THE OMAiJA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, JAXUAIiY 20, 1901. i) hi mm Ail vertlsi'iitents for these nlutidt trill lir taken until 12 in. for llu' Tcnlnu edition ami until H.itll i, in. fur iiiornliiK Mini Sunday edition. Halm, I l-ito n word first tntrrtlnii. If n Mord Iherenfter. Niithluu fnr lesn tlinn a.'n: tor the flrat inser tlou, Tlii'ic advertisement niut lie run eiinectitl vet)-, AiUcrtlsera, liy retiticMltif, n innn fierid clieoL, onn have ninucri ml. dressed to it iniinbrrcd letter In enie or The Her. inxvwrn no mill icel villi In; dellvetcd on prcxciitutlon of the clivqk out)'. wantud-siti, tion. POSITION os bookkeeper evenings. Best references. Address G 63, il.e A-M713 F3 EXPERT nrcountunt. Geo. V. IMIimoH, Brown Blk. A '!! TIUVUMN'O mini, wi-'l acq inlnli'd with nil llrtiti of trade In the west, wants po sition: ljtit rc'crc-tices and bond If re quired. Address 1. U. l!ox &!!. f.lnrolti. Neb. A-MSJ1 3 WA.viiiii-.d.M.i: help WANTKD, we have leady work for a few good hustlers of good habits and uppear ancu. C. F Adnma Co.. I8mS Howard St. H-7 DARHEIl trado taught thoroughly In short time, catalogue and particulars free Address Wcatcrn Barbers' Institute, Omaha, Neb. H-731 WANTED, Rood man to do canvassing In the country; good pay for right mnn. Ad dress E 4, Bee. U-M1!9 MKN or women to srll goods to city trade. Oood pay und atcady employ me nt. Hlx enbaugh & Cu., Wuro blk. H-M412 Marl5 CA N VA HHERS wi7edrnr "Y.ifc'nnd Reign of Queen Victoria." by the eminent his torians, Prof, f'hns. Morris ami Murat llnlHtruil; licnrlv fin I pages; size 7x10: leo richest Illustrations: glentest nnd best; tremendous w-ilrr; onlv H.50; bit? bonk, big commissions; credit Riven; freight paid; oiitllts free Address The Dominion Co., Dept. V, 334 D'-arborn st . Chicago, h-m;os 3I WANTED, men lo lenrn barber trade; pre pare now for uprliig rush, only two monthn rotiui.-ed; 12 to $15 weekly paid Kriidmitcti, or ciii start business on our capital; many rfood loratlons on tile; we have I tie best proposition ever made youui; men; class drains February 1; our illploman recognized I'verywhero; write at oncn for outnloKUe and partleulurs. Molcr Harbor College, 1H2.1 Farnam St., Omaha. Cuitllnn. Uur success has caused some "c shops to call their places eolloKes. Do not bo deceived. U'n aro u branch of the orlKlnal Molcr system. H M721 31 WANTKD, canvasHcrn. lfGO Douglas st. H-MM1 ANTI2D, city salusnicn for tailoring. Ap ply The Iteo Tailor, H7 Knrnntn st. H-M7jj :o WANTICI). experienced harneis maker-j on IlKht . and heavy work. Apply to the Waterloo Saddlery Co., Waterloo. la. ANTICD. shoemaker to work on lack, in.1 N.JOth st. U-MS13 29 SAIilCS.MICN" for clKars; hew plan, o,ulck sales, good business, blc money. Con sumers' Cl;ar Co., C3I S. 7th St., St. I. cm In. H HOAD kai,i:hman. HOAD SAMCSMAN. . Rhni' salesnmn rth road experience wanted to sell on commission wcll-advertlsed line of boots und shoes for old-established house. Address, with references, Hox l-JJO, Huston, Muss. I1-M!CT WANTHD, grocery specialty salesman; Klve your experlenco fullv; we offer ex I'cptlonul opportunity and good salary. II 0. lice. ll-MS:s 29 WAvrun i',n iu:i,r. WANTUD. SCO girls. 1M Dodge. Tel. STfi. C-72J t0 girls wanted Canadian ofllce, 1522 DoiRlas C-741) VOUNO lady to learn massage; permanent position for right party. Apply 220 Heo Hldg C-C22 A J5IUOIIT young man or woman to tnku shorthand scholainhlp and pay for It when course Is finished and position secured. Address F 15, Hffe. C-S37 flllllj wanted, zenoral huuscwork. 222.' Miami St C-CS2 WANTF.D. 2.V girls; alio experienced shirt and pant operators. Apply at Ityrnu & llMmmcr factory, 12th und Howard sts. I'-MGM 30 COMl'KTHNT girl for small family; 2039 l'arker stieet. C C9i5 WANTHD, ladles lo lenrr halrdresslng. manicuring and facial massage: nreu.ue 4lcw for summer season and resort posi tions; splendid openings, good pay, easy work positions guaranteed: rpeolal nto mid advantages this month; call or write for particulars. Moler's MalrdreitMu': Col lege, 1823 Fnniam, Omaha. f-MSiU.'!!' WANTUD. cxpcrlenciil lady bookkeeper for largo wholesale business; write, givlns references Address II 2fi, Her. C-S12 V.'ANTKD, .three oxperlencd liali'dre.elM or Mnler graduates; new parlors; stale, experlenco or when graduated. II 21, Hoc. C Ms-ll 29 COM I'KTKNTi "girl forgeneriil housework; good wages.' 2o"0 l'oi'pleton uw. C MS10 29 WANTKI), woman for second cooking, also chambermaid for llrst-cluss hotel out of city; must bo rcspectitu.n girls; good wanes. Address Hox 31, David City. N'b. C-M1I2 2J WANTKD. experienced lady bookkeeper for largo whnlcsalo buslm ss, wrlto and state references. Hox II 10, flee. C .V.713 QIHI, wanted, small family, high wages; Mrs. II. I). Nccly, I3T1 Hamilton Ht. C-819 COMl'KTHNT nurse girl; good wages; 2241 l.undon Court. C S20 3D OI HI. for general housework; 2210 9. 32nd ftveuue. I 'SIC 30 COMl'KTHNT girl for general housework; good wages; 2101 Wirt. C-817 30 roii iiirvr iiousi:. IK you want your houses well rented place them with llenuwa & Co. D 741 AIAVAYS moving II. II. goods. Pianos. Olllce. 1511!s Farnam St. Tel. 1559 or 33. D-742 HOFSKS for rent In nil parts of the city llrcnnan-I.ovo Co., 320 So 13th St. D--743 HOUHK3, stores. Hcmls, Paxton block D-7H BKE HKNHV U. PA VNI3, C01 N. V. MFb' D-715 ' HOUSKS. etc. F. D. Wond. l52lDoucTas t 1-7W IIOU8K3 and flats, HlnsMult, Barker fllk" D-747 ' HOUSES wanted. Wnllace Drown II I U D-7H HAUN. 2024 St. Mnry' Ave. D-719 FOIt KENT, bakery In tlrsi-chiss condition large htore room, cunlnuous oven etc nlun S.rooin house, with burn v ,...