Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 24, 1901, Image 5

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Henry Wilson, Aged Sixtj, a Nutire of
This City, the Unfortunate.
lArr I-"iiK I'luhtlliK a Clinrnr of
liors- SIcnllliK He Is (Ninvleled
unit DeHnre-s the Courts
.GOSHEN', InM.. Jan. 23. (Special Tele
gram.) Henry WlWoti, aged 60, of Omaha,
s.hllo on trial, oscuped from the circuit
courtroom Into this afternoon nnd went
direct to the drill? store of C. 0. Smith,
where ho procured nnd swallowed n larpe
quantity of strychnine before he was cap
tured Ity Udlllll (IonvIdk. Wilson wan ro
ccntly found utility of horse HieulltiK by n
Jury of twelvo men. Ho wok bioiiKht lnt)
court HiIh afternoon nnd sentenced to 100
days- In the county Jail. In n former trial
the Jury returned n verdict tlndini; the de
fendant utility of petit larceny mid the sen
tence was Used nt one year In the petil
tcntlnry. A motion wns made for n new
trial on the ground that the vcrdlit wan ir
rcKUlnr. The court sustained thin motion.
The prlHoner thin nfternonn entered a
plea of RUlHy nnd wnH given a jail sentence.
While the sheriff, constable and Judge were
busy with other mutters the prisoner
escaped from the courtroom nnd committed
the tnsli net, which will probably cost him
bin life.
Ho was arrested last summer and tried
at the last term of court, but the Jury dis
agreed. He whs recommitted to Jail to nwalt
a new trial. During his confinement nn er
roneous report became circulated to tho ef
fect that he was nn escaped convict from
the Cleveland prison. He has been an ex
emplary prisoner, mid only recently com-
munlrnted to tfhcrllT Illllott u touching story
of hlri career. lie declared his Intention
of committing suicide at the earliest oppor
tunity. He halls from Omaha, where ho was born
nnd raised nnd where ho now hns n wife
dnugliler ami ulster. He said the courts
were unjust. "1 was unjustly branded ns n
criminal,' he cnld, "and rather than endure
humiliation I had decided to take my life
He Is now unconscious nnd his recovery Is
South Omaha News
The newer bonds for dlstrlcta 10S ami
10; nro all made out and ready to nell. A
bond buyer In Chicago ban made an offer
of pnr for Die securities, which will doubt
less be nccepted by tho city olllclals. These
bonds are considered ftrst-clnss here, the
histories having been prepared under the
special direction of City Attorney Lambert,
so that there can hardly be any objection
made by municipal bond buyers.
What Is woirylng the city olllclals Is the
delay In tho inatler of the $70,000 refunding
Issue authorized Inst November. Tills issue
wan first sold to a representative of a
Chicago bond bouse for a premium of $700.
llefure the transaction was closed certain
cltl.cmt made public nsertlnii that more
premium could be secured If the council
would bold a public auction. The original
igreeiuent was then wiped out and an auc
tion held.
C. II. llnniinii of Counc il llluffs bid $2,100
premium nnd the Ismip was awarded to him.
Mr, I Ijui nn n aslicd for n lilstor of the
bondH, nnd slmr lilti. roj:cliitot t.he paper?
not-M' word has bruit heard from him: He
iSbCrled lhat he desired to send the papers
to his nttorneys in the east, but It Is re
ported here thnt nothing of the sort has
been done. Rumor has It that tho histories
have been placed In pigeon holes by Ilati
nmwiml thnt he floes not propone to carry
out his pnrt of the ngreement. When the
council meets In regular session on Keb
ruary 1 It Is moro than likely thnt Mr.
Ilunnnu will bo culled to account mid bo
given a certain length of time In which
lo determine whether he will nccept( the
bonds or not.
From a Council llluffs man who was In
South Omitlin yesterday It was learned that
thcro was little hope of selling South
Omaha bonds until some decided action
was tnken on tho new charter. It Ib consid
ered that with a now charter the city will
bo placed In a much better financial con
dition than It Is. The election of a tux
commissioner will ver likely cause nn
Increase In the valuation, and this is much
Jeslrcd by those Interested In the municipal
flnnnclal problem.
As soon mi the charter is printed a re
quest far 100 copies will be made nnd then
there will likely be n public meeting called
for the purpose of discussing the sections
over which there appears to bo somo con
troversy. I nrrrnsi'il Mull Nervlre ItciiiieMleil.
Postmaster Ktter Is nnxlounly awaiting n
reply from the authorities In Washington
In rclntlon to tho appointment of another
tlerk at the postolllce here Tho puckers
hnvo requested that tho olllco remain open
until II o'clock at night In order that late
mnll matter may be hnndled. As it Is now
the office closes nt ! o'clock and therefore
the packers are rompellcd to so their
late mail to Omaha. Ily the nppolnicnt of
nnothuY clerk the work In the mailing de
partment can be arranged so ns to comply
with the needs of the packers.
