Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 23, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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Tint Step Toward Undoing the Late
Popocratio Grymander,
nill OfTrrfil ly Hrnntnr VnnllnnUlrU
MnUm Chnnr Kuvornlile to the
Itepultllenim In Alt lint
thr Third.
LINCOLN, Jan. 22. (Special.) When the
ftjRlonlcts had complete control of both
branches of tho legislature six years ago
they did some gerrymandering In the con
gressional districts to strengthen their
party. The republicans this winter miy
glvo the fuslonlsts a doeo of their own
medicine In the gerrymandering business.
Thoy will at least undo tho gerrymander
ing dono by the fuslonlsts six years ago.
Of cotirfc, Just what will bp dono In regard
to tho changing of congressional districts Is
In tho air and will remain so until tho
changes contemplated enn bo fixed up In a
satisfactory manner, but It's not n wild
guess to predict that many changes will bo
made. The greatest trouble will be en
countered In arranging the districts and the
mombers of the senato and house who aspire
to represent tholr constituents In congress
at some future tlmo will vigorously opposo
any measure which would place them In a
hopelessly fusion district, thus sounding
their political deathkncll, so far as going to
congress Is concerned. This Is ono objec
tion which wilt bo raised to a hill Introduced
by Benator Von llosklrk of Alllanco this
morning. Tho bill was drawn up by J. C.
rottljohn of Valentine. It would glvo tho
republicans four sure districts, another In
which they would havo much the better of
tho fuitlonlsia, whllo the Third would bo the
only district from which the fuslonlsts
would bo suro of electing a congressman,
anil for this reason aspiring young republic
una who nro left In this fusion stronghold
am certain to object to any such arrange
ment. From tho Third district It Is pro
posed to tako Hurt, Thurston, Dakota,
Dixon, Wayne, Cedar, Knox, I'lerce, Madi
son and Antelope, with a total republican
plurality of 373, and ndd to the district Val
ley, Orecley, Howard and Sherman, which
faro taken from tho Sixth and which last
year gavo a fusion plurality of over S00.
tho Idea being to mako thn Sixth a suro
republican district by sacrificing tho Third,
whlrh at tho present tlmo Is not consid
ered hopelessly fusion.
Will lllsplrnsp Jlnnr.
Tbo bill proposes to leave Stanton, Cum
ing and Howard In this strong fusion dis
trict, and for this reason It is unto to pre
dict that Buch stalwart and nsplrlng young
republicans as Senators Young of Stanton
and Oleson of Cuming, neither of whom
would bo avcrso to going to congress, will
opposo tho bill. Such nn arrangement Is
not likely to please A. K. Cndy of Howard
county, as well as n number of others who
will not core to bo placed In tho Third dis
trict ns proposed. Tho proposition, how
ever, would bo looked upon with favor by
the remainder of tho big Sixth district, not
withstanding tho fact that tho claim Is
innilo that tho Sixth will elect a repub
lican two yearn henco without any change.
In tho First district tho only chango sug
gested Is to tako Seward county, which Is
fusion by something more thnn 100, out
of tho Fourth nnd pl.ico It In tho First,
thus helping out tho Fourth, nt present u
fusion district, without placing the First
In any danger.
In tho Sccoud district, now composed of
Douglas, Karpy and Washington, It Is pro
poeed to add Dodge, which Is fusion by only
about 100, nud get rid of Sarpy,, which-rolls
up a fusion plurality of nearly 300, by plac
ing It In tho Third district, nnd by this
chango n republlcun gain of 200 would bo
made for the Second district.
Aim nt Ntitrk'N Sculp.
Tho Fourth district Is also to bo remod
eled on n very broad scale, n plan which
Is destined to cause Hon. Mr. Stark somo
restless nights. Tho only counties out of
tho cloven of which tho district Is now
comprised which are to be retained nro Sa
line, (Jage, Jefferson, Thayer, Flllmoro nnd
York. Sownrd Is placed In the First, whllo
Saunders, Duller, Folk and Hamilton are
donated to thn Third, which Ir made a reg
ular dumping gruuud for counties with pop
ullstlc tendencies. In return for tho flvo
counties thus taken from tho Fourth, tho
counties of Clay, Nuckolls, Webiiter, Adams
nud Franklin, all from tho Fifth district,
uro given and by tbo change It Is said that
the Fourth will bo permanently republican,
br will every other district except tho
It Is very likely, however, that thn bill
beforo It becomes a law, will bo burdened
with many amendments, so many, In fact,
that It will hardly bo recognized ob thn
original mcusuro.
nintrli'U Outlined In It 1 1 1 .
Tho bill Introduced today by Senator Van
llosklrk divides tho districts ns follows:
First ltlchardson, Pawnee, Nomaba
Johnson, Oto, Cass, Lancaster und Soward
Second Douglas, Washington and Dodge
Third Sarpy, Cuming, Stanton, Colfax
Platte, Hamilton, Polk, Duller, Saunders
Nanco, Merrick, Iloouo, Sherman, Howard
Creeley, Valley nnd Whocler.
Fourth flago, Snllnc, Jefferson, York
Fillmore, Thayer, Cloy, Nuckolls, Webster,
Adams nnd Franklin.
