I THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: AVK,i"f ESI") Y, JANI'AHV 2H, 1!)01. 1 i SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisements for these i'oliiiiuii trill lir tnkru until 12 in, for I ho rtcnliiK edition nnit until Sill) p, m. fur iniiriiliiK nnil .Minilny edition, Ilnles, I .!ip it mini Mrs! Insertion, lr n nurd tliprpnf trr. NiiIIiIiik tnUrn for lm Hum '!." fur tlir n Inner tlnn. Thme lid Prtlsciupiitii mil at lir run piinseruM ely. Advertisers, by requesting: n num bered plieoU, en linvp nnsiTprs ad dressed to n iiuutliprMl Irtlrr In enip Of TIP lPP. llllllT Kit lllllrPPll will lie delivered mi presentation of the cheek only. wavi-hii-mali: help. WANTED, wo hnvo steady work for a few good hustlers of good hnblts nnd appear unco. C. 1. Adams Co., 1605 Howard St. 11-737 BARBER trade taught thoroughly In short time, rntnlpgue nnd particulars free. Add resit Western Barbers' Institute, Omaha, Neb. li 73? WANTED, Rood man to do ennvuMng In the country; i?ood pay for right mmi. Ad dress E 4. lire. U-M1&9 MEN or nomnii to sell goods to city trade. Good piiy.and steady employment. 111k cnhaUgh & Co.. Ware blk. B-MI12 Marl5 WANTED, nn experienced salesman to sell overalls, shirts, Jackets, etc., on tlio road for the stutes of Nebraska and Suulh Da kota. Addretis a 26, tills otllce. B-MI21 23 WANTED, 1 carriage woodworker; 1 oar rlngo trimmer, expvriencod. Driimmor.d Carriage- Co.. II-C29 22 HA LESM Tn l'f7r'lKitnI ; new plan; qulik sales, good business; big money. Con sumers' Cigar Co., fill S. Se until St., St. Louis, Mo. U WANTED, boy fourteen to sixteen years old, for oltleo work. Address G fl. Bee. H-M 636 22 WANTED, an experienced engineer to take charge of mi electric light plant. Ad dress box 741, Marian, la. B-M6II il. SALESMEN for line Kentucky whiskies and wines, barrel anil case Roods; salary or commission. The It. M. Hye Co., Lex ington. Ky. M-639 23 WANTED, everywhere, hustlers lo tack signs, dlstilhiite circulars, samples, etc.; no ciinviisslng; Rood pay. Hun Advertis ing llurenu, Chicago. B MOGO 2;i wa.ti:i-femai,e help. WANTED, 200 girls. ;f.2l Dodge. Tel. 87. 0-T3J M girls wanted. Canadian olllco,. 1522 Douglas C-740 WANTED, young lady uttendant, Call at 220 Bee Hldg. C-KW A BRIGHT young man or woman to tnlce shorthand scholarship nnd pay for It when course Is finished and position secured,, Address F 15, Bee. C-857 WANTED, girl for olllco workT ' Address O SI, Bee. C-MItt WANTED, competent dressmaker, capable of miuinglug dressmaking department .in a tlrst-closa storo'nt Carson, lown. Ad dress Cater & Galloway, Carson, Iowa, giving experience and salary deeircd. CM 112 23. YOUNG lady lo leitrn massaRo; permanent position for right party. Apply 220 Bee Bldg,. C-G22 A (.ADY wnnted to Introduce nn educa tional work to mothers of children; 15 per week (or 0110 order per day; names mid addresses furnished; also. If desired, an Instructor; state whether or not em plbycd. Address ijeo, (1 63. C Chi 22 AVANTED, middle-aged wuuiaii, colored preferred, for general housework; small family. 1220 Kiirnam. C M(M7 23' GOOD girl for general housework. IWI So. 29th nveiiue. C MOT I 23 WANTED. yoiiiiR lady stenographer can secure otllce room In exchange for llm Iteil iimolint of work. Address Lawyer, (i M. Hee olllce. V--MlVl ', AGENTS wanted for Hnlleck's extracts; permanent, profitable, easy work; refer ences required, Tho Abllcno Drug Co., Ablleno, Kansas C roil iu:vr 1101 sr.. IK yon want your houses well rented "place them with llonnwn & Co. D 741 ALWAYS moving 11. II. goods. Pianos. Olllce, lull's Kaiiiam St. Tel. 153D or 80.1. D-742 HOUSES for rent In all parts of tho city Ursnnan-Lovo Co., 320 So. nth St. D--713 HOUSES, stores. Ucmls, I'axton hlock D-711 SEE HENHY II. 1'AYNE. C01 N. y. javk, HOUSES, etc. K. D. W-:ad. 1521 DotVgTas3 ; D-7Ki I10USES und flats. lUngutlt. Uarkernur D-717 ' HOUSES wanted. Wallace Urown lilk. D-7IS 11AUN. 2021 St. Mary's Ave. D-7I0 KOIl UENT, bakery In flrsl-class condltloiv large storo room, continuous oven etc ' nlfo S-room house, with barn for S horses nnd largo wagon shed; all for 90 i.er month. W. II. Hussell. 42j Itumge Hl'lg ' D-lS 8511 SEWAItD ST., now llvo-ronm cotttso for rent; Kml ham. und , city water; rent, OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO., lGth nnl Douglas Sts. ' n-731 NEW, 7-room brick, strictly modern lmt fronl. 27th nnd St. Mary's ave. 5 VmlV Taxtoti block. D-.M717 ' No. 1331 South 31st street, lust northTrilHru scorn park, a nje.). comfortable, s-room modern house. Will be nut In Irnnrt r... pair for right party. M J Konnnnt Son. 319 JJrowtl D-M8I3 TWO small five-room cottages In the sum yard; city water In kitchen; 1 go 0,1 con dition, rent. JS per month. Omaha ann &. Trust Co., ICth and Douglas sts llth. near 1-ariiam; ten-room modern hniic: completo In every respect: ten minute-' wnlk of center of city; reasonable rent. Omaha Lean & Trust Co., ICth and Doug las hts. D-UO-.- .1107 Decatur st , "r.. Ilh. S10 Decntur, "r. modern, J14. 1511 S, Sth St., 7r., all modern, excent fur nace, 25. ' 2215 Hurt st , S-. modern, except furnnce J'T. PAYNE-KNOX CO.. 1ST FI N. i . MKKj D-132 -riOOM houfo. nil modeir. 1135 N ioth St D-4t3 2i ' WHY pay rent when you can buy nliomo mi monthly payments of am tin" W II. Husse f. 42U Itamgo llldg. D-mits MODEItN slx-rooni tint. Charles llanlev. 1"IB Paeltlc st, D .Mt von Hi;T-i'iiii.MMii:i hoomm. BTEAM-heatcd rodms at Tho ThurVtonl j E-732 DUWEY European hotel, 13th and l'aTiianT E-3s0 HOUSEKEEP1NQ rooms, Ji3 11 p. !i!23 sil. Mary's. E-.M7J1 J20' FOn HE NT, n nicely furnished fronTroomT south and east exposure, within llvo diocks or postomcc; uatn and usA of 1019 Phone. Address K 4, Hee. E MC03 210 N, 17TH ST., fcteam heated rooms. E-MUG FS ZXl DOUGLAS St., cholcu rooms. E-M503-20 FURNISHSD rooms, 190C Capitol nve. , E-.M60I 26 FIIIMSIIEIt ROOMS AM) IIOAHII, ai4ENCAIRN,trnnBleiUs,.23day. 1G0D Doug ' F-753 The Merrluni. good winter home. 2"i ,L- Dnda F-754 UTOPIA. 