8 TITE OrATIA DAILY BEE: TlirttSBAY, .TAX t'ATCY .11. 1901. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL sii.Min sinxTio.. David Fells glass. Davis fells drugs. "Mr. Illley." f-cent clear. Fltiu Missouri oak. Gilbert Bros. Gas fixtures and clones nt Illxby's. Tin A. H. C. beer, Neumaycr's hotel. Wollman, selentino optician. 409 UM'y. Schmidt's photos guaranteed to please. Moore's stock food kills worms, fattens. W J. Uo3tcttcr, dentist, Ilaidwln block. I.effcrt, Jeweler, optician, 23C Broadwny. Drink Uudwclser leer. U Ilosenfeld. at Picture framing. C. E. Alexander & Co.. tii Urondwny. .... W. K. Oniff, undertaker and dlslnfector, 1C1 South Main street I'hone 50b. Mr and Mrs. 1. C. Clpodrtcli will lene In H few days to live In .Now 'iork. det your work done ut the popular Kngle laundry. 724 llroiidway. "I'lione IS.. M W A. datir HuKhes' hall-A lialcy s orchcstrii-.lmi. 31. Admission. She. Morgan & Kl'ln. 'nolHterlnK. furniture repairing, mattress making. 122 S. Mnln st. J.ilge Thornell yesterday granted t rank Wood In divorce from I.lzzle Wood on the tnii. nils of desertion. A want ad In Tho Hee will brine The same attention given to a wnnt na in Council llluffs ns nt tho Omaha ofllce. Tho choir of tho Klrst Christian church will glvo n free literary and musical ctiter tulnment this evening nt the Tabernacle. Hherldan coal, once tried Smokeless, no soot, clinkers nor "U'Phur. Price K. t."..50. Kenlon & Foley, sole agents. The Scandinavian Uepubltcnn club will me.. trnlght In the olllco of Ovlde en on Fei.rl street. All members arc requested to be present. W J (lllkersoti, traveling pa.asenser agent of tho Grand Trunk system, with headquarters III Chicago, called at the loeal rnllroai' ofllees yesterday. Villi nm M. Johnson, n coal black neri', and Minnie Venter, u comely w hltu girl, both from Omaha, were murrle. In ti ls city yesterday afternoon by Justice ror rler I)r Joseph M. Olllls. formerly of pnrsft, Ii.. now or Omahn, and Mrs. Huso A. Mas rengalo of Mills county, Iowa, worn rnurr !d In tills city yesterday afternoon by Justlco lVrrler Mr I.lzzle Tavlor, an aged woman found wandering about Tuesday aftcrnooii, was r-ent to lliitnburK. la . yesterday by Hiiner vlnor Miller. Mrs Taylor In somewnal childish, owing to old ago and was on her way from Hleliwood to visit her sons .n Hamburg, when she got lost in this cltv Tuesday nfternnmi. N. Y. riumlilng Co., telephone 250. MOTOII t'OMI'ANVS CIlTlflC CASIIIin. lint City Trensurrr Will He- In ."So Hurry to lllstrllmtc It. The check for JI.'.WMO deposited by the motor company for the paving between anil one foot on each side of Its second track on South Main street was turned over yes terday afternoon lo City Treasurer True by City Clerk Phillips. This was done by tho city clerk on Instructions received from tho attorney for tho motor company, dty Trensurer True at onc.o placed the check, which ih drawn on an Omaha bank, with his bank here for collection. Whllo City Treasurer Trim has taken prompt steps to collect the cash called for by tho check ho will bo In uo hurry to make a distribution of It among the prop erly owners entitled to tho refund. Ho will not disburse the money authority and in addition to It having to , be determined who tho persons are who , ire entitled to the money there will bo st least one legal question io no uenm-u before any distribution of tho money can be made. This question, which In all prnb iblllty will havo to bo determined by tho courts, Is whether the property owners on both sides of tho street or those on tho west side only nro entitled to tho money. Somo of tho property owners on thn west ilde Insist that as tho second track was laid on tho west sldo of tho street, they ire nlono entitled to tho refund. In J884, alien the original paving was laid, tho itreet car company paid for Its proportion between tho then ono track and one foot on each side, whllo the cost of the balance of tho paving was equally divided botweon the property owners on both sides of the thoroughfare City officials who havo given the matter somo thought nro Inclined to the opinion that tho property owners on both sides of tho street will ho entitled lo share the money as paid In by tho motor company. Another question that will have to be de termined is whether tho present holders of the ahuttlng property shall receive tho refund or the pcrsous who paid tho tax for tho Improvement at tho tltno It was levied. All these questions City Treasurer Trim will have to iletcrnilno before ho will on his own authority pay out one dollar of the money. The city's portion of the refund for the paving of the Intersections will amount to about $S0O. Ilcnl KnImIi- Trnmfcrn. Tho following transfers wore tiled yester day In tho nbstract. tltlo nnd loan office of J. W. Squire. 101 Pearl street: Eugene linhtiiion nnd vita to Newton Ilcilgsoii. si'ii nw'i 30-77-30, w d 1.CV0 J,c:ttn Mc.Master nnd huiband to Ji.hn J. Uonlon, lots '.i aim lu. diock 1. Williams' 1st udd to Hancock, and lot G, Auditor's Hiilidlv seU sw'i iC S!l w d . J 11 Johaiinsen nnd wife to J. H. Iloushey, n So feel of lot W), block Nuo's add to Walnut, w il.. Dell n. Morgan and wife t- William W linker, lot 2, block ?3. Heers' sub dl w. d 1 'tiled Slates Life nsroclntlou to o. Hatten, 16. lots In Wright's udd, w d John Itennett nnd wlf to State H.iv lugs bunk of Council muffs, lots J nnd 4, In Wells park. q. r. d... l'"rmont nenjamlu nnd wife to - Charles Schmidt. Jr , part of lots 12 iitul 13. block 10, town of Avoen. w. d F J Day nnd wife to Ocorirn W. Tur ner lots 17 and Ifi, block II, Wright's add. q. e. d 15-) 1,'iVJ (0 0 5'V) Totul eight transfer ..