The Omaha Daily Bee. JSSTA-BLJSTTET) JUNE 10, a 87 1. HERALDED AS KING Publlo Proclamation of Edward's Atcension Made with Stately Show in London, CEREMONIES RECALL MEDIEVAL TIMES Tnomands of Bolditrt, Llfo Guards and Hone Quarda Add to Spectacle, MOURNING TOKENS GIVEN SOMBER TONE Vtn Monarch AbienU Himielf from thi Pageantry Done in Hii Honor. PEOPLE RAISE GREAT SHOUT OF LOYALTY tlrllllnnt AsftenihlttRe In Court mill nti the, llnlennlf nf Mnrl horouuh ltoutie During; the l'rrfnrinniicr. LONDON, Jan. 2I.--London today was given a gllmpsa of mediaeval times. The quaint ceremonies with which King Edward VII won proclaimed at various points of tho metropolis exactly followed nnclcnt prcce dents.' Tho officials purposely arranged the function nn hour ahead of thi published announcement, nnd tho Inhabitants, when they awoke, wcro mirpi IhcmI to llnd tho on tiro way between St. James palocn nnd tho city lined with troops. About 10,000 boI tilers, Llfo guard., Ilorso guards, Foot guards nnd cavalry nnd Infantry regiments, had been brought from Aldcrshot and Loti don barracks nftcr midnight. All tho ofil ccrs had crepo on tholr nrmB and tho drums and brnj!i Instrument wore shrouded with crepe. The troops thcmticlvcs mado an Im posing spectacle, but thoy wero entirely mlpsed by tho strango spectnelo presented &y tho officials of tho College of Arms. '!'( of l'rtictitinutloii. The ceremony began at St. James palace. r,here. nt 9 o'clock, Kdward VII wns pro :lalmed king of tho United Kingdom of Great Ilrltnln nnd Irelnnd nnd emperor of India. Tho proclamation, which was read by William Ilonry Weldon, klng-ut-nrms iilnco 1891, and formerly Windsor herald, wns as follows; Whrn-iiB, It haH pleased Almighty Ood to call to hl.s mercy our luto HovorelRii, Queen Victoria, of blessed nnd glorious memory, by whoso decenso tho Imperial crown of tlin United Kingdom of Great Ilrltnln and Ireland Is nolely mid rightfully riime to tho high mid mighty l'rlnco Albert J'.dwunl, we, therefore, tho lords, spiritual nnd temporal, of thlH realm, bWng hero us tdstrd with those of her Into mnJesty'H lirlvy rounell, with numbers of other prin cipal gentlemen or duality, thu lord mayor, fildcrmen nnd cltlzeiiH or London, do now hereby, with one voice, consent of toiiRiio find henrt to publish mnl proclaim that tho high and mighty l'rlnco Albert Kdward in now, by tho ilcuth of our lais sovereign of nappy memory, beeouit. our only lawful mid rightful lelgo lord, Edward VII, by tho grate of Ood, klnrr of tho United Kingdom of tlroat Britain nnd Ireland, defender of tho fnllli, emperor of India, to whom wo acknowledge nil faith nnd constant obedi ence with nil heurty nnd humblo iirfectlou, beseeching Ood, by whom all kings nnd fl'!fMl( ll.i rltrit f..' u ttiu rninl tl...... Kilwitrtl VII With lobs' und happy years un einii uvcr uw. KliiK Not l'resent. The king was not present. Thero waH a largo niscmblago of ofilclals nnd heralds. Amonp those In nt tendanco wtro Ucncral Roberta and members of Ms headquarters' staff nnd formerly Windsor h-jrnlil. There wns n great concourno of people from tho commence ment to tho close. Tho proclamation wns greeted by a of trumpuis. At tho cnnclunton of tho ceremonies tho band be longing to tho Foot Guards In tho friary court played "Ood Savo tho King." Tho members of tho king's, household witnessed tho ceremony from MnrlborouRh house. On tho bnlcony overlooking tho friary court, whoncn tho proclamation wns rend, wero the. duke of Norfolk nnd other otTlcerB of state. Thn balcony was draped In crim son cloth. Ilesldo tho otllclnls, In resplen dent uniforms, wcro ftntloned tho state trumpoters. Hero wero seen many prominent persons, among them Sir Henry Arthur White, prlvnto solicitor to tho queen, tho prluco of WnleH and other mem bers of tho roynl family. SoldlcrH Cheer the Kliijr. In tho yard of Marlborough houso and trlary court were stationed n Inrgo body of police, soldiers and foot guards, Tho Foot Guards acted ns a guard of honor nnd they wero posted Immediately beneath tho bul cony. A largo crowd witnessed tho cere mony. Tho spectators began to nsscmblo at an early hour. Tho troops nrrlved at B o'clock, nnd shortly before 0 o'clock 'In thn morning n brilliant envalcndo passed down tho Mall and entered Friary court. It consisted of thn hondquartcrn staff, headed by Ootieral Roberts In full uniform and carrying a marshal's baton, Sir Kvelyn Wood and nine court dignitaries, headed by thu duko of Norfolk, appeared on thn balcony. Then tho heralds blow a fnnfaro nnd Klng-nt-Arms Woldon, In tho midst of a dpnd silence, lead tho proclama tion. All heads wero bared, and as tho rending wni concluded tho klng-nt-arms, raising his three-cornered hat, cried loudly. "Ood savo tho king." fiiniil .folnn the Cry, Tho crowd took up tho cry, whllo tho cheers, tho fanfnres of trumpets and tho" band playing thn nntlonnl nnthom mndo n curious medley. Klng-nt-Arms Weldon read tho proclamation In clear tones which wero distinctly henrd at a great distance. Tho great crowds still thronged the streets through which his majesty passed nnd tho great cheering was In strong contrast with tho Bllcnco which greeted his majesty's ar rival In Loudon. Orders hnvo been Issued to tho channol squadron and n.l other nvnllablo ships to assemble nt Hplthoad February 1, tho dato of tho removal of Queen Victoria's body from Osbomo It Is understood that tho war ships will form a douhlo line, through which tho ronl yacht, bearing tho body, will pass. , IN THE CHAMBER OF DEATH I'rlrntr r'HiMTiil .Nervier Arc MUI to lie Held nt Onlioriie 'foil II)', COWES, Islo of Wight, Jan. 25.