Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 29, 1901, Page 10, Image 10

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Anditorinm Committee Ditoanits Notel
Jt l Simurlnl tlinl t'liiimilttcf .Mlli(
Aim'IIiiii lli-riilinrtlt .Sent, 'I'Iiiin
IiktpiinIiik' I'iiihI iiiiiI I'lritM
In Hie Public.
Tho iitnllt uritim tommlttcc look under
consideration nt lis meeting today a prop
osltlon for handling tlio forthcoming Snrnh
Ilernbnrdt nttrnctlon ut lloyd's theater In a
manner that wouM ho satisfactory lo this
public and nt ihn mimo tltno contribute n
cent Biim to the nildltorliim building fund.
Tlio proposition ns rend at the meeting Is
s follows
"On February V Hcrnhnrdt and Coquclln
will Rive one performance nt lloyd's theater.
Theso an prosperous times and It Is rea
sonable to an.Minii) Hint there will ho two
applicants for every seat. If tho scats arc
rold nccordlnR lo the usual plan hy putting
them un unlo a few days In ndvaucc anil
limit InR tho nunilier (o live which ran he
procured hy ench prrton In lino nt tho hox
omcy. tboio wnntlliR scats will ho com
pelled to procure them In cither onu of two
ways They must personally stund In lino
at the theater for nhout forty-eight hours
prior to tho opening of the hox ofllco or
leave an order with the district mcsseUKor
MiiiiiIIiik Line tn llinl.
"The former conrso Ib Impracticable, ami,
therefore, the only coiirso open lo thoso
wanting lo seo tho performance Is to leave
their order with tho messenger company
management and submit to Its pleasure.
"You go to Its olllce, Indicate tho scats
you would like to have, which they promise
to procure for you If they can, but In any
nveiit you nro obligated to take tho sents
they offer you. You may desire scats In the
third, fourth or fifth row from tho bIorc
nnd you may Ret scats In the Inst tier on
the ground Iloor In tho balcony. It Is Im
material to tho company whether you Ret
what you want or something else. For this
service you will have the privilege of paying
It lo ?2 "0 per scat In addition to tho regu
lar price. I'nilnr thin arrangement tho
amount paid out by people securing tickets
for tho engngemcnt will n mo lint to n few
thousand dollnrs.
"Tho plnn of auctioning scuts would be
preferable to tho present system nnd would
be more profitable to tho management.
Sell run- In OlIIMlli'il,
"This engagement could bo taken In hand
by the auditorium committee, which could
mnko arrangements with tho Boyd manage
ment for the purchase of the entire house.
Then the commltteo could hlro n public
bnll ami dlsporo of the seats at auction,
limiting the number of tickets to say four
or flvo to each Individual so as to ellmlnnto
tho speculative feature. Many portions who
would not contributo to tho auditorium
fund under ordinary clrcumstnnces might
bo reached In this way."
President Sanborn of tho Auditorium
company expressed himself ns highly
pleased with the project. Secretary Hooblcr
snid ho thought It was n good thing, but
doubted the authority of tho committee to
act upon It, ns it Involved a speculation,
"If wo took hold of this matter nnd mado
J1.000 It would bo considered a wise project
nnd wo would bo wise peoplo for Inking It
tip, but If, on tho other hand, wo lost, we
would nover henr tho last of It."
After discussing tho mntler for some time
tho suggestion was placed on llle for future
consideration. "
After .S in it I Ciiiilrlliiitloiin.
The auditorium cominltteo decided to hold
a big meeting In tho club rooms in tho near
futuro for tho purposo of Interesting tho
small contributor. As ono oj tho drawing
cards for this occasion nn attempt will be
mado to secure the attendance of twenty
flvo good speakers to make two-mlnuto
talks, Refreshments and cigars will be
served. Several hundred personnl letters
will bo sent out Inviting business men nnd
others to this gathering. Tho dotalU of ar
ranging for It were left to n committee of
live, with Instructions to report nt tho nJt
meeting of tho general committee.
Fred Pnffcnrnth, chairman of tho miscel
laneous revenue committee, reported that
fi.OOo of tho auditorium hall bricks will bo
received Tuesday of this week and" tho re
mainder nro expected within tho next ten
A report was received from tho Womnn's
club on the subject of tho entertainment
given at lloyd's thenter last December, ac
companlcd by a check for B17.62, tho net
rocolptB, which lire to bo added to tho build
ing fund. This wsb received with thankB,
with a special mention of Mrs. (1. V. Iloub
ler. chairman of tho entertainment com
mittee. Mortiillty StutUtlci).
