Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 03, 1901, Page 7, Image 19

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    IVliniiir.v .!. 1!M)1.
Big Chances For
American Goods
iuul la quietly Introducing tht'tu Into differ
ciil parts o( tlio country.
Tho (lorn mis have built up 11 big busi
ness In mm II no dyes. They liuvo the mo
nopoly of such sales all over Clilun. Five
groat factories In Germany are kept busy
suppbiug the trade, according to the orders
(Copyright. 1901, by Frank a. Carpenter.) ,0w. but his surplus comes In n lump ' o by the (lornmtw. They hayc
itnvn ifnvn n,.,. n innn-ninnnini nnr. ... .1 ..1 .1 " , " stud oil tho colore which are most i sod In
IIO.NG KONG . )ee .0. uoo -(Special Cor t the end of tho year, nnd ho snves It Ho ,,,, ,, v ,, ,., lv., ,. . ..,
rospouiioncu or me lice. 1 lie emperor 01 has to cut down his living expenses during .. ., V,,," ,,. ,
Germany is tho king drummer of Europe tho yenr to tho size of his salary. Tho Eng. , . , .
nnd his territory Is tho world. He has his llshmnn, on tho other hand, spends nil ns
agents in every country, his vessels on lie gets It.
eery sen, his couriers on every road.
Within tho last ten years ho has Hooded
China with trade solicitors whoso business
11133 nVllPl' imrl f.if tlm ....I.. A l. I..
It Is to push Gorman manufactures nnd tho ' " '""""" """H
result Is that the (iermaiis are getting all
tho new business. They have subsidized
their steamers which come to the western
Pacific and within the last few months they
have been construct lug river steamers
which will go up the Yangtso as far Inland
as from Salt Lake City to New York. The
Increase In the (ionium houses in China Is
enormous. There are a number In every
foreign colony and every establishment has
its agents working among the Chinese re
tailers. Until now the foreigners have
denlt almost entirely with the Chinese
wholesalers and the agents of other nation
alities ore doing so still. Tho (Jormans are
building up an acquaintance with the retail
dealers. Their commercial travelers are
learning Chinese. They propose to do thelt
business direct with the merchants nnd tin
I tobablllty Is they will get the bulk of tin
1 ra (li
lt Is Interesting to watch how tho Ger
mans work. They keep truck of all tin aow
appointments, visiting every new icero
or governor at his capital city. The agent
lakes a lot of presents with lllm nnd pre
tends that his call Is a social one. lie gets
tho viceroy's Ideas as to foreign nrtlcles
and wirks him for government contracts.
If he talks electricity tho Gorman, like ns
not. has a model of an electric light or tele
pln tie with him. ami if he deprecates the
condltlt 11 of his soldiers he proposes to sell
lilm arms ami munitions of war.
1.1 iniiiitt 11 rinse ( iii'iiorii I Ion.
This work of the (loriunns is exclusively
for Germans. Each llrm keeps its own In
formation as to the market to Itself.
There Is 11 big opening here for uicrlcnn
patent medicines The Chinese have 11
great respect for foreign medical skill
'I I lev are lovers of limns 11 ml mir inmtl.
The Americans should establish houses at 1 mcs, pioperly advertised would have a
rge sale. In chatting with one of the
lli'iimiiifi'N tor xiiH'iiciin 1 N,
offer thorn
Photographic Art Studies
Those aro tho works of tho Tonnoson Sisters of Chicago, and there Is probably m
more capable photogrnphlc nrtlsts In tho world than these onthu.dnstle young women
There are twelve subjects from which to choose, of which we reprod.ico eight
These pictures nro handsome enough for nnyono's drawing room ami may lie used
effectively untrained, or will look splendidly with a simple dark frnmo.
How to Get Them
TlieKo pictures aro mounted 011 handsome black raw silk stock mounts, Bixlfi
Inches, tho photographs aro 7x9 Inches. These have never been sold at tho art store
for less than one dollar. My securing an Immense quantity of them wo are nblo to
With a Coupon for 10 Cents.
When ordering statu the name of the subject, and If they are to bo mulled enclose
four cents additional for postage nnd packing.
17th and Farnain Sts.
