lO TUB OMAIIA DAILY BEE; FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1001. MASS MEETING NEXT WEEK Omaka OitiienB Will Congrigate and Talk Auditorium. SANBORN WANTS TO AVOID A " FROST" t'rrnltlrnt of Auditorium Compnny Sliriikn of flic .pi,cmlt of Acllu Work IturliiK f'oinli k Month bollpltliiK .Snlmfrliillniifi Tho regular meeting of the auditorium committee was held yesterday nfternoon In the Commercial club rooms with a large number of the board of directors prccnt. The promotion committee reported thnt J. M. rjlllnn had been employed as Buperln tclident of exhibits for the Industrial ex position and that ho had taken charge of the correspondence. This nctlon was en dorsed by tho board. Tho question of tho mass meeting to bo held In tho Interests of tho auditorium fund was brought up by President Sanborn, who dwelt at length upon tho Importance of making tho meeting a success, ns a "frost" upon that occasion would make tho work of tho commlttpo harder than It Is at present. Ho stated that at tho first meeting of tho committee, held In October, that body had fixed $150,000 as tho amount of money to bo ralfnl by March 1, nnd that with ovr $i:0,000 in subscriptions on hand at this tlmo tho mark fixed at tho first meeting would bo reached If every member of the commltteo worked as thoy should during tho month of February. It was suggested by ono member that at tho mass meeting tho pooplo bo asked to eipress tbelr Idea as to tho style and slzo of the building. This matter was discussed at somo length nnd It was Informally passed with tho understanding that two meetings Iks held In tho near future. (lurnllmiK to Annnrr, The first ono will bo a mass meeting for tho purposo of raising funds for tho audi torium nnd tho second a meeting of tho stockholders, nt which ballots will be pre pared, submitting to .1 vote several ques tions, among which will bo: Shall tho building bo exclusively for auditorium purposes or shall It bo a composite building? , What shall bo Its size? Shall an auxlllury hall bo contructed? Such othor questions to bu submitted as hall appear to tho commltteo as desirable to havo an expression from tho stock holders. Hach stockholder will then bo permitted to voto according to tho extent of his holdings In tho company, tho com mlttto to bo guided by tho suggestion of tho larger number of the stockholders. Tho prcsldont announced that ns soon ns It becamo certain that $150,000 could bo raised by March 1 tho architects of tho city should bo called Into consultation, ns It would bo a loss of tlmo to defer tho consul tation until after tho subscriptions woro In hand. Tho secretory was Instructed to cor respond with tho managers of other audi toriums, with band managers and others for tho purposo of securing suggestions In reference to tho dcalgn of tho principal room with relation to Its acoustic proper ties. A commltteo consisting of Alfred Millard. Cloment Chaso, II. J. l'enfold, C. I). Thomp son and XV. W. Umsted was appointed to take In charge tho matter of miscellaneous subscriptions and It wns suggested that after tho mass meeting tho city be divided Into districts nnd bo worked closely by can vassers, Tho newly nppolnted commltteo held a meeting Immediately after tho adjournment of tho auditorium commltteo nnd fixed Thursday, February 7, at 8 o'clock In tho evonlng, ns tho tlmo for holding tho mass meeting of cltliona at the Commercial club rooms. "When I wab prostrated with grip and my heart and nerves wero In bad shape, Dr. Miles' Nnrvlno nnd Heart Cure gavo mo new life nnd