Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 23, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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Praised by a
From the Era Headlight, Grand
JuncUun, loua.
No higher prnlno can bo elven Dr.
Wllllnuu' rink Pills for l'nlo 1'ec-
file thnn the many voluntary te
Imonliiln from ministers of tlio
Koipel which hnvo come from nil
pari of the country and which
have more than rupnortetl nil tli
clulin made for thin excellent
The mott recent Indorsement l
thnt coining from He v. Knoch
Hill, pin lor of tlioM. 13, Church of
Urnnd Junction, Iowa, who my!
" I am n firm believer In the efH
ency of Dr. Wllllnms' Pink PIIH
for l'nlo. People, the remedy hnv
liiKheeu usctl In my family with
highly gratifying renults. For
three or four yenrn I wns n sittTerer
from general debility. I eemed to
he lacking In vitality, vui tlrnl '
out niott of tho I lino nnd sleep
gave me no rent orrcfrenhment. I
wait troubled w Ith hcndiiche much
of tho time und although I w as not
confined to my bed, my Illness In
capacitated me for energetic work
In my pastorate.
"A sUter-ln-lnw living lu Ne
hrnikn, who had suiroreti very
much and wlio Inia until Dr. Wil
liams' Pink Pills with good re
ittltt, recomnirnded them to inn
nnd I decided to try them. I bad
taken but two or tlirrti doles of
the pllU when 1 found that they
woro helping mo nnd furtlierusonf
the remedy brought such rellof
thnt I im Kind to offer IhU ptlbllo
recommendntlon of Dr. WllllnmV
Pink PIIIb for Pale People In the
Interest of Buffering humanity.
IIev. K.vocit liiM.
At nil drugglM or direct from
Dr. Wllllnms Medicine Company,
Hchenectmly, N, Y., too. pur box;
lx lioxca
One of Cupid's
strongest, allies is stationery (i. e., good stationery, and
that which comes from our counters is particularly fetch
ing, artistic and dainty. You'll tlnd the prices just right
just what they should he for good stationery.
Megeath Stationery Co.
Recent Volumes Put Forth for tho Approtal
of tho Beading Public,
ClilcnKO Solio nr IVrltp of A nierlrn u
KyiiiuirIoii In vi'fitlKiit luu (lit' 'un
til! Iimim mill Men tin of ! clop-
in rut nf (lie Mlnil,
Prof. IMwIn Knrle Sparks, assistant
profcHHor of American history In the Vnl
erslty of Chicago, tins written "Tho Hx
pnnslon of tho American People: Social nnd
Territorial." Tho ntttlior hns been pnrtle-1
ulnrly happy In his Helcctlon of materials
to show tho growth of the Atnerlonn peo
ple. Tho munncr of lIvlnK. tho methods of
travel, tho moilo of doing business nil
those materlnl manifestations of the so
clnl. Intellectual nnd political development
of tho nntlon nro graphically described nnd
nliundantly Uluutrnted by menus of repro
ductions of old wood cuts nnd photographs
of every description. The: poolt Is InvnU
nblo to every one who Is Interested In trac
ing tho growth of tho nation through all
tho changes In the llfo of the pcoplo down
to tho present day. Scott, Foresmnn & Co.
Price $3.
"Helps for tho (Julot Hour" Is tho title
of a volume of prayers, collects and verses
collated from many sources with a prefa
tory essny on the "Culture of tho Devo
tional Ufe" by Rev. Jesso llowmnn Young.
Tho prayers are, as n rule, short, only half
a page to it page In length. Tho book Is
bound In flexible leathor covers und Is al
together n most admirable specimen of tho
bookmakers' art. Katon & Mains, Now
York. Prlco $1.
Dr. David V. Lincoln, author of "School
nnd Industrial Hygiene." "Hygienic Physi
ology," etc.. has brought out a now book,
entitled "Sanity of Mind: A Study of Its
CondUlons nnd of n Means to Its Develop
ment and Preservation." Tho nuthor di
vides his work Into six chapters, entitled:
"Tho Outlook," "The Nature of Mcntnl De
rangement," "Degeneracy," "education,"
"Self-Hducntlon," and "Our Social and
Civic Duties. " Tho author goes Into the
subject deeply, but nt' the samo tlmo ras
the happy faculty of expressing himself
clearly In a fow words, so that the whole
subject Is comprised within 170 pages. It Is
n book that will prove Interesting to stu
dents, scientists nnd medical men In gen
eral. O. P. Putnam's Sons, New York.
