Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 25, 1901, Page 9, Image 10

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    THE OMAHA DAILY" BEE: Fill DAW .TA2slrATlY 25. 1001.
",,,;..!. for I hesc piMiViiTit!
frill lie tnkcn inilll I- hi. for the
rvriilni; rillllim mill until H '.III p, m,
for moriilnu mill M 11 ml n nlllloii.
Ilntc. I l-'.'c h mini first Insertion,
Y n.w,,r,l,.rr.r"1."r: n"lh,"K. .tnkrw
for lean Until !!- Ir Hip tlmt inscr- !
ilnif, TTipap nil itIUpiupiUh muat lie '
run piinppullvel-.
Ail rrlUcrii lij- reitplliic n liuiii
tiprnl plicek, hii linvp mititrn nil
(IrrKuPil to iniiiiliprpil letter In rnrn
of 'Mir Hit. Aiiurm no ntldrpssptt Mill
lip ilrllvi-reil mi presentation or the
chrck only.
POSITION f bookkeeper evenings. Het
reference!" Address U CI. Brc.
A-M7I3 I".1.
WAX-ED-MALE ni;i.i
WANTED, wo have -toady work for n few
good hustlers of good habits and appear
once. C. P. Adama Co., 10)3 Howard fit.
BARBER trado tnught thoroughly In short
tlltio, catalogue nnd partlculi'rs free.
Address Western Harbors' Institute,
Omuha, Neb. B-733
WANTED, good man to do canvassing In
the country: grod pay tor right man. Ad
dress E 4, I!co. U-M1K'
MEN or women to sell goods. to city trade.
Good pay und Hteiuly employment. HIx-
enbaugh (c Co., Wnro blk. ..
II -MI12 Marlj
N'I'ED, a man "who" thoroughly under
stands electro n'Uer plating. Address
Dravcr II, Ulalr, Neb.
ANTED, two solicitors for now stylo por
trait; 507 Mct'aguo IlldB- 11-676 21'
A PEW pnlcstniMi wanted for special can
vasM with record-breaking work alining
select people, whoso names wo furnish.
$13.00 week guarantee for iraly one sale
dally, fall after 8:80 Friday and Ret ur
IliHlrilrtlon. P. A. Cunlleld, If.U Dodge,
room 9. n-(s
WANTED, actlvo workers everywhere to
take orders for "Life of quern Vlctorln,'
CM pages, 2(h) UI'.iHtratloiiH; lowest retail
price: big commissions; credit given;
frelfiht paid; outllt postpaid free on ap
plication. Address (Hobo Hiblii I'ubllsh
Ing l'o.. 723 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, IM.
H-M7W! 27
DANVASSEUH wnnted for "Mfo find Ilelpn
of Queen Victoria," by tin- eminent hls
tnrliiiiH. Prnf. fliriB. Alnrrls and Murnt
Hulstead; nearly (KJO paKes; size 7xlD; 100
richest lllilHtrallous; Rrciucsi una ucm;
irtnntiflmiH Molli.r: onlv Sl.fiO: btir boolc.
blK coinmlsslons; credit nlvon; frelKht
paid; outlltfl free Address Tho Dominion
Co., Dept. V, 331 Dearborn St.. ChlcURo.
H-M7(W ill
A. PEW Halesmen wnnted for special can
vu:s with rccord-breaklni; work nni'ini:
feloct people, whoso name. we furnuli;
Jir weekly Riiarantco for only otio i"lc
dally Call after 9 n. in. Prlday and Ret
our Instructions. .P. A. Canll?lil, Kill
DodRO St. Hoom 9. H-.M712 23
WANTED, 200 filrls. 1521 UodEO.
Tel. 87(1.
(0 Rlrls wanted. Canadian ofllcc, 1522 Douglas
1 I J
k niMfstlT vnnni- ttinn or woman to take
shorthand scholarship nnd pny for It when
courso is nnisneii anu position securcu.
Address v lb, uee. u s.f
WANTED.' alrl for ofllco work. Address
Si, Hee. C Mlil
WANTED, competent dressmaker, capable
of mamiRlnK dressmakliiR department in
u flrst-Olaus storo ai uarnon, iowu. ah
ilresa Cater & Oallowny, Carson, Iowa,
Riving oxpcrlenco ana salary (ie?iren.
YntlNfl ladv to learn massaRe: Dormanent
position for right unity. Apply lleo
llldR. C-622
WASTE!), mldille-nceil woman, colored
nreferred, for Rcneral housework: small
fumlly. 4210 Pumam C-.Mfl67 Z'
GOOD Rlrl for general lious'cworlc. 1021 So.
2'Jth avenue. u jujui jo-
WAKTKI). vounir ladv stenocrnnhtr can
sCcurq olllco room In exchaiiRe for lim
ited amount of work. Addreus Lawyer,
Ct DC, Hee olllce. u iiUM
WANTED, plrl for Reneral housework In
of twq; must ue sooa cook. 3713
N. 18th St.
C-U73 27
01 HL wnnted. Reneral housework. . 2222
Miami St Jcs
WANTED, 23 glrlH ; also exiierlenced shirt
nnd pant, operators. Apply at Hyrne &
Hammer factory. Uth and Howard Hts.
COMPETENT girl for smnll family; 2f,39
I'arKer sueei. wi
WANTED, second girl. Apply, with refer
ences, 2121 Davenport st. C M703 23
I'Olt H12.T nousus.
IP you want your houses well rented placa
thorn with llenawa ft Co. D-741
ALWAYH niovhiB II. H. Roods. Pianos,
Olllce. wins l'linmm at. 'lei. liis or Ma.
UOUBE8 for rent In all parts of tho city,
Urcnnan-Lovo Co., 320 So. 13th St.
110U8EB, store, Ilemls, Pnxton block.
' " D-741
HOUSES, otc. P. D. Wood. 1524 Douglas!
HOUSES and Hats. Illncwiilt, Barker Blk,
HOUSES wanted. Wullaco
Hrown Blk.
HABN, 2021 St, Mary's Ave.
FOIl rtENT. bakery in nrst-clusi m,im-
large siuro iihoii, vyimuuuus oven, etc '
also S-room house, with barn for s horses
and large wagon shed; all for I30.1M ner
month. W. II. UusbcII. 42U ItamRo nidi
, D-P2
Ell SEWARD ST.. new live-room coUnco
for lent; cood burn and city wntcr; rent
12.50. '
Douglas Sts. D 7.1
NEW 7-room brick, strictly modnrn."7a
front, 27lh and St, Mary's nve., SH. Bemls
Paxton block. D M717' '
So. 1?3I South 31st street, lust northTprifnn
scorn park, n pice, comfortable, 8-room
liindcrn house. Will bo put In Kood re
pair for right party. M. J Kennaril &
Son, 310 Brown block. D-M8I3
rWO smnll nve-ronm cottages In tlToTimo
yard; city water In kitchen: I good con"
illllnn. rent. JS per month. Omaha Loe 11
& Trust Co.. ICth nnd Douglas His f
, D -WC-Hth.
near Farnnm; ten-room modern hon.i:
rompleto In every respect; ten mlnuteJ
walk of center of city; reiiHonablo rent;
fiinnha Loan .t Co., liith and Doug
his Sts. D-9;
1407 Decatur st., 7r., $10.
JS10 Decatur. 7r. modern. III.