Fifth Hall, Kearney, Phelps, Harlan
(lospcr, Furnns, Frontier, lied Willow
Hayes, Hitchcock, Chase, Dundy, Iluffulo
Dawson, Custer, Lincoln, Perkins, Keith
Logan, McPhorson, Deuel, Cheyenne, Klni
ball, Hannor and Scotts Muff.
Sixth Hurt, Thurston, Dakota, Dixon
Wayne, Ccdur, Knox, Plerco, Madison, Boyd
Antclopo, Hall, Garfield, Loup, nlalne, Rock
Drown, Koya Paha, Chorry, Thomas
Hooker, Grant, Sheridan, Dawes, Sioux and
nox Butte.
to Light the IVultt'iitlnri-.
LINCOLN, Jnn. 22. (Special Telegram.)
The senate committed on public lands an
buildings, nccompauled by an architect and
export electrician, paid a visit to tho peni
tentiary tonignt for tho purpose of Invcstl
gating tho needs of tho Institution as re
ganls lighting and ventilating, and as n
TO CUI112 Till dltll',
Ad tier of it Fn mo un I'll; ale tun.
First and foremost, HEST.
Tako caro nf yourself. Your already
weakened nerves want rest nnd must hav
It. If tho attack Is severe, go to bed and
remain there. More fatalities result from
neglect of this precaution than from any
other rause
Rat sparingly. Your digestive organs are
In no condition to tako care of largo quan
titles of food.
Drink plenty of pure, cold water. It al
lays tho fever, stimulates thn kidneys to
action and opens up the pores of the skin
Keep tho bowels open with Dr. Miles' Nervo
and Liver Pills.
Take three doses of Dr. Miles' Nervlno
per day, and If you cannot sleep tako an
extra dose at bedtime. To further control
tho fever and to overcome tho pculla
aches and pains of grip, use Dr. Miles' Pal
Pills. They act quickly and effectually
and no bad effects result from their uie,
These remedies havo been thoroughly tested
more than a million times and their efll
clone lo thoroughly established. They
never fall to glvo relief.
Dr. Miles' Uemodles can bo found nt any
ilrim. store, and they nro sold on a nosltlv
guarantee 'that first bottle or ni)kag bom
fits or raonty rerunn
result of the visit It Is very likely that the
commltteo will recommend that a llsht
plant be. put In by the state, and that Im
provements bo made which will give the
prison better ventilation. It may bo rec
ommended that a light plant be put In n
the capltol building to furnish lights for
the capltol. penitentiary and asylum.
(Continued from First Page.)
reconcile, except upon tho theory that In
tences are at work entirely nt variance
with the party's Interests, which at this
ritlcal tlmo demands the endorsement
only of men who enjoy the popular confl- In tho highest degree becauso of
cmonstrated capacity to grapple with na
tional and International problems.
Cntiptm (ioHnlp.
Pressure for n caucus Is being renewed
by the Thompson following, who assert that
they havo more than forty-five names to
their 67-48 caucus paper. A new sug
gestion was Injected by a member of tho
hlrd houso today who' unbosomed himself
n this fashion:
"Thompson says ho wants a caucus to
proceed at onco to nominate one senator
t a time. Ho nlso says he Is a candldato
for tho short terra only and Infers that
he short term senator would be made first.
Now, If ho Is really In earuest for making
one senator at a time and means what he
saays about wanting tbo abort term, why
can't bo agree to let them make the long
erm senator first and hold his own can
didacy aloof until tho North Platte man Is
hoscn? If his proposition to elect himself
first Is as fair as Thompson claims, then
tho proposition to elect tho other fellow
first Is certainly Just as fair. Why not
try It?"
Of course, Mr. Thompson has not yet
seen fit to selzo upon the Idea. In tho
meanwhile tho members who nro studying
tho situation critically are seeing moro
and moro that tho only caucus plan fair to
nil Is that requiring simultaneous nomina
Another "Informnl" Conference1.
A conference attended by about forty
members who nro friendly to Thompson,
Mclklejohn or Currlo was held tonight,
at which conditions for n senatorial caucus
wero discussed nt length. Nothing def
inite was agreed upon, but It was Iho pre
vailing sentiment that both nominations
fhould bo mado simultaneously. Under tho
call provlously circulated for this meeting,
nnd which had nbout forty-live signers, the
conforees wero to determine the conditions,
but notwithstanding this messengers wero
kept busy consulting with Mr. Thompson
relative to propositions advancod, and theso
messengers kept the conferees advised as
to his wishes.
Another meeting will bo held tomorrow
cvonlng nnd In tho meantime efforts will
bo mado to obtain additional signers to tho
call, which simply provides for nn attend
ance of slxtv-seven members, with forty-
eight to nominate.
Upwards of a scoro of members who are
opposed to tho slnglo nomination plan nlso
held a meeting tonight nnd discussed ways
for obtaining a crucub on conditions nearly
llko thoso named In tho other call, but
with tho understanding that tho double
ballot system U used In tho voting.
