THE OMAHA DAILY JJEli: FLU DAY, FKIlliTARY 1, 1001. It iPEGIAL NOTiC Advertisements for there I'oltimns Trill he liil. i ii utilll Ii! in. fur (lie eienlnn edition mill mull S ill) p, in, for mitrnliiK nml .Sunday edition. Ilnlfa, t l-llo. n swird llrst lii'irrtlnn, Je n noril thereafter. .olliln tnlcen for less flmn 'JSn for (lie llrst Inser tion. These ndiei'tlseineiilii mum lc run ontiHcctit I vely. Advertisers, liy requesting n num bered olireU, rnn have answers ml. dressed to a iinntlii-rnl letter In corn r The lice, .lustier pit ml il rcsM'd will tie delivered on presentation of tho check only. WANTIHI-SITI ATION. POSITION pit bookkeeper evenings Best references. Address O (3, il.e AM713P3 EXPERT accountant. Ilolhrnck, Ilrown blk. A -615 TRAVELING man, we'l ncqjalntcd with oil linos of trade In the west, wants po sition: best rpfcronrps unci bond If re quired. Address I'. O. Box Dbi, Lincoln, Noli. A-MMl 3 TOt'NO lady desires place to work for hoard while attending school. Royles College; lid. 1934. , A-MSIS 1 POSITION, hy thoroughly competent boolt kuwr, licet city references. Addrisi i H (). Hee. A-.M9C0 3' wantui)-ialh iini.r WANTED, wo hsve trady work fnr few good hustlers of good hnhlt.s and appear ance C. F Adams Co , 10v5 Howard St. 1 1 73 UARIIHR trade taught thoroughly In short tlinp. catuloguo and particular:) free. Address Westell Barbels' Institute. Omnha, Neb. H-.3S WANTED, cood man to do cnnvnsslng in the country; good pay for right num. An dreas K 4, Rpp. H-M1S3 MEN or wnnipn to bpII gdods to city trade. Hood pay and steady rtnploytnont, IIlx cnbaugli & Co., Waro blk. H-M 112 Maris WANTKl), 1020 Douglas st. H-M7C0 WANTED, experienced dampen limited on light nml heavy work Apply to thp Waterloo Saddlery Co., Waterloo. In. II-M7ti'j F2 WANTIID. 3 or kooiI mc ulderit: uteady work, dry. MkihIih llto wn, ta. MtniPtural Iron Marshall I'oun-I1-.MS72 7 ANT17H. voiinK man to clerk In bakery and confectionery Htore; nlo ntlcml ncdii fountain; rnuit be ln!lp and .'i"iS pnceil AddreHH O. II. 1'etern. Km1) Uiovc, In. ll-MOfli; r, WANTKl). rrappry rppclalty MileHmnn: Rive your cxpcrluncp fully; c offer x ninional opportunity and i;ood Hiilnry Hit. :iee. M-.M977 2 WA.TICI-Ki:At Vl.i: IIKI.I". WANTKD, 200 ulrli. 1621 Dodce. Tel. STfl. C-7.0 10 RlrlB wanted. Canadian ofllcc. 1522 Douslai C-710 VOt'NO lndy to lenrn masonjcp: ticrmnnent position for right party. Apply 220 llco lildR. C-fi22 A HltirjUT yount? man or woman to take nhortlmtid NPhnlatshlp and pay for It when ccuiyp Ih Unlabel! and position seen rod. AddresB P 10, l'oe. C Sj7 7IUL wanted, Miami St. Rtncral housework. COMI'UTKNr Klrl for smnll family; 262) I'arkvr utteet. C CDS WANT1U). Klrl family of two. for Renerfll hdufework! IMS Mnrcy lit. C-.MDW V ANTKI). Elrl for eelicra! li.-.usewoil;. fill 8. 40tli lit. C MiT.1 2 W ANTKI), K'rl for ueneral housework; Herman preferred. Mm. Vr;d II. Ulake, 1124 S. 30th nv C-M'.iTO :i WANTKl), at once, fpcoiiiI trimmer or maker for llntt-cliiiu millinery Htore. 1 13? O St.. Lllicdln; Neb, C Mrs 2 V ANTRD, Klrl for Rrneral hoiHework; Binall fumllj ; Rood wises. K7 H. 2.'itli uv. I'on hi:nt nut ans. IF you want your houses well rented i'ico . ..... . ,... 11nnn,..., V. I . . ALWAYS movltiB II. II. Kooil. Pianos Olllce. 15111a I-'arnam St Tel. 15M or 8oJ D-742 HOt'SKS for rent In nil nartw of the city Ilrennan-Lovo Co.. 320 So 13th St. D-717 HOUSES, store. Hcmts, Pnxlon block. D-7II BEE HENRY ii. PAYNE. C01 N. Y. LIKE D-743 " HOUSES, oto. P. D. Weed, 1524 DousTas D-7I3 HOUSES and flats. Rlncw.ilt, UaritPr nik" IJ 747 " HOUSES wanted. Wallace Uruwn Hlu D-7IS HARN. 2021 St. Mary's Ave. D-719 FOR RENT, bakery In first-class condition' In rue Ktnro roam, contluuoini nvn ! also S-room housp, with barn for s horses mid larrn.waKon chcil; nil for J.iooi npr month. W. 11. Husacll, i'i Rnini;o nidi uH2 1511 SEWARD ST.. new i!vo room cnttnRo for rent; kooiI lurn and clly water; rent 112.1). ' OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO.. ICth and WOUKi" OH' U ,51 Ml'iW (-room iiricK, sinuuy modern east iroiu. uii4 .ii. tniij a uvu., .tu. iieniid j iiaiuii iju.,. u awn TWO omall flvo-roqni rottneos In theTiimo yard; city .Miter In kitchen; In Rood con illtlnn, rent. JS per month. Omnha Loan Si Trust Co., 16th and Dounlaa His. JD-9W. Hth, near Fnrnnin; ten-roorn modern homo! complrtn In evory respect; ten mlnut-' wiiik or center oi cny; reasonaule rent. Omnha Loan Trjst CO., istli und Dour- las Sts D-flOi- WHY pay rent when you can buy a homo on monthly payments of 5 nnd up'.' W. II Riuself. 426 RnmKO Uldg. D .MI75 SEVEN-ROOM cottnge. 2611 N. 17th Ave. C. (1. Powell, 'phono 1IS1. j-(;it No. 1334 South 31st street, lust north of Han. scom park, a nice, comfortable, g-room inoc.eni house. Will be put In good re pair iur rigni party. .11 j ivenn.mi Son, 310 Drown block. D-MS43 AROfT 50 houses, some very desirable F D Wead. 1521 Douglas St. D-S37 .11 MODERN tf-room 1016 Paclllc st. Hat. Charles Hanley, D-MSII 6 I'OR RENT, cnitngp, modern ex cept furnace. 2MS Davenport, $:0. JOHN W. ROH1HN.S, 1402 FARNAM. D Ml FOR UE.Vr I'lll.MSillil) UllOMS. BTEAM-hentcd rooms nt Tho Thur3ton 15-15 J DEWEY European hotel, 13th nnu Farnam. H-3) 210 N. 17TII ST., steam heated rooms. ' F.Mlia F5 FOR RENT, n nicely furnished front room; within walking distance qf postoillco; genthiiinu only; uso of bath and tele phone; no other roomers. Address II 16, Hee. D-M762 SUITE of furnished front rooms; modern cc nvenlencce. 113 8. 