$ I.M.I Mnrrlnu I.leonses. Licenses to wed wero Issued yesterday to tho following persons: Nftme and Hesldence. As Jot (-ph M. OIIIIh. Monon.i county. Iotv.i . '.0 ltoro A Mamensalo. Mills couniy. Iorta.i .TauiCH C tloernell, Cralfr. Mo ?S Kdim Chlpman. Shelby la M William M Johnson. Oinnua "- Mli nlo Vester, Om.ilia Ground Hog Day Will be February :. but our day to cell SHOES Is every da' in the year, vnii urn n Htrain;ir In our utnrn we nik von to come nnd seo what an eleijant line of fnniwear we carry We can fit you In any up-to-date stylo of I shoo you may want, nnd when you fee our goons, compiro the quality with that of other stores and thn nrlcvs wo feel certain ynu will buy your shoes In the futuro at SARGENT8 Look for the Bear. FARM LOANS Negotiated In I2atrn Nebraska waaaui ou, r-ntu uiuuu. BLUFFS. WORRIES MAYOR JENNINGS Ft Surplus in Police Fund it Being Rapidly Exhausted, CALLS FOR HELP FROM EMERGENCY FUND Will Hnrdly l.ust tho Month Out Onlnir to the Drains Mode In Kneeling Quarantine Against Smallpox, Mayor Jennings Is commencing to worry over tho manner In which tho surplus In his police fund Is being exhausted by the expenso of maintaining special officers to guard tho places placed undor quaruntlno on account of smallpox, lly February 1 this surplus will be extinguished and un less somo other provision Is mado for th payment of these guards, their services will either have to be dispensed with or olso tho regular police forco will havo to be cut down. Tho city ordinance specifically provides that all expenses connected with carrying out the orders of tho Hoard of Health must bt- paid out of the police fund. Until tho epidemic of smallpox in a do Its appearance, Mayor Jennings had managed with tho cx erclso of the strictest economy to save about $7fi a month from tho amount appro priated for tho maintenance of the police fund and tho surplus had reached about $600. With four guards constantly on duty at tho Atlantic houso and two nt tho Kunz residence on Knnt 1'lerco, tho small sur plus that had been left nfter defraying the expenso of guards in the former smallpox cafes Is about cleaned up. Mayor Jennings feels that tho police forco should not be diminished, and at the meet ing of tho city council next Monday night will call tho attention of the aldermen to tho situation. Ho will suggest that ns tho epidemic of smallpox Is undoubtedly a con tingency that could not have been provided for at tho time tho annual appropriation was mado for tho maintenance of the po llco force, tho expense Incurred by tho ap pointment of special officers to guard the places quarantined for smallpox should be Kunz resldenco, on I'lcrco street. Tho necessity of keeping guards day nnd night at tho Atlantic houso is conceded, and they will have to remain there until tho quarantine Is raised, which will he. If i:o fresh cases should occur In tho meantime, In about two weeks. In order to reduco expenses, Mayor Jennings has taken off thu guards on all places quarantined, except In the case of tho Atlnntlo house and thk Kunz residence, on I'lcrco struct. T' riniitKT" kim: ins Axswnu. l-'rniicls M. t'niiiiimrliiiiu'ii Demurrer to Frank Milnii'n IVlltlon. Fiancls M. Cunnlnghnm, the "tax fer- r.l " OIi! Ma nriu,.....' v.ln..ln.. I. district court In tho suit brought by Frank gMnn to annlj thfl c,ontrHrt ,,,,,,, by lhfl Coun(y Uoanl of Su .,,, ,vUn Cunningham. Ho also filed a demurrer to Shlnn's petition. In which ho denied that Shinn had any grounds for actio!. Ih his answer Cunningham "related that Immediately upon tho Hoard of Supervisors entering Into tho lontract with him ho encaged In the work of cnrrylng out and executing his part of It. In performance of the obligations which the contract im posed upon him Cunningham says ho em ployed capable, and expert assistants and that with such assistance ho has been ron tlucusly engaged from tho time of tho mak ing of thu contract to the present com plying with the terms and provisions of the contract on his part at an expenso of sev eral thousand dollars. Ho rays further that nt tho tlrao of the commencement of the suit brought by Shlnn tho work was almost completed and a laige number of reports had been made by hlra In compliance with tho require ments of the contract and tho material and facts accumulated and In readiness to tnnko nearly all tho balanco of such reports. Further, that all tho work had been com pleted, except so far as It related to finish ing up mnklng tho reports and presenting them to tho county treasurer, and that nothing now remains for him to do except to make theso reports, which ho claims ho Is now toady and prepared to mako and In fact Is making. Ho alleges that Shlnn has been guilty of Inches and Is consequently estopped from maintaining the action and that It would bo unjust and Inequltnblo to permit him or any other citizen or taxpayer of Pottawattamie county at this time to set up tho Invalidity of tho