Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 27, 1901, PART I, Page 8, Image 8

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    TTTTC ()"MA1IA DATLY JJEEf"SV" DAY, .TAINT Alt Y 27, 11)01.
mi. von mkntiox.
Davis sells glass.
Davis sells drugs.
"Mr. Itlloy," 6-ccnt cigar.
Flno Missouri oak. Gilbert Mos.
Gas fixtures and globes at Hlxby's.
Fine A. 11. C. beer, Ncumaycr's hotel.
Wollman, sclentltlc optlclnii, 403 ll'd'y.
Schmidt's photos gunrnnteod to please.
Moore's stock food kills worms, fatten"".
W. J. Hostcttcr, dentist. Hsldwln block.
J.offert. Jeweler, optician, 23 llroadway.
Drink Hudwelser leer. I.. Itosenfeld. ngt
l'leture framing. U. K. Alexander Co..
81! llroadway.
W A. Mulirer loft lust evening for
en go on a bunions trip.
J (" Ro(rr of DrcKiin. Ill . U Hip guest
of City Ut'iglncor Klitjrc
W. F. Graff, undertaker and dlslnfector,
101 South Main street. Thone CM.
M. W. A dunce-Hughes" ball Whnloy's
orchestra Jan. .11. Admission, 36c.
(let vour wi,rk done nt the popular Uagle
laundry, 721 llroadway. 'I'hoiie 1j7.
Halpb. son of Mr. and Mrs Merman l.und,
Is reported critically III with lung fever.
Morgan & KMn. upholstering, furniture
repairing, tnnttress tnnklng. liB . Main at.
Itev. K. I,. Knox, rtctor of Grace F.pls
copul church, has been kept to his room for
a week with grip.
Preaching services will bo In Mount Zlnn
chureh at 11 n. ni. and S p. tn. Sunday
hi hoid wilt bo at '! p. m.
A marriage license was Issued yeslerday
to O. Cast, aged 23. and Ora 1,. .Norton,
iiK'd 20. both or Omaha.
Sister Mary Chlona, superior of St. Fran
cis ueudctnv. accompanied by Sister Mary
Katherlri'', has gone t" Dubuciue.
A want ad In The Hon will bring results.
The same nttuntton Riven to a want r.d In
Council Muffs as at tho Omaha otlloc.
Horn To Mr. and Mr. Sidney Smith,
formerly of Omnhti. now of 623 Washington
uwnue, this city, yesterdny. a daughter.
True council No. Knights and Iulles
of Sorurllv, will hold a special meeting
Tuesday evening In ltoyal Arcanum hall.
Sheridan coal, once tried always used.
Smokeless, no soot, clinkers nor sulphur.
1'rlco $5, 13.60. Fenlon & Foley, sole ngents.
A case of membranous croup In the fam
ily of I'. Norgnrd. 720 WashlnKton avenue.
hum reported to the Hoard of Health yes
terday. The revival services conducted by Fvnn
Kellst Smith at tho- llroadway Methodist
i hiirch will be brought to a close this
The Morning decree tenm of the Wood
men of the World will meet Saturday night,
February 2, for election of olllcors und do
urer work.
Mr. and Mrs. C. 11. Albert. Ill Iowa nvo
nue, have been called to Fort Crook by tho
forloiiH Illness of Mrs. Albert's cousin,
Frank Phillips.
Woril has been received here from Alder
man Lovett, who In In Chicago, on prlvnto
liusli'css, that he Is laid up with grip and
does not expect t3 bo able to return beforo
the middle of the week.
C. J. Dobbins, a llroadway saloonkeeper.
Is mourning the loss of $12. Ho cashed u
heck purporting to bo drawn by Wlckhnm
llros. of this city, for n Htranger, but ),o
fo, mil Inter It lacked their signature.
At (Sraco Kplscnpal church this morning
at 11 o'clock the rector. Hcv. It. I,. Knox,
will preach on "The Believer's Life. Or
dination and Pastime." Sunday school will
be at 9:13 a. in. and evening prayer at 7:9)
o clock.
Itev. George Kdwnrd Walk, rector of St.
Paul's church, will preach this morning on
"The Kilwardlau Kings and tho Hook of
Common Prayer." In the evening the sub
ject of his nerinon will be "The Victorian
Tom Carter, the peddler of wire cnatracks
who stole a pair of rubber boots belonging
to Cbarles lllerwlth of the Metropolitan
hotel, was given ten days In tho county
Jail by Police Judge Aylesworth yesterday
Tho First Church of Christ. Scientist,
will hold services this morning at I0:S In
the Happ building. Tho subject of the les
son will be "Truth." The regular ox
nerlenco meeting will be Wednesday even
ing at S o'clock.
Victor Hadowskl. who left this city about
the time ho was threatened with arrest on
a charge of criminal assault, has returned
and It Is understood that the matter has
been adjusted. No effort has been made by
the uuthorltlcH to apprehend him.
W. O. Alexander, who pleaded guilty to
breaking Into tho barn or F. S. Chllds In
(iarner township and stealing a saddle and
set of harness last November, was sen
tenced to thirty days In tho county Jail by
Judge Thornell In tho district court yes
terday morning.
The case against John Harris, arrested
Frldny night on a charge of stealing cop
per wlro from tho motor company s lino
on Sixteenth street, was continued In police
court yesterday morning until Monduy. Tho
police have recovered tho wire, which was
sold to a Junk dealer.
The body of Mrs. Fanny V. Achtcr, wife
of Julius J. Achtor who died Friday night
In Sioux City, arrived here last evening.