20th st. E M9I1 P FoR RENT, n nlrcly furnished front room: within walking distance of pottotllf '; grnllemuii only; usa of b.Uh nnd tele id'one; no other roomers. Address II 16, llee. E-M70-' IiAItOE front room, with nlcjve; sultahlo for man ami wlfa or two young men; with or without board, eerylhliig modern. I3i1 Douglas. K-M912 2 POP, RENT, largo front alcovn room. $12 OJ: ills, one sm liter room; private fann'y. pxcillent iiel'iliborhood. cpi tral; refer cucos required. Addrehs 11 , lire. , ic-yii 2 I'l llMSlll'.l) IIOO.MS AM) HOARD. GLENCAIRN,translents,$l.a day. 16C9 Doug Tho Merrlam, eood winter bnme. ? & Dodg F-51 I'l HMSIIE1) ROOMS AMI HOARD. LA It 01" front parlots with bonrcl. also smaller room; reasonable rates. The Rose, 20.") iiarnuy. F-M591 U'lOPIA. 1721 Davenport St. F 755 THE PIIATT, desirable rooms. Hot witter heat. K 181 HI EOANT largo tenm-hated front rooms, with hoard. kju Capitol nv F Msi 0 . for itn.M-r.M't it.MHiuin noons, HOUSES, rooms, email family onlv. Office 1022 N. SIM Hi. G-M6S2 FP . FOR AM) officijs. HALL, 102 So. llth, cor Dode t. 1 MI03 KJ FOR RENT, ftoro In nrtl-class locatlsa; rent reaixinnblc Apply It. J Peterj & Co , Kround lb, or. Hce Uldi;. I-2w FOR RENT, the building lormcrly occupied by The Hep t 91i Farnam street It lias four stories nnd a basement which' was formerly used as Tho Bee prvsn room. This will be rpntcd very reasonably If Interested upply at once to C. C. Rn3 water, secretary, room 100. Deo Uulldlns. 12(11 LA ROE double room in Continental block; ran bo mado .nto verv delrnbto oftlce and reception loom for physician. Will ar range to suit. OMAHA LOAN A Tit t 'ST CO.. 16th & Douclas Sta. 1-754 HALL for rent, 102 9. Hth, cor Dodpe. 1 MHVI-l' i. SHOP. CIS 8. Hth; will rent either flior tipj f.rately or together. liurkley Printing Co. I-.M80 1 Atill.NTS WANTllll. "VICTORIA. Queen and Empress. " n con'- int'ie moKrapny unci History or lier tune, four years In prenaratl i.i; aitMiln wanted extra terms; freight paid; credit ulven; outfit now ready; sent fro"; a Brent op portunity; write today. .leIer '.. r.;l Monon lildK.. Chleago. J M'Si'i l VA XTI1D Ft, It.MSIIIH) IUIO.MS. OLNTLEMAN nnd wife wish to rent fur- ninoii House or llal for short llm-: lint of references clven. H 30, Hee. K M!7." ." s roit tci: PACIFIC Storao nnd Warehouse Co.. 012. Oil Jones, general storayo and forwarding, -757 OM. Van Stor Co.. 1511H Farn. Tels. 1559-S63. -75S VA.THI TO ItllY. A HOUSE nnd lot from owner; cood nelKh borhood; somethlns cheap for cash Ad dress (5 1)7, lice. N MGi.i WANTED, flrsi-clnss jilano salesman for city work. Address O 59. Hee. N-fi74 2 rou sa i.e. i'i it. mid in: CIIICAOO FURNITURE CO., 1110 Dodee. Tel. 2020. New .4 2dhnnd furniture bought, old, pxchnnncd. O 7S2 HOUSEHOLD FI'RNrri'RE SALE The hoiiseho'd furniture, etc., belntiRttiK to th estate of Lewis M. Hemiett. deronspd. wl.l tie sold at private sale at Ills late resl deneo on the northwest corner of 22d nnd Chle.ii") strerts on Tjesday and Wednes day. January 29 and 3", from J a. m. to 12 and from 2 to r p m. Howard Ii. Smith, executor nnd ttustee. O MK2I rou sale ii jitsiis. vi:iii(.'i,i:s. etc. YOUR wnKon or buggy may need repairs; novo It done right, at Harry Frosi's. 14'h & Leavenworth. P ICI FOR MISUBM.ASiyil's. HARD nnd soft foundation pIIIiib; hoi; fences nnd cribbing. tXJl Douglas. Q 7C2 2DIIAND safe cheap Dcrlght, 1110 Farnam. Q 703 SAFES; buy. sell ex'go. Schwartz. HI So. 13. Q-761 IIER1 FORD it CO.. Iilth & llworth. rUUNITUHE & UPHOLSTERINO. Q-377 TIMOTHY hay nnd all kinds feed nnd coal. Monroe At Co. Q M416 FOR 'ALK, new nun rrenndhantl soda toutitolmi: monthly payments S R Rica mond, 120 So. 24th St. Q-MS32 FJ BAP.a..JNS In 2d hand bicycles, r. up new w fteels. J15 up Omnha Ulcvcle Co. lfith tuid Chicago sts. Q M794 FOR SALE OR TRADE, a fine Importol magic lantern wor'h Js5. only used n short time; suitable for lectures and other en- tertnlnmPlita Addrpss F CI, Rep oltlep. Q-MI70 MUST dispose of high grnilp piano; tprms if ill sired, inquiries answered. Address, a 28, 1ICP. (J 431 INCI'nATORR. Send to tho Sure Hntrh Ii-pubntor Co., Clay Cpntcr, Neb., for a liainlsome free catalogue. q-ltl LEOAI, blanks, hundreds of forms: mall ordprs filled, lawyers liners printed, Omnha Mercury. Q M447 1 FOR new, SALE Rotary Neostyle. good 0! Room No. 2, N. Y. Life bldg. Q-MB37 2 I'OR SALE. secondhand woolen chairs, in good condition, 25 cents each, pp.y liee Ruslnes.s ofllcp. Q ')l FURNITURE of C-room flat, an Oxygenor King (good as newl, plectrl.' buttery, Remington bicycle, set of tinner's toolK, tluntrleal costumes 2622 S. 1.1th Q-M97I 3 CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. FRITZ, medium. 819 North 16th. S 765 MMB.GLYMER genuine palmist. 1605 Dodge. S 76J ZENO, clairvoyant and healer, 1915 Farnam. S Sis 2 ELECTRIC Til HA T.M E NT. ELITE parlors. 615 South 16th, second floor. T-197-P-S MAHEL Q PAY, 3176 N. 15tll St.. flat E. T MISS I'TS MISS MAE LESLIE. 619 8. 16th. 2d tloor. T MS54 F2S l'KH.SO.NAI,. PRIVATE home before nnd during confine meni; oubloa adoptr'l. Mrs. Ilurgot, 2620 llurdette. , U 770 FRENCH accordion pleating; Ivory rim but tons; nun orders, umana rieaiing lo 1521 Douglas. U 773 SL'PPI MCS for all machines: machines for rent. White Sewlns Muchlne, 1620 Doug Ins. I'd 23114. U-541' HI PTURK cured: no knife, no pain, no danger; semi for circulars Empire Rup ture Cure, Si: N. Y. Llfo llulldlng. Om nia. U-M4H Fli PRIVATE hospital for ladles beforo and during poiillucmcnt; babiea adopted. V30o Grant Si. U 177 VIAVI Woman's way to health; rational, wholesome homo treatment. 31U Ree RhlS- U-591- RUY from the manufacturer. Uurkloy En velopo Co., Omuhn. U-M106F16 DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns & superfluoui hnlr removed by electricity. H. 12, Fmn zer Rlk. U-767 TURKISH baths mns-age baths, electric baths, for ladles only; skilled women rann.nse operators; Uncut equipped baths In the city. Renstron Hath Company, Rooms tlJ to 220 litti Bld. U-76S CHILDREN' fll oTl 1 1 ng made to order. Infants wenr, and ladles' underwear a specialty. Satisfaction guaranteed, 1919 Hurt st. U-232. IP your feet bother you do not put off until Ionian ov buying a box of Re-no-may powder. Sold by all druggists. U-M295 LIERKN, theatrical, mnsquerado costumer. lulS Farnam. U-769 NICE baby girl for adoption nt Hi So 17th street, Omaha. U-M715 M. GOLDMAN .t CO Only perfect ac cordeon pleating plant In the wvst Mall orders solicited, Suite, 204 Douglas blk., opp. llayden's U 797 BRIGHT, healthy boy, 3 years an I 10 months old, to give for adoption. AddrMj II 36, Ueo. U-M955 i' SIO.VHY TO l.OA.V-UZAl, USTATEv MONEY to lonti on Improved Omaha teal esiaie. iirennan-'.ove lu., Jtw bj. mwi W-77S PRIVATE merey. 