172rDavcnport St." F-753 TIIIJPRATT. deslrnblo rooms. Hot water heat. F IS I LARGE front pallors with board, also smaller room; reasonable rates. The Rose, 24)20 Harney. F-M591 ELEGANT large steam-heated front rooms, with boHrd. 1119 Capitol ave. F-M6M S9 IMIlt Illi.vr-I MM ItMsllEII IttlOMI. HOUSES, toi ms, nmnl' family only ome N .lM st G-M632 Kl roil iti:.T-.sronns ami orriciis. HALL, 103 80. llth, cor Dodge at. 1-M1G3 F7 FOR UENtT sTote In nreNclass location: rent reusonnble. Apply H. C. Peters & Co ground door, llco llldg, 1269 FOR RENT, the building lormcrly occupied by The Ueo at 013 Farnam street. U Una four stories and a basement which was formerly usJd as The Ilee pnss room. This will be rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at once to C. C. Rosa water, secretary, room 100, llee Uulldlns. 1261 LA ROE double room In Continental block; can b made ,nto very desirable ofllce and teceptlon room for physician. Will ar range to suit. OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO., ICth & Douglas Sts. 1736 HALL for rent, 102 8. llth, cor Dodge. I-M1C1-F7. HTOII.UJi: PACIFIC Storage nnd Wnrehouse Co.. 512 911 Jones, general storage nnd forwarding. -707 OM. Van Stor Co., 161114 Farn. Tcls. 1339-RCX -7... AtlBVI'S WA.NTEI). t . WHY bo hnrd up or o.lt of business; we have 11 sure road to wealth; our coin rontro'led machines nro the best made and nro iiulek sellers, or can be placed pn the percentage plan; write for particu lars; thp best chance ever offered to make big money on a small investment. Address 'Hie Callle-Scholtner Co.. Cor. Woodward and Ilaltlmnro Ave.. Detroit. Mteh. J-SIG38 23 WAJSTKI1 TO HUY. HOUSES to move. Wullaco, Urown Illk. N-7C0 HIGHEST prices paid for furniture nnd Btoves. J. Levlne, 304 N. 16th. Tel. 771. N-373 WANTED to Iluy, h Klnrc ClmrleJ, lllcn- iium or .inpnttcsc Hpnntci; slilto towesi price. AdJress G 31 Hee. N-133 2D-HAND coupe, modern, pood as new; cash transaction. Address G Rfc, llee. N-M45G 25 WANTED TO HITS'. A SIX or seven-room house located op good lot near Orchurd 11111, less than live blocks from car line; house to be modern structure, price low and terms reasonable. Prefer transacting business with owner. Address G 13, llee. N-Gnol SECOND-HAND furnnco or hot "water heutur. O 31. Hee. N 617 23 A HOUSE and lot from" owner; good neigh borhood; something cheap for cash. Ad dress G 57, Uee. N MC55 roil sam; FUiixiTiiiiK. CHICAGO FURNITURE CO., 1110 Dodge. Tel. 2020. New & 2dhand furnlturo bought, sold, exchanged, O 7S2 roil .s.i,i:-ii'jitsi:s, vehicles, ktc. YOUR wagon or buggy may -need repairs; havr It done right, at Harry Frost', lPh & I.eaveniMirtJi, P-IG1 roil SAI.H MlSCKI.I.A.M.Ol (. HARD and soft foundation piling; fences and cribbing. J01 Douglns. Q- hog 762 2DIIAND safe cheap Dcrlght, 1110 Farnam. Q-7G3 SAFES; buy. sell ex'ge. Schwartz, 114 So. 13. Q 761 HERTFORD & CO.. 16th & Uworth. FURNITURE & UPHOLSTERING. Q-377 TIMOTHY hay and all kinds feed nnd coal. Monroe ft Co. ' Q M416 2DIIAND boiler and engine, abnut 20 H-P., for sale cheap at Omaha Safe and Iron 1 Works,' C)0 HO. 14th St., Omaha, y-533 FOR SALE, new and secondhand soda fountains: monthly pnymcnts 8 H. Rich mond, 420 So, 21th St. Q-MS32 Fl HA RO A INS In 2d hand bicycles. J3 up; new wheels, $15 up Omaha Ulevcle Co., IGth and Chicago sts. Q M794 MUST dispose of high Rrade piano; terms If desired. Inquiries answered. Address, O 28, Hee, Q-431- 1NCCHATORS. Hend to tho Rurolintch Ifcubator Co., Clav Ce.iter, Nob., for a handsome free eatalovue.' Q 411 LEGAL blanks, hundreds of forms; mall oruers linen; lawyers nriers printed. Omaha Mercury. Q MII7 1 FOR SALE Oil TRADE, a flno Import.) 1 oniric i.iiufiii wuriii n, oniy used a snort time; suitable for lectures ami other en tertainments Addrciis F 63, Hee olMee, Q-MI70 FOR SALE-Rotnry Neostyle. good ns new. Room No. 2, N. Y. Life bldg. Q-.M637 2 FRESH cow for snle. 310.1 Hoyd Htre'ot. q- mGi'm r, CI.AIIl VOYAXTS. MRS. FRITZ, medium. 819 North lGlh. S-76') MitlCOLYMER genuine palmist. 1603 Dodgo, S-705 EI.KCTIIIC TIIEATMISXT. ELITE parlors. 615 South 16th, second floor, T-197-F-S MM E, AMES. 1613 Howard, 2d floor, room 1; thermal baths. T 446-23 MAHEL GRAY, 317V6 N. 15th St., "floTE" T-M458 F1S MISS MAE LESLIE, Gin S. 16th. 2d floor T MG63 23" PERSONAL. DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns ,t superfluous hair removed by electricity, R. 12. Pren zcr Hlk. U 7G7 TURKISH batln mas'.ngo baths, electric iiutbs. for ladles only: skilled wmnr. massage operators; finest equipped baths in me nij. nuiinmm uuin (.ompanv Rooms iJJ to 220 DO Bldg. V jilGS ' LlEHEN, theatrical, masquerade costumer" 1U18 Farnam. U 763 PRIVATE home before and during confine, nient; oables ldoptr I. Mrs. Burget, 2620 ljuruoiic. u .70 TiMIKCII cccordlon nleatlnc: lvnrv rim but tons; mall orders. Omaha Pleating Co., 1KM UOUgixii. U 7,3 HAlUES and children cared for. S13 N. 23d. SUPPI IE0 for all machines; machines for rent, wnue Mewuig Mueiunc, km uoug s. I'eJ. 2331. U-M'.' PRIVATE hospital for ladles before nnd during eontliiemcnt; babies adopted. 23iJ Qrant 81. U 177 CHILDREN'S clothing made to order. Infants wear, and ladles' underwear a specialty. Satisfaction cuuratitced. 1919 Hurt st. U-23.'. IF your feet bqther you do not put oft until tomoriow nuying a oqx or ite-no- may pouunr. sold uy an druggists. U-MI93 RI PTURE cured: no knife, no pabi. no .l.llnr.l. unt.,1 .-.H Apnli..-. V..,,.,.... I,,r. "'tun' 1 . i.n,iimiB ,4, jijitii- ,t.),w turo Cure, 932 N. Y. Llfo Uulldiiig, Om.ina. V tilt FU VIAV1 Woman's way to health; rational wholesome homo treatment. 