8 TIIE" OMAHA DAILY BEE'. FRIDAY, JANUARY 25, 1001. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Bmaller EecelpU Influence Wheat to on Advance of Half a Cent. MODERATELY ACTIVE DAY IN CORN Unln Strmm, lint tt 1 1 ! n Nlmr nml .VnrriMV Market I'ro IkIoiir I ii 1 1, . Xtirrow nml llnrc of I'riittirt Toiiiorron'n Receipt. CHICAGO, Jan. 2I.-Muy wheat advanced Uffo today under tho Inllut'iice of smaller receipts. Corn closed a shade and oats Hit ic up. Provisions at tho closo were &U1&C lower. May wheat opened Hfl'Jc lower nt "Hie Inllueiiccd by Liverpool cables, which IK Jiored tho ndvnnco hero yeatorduy. While tho Liverpool market wiih twain open, Intel ness thero wan at a standstill, and tills con dition hnd much to do In tho dullness which pervaded the local pit during tho forenoon. Them waH some fairly Important huylnK by beam on tho fallliiK off In northwestern receipt and most of tho polling, the mar ket liolnc thus confined to local hands. May rallied ihirliiK tho forenoon to ?5c, but trailn wan dull. loiter tnulo was moro active, some early sellers covering because of lighter receipts at primary western jiolnts and seaboard clearances of "Ki.ooo bit. of wheat and Hour. May sold to 7fic and closed strong .,ruc up at "flUo. Pri mary receipts were SSO.000 bit., compured with 318,000 i.ii. last year. Minneapolis and Diiluth reported l!Pi cars, ttgalnst 31S last week and 2iil a year ago. Local receipts were 31 cars, none of contract grade. Im porters reported eight loads taken. Corn was moderately active. Tho wheat strength was accountable In a meimuro Tor tho llrmnes, but the market nlso showed considerable Independent strength. Thero was enough selling to have developed weak ness had there been any. but liberal offer ings wero well taken. Shippers were rulr buyers and there was a good cnsli demand ivhllo the country movement was reported slow. May sold between ."WV and .Wfce and c'osed a shado higher ut 3"c. Receipts were 301 ears. On In worn strong, but tho market was slow and narrow. Sympathy with whent and corn was tho chief factor. May wld betwfen SSle anil 2i'io and closed M'iC lilgher at KIMiiKitoc. ltccelpts wero 1C9 cars. Provisions wero dull, narrow and baro of features. Tho opening wns steady in sympathy with higher hog prices, but mod erato selling by longs developed weakness nml prkes fell oft later. May pork sold between JI3.y7Vj anil $1.1.80 and closed 15c lower at JI3.S0: May lard between V.Wit 7.45 and V.S'Vi, closing tyt'ttc down at 7.37's and May ribs between $7. "3 and f."4, with tho closo Gs depressed at J6.7',4 di7 ( Estltrnted receipts tomorrow: Wheat, 35 cars; corn, 370 cars; onts, 210 cars; hogs, 5C.0HM head. Tho lCRillnp. futures ranged ns follows: Artlclcs. Open. Illgh.l Low. Close. Ycs'y. Wheat Inn. I'eb. May Corn .tan. Koh. May Oats .Ian. May Turk Jan. May Lnrd- Jan. Mar. May Rlhs- Jnn. May 72i 72Tifl73 72 72TJ1T73 72UOi 72 73 72i 73 72, 7114 75?i 714 7GU74Hifi 37H 37U 37 37'i 37 37i 37V4 37Vi 37i 37'i 3S-ifrts 39 3.S?4 .1Sff 23Ti 23T4 23i SP Z2K 23 23U 20 23MiU 23 13 7K 13 0214 13 05 13 97V4 13 SO 13 SO 13 03 7 30 7 30 7 2714 7 2714 7 32V4 7 30 7 35 7 4214 7 45 7 3714 7 3715 7 4214 I fl R7V4 9214 7 05 7 03 (i 97V4I 7 00 7 02(4 No. 2. Cash ottntntlons wero ns follows: FLOUR-Dull: winter untcnts. UC0iiT3.R0; dtralgbts, $3.201 3.53: clears, J2.70Q'3.3O; spring specials, JI.40(i74.W; patents. M.fi03.S0; straights. 13.105(3.10; bakers. J2.20ff2.CO. Wl I HAT No. 3 spring, r,lffj72e; No. 2 red, 7i(ft7r COIIN No. 2,.37',Je; No. 2 yellow. 37',Jc. - OATS-No. 2, 2IU(f2tl4c; No. 2 white, 271jc; No. 3 white, 2C14'i(27c. RYE No. 2. 50. HARLEV-Kulr to choice malting, rOfffiOc. HKKDS-jNo. I flax. J1.751.7C14; No. 1 Tiorthwestern. J1.77; prlmo timothy, J1.C5; clover, contract grade. Jll. I'ROVISlONH-.Moss pork, per bbl., JI3.S0ff l.v.w. t.aru. ier ji'i jds., .si.-i'to 7.3i. snort ribs sides (loose). jn.t7!ifi"7.12!4. Dry salted shoulders (boxed). Jrt.23fji3.50; short clear hides (boxed), Ji.23f!'7,35. WIIIHKY-Ou basis of high wines, per gal.. J1.27. St'C.ARS-Cut loaf. J8.29; granulated, J5.63; confectioners' A. J5.D9; oft A, $3.41. Following are tho receipts and shipments for toduy: Articles. ltccelpts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 27,000 2S,(i00 AVheat. bit 4S.0.N) 27,(KN) Corn, hu Mfi.ono 121,000 Oats, bit 21 15,01 lSn.OOO ltye. bu 5.1 n 2,0ml Hurley, bu 30,000 2fi,(i00 On the 1'roduco exchange today tho but ter market was dull; creameries, lift 20c; dairies. 1114f71Sc. Cheese, dull ut lOUfjll-Jio. Fggs, (pilot; fresh, ISc. mjw yoiiic ;h.m:u.vi, market, iiotnt Ion of (lie liny on Vnrloim (Jo in m ml I Men. NEW YOniC. Jan. 2l.-FLOlTKUccelptH, 17.700 bbls.; exports, lli,500 bbls.; sales, 9,11)0 uaekiices: stoadv and imchanueil: Mlnm sota patent, $3.90fl.20; wlntur extras, J2.50ff zs.i; .Minnesota oaKers, w.i"(i;i.i.i; winter low grades. J2.45(i)2.il3. Hyo Hour, dull; fair to good. J2.MVu3.15; choice to fancy. J3.15 Ct3.lV). lillckwheut Hour, dull at $2.10J2.2U. III'CKWJIKAT-Stcady at COfJtije, c. I. f., New York. CORNMEAI. Htondy ; yellow western, 90c. city. !lo; Hraudywlne, J2.45fi2.50. RYE-8tendy; No. 2 western. SSc, f. o. K, nlloat; statu rye, 53&G4e, c. 1. f., New York, car lots. IIARLEY Dull; feeding, 51.50. c. I. f., New York. RARLEY MALT Dull; western, CVft72c. WHEAT llecelpts. M.900 bu. ; exports, 13rt.4i bu. Spot, strong: No, 2 red, H'lo. f. o. b.. nlloat, and "So, elevator; No. 1 north ern Duluth, ,srA,c, f. o. b., nlloat: No. 1 northern bard, fsSTe. f. o. b., afloat. Options after a steady opening advanced moderately nil day In face of a small trade, unchanged cables and small export business. Ah bull Intluences tho small northwest receipts, pre dictions for a decrease In tho coming vlslbln supply, largo clearances and a persistent, short demand, were most prominent. Closed strong, VjfiHc net higher. Junuar.v closed, 70H,c; March. 79Tc; May, 7U1fjS0 3-10c; closed. MHfco; July, 77tc. COIIN Receipts. Kni,2"5 bu.; exports. 175. 100 bu. Spot, steady; No. 2, 47'ic, elevator, and 4Cc, f. o. b.; atloat. Option market shared tho firmness In wheat and ruled Unit nil day; closi'd firm at 'ic net advance. January closed, 47c; March, 4&1.0; May. 44M,c; July. (Pic OATS ltccelpts. C7.200 bu.; exports, 22.!S10 bu. Hpnti quiet; No. 2, SOHo; No. 3, 30e: No. 2 white, 32321ic; No. 3 white. 3114c; truck mixed western. 30f(3114c; track white, 319? 33c. Options slow, but firmly held with corn. IIAY-Stendy; shipping, 75fJ77'.4c; good to choice, 92'4ft9oc. HOI'S- Quiet ; state, common to choice, 1900 crop, Uu21c: 1599 crop, llfflBc: .ild oId, SMfip; cacltlc coast, 1W) crop, 15019j; 193 crop. lOif lie; old olds, 2f(6c. IliniiS-Firm: aalvestnit, 20 to 25 lbs, JStSfclOo; Ciillfornln, 21 to 25 lbs., 19c; Tox.ia dry. 21 to 30 lbs.. 15c l.RATIIKU- Steady; hemlock sole, lluonos Ayres, light to heavyweights, 2425c, nclu, 231ifl2(liC. WIIULr- Dull: domcstlc fleece, 21U26c TeMis. 