Tho following births ind deaths were re
ported to tin; city health commissioner for
the forty-eight hours ending at noon Mon
day: lllrths-C'liarley Ilasehe, lilt South Four
teinth. girl; l. Swop, 123 Dorcas, ijlrl;
1-Mwurd Heyley, boy.
Deaths Alfrldn (inch, 2y0fi Mouth,
aged 15; Henry l. liusn, North
Thirtieth, aged S3; Mrs. Anna lteboccu
Case, 310K Uorby. aged S3; Matthew Klslkl,
2Mii South Twenty-sixth, ago.,! CJ; Mrs.
Mnry Adallnn Hnruum, 15U North Twen
tieth, aged M; Mrs. Amy V. Hale, Presby
tia inn hospital, aged 32, Mabel l. Hlioilo,
l'jeBbyterlaii hospital, aged 19, Mrs. Luiilso
RtnfTord, 2107 North Twuity-clghth avenu.
a gen 7S.
From many diseases. Children
who are well nourished success
fully resist disease to which an
ill - nourished child succumbs.
Your child has enough food.
Does the food make flesh? If
not there is something wrong
with the stomach and other or
gans of digestion and nutrition.
That wrong can be quickly
righted by the use of
In ninety-eight cases out of
every huudred it completely cures
indigestion and other diseases of
the digestive and nutritive sys
tem in both young and old. You
can consult Dr. Pierce by letter
free. Ad
dress Dr. R.
Buffalo, N. Y.
Dr. Pierce's
Medical Advis
er, paper cov
ers, Is sent on receipt
of si cents to pay cost
oi mailing onr.
Addma Dr. Plerccn ibMt.
1 jp
1 ,(()( I nilirrllnn, Worth l nn Snlr To
morrow nt iillr Knoll 111k llurKiilii.
These umbrellas nro covered with sub
stantial English twills, tnada on steel rods,
In tho populnr 26-Inch size. Tho handles
for women nro polished horn, Dresden,
plain and trimmed natural wood. 'ho
handles for men are largo horn, plain and
trimmed natural wood hooks. We bellovo
on account of the extraordinary good quality
nnd low prlco these umbrellas will sell
,vcry quickly, so If you wnnt to secure ono
of these bargains you will have to be
J. I.. Ilrnndels & Sons, Proprietors.
mine I, en r ii In I'nlliM- I'oiirt I'lml
11 iti .nt iiiltl of (lie 'linrr
Axnlnnt Him.
Judge Learn hns dismissed the case
against 0. F. Kpencter on a charge
f larceny of bnllce nnd expressed tho
pinion that It was n transaction which came
more under the Jurisdiction of n civil court
than being n cause for criminal action.
A. U. Hunt had charged that Kpencter had
failed to meet the terms of n contrnct to
mnko 150 boxes for tho collection of gar
bage nlong the streets and that, after tho
material had been furnished Kpencter ut
tint's expense, Kpencter had rcfocd to
cllvcr tho boxes and was retaining tho
mntcrlnl, which was valued at $513.
Tho case linn occupied the attention of
tho court, for several days and has been
stubbornly fought on both sides. In giving
his decision Judge I.corn said that there
seemed to bo difference of opinion as to
ho owned tho angle Iron and tho gnlvnn
cd Iron which Kpcnetcr had bought, Hunt
guaranteeing the pnymont and eventually
paying for It. "Tho nnglc Iron," ho snid,
Is in as good bhupc now ns ever and enn
bo turned over to Hunt If ho owns It, so
this enso merely concerns tho galvnulzcd
ron. Then thcro Is a disagreement con
cerning the contrnct. Hunt claims to liavo
had an oral agreement subsequent to the
rlttcn contract. Ilut beforo I hold this
cfcudant it must bo shown that some of
fense, hns been committed, nnd I don't think
any offense hns been committed under tho
testimony of this case." Tho enso ngnlnst
ponder wns then dlsmrsed.
otlierw Oilier r nt l'ollce .Stntlon mill
Kill In to ( Amiy at Oppor
tune Moment.