34S Hee llldg I U-S91- HUY from the manufacturer. Hurkloy Eu velopo Co . Omaha'. U M106 FIS INFORMATION of V. C Collins, last hoard of In Omaha, Neb., 4 years nso, Is uesireu ny 111s son, ,. n, foinns. at ve ler, Iowa. Address him with Information lit latter pincc. t' .M6J9 23 JIO.MJV TO I.OAV-P.KAI. UliTATU. MONEY to loan on Improved Omnha real tsiaie. orcnniin-uovti wo., ho. inn, W-778 PRIVATE mosey. 5, 5", per cent; no d lay. uarvin nroi., 11,13 farnum, w in J1.000 and upward to loon on Improved city iiroperiy nnci tarms. w. rnam wrnnn 10., jo.m i-urnam. v iii .MOM5V TO LO HE l. ESTATE. LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western towa rarrjs at 5 per cent; uorrowrs can pay lioo or any multiple; any Interest date; m day. Ureiinan-Love Co.. SoUtb V Omaha. Net- W-7 7i WANTED, city loans, bonds and warrants. ueorge company. iwi f arnam strrei. W-7J WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds ana wnrrnnts, it u. I'eters & o, iirn Farnam St., Uee Hide, W-7S0 MONEY to loan on farm nnd city property, lowest rates, O. F. Davis Co., IMS Farnam W 7S1 PRIVATE money to loan. J. H. Sherwood, W-7SS vn v. i.ue. MONEY to loan at 5 nnd RH per cent on umanu property, w. u. .MeiKie, ui n. i&tn W-7S2 FIVE per cent money. Hernia, Paxton block. n rat Jl.fVXP TO LOAN on, real eitate; call at ones. i-i, j. jvennaru fic nun, uiu-ju unin oiuck. W-7S0 FIVE nnd one-half per cent loans. W. II. rnninns. f irst rtationai oanK oiiiuiing. Tel. 1618. W-MS1 6 AND r4 per cent loans. W. II. Thomas, t.- l...ll.tl rP .TIC a .tab iu.. j,uill UMIIUIIIb. I'nj. W-MSIS PRIVATf. money. F. D. Wend. 1521 Dounl is. v m JIO.MJV TO i.OA. CHATTELS, sinx'RV TntiAV Loans made til amounts from 410 to J230 on iimisciium lurnr.ure, pianos, norsrs, c"" llages, etc., without rcmcvnl or on your 8-A-L-A-R-Y without security. All or n part of tho money may be paid back t.itf first month, or no part of It need bo paid back for several months Each payment mado reduces the cost according. V. Eni plovers and neighbors know absolutely nothing of our business relations. People who need money aro Invited to call nnd get my terms nml cotnpuro them with whnt others offer. Loans of other com panies may be transfcriort to mc. , No charge for papers. All business strictly confidential. Quick eervlco and lowost rates guaranteed, .1 W TAVtOH 218 First. Nnt. Hank bldg. southest corner "in unu i'urnam ats. 'ici. u . ..... X MS3J . DO YOIT NEED MONEY? Wo loan KH) nnd up on furniture, P'nuos, horses and other chattels, SALARY LOANS , Without mortgage, to peoplo holding permunent positions. You tan get tho money in a few hours nftcr making ap plication, and lake 1, 2, 3, 4. 5. 0 months or more In which to pay It back, nnd you need not pay for ft ono day longer than you keep It. We charge nothing for papirs mid we give you the full amount In cash. There are no lower rates than ours, our terms nre tho easiest, our business Is conlldcnt nil and our motto Is "try to please. Omaha Mnrtgago Loan Co., 119 Hoard of Trailo Hldg. Tel, 219 (Established 1SS2). 306 80. 16th St. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE AT CHEAPEST RATES IN CITY AN OPPORTUNITY to tuko advantage of. wo makn no startling, sensational an nouncements of rate "cut In two." Wb don't do business that way; neither does anybody else. OUR REDUCED RATES ARE TllE LOWEST. You can borrow on your personal Note, without Mortgage, lndorser. or Publicity. Our Special Pny ment Plan surprise them all and soon gets you out of debt. Very quiet otllce, easily found. Come nnd soo us. AMERICAN LOAN CO., Room tl, Hee Uldg. . . X MS20 SALARY LOANS. If von aro employed by n responsible firm wo win loan you sums trom iw i 1 m your' note at much cheaper and easier rates than elsewhere. . Of this wo are positive. Absolutely no charges for papers. Nothing dedurted from amount desired. Easiest partial payments. Hcllnhlo Credit Co., room 2C3 Paxton blk. X-MS51 MONEY MONEY LOANED SALARIED PKUP1.1S. No rsidorncr of mortence required. LOWEST RATES, EASY PAYMENTS and STRICTLY C O N K 1 1 1 E NT I A L. OMAHA (MIMIHT CO.. Room C2C. Fifth Floor. Now York Life Hldg. JV 4 S3 MONEY to Loan on Furniture, Plnnos, Dltimoniis., etc., on easy payments, ion keep security No charge for papers. No questions asked your neighbors. Tel. 16.11. UERGERS' LOAN CO., 1501 Farnam St. X-621 MONEY loaned salaried people holding per. mnncni pi :nion wun responsioie concern upon their owli nnines without security; easv payments. Tolmnn, Room 410, Hoard of Trndo Bldg., 16th and Farnam Sts. X-791 MONEY loaned on plnnos, furniture, Jew- ciry, horses, cows, etc. 1;. v. lieea, ;u: . . X-730 MONEY lonned on p'nnos. furniture, hnmei, cows, jewelry. Dun Green, 1; s. narKcr nut X-793 CHATTEL fit Salary loans. Joe H. Pleas- ants, 51 Hnrker Hlk. x-.m.i-1'"19 IIUSI.MifcS CIIAXt'ES. 150 CASH or easy payments buys 2o strictly lawful (nlckol) slot machines for drinks, 1 1. . ...HI . . .. . . -A .1 . I t'lKar" ur uniii nun m itni, upwuru weekly each. Earl. Clark & Co., Furnl turo Mauiifectuicrs, Chicago, III, Y-S13 WANTED, good man to do cnnvnHsIng In tho country; good pay for right man. Ad dress E 4, Heo. Y-M190' FOR SALE, bakery, restaurant and grocery cneap 11 iukcii at once. Atiuress i ii, nee. Y M350 FOR SALE, the stock of Implements and harncRH of F. W. Herggren, bankrupt, will lie sold -it Stronisbui'g, Neb., Jan, 23, 1901, either publicly or on private sealod bids 'or lb" wholn or In lines. J. L. Johnson, Trustee, Stromsburg. Neb. Y-M453 23 FANCY bakery, Ice cream and candy mftf. estauiisiimcut. snap tor rignt man, m- voice $1,500. Wm .