"Old Wlno lu Now Hottles" Is 'tho title
of n very neat little volume of fifty odd
pages. Tho nuthor, lltnnche Catherine
Cnrr, Is n resident of Plcasuuton, Neli., and
her work should recelvo careful attention
Ht the hands of all Nobrasknns. It is n
book of aphorisms. Tho wine represents
the thoughts or maxims which are, as a
matter of course, very old, but the phras
ing which represents tho bottles Is tho
nuthor's own. The little volume Is divided
Into three parts, "Chnrtrcuse," "Cham-
Have Made Many Omaha Residents
No wonder scores of Omaha citizens grow
enthusiastic. It Is enough to make anyone
happy to find relief nfter years of Buttering.
ruhllc statements llko the following are but
truthful representations of tho dally work
done In Omaha by Dean's Kidney Pills.
Mrs, David Gorhun of 401 North 11th st.,
says: "You nro welcome to my name ns
nn endorser of Doan's Kidney Pills. 1 had
kidney complaint for about three yeiirs nnd
tried doctors and medicines, but noth
ing seemed to do me much good, Ilnck
nihc, headache, and dizziness bothered me
constantly. When I procured Doan's Kid
t.ey Pills at Kuhn & Co.'s drug store I
was sovweuk I could not do anything. Their
mo brought me tellcf In a short time. Any
of my neighbors can vouch for the great
good Doan's Kidney Pills did me."
Kor sale by all dealer. Prlco 5ft cents.
Foster-Mllburn Co., lluffalo, N. Y.. sole
ngrnU for tho Putted State.
llemember tho tiauio Doan's and take
o tubstltuts.
I am a firm
believer in Dr.
Williams' Pink
Pills for Pale
rattorit.K Church.Urand Junction, to.
pagno" and "Cocktails." Many of the lit
tie maxims contain volumes of truth In n
very few words, others are cjultc spicy and
somo quite amusing. Kor Instance. "When
n woman uses n puper knife Instead of a
hair pin to cut tho leaves of n book, sho
feels that sho Is breaking awny from the
traditions of her sex." Again, "Holding tho
mirror tip to nature Is n thankless task
when the nature Is feminine" Hut tho
nuthor's darts nro not all aimed at women,
hero Is one on the men: "Sowing wild oats
would not be so reprehenslblo a habit In a
man If ho did not nenrly always get a
woman to assist In their reaping." Another
one rondo this way: "About the best way to
retain your Ideal of a lover Is to let him
become nnothtr woman's husband." There
arc ft good ninny bright things contained
between the rovers of this little volume
that will moro than repay tho trouble of
an examination. Tho Nooly Co., Chicago
St'huiil llnnlN,
Prom the well known Kclectle Rnsllsh
classics there hnvo been collected Hurke's
Conciliation with tho American Colonies,"
Shakespeare's "Macbeth," Milton's "Minor
Poems." Marnulay's "Addison" nnd Macau
lay's "Milton." Thoso constitute tho col
lege entrance requirements In English for
study nnd prartlce, 190I-130:. nnd have horo
been bound together for tho convenience of
students who are preparing themselves for
these examinations, tinder the title "Collego
bntranco Hequiicments In Kngllsh." Such
a volume will prove very acceptable to nil
preparatory schools. American Hook Co
Chicago. Price, $1.
In "Selections From the Rlblo" will bo
found nn excellent collection of extracts
from tho IHble, eminently suited for uso
In opening exercises nt school. Tho pbb
sages chosen nro sufficiently brief for tho
purpoBo In view, though complete In
thought, nnd varied nnd Interesting In
theme. Only sucli selections aro made as
will best emphnslzo the moral lessons
poetry nnd eloquence, nnd the sublimities
of thought contained' In tho Hlble In
word, such pnssnges na will nppenl to
people of every race nnd creed. American
Ilook company. Price. 40 cents.
