Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 27, 1901, PART I, Page 6, Image 6

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    TUT: OMAHA DAILY" V.KK: STXPAV, .lATsl AllV 'J7, 1!)01.
Week of Social Function! Mont Happily
Mnurl Set In .lrllil MnttltlllK I'liuiN
for llliTvnUon of Hip I.PlKcn fien-min-(HiHfioU
fir Hip Cimi
Inir WppU.
Mnplnl ("nli'iiilnr.
MONDAY Mr. and Mro. C. X. Dletz, recep
tion for Judge mid Mrs. Mutitjer.
Mr. Klrkcminll entertain the Hlx
Untitled Kuchru club. ,.,.i
DauKhtfTH of tho Ainrrlrnt; Kovolutlon
meet with Mr V. I) WIlllnniH.
MIkk Klttlo Smith entertulns thu Mexican
TtJKSDAV Clarke-Davenport wedding nnd
Cotillon nt tho Normatidle.
Mi iitid .Mr. .MorrlH Levy entertain ths
WiisliliiKtoti Whist club.
WrUNKSJiAV-Memlumeu 11. H. J caver
mid II. H. Coryi ll i ntertaln tho Wednes
day Luncheon nlul).
TIIPKSDAY Social of the Woman's nl
llnnco of fnlty church.
H,TI'HI)AY-MrM. W. J. Council's luncheon
for Mrs. IMvvard Minor Fairfield.
Tho week past has been replete, with
lioclal affairs among tho fashionables, that
have provided aniplo entertainment for tho
inoml.ers of all sets, from the oldest to
tho youngest. Tho Paxton "lancing party
was, of course, the largest function of tl.e
week, but Miss Webster's tea on Saturday
and tho I'rltchett dinner and card party
on Wednesday were both exceptional events
from a point of elaborate details, while tho
children's dancing party on Friday evening
occasioned a gathering at tho Cudahy
homo of thoEo who will constitute Omaha's
-noddy n few years henco. And this af
fair was not only prophotlc of tho future,
but narrative of tho past, as well, for among
thu blight young faces were, readily recog
nized representatives of the families whoso
members havo constituted society since
Omaha has possessed such an Institution.
I'laus for tho Lenten season nro already
hcgluulng to bo mado and not a few of the
smart sot havo announced their Intention
of leaving town, whllo a number cl tho
young women aro planning to devoto tho
tlmo to work nmong tho city's poor.
Gossip says that at least two of tho
young women whoso engagements havo re
cently hiVn announced will take advantage
of tho qtilot of Lent to complete nriango
ments for their woddlng3, which will occur
shortly nfter Knster.
i:illet-tiiliiniPiiN of Hip WpoIc.
Mr. Richard Ilerllu gavo n box party
nt tho Orphctim on Tuesday evening.
Miss Constanco Sedgewlck was hostess
nt last Thursday afternoon's meeting of
tho Eldccn club.
Tho Hawthorns club met last evening at
tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Murphy
on South Thirty-sixth street.
Sirs. F. 0. Hall entertained tho South
Sldo Whist club on Tuesday, when several
har.dsomo prizes wcro awarded.
Mrs. W. S. Haosett entertained a high
II vo party on Snturdny evening for tho ben
efit of tho Child Saving Institute.
Mr. and Mra, Herman Kountzo on Thurs
day evening gavo tho first of a series of
dinners to bo given at Porest Hill.
MuBter Daxter Carson entertained n party
of young friends on Sat unlay afternoon,
tho occasion being his 11th birthday.
Miss Kllen Hhlclch was plcasnntly sur
prised by u party of about thirty friends
on Wednesday oveulng, It being her ISth
Mrs. Kdward C. McShano gave an ele
gantly appointed luncheon on Thursday for
Mrs. W. P. Williams, formerly of Omahn,
but now of Iloston.
The Junior (looking club met with Miss
Sucnsburg on Wednesday. Mrs. Llewellyn
Jones, Miss Curtis and Miss Wcssells wero
the guests of hondr.
Tho Excelsior Social club was entertained
at tho homo of Mr. Prank llralnard, 3210
Hamilton atrsct, on Friday evening, twenty
Iho members being present.
Miss Aniey Lawrlo pleasantly entertained
a party of school friends on Thursday nt
her homo In Kotiutze Place. Thu tlmo wr.s
spent at dancing and games'
Miss Huth IJyrnu entertained a party of
young friends nt a theater party at the
Orpheum on Saturday, after which thoy
enjoyed u luncheon at her home.
Tho Now Century club was entertained
on Wednesday afternoon at a guessing beo
by Mrs. Pliant at her homo on Izard street
Meadamcs Landor and W. K. Price secured
tho prizes.
A very pleasant surprlao was given Mr.