-Maogeit, iteai i-.staie, Hastings, Neb, Y 187 BLACKSMITH, all nrouml workman, good horseshoer or plowman and woodwoi ker, wants a location In Nebraska, Iowa or Dakota to rent or start new. Address Walter Schabcrg, Henry, Kev Co., Mis souri. Y-MG57 27 FOR SALE. Opera House saloon. Council Bluffs. Y-.M6G3 Foil nxciiA.van. A FINE JS3.00 Imported magic lantern, ns good ns new, only used a short time; suit able for lectures, churches or lodge enter tainments; 11 bargain. Address F G3, Hee office. Z 17!) FOIl SALE REAL ESTATE. A BEAUTIFUL lit In north part of city on Mnudersou st., 3 blocks west of 21th st. motor; must lie sold this week; $250 takes It; :l lots on next street sold this week for $300 each. Half cash, balance $10 a month. Stringer, G3I I'axton Hlock. RE-M160 A BEAUTIFUL east front lot, 50x121, on S. 35th avenue, 2 blocks south of Leaven worth st. car nnd only 4 blocks from HanBcom park. Will tnko $30o If sold this week. It Is worth $1,000. Stringer, G3I Parton block. RE MIO) LIST your property for rent and snle with W. II. Russell, 426 Ramge Bldg. RE 176 PROPERTY bought and sold; monoy leaned: rlnls collected. L. L. Johnson Co., 311 So. 15th St. RE-M2 DESIRABLE east front lot. residence or business, 3d mock so. depot on intn. nil Vinton, UK Mso w SO ACRES adl. Florence on west. $4.00i part cult., part timber nnd nnsture. worth juki per acre tor truit or uairy. win sen $40. A sniip. f. u. wend, 1521 Douglas St. RE-G30 22 SEE HENRY II, PAYNE. 601 N. Y. LIFE, RK-79G RANCH AND FARM lands for sale by the union I'nciuc iiuiirotui company, u. A McAllaster land ccmmlsulooer, Union i'ucluc lit'iiu.iuartcrs, uinatia, Neb, RE-S15 HOUSES, lots, farms, lands, loans; also fire Insurance, Hemls, Paxton blk. RE Sit CHEAPEST lot In city of Omaha: (KiiTfoot east front In Nelson s addition, M. J, Kcnnanl & Scm. ,T.U Urown block. RE M833 CHAB. B. WILLIAMSON. 120.1 Farnam St, RE 793 BARGAINS ADJOINING OMAHA. 5 acres on macadumtzed St.. $725, 10 acres tlno garden land, $1,375. 17 acres, beautiful tract, near city, $2,100. HICKS, 325 Board Trade Bldg RE-645 2i FOR MALE HEAL EST V I E. SCRIP -Tfi.nnn acres; C. H. Hurrows. owner, Norfolk, Neb. RE-MI22 3D' 8-ROOM bonne, bam. corner lot, H. W. cor. 2Mb and Hlnney; fenced and all In good order; one block from car; Jl.200.00. W II Gates, N. Y. Life. RE-M6W 21 LIST your bargains In city property nnd farm lands with us: wo have tho cus tomers. Payne-Knox Company, Muln Floor New York Life Hldg. Tel. 17S1. RE-618 31 5-R. HOUSE, 1913 lanl st., paving fully paid, $l,(. 5-r. hiiusn and 10 lots on paved street, pav ing fully paid, $1,500. 91 feet on Cuming st.. fronting park. $2,000. $0 feet on 37th nenr Barker Cudahy resi dences, $1,6(0, or $S00 for 40x16. F. D. WE AD, 1521 DOUGLAS. RE--0I9 22 l-acre block north of Fort Omaha. $jnn, 5 acres tiear Central Park school, ji.MO. F. D. Wead, 1521 Douglas St. RE-G50 22 CHEAP, 6-room cottage and lot, 19th, nenr Lake st. Box 373, Krnriiey. Neb. RE -MGofl 27 l'ATI'JXTS. INVENTORS. GOT AN IDEA? We handle patents, copyrights nnd trade marks; you glvo us the bare Idea and wo will do the rest; modern equipped mnchlnn shop and foundry in connection; Ofllcial Gazelle oil f'.lo; guldo book free. Mason, l'enwlck & Lawrencft, patent lawyers. 1406 Howard st.; tel. 1419, Omaha. J. P. Cronln, repr -M170 INVENTORS, we "ask no feo until the patent Is procured; If wo fall, wo get no lee; udvlco free. Sues & Co.. Patent Law yers, Bee Bldg.. Omnhn, Neb. I.onu ills tanco telephone 1S23. US Marts LOST, LOST Brown water spaniel, name itruwule, $3 reward for roiurn to Murray hotel. Nnt Urown. Lost M6I2 LOST, the public Is hereby untitled that warehouse receipt Issued by the Allen Bradley Co. of Louisville.' Ky., covering live barrels of April, 'US Elk Run bourbon, serial Nos. 21576-hO, has been lost or stolen. If the ubove named warehouse receipts Is now held by anyone said possession Is without right and nil persons nro hereby warned against trading for or purchasing the same, as dullvery of the whlskv has been stopped. Richardson Drug Co., C K. Wo'.ler, Pres. Lost MGGS 23 LOST, chatehiln pocketbook, dark leather. Under please telephone F&'AG. Lost-MGiW 25 LOST. keys, chain, ring and check. I o O. F. design, with name A. 8. Hnckno , reward. Return to 113 Cass st. Lost M633 2.1 ror.Mi. LADY'S plush capo on main road about I miles S. W. from Clnrkstm. Inquire David .iinimer, 14tB M. lath. Found Mtfil Sl SIIOHTIIAXIl AMI TYPEWIllTIXt; A. C. VAN SANT'S School. 717 N. Y. Life. -801 BOYLES' College, court reporter, principal. Boo Bldg. i02 NEB. Business & Shorthand college. Boyd's mcaicr. su GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col. 16 & Doug, Sol MEDICAL, LADIES out of health llnd prompt relief. Box 232. Omaha, Neb. Confidential. -793 I'll. LE DUirS Female Regulator, posi tively warranted to cure the most stub born cuues of monthly, tUoppagcs, Irregu larities, obstructions and suppressions brought on from whatever causn; $2 a paokugo or .1 lor $3; nnt anywhere pre paid on receipt of price. The Kldd Drug Co., Elgin, III. American Office, retnll, wholesale. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha; M. A. Dltlo.n, South Omnha: Davis Drug Co., Council Bluffs. Full lino of rubber goodn. OSTEOPATHY, JOIINSON Institute; 6l!i'.N'Y. L. Bldg. Tel. iwij Alice jonnson u. u mules' aopt.j Old 12. Johnspn, Ostcfipnthlst, Mgr. -SOfl M. E. DONOHUE, D. 0 of Still school. KirKsviiio, aio goi paxtott Blk. Tel. 1367. 807 l.VCt IIATOIIS AMI TUtOOnHIIS. INCUBATORS and Uroodcrs' catalogue free vnio jjurr iiicuuator mo., umana, rsen -479 IIH YI'LHS. START buying your bicycles now; $1 down, 1 yvi ... i' isuiit-r, iu . up. live. M-G33 ItUIIIIEIl STAMPS, BADGES, medals. Om. Pl't. Co., Bee Bldg. Tel. 25S) M-U17 PAVMIIl01CUIlS. EAGLE Loan Ofllce, reliablo accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas, sil nilKSSMAICIXO. MRS. JEFFRIES KEMP, 401 Paxton Blk. Telephone 2120. M-5SI-J27 BIRDS AMI TAXIDERMY. STOCK'S Bird Store. 1G03 Leavonworth. -707 TICKET BROKER. CUT rate tickets everywhere. P. II. Phil bin, 1505 Farnam, Telephone 7S1. 