151 17c. PHOVlSlONS-lleef, quiet; family $11 00 (T12.U); mess, JO.oofO.KO; beef hams. J19 5oir :6.50: pneket, $10.o0ff 10.W; city extrn In 11a mess. JU.OOCn 1R.W). Cut incuts, steadv: nick. led bellies, $7.GOff7.6o; pickled shoulders. $5.60 oiii.ini; picKieu uiiuis, tviwr.i.ja. i.aru. steiuty; western steamed. $7,6517.70; rellned. quiet; continent, $7.83; South America, JS.50; com- pound. $j.:0fi(i.62MI. I'ork. steadv; family. $15.00fi 15.75; short clear, $13.75fi 10.60; mess J13.2.VU 11.60. m'TTKU-Steudy; creamery, 22c; factory. llfllSe; Imitation creamery. 1314c. I'll i:iiSi:-Flrm: family made. 114c; fnmllv made, small, llyi'.'c. KCSCiH Firm; western, averngo packed, at mark. I'SiUDt'; western, loss off, 20c. TALLOW-Dull; city, 6c; countny, 5KT u?iie, M13TALS nusluess In the local metal market was generally firm. Demand from the Interior continues of a hand-to-mouth onicr, unu speculation wus, generally speak Ing, out of tho market. Tin ut Loudon do dined .CI 12s to Jtl21 15s, closing weak at tneso ugures. this iniiuenceil the local mar ket for Hint metal to some extent In tho direction of lower prices, but trmllmr at tho decllno was slow and the market cloned dull nnd cnsv at $26.62141126.75, against J27, tho closing llgurcs yesterilay. Copper ruled dull nt $17 for Lake Siqiorlor nnd $16.624 for casting nnd electrolytic, but snles could bo mitdo nt Ho decllno on tho hitter. Tho Lon don advance of 33s wiih shown to bo 21 7s 6t. tint railed to errect tho local sltuutlon Suolter. though displaying it weak under' tone, was not active, the decline, being duo to an nbsenco o demand. Tho closo was weak nt JoifftlO. Lead continues dull at Jl 37's. Domestic Iron markets were In an entirely nominal condition nnd buyers and t-ellers were too far apart for'buslness. I'lg Iron warrants were quoted nt the closo at J9.50flo.ri: northern foundry. JlS.OOfJlfi.riO; southern foundry, J14.50O14.76; soft southern, J13.00fji5.7S. OMAHA -WIIOI.KSAMl M.MIKI'TS. ('oiiiKllon! of 'I'rnde nnd (lootnt Ioiin 011 Mnple mid I'lincy I'roilnce, KOOS-Hecclp's light; good stock, J6R18c. L1VK I'Ol'LTHY-Hcns. 6t4fCc; spring chickens, C4I6C; roosters, 3If4c; ducks, 6tf tltc; geese, ti1t'&7e; turkeys, 6'a'c. I'KKSII DU1:Ssi:D l'orLTltY-Hona, 7c; roosters, Glfic, ducks, 74fJc; geese, StS'4Cj spring chickens, per lb., 7c; turkeys, c (1AMK Mallard ducks, per dnz., M.OOff 3.50: teul. H.vmt 75: mixed, Jl.tOfM.75; Jack rnbblts. J1.2MM.50; cottontulls. "ScJfSl. iM'TTKir Common to fair, 1101114c; choice. 1314e: separator, 23c. FltnSH OYSTKHS First grade, tolld parked. New York counts, per can, 33c; ex tra, select. 32c: stumlnrds. 23c; medium. 20e Second grndo, slack filled, New York counts, per can, 30c; extrn select, 28c; ctendards, 20c; bulk etundnrds, per gal., $1.25. I'lOKONS-Llve, per dor.., 90c. VMALS-Cholce. lift 10c. HAY Price quoted by Omnhn Wholesale Hay Dealers' association: Choice uplnnd, IS; No 1 upland, $7.50: medium, $7: contve, JC.50. Hye straw, $5.50. These prices tiro for liny of good color and quality. Demand fair llecelpts, S enrs. OATS-No. 3 white, 2Cc. COIIN No. 3, 320. UHAN-JH. VKOHTAT1LES. PAKSNIPS-Per bu.. Mc. TCUNIPS-Per bu. bnskct, 40c. UKKTS Per bu.. 40c. CAHIIOTS-Per bu.. 40c. LKTTI'CK-Per doz., 35f?l0e. ItADISIIlCS-Pcr doz., 3071330. IlllANS Wax, per 1-3 bu. basket. 1; string, 90c. ' rOTATOKS X'cr bu., GOfJCOc; Idaho, i cr bu., SOc. SWI3KT I'OTATOKS-Per bbl., JJ. CAfinAOH-Holland seed, lc. TOMA'J-OIiS - California, per 4-uaskot crate. $2. ONIONS-Nntlvc, per bu., Jl; Colorado yellow, tier lb., 2c. CIJLKUY-CnIlfornla. ns to size. 45fJ75c. CAULIFLOWKU-Callfornla, per crate, $3. FltlMTS. OHAPi:-Malagn. per keg, $.50f!9.00. APPLKS-Per bbl.. $2.M; eastern. $.1.00 3 GO; California. Ilelltlowers. per box, $1.50. CKANDKIUUKS-Ilell and Hugle, $10 por bbl.; Jersoyn, per bbl., $9.25; per crate, $3.23. TROPICA L FIIL'ITS. OP.ANOKS - California sredllngs, $2.50; navels, $2 75ij3.23j Mexicans, $2.75; Florldus, ?3.50. LF.MONS California, extra fancy, $3.50; choice. $3. HANANAS Per bunch, according to size, J2(I'U2.60. FK1S California, new cartons, 8uc; layers, 73e; Imported, per lb., 13f15c. DATKS Persian, In flo-lb. boxes, Salrs, 5c per Jb.; Halloween, 514c per lb. M1SCKLLANKOUS. IIIDKS No. 1 green, fli4c; No. 2 green, GUc; No. 1 salted. 71sc: No. 2 salted, 614c; No. 1 veal calf. S to 12 lbs.. 314c; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 6V4c; dry hides. 8fM3c; sheep tielts. 237c; horso hides, Jl.KMi2.25. NUTS Kngllsh walnuts, per lb., 13c; fil berts, per lb., 13c; almonds, per 11)., lStf20c; raw peanuts, per lb., 6fiG14c: roasted, 614 7140; Hrazlls, 13c, pecans, 10i?12c. 1IONI3Y Colorado, 2l-sectlon caso, J3.7G. CIDFIt-Per bbl., J3; per half-bbl.. J3. SAI'HHICUAUT-Pcr bbl., Jl; per half bbl., J2.G0. St. I.outu (iriiln nml I'rovUlon. ST. LOUIS, Jan. 24. WHEAT Higher: No. 2 red, cash, elevator, 72c: track, "Sit 73Uc; Janunry. 721ic; May, 73'4y73Hc; July, 73lj,c. No. 2 hard, f.M4f70c. COHN Higher; No. 2 cash. 36c; track, 3ic; January, 36c; May. 37"Jifi3-r. OATS-Hlghcr; No. 2 cash, 23'ic: track. 25V(26o: January, 25ic; May, 25T4c; No. 2 white. 2Sf(2SUc. UYK Ilcttcr nt Glc. FLOCH-Qulet, steady; patents. J3.50fi3.(M; extra fancy and straight, J3.16fi3.25; clear, J2.70ffi2.9O. H121:ds Timothy, firm at J4.25fM.75 for everago receipts, prime worth more; flax, $1.70 bid. COItNMIIAL Steady at J2. HHAN llrtn; sucked, oust track, CSc. HAY Timothy, steady nt JlO.Wft 13.00: prairie, js.oofi 10.00. WHISKY-Steady nt J1.27. 1 HON COTTONTIKS-J1.23. IlAOniNOft??-. HUMP TWINi:-9e. PHOVISIONS-Pork, steady; Jobbing. $11.50. Lard, lower at $7.10. Dry salt meats (boxed), weaker; extra shortB. $7.1214; clear ribs, $7.25; clear sides. $7.3714. Hacon (boxed), firmer; extra shorts, $7.S7',4; clear ribs, $8.1214: clear sides, $S.23. MKTALS-Load. steady. $4.1714. Sp?lter, steady at J3.S7'--. POCLTHY- Firm; chickens, 714c: turkcyj, GC'iCc; young, 7c; ducks, ic, geese, 614c. HITTTHIt - Steady; creamery. 15jW:c; dairy, 12filCe. KOCiS-Steady. 1514c. HHCK1 ITS Flour, S.000 bbls.; wheat, 3,000 bu.; com. 122.000 bu.; oals, 8,000 bu. SIIIPMNNTS-Flour, 10,000 bbls.; wheat, 127,000 bu.; corn, 101,000 bu. ; oats, 11,000 bu, Liverpool (J rill 11 11111) I'rnvlNlniiii, LIVKUPOOL, Jan. 21. WHRAT-Spot, steady; No. 1 California, 6j4d: No. 2 red western, winter, 6s Id: No. 1 northern, spring. Cs314d. Futures quiet; March, 6s Slid ; May. Os Id. COIIN Spot, quiet; American mixed, new, 3s lid; American mixed, old, fs. Futures quiet: July, SslO-Vl; March, 3s9?id; May, 3s9'4d. l'KAS-Canadlan, Gs Sd. HOPS At London (Pacific const), steady nt 2 5. PKOVISIONS-HeeY. extra India mess, easy at fkl. Pork, dull; prlmo western, t'6s (id. Hums, steady; short cut. 14 to 16 lbs., 46:). llacoti, Cumberland cut, 26 to 30 lbs., quiet at 43s; short ribs, 16 to 24 lbs., firm at 13s; long clear middles, light, 2S to 31 lbs., steady at 42s; long clear middles, heavv, ,13 to 10 lbs.. Hteady at I0s6d: clear backs. 16 in 21) lbs., steady at 39s: clear bellies, 14 to 16 lbs., steady at 4i,; shoulders, square. 11 to 1.1 lbs., steady at 35s fid. Lard, steady; prlmo western. In pulls, 37s; American refined, In pills. 39 3d. IH'TTKU Dull: finest United States. 