The funeral will bo Monday. Mr. and Mrs.
Acbter formerly lived In Council Hluffs.
where tho former was engnged In business
for n number of years.
Mrs. Amy V. Ilnle of this city, wife of C.
U, Hale, died yesterday morning from can
cer In tho Presbyterian hospital in Oinnha,
aged 32 years. The funeral will bo this
afternoon at 2 o'clock from tin' home. 3Q
Avenue A. and burial will be In l.aurcM
Hill cemetery. South Omaha.
Tho meeting of tho Merchants' .and Manu
facturers' association called for last night
to consider the proposition of tho roni'Wal
of tho Smith ltetlnliig company's sorghum
plant from Hastings, Neb., to this city,
failed for lack of u illinium. Another meet
lug has been called for next Tuesday at lio
city hall.
Itev. J. W. Wilson, pastor of tho First
Congregational church, will preach this
mitrn In.r nn "I'lii, Christian's Duties to tho
Church" Ills topic at tho evening service
will bo "Tho Man Whoso Strength Is In
God." Sunday school will be at noon and
Christian Kndcavor society meeting at
6:.'t) n. in.
Tho motion for a new trial tiled by the
lnfnmlnnt to thn mii It of Colo & Cole iiKalnst
O. W. Stanton him been overruled by Judge
Thomell. Colo Xi Colo replovlncd a bicycle
from Slnnton In proceedings beforo a Justice
of tho peace and Stanton took an appeal to
tno district couri. wncrr mo jmj imiiiu
against him.
The property nt the corner of Scott street
ninl UmuitWHV. which for a Ioiik number i.f
vears had been the home of the Dally Non
pareil, has been sold to an Omaha brewing
comnanv. Which will tear down the old
building and erect a modern olio in Its place,
The deed was recorded yesterday, the con
sideration being $8,000.
it lu miM Hint "A Woman 111 the Cape.'
which Is to be tho attraction tonight at tho
Dolmnv theater, will bo a surprise to our
theater-goers In tho line of comedy that
Is clean, pure and wholesome fun. There Is
not u dull moment In tho play from the
opening to tho closing act. Tho dancing Is
of an artistic nature and tho sliming of
high order There- will be a number of ex
cellent specialties Introduced during tho
run of the ploy
N Y. Plumbing Co., telephone 230.
EASY Footwear
Our Shoes
Our shoes nro made to flt
neatly ami wear long. Tiiat'B
how you get full value for
your money. If you want sat
isfaction III footwear the plnco
to go Is
Look for the Bear.
Negotiated In Eastern Nebraska
mid lown. Jntno N, cusuuy, Jr.,
Judge Thornill Maken Orders of Importance
to Bank Creditor!.
I'omnrrorr Uo-IMons rr to lie Handed
Diioii III Forty C'nses of Pre
ferred CIiiIihs Order Issued
IteKitrdlllK Deposits.
In approving the report of Hccelvcrs
Ilcreshelm and Murphy of the Officer &
t'uscy hank, filed January 3, Judge Thor
ncll yesterday made several orders which
are of consldernblo Importance to tho cred
itors of the firm.
He decreed that In those coses wberd
persons were Indebted to the bank and
which Indebtedness foil due prior to the
appointment of tho receivers on September
17 Inst, any money which said persons had
standing to their credit could be offset
n,nlnst their Indebtedness, providing that
those who held time certificates of do
pohlt would waive all claim for Interest
from date of appointment of receivers. The
same older practically was made to apply
to persons having money to their credit In
the bank and who also were Indebted to
tho bank, such Indebtedness having be
come due since tho appointment of the
In the caBcs of persons having money to
their credit In the bank and whoso Indebt
edness has not yet become duo Judge Thor
nell ordered that on offset could be mado
of the money on deposit, provided that
these persons would pay at the same time
the whole balance that would bo dun on
their Indebtedness ufter allowing the offset.
Judge Thornell also made an order to the
effect that hereafter tho receivers nro not
to approve any claims that may bo pre
sented to them, tho court reserving to Itsolf
tho question ns to whether such claims
shall be allowed to be approved and filed.
Tho report of the receivers showed that
claims nmountlug to $23,768.05 had boon
filed at that date.
The receivers arc ordered to hold on de
posit In tho Council Hluffs Savings bank
to their credit ns receivers the balanco of
money shown by the report to bo In their
hands and to deposit In this bank nil
moneys since received nnd that may hcre
nftcr bo received by them, subject to future
orders of the court In respect to Its pay
ment and distribution.
Monday Judgo Thomell will hand down
his decisions In tho forty cases of pre
ferred claims heard by him. Yesterday
afternoon tho preferred claims of J. J.
Stewart, executor of tho Cochran cstato,
nnd J. T. Oliver and S. O. Underwood, ex
ecutors of tho Elcher estate, were nrguod
before him.
Sllvcrwaro nnd enrpet-sweepers, on easy
payments, nt tho Novelty Cloak store.
Howell's Antl-Kawf cures coughs, colds.
itiu'oitn or Tin-: vi
Ilcrriitlons, MiikIciiIn, Tons nnd I'nrtlrn
nml ( lull 1,1 fo.
The lending social event of last week was
undoubtedly tho reception given Monday
evening at Hughes' hall by the members of
tho nrt department of the Council Muff
Woman's club for Mrs. Mabel Dixon iiutch
Inson of Ottumwn, president of tho lown
Federation of Womnn's Clubs. The hall
Ans beautifully decorated nnd tho guest of
honor was greeted by a largo assembly of
the club women of the city. After the re
ception, which wns delightfully Informal,
refreshments wero served, tho tables being
presided over by Mrs. Wllllnm Slcdentopf
nnd Miss Maude Smith, nuslsted by Mes-
dames C. A. Wiley. Walter I. Smith. John
P. Das, R. II. Illnomer. I. M. Trcynor. W.
II. Tarklngton, Misses Pile, Ellen Dodge.
McCabo nnd Otis.