Although "Moments of Astronomy" hnB
been prepared for uso ns a. textbook, 1
Will bo bono tho less vnltiahln nnd Inter
estlng to tho Inquiring layman. In Its
preparation two oblccts liavo been kent
constantly In view. One wns to condense
tno most important facts and laws of tho
science within so small a compass that
should not makn n serious .uhllilnn
tho curriculum of tho high school or other
preparatory school; the other to present
the subject in so slmnle n manner thnt ns
little foimiil mathematics us possible should
bo necessary to Its mastery. Tho book
Is attractively written nnd greatly Increased
in vaiuo ny tnc application of several In
genlous devices, and by the Insertion o
ninny excellent Illustrations. American
Hook company. Chicago. Price, Jl.
Current Miiuiirlni',
Caeslir magazine for January discusses
among other things "This nnd That About
Madamo Melba" and describes her first np
penrance in public. "The Noble Snort of
Kulconry" tells nil about the birds nnd
explains all tho Bpeclul terms used. "Ar
tlllery On tho Stage" gives tho uninitiated
a peep behind tho scenes and explalnn the
mystery of artillery effects In the drama
"Harnessing Niagara" ti hrlghtlv descrlp
tlve article nn tho arrangement, by which
power is transmitted from the falls at
Nlagnra with some good views of Nlagnrn
nnd vicinity. Kcslues the usual amount
of good llctlon, Mr. Whyte r.dgar writes
on "Tho Novelist ns M. P." and Marie
A Holloc on "Living Women Sovereigns
A llvo nrtlolo on "Something New" ills
cusses new Invention nnd new Ideas of
nil kinds to Interest nil readers
The Magazine of Art for January greets
us with n colored picture for a frontispiece
"An urphnn of Amsterdam," from the pas
tei by llabrlel Nleolct, anil the first artlel
Is a long one describing the life anil worii
of this artist and giving many reproduc
tions from his paintings. An nrtlcle 'ipon
"Humor In Illack and White." by Mr K.
T. Heed, tho welt known Punch artist, I a
very Interesting and ascribes tho Held open
to Brtlsts for sketches In black and white
to the opportunity offerctl by Punch for re
munerative work of that kind, "The Milk
maid." n reproduction from n painting In
tho I.ouvre, Is n full-page plato of oval
form and good finish. In addition to the
usual chronicle of art, there Is an enter
taining article on "The New Art as Seen
'at the Paris Kxposltlon."
The nbove boooks nre for sale by the
Megeath Stationery Co,, 1308 Farnarn St.
Coroner's Juiy Heart Dstails of Henrj
Whetstone'i Death.
Whetstone l !fild In lime lli-coiuc
AiiKrj' lleenuse lllk- llefuni-it In
Include ltlm In lux Itiitlou
tit Drink.
Wallace Hike, alleged murderer of Henry
Whetstone, who recently died In the South
Omahn hospital from skull fracture, was
brought to this city from Sarpy county last
night and lodged In the county Jail.
Tho Inquest wns held nt Hellevue yes
terday aud tho coroner's Jury held Hike re
sponsible for Whetstone's death. The as
sault was committed Saturday night Just
over the lino In Sarpy county, but it l
listed ns a South Omaha crime becnuse the
trouble started there.
The first witness wag Dr. W. C. Duel of
South Omuhn. Ho said he dressed the
wounds of tho deceased on Saturday night.
Ily going Into delulls the witness described
minutely tho wounds nnd nsscrted that the
skull of Whetstone had been fractured by
somo blunt Instrument. Two pieces of the
skull removed by the witness were Intro
duced! In evidence and Identified.
Dr. W. I,. Curtis of South Omaha testi
fied that he was one of the physicians who
performed an aittopsy on the deceased and
ho told tho Jury what tho Injuries were.
Henry Hlndraan wns the Ilrst witness to
tell of the nffrny. He Bald that tho men
left South Omaha In his wagon nbuut 0
o'clock for llclievue. At tho Half Way
houte n stop wns mailo nnd somo brandy
was purchased. Another stop wns mado at
the Palmtag saloon, where possibly an
hour was spent In drinking and talking.
Hike offered to sot tip the drinks to a por
tion of the party, but not to tho Whet
stones. This brought forth n unr of
words, which was stopped by other mem
bers of tho party.
continuing the witness said that when
near the Clifton house o rail was made for
the wagon (o stop and Hike pulled off his
coat and dared Henry Whetsome to climb
down and light. Whetstone accepted the
challenge and Hike brought up the old af
fair tit the saloon which had apparently
been settled. Witness said that all of those
on tho wngon with the exception of Patrick.