John Doylo tried twlco yesterday to get
nto tho city Jail nnd tho second tlmo ho
succeeded. First ho appeared beforo the
ounter and demnnded thnt Desk Strgenut
nvcy give up a dozen bananas and a dozen
oranges which ho claimed had been left
there for him. Doyle wns about "three
seas over" and the demand wns taken us a
result of the overworking of his brain.
"Give me thoso bananas and oranges, I
ell you," demanded Doylo for about the
fourth time.
"Urcnk out of tho door and get nway from
here or I'll throw you In," answered tho
sergeant, who had moro business nt tho
moment than a cranberry merchant has tho
week, beforo Thanksgiving.
Doylo went out mumbling dlro threats
gainst tho entire pollco force. Ho went
trnlght to tho back part of tho Jnll and
hen next seen was trying to open com
munication with the prisoners through the
Inflows, lleforo ho realized whnt had hap
pened Turnkoy Glover had swooped down
upon him nnd ho wns on tho other Bide of
the office railing on his way to the lnsldo
f tho cells.
r. Itnlpli Points (Hit YVIirrc TIiIm
City In I'ortuniile nn to
"Omaha Is fortuunto in escaping with tho
small number of cases of smallpox; which It
as hart ho far," said Dr. J. 1J. Ilalph of the
Ity health department. "A physician who
pent Inst week In Kansas City told mo that
thero nro 600 ciihcs of smallpox thero and
that ninety cases developed In ono day
last week. Thero nro only twenty-flvo rases
In Omaha all told and thero have been no
new cases during tho last four days.
"Tho danger of spreading the dlscaso Is
not over yet, however, nnd great cure must
o exercised to provont another outbreak.
So much smallpox came Into the city over
tho railroads that tho city w-ns In moro
danger early In tho season than it Is now.
Railway officials have placed guards nt sta
tions where tho disease Is known to oxlst
and nro protecting their pntrons In a com
menilnblc manner."
IliiKllnli-AiuerleniiM Aitmiik to Hold
.Memorial Service
hu ii ilny.
M. A. Hull, British vico consul, is arrang
ing tho details for tho Queen Victoria
memorial sorvlce to bo held next Sunday,
At this tlmo tho pluco of holding the
servlco has not been decided upon, but
It will probably bo at the First Congrega
tional church. Illshop Williams, who was
expected to address tho meeting, cannot
bo present, but n letter from him will bo
rend by Mr. Hall.
While tho meeting Is bolng promoted by
ex-subjeets of tho Drltlbh crown it will not
ho contlned to thnt class, but all citizens of
Omaha will bo Invited to participate. Tho
final nrrangemonts will probably bo com
pleted by Tucidny evening.
Chnrlm Hol.l.liiH Puts I p n l'lulit m MIi
Ollleer I'nliey lleforc Hclntc
T tie ii In.
When Officer Andy Fnhcy, in response to
a hurry call, wont to tho house nt tho
corner of Thirty-first and Martha strocts
early Sunday morning to arrest Charles
Robblns, ho found his man armed with n
razor and a Jack-knife. Robblns, who bad
celebrated hU homo-coming by kicking in
tho door and several windows, did not sub
mit to arrest without u tussle, In which
ho cut a deep gash la tho officer's good right
Robblns pleaded guilty to n wholo
oatnloguo of disorderly deeds in pollco
court yesterday morning and wns fined $25
and costs.
Announcements of tlir Then tern.
Ixivers of the grandest and prottlest In
martial music will Dock toward lloyd's
theater Wednesday afternoon nnd night
to hear tho two splendid concerts promised
by Sousa's band. This organization needs
not tho assurances of favorable criticism
everywhere accorded It, for Its reputation
is so (Irmly established ns America's
favorite military band that Its namo Is all
tho guarantee needed as to tho excellence
of Us performance.
Tho performances of Miss New York, Jr..
at tho Trocedero nro pleasing from start to
finish; there Is not a dull moment during
tho entire program, tho unanimous verdict
being that It Is the best show hero this
season. Tho nttetirtunce up to date has
been very good.
Tho same perfonnanco during tho entire
week twlco dally, with exception of next
Saturday evening.
"Wine, Woman and Song," n great big
hurlesquo company, commences au engage
mcnt next Sunday matinee,
Extra -Help in County Attorney's Office
Face New Opposition.
l,nvrr Ilrern Cnmliters the Appoint-
men! of lliirnlinin nod liun
iinltift Oulilde Hie Miulln
tlniiN of the l.iin.