Tho Ladles' Aid society of the First Pres
byterian church gnvo n delightful musical
and ten Wednesday nfternoon nt the church
parlors, under the chairmanship of Mrs. I.
N. Fllcklnger. Refreshments weio served.
Tho tables wcro decorated In carnations
and ferns nnd were presided over by Mes
dames Walter I. Smith and llnwklns. The
following program was given:
Piano Solo Mrs. Ray Hlxby
Recitation Mrs. Lyon
Vocal Solo Mrs. Warner L. Welsh
Recitation .Miss Thomas
Plnno Solo Miss Reach
Mrs. I. n. Jennings of Fourth street en
tertained four largo card parties Thursdoy
ond Frldnv afternoons nnd evenings, her
guests numbering over 100 on the four
occasions, Tho parlors nnd dining room
wore bountifully decorated In cut llowar.?
and palms, n different color scheme being
carried out for each party.
Miss Flo Fisher entertained nt her home
on Washington avenuo Tuesdny evening tho
"Jolly Ten" of South Omaha, a social or
ganization composed of ton yrung society
people of that city. During the evening
dainty refreshments were served.
Mrs. O. II. Lucas entertnlncd nt G o'clock
dinner nt her homo on Oakland nvenuo
Thursday evening for Mrs. W. C. Estop.
Covers wero laid for ten.
Mrs. Charles Test Stowarl entertained
Informally Mondny evening for her guests,
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Heach of New York
Mrs. Walter Stlllmnn entertained In
formally a huiiiIht of friends Frldny even
ing. Refreshments wero served.
Mrs. C. R. Tyler entertained tho Women's
Whist club Tuesday afternoon nt her homo
on Sixth avenue.
Miss Rico of Fourth street entertained the
members of tho Wednesday Whist club
Wednesday evening.
The First Avenuo Card club was enlnr
talned Friday evening nt tho homo of Mrs.
Mary Allen. A large nttemlnucc wns pros
cut nnd a most delightful ovenlng was
spent nt cardB. Refreshments wero served.
The Jolly Forty Card club was cntor
talned Thursday evening nt tho homo of
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Douglas of Eighth
street. Dainty refreshments wero served.
Mr. and Mrs. Chnrles Lunklny will en
tertain tho members of tho Calendar Card
club at their homo next Friday evening.
Mrs. A. W. Cnsndy entertained tho mem
bers of the Monday Euchro club nt hor homo
on Oakland avenuo Monday afternoon. Ro
frcshments were served.
Mrs, Warner L, Welsh entertained at a
hnndsomo nfternoon function Tuesday at
her homo on Park nvenuo In honor of Mrs.
W. C. Estep. who will leavo soon for th
west to mnko her future home. Cards wcro
tho feature of tho nfternoon. Refresh
ments wero served.
Will Schnorr entertained tho memborn
of tho Jolly High-Five club nt his horn
on Seventh nvenuo Saturday evening. Ro.
frcshments wero served.
Mr. and Mm, W. F. Snpp entertained at
their homo on Oakland acenue last nigni
nt cards for Mr. nml Mrs. Hoftoii of Now
York City, who nro tho guests of the latter'
sister, Mrs, Cbarles Test Stcwnrt.
Mrs. O, P. Kemp left last evening for a
lslt with her daughter, Mrs. Cleveland, at
Woodbine, la,
Tho Dramatic club Is busily rehearsing
"Tho Charity Hall." which It will present
at the Dobnuy opera house February ID for
tho benefit of the charity fund of the
Woman's Christian association.
Tho Frldny Night Dancing club gave Its
weekly assembly Friday night nt Hughes'
hall, a largo attendance being present and a
delightful program of dances given.
Miss Kdnn Honhani of North Second street
Is home from Jefferson, In., where she was
one of tho members of n Inrgo houso party
given by Miss Dorothy Head.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Davis will leave Feb
ruary 3 for a three months' trip to Hono
Mrs. W. H. Dudley will leavo today for
Ulloxl, Miss., where she will Join her sis
ters, Mrs. McChesney nnd Miss Patterson
of this city, who nre spending the winter
lu tho south. Mrs. Dudley will also attend
the Mardl Oras ijt New Orleans beforo re
turning home.
For underwear nnd hosiery go
to tho
Novelty Clonk store. Mfl llroadway.
Fresh Vaccine Points received every day
at Dell G. Morgan's drug store.
Anionic tin Clubs.
The current events department of the
Council muffs Woman's club met at the
club rooms Tuesday afternoon, under the
direction of Mrs. W. U. Tarklngton. Tho
following topics wero considered: "Relation
of the United States with South America,"
"Great Teachers of Our Times," "History of
South America" and the discussion of cur
rent events. Tho household economics de
partment will meet nt the club rooms Tues
day afternoon.
The German class, under the direction of
Miss Hocsche. will meet nt the club rooms
as usual, Monday evening.
Tho beginners' French class, under th!
direction of Miss Kllcn Dodge, will meet nt
the club rooms Thursday afternoon nt 4
The beginners' class in German will meet
nt tho club room Tucsdny afternoon, under
the direction of Miss Kllen Dodge.