IVriiiiuirii t I'l'xtlioiiKi- Siiuki'xIi'iI,
While the smallpox scare Is dying out, no
new eases having been leported for several
dnys, the purchase of a pesthouse Is still
being considered by tho city oflUials. Ono
member of the council mnkes the sugges
tion that the city purchase twenty acres of
Hard Coighs
No matter how hard your
cough is or how long you have
had it, you want to get rid of
it, of course. It is too risky
to wait until you have con
sumption, for sometimes it's
impossible to cure this disease,
even with
If you arc coughing today,
don't wait until tomorrow, but
get a bottle of our Cherry Pec
toral at once and be relieved.
Three sizes: 25c, 50c., $1.03.
If rour itrugKlit cannot iurply you, ienil u out
dollar slid w will eirreM n W -ttlo o yon.
in" r"Vr. W .;;-? f? Ai,la3,cor
iimrrit eipren ofUce. Adilttn, J. s-. A xb CO
1jwtU, Mil.
ground outside of the city limits nnd erect
thereon n brick building, to bo used ns a
pesthouse. It is nsserted that It would bo
an cas matter to seenro a rann and wife to
take charge of the place for the privilege of,
farming the twenty acres. In this way'
thcro would be an emergency hospital pro
vided, which could be used nt any tlmo of
the year nnd ns occasion required.
It has been learned that tho land neces
sary could be purchased for not more than
$2,000 nnd n building suitable for the pur
poses Intended erected for ns much more.
Not more than $3,000 would bo needed to
carry out the plans suggested, and In soma
circles tho Idea Is considered a good one.
Preparing Crude.
It was reported In South Omaha yester
day thnt the Northwestern railroad had
let n contract for tho grading of tho tract
of Innd recently secured by It In the north
ern part of the city. It will bo remembered
that after tho land had been secured tho
city was requested to vacate parts of
Thirty-first. Thirty-second, Thirty-third,
Thirty-fourth, Thirty-fifth, West A, West
11 nnd West C streets nnd parts of tho
nllcys In blocks 217, 221, 222, 221, 225, 22fl.
227. 228. 22!t, 220 nnl 231.
t'pon the representation of attorneys for
the railroad company tho request was
grnnted by the council nnd nn ordinance
passed under a suspension of tho rules. A
statement was mndo to tho city fathers
that tho rnllrond compony would proceed
nt nn early date to expend In tho neigh
borhood of $100,000 on Improvements. The
letting of the grading contract Is the first
step. This work will bo commenced ns
soon an steam shovels can bo secured.
When the grading In completed a round
house and various other buildings will bo
erected on tho property, as well as a largo
number of storngo tracks.
Coinplnliil Aim tit Hlilrtrnlkn.
Councilman Johnston Is figuring on going
nfter tho street commissioner on account of
tho condition of tho wooden sidewalks.
About two months ago Johnston offered n
motion In tho council, nnd It was adopted,
directing tho street commissioner to pro
ceed nt onco In a systematic raannet 'o re
pair wooden walks all over tho city. Tho
Idea wos to send n couple of men In n
wagon loaded with material up one street
nnd down tho next repairing any defects.
It was hoped that in this way accidents nnd
dnmago suits could bo prevented.
It Is understood that Johnston complains
Hint tho street commissioner Is not doing
hln duty in this respect, and unless thcro Is
n marked Improvement In tho condition of
tho walks, the repairing may bo placod In
the hands of another city official.
I'iiIIim- lluiitltiK Suspi-uts.
Chief Mitchell said last evening that ho
had one or two men in Jail who were sus
pected of being Implicated In tho 'Mnrkley
holdup. A thorough Investigation Is being
mndo and In this connection nil suspicious
characters will bo arrested. In other words
there will be n gcnernl cleaning up by the
police, ami persons having no visible means
of support will be called to answer to tho
police Judge.
No IniiiH-xl fiiIiiI.
Coroner Swnnson bns decided that nn In
quest In the enso of Joseph Thiol Is not
neceiisary. An Investigation shows that the
shooting of the lad was purely accidental.
Tho remains were forwarded to Lincoln
yesterday nfternoon for Interment.
Mimli' 'lt.v (Jiisslp.
Hlrny Tlbblts Is on the sick list.
Mrs. Hurlon Mro, Twenty-first nnd J
sheets. N on the sick list.
Sessions at Hellevuo college hnve been
resumed after a week's vacation.
An Interesting meeting of the Ancient Or
der ot Cnlted Workmen nnd the Degree of
181(1 -Future queen horn, May 24.
1837 Accession to throne, Juno 20.
1S3S Coronation, Westminster abbey, Juno
25. Transatlantic steam navigation
1839 Madman arrested trying to enter
Buckingham palace. Anti-Corn Law
league formed, llrltlsh forces oc
cupy Cabul. llrltlsh took posses
slon of Aden.
IS 10 Queen married to Prince Albert. Feb
ruary 10. Insane potboy tries to
shoot king and queen. Juno 10.
Cheap postage Introduced lu Eng
land. Princess royal born, later
Ktnprcss Frederick, November 21.
llrltlsh nnd Austrian expedition to
Syrln. Mehemct All sues for pence.
1811 Sir Hubert Peel succeeds Lord Mel
bourne ns premier. Prince of Wales
born, November !. Successful In
surrection In Cabul. llrltlsh tnko
Canton and Amoy.
1812 John Francis tried lo shoot queen,
May 30. John William nean potmen
pistol nt queen, July 3. llrltlsh
withdrew from Afghanistan. Hong
Kong ceded to England. Chinese
ports opened. llrltlsh took Iloer
republic In Natal.