Will Hills at his home, 1008 North Twenty
sixth street, Thursday evening, Games wero
Indulged In until a lato hour, when re
freshment;! wcro served.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry McCormlck enter
tained nt dinner on Wednesday evening
for Mr. nnd Mrs. William A. Paxton, Jr.,
after which tho party adjourned to Metro
politan dub for the Paxton danclni; party.
Complimentary to Mrs. Chrlstlancy, Mrs.
C. K. Coutant entertained nt luncheon on
Wednesday. Though Informal, It was an
uutiRUnlly pretty affair, tho decorations
being of pink roses. Covers were lnld fof
Mr. and Mrs. Hohert Purvis entertained
about thirty members of tho Southwest
Dancing club nt dinner on Tuesday own
ing. The table trimmings consisted of red
nnd uhltri carnations and the plato cards
TIip I'Viir of IIpIiik UitpIvpiI or lliiiit
IiiikkpiI l'iMMiitn 31 nn y 1'ptiiilp Prom
i'ryliiK' a Ciooil Medicine.
Stomach troublos aro so common and In
most cases so obstlnuto to euro, thnt peoplo
aro apt to look with suspicion on any rem
edy claiming to bo u radical permanent
cuio for dyspepsia and Indigestion. Many
such peoplo prldo themselves on their ticute
utss In never being humbugged, especlnlly
In mrdlclned.
Thld fear of being humbugged enn bo
carried too 'nr. so far, In fnct, that mnny
peoplo suffer for years with weak digestion
rather than risk a llttlo tlmo and money In
faithfully testing tho claims mado for n
remedy so rellablo nnd universally used ns
Stuurt's Dyspepsia Tablets.
Now stuarfs Dyspepsia Tablets aro
vastly different In ono Important respect
from ordlnury patent medicines for the rea
son that thoy aro not a secret potent medi
cine: nn secrot Is mado of tho Ingredients
but analysis shows thorn to contain tho nat
ural digestive ferments, puro aseptic pepsin
(government tost), Golden Seal and dlas
tnto. They nro not cathartic, neither do
they net powerfully ou any particular organ,
but 'they euro digestion on tho common
Kenso plan of digesting tho food eaten thor
oughly bo fore It hus time to ferment, sour
nnd causa tho mischief. This is thu only
secret of their success,
Cathartic pills novcr havo and novor can
euro Indigestion and stomach troubles, be
rauso they act only on tho bowols, whereas
tho wbolo troublo Is In tho stomach.
Stauart'B Dyspepsia Tablets taken after
meals digest tho food. That Is all there Is
to It, Pood not digested or half digested
Is poison ns It creates gas, acidity, head-
riches, palpitation of tho heart, lots of
flesh and uppotlto and many other troubles,
which aro often called by some other name
They aro sold by druggists everywhere In
Iho United States, Great Drltaln and Can
wero dainty hand-painted novelties. Thu
evening was devoted to cards, Meadamcs
English, Dinning, Hood. Weller, and Messrs.
Kuhn, Dnlley, Weller and Purvis carrying
off the prizes.
In honor of Mrs. Chrlstlancy, Mrs. Ar. j
thur Ilcmlngton was hostess nt n very ,
pretty but Informal violet luncheon on
Monday. Her guests wcro Mesdames W. (
ltogers, Charles llarton, Harry McCortnlck, i
W. II. Millard, A. U. Heed and Will Hedlck.
Mrs, John Wlthncll entertained lnfor-
nially at enrds ono evening last week for ,
Mrs. Hlancho Williams of Iloston ana airs.
Samuel S. Cadwell of St. Louis. The
prizes wero won by Mesdamea 0. W. Todd,
Dick Wlthncll and Messrs. Johantias and
About twonty-flve women, the majority
of whom have played whlBt together fre
quently during the winter, wcro enter
tained at a whist luncheon on Thursday
by Mrs. J. W. Oannctt. Tho luncheon was
served from six small tables, which wero
prettily decorated In bridesmaids' roses.
The afternoon was spent at whist.
For Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jerrlms of Chi
cago, who aro her guests, Miss Webster en
tertained at dinner on Wednesday evening.
It was an elaborate affair, tho table trim
mings being entirely of red nnd green.
Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Jerrlms, Mr. and Mrs. Kcnyon, Mr. and
Mrs. D. II. Wheeler, jr.. Mr. and Mrs,
Luther Kountze, Mr. Joseph Ualdrlgo nnd
Dr. Crummer.
Mr. nnd Mrs, Hoorgo E. Prltchett enter
tained tho largest dinner party of the
winter on Wednesday evening, about
eighty guests being seated at twenty smnll
tables. lied roses wero used In the dining
room, whllo Lawsou pinks were used on
tho tables In tho other rooms. The dinner
was followed by a euchre party, at which
Mrs. Yates, Mrs. Ilarkalow nnd General
Manderson won tho prizes.
Though not as largely attended as tho
two previous, Thursday night's cotillon was
decidedly tho Jolllest of tho winter. It
was In the hands of the younger
set nnd tho figures were orlgnal
und of a mirth-provoking character.
