THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FltrPAY, JANrAUY 25, 1901. braska ami Its people, and so Ions as the goad treatment I hav, received while doing liusincea In this state Is rontlnucd. t should entertain no thought ot changing the head quarter of the Hankers L'nlon." As the reporter aroso to depart, tho doc tor asked that ho might stay longer to look I at the books of tho company and see the manner In which the business of the Hank ers L'nlon of tho World was spread In open view and when tho reporter begged to bo excused, tho doctor said, "I can show you at n glanco that the Hankers L'nlon, since It has commenced to do business, has nabl ninny hundred claims, both for (lis- Gives History of the Order and Makes j?- haialx .r!tt X rfediCtiOnS fOr itS FU tUrOa I these have been paid promptly when they became due. Assuring us that the latch string of the Hankers Union office hung out and that all wero welcome who had an Interest In Fra ternal lnsuranco to tho commodious ofllco and the Inspection of their books, with n cordial "Como again" tho reporter departed. The Bankers Union Phenomenal Growth of a Nebraska Fraternal Insurance Order. DR, E. C, SPINNEY INTERVIEWED Glowing MEMBERSHIP NOW EXCEEDS 20,000. WATSON SUCCEEDS SID KENT Omiilin Mmi .Nniueil to lip llenuty l.iibor ('iiiiiiiiIkrIimut Ii)' (lov ernnr Dietrich, LINCOLN'. Jan. 21, (Special,) aovernor Dietrich toJay appointed C. E. Watson of Om&ha to succeed Sydney I. Kent as deputy labor commissioner and hend of the state bureau of statistics. Mr. Watson has Consolidation with Sons and Daugh ters of Protection Beneficial to Both Orders. PROMPT PAYMENT OF ALL CLAIMS1 Yesterday Tho Hoc reporter Incident- ally dropped Into tho olTIco of tho Hankers for several years been prominently ldcntl Union of tho World, and found one of tho (led with tho labor Interests of Omaha, and busiest work shops In the city, with a large wus strongly endorsed for tho postilion force of employes, busily engaged In their to which ho has been appointed. It Is several duties, and It was with some dim- announced that tho appointment will became culty that tho reporter could get tho ear effectlvo February 1 of Dr. IS. C. Spinney, tho president of tho Tho olllco of deputy labor commissioner company. Hut when once tho reporter was Is an Important one. It Is where statistics ushered Into tho doctor's private olnce. tho of all sorts relntlvo to tho labor of tho doctor received him with n cordial hand- state, its products, ' etc., aro gathered and shake, and showed n full appreciation of compiled. In past years tho commissioner tho trials and tribulations of -a reporters uvoiui u major poruou 01 nis nine iif,. in nf nnu-H. liv mnklnc 119 com- " collecting facts and figures to show "that pletoly at home, and showing a willingness farming doesn't pay" for tho uso of tho to Impart all tho information at his com- campaign committees, but thero Is mand pertaining to his company. practically no end to tho good that can When the teportcr asked, "How Is the 1)0 accomplished In the olllco nnd tho deputy Hankers Union?" tho doctor In his affable appointed by Governor Dietrich la expected to establish n new record. On recommendation of tho governing board, which consists of Mrs. C. II. (Jcrc, Mrs. A., J. Sawyer, Mrs. M. D. Welch, Mrs. A. M. Davis nnd Mrs. D. E. Thompson, Gov ernor Dietrich today reappointed Mrs. W. M. Morning of this city ns u member of tho Homo for tho Friendless visiting nnd examining board. Mrs. D. E. Thompson was appointed to succeed Mrs. F. W. IIII1 an a member of tho eamo board. way. replied, "that It novcr was better. That tho Wanker's Union of tho World Is but two years old nnd has a membership of over 20,000, showing tho most remnrkn bio growth of any fraternal lnsuranco com pany doing business In tho world." "What has been the causo of this growth, doctor?" asked tho roportcr, "Fldollty to business, perseveranco and push, paying promptly nil claims ngalnst tho company as thoy become duo and doing nil In our power to promnto tho Individual Kiiiim Them on lvlth an .x. Interests of our membership, nnd tho fur- STOCKVILLE. Neb.. Jan. 21. tSncclal.l ther fact that tho Hankers Union of tho William H. Miller was arrested last night World Issues n policy thnt 13 unsurpassed on n complaint sworn out by Thomas Hop by any other similar organization, having ton, charging him with assault with Intent practically adopted the old lino Idea or to Inflict great bodily harm. life lnsuranco embodied In a fratcrnnl or- K seems that Miller had been nalntini; gnnlzatlon. This policy and tho method the house In which Mrs. Schrnrz lives adopted to Inforco It makca It as sccuro to with her tenant, Hopton. Mr. Miller had tho policy holdor as any. policy over Issued becu to Curtis during tho day and returned by any old lino llfo insurance company." Inst evening. A quarrel started, tho parties "What states Is tho Hankers Union of the soon coming to blows, In which Miller had World doing business In?" tho other threo to contend with nnd wus "Wo aro now In Iown, Nebraska, Mlnno- severely beaten. Afterward ho got away, sola, Missouri, Kansas, tho Dakntns and In secured nn ax nnd ran them off, taking fact nearly nil of tho henlthy ntatcs of our possession of tho premises. Hopton camo country. Including tho state of Illinois." to btockvllle nnd tho arrest followed OUTLINE OF PROPOSED LAWS Brief Digest of Some of the Bills Introduced Yesterday. RAILROAD AND TELEPHONE RATES Mensurc Intruded t Hrmilntc Chun!'" for Hrrvlee llrndcrrd the Ptilille Are Offered In tlir Sen it teev Apportionment. LINCOLN. Jan. 24. (Special.) A bill was Introduced In the acnatc today by Sen ator McCargar of Saline authorizing tho settlement, compromlso or dismissal or suits now pending for the recovery of moneys al- 1 leged to bo duo tho state upon olllclal bonds and from depository banks nnd their bonds men. Tho bill provides that tho attorney general, treasurer und nudltor bo authorized nnd Instructed In their discretion to settle compromise or dismiss nny nnd all