5, 3. per cent; no d" lay. Qarvln Hro., 1613 Farnam. W 774 $1,000 n -d upward t loan on Improved city nroperiy nnu rarins. w. l'arnum nnuin Co.. i:2"J Farnam W 773 LOANS on eaitf.Ti Nebraska and western Iowa fnrus nt 5 per cent; borrowrs can pay HW nr nny multiple: nny Interest date; n clay. Rrelinan-Love Co., 300 So. 13tb ti Omaha, NeL. W-77i WANTED, city loans, bonds and warrants. George & Company. 1C01 Farnam street, W79 WANTED, city nnd farm loans; nlso "londs nnd wnrrants. R C Peters Aj Co, i7fi3 Farnum St . Hee Illdir. W'-.SO MONEY to loan on farm and city property, lo.vest rates. O. F. Dnvls Co., lOS rnrnnm W 71 PRIVATE money to loan. 933 N. Y. Life. J. H. Sherwood, W-786 MONEY to loan at 6 nnd 5U .per cent on Omaha property. W. U. Melltlc, 401 S. i5th w at FIVE per cent money. Ucmls, Paxton block. W-7SJ J1.600 TO LOAN on rcnl estate; call at or M, J. Kennard & Son, 310-311 Ilrown block. W-7S1 5 AND C'4 per cent loans. W. II. Thomis, First Nat Hank building. Tel. 1C48 W-MI6 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wcad. 1521 DoucMs. W 777 jiom:y to loa-ciiatti:ls. MONEY TODAY. Loans made In amounts from HO to 250 on household furnbure, pianos, horses, car ihigcs, etc., without removal or on your 8-A-L-A-R-Y without security All or u pnrt of tho money may be paid back too ilrst month, or no part of It need be paid back for sivcral months Each payment mado reduces the cost accordingly. . Em ployers und neighbors know absolutely nothing ot our buslucrs relations. Pooplt who need money are Invited to cnll and get my terms mil compuro them with what others offer Loans of other com panies may be transferturt to mc. No charge fer papeis. All huslnc.s strictly confidential. Quick service, and lowest rates guaranteed. J. W. TAYLOE. 2H First. Nnt Rink bidg , southest corner 13th and Farnam Sts. Tel. 715 DO YOU NEED MONEY? Wo loan $lo.t) and up on furniture, p'nnos. bcrsis nnd other chattels. SALARY LOANS . , Without mortgage, to people holding permanent positions. You can cct the money In n few iours after ir.nttlltg ap plication, and take 1. 2. 3, I. 0, C months or more In which to pay It back, and ou need not pjy for It nno day longer than you keep It. W clmrga nothing for tmpirs ind we gls- you tin; full amount In cash. There are no lower lates thun ours, our terms nre the easiest, our business Is contldentlal und our motto l "try to please. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., 119 Hoard of Trade lildg. Tel.. 229... tEstabllshed 3i,6 So. 16th St. SALARY LuANS. If vou ore employed bv n responsible firm we will loan you sums fiom $10 to J1P0 on your note nt much cheaper and ran'r rates than elsewhere. Of this we nrn positive Absolutely no charges rnr papers. Nothing deducted from amount desired. Easiest partial payments. Reliable Credit Co., room 2(3 Paxton blk. X MS51 MONEY MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE. No endorser of mortgage required. LOWEST RATES. EASY I'A YM 1 5NTS and STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. OMAHA CREDIT CO.. Room C26, Fifth Floor. New York Life RMg. MONEY to Loan on Furniture. Plnnos, Diamonds, etc., on easy payments. ou keep security No charge for papers. No questions asked yo ir neighbors. Tel. lull. HEHGERS' LOAN CO.. 1501 Farnam St. X-G21- MONEY loaned salaried peoplo holding per manent p Itlon with responsible concern upon their own names without security: cnsv payments Tnltnnn, Room 410. Hoard qf Trade Ultlg.. 16th and Farnam St. i. i9l MONEV loaned on nlnnos. furniture. 1 Jew- elry, horses, cows, etc. C P. Rccd, 3t! 8 13. X-7D0 CHATTEL S.- Salary loans nnts. 51 nnrker nil;. Joe It. Plena. X-M504-F19 MONEY loaned on p'nnos. furniture, horses, cows. Jewelry. Duff Green, R 8. Itnrker bin X 792 SALARY LOANS at reduced rntcs. AMERICAN LOAN CO.. R. dl. IW HM". X-M9M IlllflMlhS CIIA.NCIIS. $150 CASH or onsv pnymentn buys 25 strictly lawful (nickel) slot machines fnr drinks, clgnrs or cash; will earn $2 anil upward weekly ench Earl. Clark & Co., Furnl turo Mniuiftictuiers, Chicago, 111. Y-S13 WANTED, good man to do cnnvnsslng In the country: good pay for right man. Ad dress E 4. llco Y M190 FOR SALE, agricultural Implement nnd carriage business In south central Ne braska. For further particulars nddreso Rox C03, West Liberty, in. Y M731 MERCHANTS that aro overstocked with winter goods and want them mov.'d promptly, can sccuro the services jf u llrst-elass dry goods niietionecr bv ad dressing J. T. Regan, Denlson, Iowa. Y-MCI4 2 A WHLL-USTAHL1SHHD. thriving husl nesfi, mnehlnery and Implements, will In voico from $15,000 to $1S.I)0; reason for Bell ing, wish to retire trom business on ac count of ago; If Inter Mod, write to John Poole, 34 Grand, North Portland, Ore. Y-MS25 4 FOR SALE, Only meat market In town of 700. Address P. O. Rox 219, Gibbon Nco. Y-M766 1'"! FOR SALE. Iloyd hotel. Lincoln. Neb., with a frontngo of 75 and a depth of S7 fept, four-story brick, with 62 well fur nished rooms. The owner wishes to sell on of nge and poor health. Will soil at n sacrifice. Address Mrs. K. Mnr tin, Hoyd hotel, Lincoln, Neb. Y-MS17 I FOR SALE, only stock millinery in good town of l.oon in eastern Nebrnska: a snap. Address II 35. Ree. Y MSI0 1 POP. SALIC, furnltiiro nnd undertaking, fresh clean stock, $2,20; slrkiios; will bear clnseBt tiifiioctlon. llenrv 15 vi, Crete, Neb. Y-MS3) 5 FOR EVCIIA.Vtil. A FINE 585.00 Imported magic lantern, ns grind as new, only used a short time; sult ablo for lectures, churches or lodge enter tainments; u bargain. Address F ta. Re otnec. Z-179 'OR SAI.i: Itl'.AI, ESTATE. 