Tho ndvnncod French class of the Council
Hluffs Woinnn'B club will meet Friday
nftcrncon nt the club rooms, with Madame
La Hure. Tho class Is rehearsing a French
play, to be given soon for the benefit of the
Council Hluffs Womnn's club entertainment
Tho Ideal club met Tuesdny nfternoon nt
tho homo of Mrs. P. C. DeVol of Willow
nvenuo. The usunl program In tho study of
Russia and In American art was carried out.
Tho Oakland Avenue Reading club met
during tho last week at the homo of Mrs.
H. A. Colo of Oakland avenue. Tho regular
program In the study of Russia wns given.
The Athenian club mot Thursday at the
homo of Mrs. Reynolds of Seventh street.
The program on Kngllsh history was given.
Tho New Century club met Wednesday
afternoon at the homo of Mrs. Denny of Mill
Tho men bers of the Woman's club held
their regular monthly meeting Wednesday
nftcrnuon nt tho club rooms. A large at
tendance wns present and n very Instructive
program was given.
Tho Atlas club met Tuesday nfternoon nt
the home of Mrs. James Heach of Avenuo K.
The Independent club will meet Tuesday
nfternoon nt the home of M:s. L. II.
Cousins on Bluff street.
Lares and tapestry curtains, on easy pay
ments, nt the Novelty Cloak store.
Decision to Coino In "Ferret" Cnsc,
The hearing on the application of Frank
Shinn for n temporary Injunction restrain
ing the Hoard of County Supervisors from
carrying out Its "tax ferret" contract with
( F. M. Cunningham was completed beforo
Judgo Thornell lu tho district court yes
terday morning nnd the court took Its de
cision under advisement.
Tho hearing In tho suit of Elmer Smith,
county recorder, against Pottawnttnmio
coi'nty, to compel tho reimbursement of
money expended by the plnlntlff for clerk
bite, has been finally set for Monday
morning by Judge Thornell.
The suit of Loyd SIgler against L. n.
Cousins, sheriff of Pottawattamlo county,
wab partially heard yesterday nnd con
tinued for tho testimony of nn important
witness who wns unable to be present yes
terday. In this suit SIgler seeks to re
strain the sheriff from levying on a Judg
ment secured by his father against Nora
Murphy for 1C30 to secure certain court
costs duo the county nnd stnto by SIgler
senior. Lloyd SIgler contends that Iho
Judgment ngnlnst Nora Murphy wns ns
signed to him by his father beforo the ver
dict was returned by tho Jury. J. H. Sweet
nnd Stone & Tlnloy filed petitions of In
tervention In tho suit yesterday, claiming
$400 and $300 attorney fees respectively
for their services In the suit of E. t'.
SIgler against Nora Murphy.
Owing to the delny In the disposition of
tho business of this term, caused by tho
drnwn-out. hearing In tho Officer i.- Puscy
bank mnttcrs. Judgo Wheeler Is expected
to be hero this week to assist Judgo Thor
nell. Golf and plush enpes on ear.y payments
at tho Novelty Clonk store, 530 llroadway.
Davis cells paint.
t ii it in it ( I it f In Continued.
Jnmes Williams, ono of the Inmnlos of
the Atlantic house on South Mnln street,
which has been quarantined for two weeks,
was found to bo afflicted with smallpox
yesterday nfternoon and wns removed to
tho city pesthnuse. Another Inmnto of
tho placo Is thought to also havo tho dis
ease and If tho caso develops sufficiently
today to leavo no doubt In tho mind of tho
health officer, ho will be removed to tho
James Carroll, a young man hoarding nt
the Atlantic house, was found to hnva
smnllpox Sunday, January 13. nnd the plnco
was quarantined. Carroll being removed to
tho pesthotiBo the next day. It Is sup
posed thnt ho communlcnted tho dlseaso
. to Williams As a result of tho Williams
case, tho quarnntlno on tho Atlantic houso
will bo extended for n further period of
scvonteen days from yesterday.
Including tho proprietor nnd his family
there wero twenty-eight inmates In tho
Atlantic houso when placed under quaran
tine, and tho expense of providing for nil
theso has fallen on the county, nnd will
continue so until the qunrantlno Is raised.
Silk nnd mercerized underskirts, on ensy
pnyments, nt tho Novolty Clonk storo.
HphI i;lnlo Ti-iniNferx.
Tho following transfers were filed yester
day In tho abstract, tltlo and loan office of
J. W. Squire, 101 Pearl street:
Thomas French nnd wife to Albert
n. Smith. nw4 no'.i 31-77-43. w d $ 1,600
George Morrison and wife to Alrdbert
Cook, lot 4 In 4-76-41. w d 1,200
Thomas French nnd wife to Warren
Hough, lots 11, I? nnd 13, block 112.
Crescent City, w d CV)
I.nuls Wilding nnd wlfo to same, lots
11. 12, 13 and II, block 112, Crescent
City, qoil 1,130
John G. Jones nod wlfo to Theodoro
Jones, part swU nw'4 1 1-77-14, w il.... 20
George II. Mavne tn Mnggln Huck, o
20 feet of H 100 feet of lot 1, block 2,
Hnyllss' 1st add. w d S.0O0
Total, six transfers $12,750
Asniii'lntPil Charities,
A general mrotlng of the Associated
Charities of Council Hluffs has been called
for Wednesday afternoon nt 3 o'clock In
tho parlors of tho First Presbyterian
church. Tho mayor of tho city, tho chief
of police, tho supervisor of tho poor, the
city and county physlclnns nnd the min
isters of all the churches In tho city havo
been mado oxafflclo members of tho asso
ciation. Tho meeting U for tho purpoi,
among other things, of outlining somi
definite plan for the nssoclntlon to work
upou and for this reason nil persons In
terested In the carp of tho poor nro re
quested to be present
For .lob n Marshall Dny.