1614 S. 2!th at., 7r., all modern, except fur
nace, 125. .
2215 Burt st., S-. modern, except furnace. 12"
6-BOOM houro. all moderi'. liL'j N. .ouTsl
D-143 LV
Wll pay rent when you can buy a homo
011 monthly pnyments of 15 nnd up? W.
II Rufsell, 42'JRnmgo Bldg. D-M175
MODERN Hal. lOIK Paeliio st!
Charles Hanlcy. D-M6i3l 29
FOR "TlEST. large corner tint, modern!
nnrtly ftirnlshixl; misy wiCklnir distuned:
number boarders can be retained. Address
O J. Bee. D-.M702 27
pou iir,.s'f-rtiiixisiir.i) hoom-.
STEAM-hcatcd rooms at Tho Thuraton.
DEWEY European hotel, 12th and I'arnam,
1 . K-3
$J up. :623 St,
E-MDl J23
210 N. I7TI STi, Fteam heftteil rooms.
E-MU0 P3
KOI DOUGLAS St . choice rooms.
FURNISHED rooms, 19uC Capitol nve.
E-M59 1 26
' GLKNt AIItN.transl-ntii,.23 dayiisoaioug
. F-733
Tho MrrrUm. good winter home. 23 A . Doclw
I CtirL hnv1nra 'III, UnPil ,llr
I,.t,ffl4 IIVlll ll,Jl. nun "i""
fltnnllnr (-finm : roiiknnnltin mips. Tile Hose.
MO Ilnrury. F M591
UTOPIA. 1T21 Davenport St
. . . -
TlllI PRATT, desirable rooms. Hot water
2LKOANT I.trp steam-heated front rooms,
Willi noaro. law uapiioi nve.
P MM0 2D
DESIIIABLE front room, heated, sultnble
for two, with board; 521 N. 23d sireei.
P 7I 27
I'tllt It I .'! t .VP I HVISIII5D HOtlMH.
lIor.SES. tooms, small family only onico
1022 N. SIM St. tl--.M(wJ
roit itE.vr-sToiti: ami oppici:s.
HALL, 102 Bo. 14th, cor Dodgo at.
1 AXVMi 1' I
POn nENT, store In flrst-clas locatlsn:
rem reasonable. Apply it. u. i-oicin
Co., ground door, Beo BldR. ....
Ppit BENT, tho bulldliiB lormerly occupied
oy j no jieo at :11s Fnrnam street 11 n
four storlci nnd u basement which was
formerly used as Tho Bee prtss room.
This will be rented very reasonably. It
Interested apply at once to C. C. Bon"
water, secretary, room 100, Bco Bulldlns.
IE double room In Continental block:
taiiKo to suit.
ICth & Douiilaa Sts. . .
I iu
HALL for rent, 102 8. 14th, cor DodRe.
PACIFIC StoraRo nnd Warehouse Co.. 012-
vii jones, Rcnerni storage and forwarding.
OM. Von Stor Co., 1D11V4 Farn.
Tcls. 1519-S63.
At.ll.NTS WAXTl'.l).
OENTS WANTED. Qjeon Victoria's I.lfo
nnd CUorlous UcIrii; new book, complete,
thrlllliiR and ful'y Illustrated; largest
book mid most liberal terms; agents mak
trig $M n day; outllt mnlled for six 2
ccnt stamps. The Bible House, t'omo
building, Chicago, III. J-JIfi!i2
WANTED, ncents to sell the (nnicLnl book)
i.irilniKl nork, tjiieen victoria; 650 pages,
illustrated: urii
id; prlco $1.75; big commissions;
.en; freight nnd outllt free. Write
ti Publishing' House, Chicago.
J-M70?. 23
crcdii rivi
AOENTS wanted for "Life of Queen Vic-
mriii nun History 01 r.uui.mti aiui iter, ,,!.. ' 1. ..m.I -..t..t,.ll.ll. Illi.alff.-f n.l
book; blRgest terms to .iRents; cVedlt nnd
ircigiit pain; ursi iirciii around win coin
mnnnV! upml nnlnU frtr fpnn fi'ltflt. Arll
dress Bible House, 132 N. 12th St.. Phila
delphia. Pa. J-M703
HOUSES to move. Wnllace. Brown Blk.
WANTED to Huy, it Klnp Charles, Blen-
neini or jniiuuesc spanioi; siato inwesi
price. Address a 31 Bee. N-133
2D-HAND coupe, modern, good ns new;
ensn transaction. Address u as nee.
N M45G 23
A HOUSE and lot from owner; Rood neigh
borhood; something cheap for cash. Ad
dress O 57. Bee. N-MG35
WANTED, llrst-class piano salesman for
city worn. Address u &, nee.
N-074 2'
WANTED, by gentleman nnd wife, home
in 11 privato family; oest or references
given anu required, u tw, nee.
K-MGSfi 20
WANTED, nno horUontnl bollor. 16 to ,1S
n.,p., must Dq in urst-ciiiss' Hnap-. ci m,
UQV. IS .M6UO 2t"
Tel. 2020. New & 2dhand furulturu bought,
sold, exchanged. O 7S3
household furniture, etc., belmiRlng to the
estate or www Ileniiutt, deceased, will
bo sold nt private snlo at his late resl
denco on tho northwest corner of 22d nnd
hlCiigo stieels on Friday and Saturday.
Jnuunrv 23 nnd 2C. from 9 n. 111. to 12 nnd
from 2 to 5 p. m. Howard B. Smith, Ex
ecutor and Trustee. O 711 :
YOUIt watron or bucev mav need renalis:
nnvo It done right, nt Harry Frost's, lPh
1- j.cavenworin. r iui
HARD nnd soft foundation piling; hog
lences anu criouing. vui uougias, 14 tuj
2DIIAND safe cheap Dcrlght, 1UC Farnam.
SAFES; buy. sell ex'ge.
Schwartz, 114 So. 13.
HEUTFOBD & CO.. ICth & Uworth.
TIMOTHY bay and nil kinds feed nnd coal.
Monroe it t.o, u M410
POP. SALE, new aim secondhand soda
fountains: monthly pnyments S B Rich- 1
mond, 435 80. 24th Bt. Q-MS32 Fi
BARGAINS ill 2d hand bicycles. 15 up;
new wheels, 115 up Omaha Bicycle Co.,
, r-, 1. .. .1 ni,nnffn a m r MAJ
MUST dlsposo of high grade piano; terms
ir desired, inquiries auswerpu. Address,
t lice. y m
INCUBATORS. Send to tho Sure Hatch
Ircubalor 1:0,, Clay center, Neb., for a
iinno:iii!ic ire uituiiuKiir, i in
LEGAL blanks, hundreds of forms; mall
orders niien; lawyers oners printed.
omaiia .Mercury y JI147 1
FOR SALE OR TRADE, a fine ImporhH
magic lantern worth $S5, only used a short MONFY loaned on nlanos furniture law
t me: Hti tab O for lectures and other en. M.ViYJ"Pc" .on P."nAs'i-niJ"". A
Inrtnln nenti Address P Ki. TtKr, nin-
Address F 63. Bee office.