suits now pending In which the state Is plalntirr for tho recovery of moneys nlleged to-be due upon nny olllclnl bonds, or from any stato depository bank or Its bondsmen, provided that the defendants In every case shall pay the costs accrued In such action as a con dition before such act Is llnnlly dismissed Mobility of llnllwuy Compiinlm. Senntor Weber of Greeley Is tho author of a bill entitled an act to define liabilities of certain corporations In certain Instances, and to prohibit contracts limiting liabilities. Tho net provides that every railway com pany organized or doing business In this state slinll be llablo for nil damages done to nny employe of such company In conso nuenco of any negligence of Its agents, or by any mismanagement of Its engineers or other employes to any person sustaining such damage. Tho samo liability is made to apply to any corporation In the stato which uses steam or electricity as n motive power and provides that tho contract made between such company or corporation nnd nny or us employes or nny other person und based upon tho contingency of tho Injury or death of any employs limiting tho liability of tho company for any damages under tho pro visions of this net shall bo binding, but all such contracts shall bo null and void. "Is tho Hankcr's Union doing business in Illinois, doctor?" "I do not wonder that you n3k this nues tlon. Very fow. If nny, of tho Western Fraternal Societies havo been ndmlttcd to ItcKulittliiK 1'relnlit Hntes Another hill by Senntor Weber Is one to reduce the maximum rates for tho trans- tnltcd States court nt Lincoln against tho cttv of llintrl.e is not for the entire amount of 1113,000 water bonds, but Is for about $i5,000 defaulted interest on about half of tho bonds. At the meeting of the nnd rend and n number were up for second rending after tho completion of which th" sennto proceeded to the house chambr to ballot for United States senator. Upon return adjournment was taken until 3 I city council last night tho city attorney o'clock p. m when the Honckoraper- iu directed to fight the suit, as tho city Hcutlng case was mado a special order. claims to have a good defense In the mat ter. BIG MEIKLEJOHN DAY (Continued from First Tago.) ItenthiK Hold Itln Sent. Long before the time set for the hearing of tho reports In tho contest case tho chamber and gnllerlcs of tho senate were crowded with a throng of expectnnt people. There were two reports, tho mnjorlty rec ommending that tho seat of Senntor Hcutlng be declared vacant, for tho reason playing It for alt It Is worth. Of course, that he had been found guilty of violating peoplo In touch with the administration, or tuo corrupt prnctlces act and for tho fur- who have been In Washington since the ,ncr reason that the contestant, Mr. Hone- elcctlon, knew better than this. A cousin temper, who Is a republican, had also been of Senator Hannn, Cashier K, O. Holmes found guilty of violating this net and was of the Kearney bank, who had a talk re- therefore not entitled to tho scat thus ccntly with the senator, was told distinctly "commended to bo vacated. The majority that tho administration was perfectly ncu- "Port wns signed by each of .the repub- tral In the Nebraska contest. He evl- IKan members of the committee on prlv- denced his personal view, however, by "pRes '! elections. Tho minority report, snylng thnt If the people of Nebraska whllo admitting thnt tho contestco had wnnted to rccognlzo party servlco they vllated the corrupt practices act, held would elect Mr. Ilosewatcr to ono of tho "e "nouia do niiowcu to rctnin his sent. scnatorshlps because, to quote the scna- A number of tho republican members tor's language, as reported by Mr. Holmes, votp'l with tho fuslonlsts on tho proposition "ho has tho ability and has earned It." to allow Senntor Iteming to retain his seat. Some expedition lliillutlnK. as soon ns tho matter had been brought up tuu lepuri rcau uiaueu oi uougias Whether It Is because practice makes per- moved to Iny the reports on tho table, n roll feet, or because they know It Is only per- cnll ft TtjZT: functorv. tho members of tho Joint scss on b r 'u"s' havo succeeded In reducing the business of Herlotr"' balloting for senator down to nn expeditious Cummin, basis The first day's ballot consumed c'rounse'1' moro tlnn nn hour, with n lot of tedious Edcur! ' formalities, doublo roll colls and so forth. Kriimbach, Now tho whole procedure, which Is supposed LI'llo'b to commenco dally nf 12 o'clock noon, is .,"s Lyman. Meredith, Miller. Oleson, l'oschal, 1'ltncy, Hansom, Steele, 'i'rompen, Weber, Woolstenholm, Zlcgler 19. .,-, , . - 1 '1IUII. neii in auvanco oi I Ar,,,q over beforo 12:15. tbn nnnnlnted time the scnato resolves "to 1 Currle. prepare for the Joint ballot on senator" and Hnrlnn, flies Into tho hall of tho house a good quar ter of an hour ahead of time. Tho transfer Johnson, O'Neill, Martin, Owens, McCnrgar, Vim Hosklrk, Newell. Yminir 12. Daldrlgo absent and Itcutlng not voting. ino republican members who voted with of tho envoi from tho speaker to tho lieu- 11,0 fuslonlsts wero Ilorlet, Crounse, Edgar, tenant governor is accomplished In a Jiffy, "'"on' o'0"'" nnd Trompen. 111.. r,ill In nn Unit for each hoilHn bv the nee. t'0 sennto proceeded to tho third rend. retary. tho nbscntces noted and tho pairs lnK ot senate files 4, 6 and 10, all curative announced; n stnrt Is mado at reading tho u"s icn wero passed unanimously, minutes of tho proceedings of tho previous Tn0 following names wero placed on tho day, when someone who Is in on tho deal 8t,n' pay roll upon motion of Currle of Jumps up and moves to dlspcnso with "-UBl". further reading. Every motion goes through 1'nge Claud Mcndenhall. like greased lightning. Tho lieutenant gov. crnor thereupon declares In gravo tones that the hour having arrived for taking a that constitutional amendments ti carry, therein'nrd t df ft io uijil rr 'ntdt i s- must rescue only a majorliv rf the ots c-rinn it n l rni'r. ul ui .t i lw i o cast for and against It, Instead if a inn- P.ttil.i trtlm for th- ct.r incut f Jorlty of all votes cast, as under existing ! revisions tj tin- uttortv ;.nir.i! and requirements. Ilei-ommctidetl for passage. count attorneys, to llx prtmltlcs Tor tho Illume roll KM In- iViftVe I'riivlilttiir for it Violation nf Its provisions, to lirovldo fnr .1 Nebraska state constitutional convention to certain defense in actions brought under It. draft now constitution. Indellnltely post- Makes following rodu Hons: Ornln. to 73 pined. I'er cent of rntes, lumber, to tt per cent nousc roil concurrent resolution oy 'i rain; uve mock, io .