contract, tho more cisr dally as tho county has nnd Is now receiving the benefit of all tho work nnd labor which ho has porformed In carrying nut his part of tho contract. IIo also al leges that It would be unjust and Inequita ble to allow Shlnn or nnyono else to bring up nt this tlmo against htm that the con tract or authority under which he acted was contrary to public policy or the ex lsteuco of any other factB or circumstances which could defeat him from his rights un der tho contract in question. Cunnlnghnm, therefore. In view of theso allegations, nsks that the petition filed by Shlnn bo dismissed. I.I.I no - Mill DlmnlxKrit, Tho suit brought by James Lewis Dakcr. local manager of- nil eastern agricultural Implement manufacturing firm, against James Ituborg, Peter HnsmuHsen, pro prietors of tho Manhattan saloon, to ro straln thorn from sclllnc Intoxicating liquors, wr.s dismissed by Ilaker In the district court esterilay. Ilaker alleged that the defendants were violating tho provisions of the mulct law and Included A. A. Clark, who recently purchased tho building In which tho taloon Is situated, as party de fendant. No reasons for tho dismissal of the suit wero given Ir. tho notice filed with tho clerk of the district court yesterday. Ilnolcy mill Curler llrlil. Kid Dooley. alias Henry Smith, and Mai Carter, alias I,ouIh Smith, negroes, charged with stealing a watch valued at J25, from tho Jewelry storo of Itoblnson firos., on llroiidway. last week, had their preliminary hearing before Justice Ferrler yesterday. Tho watch was found In Henry Smlth'B po session, when ho was arrestod In Omaha. Their defenso was an attempt to prove an alibi. Tho court bound them over to await the action of tho grand Jury, their ball being fixed In the sum of $400 each. Held for Junk ('linrupn, John Harris, tho alleged professional "Junker," charged with the theft of $50 worth of brass Journal boxes from machines In tho warehouse of the McCormlck Har vester company on South Main street, had his preliminary hearing bofore Judgo Ayles worth completed yesterday morning. He was bound over to tho district grand Jury and his ball placod at $500. In default of bonds he was transferred from tho city to the county Jail. Another Pref rrreil Clnlni. T S. Sellcn filed u preferred claim of $47,50 lp tho Officer Puscy bank receiver ship coio yesterday. Officer & Pusfy col lected $50 rent on certain premises In this city for htm. on which their commission was $2.50. Tho balance was placed to Sellen's credit Instead of being remitted to lilm as ho says should havo been done. Tho deposit not being authorized by him, he asks that hta claim be preferred nnd the receivers ordered to pay him the full amount nt once. I2itill' Cases Toilny. Judge Wheeler will assist Judge Thornell In tho district court today and try somo of tho equity cases that the tatter has been unablo to reach. The first caso that Judge Wheeler will take up will bo that of tho Stato against David Johnson to enjoin tho maintenance of a dam in Pigeon creek, at the corner of Hnzel Dell township. In the suit of fc'am Dobson against Qeorgo W. Hewitt to recover for cleaning out a cesspool, tho Jury brought In n verdict for tho plaintiff In tho sum of JK'.Ti". In tho caso of Sorcn Myrtuo against 0. W. Graham, a suit to recover wages, tho Jury found for the plaintiff in the sum of $20. A Jury Is now trying tho suit of It. C Pattorson against 11. It. tlouldln, In which tho plaintiff seeks to recover commission for sccurlug a purchaser for certain prop erty of tho defendant. A. W. Way filed au amendment to his pe tition In his Biilt ngalnst John Short, In which ho asks that tho unknown heirs of Mnry Short, deceased, be mado party de fendants. William Short had originally been mado party defendant on the under standing of tho plaintiff Hint ho was tho son of Mary nnd Johu Short. Ho now al leges that while tho said William Bhort was fostered and reared by John and Mnry Short ns their son, ho was never legally adopted by them ns such. Commonwealth 10-ccnt cigar. Kstnlillxh it Da; Nurnrry. At tho meeting of the Associated Chari ties yesterday afternoon In tho parlors of tho First Presbyterian church plnns for tin work to bo undertaken by the organiza tion were discussed and outlined. Tho first work to bo taken up will bo ho establishment of n day nursery or creche, which will be under tho super vlsl'.n of the Misses Helen Aylesworth anil Kilen Dodge. Thu organization decided to securo a building In the vicinity of Tenth street nnd Avenuo D and u capable and trustworthy woman will be placed In charge. Tills nursery will bo opened about the first week of next month. In order to eliminate, ns far as possible, tho Idea of cbnrlty n fco of C rents a day will bo charged tho women lenvlng their children tlere. In connection with the creche as thn work proceeds n penny snvlngs bank will bo cs tubllhlicd for tho benefit of poor children nnil n cooking school will bo lpcrs-atcil In order to provide young pitis a train ing that will enable them to earn a liveli hood as servants. The meeting was well attended, somo fifty women being- present. Interesting talks on the subject of prcpnrlng young women to go out Into tho world and earn n living other than ns shopgirls wero mado by Mrs. Pugh, Miss McGco and