-.. ' nnd larne vagnn sited; all' for KO 0) npr month. W 11. Kutucll. ivu Hamgo nidc . . D-TJ MU SliAVAHD ST., new llvc-rOoni .entnge ftirrcnt; cood bp-n and city water; OMAJIA l.OAN & THUST CO., I6th' nn1 Douglas Sts. D-751 NEW 7-ronm brick, strictly modern Tn7 front. 27th and St. Mary s Ave , us HemlV Puxton-blocli. DM71''' No, 13S4 South 31sL stteet. lust north of irunt scorn nrk. a li w. comfortable, s-ropm modern house. Will be put in good r" pair fir right party M J Kennard & feon, 310 Hrown block. D-MSI3 TWO small live-room cottages in t hp nni yard: clly Attter In kltrheni In bood?on ftltlon. rent js per month. OmSha iVrii &' Trust Co.. icth and Dous'u" s?s D-96S- I4th. near Farnam; ten-room modern complete In every respei't. ten minute.' Omaha t.can & Trust wnin ut iviiin i v ir i ruisininhMi rent. to., Ifith and Doug- las bts u aw SPEC! LW roii rent not hes. li7 Decatur st . Tr.. 110. 310 Decatur, 7r modern. J14, ! LI4 3 2Mh 8t., 7r., nil modern, except fur mice, $35. I 2215 Hun at.. modern, except furnace, WV rAVfiiS'KNu. uu, lai i-u n. y, life. D IJi C-HOOM house, all moderr. 1I33 N. joth 8t. D-415 a MODERN six-room Charles Hanley. flat. lOItt Pacific st. D-M6S1 29 WHY pay rent when you can buy a home on monthly pnyments of 15 and up'.' W. i up; w D-M 175 ii uui-hcii, 4o itamgc inog. SnVKN-HOOM cottage. 2011 N. f. O. Powell, phone 1181. 17lh Ave. D-C;9- FOH tti:NT LWl Paclllc st , S room. nil modern, furnace, gas. bnth; J2J.. D V. Shules Sc Co., 3P) N. Y. Life. U-M79.' 29 I'Olt lti:.'I-l'UU.M!4lli:i HOOMS. STIIAM-heatcd rooms at Tho ThurJton. K-;32 Dl'AVKY Kuropeon hotel, 13tli nnd I'arnam. K-3yJ HL'SKKi:i;plNOrooms, td upfi23 St Mary's, K-M7)l J29' 210 N. lrni ST., steatr. heated rooms. K-M110 Fi 17fH CALIFORNIA ST., furnished rooms for light housekeeping; single or ensulles. K-Mi'JI 29 FOIt HKNT, a tiloely furnished front room; within walking distance of postolllec; gentlimau oniy; tin.' of bath and tele phone, no other rooincis. Address II 10, heo, U-M7ia i'lIIMMIlil) ItOOMS AMI IKIAItl). aiTi' day." 1C09 tToug K 711 The Merrinm. cood wlntor home. ?" & Dod?e F-:3I I.AHOK iront parlots with board, also smaller room; reasonable rates. The Hose, 202U Harney. F-M591 UTOPIA. 1721 Davenport St. F-T53 THE PHATT. desirable rooms, heat. Hot water F-184 ICI.KOANT large Ftenm-hented front roonn, with board. 1909 Capitol ave. I-'-MCflO 29' CO.MFOUTAHI.K nuarters, for men only! modern. H 1, Hee. F-M'M W ONK large front room with alcove; icep closets, excellvnt board; prices reason able. No. 207 S. 21th St. F-M719 23 i'oii itr.vr-iM'i itMsitr.i) iiooms. HOUSES, rooms, small family unlv. Ofllco 1022 N. 21M st. 0--Ma2 FP I'Oll HHNT-STOHHS AM) OFFICES. HALL. 102 So. llth, cor Dodge 3t. 1-M103 F! FOIt HE NT, ftoro In flm-clacs location: rent reasonable. Apply It. C Poters & Co., ground Moor, Uae Hldg. I FOIt HUNT, tho building lormerly occupied y inn nee at v., f itrnam siicei it hub four stories nnd u basement which was formerly used as The Hee press room i niH will be rented very reasonnuiy. If Intel-entrtl rumlv nt impn Irt C C. ItOSJ water, sevrutury. mom 100. Hee Uulldhvi. 1-2C1 LA ROE double room In Continental block; can be made .nto verv deilrablo olllce nnd reception room for physician. Will .ir runge to suit. OMAHA LOAN .t THI'ST CO., 10th & Poufc'lns Sts. 1756 HALL for rent, 102 S. llth, cor Dodge. 1M1C.1-F7 AfJP.VTS WAXTEl). AGENTS WANTKD. Q.ieenVI:torlaH Life and Glorious Itelgn; new bonk, complete, thrilling and fully Illustrated; largest book and most liberal terms; agents mak ing $30 a day , outfit mailed for six 2 cent stamps. Tho Hlblo House. Como building, Chicago, I1L J-MC92 29 At HiNTS wanted for "Tho Life of Queen Victoria." Dlttlngulshed authorship; over 100 magnlllcent Illustrations, nearly :M liages; ptice only $1.73, Orcntost monv making opportunity ever offered; $1U0 per dny made easily; big commission; wo puy freight; out tit free for 10c postage. Address the John C. Winston Co.. 718 Arch St., Philadelphia, or 334 Dearborn St.. Chicago. J-MG32 20 "VICTORIA, Queen and Empress." A com pleto biography and history of her tlin'-v Four years In preparation. Agents wanted, extra terms; freight paid; credit given; o.itllt now ready; sent free; a great opportunity; Wrlto today. Zlegler Co., Ml Motion building, Chicago. J-MS30 29 WANTUD TO HF..VI WANTED, by gentleman nnd wife, homo In a private family; best of references given and required. G CO, Hee. K MV, :9 STOIlAtii: PACIFIC Storage and Wnrshouse Co.. 912 911 Jones, general storage nnd forwarding. -757 OM. Van Stor Co.. 15UV4 Farn. Tela. 1359-SC3. -75S WAXTKn-TO 1ICV. WANTED to Huy, n King Charles. Ulen- nrim or jnpancbc hpuniei; state invscsi price. AdJrcss O 31 Hee. N-133 A HOUSE and lot from owner; good neigh borhood; something cheap fur ensh. Ad dress (1 57. Hee. N-M055 WANTED, first-class piano salesman for city work. Address a 59, Hee. . N-C74 2 roii sai.u rriiMTUiin. CH1CAOO FURNITURE CO.. 1410 Dodge. Tel. C020. New & 2dhand furniture bought, sold, exchnnged. Q 7S2 HOUSEHOLD FI'RNlTlTlE HALI'tIio household furniture, etc , belonging to the estate of Lewis M Dennett, deceased, will be sold at prlvat" sale at his late resi dence on the ,orthwe.'it corner or 22d and Chicago utreets on T.iesclny and Wednes day, January 29 and 30, from : a. in. to 12 and from 2 to r p. m. Howard 11. Smith, executor and trustee. O MS2I I'Olt SALE U'JHSUS, VF.IIICI.KS, ETC, YOUR wagon or buggy may ueod repulrs; have It done rlsht, at Harry Frost's, ll'h & Leavenworth. P 10 1 I'Olt S.VI.i: MtSCIil.LAMvOt M. HARD nnd soft foundation piling; hog fences and cribbing. Wl Douglas. Q 70.' 