health." Mrs. Geo. Colle, Elgin, 111. ICE HARVEST ON IN EARNEST CniiHfiilril CnntliiK HIkIM Im'linn Thick Covcrn Cut Off I.nkr Contlnuril Colli Wrutlicr the 1'roniirct. "This Is good weather for the lec man," aid Observer Welsh. "Tho managor for Swift and Company tells mo that tho Ico Is from seven to eight Inche3 thick 011 Cut-Off lako and that ho has begun the harvest In earnest. Tho temporaturo Is hardly low enough to form much now Ice ns yet, but It Is thlckonlug tho old Ico nnd putting tho crop In good shapo for handling. "Tho Indications for tho next few days nro fair and continued cold. Thcro Is a high barometer all over this western coun try and thuro ran bo no decided chango In temporaturo so long ns this condition ro malns. Every ono will feel better for this cold snap." MiiK-rliiK l. (irlppr CourIi. 0. Vachcr, 157 Osgood St., Chlcngo, says: "My wlfo had a very severe caso of la grippe, and It left her with a very bad rough. She tried n bottlo of Foley's Honoy nd Tar anil It gavo Immedlato relief. A f0-cent bottlo cured her cough entirely." Trice. 25c and EOc. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Orcatm; Dillon's Drug Store, South Omaha. Convenient for 11 I'lnrlilii Trip, A solid vestlbulo train of dlulng. sleep ing and observation cars on which pas sengers may enjoy all tho luxurious com forts of modern travel now runs ovory Tuesday and Friday from Chicago to St. Augustlno without chnnge, leaving Chicago Union station at 12:00 noon over Ponnsyl vaiila Short Lines. For Information nbout fares nnd reservations on tho train ad- drcBB H. It. Derlng, A. O, l Agt., 248 South Clark street. Chicago. nini). iiosto.x sTtint: in vs tailor cloths. XV f'urrhnsril from One of thr Lend ing Tnllorn of Thin City. FINK IMPORTED CLOTHS. Theso will bo placed on sale SATURDAY, FED. 2ND. J3.00 IMPORTED CLOTHS, $1.25 YD. $2.60 IMPORTED CLOTHS, 50C YD. Tho assortment Is very large and tho pat terns exclusive. It consists of thousands of yards of 1'4-ynrd wldo Imported cloth, In parts and suit lengths. The fabrics aro English worsteds, serges, fancy cheviots, casslmcrcs, Scotch tweeds In plaids and checks, covert cloths, homespuns and navy and blue serges. Theso materials aro also sultnblc for men's overcoats, ladles' tailor made suits, Jackets and costumes for spring wear. Your choice of tho entire lot at 50c nnd $1.25 n yard. ON SALE SATURDAY. FEU. 2ND. Watch today's papers for full particulars, lnrs, HOSTON STORE. Omaha, J. L. Ilrandcls & Sons, Proprietors. THEY WERE KNOWN HERE AiilmnW Humeri nt lliiltlmorr I'lnjnl 1111 KiiKMKfiiicnt In OniKhn. Few Omaha people who read tho press dispatches of tho destruction of Frank C. Rostock's "zoo" at Baltimore Wednes day night recognized any local significant lit tho Information. As a matter of fact, however, tho collection of animals destroyed was tho samo that delighted so many vis itors to tho Transmlsslsslppl exposition In this city In 180S. They nppcared In tho trained animal show presented nt Hagcn back's. E. H. Spraguo of this city was intorcstcd with Mr. Rostock during his sojourn lu Omaha. They wero Joint partners In tho Hagcnback show and tho news of the loss of the animals caroo ns a particular shock to him. "Mr. Rostock's menagerie was probably hb complete," ho said, "as any In tho coun try. I know of no circus or mcnegcrlo that had a greater assortment of nnlmnls than did Mr. Rostock. Tho loss will bo ono diffi cult to overcome, nlthough I am Inclined to bcllovo thnt tho Insurance was arnplo. Still, tho collection wns tho result of years of labor and tho