Tho favors were especially pretty nnd
appropriate. Tho cotillon was led by
Messrs. Dwlght Swobe, Sam Hums. Frank
Haskell nnd Will Hums nnd participated
In by about eighty people.
Mrs. Edward Minor Fairfield held the
second of her post-nuptial receptions from
3 until C o'clock on Thursday ntternoon,
during which tlmo about lOGf women called.
Sho wns assisted by MIbb Emily Wakclc),
tho Misses Huttcrflcld, Miss Dewey and
Mm. D. II. Wheeler, Jr. In tho dining
loom Mrs. Chnso nnd Mrs. McCormlck
poured coffro nnd ten at tho table, which
was prettily decorated with rod carnations
and lilies of tho valley.
In honor of her guest, Mrs. Arthur Jer
rlms of Chicago, Miss Webster entertained
nt 5 o'clock tea on Saturday afternoon.
Mrs. Luther Kountzo und Miss Hnlconib
presided In the dining room, pouring coffee
and tea nt tho prettily decorated table,
abovo which from the chandelier was sus
pended a huge bell of ferns and green.
Mrs. Harry McCormlck served tho Ice nnd
Miss Webster wns further assisted by Mes
dames Konyon, H. Wllklns, W. Hcdick, D.
H. Whcoler. Jr , Welch, Misses Jenne
Drown, Lindsay and Duck. Thoro were
about 200 guests present.'
Mrs. J. Cameron Anderson entertained at
nn elaborate luncheon on Tuesday, nt which
her mother, Mrs. Sheldon, was guest of
honor. Tho slx-courso repast was served
from n number of small tables, with covers
of renaissance over satin corresponding In
color with tho flowers used, which were dif
ferent on each table. Tho luncheon was
followed by six-handed euchre.
Tho homo of Mr and Mrs. E. A. Cudahy
was the scene of a brilliant dancing party
from 5 until 0 o'clock on Friday evening,
tho occasion being tho 12th birthday of
their daughter. Miss Jean, anil In her honor
about eighty of her young friends as
sembled to enjoy un evening of unalloyed
pleasure. In tho reception room Mrs.
Cudahy, Miss Jenn and her younger sister
received their young guests as thoy arrived,
tho llttlb hostess, In n dainty gown of em
broidered pink silk moussollne, with trim
mings of Valenciennes Insertion, and her
sister, In n airy frock of will to moussellne,
trimmed in lace. Tho spacious rooms had
been cleared of their furniture and shaded
to a soft pink and aside from a fow palms
and carnations, thoru was llttlo attempt
ut decoration. A graceful arrangement of
palms concealed tho string orchestra, which
played during the evening, and It wns a
fairyland picture, Indeed, when the floor
was filled with tho young dancers. After
tho dancing was over, supper was served
In the dining room, which wns handsomely
decorated In pink.
In honor of their son nnd his bride, Mr.
and Mrs. William A. Paxton gavo tho largest
and one of tho niOBt elaborate dancing
pnrtles of tho winter on Wednesday even
'Pebble shop, hours from 10 to 12 n. m.."
in modest black letters on ono of tho
fourth floor doors of the Paxton block,
does not suggest to the passerby the
chnrming-npartment within nuy more than
It enlightens him regnrdlug Just what
kind of shop the pebble variety may be,
but tho frequent assertion that Omaha Is
poor, indeed, In artistic nnd literary in
terest can no longer truthfully bo mado,
for In tho pcbblo shop It has u Bourco from
which some true literary and artistic gems
nro not only created and sent abroad, but
a stimulus as well for aspirants In those
Tho history of thu Pebble, tho bright
llttlo monthly magazine established and
edited by two of Omaha's bright young
women, Mrs. Myron Learned and Miss Mc
Pherson, which made Its Initial appearance
Just a year ugo, Is well known, and tho
Pebble shop, which was opened nbout n
mouth ago, Is tho result of 1th success.