2DIIAND sufo cheap Dcrlght, 1110 Farnam. Q-703 SAFES; buy. sell c.x'ge. Schwartz, 111 So. 13. Q 701 HERTFORD A: CO.. liith Uworth, FURNITURE i UPHOLSTERING. Q-3i7 TIMOTHY hny and all kinds feed and coal. Monroe Ci Co. Q M41G FOR SALE, new aim secondhand soda fountains; monthly nnymentB S H. Rica , mond. 4JC So. 24th St. Q-M432 Fl BARGAINS In 2d hand bicycles, 5 up; new wheels, $15 up Omaha Mcvclo Co., Kith nnd Chicago sts. Q-M79I MUST dispose of high grade piano; terms If d sired. Inquiries answered. Address, G 28, Hee. Q 131 INCl'HATOItsri'end to the Sure Hutch Ircubator Co.. Center, Neb., for n handsome free catalogue. Q III LEGAL blink, hundreds of forms; mall orders rilled; lowycrs briefs printed. Omahn Mercury , Q M447 1 FOR SALE OR TRAOR, a fine" ImnrhTi magic lantern worth $'5, only used a short time: suitable, for lectures and other en tortalnmenU Address F (3, Hep olllce, Q-MI70 FOIt SALE-Rotnry Neostvle, good as now Room No. !, N. Y. Life bldg. Q-M837 : $17S HUYS n sodn fountain In good condl' Hon Address II 25. Hee. Q-SU 29 CLA lit V'O YANT5. MRS. FRITZ, medium. S19 NorthTl6th S-7W CI.AIIlVOYAT. M ME GLYMER genuine palmist. 1005 Dodge. S-7C5 ZENO. clairvoyant and healer. 1915 Farnam. S-S1S 2 Ul.nCTItlC TREATMENT. IlLlTE parlor3. C15 South 16th. second floor. T-197-F-S MAI2EL GRAY, 31714 N. lotlTst., flat E? T-M45S F1S Mib'S MAE LESLIE. CIS S. Tflth. Iif floor" T-MflW 2P MME. AMES. 1U15 llow-ard! 2d floor, room"?; thermal balhs. T M 700 3P pi:ito..i,. PRIVATE home before nnd during confine ment; babies adoptr I. Mrs. Uurget, 2620 isurdelto. U 770 FRENCH accordion pleating; Ivory rim but tons; mail orders. Omaha Pleating Co., 1521 Dougtus. L-773 8UPPI IES for nil machines; machines for rent. White Sewing Machine. 1C20 Doug las. Tel 2331. U-540 Itt PTt'RE cured; no knife, no pain, no danger; send for circulars Empire Rup ture Cure, 932 N. Y. Life Hulltllng. Omana. U-M4U HV PRIVATE hospital for Indies before and during 'oniltiemcnti babies adopted. 2306 Grant St. U 177 VIA VI Womnn's way to health; rational, wholesome homo treatment. 31S Hee Hldg. U-S91- HUY from the manufacturer. Hurklcy En velopo Co., Omaha. U-M400 FJ5 DR. .ROY, chiropodist; corns & superfluous hair removed by electricity. R. 12. Fren zer nik. U-7C7 TURKISH bntln mas'ngo baths, electric balhs, for ladles only; skilled women mnsMige operators; finest equipped bnths In the city. Renstrom Hath Company, Rooms iZ to 220 11m illdst. U 7C3 CHILDREN'S clothing mado to order. Infants wear, and ladles' underwear a specialty. Satisfaction guaranteed, 1919 Hurt st. U-232. IF your feet bother you do not put off until tomorrow buying a box of Re-no-may powdei Sold by all druggists. U-M293 L1EHEN, theatrical, masquerade contumer. 101S Farnam, U-7C9 NH'E baby girl for adopttui at tliW So 17th street. Om.iha. U Mill 2' M. GOLDMAN & CO. Oniy perfect ni rordeon pleating plant In the west. Mall orders solicited. Suite, 200 Douglas blk., opp. Hnyd mi's U 797 MONEY TO LOAN'-KZAI, ESTATE. MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. . Hrcnnan-Lovo Co., 209 So. i.ltli. W-77G PRIVATE mosey. 5, 5'', 0 per cent; no !" lay. Garvin Hro., 101a Farnam. W 774 11,000 a-il upward to loan on Improved city ptopcrty and farms. W. Furniun Smith & Co.. 1220 Farnam. W 77S LOANS on eaatovn Nebraska and western Iowa fans at 5 per cent; borrowers can pay $100 (ir any multiple; any Interest date; n i elay. Urennan-Love Co., 300 So. 13tb n Omaha. Nel- W-775 WANTED, city lonns. bonds nnd warrants. George & Company, 3C01 Farnam street. ' W 79 WANTED, city and tarm loans; nlso 'jonds nnd warrants. R c. Peters & Co , i7o2 Farnam St., Hee Hldu. W-7S0 MONEY to loan on farm and city property, loweHt rates. O. F. Davis Co.150j Farnam , W-7S1 PRIVATE money to loan. J. II. Sherwood. 39 N. Y. Life. W-7S5 MONEY to loan nt G nnd 5ft per cent on Omaha property. W, B. Melkle, 401 H, i5th W-72 FIVE per cent money. Hcmls, Paxton block. W-7SJ Jl.CoO TO LOAN on reaf estate; call at or.:e. M. J. Konnard & Son,' S10-3U Urnwn block. W-7S5 B AND 6H per cent loans. W. II. Thomas. First Nut. Hank building. Tel. 1H4S. W-MSIG PRIVATE money. F. D. Wcad, 1521 Douglas, W-777 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TODAY. Loans made In amounts from M0 to $250 on household turnl'.ure. pianos, horses, car. luges, etc., without removal or on your S-A-L-A-R-Y without security. All or, a part of the money may be paid back first month, or no part of It need be paid back for s-veral months Each paymeit made reduces tho cost accordingly. Em ployers and neighbors know absolutely nothing ot our business relations. Peopla who need money aro Invited to cnll ana i;et my terms nnd comparo them with what others offer. Loans of other com panies may bo tranhforied to mc No charge for papers. All business strictly confidential. Quick servlco and lowest rates guaranteed. J- W. TAYLOE, 21S Flist. Nat. mnk bldg , southest corner win unu I'uruam ais. 'lei. r.s. X M333 DO YOU NEED MONEY? Wc loan $10.00 and up on furniture, P'anns, I'orses and other chattels. SALARY LOANS Without mortgage, to people holding permanent positions. You tan get tho money In u lew inurs nftcr muklng ap plication, and tnke 1, 2, 3. 4, 5, C munths or tnoro In which to pay It back, and you need not pay for It one day longer than you keep It. W charge nothing for papers and we give you the full amount in ensh. Thcro aro no lower rates than ours, our terms are tho easiest, our business Is confidential und our motto Is "try to please. ' Omaha Mortgago Loan Co., 119 Hoard of Trade Hldg. Tel.. 2193. (Established JS92), 206 Ho. 10th J9, MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE AT CHEAPEST RATES IN CITY AN OPPORTUNITY to take aiWantago of. a mnite no startling, sensational nn nounccments of rate "cut In two." We don't do business that way; neither does anybody else. OUR REDUCED HATES ARE THE LOWEST. You enn borrow on your personal Note, without Mortgage, Indorser, or Publicity. Our Special Pny ment Plan surprises them all and soon gets you out of debt. Very quiet otilec. easily fourd. Come and Keo ua. AMERICAN LOAN CO., Room COl, lice Uldg. X-M820 SALARY LOANS. If 1'ou aro employed by a responsible firm we will loan you sums from $10 to $100 on your note at much cheaper and easier rates than elsewhere. Of this we nra positive. Absolutely no charges for nil per j. Nothing deducted from umount desired. Easiest partlnl payments. Reliable Credit Co., room 2C3 Paxton blk. X M&51 MONEY MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE. No ev.doracr of required LOWEST RATES EASY PAYMENTS and STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL OMAHA CREDIT CO.. noom 52G. Fifth Floor. New York Life Hldg, X-7S8 MONEY to Loan on Furniture. Pianos, Diamonds, etc., on ens payments. You keep security No charge for paper.'