animals destroyed doubtless Included many that had been trained after months and years of patient effort. "I am inclined to think that tho anlmnls destroyed wero In the mnln tho same that wero on exhibition during tho Transmlssls slppl exposition In this city. They wero tho property of Mr. Rostock. Wo cnllcd it the Hagcnback show becauso of tho significance of tho name und tho success attained by a similar exhibition during tho Chicago World's fair. I was Interested with Mr. Hagcnback at Chicago and our collection of wild animals exhibited nt tho Omaha expo sition was worthy to ho compared with tho exhibition at Chicago. "Mr. Rostock comes from a family of wild animal trainers nnd collectors. Hagcnback was a protege of Rostock's mother. Do causo of his long oxperlenco In tho business I havo no doubt but that ho will Immedi ately start out to build up another collec tion, hut It will bo difficult to replace tho splendid specimens of various kinds of wild nnlmals which formed tho menagerie that wns destroyed." Whllo the IlulldprH' nnil Tm,1.. . ..uuvio VA- cnango will tako no nmMnl ami nil nnnn tlin demands of tho Mason Tenders' union for an incrcaso or zy2 cents an hour In wages after March 1, tho members of h, vh. affected by tho proposed Incrcaso havo held a conforenco to consider tho subject, nnd have decided thnt under present conditions tho advance cannot bo granted, ns tho trade is now paying all that It can stand. Contractors point out that during tho year 1000 tho construction of sovoral build ings for which plans had been prepared Was postponed Imlt'flnltplv nn nnn tho Increased cost, and that this year they iu iu no position to itirtiicr incrcaso tho cost to prospective builders. After l.a firippe Wlint? Usually a racking cough and a reneral feeling of weakness. Foley's Honoy and Tar is guaranteed to cure tho "grlppo cough" nnd rnnke you strong and well. Myers-Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha; Dillon's urug store, South Omaha. NAl'DAINK Mrs. Alma Show, need 54 years, wife of T. N. Naudnlne, Jr. Funeral services nt resldencr 2o:M Wirt nwcri, o p. m. i-nuay. uunul nt aiont conic ry City, Mo. DECLINE TO ASSIST TENDERS lliilldern nnd Trailer IlxohniiBr Will ot ICiulomr Demand of Mimon trndcrs for AiUnneeil Wnitn, Announcement) of the Thenter. "The Sons of Hani." whleh Ih n tho nr. pheum nil this week, is a brand new mimlpnl farce-comedy In two nets, In which Wil liams & Walker's hie comnanv nf nlnrora dancers, comedians and novel specialty acts aro Introduced. This Is tho highest-salaried organization in existence and Is under tho ablo direction of Hurtlg & Seamon, who havo left nothing undono to make this show ono of tho most successful on tho road. This company carries all their own scenery and Is nightly amusing largo crowds. Field's Minstrels, which como to Royd's inciter for two performances Saturday, present a first part that Is n decided nov Pity in illumination and stngo decoration. It is entitled "A Night in Paris," and hns special rcforenco to tho gay French me tropolis during tho great fair last year. In fact, all of tho features aro wholly new, On Sunday "Arizona" comes to the Royd for thrco performances, beginning with the Sunday matinee. Meetlnic of 1'nlty Club. The next meeting of tho Vnlty club will ihi ntjiu in 11111 rehiueuro ni jonil v, L. .MC Hugli, 424 North Twenty-third street, Friday evening, Tim subject, "Tho Flower Inir of 1'olUlcal lMillnrouliv." win h ,iia. cussed under subheads as follows: "1'lnto, tho Idealist," Mr. William It. Llghton; -AriHiniie, mo Huge. llev. N. M. M.Win. nun 1 iieupiirumiis, 1110 jurist, - m. Jean I, DcKolty. "I was In bed five weeks with tho grip nerves shattered, stomach and liver badly deranged, Wns cured with Dr. Miles' Nerv Ino and Nervo nnd Liver Pills." D. C Walker. Hallsvllle, O. BOSTON STORE REMNANTS Another Stirring fale of Remnants Bounti ful Bargains for All Todaj. 