it Is a delightfully large room, with walls
tinted to n soft green nnd covered with
posters that are truly works of nrt. And
saucy pen nnd Ink sketches of people that
ono really knows nnd some others that
tho majority would like to know, such ns
Elbort Hubbard, and personal lejtors, In
unbuilt frnmeB, from such distinguished
persons ns Sir Henry Irving nnd Ellen
Terry, tho wording and general arrange
ment of which, along with tholr envelopes,
cause ono to wonder If eccentricity Is a
necessary adjunct to gonitis or only ono of
tho privileges accorded tho famous. A
time-yellowed parchment with a history
nnd a queer framo occupies n prominent
place on ono of the sldo walls, whllo Chun
nlng's "Symphony," in beautifully Illumined
lottorlng. nnd. come half dozen nothings
dene In water colore form a striking con
trast ncross the room. Tho furniture,
though simple, Is all of the cozy ' kind,
equally queer-looking and comfortable. A
couch, two or threo desks, n tablo and
large, old-fashioned rag rugs, completing an
apartment, the very atmosphere of which
Is suggestive of artistic and literary
women, and of such It has become tho
rendezvous, ana llttlo wonder, for nearly
every article of Its furnishing has tho
mark of a genius upon It, mnny of whom are
recognized the world over. Slnco tho open
ing of tho shop It hns become tho regular
placo for tho exchange of ideas nmong
women and not n few men who In quiet
ways aro working up In these lines, and
the proprietors of the shop are entitled to
not a llttlo credit for so encouraging and
ettmulntlng this Interest In Omaha,
ing, at which about 300 guests were pres
ent. Metropolitan club, where the party
wns held, was handsomely decorated for
the occasion and tho ballroom, the main
eceno of the festivities, has rarely been as
"ffoctlvely dressed. A frieze of southern
smllax extended around the entire hall,
while tho wall spaces were hung with
Navajo blankets, the gay colors of which
added warmth to the masses of green
foliage. Smllax wns also wound around tho
chandeliers nnd the stage was banked with
tnll palms, which entirely hid tho full
string orchestra. At tho right of the en
trance a handsome screen partitioned off
one corner which was furnished with chairs,
cushions nnd rugs, with a background of
palms and American Ileauty roses, nnd hero
Mr. nnd Mrs, Paxton nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Wil
liam Paxton, Jr., received their guests, Mrs.
Paxton wore n handsome gown of black lace,
with trimmings of point lace and diamonds.
Mrs. William Paxton, Jr.'s gown was of
ronnlrsanco laco with diamond ornaments.
In another corner of the hall a soda foun
tain had been constructed, which was
prettily trimmed with cnrnntlons. Tho
supper room was In pink and green
tho corners being banked with palms,
whllo pink roses occupied tho center of the
polished table, which wns further dressed
with Mexican dollies, plnk-shadcd candles
In cut glass nnd silver holders and tho pink
satin bows that tied the candles. A buffet
supper was served.
Mrivpiitriitn nml Wlirrenliniitn,
Mr. and Mrs. Straight havo gone to Chi
cago. Mr. Albert Hothery has returned from
Mr. and MIbs Mlllnrd left yesterday for
tho west.
Mr. Samuel Gamblo has returned from
New York.
Mr. Luclan Stephens has gono to Wash
ington, D. C.
Miss Peck has gone to New York with Mr.
and Mrs. Hurt.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Nash returned from
Chicago Friday.
Mrs. O. W. Smith Is visiting friends In
Weeping Wnter. .
Miss Mount has returned from a short
visit In Chicago.
Mrs. Cora J. Morso nnd daughter aro
visiting In Sioux City.
Mr. nnd Mrs. John Frances have re
turned from Now Orleans.
Mrs. Charles E. Ford is visiting her
parents at Hlchmond, Ind.
MlEs Knto Dnrnoy nnd sister nro visiting
friends In Colorado Springs.
Mr. nnd Mrs, Frank Hlnehart havo re
turned from a trip to Chicago.
General I.eo and Miss Leo returned last
week from Fort Leavenworth.
Mrs. Emily Dalfon lifts gono to West
Virginia to rcmnln until April.
Mr. und Mrs. Thomas U. Kimball havo
gone to Chicago for a short stay.
Mr. and Mrs. P. H. llerry have gono to
Dubuque, la., for n two weeks' visit.
Miss Mildred Lomax Is In Kansas City,
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jnck Cudnhy.
Mrs. Daumnnn left tho city Monday for
Do I'unlnk Springs, Pin., to visit a brother.
Mrs. Myron Lenrned and Miss Louise
McPherson spent part of last week In Chi
cago. Miss Gertrude Kennedy hns returned from
Putnam, Conn., where she has spent the
Mrs. Wilson Lowe will go cost Tuesday
to spend a few weeks at her old home
near Iloston.
Mr. Gerald E. Smith Is spending n fort
night visiting New Orleans nnd other points
on tho Gulf coast.
Mrs. I). II. Goodrich nnd Miss Goodrich
nro visiting In Pueblo, Colo., where they
will spend a fow weeks. .
Mr. nnd Mrs. Roy Austin left Friday for
Minneapolis and later will go south, to bo
gono about four months.
Mra. Frunk W. Hacon spent Monday nnd
Tuesday In Lincoln, the guest of Senator
and Mrs. Frank T. Itausom.
Mrs. E. H. Perfect nnd daughter, who
nro spending tho winter In Kansas City,
ero back in Omaha for n few weeks' visit.
Mrs. II. S. Jnyncs returned from KnnBas
City Thursday morning, where she attended
tho Loulslann Purchase Council of Club
women. Mrs. Frank Kleffncr left for Kansas City
last Wednesday, where sho was called by
tho Illness of her daughter, Mm. C. H.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Phaclon Shirley will re
turn Saturday from their wedding tour
through California. They will bo at homo
at 3S70 Farnum Htreet.