W. H. Ware, J. J. Stewart and Spencer
Smith, the committee appointed by the
bar association to arrange for celebrating
John Marshall day, February 4, met last
night nnd arranged a preliminary outllno
of the exercises for the day.
It was decided to hold o public meeting
In the ently part of tho evening of that
dny In some public hall or church building,
at which two addresses will bo delivered,
ono on the life of John Marshall nnd the
other on the history of the supremo court
for 100 years. Tho public generally will
be free to attend this meeting.
Following tho open meeting tho members
of tho bar and their Invited guests will
hold a banquet, at which n number of
toasts on different subjects will be given.
The program for the banquet will bo ar
ranged by tho committee, consisting of At
torneys John P. Organ, A. W. Askwith and
A. T. Fllcklnger.
(rum! I.nreeny Also ClinrRnl.
John Harris, under arrest for the al
leged theft of a quantity of copper wlro
belonging to tho motor company, will have
to face a charge of grand larceny, which
will be filed against him by tho McCormlck
Harvester company. Tho pollco yesterday
learned that Hnrrls had sold n qunntlty
of brass journal boxes to a local Junk
dealer for J1.C3, the value of which was
Hi. CO. The boxes had been removed from
hnrvestors standing In tho warehouse of
tho McCormlck company on South Mnln
street. How access was gained to the
warehouse Is not known. Hnrrls when first
nrttstcd claimed to be a teamster.
Jackets and tailor-made suits nnd furs on
weekly payments at the Novelty Clonk
Gravel roofing. A. H. Reed, ull Ilroad'y.
Iti-slrnliiH Liquor SrllliiK,
James Lewis tlaker commenced suit In
the district court yesterday to restrain
Jnmes Ruberg and Peter Rasmusscn, pro
prietors of tho Manhnttan saloon nt 418
West Uroadway, from selling Intoxicating
liquors. Ilaker alleges thnt the defendants
have been vlolntlng the mulct law. A. A.
Clark, who a few days ago purchased the
building In which tho saloon Is located, Is
nnmcd as a party defendant.
Skirts nnd waists, on easy payments, at
Novelty Cloak Btore, 5P.6 llroadway.
Commonwealth 10-cent cigar.
Illinois Central Stnekliolilr rs llnlso
Amount li 111.(11)0.0(1(1. .linking the
To tn I Cniiltnllsnllon 1)1(1(1, 000,000.
CHICAGO. Jan. 26. At n special meet
ing of tho stockholders of tho Illinois Cen
tral railroad today the capital stock of that
system wns Increased $6,000,000. The total
capitalization of the system Is now $66,
000,000. The new stock, which Is to bo sold
nt par to present stockholders, Is to bo used
for tho purchaso of new equipment for the
road nnd other Improvements, Including
the construction of additional second tracks
and terminal facilities, reduction of scv
cral bad grades and other corporate pur
poses. A large pnrt of the $6,000,000 will, It Is
said, bo spent In the Improvement of tho
terminal facilities of the company at Now
Krilneo the Unto on Ilnrley.
SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 20. An Important
reduction In freight rates on barley will bo
mndo by the Southern Pacific commencing
February 1. Tho new rate Is 50 cents per
100 pounds from California terminals and
from Port Costa to tho Missouri river,
Mississippi river and Chicago common
points. Tho rate will cxplro March 31.
Ilnnrrof 1-llnssiMV.
WEST POINT. Neb.. Jan. 26. (Special.)
County Judgo S. S. Krako has united Miss
Mary Hossow and Frank N. Wnlto of Han
croft In matrimony. The parties aro very
well nnd favorably known In tho eastern
part of Cuming county.
lolntlnls Arc KiiJnlncil
TOPEKA. Knn,. Jnn. 2C.--Moro Injunctions
.vero brought todny ngnlnst Jolntlsts lu Abl
ene nnd Eenterprlse and tonight there Is
.. .... ........ I . , I . . . ,.. T A I . 1 . I ...... A
I Mill. III! Illl-Il Jllllll III l-l'tlil!MlI VIJIIIII, m,
far ns Is known. Schilling and his wife.
I who llgured so prominently In the raids nml
subsequent attacks on Mrs. Nntlon, have
t left town.
Sunday nml .Momlny in NebrnsUn Arc
Likely to lie Fnlr with Winds
lleennilnK Southerly.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 20. Forecast for
Sunday and Mondny:
For Nebraska and Iowa Fair Sunday;
winds becoming southerly; Monday fnlr.
For Missouri Occasional rnln lu eastern,
fair In western portion and colder Sunday;
northwesterly winds; Monday fair.
For North Dakota Increasing clnudlners,
probably without rain Sunday; warmer;
southerly winds; Monday fair.
For South Dakota Increasing cloudiness,
probnbly without rnln Sundny; warmor in
eastern portion; southerly winds, becoming
northwesterly; Monday fair.
For Knnsas Fair Sunday nnd probably
Monday; northerly winds, becoming south
erly. For Colorado Generally fair Sunday;
winds becoming southerly; Mondny fnlr.
For Wyoming Generally fair Sundny;
higher temperature; southerly winds, be
comingly northwesterly.
For Montana Occasional snow probably
Sunday; colder In western and centrnl por
tions; westcrljvwinds; Monday fair.
For Western Texas Fnlr Sunday; rising
temperature In extremo northwest portion;
vnrlnblo winds, becoming southerly; Mon
day fnlr.