95s: good l'lilteil States. Ms. ciiiiKHK Mteauy; American finest white, Gls 6d. TALI.OW-Stcsuly; prlmo c tv. 25s 9d: Australian, In Loudon, 27s 9d. Kiiiikiis City (irnlu nml Prov talon. KAN'S AS CITY, Jnn. 21. WHKAT Moy. 67Vic; No. 2 hnrd, cash. 66Ufj67c: No. 3. C5i.f(66Uc; No. 2 red. liSiifeOc. ctJitrn .Miiy, aiiVU'W-sc: casn, no. z mfxca, 35l4e; No. 2 white, 36e; No. 3, 3614c OATH -NO. J WIlllC, ZliC. 11YH-Nn. 2. 48c. HAY-Choleo timothy. HO.O0fH0.5O: choico prairie, fs.w9y.ii. in-1 1 i'ii 1. renmery, lsu-'uc; uairy, tancy, 17c. ICOnS Sternly; fresh Missouri and Kan sas stock. 16c ilozen. loss off. rnsea re turned; new whltewood cases Included, Uc more. ItKCKlPTd Wheat. 62.S00 Bu.; corn. 40.- 800 bu.; oats, 9,u) liu. SIllPMKNTS Wlieat. 60,0110 bu.j corn, 1,600 bu.; cnts. 4.000 bu. Toledo (irnlu Mild Seed, TOLKDO. Jan. 2I.-WHKAT-Dull. firm rush and January, 7Sc; May, 80T4c; ' July, lU'.O. COIIN Fairly nctlvo, unchanged; cash and January. 3714c; May, 39'ic. OATH steady ; casn and janunry. 2jC May. 2OV40. KYIS .vie. CLOVUHSHHD Firm: 1S99 nrlme. $6.70: cauu unci January, i.ii; Aiarcu, Plilliidellililit Produce Miirket, PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 24.IlUTTnit- UuciiuiiHed; funcy western crenmcry, 23c; rnncy western prints, .sc. f'.iii.M r inn ; rresn uenrny, i'no; rrasn western, 20e; fresh southwestern, 20c; fresh southern, 19c 11 L' Qlnfi.l," l?.L. foil nm.. a llltl.Ul, J , ...... ...... v..v,l(l, fancy small, llfil2c; New ork full creams, fair to cliolce, loisyinjc. Mliinenpolls A'lien(, Flour mill llrall MINNEAPOLIS. Jan. 24.-WHK .T- Cash, "Ic; May. 75c; July, 75-i5i'ioliic; on track: No. 1 bard. (e; rso. 1 northern, 71c; No. 2 northern, 70f72c. FLOl'U- l'Irst pnteins, is.nM.in; seennd patents, $3.80T3rH); llrst clears, $2.75ij2. bccond clears, $2.(nfj2lO. UHAN-Lowor; in mine, jii.-j.iuu.oo. Pi'iirln MiirKet, PKOUIA, Jnn. 2l.-COHN-Steady; No. SCUe. OATS-F'.rm; No. 2 white, 2614c, billed through. WlllSICY-On the basis of Jl.27 for fin Ished goods. Mllmiiikrc tirulii Mnrkrl, MILWAUK IlU, Jnn. 21. WHKAT Steady; No. I northern, 71111114c; No. northern, 70'sfi724c. IlYF-ebulet: No. 1. file. ItAKLlOY-Stendy.; No. 2, 5SQ69c; samplo, 4JUlUltC. CiiinlKloii .of ilie Trenaurv. WASHINGTON, Jan. 21. Today's state meni or tno treasury oainnce in 1 10 nen eral fund, excluslvo of tho $150,000,000 gold reservo 111 tno division or redemption snows: .waiiiuuo casn ia:unco, jia,7in,nu gOHl, U.U.'l.VUi, Cotil lltpordidoii (o I.0111I011 .Klnim, NF.W YORK. Jan, 21,-Tho Evening Post says: Although sterling exchange reached l.s7i. touuy, lurcigu uuimurs tnougiu it un llkelv that nny more gold would go out this weeK. rnry said tins afternoon tnai isew ork was still a considerable distance away worn tno point where gold shipments to London could umlltnliU- in. inn ile. but that n Paris shipment would probably bo ar ranged next week. MOVKMH.NTS OF STOCKS AM) IIOMJS. Itenllxluit of Speculative Profits Pro- coeds nt llxpciisr- of Prices, NKW YOIIK. .Inn 54 The renllilne of Bpeculntlvo profits proceeded steadily today nt a resulting expense of prices. Tho only variation from ho downwnrd courso wns duo to purely technical causes, Kven the opening ndvuncu In prices was largely duo to manipulation whlrli begun In tho Lon don market on cabled orders from hero be- roro tlio market In New York opened. The gencrnl stendlnesn of I lie London market helped this purpose. The rapid recuperation In tho condition of the Hank of Fuglnml and tho continued caso of money there, In spite of largu withdrawals from the market oy tno imnK, points to an early reduction in tho Bank of Kngland rate. Tho opening prices of stocks here proved In most cases to be tho highest, Tho weakness of tho steel stocks, which began from the oiwnltig, proved n disappointment for thoso specula tors who had hoped that the group would nssumo tho leadership of a new ndvnnco In prices, necnuse or tlie strengtlt sliown uy tho lending steel stocks Into yerterdny. YesterilllV'n nilvfitini nmtr,1 all f IW.fnill In bring In buying orders, nnd the speculative backers of these stocks neemcd Indisposed to offer very vigorous support. The cotcrlo which bought stocks on Monday were credited with selling to realize, and there wero Inrgo selling orders nil dny, which were attributed to Chicago account. The rennrteil tllniMi nf the l;iri.rtt( to dividual oporntor In the street, nnd who has ocen supposed to bo long on stocks, nud considerable Influence on stock, but tho real basis of tho reaction wns tho failure to attract any renewed outside speculation, as I'itwriy demonstrated oy tno innrKeu uc cllno In tho activity In the market. Some attention wns ctven In Die rennrts of friction between tho Knglli-h and Husslan admirals In Chlncso waters. Tho day's statement of treasury operations reflected too puyments on account or gold witnurawn from tho nssuy oillco for export, which mora than wined nut the week's nrnvlons gain by tho banks. A notable feature of tno current money situation Is the heavy reflux of national bank notes, Yesterday's treasury statement shown Hint recelnts of bank notes for current redemption thus far mis mnnin navo amounted to 513.sa1.w3. For the six months ending January 1 tho total won $C,393,SIS. The average per working day previous to this month was a little over $lf),(iO. whllo for this month thus far the average Is cgnsldernbly over $7oO,O0O per working day. Kxperlcneo shows that this return movement of bank notes is llkelv to continue heavy during February nnd March, nno in view 01 tno expansion minor me now iaw 01 nuom jiij.iw.wu in national unmc is sues It Is likely to bo aggravated this year. 'I'ltr, llinllrttl,,,, nt tl , xin ,u .1 ,,.. mn.,!!. ,. u maximum allowed for retirement of bank notes remains In tho law, nnd will net us an obstacle to thu contraction of circulation. l lie current redemption of brink notes days 11 largo part In tho largo gains muk ng by Now York hufika on subtrensurv operations, as New York banks receive u largo proportion or interfor bunk notes by return shipment, and besldcn receive drafts on nceount of bank notes received by their Interior correspondent!?. This largo return of bank notes from cir culation nnd the restriction on their retire ment Is expected to stimulate tho pressure to pluro loans in the money market and will operate to foster the tendency to ship gold abroad and not continued enso In foreign money marKcts. Kxtremo declines reached 414 In St. Paul, 4U. In Hrooklvn Trnnslt, 2i In Steel ami Wire. 2S In Federal Steel nnd Manhattan. 2? In Northern Pacllle, 2 In (Ireat Northern irererred, 'JU in sugar and from I to 2 in n urge number of active stocks. Kansas & Texas preferred mudo somo show of strength. Tho bond market wns rcnctlonnry In spots In sympathy with stocks, but ndvnnced at others. Total sales, pur volue, $3,675,000. United Ststes new Is advanced U nor cent on tho Inst call. The following are tho closing prices on tho New York Stock exchange: Atchison 4 Pi Wabash S4'i do pfd 86'4 Wheel. A- L. E. . 