3-R. HOUSP and lot. easy terns, $350. 3-r. near 19th St. power hntibc. Jl.ujo. 7-r.. near Dundee car, $l.ono 12-r . near Coliseum, lot 70x110 $3 201, rt-r. . furnace, gas and bath. $2 ion. 1921 So. 35th nvo., pleasant home, $2,250. P D. Wead. 1521 Douglas St. RE-30 ft LIST property and business for snle with Geo. W. Holbrook, 307 Ilrown Work. RE-6-.17- PROPERTV bought nnd sold; money lc.ined; rents collected, L. L. Johnaou Co.. 814 So. 15lh St. RE-102 RANCH AND FARM lands for sale by the Union Pacific Railroad company. R. A. McAllaster land commissioner. Union Pacific Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE SIS SEE HENRY R. PAYNE, 601 N Y. LIFE. RR-79G DESIRABLE east front lot. residence or buslnett., 3d bloc!; so depot on 10th. 1111 Vinton. RK-MS63 F3 HOUSES, lots, farms, lands, loans; also tire Insuiance. llcnils, Paxton blk. RE SI I CHEAPEST lot In city of Omnha; OSW-foct east front In Nelson's nddltlnn M. J Ktnnard & Sou, 210 Urowu block. R E-MW3 CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON. 1203 Farnam Sb RE--95 FARMS, largo and small. Let me know what you want. Wllllnin Nelson, 001 S. 10th. RE-M9U LIST your property for rent and sole with W. II. Rusiull, 436 HaniEe Hldg RE-174 FOR s ll,i:-lir. 1, HMTATI2, G ACRES near Crelgh and McDonald rt bi llet ees, $I.Ka Sightly block In south part of FlTenoe, JW0. SO acres 6 nil N W. postolllce, at $5)'"); will divide, r. n. Wead, 1521 Douglas St. RH-sgS 61 LIST your bargains lti city property and farm lunJs with us; we have tho cus tomers. Pnyne-Knox Company, Main Floor New Yotk Life Uldg. Tel. KM. RE-CIS 21 HOUSE to move. Wallace, Ilrown blk. HH-J1727 A VERY good lot n north part of city, not far out and close to car; ROjcIM feet on grndu; only $2fio cash, or $10 n month, 6 per cent Interest; it Is worth $500; .1 lots closo by sold for that this week. Stringer, C34 Paxton blk. HE-M7-.1I 7-ROOM house nnd corner lot, COX123, In north part of c.ty: cheap nt $l,5nu; will sell for $750. $10") rash, balance $10 a month nnd 0 per cent Interest; not far out nnd closo to cars. Stringer, 634 Paxton blk. RE-M725 FOR SALE 132 feet s,,unre on S. E. cor ner '6th and Chicago str. n this prop erly there Is one ten-room, modern house, with stable, nnd oil" 4-room cot tage. Room lor several other houses. This is a very deslrnblo location nnd the who'o property will be sold cheap to tho right praty. 1'rlce. J1J.W. A. P. Tukoy, Hoard ot Trade. RE-MS2J 1 FOR $K you can purchase targ lot nt grade, east front, or. 37th st . bet Le.iv eeworth nnd Fnriintn. or 50 ft. for Sl.&jo. P.J ft on Cuming st.. front Remls Park, J2V0 Full lot, Pluinvlew. corner. $iW P. D Wend. 1524 Douglas. RH-VJ3 31 FnU lT"llE A V TI FU U "llOMEr! CH E a1' Of 6 rooms EACH, all modern, hot nt.d cold water plumbing, line .mrcelaln bath tubs, electric bells, furnace : In fact every up-to-date, modern convenience m paved street nnd rnr line, outh fronts lino lots nnd plcndld lorallty Thcp properties are offered for from $3,250.00 to $3,500.00; tC) cash, balance 6 per cent. Payne-Knox Company, Mnln Floor. N. Y. Llfo lliiltdlng. , RE-913 3 CALIFORNIA FRUIT FARM. Near Pasadena, 10 acres all to fruit, ii Rood 6-room house, water right, etc.: own?r wishes to trade for Omaha clly proprlv. Pnvne-Knox Company, Main Floor N. Y. Life bid;,'. RE-M91S 2 RAROAINS FOR CASH 3SI!i nnd llamllton. lot 50IH. 20. 26th nnd Sprngtp. lot COnIW. 3Sth nv. nnd Dodge, lot 60x155. $l.20. house, city water, Will st Center, paving nil paid, lot 33x123. near Price, ' garvin iiros., 1ci1 farnam. hi:-mj.-.i 1 GEOROK AND COMPANY, 1001 Farnam St. Sprrlal bargains: f.l.icooo for noiri ChlcTg'i St.; ' room housp, slrletly modern nnd In tlrsl-elass conC'l tlotr also good barn. $2 3'ro for 7-room hnure. milage: nil mod ern, porcelain bath, full lot. a veiv nt ttrictlve pla"p. smith of llnnscom pat it. 2 blocks of ear line Jl.WoO) for cottage of f, room". In excllctit npnlr, on good paved stre 't and ''eslr nblc nelghborbood, within easy wulklr.K ilisliitien (Inu'titnu'tl. fjli no for east front lot on loth st., near Howard: all special taxes paid In full M2V0O per ncro for 2 acres, threp rnlls v.e -i or I" l).. just outside or city limits r i nil 7 lilfi"kn from Dundee car line. jrw.oo fnr Hup building lot In Walnut I Hit. on grade, half block irom paved street nnd street car. RE -M93I 1 DUNDEE LOTS. Are vou Interested In the beautiful suburb of Dundee? One of the mon promising places to live or invest Omaha. Rumor says 1.1 row nnd good resident-1 will be built there this year. Has. water, shade, graded streets, walks, good schools, Hi est of people. I lmvn a large list of lots there for snle very cheap. Hero aro few of tho best In tho wholo village: !?.50-Eant front on uOth. best or tho three lots whore houses were burned last fall; water In thp lot, brick for foundation, tlno shnilp trees. $20oHrniitlfiil lot on Capitol Ave., half niopK past or car. oas nna wair in Mreot. Have .mat sold lot opposite ror $350. 1250 Corner 51st .i Hurt, line, largo trerr $5) to $500 Lots In nil parts or the village. See me for ntiythlng In Dundee. OEORGE G. WALLACE, Rrown Uloek , 'RE-nil-2 i a yn i:-k nox Company. Plnep upon the mntket for Immediate s I'e THREE properties that aro wlihoat question HIU HARGAINS. IN KOUNTZE vCmK, n, 7-room house, near 24th ht. car line; hns HATH room, hot and cold water, plumbing, gas, goo.l cellar, pretty lot and In good repair: cost S2,5'o, nnd Is now ofTcred for J2.250, $5'0 cash. Li south part of tho clly, convenient to TWO enr Hues, un o;Lst front. 