Jnkrr In Clunrctte I'iii'Iiukc
Tho passage by the houso of a bill Im
posing n heavy special license, tax on ciga
rette dealers yesterday precipitated a most
ludicrous spectacle. Tho bill, so the story
goes, was Introduced at the procurement
of tho lobby, perhaps with or without tho
knowledgo of the eminent legislator who
fathered It, with no Intention whntevcr of
having It enacted Into law. It went to tho
Judiciary committee, which with unex
pected hasto reported It buck favorably for
passage beforo tho bill's real sponsors had
tlmo to get their second breath. Hopro
scntatlvo Murray, a fuulonlst from Thurs
ton county, whoso name appears on tho
mensuro ns It camo from tho printer, saw
no other alternative but to get up nnd make
a play for It In committee, of tho whole
starting such n furore In Its behalf that It
literally broko away from Its coupling and
shot down tho track llko a wild cngtnn.
Three or four friendly Indians tried to put
on brakes, but the gearing was rusty and It
never stopped till ordered to n third read
lug on Its passage. Tho Cigarette trust
will now hnve to supply tho shoo leather
that will have to bo worn nut chasing It
down to tho senate end of tho capltol
structure, nnd tho lobbyists who did the
work, or who, by the wny. aro said to be
pretty closo to the top of tho fusion ma
chine, will count ono more lesson taught
In tho school of experience.
Tho university regents hnvo had printed
In pamphlet "form for legislative lnspcc
Hon their regular report, together with n
"gencrnl survey" of tho Institution designed
to back up their estimates for approprla
Hons for tho coming blennlum- Notwith
standing tho fact that during the last two
years the unlvsrslty hus had nearly $500,-
000, or almost $200,000 moro than for, the
same period Just preceding, tho regents
mako out tho same cuse of dlro need nnd
Insufficient resources that has been pro
sented to every succeeding legislature nnd
couch their estimated demands in the mod
est request for an appropriation of $615,500
or moro than twice what wns given when
tho board was under republican control
Tho I'ontlnunnco of tho special 1-mlll tax
lnvy Is regarded as a matter of course nnd
tho outlays In view aro carefully figured
to tako up overy cent, not only of tho pro
ceeds of this tnx, but also of tho returns
from the unlvorslty fund endowment and
dividends on tho federal distribution of
agricultural collego aid. Tho regents add
naively that "following tho policy outlined
two years ago tho regents ank for no ap
proprlattons outsldo of tho university funds
as now created by general statutes, state
and national," although they forgot to say
that this Is an after thought reached after
rescinding n request for still $75,000 more
which they had decided to ask appropriated
out of tho general fund and which wns
dropped only on the firm protest of tho re
publican members of tho board against the
proposed extrnvagance.
Most .SlKiilllcniit t'liniim- the Vote of
.SppiiKcr .scum for
ltoiM titer.
LINCOLN. Jan. 22 (Special Telegram.)
Tho most significant change In today's sen
atorial ballot was that of Speaker Sears
from Crounse to Hosewnter, tho speaker
being recognized as ono of the most Inllueu
tlal membors of the legislature. The other
changes swelled slightly the voto of Thomp
son and Currlo.
Iu tho voto tcday Senator Arends changed
from Hlnshaw to Van Duscu. Senator Young
from Harlan to Hlnshaw, Speaker Sears
from Croi'nse to Uosowater and Representa
tive Swanson from Hlnshaw to Martin,
Johnson from Itosewater to Currlo and
Wenrl from' Hlnshaw to Martin.
Joint senatorial ballot today:
Allen 66 Martin B
Crounse 8 Melklejohn 26
Currle 21 Morlan 1
HaJner 6 Itosewater 15
Harlan 1 Sutherland 1
Harrington I Thompson, D. E... 34
Huys 1 'Thompson. W. II. 66
Hlnshaw 14 Van Duseii 2
Klnkald 4!
Republicans absent, Baldrlge and Smith
berger. Fuslonlsts, Representatives Real,
Edmondson, Marshall, Zimmerman. Paired,
Smlthbergor with Hanks. Number voting,
126. Following Is thn voto In detail:
Vote In Drtnll.
The republican vote was;
Allen D. E, Thompson. Currle.
Andrews D. E. Thompson, Crounse,
Arends Currle an D iscn
Armstrong P, K ilvmpson. Melklejohn
Helsncr ltlnshaw. Melklejnhn
Heek'v I). K Tli'impson. nrrie.
Ueetlie D. F Thompson, Melklejohn.
Ilerlet D. h, Tnompson. Melklejohn.
Hrown of Otoe -Hnlnor, Crounse.
iiurcnn ninsnn w, nose water.
Caln-Mnrtln. Melklejohn.
C'orneer-Marti Itimounter.
Crlssey D. r.. Tnompsiti, Melklejohn
Crounse Itnrlan, I'tirne.
Currle- Van Duren, Crounso.
Kdgnr-I), E. Thorn psom. Currle.
j-.vaiiH nainer, .vieiKieionn.
Fowler --Hniner. Melklejohn.
I.'rl.,,! I., Inn. 1 -
Oallogly-Kinkald'. Melklejohn.
r ........ ,.... i i .ii.i i .
iimnum v. urrip, mri?:i
llorton Klnkald, Meixlejohn.
Humphrey IJ. K Thompson. Melklejohn.
Johnson D. R. Thompson. Carrie.
Joavennt-HlnMmw, Melklejohn.
Laflln D. K. Thompson, Currle.
Lane I). B. Thompson, Currle.
Lowe I). K. Thompson, Melklejohn.
Marshall Hlnshnw, Currle.
Vnrtln Hlnshnw. Crounse.
McCnrgar D. E. Thompson, Currlo.
McCoy Klnknld, Hoewattr.