For New Mexico Fair Sunday; warmer
In northern portion; variable winds, be
coming southorly; Monday fair.
For Oklahoma and Indian Territory Fair
Sunday; lower temperature In eastern and
central portions; northerly winds, becom
ing southerly; Monday fair.
For Arkansas Fair Sunday; colder;
northwesterly winds: Monday fair.
For Illinois Fair Sunday, oxcopt prob
nblo rnln In eastern portion; falling tern
peraturo In southern nnd central portion;
winds becoming northwesterly, fresh to
brisk on lake; Monday probably fair.
Liienl lloforil.
OMAHA, Jan. 26. Omaha record of tenw
nturo and precipitation compared with the
corresponding day of tho last three years:
1901. 1900. U99. IMS.
.Maximum temperature... 42 30 31 2'J
Minimum temperature ... 30 13 5 s
.wan lemperniuro ;m L'j jjf iij
Precipitation 00 ( .01 (0
Record of temperature and precipitation
ni umuim iur iris uay nnu since .Murcli 1,
Ncrmnl temperature it
Excess for the day 12
Total excess iilnce March 1. U0 11.17
Nnrmnl preelplintlon 02 Inch
ueiiriency tor mo uny ozinchui
Total slnco March 1 30. W Inches
Kxcess ninro Aiarcn 1. . M inch
Deficiency for cor. period, 1SW t.ff) Inches
Dctlclency for cor period, ISM. 4.;n lnrhe
l. A. W1SI.HII,
. Local Forecast Official.
Iowa Supreme Oonrt Hands Down an Opin
ion Making Fin Distinction!.
Fnot Thnt Article AttnrUlnpr Holy Mnn
Wns Tnmncreil With In the Of
fice of Piilillcnlloii Mnvos
flip Writer.
DES MOINES, Jan. 26. (Special.) Tho
Iowa supreme court today passed on a
question of newspaper libel and considered
sonio flno distinctions. It wns tbo caso
of Klas against Znhorlk from Linn
county In which tho plaintiff, n Catholic
priest, had brought suit for damages against
tho defendant on account of tho publication
In a Hohemlnn newspaper of Chicago of nn
article In May. LSHS. over tho signature of
the defendant, In which article severe crit
icism was passed on the plaintiff nnd libel
ous statements made. Tho occasion for
the ortlclo wns a newspaper report that
Fnther Klas had collected contributions
In his church tn aid of the Spaniards.
It wns admitted that tho matter com
plained of wns In fact libelous, but It wns
shown that the article as written by the
defendant was not as It appcare:! and much
material matter had been Injected therein
In tho newspaper office. In the main the
supremo court upholds the principle of the
liability of tho defendant for the libel, but
holds that tho communication, Insofar as It
was true, wns privileged because the actions
of a priest or minister of the gospel nio
of n nubile character. However, tho caso
wns reversed on tho ground that tho Jury
wns not Instructed to distinguish between
tho libelous nnd the nonllbclous matter In
tho article. "Whllo nil persons," says
tho court, "who cnus.j or participate In
publication of libelous matter nro respon
sible In full for such publication without
apportionment as to their particular share,
yet It mtiBt ho shown that the publication
or participation related to tho libelous
matter published nnd not pimply to the
nrtlclo published which contained tho libel
ous matter."
Sup re me Court Opinion.
Tho following nre the opinions filed by
the supreme court today:
T. E. Cogwin, appellant, ngnlnst Chicago
& Northwestern Railway Company. Mar
shall county notion to recover double dutn
nge for cattle killed; attlrmed.
Johanna Hush against Henry llennlg nnd
J. Skeltnn, appellants, Hnrrlson county,
suit to sit aside sheriff's sulo nnd quiet
tltlo; nlllrmed.
Ilenilco D. Shull against Oscar H. Orle,
nppelliint, Hoono county, action for dam
nJT." nn "oeotint of selling liquor to plain
tiff's fnther; nlllrmed.
P. Klas. nppellnnt, against A. M. Znhorlk,
Linn county, damages for alleged libel; re
versed. I.onmie of Minilolpnlllli-s,
Tho lown branch of the League of Munic
ipalities Is manifesting more activity than
ever before and the officers nro preparing
for good work. Mayor F. K. Stebblns of
Iowa City, who Is president of tho lenguo.
has Just announced his committees for tho
year, as follows:
CltV nnd Legislative rtnvnrmnrmtu Inn
Henrv Thuennn. Duvennnrl : linn f" 1."
Campbell, Dos Moines; Mayor John iied
mond. Cedar Rapids; Mnyor Victor Jen-
11111KH, i onnen limns; unn. w. 11. Uallev
lown i ny; lion. J. F. Devltt. Museattnu,
Mayor A. II. Ilurton. Slnnx ritv. Mavnr
C. W. Harris, Rockwell.
Review Mayor It. II. Cragnn. Colfnx;
Mayor L. H. Johnson. Nevada. Mavor W
II. Newton. Newell; Mnvor I II i:,irrr,i.
son, Knoxvllle; Mnyor Lewis Dnvis, Moul-
Taxat on nnd AsseKrmmtc tlim f A
Stutsman, nurllnston: Hon. Srotl rtklnner.
Crestou; Hon. S. Atleo. Fort Madison.
.Municipal Franchises Hon. W. S. Prouty,
Charles city; Hon. S. F. Dougherty. Keo
kuk; Hon. A. O. Anderson, Knoxvllle.