1843 Princess Alice Maud Mary born,
April 25. Sclndo annexed to Brit
ish India. Queen nnd Prlnco Albert
visit king nnd queen of Frnuco.
Prlnco Alfred born, August 6. Louis
Phlllppo visits queen.
1815 Seals of colonlnl olllco given lo Mr.
tlladstone. Knglnnd nnd Franco
made war on dictator of Argentino
Hepubllc. Outbrenk first Sikh war.
181C Prlnco Helena born. May 25. Anglo
American treaty settling northwest
boundnry of United States. Orcat
famine In Ireland. Corn laws ro
pealed. Sikhs defeated, ceded ter
ritory to Unst India company.
IS17Queen headed Irish fnralno subscrlp
' Hon.
jgl$lrlncess Louise born, March 18.
Queen nnd Prlnco Albert visit fugi
tive French royal family at Clare
mont. Croat chartist demonstration
In London. Insurrection In Irelnnd
nttcmpted. Outbreak second Sikh
war. Orango lllvcr sovereignty oc
cupied. Boers established Trans
vnnl llonubllc.
1S1D Hnmllton llrcd at queen. Queen first
visited Ireland. owns ueicnu-u.
-Ptmlnuli annexed to British India.
1850 Prlnco Arthur born, May 1. Hohert
Pate attacked queen witn suck.
Clayton-Butwer treaty concluded.
Tnl ii In tf rebellion. China.
1851 Queen opened great exposition, nur-
malt provoked liruisn nosuuues.
p.ntii found in Australia.
1852 First Derby ministry succeeded Kus-
sell administration. Aberdeen suc
ceeded Derby. London protocol on
succession In Denmark nnd Schles-wig-Holstcln.
llrltlsh victories In
Burmah. Pegu acquired.
1S33 Prince Leopold born, April 7. Hoyal
family visited Irolnnd.
1851 Crimean war formally begun by doc
larntlon of England ' and Franco
ngnlnst Russia.
1851 Brltlsh-Jnpanese treaty. llrltlsh per
mitted Orango Illvor republic. Com
mander McClure accomplished
northwest passage.
1855 Fronch emperor and empress visited
queen at Windsor and vlalt returned
In Paris. Palmrrston succeeded
Aberdeen as premier. Livingstone
discovered Victoria Falls.
185C Treaty of ParU ended Crimean war.
Oude annexed to Hrl'lah India. Out
break second v,r, Knglnnd against
China. Persians occupied Herat, In
volved In war with, government of
India, successfully ended by British
next year.
1S57 Outbrenk of Indian mutiny. Cantos
occupied by British aud French.
Chronology of Victoria's Reign.
Hinor was held at Odd Fellows' hall Inst,
eventlm. I
City Knglncer Heal Is Indisposed on ac
cojnt of a mild attack of tho grip.
The revival at tho 'Presbyterian church
continues. Dr. Jamison's topic for Thurs
day night will be "A Question of Spiritual i
Tho repairs to tho Q street viaduct nro I
belnr; pushed during- tho good weather. It.
Is xeeted that the brldgo will bo re-'
openco in aooui ten unys.
The "stocking social" to be given by the
Ladles' Aid society of the First Presby
terian church on February 8 will bo held at
the residence of Robert Gilchrist. 1318 North
Twenty-sixth street. Instead of nt the home
of Mrs. Ames.
I.nst night at tho Presbyterian church the
pastor, Hev. Dr. It. L. Wheoler, delivered
hi address on tho subject, "Gettlnp Into
the Family of tho Lord Jettus." Following
the address there was a public reception
and baptism of candidates lor church mem
Commercial Colleur Professor Ant
Held mi Clinrnc Miutc liy One
of Ills Pnplls.
Prof. George II. Hohrbaugh of tho Omaha
Commercial college was on trlnl before
Justlco of tho Peaco Prltchnrd yesterday on
a charge of assault, made by one of the
pupils of the school, Miss Clarlta Ilogcrs.
It was undisputed In tho hearing of the
caso that tho trouble arose over the tardi
ness pt Miss Ilogers on tho morning of De
cember 9, nnd tho subsequent refusal to her
of admission to the school room. According
to tho professor tho girl appeared beforo
him In a haughty manner nnd stated her
excuse for being late. Sho was refused
entrance to tho school room during that
session nnd was told to go homo. Thin
was too much for tho prldo of the pupil,
and shn Insisted upon entering tho school
room. The professor said thnt ho took hold
of her arm and drew hor back, and thnt
sho caught her foot In the carpet nnd fell.
Ho said that ho picked her up and offered
her a seal.
Mlfs Ilogcrs said that tho professor JcYkcd
her so violently that sho fell, and that ho
raised her to her feet and slapped her In
the face. Other witnesses appeared and
supported the version of tho affair related
by tho professor. Tho Justlco docldod thnt
tho Instructor had merely Insisted on
obcdlenco to his order and tho rules of tho
school. Ho thercforo dismissed tho caso
and discharged the professor.
Itrcotmt of Threi- S ml "IViird lr-
rlnri CJIves Count)- Attorney
flnln of Tun Vote.
