Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 02, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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Saturday the surprise and sensation of the whole city: Sacrificing an Omaha stock
Kelley, Stiger & Go's Entire Stock of Shoes
On Sale at a Fearful Sacrifice at
On solo in basement
on bargain squares
all the
that sold for up to
two dollars a pair
very lady in Omaha knows Kelley,
Stiger & Co's shoes cither by
reputation or by actual wear. It is con
ceded by everybody that as far as qual
ity and style is concerned, the shoes they
carried had no superiors. They sold
tbeso shoes at n fair price and bought them from
some of the best makers in America, and it's only be
cause Kelley, Stiger fc Co. do not want to handle
shoes any more that they sacriliced them to us.
Card from Kelley, Stiger & Co.
To Whom It May Concern
wh ni: this day sni.n ouu un-
Proprietors Boston Store. Otnahn
Wo hmc determined to ranfino ourselves
In tho futuro to an cxrlutlvo dry goods
business. Biid wo have, therefore, sold our
entire stock of shoos (o Messrs. J. L. llran
dels & Sods, proprietors Iloston Store,
Wo have sold our shoe slock to them
nt a Kacrlllee, for less money than It cost
us No ono clso has bought ono slnglo
dollar's worth of our stork
(Signed ) KULLUY ST10I5R & CO.
S I 'Mils sale is just one more m
stance when circumstances allow
us to offer our customers the very best
and newest shoes for less money than
they were made to sell for. Many of
these (case after case had not yet been
opened) were made for this spring and
summer's trade. Sec the sensational
prices that will prevail during this sale.
On sale in basement
29c 59c
79c 98c
Child's Shoes
Misses' Shoes
Boys' Shoes
Youth's Shoes
Little Gent's Shoes
Child's Shoes
Misses' Shoes
Ladies' Ideal Kid
Patent Leather
Shoes, worth three
dollars and a half.
were niark-
All Kelley, Stiger 6c Co's ladies' fine regular shoes that w
ed up to five dollars, io at $2.50 and $3.00 a pair.
All Kelley, Stiger 6c Co's slippers and oxfords go at either half
price, less than half price, or nearly half price.
All the small lots of la
dies' fine shoes that
Kelley, Stiger 6c Co.
marked from $3 to $5
pairs on
bargain squares
Men's Fine Shoes
worth up to five
dollars a pair
go at $1.98
Saturday a sale of men's and boys' clothing as sensational as the shoe sale
Imported Cloths
Sale of the Bankrupt Stock of Reinhacdt's Sons & Co.'s Children's Clothing at 40c .on the dollar.
Choice of any Suit or Overcoat
in the house for $12.50
Purchased from ono of tho loading tailors in tho city go on
ualo Saturday
$5.00 Imported Cloths $1.25 yd.
$2.50 Imported Cloths 50c yard
An Immense lot of ono ami a half yard wlilo lmportoil cloths for men's nml
boys' suits or pants, also ladies' taJlor-madc suits, In English striped worsteds, serges,
fancy cheviot, casslmcrcs, Scotch tweeds, plaids, checks nml covert cloths, home
spuns, and navy bluo and black eerges. In this Immcnso assortment you will find all
high class clothM, Including many cxcluslvo patterns, suitable for early spring stilts
and outergarmcnts. Also materials for-g E5
'spiing overcoats and ladies' Bprlng i''xcici8 9 J
all In one lot at
Wo especially would llko to call tho attention of all tho men's nnd women's tail
ors In tho city, they should bo on hand nt this Intmenso salo of high class cloths.
Boys' 3-piece Suits and
Long Pants Suits at $2.50
Hoys' slnglo and dotiblo breasted 3-piere
knoo pants suits ages 3 to 16 and boys'
nil wool long pants suits
worth from $5 to JS
on salo Saturday for..
u iu iu nun uuya
Children's $2 Vestee Suits 98c.