. No questions asked your neighbors. Tel 1R.1I. HERGERS' LOAN CO.. 1501 Farnam St. X-621- MONEY loaned snlarled people holding per manent p Itlou with responsible concorn upon their own names without ccurlty; easv payments Tolman. Room 440, Hoard of Trade Hldg., ICth und Farnam Sts. X-791 MONEY loaned on plnnos furniture, Jew. dry. horses, cows, etc. O. F. Reed, 319 S. 13. X-790 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, horses, cows. Jewelry. Duff Green,' R 8, Barker blk X-793 CHATTEL ft.Salnry leans Hnts. W Bnrker Hlk Joe II Pleas. X-MMI-F19 HliMN'I;SS CHANCES, $150 CASH or easy payments buys 25 strictly lawful (nickel) slot machines for drinks, cigars or cash; will earn $2 and upward weekly each Earl. Chirk ,i Co, Furni ture Mnnufuctuiers, Chicago, III, V-813 WANTED, good man to do canvassing In the country, good pay for right man Ad dress E 4. Bee Y M190 FOR SALE. Opera House saloon. Council BlUlU. T-M0C$ III SINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE, cheap, bakery Ice cream nnd I candy business. Mullar. ."!) Leavenworth ni., wiuniiu. i .nun oi : FOR SALE, ngrlctllturni implement nnd i carrlago business In central No- j hra.lfn nil M L.tiln nt.1rna . Hox m, West Liberty, la Y-M731 MIIRCHANTS that art' oer.tocked with winter goods nnd want them mov.'d promptly, can secure the services of .t llrst-elrtss drv good." nu M"neer by ad dressing J. T. Regan, Denlson. Inwn. Y-M5I4 : FOR SALE. Only meat market If town t W. Addtess P. O. Hox 2I'. Gibbon Nen. Y-M7i? F! FOR SALE, first-class Jewelry store; a bar gain to the right man. Write for partic ulars to Frederick Hitter, Talinage, Neb. Y-M7S7 29 WANTED, location In sond town for con-f'-ctlonurv, cigar and restaurant business. Address P. O. Hox CIP, Fri nmnt, Neb. Y M79H WANTED, il first-class phxdctan In a thriving Nebraska town. Address II 2S. Hee. Y-S21 2t FOIt EXCHANGE, slock dry goods, ote new stuck sta'ile up-to-date and c'eull, no old-out-or-itnte goods, invoice about S4.7sj; part cash and part land. C. W. Homers, 507 Manhattan blk.. St. Paul, Minn. V-MS27 2t) A WELL-ESTAIilIsHED. thriving busl ness, machlner.v and Implements, will In voice from $lf.,M to JlS.oio. reason for sell ing, ' wish to retire from business on ne count of age; If Intcrrstrd write to John Poole, 31 Grand ave.. North Portland, Ore. Y-MS23 4 ron E.VCHANtil A FINE $SS.O0 Imported tn.igl Inntcrn, ns good us new, only used a short time: suit able for lectures, churches or lodge enter tainments; a bargain. Address F fi3, Heo Office. Z-179 poll s.i.r:-nui, estate. SIX-ROOM cottag'j. barn, chicken house, etc., full lot, three blocks to cars, stores, school and churches. What have you to trade for equity In this? Clear lots and cash for equities. Seven rooms, modern, full lot, two lines cars, near schools, stores and churches, only $2,230; 2.V cash, balance monthly nt r, per cent. This Is a bargain. GEORGE W. HOLHROOK, Hrown Hloek. RE-MC3i'.-29 LIST property and business for sale with Geo. W. Holbrook, 307 Hrown Hloek. RK-U37- PROPERTV bought and sold; money U.ined; rents collected. L. L. Johnson Co., 314 So. 15th St. RE-102 DESIRABLE eust front Int. resilience or business, 3d block so. depot on 10th. lilt Vinton. HE MSG3 F3 RANCH AND FARM lands for sale by the Union Paclllc Railroad company. R. A. McAllaster land commissioner, Union Pucltlc Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE-S13 SEE HENRY H. PAYNE, 001 N. Y. LIFE. RE-;9i5 HOUSES, lots, farms, lands, loans; also fire Insurance. Hcmls, Paxton blk. RE S14 CHEAPEST lot In city of Omaha; C2H-foot east front In Nelson's ndditlnn. M. J. Kcunard & Sou, 310 Drown block. RE-MS93 CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON. 1203 Farnam St. It 15-795 SCRIP lfi.000 ncres; C. II. Iiurrows. owner. Norfolk, Neb. RE-M122 30' LIST your bargains In city property nnd fnrm lands with us; we have tho cus tomers. Payne-Knox Company. Main Floor New York Life Ulds. Tel. 1781. RE-MS 31 WANTED, nil persons who want to own n good farm, and who will save ten cents i day to pay for It. Address E. F. Mur phyGood'and. Knn RE-M6SS29 LIST your property for rent and nalo with W. il. Russell, 136 Ramgo Bldg. RE-I7fi HOUSE to mdveT'winincc. Hrown blk. ' HE-M727 A VERY good I6. In north part of city, not far out and 'close to ear: 50x125 feet on grade; only $2no cash, or $10 a month, (J . . . . I . , ... ... .rv. n ...... pel ceni. intcicm; u in nui ui .i iui close by sold for that this week. Stringer, 631 Paxton blk. RE-M721 7-ROOM house nnd corner lot, 50x123. In ninth part of 'Jty: cheap at $1.5u0; will sell for $75o. $100 cash, balance $10 a mouth and 6 per rent Interest; not far out and close to cars. Stringer, C3I Paxton blk. RE-M723 1,20 CLEAR land, S) acres In cjlllvatlon, cut Neb.; $750 Hikes it; title perfect; must have money. J. M. Taylor, G29 Hee bldg. RE MS26 30 FOIt SALE 132 feet square on S. E. cor ner 2tith und Chicago sts. On this prop erty there Is one len-room, modern house, with stable, anil one 4-room cot tage. Room tor sovera' other houses. This Is n very desirable location nnd tho who'e property will ho sold cheap to tho right prnty. Price, $10,W). A. P. Tukey, Hoard of Trade. RK-MS22 1 MEDICAL. LADIES out of health find prompt relief. Hox 232. Omaha. Neb. Confidential. -799 GONOVA Is a Frenh trentment for malo und female, for tho posltlvn cure of Gnu orrhoea, Gleet, Unnatural Discharges, In flammations, Irritations und Ulcerations of th mucous membranes, An internal remedy with Injection combined, war ranted to cure worst cases In one week; $3 per packtigo or two for $5. Sent nny where on receipt of price. The Kldd Drug Co., Elgin. 