Attorney John I'. Ilreen was at the office
of tho county board yesterday looking
over tho records pertaining to the appoint
ments of Harry 13. llurnham ns deputy
county nttornoy ami V. it. Gunsolus as
messenger to tho county nttornoy with a
vlow to preventing tho payment of salaries
to tho now nppolntees. When naked what
action ho had lu contemplation Mr. llrcen
'1 may apply for an Injunction restraining
the county commissioners from allowing tho
snlarlcs of 'llurnham and Gunsolus. Some
of tho taxpnycrs are not Inclined to permit
tho commissioners to increnso their bur
dens by placing theito men on tho county
pay rolls without wnrrant of law.
IHeeed 'I'lielr Authority.
'It seems to mo that tho commissioners
exceeded their authority when they mado
thc8o appointments last Saturday nnd I
consider It n good Idea to tako the matter
Into court Tho law speclllcnlly provides
thnt tho county commissioners may employ
special counsel In particular cases when
potitloned to do so by ten or more free
holders, but thcro Is no law giving thera tho
right to employ extra help for tho county
attorney In tho transaction of the regular
business of that office. It Is provided by
the statutes that tho county nttornoy shall
have three deputies nnd I don't believe
that limit enn be legally exceeded.
Appointment?) lire lllenl.
"The appointments of llurnhnm nnd (Inn-
solus were mado by tho board without hav
ing received any petitions from taxpayers
nnd even If such petitions were In evidence
the appointments. In my opinion, would be
Illegal for tho reason that tho board Is
authorized by law to employ extra counsel
only for particular nnd specified cases.
"Another point is that the resolution
adopted by tho board whereby tho appoint
ments of llurnhnm and Gunsolus ara mado
also fixes tho salaries of tho appointees.
Tho law Is very clear In stating thnt tho
salaries of all deputy county attorneys must
bo llxcd In nmount by tho Judges of tho
district court."
I.oeii mill Greeiininn Will Content for
llonorM lleftire a I.oenl (iyin
iiltnluni Net V eel..
I'eter Loch, tho well-known locnl wrestler
who occupies tho position of wrestling In
structor In the recently orgnnlzed athletic
club, and Frank Grcenmnn will contest for
honors on tho mat at the Robinson-Loch
gymnasium Tuesday evening, February C.
Tho two moh aro about evenly matched and
tho contest for aupcrlorlty between them
promises to bo decidedly Interesting, In a
recent wrestling exhibition Loch cnrrlcd
away tho honors, but Grcenmnn believes
thnt ho cannot turn the trick ngain, l'rof.
Loch Is qulto ns confident thnt he can, nnd
both nro training diligently In preparation
for tho meeting. Groenmau is a member
of tho city flro department nnd hns nny
number of tho flro laddies who aro willing
to back him at nny lengths. Tho gymna
sium will undoubtedly bo crowded to over
flowing when the match comes off, nnd tho
spectators will bo ussurcd of seolng a rat
tling good exhibition of wrestling.
Outbreak In nn riilinpity
.Mitt rlmunlal Al
liance. A complaint wns Hied with tho pollco
yesterday charging Georgo A. Stephnn,
1713 Clark street, with nssault on his wife,
Mlnulo Stcpban. This is but ono moro step
in n family dilllculty which has been run
ning for boiuo weeks. Less than a month
ago Mrs. Stephan naked for a tllvorco In tho
district court nnd nn order wns Issued re
straining Stephan from lu any wise Inter
fering with her.
Tho complaint in police court alleges that
ho has been following her for several days
and that on several occasions ho has as
saulted her. Incidents of this kind, snid
to have occurred on tho streets Thursduy,
Friday, Saturday and Sundny, nro cited.
Tho Reformed Episcopal cnurch hns a
historic ministry, episcopal government,
liturgical worship nnd evangelical preach
ing. Any person desiring to know moro
about It will recelvo without cost a packago
of Its distinctive literature upon applica
tion. Address Lock Ilox 1185, Chicago, 111
Ten-Day Stop-Over nt AVuxlilnulon
may bo enjoyed by purchasers of tickets to
Philadelphia and Now York over Penn
sylvania Short Lines. Tickets via Washing
ton nre sold nt samo fures ns via direct
lino of Pennsylvania system. For special
information apply to II. R. Derlng, A. G. P.