Hlndmnn nnd Ilcrkstend left the wagon to
participate In tho melee.
On close examination by Mr. Patrick the
witness said that Charles Whetstone and
Hike each accused tho other of striking
the blow which mndo Henry Whetstone un
conscious The woodrnck Rtlck was offered
In evidence and the witness anld that the
exhibit was similar to n stick he had In his
John Lewis, one of the party, said thnt
Hike Jumped off the wngon Just below
Chandlcr'a nnd asked Henry Whetstone
what he meant by the remarks mado In a
saloon In South Omaha. Whetstone replied
that he meant Just what he said. Then
there was a fight. Tho vltness asserted
that he and Charles Whetstone parted the
combatants. He had, he said, climbed onto
the wngon when ho heard further strife
nnd upon going back found Whetstone on
tho ground. He heard Charles Whotstone
say to Hike, "You liavo killed Henry!" A
dispute between Charles Whetstono and
Hike, said tho witness;, followed about who
hntl struck tho blow.
Charles Whetstone, n brother of the de
ceased, wns called to the stnnd nnd County
Attorney Patrick reminded him of tho fact
that In replying to questions he need not in
trlnilnnle himself. Whetstono said In re
ply that ho wns willing to answer any and
nil questions put to him The story of the
trouble nt the saloon wns gone over nnd
then the part where Hike Jumped off the
wagon wan brought out. Witness snld tliut
Lewis nnd himself pnrted Hlko nnd Whet
stono and thut In doing ho he struck Hike
on the nrm with n stick taken from the
wngon. Witness iifserted that when l.e
found his brother was badly .Injured he in-
sUtetl upon his being brought bark to
South Omaha In order to hecure medical at
tendance. Upon arriving In South Omaha
witness ordered the arrest of Hike and Of
ficer i:isfeider made the arrest, nfter Henry
Whetstone had been tnken to the hospital.
James Van Norman, one of the men Impli
cated, told of the dllllculty nt the saloon In
South Omaha and he said that Hike had the
dub nnd struck the blow. Chorles Patrick,
another witness, told tho same story ns the
County Attorney Pntrlck nnnotinced nt
this stage that, he would not Introduce nny
more evidence unless the Jury demnnded
It nnd as there was no calls for testimony
tho session closed and tho Jury retired to
a private room to deliberate.
A verdict wns found lu 'accordance with
the testimony Introduced und immediately
upon tho return of the verdict Mr. Pntrlck
tiled nn Information before Juitlco (Joss
charging Hlko with murder In tho first de
gree. Ppon arraignment Hike waived ex
amination. Charles Whetstone and James
Vnn Norman were held ns witnesses In
bonds of $200 each.
"After suffering for two months from a
severe attack of grip I found quick relief
and n lusting euro by using Dr. Miles' Nerv
ine. Pain Pills nnd Heart Cure.'' Hnrrv
Abbott, Cincinnati, Ohio.
No jrfjfa
The blood may he in bail condition
yet with no external signs, no skin
eruption or sores to indicate it. The
symptoms in such cases being a variable
appetite, poor digestion, nn indescribable
weakness and nervousness, loss of flesh
nnd n general run-down condition of the
system clearly showing the blood has
lost its nutritive qualities, has become thin
and watery. It is in just such cases that
S. S. S. has done some of its quickest and
most effective work by building up the
blood and supplying the elements lacking
to make it strong aud vigorous.
"My wife used sev
eral bottles of S. S. S.
as a blood purifier nnd
to tone up n weal: and
emaciated system, with
very marked effect by
way of improvement.
"We regard it a
great tonic and blood
purifier." J. 1?. Dui'r,
Princeton, Mo,
is the greatest of all
tonics, and you will
! ft nd the oppetite im
provesat mce.strenL'th
returns, and nervousness vanishes as new
rich pure blood once more circulates
through all parts of the system.
S. S, S. is the only purely vegetable
blood purifier known'. It contains no min
erals whatever. Send for our free book
on blood mid skin (meases and write our
physicians for any information or advict
wanted No charge for mcdicsl advice.
South Omaha News
Two toll slim men entered Markley's
bakery Twenty-fourth nnd II streets, nbotit
0 o'clock aad attempted to hold up tho
place. Uolh wore masks and wcro tils
gulsed In other ways.