111. American Olllce, retnll, wholesale, Myors-Dlllon Drug.Co,, Omaha; M. A Dillon, South Omaha; Davis Drug Co.. Council Bluffs. Full lino of rubbor goods. LADIES! Chichester's Engitsn rennyroyal Pills nro the best; safe, relinble; take no other. Send 4c stnmps for particulars. "Relief for Ladles" In letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chtchcricr Chemlcnl Co., Philadelphia, Pa. I'ATI'i.VTSi. INVUN'TOHS GOT AN IDEA" We handle patents, copyrights and trade marks; you glvo u.i tho bare Idea and we will do the rest; modern equipped machine shop and foundry ,n connection; oitlclal Guzette on file; guide book Iree. Mason. Fenwlck Lawrence, patent lawyers. 1408 Howard bt., tel. '119, Omaha. J. P. Cronln, repr. -M17u INVENTORS, we ask no fee until the patent Is procured; If we fall, wo get no tee; ndvico free. Hues & Co., Patent Law yers. Hee Hldg., Omaha, Neb. Long dls tnncn telephone Pra. 41& Marl3 I.O.ST. LOBi Cameo breabtpln; reward for roturn to this olllce. Lost C97 LOST, u pair of gold oye-glnses in leather case. Reward fur return to 014 H. 17th ave. Lost M823 29' SHORTHAND AND TYPE H'll ITI.N'ti. A. C. VAN SA NT'S School. 717 N. Y. Life. -iWl HOYLES" College, court reporter, principal. Heo Hldg. 3(J2 NEB. Business & Shorthand collage Boyd's Theater sou GREGG Shorthand, Om. C. Col. 10 & Doug, SOI OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute. 515 N. Y. L Bids. Tel. 1GG4; Alice Johnson D. O.. ladles' dept.; GUI E. Johnson, Osteopathlst, Mgr. -508 M E DONOHUE. D. O.. of Still school, Klrksville, Mo., 601 Paxton Hlk. Tel. 1367 -S97 EXPERT A CCO 1' NT A NT. LESSONS In bookkeeping, etc , dny or evening. R 15, Cam. Nat. Bunk. G. R. Rathbuii 73 $ Ill'HIIER STAMPS, BADGES, medals. Om Pl't. Co. Bee Hldg. Tel. 253o M-617 NICKEL PLATING. OMAHA PLATING CO., Bee Bldjj. Tel. 2533. -M6I5 INCL'IIATOHH AND ItROOnEltS INCUHAToHS and Pr.ioders' catalogue ftee Wtlte Uurr Incubatot Co, Umnha. Neb --i, IllCVt I.EM. START buMng your bicycles now; $1 down, l per Week. L. Fleschcr, 1C22 Cap. ave. M-C33 INI't'll TOHS AND llltOdDEItx. 1NCUHATORS and liroodrrs; fatalocuo free Write Hurr Incubater Co.. H 2, Omaha. Neb. -479 PAWNIIROKEIt.S. EAGLE Loan Olllce, reliable nccommodat Ing; all business 1301 Douglas. -Sll WATCH It El M It I Ml. W. O. SANDERS, room 21. Barker Block. -I28-F-1G lllltDS AND TA I DI'll.M . STOCK'S Bird Store. 1G03 Leavenworth 797 DANCING SCHOOL THE winter term at Morund's Dnnclhc school begins this week. Adults. Tuesday and Friday. S p. in ; 12 leso,.s, gentlemen. $S; ladles. $6. Prlvntu lessons day and evening. M-222 Fil STAMMERING AM) S I CTTERINO. CURED. Julia Vuughn. 430 Ramgo Bldg. I -si: 'I ItMTt RE REPAIRING. TEL 1331. M H. Walklln. 2111 Cuming St. TICKET llllOKEIt. CUT rale tickets everywhere. P. H. Phil bin, IMS Furnam. Telephone 7S4. SOS I, A I M)It V. OMAHA Steam Laundry, shlrtn, 7c; collars, 2c; cuffs, lis 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. 17 -70S CARPENTERS AND .lOIIIIEIIS. ALL kinds of enrpcn'.er work nnd repairing promptly attended o. J. T Ochiltree. 20th and Lako Sts 370 ACCORDION PI, IT ATI Mi ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best quick est. Mrs. A. C. .Marl;, S. E. Cor. 17th and Farnam. 522 I'OSTOFFICIi .NOTICE. Should bo read DAILY' by nil Interested, as changes may occur at any tune. Foreign mulls for the week ending Febu rtiry 2, linn, will close (PROMPTLY In all cuses) at tho General Postolllce as follows; PARCELS POST MAILS close ONE HOUR EARLIER tha- .-losing tir. shown below. Parcels Post Malls for Crtmiiiy close at 5 p. in. on January 30 per s. s. Wolinar, via Bremen, and February 1 per s. s. Graf Wnldci'Ncc, via Hamburg. Regular and Supplementary malls close at Foreign Branch half hour later than closing tune shown below. TriiiiN-A t hint to MnllN. TUESDAY At (1:30 a. m. for EUROPE, per s. h. Lahn. via Southampton and Bremen (mull for Ireland mus,t be directed "per h, s. Lahn"). at 11 a. m. for AZORES ISLANDS, pit s. s. Spartan Ptlnce. WEDNESDAY At 6:30 a. m. for EUROPE, per h. s. Viitlerlnnd, vin Southampton (mnil must be directed "per s. h. Vuder land"); nt 10 30 .i. in. (Htipplementary 12 m.) for lU'ROPE, per s. s. Oceanic, vlu Queenslown. THURSDAY At " a. m. for FRANCE. SWITZERLAND. ITALY. SPAIN. POR TUGAL. TURKEY. EGYPT. GREECE, BRITISH INDIA nnd LOREN.O MAR QUEZ. per k. s. La Gascogne. via Havre (mull for other parts of Europe must be directed "per s s. La Gascogno '). SATURDAY At 7:30 u. m. for NETHER LANDS direct, per s h. Amsterdam (mall must be directed "per H. s. Amsterdam"); at S a. m. for ITALY', per s. s. Alter, via Naples (mall must be directed "per H. s. Alter"): at 10:9) a. m. (supplementary 12 m.) for EUROPE, per s. k. Ktrurin, Queenstown. PRINTED MATTER. ETC.