Judge Vlnsonhnlcr, still suffering with
tho grip, nppeared at tho court house yes
terday morning nnd rostimed tho henrlng
of tho Parish-Shields election contest case.
The election Judges of n number of pre
cincts In tho First wnrd wcro put nn the
witness stnnd nnd Identified tho ballots
returned by them to tho county clerk, after
which tho count proceeded.
The count of the votes of thrco precincts
of tho Second wnrd was completed yester
day, showing a not gnln of two for Shields.
The contestant, so far, has gained a total
of eighteen votes.
Dion nt IIIh .Mutlicr'n Homo.
T. M. Orr, nsslstant to President Ilurt
of tho Union Pacific and other officials of
that company, as well ns many old-tlmo
railroad men In this city, wero pained yes
terday to lenrn of tho death of J. S. Teh
bets, which occurred nt his mother's homo
In lioston last Snturdny. From 1SS7 to
181)1 Mr. Te.bbets wns connected with tho
Union Pacific In different official cnpacltles
first as nsslstant general freight agent nt
Princess Heatrlco born, April 14.
1858 Second Derby ministry succeeded
Pnlmcrston. Hebrew disability In
Brltntn removed. Indian mutiny
virtually suppressed and govern
ment transferred from East Indian
company to crown. Treaty with
China. Queon congratulated Amer
ican president over now trans-Atlantic
cable, August 22.
1859 Quel n's first grandchild, now Emperor
William II, born, January 27. Pnlin
erston succeeded Derby ns premier,
June. Difficulties with Chlnn.
1800 Invitation of President Buchanan for
prlnco of Wnles to visit Amorlca
nccepted by queen. Anglo-French
expedition occupied Pekin.
1801 Duchess of Kent, queen's mother, died.
Qi.ccn'8 third visit to Ireland.
Prince consort died, December It.
England, Franco nnd Spain sent
fleets to Mexico.
1882 United States granted British demand
for rcleaso of Mason nnd Slldcll.
1803 Prlnco of Wnles married March 10.
Franco declared war on Mexico;
England nnd Spain withdrew forces.
Brltnln renounced renunciation of
protcctornto over Ionian islands.
1SG1 Baker discovered Loko Albert Ny-
1805 Measures taken to suppress Fenians
In Ireland. Pnlmcrston dlod. Rus
sell premier for second time.
1SGC Queen thanked Mr. (leorgo Penbody,
American philanthropist, for gifts of
$1,750,000 to London poor. Fenians
attempted Invasion of Canada. Rus
sell resigned. Third Derby min
istry. Successful establishment of
telegraphy between Europe and
1567 Fenian Insurrection In Irelnnd. Do
minion ot Canada constituted. Re
form net passed. Outbreak of
Abyssinian war; ended next year.
1568 Disraeli auccoeded Derby as premier.
Reform act for Scotland and Ire
land. Olndstono eucccencd DisracM,
1869 Irish church disestablished, to takn
effect 1671. Pacific railway and
Suez canal completed.
1870 Empress Eugcnlo visited quoen. Irish
land act. Elomentary education net
for England and Wales. Baker led
expedition up tho Nile.
1871 Former Emporor Louis Napoleon vis
ited queen. Treaty of Washington
to settle tho Alabama question.
Muriey found Livingstone. Grave
condition of queen's health an
nounced, and prince ot Wales had
typhoid fiver.
1872 Queen present nt thanksgiving for
prlnco of Wnles' recovory. America
obtains tho Alnbatrn award. Ballot
bill pnssed.
1S74 Disraeli Fiiccecds Olndstono ns pre
mier. Britain annexed FIJI Islands.
Aehanteo war ended.
1875 Britain bought sultan's sharo In Suez
1876 Queen proclaimed empress of India In
London. Constantinople conference
opened: closed nixt year.
1877 Queon received Oenornl firnnt. British
took Transvaal republic.
1S78 Britain occupied Cypress. Trcnty ot
Berlin. War ngalnst Afghanistan.
1879 War against Zulus. Queen's first
Rront-gretit-grandchlld born. Prin
cess Chnrlotto of Snxc-Mcinlngen.
May 12, niodstono succeeds Ben
consfleld ns premier. Acttvo agrar
ian mnvemont In Irelnnd. Roberts
entered Kandahar. Transvaal upris
ing. 1SS1 Queen telegraphs sympathy on Presi
dent Onrfleld's death nnd court went
Into mourning. British defeated by
the Doers nt Majuba hill, autonomy
granted, Irish Innd bill passed.
I'arnell imprisoned. Imd league
manifesto. British evacuated Kau Mahal revolt In Soudan,
Knnsas City, and later ns gcnernl passen
ger agent, gcnernl freight agent and general
superintendent of the Union Pacific cool
properties. After leaving the Union Pacific
Mr. Tcbbets was connected with tho West
Inghouse Electrical company at Chicago.
Mi-ctltiir of tin- Prospect lllll Im
provement CI nil Dor Aot Attrnet
.Mtinlclim! Oinclnln.