- per rem u llcam-ltcquestlng congress to call a con- JNJ rate I'rovtdeM penalty of from )1 to volition for tho numose of iironoslmi tin lio.wxi for violations. . . amendment to the constitution, providing ,1'oi'se roll 211, by Hpreeher To dcflno for the election of I'nltod States senntors immune oi cerinin corporations in cerium by direct vote of tho neonlo. Itecoinmcndcd Instances ami to prohibit contrwots lltnltliu: for passage. llanilltles. The committee on Judiciary reported on ' ""r5 ?" Ji'M " S the following measures: of lvsn, deiltilng the nubility of lire Insiir- House roll , by Ixiomls-Mnklng tho ""mV-'I"''.'' CiV,a. ' " . . i .. -.I-.. i. ...i . 7.. .i.ii-I IlOUMO roll '2U. Ii v Million 'Pit iitnniwi Pv executioner und rel ovlr county sheriffs J,1"" .l- J,1? " '.' l. r, . ""'i' ! a' ,V.V from the dut of carrying out death penal- Hr ,,, :or'K'n,,l,,u;1 "H'tro milltun cities unci ties. Heeommeiided for passage. ' P"1"1"'' ''' U'KUlatlng their House roll in5. bv I .une To abolish days or grace usually allowed to signer or en dorser uf n note, liulelliiltelv iiosttioued. Ilnll... I It I... t . . .. for periodica meeting of county commls- ' ''"!, '' ,0,v.llf,,Jr., j"r.liV of ,tx" slonc'r. Hccommendc-d for pnssngc. nbI fl'ut 1,1 ""'l't I" presented. duties, powers nnd government. Authorizes mayor nnn council or mimim to create pav ing districts, but provide that such Im provements can bo made only when n petl- Tho committee on corporations reported on tho following: llouv roll 10o, by Tanner Making per. Iti'i'ort mi ItiiiiuliiM ('utility t'lines. LINCOLN. Jan. 21. (Special Telegram.) The house rouitultteo on privileges and sons, associations und corporations liable i,i. , , , '.,, .', for all damages to employes, nnd making elections Is expected to report on tho void nny contract which releases tills Douglas county election contest cases to- liability. Indellnltely postponed. morrow morning. Chairman Whllmore has n, ;Srf: 1. or'rU ..,,Vr71;" , V,l Prepared' a report ll.mlng In favor of tin, nny ngent or employe, nnd mnking void nny contcstecs and It will be presented to the contract wn cn impairs or uiminisncs mis members of tho committee for their slg- i'"-"i-"'"" natures beforo tho house convenes. Ono In committee of the hole. member was absent nnd tho vote of nn- Aflcr tho reading of bills tho house went other member wns not counted when tho Into commltteo of tho whole, with Ilepre- committee cast Its final vote In tho cases sentatlvo Lano In tho chair, and after an two weeks ago. but as a majority voted hour's deliberation recommended tho pas- against unseating the fusion members It is sago of tho following bills, tho report after ward being ndopted: Hnllso roll 43. bv Murrnv Providing for lowering tho ralo of Interest on stnte war rants rrom I to 3 per cent, endorsed by Treasurer Stuefer nnd tho retiring stato treasurer. Clerk Hugh A. Stevenson. After tho tlmo nnd nlnco of been announced for a number of rommii. - . . 1 twill un uiiu imj in uiiiy in cuuil yi"ur, llH ballot on two United States senntors nc- lcrs 1110 "fnato adjourned until 10 o'clock Intter to bo determined by tho supcrlntcn cording to law, tho secretary will call tho toIaiTow morning. dent. roll, each member nnswerlnc with tho IIIIIn I'lnt ii,..ii.,.. After tho joint session tno houso ad portntlon of certain commodities within names of tho two candidates of his choice The following senate flics were introduced JUrncJ ' 0 'ClCk ,omorrow rnlnB. tho stato of Nebraska. No rullway com- nrsi ior srori lerm iu outtuni wio into non. today: inn on e.rsi iteiiiiiiiK Tho following bills wero Introduced and rend first time not likely there will bo nny serious oppo sition to Chairman Whltmore's report. Soldier' Komi- ill (Iriiud InIiihiI, LINCOLN. Jnn. 21 (Special Telegram.) -Dr. J. L. Crandnll nf Shubert bus been Houso roll SI. by Joseph llnll Frovldlnn nppolnted physician for tho Soldiers' homo an appropriation or tor meuais tor all nt Orand Island. omcera uuu men who ueionKeo to me .e I braska volunteer orgnnlzntlons that wero mustcrcu into tno uation. war with Hnnln. In its orieinnl form the bill made provision for nn appropriation of $5,000, but the figure wns shaved down IS J1) uy tno commttce. Houso roll CB. bv Fowler Kxemntlnu eiin- dldates for precinct, school district, town ship nnd village board nlllces, from the provision or tne corrupt practice net. which requires tne iiiuiit oi expense ac counts. Houso roll S3, by Warner llenu r nir ex. nmlnatlon for ndmlsslon to the Statu Nor mal school nt Peru und nuthorlzlnir eouiitv superintendent to hold such examinations on tne tmru nnturony oi apru encn year and on one day In July of each year, tho pany shall demand, charge or receive, ae- M. L. Hayward and second for tho full term s. F. 150, by .legler-A bill for a Joint cording to tho bill, n higher or greater of six years, commencing March 4, IDOL resolution proposing to amend section 2 of rate than provided between points In this The answers camo thick and fast, most of '0f vbrV' j? vi'niiiJS'i'i" of lhu s,uto ? .i.J m.n for llmm hrlmr mere renetltlons. neen-lnnnll v LV"T, i?.".a.. T cither .lie governor or niaic. ino uiu iimviuco umi. i . . , . , . oiuhlii oi tuo legisiaturo authority such commodities ns whent, Hour, coai, n ennugo is noieu, uui uu uuuionstration is iu icinuru oi tno supreme court an opinion millet, flaxseed, corn, oats, barley and produced. Members with names near tho on,n" Vc0easVonsIUe8tl0,1!, f luW aml " Ho1 other grain and mill stuffs shall bo 73 top of tho alphabet respond and slyly stop 8. F. 157, by Mortln-An act to amend sec- per cent of tho rate published by said out to get Into tho dinner room nheud of tlon tw of the Code of Civil Procedure, railroad comnnny on thu tlrst day of De- tho rush. Tho tally Is quickly totaled and h'ml. I . ,iuut.c,s of Nebraska for 1SD9, "Sbcr!l88Pn. .hown , by Us printed tariff announced. Tho lieutenant governor pro- 1? u.n Viinii la ttin itfiniR iiHPii inr nil ru- i t ui i t iiu uuu uumuk h-ludcu liiu cuiihiilii i nit'iii un iniui iirnrrH. ductlons. On other commoilltles, such as tlonal majority and no choice, and with S; M . b J-..""'n-Annotto amend sec; .. .... .. .,i. ii.., n.nni l, mules, serious mien orders another roll call for JJ" ..11?