Q-M 170
FOR SALE-llo.tary Neostyle, good as
new. 1:00m .-o. l, .-s. . i.ire iiidg.
Q-M637 2
FRESH cow for sale.
3103 Boyd streot.
Q-MC61 25
FOR SALE, rlty nnd county maps; transit
anu ennui etc; niso 1001s. garden Utensils,
etc. -itra. i-me .11111111, micrman Ave.
11-0,3 23
MRS. FRITZ, medium. K'
North 16th.
MME.OLYMER genuine palmist. 1605 Dodsre.
ELITE pnrlors, 615 South 16th, second floor.
MABEL GRAY, 317'.. N. 13th st.."flnt E
MISS -MAE LESLIE. 619 S. 16th. 2d floor."
T. M663 29
MME. AMES. 1013 Howard, 2d floor, room I;
iiieriniii uiiiiis. t ,xi Tim 31'
1x1 ROY. chiropodist: corns iimnrni
hair removed by electricity. R. 12. Kren'.
scr uik. u Tut
TURKISH bathx mas;age baths, electric
i,.,ii. for ad es on v: sklllo,! ..
musHagtf operators; tlnost equipped baths
in tne !, ',,", company.
Rooms M to 220, am Bias.
LIEBEN, theatrical, masquerade co-turner
JU13 V 1 U CJ
PRIVATE home before and during conllne.
mcnt; nablcs odoptrt. Mrs. BurRet, 2620
lltirueiie. u 7i0
CHILDREN'S cloth nc made to order.
Infants wear, and ladles' underwear n
specialty. Satisfaction guaranteed, 1919
Burt st. V-Z12.
FRENCH accordion pleating; Ivory rim but.
tonxi mall orders. Omaha Pleating Co,,
112 Douglas. U-773
BABIES and ehlldrtu cared for. M.I N. ad.
U .Xlolti J26'
SUPPI IKS for all machines: machines for
rent, wnue sewing Aiacnine, i.'o uour.
las. Tel. 2331. U-310
IP your feet bother you do not put off
until tomorrow huyinR a pox or He-no-may
powder. Sold by nil druggists.
lit PTUBE cured
no Unite, rio nal i
dancer: send for circulars,
s. Kmpire itup-
turo Cure, 932 N. V. Lite Building, Omiiua.
U M41I F15"
PKIVATE hospital for Indies before and
uurinR e.ouunemeni; uaoics adopted. :.J
Grant 8i. U 177
VIAVI Woman's way to health; rational,
wnoicsomo nomo treatment, sts jiee lime.
u 5:"i
BUY from the manufacturer, Ilurkloy Eu-
vciopo o., umuna. u-jh 1 1
Thn Balvntlou Army Hescue Homo nt 1305
jjinney si. solicits your plain vasiunif ana
mendliiR, underclothes, socks nnd hand-,
kerchiefs; will do work reasonably; will
call for It nnd deliver: ntensn send ua u
card or telephone 2110. Matron.
I .At, Ol ,-
MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real
estate, urcnnan-ivovo vo wj ho. win.
piitt - ATE inonci'. S 5i 6 ncr
cent: 110 d.
Farnam. W-771
J1.000 ard upward to loan on Improved city
property nnn rnrms. w. larnam Htnitii
Co., 1320 Parnam. W-77
LOANS on eastevn Nebraska, and western
iowu raris nt u per cotit! borrownrs can
pay I10O or any multiple: any interest
date; n clay. Brennan-Lovo Co., 300
So. I3tu !7 Omaha., NeU w no
WANTED, city loans, bonds n'nd warrants.
1? " ...
WANTED, city and farm loans; nlso bonds
and warrants, it c. l'ctcra ec c o., hih
Farnam St., Bee Hide. W 780
MONEY to loan on farm and city property,
lowest rates.
tes. O. F. Davis Co., 1&03 Farnsm
v M
PIHVATE money to loan.
J. II. Sherwood,
mj rv. 1. luc,
MONEY to loan at S and 5V4 per cent on
umanu property, w. u. aioikio, 4ui . join
FIVE per cent money. Bcmls, Pnxtoiifblpck.
11,800 TO LOAN on real estate; call nt or.eo.
M. J. Kennard Sc Son, 310-311 Brown block,
... . .. . . .V
FIVE nnd one-half per cent loans. W. II.
Thomas, First National bank .building.
6 AND per cent loans. W. H. Thomis.
-.- ........ w hi
V .Molt!
PHIVATj, money. F. D. Wcad, 1524 DolintAB.
Loans mado In amounts from j!0 to 250 on
nouscnoid rumiiure, pianos, norses, cur
liases, etc.. wlihout renicvnl or on you?
S-A-L-A-U-Y without security. All or a
pari or tiui money may tie paid imcn t"
Hrst month, or no part of It need be paid
duck ior sivcrai monins. jucn iiuyuicn. j
made reduces tho .cost accordingly, r.m
ployers and nelglibors kliow ubsoiutely
nothing of our business relations. People
wno need money nro mviica to can aim
Ret my terms nnd compare thorn wltn
what others offer. Loans of other com-
rinnlpa mm Its, I rn iwf ,.rl ni t.". Die NO
charge for papers. All btislneBi strictly
-uiiiiacuuai. viuiCK service anu
rates guaranteed.
.t xv.
218 First. Nat. Bxnk bids , southest corrtsr
j-tn una .arnnm ats. 'ici. i.. ,,c,.
We loan J10.M nnd up on furnlturo.
P'nnos, bories nnd other chattels.
' ai;akv roANs;- -Without
mortgage, to people holding
permanent positions. You can Ret the
money In n few hours after making ap
plication, nnd take 1, 2, 3, 4. C. 0 months
or more in which to pay It back, and
you need not pay for It one day longer
than you keep It. We charge nothing
for papers 'and we give you the full
amount In cash. There nro no lower
rates thnn ours, our terms arc tho
easiest, our business Is confidential
and our motto Is "try to please.
Omaha Mortgngo Loan Co.,
119 Board of Trade BldR. Tel.. V.$j.
tKstabllshcd 1S92), 200 So. ICth St.
AN OPPOHTUNITY to take, advantage of.
wo maKo no startling, sensational an
nouncements of rato ''cut In two." Wo
don't do business that way! neither docs
anybody else. OUH KEDVCED HATES
ABE THE LOWEST. You enn borrow on
your personal Note, without Mortgage,
Indorser, or Publicity. Our Special Pay
mont Plan surprises them all and spon
gets you out of debt. Very quiet olllce,
easily found. Como nnd see us.