85C SATIN STRIPED IMPORTED CHAWS, 39C 11 r Keinnniit Snten (iroir More nnd Store lu Fnvor Highest firnile ru brics All Offered nt Frnctlonnl 1'rlces These Ynluen Are RECORD HREAKERS. 3C SATIN-STRIPED CHALLIS, 39C YD. Ono caso of satin striped, all wool challt9, light and dark grounds, all new designs, guaranteed 85c quality, In remnants from to 8 yards, many pieces to match, enough for a house gown, dressing sacque, ktmona or child's dress, all tho very latest designs, worth 86c, on sale on bargain square at 3Dc nrd. 250 DIMITIES, IOC YARD. Thousands of yards of new Prlmola dimi ties, corded dimities, embroidered dot dimi ties, corded tissues, Victoria zephors, tlssuo dimity Drodc, In light and dark colors, small floral designs, polka dots, stripes; theso arc all strictly new, fresh goods; we guarantee every yard worth 25c, but In rem nants, running from 2 to 6 yards, many pieces to match, on front bargain squaro at lOe yard. 39C MERCERIZED SILK RATISTE, IOC YD. A new labrlc, looks exactly like silk, In llgurcs, beautlfut designs, lengths from 1 nrd and up, five and ten plcceB to match 11 pinned together, sultublo for waists, gowns aiid children's dresses, actually worth 39c on main floor at lOo yard. NEW SILKS AT 39C, 49C nnd 69C YD. An Immense lot of new taffeta silk, many of them 22-Inch, plain colors, laco striped, brocaded, checked and plaid taffeta, go In thrco lots nt 39c, 49c and 69c yard. SHORT LENGTHS OF SILKS. Having purchased an Immcnso lot of silks from a waist manufacturer, short lengths f taffeta and fnncy silks, all go at 25c, 15c, 10c, Cc and 2c, according to length of piece. IMPORTED DRESS GOODS REMNANTS. An lmmenso assortment of new Imported rcss goods remnants, U yard lengths, many pieces to match, go nt 10c and 15c each. Many pieces of fancy high art dross goods In lengths of U to Vi yard, all silk nd wool, plain and fancy colors, high- priced material, go on salo at 3c and 5c each. REMNANTS IN THE RASEMENT. 7c unbleached muslin In long remnants nt lV&c yard. 12V4c drapery scrim at 2c yard, "!4c standard prints In black and white, bluo and white, etc., In long remnants, at a yard. 15c chambrny gingham In all the newest spring shades go at 6&c a yard. 40c mercerized sateen In long remnants, 5c a yard. 5c India llnon, dimities, 40-lnch white awns, fnncy white goods In lace striped, open work effects, etc., go nt 10c. ISc Imported French percales In all the cwest spring shades and designs, go at 10c a yard. 35c draper madras and Swiss, 45Inchr3 wide, In long remnants, go at 15c a yard. 40c nrt drapery ticking In long remnants nt 125c a yard. Remnants of tablo damask running In length from 1V4 to 3 yards, In all grades from the cheapest to the best, and all at less than half nctual value. ROSTON STORE, Omaha, J. L. Brandcls & Sons, Proprietors. Sam'l Rums, 1318 Farnam; reduction sale commences Friday morning. MRS. J. BENSON The New Militant SOLD ALL OVER I . ( f Q f" THE WORLD- Wl IJ W V Thompson's Glove Fitting New Militant Corset only $1.00. NEMO for fleshy Indies. Tho boat corset mmlo (or btout Indies. m i . l n ii!.. ft . iN i ii m - - .... ine "eiuo mp spring i.nr.ser "ivos tno oiloer or full Inns to thin woman nnd reduces tho hips of