-.?ru.cJ1.'.,.ni"r;xl. cni tlt'! C.urts." imiiiiL'i, .....v, v......, , . - , . ... . . , -'"i""-" Diniuii-n oi .eornsKll tor 1M3. nnd cattle, hogs, sheep, etc., tho companies unother ballot. At this point another mem- to repeal said original section, relating to shall not bo allowed to chargo moro than ber deftly comes to tho rescuo with n mo- Ul ftvTn,! "C.i8.?" bX the supremo court. 83 per cent of tho present rate. Tho bill tlon to adjourn, which encounters not even t,";,1 w, 'Vo ar o" "cVl? "KliTrS further provides against secret rates, re- tho semblnnco of dissent, nnd It Is all over Compiled Statute of Nebraska for 18W, and bates unusual nllowanco for uso of cars, or for tho dny. to repeal said original section, providing nny "undue advantage whatever, it being John L Webster was in Lincoln today Xmmini! Gojnt&gimss Blood Poison There is nopoi.-on so liiirlilv contnjiiotis, so dV,:i;j)livo ntul so destructive. Don't be too .sore you are cured because all external signs of the disease have disappeared, r.nd tlie doi.U: cays you are well Many pet. son have been "dosed with Metcurynnd Potash for months or ycni.s, nnd pro noutie'd cured to realize when too late that the disease wns only covered up .1.J f. .1... m mm f. 111 UI I 1 1 Ull I I IMS Ltko Bcgats Like. 8,irfare lo ,,reaU out again, nnd to their sorrow nnd mortifi cation find those nearest and dearest to them have ticeti infected by this loath- II. It. 220. by Sprcchcr-To district tho some disease, for no other poison is so Cn County 1,'eunti. I'LATTSMOUTH, Neb.. Jan. 24. (Special.) County Clerk J. M. Hobcrtson has Just received from W. It. Merrlam, director ot do business In tho stnto of' Illinois. Tho ho census nt Washington, n bulletin giving authorities thero nro very strict, nnd under thp1 Population of Nebraska by counties tho Inw and the rules and regulations of ".' ." "V""B- " population tho lnsuranco department, It Is extremely difficult for a frntcrnal order to rccelva llccnso to transact business wero presented to tho nuthoritlos of llllnoln njid after " they had. mnda an examination of our books and nc counts, we wero admitted Into that state, nnd It Is with soma pride that wo say to you' thnt It was a recognition ot tho Han kcrs Union methods, thnt encournges us In tho groat work wo havo In hand. Wo nro now pushing our business In tho stnto of Illinois nnd hope to show tho snmo rn pld growth during tho coming year in that stato that wo havo dono In tho nthcr.stntcs during tho past year." of Cass county Is 21,330, ns compared to 24.0S0 In ISflO. Plnttsmouth, 6,123; Louis ville, 1,116; Weeping Wntor, 1,933. Term I Only Three Dny I.qnir. WK8T POINT. Nob., Jnn. 24. (Special.) Tho district court adjourned last, night. having completed in tnreo days all tho busi ness required ot ,lt. This is tho shortest session of n regular term held in this county for many years. Judgo Oravos dis charged tho Jury for tho term and returned to his homo in Pender last night. C-.illeu Hound (tier. DAKOTA CITY, Neb., Jan. 24. (Special.) Mlko Cullen was today bourn! over to tho "Thero has been considerable agitation district court by County Judgo Klmcra In among tho fraternal societies during the the sum of $300 In tho enscs instituted by last fow months, has there not?" his brothers, Joe and Tom, on tho chnrgo "Not that I know of, except porhnps I j of assault with intent to commit great might say, that during tho Inst two or bodily harm. Iu default of bonds ho Inn three months, an order knovn us tho Sons gulshcs In Jail nd Daughters of protect on desired to fonsolldnto with us. their nxesutlvn board More Slek Tliiin Well. helnc nleascd with our nlnns nnd methods FRANKLIN, Nob., Jnn. 21. (Special Tel whlrh they had previously had opportunity egrnm.) Never boforo In tho history of to Investigate, so wo nude an arrangement P'aco " u,cro orcn as manf Blc" with that order whereby they turned ovor as nt tno present., time. ruuy tnreo mado unlawful for tho company to extend for tho first tlmo since tho legisiaturo bob. gun. " ..".,.. .mi statutes for ISM; any prlvllcgo or favor to ono shipper which opened, ami made a social call on Mr. Hose- VlfbythittCodoAo,f .? i!T,? subsc.uciTtcrm It refuses to another. The penalties pro- water at his headquarters. "SinnHedSta "7 .'"'V?; v , vldcd for n violation of any of tho pro- to repeal said original section, relating to Aii tUn t surely transmitted from parent to child .. . t . i i ft.i.- ns tins, mien n nail i.isuui itiiciiuiuu&iii, Catarrh. Scrofula or severe skin disease, nn old sore or ulcer developing in middle life, can be traced to Mood poison con- inarTy1 Tho S,n ot tho Paront' life; for it remains smoldering in the sys tem forever,' unless properly treated and driven out in the bciriutniiir. b. b. b. is the only antidote for this .peculiar virus, the onlv remedy known that can over come it and drive it out of the blood, and which reuulrcs sunretno court to rniuler It iloea this so thoroughly nnd cficctuallv tllltl 1IIU iriiiiiiwiiD ireiuiu innuillb lliailllllie. ii. it. z&i. ny nici-arinv ro innetui .. tlon 5SI of tho Codo of Civil Procedure. statutes for 1S09; changes tlmo for Ming ) eouri to no tiocKoteii ror from twenty to thirty or cnnitresBlomil districts. II. It. .30. IiV aicl nrtliv To nrnrm ner- tlon 2B3 of tho Codo of Civil Prneeitllrn. changes tlmo allowed for beginning pro ceeding for reversing, vacating or modi- tying jiHiKmeiii irom ono year to six months nfter rendition of nuch lutlctuont compiaiumi ui. it. it, ui. oy niecartiiy jo amend see. tlon IS nf chapter xlx, title "Courts." stilt, utes for lSlOi repeals provision of law rn. oiilrlnir Himreme court to wrlto onlnlmm in cilsch wherein the Judgment of tho lower court Is reversed. II. It. 232, by aictTarthy To amend ec tlotl 5M of tho Codo of Civil Pnireduri statute for 1890; repeal provision of law visions of this net Is a fine of not less than EIGHTH BALLOT NO RESULT $100 nor more man i,uu ior mo iirsi vium- McCarlhy Tnninenil Hne. petitions In error, turn bn ot tno c.ouo oi ciyu procedure. N. it' 111. 