THE OMAHA DAILY 1IKK: SATI'KDA V, JAFAEY 2G, 1901. 1 1 SPECIAL NOTICES Ail t ertleitirnt for llicse colmiim trill tin InLrn until Vi m. for llir ryrnliiK rillllon hiiiI until H,!I0 11, m. for inornlnu mid Siimlnj- edition. Itntm. I l-2c i mini first Insertion. Jo it vroril tlirrenf Irr, .Nothing tnkrn for lens tliim arm for thr first Inner- 1 tlon. 'Ilimr nil rrtUemeiiti must lie I run ronnrrutl vrly. Ailvcrflnern, hy reqticatlntr n num bered rlirrk, run linvc nnaurrn nil dressed til n nuinlirrril Irttrr In rare of Tlif llrr, Anntiern no addressed trill lie delivered on presentation of the cheek on I)-. v Avrnn-sriTATiciXt POSITION nn bookkeeper evenings. Best reference. Address u fi3. live. A-M713 F3 WAXTHD-MALU IIEI.I'. WANTED, we hnvi .toady work for a few good hustlers of good habits and appear a 11 ce. C. F. A J in lis Co., 1603 Howard St. B-737 BARBER trade taught thoroughly In short time, catalogue und particulars free. Address Western Barbers' Institute, Omaha, Neb. H 738 WANTED, good man to do canvassing In tho country; good pay for right man. Ad dress I; 4, Beo. U-M1 MEN or women to sell goods to city trade, Oood pny nnd steady employment. Hlx cnbaugh & Co., Wato blk. .,,, II M412 Marl WANTED, a man who thoroughly under stands electro silver plutlng. Address Drawer If, Blair, Neb. B-G70 2j WANTED, nctlvn workers everywhere to take orders for "Life of Queen Victoria, C" pages. 200 llljstratlons; lowest retail price; big commlsMons; credit given; freight paid; outfit postpaid free on ap plication. Address Globe Bible .Publish ing Co., 723 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. B M700 27 CANVA8SEHH wanted for "I.lfo nnd llelgn of Queen Victoria," by the eminent his torians, Prof. Clias. .Morris and Murat UalKtead: nearly W) pages; slzo ixl(; 1W richest Illustrations; greatest nnd best; tremendous seller; only J1.50; big book, big commissions; credit given; freight tin Id, outfits free. Address Tho Dominion Co., Dept. V, 331 Dearborn St.. Chicago. B-M7US 31' WANTED, man, upright character, to man age bushiest of old established house; salary SIR per week and expenses payable each week tllrucl from headquarters: ex pense money advanced; position perma nent, reference. Standard House. Cax ton bldg.. Chicago. B-SI722 27 WANTED, men to learn barber trude; pre- Hiiro now for spring rush, only two imintliH reotilred: Sill In 115 weekly tiald graduates, or can stait business nn our rapltal; many good Un atlons on file; w have the best proposition ever made oung men; class begins February 1; our lltiltiinnM reeni'iilzril everywhere: write at onco for entulngiie and particulars. Moler llarlter ( ouege, u.;i I'arnam si., umana. Caution- Our success baa caused some 5e sliorm to call their Dlaces colleges. Do not be deceived. We are u branch of tho original Moler system. B Mi21 Ml" W A ST li !)-!' U M A I.I J III'. 1. 1. WANTED, 200 girls. iKI Dodgo. Tel. 870. C-73U SO girls wanted. Canndlan olllce, 1522 Doughis a mur.llT wiiiin tnftn nr woman to take shorthand scholarship and pay for It when course Is tlnlslieil una position securcu Address F 15, Bee. C 857 YOl'Nfl lndv to lenrn massage: ncrmanent position for right party. Apply 220 Bee n f.'1'? WANTED, clrl for general housework' In family of two; must be good cook, ,1713 N 181 h St. C-C75 27 filltl, wanted, general huusework. 22. Miami St. C-0S2 WANTED, 2Ti girls; nlso oxiierleneed shirt mid pant operatorH. Apply at Byrne & Hummer rucuiry. aim Jiowaru sis. 1 J c-mgsi ;;o COMPETENT girl for small family; Id rarkcr stieei. i:uni WANTED, eomnetent waist girl: niiiilv at once. Mrs. Frank Brown, M3 Brown blk. C M729 2tf rtyi iiii.NT iiousi:.-. F you want your houses well rented place them with Bonaua & Co, D-7U AMVAYS moving 11. II. goods. Pianos. Office, ljlivi I'ainam lisa or bns. D-742 HOUSES for rent In all parts of the city! Brcnnnn-I.ovo Co., 320 So. 13th St. D-713 HOUSES, otnrei, Bemls. Paxlou block. U-7II SEE 1IENB.Y il. PAYNE. C01 N. Y. LIFE, HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wend, 1521 DongTos3 , D-71S HOUSES and flats. ninewnlt. nniltor Blk D-717 HOUSES wanted. Wallace Brown Blk. D-71S BABN. 2021 St. Mnry's Ave. D-7ID FOB BENT, bakery In flrsi-class condition' large storo room, continuous oven, etc.: nlso S-room house, with barn for s horses and large wagon shed; all for MOO) oer month. W, H. Bussi-ll, 42J ltaingo Bldg. , U 3 tSIl SUWAltn ST., now I've-rooni cottago ii-iii, w. ., .1,,. v,,jf ivuicr rent fn.fia. OMAHA LOAN & TIHJST CO., ICtli ,mJ KliW (-room oriiiK, niiituy modern east ii, Mil, -in' ! w, .,.,.1 " iiw., w.i. iiemi 1 tl.xiuil uiuvn. .M717 No. 1331 South 31st xtrect. lust norlhT7ir7 i-coni park, a nice, comfortable, modern uouse. win uo put in K()0li r... pair fcr right party. M J Kennnril & Son. 310 Brown block. D-MSI3 TWO small flve-room cottages lnThe'sniml yard; city water In kitchen; In Kl,oil C0I1. illtlon, ronl, 18 per month Omaha Losn &, Trust Co. ICth and Douglas Sis D-iHH- tlth. near Farnnm: ton-room modern house! conipleto tu every respect; tn mlnutej1 walk of center of city: reasonable rent. Omaha Loan As Tl-Jst Co., lu'tleund Dnug- 1,1 a .3 in. D 903- ll(T7 Decatur St., "r., Jld. I0 Decatur, 7r. modern. J14. ,5iVnce '"rs 8t" modcr"' cfPt fur t215 Burt St., S-. modern, except furnace f; PAYNE-KNOX CO., 1ST FL. N. y LIFIO 15132 ' l-ROOM house, all modern. 1125 N. 20th St. D-115 2S Win pay rent when you can buy a homo on monthly payments of f.1 nnd un" W 11 BlUcell. Ki Bnmgo Bldg. D-MI75 MODERN M-rooni flat. Charles Hanley 1010 Pacific st. D-MCOl 29 FOIt BENT, largo corner flat, modern, partly furnished; easy wn'klug distance; number boarders can be retained. Address O fa. Bee. D-M702 27 FOR BOOMS. BTEAM-heatcd rooms nt The Thuraton. E-732 DEWEY Europenn hotel. 