-1:30 a. m. So hampered hnvo been tho arrange ments, at Osbomo that tho body of Queen Victoria still lleH In tho bedroom where sho died. Tho elaborate decoration neces sary In turning tho dining room In Osborne houso Into n chnppello ardonto occupied so much tlmu that, although tho royal house hold waited hour after hour for tho first prlvnto service, It was found Impossible to hold this yesterday. All being well, however, tho solemn tunc, tlon will be performed this (Friday) morn ing by tho bishop of Winchester In tho presence of King Kdward, Emperor Wil liam and almost overy other member of the royal family. Tho coffin was brought to Osborne last (Continued on Second Page.) KING'S DEBTS MUST BE PAID People Mny He AnUi-il tit Shoulder the llttrilen of Tiixnllini for In t:rrnt In It o) a I I'm. (Copyright, LONDON, t,by Press Publishing Co.) New York World Ca blegram Spei ll Thero Is u certain sorene .general public nt tho way tho out of tuo picturesque spcctacnBvMMjB king's proclamation in London folaaMaBjioiir stated In nil tho pnpera was blffEKHrro ccedlngs began nt 0 o'clock at STWffmes' pnlaco ami were rushed through nt IHQ dif ferent prescribed places ChnrlnR Cross, Templo liar, Cheapsldo nnd tho Hoynl ex changewith such celerity that tho crowd was of comparatively diminutive propo'r Hons. This was tho object of tho court omclals, as they feared if tho ceremonial was performed at the stated hour the throng would bo so dense that there would bo great difficulty In getting tho heralds in their gorgeous gilt tabards and the trumpeters through tho streets. No punc tilious regard for precedent Is being shown in tho funeral urrangement', either, which nro a complete departure from thoso of tho queen's predecessors. Tho lying in state at Windsor castle has been abandoned, also becauso tho crowd might become unman ageable, tho clrcumstauetH being so very different from thoso when William IV died. iib then thero wns no railway to Windsor. Tho giving of n military t hnrnrter to tho runernl M of course In view of tho wnr and recruiting exigencies. KIiik Wnnli lllitln-r Wiikcn. The announcement that tho king pro poses to iisk Parliament that the income of 3S.",ooo per annum allowed the iiircn be increased to half a million sterling is con sidered mint Inopportune, In view of the heavy. taxation nnd the llnanclnl burdens of unknown magnitude facing Kngland in South Africa, but tho klnp's debts, whleh nro put nt JJ2.000.000, must be paid, ns a mnjorlty of them wero Incurred on the un dertaking that they must certainly bo ills charged on his nscendltiR tho throne. Any Increase of the king's civil list will cer- tnlnly bo met with strong opposition In tho Houso of Coumnns in tho present condition of national tlnnuces. Tho city fathers aro excessively Indlg nant nt the alight put upon tho lord mayor at tho proclamation meeting of tho privy council Wednesday. When the proclama tion has been signed tho proccduro Is for nil those not privy councillors to leave the room beforo tho king's entry to hear the proclamation read to him. ills present constituted tho body of tho king's privy council. Tho lord mnyor was llngoilng on wnen tho other non-privy councillors re tired and bad to be bidden almost per rmptorlly to leave by tho duke of Devon shire beforo ho reluctantly retired. A curl ous fact Is that precisely the samo Incident happened nt Queen Victoria's proclamation. mo council nnd lord mnyor there, too. re maineil in tho renin and had to be ordered out by Charles Oreville, tho tllnrlst, who wns clerk to tho council. 'The city corpora tion contends It has been shorn of ono of Its privileges, but tho law officers declare thoy never had the privilege Tho wlfo of a workman on tho Oshorno ostat". whe was admitted to tho death chamber, gives a touchingly slncero plcturo or tho scene. -- J-t r ' ' 111 r l)rn (ljli)-i'. "What 1 iind expected to see," alio saya. 'waB u great glided chamber, nnd I thought tho bed would bo moro like a tbrono than a bed, with a lot of candles lit all around and bishops praying, which wbb an Im pression 1 got from a plcturo In an illus trated paper when n foreign king onco died. 1 was thero only a few minutes, nnd nil tho tlmo was looking nt tho form lying on tho bed. I saw ono picture, though thero may have been more. I should not llko to say. This wns n plcturo of Christ and was hanging on tho hall by tho bed; that Is, Just over tho head. I crept up to tho bed and looked at tho face. My thought was. 'How calm and happy sho Is looldng, like n person In beautiful sleep.' Tho faco had n soft, thin material over It that you rould look through, but you could see tho fnco plainly, and what I read In tho papers I should think wns quite right. I mean that she passed away peacefully without any pnln. At the bottom of tho bed thero were llowers and sonio wreaths and some loose ones. Her dear hand were folded neross ono another nnd higher up thero was u cross. I suppose It waa of gold. I romembcr tho rings had not been taken off tho fingers. After the first mlnuto my tears got in tho way of my seeing any thing properly." Another cyowltnesB snld: "It wan llko tho figuro of a child, not n woman, bo small and faded was It. I fre quently saw tho queen hero, year after year, and this Benson sho seemed to shrink nwny. but I wns not prepared for tho trans- rormatlon of tho Innt few days' severe Ill ness and death. The ehango had madn tho