11V Mlirlln A , ri, in n.,nn.l I II'IUH a niiipi-uvup t.w.titr. vj tuova l.lKl'll .. .... .... ... in, nvt - i ... i ln Hiittrnmn I'nnrt nni tir,i,l,l..u f..t to embarrnss or liui sss Hon IT77 nt ilm f'n.l.. nr nit.ii i. to Ulo Hunremu couri uuu proviilt tor I ' I w- wm- A ft wv rwui it . . t mm. nn.utH I tl. il I t. -mm tllrtl riKriflW I II r tlon. nor less than ?1.000 nor moro man ,,. ne(Ioill Melklrjolin' Mn.ter Nelirankii. ami o rcpea said original sec c" "It -35 by Tanner Tii iirovMdo for iliii ,1. . time Imi ilVt J5.000 for tho secoud. nor less than $5,000 of n,Herv,.H , Mnkc t,S"',,riS.,",,,5 taxatloVVtolVphoT.o com'panl o MMe tlmc bulll9 UP nor moro than ?10,0U0 ior tno tnira nnu Sliinvlnir. tlon 71 of chanter Ixxlll of the rv mi nil htnto or iscnriiRKii una to nx penalties for ..,. .k . ffna. si It ! mSi V mm.,..Lo. "i".rid false Htntetnent; llxes nnnunl tax at 1 per Our little book on-co 1 . - . .. in- timf rM : ' . cent of gross eamlimH and penally for noison ts the most comulcte Telephone Toll l'Ued. 1.1.M.U1..-S, Jan. Jl.-(bpoclnI Telegram.)- ,al,uH. either verbal or written, between the "K,i,1iiri,,lK VJi",111 nt from mur" th"" tive ever issued; it not Two bills relating to - telepnono com- " " , ' . uu ttlUNiu r, 1 , " 'm"fr..w w' 'in- 1 i v tt nir-Tn ri ,.,.iin about this disease, but nlso nls and oroscrlblng tho chartes to bo ca01 l0lny ' "se or .MeiJtleJohn's vote y u u e-samo i,ai pec.ry tne , .v " fo amend sections 3. 1 nnd r of , vm.rselfnt home. It is free made by them for servlco wore Introduced J f result of extra effort put forth VlecYy.ropW inlS l tllc hnn,ls of cvcr' terday. The tlrst ono was by Paschal of lat night to draw ln his reserves. Tho mission shall be a chargo against that nOT cure. Send for it. I'latto, which makes It uulnwful for any ?ult: ' . f "Stol;." n,lX so !!rl "'Ia'ZV i..i. February 15, 11,77. and to repeal mild see- THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., tclcimono company to chargo," demand or ! h d ' 2 W tlm Hcttlement. compromise 1 or d smlHsal !""? '.n..c. "r. !? .n:cr111 receive for tho s, of any telephone more i v ::::::::::::; v$iur: 3 ,rmTru, SS.OO A tnnn i.ou per uimuu hkiU official bonds und from depository banks i"","""' ,,u . , ' h ,m -iTgi, is used in a private residence, nor more WSrZ":::" " &"rr"::::::::: 15 , T'wSbcr-v'n act to de.1,,0 ..a ItWhy Tanucr-To deflno "bucket than $2 per month for each 'phono used In urlnn 1 Sutherland 1 i-iiities ? shops." prohibit operation of same in Ne- f SV an omco or business house, nnd not moro urr ngton 2 1). R Thompson... 33 in-tanee nnd to tirohll It co itrao 2 1 braska nnd to provide 11 penalty for viola- " kwivSy inn "-. cents for tho uso of nny telenhono "s,lmw, 13 w- Thompson.. 51 Pn,. im under tlds act contrac,s llr,tlllh ti,m of tho net; prohibits "tucket shops" than .0 cents tor tno uso ot nny teicpnono llllchcock ., v nuscn.. 1 " " , ! vi ifr " c net in fiv n t,,nvi nnd dealing In future and provide that 11. Ml servlco between the several towns ..long AM. Ilclml(llc:lll(l " Alll3rew8( BiUa. nJ Vife r'.hoeTie Zo orerdco X f "''X.Hdeemed'Tnlii Lfek. J? tho lines of such company for ho space ri ,, jlarslu fuslonl3tSt Bu and telephone exchanges telephone and tele- J lorHla', mSeX , 'bo m ,r sonci SmT of five minutes. A penalty of $j00 Is pro- walker. phono wires, and for tho carrying nnd l"'a"ji,r ,,. .Vin,, .AAmii.u iniprinoiuii 5WwSmi1 that there is never a return of the disease to embarrnss or humiliate you nf terwnrds. cures contagious moou roisou iu nti7 and nil stages; contains tin mineral to break down vour constitution ; it is purely vegetable and the only blood puri- : 1110011 uuu the general ntagious blood ntul mstruc- only tells all now to cure and should one seeking a ATLANTA, OA. nil their assets to thu Hunkor.c Union of tho World nnd wo executed a contract guaranteeing tho payment of the policies in forco nt that time, Issued by that order. This consolidation wns not made, howover, until Auditor Cornell had fully npprovrd of tho plan proposed by us nnd not until his approval was given of tho rider which wo proposed placing upon these policies fourths of tho population is suffering with tho grip. There havo been sovernl 'deaths and others are very low. Neiv Dully nt IliiNtlim. HASTINGS. Nob., Jan. 24. (Special.) II. A. Itntuscy, who ran the Hastings Kvcnlng Ilecord for nbout eight months, has started another dnlly paper in this city. It Is called tho Hastings Dally Advertiser and Is sun ino uuuitor encouraged us in overy wny posed to be nonpartisan in mnxing tins consolidation, ueucving ma; Court OhllKfd to Adjourn. SIDNEY, Ncb Jnn. 24. (Spocial.) Judgo firlmcs has again adjourned district court from February 4 to May 14. This has been necessitated by tho provalenco of smallpox In tho northern part of tho county. It wns for tho best Interests of tho members of tho Sons nand Daughters of protection who held policies ln n small concern and which was unable to proceod further with Its business without Interme diate assessments being mndo nnd such n rnursn all parties thought would bo ex tremely disastrous and would finally result In tho collapse of that order. Some of tho Frnternnl Organizations questioned tho va lidity of our contract, that wo