Miss Mc Farland of Omaha. Davis sells paint. Fresh Vaccine Points received every day at Dell O. Morgan's drug storo. Work Smallpox Mmre, A tramp, tho appearance of whoso face caused the officers to bellove ho had small pox, almost caused a Rtampeilo at tho po- llco station Inst night. Tho fellow drifted Into the station about 9 o'clock and naked If ho could have lodging for tho night. His faro was nil broken out with pimples and blotches and Night Sergeant Hurgo lost no time In ordering him to stand outsldo tho rnlllng. Tho fellow said tho authorities ut Dunlnp, where ho had been taken sick, hnd provided him with transportation to this city. Sergeant nurke told him to go upstairs to tho hobo room, which was un occupied, and at onco sent for tho city physician. Tho latter, nfter examining tho man. had somo fun with tho officers by first telling thim It was tho worst caso of rmallpox ho had over como ncross, but n moment later allayed their fears by saying tho fol low was not suffering from smallpox. Dr. Jennings, however, advised ns n precaution mat tno man bo kept In n room by h in self. From what the city physician leirned from tho fellow he is Inclined to tho opin ion that ho is working tho smallpox scare racket to secure transportation across tho country. Grnvel roofing, A. II. Reed. C41 nroad'y. Howell's Antl-Kawf cures coughs, colds. CHANGES ON THE BURLINGTON liiNtllulrn Xow Ai'riuiKrii.eitt of Dlvl Hlons In limn nml Kslalil Inlio Xrv llliinli'lirrS Olllce. 11UHLINGTON, la., Jan. 30. (Special.) Somo Important changes go Into offect on tho Burlington railroad In Iowa tomorrow. As heretofore announced tho Iowa lines will be divided Into three divisions, the first ex tending from Ilurllngton to Ottumwn, tho second from Oltumwa to Crcaton, tho third from Crcston to tho Missouri river. Tho most Important change Is nt Ilurllngton, whero a now dispatcher's ofilco has beon established and whero a division superin tendent's office will bo located. Mr. J. J. Duggau, formerly of Crcston, Is tho new superintendent of tho Hurling-tim-Ottumwn division; V. A. Crlsswell of Ottumwa has been appointed chief train dispatcher at Ilurllngton. with threo assist ants; W. II. Double of Ottumwa will bo roadmastcr of the Hurllngton-Ottumwa di vision, and J. Larson of Qulncy. III., will be roadmastcr of tho Cnrthago-Qulncy brunch, which has been taken from tho Illi nois division and added to tho Iowa lines. Both roodmastera will havo their head quartern In Ilurllngton. A thorough over hauling of tho new division lines is being mnde. nrrmv Kni'npc for Veteran. SIOCX CITV, la., Jan. 30. (Special.) William II. Norman, ono of Sioux City's characters and valued citizens, narrowly es caped being burned to deuth enrly yester day morning m his own bed. Norman Is 81 years of ago and tho only veteran of tho Mexican war living Ui Sioux (ity. Tho lit tle cotlngo was discovered to h ablaze by n passing hnekman Jack DeWItt, who kicked In a door and rescued Norman and his wife Just In time. Tho houso was badly damaged. Tho old couple almost certainly would have been burned to death had tho discovery not been mado when It was. Saloon I.enKiir Vol Yet l)renulfil. OMAWA. Ia., Jan. 30. (Special.) Tho meeting today In tho court house to organ Uo a Monona County Antl-Snloon league was not largely attended, llevs. Babsott and McNauiari were appointed n commlttco to correspond with the state secrotary at Des Molucs and call a meeting for organ lzatlon later. Meanwhile onawa saloon men are planning to open their places next week. Iimtii fuiilfnl In i'riiiK, HOUSTON. Tex.. Jan. 30 Charters were filed with tho secretary of state today for two oil companies capitalized at $1,000,000 C4ch. with headquarters at Beaumont. One of them Is the Beaumont Geyser Oil com pany, among the Incorporators of which are Iowa, Oklahoma and Texas capitalists. Tho other Is the American Oil company, j composed of Houston and nostnn (capital- isu. STATE AFTER UNCLE SAM Eeis . Possible Ohance to Collect $420,000 Old Icdebtednou. IS FOR EQUIPPING THE VOLUNTEERS Cnptnln Lotlirop Succeed In Arons Iiik (lurernor'i Intercut nnd the I.ntler Instructs Attorney Jen ernl lo In vrllBnt e Claim. DES MOINKS, Jan. a0.-(9pcclal Tele grnm.) Governor Shaw today directed tho attorney general to make an Investigation Into the claims of the state of Iowa against tho United States on account of tho equip ment of troops during the war of tho re bellion. Ex-Senator Lothrop of Sioux City presented a statement showing that tho stnto con collect $420,000, and tho governor and other state officers havo becomo con vinced that at least n large part of this can bo collected. When Captain Lothrop first appeared be fore the council to ask a commission to col loct this sura members mado nn unofficial examination Into the matter and reached tho conclusion tl.at he was mistaken. Today he convinced the members of tho council that there is a Just claim ngalnst tho government, but they are unablo to tell how much. Tho claim Is on account of money expended In equipping regiments of volunteers during the rebellion and Interest on money bor rowed nt that time. lirrnt Philanthropic VnilrrlnUliiR. F. Kmory Lyon of Chicago, special agent for tho Central Howard association, Is In Iowa for tho purpose of organizing a stato branch