Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 29, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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Benut Committee on Pnblio Lands
Buildings Makes Report.
llnllflltiK' llmtl (lilt of (Iril.T. An
pnlnlitieiils Imperfect mill Innil
rii,nl' mill (lie l.imil Inert li
.Not Cninmli.
LINCOLN, Jan. 2S. (Special.) The com
plete ami cxbnUHtlvc report inailc In the
senate this mornlnR by the committee on
public lands ami bulldlm?, of which Sen
ator Allen of Furnas In chairman, Is as fol
lows; Wo find there nre forty ntrrn In the tract
of liinil owned by th. Mute upon will; n llic
penitentiary IiuIIiIIiiks are alt.iatiil.
that the Ktnti! iilxo iiwiih until' oth';r 'n
called "Mate, penitentiary lamia Vt
hm situated ii way from the ! n,l,'"V",ri;
Un iicci.jiit of tin- limited ucrj-HBt; f he
land own-d by the statu near the. l"'"1";
tlary the tutthorllleH have bren ri'tlni?
lueli year for funning purposed nbmit -10
acres of land owned by private I ar
clouu to the prison, p.iylnK th. rofor an -erase
of about VI. to per aero each ,tni
Wo l.elleve It would be a nA pan ' wdl
the no-lulled Mate p. nit. Hilary Ian tU fi
liated away from the prlmm and i
money derived from xueh wale f r io I iir-
penltentlarv. If the name inn be at
a rcasunntllr, price. TIiIh wou I. mm
com of rentltiK eaili vu.r. and i ' ,m;
an the land clone to 1 1 f n 1 1 ; 11 1 In r t
owned bv nrlvato ee there In iMiiRcr
th! nn b landH will l"',!-"'"'.'1, ,l" ;M
other croim which wou d afford a Hood
U place'for eonvletH to i ssr.
and which wo ild Kreatlv IncrciiHc the wiK
of properly KUardliiK the prison.
tlriiln liialile Willi".
We find there Im a drain for the surfii ;o
wt.V prop, ll y bricked, wll ell c.i, ,
about half way aiound Inside if t walla
mirroutidliiK the penitent ary 1 w"'", v
Thin HhouM be extended lie "led
around ho the mirfiico water wl 1 be y'l'rlj'
off and th.i bimu of the wa prc.tet-tp.I. as
without the drain water will aecp tl ro u,h
under the wall and caime It "JieMli. d
crack. It will reipilro about ?S lirlck
and tilxty -live barrels of cement to com
plete this drain.
N,mv Well.
vr" tiXrldM. water" for" 'V neliry!
atrhio d,rw!dVHh! d(been partially drained
by the erection of the H. Jfe M. ''. 'ft
Mntlon a Hhort "Htinc' wi 1 he
of the we I are cauril with boanlH, inn ine
Minuld be bricked. It Is eMInmted It would
K lloiil S'l brick. V'r'to'brlck
of cement and ten barr-lH of 11m o to rkk
thlH well, nnd your committee recommcniiH
that thU bo done.
Ilrleli TmiiiicI for I'lpei.
We 1111,1 that the Mciini pipe from the
...ii..- t,. ilui ulwwN lint hi prone Ml
aid in the ground without nnytl.ln lo
protect them from direct ontijet with Uie
earth. Wo wnii il recommend that a brleK
t i n iel about SVixi! feet be bul from t ,
t...n.. i.i .In. MhotiH. I dlHtanee u
VA V....I i.. ,..i,i,.i. tn inv the nines
"V.?.u..r:''.,.V . ,V.rnsl V of dltKlUK
tip the t ea every lime some repair win to
b. iiiade and would also make the pipes
at mieh loiiKer than under the present
Cellnr for Venelnlile.
We find there In no proper place In which
... V...V ,..i,.ii..m ..t Hie penitentiary so
Ju.... inon well. The steam pipe
which piikm IhroilKb the present store room
spoil and wn:ite a larce amoiiiit of the k-
':'y..k:: Z rVl ir be '"built
".' Josav Ilia effeete.l thereby would semi
pay tho cost or bulldliiK such a cellar,
lti'iialr of llulld'.im Diiiiinueil by 1'lr.
11..,,. n rtii. n nnrtlrin of one of the
bulldliiKM which was used as a laundry wan
badly damaKeii ny lire. o i.:iuinu ......
that this bulldliiK be repaired at once ,ih It
i. ..i r..r. ,,u,, 'I'., rmiiilr It would tiike
n'hm.l V IKI f.'I'l 'of lllllll).T. t2."i0 Wlirtll Of
rimfltiL- material, ten barrels of lime and
twenty-live perch of stone.
It.-piilc of Wnlln.
n' n.,,1 iimi f. luiri i,t ihn walls, cspe
rliillv the wiills on tin? front part of the
.ni.. tt,n.ii.,,r nn, in intlii.e nour Khane
crncks havltm' appeared In a iiuuiIkt f
nieces, and the mortar end cement r.avo
fallen out from between the stone. je
would recommend that all the walls Ik
thoioiiKhly examlneil and cemented and
pointed nil. This will not cost much at the
present time and will make the walls U&t
a preat deal loiiKer. as In their present
condition the rain imd snow can drift Into
th-! cracks and upon freezing will damnRO
tho wnlls.
Itepnlr of Hoof.
Your eommlttee finds tnat the roofs of tho
buildings are In fair shape at present an i
will probably last two or thiee years with
but slight repairs. However, there Is ono
matter In connection with the roof Unit
needs immediate attention and that Is. lit
older to properly drain the roof, n pro.
vide more and larper outlets for tl n rain
mid ineltliiK snow that accumulates n tin
live-foot valley which extends all al.m the
front of the main buildltiK- At :cesi-nt
there are but two small outlets, which are
entirely liia.leiiiiate, and we would rec.un
lnuinl that these outlets be .nlarsed and
some new outlets provided iib soon an pint-
1'n I it 1 1 it w of Cells nnd Kitchen.
