wear can't bo beat from the bronil foot-form to dress toe last. Drexel Shoe Co,, Cnluluictie Sent Free for the Anklng, Uliial m' Up-to-date Sho Mania. TH4SIC-JY OLMSTED HOLDS HIS JOB While the Fuiion 0ointnlnionerB Tight Over Naming Succesior. CONNOLLY BLOCKS THE CANON SHIFT CtTort of Hofelilt ami lloetor (o .Moke Vneniii')' In Mhcrln'n Oillee for Olnmteil Is 1'n sitccenif nl. William II. Olmsted Is still tho super intendent of tho county hospital nnd poor farm. Ho handed In his resignation In the heat of passion iho other day and has cooled off since. Tho county commissioners voted SpeeiaB of SpeeiaSs Absolute Clearing ot Lace Curtains A stock Hurpnssiii"; all others in completeness and variet v ami in artistic novel ties. ''e particularly wish to emphasise the newness of these "tmils fresh, at tractive patterns received late last fall. Xo ohl dead accumulations. A few of these bari'ain.s: 13russcls JSct Xo. -1!) Openwork design 50 very handsome curtain u'.")0 value bargain No. 'M Bowknot pattern 50 inches wide elaborate design regular !).00 bargain k3kJJ No. (!!) double border French design HO iu. wide exclusive pattern regular 10.r0 per-pair bargain Xo. S2 NovelLy Curtain rococo pattern heavy edge we have a special lot of (his beau tiful'eurtain woortli fully .,?12.n() Q pkf while they last bargain Irish lroint is'o. 0 Plain center openwork border very artistic design 911.75 curtain ( a genuine bargain Xo. 1)0 Henaissance border scroll design cen ter color, ecru only ?U.OO A fC Curtain bargain T".VfV No. SI5. Double border plain design $1.()0 curtain a bargain No. It? Striped net renaissance border this is inded a beautiful 'ul curtain a f C ly bargain V - CJ curtain worth full Tathan, McDuffie Co., Ga., May I, 1900. I was reading your advertisement in the Ladies' Birthday Almanac and saw the wonderful Wine of Cardui prescribed. My health has been so bad for the past two or three years that I dccitlcd to try your Wine of Cardui. The first bottle tjave me relief and now I am taking another bottle. A friend of mine was so helpless that I recommended it to her, and she is also using it and says it Is doing her a world of good. I shall recommend Wine of Cardui and Thcdford's Black-Draught in this settlement, as they are wonderful medicines. MARY A. MOORE. WSNEFAR!MJI You miy be e; Wi!l as Mary Mocre. A million woinwii !.a. 4 uV la W!nv ol Cardui. It Is a fact that ninety women out of a hundred are sick because they never slnterely try to be well. There never was a case of disordered menstruation, leucorrhcea or falling of the womb Wine of Cardui would not benefit and few It would not cure. Do you not think it wise to rid yourself of those terrible aches In the head, back, arms, legs and abdomen? Why do you not try to be free from menstrual suffering i from the continual agony of bearing down pains i from the languid suffering of leucorrhaca? Wine of Cardui builds up and regenerates the diseased organs and gives them strength and tone. If you are sick, and discouraged In the fight for health, try Wine of Cardui. It will bring you a quick cure. A $1.00 bottle uhlch you can buy from your druggist means fust so much relief a healthier and stronger body-less discomfort at the menstrual period. You do not have to spend long months "doctoring". Wine of Cardui starts a cure at once. We ak you to try for health before you give it up'l You can be well ! A CLOSE IN5PK yesterday to nccept Olmsted's resigna tion "to tako effect upon tho appointment of his successor." This action was taken nfter nn unsue- ! cessful attempt to elect a now superintend ent. Chairman Connolly Introduced n resolution naming Adam J. Shoup for the ' place nnd