fact almost emaclnted. nnd it had tho pallor ono expects to umi, but tho vholo form seemed tiny. No ono was nllowcd to ston except to kneel, hut tho Impression left wns ono of subllmo peace and beauty, nnd of uio vanity of human greatness. A veiled figure was kneeling by tho bed on thn op posite side from where wo passed. It was I'rlnccss Ileatrice, who cannot be torn away from tho room." DATE FIXED FOR FUNERAL l'Vlirunr- IS lirrlilcil On To Me Mlll- nr, In .Vi-coriliiucp with (lueeii'H Ixli. COWKS. Islo of Wlcht. Jan. "1 i an r m. It has been decided that tho funeral of tho aueen will tnko nlacn nt Wlmlcnr castle, February 2. Tho body of tho Into queen will bo removed from Osborne houso I'-eurunry i. u was inn expressed ileslro of tho uueen that the funeral should h, mill. tary in character. Several tmiclals arrived from Windsor this morning, bringing tho stnto regalia. It was carried in n balzo bag. l no comn or Queen victorlu will bo of Kncllsh oak. lined with H.itln. It una nr. tiered horo this afternoon nnd Is to be de livered nt Osborno tonight. The outer casket will bo n reproduction of tho ono useu at iho funeral or tho duchess of Kent, tho queen's mother. A magnificent satin nail, with the rnvnl nrms In each corner, is being made. Wherever t traverses roads tho hndv will bo borne on a gun carriage. Emperor William decided this nvnlnr not to leavo Osborno till after tho funeral I.OM)t).N. Jan. 25.-4:30 n. in. It In nminr. stood that the progress of tho body of Queen Victoria through London will bo an Imposing military pageant nnd that mem bers of tho House of Lords nnd Commons will bo invited to follow tho bodv. At thn samo tlmo thero seems to bo somo appre hension lest a change of decision should omit tho London portion of tho program. iho Daily Telegraph editorially claims f.. r -.1 1 1. i..u , v i ,w ..uuituu iit iiKiik in mure in tno oose quies, and declares 'that nothing but the dead one's wishes should provent this, Tho announcement of tho fureral has been do layed to enable nil foreign representatives to arrive at Windsor on time, it is nn. nounced that tho Orand Duko Serglus and tho grand duchess will como from Russia to be prcEvnt at tho ceremony. 1 peonranrfry'KSicatpi OMAHA, JRIJ)AY MOUSING, JANUARY TROOPS KILL THEIR COLONEL Eody of Venezuilan Boldieri Mutiny an Beraral Hnndnd Are Arretted, BRITISH SLOOP IS SUNK BY GUNBOAT I,nMt Vessel Wni I.onitril with ft Cnruo it Arm nml Mllltiiry .Siiiillei Intended for the Itrvoln tloniirr I'nrty. FOrtT DE FRANCE, Island of Martinique Jan. 24. On the 17th of this month the Venezuelan troops In tho Hoyo barracks nt Caracas mutinied and killed their colo uel, lieutenant colonel nnd seven men and then lied In various directions. Two bun dred nnd ten of the men wero captured again. There was no fighting in tho town and tho exnet cause of the mutiny is not known. No nccurato details nro obtalnnblo re gardlng tho sinking of thn llrltlsh sloop Maria Teresa by the Venezuelan gunboat Miranda. It is supposed tho Marin Teresa was on her way from thu llrltlsh Island of Trinidad with a cargo of nrms, Intendci for tho Venezuelan revolutionists, nnd that sho was met by the Miranda, which wishing to take possession of her, fired on her nnd In so doing set her on fire, after which aim sank, according to ono report. In tho east tho Insurrection nppears to bo localized between Cumana nnd tho extrcmo northiast of Venezuela. Tho lnsurgcnta have taken possession of Cerupano and during the evening of January 21 there wns n tentative uprising in tho neighbor hood of Harcelonn. Calm prevails In the west, but a number of arrests nro being made nnd tho rcvolu tlonlsts appear to be concentrating at Curncoa. ARTIST ENDS LIFE'S MISERY Voiini; American I'nlnler, iiioiiKlit to lie front Kiiimiim City, Droivim In the Seine, PAULS. Jan. 24. Tho remains of a young man of refined features, which hnvo been in tho morgue since January 12, when they wero found floating In tho Seine, have been Identified as those of Lnngrcl Hnrys, an nrtlst well knewn In the American colony. Tho United States consulate officials are attempting to locate his relatives. His father is supposed to be Henry Hnrys of 322.) Lydla avenue, KnnsnB City. Ho lived hero nt thn Hotel de Frnncc, nnd nt Chol3cul. Ho was only nblo to mako a precarious living by tho brush nnd debts began to annoy him. He owed n bill of 1,200 francs nt thn hotel, which was pressed for payment. It Is believed financial dls tress led to his suicide. Ho was last scon alive at midnight January II, Well Kilo 1,111 In Knnnnti City. KANSAS CITV, Mo., Jnn. 21. Thomas L. Harris wns tho son of Harry Harris, man nger of thn Lanlng-Harrls Coal nnd Oraln company of this city. Mr. Harris received n letter from his son from TnrlB n month ago nnd nt that time tho boy wob well Thomas Harris was 24 yenrB old and had been In Paris for a year nnd a half. His .flinrr says lie end boun stijilylij-nit th-re, but he docs not knor at what school. TU last time" tho son wrote he directed that an nnswer bo sent In cam of n bank in raris. The ypung man's full nnme was Thomas Longrel Harris. Ho was eccentric and It la believed ho changed tho spelling of his nnme. Harris created rather a sensation among Americans in London by his hold iiius ior rami) anil rortuno and his extra ordinary ability to meet noted pcrsoiiB in tho literary nnd artistic world. Harris taught nrt hero for some tlmo and did a llttlo newspaper work occasionally. Ho left Kansas City about 180S nnd wont first to Cunnda. In Canada