13th nnd l'nrnnm. E-30 ilOUSElCEEPINO rooms, Jd up;G23SL Mnry's. E-M7J1 J29 210 N. 17TH ST., steam hented rooms. E-Mllli F5 2201 DOUC-LA8"st., cholco rooms. K-M505-20 FURNISHED rooms, 1900 Capitol ave. E-M59I Sfi l''OU BENT, roonis, cnsulte and single, for nacneiors or light iiouseKeeping; duiii steam heat and elevator. Wiihuell bldg. 13th and Harney. E-M720 27 FlMl.MSHEl) BOOMS AMI IIO.lllI). OLENiuTltNitrnnIe"nts,$t.23dayr 1G0d"d)U8 The Merrlam, good winter home. ?1 & DniUa F-JS4 LABOE front parlors with board, nlso smaller room, reasonable rates. The Bose, 1020 Hitnioy. F-.M591 11 IIMSIIKI) ROOMS AMI IIOAIII). UTOPIA. 1721 Davenport St. Till-: PRATT, desirable rooms, heat. F-7S5 Hot water F-1SI ELEGANT large steam-henled front room?, with board. I'M) Capitol nvc. DESIRABLE front room, heated, suitable fr two, with board; B2I N. 23d street. F G71 2i NICELY furnished room nnd board; modern brick house; private family; 10 minutes' walk from postofhee; references. Address O 01. Hi..-. F-M72M 27 rou m:.vr-t,xi,.;itxisHt2ii rooms. HOUSES rooms, small family only. Oillco 1022 N. 21st St. O-M053 FU rou itr.vr-vroiu.s ami offices. HALL,, 102 So. llth. cor Dodgo st. I-M1C3 FJ Foil RENT. iOTin hnt-cln's locntlsa; rent rcnnnable. Applv H. C. Peters St Co., ground door, Uco Ulrlg. lz " FOIl HE NT, tho building lonnerly occuplsd uy inc nee in mrnain sircei., ii una four stories nnd a. basement which uas formerly used as Tha lice press room. This will bo rented very reasonably. K Interested opply at once to C C. Io3! water, tcctciaiy, room 1W, Bee Bulldliii,'. I-fll l.AHOB double room .n I'ontlnental block: can oo mado ititd very deslrauie oiuco aim reception room for physician. til ar range to suit. OMAHA LOAN A TIttJST CO.. ICth & Doutflas Sts I "i 9 HALL for rent, 102 S. llth, cor Dodge. 1 -Miui-ei. sroit ;i: PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co,. I12- vil Jones, general storage una lorwarumg. 757 OM. Van Stor Co., 151115 Fnrn. Tols. 1559-S03. Atiiivr.s AVANTKH. AGENTS, WANTED, Qjeeli Victoria's Llfo ami uiortous iteign; new nnoic, complete, thrilling - nnd ful'y Illustrated; largest dook mm most liberal terms; agents ma lug j:w n das-: outllt mailed for six 2 cent stamtis. Tho Bible House, Como building, Chicago, III. J MWi vr THE book war "Llfo nnd Times of Queen Victoria, "only official, complete dook; mg cestjiiul best! nrlces cut! Conercent nrofit: l.tnl ugents wanted; l.tiOO.wO copies will be sold in no iinys; valuiilile premiums rree with each book; credit given; freight paid; general agents wanted on salary; book outllt alone free; both book and premium outfits prepaid for 20c; order quick. Ad dress solo authorized American publish ers, Monroe book t o,, I'tucago. J-M723 27 AOENTS on salary or commission; the Greatest uuents seller ever liroduceil: everv user of lien and Ink buys It on sight; 200 to WW ner cent tirollt: one agent's sales amounted to J02O hi six days; another $32 In two hours. Monroe Mfg. Co.. X HI, La Crosse, Wis. J-M71S 27 WANTED TO BENT. WANTED, by responsible parties, May 1 jo-r. mouern nouse in nostra dip location will lease for term of years. O 01, Be. K-713 27 WAXTEIJ TO IHJY. WANTED to Bnv. n Klmr Charles. Blcn neim or Japanese spaniel; siuto wwest price. AUJrcts a 31 Bee. N-ISI A HOUSE and lot from owner; good nclglv nortiooii; sometiiiiig clicap ror ensu. au dress O 57, Bee. N M655 WAITED, llrst-clnss piano salesman for city worg. Atiurcss ti w, neo. N-C7I 2 WANTED, by gentleman and wife, home in a private raniliy; uest nt references given ami required, u w, nee. K-MGSfi 26 WANTED, ono horluontnl boiler, 10 to IS ii, p.j.mubi. no tu iirat-cniHs suupe. u ui, nee. rv Mwt .u WANTED, Warner's Library of World's Jiesi i.iterntu-e. .Address ii u,, nee, N-M717 2S I'Oll SALE FUHMTUIli:, CIIICAOO FUBNITUBE CO.. 1410 Dodne, Tel. 2020. New fc 2dlmnd furnlturu bought, out, excuangeu. u ,sj HOUSEHOLD FUBNITUBE SALE Tho household furniture, etc., belonging tu tho estato or i.pwis m. iieunett, ieceaseu, win bo sold nt prlvnto salo at his late resi dence on tho northwest corner of 22d and ClilcaiTo stieefs on Fr day and Saturday January 25 mid 20. from !) a. m. to 12 and from 2 to " p. m. Hownrd B. Smith, Ex ecutor and Trustee. O 711 2, for sAi,i:-noiisi:s, vehicles, etc. YOI'Il wazon or bunny may need renalrs: liavo It done right, nt Harry Frost's, lPh iV: i.eavenwortu. y 4uj FOll SAIiK MISCHI.LAXhOUS. HABD nnd soft foundation piling; hog fencco anu cnuuing. wi uougias. y tit. 2DIIAND safo cheap Dcrlght, 1110 Farnnm. Q-703 SAFES; buy. sell ex'ge. Schwartz, 114 So. 13, Q iUI HEBTFOBD &. CO.. ICtli & llworth. FUBNITUBE & UPHOLSTEIUNO. Q-37 TIMOTHY liny nnd nil kinds feed nnd conl. Monroe m uo. q mbb FOll SALE, new nna secondhand sod. fountains: monthly payments. S B. Wen mond, 438 So. 24th St. Q-MS32 Fl BABOAINS in 2d hand bicycles, W up new wneeis. id up umana uicvcin :o, Kith nnd Chicago sts. Q-M791 MUST dispose of high grade piano; terms ir uesireu. inquiries auswercu. Aililrcss G 2.1, Bee. Q 131 INCUBATOBS. Send to tho Sum Hatch ireuhator t o., i'iay renter, ei)., ror a lianilsomo free catalogue. tj itl LEO AL blanks, hundreds of forms: mall orders filled; lawyers Uriels printed omnha Mercury- Q-M4I7 l VCtn RALE Oil TRADE, n dun lmnnrln magic lantern worth S5. only used a short time; sunnoio ror lectures anu oilier en tertnininents Anuiess i- w, ce omce. Q-MI70 FOB SALE Rotary Neostyle, good as now. Room no. N. v. Lire nidg. Q-JIC37 FOR RALE, city and county maps; transit and chain etc; niso ioois. gnruen utensils etc. Mrs. Doc Smith, 2202 Sherman Ave Q-G73 23 FOR SALE, chenn, thoroughbred St. Ber hard iiogs. mm noyu st. i) mtm 2i CI.AIIIVOVAXTS. MBS. FRITZ, medium. E19 North KBiT R-703 MME.OLYMER genuine palmist. 