WpiIiIIiiki anil KtiKiiKctiKwitA,
The marriage of Mr. Leo D. Ferryman
and Miss Loin Cnso wns qulotly solemnized
at S o'clock Thuniday evening ut tho homo
in lub and
Tho following annual report hap re
cently been Issued by tho Nebraska Chil
dren's Home society:
Children on hnnd Mny 1G, 1S00 10
Children received nnd registered tlrs.
time 0
Children placed tlrst tlmo 'p.
Children icpluced
Children Investigated and not received irJ
Total number of children received,
placed, replaced und investigated.... 3'ti
Whole number of children recorded.... J..S
Number of society's children visited.. 212
Number found to w Improperly treated ...
Applications for ehlldren Investigated. . !:2
Days devoted to Investigating.... l-i
Hoards organized and reorganized ill
Investigation for Html papers .31
Miles traveled, nbout -iO.O")
Children on hnnd "
Tho plan of tho art deportmont of tho
Woman's club for raising funds to furnish
tho children's department of tho publlo
library has met with tho approval of tho
Hoard of Education in all but one partic
ular, that of having the school children
eoll tho tlckate, hut tho womeu have sub
stituted what thoy bellevo will be nn
equally effective method of distributing tho
tickets nnd tho plana have been completed
to open tho exhibit in tho assembly room
of tho Hoard of Education on February 8,
which will continue four or flva days.
Tho opening will consist of a reception,
nt which tho women of tho art department
will bo hostesses. There will also be music
and light refreshments, nnd for this open
ing day an admission fen of 25 cents will be
charged and for the other days It will ba
hut 10 cents. Tha tickets will bo for salo
by all of the school teachers and tho chil
dren encouraged to buy from them. Mem
bers of thu department will also hnvo
tickets to dispose of.
In addition to tho splendid collection of
Hrown photographs thoro will also bo a
number of casts and a frlezo of Alexander
nnd his hosts 2x15 feet, these latter to bo
retained for use In the Juvonlln depart
ment. Tho department members and tho teach
ers of tho schools will sparo no pains to
make tho exhibit a success und earnestly
nsk tha co-operation of tho citizens In, their
Tho regular nubile iccltal of tho oratory
department of tho Woman's club was held
nt 2;:10 o'clock on Thursday afternoon in
tho club rooms. Tho attendance was un
usually large.
The Woman's Home Missionary society
of Hanscom Park Methodist Episcopal
cburcb U vigorously applying UeU to the
of Mr. Frank F Pierce, 142! North Twen
tieth street, Hev. C. N. Dawson officiating.
Tho marriage of Mrs. Olive Davenport
and Mr. Clarke wilt occur on Tuesday at
the home of Mr. nnd Mrs. C. P. Weller and
will bo followe.: by a receptl"n.
Siiflul (iilt Clint.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Harry
V. Ilurkley on Monday. 1
Mr. J. B. Hnhm Is confined to his home
by a serious nttack of grip.
' Mr. and Mrs. Wyley Jones are rejoicing
over tho birth of a daughter.
Mrs. Klrkcndnll will cntertnln the Six
Handed Euchre club on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Moses Levy will entertain
tho Washington Whist club on Tuesday.
A smnll subscription danco and cotillon
has been arranged for Tuesday evening
nt tho Normandlo.
Mr. nnd Mrs. C. N. DIotz will hold n
large reception on Monday evening for
Judgo nnd Mrs. Munger.
) On account of the Illness of bo many of
Its' members the Mexican club postponed
Its meeting until Monday cventng.
Mrs. William J. Connell has Issued cards
1 for a buffot luncheon for Mrs. Edwnrd
( Minor Fairfield on Saturday, February 2.
1 The friends of Dean and Mrs. Fair will
I bo relieved to learn that tho Illness of
their son, Campbell, has not proven serious.
The Woman's alliance of Unity church
will give the third of their scries of so
cials on Thursday evening nt Metropolitan
Mrs. II. H. Weaver and Mrs. 11. tl.
Coryell will entertain tho Wednesday
Luncheon club this week nt tho homo of
Mrs. Weaver.
Omaha chapter, Daughters of the
American Revolution, will meet on Monday
afternoon with Mrs. W. D. Williams, 1003
Georgia nvenue.
Lieutenant W. H. Cowin, nt his own re
quest, has been relieved from duty on Gen
eral Hates' start nnd been trnnsferrcd to
tho Department of North Luzon.
Miss Sarah Macombcr, daughter of Judr.o
and Mrs. J. II. Macombcr, has icturuvd
from Chicago, where she hus been for sorao
time. Whllo there MUh Macombcr was a
student at tho University of Chicago nnd
later was on tho editorial staff of the Chi
cago Journal nnd also contributed to
Hearst's Chicago American under the name
of Sarah Mao Prince.