AgU 24S South Clark st., Chicago.
A box of Reno-May Foot pdwdcr Is not a
luxury when It will effect a comploto cure
nnd udd to tho comfort and happiness of
your roommate. It costs only CO cents at
nil druggists.
SCHMIDT John C. beloved father of Mrs.
Jnlm HoeKlioti, ngeu i years, i mounts
ami 12 (lays.
1,'nnentl from IMS S. Will street nt 2 1). Ill
Wednesday, Jauunry SO. Interment Forest
Wo belt all kinds of llubber Ico Ilags-Poino
..t (Iinmnlllll I,, 1 l,l.,! U'Ull
largo cork l'rlces sfic, Mc.tiOa and "Jc, We
nlho hau tho largo "English" Iro Hags, mndo of
-......,,...4 ..,.!.. rtlrt.l. .1,1. .,,r,til each, leu bags 6eut by mall upon
receipt of price,
Winn? ron
lltllllllllt litlODS I'.Vi'A I.Oti I 1-2,
Suiitlivct Cur. Kith mill Undue.
iiAMtiiii'T jiai.h now CI.UTIIIXO.
Itelnlmrdl'N s(,nA tWn V. Stoelt
Ito.tft' ( lothltiK 0' "" Dollnr.
livery day adds to the excitement of tho
Everybody anxious to buy somo qf the
snnps. ,
$2.50 boys' rt suits. flSc.
$3,110 boys' suits at $1.25.
$1.00 boys' suits at $I-!'S.
$2.r.O boys' reefers. $1.2..
$3.00 boys' reefers. 10.
$S.r.O boys' suns, $2 0.
$1.00 knee pants. 2"c
J. I.. Ilrandels & Sons, Props".
l'lie.v Defeat M. (ireeu llltrr ("lull In
n Close Mint How t'niilenl lit
hill.'- Hull.
In nn Interesting contest of tenpins at
Clnrk's alleys Suudny afternoon tho st
erns defeated the Oreen Rivers by a score
of 2.2S1 to 2.20. Three games were played
and tho Green Rivers started off with a
nlco lend In the tlrst game, but the West
erns took tho an In the next two nnd ennio
olt with colors Hying and 7S pins to tho
good. Reynolds did tho best work for tha
Westerns, his average In the three gamos
being 1SU, which wus tho high score of tho
The game wns a return match nnd leaves
honors even, since In tho flrs't contest tho
Green Rivers were victorious with a score
of 16 pins ahead. The members of the two
teams were: Western Uausseu, Rey
nolds, Mock, Tomm nnd Selleck. Oreen
Rivers H. D. Ileed. Lawicr, A. O. Reed,
Hartley nnd Ambrustcr.
lliirulnrM .llnl.e I'eiioillrnl VUlt to
Severiil Ncmirit Mreel
Twice within tho present month tho flat
nt 2121 Sewurd street has been entered by
burglars and each tlmo the marauder had
to content himself with n bite to eat. So
far as the occupants of tho Hat have been
nblo to learn, nothing elso was disturbed.
The first time ho took two chicken drum
sticks from tho cupboard of John Helming
nnd tho second time 3 o'clock yesterday
morning ho visited the larder of Charles
Scbrlng nnd helped himself to somo short
libs of beef nnd brown gravy. How ho
managed to enter Is a mystery.
ut itu.Mii itot'i i:.
I.imv ItnleN West iiikI .Vorlhwent.
At u tlmo of year when thousands will
tako advantage of them, tho Burlington
Route makou sweeping reductions In Its
rates to the west nnd northwest to Utnh,
California, .Montana, Washington, Oregon
and llritlsh Columbia.
Dates: February 12, 10 and 2C,
March C, 12, 10 nnd 2D.
April 2. 3. 1C, 2,1 nnd SO.
Rntes nro shown below:
To Ogden. Salt Uiko City. Hutte. Helena,
Anncouda nnd Missoula, $22.
To San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Joso
and many other California points, $23.
lo all points on tho Northern Pacific ry.
west of Missoula, Including Spoknne, Scat-
tie, Taconia, Portland, nB well as Vancouver
and Vlctorln. 11. C, $28.
To all points on tho Spokane Falls and
Northern ry., nnd the Washington & Co
lumbia River R R $28.
Tickets, 1502 Fnrnam st. nnd nt Hurling-
ton stntlon, Tenth and Mnson streets.