As a sanitary meat-urn nnd nl.l to .Mean
llress we recommend that the kitchen 1;?
cemented and painted and that the cells
be. alsu painted.
I.nlior In 31i.K'Iiik Hepnlrs.
In mnkliiK all of the foregolm; rfpnlrs
we would recommend that the labor of ''ho
convicts be utilized whenever possible,
tbeteby suvli.u a ureal deal of expens.' to
tho state. In connection with this we
wish to say that we believe It would l.'i
better and cheaper for the state to lurnlsh
employment for the ronvtets than to let
out their labor to contractors
Ilepnlrs to ICiikIiicx find Hollers.
We find that the lire, already mention' 1.
ilaiuaKed the l'J-horse powr Corliss en
ulno to some eMent. the In'KO lly whvl
belnir cracked nnd about fortv-llve feet of
rhnftliiK beltiK isone. This erKlne should uc
nTiilred, as tb-i only other enlne Is a
f. ny-horst power one nnd should It break
down It would necessitate a topp'i:o f In the dlfT'rcnt shoiis The enulne.'r
also reports .bat the tubing In thrc of
tt-c boilers Is out of repair and .should bo
I-1 re l'rotreUnn.
We recommend that about &0I feet 'if two
and one-h.ilf-lnch lire hose be purchase 1
for us ns a protection from lire, the up
j)lv of KO"d nose on hand at the present
bc;uB Inadequate.
We find that tho preient hospital Iocs
not provide sutllclint loom for the sic; aiei
Injured convicts This Is cautcd princi
Little Liver Pills.
Must Bear Signature f
5m PxSlmlU Wrappr Bww.
1 iBBraiuiui
pally by the fnrl that It hm been found
nut Miry. on .iccounl of lack of ptoper
loom elsewhere, lo kfep the Insane ".ri
i ... i , ... .i i ....... ....i.,iin.
. . . ill li, i- in 1 1 it- IIU'.l'lllll IJl.l M.'-H. I
We would siitftf.'.it that lnamticli a the !
pr.on olllcers arc tint .icruii"n'ed in taking j
tate of Insane people, ami th. re hem-; no
aiieiiiiaio ipiHrtTs ror them at the ueiu
tentlnry, thai a u' be created, consist
Im? of the wntden, the physician at the
penitentiary and the physician at th )lo4
pltal fur the Insane, -1 here, whns.s
duty It shall be to examine the suprocl
Insane convicts and where they- are round
lo be Insane that proper provision be
mn.lo for transferring such Insane eonvlcis
to tne msnne nsyium. ir mis or some simi
lar action is tniteri me present no.pii.ii
fatllltlcs will be ndequate to properly care
for tin; .Ick and Injured convicts.
We llml nt the nresent time there are IK. Incandescent lamps of an aierage
of nbotit is-untidle power each, which on
account of being In poor condition do not
rtirniMi suiiicient light. (Sheets snowing
the location of tho lnhts In the different
rooms are hereto ntlached.) The poor con
dition of the lights Is caused by defective
wcring, cut-outs or wood, loose connections
In 1 it i ii 1 1 sockets and attachments, mixed
candle power and different makes of lamps;
tne defects causing Heating and tnereny
loss of light To reined v this would re-
MUlre the rewiring of the building, replacing
uie woo.i cut-outs with porcelain, puiiiug
IK lamns of stnnilnnl miike In nliire of tho
old ones, and putting In porcelain knobs
and tubes. Tl." estimated cost of doing
this Is about m"1.
We observe there ore no nre 1 gilts what
ever around the premises nnd wo.ild sug-
kcbi mm nt least tnree are ugnts ue piace.i
In the penitentiary yard and one In ftont
of the I'ell house proper, the last for the
protection and safetv of the prison, an
complete darkness on the outside of tho
cell house has enabled parties tn cut the
bars from the outsldo on several occasions.
we aim liel eve It would ne nilvisanie
to furnish each cell with nn electric light
of small candle power.
it has neeii suggested mat the sinte
might put In n dynamo and electrical ap
pliances unit :ight the building from such
Plant, and that this could be done more
satlnfact'irlly and at less expense than
tinner tne present arrangement, we wouni
recommend Hint this lie done, or else If
the present system Is retained that repairs
be made as above suggested.
On account of thern belnir no ndnntiate
ventilation of the colls unci cell-hnjse your
commltteo gave the matter careful atten
tion and an architect was taken along for
the purpose of making a thorough examlna-
nun oi me matter.
We would reccomtnetid that this matter
be given prompt attention, as the present
condition Is a menace to tiie health of the
prisoners. Wo find there nre 210 cells In
the cell-house, of which 23S are In use,
cjulle a number of which are occupied by
two men. The eel'-house Is also used as a
dining room 'or the prisoners.
We deem tho report of tho architect to
be full enough to render unnecessary any
further remarks by us In regurd to ven
tilation, and only wish to say we believe
it Is a matter of Importance which should
be given prompt and careful consideration.
All of which Is respectfully submitted.
K. N. AU,KN.
Chairman Senate Commltteo on l'ublle
Lands and lluildingH.
I'nriner ciir Stioiiistitiru Is .IIInnIiiit
nnd Ills I'm nit I y Doesn't Know
STUOMSlintO, Neb.. Jan. 28. (Special
Telegram.) (5uat Snwyer, who lives eight
miles LOtithwcEt of this city, disappeared
last night about 6 o'clock. lie said ho was
going to feed his horses nnd that was the
last that vsaa seen of him. Tho entire
neighborhood has been searching for him
since shortly after he disappeared, but have
no cluo to his whereabouts.