of tho association, which Is con cerned In the care of ex-prlsoncrs and reclaiming wayward persons. The fact that Iowa has no parole law, but that tho governors have for years Issued pardons 111 tho form of paroles, gives the associa tion au opportunity to accomplish much In this state. II Is Intended to organize n state branch with headquarters probably nt Cedar Itaplds and branches In tho nrlotlB counties. A lecturer will bo engaged to travel In tho state and Interest the people In tho movement. Mr. Lyon spoko lu Des Moines this evening nnd will go to Fort Dodgo tomorrow. The members of tho State Hoard of Control, tho governor and other stnto officers, have lent their Influence to tho movement. Innnnn I'nv In Silver. Mason City capitalists havo Just pur chased what Is known as tho San Pablo cstato In Mexico, which Is to ho developed by Iowa capital and enterprise. James K. Ulytho went to Mexico to close up the deal and telegraphed back that tho money would have to all be paid In silver. J. K. U. Marltley of Mason City went to Chicago and completed n deal by which tho sllvor Is to bo purchased nnd shipped to Mexico for the payment. Tho amount of idlvor to be used in tho purchase Is eleven tons, but by making tho purchase In this way tho company saves about $5,000 on the deal. .MVliojr lleforr Colleger Students. A novelty In college addresses was that delivered before tho students of Drako uni versity at chapel thin morning by "Mose" Jacobs, a Dcs Moines vendor of newspa pers, who still piles his trade, although long slnco ceasing to bo a boy. "Moso" appeared before tho university classes and gave them a plnln, sensible talk on 'ho everyday affairs of life and his speech made a fino Impression on his hearers. Fraternal-i Mrrt. A meeting of tho Io-a Fraternal con gress was held hero today attended by about twenty-flvo rcprosonlntlves of tho various fraternal orders doing business In Iowa. They maintain Ihclr organization for tho purpose of taking united action with regard to legislation and other mat ters of mutual Interest, but as tho Iowa legislature does not meet this winter there was practically nothing to do and tho meeting was formal. Co ii no 1 1 HlnlTx C.mr Drclilrd. Tho supremo court today rendered r. derision In the case of John Limit against tho Schlltz Hrewlng company from Potta wattamie county, a matter affecting at tornoy fees and a commission on purchase of property, holding that Judgo Ayles worth was In error In some of his In structions. Tho question Involved was that of an agent becoming ngent for both tho buyer nnd tho seller of property. It wnB admitted that Llndt got a commission from tho sollor of the property and ho brought suit for commission from the buyer. Tho court holds that this Is contrary to public policy and that tho plaintiffs had a right to rely on assurances made by Llndt In a letter that ho was not acting for tho hellers of the land, For this deception tho caso was reversed. Other cases de cided: Anna I. Bird ngalnst Mnrtha Jacobus, appellant. Polk county; will case; affirmed. John Carroll ngalnst Chicago, Ht. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Itallroe.d, appellant, Woodbury county; damnges for Injuries In being put oft train; nfflrnied. DEMENTED WOMAN FREEZES AVn infer Alionl In S'iiimv nnd Dnrk limn I nlll Dentil Comes In llrr llrllrf. CLINTON. Ia.. Jan. 30. (Spoclal Tele gram.) A report has reached Clinton that Mrs. John Frnnk met a horrlhln death near her homo In Fulton, Jackson county. For somo time pant she has been unsound In in I ml. Sho did not occupy her hus band's apartments and somo tlmo during tho night climbed out through an upstairs window onto the shed roof and Jumped to the ground. Her nbsonco was noticed early In the morning, when her trail was followed for nearly n mile In the snow, tho body being found scantily clothed nnd frozen stiff. No ono has any Idea how long sho wandered about In tho snow before sho succumbed. Sho was 6S years old. limn Urn I'mlt tor Culin. FOHT DODGE, Ia., Jan. 30. (Special.) A. M. Chumborlaln of Waterloo plans to open n largo shipping office In Havana, Cuba, for Iowa hens' eggs. It Is proposed to ship from 2, 500 to 3,000 crates of ogg3 each week. Mr. Chamber lain will have agents all over the state who will collect the eggs each morning whllo they aro fresh and will ship them to New Orleans, whence they ,lll go to Cuba direct. He Is now In Cuba looking aftor tho opening of his prospective busi ness. Shipments of eggs have already been coinmonjed. I'mmrallou In .Kiiln on 1,1st. nVAH'A Ta.. .Ton SO (Sn.flnl 1 Thn postofilce at the old town of Preparation, In .Monon.i couniy, has been re-established-This olllce wus first established In 1853 and Is tho oldest in Monona comity, and Is the place whero Guy C. Ilarnum of Columbus used to preach to the Mormons In early days. Find Ilnily on lllvrr'n llniiL, ONAWA. In.. Jan. 30. (Special Tele gram.) John Worrell, a farmer of Lincoln township, west of Onawu, was found dead this rooming on the Nebraska side of tho river. His body had blood on it and, partly rovcrrd with sand, lay on the edgo of the Ice. The coroner of Burt county, Nebraska, has been notified nnd Is expected to hold nn Inquest, when tho particulars are likely to be mado known. Humors of murder are current Worrell