Kino vesteo suits, handsomo patterns, do-
slrablu fabrics, neatly
trimmed, sizes 3 to S,
$2 values solo prlco ...
$3 Suits and Reefers, SI. 25.
Men's lino cashnioro wool hose in blacks, tans
and gray, full seamless, extra quality, 35c
value on special salo Saturday, pair
Vestro suits, ngos 3 to 8, doublc-brcaBted
2-plece suits, made of tweeds, worsteds nnd
cnoviots icorers mauo or nue kersey or
chlnchllln $3.00 and
$3.50 vnlucs
$1 Suits and Reefers, $1.98.
This lino of garments comprises tho finest
fabrics mado In tho lntest styles suits and
reefers worth $1.01) and
$1.00011 salo
$17.50 Suits and Overcoats $12.50
$18.00 Suits and Overcoats $12.50
$20.00 Suits and Overcoats $12.50
$22.50 Suits and Overcoats $12.50
$25.00 Suits and Overcoats $12.50
For one day only
Men's all wool Pants worth
$2.50 and $3.00 a Pair on sale $1.19.
1,000 pairs of men's nil wool pants, mado
of best and strongest tweeds, cllppor,
cassimeres. cheviots nnd corduroys
warranted not to rip worth up to $3.00
a pair
$8 and $10 Suits, Over
coats Ulsters for $4 44
All excellent garmonts, (small lots). In
cluding casHlmorcg, worstcrs and cheviots,
union beaver nnd covert
overcoats, $8 to $10 val
uesall go nt
oviia (tun UHUVloin,
$124 and $13i Suits Over
coats & Ulsters for $6.66
Stylish oxfords, chevlota and worsted suits,
lino overcoats, mado of dcslrnblo fabrics
nnd swell ulsters $12.C0,
$13.S0 values all
go for
11 uuBiiauiu uioriC3
$15 and $164 Suits, Over- I
coats & Ulsters for $8.88
Uoro Is whero you strlko tho greatest snap
over known Just imnglno finest lmportrd
satin lino cheviots, Scotches, oxfords, bea
vers, kerseys and mel
ton overeats worth from ,
$10.00 to $10.00, nt .
curs, uxiuruH, nen-
8.88 j
Next Meeting of Real EeUte Exchange Will
Be Interesting.
two or throo years, nnd Increased ihyl
loxorn. Tho fast vintage especially h.ta
fe't Its ravages.
(Continued from Kirst Page.)
llritlly Mnili'i'K I'liicxer liooil llfxilltt
from I In- Ili'Oelit Ilium Mloii In
lliiil of I'mpi-rl Put"
CiinIi In 'lreiilnliin.
The plan of selling real estate by miction
has caught on In Omaha as no Innovation
In business Iihh in many years. Heal estate
agents nro reporllug property every day for
listing on tho hoard, and It Is probable that
at tho meeting next Wednesday a dozen
pieces will bo listed for salo somo time In
tho latter part of tho month.
Tho agents havo discovered thnt II Is bet
tor for them to split commissions with the
agent of tho purchaser on tho open board
than to hunt for buyers on their own tic
count, and finally, as Is usually the ease,
bo forced to divldo tho commission In tho
end. Property owners aro beginning to bo
Interested in tho plan and It is probable
that much property will be listed with tho
various agents for salo after this manner.
For tho first I lino In several years the
dealers aro beginning to seo a prospect for
u cash market for real estate where prop
erty holdings can bo converted Into cash at
homo figure
There, will be a meeting of n commltteo
of tho exchange In a few days for tho pur
pose of drafting by-laws to cover tho salo
of properly at miction and these amend
mrntH will be reported to tho exchange at
Us next meeting for adoption.
Iiir-ri'imr in I'rlct of Wine.