Ho wns a brothcr-ln-lnw of ex-Shcrlff K.
J. Ilnhn nnd a cousin of Mrs. Frank Fruldc
of this city. His family can give no reason
for this strange disappearance. lie has a
wife and twin baby girls. He Is about 25
years old and In fair circumstances. There
Is some tnlk of getting bloodhounds hern
to track him.
Thinks Nn HtriuiKcr Stole Tliein.
PLATTSMOUTIl. Neb.. Jan. 2S. (Special.)
J. II. Hickson, who resides on tho I'latto
river bottom northwest of this city, has
reported Mint burglars pryed open a window
of his residence nnd stole a rllle, shotgun, n
small savings bank filled with silver be
longing to one of his children, nnd a few
other articles. This Is tho second time
within ono month that Mr. Illckson's house
has been entered by thieves. Chief of l'ollco
Sinter Is of the opinion that It was not the
work of tramps, but someone well ac
nualnted with tho premises.
.SItT-ln-l.nv linn 1 1 1 nt Arretted.
FAIHHUHV, Neb., Jan. 28. (Special.)
Lculs Fromong Is under nrrest on a
charge preferred by his wife's sister, a
girl of 19 years. He eloped with tho girl
somo months ago nnd went to Lincoln,
whero IiIb wife caused their arrest, hut ho
mnnnged to pacify her so that thoy returned
to Falrbury and resumed Iholr former re
lations, leaving the sister-in-law nt Lin
coln, from which place she came Friday
evening. Fromong was held In JjOO ball to
appear nt the next term of district court
Nearly Hurled Him Alive
I'LATTSMOCTII, Neb., Jnn. 28. (Spe. This nftcrnoon whllo nsslstlng lu ex-
envntlug for the foundation of tho John
Ciund llrowing association building Ras
mus Peterson was caught under a largo
chunk of earth, which burled hlm to his
neck and which would doubtless have
caused death but for a supporting timber
Ills follow workmen soon hnd hlm re
leased from his perilous confinement, nnd
nltbntigh badly squeezed his condition Is not
considered serious.
Neck llroKen nnil lleilll Ci'iinIiimI.
CALHOUN, Neb., Jan. 2S. -(Special Tele
grrin.) John Lamburg. a young mnn work
Ing on the Hetker-Uegen ranch three miles
south of Calhoun, was Instantly killed here
tcuay. He was returning to the ranch with
n load of corn when he fell from the wagon
la such a way that his neck was broken
and his head crushed under tho wheels
County Coroner Plerco come down and took
the body to Hlalr. Lamburg has no rela
tlvcs hero nnd was not very well known.
S, l I'.ilile's Atllli'tloiiM.
PLATTSMOl'TII, Neb., Jan. '.'S. (Spe
cial.) S. L. Cable, 00 years of age, who Is
stopping at tho county hospital, suffered
a Htrnlir of paralysis this afternoon nnd it
Is tl ought ho cannot recover. Ho has re
sided In this county for ninny years nnd at
one time ownid a quarter section of good
land under cultivation nnd a good residence
nnd other buildings. Ills wife wa3 ad
judged Insane Inst fall nnd Is now confined
In the asylum nt Lincoln.
IiiIiii llnuri' I lluillr Wounded.
NKDKASKA t'lTV. Neb.. Jan. 2R. (Spe
cial Telegram.) As n rcbult of a row at a
country dance near Ilcrlln Sattirdny night,
John Moore, Jr., Is lying dangerously
wounded from knife ruts alleged to have
been Inflicted by George Kcnnor. Charles
Tr'Jilo anil Frnnk Phillips. Tho three men
wrre arrested nnd were bound over to the
district court by a Justice of tho peace.
The mm nre said to have been drinking.
Moore's condition Is critical.
Institute nt l.'enevit.
OKNKVA. 'eb.. Jan. 28. (Special.) The
Farmers' Institute convenes nt (Jcnevn on
Thursday anj Friday of this week. Among
tho speakers from abroad will be A. T.
Peters. K. A. nurnett, K. V. Forrell. W. II.
Campbell of Lincoln nnd W. S. Ilrown of
Fairmont. Local speakers will bo Charles
Johnson, I). II. Ooodrlch and T. t). Huston.
(ieroillillll Irllle,
DLAUt. Neb., Jnn. 28. (Special.) The
! (icrmanln Vlrlno, a cocial and beneficial
! society composed of German citizens of
I Hlalr nnd vicinity, gave Its nnniwl mas
' querade hall on last Saturday evening. Tho
1 Boclely Is now in a prosperous condition.
' with about fifty members.
J Dr. V.. I Is II I !ei
j PKATfllCF., Neb., Jan, 2S, (Special Telo
i grtm ) Or W F Leo had his preliminary
hearing before County Judge Hourno this
nftcrnoon on the charge of shooting with
intuit to kill or wound William Mum on
September 20 of last year. He was bound
over to district court In the sum of Jt.000.
Ills attorneys and his son appeared as sure
ties. (lentil Itnte I mistinl nt lllnlr.
I1LAIH. Neb. Jan. 2S. (Special.) A
great amount of sickness prevails In Hlalr
nnd vicinity at the present time. Tho ma
jority of Mm cases are from the grip. The
death list for this winter, especially nmong
oM folks, Is greater lu this vicinity than for
many years past.
Iden in In I'll I p a l.tttv tlinl Will He
.Mtitunll.v Acceptable lo City
and Property IMvnrr.