8M4 do 2d ifd BR4! Wis. Central .... 12'i 2(i 111! 2854 II do nfd Ilaltlmoro .fc O.. iinnd 1111 Pac... Canada So hes. & onto.... Wi Third Avenue . 121 Chicago O. W... C. 1J. &. Q Chi. lnd. & L.... 17'4 H. to O. pfd ltlli National Tube . . 21 do pfd si 14 6S14 do nfd 60 Adams Ex !U American Ex.... 170 V. S. Ex US-ii Wells-Fnrgo Ex 150 172'4 Gt Chi. to U. Ill H N. W U. I. & P.... C. C. & St. L. 130 75 Amor. Cot. OH... f.Ti do pfd 41 Amor. Malting... 16 , do pfd 150 Amcr. S. to It.... 191 do pfd 3014 Amor. Spirits .... Mi do pfd 2S Amor. S. Hoop... (Ki do pfd 192 Amcr. S. to W... ,U14 do pfd 4214 Amcr. Tin Plate. 12Pi do pfd 3114 8S 414 2lji fit-, 97- 17 ?C 72 :'4 si' 69 8? Colorado So do 1st piil do 2d Pfd Del. & Hudson.. Del. L. &. W Deliver fc It. G.. do nfd Erin do 1st prd Ot. Nor. pfd nooning coal ... Hocking Valley. Illinois Central . Iowa Central ... 2J'4 Amcr. Tobacco 49 1 do nfd M314 110 do nfd Lake Erlo & W.. l.'Ml AIHIC. .11111. ijo do prd .OS Brooklyn R. T... Lake Shore .'11014 Colo. Fuel & I... , SSit, Con. Tobacco ... .113'4 do pfd 16H Federal Steel .... , 13 1 do pfd L. & N i-1'4 Manhattan L '.u 47.1 6!nl 1K7 4' 96 21 h 70 72 .T ;i2 161 4 8' I'9 90 14S 1"T4 51 87 61 42?4 9S',I . 3774 7814 Met. St. Ily Mexican Central Minn. A- St. I.... . i;;i Oen. Electric .... .PK3 Olucose Sugar... , 8," I do pfd . 4Vi Inter. Paper . 16.;. do pfd . 4f-L Lncledo Gas .11." National Hlscult, ,11014, do pfd . 41 .National Lead .. . SI I do pfd . SoTk National Steel ... . 85'i do pfd 3M"i N. Y. Air Iliake. . 42 No. American.... . 76 Pacific Coast .... .I4li do 1st iifd . S'i4 do 2d pfd . 7014 Pacific Mali . 4li People's Gns . 6" .Pressed S. Cur.. . 92 do pfd do nfd Mo. Pacific Mobllo to Ohio... M.. K. to T do prd N. J. Central ... N. Y. Central ... Norfolk to W do pfd No. Pacllle do pfd Ontario & W Ore. Hv. A: NftV do nfd Pennsylvania ... Heading do 1st prl do 2d pfd IUo (1. W do pfd St. L. to S. F 614 Pullman P. Car.. .196 . 3TA .13214 .11S5 . r.6.14 . 11'm . 7?"1 . 82I . 8814 : . 51 do 1st pro do 2d pfd 7.1 S. It. ,i T 66l 221)1 137H1 1S7 130 sugar do pfd Tenn. Coal I.. U. S. Leather .. do pfd U. S. Rubber ... do nfd St. L. Southw... do nfd St. Paul do pfd St. P. Omaha So. Pacific So. Railway 431, lOUjWestern Union.. 69'H Amal. Copper .. 26-lilRepubllo I. to S. S2li do nfd do pfd fox. to Pacific... Union Pacific ... do pfd 8214 P. C C. & St. L The Commercial Advertiser's London financial cnblcgrnm says: The stock mar ket hero was fairly brisk today nnd there was 11 generni improvement in prices nil around. This was on tho feeling that tho queen's death had been ovcrdlscounted; nlso, however, on the bank return, which wns very strong. Americans wero good, t'litcngo, jwiiwaiiKec t nt. l-iiui lending on talk of a 7 per cent dividend for that stock. This department moved up steadily until the New York opening. When that camo In flat tho rlso hero was stopped. It was as sumed tnat 1110 cause or tno reaction in Now York wns tho gold shipments tq Paris. Townrd tho closo here and in tho street nftcrward the break was very sharp. Call money was stronger today at 3 per cent. It Is said that the bank Is ngaln borrowing bills at 43114. Ronton Htoeli (limtntlons. ltOSTON. Jnn. 21. C.lll loans. 3TM tier cent; time loans, 31404 per cent. Ofllclal closing: A.. T. & S. V ,lo nfd..' 43 ll'nlon Land 84iWest End 13214 Atchison 4s ! iml N. E. O. & C. 5s, 16')! Adventuro 16114 Amal. Copper .., 191 Atlantic 141i lloston & Mont. 3114 Hutto & Rnston, 10S Cal. to Hecla .... 17 Centennial 6914 Franklin II1) Osceola 159 Parrot 230 Qulncy 13'4 Santa Fo Cop... 1114 Tamarack 207 Utah Mining ... , 30 Winona . 20a Wolverines . 8."Hlngham Mln.... 2V4 !'.! :102 C6 Mi 27l S13 7V14 .S55 rlfi , Jl.m . 8114 . 47 163 . C 3.M 3214 . Ti , an Amcr. Sugnr .... do pfd Amcr. Tel Uoston riievnieu. lloston to Mo C, II. & Q ....... Dominion Coal... do pin Fedoral Steel ... .1.. ..f,i Fltchburg pfd.... Con. Elec. pfd.... Ed. Elec. Ill Mox. central .... v k. n. to C Old Colony Old Dominion ... Rubber Union Pacific- ... 'eiv York MIiiIiik Stoeka. NEW YORK. Jan. 24,-Tho following aro quotutlous on mining stocks: Adams Con 20 Allco Rreeco 200 Brunswick Con.. 23 Comstock Tun... 4 Con. Cal. to Va..l50 Deadwood Terri, 52 Horn Silver lio Iron Silver 61 Leadvlllo Con.... 6 Lltllo Chief ... .. 16 ..675 .. 60 .. 10 ,.. s .. 15 ,.. IS .. 63 .. 10 Ontario Onhlr l'noeiilx Potosl Savngo Slorra Nevada Small Hopus . Standard Iliiuk Cleiirlims and Excluinucn. mlin inn l,. ! el..l,i0a tiiRinoil L.IIV ..-', .,,,. ... V ,,,,,.., .,(.,.' . balances. $2.:sii.9S2; posted oxchange, Jl.SPfc SI4.8SVS: iew vorK excnaiign, dc jireinium. BALTIMORE. Jan. 21,-Clearlngs, $3,650, 418. balances. JI26.10I. ST LOUIS. Jan, 21 -Clenrlngs, J6.430.2R; ba'.unces, I'.'W.y.; money, vui por cent; isew York exchange, 15c premium bid, 25c pre mium asked. . , , ,A NEW YORK, Jan. 24-Clcarlngs, $250. 250.S53; balances, J14,394,77l. UOSTON. Jan 24.-Clcarlng, $20,036,316; balunces, $!.959,4.17. . .. , PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 24.-Clcarlngs, $15,9im,092; balances, $2,161,26.1. CINCINNATI. Jan. 24. Clearings, $2,9io, 600; money, 3tt6 ixr cent; New York ex change, 15f20c premUm, pir York Money Market, NEW YORK, Jan. 2l.-MONBY-On call, easy at 1C per cent; prime mercantlio paper, 3l4fi4'4 per cent, , ST E R ivl N O E X C II A N O E F I rm with nc tual business in bankers' bills at $.8i'S for dotnnnd and Jl.sjn for sixty dnys; jmsted rates, $I.S414WI.SS; commercial bllw, 'sHV'ER-Ccrtlllcntes, 6314fj63c; bar, 67!c; Mexlenn dollars, 4814c HONDS-dovcrnments, strongi state, In active; ntllrond, Inactive. Tho closing prices on bonds today are ni follows: V. 8. rcf. 2s, reg. do coupon do 3s, reg do coupon do new 4s, reg. do coupon do old 4s, reg.. do coupon do Gs, reg do coupon D of C 3 63s Atch. gen. 4s do ndj. 4s Cannda So. 2s.... C. to O. 44s do 6s C. & N. W. c. 7s do S. V. d. 6.. Chicago Tor. 4s., Colo. So. Is D & R. O. 4s.... Erlo gen. 4s F. W. & D. C. Is Gen. Electric 3s.. In. Central Is... L. to N. unl, Is.., M.. K. to T. 2a... do 4s IW'irN'. Y. C. Is 106H 10lslN. J. C. gen. 6s..l27 109H No. Pacllle 3s.... 70 110H! do in. W5 l.W4!N Y. C & St L 4s.l0S'4 1374 N. to W. con. 4s.. KDi J 113' Ore. Nuv. Is.. .109 11314 do 4s , . A.lUJi 6S..129U 1104 Oregon S. I 1UJ 125 uo lis , Ill, Rending gen, 4s.. 9' llln n. v. l 'il-. 103Ji 894 St L to I M c. 6s.U4i 111 St L .t S F g, 6s. 12S 103 1206 119'4 St. Paul cotis....lS214 St P, C to V Is. .US do 6s U9'4 121 mo. l'ncinc 4s yt; 11.1 o, itnnway ts...iu 8I4 S. R. & T. 6s 6514 101)14 Tex. to Pacific ls.lbllS sHi Mo 2s .v, 79 Union Pnc. 4s....H)6V '.56 Wabash Is 119 U5' do 2s.... 109 10014 'West Shore 4s.. .114 7814 Wis. Central 4s.. 8615 f7 Vn. Centuries... 96 Bid. London Stock UutitnClana. LONDON, Jnn. 2I.-I p. m.-ClosIng: Consols, money.. Pennsylvania .. .. 74U :.4 .. 6311 .. 8814 .. 7 .. MSi .. 37i. mi ui'cuuni. ..yu ji-iu lieiiiuiiK Atchison 4iUt Frln Canadlnu Pac... 91141 (l ,"t l'fl1 Mt. Paul 154H No. I'ac. prd... Illinois Central.. . 