Ladles can mako their cloves Inst Iwlr,,
ns long If they will uso Reno-May Pink
Powder on their hands to prevent their
Wo have n few class RLonner lmttln-i
which wo will llll with Extrnct of Witch
Hazel and will sell nt lCu n bottlo whllo
they last.
SluirrerN Cniluli Svrnti nn
Crniner'n Kidney Cure 7fio
iironiii (uiluc l,-,0
1 do. 2-Kriiln lliilnlne Cup mi I en To
1 do.. ;:-Kriiln (tuliilne CiipHiilen Ou
1 ilo. ff-irrnln Uululiit ChiimmIi -in..
DiifTy' Mnlt Whiskey H.-,5
I.otiiN Creiiui ... llle
1'nliie'n Celery Compound T.'o
Wine or I iirniil 7,-,u
I'lerer'n l'renerint Ion r.-,
SeoltV Knuilitliiii T.'n
UxoiiiiiIkIoii ,,' 7,-,u
Collxfnot Kxiieutorunt 7.u
I'iiIiiio TnnleiN noo
White ltllilmn IteniPlly 1.00
S. S. S Tf.e
Mulled Milk llle, T.'e, fit. 15
riiikhum'n Cftniponiul 7,-,,.
AV. Cur. 10th and Chicago ata.
Grocery Specials
Dlxlo self-rising pancako flour, SHe.
An A No. 1 catsup, per bottle, 12c.
n cakes l-'rlend's Soap, tic.
Campbell's soups, In cans, S'.Jc.
2 cans Kaglo lye, fie.
10 lb. sack New York Huckwheat. r.0c.
10 lb. sack Nebraska Huckwheat, B3c.
Assorted Jellies, In palls, l&c.
Tea and Coffee Bargains
A beautiful cup and saucer frco with
1 pound of our regular GOc teas.
Tea sittings only 17VjC.
Ungllsh breakfast, fancy drink, 37Hc
Ilaskot fired Japan ten, 3Sc.
Moyuno gunpowder tea. 41c.
Kresh roasted coffee, 12'ic.
Special Java and Mocha, only 25c.
Heal old (Jov. Java and Mocha, 35c lb.,
or 3 lbs for $1.
Special Cracker Sale
Wq havo received another shipment of
1000 boxes crackers nnd plnce them ou
Bale this week.
Soda crackers, fresh nnd crisp, 5c.
(linger snaps, 5c
I'curl oysters, 5c.
Frosted creams, 7c.
Sweet crackers, 7c.
Michigan butters, 5c.
Milk biscuit, 5c.
Wo will supply tho trade in any quantity
nt theso prices. These nro nil fresh, first
class goods;
Young America full cream, 10c.
Full cream Wisconsin, 12V&C.
Now York Herkimer Co., white, 16c
American club house, (Chandler & Hudd's
!lonclcs8 Corn Beef, 7.c.
Frankfurt Sausages, 7',ic.
60 pound tins best lard, $1.00.
Lean lireakfnst Hacon, 12tic.
Oood Salt I'ork, 7c.
Hulk Oysters, per quart. 23c
Chipped Dried lleef, 15c.
liest Bologna Sausago, fils-c
XXX Cured Hacon, 10c,
No 1 California Hams, 7'jc
Now Compulsory Education Bill Will Be
Preiacd for Patage.
Present l,n l Considered llrfrrtlir
mill n llcuil Letter liy the
Hdtic litnrM of die
The legislative committio of the Ne
braska Teachers association nnd tho Nc
brnska Federation of Woman's Clubs arc
working on a compulsory education bill
which will probably bo Introduced into the
legislature In a short time. Attempts nt
enforcing thu provisions of the compulsory
educntlou bill which Is now on the statuto
books of the slate have failed and educa
tors nro anxious to secure its repeal and
have n law enacted which will bo effective.
Ill the proposed bill It will bo specified
Just when children shall begin their school
work nnd how long they will bo required
to nttend each year. Tho old law was very
Indefinite on this point end when prosecu
tions were attempted parents set up tno
claim that they Intended to send their
children to school later In tho year nnd
avoided punishment.
lllll In llroiiit.
The proposed bill will bo so broad that
It will not have any effect on the attend
ance upon parochial and private schools and
will not require that tho clnsscs bo con
ducted lu any particular lauguagc. Tho
bill will seek to enforce attendance between
tho ages t 7 ami II years.