1003 Dodge, EI.ECTHIO THIJAT.MnXT, ELITE parlors. 615 South IGth, second floor, 1 197 r -s MABEL GRAY, 317!.. N. litliTt.." nt U. T-M15S F1S MISS MAE LESLIE, 619 S. 16th. 2d lloor. T- M60J :-j MME. AMES, 1615 Howard, 2d lloor. room 1; thermal baths. T M700 :;p PERSONAL. DU. BOY. chiropodist corns & superfluous hair removed by electricity. R. 12. Fren icr Blk. iJ'07 TURKISH bnthi. mas'aso baths, electric baths, for ladles only; skilled women nmt-i-ngo operators; -tlnest equipped bntlis in the city. BcnHtrom Bath Company, Rooms i.75 to 220 lit Bid. U-i-7GS CHILDUKN'S clothing mnd to order. Infants wear, and ladles' underwear a specialty. Satisfaction guaranteed, 1919 Burt st. U-232. IF your feet bother you do not put off until tomorrow buying n box of Re-no-may powder. -Sold by all druggists. U-M295 l-EltSON AI. ATTKSTinv vnrs-n men. The Salvation Army Besoiin Home at lMf uinney si. solicits your plain vuninv mm mending, underclothes, socks and ham!' kerchiefs; will do work reasonably; will call for It rind deliver; please send us a card or telephone 2110. Matron U-M701 27 L1EDEN. theatrical, masquerade coftumcr. "Z?L. PRIVATE home nerore and aurlni: confine I mcnl; babies adopte.1. Mrs. Burget, 2620 uurdettc. u i TO FRENCH accordion pleating; Ivory rim but tons; man oniers. umann rieuung uo 1521 Douglas. U-773 BABIES and children cared for. S13 N. 23d. U M578 J26' SUPI'I lErt for nil machines: machines for rent, wnite sewing Machine, 1S20 Doug la. Tel. 2331. U-t( tl PTL'HE cured; no knife, no pain, no danger; send for circulars, i-.mptro ltup turo Cure, 932 N. Y. Llfo Building. Omaha. U-M4U F1S PRIVATE hospital for ladles before and uunng roiuuiement; names auopteo. :r.t-.u Orant St. U 177 VIAVI Woman's way to health; rational, wnoicsome name treatment, am uee Ming. U-S91- BUY from the manufacturer. Burkloy En velope Co., Omuha. u MI00FI5 fjECONDHANI) SEW1NO MACHINES. Saturday wo will sell machines for so little that they will come within the reach if everybody. You will bo surprised nt what wo offer you. 3 Singers 1.00 I New Home 4.1) 1 New Homo b.'.O 1 Domestic t.M) 1 Domestic iM) 1 Household '0. 2 Singers, high arm, each 7.') 1 Singer, good as new vi.Iv) 1 White, perfect condition 1.2. W) Mlnaer Shoemaker iTi.Irt I modern drophead machine", STAND MID. ai.NONii anu uavib, in pcrteci conui'.nn ai half the regular price. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., Cor. 15th und Harney Sts. f 503 f. MO.VnV TO LOAX HKA1. USTATE. MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. uo., do. i.stn. W-770 PRIVATE money, 8, &', C per cent; no de lay. Qarvln Bros., lSlJ Farnnm. W 77! $t,000 nrd upward to loan on Improved city property mm rnrms. w. I'arnam wninn Co., 1320 Farnnm. W-77S LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western Iowa fnrias at u per cent; uorrowtrs can pay $100 or any multiple; any Interest date; n- .clay. Brennnn-Lovo Co., 300 So. 13tli ? Omaha, NoU W-775 WANTED, city loans, bonds nnd warrants. uoorgo m v-ompany, iwi rarnam streiu. W "79 WANTED, city and farm loans; also 'jonds anil warrants, it j. i-eiers ui,p 'nu Farnnm St., Bee Bldg. W-780 MONEY to loan on farm nnd city property, lowest rates, o. F. Davis uo., iws i-arnam W-7il PRIVATE money to loan. J. H. Sherwood, W-7SS v. i.irc. MONEY to loan nt G nnd BW per cent on umana property. v. u. aicikic, wi n. mm W 7i2 FIVE per cent money. Bcmls, Paxtonbtpck. Jl.&oo TO LOAN on real estate; call at onso. M. J. Kcnnard & Son. 310-311 urown diock. W-7S0 FIVE nnd onc-hnlf per cent loans, W. H. inomns, iirsi rsationni oatui ouunms. Tel. 16IS. W-M8H C AND Mi per cent loans. W. II. Thomas, I'irsi -Nut. jianii uunuing. ici. imi MS 19 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wcad, 1521 Douglas. w III JIOSUV TO LOAN-CHATTELS. Mnvnv 'pniiAV. Lonns made In amounts from J10 to 3250 on nousenoKi furni'.tirc, pianos, horses, car nages, etc., without removal or on your H-A-L-A-It-Y without security. All or tt part of thn money may bo paid back tha first month, or no part of It need bo paid back for several months Each payment made reduces the cost accordingly. Em ployers and neighbors know absolutely nothing of our business relations. People who need money aro Invited to cnll anil get my terms and compare them with what others offer. Loans of other com panies may be transferiefi to mc No charge for papers. All business strictly confidential. Quick servlco and lowest rates guaranteed. .1. W TAVI.OH. 218. First. Not. Btnk bldg, southest corner utn and Farnam Sts. 'lei. ii&. X M53J . . DO YOU NEED MONEY? We loan $10.00 and up on furntttiro, p'anos, borsts and other chuttels. SALARY LOANS , ,,, Without mortgage, to people holding pcrmnnent positions. You enn get tho money In a few hours after maklngiap plication, and take 1, 2, 3, 4. 5, G months or moro In which to pay It back, and you need not pay for It one day longer than you keep It. We chargo nothing for injurs und we give you tho full amount In cash. There are no lower rates than ours, our terms are the cnslest, our business is confidential and our motto Is "try to nlcase. Omahu Mortgage Loan Co., 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel., 2193. (Established JS02). 