KAN JOSH, nil. IVl.. . -A general ad
vance. In the price of wines Is imiiouii -ed
here Sweet wines espoel.illv have gun"
up are m lielil from .1 to U en's
per gullon more licri'lcinrr v'lnp'tx
anil white wines will lie oiionil luroifter
at nil ndvUiKO nf from !, to s rent 1 al
io. 1 The 1 mine for till- iiilvuii'-i- is ex
f lalnod h till- loiiil l liters .1:1 -Hi I 1
ho redueeil piodu-U"n itoe to drouth f. r
many times expressed his opinions edi
torially and privately that tho government
should assume tho responsibility of keeping
sacred tho savings of Its citizens, nnd I
bellevo If ho wero sent to the senate u law
of this character would bo enacted and
would forever remain as n monument to tho
Omaha editor.
Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Headache,
. Women's Suffering, Nervous Tension
Immediately alleviated and nroly enred by
ONingulnr tftctlv, harmltts, W ill after
"Qrnnffdlnn alvrnya rollvea my pain
ii tho head nnd mental fatigue.."
nlrhard K, llollmnny, a irrrtlidng
manotfer tli LUm btoro, L'lilcago,
Bold by driiRslsts nn(rnlly InJS nnd M5o
packatii, A triil p.ickaga will uo beat to
tiny addrri for "-cent ttnmp,
David Anderson, Capitalist and Kenl Ks
tate Dealer, South Omaha Mr. llosowater
is tho prefer ed and logical cnndldato of tho
people for United States senator. It would
bo a curious anomaly to see two well
known representatives of railroads and cor
porations selected to sit In tho higher
branch of congress from tho great live stock
anil agricultural state of Nebraska. It
would certainly operato In the future
iiFalnea tho Interest nnd success of tho party
throughout the commonwealth and bo re
pugnant to tho desires anil expectation of
lepubllcniiH nnd democrats alike. It seems
to 1110 that llosowater of DoughiB and
Thompson of Lancaster, hailing from tho
two largest and strong 'St republican
counties, would coino nearer hatlsfylng tho
whole peoplo and party than any other two
candidates iu the Held. At last fall's
election, with n powerful combination within
his own party operating against him, Mr.
llosowater succeeded in electing two-thirds
of tho tick? and obtained about 00 per
cent of the republican vote as an open en
dorsement for tho United States bennto In
this legislative district. Ilo has mnnfully
st higgled for thirty years to upbuild and
maintain the (supremacy of tho party, al
ways opposing unscrupulous machine poli
tics and advocating economic and tefmm
nieasuris. To bo sure, professional poli
ticians havo been largely against him, but
tho honest sentiment of our best citizenship
have supported and sustained htm In his
efforts to keep tho party on a piano of hon
esty. Ho has proven a great nnd beneficial
factor In the upbuilding nnd advancement
of Omaha, having erected at an expenso of
soveral hundred thousand dollars ono of
tho most magnificent nowspaper striuturcs
In tho I'nlted States, which is a credit to
his ambition and enterprise. His paper,
The Omaha Hoc, Is the peer of any news
paper printed between Chicago and tho
I'aclflo const. Ie hns always strenuously ad
vocated tho principles and platform of tho
republican party. Tho clnlm of Mr. lloso
water to tho high position ho aBplres Is
eminently stronger and abovo that of any
other cnndldato now beforo the legislature.
He would be a useful and Influential sena
tor from tho start. He Is comnetent and
worthy in overy particular nnd I bellevo
the republican leglslnturo will make a grave
mistake If It falls to elect him.
Major J. n. Turay of Furay & McArdle
I have lived In Omaha thirty-five years
nnd during that time havo always favored
the senatorial candidacy of raon who, In
my opinion, would be able to render thu
stnlo some tangible benefits, and that Is
why, during the last campaign. I was an
earnest ndvocato of Mr, Itosewater'a elec
tion I can lay that If he Is not elected
t shall ha very greatly disappointed. I
have nothing to say agulnat the other can
didates; so far as I know they arc all good
men, but Mr. Ilosewater is my choice among
them nnd I hope ho will succeed.