Mend !. tl, Tlvmpson. Hoscwnter.
Mendenhall Hlnshiw, Hose water.
Mockett D, B, Thompson, Melklejohn,
M.tlleti Currle, Itosewnter.
Newell Martin, Currle.
Olson of I'heltis D. 13. Thomnson. Molkln.
u Neni -i), Thompson, Hosewnter.
Owens Hosewnter, currle.
Itohwer Illnshnw. Crounse.
Scott Hltishaw, Currle.
Hheihorn D. K. Thompson. Crounse.
Stencir D. E Th)mton. Melklejohn.
Steele lllnshnw, Melklejohn.
Stelnmeyer- D. E. Thompson, Hlnshaw.
Hwanson-Melklejohn, Mnrtln.
Tefft I). V.. Thompson. Hosownter.
Trompcn I). B. Thntn"" p Currle.
Tweed Hlnshnw, Melklejohn.
t'hl D. B. Thompson, Hosewnter.
VnnUosklrk 13. K. Tliiininsnn. Metlcl.
wnrner u. k. Thompson, Melklejohn.
Wenz' Martin, Currle.
Whltmore Hniner. Melklejohn.
Wilcox- Hlnhaw, Hosewnter.
Wilkinson Hniner, Currle.
Young Hosewnter. lllnshnw.
Mr. Speaker D. B. Thompson, Itosewater.
McCarthy Hlnshaw, Hays,
llroderlck Hlnshaw, Melklejohn.
Harris Thompson, currle.
Rni'dnll Thompson, Currle.
Hit bert Thompson. Crounse.
Oleson of Cuming Melklejohn, Hosewnter.
Mlskcll Thompson, Hosewnter.
Kroontlnn nnd Cuimlilprittlnn of llllln
TnUcn fit Time of Two
LINCOLN, Jon. 22. (Special.) The sen-
nto this morning rccelveT" a communication
from E. Benjamin Andrews, chancellor of
tho Stato university, extending to tho mem
bers of tho Renato and their friends a cor
dial Invitation to visit tho university build
ings nud grounds nt any tlmo In order that
they may becomo acquainted with tho needs
of tho initltutlon.
A communication was received from the
houso during the day Mating that tho house
desired to havo tho minutes of tho Joint
session embodied In tho mimeograph copies
which are furnished them each day, and
tho secretary of tho sennto was ordered to
furnish tho houso n copy of tho proceedings
for tho purpose.
A committee, composed of Steele of Jef
ferson nnd Newell of Cass, was named to
spo that tho Renato Is furnished copies of
tho houso rolls.
Senator Young of tho committee on priv
ileges nnd elections reported that tho ma
jority report In tho contest caso of Bone-
kemper against Uniting was ready for tho
ncnnte, but an objection wns raised to Its
being presented on the ground that tho
minority wero prepnrlng n report and de
sired moro time, and upon motion tho mat
ter was mado a special order for next
Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock.
T-t of tin- Hi-port.
Tho majority report recommends that the
sent of Sonntor Iteming bo declared va
cant, tho report In full, which will bo pre
sented Thursday, being as follows:
Mr. President: Your commlttco on privi
leges nnd elections, having tinder considera
tion tm content case, rrom tno Twenty
llfth senatorial district of Nebraska, en
titled "John J. Honekempcr against Henry
Houtlng." begs leave to Btrito that tho ma
jority of said committed has nrrlved ut a
conclusion in reference tn said contest mm
herewith submit for your consideration Hie
following iih our report, findings nnd rec
ommendations: Wo find that on the face of the returns
tho said Henry Iteming received u majority
of Hovi'iity-clglu over his opponont. nnd
Hint the evidence Introduced In paid con
test hIiowh conclusively that tho contestfe,
Henry ltc-ntlng, plainly violated tho pro
visions of section 1, nrtlcle III, chapter xxvi,
of tho Complied Statutes of Nebraska,
known ns tho "Corrupt practice net," by
contributing, using nnd expending money
for the purpose nf hromntlntr his election.
Wo further find that tho contestant, John
J. Hnnekemper, has likewise violated tho
prnvisloiiH of said act by treating electors
of said xcnatorlnl district while no wns a
candldato for the olllco of state senator
therein, with intention to promoto his elec
Your committee under said findings nf
inci iinus, as a matter or law, that tho said
Henry lteutlng, having violated tho pro
visions of the corrupt prnctlco net. Is not
entitled to retain his sent, nnd that lis said
acts havo rendered tho election In said
senatorial district void, and that tho until
John .1. Honekempcr, having likewise vio
lated tho provisions of said aet, Is not en
titled tho hold tho Rout of tho said Henry
Wo thereforo recommend Mint the elec
Hon In said senatorial district be declared
void nnd that the present Incumbent bo
ousted from said olllee and seat In the'
Kcnate, nnd that the said John J. Bone
kemper bo -held not entitled tn the scat
miwlo vacant ny tno ousting or tho said
nenry iteming.
Upon a motion by Arends of Otoo, John
Bon of Harlan was placed upon the com
mittees, In place of Hodgca.
Tho announcement was mado that tho
pnbllc lands and buildings comralHso would
visit tho penitentiary tonight, nccompanted
by an export electrician, for tho purpose
of Investigating the lighting npparatus.