-This steamer takes Prlntd Matter, Commercial and Samples for Germany only. The snm clfss of mall iiui.tcr for other parts of huropo will not bn sent bj' till', ship unless specially directed by her After the closing of ttie Supplementary Trans-Atlantic Malls named above addi tional supplementary malls arc opened on tho piers of tho American, Eug'lsh, French and German steuinerii and rcmln open until within Ten Minutes of tho hour of sailing of steamer. Mnlln for Son tli und ( cntriil Aineiicn, Wrnt liullev Etc. TUESDAY At '1:10 a m. (supplement iry 10:30 a. in) for CENTRAL AMERICA (except Costa Rica) and SOUTH PACIFIC PORTS, per H. h. via Colon (mall for Guatemala must bo directed "per s s. Alllunea"): at 10:30 u. m. for PORTO RICO, per U. S. Transport McCielltin, via San Juan; at 12:30 p. in. isupptemeu. tary 1 p. m.) for ST. THOMAS. SI CROIX. LEEWARD und WINDWARD ISLANDS and DEMERAHA. per . f. Rornltmi: nt 12:30 p. m. for YUCATAN per h. h Prlmn. Ma Progroso (mall must lie directed "per s. H. Prima"); at 6:30 p m. for JAMAICA, per h. s. Adinlr it Dewey, from Boston; ut p. m for NASSAU, hit steamer from Miami. Fla A EDNESDAY -At 9:30 n. m. for I NAG r A nnd Haiti, for s. h. iieivernnn; u to a. m. for BARBADOS und SANTOS, per s. s. Catnnla: at 12 m. for CUBA. Y' CA TAN. CAMPEl'HE. TABASCO and CHI APAS, per s. H. Seguranca. via Ituvan.i nnd Prugresn (mall for other parts of Mexico must be directed "per s. s. Se gunmen"); ut 12:30 p m. (supplemeiuary 1 p. m.) for NASSAU, per h. h. Antllla (mall must be directed "per s. M. Antllla"); at 12:30 p. m. (supplementary 1 p. m.) for TURKS ISLAND and DOMINICAN RE PUBLIC, per h. h. New York; at 11 p. m. for JAMAICA, per s. H. Admiral Samp son. from Philadelphia. THURSDAY iit 7 u. in. for BERMUDA, per H. s. Pretoria.; at 12 m. (supplemen tary 12:30 p. m. for NASSAU, Gl'ANTAN AMO and SANTIAGO, per s. a Saratogn. FRIDAY-At 12 in. for MEXICO, per n. s. MutanitaH. via Tnmplco (mull must be di rected "per s. s. Mutanzus"); at 11 p. m. for NASSAU, per steamer hum .Miami, Fin. SATURDAY -At 9 a. ni. for GRENADA nnd TRINIDAD, per s. n. Miiraval: at 9 n. in for ST. KITTS. GUADELOUPi:. MAR TINIQUE. BARBADOS and DEMER AHA. per s. n. Filer; nt 9 u. m. for POUTO Rico, per a. s. Han Junn. vlu San Junn; at 9 u. ni. (supplementary 9:) u. m.) for CURACAO und VENEZUELA, per s. s. Illldur (mall for Savanllla and Cathagena must be directed "per s. s. Illldur"); at 10 a. in. for CUBA, per s. b. llavanu. via Havana: ut lu u. in. for HAITI, per s. k. Prlns F. Hendrlk (mull for Cur.uuo, Veiivizuelu. Trinidad. British and Dutch Gulnnu must be dlrectrd "per s. s. Prlns F. Hendrlk"); nt 10 a. in. (supplementary 10::i n. l.i.) for FORTUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA. SA VANILLA. CARTHAGENA nnd GHEYTOWN, per s h. Alene (mall for Costa Rica muHt be dlrceted "tier H. s. Alene"); ut 1 P m. fnr ARGENTINE RE PUBLIC. URUGUAY unit PARAGUAY, per s. s. Kulllr Prince. M'nlls for Newfoundland, tiv rail to North Sydney, and thence by steamer, close at this ofllco dally at 6:30 p. m. (connecting close hero every Monday, Wednesday and Saturdny). Malls for Mlquemn. by rail lo Boston, nnd thence by steamer, close at this oinco dally at 6 30 p. in. Malls for Cuba, by rail to Port Tampa, Km., and thence ii y steamer, closo nt this otllee dully at "G a. m. (tho connecting closes are on Sunday. Wednesday and Friday i Malls for Moxlco City, overland, unless specially addressed for dispatch by stenmer. close at th' ofliee dnlly at 1-30 p. tn. and 11 p. in. Malls for Costa Rim, Belize, Puerto Cortez and Guatemala, bv rail to New Orleans, and thenro by steamer, close at this olllce dnlly at 'M 30 p. m. (connecting closes hero Mondays for Pnllze. Puerto Cortnz and Guatemala ami Tuesdays for Costu Rica). Registered mall closed at 0 p. m. previous day. i'riiiiK-I'iiellln VlnlU. Malls fnr Hawaii. Japan. Chln-j and Plilllp- pine iBianax, via nan rrancisco, rirni here dally at 6:30 p. m up to January 27. Inclusive, fr.r dispatch per s. M. China. Mails for Hawaii, via Son Francisco, close hero dnlly at 6:30 p m up to January 2S for dispatch per s. s. Mariposa. Mails for China. Japan and Philippine Islands, via Seattle, close hero dally at 6.30 p. m up to January 29. Inclusive, fnr dlspntch per s s Tosh Mnru (regis tered mall must be directed via Seatte"i. Malls for Australia (except West Australia, which goes via Europe and New Zea land, which goes via San Frnncl-'-o) and FIJI Islands, via Vancouver dose hem dally ut G'30 p m nfter January 19 and up to February 3, Inclusive, for dispatch 'per s, a, Aorangl (supplementary malls, POITOFPICIJ NOTICE. la Seattle, close nt C:30 p. m. February Malls for 1'apeltl. via finn nnclsco, dose here dally nt 6:30 p. m. up to February "J for dispatch per s s. Australia. Malls for Hawaii. Chlnn. Japan and Philip pine Islands, via Sun Francisco. do here dally at 6.3 n. m. tip to February l, In clusive, for itlstmtch per s, s, Doric. Malls for Australia (except West Atlstralln, which Is forwarded via Kuropei, New Zealand. FIJI, Samoa and Hawaii, via San Francisco, close here dally nt 6:30 p. m. nfter February "3 up to February ,,,., In clusive, or on arrival of s . I'mbrla, due at New York February "9, for dis patch per s. f. Sierra Mulls fot china and .'ninin. vin Vnnrouver. close here d.illy at 0:9) p. m. up to Febru ary 19. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Empress ot China (registered mall must be directed ' la Vancouver") Trans-Pacific malls are lorwarded to port of sHlling dally ami the schedule ol closing Is arranged on the presumption of their i 'iirti-mipted overland transit. Regis iiTi d mall clones at 6 p. m previous day PORTO Populnr Totirs RICO l eb. 2 and 10. March i. Ilhu tinted proci.nn, -1 day, nil expenocs, (IDS. Rawnomt Uhltcomb.103 Adams St..ChlciQO It UI.W AY TIME TABLES. FREMONT. ELKHORN A Missouri Valley Railroad - "Tho Northwetcrn Line" - General Jtllce, United States National Hank Hldg., S. W Corner l 1. .. ...I l.n riuliil Hi A. X n I'll in unu t ' 'tlLkot otllee. 