Mnrkley wns sitting lu a renr room nnd
seeing the masks on the men surmised
their Intentions. He made n Jump for his
bedroom adjoining the room In which he
was sitting with the Intention of securing
a rovolw. The robbers were too quick
for him, however, nnd commenced firing
before he had n chance to get his gun
Three shots were Ilred nt Mnrkley before
he secured possession of the shooting lion
and tho last shot landed lu the baker'8
left hand Indicting n slight (loth wound.
Tho noise of the shooting and the screams
of tho women In tho household aroused the
neighbors ami tho would-be robbers rushed
out of the front door nnd ran down II
street towards Syndicate park.
Dr. It. A. Schlndel wns called to otiend
Markley and pronounced the wound i slight
Markley cannot give any very gojd de
scription of the men whe held him up. II u
says that no rtiempt was mado to rob the
till ns the robbeis evidently thought th.'.t
there wnn money In the back rooms.
The police secured a description nt th
men tiud n hunt wns Immediately Insti
tuted. Mil) or Kellj Decline,.,
it Is leportrd on what is considered good
authority that .Mayor Kelly will not be
n candidate for re-election in case there
Is nn election lu tho spring The mnvor has
told some of his friends that ho can see
his finish and therefore he unikm tlm na.
scrtlon that he will not permit his name
to go beforo tho republican convention for
ft renomlnntlon. I stieaklncr nf 1H nn.,.
pects Mayor Kelly Is quoted ns saying that
tie wm quir pontics entirely nnd will go
bnck to his old occupation at the stock
This announcement mnv In, n uiimrUn t
many ns tomo republicans hoped thnt Kelly
would bo a candidate In cuse tlm nrnnnimi
now charter provided for an election In
tho spring.
I.iiImii' Temple siirril,
Plan for the uronosed hilmr lenmln nr.,
about completed und will bo on exhibit
within the next few days. Committees in
charge of the work of raising futido nro
busily engaged lu soliciting funds and bo
far have met with gratifying support. Kor
tho purpose of raising funds for tin, letm.l,.
n ball will be given by the united labor
societies on Friday evening, February 22. at
the Kxchange building. No selection for
ft slto has been made, but several flrst-cbiss
locnt'ons arc being considered by the com-
mltteo lu charge of the work.
St'lienif In Open II Street,
There Is n nronosition licfnrn ihn ennn.
til to open It street from Thirteenth to
Twenty-fourth ttreeta ntid to senuro tin
grading of tho said street. There Is one
ditiicuity in the way nna that is tho fact
mat ror two blocks tho street has never
been dedicated. An effort l l
bv Councilman Dvorak o secure the con
sent of certain property owners to tho
dedication, open iik nnd L-raillui; nf ilm
street. A report on this matter will bo
mnilo shortly to tho council.
Minnie 4'lf) t;i-,li.
Mrs. Cunnlnihnm. ??At n atrant la .,,!
flick. " '
The Wlllst club will meet nl llin Knntli
Omaha, cl.ih nn Thurjdiiy night.
Sanitary Inspector Jones Is on the sick
list, lie Is suffering from vaccination.
William M Wh-VIfV nnd wife of Wake
field nro Hie guest of Hev. Dr. H. I,.
iieeie r. i
fleorce Hrewer. tin ti nlorinUer u i.nini.
Inq ii new burn on the gtnund udjolhlng his
ii tiH'i i mi uie norm.
Ofllcers nnd members of N'rhrnskn tmlirn
No. '-"J7, Ancient Order of Fulled Work
men, nr i 'quested to meet at :. tonight
i,i iriiin-titi iiii''i 'iniu u.isiuesH.
Ah h HeHiilt U'llllitiii Melnrr Is Ar
reted for kkiiiiII Iiih Mnr
1 1 ii l)inu:liei'l, .
Martin Dougherty rnme to police head
quarters Tuesday afternoon with n wound
on his left shoulder made by n butcher
knlfo In tho hands of William Steluer. The
charge ngalust Slelncr was nssault with
Intent to wound.
When arraigned beforo Judge I.carn,
Stelner admitted having stabbeif Dougherty,
but linlmcil thnt the assault was provoked
and that ho could produce evidence to Hint
effect. He had almost entered n plea of
guilty when tho Judge questioned him as to
his understanding of the meaning of such
it plea nnd he changed It to "not guilty."