In speaking of (he hilt Superintendent
Penrso of the Omaha schools said:
"In my opinion such a measure is neces
sary. There nre few slates which do not
have n moro efl'eetivo compulsory educa
tion bill thnn .Nebraska. Comparatively
few parents refuse to educate their children,
but the effect of such a law would bo good
on careless, Indifferent fathers and mothers.
"There nro probably 1.000 children In
Omnha betwtun tho nges of 1 nnd 14 who
do not nttend school. 11 Is likely that about
onehalf of theso children nro at work and
tho others lonf on tho streets or remain
nbotit their homes lu Idleness. Children
under 14 years of nge should be kept In
school ami if parents do not tnke enough
Interest in their children to see thnt they
get n common school education It Is tho
duty of tho state to tako a hand."
JMUco along the
Columbia River
by daylight . . .
via (Mori pacific
"Cbc Overland Route"
-'Cbc Cbicago-portland
Special "
for Oregon and plortl) pacific
Coaot povnto.
Only Cwo JStghtfl from
Jvltogouri River to Portland.
Cbt Beat Cratlt.
Che Bcot equipment.
Cbc Beat Service.
Cbc Beat Craino.
Ordinary (Couriot) Caro
Run every Day.
New City Ticket Offlee.
V.Vil Knnintn, rhoneUlO
Union I'nBBeiiKer Stntlon,
10th nnd Marcy. l'honc 020
.'jllliuur. f
We will extract your old
worn out teeth, without
pain, nnd rcplnco them
with new ones, tho best
for $S.OO n set. VITALIZKD AIR for
painless extracting.
Taft's Philadelphia Dental Rooms
1517 Douglas St.
Special Lace Sale
Laces nt prices you never beforo heard
Fine luces from lc to $1 per yard in this
Hlegant French val laces, 12',1-c dozen.
Film Fngllsh vnlllencennes, lOu dozen.
Beautiful torchon laces, 2',4c to 23c yd.
Tho newest Orientals nnd I'olnt I'aroo
laces, at 5c, 10c and 15c yard.
A full lino of tho llucBt
Lace Allovers
For yoklngs nnd full waists, from 25c to
$1.50 yard.
Willi this lacn t-alo wo will close out
all odds and ends, or slightly soiled goods
out of our regular stock, nt ono half or
loss of actual cost.
Grand Embroidery Sale
To suit nil wo will hold our opening em
broidery sale, with our special laco aalo
For this sale we havo secured thousands
of yards of lino embroideries nud Inaert
Ings to sell nt lc to 6c per yard.. Just tho
thing for children's wear. All slightly soil
ed or short pieces embroidery nt price.
Uenutlful all over cmbrodcrlcs at 25c to
$2 per ynrd.
Tho very latest In flno embroidered
llounclngs and fancy tucklngs.
Kmbrolderles for corset covers, under
waists and yoklngs at cut prices.
Pearl Buttons
Just tho thing for shirt waists.
Fancy 3.1c pearl buttons, 71-ic dozen.
All sizes regulur pearl buttons, 5c dozen.
New brass buttons, 6c dozen,
$1.00 dresser scarfs, 50c,
75c. dresser scarfs, 39c. ,
$1,00 table squares, 60c.
75c table squares, 30c.
Fish Specials
Norway bloater mackcral, lb. 20c.
No. 1 Norway bloater mackcral, lb. 7',jC.
Spanish bluo back, very fat roackeral.
lb. lCc.
No, 1 Spanish mackcral, lb. He.
Now Irish mackcral, 15c.
No, 1 filioro mackoral, lb. 13c.
No. 2 Shoro mackernl, lb 12c.
A customer of ours
Savs to the shoe man, "When you opened up a women's
shoe department, in The Nebraska about two years ago,
you advert ist'tl a women's shoe for $1.1)0. It was a good
looking shoe ami J purchased a pair. Of course 1 knew
it was a great bargain, ami I must say they have given
ino extra good service. At. the time. 1 wohdored how
you could afford to sell them so cheap, but my husband
says, 'Oh, they tlo it, for an advertisement.' lint I see
you are selling them at UH) all the time. How can
you afford to do it?"