Members of tho city council failed to at
tend the meeting of the Prospect Hill Im
provement club, held Wednesday night at
Thirty-fourth nnd Decatur streets, as they
wero expected to do In order to hear of
tho needs ot the district In the way ot
public Improvements. There wns no dis
position on the pnrt ot tho members to
blnmo tho counclltnen, Individually or col
lectively, and ono ot them expressed tho
general sentiment when he remarked that
few of tho counclltnen owned conveyances
or lanterns nnd both wero necessary to
reach tho meeting place. As the council
could not come to tho club, the club decided
to go to tho council, nnd the members will
appear beforo the general committee meet
ing next Mondoy afternoon to urgo Imme
diate action in tho matter of opening Thirty-third
street so the street railway may bo
I'lnncer Settler of .VchrnsUii Htic
runtli to mi Atliiuk of
Tatrlck O'CIormnn died shortly nfter 3
o'clock yesterday morning at his home, 2109
Nicholas street. Pneumonia caused his
death. Mr. O'Oormnn wns nn Omaha pio
neer, having come hero In 1857. Ho was
prominently Identified with carlv Omaha
nnd has lived In the city continuously slnco
ho originally settled In Nebraska. He was
tho owner of valuable, Omaha real estute.
Mr. O'Horman was 13 years of ago and Is
Btirvlvcd by a wife and two daughters. Tho
funeral will be nt 0 o'clock Frldny morning
at 9f. John's church nnd Interment will bo
In Holy Sepulchre cemetery.
Nhm-I Action Ileolrrd,
Km tn n Rich appeared In Judgo Dickin
son's court yesterday nnd asked to be
given a divorce In a hurry. Sho had no
counsel, but Insisted that alio was ablo to
mako out a strong case of cruelty against
her husband. John, without legal assistance.
Judgo Dickinson was engaged In hearing
another enso nnd had no tlmo to tnko up
tho dlvorco story. Ho told Mrs. Klch to
come nguln and advised lier to rotnln nn
Aching In tho smnll of tho back Is an In
dication of llrlght's disease. Tho propor
course In such enses Is to take n few dosos
of Prickly Ash Hitters, it Is an effective
kidney remedy and bowel regulntor.
Heiic)- I,ruirti MrclliiK.
There will he a meeting nt the parish
house of Trinity cathedral nt :i o'clock this
afternoon for the purpose of organizing on
Omnha brunch of the Keelev league. Mrs.
Hutelier of Minneapolis will address tho
meeting on the objects and work of the
league, which has been successfully estab
lished In most of the large titles of the
country. All people Interested In the cause
of tempernnco are Invited to attend tho
Dunce nnil lleectit Ion.
A reception and dunce wm given In
Chambers' Dancing iieudeitiv Wednesday
evening by Dr. and Mrs. William II. Slier
rndeii and Mr. ami Mrs. T. C Vim Huron.
Tho party was n calico bull and the c ittou
fabric, In many rotors, formed the decora
tions of the hull. Prof. Chinnlmra was In
charge of the ijiuicliiu; and Mrs. M. .1.
flreevy superintended the servlco of tho
lunch, served from a calico booth
Rodcrlc McLean shot at queen. Eu
ropeans massacred in Alexandria.
War ngalnst Arab! Pasha, who was
defeated. Parnell released. Lord
Cavendish murdered In Dublin. Irish
National league formed.
Queen Injured by slipping on stairs.
Cordon shut up In Khurtoum. Fran
chise bill passed.
Irish dynamite outrages In London.
Mahdl captured Khartoum, Cordon
killed. British forco withdrawn from
Soudan. Death of Mahdl. British
prepare to meet Russian ndvanco on
Herat; settlement effected. Kiel re
bellion In Canada. Salisbury suc
ceeded Kladstonn as premier. Con
quest of Burmah. Canadian Pacific
railway completed.
Queen opened Colonial and Indian ex
hibition. Burmah annexed. Clad
stono succeeded Salisbury, proposed
homo rule, aud was succeeded by
Queen's Jubilee celebrated. Queen
sent duko of Norfolk to congratu
late tho popo on his ecclesiastical
Queen presont at rclcbrntlon of
prlnco of Wales' sjlver wedding.
Fisheries trcnty with United States
rejected by senate. Osmnn Dlgnn
defeated near Sunklni,
British collision with Portugal In
southeast Africa. Samoan confer
ence with United States and Gor-
Portugal ylolded to British demands.
Treaty with Germany defining
spheres In Africa and ceding Heli
goland to Germany. Protcctornto
of Zanzibar assumed.
Queen reviewed Fronch fleet. Osmnn
Dlgnn completely defeated.
Duke of Clnrenco died. Agreomont
with United States to arbitrate Be
ring sea seal fisheries dispute.
Olndstono succeeded Salisbury as
Queen opened Imperial Institute
Homo rule bill introduced. Bering
sea arbitration award against
America. British East Africa com
pany defeated king of Mataboleland.
Queen formally Inaugurated Man
chester ship canal. Prince Edward
of York born, Juno 23. Rosobery
succeeded (iladstono ns premier.
Salisbury succeeded Rosebery. Pres
ident Clovolnnd sent message to
Britain regarding Venezuelan boun
dary dispute.
Queen received LI Hung Chang.