Street Paving Mayor John Redmond,
Cedar Rapids; Hon. F. J. Dennett, Des
Moines; Mayor S. J. Rennet!. Fort Dodge,
Electric Street Llclitlntr Prof fl W HIm.
sell. Ames; Hon. .1. F. Leach, Mount Pleas
ant; Hon. A. J. Goldsmith. Davenport.
nuwuKR ami naniiuiinn ur. u. Hnrrls,
Mnrshall; Hon. Samuel Nelson, Grlnnell,
mill. w. . iireir, .Mason ( liy.
Waterworks and Sunolv Hon. J. A Wal
ter, McGregor; Hon. C. D. Huston. Cedar
lliiplclfl; lion. R. McOulre. Murshalltown.
Garbage Disposal Dr. K. K. Dorr. Des
Moines; Dr. Theodore Kngle, Stnto Center.
Hon. A. M. Tnlor, Spencer.
Streot Cleaning and Sprinkling Hon. L.
M. Rich, Cednr Rapids; Hon. J. W. Krallll,
Waterloo; Hon. A. C. Gntes. Newton.
Municipal Hookkeeplng Hon. T. J. Phil
lips. Council Hluffs: Hon. J. W. Wrlcht.
Tipton; Hon. J. F. Lockeyer, Cbeiokeo.
Sentenced, lint I'nrilonril.
Alfred Illake, a young man of Polk
City, pleaded guilty to criminal assault
upon two glrln nnd wns today sentenced
by the district court to five years In tho
penitentiary. Ileforo he wns taken away
ho was pardoned nnd returned home. There
is suspicion that he Is Insnno.
Sent (hr I'lOKs,
Governor Shaw today opened the rnscs
In the capltol which contain the Iowa bat
tle flags and took therefrom two rings which
aro to bo sent to Now York to bo placed
In Grant's tomb on the Hudson. Tho flags
taken wero those of tho Ninth nnd Fif
teenth regiments of Infantry, theso being
selected becauso theso regiments aro rep
icscuted by other flags which remain In
tho state's collection. Tho go'-ornor w.ib
authorized to do this by the last general
assembly. They will bo sent to General
Grenvllle M. Dodge, to bo turned over to
the prcper authorities In charge of tho
mausoleum. All of the Iowa battle flags
aro carefully preserved, although many of
them are now btit shreds nnd hold together
by cheesecloth coverings.
Hnrilvrnrr Ur.ilers,
The Iowa Association of Rotnll Hardware
Dealers will hold tho annual meeting In
Dubuque Fcbrunry 13 and 14 next. About
100 of tbo lending doalers of the state
usually attend tho meetings of the asso
ciation, which does not yet comprise all
of tho retail dealers of tho stnte.
To Coniplrlc Hospital,
The plans nro nearly finished for thn
buildings noccssary to complete tho new
Insane hospital at Cherokee. Theso In
clude a building for tho laundry, n build
ing for tho heating plant, n power houso
and nil tho plumbing and Interior finish for
tho mnln structure. Tho expenditure will
reach to possibly $250,000. Tho work on
the hnspltnl has been delayed befauao It
became evident after tho hospital wns
started that It would not bo needed very
soon, as tho state already has threo large
Insnnc hospltnls nnd there nro nearly sixty
county nnd private Institutions In tho stnto.
(insollnr Hums Her I'ntiillj.
CRESTON, la., Jan. 26. (Special Telo
gram.) Mrs. Ed Carter of Lorlmor died
this afternoon from hums Inflicted while
pooling gnsollnn Into n heating stove. Sho
took a five gallon can partially filled with
gasollno and poured some onto tho lire.
Tho gasoline exploded, throwing burning
oil over tho woman, who ran Into tho yard
find tried to pump water onto herself. A
noighhor torn tho flaming clothing from
Mrs. Carter.
To Make Automobile n Slonv City.
SIOUX CITY, la., Jan. 20. (Spoclal.)
Sioux City Is to havo an automobile fac
tory. Tho Incorporators of tho company
aro: J. H. Crawford, H. I. Crawford and
T. M. Zlnk of Leinnrs, la., and John K.
Leo nnd T. E. Flanegln of Sioux City. Tho
motor which will bo used In tho automobiles
Is the patent of J. H. Crawford.
For Alienation; Wife's AITccf Inns,
HOONK. Ia., Jan 26. (Special ) R. F.
Williams of this city has filed papers In a
$10,000 damago suit against L. Holloway,
charged with the alienation of Wllllnm
wife's affections. Doth parties aro residents
Beno's Clearing Saie
Ladies' Suits, Skirts
and Jackets.
Unexpectedly we have received an advance ebipment of our
Spring lino of
Ladies' Suits, Jackets, Silk Waists,
Taffeta Jackets, Dress and
Golf Skirts,
nnd to liuilvc room for those oods and (lie largo stock to follow
thoin wo shall offer tho goods in thin department during this
clearing sale at
Ladies' Suits.
First lot 16 ladles' Tailored Suits-all
sties, ranging In prlco from $3.00 to $8.00,
during this snlo for
Second Lot 30 ladles' Tailored Suits
nicely mndo nnd trimmed good vnlucs at
$S.OO to $l"i.00 during this snlo for
Third Lot 36 Suits good values at tho
regular prices, $10.00 to $20.00 your choice
Fourth Lot IS Suits very dcslrablo
goods-some of tho best In the stock-prices . A loh0i8pIu:Ll'LJ"'kcta' nU B'108' pr!co!'
$15.00 to $27.C0-durIng this week- from '00 l? J13'50"10 Kr'"ts to select
from offered for
$10.00. ! $2.50.
