THE OMAIIA DAILY T3ETC: FRIDAY, F.EUBUAHY 1, 1901. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wleat lit- a Dull Day and Closes a Fraction Loner. WEATHER HELPS PUSH IT DOWN Corn liiltt nnil Loner During Mnl of Session Ont Hull nml Fenlurelcnii HI lis llic Only Active I'en turc of Provisions. CHICAGO, Jnn. 31. Wheat was a dull market today, clonlm "Sc lower under the Influence of liberal receipts, Rood weather und no outside support. Corn closed un changed, outs a shade lower ami provisions Slic to V4t(10c depressed. May wheat opened unchanged at Tfr'r'CHe, momentary firmness havlne been taken from tho failure of Liverpool to respond to tho deellno hero yesterday. Tho market ruled dull but fairly steady for u while be tween T&Stffi'ic and GVe, but Dually suc cumbed to tin1 heavy receipts and lack of cush demand, as well as tho good weather, mid declined to "S'.ie. The close was steady. He lower at T5iiii7fic. l'xpnrt bids were about 2c out of line. Exporters reported live loads taken. Seaboard clearances In wheat and Hour weie equal to 215,000 bush Hs Primary receipts iiKrroi;nted ttn.ttfi bushels, compared with MJ.uoo bushels last year. Minneapolis and I'ulutli reported 4ft! cars, nr-alnst 2H! last week and 311 a year iiko. Local receipts were 21D cars, three of contract grade. During the greater part of the session corn was ipilei and Inclined 'ower In sym pathy with wheat. The trade was small nnd featureless, hater reports of thirty-live loads taken for export caused n rally and the close was steady. May sold between 3!(c and .Wc and closed uneliunucil at 38"V(f Wr Receipts wero 2!j cars. Tho weather was favorable for both movement nnd grading. Provision people who have re cently been selling were on tho other side of tho market, but In a moderate way. Oats were dull, narrow ami bare of features. There was a fair shipping de mand, but the trade In futures was nearly nil locnl. Receipts were lf0 cars. -May sold between Kiii'iixif and 25c and closed n Khado down at S.'rf'S'Kc. I'n visions were d.ill, but heavy selling of ribs furnished a feature. One house war. credited with selling it (O.fiOO pounds. Local people sold the whole list In a small way. Liberal hog receipts caused a lower alien ing, but tho market ruled fairly steady at the dec'tne. May pork sold between $1.0. nnd tVi.W and closed HvftlOc lower at 113.D2'.4 f(il3.'jr; Mny lard between 7.42'. and J'.tOli 42 4 closing iiisc uown at 7.42Vv. and May ribs between $0.9114577.00 and fu.97V4 und closed 'c depressed at tO.97'4. Estimated receipts tomorrow: Wheat, 45 cars, corn, 31.) cars; oats, uo cars; hogs, licail. Tho leading futures ranged na follows: 73H 73 751,4 3(V!l 73U. -,Vi 73if?44l73Hifii, 30'. 3.Sil3STMj3nl38T?3J ArtlcIeH.I Open. Illgh.l Low. Closo.j Yes'y. Wheat ,1a n. Feb. May Corn Ian. l'Vb. May May May Lord Jan. Mar. May Illlis Jan. May 73J6 73H 73 7&370'Al 7Gi, W 3(7737 3(V 37 3ST1K 39 24 24 ffi'MiU 2Vu4 13 so 13 so 13 95 13 95 7 35 7 35 7 35 7 4214 7 i'j C R5 fi 90 G 97H 7 on JISOOIIS.'S. Kngllsh markets closed lower; fllnsgow at 62s 6d Jnd Mlddlceborough at 46 9d. OMAHA WIIOMISAI.U MAUKHT9. Conditions of Trade nnd Quotation on Simile nnd I'nnr-s Produce. KOnS -Itecelpts, light; good stock, lMfl7c. L1VK Pot'LTRY-Ilcns, f.ViCe; spring chickens, "4fi6c; roosters, 31j4e; ducks, (ftp C',4e, geese, t?Mc; turkeys, lifI7c. I'RESH UUBHSKD POrLTRY-Hens, 7e; roosters, WOc; ducks, 74'(i8ci gfee, stTSVjci spring chickens, per lb., 7ci turkeys, 9c. OAMK Mallard ducks, per doz.. UOO'? 3.&0; teal, Jl.Mnil.75; mixed, il.50ijl.75: Jack rnbblts. tl.&yl 5u; cottontails, i5c5iJl. HUTTi:R-Common to fair, lltfllHc; choice, 131 1 Ic : separator, 23c. I'lU-'SI! OY8TKH3 First grade, solid packed. New York counts, per can, 3Sc; ex tra -.elects, 32c; standards, 2se; medium, 20c. Second grade, slack tilled, New York counts, per can, 30c; extra selects, 26c; standards 20c; bulk standards, per gal., VnoZHN KHKSir IMSH-IIlack bass, 10c; white bass, 10c; bltlellsh, 11c; bullheads, 10c; bluo litis. 7c; eatllsh, 12e; cod, 9c; cropple, 10e; clscoes, Re; halibut, 11c, herring, 4fi fie: baililoek. lie: lnnckerel. Sue: tiercll. hit 7e: pickerel, 7c; pike, 9c; red snapper, 10c; salmon, lie; suii'lsti, Go; smelts, 10c; trout, 10c; whltellsh, Sc. Pini'UNS Live, per doz., 90c. VKALS-Cholce, !'fl0o. HAY Price quoted by Omaha Wholesale Hay Dealers association: Choice upland, JS; No. 1 upland, $7.50; medium, J7; coarse, JtJ50. Ryo mraw, 55.50. These prices aro for hay ot good color and quality. Demand fair. Itecelpts, 3 ears. OATS No. 3 white, 2ta. COHN-No. 3, 32c. llllAN-Jtl. VEGETABLES. PARSNIPS Per bit.. 60c. TIHNIPS-Per bu. basket, 40o. HI-TS-I'cr lill., 40c. CAHItOTS-Per bu.. 10c. LMTTt'C'M Per doz., 40W45O. HADISIli:S-Per dos., "Sc. PA RSL1SY Per doz., r.5c. HHANH Wax, per 1-3 bu. basket, $1; string, !). POTATO I" S-Per bu., 503GOc; Idaho, per bu.. Roc, HU'Eirr POTATOES Per libl., $2. AHUAO Holland seed, lic. TOMATOES - California, per 4-baskct crate, $2 ONIONS Native, per bu tl; Colorado yellow, per lb., 2c. CKLEKY-Callfornla, as to size, 45g75c; Kalamazoo, 2,"30 CAULIFLOWEIl-Callfornia, per crate, 3. FlttTITS. OUAPKS-Malaga, per keg, JR.6O1T9.00. APPLES-Per bid., J2.50; eastern, 13.250 3.50; California He:uiowcrs, per oox, si.&o. 24 24 23)i 2j 255j.)'4,i -j , 13 70 13 72,4 13 R2"4 13 !) 13 92',4 II l)2',4 7 35 7 35 7 37 7 35 7 37'4 7 40 7 42',4 7 45 C, R5 C S7'4 fi 924 6 974 B 97(4 7 021,4 No. 2. Cash quotations wero o follows: FLOIIIt-DulI; winter patents, S3.WW1.K0: Htralglits, J3.20HJ3.55; clears, J2.7O1j3.30; spring specials. t.WUM; patents, J3.mt3.80; straights. J3.l0dj3.IO; bakers, $2.20(fJ2.CO. WHEAT No. 3 spring, rS571c; No. 2 red, 75ft 70c. COItN No. 2, 37'ic; No. 2 yellow, 3P,;c. OATH No. 2 white, 27&f2S',ic; No. 3 White. 2V(,tJ27He. llYl'-No 2. r.KVfi2c. HAULEY Fair to choice malting, rGft57c. SEEPS No. 1 flax, J1.75; No. 1 northwest ern, $1.7fi; iinme timothy, JI.C5. Clover, contract grade, Jll.00sni.25. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl.. J13.7214 ffM3.&2l4. Lard, per 10o lbs., J7.35. Short ribs sides (loose), $ti.8V?7.10. WHISKY Pasls of high wines. J1.27. Following aio tho receipts and shipments for today. Articles. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bids 2S.0OO 21.KM Wheat, bu 40.0im) b.s,m Corn, bu I5fc,oio Oats, bu 262.000 ICI.000 Jtye. bu 3,000 Hurley, bu 43,000 4.000 On tho Produce, exchange today the but ter market was quiet; creameries. U(fr21c; dairies, ll',4ffilSe. Cheese, dull at lOUtHle. Kggs, quiet; fresh, lSe. NIJW .YtlHIC (MINERAL MAItKKT. (liiotntlonn of tbe liny on Vnrlous CnmiiKiiIltlen, NEW YORK, Jan. Sl.-FLOt'R-Uccelpts, 21.2:12 bbls. ; exports, l,7fi I bbls. ; nominal and unchanged from yesterday, with trado dull, winter straights, $3.4511-1.55; Minnesota pat ents, J4.0CKfM.25; Minnesota bakers, J3.00? 