A. I), Hunt, Superintendent nf tho Om.nha
Water Company It Is a surprlso to mo
that IMward Ilosewater should meet with
opposition In hln candidacy for the United
States senatorshlp. Ilo Is so much better
qu.illiled than any of tho other men who
are socking tho ofllce that I cannot under
stand how republican legislators fall to
fall In lino with his supporters. Tho sen
atorial fight Is In a very precarious condi
tion at present nnd n continuation of tho
deadlock may result In tho election of ono
demoiratiu senator. All sorts of combina
tions are Iu tho air and It Is time for tho
republicans to quit Jockeying nnd mako
selections. After Nebraska has been re
deemed front tho populists all republicans
should rally to tho support of nblo leaders
and establish republicanism so llrmly that
It will never again bo In danger of losing
tho state.
Dr. Victor H. Coffman No man In Ne
braska Is as well qualified for tho senator
ship as Kdward Ilosewater. Ills years of
experlenco as an editor havo prepared him
for distinguished public service. Ho Is n
capable man, an honest man an n public-
spirited citizen, who has alwajs advocated
every measure which promised well for
Nebraska nnd Omaha. Ho has grown up
with Nibraska and knows Its needs. No
man was over moro deserving of honor at
I tho hands of a legislature. There is no
I man In Nebraska who has the fund of gen
1 oral Information possessed by Mr. Ilose
water. Ills llfo work has been such that
lie has traveled widely and has been asso
ciated with peoplo of all classes. Ilo speaks
hoveral langunges anil Is familiar with the
wants of tho people of nil nationalities
which aro represented In Nebraska. Re
publicanism owes Mr. ilosewater a debt
which should bo paid. Ho has never sought
nny other recognition of his efforts for
tho upbuilding of tho party and certainly
should bo rewarded at this tlmo.
Frank J. Morlarty, Cashier of tho Pack
ers' Natlonnl Hank, South Omaha-If a re
publican has to bo elected United States
senator I should llko to seo Mr. llosowater
honored with tho position. I am satisfied
that there Is no man In Omaha who Is moro
capable of representing us In Washington
than Mr. Ilosewater.
W. H. Orcen. Ileal Kstato I am a dem
ocrat and do not caro to seo any republican
elected, but as long as wo have a republican
legislature I would llko to seo Mr. Ilose
water chosen, as ho Is one of tho few candi
dates who nro really Identified with tho In
terests of tho state. Kvery material Inter
est of Mr. Ilosewater lies within tho stnto
of Nebraska, most of it within tho city of
Omaha, so far as 'I can learn. Anythlns
which will benefit tho city nnd tho stato
will benefit him With his Interests so
closely nnd exclusively Identified with tho
community, with ,hls record ns rt business
man and a citizen, ho Is, In my opinion, tho
best man In tho party for the place.
H. N. Lieberthal, Merchant Tailor If tho
present legislature falls to elect Mr. Ilose
water to the United States senate It will
make Itself llablo to most severo criticism
from conservative business men nil over tho
state. If It does elect Mr. Ilosewater as
one of the senators, tho act will redound to
tho credit of every man whoso voto assists
in tho ptoccediiig. Ily ull means Mr. lloso
water ought to bo elected. Tho sentiment
exprcsseel by tho business men of Omnha
during hv last few days Indicates tho una
nimity of opinion In tho matter. 1 am sure
that business men In other cities and towns
of tho state nro equally ns unanimous In
their desiro that Mr. llosowater bo selected.
Ho Is by all odds tho best man In tho field.