Dougherty and Stelner nro Bmeller em
ployes. It Is said thnt their quarrel wns duo to
a superfluity of tho brew that cheers and
simultaneously inebriatoH. While Doug
herty's wound Is painful, It Is not serious.
Tho date of Stclncr's hearing hns not been
A (.lire fur l.iimuiien.
Sufferers from lumbago or rheumatism In
the back will bo pleased to know tliut quick
tellcf mny bo had by applying Chamberlain's
Pain Halm. Mr. W. C. 'Williamson of
Amherst, Vn., says: "For moro than a
year I stdfered with lumbago. I finally
tried Chnmbcrlnin's Pain nalm nnd It gave
me entlro relief, which all other remedies
had failed to do." For salo by nil drug
gists. Our Bicycle Man-
mijs if ho was u Judgo lin would tssuo the
fallowing order.
"To Whom It Mny Concern:
Hy the power Invested lu me by tho pto
p!o of theso I'nltetl States, I hereby eom
mand every loyal and faithful citizen that
can ent nntl drink, to lmve Klampcd on
their forliend the letters O. S. It. V which
will be to remind them that from-iod'iy and
to the end of lime should they need cast
ing of any kind for stoves, ranges or heat
ers or work of any kind connected with
stoves or hot water attachments, they will
associate the O. S. H. V. with tho Omahn
Stove Repair Works, 1207 Douglas street.
Telephone M0, and 1 will persnnall guaran
tee all work done In u satisfactory way.
In witness whereof I hereunto attach iry
slgnaturo and great seal of state.
(Seal ) oi the Sjpremo Court of Stove Re
Telephone 000.
1207 Douglas St
Chocolate Bon Bons
Tlio man who make? our ohoenlati'
lion buns Is a wizard at contriving do
, llcloiiK conft'ctluns. Purity of all Jngro
l dionts Is tho first merit, then tholr fresh
, nt'ss ndds a further virtue; tho result Is
I a (Iron in of dolli'lousni'ss. it don't mat
I , U'lifil l'titil rtl' ,,,i,l,- ,.s I,,,,, V.,t,
' , 11,(,,W (,,,(( i' v,.,,,, (, (, ,, J
us -you are nlways miro to got tho boot
-and tho same enn bo snltl of our loo
orenm Our Uo oroam Is dollcloiis and
wholosoino and wo make It fresh ovory
dii." winter aud Mimnior.
W. S. Balduff,
1520 Faruam St.
25c. 50c.
nil linwel troullr. appendicitis, hll
loilMicn, bnil brentli, Inid blontl, wind
on tlio tomitrtii tiltintrtl bowrli, font
w win a. a iiiiuiii iit'uunciii'. niuiifcntiuii. jumpim
pnlni nfter rutins, liver Sroubte, iillov complexion
mill tininc.. lien your Dowrin uoii'i movo ri'jii"
iBliy you lire cettlllt: Kick, t'nnstlputloil kllU inor
people limn till other disease tocvtlier. It I a
Kturler lor tlio etironlc iillmcntn und lonir year of
fin tie rln;: llmt loine utterwnrtU. No niniter M'lint
ull yon, start inUtns OASCAUHTS to-day, for you
will never t:et well und bo well all the tlmo until
you put j our bowel right. Take our ndvlre; start
with CAM'A HIC'I'S to-tluy. tinder an absolute uunr
imtee to euro or money refunded. ((,
Assistant City Attorney Will Levy on
Personal Property.
Dlalrenn Wiirntnt.-i for I'itnuiiiiI lle
lliitliienlH Are (tulle Common,
lint It In nn ii inn n lion
In Spec I n I 'I'll ex.
Kor the iirnt time In tho history of Omnln
permmtil property of tuxpnyrrB will lie lev
ied upon to outlnfy delinquent Hpocml tnxeB.
I'niler flection IM) of tlio charter the city
treahiirer Ih empoweretl to neizo the per
sonnl property of pcrnorm who refuse to pay
litxeK wlilrh have hecn levlctl upon real h
tate for upeelnl improvements but this ex
treme meaaure has net or been resorteil to.
Tho Men lias prevailed that this ncctlon
of the chatter Is Invalid. James 11. Adams,
nsslHtatit city attorney, thinks otherwise
and has Instructed tho city ttensurer to
selr.o the personal property of persons vho
wcro recently estopped from questlonltiK
the vnlldlly of tertaln special taxes.