3.25; winter patents, J3.G5JJI.00; winter ex tras, J2.50ff2.fi5 winter low grades, J2.4M72.G0. Ityo Hour, dull: fair to good. $2.SO(?3.15; choice to fancy, J3.15y3.C0. lluckwheat (lour, dull. $2 16112.20. IIPCKWHEAT-Quiot. 60UC2c. c. I. f.,New York. CORNMEAIy Steady; yellow western. 90c; city. i)c; Urandywine, J2. 4052. 45. RYE Steady; No. 2 western, 54c. f. o. b nlloat; stato. &5lTt;oc, e. 1. f.. New York. 11ARLEY MALT Dull: western, fi5ft72c. HA RLEY Quiet; malting. U070c, c. 1. f., Now York; feeding, 41f51e, c. I. f., New York. WI I EAT Itecelpts, 90,901 bu. Snot, steodyj No 2 red, S07c, f. o. b., alloat; No. 1 north ern Duluth. Hi'fiC. f. o. b,. alloat: No. 1 hard Duluth, PO'ic. f. o. b.. alb at Onttoii- opened steady on English news, hut drifted off under a dull local trado, being In fluenced by Inrge primary receipts, .limp iinlntlnir clearances and lack of sunn n t. llnally rallying slightly on export business nn.' a demand from shorts. The closo was rleady. toiiv not decline. Mured, 9 7-10u.' FO'te; closed, 79sie; Muy. K0iBiiW54c; closed, Khic: July, mihsisuv: closed, siO'ic. t'ORN-Receipts, irkl,075 bu.; exporf), 2 92J bu. Spot, steady; No. 2, 40c, elevator, ami 4fl'(iC. f. o. b., nlloat. Option market opened steady on small western receipts, advanc ing sharply on January In response to a nqiieezo on shorts, but otherwise dull and featureless. Tho cloo was steady .it a partial He net decline. May. tl'glrllUc; closed, 4I'4C; July, 43ji;f43ic; closed, 43c. OATS Receipts. 93,fc00 bu.; exports, f. &S5 bu. Spot, quiet but steady; No. 2, 20c; No. 3, 29e; No. 2 white, 32iI32'ic; No. 3 whlto 31so; track mixed western, 29Ji31c; trnck ..Idle, 31035c HOPS Quiet; stato, common to choice, 3900 crop, H)fi21e; U99 crop, 111fl5c; old, 2f6c; J'aclllc coast. 1900 crop, 15f19c; 1S39 crop, 10 fiT14o; old, Sliiic. HIOES-Steady: Galveston, 20 to 25 lb., JS.jilOc; California, 21 to 25 lbs., 19c; Texas dry, 24 to 30 lbs.. 15e LEATHER Steady: hemlock sole. Ruenos Ayres, light to heavyweights, 21i)25c; ucld, 23Vu2lHi: WOOI-Dilll; domestlo Ileece, 24?T2Ce; Texas. 151110. PROVISIONS-Reef, steady; family, $11 0P1T 12.00; mess, $9.00ii'9.50; bcv'f hams, H'J.00f2O.W; pocket JlO.OOtfi 10.50; city, extra India mess, J14.0Ot 10.00. Cut meats, steaily; pickled bel lies, $7.758.75; pickled shoulders, $5.501f5.75; pickled hams. JS.751T9.50. U-ird, dull; west ern steamed, $7.70; refined, easy; con tinent. J7.S5. South America, JS.00; com umind. $.50T6.G2H. Pork, thill; family, J15.001fl5.75; short c!ear, $13,751i'HJ.C0; mess, lU'TTEIl-Recelpts. 2.4S3 pkgs.; iteady; creamery. 1ti1i22c; Juno creamery, l&rr20c; factory. UtTHe. tilliESE-Recelpts. 30fi pkgs.; firm; fpiifv, large, fall made, lPJilHjc; fanjy, sioall. fall made, imifl2c. EGGS Receipts. 7.701 pkgs.; unaettljd: v.fslern. at mnrk, 204121c; southern, at mark. 195520c. TALLOW-Steady: city ($2 per pkg.), Bo; coupon country (pkgs. freol. 5fi5?;c. Min'ALS-SpecuIatlvo dealings In tho locnl metal market wero conspicuous by their nbsenco. Trailing was of a hand-to-mriith ortler nml Koneral sentiment wns liearlshly inellnetl. Tin, though not quot nbly lower here, was easy in tone, with tho nominal ilguro at tho close $26.25 At jAindnn quotations wero 11 shado lower to 121 5s. Copper In London declined 7s I'd. Thin factor Increased tho weakness of the local market materially. Sales of "fli-OVt lln. Lake Superior wero mndo at Jlti.f.5, but at the clow prices wero nominally quoted nt $17 for Uiko Snnerlor and $16,621, for casting and electrolytic, but concessions wero freely offered 011 largo lots. Accord ing to tho tlgnrea of the United States Huron ti of Statistics the exports of eopnr for 1900 amounted to 154,347 tons of 2,211 t. This Includes old copper exported. Lend was 2s fit! lower abroad to A.'t56s, hut was without Important feature locally, closing dull nt $l.37l.. Spelter was Inacttvo ut $4.40 Domestlo Iron markets remained dull and featureless nt $9,501110.50 for pi.- Iron warrants: northern foundry. J15.OVfTin.50; southern foundry, Jll.5CKffl5.75; soft southern, CRANHERRIES-Hell and Hugle. $10 per bbl.; Jerseys, per lib)., $9; per crate, $3.2.). TROPICAL FltUlTri ORANGES - California seedlings, $2.25 H2.r,o; navels, J2.7513.25; Mexicans, $2.50; Floridos, $3.25. LEMONS-Cnllfornla, extra fancy, $3.50; choice, $3. HANANAS Per bunch, according to size, $2.00112.50. FIGS-Cullfornlo, now cartons, SOc; layers, 75o; Imported, per 11)., 13W15C. DATES Persian, In CO-lb. boxes, Salrs, Co per lb.; Halloween, 5',jc per lb. MISCELLANEOUS. HIDES Nt 1 green, CHc; No. i green, 64c; No. 1 snlted, 7l4c; No. 2 salted, C,c; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs.. 3Hc: No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 15 lbs., CV4c; dry hides, Xiri3c; sht'cp pelts, 2.VT(75c; horso hides, $1.50112.25. NUTS English walnuts, per lb 13c; 111 berts, per lb., 13c; almonds, per lb.. 181)2oc: raw peanuts, per Hi., 5fa5V4c; roasted, 6k1i 7l,4e; Hrazlls. 13c; pecans, lujtlic. HONEY Colorado. 21-sectlon case. $3.75. CIDER Per blil., $5; per half-bbl $3. SAUERKRAUT Per bbl., $1; per half bbl.. J2.50. St. Louis tlritln 11 nil ITo vlslonn. ST. LOUIS. Jan. 31.-WIIEATI.ower; No. 2 red. cash, elovator, 73c, track, 7IIf 7is4c; .iMiii.try, 73c; Mny, 74f(74'(,e; July. 73io: No. 2 hard. 70-J'ii71c: rcculnts. 42.725 bushels. CORN Hotter; No. 2 cash, 37c; track. 37'4l37',c; January, 37c; .May, 3745j37c; July. 37't.c. OATS Firm: No. 2 cash, 26Uc; track, 2e'ii204o, Janunry, 20'ic; May, 2Gc; No. 2 white, 2.SH0. RYh-Flrm; 5P,4c. KLOl'H Easy; patents. $3.55173.70; extra fancy and straights, $3.15133.30; clear. J2."0ft 2.90. SEEDS-Tlmothy, Ilrm; average. $1.25 4.70, wmi prime wortn more; nax, $1.1.'. CClllNMKAI Steady. $2.05. HRAN Stronger In demand; sacked, cast track, 09c IIAY-Qulct and weak; timothy, $9.0Jf 12.m, prnlrie, jti.oiKiio.w. WIIISKY-Steadv. $1.27. IRON COTTONTIES-$1.25 IIAOOINO 71i7'.c. II EM P TWlNE-Pc. PROVISIONS Dry salt meats (boxedl, heavy; extra snorts, J7.12V4; clear rl'js, ?7.2i; clear sides. $7.37'A. Hacon (boxed), easier: extra shorts. $7..S7Vf; clear rllis. $S.ti4; clenr sides, js.25. Pork, llrm; jobbing, $14. &o. Lard, nominal. $7.15 METALS Lead, closed higher; Jl.17',41? 4.20. Spelter, HUH: $3.MKti3.S24. POlTLTIfi -Firmer; .chickens, 74c; tur keys. r,(T0e; young, "0; ducks, SH'C; geese, 5c Ht'TTER-Steady; creamery, l&fJ22c; dnlrv, 121flrt- EGOS Higher: 16V4r. RECEtPTS-Flour, C.COO libit.; wheat, 4.1,. 000 lui.: corn. S3.Cp0 bu.: oats. 01.000 bu. SHIPMENTS-Flour. 