ho taught portrait painting. ,ext no wns heard of In London as n painter of mlnlnture portraits for persons or fashion. DESOLATION IN MONTREAL t'lre I.enven Center Portion of Cltj- liilneil. Thirty Wnrelinimeti llelnjr DeKtrnyeil, MONTREAL. Jnn. 24 llmlno.. i. "cnlly stagnated in Montreal as a conse quence of tho disastrous fire last night in the center portion of thn rltv h-mm, i n sccno of desolation. Tho Board of Trado walls aro still standing, but tho building is otherwise completely destroyed, though It BUiiposcu to oo nreproof. The other bulldl ruin. Tho total loss will bo 12,500,000. Aitogetner aoout thirty buildings, chiefly wholesale warehouses, wero destrnvn,! to gether with their valuable stocks. A man named Koseu. a tnlinr. rM other named Wilson are missing and It is lenren tuny perisneu, TIEN TSIN AS MILITARY BASE Work imv OiiInK On Intllcntei- That .Hunt or tlie Trnnpi nt Pckln Will He I'uibnrketl, TIEN TSIN. Jan. 24. Preparations being mndo in Tien Tsln to make it a mili tary laso for tho coming spring nnd sum mer, when It Is believed a majority of thn troops lu Pckln will encamp In this neigh borhood, preparatory to gradual embarka tion. Oieat qualities of ico aro belnit store,! and options aro being obtained upon a ma- joruy or mo largo buildings In tho foreign concessions. WEST INDIA MEAT MARKET (ionium Symlleite with Ovtopim De menti lliiy tircnt Trnot nf I.nntl nml Couiitleiia Cattle. CARACAS, Venczucln. .Inn. ?t tvi. it-.. tlcn Cable.) A Hamburg syndicate has purciiascu mo estate of the late President Crespo in tho Orinoco district. It ban an area of 10,000.000 acres and upon it there nro 80,000 head of cattle. The syndicnto Intends to control the meat mnrkot of tho West Indies nnd nlso tho packing Industry. , Why He Wnulil .Sell Them, COPENHAOEN. Jnn. 54. n,.rin .i.. ... bate on the budgot In tho Folkethlng (lower uouso ot ramamcni) touay tha chairman of the finance cominitteo nnnmm,i ,v.., - mnjorlty of tho committeo were disposed to sen uio uanisn west umies to the United Stntcs If satisfactory conditions were ob tainable. Ho ndded tbnt from a puroly economic standpoint it was advisable to sell tho Islands, ns they cost the treasury iiiuiu muii muy n,:rtl worm, ItiiRNlnn Court In Jlourulnir, ST. PETERSBURG, Jan. 24Tho rr if, Ltvudla yesterday on the royal yacht, tak ing n train for Sobastopol, leaving In tho evening for St. Petersburg, where tho court goes In mourning, Oliemtluii on ICruuer' Uyes, UTRECHT, Jnn. 24.-An operation performed on Mr. Kruger's eyes by Profs. Nclon and Dnreymans. Tho operation was perfectly successful. 25, INDIANS ARE RECRUITING Alipenl tn l)lnt Isrtnt Hlrntent tnlle ARnlnst the .Hnlillera. SOUTH M'ALISTER, I. T., Jan. :4.Ycs tcrday's reports of a Choctaw uprising are fully confirmed. Scouts sent out from this city last night report thnt the dissatisfied Choctnws have a number of the Creek Snakes among them and they have been quietly organizing and arming for soma time. They call themselves the Choctaw Snakes. They comprlso nil thoso Indians who are opposed to allotment and the con flict is between them nnd the trcntv In dlnns, Whllo non-cltlzens aro not In dnngcr, it Is stated thnt the Snakos have planned to destroy nil the railroads In their nation hy burning bridges and vectlon houses on n preconcerted night. They bavu deposed Oovernor Duko and Ismcd nn order to r.U citizens to ceaso leasing or renting to whites. The first offenBo they will punish with fifty lashes, they say; earn will bo cut off for the second offense nnd death for tho third. They have organized nnd havo leaders In every Chootnw rounty nnd claim trt havo n membership of 2.600. United States Marshal Orndy has sent the leaders word thnt atresia will follow tho first vlolntlon of tho law, no matter what may bo tho result. Ho hat wired the de partment for permission to Bwer In spe cial deputies and If this (s granted he tuys ho will be able to handle, tnmu and will not ask for troops. Thero Is to be a meeting of the full bloods on Saturday and tho marshal saya ho will attend It it he can nnd give the Indians n talk. The Indians arc riding over tho country In bands of lUo or six, Rcrvlng their notices, (leneral Superintend ent Harris ot the Choctnw railway, who was hero Inst night from Llttlo Rock, has en joined especial watchfulness upon all em ployes of tho line In the Indian Territory. Iluken HeturnlnK Mukiitee, FORT SMITH Ark., Jau. 24. Choctaw Oovernor O. W. Dukes, who has been In tho city oil week as an attorney In the Towno murder case, left tonight for Muskogee to investigate the reported Snako Indlnn up rising among the Choctnws. Ho said Just before his departure: "I am going to Muskogee to pcrsonillj view the situation. I do not bellcvo tho con dition In the Indian country is on bad ns stated, even nmong tho .Creeks, .and ns for my people, while there may be a few fool ish enough to Join the uprising, as n whole thoy aro too law-abiding to do bo. So far as we nro concerned thero will bo no need to cnll for government troops. Thero can be tlo doubt, howevor, that thmSnakes aro rising, as troublo has been brewing among them for several months." Governor Dukca wns tibovrn tho dispatch from South McAlester ntating Uint he had been deposed by the fullbloods, ille seemed nettled and said: "That Ih tho first I have heard of It. But 1 am covernor and I will "remnln no ttnu-. over. I will invcstlgatiijftbls ' when I get to Muskogee. As to thtmesagc sent me telling of my removal, itsn eannrd. pure and nlmple. The statWem thnt I came here to telegraph for spiglal Indian pollco is too foolish to bo belifved," llrciuest fiir'lllhln. CHANDLER. O. 24.