809 STA.HMEIIIXG AMI ST'UTTKlll.XU. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramgo Hldg. -812 MCKEL PLAT1XO. OMAHA PLATING CO., Bee Hldg, Tel. 2333, M6I8 LAPXDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shlrtn. 7ci collars, 2c; cuffs, 4o. 1730 Leavenworth, Tel. 517. -793 lH'lt.MTtlltn REPAIIIIXO. TEL. 1331. M S. Walklln. 2111 Cuming St, vsas WATCH REPAIItlM!. W. O, SANDERS, room 21, BarkerBlock! tlS-K-lG DAXCIXC. SCHOOL. THE winter tnrm at Morand's Dancing school begins this week. Adults, Tuesday nnd Friday, R p. m.; 12 lessons, gentlemen. $3; ladles, $6. Prlvato lessons day and evening. M-222 Fll CAIIPEXTKRS VXD .lOIIIIKItS. ALL kinds of enrpenter w&rk nnd repairing promptly attended o. J. T. Ochiltree. 20th and Lako Sts , 370 ACCORIIIOX Pl.KATIXn. ACCORDION nleatlng. cheapest, best quick est. Mrs. A. C. Mark, S. E, Cor. 17th and Farnam. 322 PORTO Popular Tonrs RICO Feb. 2nnd 10, March 2. llhu trntrd prosram: 'Jt dnym, all expeuscv, H0H. Raymond & Whltcotnb, 103 AdJnis St., Chlcaoo RAILWAY TIME TABLES. Leave. Arri.. The Overland Limited. .n :20 am a 7:30 pm The Chicago-Portland Snecial .a 8:20 am n 7?"J1 nm 1 The Fast Mall a 8:50 am a 3:25 pm I The Mall and Express. .all;35 pm a 4:25 pm Lincoln, iieairice anu Stromsburg Express, ,l 4:05 pm bl2;30 pm Tho Pachlc Express, ...a 4:25 pm The Atmntlc Express... r 6:50 am Grand Island Local, ...b 3:30 pm b 9:33 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. mrf. l-'NION PACIFIC.'-THE OVER. I Ian I loute" General Ofllces, I N K. Cor. Ninth and i'arnam WStAlk htreets City Ticket Offlce. 1321 IBcwHJ'iJ. Farnam Street, Telephone, S16. JTl,!' Depot, Tenth and Marcy Sta. ni 'ivfenhone. C29, 1 It ULWAV TMII! TABLE!". SFSsOi FREMONT. KLKIIORN aW-tfeTl Mls"iirl Valley Railroad .5Yf7Kll!lil -Tlio Northwetcrn Line" - General Olllces. I lilted States National Bank Hldg., 8. W. Corner IKket oilke not KHrnam St. Tel. Wl. De pot, loth and Webittr Sts. Tel. US'. , , , ... Leave. Arrive. "till1 J1'1.1"' nndwooi1. Hot Springs a 3:0) pm a 6:00 pm yoming, Casper nnd , Douglas d 3:00 pm o 5:00 pm HnstliiEs. York, David tlty. Superior, Geneva, Exeter and Seurd....li 3:00 pm b 5:00 pm Norfolk, Vcrdlgro and . 1' rmont t 7;30 am bl0:25 am Lincoln. Wnhoo and I remont b 7:30 am bt0:2j am 1'reniont Loinl c 7:30 am a Dally b Dally except Sunday, c Sun day oniy d Dallv except Saturday, e Dally except Monday. CHICAGO & NORTH western Railway "Tin jsortnnestern i.ine City Ticket Office, 101 Farnam St. Telephone, Ml Depot, Tenth and Mnrcy Sts. Telephone 29. L.eavo. rnvo. Daylight Chicago Spe cial a 7;oft am nll:30 pm Chicago Passenger a 4:13 pm a 3:40 nm Eastern Express, Dcs Moines, Marshailtown, Cednr Rapids und Chicago nl0:35 am a 4:03 pm Eastern Special, Chi cago and East ,n 4:53 pm n 4:05 pm i'nsi .muii, tntcago to umana n 2:13 pm a 8:0) pm n 8:30 am a 5:30 pm Omaha Chicago Ltmlt'd.a Fnst -Mall lo pm reiiar itiinids Passenger Eastern Exnress b 9:00 nm a Dally, b Dally except 'tturday. SIOUX CITY k PACIFIC Railroad - "The North western Lino" Generil Offices, United States National Hank BulldliiiT, 8. W. Corner Twelfth nnd Farnam Sts. Ticket OirtcF. 1401 Farnam St. Telephone 661. De pot, Tenth nnd Murcy Sts, Telephone 629. Leave Arrive Twin Cltv Exnress n fiiSS am nl0:25 nm Twin City Limited n 7::B pm a 8:15 nm Kloux city J.oczl a t:uu am a 3:su pm n Dally. CHICAGO, ST PAUL.. Minneapolis & Omnha Rnllwuy "Tho North western Line" General Ofllces. Nebraska Divi sion, 15th nnd Webster 8ls. City Ticket Olllco, 1401 Farnam St. Telephone, 561. Depot, 15th and Webster Sts. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger. . .a fl:00 am n 9:10 pm Omaha Piu'senger iill:10 uni Sioux City & North east Nebraska 11 3:15 pm a Dully OMAHA & ST. LOUIS RAIL- road -Omaha, Kansas City ft Eastern Railroad "The Qlllncv Route" Ticket Of llce. 1115 Farnam St. Tele phone, 322. Depot, Tenth and Morcy Streets, Telephone. C29. Ha St. Louis Cannon Ball Express a 6:15 pm a 8:20 am Kansas City and Qulncy Local a 7:00 am a 9:00pm ai Dally BURLINGTON & Mis souri River Railroad "Tho Burlington Route" General Ofllces, North west Corner Tenth and Farnam Streets. Ticket Oftlco 1502 Farnam Street. Telcnhonc. -W Burlington Stntlon. Tenth and Mution Streets, iciepnoue, izs. Leave. Arrive. Lincoln, Hastings and McCook a 8:40 am n 7:35 pm ncoln, Denvor, coio rado. Utah. California. a 4:2. nm a 3:00 pm a 6:45 am u 6:45 am u 9:17 am Lincoln & Black Hills.. a 9:00 pm Montana. Puget Sjund..n 9:00 pm Lincoln Fast Mall b 3:00 pm wymore, ucninco anu Lincoln a 8:10 nm bll:55am Denver, 1 oiarado, utan and California South Be'id, Louisville. a 6:45 am Plattsinoitth b 3:35 om bll:05 am Ft. Crook, Plattsmouth and Pacific Junction.. a 7:01 pm a 8:20 am Bellevue. Plattsmouth and Pacific Junction. .a!2:l0 am a Dally b Dully except dummy. KANSAS CITY. ST. JO seph & Council Bluffs Railroad "Tho nurllng ton Route" Ticket Olllce. 1502 Farnam Street. Tele phone. 251). Depot, Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Tele phone, 12S i.ene. Arrive. Kansas City Day Ex. .n :20 nm n 6:23 pm a 6:15 nm alias am Kansas City Night Ex..ain:30 pm bt. Louis Flyer for t Joseph and St Louls..a 5:10 pm x Dully. CHICAGO. BURLINGTON At Qulncy Rullroad-"The Burlington Routu"Tlcket Otllce 1502 ir,,rnam .Street 2.5 r.I;h01,(,f ,.2M- Depot ".MVi"."'1 nson "treets: Daylight Chicago nn I i.eave. Arrive. al0:t5 pm 11 7:43 nm a :or. pm a 7:43 am a 2:45 pm Sup. a i 00 om Chicago V I.I1ICJIKO 1 ru.ln T .ocal Espress.n 9:30 am .l.iiltn.l ... t-llli:.!.," . Fast Ma'l 11 jany WABASH It A ILROAD Ticket Ofllce. 1415 Farnnm Street. Telephone, 322. De )ot, Tenth nnd Marcy sts. Telephone, 629. ' T '.r, fi , 11 a 1 St. Louis "Cannon Ball" Express a 5:15 pm a 8:20 am a Dally. m mvm.w AII1VQ. CHICAGO, ROCK ISL- nnu v i-aeiuo itaiiroad "Tho Great Rock Ih. nnd Route" City Ticket Ofllce. 