would uot havo tho right or authority to executn a contract guaranteeing the policies of that order. Wo are confident, however, that wo Cliiiutiimiue Superintendent Seleetod havo that right, and would be estopped from UKATfUCE, Neb., Jan. 24. (Special Tcle- plcadlng no Ilnblllty in event of tho death gram.) Ilov. C. S. Dudley of Chicago was of any of thobo policy holders who had ac- last night elected superintendent of In cepted our guarantee so long ns wo hold structlon of tho Ileatrlce Chautauqua for their money nnd had accepted their assess- tho ensuing year. Ite I villi!' ItevYiirded. HKimON. Nob.. Jan. 24. (Special.) Tho revival services in progress nt tho Christian church nt this place since the first of tho year havo resulted In over thirty acces sions to the church. mcnts. Tho present nudltor tins not passed upon this question nnd I am satisfied that when tho attornoy general of this state has been consulted his opinion would bo thut our contract was cnforcoablo and that wo, nt least, would bo tho last ones that could plead no liability. Hut this is not causing us nny apprehension, for tho Hankers Union will comply with nil tho rules and requirements of tho Insurance Department of this stnto, our great success In the past being dependent upon our trlct nnd con Bclentloub compllanco with nil the laws of tho Btates In which wo nro doing business, and so, In event tho nudltor of this stnto should requlro any different nrrangemcnt other than thnt wo mado with the Sons nnd Daughters of Protection, tho Hankers Union will bo ready and willing to meet all such requirements nnd conditions." "You Bcem very much encouraged, doctor, with tho prospects ot tho Hankers Union." "Never moro so ln my life. I have un dertaken, with the aid of my ablensbtst nnts, to build ono of tho best Fraternal Organizations doing business in this coun try, and nuw having passed tho turbulent times of making n start, having pnssed over tho troubles and vicissitudes that ordinarily beset ono in stnrtlng n new institution of this kind, I can see tho success of our ef forts, and It only spurs us on to now ef forts with renewed energy." "Your home, doctor, was formerly In Des Moines, la., I believe." ' Yes, sir, that Is whero I inako my homo now, I enmc to Omaha with this company bollevlng it was the center of this great western country nnd believing that it was tho best points from which we could reach our members, nlthough tho gcod people ot Dos Moines are constantly inportuntng mo to bring this company to Des Moines, nnd make headquarters there, but I IIko Nc- Merenntlle Company AhnIkiin. HED CLOUD, Nob., Jan. 21. (Spocial.) The Nebraska Mcrcontllo company of this city lias made a voluntary assignment to the sheriff. Tell your druggist .that you want Blatz Malt-Vivine. If he hasn't it, send or tele phone to -us and we will deliver it direct. But under no circumstances accept a substitute, as this extract has no equal as a nerve and stomach tonic and Is a non intoxicant. Val Blatz Brew. Co., Milwaukee. All druggists. OMAHA BRANCH, 1412 Douglas St. Tel. 1081. Tided for tho first offense nnd $1,500 for each succeeding offense Tho other bill Is ono which reduces tho present rnto charged by telephone com panics 25 per cent and Is Introduced by Senator Weber. AVI pi 11 k Out Color Line A bill Introduced by Cummins of Seward mnkes it unlawful for llfo lnsuranco com panles and mutual benefit nssoclntlonu, ex cept secret societies, to discriminate on nccount of tho color of a person and to prevent special contracts and illscrlnilna tlons between Individuals. Qiiullllenllonn for County Jndtce. Senator Oleson's bill defining the quail flcatlons of n county Judgo provides that no personshall bo ellglblo to tho office of county judge wuu buiiii nui uu 111 leuai 25 years of ngo and n citizen of the United Stntes, nor unless ho shall havo been nd inllted ns nn attorney In this stnte, and romnlncd as an attorney In good standing nt tho bar thereof, provided that tho pro visions of this act shall not apply to coun tics having less than 60,000 Inhabitants. Ilcllef for Dairymen. At tho request of dairymen throughout tho stato Miller of Huffalo introduced a bill in tho senate today which repeals tho law naming tho time when tho annual meet Ing of tho stnto association shall bo held and amending It so that tho dato may bo fixed by the board of directors. Spreelier' CoiiKrenMlonnl IllNlrlut. Tho congressional reapportionment bill Introduced by Representative Sprechor pro vldcs for organizing tho vnrlous districts as follows: Fit st District It chardson. Pawnee Nemaha, Johnson, Otoe, Cass, l.nncnstcr and Sarpy. , Second District uougias, wasnmgton Hurt. Thurston nnd Dakota. Third District-Dodge, Colfax, Platte, Merrick, Nance. Uooiie, Mndison, Stanton, Cuming, Wayne, Pierce, Antelope, Knox, Cedar nnd Dixon. Kourtii iJiBiriet wage, jerrer&on, iiiayor, Mlimore, rauiK ocwaru, xoris, roiK, nut ler nnd Saunders. Fifth District Nucleoli, Clay, Hamilton, Hall. Adams. Webster. Franklin. Keurnev. Phelps, Harlan, Furnas, Frontier, Hcd Wil low, iiitencocK, iinyes, tjunso and uunily. Sixth DistrictBuffalo, Dawson, Custer, nnenniin, nowuru, ureeiey, vuiiey, Wheeler, Garlleld. Loup, llfalne, I loll Iloyil. Hock. Drown. Keya Paha. Cherrv Thomas, Hooker, C.rnnt, Mcpherson, Keith, Deuel. Che.vonne. Kimball. Hanner. KenttH Pluff, Sheridan, Hox Hutte, Dawes nnd Sioux. Lucked In nnd Locked t'p, HUATIUCE, Neb., Jan. 21. (Special.) Charles Wnsson was brought down from Lincoln tonight by Constnblo Grimes to answer a charGO of larceny from Klein's racket storo in this city. WnBSon managed to get himself locked Into tho storo a night or two ago, It Is alleged, and helped himself to coveral watches, rings, revol vers and othsr portables that struck hlb fancy. Escaping from tho building ho (led to Lincoln nnd whllo trying to dispose of tlto plunder thero wns arrested. Principal UiiIIn Ten e III 11 HEBRON, Neb., Jan. 24. (Special.) Prof. A. Wilson, principal of tho High school at this place, has resigned, his rcslsnntlon to take effect Jnnuary 27. He expects to enter tho mercantile business In Iown. Vote In Detnll. Tho republican vote was: Allen D. H. Thompson, Currle. Arends Currle. Hlnshaw. Armstrong jj. is Tiiompson, Aleixicjonn. iieisner uinsnaw .iiucicjonn. lieckly D. 10. Thompson, Currle. Dec the D. F Thompson, Meiklcjohn Herlet IX K Tnompson. Melklejohn. transmission of telephone messages; to pro- "7" ""T r,"rli'o amend section I . "lis Too nn It es tovl it , ll I 4a of ubdtvlsion v of chanter Ixxlx nf tho Minns f nnTtn nrovlde t or a cer al 1 .life nso statutes for 1K7; permltH rlilldreu lo attend ?.,nnnnM IB , i ft certain defense Bcllool Um, , ollo.,mlf , nt;arPr (helr Hroderick Hlnshaw, Melklejohn. 