-Wllllnm Tllghaman, sheriff of "';3?Jq!b' county, has requested Oovernor MijyjijJo order out two companisa of tySlliWil jnllltW to protect citizens Jlving'iJlU&l'rtri,, east line Oklnhoma. CHEAP TICKETS TO BUFFALO i'rtink Line nml (Vntrnt I'niinenaer Aamicliitloii .Mnkliiu p Pan. Anii-rlriui Sclie tliile. NEW YORK, Jan. 24. Another meetlnc wns held today by the committees of tho Trunk Line nnd Central Passenger associa tions nt the Trunk Lino offices here, to discuss tho special rates to be fixed by tho rouroatis reacntng Buffalo, or with con nections to thnt point during tho period of the Pan-American exposition this yenr. ino joini subcommittee agreed to mako ho following recommendations concerning passenger rates to Buffalo durlmt the Pan- American exposition: For tickets from Chicago to Buffalo and return, good during tho season, standard, $21.00; differential. $19.20. For tickets from Chicago to Buffnlo and return, good for fifteen days only, standard, $18; differential, $16. l or tickets from Chicago to Buffalo nnd return, good for five days only, standard, $14; differential, $13. Tho committeo also recommended th .. tabllshment of a thrcc-dny excursion rato irora territory hereafter to bo determined, to Buffalo, ot about 1 cent a mile. DEATH FOB THE KIDNAPERS Mlnnnuri'n .ew (invernor Ail vnenten Hxtreme I'niilshnient, Citing Onmhn Cno nn Proof nf Ncnl. JEFFERSON CITV. Mo.. Jan. 24.-C.ov- crnor Dockery sent a message to tho Icels- laturo today ndvocating tho tinssntrn nf n law inflicting the death pennlty tn caees of kidnaping for ransom. Ho referred to th Omaha care and said It showed the necessity iur tun jjunsuge oi alien a law. Oovernor Dockcry's communication reads as follows: iiic-iinii or mo ileath penalty In cases df Kldnnplti for ransom. Tho recent atrocious wu . uui Kimrr mnie ot Nebraska ntronclv nnnenlfi fnr tim nBn nt In... T ' , " , nilUII It. .. "in mire ii win no cordially ap proved by every father und mother In this state. Lnder our statutes train robbery is properly punishable by ileath or imprison ment In tho stnto penltentlnry. It seeniH that tho crime of child robbery for the ptir poso of ransom should be prohibited under penalties un hvpta hm ,i,n nri... t . ,.. robbery. A. M. DOC K E It V'. GOOD THING SHRINKS UP Oenernl (IrunnUer (l'l)en of the llrlck- Inycrs' tnloii nenlleit In III Trnil ncer. MILWAUKEE. Jan. 24. At torlnv'a slon of the Bricklayers' and Masons' In ternatlonal union General Organizer Thomni O Dea replied to the charges made that ho had derived benefits to the extent of $10,000 during his eight months' Incumbency. Mr. O'Dca mado ti lengthy talk and stated that his revenues amounted to less than $1,200, At the afternoon session tho per capita tax of tho Chicago union for twenty-two weeks prior to tho strlko or lockout was ordered to bo placed to tho credit of that union for tho coming year. Tho aggregate of the tax amounts to about $2,&00. A resolution was adopted that subordinate Unions bo Urced to pstnhlUh mnrlnru funds. The matter Jf orcanlzlntr n nnlnn In Pnrin Rico was under discussion, hut nnthlm flual was decided upon. Want the W liter Themselve. WICHITA, lnn.. Jnn. 'JJ Rnvnrnl ,l.l Si,e5i.from. Arkansas river towim nro lu 'VICnltiL tnnfiv ilAV'Inlilfv mnnnn , r nn.i'nnt Colorado Irrigation companies from using river water for Irrigation and thus depriv ing tho Arkansas valley of sublrrlgatlon. ro tho senate and house of representa lives: ' respectfully urge tho speedy mnet nr".1 of " ? which will permit the in- 1901-.TKN PAGES. WOULD CUT OUT GOD'S NAME Delejatei Object to Inrccation to Deity in Cuba's New Oonititntion. ATHEISTS MAKE PLEA TO NO PURPOSE Hvery HfTort HHiik Jlnile lo Hurry the Cnnslderntlnn nf the Document Thnt It Mny He Forvrnrtletl tn L'onRre nt Washington, HAVANA. Jan. 21. The Cuban constitu tional convention began the draft of the constitution recently submitted by tho cen tral committee. It was decided to accept the draft ns a whole and then to discuss It article by article. Senor Clsneros moved to strlko out a clause in tho preamble Invoking tho favor of Ood. Ho snld ho hnd not religion him self and took no exception to the religious beliefs of others, but that the constitution recognized no religion nnd that In his opin ion thero wan no reason for Invoking tho deity. Senor Mania supported Senor Clsneros. General Snngully said: "If wo do not In voke Ood, whom ran we Invoke? An In vocation of Borne kind Is customary." Senor Llorento strenuously opposed tho motion of Senor Clsneros, declaring that all constitutions contained such n clause. The convention rejected tho proposal of Senor Clsneros. The first two articles, constituting thn republic nnd describing the territory of Cuba, were udopted without discussion. Senor de Cnstro moved to amend tho nr tlclo cnlllng for the division of Cuban ter ritory into provinces In such b way thnt thero would bo seven provinces Instead of six, his Biiggestlon being thnt Santlngo should bo divided in two. Tho motion to amend was defeated nnd then tho entire nrticlo was rejected, but tho adherents of the provlnclnl form of government elnltncd thnt tho latter voto was based upon n mis understanding of tho question beforo tho houso and a motion to reconsider was pnssed lust beforo adjournment. A largo majority of the delegates favors tho provlnclnl form nnd this will undoubt edly be npproved