Out of Town (ina-nts.
Mr. Robert Vlcrllng has returned to Chi
cago. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Grabel of Denver
arc In tho city.
Mr. C. C. Calvert of St.' Joseph, Mo.,
spent part of Inst week In Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Plnnoy of llurllngton,
In., aro guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. II. K. llur
kot. Hnrry D. Sllngerland of Dcs Moines Is
' ..tailing 41'ltll fnlfllll.Aa Q 0.Q r,, 1 1 ,.,, I
Mrs. C. F. Elliott of Denver will be tho
guest of Mrs. J. J. McMulleii nt the Madison
this week.
Mrs. D. H. Wheeler. Jr.. lias as her gucit
this week her mother, Mrs. Sarah Mar
shall Of L'llCUlll.
Mrs. Lelund Arnold of Dalton, Ga., Is
a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ames on South
Tweuty-slxth street.
Mr. J. C. Curtis of Indianapolis spent sev
eral days in this city with his sister, Mr?.
Maudo Andrews, Inst week.
Mrs. Samuel S. Cadwell and llttlo daugh
ter, Huth, have returned to St. Louis nfter
' spcndlcg some tlmo with Mrs, John With-
Mrs. Arthur Hurbert will return to her
homo In, St. Louis this week ufter having
sptnt Homo time with her mother, Mrs.
New stylo Turkish baths, a great Im
provement over the old way. For ladles
only. Tho Hathery, second floor, Beo build
ing. Inquiry Alxuil I'Iiit (iiiiinprimii,
O Gunnerson of DIuKhum Lake. Minn ,
hns written n letter to Chief of Police Don-
nnuo inquiring about his brother, Piier
Ciiinnerson. The letter states that 'Mcr
lived In Omnlia and might have been killed
o.i the railroad neur here. A tpiirch 'f
the coroner's records fall.s to reveiij any
Information about the man nnd the oollce
hnvH been unable to get any trace of him
In this city.
Arms, nock, bust or cntlro figure dovcl
oped by the new Henstrom electric nnd
massaRo treatment at Tho Hathery. Ex
clusively for the ladles. Rooms 216 to 2.10,
Uco building.
Condition of I'reil .llt-tr. Sr.
The attending pliyslclnn reports the con
dition of Fred Motz, nr., us unchanged. He
says tho patient him been holding his own
with no appreciable chango Hlnco Thursday
work of relieving tho onsen of need nnd
distress lu Its locnl Held. That this wotk
may bo moro effectively enrried on, a com
mittee has been appointed consisting of
Mesdames Shelley, Pago and Horshclm, that
will personally Investigate) the cuboh ro
ported to them and keep posted, so that no
worthy poor may bo neglected.
Thu society will present nn Intorestlng
program nt Un monthly mooting nn Tues
day ufternoon, which will bo held nt tho
homo of Mrs. Clark Shelley, 1510 Georgia
nvenue. Mrs, Horshelm will speak on tho
subjoct of "Mission Work In Largo Cities"
nnd MIsh Noll Tlndall will ftirnliih sev
eral musical selections.
Tho Clio club met Friday with Miss Cur
rons, 2615 North Nineteenth avenue. Tho
chief feature of tho afternoon wu n ro
view oi English history, conducted by tho
leader, Mrs. D. W. Mcrrow. Following this
wero tho admirable papers of Mrs. Robert
McKnchror. on Browning und that of Miss
Hover on tho music of tho seventeenth
nnd eighteenth centuries. Miss Hover also
sang a selection from Handel's, opera,
"Xorxos." Tennyson's "Crossing thu Bar"
was feelingly rendered by Miss Alcnu Me
Eacbron. Ireland will ho the subject of study for
a short period under thu leadership of
Mrs. Edward McEachron. .Mrs. Holme
will cntertnln tho club on February S.
All Saints' sisterhood wns entertained on
Monday evening by Miss Georgia Mosser
nt tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hen
drlo. Tho evening's work consisted of malt
ing bandages for Dr. Lymnn for his work
nmong tho charity patients. When U wns
completed and tho llttlo business disposed
of a short musical program was given, fol
lowed by u light luncheon.
At n meeting of tho Woman's auxiliary,
held at the residence of Mrs. Albert Noo.
It was decided to begin a canvass of Iho
parish for articles for a rummage (jale. The
women ore desIroiiH of finding a vacant
room near tho church where tho things
can be storod and ask anyone having any
such room to notify tho rector or Mrs.
The Parish Aid society will meet on Fri
day afternoon with Mrs. II. p. Cady. 3122
Chicago street. Tho women aro requested
to each bring a receipt for tho cook book
that is bolng compiled by tho society
The women of Columbus guild will give
n social on Tuesday evening at Metropolitan
sioetatPil ( liarlHi-i Iti'Miiitii IIiinI
ni' lit I'orini'r ililrpxn on M.