13314 Ornnd Trunk .. LuiuHviiio Annconiiii Union Pac. pfd... SfliiRund Mines ... N. Y. Central ...115141 PAR SILVER-Qulct at 2S14d per ounac. MONEY-2'4Ji3 per cent. Tim fnln ,r .llBy.,,., I. 1.m nnnn marUOT for short bills Is I per cent: for thria months' bills, 3f4'4 per cent. Cotton Mnrkrt. NEW YORK. Jan. 2I.-COTTON-Tho cot ton market, after opening steady at an ud vanco of 2 points to a decllno of 2 points, ruled generally llrm on covering, with tho near positions leading In further manipula tion of January contrncts, which advanced that option 10 points, while tho remainder of tho list scored u gain of Iff, points. The enrly Improvement was chiefly duo to more tenssurlug cables than most of tho trudo had expected. There wero Intervals of weakness owing to the continued heavy movement, tho Interior receipts In partic ular overrunning estimates. Tlio market was Dually quiet, with quotations net 10 points higher to 3 points lower, tho more remote positions being weakened by Helling for short account on the apathy of trade In cotton goods and tho tendency to Increase crop estimates. A petition Is In circulation for tho purpose of making Saturday, Feb ruary 2, tho burial day of the Into Queen Victoria, n holiday. Spot closed dull; mid dling uplands, 97(e; middling gulf, lOldc; sales, 103 bales. Futures closed quiet; Jan uary, 9.87c; February. 9.60c; March, 9.36e; April, 9.29c; May. 9.30c; June, 9.27c; July, 9.2So; August, R.97c: September, 8.47c; Octo ber. S.26c; November, 8.16c. NEW ORLEANS, Jnn. 2I.-COTTON Quiet and steady; sales, 3,650 bales; ordi nary. 7?ic; good ordinary, Sac: low mid dling, 9e; middling. 9 7-16e; good middling, 9 11-lCo; middling fair. lOHc, nominal; re ceipts, 7.718 bales; stock, 318,570 bnles. Fu tures, qulot; Janunry, 9.34ff0.36c; February, 9.2Sf(9.30c; March. 9.279.29c; April, 9.26W 9 27c: May, 9.2KiH.26o; June, 9.22fi'9.23c; July, 9.2Ku9.23c; August, S.83f?8.87c; September, 8.29'u 8.30c. ST. LOUIS. Jnn. 24,-COTTON-Qulet: no sales reported; middling., 914c; recelnts, 2,638 bales; shipments. 2,932 bales; stock, 75,831 bales. GALVESTON, Jan. 24,-COTTON-Easy, t"4c. . LIVERPOOL. SAn. 2l.-COTTON-Spot, moderate biislness,stcady ; American mid dling, 6'jd; snles ht the day were 12,000 bales, of whk'h 1.000 wet. for speculation nud export und Included 11,300 bnles Amer ican; receipts. 12.000 bnle, Including 11,400 American. Futures, quiet, closing quiet; American middling I. m. c. January, G 25-6ld, sellers; January and February, 5 23-6lfi3 24-6ld, sellers; February nud March, 5 20-Oliin 21-64(1, sellers; March nnd April, 5 18-615(5 19-6ld, sellers; April nnd May, 5 li'i-Clfifi 17-64d, sellers; May and Juno, 6 14-6lfi'5 15-6ld, sellers; Juno nnd July, 5 12-61(1, buyers; July nnd August. G9-6lf 5 10-61 d, sellers; August nnd September, 4 60-6ld. buyers; September, 1 6O.6I1I, buyers; October, g. o. c., 4 10-61(1, nominal; October and November, t 32-6ld, nominal. Wool Siilen. LONDON. Jnn. 21 WOOIy-Tho offering nt tho wool auctions today numbered 12,313 bales. Including a good selection of all grades. Merinos, us during tho last few days, continued Irregular, with an easier tendency, crossnreus wero urm unu in act Ivo demand. America paying fu!l prices for suitable paroelH of lino qualities. Cape of Good Hoik, und Nutnl scourcds sold stead ily. Greany nnd lower grades of lambs wero keenly competed for by tho homo trado nnd tho continent. Victorian sold nt 2s. Following nro the sales: New South Wales, 3,500 bales; scoured, 6dyis 4di greasy, 3'ifi914d. Queensland. 1.300 bnles; scoured, Ifils 14d; greasy, 614f7l4("t. Vic toria, 2,200 bales; scoured, 614d4i2s; greasy, 4J4fill'4it. South Australia. 1.200 bales; greasy, 4fiS14d. New Zea'and. 3,U) bales; scoured, G14dfjls 4d; greasy, 3?45j8d. Capo of Good Hopo and Nntnl. 900 bales; scoured, lOdQ Is 314d; greasy, 3ifi7Ud. SliecpuWhis. LONDON. Jan. 24. WOOL A sale of sheepskins was held hero today. Tho offer ings number 5,424 bales. Tho attendance was largo and competition better. Merinos and tlno crossbreds were In demand and realized prices ranging from par to fi per cent below the December nveruge. Poor condition of merinos and full wnoled cross breds wero Irregular. Following are tho sales: New South Wales. 21 bales; clothing and combing, 4MC;d. Victoria, 1,619 bales; clothing and comuing, 3fiirMiu. oouin aus- Irnllnn 1 .287 linles: clOtllitlC lllld COmhlllg. .V4Si6Hd. West Australia, 3S9 bales; cloth- II. ht .Villi l.iuih, .n". . 360 bales; liothlng and combing. 4sni6i.d. Now .ealnnd. 917 bales; clothing and comb Ing, 3n6',fcil. Punta Arenas. 281 bales; cloth ing nnd combing. 3S?i(l. Buenos Ayres, 321 bubs; clothing and combing, 3?4fjll4d. Coffer1 Mnrket, NIOW YORK, Jan. 24,-COFFEE-Futuros opened stendy nt unchanged prices to 5 points decllno nnd ruled riulet, with a gen erally weak undertone following tho dis appointing cables und heavy receipts; then rallied sharply on covering In responso to later -Havro cables, which acted on tho nervous short Interest, The market ad vanced 5filo points from tho lowest nrlco but again beenmo quiet nnd eusy. Closed steady, with prices unchanged to 6 points higher. Totnl sales wero 2S.189 bags, In cluding Jnutmry at 6.40c; February, G.40c; March, 5.60c; May. 5.65c; July, 5.60c; Sep tember. 5.75c; October, 5.73c; December, 5.83c. Spot coffee, Rio, stendy; No. 7, In voice, 7i;c. MI'd, quiet; Cordova, Sifl24c. THU HI3AI.TV SI A It KMT. INSTRUMENTS filed for record Thursday, January 21, 1901; Warranty Heeds. Charles Kasson nnd wifo to F. E. Vogel, lot 3, block 200, Omnha 5 1 A. M. Goodrich to Henry Goodman, lot 10, Preston to W.'s ndd 2,00) J. F. Costello to J. V. McCarthy, lots 4 to 12 and 18. block 3, Favetto park.. 1 Peter Schmidt and wifo to F. G. Mundlln. lots 1 to 4 nnd 7 to 10, block 6, Hydo park 1,300 L. H, G. Sheof nnd wifo to Peter Schmidt, s 40 feet lot 7, block 3, A'nino Plaza 1.R00 S. D. Mercer nnd wifo to A. P. Tukoy, block 2, Bemls park 1,200 H. A. lttner to J. F. Smith, undivided 14 tux lot 22, In 9-15-13 500 E. R. Vuhlcnmp nnd wifo to Hello Ashburn. lot 16, block 5, Albright's Annex 125 Mary Morau nnd husband to J. D. Sherwood, n 45 feet lot 7, block A, Horhach's sub of Horbach's 1st add. 4,500 Josephine Hcmenwriy to Charles Bauer, Jr.. o 40 feet of lot 3, block 4, Patrick's add 350 (lull Clnlm Drrd. Jano Badger to William Bnlrd, nVi lot 3, block 9, Horbach's 2d add 1 , Deed. f. A. Hroaoweii (cierK) to i.ucy a. Shrlver. lots 4 and 6. Holmes' ndd... 1 W. C. Alnsworth to C. M. Alnsworth. 014 no 11. s4 se 11. o 5514 ncres of w !j ne 14-16-10 100 Total amount ot transfers Jll, 879 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Demand for Beef Steen and Oows Eqntl to the Supply at Steady Prices. HOGS OPENED HIGHER, BUT CLOSED WEAK Sheep Receipt Light, lint Onllift to tlnfnTornblo Reports from Eastern Points Mnrkrt Warn Mloiv nnd n llln Dime Loner. SOUTH OMAHA. Jan. 21. Tl 6nrrt a nnul tine 4ltAfiv Official Monday 1,615 6.4(5 3.U70 Official 'i'ii..., in v :,n irtiM 2.867 Ofllclal Wetlnesday '. 