City Attorney W. J. Council will hold a
conference today with W. S. Popple
ton, Herman Kountzc and other taxpayers
who are seeking the passage of a hill which
will make it necessary to secure majority
petitions for paving and repavlnc. The
infctlng will be In the parlors of the First
National bank at an hour which has not
yet been agreed upon.
Tho purpose of the meeting Is to secure
paving legislation which will bo acceptable
both to the city legal department and tax
payers who object to granting the council
the rights to take the Initiative 111 having
paving or repavlng laid. A bill prepared by
Mr. Cunuell does nway with petitions en
tirely because of the great amount of re
pavlng tnx which has been defeated by de
fective petitions.
A bill drawn up by Mr. I'opplcton and In
troduced lu tho legislature makes petitions
necessnry for paving as well as for repay
ing. At present petitions are not required
in tho case of original paving.
Mr. Council docs not object to having
majority petitions from Interested taxpayers
lu cahe a provision Is Inserted In the pro
posed bill which will estop signers or alleged
signers from assailing the petitions after
tho work has been done. He will suggest
that an amendment of this sort be made to
Mr. l'opplcton's bill and Is willing to support
tho measure -n case this change Is made.
"1 am willing to support nny bill which
In my opinion Mill afford protection to the
city," tnld tho city attorney, "hut I will
not support a measure which provides for
more petltlonn nnd leaves loopholes by
menus of which taxes may be avoided In
nfler years. It Is Immaterial to me
whether the council or tho tnxpayers take
tho Initiative In having Improvements made.
My sole aim In seeking a chango of the
paving laws Is to put an end to the litiga
tion concerning petitions.
"Omaha hag had somo very expensive ex
periments in paving laws, and it Is high
tlmo that a halt bo called on special Im
provements which nro shouldered on all thu
tnxpayers of the city.
'In cuse the supporters of tho I'opplcton
bill are seeking to protect tho city nnd to
make valid taxes which arc levied for pav
ing nnd other special Improvements, tho
legal department will soon reach an agree
ment with them and suggest a compromise
mensuro which will retain the majority pe
tition ns n means of expressing n deslro
to have work done, but If they desire to
substitute petitions for action of tho coun
cil and are willing to uccept changes In the
law which will prevent attacks on petitions
after Improvements have been inndc, I will
light their bl'.l."
Aching in the small of the back Is nu In
dication of Bright' disease. The proper
course In nuch Is to take a few doses
of Prickly Ash Ultters. It Is an effective
kidney remedy and bowel regulator.
Insurance Coin puny I'njs I' p.
SPUINGFIKLD. III.. Jnn. 2S.-Tho ex-
nmlners appointed by Slato Insurance Su
perintendent Van t.'leve to Investigate
charges against the Aetna Insurance com-
inny or iiartior.i, uonn., man.) ny n. ii.
Claver. a dlschurced cmnlove. to. the effect
that the company had failed to comply with
the law In relation to paying statu fees
due and money for agents' certificates, to
day made lis report lo tne insurance ne
imrtmcnt nnd the Aetna company today
paid to Superintendent Van Cleve Jl.Sns for
agents ceriincnies, ior ia.i on ux
gross receipts from 1SXD to IKS, Inclusive;
J1.522, which Is the difference lu dispute be
tween the department nnd the company
under tho 2 per cent gross premium net,
nnd $l,"n2 for the expense of the examina
tion conducted.
Tuesday Will llo .Stormy with Cold
Winds Out of the Norlli
lvest. WASHINC.TON, Jan. 28. Forecast of the
For Nebraska Occasional rain or snow-
Tuesday; coldor, northwesterly winds;
Wednesday fair.
For Iowa Snow or rain Tuesday: warmer
In extremo southern portion; southeasterly
wir.ds beomlng westerly; Wednesday' fair.
For Missouri Occasional rains Tuesdny;
falling temperature in western portion;
southerly winds, becoming westerly; Wed
nesday fair.
For North Dakota Occasional snows
Tuesday; colder In central and eastern por
tions; northwesterly winds; Wednesday
For South Dakota Occasional snows
Tuesday; colder, northwesterly winds;
Wednesday fair.
For Kansns Occasional snows probable
Tuesdny; falling temperature; southwest to
northwest winds; Wednesday fair.
For Western Texas Fair Tuesdny; colder
in northern portion; northwesterly winds;
Wednesday fair.
For New McnIco Fuir Tussdny nnd Wed
nesday; northwesterly winds.
For Oklahoma and Indian Territory
Cloudiness, will) occasional rains probable
In enstern portion; colder; southerly winds,
shifting lo northwesterly. Wednesday fair.
For Illinois Occasional rain or snow
Tucrday; rising temperature In northern
and central portions; fast to southeast
winds, fresh to brisk on the lake. Wednes
day probably fair.
For Colorado nnd Wyoming Occasional
snows probable Tuesday; colder; north
westerly winds. Wcdnesdny fair.
For Montana Local snows Tuesday;
colder; Wednesday fair.
I, o. 'ill Iteeor.l,
OMAHA. Jan. 2S. Otllctal record of tomner-
ature and precipitation compared with the
corresponding nay or tne last tnree years
1H-J1. 1W0. 1D. 1S9S
Maximum temperature.... -j., pi j
Minimum tcmpcrnture.... 2:1 S s 22
Mean temperature 2!) 1 S 29
Precipitation 00 T .03 .00
Record of tempcaturo nnd precipitation
at Omaha for this day and slnco Man h 1,
Normal temperature
Kxcess for the day
Total excess since Mureh 1 1378
Normal precipitation 02 inch
Deficiency for me nay "smcii
Total rainfall since March 1....3U. 55 Inches
Kxcess since March 1 1'J Inch
Dcllclcney for cor. period, 1900... 4. 73 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, l&M... 4.31 Inches
Reports from Stations nt 7 I' .M.