Tho senate, upon motion of Owens, went
Into n commttteo of tho whole, with Har
lan of York In tho chair, for tho purpose of
considering bills on general fi'e. A number
of curatlvo acts wero reportod, somo
slightly amended, nnd recommended for
DR. m; jiimuiti, .iiriKicjnnn.
Hall D, B, Thompson. Crounse.
ltar'an D. K. Thompson, Currle.
r m y i . r i rai.7tti i -"ait -3
On Absolute Free Trial for
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passage, A bill which related to gambling
brought forth considerable discussion for
the reason that the manner In whlrh It was
worded It prevented whist or any other
Innocent games being played about a hotel
or placo of public resort, but It was so
amended as to relievo this condition, and
was recommended for passage.
A bill, by Lyman of Adams, authorizing
townships, cities, etc., to vote a bond for
railroads wns Indefinitely postponed by a
vote of fifteen to fourteen.
The senate, at fi o'clock, adjourned until
10 o'clock tomorrow morning.
Hill on First ItrndlnK.
The following senate files were Introduced
S F. 13S, by Owens A bill for nn net de
fining tho territory tn which mutual In
surance companies tnny do business and
providing when mutual Insurnneo com
panies organized In this stato may lo bin.
Iness In other stntes, rind when mutual In
surance companies organized In other
slates may operate In Nebraska, nnd to
repeal nil acts, or 'parts of acts, in conflict
S. l.trt, by Lyman A bill for an net t
provide for the gntlirlngvntni compilation
of statistics providing penalties and re
pealing section 7 of chapter xxxlx of tho
Complied Statute. of Nebraska of en
titled "IndiiMtrlnl Statistics,"
K. F. 137, by o'Nrlll-A hill for an let to
nuthorlze and ennblo boards of supervisors,
town boards nnd county commissioners to
purchase rond-maklng Implements, tools
and machinery, to provido for payment
therefor, the custody and rare thereof; to
provido for storing snld Implements nr.d
machinery nnd to recover damages from
nny person who shnll Injure snmo nnd de
claring tho brenkliig In to such placo of
storage or removing snld Implements with
out authority to be a misdemeanor, find
providing a penalty therefor, nnd to rep.i
nil nets, or pnj'ts of nets, In conflict Iicpj-
S. F. m, by Haldrlge-A bill for in net
to amend sections 30 and ITS of chapter
xxlll of tho Compiled Statutes of th stnto
nf Nebraska of 1S, entitled "Decedents,"
nnd to repeal snld original sections, und to
repenl sections I. 2, 3, 4, fi. . 7. S, !, 10, II,
12. 1.1. 14, 15. 1. 17, IS. 19. 20. 21. 22. 21. 21. 26,
2rt. 27, 28 nnd 29 of ehnpter xxlll of tho Com
piled Statutes of Nebraska of ISO.
s p l.tfl. hv Yoniiir A hill for an net to
ntr.ctid section 4 of chapter xxvll of the
Session Irfiws of 1899. entitled "An act to
protect prlmnry elections and conventions
of political parties and to punish offenses
committed thereat," and to repeal snld or
iginal section.
si, K. no, ny voung n i".i i uinenu seo
tlnn 5. rhnnter Ixviln. Compiled Statute of
1899, and to repeal snld original section.
S. F. 141, by Martin An act defining tho
crltno of train robbery nnd providing
punishment therefor.
S. F. 142, by Renting An act to nmend
section 8, chapter III, Compiled Statutes of
199. ... .
S. F. 143. by van HosKirK An net to e.s
inlilinh mi lint Ht Ions of tho Nebraska Acrl-
cultural Experiment station nt or nenr Cul
bertson. Ognllnla nnd Alliance. Neb., and
fixing the control anil inniiHgenieni or mo
snmo. and repealing sections 12-18, chapter
1, Compiled Statutes of Nebraska for 1891.
ft . 144. hv Van llosklrk An net for th
apportionment of nnd designation of con
gressional districts nnd to repeal sections
221 and 225, chapter HI, Compiled Statutes of
S. F. 145, by Meredith An act to provide
for the distribution of member of tho
Stnto Hoard of Agriculture nnd designate
limit nf otllce. . ...
S. F. lit!, by Meredith An act In relation
tn thn licensing of persons to operato steam
engines, steam boilers and steam genera
tors, and to tho establishing of a board of
exnmlnlng engineers.
H. F. 117, ly I.yman An act io proviao ior
paying officers for services rendered In
cases, of felony, misdemeanor nnd penco
wnrrnnln nut nf tho county irenernl fund.
and to repeal sections 635, 538 nnd 641 of tho
criminal cone, nun spcuuh ., urntiu m,
chapter xvill of the Compiled Statutes of
1897 of the State of Nebraska. .
S. F. 148, by Meredith An act legalizing
and regulating dissections, and repealing
nn act entitled, "An act legalizing dlssec-
iiuun iiuu mi iii-i iuiupvni "i'i'
February 20, A. D. 1SS3.
S. F. 149. by Edgat-An act to amend sec-
ttnn fJ-.O nf tltln "II nf tlin Cndn of Civil PrO-
ceilure, entitled "Contempts," and to repenl
snld orlglnnl section. , .