1401 Fnrnnm St. Tel. 551. Do- lint IMh fit,. I n'..i.,,..H u- m-aI llr.y i ir.y. av... U.1U M vUaitl L-t. Leave. Black Hills, Deudwood, Hot Hptl'igs a 3.00 pm omlng, Casper and Douglas d 3:00 pm Hnstlnits. York. David City, Superior. Gciieia, Lxeter ami rteward ..b 3:00 pm Norfolk, Vtrdlgre nnd ! remont b 7:30 inn Lltietdn. Wahoo and Fremont b 7:30 am Arrive. n 5:00 pm o P:00 pm b 5:0) pm bl0;25 am bl0:25 nm i c 7130 am n Dally b Dallv except Sunday, c Sun day onlj d 'Jnlly except Saturday, o Dally except Mondny BIOUX CITY ft PACIFIC Railroad - "Tnc jNortn westcrn Line" General Ofllce, United States National Bank Bulldln, S W. Corner Twelfth and Fnrnnm Sts Ticket Olllce. 110! Farnam St. Telophone ,661 Do pot. Tenth nnd Mnrcy Sts. Telephone G29. Leave Arrive. Twin Citv Express n -"'SB am al0:23 pm Twin City Limited a 7:35 pm a 8.J. urn Sioux City Local u k:(M urn a 3:50 pin n Dally. CHICAGO. BT PAUL.. Minneapolis Se Omaha RallwHy "The North western Line" General Otllcs. Nebraska Divi sion, 15th and Webster Sts. City Ticket Olllce. 1101 Fiirtuitn SI Telephone, Obi. Iopot. 15th and Webster 8ts. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger., a 6:00 nm a 9:10 pm Omaha Paxsrngor ull:10 uni Sfoux City .V North- eoiit Nebraska u 3:43 pm a Dally CHICAGO St NORTH western Railway "Th Northwestern Line" - City Ticket Ofllce. 1401 i Fnrnnm St. Telephone, 1 561 Depot, Tenth nnd ) Murcy Sts. Telephone -C9. J Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe cial a 7:00 am Chicago Passenger a 4:15 pm all:30 pm n 4:40 am eastern express, ues Moines, Mursballtown. Cedar ftnplds und Chicago al0:55 am n 4:03 pm Eastern Special, Chi- easo nnd -a:it... a 4:33 pm a 4:06 pra i-ast ..uni, cnicngo to Omaha Omaha-Chlcago Lltnlt'd.a 7:45 pm Fast Mall Cdnr Rapids Passenger Eastern Exnress b 9:00 nm n 2:45 pm a 8:0) pm a sno urn a 5:3J pm a Dally. l Dally except Saturday, HURLINGTON & MIS jiourl Jtlver Railroad "Tho Burlington Route" Gcnerul Ofllces, North west Corner Tenth and Farnam Streets. Ticket Ofllce 1502 Farnam Street. Telephone. 250, Burlington Station, Tenth and Mimoti Streets. Telephone. 128. Leave arrive. Lincoln. Hastings nnd McCook a 8:40 nm Lincoln, Denver. Colo rado. Utah. Callfornla.u 4:2o pm Lincoln & Black Hills.. a 9:00 pm Montana t'uget Kjund..u 9:00 pm Lincoln Fnet Mall b 3:00 pm Wymore. Beatrice und Lincoln a 8:40 am Denver. Colorado, Utah and California South Bend, Louisville, Plnttsmouth b 3:35 om Ft Crook. Plnttsmouth and Paclllc Junction, a 7:00 pm a 7:33 pm' a 3:00 pm u 6:45 nm n 6:45 am a 9:17 um bll:53am a 6:45 am bll:03 am a 8:20 am uellevue. rjnusmoutn und Pacific Junction, ,nl2:10 am u Daily Ii Dally except Honda. KANSAS CITY, ST. Jo seph & Council Bluffs P.allroad-"The Burling ton Routo" Ticket Ofllce, 1502 Farnam Street. Tele phone, 260. Depot, Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Tele phone. 128 i.eave, Ex. ,n 9:20 am Arrive. n 6:25 pm a 0:15 nm Kansas Cllv D.iv Knusns City Night ExiO:3Q pm St. Louis Flyer for t n D-iily Louis..a 5:10 pm all:13 nm CHICAGO. BURLINGTON A Qulncy liallroad "Tho Burlington Route" Ticket Offlco 1502 Farnam Street. Telephone. 210, Depot, lentil and Mason streets. Telephone. 128. T AllUA A J Daylight Hne. " "rr,Ve' cia a 7:00 am Chicago Vcstihulod Ex. a 4:00 pm Chicago Locul E.turcss.a 9:30 nm alO;ir, pm a 7:15 am a 4:05 pm n 7:43 am a 2:45 pm Chicago Limited u 7:50 pm Fast Mall ii Dally. CHICAGO, ROCK ISL and A, Pacific Railroad -'"I he Great Rock ls. nnd Route" city Ticket Ofllco. 1323 Far. nam" Street. Telephone. 42H. Depot. Tenth and Marcy Sts. Tele- ' PUOIUI, U-'U. KAST.U'aV ArIve Dei Moines nnd Davcn-' port Local a 7 2." nm 1,11.33 nm Chicago Lxpress 1)11:15 nm n 8:10 am Den Moines Loenl a 4,20 pm a 4:45 pm Chicugc ! ust Express.. a 6:00 pm a 1:25 nm Dcs Moines, Ruck IsL 1 m and end Chicago a 7:40 pm a 9:35 nm W EST. Lincoln. Colorai'o Spgs.. Denver, Pueblo and West ...... ,u 1:30 pre a 4;15 pm Coloiado . Oklahoma & Texas Flyer n 5:20 pm a 9:51 am a Dally b Dally -xenpt Sunday. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL, mud General Offices and Ticket Olllccs, Southeast Corner 14th and Douglas Sts Telephone, 101. Depot. Union Station. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis nnd Kansas City Exploit alO.OO am a 6:23 pm K. C, St. L. Express.. .ulo:50 pm u U;15 um Leave rrom 15' n nnd Webster Streots: Nebraska I oral, Via Weeping Water b 4:10 pm nlO:45 arn u Dally b Dnlly except Sunday, OMAHA & ST LOUIS RAIL rend -Omaha. Kansas City & Eastern Railroad "The Qulncy Routo" Ticket Of lice, 1415 Farnam Ht. Tele phone, 322, Depot, Tenth and Mnrcy Streets, Telephone, C29, Inve. Arrive. St. Louis Cannon Hall Express a 5:15 pm a 8:20 am Kansas City and Qulncy Local a 7:00 am a 9:00pm a Daily UNION PACtriC'THE OVER. I.m 1 toute" General OillffM N E. Cor. Ninth and Farnntii Smcts City Ticket Ofllce, 32i , i-ariiein nirrm. icicpnone, 316. 'j uepoi, icimi unu nmrcy tjts, Telcniione. Leave. Arrive. Tho Overland Limited, ft s:20 am a 7:30 pm The Chlcugo-Portland Special a S;2o nm a. 7:30 pm The Fast Mall . ...u 8:50 am a 3:25 pm Tho Mall and Express. ,all:35 pm a 4;2S pm Lincoln Beatrice and Stromsburg Express,, b 4:05 pm b!2;30 pm 1 lie 1 -UCIIIU rAjcnn iw -i.j I'lll The Atlantic Express,.. a 6:50 nm Grand Island Local, ,.b 5:30 pm b 8:23 am u uauy. u uauy except tvunnay. WW jgrgjt : n iti BEER FOR BOYS IN BLUE Man Behind the Gun Mnj Sip the Ercw if Ho Likes. LOOPHOLES IN THE NEW ARMY BILL .ocnl Aiitliiiiitlin Anvert Hint Mciiiurr Ciintnlus Nntlilnu to Minder the I'tuclnu ut Beer on Ra tion Lint, Officers at the headquarters of the De partment of the Missouri have discovered that the army reorganization bill as passed will permit the Introduction of beer upon the nillltnty reservation nnd of Its distribu tion to the soldiers tn spite of the provision