It Is n common praetlro to lovy on all
sorts of personal property to collect per
bODal taxes, nntl every few tlay.i distress
warrants are Issued for that purpose. No
such plan has been tried, however. In the
collection of taxes which were levied for
tho construction of sldewalUs. pavinK and
other special Improvements. So little ef
fort has been made to force the payment of
special taxes that the man who cares for
his special assessments Is tho exception.
iii'N Art' Well A (lap teil,
Theso cases In which tho owners of prop
erty nro estopped from questioning special
taxes on ncrount of special benefit they
have derived from the taxes aro particularly
well adapted to the purposes of tho legal
department nnd tho treasurer In testing
section. 150 of tho charter. The owners of
this property are specifically enjoined by
tho court from bringing tho validity of theso
sptelal taxes into question, nnd tho city ofri
clals will escape Injunction proceeding
which would probably be brought In tho
that dreadful fiend that threatens the
life of rich and poor, can attack and
kill only those whose bowels arc not
kept thoroughly cleaned out, purified
and disinfected the year round. One
whose liver is dead, whose bowels
and stomach are full of half decayed
food, whose whole body is unclean
inside, is a quick and ready victim
of appendicitis.
If you want to be safe against the
scourge, keep in good health all the
the only tonic laxative, that will
make your bowels strong and healthy,
and keep them pure and clean, pro
tected against appendicitis and ALL
CARETS, that will keep and save
you. Take them regularly and you
will find that all diseases are absolutely
Itntlar laodtrtati ! the world. TM. I nh.otate mottf
(i'.nt merit. tid nurlieit t.tlmonliil. tVn kmv fHttli ntul
will .ll OABCAKET) ab.olutrlr unruntred to ours or
innney refuadtrt. Oo buy today, two Oo Iiui.i, iTctlifma.
fntr, fiont trial, ncratmnla direction, And If you nro
no. i.tiiQcni ii.r.iinv on duo hi. rriurn .no nun
box ami tho runty box to ua by mall, or tho drnaBl.t from
wnoan yon nnrrnitaro it, anu arot yonr monvy uam ror nnin
bovea. Takoaar advice no motfer what Mia yonitnrt to
day. Itoaltli wilt iillchlr follow and you will blraa tho itny
Ion flrat alartrd the me off APIOA K KT IS. llttoU frrr by mall,
ddrmi NTKKLIMI UKMKDI CO., M.W 1UUK or I'lllCAtiO.
roso of other property for tho purpose of
delaying the collection of tnxes.
The portion of section 150 which em
powers tho treasurer to fake personal prop
erty cf real rMnto owners who refuse to
pay their special osscrsnients Is ns fol
lows: v.
"fn nil cr-ses of gcnernl or special tnxes
the city treasurer shall have the right nnd
authority, nfter tho same or any part
thereof Bhall become delinquent, to selzo
personal property of the party who owns
tho realcKtate upon which such tnxes hnvo
been levied and to sell such personal prop
erty for the satisfaction of such taxes."
The amount ef special taxes Involved In
the recent cases wherein the owners vere
estopped from bringing into question the
validity of the proceedings under which the
Improvements were mnde. on tho ground
Hint they had profited by the tnxes, Ii nhout
J 10.000. Immedlnte steps will bo taken to
npproprlale personal property enough to
ratlsfy these taxes, unless the owners of
the property prefer to t,eltle tho tnxes In
some other way.
Properly Owner , rotmcil.
$'.wo tlif- nctlvo campaign was com
menced for the collection of delinquent
special tnxen ninny property holders have
called at the city hall and announced their
Intention of caring for their obligations.
Many cases aro now pending In the courts,
In which persons who owe largo amounts
of delinquent taxes nro seeking to pny tho
original assessments nnd hnvo the Interest
It 1b not within the power of tho rlty
treasurer to remit Interest on delinquent
tnxes, but tho courts hnvo granted this rellof
In mnny cases.
"When I wan prostrated with grip and
my henrt nnd nerves wero In bad shape,
Dr. Mi'cs' Nervlno nnd Heart Cure gavo
mo new life nnd health." Mrs, Ceo. Colle,
Hlgln, III.
Klrclloii Content nt n. .NtiindMIII.