Hofeldt asked for reference, which, under the rules, sent tho resolution over to the next meeting. Then Hofeldt put In a resolution to make Daniel W. Canon superintendent and Mrs. Canon matron of tho institution nnd Connolly sent it over nlso by asking for reference. Drnilloeh Is On. Thus n deadlock appears, with Hofeldt nnd Hoctor playing for Cation's appoint ment nnd the consequent creation of a VncflllPV In tlu sheriff'.! nfn,.. it tut fltfuil I by Olmsted, and Connolly stnndlug In the wny of the deal by clinging to Shoup. The two republican commissioners havo their hands off. declaring that the fuslonlsts must ngrce upon a man nmong themselves. inches wide A "fl f No. (50 Strip edge ecru color only novelty de sign price price we have price would be bargain center elegant 5.50 Try for Health In canea requiring nneclal dlrcctlona, aildrusa. rIvIiir symptoms, "'I AUvUory Department," Tbe Ohuttauooga Modlclnu L'umpuuy, Chuttan What Can You Suggest that U moro delicious than candy good candy the kind of candy innde hy Ilalduff puro nnd wholohomo cumly Is tho only kind ho makes- his Oold Medal Hon lions repro Kent advanced Idens In tho confectioners' art tholr dollclousness suits the demands of tho most fastidious better than nny otli' r confocl'f.n every box of thorn that leiivs tho establishment receives tho pcronul at tention nnd has tho gunrniitei! of Mr Hal duff. Then conies his leo cream nothing to comparo with It put up In threc-llavnr rolls mid costs hut 4f n qunrt-IiOc a pint. Tuko homo a quart toll tod:iy. W. S. Balduff. 1520 Fartmm St. Pianos That Will- last a life time Kimball, Knabe. Ilnllott & Davis, Kranieh & Haeh we havo now a very largo assortment of these beautiful Instruments beforo you buy anywhere don't forget to como atid see our line wo will give you the best prices and the easiest terms A. HOSPE, Motto ui Ait 1613 Doutlsfc retain Olmsted or allow them to put In a republican. It is n pretty fight among the fuslonlsts, with Connolly on one side nnd Hofeldt and lloetor or the other and no prospect for a caucus agreement. Meauwhllo Olmsted holds Ills Job. Stll Miilliitlnu III tlri'KOii. SALKM. Ore.. Feb. 2 The ballot for United Stntes senator today resulted; Cor bett. 2S. Smith. 15. Mcllrlde. 1!; Herman, S, Fulton. 2; Moore. 2; Towel, 1; not vot ing 1, absent. 10; pairs, 10. Snhl to MiMf. stolen Coin (rum Hint. PIIII.ADIII.PIHA, Feb 2 -JOHepb Swopo, a soldli r. rinplow il lu re In the mint for sixteen inrs. who wns arrested 1 Secret Service Intei live Burn, charged with stealing ntirased coins, wns today held In I'otiil h 1 'tilted States Commissioner Kdmuiiils operiitlxe Burns was the only witness lie ti Milled that when Swope was nrrestei! h.. Im l in his ,,.ss(si. ti forty eight Kims whl.'b h udmlttiil having stolen. The stiiillug h.n iioeii going on for ti considerable length .r time Not tiiirhnm Jncc Curtains No. 70 Fancy Curtain heavy border ."(' in. wide yards long -regular' i SZf i?L7r pair bargain lvV7 No. ill Plain center- bowknot edge i beauti ful pattern regular value O r.()0 bargain O.VLI pattern rose bonier- heavy 3.00 ".()() bargain ' We have hundreds of patterns of Nottingham Laces. rTnpcsiry lorticrcs No. U) Artistic design this is a pattern we purchased a large quantity of at a very low it in all colors regular !?.".()() a 2.85 No. .'52 Fmpire design any color beautiful pattern $(5. 00 curtain f g bargain No. (52 Heavy Tapestry Portieres -oriental colors very late design 10.00 L kC curtains for (bargain) vJOV7 Wc arc showing the largest and most com plete assortment of upholstery materials ever shown in the city. The Ladles' oogu, lent). IMi tho system tlio ?enus ot catarrhal disease, i i