10 TTTE OMATIA DAILY TIE 13: WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 2H, 1001. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL May Wheat DscHnei on Weak Oiblei and Stack Caih Demand. HEAVY RECEIPTS ARE ALSO A FACTOR Corn's Jlnseeptlblo Suture- Also Glres V- nml Its Price Drop sfenrly n llnlf Ont 4)nts unci Pro vision .lo I n Decline. CtfirAOO. Jan. 23.-Wwik cables, heavy receipts and u slack cnsli demand caused a net decllno of Ujl'so In Muy whent today. Corn closed o lower In sympathy nnd oats HflUo flown, Provisions nt tho close wero 6-S"4c to 12H" depressed. Wheat wont up a cent yesterday. Today tho stuff bought tho previous session was old and tlio market dropped back to tho placo It occupied Saturday. The market wax largely n, locnl onn. May wheat opened WliP lower nt 74.o tn 74fc and soon after touched "SVic. Tho Initial depression was based on tho fart that Liverpool showed a decllno In the faro of tho advance hero tho day liofora Nortnwest receipts wero largo nnil It wna generally believed that reports of yesterday's biff export business had been exaggerate.!, all of which added to the de pression Th market struggled along for two hours bet wen 7l'4c and 75e, without nny partjcular pressure being exerted against the price. Tho heavy primary" re ceipts and tho failure of nny cash demand to put In an nppennineo later enusrd re newed Helling and May dropped to 7tc and closed weak, lffil'fcc under yesterday nt 74' Kl'.c Exporters reported 7 loads taken. Seaboard cleaninees In wheat and flour were equal to :it2.(v) bushels. Primary west ern receipts nggrc-gatod 487100 bushels, com pared with .""ti.ofio last year. Minneapolis and DtllUth reported 303 cars, against Si'ti last wfi'k and 21f. n year ago. J .oral re ceipts wero 107 cars, 4 of contract grade Corn was quint nnd easy, In sympathy with wheat. Receipts wero SOI cars and this was also a bearish connlderntlon. tnken In connection with the favorable weather nnd easy cables. Had not so many Ii fltientlal people nrrnyed themselves on the bull sldo under tho theory that there Is a demand for tho supply, huge as It Is, the market would undoubtedly have declined Mill further As It wns today, however, tho jiressuro brought on tho market was not heavy. The demand was scattered. Mny sold between .TS'tc and 3S'4f(3Sftc, and closed ie lower at !H'i3$6c. Long onts wero for sale nearly nil day and ns tho demand for thorn was tame, the price suffered In consequence. The wheat weakness waa the Influence. Receipts wero 34 cars. May sold between 2fi'lo and 2l'(ie nnd closed WFUo down at 247ft2.rc, Elevator Interests sold, hut pit traders. Joined by Homo commission house n gents, were buyers nnd tho tono on tho whole wns steady. Provisions wero moderately active, but showed nil undortono of heaviness. The opening wns weak becauso ho receipts were heavy and price nt tho ynrds do pressed. Iluylng of pork and ribs caused a rally during tho first hour, but prices ngnln caned off In sympathy with whent and tho close wns henvy. May pork sold between 113.90 nnd 113.75 nnd closed 12'ic lower nt JI3.S0; May lard between $7.10 nnd $7.35, clos In M?7HJ down nt $7.3.'07.37V4. and Mny ribs between $7.02HI37.0G and JG.93, with tho closo lOo depressed at $0.05. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 35 cars; corn, 290 cars; oats, 173 cars; hogs, 40.000 head. Tho leading futures ranged ns follown: Artlc.les.l Open. Hlgh.l Low. Close.l Yes'y. Wheat Jan. l-'ob. May Corn .Ian. Ifnb. Mny Oats .Inn. May I'ork- Jnn. May I.nrd- .Inn. Mar. May Itlbs .Inn. May 724 72V 7M?!(, 7Ut 7U4, 71',l 71'i 72 75 H 37 371i liJ75 37'4 anx1 scv 37M, 3(7Tf,'f.Trl.1CTTI37 SSTs 3STi3a 23i 2.'t?'. 13 7714 13 75 7 27H 7 30 7 37H 23 25U 13 90 13 90 7 27if, 7 20 21 13 77V, 13 92!4 7 3214 7 35 7 42(4 g g?Vi 7 03 7 42H' 6 C 7t fl IK 7 05 No. 2. Cash quotations were ns follows: Fl.Otm null; winter nntents, J3.603.80: straights, M.20f3.G5j clears, 12.703.30; snrlni; spccluls, 4.40fl4.5O; patents. $3.fi0Jf3.S0: BtrnlKhts. J3.10fl3.-10; bilkers, .t2.207J2.C0. W1IHAT No. 3 oprlnj?, C9HW71C; No. 2 led. 73M(75c. bCOUN-No. 2. 37Jf371io; No. 2 yellow, 37fr OATS-No. 2. 