which forbids the soldiers to engage In Its sale. According to tho olflcer who discovered tho luopholo In tho law Its distribution to Urn soldier Is made possible under souato atiuiiilnieiit 112, section 35 of the act. This section pruvldes Hint the president ahull have power to eslubllsh the ration of the soldiers nnd to alter that ration fror- tlmo to time ns the welfare of tho army and of the soldiers require. Kent t 1 1 It President. There Is nothing In this provision to In dicate that beer will be served to thu soldiers, hut the authorities to whoso at tention the matter has been brought snv that In the discretion of the president beer may he plnrrd upon the ration list and bo drawn by the soldiers In a way to ovoid tho provisions of a preceding section of tho act which prohibits the soldiers frotr en gaging In the trnllle. The olllccit, ot every branch of the army vvero almost unanimous in fuvorlng the salo of beer at the army canteens and claimed that It Improved the discipline of the army and the personal morals of tho men. that In toxlcatlcn was decreased and that breaches of order were less frequent than under tho old system, whole the soldier went from tho reservation to obtain his potation. Theso ofllcors now claim that the president would bo justified In placing beer on the list of tho soldiers' rations, making It possible for him to commute this ration for any ether artlclo he might desire. Hint nothing should be permitted to stand In the way of main taining tho highest possible dlsclpllnn lu the army, and that under these circum stances tho distribution of beer Is Justified. In Grippe (Illicitly Cuifil. "In the winter of 1S9S nnd 1S93 I was taken down with a sevei'j attack of what In called La Grippe" says F. L. Hewett, ii prumlbcnt druggist of Wlnfleld, III. "Tho rnly medicine I used was two bottles of Cbuuibei Iain's Cough Remedy. , It broko up the cold and stopped the coughing like magic, and 1 have never slnco been troubled with Grippe." Chamberlain's CourIi Rem edy can always be depended upon to break up a severe cold ami ward off any threat ened attack of pneumonia. It Is plcnsant to take, too, which makes It tho most desirable and one of the most popular preparations In use for theao ailments. For snlo by all druggists SHIELDS-PARISH LITIGATION Count of lliillotN Hun Now Extended to Hie Fourth Wnril unit In Still In Pi'iiKrcNN, In the Parish-Shields election contest the ballots of tho Fourth ward of Omaha were counted yistcrday. Shields made n gain of twelve votes In the llrst precinct, a number of ballots for Parish having been thrown out hecauso they were signed by only ono election Judge. Parish gained three votes In tho second precinct, no change from the olllclal returns wns mndn In tho third, and Shields gained two In the fourth. In tho afternoon the count of the Faurtli vvnrd whs completed. Shields 'nlned two votes in tho Fifth precinct and nlxtoen votes in tho Ninth. Parish gained two votes In each of the Seventh nnd Eighth preclnctH. A Deep MNtery. It is a mystery why women endure back ache, headache, nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy, fainting nnd dizzy spells when thousands have proved that Electric Hitters will quickly cure such troubles. "I suf fered for years with kidney trouble," writes Mrs. Phobo Cherley of Peterson, In., "and a lame back pained mo so I could not dregs myself, but Electric Hitters wholly cured mc, nnd, although 73 years old, I now am oblo to do ull my hoiiBowork." It over comes constipation, Improves appetite, gives perfect health. Only TOc nt Kuhn & Co'b, drug store. JOHN WITHNELL IS VERY ILL Pioneer Citizen Is SlrleLen Tilth I'iii'IiIvmIn mill Dentil U Exiieeteil lit Any 'lime. John Wlthnell, a rosldent of Omahn since 1851, la sulTorln? with paralysis and Is not expected to live unlit tho end of tho week. Mr. Wlthnell Una bcon III at his homo, 200S St. Mary's avenue, for several months, but his condition did not become alarming until Sunday. The ntlcndiug physleliin, Dr. II. P. Jen- son, says thcro is llttlo or no hopo for the recovery of the patient nnd tho end may como nt nny hour. Mr. Wlthnell In 73 ycatii of age, nnd, ns his strength has been greatly impaired by several months of Hovero ill nesr,, ho Is not in physical condition to withstand tho paralytic htroko. RAILWAY TIME TABLES. ILLINOIS CENTRAL Itnllroad-Clty Ticket Of fice 1102 Farnnm Street. Telephone. 245, Depot, Tenth nnd Mnrcy Strectu. taavo. Arrive. SgwiStS Chicago Express .. Chicago Limited .. Minneapolis ami Paul Express ... Minneapolis and a i;w am all:!!fi n.rt a 7.45 pm it 4;uj mn St. .b 7:00 am h 9:40 pm a S;05 am a S:16 am St. Paul Limited a 7.45 pm Fort Dodge Lccnl from Council Bluffs .b 1:30 pm Fort Dodge Local Council Hlurfs .a 6 00 am a Dally, b Dallv except Sunday, CHICAGO MILWAUKEE " St Paul Rullwny-Clty Thket Olllce 1501 I-'arnam Street. telephone, sut Depot. Tenth and Mnsoii Sticctn. Telephono, 629. Inn.... t fMlLWAUKE. ij. in i ivn. Chicago Limited Ex . . .a 0;oo pm a 8:03 um Chicago & Omaha Ex..b7:15am b 3; 10 run a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. W A HASH RAILROAD Ticket OHlce, 1415 Farnam Street Telephone. 322. Du not. Tenth und Marcy ats, Vtiephone, 629, twrr--"1 i.euvu. Arrive. St. Louis "Cannon Ball Express u Dally a 5.15 pm a S;20 am I T"i iriT t4ml wtriv f FINE SHIPS ' INtONNtCTIOS wm I KIKOIO 31BVICE THtMOtlUl OHIO . ALONG THE NORTH SHOAX BAVANA, MATANZAS, CARDI..NAS, SAOUA, CAb BAfAEK. NUEViTAS, OlflARA, tU DARACOA. ad otkrr eortt. MHVSOM fft HAMSHIP J.I,VK.J7 Wlllltm flt Kw York City RAYMOND & WHITCOMB, Union Hqil.iro, New York, For Tickets, Htuteroom Reservation and Gmitral Information of the MO BILE SERVICE, apply to Ticket Agent Mobile it. Ohio R R and South ern Ry i