3-D. Ii. Thompson. AiciKiejaun. Drown of Furuus- Hrowu of Otoe Halner, Crounse. Huresh Illnshnw, Ilosewatcr. Cain Martin, Melklejohn. (.'orneer Murl'i Itnscwntqr. CrlsBey D. r. Tnompson, Melklejohn. Crounso Harlan, Curne. Currle Van Dusen, Crounse. Kdgar D. K. Thompson, Currle. Evans Ilnlner, Melkloiohn. Fowler D. H. Thompson, Melklejohn, Frledrich llulncr. uurrlc. GallOBly-Kinkald, Melklejohn. dawne Hlnshaw, Melklejohn. Hall D, E, Thomp"'. Itosowater. Harlan D. E. Tiiompa."', Currle. Hathorn Currle, Mtir'p.n. Harris Thompson. Currle. Illbbcrt Thompson ninse. Ilorton Klnkald. aiclklciohn. Humphrey D. E Thompson, Melklejohn. jonnson 11. ij. Tnompson, aieiKicjonn. Jou vena t illnshnw, Melklejohn. Lallln D. K. Thnmnmii. f'urrle. Lane D. E. Thompson, Currle. Liiwe-u i. iiiompson, aicimcjonn, a'artln Hlnshaw Crounse. McCargar D. 10. Thompson. Currle. McCarthy Hlnshaw, Melklejohn. McCoy Mnrtln. Ilosewatcr. Mend II. :2 Thempso". llnscwnter. Mendenhnll Hlnsl--. Melklejohn. Mockett--D. K. ffiomrson, Melklejohn, Mullen Currle, Ilosewntcr. Mlskell Thompson, Ilosewntcr. Newell MRrtln. Ourrle. ntioon of Cnnilnir Marlln. Ilosewatcr. Olson of Phelps D. E. Thompson, Meiklc jonn. O'Neill D. E, Thompson, Ilosewatcr. Owens ilosewntcr, curne. llohwer Hlnshaw Crounse. Saudull Thompson, Melklejohn. Scott D. E. Thompson, Currle. She'.lhorn D. E. 'lhompson. Crounse. Hinlthborger Hlnshaw, Melklejohn. Spencer D. K I'h impsnn. Melklejohn. .1 tlnslinw. Melklelohn. Stelnmeyer D. E. Thompson, Melklejohn swanscm uinsnaw, iticnarus. Tefft D. Ii. Thompson, nosownicr. ln action lirouclit under It S. V. 160, by Weber An net to tlx maxi mum rates for tho transportation of cer- tnin commodities, gonus nun mercnnniuso therein named: to dcllnc nnd prohibit dis crimination by railroad and railway com- rianies; to proviuo ror tins enrorcement ot Is provisions by tho attorney general and county attorneys; to tlx penalties for tho violation or us provisions; to provide ior 11 certain defense In actions brought under It; to reiieal article G und artlclo S of chap ter Ixxlf of tho Compiled Statutes of 1SS5 and nrtlcles S and 12 of chapter Ixxlt of tho MONTH. SPECIALIST In All Private Diseases and Disorders of Men 12 Years In Omaha. VARICOCELE HYDROCELE ed. Method new, nover falls, without cutting, pain or losHof time. 1 QVDUII HfScuri'd for lllo nnd thepolsoa 0 1 mil 1 thoroughly cleaned from the system. Soon every sign nnd symptom resldenco thau thu nearest school In their own district. Ilouso roll 2S3. liv Sic umeyer To. recu late tho charges of telegraph companies and fix 11 penalty for tho violation thereof. Fixes price lor transmission of messages between stations in Nebraska nt not moro than 2f) cents for ten words und 1 cent eitcn for additional w'ords. Penalty for violation drugs or Injurious medicines. iixeii at rrom l-M to i.ohj. Houso roll 2 0. by Warner To nuinorizo nnd enable boards of supervisors, town boards and county commissioners to pur chase ronil-maklug Implements, tools und r n c . n , . . . .. .cm. ...... . . . ........ ...... rlghTof t, listing umier ,Ud -ch.ner 'for ptiymen there- dlHappnar completely and lorevjr, No "UltiiAKINQ OUT" of thoillsea3 on tho skin or fce. Troatment contains co dangerous uieav uru Loss or m ANliooli trom SEXUALLY IlKIHI.ITV or KXIIAUSTION. Wasting Wbaknksi Lsvoi.nNTAnv Losses, with K.Mir.Y Ukpav In Younii and Minni.u AOtD, tack of vim. vigor and strength, with sexual organs Impalrid nnd weak. STRICTURE "ft"lr,K' lc,rru, n'Y H. F. 107. by P.whnl-An act to establish 'i e ior stor ng sni.i im memcniH nun 1111- r,n,l rA,Mt nl.. ,.lr,,l,r,,t a nliliPiwu In nm. UIIIIHJIV 111 111 IU r.'L'UVI'l II 11 lllit Kl'n , M. vldo nenaiiles for tho violation of this net person who shall Injure iiamo and declaring "lu meat. Nolnstrunmnts.nnpaln, 's.PrS 'bCuymlns-. the breaking Into such plnco of storngo or Wl..- Gonorrhoea, act to prevent discrimination by life Insur- removing said Implements without au- Kidney an' "VJrJjTI'.V,,,.,, auce companies and mutunl benellt nssocln- thorlty. to bo n mlsdemcnnor nnd providing ... ,"IVs.."UA"!?r,,?,' ..... iuco comnnnl tlons on account of color and to prevent special eontrncts and discriminations oc twecn mdiviiiiia s. S. F. 169, by Cummins An net entitled n penult v therefor. Ilouso roll 211, by Corncer To provldo for a moro saro and expeditious meinod or con ducting elections and for tho cnstlng, regls- An act amending sections 75. 8T. nnd Ma tcrlng, recording nnd counting of ballots or of chapter xllll entitled 'Insurnnce com- vuien uy iiieiinn u vhihk ii nnnim ' r ih,. rnmniioit KtniiiteH nf ibo 1 pupplom'-iitary to. and ln nld of. tho election Stnto or ivoiirosKa ror isw, unn rcpeniing umo, uniuuh n, uuuiu tun6 llin Piilil sections so nmonileil." iiuiiu uuiiiiinnniuinia uuu uiuuiu,, iiiui V 170 lv nteHon An net ileflnlnir tho duties. ntlnrnllnnu nf nnlintv lllrliren. HOUSO TO 242. 1)1' SlireCher--To 'IX II milXl n. r . Ill, oy .viiuer Jn hui io iiiiieuii nee-i .uwu. mho um ..-mo.-, w, h imui m tlon 2 or cliapter xxn or tno c ompiien mat- i-u.