9,000 bbls.; wheat, 103,000 mi.; corn, bi.uuu 1111.; oats, o.ow nu Ktinsns City I.lrt- Stock Slnrket. KANSAS CITY, Jan. 31. WHEAT May, fii'ie: cash. No. 2 hard, B7M.fj09o: No. 3, tii'As'oiit'.'ee; o, ten. iwc; nu. .5, u.ic. I'UiiiN amy, JijVd.iic; casn. o. - mixcu, 34ie; No 2 white, 3i4c; No. 3, 33ic OATS No. 2 white, 27c. RYE No. 2, 4Sc. HAY-Cholce timothy, $10,501(11.00; choice prairie. $S.0UfiS.50. HUTTER-Creamery, lSG20c; dairy, fancy, 17e. EGGS Higher; fresh Missouri nnd Kan sas stock, Ifie doz.. loss off. cases returned; now white-wood cases Included, c more. RECEIPTS Wheat, 55,200 bu.; corn, i",200 bu.: oats. 10.000 bu. SHIPMENTS Wheat, W.000 bu.; corn, 2S.OO0 bu.; oats, none. Liverpool (irnln nntl Pro visions. LIVERPOOL, Jan. Bl. WHEAT Steady; No. 1 California, fitld; No. 2 red western, fa Id; No. 1 northern rprltig. Gs3'4d Fu tures, quiet; March. Os'ld; May. Cs l'.td CORN Spot, quiet; American mlxd, now 3s lid; Arorlcnn mixed old, 4s. Fu tures, quiet; February, 3sl0iad: March, 3s91.d; May. 3t .fit). PROVISIONS-T.ard. American rellned. In pnll'i, dull, .ISsHd: prlmo western, in tierces, quiet, 3ss. Hams, short cut, dull, 41 9d. Hacon, Cumberland cut. dull, I0 fid. Short ribs, dull, 41s d. Clear tellies, quiet, 4 Is M CHEESE American finest white, quiet, 51s: American llnt colored, nnlet. 52. TALLOW Australian, In London, -lUlet, 7s Cd. 350; money, "fvl per rent, New York ex change, 26fl32c premium STOCKS AMI HOMIS. Ppepiilntors Coitllntif Tlielr 5lnnlpn Intlon of the StneUs, NEW YORK, Jnn 3I.-The stock market continued largely given over to manipula tion by speculative cliques and operation" bv profes-lonnls. There was n constant shifting of nctlvl'.v from one group of stocks to another tint' successive ntlvanees developed her nnd there all dav. Prices of tho favorite Issues were Inclined to drop back as soon as the manipulation wns shifted from them, but the final outburst of activity nnd strength In the Pacifies and SoJthwesterns lifted the stocks to near the best aenln. The stock under Immediate manipulation at the close were, however, about tlw only ones that closed nt the highest. The central figure In the dny's market was Southern Pnclfic. The pool which has been nbsorblng this stock for some time past apparently Is clearing the field of a nart of the wnltlne orders to sell which hung over the stock and ncomplNhed n tardy ndvanee In the prices The dealing in tne stock were on an enormous scale and the extreme advance was 2'i The fact that this ndvanci carried the stock across Atch ison seemed to arouse the speculation of tho friends of that stock and they pushed It vigorously upward nn evlreme 214 through very heavv offering. The Pacifies genernl'y sympathized. The announcement of the plan for the absorption of Mobile Ohio by the Southern Railway company caused n lump In the former stock of 8 nn comparatively lielit traninetions, ni me company's capital Issue Is a smalt one. The Mobile & Ohio development yet the spoe;i- lators upon a search for lecurltles on minor railroad companies which would be In nnv way available as feeders or connections for the great railroad svstem of the country In the operation of the policy for extension of Interests. The roads having Morgan adlllatlnns were prominent 111 this connec tion, t'lilcnpo. Indianapolis & Loulxvnie rose C and the preferred 10 points. There were cnlns of from 1 to 3 points In the Chi cago Great Westerns, C C. C. & St. Louis stock, the lown Centrals. Des Moines Fort Dodge, St. Joenh & Grnnil IIand first preferred nnd the Wisconsin Centrals. Nolle of th"e gains were fully maintained. Yeterday's "trength In the steel stocks continued nt the opening, but wns not maintained during the day. There was more or less realizing In evidence among stocks which hnvo had their previous rise this week nnd tho mnrket continued Irreg ular nil day Todav"s sub-trensury statement reflects the payments for the go'd withdrawn for today's shipments nnd makes the net loss by the brinks to the government Institution for the week thus far $? Th move ment of eu'rencv from the Interior Is re ported llohter Minn last week, so that no such favorable bank statement ns that of last week Is expected. The money mnrket, however, continues so extremely easy that not much attention Is paid to the bank statement Sterling exchange hovered near tho point today which would yield a profit on a shipment of gold to London. Demand sterling was sold nt SS; If It rises above that tomorrow It is the general opinion that gold will go to London on Satiirduy. The statement of the bank of England today shows that that institution has continued to borrow from the market, even while meeting demands from tho mnrket for loans. Its failure to reduce the discount rate, therefore, Indicates a purpose to draw gold from New York to London If possible, Hualness In railroad bonds continued large, tho Central of Georgia nnd So.ithem Pacific Issues being prominent. Total sales, par value, $5,22o,0U0. United Stntes 3s, cou pon, and new 4s udvanced 4 per cent on the last call. The following are the closing prices on the New York Stock exchange: S7 -9Vs !9 67 39' 1. IM'd 14l'8 27 til 91', iii'i , 1 '. Ki . 11.' ,152V .;.' . S2V .I9J 15 2(i 52'4Ana. Mln. Co.. Atchison 25'41Wabash do pril Haltlmore & O... Can. Paclllc Caji. Southern ... Cites, a Ohio.. .. Chicago G. W.... C. H. & Q Chicago I. & L., do Pfd Chicago & E. I.. Chicago ft N. W C, It. I. I'.... C. C. C. & St. L, Colo. Southern ., Mo 1st pfd... . 110 .11 piti Del. & Hudson Del. L. (c W... Den. it It. O.., do pfd Erlo do 1st pfd Gt. Nor. pfd.. Hocklnc Con I Hocking Valley.. 4:1 Illinois Central. .129't, iowa t. enirai do pfd L. E. & W.. do pfd Lake Shoro . Louis, it Nash Manhattan L Met. St. Ry... Mex. Central . Minn. & St. L. do pfd Mo. Pacific ... Mobile & Ohio M.. K. & T do pfd fw". N. J. Central. ...153 N. Y. Central. ...1I3H Nor. ,1 West 4iv do pfd S3' No. Paclllc 82-t" do pfd !- Ontario & W 31 'i O. R. & N 12 Mo pfd 7fi I)nimili1ii ulii I.M ' ilimj 1 1 ii (I ll'j'i Reading ::i'4 do 1st pfd 7i do 2d pfd li'.t, mo u. w (Vi'i do pfd 9J St. L. & S. F.... ."0i do 1st nfd .so do 2d pfd rO'i tit. li. H. V 2.1' 1 do pfd f.)t; 13 do pfd W. & L. E do 2d pfd Wis. Central .. Third Avenuo . It. .t O. pfd.... National Tube. do pfd Adams Express.. 155 Am. Express lis U. S. Express 31 Wclls-Fargo Kx..lT) Amer. Cot. Oil... SOVi do pfd Am. Malting ... do pfd Amer. S. & R... do pfd Amer. Spirits. do pfd Amer. S. 11 do pfil Amer. S. & W. do pfd Am. Tin Plate.. do pfd Am. Tobacco . 1 1 A . 17 120 . Hi1! . 5.S14 4' 21 61, 97,(. Hrk. Rap. Tr. Colo. F. I.... Con. Tobacco . do pfd Federal Steel . do pfd Gen. Electric .. Glucose Sugar do pfd Int'n'l Paper .. do nfd 19'h Laclede Gas ... Nat. Illseillt ... do pfd National Lead do tifd National Steel do pfil. 41 110 5104 !9'i . . .11741 .102 . K . 09 .106 St. Paul i.l' do pfd 102"' St. P. & Omaha.. 13) So. Pacific 4SH So. Railway ?2i do pfd T '. Tex. fc Pacific... 27'i, Union Pnclllc .... fl do pfd f?v . 17 . 271 J . 7Hs . 11'4 . f.', . r.i.H . F7 .III'h ii1' ; . 414 . 95' h . 44 . 72'j .190', . 49'4 . ! . 20, . (!0 1 . 92 . Ifi'j -7', . 40-,- 91 N. Y. A. Drake. 151 No. American .. 