200 So. 16th .St i. -192 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE AT CHEAPEST RATES IN CITY AN OPPORTUNITY to tako ndvantago of. Wo make no startling, sensational an nouncements of rnto ''cut in two. ' Wo don't do business that way; neither does anybody else. OUR REDUCED RATES ARE THE LOWEST. You can borrow on your personal Note, without Mortgngc, Indorsee, or Publicity. Our Special Pay ment Plan surprises them nil and Mion gets you out of debt. Very qttlot olllce, easily fourd. Conic und kco us. AMERICAN LOAN CO.. Boom C01. Beo Bldg. X MS20 SALARY LOANS. If you are employed bv a responsible firm we will loan you sums from $10 to $100 on your nnto at much cheaper and easier rates than elsewhere. Of this we are positive, Absolutely no charges for papers, Nothing deducted from amount desired. Easiest partial payments. Reliable Credit Co,, room 2C3 Pnxton blk. X MS51 MONEY "MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE. No endorser of mortgage required. LOWEST RATES. EASY PAYMENTS and STRICTLY CON F I D E NT I AI OMAHA CREDIT CO., Room tl6, Fifth Floor. New York Life Bldg. X-7SS MONEY to Loan on Furniture, Plnnoi, Diamonds, etc , on easy payments. You keep security No chargo for papers. No questions asked sour neighbors. Tel. 1034. BERQEBS' LOAN CO , 1501 Farnam St. X-G21- MONEY loaned salaried neoDlo holding per manent p Itlon with responsible concern upon their own names without security: eiifcv payments Tolmnn, Room 440, Board or Trauo Jims., lutn unu i-arnnm ts. X-i9l MONEY loaned nn pianos, furniture, low clry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, .:u 8. 13. X-790 MONEY loaned on p nnos. furniture, horso", cows, Jowclry. puff Green, R S. Barker blk N-793 CHATTEL & Salary leans, ants. M Pnrker Blk. Joe II. Pleas. X-M501-F19' IHSIXHSS i:HM'K. $130 CASH or easy payments buys 23 strictly lawful lulckcl) slot machines for drinks, cigars or cufh; will cum $2 and upwnrd weekly each Earl. Clnrk & Co., Furnl turo Mnnufi.ctuicrs, Chicago, 111. Y-S13 WANTED, good man to do canvassing In the country; good pay for right man. Ad dress E 4. Beo. Y MJ90" FOR SALE, Bentrlco bnkery doing leadlur. prolltnble and large business; bargain if taken' soon. T. A. Woodward. Beatrice. V-M6S3 27 FANCY bakery, ice cream and candy mfg. establishment, snap for right man, in voice $1,500. Win. Madgett, Ileal Estate, Hastings, Neb. Y-4f7 BLACKSMITH, nil around workman, good hortseehoer or plowman and woodworker, wants u locntion hi Nebraska, lown or Dakota to tent or start new, Address Wnltor Schaberg, Henry, Key Co.. Mis. scurl. Y-.M657 ( Ill iM'.SS ( II M i:s. FOR SAL'S, bnkery, restaurant nnd grocery chrap If;.n at ohco. Address n 01. Bee. V-MSM rnr. SALE. Opera Hou-e saloon, t'ounrlt Bluffs. Y-M8TO FOR SALE, my line of dry goods ami gro ceries. Address P. O. lock box . Sit- perlor. Neb. MOW 24 NEAT grocery, doing wod business; will sen tu discount: easy ifmn, wv iiee uing. Y-tiOS 25 FOR SALE, cheap, bakery, Ico cream and candy business. Jluller; 2S0u Leavenworth St.. Omnha. Y 517W 31 FOR SALE, a stock of general merchan dise, will Invoice nbout $3.lA In a llvo town of 3,0") iiopulatlon In Nebraska. For further particulars address P. o. Lock Box 101. Wllber, Neb. Y- M720 2S Foil SALE, agricultural Implement and carriage business In south central Ne braska For further particulars address Box GPS. West Liberty, la. Y-M731 rou nxciiAM'.ii. A FINE JS3.00 Imported magic lantern, as good as now, only used a short time; suit able for lectures, churches or lodge enter tainments; n bargain. Address F 03, Bee office. Z-179 FOR SALE OB TRADE, best eastern Colo ratio stock nnd fnrm land for eastern clear property. II. Kurzldlm. Idnlla, Arapahoo county, Colorado. M719 27 FOll SAI.E-IIEAI. ESTATE. PROPERTY bought and sold; money loaned; rents collected. L. L. .lohnson Co., 311 So, 16th St. RE-102 DESIRABLE east front lot, residence or business, 3d block so. depot on loth. Itll Vinton. RE-MM3 VI RANCH AND FARM lands for salo by the Union Pacific Railroad company. R. A. McAlluster land commissioner, Union Pacific Headquarters, Uinuha, Neb. BH-S1J SEE HENRY B. PAYNE, C01 N. Y. LIFE. RE-79a HOUSES, lots, farms, lands, loans; also fire ttisurance. Bcmls, Pnxton blk- RE SH CHEAPEST lot In city of O'nahn; C2H-foot east front In Nelson's addition. M. J. Kcnnard & Son, 310 Brown block. RE-MS93 CIIAS. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnnm St. RE-795 SCRIP 1fl,nno ncrcs; C. B. Burrows, owner, Norfolk, Neb. BE-MI22 20' LIST yo'ir bargains In city property and farm lands with us; wo huvo the cus tomers. Payne-Knox Company. Main Moor New Yoilc Llfo Bldg. Tel. 17S1. BE-GIS 31 CHEAP, C-room cottuge and lot, 19th, near Lake st. Box 37:1, Kearney. Neb. RE MC5G 27 1-OR SALE, 13 lots In Bcmls Park Bcserve, very cheap indeed. These lots arc selling better than we expected. Several houses will bo built ns soon as spring opens. Now Is the opportunity to get one of these lots at a low price. I am offering this week also 4C ncres on the Mllitury road, Just north of Benson. Will Pell tho wholo tract at it cheap prlco to romo man who wants an investment or will sub divide ir desired. This Is a beautiful lo cution und .it price offered there Is money In the property. Also II feet running from 23rd to 21th, Just north of Cuming. Owner Instructs me to sell this property. A 1'. Tukey, Board of Trade. RE-G77 23 WANTED, all persons who want to own a good farm, iiml who will save ten cents a day to pay for It. Address E. F. Mur phy. Oood'and, Kan. RE-MCSS 29 MUST BE SOLD. WANT OFFERS. 100 ft. frontage faring Hanscom park by luO ft. In depth, vacant. Orchard Hill lot, $223. Kith and Spragiio st., two "tots. $.100. 52 ft. Irontuge on Leavenworth st. near 22d. All of above, sold together or sdparately, at a great bargain. At UARV1N BROS., 1C1I1-FABNAM. ,'iit RE-M707 20 SPECIAL BARGAINS. IN FOUR FINE NEW HOUSES. Wo are putting upon the mnrket for Imme diate sale FOUR now houses located on Cumlllg St. between ,12d and 33d. These houses uro all strictly modern, hot and cold water plumbing, porcelain tub. mar ble washstand, fiirnnce, etc. PERFECT LITTLE OEMS of and 7 rooms each, besides LAUNDRY. We offer the inside lots nt $3,230 and the corner nt $3,500, $300 cash, balance u per cent. TltlH in A RARE OPPORTUNITY TO SECURE JUST WHAT YOfT WANT. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY, Main Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. RE-M710 27 LIST your property for rent and sale with . it. J tussen, 130 itamge jiiug. RE-I7G TIME Is ripe for doubling your money in Red Riv -r valley, Minnesotii. Innds; $, $8, Sl'J lninroved farms, near stations and creameries; $10 to $2") plats furnished It you state which you want. o. n. ltnrris, 103 S. 15th St.. Omaha. HE-.M7I6 27 HOUSE to move. Wallace, Brown blk. i RE-M727 A VERY good lot (n north part of city, not fur out and close to car; mUXI2j feet on grade; only $250 cash, or $to a month, 0 jier cent iiiiciomi, ii in uim ium close by sold for that this week. Stringer, c:ii raxton nut. uk airei -ROOM house and corner lot, 50x125, In north part of city: cheap at $1,500; will sell for $750, $100 cash, balance $10 a month mid 0 per cent Interest; not far out and close to cars, stringer, t.ii i-uxinn niu. RE-M723 I'ATTiXTS. INVENTORS, GOT AN IDEA 7 Wo handlo patents, copyrights nnd trade marks; you give in tho buro Idea and we will do tho rest; modern equipped innchlno shop and foundry ,n connection; Olllclal Oazotto on file: guldo book free. Mason, Fcnwlck & Lawrunce, patent lawyers. 1400 Howard bi. tel. umana, j. r. uruiini, repr. -M170 INVENTORS, wo nsk no feo until tho patent is procured; If we fall, wo rtft no tc-e; auvico rree. ues c 1.0., j-iucni i.nw yers, Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb, Long ills tnnco telephone 1023. US MnrlS LOST. LOST Brown water Bpanlel. name Brownie; $5 reward for reiiirn to Murray hotel. Nat Brown. Lost MC42 LOST Cameo breastpin; rownrd for return to this omce. ioat SIIOItTll.V.M) AM) TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN S ANT'S School. 717 N. Y. Life, SOI BOYLES' College, court reporter, principal, Bee Bldg. 302 NEB. Business & Shorthand college. Boyd's Theater. si)3 GREGOiShorthand. Om. C. Col. 10 .t Doug. -S04 MEDICAL. LADIES out of health find prompt relief. Box 232, omahu, Neb. Confidential, -793 GONOVA Is a Frenh treatment for malo and female, for tho positive euro of Uoii orrhnen. Gleet, Unnnturnl Discharges, In flammations, irritations and Ulcerations of tho miicnua mcmhrunes. An internal remedy with Injection combined, war ranted to euro worst cases lu onu week; $3 per paekago or two lor $5. Sent any where on receipt of prico. The Kldd Drug Co.. Elgin, in. American Olllce, retail who:et-alt, Myors-Dlllon Drug Co., Omahu; M. A Dlllun, Kouth oniaha. Davis Drug Co., Council Bluffs. Full lino of rubber goods. OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute. 51a N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. 1661; Alice Johnson D. O., ladles' dept.; Uld E. Johnson, Osteopathia!, Mgr. S04 M. E. DONOHUE, D. O., of Still school". Klrksville, Mo.. 601 Paxtoft Blk. Tel, 1367. SOT IIUIIIIEH STAMPS. BADGES, medals. Om. Pl't. Co., Bee Bldg, Tel. 253. M-M7 IM'l IIATIMtS AM) IlltOODEHS. INTt-BATons and Brooders' catalogue free rite Burr Incubator Co., Omahn, Noi -I7i i lilt CLEM. START bus ing vour bicycler, now, SI down, Jl per week, L. Fleschcr, 1622 Cap nve. M -Gli IXOI BATttltS AMI BlttlOIlEBS. INCUBATORS and free. Write Burr Omaha, Neb. brooders; catalogue Incubator Co., B 2, -179 l'AWMIBOKEBS. EAOLE Ioan Ofllcc, reliable accommodat ing; nil business confidential. 1301 Douglas. -Sit WATCH Itni'AIItlMi. W. O. SANDERS, room 24, Barker Block. 42S-F-1G DAXCI.VO SCHOOL, THE winter term nt Morand's Dancing school begins this week. Adults. Tuesday and Friday, 8 v. m.; 12 lesions, gentlemen. w; intucs, ;t. i-nvaio lessons nay nnu evening. M- Fll dbiI.ssmaicim: MBS. JEFFRIES KEMP, 404 Pnxton Blk. Telephone 2120. M-5SI-J27 BIRDS AM) TAXIDERMY. STOCK'S Bird Store. 1G03 Leavenworth. -797 KTAM.M Ell I IS AM) STUTTEItlNd. CUBED, Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Bldg. -SIS XICICKl, PLATt.Vn. OMAHA PLATINQ CO., Beo Bldg. Tel. 25S5. MGI8 LAI'MIIIV. OMAHA Steam Lnundry; shlrtn, 7c: collars, 2c; cuffs, 4c. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. BI7. -793 CAIIPE.XTIHI.S AM) .lOllMEItS. ALL kinds of carpenter work nnd repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree. 20tl, anil Lnko Sts, ACCOIIDIO.V PLEATIXn. ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best quick. est. .Mrs. A, e. warn, a. 13, oor. 17th nr.d Farnam. 572 v 1 1 1 MTt; it t: it i: pa i it i mi. TEL. 1331. M H. Wnlklin, 2111 Cuming St. -808 TICKET BROKER. CUT rate tickets everywhere. P. II. Phil- -S09 uin, iju i-nrnnm. Telephone tsh. POSTOFFICIi AO TIC I ; Should bo read DAILY by all Interested, as enaugcs inav occur at any tune. Forclmi mails for the week endlni; .limn. nry 26, 1901. will close (PROMPTLY In all cases) at tne ttcnerai t'ostoiucu as lollows: l'AUUlil,H I'OST .MAILS Close ONE HOUR EARLIER tluia closing tlrv shown be'.ow. Parcels Post Malls for w-rmallv closo -it B p. m. on January 23 per s. s. Karlsruhe, via jJieiuen. Regular unu supplementary malls close nt Foreign Branch half hour later than closing tlmo shown below. TrniiN-Atliiutin Mulls. SATUBDAY At 0:30 n. in. for EUROPE. per s. s. inmpumn. via ijucenstown, nt S n. m. for NETHERLANDS direct per s. h. Rotterdam (mall must bo directed "per h, s. Rotterdam"); at S a. in. for ITALY, per s. H. Knlser Wm. II (mail must bu directed "per s. s. Kulser Wm.. PRINTED MATTER. ETC.