-3 Jk 2
"3 3j 2.
; s 33 s
;3: 3 ?,
'. ' ,
; 1. .
31 3.11 .10
4fi r .ft)
I1) 5li .00
31 421 .0)
42 RSI .IU
21 301 .1)1
12 3fi' T
IK 20! T
.". io .on
IK 181 .0.)
ml 22 .00
' 40 4V .0-)
' 3i5 4'H .0-1
: 401 .0.)
e".'' 4l' .0.)
Wl M ,00
ninuha. clojdy
North Platte, partly cloudy
Cheyenne, cloudy
Salt Lake, clear
Rapid City, clear
Huron, clear
UTllstnii, snowing
Chicago, clear
St. Louis, clear
Si. Paul, cloudy
IJiivenpnrl, clear
Kkiishs City, clear...
Helena, c!oud
Havre, cloudy . .
Hlsmarck, cloudy .
Galveston, clear
Local Fnrccnst Olllrlal
T indicates trace of precipitation. zero,
Sonth Dtkota Law Msken' 8euion Diroted
to Matters of Uomint.
1'nlforin Neuollnble instrument It 1 1 1
Inspires llest Drhnte Vet Heard,
Stcnnrt, Modilnril anil Martin
the 1'rlni'lpal I'nrlk'lpnnts.
PIKIlltK, S. I).. Jan. 2S (Special Tele
gram.) In the hotiBe today tho committee
reported favorably on bills to elect county
commissioners by vole of their wholo
county nnd for deficiency lu building funds
nt Hcdfleld and Spearflsh. Tho ways and
means committee, In reporting ou the reso
lution condemning the treasurer for Issuing
emergency warrants, went into the matter
in detail nnd thoroughly Indorsed tho action
nnd the need of It.
The unfavorable report on the "Jag euro"
bill was killed by tho house nnd Ihe same
was put on the calendar for final action. This
Is the bill which Is being pushed by the
Sioux Falls Kceley Institute. Mr. Gross
pushed his resolution against a sifting com
mittee and was supported by Odland and
l.lngren nnd opposed by Packard. The
resolution wns ndopted and on motion of
flrofs the "cinched" motion was applied 1
and tho sifting committee settled, for the
present nt least. I
On third reading, the house passed tho
McDougal resolution of sympathy with the
Kngllsh people In the death of tho nuecn;
the bill providing for a state historical so
ciety; providing for tov.nahlp pounds, nnd
to authorize companies to fund outstanding
Indebtedness. The bill tn limit the num
ber of ballots to be furnished was amended
in several particulars and finally recom
mitted tor further committee action. The
hill to mnko Incurable Insanity n cnutc for
divorce was Indefinitely postponed, with only
one vote In opposition.
Illlls introduced In the house were: Pro
viding absolute liability by railroads for
stock killed where the track is not fenced;
a memorial to congress asking for nn Indian
school nt Kvsrtn; to create a public llbtary
commission and dcllulng Its duties; ninund
Ing the game law, making the open season
begin August 20; requiring mortgagees to
furnish copies of mortgnges and voiding
mortgage by refusal, and to provide for n
stuto experimental farm In Lawrence
ISfiinlor lleeonie (Irn t or lenl.
Ill tho senate, oratory was given full
sway for n largo part of tho session. Sweet
of Hutchinson started the ball by objecting
to a commltteo hubstltutc for his report 01
the wolf bounty bill. Hut after considerable
wrangling over parliamentary practice, lie
was overruled by tho chair. Howo of Stan
ley followed, declaring that snnp Judgment
had been tnken In reporting favorably on
'I;' house bill to Increase the salaries of
the governor nnd Judges, and, on motion
of Stewart, he was given leave to 111c a
minority report. His report will nttack the
measure on grounds nnd on
the manipulation to cut the Third circuit
from the list included in tho Increase. The
tenato bill appropriating $31,000 to rclm
burso counties nnd Individuals who had
ndvuncid money to bring troops from San
Francisco was passod.
The uniform negotiable Instrument bill
called out the best debate so for heard In
tho session, Stewart championing the mcas
uro nnd Stoddard and Martin opposing. On
roll cull the bill was lost by two votes and
Stewart changed hlS Vote and gae notice
of n motion to reconsider.
Tile rcmniltteo on printing presented ma
Jorlty nnd minority reports on the house
bill to abolish tho printing of certificates
ot nomination. Tho mnjoilty favored fix
ing a maximum fee for such publication
nnd curtailing tho publication to olllcinl
papers. The minority was for absolute rc
peal. Law ton championed tho majority re
port nnd Gundorson tho minority. Tho inn
jorlty rt port was adopted by a rote of 25
to 17.
Hall of Brookings spoke In opposition to
tho bill to give nil the liquor license money
to counties, whllo Englcsby championed It,
but Mm committee report against nny chnnge
wns aderted.
Prluclpal senate bills introduced were:
To nppropiinte $14,000 for a new dormitory
at Madison; to appropriate 70) for Adjutant
General Humphrey; nnd to extend the
powers of county Judges in counties of over
9,000 population.
Tho sennte passed the house bills to fix
terms of court In tho Seventh circuit; giv
ing town Justices of the pence Jurisdiction
In two counties nnd appropriating J2,f.00
deficiency far sheriffs transporting prisoners
to the penlttntlary.
StrilHKle No iv oil llctucen Itepulillf nil
null I'imlnii Aspirants for
rinci'N on I'ulille Hour. I.