VlnrN piiiic.
Tho reorganized Associated Charities
have established their headquarters nt 111
forme" addrom. 1810 St. Mary's nvenue
wine they are ready to receive donations
of money. Telephone number. 173,. M II
Hecbo Is tho agent, as under the previoUu
For tho complexion there U nothing equnl
to tho now Henstrom treatment at Tho
Hathery. For ladles only. Rooms 215 to
220. Hoc billldlliB.
Ilnimi-r of I:ppssIvp I'lTiplruHoii.
To combat n prejudice which has been
handed from generation to generation that
stopping tho excessive petsplrntlon Is in
jurious to the health Is a very dlWcult
tnattor to Impress upon the minds of people
not versed In the study of medicine, thnt
tho excessive persplrnllon of the axilla,
hnnds and feet Is n disease, often resulting
In u chronic condition of hpetidrosls nnd
complicated with n tendency to lnltnninia
tlon, causing much pain nnd possibly con
fining the patient to bed.
Tho condition is apparently ensy to treat.
Advlo tho dally uro of Ho-No-Moy Powder,
manufactured by A. Mayci Co., Heo building.
Chiropodists and manicurists havo become
specialists in this line, to the damage of
their clients, nnd In his article Der of the
Current Medical Literature directs atten
tion to what wo cnll tho commoner affec
tions of tho hands nnd feet, viz., corns,
bunions, waits nnd diseases due to tho
swent glnnds. Ho speaks In condemna
tion of the commoner practice of letting
chiropodists work on the feet with itnlfo
that Is nlwnys unclean, helping only to pro
moto disease and tho practice of the oper
ator. Rc-No-May Powder Indorsed and pre
scribed by lending physlclnns.
Finest and most effective treatment ever
known for colds or stubborn cases of la
grippe nt The Hathery. Ladles only. Heo
building, second floor.
Tho Omahn Tiirnvirln will give a masque
ciirnlvul nt Turner hull, ISIS I turner street,
Saturday evening, February 2.
Dr. and Mrs. Nelson P. Ilulst of Mil
waukee nro visiting their mother. Mrs.
Nancy Hulst, at the rrnldenco of Dr. P. D.
"The Life of Queen Vlrtorln" will be tho
subject or Hev. Edwin Hart JenkH' pennon
ut the First Presbyterian church this
Mre. D. C. Hush of 1G08 North Eighteenth
Htreet pIcaHantly I'litertulned tin- members
of the Prlsclllu Kensington dub Thursday
aftel IHiDII.
P. V. Ileufey, II ro and police commis
sioner, who Iiiih been confined to lits home
for three weeks with un attack of the grip,
will bo out In a few dayn.
Dr. L. A. Mcrrlam will address the Omuhu
Philosophical .society this afternoon on the
subject. "The Evolution of the Soul." The
meeting of the society will be held at Labor
temple nt 2:3).
Local illHciplvM of Isnuk Walton will meet
nt Tovvisend'H gun Htoro Monday night for
the purpoHo of discussing vvnys und mcnim
und devising pluns for the protection of tlsh
In local waters. A full attendunce of llsher
men Is expected and all devotees of the
sport are cordially Invited to participate In
the proceeding!! of thu meeting.
A slnglo harness belonging to Hurry
Coudray. UH South Twenty-ninth utioct,
vvuh recovered yesterday ufteriioon by De
tectives Drummy und .Mitchell In an out
building near the corner of Twenty-eighth
and Pnrnani streets. The harness was tied
up In n "tick and hud evidently been
secreted there with the intention of remov
ing it lust night or at fome futuie time.
Ilert Kills, 121 North Twenty-sixth street,
reported to tho police yesterday ufternoon
thnt a huge dog belonging to P. Pox, VIS
North Twi'iity-Keventli Htrret, hnd bitten
him while he wns acrosH the street from
the Tox residence. He maintained that hp
hnd not In any vvino provoked the dog mid
otliera In the locality, seeing that ho bud
been bitten, testlllcd to thu vicIollsnesH of
the canine. The teeth of the dog left their
Imprint on Ellis' right thigh.
Sure cure for rheumatism nnd all forms
of nervous troublo. Tho Henstrom electric
and niaKsago treatment nt The Hathery.
Ladies only. Heo building, tccond floor.
E. T. llovvden of Davenport Is at the Her
E. C. Haiiusen of Lincoln Is nt the Her
am ml.
John Ree.o of Broken How Is nt the Her
Dr. Clifford Iiub gone oust for a vveekV
C. Weber of Spalding legistered yester
day at Urn Murray.
II, H. Hunker returned yestorduy from a
short business trip to New York und Bos
ton. NebniHkuiiH at tho Merchant!: D. V. Hull
r M.ii-r.itk t. V lliiNkell nf Wukelleld. 11.
lludt.pcth nf Newport. II. A. Athcrton of
Uenevu unit v. niioy oi .utuim.