20 Pociile Coast .... 53 do 1st pfd S7 do 2d pfd 03 Pacille Mall 41 People's Gas Jli'-i Pressed S. C 3"d do pfd TP, Pullman P C....200 Stand. R. & T... ."; Sugar 135 do pfd 119 Tenn. C. & I fV, V. S. Leather.... IT do pfil U. S. Rubber.. tlo pfd Western Union Amnl. Copper Republic I. & S. do pfd. 7H4 19'4 (TO ESI. C. C. & St. L. (Hi sh' s. A-inllablc cash balance, $11207,715; geld, J71, 121.421. Itoslnu Stock Unotntloiiw, HOSTON. Jan. 31. -Call loans, 3l per cent; time loans, 3Q1 per cent. Ofllclnl closing: A., T. & 9. V..-. 4!,-4:Unlon Land 2',4 tlo pfd S" West End 9.'' Amer. Sugar 135 I Wot. Electric .. 55 do pfd HSU N. 11. G. & C. 5s. 00 Am. Telephone. .162VAdventurc 9V4 I'hllndelpliln Pnidiiee Mnrkrt. PHILADELPHIA. Jan. .11. mTTTEI! Steady: fancy western creamery, 22'.o: farcy western prints. 22c; fnucy nearby pnt'ts. 23c. EGGS'-Firm nnd 1c higher; fresh nearby, .'.v iresn western, --c; iresn fouinwcsicin, 22o: fresh southern. 21c. CHEESE Steady: Now York full creams, fancy small, WWKc: New York full creams, fair to choice, 10t4(filH4c Toledo (Irnln 11 nil Seed. TOLEDO. Jan. 3I.-WHEAT-Dull, weak; cash. 7SU.C ; "May, S0c: July, 79',4e. CORN Active, lower; cash, 3S'4c; May, 39' sc. OATS-Stendy; cash, 26c; May, Cfie. RYlC-52',c. 'LOVERSEi"D-Act'"e, firm; l&D prime, $3 70; cash, $7 32'4; March, $7.40. Ml nn on pill Is 'Wlient, Flour nml Until. M IN"-' ''A POLI8. Jan. 31. WHEAT Cash, 75Ue; May. 75'(.c- July TSWio'-'C On track: Nn. 1 hard. 77.4e: No. 1 northern. "5'i.e- No. 2 northern, 711(f;72tic. FLOUR First patents, $4.05T7I,15; Becondi-, $.! Sf Tt I.Ort; tlrsl clears, $2.'.Hii3.0O; se'-Td clears. $2,001(2.10, HRAN-Ill bulk, $10.751711,50. Hnlotli II ruin Mnrket. DULUTH. Jan. Sl.-WHEAT-No. 1 hard, 73't,e: May, 7sV,; No. 1 northern cash. 73'4c: May. 7('Aie: July, 77'4c: No. 2 north ern. auiiiaU'-; No. 3 spring, BIHIiClhe. COn N-3fi-4C. O ATS-2G1 1 2C ic. Mllviiiiikee n nil n Mnrket. MILWAUKEE, Jnn 31.-WHEAT-DuH; No. 1 northern, 75'41'7'"c; No '. northern, 71A'ii74Hc. RYE -Firm: No. 1, 52fj62'4r HARLEY-Steady; No. 2, K5T60c; sample, 431j5(i'4c. I'rorln .llnrkels. PEORIA. Jan. 3l.-CORN-Stcady; No. 2, 3fi'4c OATS-Steady; No. 3 white, 2C1726',c, UIUPU tortuiKO. WHISKY-On tho basis ot $1.27 for fin ished goods. Ilnnk CIcTirlnun, CHICAGO, Jnn. 3I.-Cnrlngs. $in,ll.0'iv baluliees, $1,791,077; posted exchange. S4.S.rj 4.S9; New York exchange, 5e discount. HOSTON. Jan 31.-Clcnrlngs, $21,021.1-m; balances, J2.41u.SC5. NEW YORK, Jan 31 -Clearlngi, $236, 9?.i3: balances. JlO.lCG.f.lS. IIALTIMORE Jan. 31.-Clearlngs, $3,S60.- s:; oaianees, ..o.a.-3. PHI I MH'I.plilA, Jan. 3t.-Clcarlr,gs, $H.9,922: balances. $.'.014 422. ST. J.OUIS. Jan. 31.-Clearlngs, $.951.0ill; balances, $'ioo,fi03; money, 51i per cent; New York exchange. 10c discount bid, par nsVcj CINCINNATI, Jan. 31,-Clcnnnss, $2,9ul,. Ex-dlvldciid. Nominal. Tho Commercial Advertiser's London financial cablegram says: Huslness on the stock exchnnge was pretty good todny. Tho tone was much more Mitlsfuetorv. now slnco tho settlement has been concluded without any fresh outbreaks of the troubles from tlio west Austral an smnsh. It is honed now that this Is all over. Tho failure of the bank to reduce the bank rate had no effect whatever. Tlu American department was cheerful nt the opening, trading grew more and more brisk and after a session which was active throughout closed at tho liveliest, with prices at the best. The lead came from Hoston & Alb'y. 251 Hoston Elevated. 1 Roston .t Me 191 C. II. & Q... . Dominion Conl tlo pfd Federnl Steel . tlo pfd Fltchbtirg pfd Gen. Electric . do pfd Ed. Elec 111 .lit; . .iu.vj i '.'.UV'j ..191 .159 .230 Hltigham M. Co. 1 Amnl. Copper .. ?',i Atlantic 25 Hoston Mont.. 31 l Huttc & Doston. 77 tl -I...., r. Il.nln Hit Mexican Central. 13V N. i:. O. & C. Old Colony ... Old Dominion Rubber Union Paclllc II. ...2os . .. 3.1'i .SIS 10 Cal. & Hecla Centennial Franklin . Humboldt Osceola 81 Parrot 47 Quliicy IS.! Santa Fo Cop. Tamarack Utah Mining . Winona Wolverines .... 514 !2S 32 5 ,4S4 London Slock (liiof ntlons, LONDON. Jnn. 31.-4 p. m.-ClosIng: ... Ofi" 97 1-1 .(IS Cons., money do ncct ... Atchison Can. Paclllc 9U St. Paul 15I- Illinois Central.. 130 Loulsvlll" Pi. Union Pac. nfd.. s:'4 m. v. i onirni H7-14 'Crln 2.'4 do 1st pfd (Ml. i'ennsylvnnla .... 71 Reading 10'. No. Paclllc pfd.. m, Grand Trunk .... 7 Annconda MS Rand MlneB JOH Ex-tllvldend. HAR SILVEIt-Steady, 27,d rer ounce. MONEY-4'4K5 per cent. Tho rnto of dlicount In tho open market for spot Dills Is 4 1-lCiil'ji per cent; for three months' bills, 4!4 per cent. ew York Mlnlii!- .Stocks. NEW YORK. Jon. 31. Tho following are quotations on mining stocks: Adams Con 20 Alice 12 Hreece 175 Urunswlek Con... 25 Comstock Tun... I Con Cal Vn .1'" Deadwood Tert.1. 52 Horn Sliver . . ..ll Iron Silver 61 Lcndvlllo Con.... C Little Chief .... Ontario Ophlr Phoenix Potosl Savage Sierra Nevada Small Hodcs .. iHtanuaru . It , .650 5i . 7 . 7 . 12 . n 420 FAILURES AND THEIR CAUSES Dun Cotupnny Reports 1,-1- for Month of .Iiiinin r r, 11 n Consequent! of llnliint'lng; Pp. NEW YORK. Jnn. 31,-Reports to R. O. Dun ,t Co. show failures In January of 1,2)2 In number and $11,220,811 In amount of liabilities Of this aggregate 251 were 111 manufacturing for $l,7oo,!'M nnd 9!S In trad ing for $3.311, MM. while In brokerage, trans porting, real estate, etc., there were forty failures for JI,C0S,n23. Resides these strictly commercial disasters eight financial houses closed their doors owing $1,070,S37. Dun's Review of February 2 will say upon this subject: Forced liquidation nt the opening of tho year Is customary and ex perience hns taught that payments matur ing tin January 1 disclose any wenkness that may exist. This annual balancing of nctuints tends to dilve many unsuccessful llrms out of business, either In December, when misfortune seems Inevitable, or In January, after a final effort to secure ex tension. WI.en It Is considered thnt the amount of defnu'ted Indebtedness In Jan uary was less tha'i the monthly average for tho entlro year litoo, and the closing months of last year were marred by severe reverses 111 many branches of trade and manufacture that threatened unusunl tlllll ciltles nt the turn of the year, there Is much encouragement to be derived from 11 careful analysis of the record. Failures for January, 1900, were 9S9 In number und $10,301,161 In nmoiint of liabilities. ColTee .Mnrket. NEW YORK. Jan. .U-COFFEE-Spnt, Rio. easv; No. 7 Invoice, OTic. Mild mar let, dull and easy: Cordova, SflViWc. Fu tures opened steady at unchanged pric s to an advance of 5 points on local covering, following bett?r tnan expected cables; the market further Improved 5 points, with seme Increase In general speculation on th" belief that the market had accumulated too heavy a short Intel est on over discounting the heavy movement, which, nevertheless, cortinucd to check Investment In them: the market closed steady, with prices 61(10 points net hlghor. Totnl silos wore 35,u00 bags. Including: March, 5 2.i5i5.3V; April, 5.30c, May. 5.3555.45e; July. 5.45W5.50c; S"P tember. 