Boom 601, Bee Bide
X MS20
If you are employed by a responsible firm
wo win loan you sums irom iu w m uu
your uoto at much cheaper and easier
rates than elsewhere. Of this we are
potltlvo. Absolutely no charges for papers.
Nothing deducted from umount desired.
Easiest partial payments. Reliable Credit
Co., room 2C3 Paxton blk. X MS5I
No evidorser of mortcnee required.
omaiia nni.'.niT l'o.:
Room 626, Fifth Floor. New York LIfo. Bldg,
J- 153
MONEY to Lonn on Furniture, Pianos,
Diamonds, etc., on easy payments. iou
keep security No chnrgo for papers. No
questions asked your neighbors. Tel. lfi.14.
MERGERS' LOAN CO., 1501 Farnam St.
X 621
MONEY loaned salaried people holding per
manent pi uion wun responsive comorn
upon their own names without security;
easy payments. Tolmnn, Room 440, Board
of Trado Bldg., lGtli nnd Farnam Sts.
X 791
en,, uumn., i.n, hi., ... mm, ,
MONEY loaned on p'anos, furnlturo, horses.
cows, jcwciry. uun ureen, 11 s. uaracr 01 c
CHATTEL Salary loans.
Joe H. Pleas-X-M50I-F1D'
ants, m unrker nut.
$150 CASH or easy payments buys 23 strictly
inwrui tnicKon bioi inncninas ror nrmKs,
cigars or cash; will earn $2 nnd upward
weekly each. Earl. Clark At Co., Furni
ture Manufacturers, Chicago, III.
WANTED, good man to do canvassing In
tne country; gooa pay ior rigni man. Ad
dress E 4. Bee. Y M190
FOR SALE, bakery, restaurant nnd grocery
cneap u taaen at once. Address 11 tH, nee.
FANCY bakery, ico crtam nnd candy mfrf.
esianiisnincni. siinp ior ngiu man, in
voice 11,500. Wm. Mad.ctt, Real Estate.
Hastings, Neb. Y-IS7
BLACKSMITH, nil around workman, good
uorsesnoei- or piowmau anu woouworKor,
wants a location In Nebraska, Iown or
Dakota to rent or start new. Address
Walter Schabcrg, Henry, Key Co.. MIs
scurl. Y M657 27
Opera House saloon. Council
FOR SALE, my line of dry goods and gro
ceries. AuiiresB r. u. iock nox w. Hd
perlor, Neb. Y M609 26
FOR SALE, Beatrice bakery doing leading.
promnuio anu lurge uusines3; nargaln If
taken soon. T. A. Woodward, Beatrice.
Y-MSS5 27-
NEAT grocery, doing good business; will
sell at ilisrount; easy terms, ixn Bee bldg.
Y-69.-, 25
FOR SALE, chean. bakerv. lee nml
canny iiusiness. .Minier. .w i.eavenwortn
St.. OmaliH Y M70I
W. O. SANDERS, room 21, Barker Rlock.
ron nxciiAXC.r..
A J'lNE 15.00 Imported manic lantern, as I
good as new, only used a short time: stilt.
ablo for lectures, churches or lodge enter- '
tnlnmcnts; a bargain. Address F ei, ne
office. Z-179
roit sai,i:-hi;ai estate.
A UHAT'TIPPIj I'll In north nan nf eliv
iui Jtanderson St., a oiocus wcr.i or 2llh 1
st. motor; sold this week; km 1
tukes tt, 3 lots on next street sold this
tvpek for J.VH1 pnrlt. Half rash. Imlnii. I
110 A month. Stringer. C3I Pnxton Block, i
PBOPEIITY bought and soui: money
lorined; rents collected. L. L. Johnson
Co., 314 So. 15th St. HE 102
DEStllABLB east front lot, resldencp or
business, 2d block so. depot on loth. 1111
Vinton. UK-MFK3 V3
UANCII AND PABM lnndsfor snlol7yThe
Union Paclllc Ballrond company. It. a.
McAllastor land ccmmlBsloner, Union
Paclllc lK-adauartcrs. Oinuha. Neb.
. Ut-795
HOUSES, lots, farms, lands, loans; also flre
Instirancc. Bemls, Pnxton blk. BE Sit
CHEAPES'rToTln city of Omaha; 02001
cast front In Nelson's addition. M. J.
Kennard & Son, 310 Brown block.
CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnam Pt.
SCniP-lit,000 ncres; C, U. Burrows, owner,
Norfolk, Neb. ' UE-MI22 30
LIST your bargelns In City property and
rnnn lands with lis; nn huvo the cus
tomers. Payne-Knox1, Company, Main
Floor New York Life St(I. Tel. 17S1.
ItE-Ulg 31
CHEAP, 6-room cottaRo nnd Int. IDth. nenr
Iako st. Box 373, Kenmoy. Neb.
FOB SALE, 15 lots In Uemls Park Heserve,
very cheap Indeed, Theso lots am sellluK
better than wo expected. Several hoiues
will bo built ns soon 'b spring opens.
Now Is the opportunity to Ret one of these
lots at a low price. 1 am offering this
week ulso 40 acres on tho Mllitury road,
Just north of Benson. Will sell the
whole trnct nt a cheap price to soino
man who wants an Investment or will sub
divide. If desired. This Is n benutlful lo
cation and at price offered there Is money
In tho property. Also 41. feet running
from 23rd through to 24th, Just north of
Cuming, Owner Instructs mo to sell this
property. A 1. Tukoy, Board of Trade.
UK (57 23
WANTED, all porsons who want to own
11 good fnrni, und who will save ten cents
(i day to pay for It. Address E. P. Mur
phy. (Joodland, Kan. HE MUSS S3
100 ft. frontage facing Hanscuni park by 130
ft. In depth, vacant.
Orchard Hill lot, J223.
25th nnd Sprnguo st., two lots. .79.
52 ft. frontage on Leavenworth St. near 22d.
All of above, sold together or separately,
nt n great bargain.
HE-M707 2(5
We are putting upon the market for Imme
diate) sale POUR new houses 'ocuted oil
Cuming st. between' 32d and 33d. These
houses are all strfclly modern, hot and
cold water plumbing, porcelain tub, mar
ble washstnnd. furnace. cle PERFECT
LITTLE GEMS of 6 nr.d 7 rooms each,
besides LAUNDRY. "Wp offer the Insldo
lots nt 13.250 and the corner at $3,500. 1300
ensh. bnlitlice C per cent. THIS IS A
Main Floor Ni Y. Life Bldg.
RE-M710 27
patents, copyrights ami trado marks; you
glvo, ua, ibo, bare Idon, Mld we wlll,lo the
rest; modern equipped nuichlne shop unit
foundry in connection; .Olllclnl Gazette on
Hie; guide book free. Mason. Penwlck &
Lawrenco, patent lawyers. 140G Howard
st.; tel. :449, Omaha. J, P. Cronln, repr.