Ki-no Attorney llroiviipil.
RENO. Nov.. Jan. 23. Tho body of E. K.
Conelnnd. n prominent attorney of Reno
was found today In an Irrigating ditch. It
Ib supposed ho wns drowned.
Wrinkles and crows' feet removed bv n
nlenBant process of magnetic facial mus-
ntrp. Tho Hathery becond floor, Heo
building. Ladles only.
We extend
to all our customers a cordlul Invita
tion to romo and sou the beautiful em
broidery and fancy work dum; on tho
Wheeler & Wilson innclilncH by Miss
Condron. un expert from Chlcugo. H he
will bo at our Htoro until February M.
Call und learn to do tho work on your
own machine.
During her stay we will Rivn nwny
& WILSON Hewing iniichlne. Lvcry
lady cnl ing ai oui "" " g
a. number which entitles her to one S
chance, nee uiu um;iiiiii:n uu ... uu.
WWorent machines nt J2 no per month.
Vu repair, nnd sell parts nnd needles
for ai malted of muehlneH
Monduv wo will sell mtidiines, for no
llttlo thnt thoy will come within tho
reach of everybody, ou will bo sur
prised at what wo offer you.
3 Slngerh, ench 1.00
1 Now Homo 4.00
1 Now Homo S.W
1 Domestic 4 00
1 DoniOHttc ' 8.00
1 Household 10"
2 Slngero. high arm. each 7.00
1 Singer, good ns new 12 Ml
1 Whltu, perfect condition 12 no
Singer Shoemaker 2a.()
t modern drop head miiehines, Stan
dard Hlnser and DoviH, in perfec t
condition, at half regular price.
Nebraska Cycle Co.,
Cor. 15th and Harney Streets.
(il'.O. P.. MH'ICi:i Mur.
Tdephouu lfiiy
Not every one can be beautiful
Yet all can l at least attrac
tive, Natural, healthy, clear
skin, a brilliant complexion,
nlenn. wholesome culp nd
lustroua hair can te produced at your home,
Pull lutormntton with book mailed free,
PoIIcIob in
The Equitable
Arc I'Aituil to
SlRlit Drafts
at .Maturity
Assets, 3300,000,000. .
Writo for full p.irllenliif.s. IJ T
KlviiiR bi-'u nml amount ilexirod,
20G-20U Boo Building, OMAHA.
Royal flJorctskr
Wo ivo closing out all oui' .luckson Waists, sizes 1'.) to .'50, reg
ular price is 1.00 550 to 'M, regular price is l.r0.ull, in
white, colored or black, will be sold for o()c.
Tlie Looiner's Ariston Corset, extra tine and strong, long
waist ed, never sold for less than 1.50. in this slilo. at, Too.
Some I. C. Corsets, that Hold for Jl.oO, in popular alzct. will be closed out at 11.50.
A few $3.00 I. I). Corsets, we will close out at $1.75.
All sizes of ltoyal Worcester Silk l'ousoo Corset3, never sold for less thnn J3.50,
now, Jl-70-
An extra fino quality of blnclf slllt ltoyal Worcittcr Corsets, never sold for less
than $5.73, cut to $2.50.
Some odd lots of $1.00 Corsets for ."0c sizes 21 m.d up.
So Sha.Il You.
2 piano niaiiiifact urors in town at the sniiie time, both call
ed on Hclunoller & .Mueller, anxious In sell and gel the cash
both of them accepted Sc hmollcr & .Mueller's proposition
on 1.") carloads of pianos for spot cash, at 00c on the dollar.
We will not quote any prices on this lot
but guarantee to save you from $100
to $150 on every piano,
Our line consists of the world-renowned
Steinway, Stegcr, Emerson, Steck, Vose, A. B.
Chase, Ivors 5c Pond, Packard and the
beautiful Singer pianos.
Correspondence in regard to (his great money-saving
sale will receive immediate attention.
The rid reliable piano house.
1313 Farnam St. OPIAHA. 337 Broadway, CO. BLUFFS.
tim.cciiom: iiiu-.
Yon Sp6'
half your lifetime
in your office. Why stand the aggravation of dirt
and cold of miserable elevator service bad light and
ventilation? There is no olllce building in the town kept
The Bee Building
The befit in none too good for you, and you will And it a
good businef-s investment, to take a half hour and look at
the three or four vacant rooms. We keep them Allot!.
R. C. Peters & Co., Bee Building,
Kciitiil Audits, Ground Floor.
Twenty Yonr
Coupon Gold
DobonturoH in
The Equitable
Pny 5 Per Cont,
A Oottor Roto of Interest
Thnn Govornmont
Surplus, 363,000,000.
NPFI Y .. . . .
--.- j MaiiiiRor for Neiuul.n.
50c for $1.00 and $1.50
Corset Waists