-Tlils stentner- taites I'rinted .Mutter, Commercial nnd Bamftles for Germany only. The snmn clf.o-t of mall miutur for other parts of Etiropa will not bo sent by thU ship unless specially directed by ner. After tho closing of tho Supplementary Trans-Atlantic Malls named above addi tional supplementary mails are opened on the piers of tho American, English, French and Geriiinn stonmers and remr.ln open until within Ten Minutes of the hour of sailing of steamer. Mnllx for South unit f csttritl America, West Indies. Etc. SATURDAY At 8 a. m. for BERMUDA, per s. s. Trllildnd; at 8:30 a. in. for AR GENTINE REPUBLIC. URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per s. h. Bellnr.ock; at 9 a. m. (supplementary 9:20 a. m ) for PORTO RICO (via Sail Juan), VENEZUELA nnd CURaCAO, per s. s. Caracas (mall lor Savar.llla nnd Carthngcna must bo di rected "per s. s. Caracas"); at 10 a. in. (supplementary 10:30 a. in.) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA, SAVANILLA nnd CARTIIAOENA. per H. B. Altai (mnll for Costa Rlrn must bo directed "per s. s Altai"); nt 10 a. m. (supplementary lOiffl) n. m.) for HAITI, per h. s. Alps; nt 10 a. m. for CUBA, per f. H. Mexico, via Havnnn; at 12:30 p. m. for MATANZAS, CAIBARIEN, NUEV1TAS. GIBABA nnd BABACOA, per s. s. Ollnda (ordinary mall only, which must bo directed "per p. s. Ollnda"); nt "11 p. m. for NASSAU, per steamer from Miami, FU. Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney, and thence by steamer, close at this oillco dally nt G:30 p. m. (connecting closo hero every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday). Malls for Mlqiioion, by rail to Boston, nnd thence by steamer, closo nt this olllce dally at 0:30 p. m. Mulls for Cuba, by rail to Port Tampa, Flu., nud thenco by steamer, closo at this ofllco daily at G a. m. (tho ccnnecllng closes nro on Sunday. Wednesday and Friday), Malls for Mexico City, overland, unless speclnlly addressed for dispatch by Btenmcr, closo nt tbl ofllcc tlnlly at 1-30 p. in. and 11 p. m. Malls for Costa Rlru, Belize, Puerto Cortez and Guatemala, by rail to New Orleans, and thence by Bteumer, closo at this oillco dally at "l.SO p. m. (connecting closes here Mondays for Belize, Puerto Cortez nnd Guatemala and Tuesdays for Costa Rica). "Registered mail cIofciI at 0 p, in. previous day, Tmiis-I'irvltto Mulls. Malls for Australia (oxcept West Australia), New Zealand, Hawaii, Fill and Sarnoun Islands, via Sun Francisco, close hero flally at 0:30 p m. Jnnuarv 6th nn.j up to January "I'jtfi Inclusive, or on day of arrival of s. k. tmpaiila, duo ut Now York January 19th, for dispatch per a. , Sonoini. Malls foi China nnd Japan, via Vnncouvor, close here dally at C:30 p. in. up to Janu ary 22. Inclusive, for dispatch per k. s. Empreps of Japan (registered mull must be directed "via Vancouver"! Mails for Hawaii. Japan. Chlm and Philip pine Island", via San Francisco, eloso hero dally ut 6:30 p. m. up to January 27. Inclusive, for dispatch ner s u. China. Mulls ft.r Hnwnil. via San Frnnelscn, closo here tlnlly at 0:30 p. ni. for dispatch per h. s. Mariposa. Malls for Hawaii, China. Japan and Philip pine Islands, via San Francisco, closo hero tlnlly at G.3'i p. m. up to February !, in clusive, for dispatch per s. s. Doric. Trans-Paelflc mails nro forwarded to port of sailing dally and the schedule of closing Is arranged on tho presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. Regis tered mall eloes ut 3 p. m nrnvlous dn I'ostofllce, New York, N. Y., January IS, 1901. CORNELIUS VAN COT"', Postmaster. PORTO Popular Tours RICO I'cb, 8 nnd 1(1, March 2. Illui traled program, -4 dnye, nil epiiiihc, JI0S. Raymond S. Whltcomb, 1 03 Adams St., Chlcano RAILWAY TIME TABLES, WABASH RAILROAD Ticket Ofllce, 1115 Farnam Street. Telephone, 222. D. pot, Tnnth nnd Murcy Sts. Telephone, C29, Leave. Arrli-n St. Louis "Cannon uaii Express u Dully ..a 3:13 pm a 8:20 am OMAHA St ST. LOUIS RAIL mail -Omaha, Kansas City & Eastern Rallronil-"The Qulncy Boiitc"-Tlckot Of flco, 1413 Fnrnam St. Tele phone, E22. Depot, Tenth nnd Marty Streets. Telephony, 629, Leave. Arrive. St. Louis Cannon Ball Express a 5:15 pm a 8:20 nm Kansas City und Qulncy Local a 7:00 um a 0:00pm a Dully IIAII.WAV TISin TAItI,E5. FREMONT ELKHOBN Mls-.,url Valley Railroad - "The Norlhwe-tctn Mi.e Oi-nernl .llllce. i idled State National Bank Bldg, S. W. ,"rh,,r Twelfth and Farnam Sts 'llckcl oihic ut Fiirnam St Tel. Ml. Do pot, 15th und Webster SN. Tel. 143'. . Leave. Arrive, lllack Hills, Dcadwood, ..Hot Springs .a 3:00 pm a 5:00 pm Wyoming, Casper and . . . Douglas d 3:i0 pm o B:W I'm Hastings, York, David t Ity, Buperlor, dentin, Exeter nnd Seward. . . .b 3:00 pm b 5:00 pm Norfolk, Vcidlgro and ..... Fremont u 7:20 am blOuo am Lincoln, Wnhoo nnd ' Fremont ( nm bl0:2o am l-rcmont c 7:30 am n Dally, b Dnllv except Sunday, c Sun day only d Daily except Saturday, e Dally except Monday SIOUX CtTV PACtFtC Ballroad - "The North western Line" Oeneral Oltlces, I nltcd Ktntes National Bank Biilldliu, S. W. Comer Twelfth and Fnruam Sts. Ticket I it Ct rCtl.,ilAfirt KAl On. ! Oftloe. not Farnam St. Telenfione 511. Dn pot, Tenth and Marcy Sts. Telephone 629. I.envo Arrive. Twin Cltv Express. Twin City Limited. Sioux City Local... a Dally. ...a .35 am nI0.2"i pm . . .n 7:33 pm a 8:13 am ...a S:00 um a 3:50 pm CHICAOO, ST PAUL., Minneapolis & oiimIiu Railway "The North western Line" (leneral Ollleis, Nebraska Divi sion, 15th and Webster Sts. City Ticket Olllce. 1401 Fnrnam St. Telenhone. CGI. Denot. Uth and Webster Sts. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger., a 0:00 um n 9:10 pm Omaha Passenger nll:10 um Sioux City ,"i North east Nebraska a 3:13 pm a Dally CHICAGO & NORTH western Railway "Tin Northwestern t.ino City Ticket Olllce, Farnnni St. Telcn Mice, 1401 Telephone, fU Depot, Tenth and Marcy Sts. Telephone 029. L.cavo. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe cial n7;0Oam nlt:30 pm Chicago Passenger ... . .a 4:13 pin a 4:40 am Eastern Epress, Des Moines, Marshnlltown, Cedar Rapids and Chicago al0:55 nm ft 4:0j pm Eastern Special, Chi cago und Hast a 4:53 pm n 4.05 pm Fast Mall, Chicago to umann a .:) lira Omahn - ChlciiBo I.lrnlt'tl.Q 7:15 pm J JJJJJ I , g&J rflft j,',, y, L bIsJ pm I .Eastern Express b 9;o0 pm : n Dally. li Dally except ittirday. BURLINGTON & Mis souri River Railroad "Tho Burlington Route" General Olllces, North west Corner Tenth and Farnnm Streets. Ticket Oillco 1502 Farnnm Street. Telephone, 23o. Burlington Station, Tenth and Mtmon Streets, Telephone, 12S. Leave. Arrive. Lincoln, Hustings and McCook n. S: 10 am n 7:33 pm Lincoln, Denver, Colo rado, Utah. 4:25 pm a 3:00 pin Lincoln .i Black Hills, .a 9:00 pm a 6:45 nm Montana, t'ugel Hjuih1..h 9:00 pm u 6:45 um Lincoln Fast Mall b 3:00 pm a 0:17 um Wvmore, Bentrlco ami Lincoln a 8:40 nm bll:55am Denver, Colorado, Utah nnd California a 6:15 am South Dc'id. Louisville, liattsmoiith b 3:33 nm bll:05 nm Ft. Crook. PJnttsmouth and Pacific Junction, n 7:00 pm a S:20 am Bellevue. PJnttsmouth mid Pacific Junction. .n2:10 am a Dull), b Dully excetil Suniiny. KANSAS CITY. ST. Jo seph ,t Council Bluffs Railroad "The Burling ton Route" Ticket Olllce, 1502 Fnrnam Street. Tele phono, 250. Depot, Tenth und Mason Strcts, Tele phone, 12S Kansas City nay Ex. .a 9:20 nm it G:23 Kansas City Night Ex..ain:30 pm a 6:13 St. Louis Flyer for . i.cnTe. At rive. pm am Jofu!!'.n"d st I.ouls..a 5:10 pm alias nm CHICAGO. BURLINGTON & Qulncy Railroad "The Burlington Boute" Ticket Olllce 1502 Farnam Streot. Telephone. 230. Depot, lentil nnd Mason streets. Telephone, 12S. !.envf. A. a Daylight Chicago Spe- cm! a 7:00 am nlO;i.-, nm Chicago Vostlbuled Ex. a 4:n0 pm a 7:15 Uin Chicago Local Espress.n 9:30 um a :u5 im Chicago Limited a 7:50 pm a 7:13 um CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE Cl St I'aul Railway-City Ticket Olllce. 1604 Farnam Street. Telenhn,,,. -c.i MlLWAUh Depot, 'JVinth mid 'Mason ' StieotB. Telephone. C29. I Leave. Arrive, ! Chicago Limited Ex. ...a thuo pm n 8:03 am Chicago ,t Omaha Ex .b 7:15 am b 3:10 pm ii u.iuy. u uauy except nuniiay CHICAGO, ROCK ISL and & Pacific Railroad "The Oreat Rock Isi and Routo" City Ticket Olllce. 1323 Far nam Street. Telephone. 42S. Depot. Tenth nnd Marcy Sts. Tele nhone. C29. Leave. Arrive. EAST. Des Moines and Daven port Local a 7:23 nm bll:35 nm Chicago Express 111:15 am it 8:10 nm Des Moines Local a -1:20 pin a 4:45 pm Chicago Fast Express., a fi:uO pm a 1:23 nm Des Mollies, Rock 1st- and und ChIcngo.. ,a 7:40 pm n 9:33 pm Lincoln, Colorado Spgs.. Denver, Pue'ola nnd West a 1:30 pre a 4;15 pm Colorado,. Oklahoma & TexaB Flyer n 5:20 pm n 9:50 am a Dally b Dally except Sunday. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL road General Ofllccs and Ticket Offices, Southeast Corner llth and Douglas Sts Telephone, 101. Depot. Union Station. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis nnd Kansas City Express ul0:00 nm a 6:25 pm K. C, St. L. Express... al0:50 pm u 0:15 am Leave from 15' n and Webster Streets: Nebraska Local, Via Weeping Water b 1. 10 pm ttl0:15 nm a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. ILLINOIS CENTRAL Ballrond-Clty Ticket Of flco, 1102 Fnrnam Street, Telephono, 245. Depot, Tenth nnd Murcy Streets. Leave. Arrlva. Chicago Express .. Chicago Limited .. Mlnutapolis nnd ...a 7:00 am 1111:25 pm ...u, I iiu juii ii a;vj um St. i'aul i-ixnrcss ... Mlnneiipolls nnd ...b 7:00 am b 0:40 pm St. . . .a 7:45 pm a 8:03 nm i'aul t.imiieq .... i-ill i liougc i.ocni irom Council Bluffs b 4:30 pm a 8:15 am l-ort uonjie i.ncui rjin Council nliirfs n 0 00 nm n Daily, b Daily except Sunday. UNION PACIFIC'THH OVER. In ii -1 louto" General Oflle.m N K- Cor. Nlntli nnd Farnarn h-rects. City Ticket Olllce, 1321 rurnaili Stiect. Tolephnno, 316. je-jfui, itiiiii mu iiiurty Ola. 'I eiepnonu, u.j. icave. Arrive. Tho Overland Limited.. a 8:20 nm a 7:30 pm The Chicago-Portland- Special ft S:20 nm n 7:30 pm Tho Fast Mall u S:J nm a 3:25 pm Tho Mnll and Express.. all :3j pm a 4:25 pm Lincoln, Bentrlco and Btrotimburg ExpresH..b 4:o. pm lil2:30 pm Tho Pachlo Express.... a 4:23 pm Thn Ati.nitic Express... a 6:50 nm Grand Island Local . . .1) 5:30 pm b 9:33 am a uuiiy. ii uauv except nunuay. ) MOBILE winter B PINE SHIPS iNCONntcTion wnn I seeticio stnvict TxiMOiLlOHtos. AI ONG THE NORTH SHORE nAvA, m stanzas, cardenas, saoua. cai. MEVITAS, UlltARA, ill IMRtCOA, and olktr or1i. MBT-fiOV .TTKAMHIIIP J.INK-27 WlllUra .t. Kcw Vork City RAYMOND & WH1TCO.MB, Union Square, New Vork. Foi Tickets, Stateroom Reservation nd Gonernl Information of t!i MO BILE SERVICE, apply to Ticket Agent Mobllu & Ohio R, II, and South trn Ky. - jIIIIl X1 , ntVS KMWYORWOjtn f EMI-M0N1HLY SkE HIS ELASTIC IMAGINATION Story cf Attemptttl Tiain Wrecking Made Out of Wholo Oloth, COLLISON'S INCONSISTENT STATEMENTS teioi (eil Pint to Dernll I nlon Pneltlo Piissoiir 'I'm I it i'iir Kriirite llc HtMCil to lime Orlultiutril ulth Pretemleil Hero. Fred Colllson of Kcnrr.ey Is the man who posed ns it revised edition of all the heroics by saving n westbound Union Pacific train from bring wtccked near Kearney last Sun day night. Officers who have carefully ln estlgatcd the circumstances of the reported train wrecking plot do not hesitate to tit- Oiavo that the wholo proceeding was a rough ... . i . .. concoction, evolved alono and unaided by Colllson himself. Colllson appeared at the police station hi Kearney Sunday night, feigning great mcu ml and bodily Injury, nnd professed to hnvo dlsfovtred a plot, entered Into by six men, to wreck a Union Pacific passenger train. 