6-rnnm house, contains RATH. GAS. FURNACE, good cellar, recently put in Ann repair; 2.i)0. $5oo cash. THIS IS A FINE OP PORTUNITY to get a good home. On Prnlt M.. Just weft of 30th. not far from car llnp. a good fi-rooui house utel lino well or water, W-ft. lot; CHEAP at $750; REASONAIILE TERMS. MAIN FLOOR N. Y. LIFE REDO RE-M971 I .1IEDICAI,, LADIES out of health find prompt relief. Rox 232, Omaha, Neb. Confidential. -793 DR. LE DUE'S Femalo Regulator, posi tively warranted to cure the most stub born cases of monthly stoppages, irregu larities, obstructions null suppressions brought on from whatever c.iuso; $2 a package or 3 lor $5; bent anywhere pro paid on receipt of price. The Kldd Drug Co., Elgin. Ill American Olllce, retail, wholesale, Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omntin; M. A. Dlhoi, South Omaha: Davis Drug Co.. Council Hlu!T.s. Full line of rubber goods. PATIaNTX INVENTORS GOT AN IDEA? We handle patents, copyrights and trade marks; you Flei tiJ the hare Idea nnd wp will do the rest; modern equipped machine shop nnd foundry ,u connection: Olllclal Gnzettn nn tlie; guide book free. Mason, Fenwlck Lawrence, patent lawyers, 1406 Howard n.j tel. '4)9, umnha. J. P. Cronlii, ropr -M170 INVENTORS, wo nsk no feo until the patent Is procured; If wo fall, wo get no Ire; advlco frcn. Sues & Co., Patent Law yers, Hee Uldg., Omaha, Neb. Long dls tanco telophnnn 1C23. 413 Maris LOST. A REWARD of $5 paid for return of brown wr.ter spaniel, whlti spit nn brea-n; iiliawers to nanio of Mitchell. Polar lien kel. 24th and U sts., South Omaha. Loat M9-W 1 LARGE blnek pocketbook with papers; vnltmbln only to owner. Return to ihlj dllce. Reward. Lost MU71 U LOST, two blankets between 25th mid N, South Omnha. and 15th ird cas'-eibir Pieaso return to 2120 S. J5th rt., and re ceive rownrd. Iost MM7 3 S1IOHTIIAM) AM) TYPEWRITIMI. A. C VAN SANT'S School. 717 N. Y. Life. HOYLES' College, court reporter, principal. Hee Hldg. 303 NER. Huslness & Shorthand college. Boyd's Theater. S03 GREGG Shorthnnd. Om. C. Col. 16 ,t Doug. -S04 OSTEOPATHY, JOHNSON Institute. 515 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. li6l; Alice Johnson, D. O.. Indies' dept.! Gld E. Johnson, Osteopathia. Mgr. -SM M. E. DONOIIUE. D O., of Still schonl, Ulrknvllle, Mo. 031 Paxton Hlk. Tel. 13G7. -So7 I) .ci.vt; SCHOOL, THE winter term at Mornnd's Panclnc rchool begink this week. Adults. Tuesday nnd Friday, i n. in : 12 lei-ons. gentlemen, $s; ladles, $6. l'rtvnlo lo.isonH Pay unu evening M-222 Fll INCl'DA TORS AM) llll()()I)i:itS, INCUBATORS nnd brooders; cataloguo free. Write Hurr Incubator Co.. H 2, Omaia, Neb Factory nt 2lh & Daverp n -I7D EXPERT ACCOt TAi'. LESSONS In bookkeeping, etc . day or evening R. 15, Com Nat. Hank. !. R. Rnthbun 734 IHCYCI.HS. START buying your bicycles now; $1 down, ii per wcck. i.. i lescner, JUi. cap. ave. M-6.5 Itl'llllEll STAMPS. RADGES, medals. Om Pl't Co,, Hee Uldg. tel. M 617 II1RDS AM) TAll) STOCK'S Bird Store. If-M Leavenworth. -797 MClvEL PI.ATI.MI. OMAHA PLATING CO., Ueo Uldg. Tol. 25.15. M6IS PAW .Ml HOKE U.S. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable accommodat ing; ull business confidential. 1301 Douglas. -Ml WATCH HEI'AllllSrj. W. O. SANDERS, room 24. IJarker Rlock. I23-F-16 sta.ii.iieri.m: ami stuttihuno. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Rntnge HJdg tailMTI Illi UUPAIRIMJ. TEL. 1131. M S. Wnlklln, :ill Cuming St. TICKET UltOKHR. CUT rate tickets everywhere. P, bin, 15C5 Farnam. Telephone 7S4. II. Phil- LAl'MHtV. OMAHA Stenm Laundry; shlrti. 7c: collars, 2c; cuffs, 4(!. 1750 Leavenworth. Tol. 547. -791 CARPENTERS AMI .lOllItEllS, ALL kinds of carpenter work nnd repairing promptly nttended 'o. J. T. Ochiltree. 20th and Lake Sts. 370 ACCORDION PI.KATIMI. ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best quick est. Mrs. A C. Mark, S. E. Cor. 17th and Fnrnnm. 623 ECAL .voTiri:. NOTICE TO HOND UUYER8. Notice Is hereby given that senled Mils will be received at the olllce ol the emnv clerk of Thayer county, Npbrnsku, In Un burn, Neb., until Tuesdn- i''ebruarv SO, 1M1. ut 12 o'clock tn. of enhl day. for court bouhp bonds of Thayer couniy. Nebraska tsnued In payment for a courthouse to bo erected for said county. Said bonds will be Issued to the amount of Hfty-llve thousand dollars, eacb bond to b? of the denomination of one thousand dol lars, numbered from "one" to "lUty-llV" reflectively, und lilted March 1st, 1WI. pay ten years from ditto of Issunncc but pay able nl nnv time nfter one year from !d Mai eh 1. Ilifll, nt Hi" cptlon of said Thnyer cour.ty, Nebraska. IntereNt pavnblp seiill cm January 1st nnd July 1st, of each year, nfter the Issuance of said bonds nnd both principal and lnterpst paynblp nt tho olllce of the treasurer of Thayer county, Nebraska. In Hebron. Neb. Said bonds tn draw Interest nt a rato not ti exceed 4 nor cent per annum. Rids for tho above described bonds will brt received as follows: 1. Hidden mny bid the faro or par value of said bonds, nnd speelfv nt what rat? of Interest the said bonds will be tnken by f,ald bidder, or 2. Hidden mny bid for said bonds to be Issued bearing Interest at tho rate of 4 per cpii; per annum, said bidder to specify what piemlum, If any, ho proposes to pay on ii Id bonds, nnd. 5. Rldders mny bid for said bonds, the fame to bo delivered to said bidder hi blocks of ten, as tho money for the erec tion of the courthouse mny be require! hv tin countv from tlmo to time, nnd such bonds to draw Interest from Mich date uh thev mnv bo ho delivered. Each bidder shall accompany hl.s bid with nn unconditional rertllleil cheek on a sol vent bank, satisfactory to tho board, for tho Finn ef five thousund dollnrs. pavblo to the ordnr of the county Ireasiirar of Tlmvnr countv. Nebraska, tn Indemnify said countv ngalnst nny loss, oxpnnso or cost snouid said niiiiiPr lap tn mine ins bid cood. bv enrrvlng out In full nnd in detail the con lltlons of