SIOUX FALLS, S. D Jnn. 28. (Special
Telegram.) Tomorrow will bo tho crucial
day In tho struggle between the republicans
and fuslontsts of South Dakota for control
of tho Statu Hoard of Charities anil Cor
rectionsupon tho result of which nearly
200 posltlous, paying nn aggregate of about
$70,000 per year In salaries, arc dependent.
The old board Is now hero and or Gov
ernor Herrieu s recent appointees, u.
Itlco of Dcadwood Is now here, Dr. Flnner
of Wntertowt. will arrive during the night
nnd F. M. Sleere, holdover republican
member of the board, Is also on tho ground.
They nro accompanied by Attorney General
Pyle, who will bo tho legal adviser in the
proceedings to begin tomorrow to oust the
fusion members of tho board who wero
nppolnted by Governor Lee a short time
before ho retired from olllee.
Aliened Alt pt at K I il 1111 pi 11 K Li
on's Only Child Teinpoiiiiily I n
Im III licet I. utter' II I ml,
CHNTHAL CITY, S. I).. Jnn. 2S.-(Spo-clal.)
Central City has been stirred the
last few hours by what Is said to bo an
atttmpt at kidnaping Myrtle Stanley, u girl
residing with her mother, by W. C. Stanley
of Denver. About seventeen years ago tho
girl's mother, now Mrs. Nelson Hrown,
separated from Stanley. Sho married
again, but hor second husband died n few
years ago. Mrt. Hrown has been an In
valid for several months, her daughter
being her main support.
Friday night a man called at tho lit Llo
cottage In Hidden Trcnouro gulch and asked
admittance, taylng that he was W. C.
Stanley of Denver. Ho wns refused by tho
mother nnd dnughtor. Tho man returned
tn ths postolllco and several letters nre
said to have been sent to the girl during
the evening nnd the following day, in an
attempt to got her to come down to the
postofllce and see her "papa." Other let
ters followed from Deadwood, where Stan
ley was staying.
For two nights the mother nnd daughter
sat up. with tho doors barricaded, expect
ing overy niinulo that tho strange man, who
had been haunting the premises, would
force an entrance. Mrs. Hrown wns nfrr.lil
of her life. Sho remembered, she says,
that years ago, after her separation from
her first husband, ho threatened to 1:111
her. On Sunday morning two letters were
received by the daughter addressed from
Deadwood and signed "Papa." Tho letters
stated that he bad como from Denver to
see his only daughter; that ho had bean
married ten years and was now living hap
pily." Ho nnd his wife had adopted a little
girl, but he wanted his own child to como
nnd Hie with hlm, Ho stated that ho was
nblo to educate her and would glvg her
all sho desired.
Tho girl was almost beside herself. She
started to go to Tarravllle to consult with
friends and found that tho strnnge man
followed her. She enmo homo and, with
her mother, was taken to Lead to the homo
of friends, Whllo crossing Main street she
was suddenly piostrntcd with hysteria and
wns carried from tho street, raving. Sho
tore her hair nnd bit tho fingers of those
trying to hold her, and It was not until tho
strongest drugs had been admlnstorcd that
she became quiet.
When Mrs, Drown secured a dlvorco from
Stanley the court gavo her her only child.
Sho Is now In very poor circumstances, hav
ing been partly supported by the Masonic
fraternity of this place sinco tho death
of her second husband.
Humored 'I'll it Ntuiilnj'n Visit In Hit)
Sprlnni Was Made Partly on
HOT SPIKNGS, S. D., Jan. 2S. (Special
Telegram.) W. K. Vondcrbllt spent Sun Jay
at this place, nccompnnlcd by Oliver Harrl-
man nnd wife nnd Mrs. Stewart of New
York, these being friends of the Vander
bllts. The party Is Unvoting In Mr. Van
derbllt's private car nnd Is merely 011 n
pleasure trip.
They nrrlved over the F.lkhom railroad.
accompanied by General Manager Dldwell,
In his car. Mrs. Merrlman's sister, Mrs. P.
C. Hunt, Is now n resident of this place.
having taken up her residence here Inst May
with her three young sons. Her mother Is
spending tho winter here nlso. It was for
the purpose of making these friends nnd
relatives n short visit that Mr. Vnnderbllt
nnd party came to Hot Springs. The day
spent here was a most delightful one nnd
was greatly enjoyed by nil. Mr. Harrlm.iu
Is very close to Mr. Vnnderbllt In the bus
iness world and tho fact that the former's
brother-in-law has lately become Interested
In nn Irrigation enterprise nnd stock ranch
near here has led to the belief that some
Vnnderbllt money Is backing the enterprise.
However that may be, the entire party was
well pleased with this place.
They left on 11 special train over the
Klkhorn for Denver nnd Colorado Springs,
where they will upend n few dnys and go
from Micro to Jacksonville, Fla. From
there they will salt for New York In Mr.
Vunderhllt's prlvnte yucht, expecting to
reach homo by February II.
South DaUotil I'lllliier Mmntt Spoil!',
I'erliupt I'ntull), 'I'll. mi Surrenders
to Kimball IIHU'ers,
SIOUX CITY, la.. Jun. 2S. (Special Tele
gram.) Frank Katolrnek, n Uohemlnn
farmer living in HulTulo county, South Da
kota, not th of Kimball, shot his wlfo and
then tried to kill himself lu the same way,
The woman, It Ik reported, will die, hut
Katolcnek will live. He Is under arrest.
They had quarreled nt different times nnd
once they separated and for a time did not
live with each other. Ilefore the shooting
he hnd asked her to go lu Iowa with him to
live and she refused. He had $l.iU0 which
she wanted hint to divide before he left
They quarreled and ho shot her In tho neck.