INVENTORS, wo nsk ho feo until the
pntcnt Is profcured; If wo fall, we get no
tec; ndvlco free. Sues i Co., Patent Law
yers, Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Long dis
tance, telcphono 1123. 41S Maris
LOST Brown water pnnlel, name Ilrow'nle;
$3 reward for return to Murray hotel. Nat
Brown. L6st-MOI2
LG8T, chntelnln pocketbook, dark leather;
Under pleaso telephone P25S0.
Lost-M602 25
LOST Cameo breastpin; reward for return
to this olllce. , Lost-i;97
LOST, on Thursday morning, between the
hours of 12 and 1:30, 11 Spanish belt, buckle
In the shape of a Maltese cross, between
Davenport street und tho Millard hotel.
Please return to the Millard hotel and
Under will bo sultnbly rewarded.
Lost-M714 25
A. C. VAN S ANT'S School. 717
N. Y. Life.
BOYLES' College, court reporter, principal.
Bco Bldg. ' -302
NEB. Business & Shorthand college. Boyd's
Thenter. 803
GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col. 16 & Doug.
LADIES out of health find prompt relief.
Box 232, Omaha, Neb. Confidential.
VIRTUAMA cures Impotency resulting
from Indiscretions or debility, gives vi
tality, vigor, restoring desires, ambitions,
aspirations of youth, health, fitting lor
success, happiness In business; profes
slonal, social, married 'life;; $2, or 3 for $3.
Sent anywhero -prepaid on receipt of
price. T)ie Kldd Drug Co., Klutn. III.
American Office, retail, wholesale, .Myers
Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha; M. A. Dillon.
South Omaha; Davis Drug Co., Council
Bluffs, Full line rubber goods.
INCUBATORS and brbridfcr.i cataloguo
free. Wrlto Burr Incubator Co., B i,
Omaha, Neb. 179
JOHNSON Institute, 513 N. Y. T,. Illd. Tel.
1C6I; Alice Johnson. D. O.. ladles' dept.;
Uld E. Johnson,, Mgr.
M. E. DONOHUE, D. O., of Still school,
Klrkaville, Mo 601 Paxton Blk. Tel. 1267.
INCUBATORS and Brooders' catalogue free
Wrlto Burr Incubator Co., Omaha, Neb.
START buying your bicycles now; $1 down,
$1 per week. L. Flescher, 1622 Cap. nve.
BADGES, medals. Om. PH. Co., Beo Bldg,
Tel, 233.1 M-U17
EAGLE Loan Ofllce, reliable accommodat
ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas.
MRS. JEFFRIE KEMP. 401 Paxton Blk.
Telephone 2420. M-5S4-JJ7
STOCK'S Bird Store. KjQJ Leavenworth.
CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramgo Bids.
Ml Kin. PLATIMt.
OMAHA PLATING CO . Hee Hide. Tel 2..,
" - -
I OMAHA Steam Laundry; shlrti. 7c; collars, 1
I to; c.-ffi, 4o 1710 Lencnworlh. Tel. U"
t'A It PHVl'tllt H .M .tOIIIIEltS,
ALL kinds ol carpenter work and repalrlnc
promptly attended 'o. J. T. Ochiltree, mth
and Lake Sts. ;o
ACCOUDION pleating, cheapest, best quick,
est. Mra. A C. Mark. S. E. Cor 17th at d
Farnam. 31.'
It IIMTt till HEP I It IMS,
TEL. 1331. M S.
uniiiim, .111 uming Ht ' 11
-!m1H II
THE winter term nt Mornnd's Dancing
school begins this week Adults, Tuesday
and Friday, S p. in.; 12 lessons, Rcntlomen,
5! Indies, 10. Prlvato lessons day and
evening. M 222 FU
TICKr.T llltOl.HIt.
CUT rate tickets everywhere. P. II Phil,
bin, 1305 Fnrnnm. Telephone 7SI. S(,9
P tl STO FFI C II A t)T 1 1 !:
Should be read DAILY bv nil lnlere-liil 11 '
i hniikes mny occur nt any time,
j'oroiRii limn lor 1110 weeit ending Janu-
nry Srt. lttni. will close (PROMPTLY li all
casesi 111 tne t,enenu rostomee us ronows:
EARLIER thai, closing tlnw shown bo'ow.
I'nrcels Poal Malls for O-rniiiuy cb so at
5 p. m. on J.'uitMry 23 per s. s. Karlsruhe,
via IlriMtien.
Regular and Supplementary mnlls close
at Foreign Branch half hour later than
closing time shown below.
Trnnx-A tliinlle lnll. 1
must bo directed
PRINTED MATTER. ETC.-Thlr steamer 1
takes Printed Matter. Commercial nnd
Samples for Germany only. Tho siune cL ni .
or mall ma.ler for other parts of Europe, I
will not bo sent by thU shli unless
specially directed by her.
After the closing of tho Supplementary
Trans-Atlantic Malls named above addi
tional supplementary malls tire opened on
the nlers of tho American. Eng'lsh,
French and German steamers and remi'ln
open until within Ten Minutes of tho
hour of sailing of steamer.
Mnlls for Sooth 11 ml Ceolrnl Aiiierlen,
XV ct Indie. Hie,
FRIDAY At 12 m. for BRAZIL, per s s.
ICnstern Prince (mnll for Northern Brazil,
Argentine iiepu oue. 1 riigiiay aiui i-ar.i-
guey must bo directed
per s. s. :;asiern
prince- 1.
SATURDAY-At 8 n. m. for BERMUDA,
per s. s. Trinidad: at S:30 a. 111. for AR
PARAGUAY, per h. s. licllnr.ock; at !) n.
111. (supplementary 9:30 11. m 1 for PORTO
RICO (via San Juan), VENEZUELA nnd
CURACAO, per s. s. Caracas (mall lor
Savnrllla and Carthagena must be di
rected "per s. s. ('aniens") : at 10 a. 111.
(supplementary 10:30 u. 111.) for FORTUNE
CARTHAGENA. per .1. s. Allnl Unn II for
Costa Rica must be directed "per s. s
Altai"); nt'io a. m. (supplementary 10:30
a. in.) for HAITI, rer s. s. Alps; at 10
a. ni. for CUBA, per i. s. Mexico, via
Hnvana; at 12:30 p. m. for MATAN.AS,
BARACOA. per s. s. Olindu (ordinary
mull only, which must bo directed "per
s. s. Cllndn"); nt "ll p. Th. for NASSAU,
per steamer from Miami, Pl.t.
Mnlls for Newfoundland, by rail to North
Sydney, nnd thence bv steamer, close nt
this olflco dolly at 0:30 p. m. (connecting
close hero every Monday, Wednesday and
Saturday). Mails for Mlqucion. by mil to
Boston, and thence by steamer, close nt
this olilco dally at 6:30 p. ni. Malls for
Cuba, by rail to Port Tnmpn, Flu., nnd
thenco by stoamer. close ut this olllce
dally at 'G a. in. (the connecting closes
nro 011 nuuuny. wounosciny ana l-riuny).