24i;fiCr.c; No. 2 white. 2Gia E7ic; No. 3 white, 2t;!4fi27c. HYi:-No. 2, t0451ic. HHKDS-I'lnx, No. 1, J1.70;' No. 1 north western. $1.70; prime timothy, $1.43; clover, contract prnde, $11. l'HOVIHIONS Mess nork. nor lit.l SI5 K-.rf 13.90. 1ard, tier 100 lbs.. $7..10fl7.321.'.. Hhort ribs sldos Oooso), J0.904i7.15. Drj' salted Hhouldors (bnxed. J0.2of0.&0; short clear Bides fboxed), J7.255I7.35. WMISICY-On basis of hlsh wines, per '8i'OAIt8-Cut loaf. $0.29; irranulated, $5.nj; ronfectlonors A, $5.S9; off A, $5.41. KollowliiK nro tho receipts nnd shipments for today: Articles Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 21,000 2(5.000 neat, nu !,7.ooo ihi.ooj t'orn, till 579,000 110.000 Onts, bu 2W.000 240.OHO Hl"0. bu 7,oui) 3,ikk) llnrloy. bu 143.000 20.000 uii mo jtouuco exciiaimo today tbn but ter market was firm; creameries, 14ffi21e; dairies. HHfflSc. Cheese, dull at 10iiMll,c. Kkbs, weak; fresh, 18c. KKW YOHIC (iliMCHAI, MA1UCKT. Iliiiitntloiis of (lie liny mi Various Commodities. NKW YOHIf. Jan. 22.-Fr.OtIIl-Tle-relpts. 24.355 bbls.; exports, 20,000 obis.; market dlEldnved mnderatn slnjulltir-qa i,m Was still quiet, tljo drop In wheat chooklnir luif-lness: Minnesota natcnts. il.()fT4 Min. nernta b.ikers. $3.00(f 3.35 ; winter patnti, M.l50fl4.0O; winter straights, tS.miS.W, win ter exlras, J2.MHf2.90; winter low kmiIos. h,'ir'l!5l'l)' '.'y.1 ,Im,r' steady; fair to Rood, IJ.SHfl3.lB: choice to fancy. J3 15fi3.G0. lluik whent flour, steady at $2,105(2.20. , IlUClCWHUAT-bult nt tOliffic, c. I. f.. New ork. COHNMnAr-Qulot; yellow western. 90c; city, 91c; Ilrnndvwlne. $i.45ff2.C0. UYE Quiet; No. 2 'veMorn, DSo f. o. b. nfloat; stnto ryo, 535540, c. I. f., New York, car lots. HAHUCY-Htendy; feedlntr, $1.50 c. I. f. New York. HAKMIY MAI.T-Diill: western, n:,72c. r1Wvl,i,AT-,,rccl,)ts'v"'!m '": ospor s. M.900 bu.; spot easy; No. 2 red, 7,n:o fob nfloat; No. 2 red, 77',,e elevator: No' 1 northern. lJulnth. SSTsc f. o. b. nilont; No. J hnrd. nuluth, Sc f. o. b. allont. Options opened easy but held steady nil the tnre Jioon on HkIiI nfferliiKs; subsequent we.ik nes was prompted by seaboard shipments, uiisattsfactorv export returns and moder ate locnl mIIIiik: closed weak nt 34c net ile cllne; January clnseil nt 7Ssic; Mnreh. 7ro. closed nt 7?i4c; May, 79 5-lC'tf79 7-lCj, closed at 79c; Jlllv. 79c. COKN-ltecolpts, 02,400 bu. ; exports, 93, W bu.; spot easy; No. 2. 47c elevator and 4i),e f. o. b. afloat. Options opened steily but soon yielded to rcnltzhiK. small export business, lino weather west nnd enslor ca bles; closed onsv nt c not lower; .laauary closed nt 47c; March. 45ic; May. -HUHMian.' closed nt 4IHc; July. 43V. "'" tJA TH- iieceipts. un.iw bu.; exports. 4,r43 bu w lite. 32Hc: No. 3 whltn. atKn-. In.b mixed western, 33',4o; track white, HlHji) 35c. Options lnnetlvo nnd barelv steady ."(u'"i,ll'S1'i shipping. "5fi77'ic; cood to choice, 9I!Mf9Se. HOPS Steady; state, common to rlmlc". crop. 1031210; 1SU0 crop, lliffl5e: .old old 2J?f!c; Pnelllo coast, jrn crop, 15G19o; 1V9J crop. 101714c; old old;v2Me. HIDES- rinn: Onlveston, 20 to 25 bi.. ISHOlOc; California, 21 to 23 lbs., 19c; Toxas dry. 24 to 30 lbs., 15c I.E ATI 1 K Tl Steady; hemlock sole, Huonnj A,?'lT5,.w"l5,,t tu "OtvywelBhts, 2325c; acid, 23Hi214c. WOOfr-Stendy: ilomestlo flecco, 2ICi26c; Texns. 1511 17e. PROVISIONS -Heef. quiet: family. $11.00 12.00; mess, JO.OH'QO.SO; beef hams, $19.50tfi i.Mi pscket, $10.00fT10.50; city extra India mess. $14.00171fi.Oc. Cut menfn lnn.l.- nlnk led bellies $7.5oiI8.M; pU-kled shoulders, M OT0.0O; pickled hams, $S.D079.25. I,ard, easy; western steamed, $7.tK; refined, dull: con tinent, $7,75; South America, J7.CS; com pound. $5.60lio.621s, Pork, ensv; family, JrK00f?l5.75; short clear, J13.75iri0.50; mess. JI3.2rrfH4.M1. JH'TTRK Steady; creamery. l4?22c: fac tory, HOHc; June rroamry, 15lf20c; Imita tion creamery, 13Hffl7Hc; stnto dairy, HIT1 20c, CIIEKSE Vlrm; fancy larKe, fnll made, lHiT12o; fancy, small, fnll mnde, u'inse. KOOS-I'nsettled: stnto and Pennsyl. vnnla, 201441210; western, nveniKe pneked, nt mnrk, 195120c: western, loss off, 2014c, POTATOKS-Qtilet: Jerseys, $1.25i?il.75; New York. Jl.50iiN.S74: I.onif Island, $ 73fT 2.00; Jersey sweets. $1.75J?3.ni. TAll,OW Steady: city f2 per inckaK. 