1323 Far nam Street. Telephone, 42s. Dupot. Tenth and Mnrcy Sts. Tele phone. C29. Leave. Arrive EAST. Des Molncs nnd Daven port Local a 7:23 am bll:33 am Chlcugo Express bll:15 am a 8:10 am Des Mollies Local a 1:20 pm a 4:45 pni Chicago Fast,Kxpress..a 6:00 pm n 1:23 pm Des Moines, Rock Isl and end Chicago 11 7:40 pin a 9:35 pm WEST. Lincoln, Colorni'o Spgs., Denver, Pueblo und West a 1:30 pre n 4:15 pm Colorndo. . Oklahoma & Texas Flyer a 6:20 pm a 9:50 am a Doily b Dally except Sunday. ILLINOIS CENTRAL Rallroad-Clty Ticket Of fice. 1402 Farnam Street. Telephone, 245. Depot, Tenth and Marcy Streets, Leave. Arrive. Chicago Express .. Chicago Limited .. Minntupolts and Paul Express ... Minneapolis and ...a .:oo am all:26 pm ...a 7:45 pm a h:u5 uin St. ...b 7:00 am b 9:40 pm St. Paul i-imiieo a 7:45 pm a 8:03 am Fort Dodge Local from Council Bluffs ,.b 1:30 pm a S:1D nm Fort Dodge Local Jrm Council Bluffs u C 00 am 11 Daily, b Dallv except Hominy. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL road General OUlces and Ticket Ofllces, Southeast Corner llth and Douglas ms leiepnoue, lui. uepot, Union Station. Leuve. Arrive. .11 lOUlS UIH. uii'1l,u City Expicss aiu:uu am a 6:2j pm IC. C, St. L. Express. .. al0:60 pm a 11:15 am I Leave from 15 n Webster Streets: Nebraska Local. and Via Weeping Water b 4:10 pm al0:15 am n Daily, u uany except eunuay. CHICAGO. M1LWAUKEI d St Paul Rallway-Clty Ticket Olllce. I6f Farnam MiLWAum Street. . 1 iain i "wspnonu, sj Depot, Stitbts, lOlllll nnd .MnKnn 1 cicpiione, G23. Leufe. Arrive 1 men go, i.imiien i;x n t, pm a m:03 am 'Chicago & Omnha Ex .b 7:15 am b 3:40 pin u wiiii'. 11 unny I'Auepi nuiiuay POS'I OFFICE XOTICE, Should bo read DAILY by nil Interested, fhimires mav occur nt nnv timn Foreign malls for tho week ending Janu ary 2G, 1901, will closo (PROMPTLY In all cases) at tho General PoMnttlen as follows: PARCELS POST MAILS close ONE HOUR EAKi.1r.11 inu eioiuug tir? mown no:ow, I'arceib rost Mans tor u?rmany closo at 5 p, m. on January 23 per s. a. Karlsruhe, vin Bremen. Regular and Supplementary malls close 1 I'OSTOITK i: XOTIt IJ. at Foreign Brnnoli half hour later than closing time shown below. Trnn-A tlnntlc 3tnlls, WEDNESDAY -At 8:3n a, m. (supplemen tary 10 a nn for EUROPE, per s. s. Mnjcstlc. via tjueenstowii; at S.) a. m (supplementary lo n. 111.1 for EUROPE, per s. s. Southunrk, via Southampton and Antwerp (mnll must be directed ''per r. s. Southwnrk 1. THURSDAY-At 7 n. m. for FRANCE, SWITZERLAND, ITALY. SPAIN, POR TUGAL, TURKEY. EGYPT, GREECE. BRITISH INDIA nnd LORENZO MAR UUEZ. per s. s. L'Aiiultaiue, via Havre (mall for other parts of Europe must be directed "pur s. s, L'AiUltnlnc' ). SATURDAY-At G:30 n. m. for EUROPE, per s. s Campania, via Queenstown; at 8 n. m. for NETHERLANDS direct per s s. Rotterdam (mnll must be directed "per h. s. Rotterdam"); nt S n. 111. fur ITALY, per s. s. Knlser Wm. It (mail must bo directed "per s. s. Kaiser Wm, 11"). PRINTED MATTER, ETC - This steamer takes Printed Matter, Commercial nnd Samples for Germany only. The same dli m of mail niii.tcr for other parts of Europe' will not be tonl l' this ship unless specially directed by her. After the closing- of the Supplementary Tr.ina-Atlantli) Mails named above nddl tlonnl supplementary malls nro opened rn the piers of the American, English. French and German steamers and remain open until within Ten .Minutes of the hour of sailing of strainer. Mali" fur South nml (Viitrnl Anierlcn, Went Initio, lite. WEDNESDAY-At 9:30 a. 111. for INAGUA und HAITI, per s. s. Mt, Vernon: at 12 m. for NORTHERN BRAZIL, per s, s. Hubert; at 12 111. for CUBA. CAMPECIIE, YUCATAN. TABASCO nnd CHIAPAS, per s. s. Vlglinncta, via Havana and Pro greso (mall for other parts of Mexico must ho directed "per s. s. Vlgllnncla"); nt 12.30 p. 111 for YUCATAN, per s. s. Rnvensdale, via Progreso: nt 11 p. 111. for JAMAICA nnd PROVINCE OF SANTI AGO. CUBA, per s. s. Admiral Schley, from Philadelphia. FRIDAY-At 12 in. for BRAZIL, per s s. Enstern Prince (mall for Northern Rrnall, Argentine Bepubllc, Uruguay nnd Para guay must be directed "per s. s. Eastern l'rinee"). SATURDAY-At S n. m for BERMUDA. tier s. s. Trinidad; nt s:3o n. in. for AR GENTINE REPUBLIC. URUGUAY nnd PARAGUAY, per s. s. Bellal.ock; nt 9 a. m. (supplementary 9:30 n. 111 1 for PORTO RICO (vlt San Junto, VENEZUELA nml CURACAO, per s. s. Cornells (mnll for Savimllln und Cortlmgenn must bo dl recoil "per s. s. Caracas"); at 10 it. m. (supplementary 10-30 a. nt.) for FORTUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA. SAVANILLA and CARTHAOENA, per s. h. Altai (mall for Costa Rica must bo directed "per s. s. Altai"); nt lo n. 111. (supplementary 10:30 n. 111.) for HAITI, per s. s. Alps; nt 10 11. 111. for CUBA, per s s. Mexico, via. Havana; at 12:30 p. 111. for MATANZAS. CAIBARIEN, NUEVITAS. GIBARA and BARACOA, per s. s. Ollnda (ordinary mull only, which must bo directed "per s. s. Ollnda"); nt 'Ml p. 111. for NASSAU, per steamer from Miami, Flu. Malls for Newfoundland, by roll to North Sydney, nnu tucnec ny steamer, close nt this oltleo dally nt G:30 p. 111. (connecting close hero every Mouthiv, Wednesday and Saturday). Mails for Mlqtielon, by rail to Boston, nnd thencu by steumor, close nt this olllco dully at 6:30 p. 111. Mnlls for Cubn, by rail to Port Tampa, Kla and thence by steamer, close at this olllco daily nt "8 a. 111. (tho connecting closes nro on Siindny, Wednesday and Friday). Malls for Moxlco City, overland, unless specially addicssed for dispatch by steamer, close at tb' ofllce dally at 1:30 i. 111. and 11 p. in. Mulls for Costa Rtrn, Belize, Puerto Cortex nnd Guatemala, by rail to Js'ew Orleans, and thencu by stoahier, close nt this olllco dally nt 1.30 p. 111. (connecting closes hero Mondays for Belize. Puerto Cortoz nnd Guatemala nnd Tuesdays