3,i; 8,933 6,735 Ofllclal Thursday 2,381 6,981 1.637 ! our days this week.. 9,931 Samo days last week.... 11.774 Samo days week before.. 9.162 Samo threo weeks ago.. 8,953 33,5X0 31,135 31,317 21.171 13.301) 10,780 12.70S 9.2SU Duma lour weeks ago.... 4,57s ln.icu .-'' Samo days last year 11.151 25.631 13,219 l.i.620 2.367 13,219 Average price paid for hogs for tno pasi several days, with comparisons: I 1901. 1900.1899 lS9S.37.tSN.ltt6. Jtn. 1... Jan. 2... Jan. 3... Jan. 4... Jan. 5... Jan. 6... Jan. 7... Ja". 8... Jan. 9,,, J.n". 10.. J,a"' 1L. Jn. li., Jnn. 13.. Jan. 14, Jan. IS.. 16.. Jan. 17.. Jnn. 18.. Jan. 19.. Jan. 20.. Jan 2i.. Jan. 22.. 4 95 3 IS 3 40 A 4 16 4 08 4 11 4 16 4 10 4 09 4 11 4 09 4 OS 4 07 4 11 4 11 3 83 3 86 3 85 3 S8 3 95 3 83 3 SI 3 83 4 fr64 3 17 3 4.1 3 46 S 021? 3 3 3 51 6 04U 5 ecu 3 29 3 63' 3 48 3 46 3 66 2 IS 3 12 3 14 3 07 3 14 3 09 3 191 3 261 3 23 3 13 3 26 3 261 6 14 5 25i; 5 23V4 5 1714 3 64 3." 3 47 3 63! 3 69 5 16i 5 25H 3 66 5 20U 3 72 3 82 3 90 6 2914 o J714 3 261 3 96 3 23 3 911 3 25! 3 5?' 3 92 Jnn. 23.. Jan. 24,. 0 21?4 Indlcntes Sunday. Tho ofllclal number of cars of stock brought In todny by ench road was: Cnttle. Hogs. Sh'p, C, M. & St. P. Ry 3 7 O. to St. L. Ry 1 Missouri Pacific Ry 1 1 V. P. system 13 9 2 F., E. to M. V. R, R 31 19 2 8. C. to P. Ry 1 I C... St. P.. M. to O. Ry 22 3 II. to M. It. R. R 19 IS 2 C, B. & Q. Ry 7 9 1 C. R. 1. to P., oust 4 13 2 Illinois Central 2 1 Total receipts 101 81 9 Tho disposition of the day's receipts wns ns follows, each buyer purchasing tho num ber or ncnu indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packtne Co 212 9S3 O. H. Hnmmond Co 163 Swift nnd Company 399 Cudahy Packing Co 899 Armour & Co 611 R. Becker to Degan 63 Vnnsnnt & Co 21 Lobman & Co 46 W. I. Stephen 43 Hill & Huntzlnger 28 Llvtngstono to Schaller... 27 Hamilton to Rothschild... 42 L. F. Husz 66 B. F. Hobblck 10 A. S. Mawhlnney 30 Other buyers 191 1,166 1,601 953 1.422 330 13 392 Totals 2.350 6.028 1.181 CATTLE There was a folrly liberal run of cattle on sale todny nnd although Chi cago was reported generally 10c lower, tho market hero was qulto nctlvo und Just about steady all nround. Buyers teemed to bo nnxlous for good beef steers nnd tho moro desirable bunches were picked up In good season nt practically yesterday's prices. Tho common kinds wero. of course, not sought after ns much ns tho finished cnttle. but still sellers did not experience nnv grcnt trcublo in disposing of their holdings at steady prices. Tho cow market was In very satisfactory shape nnd no pnrtlcular chango was notlce ablo from yesterday. Tho demand seemed to bo fully equal to tho supply und as a result tho market was fnlrly nctlvo and It was not long before tho pens wero cleared. Tho best grades sold particularly well, but even tho medium kinds and tho dinners moved quite readily. Bulls, calves anil stags also sold In Just about yesterday's notches. Tho feeder trade continued In good shape today and anything nt all deslrablo changed hands early nt good, firm prices. Thero nro very tow good cattlo coming, nnd us there Is a very good demnnd for cnltln showing weight nnd qunllty, thoso answer ing to that description bring good prices. Owing to tho light supply of tho good cat tic, tho leas desirable grades sell without much difficulty at very sntlsfnetory prices. She stuff Is nlso In good demnnd ut strong prices, nnd tho samo Is truo of stock eulves and bulls. Representative sales; BEEF STEERS, No. 14.'.! A v. Pr. No. A v. Pr. 4 60 4 50 4 50 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 65 4 65 4 rr. 4 6.-. 4 60 4 65 4 6 4 65 4 i0 4 80 4 80 4 80 4 SO 4 f!0 4 90 5 00 5 00 ...1020 J2 50 19.... 21.... 8.... 13.... 3.... 20.... l3!"! 21.... 21.... 20.... 1.... 1.... 20.... 16.... 15.... 9.... l!!'. 42.... 39.... 1.... 1.... 45.... ...1187 ...1200 ...1162 ...1061 ...1223 ...1010 ...1135 ...1127 ...113S ...1150 ...1149 ...1100 ...1170 ...1238 ...1119 ...1126 ...1412 .l'v,2 !!!l525 ...1270 ...1205 ...1307 ...1170 W.1390 ...1351 .1320 50 .... 790 .... 959 ,...10lVI .... 974 .... 936 ....1050 3 60 3 90 4 00 4 10 4 10 1... 4 10 21... .1168 fl 10 .1295 4 10 :8... 19... flSl 4 10 12... 20... 934 1109 850 1061 lOOfl 1010 1230 981 1160 1143 9S4 1107 1115 1400 I 15 4 15 4 15 4 25 4 25 I 25 4 35 4 33 4 33 4 40 4 10 4 45 4 45 4 45 1... 6... 3... 1... 1... 20... 19... 15... 14... 14... 6 CO 5 (8) 6 35 4 45 V.'.'. 10... 9S0 4 45 II... ..1602 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 10... 699 3 S3 10. . . 912 6... 975 820 797 820 960 1020 1000 1110 99i) 970 890 960 910 1000 910 1040 1020 1097 1010 ..... 960 993 1100 1095 1115 1040 !W3 1180 1130 1010 1100 1010 4 10 22... 4 25 23..., 4 25 17... ..1045 ..1191 ..1161 .. 963 ..1200 ..1144 ..1207 ..1228 .. 741 ..1153 ..1160, ..1166 ..1215 ..1275 ..1220 .. 901 . .103S ..1110 4 45 4 70 4 80 3 10 3 10 3 10 3 10 3 15 3 15 3 15 3 15 3 15 3 15 3 :o 3 20 3 25 3 23 3 25 3 23 3 25 ;g 3 P0 3 30 3 SB 3 35 3 35 3 55 3 40 3 40 3 40 3 40 3 40 3 60 3 50 3 GO 3 60 3 50 3 63 3 60 3 60 3 65 3 65 3 60 3 (M 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 65 3 65 3 65 3 63 3 75 3 'i5 3 73 3 75 3 5 3 03 4 00 COWS. ! 00 ! 25 15.. 1.. 10.. 4.. 6.. 6.. 3.. 1.. 13.. o 2.'. 8.. 6.. 6.. 1.. 2 33 2 50 2 60 2 60 2 60 2 60 2 60 2 60 2 60 2 50 2 65 2 60 2 ro 2 60 2 60 2 63 2 05 2 65 2 65 2 63 2 75 2 73 2 73 2 75 2 .5 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 85 2 83 2 83 2 90 2 90 2 90 3 Ot) 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 CO 3 00 3 (0 3 (0 3 (rt 3 (h) 3 CO 11... 3... 1... 3... 1... 2... n l... 3... 1... 1. 1. 911 1020 2 1010 1 1100 4 1110 15 80S 4 1155 6 926 8 1210 1 1060 1 1380 1.. 3.. 3.. 1.. 6.. 9 1105 20. 9S2 .. 990 ,, 960 . .1010 ..1130 ..1260 ..1000 ..1310 .. 915 .. 993 ..1001 ..1100 ..1340 ..10S0 2.... 7.... 1.... 12.... 20.... ...1230 ...1125 ... 970 ...11K2 ... 893 1... 1... 1... o V.'.'. 9... 6... 1... 1... 1... 3... 1... 8... 1... 1... 1... 3... 1... 3... 9... 1... 3 1 1036 1020 13. 1118 3 1266 1. 12.30 2 13.' 6. 3. .... 800' ....1133 ....1106 ....1110 ....1191 1160 993 810 702 IftSO 1150 1150 1103 930 1323 1138 970 1226 1076 19. 21 1171 14 1080 17 1184 7 126S 8 1160 10 975 3 1010 1 1260 1 1160 1112 23 905 4 1052 1 torn) 3 03 .1 10 3 10 3 10 3 10 3 10 3.. 5.. 6.. 1070 COWS AND STEERS. .1030 4 15 4.... HEIFERS. 1 1 14 2 1 1 . 870 ,. 310 ,. 662 ,. 543 ,. 720 ,. 710 ,. 893 ,. 621 .. 69S .. 045 .. 740 .. 780 .. 190 .. 631 ..1580 ..1350 ..1270 ..1510 . 1020 ..1080 2 00 1. .. 900 .. 836 .. 922 .. 771 .. 610 ..1210 .. 891 ..1OI0 .. 797 .. 923 .. 732 .. 910 ..lOufi 3 40 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 50 3 ro 3 63 3 61 3 70 3 75 3 75 3 73 3 ,'3 2 10 2 83 2 83 3 00 3 M 3 15 3 20 3 23 3 25 3 23 3 ?5 3 30 3 25 8.... R.... 47'. 11.... 3'.'.'.'. :.... 6.... 16.... O V.'.'.'. i.... li.... i.... l.... i.... i.... 3.... BULLS. 3 CO 3 00 ....1100 ....1460 ....1340 ....1610 ....1190 ....1589 3 3i) 3 S3 3 15 3 .V) 3 35 3 40 3 00 3 10 3 10 3 20 4 21 3 42 4 33 3 57 4 29 3 67 3 48 4 27 3 41 3 44 4 37 3 47 3 38 4 35 3 44 3 39 3 4r 3 40 4 34 3 43 4 3S 3 45 4 35 3 60 3 43 4 41 3 65 3 29 4 49 3 60 3 47 4 63 3 65 3 49 3 60 3 49 4 GS 3 47 4 52 3 5 4 48 3 49 3 47 4 65 3 61 3 61 4 54 3 51 3 54 4 51 3 66 3 50 3 69 3 64 4 63 3 57 4 69 3 66 4 65 3 61 3 62 1 . 