6c: country (pncknKcs free), miSSc POULTIIY-Allve, steady; fowls, 9V4c; 23H 2.W 24?f, 2ITifl'jl 13 77V4 13 S3 13 73 13 SO 7 25 7 25 7 27!5 7 27'4 7 33 7 35 (1 S2V5 fi R2V4 fi!5 0 93 chl k . S tirkes, Spi- Dre'sed '! t'irkr n, P''ilo'. , chl kens, STH"lic f' W.s. 8'if 'H MI.TNL8 HpeinlHtIe activity wns sflM dnrmaiit In the market for metaN Aside frmi a little firmness In tin the local mar ket wns fentureb'ss, the strength In tin won due ehletlv to a rise of JCt 10s at Lon don to .123 7s fid. but ruled very quiet, with trading of n hand to mouth order, buyers showing little disposition tn enter the mnr ket. The close here wns tlrtn but quiet nt JM. Lend was for the most part listless nnd without quotable change. $1,374 belnij tho cfolnK IlRure after figures for small lot sold to Jobbers, London prices closed ni 7i 2s Of und was lnnetlvo nnd nnolrined here nt $17 for Lake Superior nnd J1B.7S fi r casting and electrolytic At New York pig ltoti warrants were $9.fO?J10.5ij; northern foundry. t5MVUli.(-i); southern foundry, $H.r.Ofl 15.70; soft southern. US.0OH17 00. OlaB row wns quoted at Ms nnd Mlddlesboroueh nt 47s, 'spelter ruled quiet mid nbout stcaily nt unchntmed prlct-.i nt $l.u5fll,10. omaii.v Aviit)t.i:s.i,n mauki:t. Conditions of Trnde nnd Qnntntlnni nil Sfnptf nnd I-'nucy I'rodn!, i:an8 Receipts light; good tock, HV318c. LIVE l'OL'LTR-Ilons, 5g6c; spring chickens, Hific; roosters, 35?4e; ducks, 6'tf 64''; geese, 04t(7c, turkeys, fvn'c. TRLSH nRLbSED I'Oin.TllY-Hens, 7c; roosters, 5T6c; ducki, Tlsil'.or.gecse, Sfl84c; sfirlng chickens, pel lb., 7c; turkeys, Sc. OAME Mallard ducks, per doi.. $3.00tJ 3.50: teal. $1 501.73- mixed, $1,601(1.75; Jack- raiimis. i.-.-.M.i); cottontails, .oCUJi. RI'TTER -Common to fair. llffllHc: choice, i3t14c; seimrntor, 23c, PP.ESH OYSTERS - Klrst grade, solid pneked. Now York counts, tier can. 31c; ox tra selects, 32c; standards. 25c; medium, too. Second grade, slack filled. New York counts, per enn, SOc; extra selects, 26oj stnndnrds, 20c; bulk standards, per gal., PIOEONP Llv, per doz 90c, VEAUS-Cholce. 9tll0c. HAY Price quoted by Omnha Wholesale Hnv Healers' association: Choice linland. js.oo; No. 1 uplnml, J7.60; medium, J7; coarse, 10.50. Rye Mraw, J5.50. These prices nre for hay of pood color ana quality. Demand inir, Jtcceipis, in cars. OATS No. 3 wntto, 26c. CORN -No. 3, 22c liRAN JH.CI. VEOETAnLES. PARSNIPS-Por bu.. toe. Tt RNIPS-Per bu. basket, 40& UEETH Per bu., 40c. CARROTH-Per bu.. 40c. LETTt'CE Per doz.. 355740c. RAUISIIES-Per doz., JO-SSSe. HEANS Wax. ner 1-S .w basket. SI: string, 90c. l-u 1 Ai OE3 Per bu., D0H6Oc: taano, per bu., SOc. SWEET POTATOES Per bbl J2. CAIIHAOE-HoUcnd seed. l$;c. TOMATOES Cnllfornls. er 1-basket crnta. $2, ONIONS Native, per bu., Jl; Colorado yellow, per lb., 2c. CELERY California, as to sire. 573o. CAULIFLOWEn-Calliornta, per crat rni,,r, PEARS Per box. n.00O2!3. ORAPES Malaca, per seg, J6.50JT9.0O. APPLES Per lib! . J2.50: eastern. J3.00CT $3.50; California, Rellflowers. per box, $1.50. CRANRERRIRa 3ell nnd Iluglo. J10.00 per,bbl.; Jerseys, per bbl., $9.25. per crate, TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANOEB-Callfornla seedling?. $2.50; navels, J2.75iJ3.25; Mexicans, J2.75; Florldas, $3.60. LEMONS-Cnllfornla, extra fancy. $3.50; choice, $3. HANaNAS Per bunch, according to size. $2.W2 50. KlOS-Cnllfornln. new cartons. 80c; lay ers, 75c. Imported, per lb., 13J715c. DATES-Perslnn, In CO-Ib. boxes. Balrs, 6c per lb.; Halloween. 64c per lb. MISCELLANEOUS. HIDES No. 1 green, 64c; No. 2 irreen. 64c: No. 1 salted, 74c: No. 2 salted, 4c; No. 1 veal calf. S to 12 lbs.. 34c: No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs.. C4c: dry hides. 8I3c; h"cp pclta, 23n75c.' horso hides. Jl.601f2.25. NUTK Englls.. wnlnuts. per lb., 13c: fil berts, pc? Ib 13c; almonds, per lb., 18if20cj rnw peanuts, per lb.. 61i54c: roasted. CWit 74c; Rrazils, 13c: pecans, 10ffl2c HONEY Colorado, 21-secllon case, J3.75. CIDER Per bbl.. $3; per half bbl., $3. SAUERKRAUT Per bbl., Jl; per half bbl., J2.50. St. I, outs Ornln unit Provisions. ST. LOUIS, Jan. 22.WHEAT-IiOWer; No 2 red, elevator, 7141(720; track, 'Wi(f "Zic: January, 7P',c; Mny, 72Vc; Jul-, i-'lo; No. 2 hard, 6SiifiC9l(.c. CORN Ixiwer: No. 2 cash. 3iHc; track. 