You wouldn't believe us if we told you how ve can
afford to do it, so we let it rest at that, ami go on selling
the shoe at $1.1)0. Hut you may rest assured we're los
ing no money on them but we're making a little protit
ami building up a wonderful shoe business. Our wo
men's shoes at ?Lr0 are just as good values. If ou
are a good judge of shoe leather, you can readily see it
f you are not, you can depend upon what The Nebraska
says about it.
, People often get caught by some high sounding
name that is stamped on the bottom of the shoe, but
they're rarely caught the second time.. The Nebraska
stamped on a shoe makes it a good shoe, same as The
Nebraska store's a good store same as the State of Ne
braska is a good state.
OO K1GIIT back with them. We'll right any wrong
thnt conies from the
A Wrapper Sale
The manufacturer's loss is your gain. AVe bought out his
entire factory, wrappers, piece goods ami all. Wo gave his name
in our former announcement, but he has wired us not to use it
again. Here is his answer to our offer:
"We accept offer 25c on dollar as invoiced, including piece
The wrappers on sale Tuesday in cloak department.
The piece goods on sale Friday in Imrgain lioom.
Thcro arc JUBt 3CIC-12 dozen wrappers
them nil. You hnvo never seen Buch vnlucs.
F.7 dozen Wrappers tundo of good quality
CI dozen Wrnppci
crs, mndo of heavy fleeced
ce, scpnrnto waist lining,
back, and rufllcs over
with 12-ln. flounce,
yolto nnd plaited
shculdcr n regular $1.25 wrapper at
42Vj dozen Wrappers made from extra heavy Khinnclctto,
15-lu. flounco, extra wido nt the hips, beautifully trimmed
with braid, in nil now shades of blue, black and
fnncy mixtures, equal to our $1.75 ?
wrapper, at
112 do, n Wrnppers, mado from very best quality flannel
ette, 15-ln. Ilouncc, 4.i yards wide, extra waist lining.
trimmed with velvet ribbon and buttons
fancy fronts a wrapper like, our $2.08 33V
values tho greatest bargain known only..
(None nt wholesale to dcnlcrs or peddlers.)
During This Grand Wrapper Sale
We Will Offer the Following Extraordinary Bargains.
100 ladles' ltalny-I)ay SklrtB with severr.l rows of stitchlng-plnltcd QA
backs-worth $5.00 sale price
200 ladies' Halny-Oay Skirt, with 1C rowB of stitching hipped seams - ry O
nn elegant garment wot th $7.60 for OC?
23 dozen French Flannel Waists In reds,
styles with new Illshop sleovcs lined throughout worth Oftr1
. r.o nt J U
50 Collarettes an excellent garment worth
100 ladles' Suits now styles Just arrived worth up to $18.00
175 ladles' Hox Coats worth up to $15.00
Your tholco of 300 ladles' Jackets the finest In America worth
up to $25.C0 for !
A. Mayer Co.
I all diseases of tho feel and hands.
Stops odorous persplratlon-ciircs tender aud swollen feet. Indorsed nnd pro
Bcrlbcd by leading physicians.
removes all bodily odors. If properly used no dress shields are required.
tiold by nil dniBltists.
A. MAYER CO., 316 Bee Building? Omaha, Neb.
When ordering by mnll add C cents for pestage.
For Lu arlppo -take
this tlp-Antl-Knwf
rules Lu
(irlppe- 25c u bottlo
at the drug Btoru, i
Dr. Kay's Lung Balm
cures every kind of couKh, la grippe Uronctntih.
Mire throat, croup, whooping cough etc Ncv
dorunKcsthostomuch. AtDruu'gists, 10 & 25c
m iwi i i wmi
V. II. lUCIS M. C CO., )lMII-ACTLIli:il. T. t,OVlH, 110. Ulll.SCl ffllUPC
and wo bought
lined Flnnnelcttc, iTAh
A Uo
CJfyj V7?
blues, hollos and black made up lu tho new
CJflJt net orly relieves, but poMtlvdy cures
I " lllgU lilt uim.liiral
IrrlUtiun. hi uhuralloin
dt in u hi ii mriiil'lunri.
1'mIiiHm. ntel liul ullrlu-
iCvi.jChim?iiCo, n-ut r roi.uiwui.
,-tniu ir iiruicKi.ia,
or"iit in pin i ii wrnrfr,
L7 uipiiM. iri'mii, ior
II.OI. lit 'I littli'. ..Vj,
L'liculur (in i ii ii'ijueit.
i ip i iji i
i i in iim
J Ii