left homo yesterday with a companion to haul wood from tho sandbar and the horses wero found ou tho Iowa side, both dead. His companion has been found, but was not in condition to talk, and refuses to glvo nny explanation of tho sad affair. i-'oiit nooffi: lc.vpncT.s to imphovi CoiitriniilHlrs KreflltiK' er Clin rclir In Addition to Court House, FORT DODGE, Ia.. Jan. 30. (Special.) Tho most Important public Improvement projected In Fort Dodgo during the year 1001 Is the $15,000 steel viaduct, which Is to connect two pnrts of tho city hitherto separated by a deep ravine. Tho viaduct will cross tho tracks of tho Minneapolis & St. Louis and Hock Island roads. It will be 700 feet long and flfty-threo feet In holght at Its highest point. The city will furnish $1,S00 toward Its construction, tho county, $2,800; tho railroads Interested, $5,000, and private cnpltal, $5,000. The new court houso will he completed nnd occupied during tho year, nt a cost of $100. 000. Members of tho Corpus Christ I church are now cngnged In raising funds for tho erec tion of a convent to rcplaco the ono re cently destroyed by lire. Tho building wll! cost $23,000. Tho congregation of tho Sacred Heart Catholic church also Intends to build dur ing the year. Tho Swedish Lutheruu church has signified Its Intention of erect ing n now $10,000 edifice. Prospects for n new hotel aro good and If It Is erected It will bo a $100,000 structure. An addition Is planned to tho Logan house, which will mnko It a 100-room building with modern Improvements. (ileiifTiinil (inn Clnli Victorious. OLENWOOD, Ia., Jan. 30. (Special.) Five members of tho Glenwocd Gun club yesterdny defeated an nil-star aggregation of shotgun exports from eastern Mills nnd western Motgomcry counties. Tho day was windy nnd generally unfavorable, tho birds strong and fast. Score. Olcnwood. 52; All Stars, CO. Glenwood'n representatives were Edwnrds brothers, Weatherhend, Storey and Hall; "Two-County," Evans, Cook brothers, Way Tleklo of Carson, Emerson, Hnitlngs nnd Henderson. RELIGION AND POLITICS MIX f nnijiltrntlon or llir Two Make Present Sltnallnn In (lie Plilllp lilnr Capital I'rolileinnt lc. MANILA, Jin. 30. All tho Filipino lead ers of tho federal party nssert their con tinued fealty to tho Catholic church, ex cepting Buoncamlno,' Hosarlo and Ner. Tho church authorities, whllo Intimating un officially that there is no Intention of re turning tho friars to tho localities whero tho peoplo object to them, havo not assured the rcurcscntatlvcs of the government to this effect. Both tho legislative and oxecutlvo au thorities aro determined to permit tho utmost freedom of worship, but Judge Tnft, president of tho United States Philippine commission, said today that it was unde termined where they ought to draw tho line In localities where tho presence of tho friars may tend to cause unrest and dis turbance. Tho attempt of Huencnmlno and his conferees nt Tondo to orugnlzo nn evan gelical church was precipitated by arrests, mado on thn Information of priests, of cer tain alleged supporters of thn insurrection. Tho question of tho release of some of them Is pending. There Is much speculation ns to tho extent to which Huencnmlno will bo abln to control religious sentiment In his ward, In which reside the poorest class of natives. Llttlo Interest In tho matter Is apparent In the Blnondo and neighboring wards. Dr. Bourns, tho only American on tho federal party directorate, says the evangelical movement was originated by political lenders at Tondo nnd was disap proved by tho party directors. Tho American soldiers and civilians de precate the attempts to mix religious agita tions with the police reform, which tho foderal party has fathered and extended. Whllo tho religious belief of tho Filipinos is apparently sincere. It Is Imposslblo to predict to what oxtent It may bo swayed by their leaders, aided by Protestant mis sionaries. Nothing has yet been ac complished In tho lino of wholesale con versions to Protestantism In Manlln. Huencnmlno Is erecting tho framework of nn ovnugellcal organization and hopes shortly to gathor a big membership. Forty sailors from tho United Sfntcs cruiser Albany, convicted of mutiny while tho war ship was In dock at Hong Kong, havo boen sentenced to vnrlous terms of Imprisonment nt Cavlte. Tho only rnuso for their conduct Is said to bo restfulness nnd dissatisfaction. Tho nrmorcd cruiser Brooklyn goes to Hong Kong tomorrow to undergo minor re pairs. JUST AS MACARTHUR WISHES General Slay Consult Ills (Mm Prer ener In Matter tif I.i-iivIiik Philippine. WASHINGTON. Jan. 30. It Is stated at the War department that noither of the general olllccrs detailed yesterday, Wade and Ludlow, aro aont out to Manila with n purposo of relieving General MacArthur. Thoro has been no attempt to foreenst the promotions In tho regulor array which will result from tho passage of tho pending army "JUST TRY And Learn why so many Conser vative and Retir ing People Pub licly Indorse .4 IT 19 Curos Builds Up Sustains A hnrmlcfs five grain powder of well known remeillei, delicately balanced by yonra of human tost. Grip and Coldi can bo completely cured in one nlitht by following thn " 'Orsnifolno' hot wnterdirectlniiH" nnd their debilitating to suits entirely averted. It Stops All