371,4c; Jnnuary, 3CV(c; Mny, 37-Hti374c; July, 37T4c. OATS Weak; No. 2 cash, 25iic; track. 254',ffl2Cc; Jnnuary, 25Uc; May, 25?4c; No. 2 while. 274c RYI-:-Easler. 6041151c. ELOtlR-Steady; patents, J3.601t3.C0; e?:trn fancy and straight, J3.15U3.25; clear, $2,701;: 2.9'. SEEDS Timothy, Arm ntvJ4.25i74.75 for average receipts, prlmo worth moro; flax, no murliet. CORNMEAIy-Stendy nt J2.00. RRAN Firm; sacked, east track. C8c. IIAY-Tlniothy. sternly nt J9.60H13.00; prairie, lower nt JS.fW1fl0.60. WIIISKY-Stendv nt $1.27. IRON COTTONTIES-$1.23. 2JAC.OINO7i'7;c. HEMP T WINE 9c. PROVISIONS Pork, steady; lobbing. $14.50. Lnrd. steady at $7,124. Dry salt meats (boxed), steady; extra shorts, $7,124; elenr ribs, $7.23; clear sides. $7,374. Uncoil (boxed), firm: extrn shorts, $7,874; clear ribs. $f 124; clenr sides. $8.23. METALS Lead, unchanged nt $1,174. Spelter, dull. $3,974. sellers. POULTRY Quiet: chickens, Co; turkeys, Cff4e: young, fie; ducks, 7c; geese. D4c. RUTTER-FIrm; creamery, 15ftl7c; ditty, 12ttl5o. Ef!(5S Lower at 15c. RECEIPTS-Flouf, 8.000 bbls.; wheat. 33, 000 bu.; corn. 79.C-00 bu. ; onts, 63,000 bit. SHIPMENTS-Flour. 13,000 bbls.; wheat, 77,000 bu.; corn, S9.000 bu.; oats, 76,000 bu. Liverpool Crnlu nnd Provlsloon. LIVERPOOL. Jan. 22.-WHE AT-8pot. steady; No. 1 California, 6s 4d: No. 2 red western, winter, fin Id; No. 1 northorn, spring, lis 34d Futures quiet; March, f.3 Sfcd: JIny, Cs Id. CORN Spot, quiet: Amerlcnn mixed, now, 3s lid; American mixed, old, 4s. Fu Hires quiet; July, 3s 10?9d; March, 3s May. 3s 9Ud. PEAS-Canadlan. 6s S.I. HOPS At London (PaclMc coast), steady nt 2 5s. PROVISIONS-Uoef. extra India mess, dull nt 60s. Pork, dull; prlmo western, BOs iki. lliunn, nit-iiii , niiui i i-ui, 11 10 tu JDS., 40.-4 Itacon. Cumberland cut, 8 to 30 lbs., stendy nt 41s: short ribs, Ifi to 21 lbs., firm nt 43s; mm: i-it;m iiiui.iirr. iikiii. ..1 Li) .it ma.. Hir iiiv- nt 43s; long clenr middles, henvy, 35 to 40 103., Hieaiiy 111 us: clear oacKS, Pi to 20 lbs., steady nt avian: clenr bellies, 14 to 10 ids., sienuy 01 ins; snouiuers. squnre, U to 13 lbs., stendy nt 35s 9d. Lnrd, steady prime western, In palls, 39s 3d; Amerlcnn renueii. in pans, hjs. MUTTER-null; llnest United States, 05s: good United Slates, Sis. ' CIIEESE-Stendy; American finest white. 51s lid. TALLOW Stendy; prlmo city, 23s 9d; Australian, In London, 27s 9d. Receipts of American corn during tho last thl'to days. 219.400 centals. Reeelols nt wheat during thi last thrco days, 213.003 centals, including ih.uvo American. ICnusns City Crnln nnd Pro vlstnnn. KANSAS CITY. Jan. 22. -WHEAT Mnv. f.r,a,e; cash, N. 2 hard, Ct;i41Jfii!4c: No, 3, CV.tWc; No. 2 red. CMjfiyo: No. 3. 074e. CORN-May. 341?3Uc: cash. No. 2 nrxed. 354c; No. 2 white, 36f37c; No. 3, SCc. OATS- No. 2 white, 26c. RYE-No. 2. 4Sc. II AY choice timothy, J10.00U10.50; choice prairie. $S.601i9.00. nUTTER-Crenmery, 17020c; dairy, fancy, 17c. EOC1S Lower; fresh Missouri nnd Knnsas siock. IK iat,, ioss on, cases returned; new whltewood cases Included, 4c more. RECEIPTS-Whent, 60,016 b.t.; corn, 25,600 nil ; oaiw. -,mv uii. SHIPMENTS Wheat, 101,600 bu.; corn, 11, itv uu., t'ttin, i;',i"ju nu. Toledo Criitn unit Seed, TOLEDO. O.. Jan. 22.-WHEAT-DUII nnd weak; cash and Jnnunry, j'r.May, 793iiC, Julv. 78iu. . CORN Firm, cash and Jnnuary, S71c; May. 40c. OATS-Stendy; cash nnd January, C3i4c; .lit.v, u4i;. RYE-Mc. CI.OVERSEED-Flrm nnd hlehfr: 1899, prime, J0.70; cash nnd January, J7.30; March, Mlnnrnpolls Wlieot, I'lnur nnd llriiii. MINNEAPOLIS. Jan. 22.-WHEAT-Cash 72c: May, 7i74i,c; July. 747i1t;5e. On track: No. 1 hard, 74e. No. 1 northern, 72T4c: No. 2 northern. ii9Mt70e. FLOUR -First patents. J3.9.W4.10; second patents, $3.Wf3.90: first clear, $2.7o?2.85; sec- onci clears, c.wu:, in. HRAN -ln bulk, Jll.751712.00. Dutiilli Crnln Mnrket. DULUTII, Jen. 22.