tho too generous form. It has boneless, there foro unbreakable sides, It gives a military erectness of carrlago. Another now invention is tho Iilitnrv Holt attachment which compels women to walk correctly. .... . ililllll.... T1..I.H 1 .. -1. ... , ttl.l.... . U . li.fllii Wlin IllO .lllllllll lien uimi.iiuii.lli, n pf) ' iliiuut llic .Mllliury . boned with genuine whalebone UiOU Rett" ., 1,(5 CORSET rflUITANT' Mr. Harry Martin, formerly of Martin & Theodore, has opened at 415 S. 15th st. They Want "Owl" Trains There Is a bill beforo tho legislature to compel tho street car company to put on owl" trains. Wo don't see who will ben efit by It unless It's those out-of-town mem bers when they como to Omaha and want to "paint tho town" and save the expense of hack hlro after 12 o'clock. It won't benefit tho Omaha people as they are all n bed by 10 o'clock. Cramer's Kidney Cure 75e Dr. Karl Cramer's Pcnnvroval Pills ll.oo Mcnnen's Talcum Powder 12c Wine of Cm-dui 75c Carter's Liver Pills i5o Ayers" Hair Vigor 7."c DufTey's Jinlt Whiskey 5c H, ti, S 75c Hyrup of Figs 20a Miles Nervlno 75c Malted Milk 4"c Picrcn's Prescription 75c Donn's Pills 40c undo Sam s Tobacco cure 60c CrillCCED CUT price dbimcrcn druggist . W. Cor. 10 th and Ctalcaco SU. Prices lower than ever quality better than ever all amateur photo supplies, fresh, reliable and up-to-date THE ROBERT DEMPSTER CO. 1215 Farnam Street, Wholesale and retail dealers. Black Silk-75c no.vrox sToitn nrvs. lOntlrr Stork of l.nillex', Mlm', Chil dren's, Hi, j,' nnd Ynnths' Shorn of KELLEV, STIOEIt A CO. This entire well known Omaha stock of fine shoes WILIi UE ON SALE SATURDAY, FE11RUAIIY 2, AT BOSTON STORE, OMAHA. Kcllcy, Stlger & Co. sold their entire stock of shoes to Iloston Storo becauso they havo decided not to handle any moro shoes. It was sold at such a price that wo will be ablo to offer you somo of tho most re markable and sensational shoe bargains that ever wero nlaeed before tha tieonln of Omaha. Everybody knows that Kelicy, Stlger & Co. carried only tho highest-priced and the finest makes of shoes nnd their shoo trade was confined to tho very particular people. Tonlghl and tomorrow wo will sort out and got the stock ready for tho sale. Somo of these fine shoes will bo placed on bar gain squares, others will bo arranged so that they can easily be picked out. Watch tonight's papers for further par ticulars. Wo promise that It will bo the greatest shoo sensation that ever has been known In Omaha, noSTON STORE, OMAHA, J. L. DRANDBIS & SONS, Proarlntors. caiid Kito.M ki:i,i,i:y, sticku Jt to To Whom It May Concern: WE HAVE THIS DAY SOLD OUR ENTIRE STOCK OP SHOES TO MESSRS, J. I.. HRANDEIS & SONS, Proprietors IJoston Store, Omaha. We havo determined to confine ourselves In the future to nn exclusive dry goods business, and wc have, therefore, sold our entire stork of shoes to Messrs, J. U, Ilran dels A Sons, Proprietors Hoston Store, Omaha. Wc hnvo Bold our shoe stock to them at a sacrifice, for less money than It cost us No ono else hns bought one single dollar's worth of our stock, (Signed ) KELLEY, STIOER & CO Unit In Cure thr flrlp. Remain quietly nt homo and take Cham berlaln's Cough Remedy as directed nnd a quick recovery Is suro to follow. That remedy counteracts auy tendency of the grip to result In pneumonia, which Is really the only serious danger, Among tho tens of thousands who hnvo used It for tho grip not ono case has over been reported that did not recover. For sale by all druggists. Mr. Arthur Shlvcrlck of the Shlverlck Furniture company returned yesterday from Ornnd Rapids, Mich., ho having been on a purchasing tour. m w W' W' bs im W1 flSBJ- FASTEST TRAINS SHORTEST LINE THE UNIOIV PACIFIC for "Western Points. THE FOLLOWING NEEDS NO COMMENT: Missouri River to SALT LAKE CITY . SAN FRANCISCO ' PORTLAND . . . Missouri River to salt lake city . san francisco portland .... 