1210 3 10 6 1466 3 50 1 1690 3 V) 1 1420 3 Ml 1 W0 li'O 1 1630 3 60 1 1210 3 JO IM .165 1 1075 .1 65 1 1IS0 .1 0) 1 19.t0 WW 1 17W 3 60 1 1370 3 00 1 1890 3 70 1 1160 3 :: 1 1510 I 00 , STOC1C CALVES. ... 1 400 3 09 .115 3 M 1 3W 3 .T. 3 90 C0 CALVES. 1 300 .-, 6u 1 210 6 60 U 22o 6 15 1 190 C W 2 165 6 to ;i 116 11 73 1 130 C 30 2 170 6 75 , STAGS, 1 810 3 10 2 990 3 M 985 3 36 , STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS 23 'MS .!!) ; ;o 3 10 ? 1016 2 to 22 812 3 20 1 610 2 73 3 43.1 3 25 5 315 3 () 1 670 3 25 2 743 3 0) 13 103t 3 80 STOCKEHS AND FEEDEItS. 1 670 .UK) 1 690 I 00 1 570 3 25 1 870 4 00 1 810 3 25 4 722 4 10 8 623 3 25 lu 766 4 00 2 61V) 3 fo 1 1010 4 '() 2 (TO 3 SO 23 06 4 00 6 910 3 .V, 16 793 4 (0 3 666 3 (o ,2 910 4 10 6 670 3 05 10 610 I 15 1 880 3 75 1 970 4 13 1 610 3 75 13 722 4 13 21 9S8 3 75 1 1010 4 20 16 751 3 0 4 705 4 i:0 '-' 623 3 80 SO 771 I 20 1 780 3 83 2 910 I 25 2 763 3 !3 3 670 4 25 25 976 3 90 1 630 i 23 16 760 3 90 2 410 1 ."0 S 761 4 M 6 886 4 f 611 4 (0 5 1024 4 40 1 700 4 00 9 1003 4 60 . ,, Charles Fauvcr Wyo. 2 hulls 1395 2 75 1 bull 1170 3 60 12 feeders.. 780 4 25 HOGS Thero was a good averngo run of f fv" loany anil tlio mnrKei opened 65lOc Jilgher. . Tho first sales were largely at U2214 and 5.25. with a top of J3.2714. At thoso pi Ices tho hogs moved toward the scales ut a good rapid rate, but before half of them had changed hands packers lowered their bids, owing to less favorable reports from other points. Heavyweight hogs wero at a prcmlJin nnd wero sold Irst. Tho lightweights were left until the last nnd anything on tho pig order was hard to move at satisfactory prices. Tho closo of the market was very slow and weak, light hogs selling largely at Jd.17'4 and tho general run of mixed hogs at U20. Although the last half of tlio market was druggy, everything was sold In fairly good enson. representative sales: No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. A v. Sh. Pr. 10 126 ... Jl 45 21 251 ... G 2714 HI 132 ...J5P214 67 266 ... 6 2il'j 100 173 ... 5 15 61 30.1 ... 5 22', SI 195 80 5 13 65 303 ... 6 22ly 97 161 ... 5 15 65 326 ... 6 ,2'4 82 221 ... 6 1114 43 397 ... 6 2214 65 229 ... 5 17'i 42 371 ... 6 22l, 45 230 83 1S7 88 167 77 188 5 ':u. 'o. 21 :2'. 5 KU 65 263 80 6 224 6 174 73 243 40 5 224 6 I1I4 66 212 80 6 S214 61 172 0 li'.'.. 73 229 40 6 2S'i 71 22S 80 5 17'4 81 211 10 6 !V4 23 211 ... 6 1714 69 267 80 5 ?M 62 217 80 6 17!- 77 226 ... 6 224 65 231 ... 6 17(4 63 269 ... 6 221a 97 180 40 6 17U 31 221 ... S 22'i 75 216 ... 6 20 70 226 ... 6 Kl? 72 203 200 5 20 72 239 ... 6 2214 60 263 120 5 20 69 231 40 3 2214 87 197 80 G 10 76 265 ... 5 22 "4 43 257 40 6 20 67 252 SO 5 22'4 20 225 40 5 20 60 25S ... 5 2214 63 226 ... 6 20 II 209 ... 5 22'4 70 227 ...'5 21) 73 232 40 5 2214 68 226 80 5 1.0 62 233 40 6 224 16 228 80 6 20 75 247 120 5 '24 65 272 2o0 5 20 40 227 ... 6 2214 66 236 40 5 20 TS 217 ... 6 22 '.3 66 311 120 6 20 70 25S ... 5 22V4 73 197 10 5 20 70 233 ... 5 '.2(4 70 217 40 5 20 63 280 40 5 i2lj 62 269 ... 6,-y) 69 255 40 5 25 81 212 80 5 :0 67 299 ... 6 25 69 243 ... 6 20 66 261 ... 5 25 78 224 120 5 20 72 236 40 5 -.3 6.8 236 ... 6 20 67 243 ... 6 25 6S 269 120 6 2214 76 226 ... 6 25 33 231 80 5 ."."b 66 241 ... 5 25 69 245 ... 6 2214 23 242 ... 6 25 72 202 ... 5 2214 70 239 ... 5 25 60 242 ... 5 22'5 72 233 40 6 27'i 53 281 200 5 2214 67 267 ... 6 27 5 57 321 ... 5 25 71 255 ...5 274 64 28S ... 5 25 68 270 ... 5 27". 45 332 80 6 23 77 233 ... 6 2J14 49 279 12i) G 23 SHEEP Tiers was not a heavy run of sheep hero today, but tho market was slow nnd a big dime lower than yesterday. Eastern murkets nro reported as being In bad shape and the demand for mutton Is none too good nt tho present tlmu nnd ium a result packers nro not very liberal buy ers. Some stuff wns sold hero early this morning tit right around steadv prices. A bunch of western ewes brought $3.60 nnd some natives J3.80, both sales being about stendy But bids ns a rulo wero a big dlmo lower and the mat ket slow nnd drnggy from start to finish. Thero w-ero very few feeders offered today nnd no particular chango In tho market was notleeab!e. Quotations: Choice red wethers, $1.25(3 4.60; fair to good wethers, $l.0Oi.25; choice lightweight yearlings, 5l.60frt.80; fair to good yearlings, $l.25fil.50; choico ewes, $3.33 IftS.SO; fair to good ewes. 3.00J3.30; choico spring InmbH, $5.25(if5.35; fair to good spring lambs, $5.0O&5.25; feeder ewes, $3,2553.50; feeder wethers. S3.60fI3.75: feeder lambs. S4.00 (04 40. Representative sales: No. Av. Pr. 4 cull lamns... in .' 1 buck 130 3 50 IS! western ewes 10.1 3 i0 45 native ewes 113 3 27 cull lambs 64 4 25 11 western wethers 111 4 10 2 western wethers 110 4 50 27 lambs 79 5 00 65 native lambs 8.1 5 15 82 nattvo lambs 82 6 15 4 western cull ewes 25 2 75 93 western ewes 117 3 80 20 feeder lambs 0.1 4 25 4 western yenrllngs 93 4 50 ?,4 western lambs .' 70 5 00 25 cull ewes 89 2 25 CHICAGO 1,1 VII STOCK MARKUT. Cnttle Stead)' or Higher Hogs AVrnk Nlicep Firm. CHICAOO. Jan. 24,-CATTLE-Recclpts, 10,500 head; choico steers about steady, oth ers slow; butchers' stock firm to shade higher; good to prlmo steers, $3.2&f(6.00; poor to medium, SSJS; stockers and feeders, $3.00114.60; cows, $2.65ff4.20; heifers, $2.75yt-60; canners, $2.00iTi'2 70; bulls, 12. 60ft 4,50; calves, $1.(006.75; Texas fed steers, $l.00f(l,75; Texas grass steers, $3.35fj4.00; Texas bulls, $2.603.75. HOGS Receipts today, 26,000 head; to morrow, 23,000. estimated; left over, 6,000: mnrket opened 11 shndn higher and rinsed weak; top, $3.35; mixed nnd butchers, $5 10 (JjS.SS; good to choico heavy, $5.20fj3.35; lights. $3.103.3'); bulk of sales, $5.20fi5.2714 SHEEP AND LAMBS llecelpts, lO.fny) head; sheep steady; lambs mostly 10c lower; good to choico wethers, $3.70f(l.60; fair to choice mixed, $3.4VIf3.80; western sheep, $3.75fpl.40; Texas sheep, $2. 603.60; native lambs, $4.00fj5.GO; western lambs, $3.00f(6.50. Kninmin City Live Stock Mnrket, KANSAS CITY. Jun 24.-CATTLE-RC-colpts, 6,501) natives, 400 Tex.tns; market utendy; native beef nteers, $l,50f(5.60; nt 1 ers nnd feeders, $3.76ffl 75; cows, $3.25ff'4 75, heifers, $3.75fi5.(iO, runners, $2.60'u3.'.,r.: fed western steers. $l.25fi6.00; Texas and Indian steers. $3.75f4.60; Toxanr nnd Indian oiv(, $2 75fi3.75: bulls, $3.0Of4 50: cnlvos. $l5Ofl7O0 HOGS Receipts. 13,000 head; market Go higher; top, $5.35; bulk of sales, $3.26f5"0: heavy, $5.25fi5.35, mixed packers, S3.205j5.30, light, $5.15f(5.25; pigs, $l.60fJ4S5. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpts, 1.000 head; lambs, steady; sheep. 10c higher; ......mm inmliH. 45.15175 50: western wethers. Jl 25'r'4.00; western owes. $3,601(1.25; western vearllngs, Sl.&OftG.OO; culls und ewes, $J.50f 8.25. Ximv York" Live Stock Mnrket. NEW YORK, Jan. 2l.