Pain, Hondarlm, Neuralgic, Periodic, ond Cures tho Cauc. Revives from Fatigue, nourlnhei and reg ulate brnln, norves and etomach, THE ORANOEINB CHEMICAL CO., . Cfalcai. A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN ii oft to dlitrf tie J by Gny or My BUichcd Ulr Imperial Hair Regenerator wlUreniKly this, Any nhmto from nttck to Hi e llgbtent Aih Morale prndarrit Colon ar itnribfa. Eanllr MtiDlltrl. Ab. nlutrly Uarralrii', Sample of hair (ol. ureu true, uurmjionarnre coDBcirmui. IMPERIAL CHEMICAL Mm. CO.. II W. Ut St., New Vork. Sold by nil druggists und hairdressers. Uticure Tr. Ka h TTticuro cure all female dlsrascs. At druv- uu 1 Uli.alrfif A lw.nr and advice free. Dr. II, J.'Ku,, fcaratogu.N. Y. i.iu'; aliuclie-.s riibirisaregiiiceesfullr i tmnd iiionliilv bvorer 10.0ii0l9.dti K. Price. lij.tl. Ily mall, $1.03. bend 4 ctata for ' v1 samplo snd partlculais. The. Cojlc Co., lid Woodward are.. Detroit. Mich. fold in Omaha bv Kuhn Co., 18 & Uourlox m PAN'S TAnui.KS la nn effectual euru for the I lies svhlch originate In n bad rton b 10 for Gc. At all drusslsti. I m reorganization bill. When that bill becomes n law It will be entirely within the power of tho president to designate the order In which commissions shall be Issued to thn mnjor generals created thereby. Tho firt officer commissioned ns major general, of course, by tho rules of seniority, which will still obtain, will becomo entitled to the command whenever ho comes In contact with an officer of like grade. Thus, If tho president wlnhes MacArthur to ret j In command In the Philippine nnd that officer cares to remain nfter Wade's arrival, It will simply become necessary to allow MncArthur's commission as major general to antedato Wade's, and that will be done If MacArthur remains. Uut It has been understood for several months Hint MneArthur, having served quite as long In the tropics as Is consistent with health and sound military practice, hn Is likely to come home In tho late sprtng. Ily the same understanding General Chnffco has been assigned as his succes sor nnd ptescnt Indications afford no reason for a change In tho belief that It Mac Arthur cares to come here and that Is left to his own choice his natural successor will bo General Chaffee. Mne Artliur'n disunity Lint, WASHINGTON. Jan. 30. General Mac Arthur's lastcst casually lists aro ns tol lows: JIAN'ILA, Jan. ZJ.-AdJututit General, iiHlilnglnn: Killed Jiuiunry 17, Hoac, Mldrlnnue, Com l!iny A. IMrst infantry, Corporal William H. Hhey. (leorgo C. Hrcsher; January 6, nenr l'onpoiie, Luzon, Company I), Torty fifth volunteer infuntry, Alphonso Vun Ackur: December 14. Satmiig. Leylo, Com pany L, l'orty-thlnl volunteer Infantry, (Irniivlllo V. fiitiiH, Arthur Curr. Henry (. lllggliis. Kdwln K. Hamilton. Wounded Lorenro I). Taylor, breist, moderate, Company K. l'orty-thlnl viilun teer Infantry; Second Lieutenant Louis II Leaf, wounded In leg. serious; Trunk Lj ier. wounded In hand, serious; Juiiuary 1. Am.ne, Alalmv, Company F. l'ortv-ieventh volunteer Infantry, clcorge O'lioiinoll, Witindeit In thigh, serloui; December IT, Oulnabnta. Alubay. Troop I Ninth ravn'ry bergenia ltlchnnl Miller, wounded In thlg'i Horlousi December 27. Troop II. Ninth o (ilry. William Withers, wounded In hand serious: January l. Hnnulruhnm, Aliib.iv. ( ompany I. Forty-seventh volunteer In fimtry, llllnm Taylor, wounded In thigh, Herlif.is; First iSorgeiuit Clnreiice Llnlnger, groin, Moverei John Healy, groin, severe. . iinimry 8, Mnuban. Luzon, Company II. thirtieth volunteer Infantry, Corporal Henry C. Jsevlns, faoe, slight; Company M. 'thirtieth volunteer Infantry . Holier! O Settle, wounded In leg above knee, moder ate; October 1.1. Ormoiv. I,oyii Coiupanv D. borty-fourth volunteer Infunirv. Don k Connelly, wounded lu thigh, slight; Janu ary 1,. Hone. Mnrlnlquo. Company A, First Infantry, Alphonso J. Vnti Lneys, woundc-l In leg nbovn knee, slight; Gum 1'. I lain, wounded In leg, slight; December 12, I'ntin KoiiKiin, llohol. Company I,, Nineteenth In funtry, JnmcH N. Under, wounded lu back, serious; Corpornl Krnest Hwitzer, wounded In head, serious; Company I), Fortv-fourth volujiteer Infantry, Itobert K. Mitchell, wounded In leg, serious. Tho following deaths "nave occurred since last report : Dysentery January 21, Troop H, Third cavalry. Corporal Umory J. Mellrldp; Com pany (', Seventeenth Infantry, Hernnnl Schultz; January 20. Conipnnv D, Twenty second Infuntry, Henry Steffen. Nephritis Jnniinry 22, Company O, Thirty-sixth volunteer Infantry, Don C. Hed rlclt. Appendicitis-Company II, Third Infuntry, Henry Schurf. Tuberculosis -Compnny if, Thirty-fourth vo'tinteer Infantry, Henry W. Wright; Macemlos, Jatiuury IS, Company SI, Seven teenth infantry, William G. Dodsworlh. Heart Dlseuse January 21, Company M, Twenty-second Infantry. John K. Shen. Suicide Janunry 20, Company F. Forty eighth volunteer Infantry, Ilenrv Moore. Accidental Kxploslmi January 2.1. Com pany F, Fourth Infantry, Council C. Ash ley. Drowned December I. Companv C, Twonty-seconil Infantry, Forst Mitchell. Overdose Morphine December 30. Acting Hospital Steward Clare D. Trumbull. Died from Wounds Hecelved In Aetlo'i January 2. Company F. Forty-seventh Volunteer Infantry, (leorgo O'Donnell. Died from KfffCts of (lore from Ciirnbao January 13, Company