In fact, to my mind there Is no other man
in tho statu so well fitted for tho responsi
ble position to which ho aspires. Ho has
earned tho right to such an aspiration by !
reason of his long scrvlco In tho republican
ranks of Nebraska and ho Is entitled to tho
placo for so many reasons that It would bo
difficult to particularize. In my opinion ono
of tho moHt Important of theso Is because
of his Icynlty to tho stnto nnd tho long
years of scrvlco ho has given to Its upbuild
ing, advancement and Improvement. In
such nil Influential position ns that of
United States senator ho could accomplish
moro for tlib welfaro of Nebraska and No
brnskans than any other man and It Is pre
sumptuous to consider any other man as
being In the same class with him. 1 would
llko to seo tho dendlock nt Lincoln speedily
broken, but only when, by being ended, tho
election of Mr. llosowater will bo accom
To tho Kdltor of Tho Ilec: I am not In
polities, but I lmvo been an Interested ob
server for many years nnd havo always
been a republican, so thnt, as every good
citizen should bo, I nm Interested In tho
welfaro of tho country nnd would llko to
express my views on the present senatorial
contest in Nebraska. It scemu to mo that
Mr. llosowater should bo speedily agreed
upon as tho ono for tho long term for tho
following reasoi s:
1. Without disparagement to other candi
dates It Is but fair and right to say that
Mr. Ilosewater has done moro to build up
Omnha, Nebraska nnd tho west than any
other aspirant.
2. Ho has done moro to redeem Nebraska
from populism than nny other ono man In
tho state
3. Ho has dnno more In tho Interests of
tho common peoplo In this statu than any
cnndldato beforo tho legislature.
I. Hecauso of his recognized ability, his
acqualntnnco with public men nnd his
familiarity with affairs ho could accomplish
moro than any other candidate.
And, besides this, it appears to mo that
overy republican lu Douglas county ought
specially to rnlly to his support, not only
for all of tho nbovo reasons, but more, he
went beforo tho peoplo In a fair nnd open
light nnd won, so Hint wo should glvo him
loyal aid.
Thoso who bo bitterly oppose him now,
nro doing so upon less tenablo grounds
than ho had for refusing to support bomn
of tholr pet candidates, unit which they
thought was so wholly unjiistlflablo lu Mr.
Itosewnter. Would It not bo well now for
them to set an example of how loyally all
republicans should support tho choice of a
convention hnd ijf a primary eloctlon?
If they will do sOj It will settle the dead
lock at Lincoln, and Insure for Omaha a
competent United States, sonator. Yours
for fair play, II. O. W.
II. L. Iluckor As a life-long republican
who catno to Nebraska about three years
ago and ono who Is proud of tho redemp
tion of tho state; I think It Important that
tho deadlock should bo ended and that
legislators should honor themselves and tho
stato by tho election of Kdward llosowater
as ono of tho I'nlted States senators. Hav
ing traveled over tho stato during tho
grenter portion of my residence hero I
bellevo that tho great majority of tho peo
ple thoso who havo no axes to grind aro
anxious for his olqction. U does not re
quire long reslilenco in tho stuto, nor bril
liancy of mind, but common senso and a
fair knowledge of current events must
convlnco nny unprejudiced mind that tho
stnto of Nebraska will bo honored If Ud-
ward llosowater Is sent to tho United
Stutes sennto. It Is no tlmo to pay "old
bcoros" or porsonnl obligations. Tho good
of tho commonwealth only should bo con
sidered. It Is tho largo minded man who
can lay aside personal prejudice and It
Is thoso tho people delight to honor. It
Is to bo hoped Hint there nro a sufficient
number In this leglslnturo to speedily
transact this important business and
to mako no mistake.
Clement Chase, Publisher and ICdltor If
Mr. Ilosewater wero chosen senator ho
would doubtless bo valuablo in many ways
to tho stato of Nebraska, ns ho assuredly
known tho community from of old. Hut
I should prefer to seo Mr. llosowater as
postmaster general, an oillio ho Is every
way qualified to fill, and tho work of which
Is to Ills taste.