Malls for Mexico City, overland, unless
upoclally nddrcssod for dispatch by
steamer, close at tbl olllce dally at 1:30
p. m. and 11 p. 111. Mulls for Costa Rlrn.
Belize. Puerto Cortez and Guatemala, bv
rail to New Orleans, nnd thenco by
steamer, close at this olllco dally at 1.30
p. m. (connecting closes hero Mondays for
Brllrp. Puerto Cortez and Guutemnla and
Tuesdnys for Costa Rica). Registered
mall closed at 0 p. m. pruvlous day.
TritiiN-l'iiclito Mulls.
Mall for Australia (except West Australia).
Now Zealand, Ilnwall, FIJI and Saraoan
Islands, vin Sn Francisco, close horo
dally at 0:30 p m. Jnnuiirv fith nnd up
to January "l:fi. Inclusive, or on day of
nrrlvnl of s. p. Campania, due at Now
York January 19th, for dlspntch per s.
Malls for China nnd .Tnnnn. via Vnncouver,
close hero dnlly at 0:30 i. m. up to Janu
ary 22, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s.
Empress of Japan (registered mall must
be directed "via Vancouver").
Mnlls for Hawaii. Japan, Chlm nnd Philip
pine Islands, via San Francisco, ebuo
hero dally nt 0:30 p. m. up to January
27. Inclusive, fir dispatch per s. s. China.
Malls for Hawaii, via Ran Pranclrco, close
hero dally at 0:30 p. in. for dispatch per s.
M, Mariposa.
Mails for Hawaii. China. Japan nnd Philip
pine Islnnds. via San Francisco, clopo hero
dally at fl.30 p. m. up to February !, In
clusive, for dlsniiMi per . 11 Doric.
Mnlls for Australia (except XVest Australlx
which goes vb Europe, and Mew Zealand,
which goes v'a San Francisco), and Fill
Islands, via Vancouver, close hern dally
nt 6:30 p, m. after January 19 and up to
February "2, Inclusive, for dispatch per
h. . Aornngi (Mipplementary mnlls. ' la
Seattle, c'opn nt 0:30 p. m. February 3'i.
Malls for Australia (except XVest Australia,
which Is forwarded via Europe). New Zea
land, FIJI, Samoa nnd llnwnll, via San
Francisco, cloio hcte dnllv at 6:30 p. m.
nfler February M up to February 9, In
clusive, or on arrival s. s. Umbrla, d.le
nt New York February "9, for dispatch
per s. s. Sierra.
TraPR-Paclflc malls arn forwarded to port of
sailing dnlly and Hie schedule of closing
is arranged on the presumption of their
uulntcrruiited overland transit. Regis
tered mnll eiocs 111 o p. in nrovinus day.
New York, N. Y., January IS,
PORTO Popular Tours
RICO Feb, 2 and 10. March 2. Illus
trated program; 24 dnys, nil expenses, J10H.
Raymond-VVtittcomb, 103 Adams St.. Chicago
Missouri Valley Railroad
- "Tho Northwestern
Line" - General Oltlces.
United States National
Bank Bldg , S. W. Corner
Ti.,.lfl. ,wl I.-nrnum Ht6.
Ticket Olllce, HOI Fnrnam St. Tel. 561. De
pot, 15th and Webator Sts, Tel. 1151,
, Leave. Arrive.
Black IIIIIs, Deadwood,
Hot Springs a 3:00 pm a 5:09 pm
Wyoming, Casper and 1
Douglas d 3:00 pm o 5:00 pm
Hastings, York, David
city, superior, Geneva,
Exeter and Seward.... b 3:00 pm b 5:00 pm
Norfolk, VcrdlRro and
Fremont ti 7:30 am bl0:2. am
Lincoln, Wnhoo and
Fremont b 7:30 am bl0:2. am
Fremont Local c 7:30 am
a Dally b Dally except Sunduy. c Sun
day only d Daily except Saturday, e
Dally except Monday.
Railroad "Tho North
western Lino" aeneral
Offices, United Stales
National Bank Bulldln,;,
S W. Corner Twelfth
I VfS nnd Farnnm Hts. Ticket
Oftloe. 1401 Farnam St. Telephono 561. De
pot, Tenth and Marcy Sts. Telephone 629.
Leave Arrive.
Twin City Exprers a -i'56 nm nl0:25 pm
Twin City Limited a 7:25 pm a 8:15 am
BIoux City Local a S:00 am a 3:50 pm
a Dally.
Minneapolis At Omnha
Rullway "The North
western Line" General
Ofllces, Nebraaku Divi
sion, 15th and Webster
Sts. City Ticket Olllce.
1101 Farnam St
Telcnhone. 561. Donot.
SA'I'IMtllAV Al II art 11 111 for 1MM1IH!.!
per b. s Campania, via (Jutenstown . at . ..Iilcl"?,.'!11,1 l0,,,lJ,V?.i.a 'W pm a 45
S tt. m. for NETHERLANDS direct per Up"7 Vf.,.10,. ? ,' hi..iii ,.n
s. s. Rotterdam (mall must be directed1 " '.tcllic J " V'0";, f,,3, " .
"per s. s. Rotterdam"); nt S a. 111 fori a Dall b DalU excont Miitida,.
inui , I'l l n. n. ilipi:i III II
"ptr s. s. Kaiser Win j KSj
15th sncl wruster sis.
Leave. Arrive.
Twin City Passenger., a 0:00 um a 9:10 pm
Omaha PiiKsenger all:l0 um
Kloux city & North
east Nebraska ....... .a 3.43 pm
a Dally.
wcsi'.h iiaiiway "J
Northwsteia Line - 1
ItV TiCKit Uiuce. itui
IMrnnm St. Teleplion?.
m Depot, Tenth and
Marcy Sts. Telephone
Lcnvu. Arriv.
Daylight Chicago Spe-
ciai a inn uu... rui
Chicago Pasfenger a 4:15
pm n J;io am
Moines, Marshulttowti. j
Crd-tr Jlnplds and . 1
c.;;'.Vnr -ni,i,nl0:55 nm " ,m !
capo and K.nt a 4:35 pm 0 46 pm
P11M Mall, Chicago to . I
Omaha n 2.4. pm .
Om.tha-ChtcnRo Llmlt'd.a 7:f pm n ;:0) pm
Fast Mall n S:30 nm
Cedar Itnplds PnsiscnRer " S:30 pm
Enstern Express .. .. b 9:00 pm ;
a Dally, h Dally except ftturday.
fMtlA&ST. LOl lS KAIL,
rnnd Omaha. Kansas City
Eastern Ballrond "The
tjuincy Houte- ncKet Of
Marcy Streets. Teltphene,
St. I, oil's Cannon Ball
Express . n 5:13 pm a 8:20 nm
ixuusns -iij unn tjuuii'V
. . a 7:00 am n 9:00pm
a Dally
sourl River
Rallroad 1
1 iriiPiii. it,
wcrt Corner Tenth end sonal property was not bearing Its share or
Farnnm Streets. Ticket the burden and increased tho assessed al
lrnngtm, laV."..'!. I property .0 40 per cent.
nm! Mn.--mt Kireets. Telcnhone. 12S,
Leave. Arrive.