He then hitched up, drove to town and gavo
himself -up. The injured woman crawled on
her hands and knees to 11 neighbor's house
Ills I'rnllclcney In i:cfiitlnu of
.11 11 u 11 11 1 of Arms Kvecls That of
Other t'oiitesliiuts.
One of the most successful social affairs
ever given by tho Omaha Guards was lu
tho nrmory Monday night. It was the occa
sion of Ihe monthly competitive drill and
dnnce, nnd proxed n delightful event for
nil of the members of tho organization and
a large number of invited guests. Dancing
was Indulged In by 100 couples nnd a pro
gram of llfteen numbers was enjoyed In tho
highest degree.
Sergeant Dlesing was the bucccssful com
pctltor for the medal, his protlelency in ex
edition of the munitnl of arms excelling
that of the other contestants. Surgeon
General J. Cameron Anderson, n member of
Governor DIetilch's stalf, presented tho
medal. Sergeant Dieslng will have It In
his posH'Sslon for n mouth, when another
drill will give tho other members an oppor
tunlty to compete for the coveted honor.
Stop llifr Ht Miiunrn I'iiIIn.
Passengers from tho west holding tickets
reading to New York or Philadelphia via
the Lehigh Valley railroad will be allowed
stopover at Niagara Falls without extra
I'luhteen ThoiiNiiuil Hollars for I'luht
CINCINNATI, Jun. 2S.-Th.' alo of seats
for the Jerri les-Rulilln contest. February
1G. In S.iligerfcst null, began tcday .tnd by
noor. the receipts nniounted to M0.1W), This
doe-i not Include mall orders umoitiitln
to that nave Deen placed. Tlier N
still talk of legal opposition beliu; made
against tho light, mid the movements ot
the attorneys employ 'd by opponents of the
llgnt arc cioseiy wiuciioti.
Voiuiur I'.iHliiirii IIi'IciihimI on Hull.
PITTSFHILD. Mass.. Jan. 2V-Robeit S
Fni-berir. Jr.. arrested Saturday on an In
dlctmcnt charging hlm with the murder of
Ills sister. Miss .May Kosnurg. 111 tne rnmlly
residence here Inst August, was released on
$12,0) ball, furnished by his father, today.
An Excellent Combination.
Tha pleasant method and liftic iiciul
effects of the well known remedy,
Hvitui' of Flos, manufactured by the
Cai.ikoi'.nia Kin Syiiui Co., illustrate
the vnluoof obtaining the liquid laxa
tive principles of plants known to be
medicinally laxative and preM-ntinK'
them in the form refreshing to the
tabtu and acceptiiblo to the bstem. It
is tho one perfect htrenifthenliiu laxa
tive, clonnsinp; the system clTectimlly,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
gently yet promptly and enabling one
to overcome habitual constipation per
manently. Its perfect freedom from
every objectionable quality and sub
stance, and its acting on the kidneys,
liver and bowels, without weakening
or irritating them, make it thu ideal
In this process of manufacturing figs
arc used, as they nro pleasant to tho
taste, butthe medicinal qtmliUesof the
remedy are obtained from senna and
other aromatic plants, by a method
known to tho C.u.ifoiinia I'io .syitui'
Co. only. In order to get its beneficial
effects and to avoid imitation'., please
remember the 'till name of tho Company
printed on the front of every package.
Forsale by all Drusglsts. I'rkdOc per bottlo.
Ilncltlits of Grip.
Magnified 10.000 times. disease.
Pcrunn not only cures tho grip but prevents it.
Tnken In time thousands of llvrs will bo saved in this present epldcmla.
Kvery family should take the precaution to secure a supply of Peruna nt
once, for the retail and wholesale stock of tho remedy may be exhausted by
the enormous demand for It.
It is wisdom to have Peruna In tho house oven before tho grip nttacks tha
It has been nscerlalntd by n reporter that tho following people of national
reputation have given public endorsement ami testimonials to Peruna ns a
remedy for In grippe. 1
Congressman Howard, of Alabama, says: "I have taken Peruna for the
grip nnd recommend It as an excellent remedy lo all lellow-sufferers."
Congressman White, of North Cnrollna, says: "1 find Peruna to bo an ex
cellent remedy for the grip. 1 havo used It In 111 family and they nil Join mo
In recommending It."
Miss Frances M. Anderson, of Washington. I). C. daughter of Judge An
derson, of Virginia, says: "I was tnken very III with tho grip. 1 took Peruna
nnd was nblo to leave my bed In n week."
Mrs. Harriet A. S. Marsh, President of the Women's Henevolent Associa
tion, of Chicago, writes: "I suffered with grip seven weeks. Nothing helped
me. Tried Pcrunn and within threo weeks I wns fully restored. Shall never
be without It again."
At the appearance of the first symptoms of grip people should slny In
doors and take Peruna In smnll doses (tenspoouful every hour) until the symp
toms disappear. This will prevent n long disastrous sickness nnd perhaps fa
tal results.
Dyspepsia Cure
It takes material to build ami energy to work. Food
nourishes the body by supplying1 the material required
for building' up worn out tissues, and maintains the
energy that carries on the work.
Remove the stomach and death quickly follows. It is
the most important organ of the body and when it is
worn out every other organ suffers. That is why indi
gestion is liable to result in fatal diseases of the heart,
liver, kidneys and lungs.
A method has lately been devised by which the use of
Kodol Dyspepsia Cukij digests what you cat, and in that
way gives the stomach perfect rest while allowing you
to cat all the food you need. It has been used in all the
worst forms of stomach trouble and it has never failed
to cure. As it is the only preparation known that di
gests all cesses of foods, the demand for it has become
enormous, and it is now known and used everywhere.