1IH story was that ho was walking along an un'requentrd street on tho outskirts of Kearney when he encountered thrco men riding lu n farmer's wagon. They sprang from tlio vehicle, he said, nnd maltreated hltn In the bed of the wngon. covered his fnee nnd body with n blanket nnd drove off toward tin- railroad tracks. .lolned by it Trio, rrlvlng there, they were Joined by throe other nini nnd tho six discussed tho wreck ing of the westbound passenger train on the Union Pnclllc. Intending to pillage the cats alll passengers after the train should hnvo been derailed nnd wrecked. Colllson then escaped ftem his raptors, cen though out numbered six to one. Ho fllnggercii Into the police station nt Kearney and told his ttory. The train from the cast was then due in nn hour's tlmo and there was nothing for tho olllclnls to do but Institute nn linmedlte Investiga tion. Sheriff Funk of Buffalo county, nccom- panted by the chief of police of Kearney, repaired to the place designated by Colli sou. They found there Iluce small stone sou. They round there lluce small stones en (lie track, all of which wcro easily kicked away. When this discovery wns miule Colllson s story begun to iirsunie u decidedly ridicu lous aspect. Sheriff Funk found no traco of any bandits lying In wait for tho wreck ing of tho train, and upon his return to Kearney was firmly convinced that Colll fou's stntemcut was mauufiictureil out of wholo cloth. (loci to th' Su entliu. The next day Colllson was placed In tho sweatbox and wns altogether Inadequate to tho cross-fire of questions propounded by the Kearney olllclals niul Chief Can ml a of tho Union Paclllc secret t-ervlrc department, wiio went to Kearney to investigate tho matter. IBs assertions that he had been assaulted and brutally beaten hy the three, men who enptured him were disproved when nn lUNCstlgiitlou disclosed the fact Unit there was not a mark nor a bruise on his body. The blood which bespattered his faco wi.en ho nppenred nt tho pollco htiitiou In Krormy Sunday night was shown to have como irom three r.-ratches on his fore head, (ipparcntly (.elf-luUlctcil with the point of a pin. f'ho deduction reached by the ofllelols who Investigated the case was that thcro had bfcn no nttetupt to wreck the train, but that Colllcon had toncolved the plan with the Idea of working up sympathy In his be half and gaining a reward from tho railroad company for preventing a wreck, lie dis closed the fact before tho on nation that ho wanted to go to Denver, and fhoe.glit Iho railroad company ought to nt least provldo him with tr-tnsportatlon since, he had averted a terrible catastrophe. In view of the outcome of the case, however, Colllson "HI be lucky it he Is it tie pass, for his prcpenc on the Union Pacific right-of-way will he quite distasteful to tho company bcc.auso of the toarso plot lie at tempted to perpetrate. lllou ii to Atoms. The old Idea that the body sometimes needs n powerful, drastic, purgatlvo pill ,ina ucrn exploded; for Dr. King's Now Llfo Pills, which nro perfectly harmless, gently Mtinmlnto liver nnd hnw-elH to evoel r.nlftnn- ous matter, cleanse tho system and abso lutely cure constipation and nick headache. Only 25c at Kuhn & Co's. drug store. PRISONERS SEEK FREEDOM Ed l'otei- mill Henry DIuun leitiie fioin Street (ililln (ill it I'll, fwo prisoners escnped from tlio gang that was being taken nut to work on thn streets yesterdny morning. Tlio men wcro Ed Porter and Henry Dlggs nnd wore serv ing out n fllftcen-dny bcntcnco for tho theft of some barrels. Tho gang was Just leaving tho police headquarters, tho head of the lino of twelve men had gona out tho door of the barn. whoro they wcro lined up, when Porter and Dlggs slipped around the corner and wero out of sight In a minute. C. J. West- erdnhl, who was In charge, was at tho other end of thn linn and could not get action ou tho men. St. I.onlM .linn ConililltM Hllli'lde, CHATHAM, Ont.. Jan. 25. A man who arrived hero from St. Louis, Mo., last night and registered at the Canada Pacific hotel wns found dead in his room today with tho arteries In his wrist nevered. Papers found on tho body Indlcnto that ho was a railroad man from St. Louis mid that he lmd been a member of a lodge of Fren Masons at St. Albans, Vt. Tlio naniu of "Collins" appears n number of times among the papers. Aiculnst Four SiiIoiiiin. ABILENE, Kan., Jan 25. -Injunction suits were started today against four saloons In Abilene, ono nt Herlngtou, ono at Solomon and two at Hope, Kan., hy tlio Dickinson County Temperance union. Olllccrs of tho union nay they will push tho Injunctions and sock to hate them mado permanent. Tho iReformod Episcopal church has a historic ministry, episcopal government, liturgical worship nnd evangelical preach ing. Any person desiring to know mom about it will recolvo without cost a packngo of Us dlstlnctlvo literature upon applica tion, Address Lock Box 1185, Chicago, III. lletnriiloK .Soldiers from Philippine. SAN FBANC1SCO. Jan. 25. A citblegrnin received at nrmy headquarters hero nn noiinceH tho depniture from Manila on the 23d Inst, of the transport Indlann. with 457 sick and soven Insane soldiers. Within tho next three wi Kb vi-ski-Is carrying 1,200 eon vnlescent soldiers will nrrlvo at this port. Tho Sheridan, duo o arrive here Februarv , lias on Hoard. In nddltlon to 207 sick sol diers. 051 men and olllceru of tho Thirty seventh Infantry. Train llurleil 1i- l.uiiiUJIiIr. EVERETT, Wash., Jan. 25.-ThPin Is a serlofis landslide on tho Groat nenr Edmunds. Tho slide is ono of tlio woist which ever occurred on the road, being 40") feet Ions and twrnty-flvn feet deep In some plncos. Before it was dis covered a freight train ran Into it, derailing two cars and the tender of tho unglne, nnd before It could be gotten out additional slides completely hurled tho train. For it (J.ilil In the llrui!, LAXATIVE UKOMO-QNININK TABLETS. Ill rl Ii Iteeiiril. Thn following births wcro reported to tho city health commissioner for the twen ty -four Imurb ending at noon Friday: Frank Grange, 2MG Taylor, girl John fjl mure, 9S5 North Twenty-Ilfth, girl, Fred LuthJin, 2300 Bristol, boy.