for Costa Blca). Registered mall closed tit G p. 111. previous dny. Ti'niiH.Piielllci Mulls. Malls for Australia (except West Australia). .now .puiniHi, nawnu, 11 it ami Hariiouu Islands, via San Francisco, close bore dnllv nt 6:30 p. tn. Jnnuarv fith ntiil up to January 19th. Inclusive, or 011 day of arrival of s. r. Campania, duo nt New York January 19th, for dispatch per s. r. Souoinn. Molls for china and Japan, vin Vancouver, close hero dally at G:30 p, m. up to .lonti 11 ry "22, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Empress of Japan (registered mall must be directed "via Vancouver"). Malls for Hawaii, Japan, Chlni nnd Philip pine islands, via Man f runoisco, cioio hern dally nt 6:30 p. in. Mip to January 27. Inclusive, for dispatch ner s. h. China. Malls fi.r Hawaii, via San Francisco, closo here dally nt G:30 p. m. for dispatch per n. s. Mnrlnosu. Malta for Hawaii. China. Japan nnd Philip pine islands, via Man ! rnneisco. cinso hero dally nt 6:30 P. in up to February !, in clusive, for dispatch ner s. s. Doric. Malls for Australia (except West Australia, winch goes via I'iiirope, nnu new zenianc. which .goes via Sati Francisco), nnd Fill Islnuds, via. Vnncouver, closo hero dally nt :) i). 111. after January "19 and tin to Kobrunrv 2. Inclusive, for dispatch ner s. h. Aorangl (supplementary ninllH. via Seattle, e'oso at G;) n. in. February M'i. Mails for Australia (excent West Australia, which is lorwarueu via iiuropei. new y.en lnnd, FIJI, Samoa and Hawaii, vln San Francisco, close heie dallv at 6:30 p. m. nfter February "3 up tn February '"J, In clusive, or on arrival h. s. Umbrlo, duo ut New York February "0, for dispatch per s. s. Slerro. Trans-Pacific malls ore forwarded to port of sailing uany ami tue scncuuio 01 closing Is arranged on tho presumption of tholr uninterrupted overland transit. Regis tered mail cloes nt 6 p. m tirevlous day Postofilce, Now York, N. Y., January IS, 1901. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster. WRITES"NAME "PAT CROWE" Proprietor of n Knnnns Hotel Tlilukv Ills Ximv Guest Hip .Mih'Ii Wiuiteil .Mm 11. Another practical Joker created a disturb- anco nt Norcutur, Kan., Monday night and wns tho causo of Chief of Pollcu Donaliuu being called out of bed after midnight to answer a Pat Crowo Inquiry telegram. A man of sandy complexion and of middle ago walked Into a Norcutur hotel and In a bold hand registered tho natiu "Pat Crowe." It was llku a cry of "flro" In n crowded theater or that "Tlio ico Is breaking," in tho midst of a skating party. Everybody was gapping with wldo opened mouths and tho mail, who assumed tho uatno of tho much-wanted Tat, was tho obsorved of all observers. Tho proprietor of the hotibe, M. Harlow, saw tho handwriting on the wall which said for him, "Delay is dangerous," and so with out waiting for tho ofllcors of tho law to tnko a hand In tho caso and, Incidentally, take tho largest share of the reward money, ho rushed tho following message to Chief Donnhuo: "Pat Crowe, Omaha, registered hero to night; middle ago; untidy comploxlon. An swer quickly. A. Harlow, proprietor.". Tho chief answered, but tho Put wns not brought to this city. "I wns given up to dlo from heart and nervous troubles caused by grip. Six bot tles each of Dr. Miles' Heart Curo and Nervlno cured mo-" Mrs. John Wollot, Jelferson, Wis. NEW PICTURES OF CROWE I'll e 1 11 1 E iirpHnluii of Hip Outliitv In IIpIiik eiil lli'oiiil- PIIKt, Tho new picture of Pat Crowe, who Is wanted for tho kidnaping of Eddie Cudnhy, which Ik being placed on tho extra 8,000 or more circulars to bo sent out this week, Is pronounced by those who havo neon tho copy of tho picturo and who know Crown as tho best ono of tho group of six In tho hands of the police department. Tho expression of tho man Htnnds out plainly and It is said to show a hotter lepresnntntlon of his feutiires than any of tho others. Tho picturo wns takon In 1891 and Is a front vlow. Tho other new picturo to go In tho circular shows the notorious Pat standing, wearing his hat and overcoat, and is said tn ho a valuable addition to the Individual gallery. Tho order for theso eirctilnrn has been Increased from tho nrlglna: number of 7,000, so that by tho end of tho week It may grow to 10.000. "Grip lobbed mo of my sleep nnd I wns nearly craz with neuralgia und hcadach?. Dr. Miles' Poln Pills and Nervlno cured me. ' Mrs. Pearl Hush, Holland, Mich, FACTS ABOUT PORTO RICO Henrj Q. Ourtisofthe Ininlur Cornnilision it in 0mah. TALKS OF UNCLE SAM'S PRETTY ISLAND .Mr. Ciirlh Enters Into Iletnlln n tit Whnt .Milliner nf Government Applies to This Con litre's Xp Pnssrssluns. Henry 0. Curtis of Atlantic, la., who was a member of President McKlnley's Insular commission, Is In Omaha, accompanied by Mrs. Curtis and their daughter, Mrs. I'ottlt. . They nro guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. T. Dalley, 1813 Webster street, nnd will re main here several days. Mr. Curtis, by virtue of his association with tho national ndmtnUtrntton, Is thor oughly Informed ns to Porto lllcnn affairs, ho having devoted much study to that por tion of Uncle Sam's new possessions. Tho progress of Porto lllcn must annlt tho settlement of tho legislative problems which nro now before this government. said Mr. Curtis. "For the development of tlio country tho first thing needed Is tall- rondM ncross tho country and shipping fa cilities to nnd from tho Island," he con tinued, "but theso ennnot coino until tho legislative dldlcultlcs have been cleared out of tho way. A commission, appointed by tho president under tho authority of con gress, Is now at work on a code of perma nent laws for the government of the Island. IH report will bo submitted at tho opening of tho next congress, nnd nfter that It Is expected tho way will bo clear for projects which havo