A. M. Lesser, Meat and Provision Merchant-
It would bo well to get tho election
of tho Btnators out of the way as soon aB
possible, so that tho legislators may give
tholr undivided nttention to other Importunt
mntters that aro now beforo them. As to
candidates, I think Mr. llosowater Is so far
ahead of them in overy qualification for
senatorial duty that his election ought to
bo mado without a dissenting republican
James C. Iluteson, Optician Tho deadlock
Is undoubtedly a good thing for tho Lincoln
hotel kenpers, but It's a mighty bad thing
for tho business of tho public and for tho
record of tho republican party. You can
put mo down with tho rest of tho Omnha
business mini ns being henrtlly In favor of
tho election of Mr. Itosownter. Ho Is the
man for tho placo because ho Is an untiring
and Intelligent worker and can accomplish
great things for this stato If given a seat
In tho senate.
Dr. W. H. Hnncliott, Physician nnd Sur
geon In answer to your question, it seems
to mo thnt common senso should bo used.
Mr. ltosowater'H friends nnd foes allko must
admit that ho Is n mnn of national reputa
tion. Should ho bo elected by tho legls
lnturo aud tho news Unshed across tho con
tinent thero Is scarcely a man of any In
telligence who would not nt oncu say: "Ne
braska has chosen for senator a mnn who
already Is a national character, who Is as
well known In Washington as In Omaha.''
Ho Ik woll able and fitted to copo with tho
weightiest problems which confront our
government, and my observation has been
during my acquaintance with him for nearly
twenty years that in nil his editorials and
speeches he has taken the conservative
ground. Probably no citizen of this stato
has taken deeper Interest In its material
welfaro. On tho platform nnd in tho press
ho has stood as a champion of tho growth
and good, not only of Nebraska, but of tho
entire west. It Is true that ho has many
bitter enemies and no doubt has sometimes
erred In judgment, but what can you ex
pect from a human being perfection? I
think that It will bo generally conceded
that in tho majority of cases ho has taken
tho right side; that ts to say, ho hns been
for the interests of tho masses. Ilo has
now reached an ago whero it would bo a
fitting tribute to his long scrvlco of use
fulness to tho public to confer upon htm
this great honor. Ho hns always been a
great leader and should tho republican
party trust him lu tho United States senate
110 doubt this stuto could bo for many
yenru counted in tho republican column ns
safely us Iowa. Leadership Is necessary
in a great party, and 1 bellevo that Mr.
llosowater would tako an iispeclal prldo In
keeping tho stato In tho republican col
umn. It Is proven that his Judgment of
public men hns not usually gono wido of
tho mark. Ho has alwnys stood for Integ
rity In public office, and without regard to
personal friends or foes ho has mado tho
standard of honesty a prerequisite to pub
lic office. If thero uro two factious In tho
republican party In this stnto n compro
mlso should bo effected nt once, giving euch
faction a United Stales senator. Hollovlng
ns I do, thnt the republican party has dono
moro for tho nation than any other party.
I am enthusiastic over tho fma that wo
now havo an opportunity to placo two sen
ators In tho national congress who will add
strength to the representation of tho west.
1 think that all Jealousies 11 ml bickerings
should bo put nsldo nnd thnt tho leglsln
turo should within a short tlmo settle tho
question of senator. Tho longer thoy wait
tho moro they weaken tho party nnd tend
to destroy its power for good In tho west.
W. I'arniim Smith, Tteal Kstato. Loans
and Flro Insurance I thing that Mr. Hose
water Is tho logical man for senntnr. II
would bo In n position to do a great den
of good for tho stato at largo and, helri
acquainted with tho partios In power, be m
an energetic man, ho would nlwayn he ii'i
tho lookout for tho interests of Omnha nnd
tho state. Ho also deserves tho place for
what ho had dono for tho republican party
in tho past. The deadlock In tho senatorial
proposition should bo broken nt once so that
tho legislators can got down to business nnd
tho consideration or lawB In tho Interests
of tho people. If It comes to tho placo
whero ono man Is maintaining tho deadlock
by staying In tho race, If that man has no
chanco of winning, ho should withdraw and
allow tho olcctlon to bo nccompllshed.
All Private Diseases
and Disorders of Men
Yearn In Omaha.