hit bid. nnd hl pontrart with said countv Tho pheek of nny successful bidder or bidders to bo r' tallied bv Thnver county Nebraska, nn 1 applied nt the time of the Issuance! of snld bonds to tho payment therefor, and all checks of unsuccessful bidders will be r tutned to them within ten days aflpr the bids are opened, by the rounty clprk rt Thayer county, Nebn.skn. The board reserves the right to reieet nny or all bids. HOTTF SCHMIDT, S. II. WERR. DAVID SHERWOOD Cruntv Commls.doners of Thayor County, .vptirnsKn. Attcpf: P. J. Hlrrs, County Clerk. FldSt ft O V K II M 13 VP NOTICE. CHiEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, OMAHA. Neb.. Jan. 30. lien -Senled nro- popnls. In triplicate, will be rcelvel hero l.i'tn 2 o ciopk p. in.. .Marcn l. jyq, nno tlmti nneneil fnr furnish! ni- Ivop tiresses. et, and all material und l.ilW of every iirerlptinn that mny oe required for print bur nt Hendnuarter.s Denartment of thp Mlfrcurl during llcal year comtnonnlng .i niv i. i:u. c ircular giving mil inrorma Hon. with forms for bidding, will ho fur tPched on application. Tim U. S. reserves right to reject any or nil bids. Envelopes containing proposals to no marked "I'ri pomiIs for printing," and n. res"d to Ilfiitenant Colonel F. II HTIIAWY, C. Q. M Fl 26-27 M PO.STOl'FICD .OTICE. Should be read DAILY by all Interested, as changes may occur nt nny tlmo. Foreign mnlls for the week ending Febu rnry 2. 1901. will close (PROMPTLY In nil cases) nt thp General Postofllce us follows: PARCELS POST MAILS closo ONE HOUR EARLIER thuu closing tinw shown below. Parcels Post Mails for G-rmaiiy closo at 5 p. m. on January 30 per s. a. Wolmnr. via Bremen, and February 1 per s. n. Uruf Wuldeisce, via Hamburg. Regular nnd Supplementary malls closa nt Foreign Branch half hojr lalcr than closing time shown below. TrniiM-Atluiitlo Mulls. SATURDAY At 7:30 n. in. for NETHER LANDS direct, per s s. Amsterdam (mall must be directed "per s. s. Amsterdam"); at 8 a. m for ITALY, per h. s Allcr, via Naples (mall must be directed "per H. i;. Allcr"); nt 10:2u a. m. (supplementary 12 m.) for EUROPE, per h. s. Rtrurla, Quecnstown. PRINTED MATTER. ETC.-Thls steamer takeH Printed Matter. Cotrimerrtal nnd Samples for ftormany only. Tho samp clras of mall tnatcr for other parts of huropo will not bo sent by till ship unless specially directed by her After the closing of the Supplementary Trans-Atlantic Mills named tibovo addi tional supplementary malls nre opened on tho piers of th American, English, French and German steamers und remRln open until within Ten Minutes of tho hour of sailing of steamer Mull for South und 'c:itrnl Ainrrieii, Wrxt Indies. Etn. FRIDAY At 12 ra. for MEXICO, per s. s Miitnnxas via Tamplcn (mall must bo di rected "por s. s. Matatizas"); at "ll p. tn. for NASSAU, per steamer from Miami, Fin. SATURDAY At 9 a. in. for GRENADA and TRINIDAD, por p. s. Marnval; nt 9 a. in. for ST. K1TTH, GUADELOUPE. MAR TINIQUE, BARBADOS und DEMER. ARA. per s s. Ullpr; at 9 a. m. for PORTO RICO, per b. r. San Juan, vln San Juan; nt 9 a. m. (supplementary 9:30 a. m ) for CURACAO und VENEZUELA, per s. h. lllldur (mall for Savanll'a nnd CathaK''tiu must L directed "per s. h. lllldur"); at 10 a m. fed' CUBA, per s. s Havana, via Havana: M 10 a. m. for HAITI, per s. u. Prins P. Ilendrlk Onnll fpr Curacao, Venezuela. Trinidad. Hrltlrh anil Dutch fSulnna must be directed "per n. s. prlns F. Hpnilrlk"); ut 10 a. m. (suppleinentarv p;M n. in. i for FORTUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA. HA VANILLA, CARTHAUENA and (1REYTOWN. per p. s. Aleno (mall for Coslu RIch must bo din eted "per e . Alenp". nt 1 p. m. for ARGENTINE UK Pl.llLIC, URUGUAY find PARAGUAY, per h. f- Knlllr Prince. Malls for Newfoundland, uy rail to North Sydnoy. and thence bv steamer, close nt this ofllco dnlly at 6:30 p. m. (connecting closo bora every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday). Malls for Mlqueion. by rail to Boston, nnd thence by steamer, close nt thlc ofllco dally ut 6.30 p. m. Mails for POSTOPI'ICll NO'I'ICE. Cuba, by rail' to Port Tnmpa, Fla nnd thence bv steamer, close nt this olllce dally at ''t n. m. (Iho ccnnecllng closes nre on Sunday. Wednesday and Frldny). Malls for Mexico City, overland, unless specially addressed for dispatch by steamer, close nt tld" "fllee dally nt 1 30 p. tn. and 11 p. m. Mails for Costa Rlrn, liellie, Puerto Cortc' nnd Guntemala, by rail to Now Orleans, nnd thence bv steamer, close nt this ofllco dally at "LSO p. tn. (connecting closes here .Mondays for Rellre. Puerto Corte2 nnd Guntemala nnd Tuesdays for Costa Rica). Registered mall closed nl f p. tn. previous day. Irntis-Pnolllo Hulls, Mnlls for Hawaii, Japan, Chlnn and Philip pine Islands, via San Francisco, closo hero dnlly ut 0:30 p. m. up to January 27, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. China. Malls for Hawaii. ln San Francisco, close here dally nt 6.30 p. m. up to January M2S for dispatch per s. s Mariposa. Mails for China, Japan nnd Philippine Islands, vli. Seattle, close here dally at 6:30 t. m. up to January 29, Inclusive, for dlfpatch per h. s. Tosa Maru (regis tered mall musl bp directed "via Seattle"). Malls for Australia (cxrept West Australia, which goes via Eurone, nnd New Zea land, which goes vln San Francisco) and Fiji Islands, via nncoiivcr. close hero dally at C J) p. m. after January 19 and up to February "2, Inclusive, for dispatch per . s Aornngl (supplonienturv mnlls. via Seattle, closo at 6.30 p. tn. February 3). Mnlls for Pnprltl, via S.m Francisco, close here dally at t',:.T0 p. m. up In ppbtunry "3 fnr dispatch per r. s. Australia. Malls for Hawaii. Chlnn. Japan nnd Philip pine Islands, vln Sail Francisco, close hero dally at iL.T'i n. nt. up to Februarv !, In clusive, for dispatch per f.. s. Doric. Molls for Australia (except West Australia, which Is forwarded la Europe), New Zealan ' Fiji. Samoa nnd Hawaii, via San rrancli n close here daily at 6: SO p. ni. nfter l'.