Queen on Soptombcr 23 had rolgned
longer than any former British
snvereien. Britain grnnted Amerl
can demand for Venezuelan arbi
tration. Jameson raid. Asbnntees
compelled to accept British sover
elgnty. Kitchener occupied Don-
Queen's "Diamond Jubilee" celebrated
Sennto rojected Anglo-American
gcnornl arbitration treaty. Auton
omy of Creto declared by powers,
Grand Duchess Tut I mm of Russia
queen's thirtieth great-grandchild
born. Revolt of Indian hill tribes
ou Afghan froutler.
Two-cent postngo went Into effect
between Britain nnd colonies.
Dervish forco surrendered. Venezue
lan arbitration award a compro
m'se. Transvaal declared war Oc
lobcr II; colonics rallied to support
Britain. Agreement with Amorlca
nnd Germany for partition of Sa
Queen welcomed In Ireland. Interna
tional expeditions occupied Pekln
Punitive expedition ngalnst Ashan
tees. Australian colonies formed
commonwealth of Australia. Trans
vaal and Orango Free State an
January 22, death of the queen,
Company Hai Plana for Laying Track to
Twenty-Fourth and Vinton Street.
Mori- Frequent Curs to South Omnbn
from Ames Arrnne When Tivoiit)--I'ourth
Street Vlmlnet Is
At the meeting of the Southwest Im
provement club last night It w'as reported
that tho Omaha Street Railway company
had under consideration plans for running
track from Twenty-fourth nnd Leaven
worth streets to Twenty-fourth nnd Vinton
streets nnd putting on a flftecn-mlnuto
service ever tho park lino between Ames
avenue and South Omaha ns soon ns the
Twenty-fourth street viaduct Is completed.
It was decided to endeavor to comment-
orato tho work of the club In securing tho
viaduct by n stone to be set In tho northern
abutment of the bridge.
Tho quertlon of tho chango In the charter
provision regarding the paving nnd repay
ing of streets was brought up by City At
torney Conned, who uddressed the club In
behalf of his measure. Tho matter was
passed over until the next meeting, nnd
Mr. Yates, Mr. Popplcton nnd others will
be Invited lo lay their sldu of the question
before the club, Mr. Connell also being asked
to bo presonj nt that time.
Attention, Knlli of I'.Tlliln!
All brothers are renuested to meet at the
undertaking rooms ot Bttrkutt & Dodder.
Twenty-third nnd Cuming streets, nt 6
o'clock p. in., Thursday, January 21, to
accompany tho remains of Brother M. H.
icKenna of Mnrs No. 130. Knights of
ythlas, to tho depot. J. D. BEIIRENS.
Chancellor Commander.
.Mini nii'llKOn of ClilrilK". ANnlsted li
I.oenl i'nli-iil, M'lll (live Oruiui
llccllnl Toniorrmr Muht,
A freo organ recital will bo given In
Kountze Memorial church this even
ing by Miss Ingeborg Sorenson of Chicago.
Miss Sorenson la highly spoken of by Chi
cago artists, being a pupil of such eminent
teachers ns Edmund W. Chaffee, Francis
Mooro and Angclo Pntrlcolo. Sho Will bo
assisted by Miss May Weaver, soprano so
loist, and Mr. Delmnro Cheney, director of
Kountze Memorial church choir.
The program Includes Dudley Buck's
"Triumphal March," Oullmnnt's "Lamenta
tion" nnd severnl other selections for tho
organ. Miss Weaver will sing Watson's
Babylon," nnd Mr. Cheney will sing "Tho
Holy City."
Seeretnrv Coliurn of the Hoard of Public
Works suffered a sovero fall and Inlured
his arm so badly that ho has been uiinhle
to be nt his olllco In the city hull for sev
eral days.
Tho department of superintendence of Hie
National Educational association will hold
Iti annual meetltur In Cblcneo Fehruiirv It,.
27 nnd 2S. Superintendent Penrso of Omaha
win attend me meetings.
Tho Hugh Mel'affrev ciiiiuinnv has tnken
nut a permit for the reconstruction of h")'.v
windows In the buildings located nt 107 nnd
109 South Sixteenth street. The window
will be extended Into the street eighteen
It. M. Wilcox. 1702 Canton street. Iiiih re
ported to tho police that Monday night ii
quantity of his carpenters' tools, valued til
$:.', wns stolen from a now building nt
Twenty-llrst street and Avenuo U, South
HenresentntlveM of the Ames estate nn-
penred before tho Hoard of Equalization
today and secured the reduction of the as
sessed valuation of tho hulldlng occupied
by tho M. E. Smith company from
to $22,omi.
William S. Oreenleaf. n. confectioner, linn
been HUid for divorce by Jessie (Jrecnlcuf.
to whom ho was married on Hentemher 2.1
last. She alleges desertion nnd failure to
support, and asks the court to rcstoro her
miiKicu name, Jessie tinnier.
The W. J. IJrnuti'h Iron rotiiiianv 'lied
articles of Incorporation with tho cou.ity
clerk yesterday. The capital stock
sninuntK to $100.fV and tho Incorporators
nnd directors are V,'. J. .1. W.
McDonald and John H. Marsh.
Jt. H. Carter, city bulldlnir Insncctnr.
Ikim begun work on the destruction of a
dilapidated burn located at 022 South Seven
teenth street. The building was condemned
nnd ordered down by the Advisory board.
out the ownem reinsert to ooey the orJers.