Method new, never falls,
without cutting, pnln or
uh ui nine.
JS YPHIIlfirur'''1 for Wound thnpolson
' ' """thoroughly rleann'-d from
tho system, Soon every lgn nml symptom
dlHappears completely and forever. No
or facn. Treatment contains so dangerous
drugs or injurious medicines.
WEAK MEN '-0SH ,K Manhood from i;
ocvii a 1 11 v cemesor VlirriMSTO NKRVOUH
with Knr,v Ducat in Youno aud Miiiiu.u
Aocn, tack of vim, vigor nnd strength, with
rexual organs Impalrid and weak.
STRICTURE Hnrtlrlly cured with A now
' ,7 , itct uml Infallible Homo Treat
ana uLttT tnent. Noinstrnments.nopaln,
no detention from husini'Rs, (Jonorrhoou,
Kidney and Htmliler Troubles
Coniultatlon Free, Trfatmmt by Mall.
Call on or address 119 S. !4th fit.
Dr. Searles & Searles.omaha. Nob.
Jnmcs Morton, Hardwarn Merchant Tho
deadlock ought to bo broken Immediately by
tho election of u representative man to tho
United States sennto, nnd Mr. Ilosowntor
comes as near tilling tho bill as nny ono I
know of. Ocnernlly I tako llttlo Interest In
politics. I know nothing of tho merits of
tho fight nt Lincoln, or why It is so pro
longed, but 1 think very highly of Mr.
Itosownter's abilities nnd bellovo ho would
mako an excellent senator.
Dr. C. C. Allison, Physlelnn-I would llko
to seo Mr. llosowater elected to tho somite,
na I bellovo ho Is tho boBt man for tho
place. Ho ts conservative, broad-minded
and energetic, and If sent to Washington
wculd bo lu n position to do Nobraska moro
good than any other man I know of,
T. J. Rogers, of Milton, Ilogers & Sons.
Hardware As a rule I do not mix up In
politics, I believe Mr, Itobewater would
Purly Vegetable, Mild uml ui'llablo.
Sick Hondncho, BlllouenoBB,
Indigestion. Torpid Llvor,
Dizzy FcollnKB, Dyspopsln.
following symptoms resulting fron
asp of tho Digpllve Organs; CnnsU
Ion, Inward piles, fulness of the blood Iri
Hie bead, acidity of tho stonmch. nnusea,
heartburn, disgust of food fulness or
weight In the stomach, sour eructntlonR,
sinking or suffocating sensations when In
a lying poHtnrr, dimness nf vision, dizziness
on rising suddenly, dots or webs Imforn the
sight, fever and dull pnln in tho hend. de
ficiency of perspiration, yellowness of tho
skin and eyes, pnln In the sldo, chest,
limbs nnd sudden Hushes of heat, burning
In the flesh.
A few doses of KADWAY'H PILLS will
free tho system of nil tho nhove named
Pi Ice 2S cents per box. Sold by druggist
or sent by malL.
IIAI1WAY & (0 Elm St., Nw Yot
RJPAN'S TAIJULKB Is nn effectual cum
for the Ills which originate In n bad rtorn
ach, 10 for Sc. At all druggists,
mako nn excellent senator and his election
would result to tho ndvantago of tho peoplo
of Nobraska, nnd particularly thono of
Isaac E. Congdon, Attornoy--Mr. Rose,
wuter would mako bb effoetlvo a senator nn
nny man whom tho legislature could so
led. He has all of tho necefcsnry qualifica
tions thai ono would naturally expert from
a successful member of tho bennte, 1 1 1
btslnesa ability nud Kagaclty hnvj bemi
proven hy the xplendld nchlevement h hJ4
wrought In the business world and thy
qualities ho has employed lu behalf of hi
own Interest would In all likelihood It
used for tho benefit of th statu vrer Mr
Rot.ewater In butb an Influential political
position as the juv to which ho ast'irus