K. Thirty-eighth Volunteer Infatitry, cirg Wlllmore. MACAItTHUR. MncArthnr lo Iln llcllrvril In April. NEW YORK. Jan. SO. A special to tho Herald from Washington says: Major Gen eral MacArthur will bo relieved from duly as tho commanding general of tho Division of tho Philippines In April next, and will be succeeded by Ilrlgadler General James F. Wade. MAINE FUND DWINDLING llnl MIHr More Than 1 1,00(1 rtritiiiln Inir of Money Contributed for Vlcllnm of Dlnnntrr. WASHINGTON. Jnn. 31. -Tho relief fund raised by tho American people to aid the famllicE of tho victims of tho Maine dis aster has now dwindled to about $1,300. This balance Is now In tho hands of Cap tain Charles D. Slgsbee, chief of tho naval Intelligence bureau, who was In command of tho battlenhlp when sho was blown up nnd lo whom this amount was turned over by tho persons In charge of tho fund rnlsed somo tlmo Inst spring. Applications for a sharo of the fund hnva been few of late, but thoso that havo been received havo como over n circuitous route, owing lo Ignorance ns to tho whereabouts of tho per son In chnrgo of the remainder of the mercy, Such applications should bo nd dressed to Captain Slgsbeo nt tho Navy de partment. I.aruer reunion for Mm, I'hlllp. WASHINGTON. Jan. 30. Tho houso com mittee on pensions today recommended nn Incrcnso from $30 to $50 per month In tho pension of tho widow of Hear Admiral I'hlllp, ono of the captains In the battlo off Santiago. To Cum tin- Grip In Two liny. Laxative flromoQulnlno removes the cause. Good Property Is a Good Investment Fifteen lots lo a body for iU at a very reanonable prlco. Tneaa lots nre located In Omaha addition and He hich and dry. Ther will make a splendid location for iomo factory. Several otbsr lots ruttabls for building purposes one of them especially will malta a fine location for a home, being within one block of tho motor line und within two blocks of a school sous and church located In the western part of the city. Apply at Bee ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature f t FaoSlmlU Wrapptr Below. Tarr aasall aa ma tuf FOR HEADACHE rBR OIMIMESS. rOR RILI0USRESI. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THE COMPLEXION OURK 8IOK HEADACHE. Many Special Rates New Orlenns and Return $29.25 Mobile and Return $31.25. (in svi.t: ri:n. mil to itiii. im i.rsi vr Tourist rates now on sulu to Arkansas, Florida, Cuba und all tho winter tesorts of tho south. Homeseelters- excursions, onn faro plus ?2.U(J for the round trip, ou sala first nnd third Tuesduy each month to many points couth. All Information nt City Ticket Ofllce. H15 I'arnain St. (I'a.xtou Hotel lllock), or write Harry E. Moores, C 1. & T. A.. Omaha. Neb. DANGER SIGNALS ftX man an J woman. Does your face flush an J nre our llmbc &!iLv jmI unU Fx ttnn ..t . ... I . .,...jiii.i, nnu n.wiiy mu forwklncyou? These Nature's warning; M-inhood Is rur-IJIy Mlllnj-. Llectrlcltyli Hie only knonn ture for these wcaknetsei. A applied by my Klectrle Hell the cure It guaranteed: If It f.dls I will refund cery cent you pay for It. DR. BENNETT'S ELECTRIC BELT Is of Quadruple Multiply ing power. Lntlrely differ- enl. .nil tntitt tint hi. rm. founded with other electric i;in. lias fom, silken, thamols covered iponco electrodes which ii not turn mid blister do tho bare metal electrodes used on all other makes of bells. Alv flrlt fan hp r.nrwM fnr ' fin 1 . -rf uli-n hnrn.1 l I 1. .1 . . ...v . "..v.. i.i'i.h.1,1, I... ,iiuvt i'ci can oc re newed for nny price, and vhen burned out in worth iest. GlMmMlin TO c;URD nil Weaknesses In either sc; restore Vitality; cure Rheumatism In any form, Vatlcose Veins, Kidney. Liver and Bladder Trouble, Constipation. Dyspepsia, all lemale Com plaints. General and Nervous Ilehlllly, eic. Wtito lo-day for my hook. "The I'lndlne of thn Fountain of liternal Youth ' Sent free, postpaid, for theasklne;. Hook will tcllsouall about It. Soldonlycy OR. BENNETT Electric Belt Co. Ilniiinn IN lo 21 DuiiuIiin IHiioU, Do dtie nml Kith MrrelN, (limiliii, Xcli, A SKIN OF BEAUTY IS A J0 FOREVER R.T. FELIX GOURAUD'S ORIENTAL CREAM, OR MAGICAL I1EAUTIFIER. Hemovei Tan, Pimples, Krecklee, Moth I'ntche, S fTteyCa jfs Hash and Hkln dli- 3" "a SPkSi AVje"". "d every SAO uicmiRn on D.awy, ami oenea oetne tlon. It has stool lh teat of U yearn, and Ii so harmless wo last. It to lie sure II I. properly nmde. Accept no counter feit of elinllai name Dr. U A. Sayrn raid to a la dy of th htut-toa (u natlentll "An you ladles will use them, I recom mend -GOUnAUD'H CHIC AM' as the. Uaat harmful of all the Skin preparations." h'or al by all DruKRlsts and Fancy Qoadi Dtalers In the U S. and ISurope, FUItl). T. IIOIMC1N3. I'rou'r, 7 Qreat Jon Bt. N. T. MEN NO CURE, NO PAV If you harMflintll. wmk onr" loit power or weakening d- n. our Hcuum Orynn l)evnlo;r vlll reitorn jou without drum or electricity, as. 000 In uai not on failure) not onn returned, not1 o p fraud, urltefor particulars, tent denied In plain mirelope. LOCAL APPLIANCE CO.. 414 Charles Bide Dinir, Colo. CARTERS enr sr em a If You Wish good reliable dental work at mod erate prices we can please yon. Oar methods are the most improv ed our prices so low ihey will eurprise you. ..Telephone 145. K. I. Woodbury, D. D. S-, Council Bluffs. 30 Pearl St. Grand tfde! Office, Council Bluffs.