-WHEAT-Nn. 1 hard cash. 74e; to nrrlve, 754c: May, 7Sc; No. 1 northern cash. 72c; to nrrlve, 73'icj May, 76c; July. 77c; No. 2 northern, C21jCSc; No. 2 spring. us vii""" CORN SOc. OATS-23i5iC6c. l-lvniMiriitf l unit Dried Fruit. NEW YORK. Jan. 22. EVA TO RATE D APPLES The mnrket ruled quiet but was firmly held, owing to the scarcity of rollers nnd prices wero well maintained: stale common was quoted nt 3MHi,o; prime, 61? fic: choice, S4ff(V; fancy. 6ff7c CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS -Inactive but steady; prunes were nominally quoted oi 3i'usvic per id,, am to sito una quality Arr-'ot? R,-nt r.-iR', Pet hes, pc tc 1 14'ill5c, tinpeeled. 6 i.flOe 1111 nniiLre lirnln MnrUrt. MILWAUKEE, Jnu 22 WHEAT-Qulet, No. 1 northern, 74c, No 2 northern, 7Uf?72c. RYE-Weak, No. 1, fitU62e. IIARLEY Easy ; No. 2, 60c ! sample, 4MT 66c. Movnin:.Ts of stocks ami no.vns. Trndrrs Try Old Trick of IIoiisIIiik l-'nrly Murliet fur l.nler Itetnriis, NEW YORK, Jan. 22. -The Influence In the stock market resolved Itself today Info several distinct component pnrts, which op ernted In conflict a part of the time and never lit clearly defined concert. Them wan a palpable effort to open prices high. In fact, brokers In n number of stocks ndmltteil the receipt of orders to mnke first prices ns high as possible. This Is a famlllnr device of the traders who have gone longin stocks during a rise on one day to get the best possible benellt of tho relapse after the opening In prices of stocks which were most palpably manipu lated yesterday disclosed the operations of this class. St. Paul and Northern Pacific wero conspicuously nffected In this wny, the former opening tip ls nnd the latter rising almost ns much mid then off ngntn to near last night's level. Tho same stocks canto Into prominence ngaln late In the day, nfter the news had been received of Queen Victoria's denth. This event had been so definitely foreseen that there was little rensoti to expect that Its actual nnnouni'ement would cause any marked depression In tho market, but ap parently there wns a speculative element who feared the possibility of selling In duced by tho queen's denth. After that event wns reported there was a pause in the activity of the market, as though awaiting Its effect on prices, nnd shortly nftcrward room traders set to work to bid up prices again. They lifted St. Paul nn extreme 44 over Inst night. Northern Pa cific 2S nnd the grangers, Pacini's, trunk lines and mere prominent stocks generally from 1 to 2 points. Tho onniu traders wero Heme ndvnneo 24. On the other hand, tho sensational move ment In Missouri Paclll' was brought to a midden slop nfter a 3-p'ii- Jump nt the opening nnd the Wnl.n-di stocks also fell back. The extreme decline 111 Missouri Pn elllo wna 74 and It closed nt n net loin of 34. This nctlon of the stock tintimilly caused some Incredulity regarding the many rumorii nfloat In nn Incoming consolidation of tho southern railway systems nnd of buying by n prominent capitalist for con trol. The other members of tho southwest ern group were, however, well s.tstnlned, nnd tho absorption of Wabash debenture bonds continued on nn enormous scale and nt a prlco little above thnt of yestcrdav. Mlfpcirl Paclllc was In urgent demand In tho 1011:1 crowd and commnnded ns high ns 4 per cent premium for use by the shorts. This gave color to the belief which wns avowed by homo of the traders that tho buying of tho stock had resulted In n corner, leaving a very heavy short Interest with their requirements unprovided for. Amalgamated Copper ugaJn moved widely, Jui.iplng nenrly 3 points nt tho opening nml then falling hack The steel stocks were comfiitatlvely neglected, but the undertono was wenk In units- of tho less threatening iiiii-iuiii-i-,, ttuiuuiizvu uv iraoc magnntes. Federal Steel fell owav 24 nnd other hers of the group from 1 to 14 after small opening udvnnccs. Tho Into notable rise was not w-i maintained, especially In tho slocks which were bid up most aggres sively, nnd tho closing was actlvo and rainei- easy neiow tlio nest. TIic nveniKo of nrlces nt the -lno PUbi'tatltlallV higher than venterrluv nn.i the undertone of the market dining tho day win steady. The nnnouncement of fur- iner gom exports nnu uitie etTect on tho market as money