tomorrow. Interest is keen In pushing the consti tution to a eompletlou beforo thn adjourn ment of tho United StntoH congress and li is probable thnt night sessions will be held next week. CUBANS HAVE THEIR REVENGE Orent Cnnp Kleltln of Simula), Svm. pnthlzer Illiiekeneit hy In ccnillnry Fire. SANTIAGO DE CUBA. Jan. 24. Fifteen hundred ncres of Bugnrcano burned vpBter- uay as me result of political friction, on Joseph RIgncy's plantation. Celbahuecn. near Mnnzhnlllo, the richest plantation In this province. During thu wnr af tho Cuba n liiKiirrrpntit against Spain Mr. Rlgney refused to pay tributo to tho Cubans. For two years he supported n Spanish garrison, but ultimately the Cubans destroyed tho property with tho jxceptlon of tho jnlll, vo'iiK at. Jiiis year tho plantation wan equipped to produce sugar. Mr. Utgnry's loss Is about $100,000, but It will not seriously cripple tho huslncBS. A considerable quantity of cane from the fields Is still valuable and can be used unless rain falls In a few dnys. Mr. RIgncy's daughter. Lllllnn, was recently married to Lieutenant Whltslde, son of General Whltslde. Two plantations nt GuanUnnmo havo lost heavily during the week from similar fires. Burning cane Is a popular method of getting revenge nmong the Cubans. FILIPINOS ASK FOR A DELAY Islnml Henl ltnte (Mrners Wish to He I'nrtlnlly I'.xenipt from Tnin tlnii Tiki Vram. MANILA, Jan. 21. The hearing on tho municipal government bill today developed nn nttcmpt on tho part of prominent Fili pinos to secure n delay of two years before taxing land whom the owners aro unablo to cultivate on account of tho dangerous situation In tho fighting territory. Tho bill originally deferred taxation for a year. Tho commissioners adopted an amend ment providing that land owners who are not Implicated In tho Insurrection after Mnrch nnd prove that tho unsettled con ditions prevented working land bo ex empted for tho second yenr. Lieutenant Steele, with ten men of tho Forty-third regiment nnd seven natlvo soldiers, fought a Herco half hour's en gagement with a largo forco of Filipinos at Tenaguna, Island of Leytc, January 0, which resulted In the killing of over 100 Insurgents. Private Edward McGugle of Company M was killed. Tho situation in the islnnd of Somar since tho increase of troops has been quiet. Lukban's forces nro hiding. Captures, arrests and ncizures of nrms continue In the unpadded districts of tho Island of Luzon. GEORGIA BOY MISSJNG I'nrent of Mttle Alnnzn Pnttemon, MIsftlnK Slnee TneMiIny, lll'lleve He I Ins Ileen Klitiiii-1. ATLANTA, Gn Jan. 24. T. T. Patterson has asked tho pollco to find his 1.1-year-old son, Alonzo Patterson, who disappeared from his homo In this city Inst Tuesday. Mr. Patterson believes his boy has been kidnaped, Tho family of Bass Frazer, who la be lloved to have been kidnaped two weoks ago from tho Georgia School of Technology, havo glveu up hopo of ever seeing him agnin. Frazer'B brother, who left for his homo In Alnbama today, has no Iden that tho $500 In gold which he paid n negro, who promised to restoro tho Btudent to his farrlly, will ever bo recovered. The pollco nro at work on both cases, SQUATTING ON SALINE LANDS Prospeels of Hitter If .ot Illooily F I Kill for PtlNNCRSlllll of Sit 1 1 - Ili'ttrliiK Uenerl, LOS ANOELKS, Cal Jan. 21 It Is said that, pending tho signing by tho president of tho bill extending the mlnoral laws over sallno lands, Georgo Durbrow of tho Stnadard Salt company, with a forco of men, has squatted on government lando near Salton, In tho Mojavo desert, from which the Liverpool Salt compnny Is said to derlvo Its supplies. Troublo Is expected. Henry Wilson .Mny Heeover, dOSIIKN. Ind.. Jnn. 24.-(Speclal Tele, gram.) Henry Wilson, the Omaha man who tried to commit sulcldu yesterday, wna today removed to tho county farm, win-re ho will remnln under gunnl until his condi tion, still critical. Improves, after which im will bo obliged to servo the 100 diiyB' jail sentence. Attorneys and others connected with thn prosecution have donated n auni sufficient to send Wilson home at tho ex piration of the sentence, . i SIXOLE COPY PLVE CENTS. CONDITION OF THE WEATHER I'oreeast for Nebraskn Fair nnd WnrniT louay; southerly Winds. Saturday F.ilr Temiierntiire nt tlninlui Yeslerilnj I llinir. lleir. '" n, in il t n. in i.s 7 ii. in 17 n, in Ill ! II. lit. .... , 17 t n. in IH II h. in 'J I 1- in . . . u;t Hour. IIck, I i. in -'(! '' t. in 117 a it. in :ni i p. tn :ti r ii. in :ui (i p. in uti 7 n. ii as H t. Ill i-ll II l. Ill 'J I HEIRESS IS IN NEBRASKA .Mrs. .Sclilnillrr-Sletiert l.rnves Hun bit in! hi tliiinhn nml (liien to ItiiNhtllle. NEW YORK. Jnn, 21. (Special Telegram.) Relatives of Mrs. Schlndlor-Slcbert look to Nebraska to clear up tho mystery of her disappearance. She was one of thn prettiest girls In Hoboken society nnd n tnvorlto daughter of tho wealthy Dr. Schindler. Sev eral weeks ngo she suddenly disappeared. Pollco aid was Invoked without success Her father was much troubled over tho mntter and died Inst week. In his will h left her $10,000. John Hchlodlcr. her brother, Iiob Just suc- cefded in trnclng her. Ho found shn had gone with William Slebert, son of ex-Poltce Captain Blebort of New York, who also has money. The two worn married nnd went to Omaha. Thern they quarreled nnd sep- aiatrd. The groom went to Mussels Hill. Mont . and thn brldo to Rushvllle. Neb., whern she Is now. Mr. Schindler todny re ceived ii letter from Slebert detailing somo of the facts. Schindler says; "We aro nil wondering why