-BEEVE.S-Ro-celpts, 731 head; no trading lu llvo cattle; nominally steady. Cables quoted live rattle steady at Hl4'i1254o per lb.; refrigerator beef, slow at 'JJjOc per lb.; shipments. CO head cattlo. CALVES ltccelpts, 159 head: steady, veals, $3.00fS.G0; llttlo calves, $1.23; barn yard calves, nominal. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpts, $1.33; prime, about strudy; others lower; Iambs, slow und ion 25c lower; sheep. $3.50fj 1.0214; lambs, $5.00.00; no Canada lambs. HOGS-RecolptB. 1.81S head; lower, SS.OOfJ 5.63; Htato pigs, $3.05?f3.85. S, I.oiiU Live Stock Mnrket. ST. LOL'IS, Jnn. 21. CATTLE Receipts, l,3e head. Including 1.700 Texuns; imrket nctlvo und steady; native shipping und rx port stcerr, $l.'i0f50; dressed href and butcher steers, $l.05fi6.25; steers under 1.060 lbs., S3.00frt.75; Blockers and feeders. T2 50'if. 4 60: cows and heifers, S2.0W4 75; canners. Sl.25fj2.75; bulls, $2.75fi3.90; Texas and In- JAMES E. BOYD & CO., Telephone KKIO. O11111I111, .Neb, COMMISSION, CHAIN, PROVISIONS unit STOCKS, llonid of Trmlr, Correspondence: John A. Warren to Co. Direct wires to Chicago and New York. 1 1250 3 JO 1 1630 3 20 1..........1470 J 23 1 1210 J 25 1 1000 3 25 1 W20 3 25 2 1530 .1 23 1 1210 3 26 930 3 r 1 14V) 3 26 1...: 1230 3 26 2..... 800 3 25 1380 3 JO J 890 3 3D 1 970 3 30 1 710 3 30 1 1170 3 30 illnn steers, J3,10-4.(V; C0vs nnd helfcr. 1 ."OH-llecelpts. 7.K0 hrnd; market SfllVi i.irr;J,lB.!' I'Sltf. f"16(a2:-, pucitTS, $3.20fi6 30, butchers. $J.2MiG 36 , SHEEP AND I .AM IIS IWelpls, 4 head, mnrket strong and active, -latlvft muttons. $iivif4.43. lambs, $Uc;n6.G5; culls and bucks. $3.26Ul.OO. St. .Iinopli Live Stock Mnrkrt, SOtJTIt ST. JOSEPH. Mo., Jan. 2l -(Spo. clal.) Tho Journal quotes: CATTLE Receipts1, l.ioj hend; markot active and steady t,i Mrong; natives, 51.00 5(6.20; Texas and westerns, J3.607ii 10- Oows and hf If ers. $2 Ulf4 3c. bulls nud stngs. J2 10 5T-1.60; yenrllngs and calves. $3.4wf 4.30; stockers nnd feeders. $3.uoy .. veals, $1 00 W'Elft, ? Jr!-. '!: mostly 6c hlgV IUV..-...J ' r.in., ,111 KlillICA, 10. JiiT!!XI.3o: biilK or snies. 2njT..27,s, pigs, 6c higher. ins. 01 sine. .i .Tnn..i'j, pigs, 6c higher, ftllMEP llneplnl. I iff 1 . ....T. 1.. , , ,.. ,.iu,i, nivuui iv. lower. Stock In Slulit, Following are the receipts nt tho four principal western markets for January 21. ., , Cattle. Hogs Sheep, South Omnha 2.3SI 6.9s t 1,6.17 Chicago lO.Gun 26,000 to,iH) KaliHii.i City 6,900 lS.On) 4,0 St. Louis 4,300 7.100 100 Totals 23,081 K,m 16,037 '.vnpornleil 11 ml Dried FriiKs. NEW YORK, Jnn 24 -EVAPORATED APPLES The market for evaporated apples ruled slow, but was firmly held, owing to tho slight supply on hand nt fully mnln tnlned prices. State common was quoted nt 3fMo; prime, M16V; choice, GISiitic: fancy. Ofijc. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Dull but stendy nt unchanged prices. Primes wfro quoted at 34f84c per lb., ns to slid nnd qunllty. Apricots, Royal, 7ftl2c, Moor Park. 8Vlfi5c. Peaches, peeled. lllilSc, im peded, oUtfioc. Ximv York. Dry (.noil Mnrkrt. NEW YORK, Jnn. 24,-The general condl Hon of the market shows no material chango today. It Is still dlflicult to Interest buvcts In goods for other than Immediate delivery, except nt prices which sellers de cline to nccept. Prices for the goods on hand on stnplo lines show some Irregularity but still steady for goods to be made. Print cloths quiet but steady. No chango in tho market for woolen goods. OH nml Rosin, NEW YORK, Jnn. 2l.-01LS-Cottonseed. firm: prlmo crude, bbls., 274c; prlmo sum mer yellow, 31Hfi32c; off summer yellow, 31 .J31!(.o; prime white. 3lii35e; prlmo winter yellow. 35Mi8Se; prime meal, 25c LIVERPOOL, Jnn. 2I.-OILS-Cottonseed. Hull rellned, spot, dull, 20s 3d. Linseed, ls 6d. LONDON. Jan. 24.-OILS-Llnsccd, 66s. Turpentine spirits, 28s 9d. Siiuiii unit 3loliisses, NEW ORLEANS. Jan 2I.-SFOAR-Qulet; open kettle. ;i'4fT3'ic; opou kettle, centrifugal. 4frte; centrifugal yellow, 4ifT 4S,c; seconds. 2'4fr4iKe. Molasses, quiet; open kettle. 8S('.'C; centrifugal, 12i(2lc. NEW YORK, Jan. 21.-SPOAR Raw, l.usy; fair refining, 3c: centrifugal, 96 test, 4 Vie; tnolasses sugar, 31c; Ruhliv centri fugal, on sput, 44c; rellned, quiet. "Grip made mo very wenk and nervous, with tightness of chest nnd hendacho. Dr. Miles' l'nln Pills and Ncrvlno gnvo mo quick relief." .Mrs. Clnrlmla Butler, W. Wheel ing, O. THAT TELEGRAPHIC MACHINE Wfntrrn t'ulnii AUih'Iich Deny Tlmt n Tent Wns .Made nt Any Time. Editor Omaha Bee Dear Sir: A great many Inquliles having been made relntlvo to a so-called test or tho Peiirno typewriter telegraph, said to have been made lu tho Western I'nlon telegraph olllre In this cltv on Sunday. January 20, an account of which was given considerable prominence In Tho Bee of January 21, wo wish to state thnt no test of the Prarno typewriter telegraph was made In this otllcc 011 that or any other date. Tho reported astonishment of our opera tors ut Its sliced and accuracy Is a puro tabrlditloti, us there was not a slngln word sent by tho Pearne system even on u abort circuit. Very respectfully. J. P. BARNIIART, Chief Operator. J. H. OWEN. Night Chief Operator. WILLIAM SALISBURY. Wlro Chief. Tho Information upon which the reported test of tho Penrno telegraph machine was based enmo from Frank I). Pearne, tlio In ventor, nnd his brother nnd financial sup porter, W. S. Pearno. n Grand Islnnd lnw yer. It appears that Tho Bee. ns well as tho other Omaha papers, was Imposed upon. JOBBERS & MANUFACTURERS OF OMAHA BOLEil AND oHEr 1RUN WORK Qrake, Wi! & am" succensors Wilson Jb Drake. Manufacture boilers, amoko Hacks and breechlngs, pressure, rendering, sheep dip, lard nnd water tanks, uollor tuoes con stantly on hand, second hand boilers bought nnd sold. Special and piomnt attention to repairs In city or rountrv lath nnd Pierce. DRY GOODS. HE. Smith ft Go. Importers and Jobbers of Dry Goods, Furnishino Good AND NOTIONS. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. Uestern Electrical vv Company Electrical Supplies. Electric Wlriic Uellc and (Us LlebtUf. Q. W. JOHNSTON. Mgr. 1510 Hownrd St SAFE AND IRON WORKS. Davis & Cowgill Iron Works. MANUFACTURERS AND JOBBERS OF MACHINERY. GENERAL REPAIRINO A SPECIALTY IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS. 1501, inofl ana ir.05 JaoUaou Street. Omaha, .Neb. Tel. HUH. K. ZafcrtsUI. Agent. J. U. Cowflll, Mar. ELEVA KM SUPPLIES ELEVATORS Improved Quick and Easy Rlnlnc Steam, Electric and Hand Power Elevators, AUTOMATIC HATCH GATES. Snd for cntnlouue KIMHALL UROS.. COUNCIL, BLUFFS. Ia, 100S 9th Street. ifelephona HI, H. Davis & Son AfccnU for tUe Hlohmoa Mufetr Untss ana Fire Dnorn. Elevator Hydraulic nnd Hand Kleyatori. Elevator repalrlUK a ipeclaltr. Leather Valvo Cups far Elevators, Enjlna and rrlntlne FroB8. GAjO,.INi: ENGINES AND GRAIN ELEVATOR MACHINERY Co. Council ltltill'rj, Iowa. Gasoline Engines Vertical, Horizontal nnd I'ortnhlc, from 0110 horso pcwir uo Jobbers of Ai;rlcu!tuiu) Implements nnd ovcrythliiK In wutcr, utcum und L'as sup. lillts. c. navid Bradley & u