Wo should send out our own drummers ami d, ctors, who Is now loiiuodod with tit.
work the country for ourselves. At pros- university at IVkln. lie loltl me he though
ent tho most of our business Is done by for- iy c-nll make a fortune ir lie cared lo gi
elgners. One of the chief iron works of the nbout (he country selling drugs, espcclall
United .Stntcs lms n German agent here. A f iu, hnd a lot of pictures labeled 'ilofon
Ituge part of our cottons are sold by the and After Taking." adopted to the Chines-
English, nnd this is true of cial nil and WIicoII.iiiii.un im.l ltlc . !..
II other articles. These foreign agents. In I am stirnrlRcd that some Aineilcan has
tabulates the different sections of its terri- most cases, also soil Kngllsh or Gorman not thought of making wheelbarrows for
tory, showing Just what goods are In do- gocds, nnd they naturally put in their home tho Chinese trndo. Tho wh ellni'i-ow Is the
mand. how they should be packed nnd wha goods when they can. Mirny if these m n farm wagon, tho freight wagon and the pas
tho people are paying for similar articles know nothing about the United Stntcs or senger train for the greater part of China
It nscertnlns the standing of the various lis products, one of the head salesmen of It is used by tho hundreds of thousands In
moronanis ami makes up a commercial ill- a Shanghai establishment handling Ameri
can cotton, for Instance, recently told Con
rectory for itself,
If an Englishman or an American dis
covers nnythlng new he publishes It; the
G( rman does not. Not long ago tho kaiser
sent a commercial commission to China
Th s commission studied tho country and It
wants. It took samples to Germanv show-
every Chinese slate. You And It near the
Chinese wall and you have to step aside for
sill General Goodnow Hint we could make It In (he crowded streets of Cunton. You
meet long lines of wheelbarrows pushed by
men, carrying freight from town to town.
Wheelbarrows are the drnys of every
Chinese city. The streets ure too narrow
for carts and the same Is true of most of
none but the coarsest prints, and that It
wns necessary lo go to England for lino
cotton gi.oils.
Tho German will say that German haid
wnro Is Just ns good and cheaper than
ing tin different kinds of goods most used American hardware. He tells the truth as the roads throughout (ho country. Ther
by the Chinese, rhere were .1,000 of thes to cheapness, but not as to quality, and tho aro a.OOO licensed wheelbarrows In Shanghai
MiinpicH i.uiiu or wnicn were ot cotton result is tliat tlie Liilneso buy the cheap and almost every town has its wheelbarrow
g-tot's There wen manv kinds of s'lks an 1 stuff of the Germans. Our exporters are union. These barrows aro all made by
hand. Thev are henvv and eliimsv. Tliev
cannot bo oiled nnd they screech ns the
move. A far better wheelbarrow could hi
Hindu by mnchinory nnd if Bent in pieces
Knocked down, tho freight would bo com
paratlvely low.
I am told a big demand might bo crentet
for cheap bicycles. There ore Ameilcai
bicycles used In nearly all the ports, bin
they aro very hlgh-piiced. You find Chlnesi
n w mid then riding them. They use ladles
bicycles, because they nro better adapted
to their stiff petticoats and full pnntaloons
What should be sent here Is n wheel thai
could bo sold for $LY It should be strong
but need not have nil tho modern Improve
monts such as pneumatic tiros or an easy
I know several Americans who expect to
work the Chinese markets from (he I'hlllp
plno inlands. They are going to buy ii
homo of the hardwood forests and supph
liimbor for the Chinese railroads, ami es
porlally for Chinese undertakers One of
tho big markets for lumber in China Is Hi
collln market. There is nothing for which
tho people pay so much as for colIlns. Thoj
often buy them long bofoio death and keep
thorn in their houses ns parlor ornaments
The colIlns nro made very thick and thos
lotinufaciured fr haul wood IuIiik Hi
,, , , highest prices. Today a great part of tin
all sorts of tools and machinery. These boglnnlng to realize this, and they aro now oillu od comes fn ni Fit (' between
samples were opened in Berlin nnd shown sending out their own men. A lumber here nnd Shanghai. Large trees are needed
there, but only to German merchants and house, which has tho chief trade of the ami lumber of this kind Is scarce
manufacturers. Outsiders were not nd- western Pacific, keeps It because It has a Tho new railroads will create a great
mlttfd nnd tho report of the commission was wlOenwake New York man watching out demand for ties and brldge-bulIdlng ma
furnished only to possible exporters. foi It. Tho most of our tobaeoo Importa- terlnls. If the mines are to be developed
In Shnn Tung province, ah .tit ns Inrgo ns Hons como hero through n llrm which has they will have to bo timbered ami It will
tho states of New York and Connecticut, an American drummer on the Bpot, nnd It I tnko forests to supply the wood needed
containing about 3ti.000.000 people, the Ger- so with other things. i,......ui .mi
mans have resolved (hat other foreigners ,,. , ,.,.,,,.. Our cotton trade Is steadily ' In. .easing
shall not lmvo a sharo ot tho trndo. Shan , , . ;, nr.. now Bniim.- .,.,. .., ... ""Mmh
Tung is German China. It Is the state In ' wls" " "I"'.! "n-SH American ,V , CI M, , ,o, f "S l'!