5 00c; October, G.C51i5.70c; Decem ber, 5.75fi5.M)C CHICAGO I.I VI" STOCK MAIUCET. Cuttle Slfiuly nml lllg:lier Hoks Lovrcr Sheep Steady to Sloiv. CHICAGO, Jan. 31,-CATTLE-Recelpts. 7.500 bead, including 500 Texans; cholco slrirs, 5fil0c higher; others steady to strong; hiifhers' .itock, rtcady to 10c hli'.lier; Texas, steady to 5e higher; good to in 'mo steers, $5.101i6.(0; poor to medium, J,".. 45H 5.00; stockers nnd teeders, choice, firm- others steady. $3.000 4.W); cows, $2.70'i' 4 25: heifers. $2 75ff4.IO; runners, 2.00i2'm; bulls, llrm. $2.50-54.35; calves, steady, Ji.OOd 5.75; Texas-fed steers, $I.W(4.&0; Texas grnss steers. $3.3C1fl.W; Texas bulls, $2.a0n 3.00 IIOGS-ltecelpts today. 32.000 head; to morrow. 27,000 nead, estlmnted; left over, 2.0( head; SHc lower, closing steady; top, $5 3'.,,; mixed and butchers, J5.10Jf5.30; good to cholco heavy, $5.20?i5 SVi; rough heavy. $-..05li5.15; light, $5.107 5 25; bulk of ales $5.1"'.l!l5.25. SIlICEP AND LAMHS-Rerelpts, 12.000 hfad. uteady to slow; good to cholco wethers, $3.so1TI."0; fair to choice mixed, J.1 4('r3.!-5; western rdioep, $3,801(4.45; Texas sheep, $2.5frt"3.50: native lambs, $l.3515.3o; wci tcrn lambs, $5.00(f5.35. Knnsni City Live Slock Mnrket. KAN'SAR CITY. Jan. 31. CATTLE Re ceipts, 3,5'X) natives, 050 Toxnns. 100 calves; beef steers steady. 151125c higher; stockers nnd feeders. $3,501 1 90; western fed steer.i, $1,751(5.75; Texas and lndinns, $3.S51?4.75; omvu s .-T!.;.l: liellnrn. $3 5(rtTI.75: can- ners. $2,101(3.10; bulls, $3,001(1.50; calves, $5. 50V 5. 75. . HOGS Receipts. 15,000 hend- market hit 10c lower, top, $5.30; bulk of sales, $3.151i5.25; heavy, $5.20'(i3.30; mixed packers, $5. 151)3. 25; light. $5,0015.15; pigs. $l.5OQ4.90. SHEEP AND LAMHS-Recclpts, 3.0O) head lambs steady, muttons strong; west ern lambs, 5.15K5.40; western wethers, $t.2o ffil.75; western yearlings. $t.DOQ5.00; ewes, $3.C51j4.25; culls, $2.33-33.25. OMAIIA LIVE STOCK MARKET Choice Etef fitters About Btendy, but Otheri Slow nnd Loner. t HOGS OPEN TEN LOWER, CLOSE STRONGER llenvy Sheep n lll Ten to l'Kleen Cents Lotver ftir Week, but Hand Wflulit Stuff nml I.ninln Arc Not Mtiett Loer. NI II '111 I1XIAIIA . nn .11. Ttprnlnlu icn.n -... ..I- II..,. mj,.,M Olllclnl Monday 2,102 4,760 4,113 Ofllclnl Tuesday 2,698 7,415 3.05S Ofllclnl WedlluJduy 2.22J 7,960 3.32S inciai Aiiursu'iy OMAHA, Jan. 31. 90S !s,454 3,430 Four days this week.. 10,021 Same days last week 9,9.11 Sarno days week before. .11,771 lotal this month 55,466 Iota loi Junuury, 1900. .57,717 rotal for January, 1S99. .41,719 fotn for January, 1MU. . 13,400 lotal for January, 1S97 .1.1,961 Total for January, 1S96. .40,193 lotal for January, 189o. .50,71s rotal for January, KS9I. .GI.OoS Total for January, 1S93..S7.61I Total for January, 1VJ2. .5S,l;i8 Total for January, 1S91. .50.92 u'i ii-i uiiiiuiii, mjj. .4.),3j Average pr'co paid for nogs for the several days with comparisons 25,619 33,5X0 31,135 19o,177 1SO,370 19I.WJ 159.551 113,5(.i 97.367 155,619 114.2SJ 131,033 201,5j7 162,103 99,509 13,929 13,WJ 10.7S.K 6I.2S2 70,927 M,9il S7.3I5 41,091 12.M1 12.741 2I.SJ2 13,510 11,771 11,361 10.9S7 past Jan. ,.. Jan. Jnn 3.. 4.. 5 . c Jan. Jan Jan. Jan. 7.. Jan. 8..., Jan. 9..., Jan 10.., Jnn 11... Jnn. 12... Jan. 13.. Jan. 14.. Juti. 15.. Jnn. 16... Jan. 17.., Jan. is.., Jan. 19... Jan. 20 ., Jan. 21.. Jan. 22.., Jnn. 23... Jan. ? .., Jnn. 25.., Jnn. 26.., Jan. 27.., Jan. 2S... Jan. 29,. , Jan 3o.., Jan. 31... 1901. 190O.!lfc99.lfc9S.lS97.lS06JlS95. 4 95 I 4 96j 5 02t4 HI 5 04 5 034 5 14 B 2311 r. at 4 5 17 I 5 lfi'f,! li Ib'n 5 2C-4 5 201 ; 5 29 f, 5 27U S 25S 5 124 6 1l 5 21 5 12t 6 18 5 22'4 5 "S, 5 23, 0 174! 4 211 13 421 3 1S 4 331 3 571 I 3 17 4 29 3 571 3 4S ) I 27 3 41 3 44; 3 251 4 ?7 3 471 3 IS, i 27 4 35 3 4 S 3 391 3 29i 3 42 3 401 3 1S 4 34 3 43! 3 121 4 3S 3 45 I 3 14! 4 35 3 50 3 43 4 41 3 55 3 29 3 071 4 49 3 0) ? 471 3 141 4 53 3f 3 491 3 091 3 50 3 49. 3 19 4 5S 3 17 3 261 4 52 3 52 3 231 4 4R 3 49 3 47 I 4 55 3 51 3 51 3 2.1 I 51 3 M 3 51 3 26j 4 61 3 f.CI 3 50 3 26 3 59 3 51 3 201 4 C3 3 57 3 23 4 59 3 56 3 23 4 55 3 61 3 62 I 48 3 60 3 63 3 33 4 55 3 57 3 72 3 351 4 62 3 63 3 67 3 30 3 68 3 62 3 27 I 62 3 61 3 27! 4 54 3 70 3 291 I fo 3 61 3 66 I 3 401 4 22 3 43' 4 16 4 01 I 11 4 10 3 46 3 51 3 53 3 4S 3 46 3 E6 3 51 3 61 3 47 3 53 3 59 3 661 3 72 32, 3 90 Ml 3 911 3 G 3 92 4 00 4 11 4 10 3 91 3 91 3 9l 4 10 I f9 I 11 I 09 I 0 4 07 I 11 4 11 3 US 3 S6 3 !i3 3 11 m 3 !3 3 S3 3 M 3 hi 3 79 3 a5 3 97 3 S. 3 60 3 ft 3 6 1 4 5 .... 1 26 17 7 2 2 6 26 26 .... 1 1 1 23 5 1 13 15 8 1 10 16 1 6 16 2 1 5 2 121 "m 16 5 Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. . 341 1.3S2 4S5 . 141 1,323 273 . 60S 1.S12 807 . 469 l.Stl 1,109 . 590 2,105 . 30 . 01 1 . 26 . 191 ,, 23 . 60 .166 . 40 ! "s !!!! ,. 26 1. 256 .... 722 Xmv York Live Stock Mnrkrt. NEW YORK, Jon. 31.-IlEEVES-Re-cclpts, 359 head; number sales on live weight nominally steady. Cnble3 un changed, shipments. 610 bend cattlo nnd Now York, whence there was many buying 3,651 quarters of beef. orders, especially In the Fnlon Paclllc Is- CALVES-Recelpts, .1 head, very little Indicates Sundny. The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each rond was. Roads. Cuttle. I loirs. Sheen llor's. -. .it., iv ni, 1 O. .Vt St. I Missouri Paclllc... Union Paclllc C. & N. W 1, 13. & M. V S. C. & P C, St. P.. M. & O.. II. & M. II C, H. & ( K. C. : Str J C, R. I. & P., east. C. R. I & P.. west. Illinois Central.... Total recelnts.. The disposition of the day's receipts was ns follows, each buyer purchasing the numuer 01 neau indicated: IJUjers. Omaha Packing Co G. II. Hammond Co Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour & Co R. Hcckcr .t Degnn Vansant it Co J. L. Carey Lobmnn & Co W. I. Stephen Hill .t Huutzlngcr Livingstone & Schnller.. Hamilton & Rothschild.. L. F. Husz II. L. Dennis & Co H. F. Hobblck A. S. Mawhlnney Other buyers Total 2,935 5,463 3,396 CATTLE There was a good supply of cattlo hero today for a Thursday, which gave buyers an opportunity to pound prices down a trifle on Buch grndes ns they did not happen to want. The better grades of beef steers held about steady with yes terday, though the market was not par ticularly active, The common to fair cattle, however, wero very slow sale and bids were generally a little lower. Packers did not try to buy them 011 the stnrt and it was lato before sellers succeeded In dis posing of them. Tho cow market was In rather unsatisfac tory condition today. Iljyers started out from ihe Ilrst to get their supplies at n lower figure and they would not buy unlets they could get whnt they wanted for less money than they paid yesterday. Some of tho choicest bunches of heifers muy not havo been much, If any, lower, but aside from a few prize bunches the market was very slow and lower. Tho medium grades und canners went off the most and It Is safo to call the market nil or 10c lower nnd In somo cases sales were mado that looked worse than that. It was a slow, druggy market from start to finish. Hulls were nlso a llttlo weak today and tho same was true of stags, but calves did not show much of any chnnge. The stocker and feeder trndo held good and firm tday, tho better grades being picked up In good season at strong prices. There Is amnio demand at the present time for nil the stock cattle or good final ity and weight thnt are being received nnd ns a result the prices paid aro very satis factory. Sho stuff Is also In good demand and so also are stock hulls. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS, No. 1 1.... 4.... 8...., 40.... 17.... 1.... 3.... 1.... 69.... 15.... 20.... 9.... 19.... No. 1... 1... 1... O 2L.'! 10.., 6... 7.., 17,., 13.. 21.. 20.. 1.. sues. These shares nml the oouthern Pa clflcs were in great iiemand on informa tion of the Mobtlo & Ohio deal. Money con tinued to bo stiff on tho end of the month demand and requirements for settlement. Call loans were mude nt 4'. Tho bnnk lent largo sums of 6'4. Hills were 4 1-16 on the strength of Paris exchange. The bank de clined to make 11 special offer to New York for gold on tho ground that there Is such a limited market for eagles and melted down and so'.d. Tho announcement hero thnt tho New York Stool: exehango will cloo 011 Satur day out of respect for tho dead quoun was much appreciated. TS'imv Vork "lloney Mnrket, NEW YORK. Jan. 31,-MONEY-On call, steady at 1MJ2 per cent; prime mercantile parer, n'-'iIU per cent. STERLING '3M IIANOE Firm, with ac tunl business In 'jankers' bills at $4. '8 for dtmniul und at $I.S4'41 tM", for sixty days; posted rates, JI.S5 and Jl.Sigi.isO; commer cial bills. 43N674.S4. CERTIFICATES Silver, 62ft63c; liar, 60'to; Mexican dollars, 47c. HONDS-aovcrnment, strong; state, Inac tive; railroad, strong. The closing prices on bonds today are ni follows: V B. ref. 2s. rcK.T0".i "N. Y. C. Is 1064 do coupon 10b' N. J, C. gen. 5S..12S tlo 3s. ret; 110 .No. Paclllc 3s.... 7m do coupon Ill do 4s 105V. do new 4s, reg..l37lN Y, C .t S L 4s.lOS4 do coupon T""i'N. & V. e. 4s. . . .PiOU no oui it, reg. . u.j'i "i ire. ,nv. is. ...10:1 tlo coupon . tlo os, reg.. do coupon D. or C. 3 63s Atch. (Ten. 48 do nifJ. 4s 0114 Canada So. 2s... Ill C. & O. 4"rfc8 106', do 5s 121 C. & N. W. e. 7s 1394 do S. F. deb. 6s. 124 Chicago Ter. 4s.. Pfi't Solo. So. 4s KfI D. R. G. 4s....l01 Erlo gen. 4s S3 f. w. & n. c. is. si Gen. Electric 5s. .l.r4i la. Central Is.... 116V I. JC N mil. 4s .101 U M K. & T. 2s... . SOiTI l.i'i 13V4 do 4s 103. ...ll'iijIO. S. L. 6s 1.10 ...111? do consol 5s. ...116V. ...125 Reading gen. 4s. 24U ici' it ii. v. is do 4s "t L .tr 1 At e. .".. 111'. St L & S F g. Cs.128 Si. Puul cousols.lvi St. P. C. & P. ls..l1S'4 do 6s 119H So. Paclllc 4s (-OW So. Railway 6-I...115 S. R. & T. 6" 61 Texas & P. Is ...117 do 2s S5 Fnlon Paclllc 4s.. '1001,4 Wabash Is 119'! do 2s 10flf West Shore 4s. .114 Wis. Central 4s.. M" 97' "Vn. Centuries.. 96 Offered. "Hid. Condition of the Trenxiirj-. WASHINGTON. Jan. 31. Today's state ment of tho treasury balances In tho gun era! fund, exclusive of the $150,f"V gold reservo In the division of redemption, dclrg; venls. steady; barnyard, nominally weak; common to tood veals, $5.00538.79: no vr prime offered. SHEEP AND LAM HS Receipts, 3 Obi heud; good lambs, steady; medium grades, slow, very few wanted: sheep. $3.00-94. 4'J; lambs, $5 251J6.25: no Canada lambs. HOGS Receipts, S.3S0 head; Bteudy at $3.601iO.S5. Stock In Sliilit. Following nro tho receipts at the four principal western mnrkots for January 31: rf 1.. I 1 I Inrva Cl. r.An South Omaha 2,99 Chicago 7,500 Kansas City 4,150 St. Louis 2,300 8.151 32,0) 15,000 8,000 :i.i30 12.000 3,000 mi Totals ...16.9IS 64,251 19,030 THE REALTY .11 VHKET. INSTRl'MENTS Illed for record Wednes day, January 31, 1901: Witrrnnty Deeds, Omaha Realty eompnuy to L. H. Sears, s 65 feet lot 5, block u, auh of J. I. Redlek's mid 5 3,060 13. II. Chandler to C. II. Hrown, lots 5 to 9. block 1, Melroso Hill 1 Mary A. Hariuim to P. A. Seldel, Bis lot 12, E. V. Smith's add Omaha Really association to L. M. Nvstrom lot 16, block 1, Popploton Park Atlantic Realty company to O. J. Stonev. lot 15, block 1, Ilemls Park.. Joseph Lels and wlfo to Hans Hock, lots 13 and 14. Lels Place R. A. Pago nntl wife to E. R. Wil liams, lot 8, block 7. Logan Place; lot 27, bloc); 2, 8elby"s 1st add A. M. Harrison nnd husband to S. C. Tuthlll. lot 1. block- 7, Eckerman Placo Shull's heirs et al to Jacob Schamcl, lot 2, block 7, Shilll'a 2d add Albert Edholin and wlfo to J. II, llutton, lot 2, block 5, Shlnn'H add.. Benjamin Folsom and wlfo to C. A. Doo'lttle, lot 10, block 4, Redlck Park Atlantic Realty association to L. I. Patterson, lot 22, block 6, Heml.i Park (lull (In 1 111 Deeds, Louis Si hroeder to J. R. Conte, w 9 feet of s 47 feet lot 0. block 8, Im provement ustoclntlon'B ndd E. L- Hall and wlfo to Atlantic Ro nlty association, lot 22, block 6, Homls Park Job Tuthlll ami wife to Jacob Wll llams, undivided 4 Jot 10, Andrews, W. it T.'s udd 3S0 3.100 400 l.'JOO 1,500 100 1,000 l.f'OO 400 2.000 50 Total amount of transfers.. 325 ..14,607 Av. 850 1010 810 750 1006 1215 790 882 1013 1110 1093 1022 1032 970 1133 .....11S9 ..... 907 928 1130 1000 1173 1016 1011 1031 1033 1035 820 890 915 940 , 910 875 S50 930 , 936 , 1123 879 860 976 910 ..1120 ..1O10 ..10S0 1163 1215 1313 801) 1110 1000 1055 914 1107 1 1120 1 71") 10 10IS .1(180 .1030 1120 16... 10... 1 . . . 1... 11... 13... 3... "0... ii.-;; 47... 1... 1... 1... 1... 3... 4... 10 1 3 1 Si"!!! 1 3 3... 1... 1... 1... 8... 16... 6... IT. 3 15 3 50 3 50 3 W 4 0 4 15 4 15 4 15 1 20 4 25 4 75 4 25 4 75 4 3) 4 ro 4 35 4 .Ci 4 "li 4 33 4 35 4 33 4 35 4 35 1 40 4 10 4 45 ( 1 50 2 00 2 00 2 00 9 20 36 17 00 3. 8 21...;. 15 Av. ....1300 ....1390 ....1137 ....1043 ....1213 ....11S3 ....1210 ....1000 ....1320 .....102.4 ....1169 ....1250 ....1217 ....1216 ....1305 ....1191 .... 1 2;:n ....1210 1152 ....110S ....1100 ....123.1 ....1041 1216 1265 COWS. 8... 3... 1. 1..., 1 1100 1. 1.. 1.. 7.. 5.. 16.. 1.. 4.. 1.... 1.... 1.... t.... 40.... 10.... .1060 840 1370 1121 924 1011 10O0 1135 1020 , 1020 uvi 1160 1120 .101' 2 10 2 40 2 50 2 60 2 60 2 60 2 65 2 75 2 ID 2 80 2 i-6 2 . 2 90 2 90 3 00 3 00 3 (0 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 no 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 10 1.. 