101 ) 1208 258 ) norms QUICKKK THAN 1ST CITKRH I.I.VK Mir.KS SIIOHTIIH TlIlK ANT OTII ISJt LINE lir.TAlI.ED INFORMATION rUHSIHItED OrO.V Al-I'1,1 0 ATIOW TO New Citv Ticket Office, 1324 Farnam, Phone 316, Union Passenger Station, 10th and Marcy, Phone 629. m sw mw m m m w$ f ''t39i Three Excursions to; California leave the Hurlington Station every week: Tuesdays S:10 a. in. Tuesdays 10:30 p. in. Thursdays 4:25 p. m. Tourist, cars are used. Thoy are in charge of com petent excursion managers. Forty dollars buys a ticket. Five dollars buys a berth. Ticket Office, 1502 Farnam Street, Telephone 250. Burlington Station, I0t h and Mason Sts Telephone 128. We nro Fclllne a black silk suinensorv. with Ipk strnin and walut bands nnd rubber dniw strlnK, for 75o. Another onq at BOo Ih inndo nut of whlto nll!t lioltlnir cloth. villi irit sirupH very cooi, tiipii wo unvj nicti tin; BDBiiensorien wun Hint nno iami nrnund tho wnlst lit 50c. nn J virv uoo.l ntco Bilk FUsncnn(irli'f with lust one bund above, nt S2c Mailed postpaid on rccolpt or price. Wrlin for cntalnmio. Sherman & McGonnell Drug Go New Location, 16th and Dodge, Omaha, UlVnCII' Remnant Sale HJE LPElllS 1(1 conomy Bargain Room. Thousands of bargains in remnants of all kinds of dry goods, notions, etc., etc., on sale Friday at the most ridiculously low prices, Bargains and remnants from 1c up. Come early. REMNANTS of Wool Dress Goods from i toj yards in piece goods worth 75c, 1.00 and ?1.25 per yard whole r rnnmnnt will rn for. nincn ty W - - - o ' " i IEMNANTS of Wool Dress Goods from Priestley's black, from Coutier's Crepons from Frederick Arnold's Henriettas and other ilnck goods that sold up as high as $2.50 yard, in lengths of 2. 3 h, d and G yards in piece all will go in this 4.0rt sale at, yard -xw IEMNANTS of Dress Goods in all wool and half wool, r G wnrth 2Hrv fiOp. 7Hi nnil 551.(10 dpi- vnrd. Hp. 10p nnd JbdKJ ,. ... J J , - HEMNANTS of Silk, in small pieces, worth up to $1.00 yard, piece HEMNANTS of Silk, worth 50c, 75c and .?t.00 yard, in lengths from 2 to (5 yards all will go at, yard, OQr, 25c and HEMNANTS of Standard Calicos 2$C HEMNANTS of 20c Dimities, yard 5c HEMNANTS of 18c Percales, yard 5c REMNANTS of Outing Flannels, worth 10c, yard 5c HEMNANTS of Table Oil Cloth, yard 15c 50c and 75c Underwear 25c 25c Ties 5c 1.00 Corsets 39c 5c Muslin Underwear 39c Special snle on Laces and Embroideries at 1c, lie, 2ic and !Jc yd. Special Bargains in Basement! China Department 5c lO.qiiart arnnlto Dish Pans t'arior nrooma 25o Carving Knives 10s Dust Pans 3o Wash Uonrds Galvanized wnsn tuus d.foot Btep ladders 5 rolln Toilet Paper W-lb. Jiipanneu j' lour wns Set Mrs. Potts' Irons ... 2 boxes Ilrllllantlne Stove Polish 1 canon un t-'uns 1ft.. Unit In Mnfiilnu Oil Special Cill priceB on an nruwui, siuv 17c 11X2 4s 45c 10c B'lc 73u Bo l'C U Decorated Cups nnd Saucers. .. .5c per pair I.Hcoruted Dinner Plates 6c uecoratea to,i nates m Decorated Pie Plates Ec Kino fc-lnch Crystal Krults 'jo J1.S0 Metal 1.1ft and Oil Patent Parlor Ijamp 40c C,.i Mantles from 7Vio up HnriRlnfT Metal Kitchen Lamp, com plete, with reflector I'Jr Complete Stand Lump 5c Kluc Ktclied (Jus (Holies 2.:e Wash Howls and Pitchers, each ... 