which Klau CI,,,,, is situated and the one wlt " W the main chance would "r11' '';" " " r ,,""rr "!"'
where the Germans have concessions for ,,",', llcro' ' would ilnd many things to ' r " h J . , i' "T.'!" hy
railroads nnd mines. In the concessions It ",V(,Kt "l ' H'" wny of manufacturing for N " . !, " V i V , . '! ,"k ."f ,l10 """
iu .1 ii .....i. . (ho Chinese. Thorn nr.. Hnnrn, of ,,rti,.ie t.. 'otlons which nro sold by the English mid
from Germany nml that tho railroads must amnion use now mndo by hand which 0,'7m" t'irn,'Kll0,'t ''" '''Ktse vail, y and
bo built entirely with German materials, f"'11 1,0 turned out In quantities by Amerl- R"1',1" mm
. In Itusslan China, on tho other hand, tho can machinery nnd shipped hero so as to
materials used are largely American, and 1)0 80,(1 nt a Krpnt Profit,
this Is so on tho rnllroid s steins of I'okln Tnko rarnrs, for Instance. Thoro Is n
ami Tien Tsln. which have been financed I'lK opening In them. Tho Chlnoso shave
by the English. their henda, ns well as their fnees, ami
Tho best clerks nut hero are Germnns. every man nnd boy hns to lmvo his bend
They work harder, work longer and savo shaved. Tho shaving must bo done sevornl
more money than any others. The English times a week and somo men aro shaved
clerks put in short hours and are always every day. Thoro are tens of thousands of
In evidence nt cricket, golf nnd the rncos. barbers In China. Thoro is a barbers'
lno German goes to work early nnd stnys union, which covers tho wholo emplro, nnd
At present our trade Is confined almost
to tho north. .lust before the war began
wo were selling more than half the cotton
goods Imported at Tien Tsln and there Is
a stonily Increase In the sale of American
drills at,d nheetlngs In Manchuria mid other
parts of n..rth China. We are also selling
a great deal of cotton to Corea and tho
possible extension of the trade Is unlliiilteil.
What our big cotton factories need Is to
lmvo men hero studying tho markets and
II". Illt'l M . .
late. Ho gets lower wages than other for- thoro nro thousands of men who do nothlmr " . ! V l"" '""nrlca nt "0,no nofltr(1
elgners, but at tho end of tho year his em- but make razors by hand. Mnny of tho v ,r"!np" wnnt nn'' llnw 11
ployer evens up matters by giving htm a per razors nro pounded out of old horseshoes, B,"ul(1 b pnoked.
cent ot tho profits, according to his vnluo tho horseshoes bolng brought by tho 0 , " Kre,n, trn,l,,,eH wltn the Amerl-
to the firm. I hnvo hoard of presents on Milplond from Europe for this pur- " "'''"P0'1 t0 China Is In tho
this basis which amount to ns much as $000 poso. Tho razors are small and they 'V 1 ,.B" , , ""wo now going far
a yenr. Tho result Is that tho Gorman could bo mndo by machinery at a low price. lno ,nlerIor uml tno Kooia should bo
clerk receives ns much as his English fel- Germany Is already manufacturing thorn (Continued on Eighth Page.)
wit flk H '"'B
Eft:1 1 KJifl
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