-uuuiu hhhh'-". luu iuuiui-n uuu mu or Vnhrnukii fnr Mm venr lKtifi. . tit 1 1 iilioiic! wires nnd for tho rurrvliur and trnns- "Dalrymen'H Associations," and to repeal mission of telephono messnges; lo provldo said section, which provides for tho tlmo for the enforcement of Its provisions; to llx Consultation Trte. Trtatmrnt bv Mall. Call on or address 119 S. !4th St. Dp. Searles & Searles.omaha.Nob. $500 REWARD i Wo will pay tho abovo reward for any raso of Liver Complaint, Pynpopslu, Kick Ilendnche, Indigestion, Constipation or Costlveness wo cannot euro with Llverltn, tho Up-To-I)ato Llttlo Liver I'll), whon tho dlrcctiuns nro strict ly compiled with, They nro purely Vegetable, and never fall to glvo satisfaction. SAo boxes contain 100 litis, loo boxes coutidn 40 Pills, So boxes cnntaiu l tills, ncwaroot cuuciiiuiioni when tho unnual meeting of tho association penalties ior violation fit its provisions and ttn(i imitations. Kent by mull. Stamps taken, " V,r . tu,Vil!" "U',."H" 1,1 "eioi NKHVITA MI'.niUAL CO,, Cor. Clinton V,..II l,n I .,..v..... .... . , i, .... ,. ". ,,1 ,ii,iviij .'ii,iiiu.iii V.V., ,,, H. F. 172. by Young A nui relating io uroiiKin unuer ii. iibiiic u it uu Jackton Mb . (id'.aifo. III. Bold by and wnsto lands. HOUSE WORKS SHORT SHIFTS IlecldeN to Iteduee Ilnte nf Intercut nn Htute 'WurriinlN froni 4 tn it Per Cent. telenhono r"ates In effect Jnnunrv 1. 1901. Ilouso roll 212. by Bprecher To llx maxl- hmum rates for tho transportation nf certnln commodities, gooas nnd mcrcnandlso Trompen--D. K. TKomnoon. Currle. Tweed Ulnsiinw. ..teiKiejonn. I Mil Tl T.' Thnmnsnn. llnsownter. Vnnllosklrk D. K. Thompson, Mclkle JJlP- - v wnrner u. it., inwiuaun, ii:iiu;juiiu. Wcnz' Martin, f'urrle. Whltmore llniner, Melklejohn. Wilcox Hlnshnw, Ilosewnter. Wilkinson Melklejohn, Currle. Young Ilosewnter, flinrtin. lleutrlee Will FUlit It. 11KATUICK, Neb., Jan. 21. (Special.) The suit of John W. Udmlnson, filed ln the LINCOLN, Jan. 2L (Special.) In com mltteo of tho wholo today tho houso ot representatives recommended tho pnssago ot a bill reducing tho rato of Interest on stato warrants from 4 to 3 per cent per annum. This action places tho measure on tho general file nnd unless some, unfore seen opposition arises it will bo speedily passed when it Is taken up for third read ing. Tho bill wns Introduced by Hepresenta- tlvo Murray, a fuslonlst, but It received Mr. Bpeuker D. 13, Thompson, Itosowater. tho endorsement of Treasurer Stuefer and th0 retiring treasurer, J, II. Meserve. It SENATE VOTES FOR REUTING was favorably reported by the commltteo I uu juuiuiuiy uwi in it uiiui d tici-tu mu iu- ItfliuhlleuiiN Aet with FunIoiiIhIn nnd troduccr of tho bill today explained that I'nlile the Mlectlunn Com- "B oujcci in renucuig uiu ruiu ui uiiereai . ii.nnri was to cnauie tno state treasurer to pur- ennso stato warrants ui par, or witnout LINCOLN. Jan. 21. (Spocial.) Tho paying a premium ror tticm. until a row momlnc session of tho scnato was devoid yenrs ago stato warrants drew 7 per cent of any unusual features, tho time being interest, but tho rate was reduced 1 per cent devoted to routlno work. Dlvlno blessing every two years, tho last reduction being wns Invoked by Uev. William Hauptman mado two years ago, wncn tno rato was of Kearney ln tho nbsenco of tho chaplain, Iixcd nt i per cent. after which a communication from Senator Members of tho houso appeared well W. V. Allen was read, stating thnt tho pieoseu wun tno morning session pinn resolution nasscd by the senate ast week today und it is tnougnt mat tne ruics win and forwarded to Washington aBklng tho be amended to provldo for adjournment Notrnska members to assist In securing from each noon until tno following morning a law proviuing tor mining scnoois m vu-n, muo h."e each stato had been received and read lu over to committee worn. tho scnato of tho United States. IIIIIn uu Second ItendliiK. Tho clerk ot tho houso announced tnnt Tho house wns called to order at 0 o'clock. that body had passed houso rolls 3, 8 and uea(nng of tho Journal and nil other un 40, and asked the concurrence of tho sennto nece(,Bary formnlitles were dlsopnsed with In tho Bame. t0 enablo tho consideration. of bills. Senate bill 3, being a curatlvp net with an Tlin rommltte on constitutional amend. emergency clause and relating to assaults, menu reported on the following bills: was read ior tno mini lime ana passed. n,,,n roll 117. bv Kowler-Prnnnslnir A number of new bills wero Introduced I amendment to tin constitution providing Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Don't Know it. How To Find Out. Fill a bottle or common glass with your water and let It stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or set tling Indicates an , unhealthy ' condi tion of the kid neys; If It stains For salo by Kulin & Co., l&th und Douglai Hi., umana, iseu. ; uco. a. uavis, wouncu Illuffs. Iowa, a w as w mtn o a-, & to Jj' pi mm ball mm your linen it Is evidence of kid' ney trouble; too frequent desire to pass It or pain In the back Is also convincing proof that the kidneys and bUd- aerareoutoi oraer. What to Do. There is comfort in the knowledge so ofien expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wiiii in uunni; rneumatism, pain in tne back, kidneys, liverbladder and f.vftrv nart of the urinary passage. It corrects Inability io uuiu wilier ana scaiaing pain in passing It, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mlid and the extra ordinary effect of Swamp-Root Is soon realized. It stands the highest for Its won derful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists In50c.and$l. sizes. You may have a sample bottle of this wonaeriui discovery Kr7v"l ouu a yuun. nidi lCU3E3Uiir'h7'W more about It, both sent EteWHKfeilffi absolutely free by mall. AOQreSS Ur. Kilmer fit Home of 8wunp.loo. Co., Blnghamton, N. Y. When writing men tion reading this generous offer in this paper, is besfc made with PUHE ALT m WHISKEY Gladstono liros., Agents, Omaha. BUY THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FIGS MANUPACTtJItUD UY CALIFORNIA FIG SYUItP CO., NOTE THIS NAM 13. itKNOVATOIt Invigorates nnd renovator tho system; purines and enriches thn blood, curd tlio worst djhpepblii, constipation, henduche liver nnu klilnoys. Viiitidl atilru(jlt,ts, Kri.u Riinvien, sample uuu noon. Dr. II. J Kay, Snrutona, N Y ENOVATO