2l'r Stop Jars Wc HAYDEN BROS I Yes, sirree 99 We never sell an article that we cannot guarantee. One store tells n customer that as u personal favor they will exchange an article that was not satisfactory, but they couldn't make a practice of such lorn-foolery. Now, isn't that encour aging to a customer? The Nebraska does not exchange an article as a personal favor it's a matter of jus lice that we exchange the article or return the money. It's a part of our business a part of our success. Men's Box Calf Shoes Leather lined, all sizes and widths, medium heavy soles, the chances are that you can save 1 of your money in tins siioe regular ?y.00 value for Men's Box Calf Shoes Rlack vici, doodyear welts, neat, durable, dressy .comfortable regularfH.50 value for. . .1 Men's Enamel Shoes Extra good value, medium heavy soles, popular style lasts you can decide as to value when ) Tf you see them our price only U3U Women's Welt Shoes We are offering to the public a woman's kid or box calf shoe, welt, well made, good stock, good styles, any toe, AA to E, regular ?3 50 value, for.-i3U w 11 V.J lit 2.00 2.50 I Fizri 1 J I 1 ' (BBi UAVIlElIi Great Mark- HAT llEfiS Down Sale Of Men's and Boys' Fine Clothing Take your choice of any overcoat or storm ulster, 0 1 C flfl for $5.00, $10.00 and ulOiUU CHOICE No. 1 Consists of fine kersey, vicuna, covert, mel ton and beaver overcoats and all wool frieze ulsters. All our $7.50 to $10.00 overcoats and Ar Aft ulsters, to close, at wJiUU CHOICE No. 2 All $13.50, $15, ?IG.50 and ?1S 0 fl flfl very fine overcoats and ulsters, for VlUiUU COOICE No. 3 All our very finest $20.00 to $35.00 ft I r flfl overcoats, to close at OlUiUu Here is a Snap. Men's Fine Trousers, $1.50. f. Made from odds and ends of fine fabrics, cut out of absolutely pure wool cassimere and fancy worsted, all sizes, waist 30 to 50, but mostly large sizes, from 38 to 50 waists. jjj t ' jiixtra special saic 01 jjoys- ana unuaren's nne suits and odd trousers, for Friday and Saturday. Boys' 3.50 D. H. and vestee suits, nt $1.50 Boys' very line vestee and double breasted knee pants suits, $5.00 values, for $2.50 50c and 75c fine all wool knee pants, at 25c $2.50 boys' odd long pants, all sizes, for $1.25 $3.50 boys' odd long pants, all sizes, at $1.95 Boys' fine $7.50 to $15 long pants suits, sizes 12 to 19, sale price $3.75, $5.00 and $7.50 HAYDEN BROS. SELLING TI3E MOST CLOTHING IN OMAHA. I Iff II I il 1 ri HUt MARK Registered A. Mayer Co. Brn BUILDING, OMAHA, NEB. DO YOUR FEET PER SPIRE IN WINTER? RE-NO-MAY PINK POWDER not only relieves, but poMitlvly cures nil flgene of tho feet nml hamls. HtopH oiJorouH pcr.splratlon curfirt ten der unci swollen feet. Kndorsud ana prescribed by leading phyMclaua, MISS A. MAVKIt: In reply to your note I ara pleased to say that tho tender and perspiring foot aro tninss of tho past. About two or tlireo application!) of your powder relieved them entlroly. I ara moro than slad to recommend tho uso of your powder to my friends. Wry respectfully. IJR, K. C. IIKNIIV. RE-NO-MAY WHITE POWDER removes all bodily odors. If properly used no dress shields ore required. PRICE 50 CENTS hold KverytTlierr. A. MAYER CO., 316 Bee Building; Omaha, Neb. CO.NSUI.TA'I'IO.V I'lltti; I'llOM a to - When ordering by mall ndd 6 cents for pcatage. Mutual Gratitude A good bargain is good for both sides. We believe that over.? customer of ours feels a sense of thorough satisfaction. Pennsylvania best hard coalv Sheridan, best Wyoming Coal, "" And the finest service it's possible to give you. VICTOR WHITE, 1605 Farnam St. Tel. 127.