Lincoln. Hastings i.nn
McCook a 8:40 nm n 7:3. 'pm
L.iicoln. Denver, Colo
rado, Utah. Callfornla.n 4:2 pm a 3:00 pm
Lincoln A: Black Hills, .a 9:00 pm a 0:43 nm
Montana Ptiget Sjund..a 9:00 pm 11 fi:45 am
Lincoln Fast Mull b 3:00 pm a 9:17 am
W'vmore. Beatrice und
Lincoln a S:li am bll:35am .
Denver. Colorado, Utah
and California
a 6:15 am I
1 South Ile'ld. Louisville.
Platlsmouth b 3:35 nm bll:05 am
11 1 took, I'ir.iisniouiii
0 am
scph Aj Council Bluffs
Rnllroa.1- "The Burling
ton Route" Ticket Olllce,
1302 Farnnm Street. Tele
phone, 230. Depot, Tenth
und Mason Strets. Tele
phone, 128
Kansas City Day Ex. .a 9:20 am a 6:25 pm
Kansas City Night Ex..ani:30 pm a 0:15 urn
St. Louis Flyer for -1
Joseph nnd St I.iiul8..a 6:10 pm nllMS nm
AL- Oulucy RnIlroad-"Th.
BurllnRtun Route" Ticket
J. i.lllco Kit. Farnam Street,
lulephoiie, 250. Depot,
Tenth und Mimon streets.
Telephone. 12S.
n . ,,. , ,-IiIp,,..- u..
i.tnvo. Arrive.
fi -i-v-
clul . . ...... ... ....a 7:30 nm nlo:r, pm
Chicago Vestlbuled Ex.a 4;(W pm 11 7:15 nm
Chicago I.oeal ICsiiress.u !:30 am 11 :0G t,m
Chicago Limited a 7:50 pm n 7:45 nm
Fnst Ma'l .
n Dally. J ,J pm
la nl touto"-General Olllccs
N L. Cor. Mnth and Farnam
11. nets City I'lcket Olllce, 1321
Farnam Street. Tolephono, 310
Depot. Tenth and Marcy St.
'i elephonc, 629.
i.cave. Arrive
Tho Overland Limited.. n i:20 urn u 7;;m ,:
The Cilcugo-Portland V
Special n S:20 nm n T:3fl nn
Tho Fast Mall a 8:50 nm n 3:23 nm
Tho Mnll and Exptcss..all;35 pm a 4-"S Wm
Lincoln. Beatrlco und "m
Stromsburg Express. .b 4:05 pm bl2:30 11m
Tho Paclilo Express.... a 4:25 pm '
Tho Atlantic Expresa... n fi"0 nm
Grand Island Local. ...b 5:30 pm b 9:35 am
a Dally, b Dally except Sunday.
Ticket Ofllce. 1415 Pnrnnin
Street. Telephone. 322. Do
pot, Tenth and Marcy sts.
Telephone, 029.
Leave. Arrive.
St. LouIb "Cannon Ball
Express a 5:1j pm n 8:20 nm
a Dally.
Railroad-City Ticket Of
llce 1102 Farnam Street.
Telephone. 215. Depot,
Tenth anil Marcy Streets.
Leave. Arrive.
Chicago Express ..
Chicago Limited ..
Mlnniapolis and
Paul JOxiircss ...
Minneapolis nnd
n 7:00 am all :25 pm
a 7:45 pm u i:uj am
b 7:00 am b 9:40 pm
a 7:13 pm a 8:05 am
Paul Limited
Fort Dodpe Local from
Council Bluffs b 4:30 pm a 8:15 am
Fort Dodge Local rjm
Council Bluffs a 0 00 am
u Dally, b Dallv except Sunday.
road General Olllccs and
Ticket Olllccs, Southeast
Corner llth and Douglas
Hts Telephone, 101. Depot,
I'xlnn Slt:ltloil.
Leave. Arrive.
a 1 iviinsns
' City Exptoss al0:00 am a 6:25 pm
K. C., St. L. Express... al0:50 pm ti 0:15 am
Leave from 15n and
Webster Streets:
Nebraska Loral. Via
Weeping Water b 4:10 pin nl0:4j am
a Dally, b Dally except Sunday.
and AY Pacific Railroad
"Tho Oreat Rock Isl
and Route" City
Ticket Olllce. 1323 Far
nam Street. Telephone,
428. Depot. Tenth and
Marcy Sts. Tele
phone, 02'J.
Des Moines nnd Daven
port Local a 7-23 am
Chicago Express 1)11:15 am
Des Moines Loenl n 1:20 pm
ChlciiRO Fnst Express.. a 6:00 pm
Des Moines. Rock Isl
bll;3.j am
a 8:10 nm
a 4:45 pm
n 1 :2S pm
and mid Chicago n 7:40 pill a 9:33 pm
Lincoln. Colorai'o Spgs.,
Denver, Pueblo and
West a 1:30 pre a 4:15 pm
Colorado,. Oklahoma &
Texas Flyer n 3:20 pm a 9:50 am
u Dally b Dally exropt Sunday.
ii St Paul Hallway-city
Ticket Olllco, 1501 Parnam
Slieet. Telephone, 2SI.
Depot, Tenth and Mason
Sticots. Telephone, 029.
Leave. Arrive,
iff ,
Chicago Limited Ex....n 0:00 pm n 8:05 am
Chicago &. Omaha Ex..b 7:15 nm b 3:10 pm
a Dally, b Dally except Sunduy.
Auditorium ( ooiinllleo RppnrtN Snl
IsfiH'lory PrimrexN In S11I1-
Four thousand dollars cash have been
added to tho auditorium building fund dur
ing tho first three days of this week and
$0,000 moro Is promised before Saturday
afternoon. This brings tho total amount
of the fund up to $112,322. The hoaid of
auditorium dlicctors, which held a meeting
yesterday noon, expressed itself ns highly
plenBcd with this showing. Everything In
dicates now that "auditorium week" will
bo the banner week thus far In the matter
of subscriptions and collections.
Ono cash subscription which Is cotmldered
especially good comes from tho proprietors
nnd employes of tho Industrial Iron works
It amounts to $218.
Speolal committees will rail upon tho de
partment stores today tu reeelvo eonuihu
Hons therefrom and they nro export, q to
como down liberally.
llniiMP Pit Siip llie Dou.