8. F 150, by Hteole An act in relation io
thn licensing of persons to oncruto steam
engines, steam bolIerH and steam genern
tnm. mill to tho establishing of a commis
sioner of engineering and boards of examin
ing engineers.
ti. F. 151, ny jtansom ah net auuionmiB
tho boards of trustees of nny vitiligo now
Incorporated, or which may hcreaftor bo
Incorporated, under tho laws of. tho stato
riOntlhe tn vlllnecn to tvjfcl.nsn lands, lots
or grounds to bo used for parks or park
purposes; ana to ibsuo uonus, oi saiu vijhibu
to pny for tho same.
Simile SrNNlnn l'riipimcil In Order to
r.nnlilc Committees to Do
Their Worlt.
LINCOLN. Jan. 22. (Special.) Introduc
tion nnd reading of new bills occupied the
attention of tho house of representatives
this morning. At tho Bfternoon session
ouo bill wns considered In tho committee
of tho wholo nnd recoinmcndod for pnsaago,
leaving only two bills on tho general file,
both of which wero Inld over until tomor
row becauso of tho nbsenco of tho Intro
ducers, who had previously expressed a
dcBlro to bo present when they aro taken
Tho bill recommended for passago was
Introduced by McCarthy of Dixon, and ro
lates to exemption of property, strength
ening existing laws on this subject.
Spenkcr Sears this afternoon suggested
that tho houso hereafter hold only morn
ing sessions, thus giving the afternoons
ovor to thu committees. He Bald tho legla
lature of Iowa had followed this plan dur
tng several sessions, resulting In tho dis
position of moro business then when two
sosslons were held dally. Ho thought tho
committees would bo nblo to keep up with
bills ns fast as they are Introduced, If thoy
wero given nil of each afternoon for com
mlttco work.
I.ntr Itlsrrs Object.
Representative. I.ano of Lancaster bus
gestoil that tho house follow the proposed
plan for sovcral days as an experlmont
beforo Incorporating It in tho standing
Tho principal objection urged to the
speaker's proposition Is that It contemplates
beginning tho morning session nt 0 a. m.,
which many members say Is too early for
thoso who havo been In the habit of work-
liu; with committees In tho evenings.
On recommcndntlon of tho commlttco on
El 'I
To sufferers of cither sex who are desirous of testing my appliance be
fore paying for same, I am pleased to offer the new 1901 model Herculex
183185 S, Clark Street, Chicago, 111. I
finance, ways and means, houso roll 43
and SI, were placed on the general file.
The former was Introduced by Murray of
Thm t on and provides for reducing th
rate of Interest on slat warrant from
4 to 3 per annum. Tho other bill provides
for an appropriation of $5,000, fot'wiedals
for alt ofilcers and men who fought the
Nebraska volunteer regiments and the troffp
of volunteer cavalry.
Among tho 'bills Introduced today wero
three providing for tho appointment of com
missions to determine the boundary line
of Nebraska along the. Missouri rlTer. Tho
Introducers were Ilepresentatlves Cain, Mc
Carthy and Hall. Tho measures contem
plate the appointment of three commissions
of threo men each, one commission to de
termine the Nebraska-Iowa line, ono the
Nebraska-South Dakota line, and the other
tho line between Nebraska and Mis
souri. The commissioners would receive
a salary of $10 a day, and tho term of office
would be limited to thirty days following
January 1, 1903.
At 4 o'clock tho houso adjourned to 0
o'clock tomorrow morning.
Illlln on First ItrnilltiK.
Tho following bills woro Introduced and
read tho first time:
H. It. 204, by Swanson An net to transfer
the sinking fund to tho general fund and to
provido for tho credit of this fund direct
herentter, also directs payment of back
taxes Into thu general tund and contiUtis
emergency limine.
If. It. 2"i, by Boyd An net to amend sec
tion 3 of nubdlvislon v of chapter lxxlx of
tho Compiled Statutes of Nebraska, mid tn
repeal said orlglnnl section; authorizes
school district boards lo cause pupils to bo
taught In such branches ilh may seem
adapted to conrso of study established by
tho board und provides for revision of
II. 1U 20C. by Hoyd An act to amend sec
tion S of subdivision vil of chapter lxxlx
of tho Compiled Stntutes of Nebraska for
1899, and to rciioal said orlglnnl section;
authorizes county superintendents to call
meetings of county boards to consider In
terests of schools and to revise courses of
II 11. 207. by McCarthy An net to nmend
section 2 of chapter Ixvlla of tho Compiled
Statutes of 1899 and to repent Hnld nrlulnal
section; provides for minimi me6tlng of
Stato l'oultrv association any tlmo In Jan
uary each year Instead of on third Tuesdny.
n. it. iiirs, py .McCarthy An net authoriz
ing tho governor of the stain of Nebraska
to appoint three commissioners to net con
jointly with a llko commission from South
Dakota In agreeing upon a boundnry line
between Nebraska and South Dakota; ap
propriates 2,wo for tho expenses of tho
commission, salary of commissioners to bo
$10 per day. to bo appointed for duty after
January 1, llnv!.
ii. ii. xw, py joruan An act proviamg
that brldces and culverts shall bo con
structed and repaired so as to bear trac
tion engines, inrcsiiing machines anu otner
heavy vehicles, mid iirovidlntr thn manner
of crossing snld bridges and culverts.
it. u. xiu, uy Hpreclicr An net to ileclare
void certain provisions In policies of llm
Insurance and to redutro the auditor of
public accounts to refuse, to authorize In
surance companies whoso policies contain
such provisions to do business In this state;
declares void any contracts requiring prop
erty Insured to be Insured for 80 per cent
Ul lis VIllUC.