Oeorgo Todsen. a waiter at the Her
Grand, complained to tho pollro Tuesday
of tho theft of a gold tilled, hunting case
watch and u gold-plated chain. He ns
serted that some one had entered his room
In tho Her tlrand annex, forced tho lock on
his trunk nnd taken the timepiece.
At the General committee meeting Mon
thly afternoon the council will consider n
plan for assessing taxes for the opening of
Thirty-third street from California street
to t urning street. it is tne desire or tho
council to have nil Interested nronerty
owners in nttendnnco upon that meeting.
Rodents uud mutches are assigned as the
cause of a small blaze at 4202 North
Twenty-fourth street at 7 o'clock Tuesday
evening. Tho one-story frame residence Is
occupied by Mrs. Sarah Bernstein and
owned by Fred D. Wend. The total loss
wuh J7ii and wend carried j.iw insurance on
tho house.
M. It. Hopewell of Teknmnh anil .1. C.
Van Hlner wero Nebraska guests Wednes
day nt the Millard.
Mrs. W III am Wheeler. AVnkelle Id: Mr.
George t'ross, Fnlrbnry; Mr. and Mrs. I.
("owperthwalt. Seward, and Mr. and Mis.
1-' V. Heed. Shelton, registered Wednesday
ut tho Murray.
Rev. and Mrs. W. II. Doggett of HriMcn
How; Dr. fl. M. Smith. Irn J. Ayres end
W. F. Currle, Lincoln: II. J. Cuullletd, Nor
folk, and John NnrdhoiiMe. Nebraska City.
lire state guests at tho Her Grand.
Nebraska!!!! at Hie Merchants: Mr. and
Mrs. F. W. Hlssell. Wolbach: Mr and Mrs.
('. M. Thompson. Newport: II. II. Bowers,
Tekamiih; I). I) Hall, Norfolk; If. .1.
Smith, Ilowells; ! . t' Dryer. Grand Island;
V P. Morgan. Pnidlliun; Ed Port. Pin -line,
A. K FniEiiier, Cnrleton. F F
Sheridan, Strang, uml T. Harrison, Edgir
After Doctors Fail
Baton Rouge, La.. Feb. 12, 1900.
I was a lulfertr for seventeen yean. I had three family doctors in consultation and they decided that my
health would remain bad until I had a child. They continued to treat me for four years with no success except to
get our money. There were two more years with n great expenditure of money with no sitlilactory results and we
abandoned all hope. Finally our cousin, Jane jones, of Woodvllle, Mill., riald us a visit and finding my health very
bad, Introduced Wine of Cardui and Thedford's Mack.Draught and we decided to give them a trial. My husband then
wrote for a copy of Home Treatment of Female Diseases. After studying its contents, I found all my complaints
outlined, word for word, and sent for a bottle of Wine of Cardui and a package of Thedford's Mack-Draught. After
the use of the first I found relief. I re-ordered until I had used eleven bottles and found my health very
much Improved. To our surprise a baby soon appeared. She Is fust as fat as a pig. Such a thing had not hap.
pened in seventeen years. I would urge all ladies In poor health to use your medicines. They are more than you
claim they are, I have not had any use for a doctor since using the first bottle of your wonderful medicine My
health Is all right In every way. ' Mrs. I. f GERMANY.
Think of her suffering (he agonies of female complaint for seventeen years and the suffering all
unnecessary. Mrs. Germany could have been cured years ago just as well as now had she only taken
Wine of Cardui. She need not have had those '"arrowing pains and grinding aches. Her experience
should Induce every sufferer who reads this paper to'Wine of Cardui a trial. Instead of wasting
time and money with doctors when no benefit is being received from them, get a bottle of this threat
medicine from your druggist. Wine of Cardui will annihilate those monthly pains which make your
life torture and will bring you a permanent cure. Don't decide you cannot be well even when
doctors have failed. Try Wine of Cardui. All druggists sell $1.00 bottles.
ilM.llBWfc II
Sutfarod for Twenty Years.
"For twonty years I suticre-d ntjonlz
tng pains from chronic ititUiostioti. I
trletl ovory iloctor and moillntno that
I coulil soouro, but without roliof, until
I bocatno convinced that I must die.
I trlod Kodoi. Dvsrr.raiA Cims and
Improved from the first doso. I con
tinued Its tiso until now Iain perfectly
woll." Mrs. M. Ilouston, Omaha, Mo.
It can't help but do you good.
Prepared only by E. O. OeWITT A CO., Chlonno, 60 ets. and 81. aattlo.
Tho large slio contains 3K times the small sUo.
You spend
half your lifetime
in your office. Why stand the aggravation of dirt
and cold of miserable elevator service bad light and
ventilation? There is no office building in the town kept
The Bee Building
The best is none too good for you, and you will find it a
good business investment to take n half hour and look at
the three or four vacant rooms. We keep them tlllod.