cuntlnjes notably easy. Sales wero less than Jl.0o0.n00 for the llrst time since New Years. The Wabash de benture Us led the bond market In point of activity. Texas Paclllc 2s rose 8 per nctlvo In Sugar all day, mnklng tho ex cnt on light transactions. Otherwise the trinket wns rather dull tint ilrm Tmni sale-!, par value, nt $1,032,000. United States rctundlng 2s declined 4 per cent nnd tho .Jj coupon, advanced 4 per cent on tho 11111 can. the following nre the rlnslno- nrlren on the New York Stock exchango: iVtchlson do pfd 4Wnbash J4J do pfd... 874 Wheel. & L. E... ft do 2d pfd 134 "Sic 1I4 2M, Ualllmoro & O. Canadian Vac. Canada So o;4 wis. ucntrai .... 3T; Third Avenuo ... ! U. & O. pfd 1I2 Nntlounl Tube... K'4 do pfd 69 Adams Ex .?14 American Ex UO U. S. Ex Wis Wells-Fargo Ex. "JH&Atner. Cot. Oil... 1 I do pfd II Amer. Malting .. lf-4 do pfd l"14Amer. S. & R 1934 do pfd 30JsAmer. Spirits ... Si's do pfd S Amer. 8. Hoop... 024 do pr.l 192 Anor. S. & W.... 164 do pfd 434 Amer. Tin Plato. 13n'i do pfd 23 (Amer. Tobacco... 49 do j.fd 414'Aliiic. Mln. Co.... 109 Rrooklvn R. T... 2104 Colo. Fuel & I... 87 Con. Tobacco 11441 do pM 162 Federal Steel .... K4 do pfd C"4 0en. Electric i0u uiucoso Sugar .., m;i ,0 ,f,i 4:!'i' inter. Paper , - 1041 do pfd 4"8 Lacledo Gas 1"0 .National lllscult 14211, do pfd 414 National Lead . . . 82 I do pfd . KJ1 National Stocl .. . Jr.-Sl do pfd - SC'.a'N. Y. Air Brake t: 120 M'i 64"i I'O IIS 172 61 130 2Mi 87 44 214 W4 tr 17 24 71 i 39'4 hi 6M4 113 140 -13 794 44 43fS 94 46 (U ISO . 47 96 , 20 , 7.) , 72 . 374 . 93 . 164 , S4U . 374 , f0 ,150 . 20?i . n . ss . - 4.1 . bf.'.i Cites, pi Ohio... Chicago (5. W.. C, H. .t Q Chi. Illd. As L... do pfd Chi. A: E. III.... C. & N. W C, R. I. & P.... C. C? C. & St. L Colorado So do 1st pfd do 2d nfd Del. & Hudson. Del. L. & W Denver & It. a.. do nftt Erie do 1st nfd Ot. Nor. pfd Hocking Coal ... Hocking Valley.. Illinois Central .. own Central do pfd Lako Erie .t W., do pfd Lnkn Shoro L. & N Manhattan L Met. St. Ry Mox. Central Minn. & St. L... do pfd Mo. Pacific Mobllo . Ohio.. M.. K. & T do pfd N. J. Central ... N. Y. Central .. Norfolk & W.... do pfd No. Pacific do pfd Ontario & W.... 'Oro. Ry. & Nav Mo pfd Pennsylvania ... Rending do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Rio (5. W do pfd St. L. &. S. V.... do 1st pfd do 2d pfd St. L. Southw... do pfd St. Paul do pfd St. P. A Omaha So. Paclllc So. Rallwny .. . do pfd Tex. & Pacific .. Union Paclllc ... do pfd 4:1 No. American 76 1454 Paclllc Coast ... do 1st pfd do 2d nfd 704 Pacific Mill 41 'i People's lias . . . ' il'ressed tj. car... ;i. 92 do pfd 7S 27 'Pullman P. Car.. 191 rn'.i S. R. & T. 6'St Sugar "4 do pfd 6C!.Tonn. Coal & I.. 1194 V. S. Leather 135 V IIS 6.I1; 114 73'i 21 U) S3U 12's 664 60 IRS no do nfd. U. S. Rubber .. do nfd 434 19J "uu Western Union Amul. Copper ., 2SU Republic i. & S. KC'b do pfd. C. C. A St. L. Nominal. Tho Commercial Advertiser's London financial cablegram says: Tho mnrket here was very quiet todny. Tho tendency of prices was towurd tho better, but business was slack. The wholo world seemed to bo watching tho queon. The American de partment was tho most nctlvo on 'change. The opening was strong on the rnlly which began In New York last night, causing tho bears hero to scramble tn cover. After the opening Amerlcnn shares held steady under tho encouragement of tho ntrong mnrket in New York. Money was un changed, silvor was drooping on Now York sales. Tlostoii Stock (t iiotnllons. P.OSTON, Jan. 22.-Call loans, 3V4i4V, per cent; tlmo loans, 84i4 per cent. Othel.il closing: A.. T. & 8. F.. ilo pfd Amer. Sugar do pfd Amer. Tel Boston it- Alb'y. Boston Elevated Boston & Me C, H. & Q Dominion Coal . do pfd Federal Steel ... do pfd Fltchburg pfd... Gen. Electric ... do pfd Ed. Elcc. Ill Mox. Central ... N. E. O. & C... Old Colony Old Dominion . . Rubber Union Paclllo .. 1 44'i Union Land , 84'J West End .1334 Atchison 4s .1184 N. E. tl. C. F., . 24 . 93 .102 . 07 . 9 . f9 . 71U ,161 'Adventure 251 lAtnnl. Copper .. ,161 'Atlantic .191 Boston & Mont. ,113 llutto & Boston 311 79 Vi . a- rni. cc lleela ... ,10') Centennial . 454 Franklin . 