II. It. 1111. bv Fellers An net fnr trlmmlne
llvo or hedgo fences along public ronds, and
authorizing road supervisors to order work
dono when owner of property falls or ro-
mses to no it, tno cost to no laxcil against
the land bearing tho hedge.
If. H. 212. by Mend An act to nmend sec
tion 4 of chanter xxvll of tho spsslnn Inwn
of 1899, entitled "An act to protect primary
ciHuiiuiiu nun conventions or poll i icii I par-
ne, nun io piinisn onenses commuted
thereat." nnd to repeal snlil nrlninn.1 nee.
tlon; authorizes central committees to order
and hold primary elections on twenty days'
notice, to bo published for three consccu-
tivo wevKs.
it l on k.. TTI.l A .. J
... . fc.u, ..j -i., u ,ii;l in fillieilU PUU-
tlons 30 und 176 of chapter xxlll of tho Com-
inicu aiuiuiea or iMcurasKa or J8W, untitled
"DeccdentB," nnd to repeal said original
sections, nnd to repeal sections 1. l, 3, 4,
D, 6, 7, 8, 9, iO, 11, 12. 13, 14, 15, IB. 17. 18. 19.
20, 21. 22, 23, 21, 25, 2D. 27. 2S and 29 of chap
ter xxlll of tho Compiled Statutes of No
bruska of 1899; relates to disposition of es
tates after death.
II. It. 214, by Caln-An act mithorlzlng
thu governor of tho stato of Nebrnska to
appoint threo commissioners to act con
jointly with a llko commission from tho
stnto of Missouri In agreeing upon tho
boundary lino between Nebraska and Mis
souri; conditions to bo the sumo as thoso
provided for tho proposed Nebraska-South
Dakota commission In house roll 208.
H. It. 215. by Hall An act authorizing
tho governor to appoint threo commission
em on behalf of said stato of Nebrnska to
act conjointly with a llku commission from
tho statu of Iowa In agreeing upon a boun
dary lino between Nebraska and Iowa sim
ilar tn houso roll 208.
IT. It. 21fi. by Wnrner An net for the re
lief of tho Gernimi Evangelical Lutheran
church of Lincoln. Neb., to refund $300 paid
Into tho stuto treasury for a church slto.
IIiihIiiiiiiI ('iiuhch Wife's Arrest.
FHEMONT, Neb., Jan. 22. (Special.)
Mrs. Patrick Murlnghan was arrestod nud
brought hero Inst evening on a chargo by
her husband that sho Bhot at him with a
gun. Sorao of the neighbors tako Mrs.
Murlnghan's part, however, claiming that
tho husbnnd drinks to excess, leaves all tho
work of tho farm for her to do, and that
ho was threatening her last night when sho
grabbed tho weapon In defense nnd acci
dentally discharged It. They havo a son 6
years old, who has been taken to Mra.
Hnrmot's homo for safe keeping. No com
plaint has been filed ngaiiiBt Mrs. Murlng
han, and It Is doubtful If any will bo.
Sliottrnklrk'n Home Simply Dlvil.
BEATItlCE. Neb., Jan. 22. (Special Tele
gram.) Tho Shottcnklrk horso sensation,
which was n mild Imitation of the Cudahy
affair In tho lino of mysterious, threaten
ing correspondence, has collapsed. Tho
horso was found dead In a neighboring
farmer'fl field today, a victim of tho corn
stalk disease Tho rownrd of $75 posted for
tho recovery of tho horso and conviction of
tho thief has been withdrawn.
II r. I. rn to Hnvo n Ilonrlnii.
BEATRICE, Neb.. Jnn. 22. (Special Tclo
gram.) The hearing of Dr. W. F. Leo,
charged with shooting with Intent to kill
Will Hum, a hackmnn, Bovornl months ngo.
will bo heard beforo Judgo Bourno here to
"I was In bed flvo weeks with the grip
nerves shattered, stomach and liver badly
deranged. Was cured with Dr. Miles
Norvlno nnd Nervo nnd Liver Pills." D. C.
Walker, Hallsvllle, O.
. .Miss Florence fillan. fg 1
iu yy vim ( i iivrt;
Miss Florcnco Allan, a beautiful
Chicago girl, writos tho following to
Dr. S. II. Ilnrtman concerning his ca
tarrhal tonic, l'eruna:
75 Walton IMacc CIiIcsiko, III.
"As n tonic for n worn-out
system, Pcriinn stands at the
heud In my estimation. Its ef
fects arc truly wonderful in re
juvenating the entire system. I
keep it on hand all the time and
never have that 'tired feeling,'
as a few doses always make me
feel like a different woman."
Florence Allan.
ML Cullon Wnn Kxlimmtril I'rom
Over Stinlv.