R. C. Peters & Co., Bee Building,
Mental Agents, Ground Floor.
nerves, vihlch reach out trom .1 common centre to .ill
p.uis of the lo J y . us as our crut tclecr.ipli systems
rt.icn um .in over me
worll. Time nerves me
very bm.ill ulille threads,
nnj are conductors ot
lileclrlclly. They keep all
tiienrgtnt of the l'od In
acililtv anj amp them to
perform their proper func
tions. If some of these
nerves become deranged
and fall to transmit the
neccswry l!lectrlclt , jou
itwn h-come WlMK and ,
nervous. The organs he-
mm. Ion lui.l..
ened. rrodticinp the manv).
Ill from hlcli men and II
women suffer.
Is to supply tlie'tieedeJ Electricity to v.e.ilc organ and
nerve nnj rapidly return )ou lu lieillh and Miencth.
I liwe sliiiieJ the Ve.tkneeof men and women and 1
lilcctrlrltvas a rurallvo ncent for years, and know ex
actly whit tny D trtc lielt will dn. therefore I fru-ir-r.nlea
tha euro In every case; If It falls I refund every
cent you psvfor It. .My Melt IsGlMRANTi 1 1 TocUkC
all weaknesses In either sex; restore Vlulllv, cure
Kheumallsm In any form. Varicose Veins, Kidney,
Liver and llladder Trouble, Constipation. Dyspepsia,
all I-cmale Complaints, elcneral and Nervous Debility.
Wrlie lo-dav for my hook, "The Hndlnj; of the
Fountain of Eternal Youth." Sent free, postpaid, for
theasklnc. Hook will tell you all about It. Soldonlyby
DR. BENNETT Electric Belt Co.
Itooin IS to -i llotiKlim lllork,
l)otlu mill llllh Street, Oiiiiilin, .Hi.
ltemorci Tan, I'lmple.
Frccklea. Jloth l'atche.
blemlth on beauty.
ami derlea detet- '
lion. It haa atood
the test ot tl
years, and li to
harmless we taate
It to be sure It
la properly made. ,
Accept no counter
feit of almllai
name. Dr. I. A. '
Harra aald to a la
dy of the haut.toa
(a catlent)! 1
you ladles will nan them. I recom
QOUHAUD'K CREAM' as th Itaat
harmful of all tlio Skin preparations." For
dale tiy all Drupi;lsts nnil Fancy Good,
Dealers tn tho U. S. and Europ.
FKIIIt. T. HOI-KINS. I'rup'r,
7 Great Jon, Bt, N. T.
ib Interested and should know
about the wouUetlul
The new Vaclnal Syrliice.
lvjtction and Suclifi
' i 1 a aX
Heat Safest Must Lou-
A at I nur fnF II.
11 lie bbiplr tlie
I.VIts IX. iepi li
...I... .... .all.l Ifll.n tiJ Itlu.
Irateii look Hrillell. It i;Im full
partli ular iitI 'lr- t n ln:'li.abl',
toiamrs .Tizsait r.i, ...
Ilun ill eflTliiim IIUK-, .( VorU
rtII,AN'STAriw,KS Ib nn effectual run!
for th Ills which originate In n bad rtom
ach. 10 for Gc. At all druggists.
' i
X i
In casta rciulrlnr special direction a. dilreas, irlvinst symptoms, "Tim I.adlai'
Advisory Department ". The OhattauooKH Medldno Go,, Chattanooga, Tonn.
III 1 ! I, III ! M IIM I, Ml MHl'llll I I I
Dynepila Tablets did no Good.
"I hud stomach troublo for years,
often so bad I had to abandon busi
ness and remain in bed. I trlod phy
sicians Mul all kinds of dyspepsia
tablots In vain. 1 conimencod ultip
Kodoi, DTBlT.rslJL CtmK atulrecclve:l
immndiato relief and lesti than two
bottles of it euVcted a permanent
euro." Q. R. Colbath, Alpena, Mich.,
Special B.
to Florida, Koy
Culm, Henmidn, Old
tho Mediterranean
nnil Orient.
Hates for thn round trln to
innuy iiolnts couth on tmln
llmt nnd third Tuesday
each month.
To Hot HjirlnKS, Arlc, thn
famoiiii Winter llpsort uf
America, on ualo ovory day
In tho ycur.
Tlckct3 now on b.iIo to all tho wlntor re
portn of tho south, cooil returning until
Juno lnt, 1901. Fur mich, descriptive, mut
ter and pnmphlotB and nil other Information
call nt U. & St. Louis Ticket Olllco, 1415
Far nam St., (Paxton Hotel Dulldlng.) or
Harry E. Moorcs,
G P. & T. A., Omnlin. Nob.
Hun via the
Leave Omaha
vlu Scenic Route through Colorado and
l:or Information nnd "Tourist Dictionary" City Ticket Office. 1313 Parnum St.
Uniaha, Neb.
IlENO VATOB Invigorates nnd renovates tho
hVHtimi, purities and enriches tho Mood; cures
tho worst dyspepsia, constipation, headache,
liver and klilneyi. SAoniultl ntdruKKlsts. Freo
luivim humpui HUM HOOK.
Dr It .1 Kay, Saratona, N Y.
' rr.M'.LE MMNS
llri'ttt inonlhlv-
I men milt nnn full.
tirri uiont atlitihorn rar relieved In few ilarii I)
nl hnrmian .Mcllonnell", Kiihn A Co, ami nth"
druitglmor mailed byMon DrutfCo. ilulTalu, N V