6Mi Humboldt ,140 Osciola .1S04 I'a r rot .16S4Qidncy ,214 iSnnta Fe Cop... . imj Tamarack . 12 ,1 tab Mining ... .2W iWlnona , ari Wolverines . 21 B. Mining Co..., .S55 ,11.1 f'.i .32S Jl' : 4r . 16i Neiv York .Itinlnu Stocks. NEW YORK, Jnn. 22.-The following aro quoiHiigun on iiiiiuuh biouns; Adams Con 20 Little Chlof 1(1 Alice 45 Ontario 675 Breeco 200 Ophlr 69 Brunswick Con.. 27 Phoenix w Comstock Tun... 4 Potosl 7 Con. Cnl. & Vn .155 Savage 17 Deadwood Ter.... 53 Klerrn Nevada ... 20 Horn Silver lb) Smnll Hopes .... 6? Iron Silver 63 Standard 420 Leadvllle Con.... 0 l-'orelfcn Finn iiolnl. LONDON, Jan. 22 -Gold premiums are 8 noted: Buenos Ayres, 132 20; Madrid, 36.02; pnnlsh 4s. 714. BERLIN, Jnn 22. Americans and Cnnn dlnns were harder on the bourse today on New York and London ndvtcea. Intprna tlonnls were favorable and espclilly Simnlsh 4s in Paris advices; IoimIs Im proved on bear coverlm; ICxchnngo on" London. 20m IriMifgs for checks PARIS, Jan. 22. Business on the bourse today was calm and transactions wero re- stll ted In Mew of the condition rf Queen M"rl.i, but the general disposition wns tivire fiDorable Internationals wre qrm, Rio tint" reiofrrd with the ndvance In r. pper Thr'o per rent rentes, loif 924c for the in count, exchange on London, lsf 1U4C for checks. Knnnlsh 4s c oscd nt ,7.?5. Vetv York .llimry Mnrket, NEW YORK. Jnti WMONEY-On call. steady nt 2H24 ier cent; prime mercantile paper, SftlHS per cent. STERLING EVCIIANnE Easier, with actual business In bankers' bills nt J4.874 mr uemanii nnu nt J1.S34 ror sixty nays; posted rates. 4 K4Ti 1 KII4. mid $4.88: comnier. clal bills. $4.8234171.834. SILVER -CertlllcatPS. 6341t6lc; bar, 62c; Mpxlcnn dollars, I8c. BONDS Government, Irregular; state, ln netlvo; railroad, ilrm. 1 no closing ptices on bonds today are ns follows: t S. ref. 2s, reg 105VN. Y. C. Is 10fc'N. J. C. gen. 6s.. 106-4 127 701, I0l, l'4 loo no PI34 12914 116 v. 9!4 H4t do coupon do 3s, ret; do coupon do new Is. rog do coupon do old 4s, rcg.. do coupon do 6s, reg do coutiun bd'INo. Paclllc 3s. .110 do 4s l.'-nu N Y. C it S L 4s 1374 N. & W. con. 4s. 1134 'Ore. Nav. Is.... 1134 do 4s .1104 'Oregon 8. I,. 6s, Ul-'i Mo consol 6s... I?" Rending gen. 4s. 1034 Rio t. W- 1 yj'i St I. ft I M o. i(s U9.j St L ft S F g. 6s 1D3 St. Paul consols D. of C. 3 65s Atch. gen. 4s ilo n"dl. 4s Canada So. 2s. , C. ft O. 4V2s .12S l'JI US 8? 66 116 too 100 m no 114 (6 96 do &s C. Sr N. W. p. 7m lai'i St P.. C. ft P. Is, inii Rs do S. F. d. 5s. 121 So. Paclllc 4s I'lllcngo Ter. 4s Colo. So. 4s 92 So. Railway 6s.., 844 S. R. ft T. Cs.. D. & R. 0. 4s... Erlo general 4s.. 1004 ITex. ft Pac. Is.. do 2s Union Pac. 4s... Wnbnsh la do 2s West Shore 4s.. F W & n c Is. Gen. Electric 6s lUi IIV4 la. Central Is.. L. & .N. tl ti 1. 4s M.. K. & T. Sit. 101 Wis. Centrnl Is do 4s itS'.H'o. Centuries.. Bid. "Offered. Ilnuk I I'll 1 'hits. CHICAGO. .Inn w rlnrlnirs t2J.140.731: balances. $1.270. IS2: tmsted exchnnoe. Il,im 01-884; New York exchange. lOo prnmluiii. , HI. LOUIS, Jan. 22.-Clenrlllgs. JO.475.7',4' balances. $834,488; money, 61(6 per cent; New York exchange, ."0o premium bid, 40c pro mln m asked. NEW YORK. Jnn 22 -Clenrlncs. S313.012.- 212; balnnees, JS.928,iM. . muhiu,n, Jan. 22. Clearings, $24,879,9.2j balances, $2,353,110. PHILADELPHIA. Jnn 22 Clenrlnns. $l9,17r..iVK; balances, $3.3l7,fi82. CINCINNATI. Jan. 22.-Clenrlngs, $3,321,- vv. money, ,T-(ir per cent; New York ex change, 2oc tiremliim. BALTIMORE, Jnn. 22.-Clearlngs, $I.MS, 775; balances, $392,526. Condition of the Treusnry. WASHINGTON. Jnn. 22.-Todnv's stnto- ment of the treasury balance In the irons nry fund, exclusive of tho $160,000,001) gold reserve in the division of redemption, shows: Avnllnblo cash balance, $136.9.12,900: gold, $71,565,101. WtMil MnrkPt. BOSTON. Jan. 22. WOOI-Tbo wool mnrket hero In quiet, but prices hold steady. The demand for wool is confined to the actual Immediate necessities of the mamifncturers. There seems to be no spec ulative feeling to Induce purchases ahead and what sales have been mnde are In snots. Territory wools continues to head tho list of sales. Tho range for line medium and fine, staple nnd scoured Is from 46c to 4c, while strictly staple lots call for 4917; 60c Flnece wools .iro slow and prices nro nominal. Tho following nro prices for lend. Ing descriptions: Obln lilifl PnlilinvK'iinlii VV nml ntinvn. 