my sister does not communicate with us. She surely must know by this time that father Is dead and thnt sho Is his heiress. My brother-in-law wants sono of the money and refuses to Interfero with hie wlfo's ac tions." POPULISTS PROD P0CKETB00K Wn nml Menu Cniitinlttee Tries to I'lKiire Out Motv It fun .Settle tin Inilehte tine. LINCOLN. Jan. 24. (Special Telegram.) -The ways and menns committee appointed by the populist stnto central committee last week to check up the accounts of Chairman J. H. Edmlstcn and devise ways and means for paying tho committee's in debtcdnets, finished the first part of Its la bors tonight nftcr a two ileys" Beaflon. Tho members of this special committee, ono from each congressional district, aro C. Q. DeFrnnce. W. D. Schnal. John O. Sprechor, James Calkins, N. M. Graham nnd W. J, Taylor. A summnry of its findings shows thnt Chalrmnn Edmlstcn received from nil sources $1,021.17, which Includes $1.0S0.2G paid him by Treasurer Mnnn In reimburse ment for money temporarily advanced tho committeo by the chalrmnn. His disburse ments wcro $3.C:r.iH. lcnvlng a bnlnnce of $148.r,3 on hand. But to Chairman EdmlB ten a balance wan duo on his palary claim of $362.50 for tho campaign of IS'jft, amount ing to $321.18. nnd a bill of $2.1 for street car fnro paid out In 1P0O, which left him owing the committeo Just about $2.35, and this Ijy, paid by check to Chairman Schnal ot thn ways und i,ic,tns committee. A recommendation will be mndq 10 tho central committeo that tho treasurer bo In structed to t all upon Vf. K. Porlv -for n detailed statement, as required by Inw, ol certain moneys collected nnd disbursed by him which shn.ild hnve passed through tho hands of tho treasurer. At Its noxt session the ways and means committeo will formulate n plan to liquidate thq party Indebtedness. Ono of tho big clnlms Is In favor of Mrs. Helen M. Cougar nnd Bho has placed It for collection In the hands of a local attorney. It Is for a largo number of Oougarlan pamphlets which tho committeo Buppojed wero a donation to tho committee. BELIEVES HE STOLE THE RIG Sheriff StrmiRT ArrcitN it Yoiihk Mini an Complaint of n VlrKlnlu 1,1 viT.viniin. TECUMSEH. Neb., Jan. 21. (Special Telegram.) A man about 2i years old hns been arrested by Sheriff C. B. Strong on a ehargo of theft. It seems that he hired a team and buggy from the llvoryman at Vlrginln, Oago county, yesterday and drovo Immediately to this city. Last night he stabled his outfit in n livery barn hero and this morning, it Is ehnrged, he got up and attempted to sell the rig. Not being nblo to dispose of the who'.o outfit he sold otio of the horses to A. H. Cooper, who in turn sold It to n foreign horso buyer who was in tho city. About that time word came from tho liveryman at Virginia, asking that his horses and tho man bo held. Tho nlleccd thief had hired another rig and started on ''cast on tho Brownvlllo road nnd tho officers arrested him near Graf. Ho was broucht back and landed in the county jail, He gave his nnme as Ell Mcllrlde. Tonight ho wns taken back to Vlrginln to answer to tho charge of horsestealing. Illll for Friiterniil Orders. LINCOLN, Ian. 24. (Special Telegram.) Tho Insurance committees of the senate and house met tonight with representatives of fraternal orders to consider houso roll 90, by Lane. Tho bill wnB recommended for pnchago by the Nebraska fraternal con gress and, with tho exception of ono pro vision, has mot with general approval. Tho particular section discussed tonight pro vldcs that whonever nny association In corporated under tho lawB of Nebraska shall bo refused tho right to transact busi ness In any othor Btato tho auditor shall oxcludo all similar organizations from thnt stnto from doing business In Nebraskn. Several Nebraska companies have boon de nied the right to enter the Illinois field and it Is claimed that tho bill is really an attempt to cxcludn societies nnd orderB Incorporated in that stato from continuing their buslnoss in Nobrnskn. Tho Illinois societies havo a total membership of about 55,000 In Nebraska and tho passage of tho act would practically prevent nil of them from accepting any now applications. .Hove inentH of tleenii Venxrl .Inn. SI. At New YorkArrived Lahn, from Hre men and Southampton; Jlohenzollern. from Ocnoa. etc. Sailed -L'Aqultnlnc. for Havre; t'arlsruhe, for Bremen. At Antwerp Arrived Nederlanil, from Philadelphia. At London Arrived Menominee. from Now York. Sailed Minneapolis, for New York. At Havre Sailed, Jan. ID La Gascognc, for Now York. At Southampton Sailed, Jnn. 23 Western land, from Antwerp, for Now York. At Liverpool-Sailed Nomodlc, for New York. At Bremen Arrived Trave, from Now York, At Queenstpwn Arrived Wneslnnd, from Phllndelphl t; Germanic, from New York. Sailed Teutonic, for New York; Bnlgen land, for Philadelphia, both from Liverpool. At Naples Arrived Fuerst Bismarck, fiom Alexandria, for New York. At tho I.Izard Passed ha Champagne, from New York, for Havre. At Genoa Arrived Kalserln Maria Theresa, from New York, via Nnples. At Hamburg Arrlvnl-Cap Frio, from New York. At Hotterdnni-Salled-Standendain. for Now lurk, via Boulogne, BIG MEIKLEJOIIN DAY Fnllerton Man Hallies Hit ReierTts for the Buprerno Effort RUNS HIS TOTAL VOTE TO THIRTY-ONE Onlj Four Votes Behind Thompron in Hii Grand Total. PECULIAR METHODS OF HIS CAMPAIGN All Sorti of Promises Held Out to Watering Followcri, "DOUBLE CROSS" COMING TO SOMEBODY Ktlilence Thnt Geittlennin firorr" U I'IiijIuht llnth r.niN to the .Mlil ill Im .iiniertiiiN