-brunry M up to February :, In clusive, or on nrrlval of s. s. Umbrla, due ni New York February 9, for dis patch per s. s. Sierra. Mnlls fot chlnn nnd .latinn. vln Vancouver, close here dally at 0:30 p. nt. up In Febru nry 19, Inclusive, for dlspntch per s. s. Empress of China (registered mull must be directed "via Vancouver") Trans-Pacific mails are forwarded fo port of milliner dnllv and the schedule of closlnu Is arranged nn the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit Regis tered mail clones nt 4 p. nt previous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster Postofllce, New York, N. Y . January 25, 1901. PORTO Pormlnr Tours RICO J ob. 2 nnd 10. March 2. Hills- tinted program! '' deys, nil expenses, Jlus. Raymond A Whltcomb, 103 Adiins St..Clilcjao RAILWAY TI.1IE TAII1.ES. FREMONT. ELK1IORN A Missouri Vulley Railroad - "Tho Northwestern Lino" -General Olllces. United Htutes National Hank Bldg., S. W. Corner .Pu'iOftl, I'-fimnm HlB. ileket Ofllce, 1101 Farnam St. Tel. 501. Do pot, 15th and Webster Sts. Tel. 14V. Leave. Arrive. Black Hills, Deadwood, Hot Springs n 3:00 pm a 5:00 pm Wyoming, Casper and . Douglas d 3:00 pm e 0:00 pm Hastings, Yor, David City. Superior. Geneva. Exoter ami howrd ...b 3:00 pm b 0:09 pm Norfolk. Vcrdlgre and Fremont u 7:30 nm 110:2j am Lincoln, Wahoo nnd Fremont b 7:50 nm bl0:2 am Fremont Local o 7:30 am n Dally, b Dally except Sunday, o Sun day only d Dally except Saturday, o Dally except Monaav. BIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Railroad "The North western Line" General Ofhces, 1'nltcd States National Bank Building, 8 W, Corner Twelfth nnd Fnrnnm Sts. Ticket OfflCF. 1401 Farnam St. Tnlephono 561 Do pot. Tenth and Marcy Sts. Telepnono 629. Leave Arrive. Twin City Express a i55 am al0:25 pm Tn-lti rMlv l imited n 712.1 Dm II S.15 iim Sioux City Local u 8:00 am u 3:50 pm a Dally. CHICAGO, BT PAUL.. Minneapolis & Omaha Rutlway "The North western Line" General Otllces, Nebrnskn Dlvl i.lon, 15th nnd Webstor Sts. City Ticket Ofllce, 1401 Farnntn 8t. Telephone, 561. Depot. 15th und Webster Sts. Leave. Arrive. Twin Cltv Passenger... a 6:00 am a 9:10 pm Omaha J'iifsenger ull;10 mn Slouk City Ac North- east Nebraska a 3:45 pm a Dally. CHICAGO NORTH, western Railway "Tha Northwestern Lane City Ticket Ofllco, 1401 Farnam Ht. Telophone. f,01 Depot, Tenth nnd Marcy Sts. Telephone 629. Leave. rnvo. Daylight Chicago Spe cial a 7:00 am nll:30 pm Chicago Passenger a 4:15 pm a 3:40 am Eastern Express, Dos Moines. Murshnlltown, Oedur flaplds und Chicago al0:55 nm n 4:05 pm Eastern Special, Chi cago nnd i-'aat a 4:55 pm a 4:06 pm Fast ;Inl1. Chicago to Omnha n 2:45 pm Omaha-Chicago Ltmlt'd.a 7:45 pm a s:00 pm Fast Mall n 8:30 urn Cedar Rapids Passenger u 5:30 pm Enstern Express b 9:00 pm a Dally, b Dally except Saturday. URLINOTON & Mis souri Rlvnr Railroad "Tho Hurllngton Route " General Otllces, North west Corner T'nth and Farnam Btreetn. Ticket Olllca 1502 Farnam Streut. Telephone, 250, Burlington Station, Tenth and Madon Streets. Telonhone, 128. Leave. Arrive. Lincoln, Hnstings und McCool: ...a 8:40 nm a 7:35 pm Lincoln, Denver, Colo rado. Utah, Cnllfornia.a 4:25 pm a 3:00 pm Lincoln & Black Illll.s..a 9:00 pm a 0:45 am Montana l'uget Sjund..a 9:00 pm a 6:15 am Lincoln Fast Mall b 3:00 pm a 9:17 urn Wymnro, Beatrice und Lincoln a 8:10 nm bll :55am Denver, Colorado, Utnh nnd California a 6.15 am South He-id, Louisville, Plnttsmoiith b 3:35 nm bll:05 nm Ft (jrooic, Plnttsmouth and Pacific Junction., a 7:00 pm a 8:20 am Bellevue. PJuttsmouth and Pacific Junction. .n2:!0 am u Dnlly b Dally execur flutum. KANSAS CITY. ST. JO. seph & Council Bluffs Knllrand-'Thn Hurllng ton Route" Ticket Ofllee, 1502 Fnrnnm Btreot. Teio phono. 250. Depot. Tenth nnd Mnon Streets. Telo phone. 128 Le.ite. Arrive. Kansas City Day Ex n 9:20 nm a C-25 prn Knnrus city Night Ex .at0;30 pm u 6:15 am St. Louis Flyer for t Joseph and St Louis, a 5:10 pm all:16 um a Dally CHICAGO. BURLINGTON &. Qulncy Railroad-"Tho Hurllngton Routo' Ticket olllce 1502 l'lirnnm Street. Telephono, 250, Depot, Tenth and Mason streets. Telephone, 123. Lrf..ive. irpiti Daylight Chicago Spe- cla. .. a 7:00 nm alO;(i nm Chicago Vestlbuled Ex. a 4:00 pm a 7:15 urn Chicago Local E3presH.11 9.20 um a 4:05 pm Chicago Limited a 7 '50 pm a i;(5 am FJ Ma" 2.15 pm a Dally. ILLINOIS CENTRAL Rnllrnnd-Ctty Ticket Of flee. 1102 Farnam Street. Telephone. 213. Depot. Tenth and Marcy Streets! Leave. Arrlvu. Chicago Express .. Chicago Limited ., Minniupohs und Paul Exnrcss ... Minneapolis and ...a 7:00 am ull::6pm ...n 7:45 pm u b-.uj U(II .b 7:00 urn b 9:40 pm St. I'uui 1 imiteq . U 7:45 um a 8:05 nm Fort Dodge Locnl from Council Bluffs b 4:30 pm a :15 am Fort Dodge Local '-m Council Bluffs a 6 00 am a Dally, b Dallv except .Sunday. MISSOURI PACIFIC R.n,. F'ttWiK ' ' ' (3errftl OIIIccb und liiKgj. TUket Olllccs. Southeast 5fiTTuIi'5 rner Hth and Douslas Zt-ZwttfXr Bt" Telephone, 101. Depul. 'TiB&Mr Union Station. nfSSJ' Uave. Rt. llouis and Kansas Cltv Lxmc-K al0:00 am Arrive. a 6:25 pm a 6:15 um K. C., St. - ' ui r . I' L. Express.. . al0:50 pm Leave from 15' n und Webster Streets: Nebraska Local, Via Weeping Water b 4.10 pm alOsIS nm a Dully, it Dally except Sunday, FUSION BLOOD IS SPILLED CorumUsioner Connolly nml Euptrintendent Olmitetl in a ricrco Fight. FURIOUS KW0CK.D0W.N IN COURT HOUSE Connolly Arouses Irr of (llinsted by Seel.lim Ills Ri'IikmiiI from Hos pital Super I it tend riii') O I Mi sled JMicnrs to (let Him. The fusion blood of tho fusion superin tendent of the county hospital was drawn In plenty by the fusion chnlrmnti of the county commissioners at yesterday's meet ing of the board. Chairman Connolly Introduced n resolu tion to appoint Ail nm J. sloop superintend ent of the hospital to succeed William II. Olmsted. No one otod for the resolution excepting Its sponsor nnd Commissioner Unite, so tho attempt of the chairman to put Olmsted out of n Job failed. A few minutes nfter tho resolution was voted doun tho board took n recess and Connolly went to tho back of the room wliero Ulmsted was sitting. Tho chairman good-naturedly remarked: "Well, Hilly, 1 tried to get you filed, but It didn't go." "That's nil right for you, Jimmto Con nolly," replied Olniited. 