6.. II 1 ...1131 1133 1315 1105 970 1122 1120 1151 Pr. 4 60 4 60 I 50 I 50 4 50 4 60 I 50 4 50 4 50 4 50 4 53 4 55 4 60 4 60 I 60 4 63 4 70 4 70 4 75 I 80 4 S3 4 85 4 90 4 83 5 00 3 10 3 10 3 10 3 15 3 15 3 25 I 'IT 13 14 8 3 1 12 1 1 IK .1 4.'.'..! 7 12 1 3 o ii.'."! 5... I. .. 41... 10... 1::: II. .. 3... 1... o 12.'.'.' 20... 6... II 919 ....1120 .... 870 ....1116 .... 9it ....113S .... 915 ....1100 ....1320 .... 967 .... 9S0 ....1120 ....1155 ....101O ,....1115 ....1148 ....1110 ....1310 ....1113 1100 ....IIS'I 1253 910 ....1127 ....1245 1106 ,....1200 1077 ....1137 1265 910 1210 1211 1280 1165 'HIS 937 1013 lt'3 COWS AND HEIFERS. 3...., 1.... 5.... 1.... 1.... 3.... 1 I'.'.'.'.! 1.... 6...., 5 811 .. 9S2 .. 655 .. MS .. 900 .. 8(l ., 970 .. 700 .. 973 .. 615 .. 580 .. 650 .. "20 .. 791 19. 3 IS 3 25 HEIFERS. 2 ro 3 00 3 no 3 00 3 no 3 23 3 25 3 25 3 n 3 10 3 40 3 40 6. 17.... I 1.' .'.'.' 1.... 2S.... 3.... 9)1 .. 04S .. ft'15 .. 993 .. 955 .. 853 . . 9M1 ,. 921 . . 1 .. 7C) .. 930 .. 810 ..1061 .. 653 3 25 3 -a 3 30 3 30 3 30 3 S3 3 35 3 73 3 35 3 25 3 (0 3 10 3 10 3 40 3 40 3 40 3 60 3 50 3 60 3 TO 3 ) 3 50 3 Ml 3 60 3 55 3 53 .7 65 3 55 3 r 3 53 3 63 3 05 3 f 5 3 70 3 80 3 SO 3 13 3 70 3 65 3 65 3 CO 3 00 3 10 2 I'.) 3 03 3 63 3 "1 .7 75 3 75 3 S3 29 .7. . 15.. 4.. 11. 736 3 :.i 9 896 . 820 .7 60 6 051 , :, 13 2 . . 13.'0 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 12.... 13 ... 17.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 1.... I.... 1.... 91.1 .1000, . 971 .1092 870 , 620 9S0 , 110(1 , 1100 1350 Iff) 1600 1110 9.15 , 895 , SI0 166J 4 00 4 25 I 23 4 I" 4 16 19. 32. 21. '.Mi .101.1 .1201 .1041 S 00 3 (0 3 20 3 25 .7 23 .7 25 3 lb 3 '.'.) 3 30 .7 30 3 .70 3 rs 3 1' DULLS. 1... r 1. CALVES. ....130 .... 810 ....1190 ....1300 ....1720 1030 lfeM 1490 18V0 ,....140 ....1010 ....16"0 ....1050 3 360 .. . . 1510 STOCK 900 300 .. 990 .. 930 .. 820 .. 993 .. 750 .. 870 ..1065 . . 670 fill .720 4 (H) 1.. ..) Ii 4 1 290 5 25 120 6 75 5 75 70 (i 00 270 6 ', STOCK CALVE3, 310 3 HI 2 320 .7 25 3 I'l 3 60 STAGS. 3 1. 1 COWS AND 3.. 1.. 1.. 1.. 11. 10. 116 120 17.7 110 lt0 170 .710 377 432 3 (IS 4 00 4 20 I 65 I ty) 4 85 4 90 .7 35 3 10 .7 40 3 60 3 50 3 50 3 M 3 ' 3 60 .7 65 .7 I'k'i .7 1.1 3 85 C 57 6 75 6 75 7 0) 7 0.) 7 00 4 15 4 20 4 60 I!!!!"! 1. 2 45 2 60 2 50 2 50 2 73 2 75 3 00 3 00 3 0.) 00 10. 1... 9... 4... .7... ....810 3 70 HEIFERS. 161 790 712 6.1S 491 617 811 , 833 666 "SO 7"0 1... 3... 1... O Y.Y. 1... 1... 3... 1... 3... 4... 1... 1... 6... 1... 1 8 3 6 4 8 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 3 13 .7 t.i .7 15 3 :o 3 25 3 35 3 40 .7 50 3 55 .7 10 3 40 021 1 416 600 8tM 620 nio 701) 0S3 SiSS 636 440 715 911 710 920 756 1010 662 ftv) 650 618 810 780 713 735 425 62.7 790 910 3 10 2 50 .7 ( .7 (10 .7 15 3 25 3 2S 3 23 3 60 3 50 3 60' 3 50 3 50 3 60 .7 70 3 70 .7 75 3 73 3 75 3 73 ,7 80 3 SO 3 80 4 00 4 00 4 05 4 10 4 10 4 M 11. 20 12 9 4 14 10 12 10 3 .71 61 0 1 3 1 7 12 1 23 1 lil.i .. 601 .. 739 .. CSI .. 895 .. 760 .. 99i .. 0X5 .. 992 .. 930 .. 490 .. 700 .. 9S3 ..1110 .. 003 .. 670 .. CIS . 875 .. 650 ..10IS .. 710 .. 4 15 4 16 I 15 4 15 4 16 t 50 4 20 4 20 4 20 4 20 4 20 I 20 4 20 4 20 4 25 4 25 4 25 4 25 4 25 4 30 I 3) I 30 I SO 4 30 4 35 4 35 4 40 4 '5 4 45 1 730 4.1 715 16 918 37 62.7 4 10 6 411 6 881 36 911 em nii Aiin 21 sleers....lOOI 4 25 IlOaS-Thero was another fairly liberal supply of hogs here today, and, ns all oilier points icported a drop In values, ihe ma -ket hero opened up 7',4fflOc lower. 'Ihe bulk of the early sales went nt $5.15 and $jl'i. the heavyweights bringing the higher price The hogs changed hiindi tiulte rapidly -t those prices and It soon became evident that packers all wanted a good manv h"gs and as a result sclleis held their drove. at strong prices. Packers finally rat-cl their hands nnd began paying $'4 Jor tho general run of mcdlumwelghts nnd .0 for the prime heavy bogs nnd as high as $5.224 was paid. The last end of tho marker wits active ana strong and cwrfimiis sold In good season. Representative sales: No. 51... 89.., 17.. 78.. 01 ... 09.. 67!'. 82.. 70.. 15.. 67.. 88.. 03.. 107. 61.. 41.. 71.. 67.. 61.. 12.. 66.. Av. ...97 239 '.'.'.291 ...177 . . .263 ...23S . . .255 ...213 ...218 ...271 ...213 ...2K1 ...HS ...210 ...167 ...193 ...218 ...219 Sh. I' ... 4 r. 10 120 5 15 40 5 15 120 6 15 . . . 5 15 10. fi 15 80 5 15 160 6 15 160 6 15 ..201 . .219 ..169 . .209 79 219 fit 215 51 2S0 67 227 71.... 69. . . . 91 61 .213 .1F6 69 16. . . 67... 57... US... 69... 62... 81... 61... 69... 67... 67... 87... 15.. 78... 57... 93... 66... 52... 61... 35. . . 78. . . 74... 67... 5S... BS... 'S... 61... ..231 . .261 ..235 ..296 "'.V !!227 ,..311 ...195 ..217 ,..267 ...213 ...243 , . .211 . . .270 . .221 ..22S ..190 . .236 ..350 212 '. .264 . .205 ..223 ..219 . .250 28 56 !4S RHEEP- 160 80 0) i:6 126 'io 40 'so so 120 120 120 40 40 Iff) 80 10) 40 6 15 5 15 5 15 5 15 5 15 5 15 5 13 5 15 5 15 5 15 5 15 6 13 5 15 5 15 6 15 5 15 5 15 5 15 5 17'4 6 1714 6 17'4 5 7' 5 17V4 5 17. 5 VU 5 171-, 5 i7 5 17U 5 17lj 6 17' 6 17U 5 171, 5 171?. 5 174 5 17", 6 17'4 5 Vf. 6 171.4 'j' n i7' 5 17'A 5 170 5 17'J 6 17'5 B 17'4 5 17' 4 5 17'4 6 17'J 4 No. 63.... 61 68.... 67.... 31.... 73.... 61.... 63.... 76.... 86... 6S... 62... 71... 72... 26... 67... M. . . 62... 01... 63... 80... 10... 77. . . 96... 62... 17... 60... 68... 67. . . 68... 60 67... 46... 65... 73... 72... 45. . . 69... 70... 70... 81... 69. . . 65... 63... 03. . . 62. . . 71. Av 227 .226 .215 .226 .2(S .271 OO I .' i219 ..215 . .285 ..241 . .219 ..270 ..217 ..257 . .2.71 . .287 . .226 ..2IS" . .201 .185 .24S .326 .256 .217 .218 .301 .283 ...310 .276 .210 .278 .276 .228 .2.37 .1S9 .212 .256 321 .216 .227 2.72 Sll. 40 200 40 40 SO 62 237 61 0..., 67... 42... 67.... 69.... 66.'.'.'. 63..., 69... 52.. C3 . .258 ..243 ..374 ..2IS ,.267 212 '.'.26" ..294 ..229 ,.29S . .2S0 200 '46 40 '40 SO 120 '40 SO Pr 6 17', 5 17'r. 6 1714 5 17K 6 174 r. 1714 5 174 5 17'4 5 17', r 174 r. i7',4 6 17',i 5 17' a 6 175 5 T. 6 17U 5 17! 6 17 6 17'4 5 17'5 5 17 fe ll 17 5 171,5 6 17'fe 6 17'" 6 17fe 6 175 6 17'Z 5 17' 6 20 6 20 6 20 6 20 5 10 6 20 6 !0 5 20 6 20 6 20 6 20 5 20 C 20 6 20 6 20 6 20 6 20 6 20 5 20 6 20 5 I'D 5 20 6 20 6 20 5 20 G 20 5 22M 5 22V4 5 ?2'4 5 22 5 22 '-. There was n rood liberal run of sheep hero today for the lntt"r part ef tho week, but 'he mnrket was In fairly good shape. Good handywelght "tuff was about sttntly with yesterday, but tho heavy sheep wero a llttlo sloW and lower. For the wek they mny bo called 10iyi5c lower and In some cases more. A bunch of western yearlings weighing 12.7 pounds sold today for $1.20. while Mexican yearlings weighing only '7 pounds brought $4.75. It Ih the lighter weight stuff that Bcems to bo in the host tlemond nnd such kinds aro not so mucn lower for tho week. Iimlis held about steady today, Courndo stuff selling as high as $.i.20, which Is only a trlflo lower than what tho samo kind wns selling for tho first of tho week. There wns no particular change in feed ers, only a few being offered, which wero picked up at Just nbout otendy prices Quotations: Cholco fed wethers, $1.25 4.40; fair to ood wethers, $l.00f( t,23; cholco lightweight -.earllngs, $l.60fn.70; fair to food yenrllngs. $1.2504.60; choice ewes, $3.40 573.80: fair to good ewes. $3.mvjf3,40; choice spring lambs $5.25(!T5.35; fair to good .