on the Jtirfnt'e. -Ilnltotn- .1(1 Ith nth tlih 7th Mth Allen ay n:t -n nn nt nr. '( a . . n m n t 1" m s 7 it it it ui so III i i ii r, -i i i i . . . . t i . . i i i rt a i -i:t . . i xi in i in in t i i u 11 js u:t uii :u i i i i i a a 7 7 i in i.'t in in in 'iiii nil uti a i ait an .. nn no ni i 1 a i t How llroiuly Cromne it) t nrrle ., , lliilner ti Inrlnn ., . , llnjs, J. lliirrliiutoit .... I lllli'lieiii'lc nr llliixhmv 17 ivlnuiild Melhlejnhn Morlfin Mnrtli ;t Slitrnhy u llli'lniriln ItiiKiMt tiler m Slit lierliiiul i ThnuiliNon, ). j..:y Tl.i,,,, w (Ii t Vnn lltMen i LINCOLN, Jan, 21. (Special Telegram.) -The fenliiro of lodny'B bnnatoiinl bnllot was the gain shown by Mclklejohn. which sent bis column up to 31, only four be hind tbnt of Thompson, which rested nt 35. Mclklejohn made this showing only by exerting his utmost prossuro to bring lu those on his rescrvo HbI and in his scoro nro lo bo counted most of thoso known ns the bandwagon men, who wnnX to be in with tho lenders nt every stago of thn game. Tho gain of Mclklejohn enmo from Mc Carthy of Dixon, who had been previously voting for John R. Hays, from Snndall of York, who had voted for him nt tho start, nnd rroi, -hnson of Phelps, who has been voting for JUsmvntor. Except for tho tram. fcr of Juhuson, tho Roscwntcr strength otood unchanged. Tho continued nbsenco of Bnldrlgo leaves Mr. Rosownter l.hort ono voto thnt belongs to him, whllo today's nb ucc of Andrews nnd Mnrshall kept ono voto nway from Thompscn. Crounsc, Hlu shaw nnd Ctirrlo. - Tho attempt to old a caucus tonight tinder tho 07- IS BlngK nomination call wns a complete failure, thy nttendnuco being so light that the hiccMprvwar deciurwl off by goneral consent. It I tho prevailing Im pression that the efforlr to.sej!uro,atc.a.ux!!? under tl!a.MkMWnTamed In the call will lKiv?.'to bo abandoned. Another Cniioim Cnll. Another caucus cnll wns put In circula tion tonight calling for nn attendance "of sixty-seven members with n voto of fifty to rule. Thn men behind tho movement aro opposed to tho nointnntlng sys tem of balloting nnd It Is expressly tillpu lated In tho call thnt nominations nro to bo mndo by viva voce vote, no. nomination to bo effective tiutll two pcrsoiis shall hnvo received tho required number of votes. "Our call has r.lready received Snveral signatures," said a membor tonight. "Quito n number of tho men who havo Insisted on tno single ballot plan of voting havo ex pressed thcmselvca nn fnvorlng It. as a laBt resort and wo hopo to obtain n suffi cient number of signers. It is provided In tho rail that only persons of unquestionable ropubllcnnlsm shall bo voted for In tlft caucus." Tho campaign being waged by Mclkle john and his managers Is attracting at tention because of the resourceful combi nation of Influence on which thoy nro drawing. Mclklejohn has n campaign' fund of promises that seoms to bo incxhnustlblo and everyono onllBtcd In IiIb retlnuo of camp followers Is confident ho is going to shlno in tho government service, cither with military epaulets. diplomatic honors or civil appointments nttached to fat fed eral salaries. Ono of his doorkeepers, who served In n lato volunteer regiment as a rnptaln, hna not finally decided whether lo tnko rommand or tho forces In tho Philip pines or of tho investing army in Cuba. Mnlklejohn Is unquestionably enjoying tho active Biipport of almost tho wholo federal brigade of postmasters, land ofllco officials, Indian reservation agents and so forth on tho assurance that they aro to bo protectod and retained In thtlr places. Nearly overy republican paper In northwestern Nebraskn, for oxample, that profits by land olllco ad vertising patroaogo has been lined up to pump out laudatory effulgences for Melklo John tn every weekly Issue. Proline i;e or Promises, At tho same time, the very positions now occupied by this federal brlgndo are being parcelled out hy Melklejohn with equally lavish promises to mon on tho outside, without refcrenco to tho results. Senator VunBosklrk is voting for Mr. Molklojohn with tho Idea that by so doing ho will suc ceed In gottlng rid of F. M. Dorrlngton from tho laud olllco In his district, whllo at tho very moment Dorrlngton hlunclf is bending every effort In Melklejohn's be half with tho distinct promise that hn will stay. A similar case Is found In Nemaha rounty. whoso two members, Senator Bcrlct and Representative Armstrong, nre recording their ballots ench day for Melklejohn. Both of thi-Bo men wero elected over tho III disguised opposition of Tom Majors ami tholr principal object Is to prevent Mnjors from having nny voice whntcver tn tho dis tribution ot federal patronage in thnt sec tion. But Majors is also hero on tho ground doing nil ho ran for Molklojohn nnd telling his Grand Army associates that If thev will only mnko Melklejohn, Majors and Ills friends at homo nre suro to bo tnken corn of. Sliding Dniler l'nlse Color. Another favorlto rime of Molklcjohn'a workers is to inform tho members confi dentially that ho is tho preforrcd cholco of President McKjnlcy, In splto of re peated statements by tho president nnd Senator Hanna that they are not taklni? part in tho Nebrnskn contest Mr. Melklo John has steadily poBod us tho administra tion candldnto and had his pictures inserted In tho nowBpapera w labclnd. Ills literary bureau, which is conducted ayutematlcally on a large scale, constantly frames Its eulu gles for Insortlon In country pnpors with a vlow to reinforcing this Impression and (Continued on Third Page.)