Judge Vlnsonlialer Is ut IiIh home suffer
ing with grip and In consequence tho
l'.'irlsli-Shlelils election contest Is it a
Rtnndstlll. The luiirlng of tho ease cannot
lie resumed until tlio Judge recovers.
Vyv Ptr Tent f 'nrpornt Ion 'I'm,
JKc'I'KRSON (MTV. Mo.. .Inn M. A 1,111
was Introduced In the senato today provl.l
1 Im; for the levying of an annual tax at 6
, per cent of their capita! stock, nn 'ill cor-
1 nnrtttlnna ,lnt,w, 1 ., ,ol o I.. -4 I ........ 1
Garry the news to Lincoln
Ton Uio leglKlatiiro not to lie.ln n hurry
, to fleet n M'lintor until Drcx I',. Shoomnn
J Iuih lind tlmo to oxplnln tho merits of Ills
fi'lehrnteil womnn'N $l.fiO welt Milo hIioii
I .lust tho tiling thnt their wIvt'M or nny
I other woman wants for pnierol run
. about winter wear -the kind of a kIiop
that makes walking easy nntl keepi tho
feet dry anil warm they romo lu all
sizes and all widths- lu tho viol kid with
tho Kt'uulnu wolt sole.
Drexel Shoe Co,,
Cnlntoarue Kent Tree for the AaUlne,
Omni n' lllp-lo-dnte Shu House.
One More Week of Our 33. per cent
Discount salo-Inst opportunity to pur
chase our framed pictures at .'i.'l l-.'i per
out off regular price-see our passepar
tout pictures, 10c each- $1.00 pictures,
ti.lo -$2.00 pictures, $l.:ir;-i$;t.oo pictures.
W.OO--.H.00 pictures. $2.r,-?r,.0(i pic
lutes, ?:i ;t5-otc, eto.-not a picture re-served-they
all go this week nt one
third off the regular price.
Mnilo ui Art. 1513 OoDilat
TOCWKEi rivnyrnr r
th flr.t box of CAHt'AH.
KTH wm inl.t. Haw It la
infr its million tio&e Mr ntff ihkii an
no oe dox, return tno ouci
.In men V, Stout Ankn the ( llv Counell
to lime It Iteillieotl to Ijill.UIMI
Per .11 lie.
The city council Is sitting ns a board of
equnllzntlon. Kor not less than tlve days
It will consider protests ngnlunl general tax
assessments. James V. Stout appeared be
fore tho board and offerd n complaint con
cerning tho assessment of $12,000 u mil"
mado on tho !.SH" miles of track comprised
In the belt line.
I'nder the stale Inws Mr. Stout main
tains that ull railroad property must be
assessed at n valuation placed upon It by
tho slnto bonrd. which hns fixed the tnxnble
valuation of nil railroad Hues nt (B.200 per
mile. Acting upon the ndvlce of tMty At
torney ronncll, Tax Commissioner I'lemlng
llxed the taxable vnluo of the licit I.lne,
regardless of tho action of (he slnto board,
nt $15,001) per mile. The Hoard of llevlew
reduced this sum to $12,000 nnd the owners
now seak to hnve It reduced to $ii,200.
"When thij RflP Irft mo my nerves nnd
heart wcio badly nffec.ted; but I began
taking Ur. Miles' Net vino and Heart Cure
nnd wni soon nil right. "--Wra. Hoericht,
Knit Clnlro, Wis.
Omnlin Intenlorn In llullronil SIim'J.n
MnUr- ii WKf Move lo Avolil
Mump lu Market,
Omaha Investors In Industrial nnd rail
road stocks wero among the wlso ones last
week nnd Just beforo tho slump which
caught miiny of the operators on tho street
they unloaded their holdings generally nnd
got on tho right side of tlio mnrket bofoie
tho decline In prices.
With the slight ndvnnco In stocks yes
terday tho Omaha men nro not tempted to
Invest nnd on tho recovery they stnnd In
looso to n eerlaln extent, but ns one of tho
experienced ones said yestordny, "At tho
present tlmo It Is n manipulator's tnnrki t
nnd tho Omahn contingent Is Htnylng out
until tho (lurry is over."
"I hntl grip three months, could not
sleep; pain nil ovor nnd hendncho very bad.
Dr. Miles' Norvlne, Pain Pills nnd Liver
Pills mndo me well," Mrs. K. C. Dowlby,
Wntcrloo, Intl.