G5 Jackets, all sizes, prices $10.00 to $l5.00-$4.98.
75 Jackets, all sizes, prices $15.00 to $37.50 $7.50.
Without Chang
..All the best Scenery of tho ROCKY
Daylight In both directions.
For full Information, rtscrv at lonmind Itiner
ary "Chicago to California" address City
Ticket Office, ij2j I'arnam St., Omaha,
of Mnrcy township. Mr. nnd Mrs. Wllllnms
had lived together twenty-five years, or up
to tin yenr 1839. when Mrs. Williams left
her husband nnd four children nnd went to
live with her pnrents. Williams claims that
becniiEo his wife wuh of unsound mind her
parents, who nro Mr. nnd Mrs. L. Holloway.
took ndvnntnge of her nnd Influenced hor to
lenvo her husband nml children.
Arc- TryliiR " Hnar Hull (iroiind
In CiMiilllluii nn I ml in lent
In lliilcn.
SIOUX (TIT, la., Jun. 2fi. (Special.)
Sioux City baso ball fans havo awakened
to tho fact thnt they must do somo hustling
It thoy arc to havo a Western lenguo team
horo this your, nnd a committee Is push
ing a proposition to provide suitahln
grounds fur Union and his I'ueblo players
A. II. Ilcnll, manager of last year's Sioux
City team, has n leaso on an excellent plocn
of ground nenr tho center of tho city, nnd
ho has ngreed to turn over this leaso to
tho business men, provided they put some
money Into Improvement tn the way of
bleachers, grandstand, etc. If tho com
mltteo succeeds tho free use of tho ready
made grounds nro to bo offorcd to Ilulen.
Llclili'lillllt lleciiiiirM Cnptiilii.
VILLISf'A. In.. .Ian. 26. (Special.) Com
pany II has elected former Lieutenant Town
l'aston as cnptaln, Captain liaker having
resigned at tho close of last year Mr
Paston wus In tho Klondike, on leave of
atibcncc, when Company U was sworu In
Separate Skirts.
One lot of 36 Skirts all sices, plain nnd
fancy materials priced as high ns JS.50
to go at
Another lot of 36 Skirts all sizes nnd all
materials prices to $10.00 to go at
Golf Skirts.
Several lines 36 Skirts In all to clear
entirely will bo sold at uniform prlco of
A great many of these aro regular $9.00
Ladies' Jackets.
If You Wish
good reliable dental work at mod'
eratc prices we can please you.
Oar methods are the most improv
ed our prices so low they will
surprise you.
..Telephone 145.
H. I. Woodbury, D. D. S, Council Bluffs
30 Pearl St. Grand Hole!
when tbo frost gulns control of tbo water
system that the pipes will burst or refuse
to do their duty. In your hour of troublo
telephono 193. Wo will respond with
promptness nnd put you all right. You
know tho number.
J. C. Bixby & Son
joi: mi.v -n.'t I'li.Mtii .st.
( Ill M'll. IILl l'FS.
House of 4 rooms, cellar, pantry, closets.
I Ptable, some fruit, J450.
Houso of 4 rooms, cistern, stable, chicken
houso, f 425.
3-rooin bouse, cellar, well, cistern, stnble
I shado trees, fence, $150; 175 to $100 down
I balance monthly.
Good 3-room house, nlco comer lot, city
1 water, cellar, good streot, $tA
0-roim house, cellar, well, coal houso, nenr
, NorthwcNtern depot, liijO; ensy terms,
j Houso .if fi rooms, cellar, well, barn
I chicken housn and buggy shed, t'ftO. '
I Good houso of S rooms, cellar, well, cistern
I barn, two lots, only Jl.lf"). ern,
Good house of 4 morns nnd sum.rer kitchen
) cellar, eltv water, good W-foot lot, coai
i houso, J1.100; 1100 down, bnlnncu $13 to 1115
1 ner month.
Good t-room cottage, ccllnr, cistern, cltv
water, bath, eesspool, barn, JI.OOO: 11S0
ensh. balnnco easy terms.
Good H-ronm house 011 Mill st., cellar cltv
water, cl.'tern, bam, shndo trees, only
HoiiHo of S rooms, bath nnd closet, furnnen
gas him barn, V-.ino. '
Houso of 7 rooms nnd storo room, rantrv
cemented cellar, city wnter. coal housn
fruit, 4 blocks from I O, only alio. '
Johnston & Kerr
541 Broadway, Co. Hluffs.
Telepnonc 417.
Q0HANY theaters
Ono Night Only
Sunday, January 27.
Direction of Fltz & Webster, HAIfl'
LIJTT and MAY In a convulsive carni
val of uproarious Hurprlscs
"A Woman
in the Case"
Clenn comedy thnt will clcn thn cob
webs from the human attic ll'in 1
nmo ladles, beautiful costumes, splnn
.lld ringorx, arllstlo ilnncerH, tunotul
-iioruach, high class specialties.
Ililll't .IIIhn ,
and left for thn lato war. Ho 1b very popu
lar with tho new, ns ho wns with tho old,
linn n v Landlord Vinr,
STOHM LAKE, In.. Jan. 2fi.-(8poclnl.V-Tho
Hopkins houso Is leased to Thomnii
Husk. Tho former proprietor will enjoy
n vnrntlon and trip to Wisconsin, after six
yours' olosn attention to business.
If lliiiuirr Solve
doesn't euro your piles, your money will bn
roturned, It Is tho most healing medicine.
For sale ly Myors-Dlllon Drug Co,, Omaha,
Dillon's drug store, South Omaha.