Henry 11. Morris, of Lebanon, O., says: "In loss than two months
Kudoij "DYsrKPsiA. C'tmn ilbl moro for mo than all othor preparations
and skilled doctors did in boven yoars. Four bottles of it cured mo
of indigestion which had troubled mo frightfully for a Ion;; time."
It can't help but do you good
Frspurcd by K. O. DeWltt Si Co., Chicago. Tho SI. bottle contains 2S4 tbuos the 50c. stio.
; bl Vlmllitr,tliprri.rliUonoftiimoiFrenrhphyiln,wlll qiilcklyriire you otatl
aul.i la ttiu Hack, Srinliml
' ltti)j.ll liwwxhyriiiyor nlfliu ('rfventiquicknrMof Uuclirs. which If notcbc;il
I tails to tfiifriiiiitorrliu and all tlx hirrori nt Unnot'iicy. 'I!l,inr.N:clauuia
1!tit. lh Luliif Yjaud Ltaaurluarv nnim ct all ImmirlUfi VUPIUKNIlatraoiUMBa
and rMtaiessm!! weal; oruuiiv
1 (mromnn auireren are nut cand by Doctors In tiMMH 90 per entar troublwl with PrMMtltlav,
CCIillHNl1-. tti "iny known reiin-rty tn rtir without nn operation. MOO iritlnionliili. A wrllljil
enarnne Rin and momy r'lurni'il K 6 boi rallies not cCoct a pcruiauoat cux. I.Uia oox.Sfor
f m.lll. hen I fnr iiicm rfr jlr anil trMluioslal.
.lilr M "'!. MIIDH'INK CO.. J'.o. Jox 307. Hn Krajvfcro. c
You spend
half your lifetime
in your office. Why Btsinti the nggravution of dirt
and cold of iniBerable elevator Kervice bad light nnd
ventilation? There in no oftlcc building in the town kept
The Bee Building
The best iH nope too good
good busincHS investment
the three or four vacant roomy. We keep them ailed.
R. C. Peters Co., Bee Huildiiig,
Kcntiil Agents, Ground Hour.
IWiovei T'li, IMmplfi,
ITruklm, Mntti I'atchra,
JW'h ami Hkln tin
rape. and Pir?
bltmliti on boauljr,
ami d'fin ilctec
lion. It lu stool
th fit of (I
Jrara, and l to
harmltia w taut
It to I jo sura II
properly mm!.
Arctpt no oountrr-
tut cr tlmllar
nam Dr. I A.
Syr raid to a ta
il) of th liaut-toa
la oatlent)!
vim lartlrs will tne thfm. I recom
mend fGOrHArD'H CHKAM' an th leat
harmful of all Ihn Kkln preparation!," For
ala by all DrusKiBts nna Fancy Qoodt
Dtlen tn the 1. H Hnd Kurope,
KEItl). T. IIOI'KINS, I'rop'r,
27 Great Jon Bt N. T.
Orrat monthly
tnn nnt nni. r.a1l.
il ri mini utiihhorn rain r llrv In few rlarat tl
(V rlirriiu t A: Mi l nun , Kiilm A f'n. and oihrr
druz. i . ut walled u) Lion Inu.'Lu, budilu, .S X
Hundreds of carloads of Peruna nro
shipped tn all directions to meot the
extraordinary demand oi the grip
Everybody laying In a stock of this
valuable remedy In tlmo to meet tho
terrible) enemy, tho Grip.
Tho extensive facilities of tho man
ufacturers taxed to their utmost tn
meet the urgent demand for Pcrunn.
Almost everybody has tho grip.
Almost everybody must have Tc
runn Taken at tho appearance ot the first
symptoms of tho grip, not only Is
Peruna n prompt euro for tho grip,
but It prevents those disastrous after
effects so characteristic of this dread
what you
i:uiialon. NrrTon Ifclllty, j.lm1.1"
for you.
and you will llud it a
to take a half hour nnd look at
A Hkln of Biitln tex
tiirf, cleurnt'HN nnil
I'liut). Soft, ilellcuto
IlllllllN, liritllkull Ill'Ill
thy comlltloiiH, rnllnu
imnt. ic'K.tiil fur a
plouHliii' appearance.
A yi'llow, 111 11 (1 il y
lilotclii-il, tilt'iulHlinil,
tiiNruifri'il Hliln; ,1 pim
ply, t a 11-I r n c K 1 11 1
Hliiny, (illy lace, ri-NUlt
frinii neitleet. Counlor-
a t ratine, ovetroine en'epl, npplylin, H.Hl'1
Hkln Ciciun nnil .S.itln-Hkln I'owili'r, twin
licuilllltiH. fkln repalriTH. your rnrlnl
frlomlH lh Mk'laim iuIvIhh iihImk Hioho
I'X'iulMli' articled bcraiue of their viir
rauti'il linririli.'HHiinsn. I'. ,1. Sharer, nrri
lin y lii'iillh hoard, Oiiklanil. I 'ill., wrl'en
"I have frui nil them Hupcrlor to nli ulliorn '
Kuiwilo A. llmKiinli.'r. I.uray, Vii . h.ivh
"It uffonlH nin intirh plciiBiirii to miy Siilln
flkln f'renm nnil I'nwih'r are unnurpnnHeil.
Have never iihimI niiyttiliiK Hint would rrni
punt with thi'in anil derived untold lnellt
from their urn-. I ran nuy nothing loo b'Kh
In prulao " 25a. lloaton .Store.
-Ct'ItKS bU.C(dna)
ui'he, etc At 1rus
clhtM, or or uiult,
tl Prro hook, ad-
Tlee, etc,, ot Dr. II. J. ICny, 9ra'.. N. V. ,