MIbs Hoso Cullon, rrcahlont of tho
Young Woman's Club, Uutto, Mont.,
921 Galena 8treet. Iltitte, Mont.
I'erunn Meillclno Co., Columbus, O.:
Oentlcmen 'Teruna has many
friends In nutto. I cannot sny too
much In prnlso of It. Whllo finishing
Bchool I becamo very norvous nnd ex
hausted from over-study. I was wealt
and sick, and could neither eat, sleep
nor enjoy llfo. A couplo of bottles of
Poruna put new llfo In mo. I find
by having It In tho houso nnd taking
a doso off nnd on keeps mo In lino
health. A largo number of my friends
plnco l'eruna nt tho head of nil medi
cines." Hoso Cullon.
Alls Jnurl drew Strong 111 Two
Miss Kmma Jourls, president of Uio
Golden Hod Sowing Clrclo , writes
from 40 Hurling street, Chicago, III.,
the following enthusiastic letter con
cerning Poruna:
Peruna Modlclno Co., Columbus, O.:
Gcntlomen "Recently I buffered
qulto sovoroly from tho after-offoets
of la grlppo. As tho doctor did not
seem to help mo I bought a bottlo of
Peruna. I had certainly no Idea that
nny medtcltin could help any ono ns
that did. Day by day I folt botter,
nnd In a llttlo over two weeks I was
as strong nnd well ns over. Wo kocp
$500 REWARD!
Wo will psy tho abovo reward for any ease of
Liver Complaint, DyKpepttin, Kick liesdache,
Indlftektlon, Constipation or Coetlvenetii wa
cannot euro with I.lverlta, tbo Up-To-Dato
i.uue i.iver rm, wnen tno airocuoim re strict
ly compiled with. They nro putoly Vegetable,
and never fall to glvo satisfaction. SAo boica
contain 100 I'llls, lOo boxes couUiiu 40 l'llla.&a
boxes contain 15 Pills. Ilewaroof ttibstltu tlons
nnd Imitation. Sent by mull. Stamps tikun.
NKHVITA Mi:niOAI CO., Cor. Cliuton and
Jackson SU., Chicago, 111, Sold by
For sale by Kuhn &.Co., Utti and Douglas
St., Omaha. Neb, ; Geo. B. Davis, Council
Hlurfs, Iowa.
If you bate tmatl. f ak orsrant.
lost power or weakening1 drain,
our V acuum Organ !erelner will
reor you wtinoM iiniar or
'lectrlcltr S.V00O In uiei lint on
failure nntoneietiirnecl. nop O I) fraiuli write, for
particulars. ent eeale.1 In pHIn enTeloM
tOCAl APPLIANCE CO.. 414 Charles Bide. Dimf, Colo.
vealc in r la, mako men
itroiiK, Ylzoroui, roliuitt
In? lo marry. mouiJ tako a boit nilnnlihlmj ro.
limit munt mnri avuwcui .i.r( tv,,uicui .
at Sherman & MrConn'il.. Kulin ft Co ani other
ilruMlitiuriualiea'.'NcrvolleaACo.UuttaloN V
Rose Cullerv
It In the houso constantly, and It any
of tho family feel hndly a few doses
strengthen thorn." Miss Kmma Jourls.
Poruna Is not only nn excollcnt rem
edy to glvo during tho acuto stago of
tho crip, hut It constitutes tho remedy
par oxcollcnco for tho after-effects
which nro sure to follow an attack of
tho grip.
Hut MUrrnlilr, Wenlt, Xrrvoua,
Tired, Dyxiicplic, Slccilca
a ml Mr Innclinl-,
Tho number of women who consider
thomsolves ns really sick or invalids
aro fow lu comparison to tho numbor
of people who feel mlserablo month
after month, but will not glvo up, con
tinuing to do tholr regular work.
This class of peoplo do not think
they nood to tako medicine. Indeed,
they dread to begin tnklng mcdlolno
for fear thoy will got worso Instead ot
bolter. Tho fact Is, howovrr, there In
no class of peoplo who recolvo moro
prompt and lasting benefit from med
icine that this very class.
If ono hns a poor appetite, Is tlrod,
dobllltatod and worn out, Pemnn
quickly lnvlgoratos the wholo nys
tem. Wo hnvo hundreds of lettora
from women who woro weak and ner
vous all tho tlmo until thoy began tho
uso of Poruna. Perunn Is especially
adnptod to protecting ngnlnst and
curing nervous diseases of run-dowii
women, ns tho testimonials ot MJsa
Allan nnd Miss Cullon indicate.
Peoplo recovering from ncut dis
eases And Peruna to bo without any
equal as a strengthening medicine, as
In tho case of Miss Jourln.
School girls overtaxed with study
ought to tultn Poruna.
An excollont llttlo treatlao on
"Health nnd Iioauty," written espo
dally for womnn, by Dr. Hartman,
will bo sent free to nny address by
Tho Poruna Modlclno Co., ot Colum
bus, Ohio.
Without Changs
..All tbs beat Scenery of the BOCKV
Dayllzht In both direction!. 7
,?or'H.Un'orn,tlon' reervatlonaandltlnef
V?rvl? f!'0 to c"'"rnl addreaa City
Ticket Office, ijij Pamam St., Omaha,
-I Or, Kr U
CUHES all ttlilnej
uuesres. hock
lu-lin. eti At 1nw
I win. or nv unit.
CI i'IClJUU.lll.1
Vtoe, etc, of Ilr. 1). J. Kay. Kwarv, N. Y
I Kim booh, iu
Only n llttlo cough,
thnn n llttln coltln.
A bottle of Atlll
Kawf and no
muro couBhla.