-prlug lambs, $5.00125 25; feeder ewes, $3,2613.50; feeder wethers, $3.60(173.75; feeder lambs, $4.00HI-40 Koprosentntivo sales: No. 41 cull ewes 137 old ewes 227 western ewes 210 western ewes .-. 186 nntlve ewen 20 western yearlings . 1 nntlvo wether 537 Mexican yearlings .. 85 native yearlings .... 277 Mexican yearlings . 1 lnmb 415 Colorado fed lamb3 51 native ewes 322 western wethers .... 1 western wether 11 lambs 61 Colorado lambs 1SS Colorado lambs 2 bucks 12 cull lambs Av. 73 76 102 110 96 12.7 130 78 77 81 110 116 110 75 96 87 105 50 Pr. $2 25 2 30 3 65 .7 75 3 75 4 20 4 25 4 37l,i 4 40 4 75 5 00 5 2) 3 40 4 20 4 20 6 (0 5 10 5 20 $1 60 4 50 St. Louis Live stock Jilmrket, ST. LOUIS, Jnn 31.-CA,ITL13-Recelnt'i 2,30(1 head, Including l.nno Toxnns; market stendv; native shipping and export .torn. $17615.85; dressed beer and butcher steer; $3. 901? 6. 25; steers, under l.ftO Ids . ! 40f I 4.75: stockers and feelers. $2.3)1(4 5i; nows and heifers. $2 001175, canners. $1.2j'T2 i5; bells. $2 1513.75; Texas nnd ln-1'nn iie..r-. Si 601(4.60; cows and heifers $2 755i 30 HOGS Receipts. 0O head; market flat; plga and light. $5 10O5 2O; packers, $5.20if(5.25: ''SHEEP A Nd'laMHS- Receipts. 600 head; mnrket strong and netlve; native riuUtuii, .Vl(-HM.25; lambs, $l.60rii5.60; culls and bucks, $3.(K 1(4.25. SI. Joseph Live Stork Mnrket. SOUTH ST. JOSEPH, Jan. 31 (Special 1 The Journnl quotes: CATTLE Receipts. 1.200 lifad; market steady to strong; quality common; natives $l001'5 00; Texas and westerns, $3 ,iOf(fi in; cows and heifers. $2.15171.25; bulls nntl "IngH. $' 1014 60, venrllngs and enlves, $3.u0-ffll0; Rt'r rkers nnd feeders, f,-!.0jfi I 30; venls, $1 007 HOGS Receipts. 7,200 head' marker 6ff 10" lower, all grades. t5 10'5 30; bulk of sa'es 5 1515 20- pigs. 151i30c hlBher. SHEEP AND LAMPS - Receipts 600 head; mnrket active, steady; lambs, $525 yearlings, $1.75. JAMES E. BOYD & GO., Telephone O11111I111. .Nell, COMMISSION, CHAIN, PROVISIONS 11 nil STOCKS, llnurtl of Trnile. Correspondence: John A. Warren & Co, Direct wires to Chicago and New York. S5.00 A EVIOWTH. SPECIALIST In All Private Diswscs and Disorders of Men 12 Years lu Omaha. VARICOCELE -IIVUROCtLE cur-o. Me'hod new, nevsr 1Mb, without cutting, palu or lr.'stif time. YPHB J (C cured for life and thepolon wii thorough! v rlennf"d from the system Soon every !gn atnl symptom dlApDears rotnpletelv Rial forever No "HIlHAKI.N'ii 01 T" of tli(Mlla-.c on the skin or f.ce Traalment dangerous drug'or lujuriout medicines WEAK M? I'"".' ft" M.isnoon from i crv 111 l"M,M"" VllTIMITHNKHVOt'3 SEXUALLY ln-miirr or P.xriAfsritiN, WASTlNtl W'KAKNI'.M lNVOf.t NTAIlV Ltl'SKB, -rith V. Mit.v Dm v in Wi-nii and Midplc Aukii. i.ic'.r of vim Mger ai.d strength, with ntual orgatn luitititriii and weak ST ""MC TURF HailicHi.y cured with . new e c-t""'1 li'sMHc Home Treat antl t. Lcc 1 ment N Ins-rutnents.nopaln, no detentl. n from limine-). Gonorruoeir, Kidney and RhulrVr Troiniiim CI'IIHS (irAlUNIIIKIl. Co-ttultatton Irff. TrMtmtnt by VaX Callonor a.lilrcM 119 8. !4th St. Dr. Searlos & Searlos. Omaha. Nob. WISH TMU BUST PERSONALLY CONDUCTliD TOURIST HXCURSIONS kuu via the GREAT LAND ROCK 'l$ ROUTE a"rMH""c""""" wMfnl Leave Omaha Ma Scenic Route through Colorado and Utah WIU)NUSIAYS. PKIt)AV5 AND SATURDAYS. Por Information and "Tourist Dictionary" City Ticket Office, 1313 parnani St. Omaha, Neb. $500 REWARD: "rVov-Ill pay tho nbovo reward for all rncp ol Liver Complaint, Dypepnln, Sick Headache, Indigestion, constipation or ("ostlvencs m cannot euro with Liverltii, tho Up-To-Dato Llttlo Liver I'lll. when the directions nro strict ly compiled with. They nro purely Vegetable, nnd nevr full to give tnllsfiit tlon. !'.'o Imxcs contain 1(0 I'IIId, 10.5 boxes contain 40 Pills, Co boxes contain 15 Pills. Ilewaro of rubslltiltloni nnd Imitations, Sent by mall. Mumps taken. NKHVITA Mr.DLl.M, CO., cor. Clinton nrnl JhcItmiu 1 h' ayi.. "1. """Id li" Tor sale by Ktliiu & Co., 15th und DougHs St., Omaha, Neb , Geo. S. Davis, Council lilufTs, Ititvn. QHHHIkrESflEnrflHESBSf7 I For Grip aches use Dr. i Miles Pain Pills. 1 Sold by all Druggists. jjj NO CURE, NO PAV If you have diiiaH, wpnk ortp lost powi-r r weakoninjf ilr .nn, our acuum Orpan iKrvcloirwin restore you, without dniCrt or r U-ctrU'ltyi J.vOrtO In toi not nmi fatlurct rot one returnM- no C o I fmuJi Tltefor psrtlciiUM. fpnt -nlpl In pUIn nTflop-r LOCAL APPLIANCE CO.. 4(4 Charles Bids., Donvir, Colo. Dr. Hay's Lyiig Balm rures every Itlnd ct couuh. Inpr'r.pc, l.ronebltls, eore throat, croup, wliooiilrt;tiui,li. -.c. Nover flcraru'exlheHiomuch. Atlir ici'Jnts, 10&6c HOW FIX'S Anti-Kawf l'or La Orlppe lnl;e this tip Antl Kawr cures L a Orlppe 2,"e a bottle ut the drtlK store. niPAN'S TADULES Is nn effectual cum for the Ills which originate In u bad rtora ach. 10 for 5c. At all druggists. JOBBERS & MANUFACTURERS OF OMAHA IS s. is Sucursaora Wllaom X; Drake. Manufacture boilers, smoke etacks anil breechlnKS, pressure, renderlnc, het!p illp, lard and water tanks, poller tubes con stantly on hand, second hand bailers bought snti sold. Special and prompt attention to n.ilra In e'tv or rnunfrv 'Th nnd Pierre. DRY GOODS. E. Smith & Go. Importers and Jobbers of Dry Goods, Furnishing Goodt AND NOTIONS. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. Aestern Electrics! Electrical Sujiplies. Klectrlo WlrinR Hells and Uaa Llrhtln-. G. W. JOHNSTON. Mgr lfilO Howard Si. SAFE AND IKON WORKS. DaYls & Cowgill Iron Works. MANUFACTt'RKnS AND JOMBBM OF MACHIN12HY. OBNEIlAL RBPAIHINO A HPECIALTA IltON AND BRASS FOUNDKHH. tDOl, lr.oa nnd ir.05 Jaokaoii Street, Oninhm Keb. Trl. HUM. K. Zabrltkle. Atenl. J. B, Cowrlll, MT. ""EIiEVAIOit SUPPLIES ELEVATORS Improved Quick and Kusy Hltliic Steam, Electric and Hand Power Elevators. AUTOMATIC HATCH GATES. flu nd for oatnlozuo KIMHALL BROS.. COUNCIL BLUFFS, I. 100H th Si-ret. relephon 111. H. Davis & Son Acrnln for the Illoliinoii4 Hifrly l.nte anil Klrr Doors. Elerator Hj-draullo and Hand irieyator-. Klerator rcpalrlut a specialty. Ltather Valro Cupa for Elavatora, ""nslnen and "frlntlnc Preaa-es. GAiiO.vlNi ENGlNtS ArlD GAIN ELEVATOR MACHINERi navici Bradley & Ro. l,J (.otincll III ti lis. Iow.i. GasoUnc EiiKines Vertlea , Ilorlzuntnl and Portable, from one horso power up Jobbers of Agricultural lmplemonts nnd everything in water, steam and gas sup pllos. i