for their purposo tho develop ment of tho resources of the wonderful little Island.'' Mr. Curtis gave nn Interesting review of tho work of tho Insular commission, nf which ho wns a member, showing what It accomplished. The commissioners wero sent out with the ono Instruction, lo In vestigate nnd report to President McKlnley what they considered necessary In tho form of tho government which should bo estab lished for tho Islands of Porto Rlro, Oub.i and the Philippines. It wns a new road tho members hud to travel, though thoy found that tho precedents In New Mexico, California nnd Loulslntia proved very help ful. For Instance, Mr. Curtis cited tho ndoptlon of tho Kearney codo In New Mex ico, which wns followed within n year by a rebellion extending to every county, tho circumstances nf which nro being repeated In tho Philippines today. "President Polk suppressed that rebellion, nnd yet," said Mr. Curtis, "our friend, Bryan, said that wo had no precedent for the measures being enforced In tho Philippines, Limited SuffriiKP l (SIvpii, "Nearly all of our recommendations wcro adopted In ono form or another. Tho plan wo recommended for nil of tho Islands is now In forco in tlio Philippines. Porto Rico wns given a limited suffrago nnd ono houso olcclod by tho peoplo, while, tho council, or Kennto, Is appointed by tlio president. All legislation must pass through both house and then ho approved by tho president or congress of tho homo government. Tho suffrage, which was granted tho people. Is of such a character that not more than 6 per cent of them can moot tho quallllca Hons. Tho congress has been In session slnco November 1, nnd has accomplished practically nothing. "It Is said that the methods are very crtldo and, while tho members nro nnxlnus to act for tlio best Interests of tho coun try, they do not know how; they do not understand our lawn and lhoy cannot grasp the situation which confronts thorn. When nn Inspiration comes to n member lie, pulls 1111 envelope from his pocket, nnd, 011 tho back of thin, ho drawn up n bill which ho submits for tho consideration of the con gress. "It Is not expected that thin body will accomplish much In tho way of legislation. Iho peoplo wero clamoring for n govern ment nf their own. Tho Spanish tnxes had been raised mainly from tho necessities of life, or, ns wo call them, by consumption tnxcB. As soon an wo catno Into power theso wero cut off nnd tho tnxes 011 liquors wero raised. This did not moot tho do 11111 ml s of tho country in tho way of reve nues, ho tho mciiHiiro passed by congress, whereby duties to the oxtent of 15 per rent of the rates set forth In tho Dlnglny law, are collected and tho revenue turned back to Porto Rico for tho support of the gov ernment, wan n necessity demanded by tho peculiar conditions. H now remains for thn supremo court to sny whether that law Bhall stnnd and whether tho congress of this nation can Icglslntq for tho people of tho islands without giving tho full rights of citizenship. "Tho United Stnten Is responslbln for tho government of Porto Rlro and It cannot lay on tho shoulders of tho peoplo of thn island any mistakes that mtiy bo made; it Is necessary, thereforo, that the United States retain n controlling Influence, over tho affairs of tho Island. "Our commission discussed tho question of franchises nnd could not find tho basis on which they could bo Bold, for no one know tholr worth. Wo consequently fell back on tho Iowa nnd Nebruska laws and recommended that no franchises bo granted, hut that tho work, such as rallronds, bo dono under tho general laws and bo sub ject to Hitch regulations as Iho government might determine. Whnt It Left lo I lie I'rcslilpiit. "Congress, however, authorized thn sen ato of Porto lllco to grant franchises, sub ject to tho approval of congress. For this reason nil Improvement, nil tho ruilroad building nnd other projects which will work for tho development of tho country must wait tho grinding of this slow legislative machinery. A commltteo from thn Porto Hlco Improvement association of Now York haH gono to Washington asking for tho re peal of tho amendment by which tho power of upprnval Is Invented In congress, nug gosling that It bo loft with tho president. All of theso matters will ho permanently straightened out in tho report of tho login lntlvo commission, nnd when that Is In other measures can be taken up nnd tho Imme diate advance of tho country may he ex pected. "Tho resources of tho country aro un limited. Even now, with such abridged facilities an they havo, tho owners of plan tations' aro making heavy profits on their Investments. Tho coffee and tho sugar lands yield a not profit of from $50 to J75 an acre. Tho sugar In tho best on tho market, and tho tobacco Is an good as any, though It Is not well known on tho market betnuso nf tho old Spanish discrimination ngulnst it. All of the Porto lllcnn tobacco, undor tho old laws, had tn ho shipped to Cuba nnd wnn thcro manufactured and sent out hh Cuban product. There In no coun try which nxeels Porto Itlco for the raising of fruit. With no shipping facilities, thn owners of fruit lauds aro netting $200 an nrro on pineapples, H00 an aero on cocoa nuts and from $100 to $200 1111 aoro on bananas. Thn oranges aro bettor lhan thosn grown In thfr country and tho tilmuto Is just right for them. "Tho paHturn lands nro abundant, the grusn growing forever. Tho native beef Is Riirprlulngly good, though If fattened on Iowa corn tho meat would havo a llttlo mom llavor. Tho cnttlo run tho yenr around on grass, needing practically no care. Llttlo milk la used and In reality 110 butter Is made, for tho peoplo do not yet know that art. Tho country In rlpo for a marvel ous growth as soon as tho harriers are torn down and means of communication ami transportation can bo established."