MEEKER. Colo., Jan. 21. News dlieet
rrom KpysrniP imiiio. 111 wiinn inn iconse. hunting tial'ty Is stonnliiL'. hIuiwh n.,,,
between the 12th and 22d of January twelve
grown mountain nous, inrco Kittens and
eight lynx cuts were killed. On Saturday
hint the party hud quite un exciting inf.
venture .vlth one 1 Oil. The lion w.tx In. I, I
cimtlve by the doss and was llglilliiu with
thn whole pack of hounds. Suddenly It
seized on" of the dogs Governor Boost -veil
shoved the breech of his gun Into tho
llon'H mouth, hnldl.iu tho gun bv one lmn,l
nnd w' Hi" other striking the lino n death
blow will) his knife The governor bus
decided to Btuy for another two weeks,
SEEK LOWER ASSESSMENTS! Sltts Orievuncei to t ;;rardof
W IhiIpshIp Ipii i:plnln TIipIi' Urn
1 ik fop UIiik 11 Itpiliii'tlnn nf
Aiciiipitl Coiiiiiii iill pl I'pti
Itpnl Eallllp tii le hupps,
' Comparator!)- few protests hae been
i llkd so far with the llonrd ot Kiiuallta-
tlon. the cntlrn number up to date being
thirty-one. Most of these coniplulnts relate
to lnereHe In assessments made UKOII per-
city was a.scsscd at ntie-tlilld of Us actual
rash value, but the adopted for mm
year Is 40 per cent. This chane was made
for the purpone of putting personal prop
el ty on the same basis an real estate.
Hialty has been assessed for years nt
from 40 to 50 per cent of Its actual cash
valuation. Wllllnin Fleming, city tax roin-
mlMKlnner. heeded llui rnninlalnts Of own-
Merciiiilili i-inteii.
Most of the protests which have been
heard an far concerned stocks of mercliMU
dlse. The tax commissioner llxrd the as
sessment of M. K. Smith & Co. at
$90,000. Representatives of that companv
appeared before the board ami set up th.i
claim that the amount was excessive nnd
i far greater than that Imposed upon the
stocks of wholesale grocers nnd other c.
tensive Jobbers In the city. The board
Ilnally reduced the assessment to $73,OuO
TI10 Richardson Drug company Is anol vr
(Irm which Is objecting to Its asRessmi .
Last year the company's stock was assessed
at $40,000, which was an lucrrasc of $10,
1)00 over the assessment for previous year,.
For 1901 thn tax commissioner lias placed
tho nnsessmcut at $18,000 and the firm Is
seeking to have this amount reduced $1S,000.
Thcio Is much contention over the amount
ot taxes 10 be paid by factories which hao
branch houses in Omaha and Uoop largu
stocks In tho city. Mr. Fleming hns In
creased the assessments on nearly all linns
of this sort. In some cuscr theso com
panies have mado reports to tho city and
county which differ very radically and the
councllnu'ii are eudcavorlug to adjust thrse
assessments equitably.
Tho Creamery l'ackago company of Chi
cago, which lias a branch In Omaba, made
a return ot $1,200 to tho city tax conicjls
nloner and a return of $3,000 to tho county.
The county assesses properly at from one
flfth to one-sixth of its actual value, as
against Iho 40 per cent basis ot tho city.
I'lKiii'P I)ii ot Am-ee.
An estlmato of tho actual valuo of tho
Creamery l'ackago company's stock would
show that $23,000 Is the amount reported
to the coanty, while tho report to tho city
indicates a stock worth only $3,000.
Tho tax commissioner raised th'.- com
pany's assessment to $10,000. Representa
tives of the company appeared buforo tho
board and stnlcd that their original return
was too low, but that the tax comnilssloi
cr's assessment was excessive. After ex
amining the stock the board agreed to re
duce tho arsesaed valuation to $5,003
Complaints on realty havo como largely
from tho iwneis of smnll homes and the
reductions have been Might. Several pieces
of downtown property havo been under dis
cussion, but no action of Importance bus
been taken on property In the retnll dis
trict. TI10 Ames estato protested against,
tho assessment of $34,000 mado on tho build
ing occupied by tho Peoplo'a Furnlturo and
Carpet company. The board reduced the
assessment $1,000.
Victoria' DpiiiInp HiiInps tue"Hoii 11
('Hoc PpiiiIIiiu: til tile t lilted
MiiIpn Court.
David I). Woodruff of Toronto. Canada,
hns brought suit against the city of Kear
ney, Nob., to recover $0,000, alleged to Ui
duo him ns holder of utx bonds of the city
issued In nld of tho Kearney Canal and
Water Service company. The bonds worn
Issued in 1S94 to the amount of $50,000, and
bear 5 per cent Interest.
Woodruff's petition was verified January
23, and In It the petitioner slates thai he Is
a subject nf thn queen of I'ngland. Tho
queen died tho night before. Tills brought
up a discussion among soma of tho court
officers as to the necessity ot an amendment
to the petitions In rases now ponding In
federal courts where subjects of the British
crown nro piling citizens of tho United
States. In each caso the plaintiff asserts ho
In a subject of the queen of England, and
one i.t tho attaches thought tho petitions
should be amended by tho substitution of
tho word "king" In placo of "queen." Judge
Munger says no such change Is necessary.
"After suffering for two months from a
uevcro attack of grip I found quick relict
and a lasting cure by using Dr. Miles' Nerv
ine, Pain Pills and Heart Cure." Hnrry
Abbott, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Mnor' XIpnsciikc ' Pulls Heir In 11 n
Estate In ortli
James (!. Brnol.s, the young colored man
who acts as messenger to Mayor Moores, has
gone to Willlst'ju. N. I), to claim 1111 Inter
est in an estate which Is to bo admitted lo
probate In a few dii)S. Brooks and his
half-brother, whu Is suvcrnl yenrs his Junior,
are the only heirs lo a fortune estimated
to be worth many thousand dollars.
Years ago tho mother of tho two boys
went to North Dakota In thn employ of a
regular army ofllccr. One of her sons was
adopted by a wealthy white man who had
no heirs. Meantime Mrs. Brooks accumu
lated consldcrablo property and at tho tlmo
of her death she willed IU in her sons and
left 11 In tniHt with the adopted father of
her younger son Tills man died recently.
Hts Indlvlduul fortune will bo Inherited by
his adopted son nnd Mrs. Brooks' properly
will now be divided between her two chil
dren. "I had been In bed three weeks with grip
when m husband brought 1110 Dr. Miles'
Nervine, Pain Pills nnd Nerve and Liver
Pills. I was cured." Mrs. J. Relnlcr,
Franklin, Ind.
'V Pill -EIkIiI tP AIipiiiI nml X pt
Count N Spnri'i'ly
John W. Parish gulncd another ten votes
yebterday In tho contest cbbo against
County Attorney Shields. This remarkable
gain w us mado re-counting tho ballots of
a Hlngln precinct tho Third nf tho Second
ward No defective ballots wine found, but .
tho couut mado In court gave Mr. Parish
Just ten more votes than hail been counted
for him by th election officials.
Mr. Parish has a gain nf twnnty-olght
votes to his credit, with only tho ballots
of South Omaha and a few precincts In
tho city counted no far.
"My stomach was nftected by grip nnd I
eould cat nothing but crackers and milk.
I bepan taking Dr. Miles' Nervine nnd Pain
ills and ho trouble disappeared." Mrs.
i Luidiey Montrose, Minn,