'I ll fix you somo day." Time In Culled. Then tins superintendent drifted Into pro fanity and tol.l the clialrmnti that ho um several kinds of an uudrdrablci rltlten. Connolly, qultk to resent, was nil over tho big tun erliitciidetit In a second. No ono In the room seemed to care to stop the mill, and on It wrut. Olmsted lauded on the chairman's short ribs sccrnl times, but always fell short In loading for the Jaw. Connolly played constantly for the face of his iiiitagonlHt and In less than three seconds gave it the miscellaneous aspect of nn Irish slew. It was n hot mix-up and tho larger man was getting very much tho worst of It, when Commissioner Ostrom nsnumed tho duties of referee nnd cominnnded tho Bluggrrn to break away. For several seconds Olmsted, Connolly nnd Ostrom Bcpmcd to bo tied up Into an Inextricable knot. They bumped up ngamnt tho reporters' tnblo nnd upset nil the Ink, nnd were about to break Into other furniture when Ostrom succeeded In untying the knot and sorting out t Ho contestants, with Olmsted to his right hand and Connolly to his left. Com oily got nway and raised n chair over IiIh head In readiness for tho next round. Olmsted had nil ho could do to attend to tho claret Hint was streaming over Ills face. Big Tom Hoetor stepped Into tho ring and declared tho light off for the thuu bolng. Chairman Connolly resumed tho chnlr. whllo Olmsted uttered ull sorts of dlrn threats ngalnst him. "I'll do you yet, Jim Connolly, nnd do you good." muttered Olmsted, as ho wont out In search of a wuahaland. Olmsted Tenders Ri'slmuitlon, Inside of live minutes tho hospital super intendent came back into tho room and banded Hoetor a piece of paper, which was passed on up to tho clerk. The clerk rend what was written on the sheet, ns follows: 1 hereby tender my leslgniulon lis super Inteiident of the Douglaw County hospital, to take effect immediately. V 1LLIAM 11. OLMSTED. Mr. Hoetor moved that tho resignation bo referred to tho committee of tho whole, and ns tho motion was adopted Olmsted stood up nnd said: "You fellows enn refer that nil you please, but It goes Into effect right now, I'm going to pull out this afternoon and you can tnkn your hospital and do what you plenso with It." Mr. Ostrom moved that tho hospital bo Immediately put lu chargo of tho chair man of tho charity committee, Mr. Hoetor, and tho motion prevailed. A motion waa then mado nnd carried to call n meeting of tho board for thin morning for tho purposo of electing n superintendent of tho hospltnl. Chairman Connolly, beforo tho meeting adjourned npologlzrd to tho board for tho disgraceful net thnt had taken plnco and premised never to engago In such nn nffalr again. Ho said ho had been grossly In stilled hy Olmsted for doing what ho con sidered his duty to himself nud to tho people of tho county. FUNERAL Of JOHN WITHNELL Pioneer dtlim Is l.nld to Rest Afternoon nt Prospect HIU. This Tho funeral of tho late John WItlinell was hold yesterday afternoon from tho family residence, 200S St. Mary's avenue, nnd was largely atteuded by friends of the deceased. Tho services wero conducted by Rov. T. J. Mnckay, rector of All Saints church, as sisted by Rev. Dr. Walcott of Council Bluffs. Interment was at Prospect HIU cemetery. RAILWAY TIM 15 TABLES. CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE & St Paul Railway Cltv (CBCJc IMlLWAUh Ticket Olllce. 1504 Fnrnnm Street. Telephono, 281. Depot, Tonth und Mnsoti Hticets. Telephono. C29. Leave. Arrlen. Chicago Limited Es....a 6:00 pm n 8:05 am Chicago & Omaha Ex..b7:15nm b 3:40 pm u Dully, b Dally except Sunday. 'KMsEBIOMAirA ti ST. LOUIS IlAir.. rood -Omaha, Kansas city Eastern Railroad "Tho Qulncy Route" Tlckot Of lice, 1415 Fnrnnm St. Tole phono, 322. Depot, Tenth and Idnrcy Streets. Telephone, 629. mm Leave. Arrive. St. Louis Cannon Ball Express ...........a 5:15 pm a 8:20 nm Kansas city nnd Qulncy Locnl a 7:00 nm a 9:00pm a Dnlly UNION PACiriC'THE OVER bill "louto"-Ocnernl Otllces N E. Cor. Ninth nnd Fariiaui S reels City Ticket Ofllce, 1321 , luriii'm Streot. Telephono, 316 Depot, Tenth und Murcy sta' '1 efephono. 029. Leave. Arrive Tho Overland Limited.. a ts:20 am a 7:30 nm The Chicago-Portland 1 " Speclnl a 3:20 nni n 7:30 pm Tho Fast Mnll a K:0) um n 3:25 pm Tho Mall and Express. .all:35 pm u 4:25 nm Lincoln. Hentrbo and 1 m StrouiBburg Express. .h 4:05 pm bl2:30 nm Tho Puchlc Express. ...a 4:25 pm P Tho Atlantic Exprpsa .. a 6:50 nm Giand Island Local. ...b 5:30 pm b 9:35 am a Dally, b Dnllv except Sunduy. CHICAGO, ROCK LSL nnd & Piiclffb Railroad I he Great Rock Isl and Route" Clly Ticket Ofllee, KI2.1 K,ir. nam Street. Telephono. sn. ui poi Ten tn nnd uurcy hib. Tele- phone, 629. i-cave. EAST. Dcs Moines and Du'vn port Local a 7'25 nm Arrive. hll:"-, am u 8:10 11 m v NiiiiKu repress nil:l5nrn tvvs amines l.or.'iu a 4:20 nni u 4:45 pm 11 1:25 pm (.lilcugc. j. ait Express. .u u;0o nm Des Moines. Rock Isl and nnd Chlcugo..a 7:40 pin u 9:35 pm Lincoln, Colorado Spgi., ' Denver, Pueidj and West a 1:30 pre a 4:15 nm Colniudo,. Ol.lahuma & P Texas Flyer a 5:20 pm a 9:50 um n Dally b Dally except Sunday. W A II A S II RAILROAD Ticket Ofllce, 1115 Farii.iin Street. Telephone. S22. lie. t,nt. Tenth nnd Marcy 8t. Telephone. CVj. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis "Cannon Ball" ExpresH a 5:15 ln a 8:20 am u Dully. ft