27c; delaine. 29c; No. 1 combing, 29c; No 1 nnd tliree-clgliths-blooil. 2S1i29c: coarse and nrnld-wnslieii. soiicoe. Michigan. Wiscon sin, etc. Michigan. 2''Ji23e: No. 1 Michigan combing. 27fi28c; No. 2 Mlchlsnn combing. 26f(27o; quarter-blood washed, 28ii29e: coao nnd nrnid wnstiod, 251J2BC; lino delaine, 2oc. 1 nwashed, medium, etc. Kentucky and Indiana nuarten-bloid combine. 222tc. threo-elghths-blood, 23fi2tc; Missouri quarter-blood combing, 221723o; tbree-elghths-blood. 221123c; brnld combing. 20ift21c; Lake nnd Gcnrgtn, 22c. Territory wools, scoured oasis .Montana aim Wyoming nnu medium and line, 161717c: scoured, 46tHSo; stnpli. 49 f(50c; Utah lino medium nnd fine, 15ftl6e; scoured, 4617-I7c; staple, 191750c; Idaho fine medium und tine. 151716c; scoured 461747c; staple, 491i50c. Austrullan wools, scoured basis, spot prices Combing, superfine, nominal, 73ti'73c; good, 671T70c; average, iVVfj 67c. Weinl Snlen, LONDON. Jan. 22.-WOOI-Tbo orferdi'is nt the wool sales today numbered 13.360 bales, tho best grades of scoured nnd greasy were tu goijd lemr.nd nnd Arm: Mno, merinos wero steady, but coarse nnd low grades wero Irregular nnd lower; cross breds woro In fair demand nnd sold freely to tho home trnde and tho co-ntlnent at full rates. Some crossbreds were taken by American btivers; Capo of Good Hope and Nntnl wero In full supply, thp lino stock holding firm: common, nnd greasy stocks showed an ensler tendency; snow while, wero steady. Tho general bidding wns slack at times and some offerings of Monte video wero wlthdrnwn. Following nro tho sales In detail: New South Wales, 3,500 bales; scoured. i: greasy. 3ftl04d. Queensland. 2 300 bales; Fcoured, SUdf?ls 3V5d: greasy, 657 9'4d. Victoria, 2.800 bales; scoured. Wfftls 54d: greasy, 4J711d. South Australia. 2.foo bales; scoured, SUdflls 24d: greasy, 5177id. New Zealand, 2.500 bales; scoured, OUdftH 14d; irrensy, 6ii(59i4d: Cape of Good Hone nnd Nntnl. 1.100 bales; scoured. Is 4di?J 54d; greasy. 441J74d. Montevideo, 100 bales; scoured, nil; greasy, 64S"d. Oil nml Rosin. OIL CITY. Jan. 22.-OILS-Credlt bal ances, $1.17; certificates, no bid; shipments. 74,590 bbls.; nvernge, 99.855 bbls.; runs, 79,051 bbls.: average. 87.390 bbls. NEW YORK, Jnn. 22.-OILS-Cottonseed, stendy; demand being principally for Feb ruary oil. of which 400 bbls. sold today at 314c; prime crude, bbls., 274c; prlmo sum mer yellow, 31c; oft summer yellow, 3151 314c; in-line white. 341733c; nrlmo winter yellow. 35473s!c; prime meal. 25c. LIVERPOOL, Jan. 22.-OILS-Cottonseed, Hull refined, spot, dull, 20s 3d. Linseed, 31s fid. LONDON, Jan. 22.-OILS-Llnseed, 56s 6d. Turpentine spirits, 29s 3d. CofTre Mnrket. NEW YORK. Jan. 22,-COFFEE-Thc market for coffee futures opened steady nt 61U0 points decline and ruled slow with 11 weak undertone In tho absenco of public Interest nnd under locnl pressure, following continued heavy receipts In Brazil, unsatis factory cables, slack demand for spot sup plies nnd predicted full movements. Tho marketjClosed steady at a net decline of 10 lll.l points. Total sales wero 21.500 bags, In cluding February at 5.53c: March. 5.63c; May, 5.75c; June, 5.75c; September. 5.85c; Oc tober, S.O'K'; November. 5.90c: December, 5.95c. Spot. Rio, dull; No. 7, Invoice, 74c, nominal. Mild, quiet; Cordova, 8084c piv York Dry C.notU Market. NEW YORK, Jnn. 22. -There hns I fen little chango on tho character of business doing In cotton goods today. Henvy sheetings and drills nro dull and Irregular; bienched. cotton pell In smnll quantities from first hands, hut nt stendy prlcis; coarse-colored cottons quiet, with snmo Irregularity In stock poods; prints nnd glnghnms unaltered; print cloths quiet but firm: some Improvement Is noted In tho de mand for silks nnd ribbons. MANCHESTER. Jan. 2. Holders nre very firm; in ynrns tbero Is little disposi tion to buy. Sugar nnd .Moliissc. NEW ORLEANS. Jan. 22.-SUOAR-Open kettle, SHIiSVc; open kettle, centrifugal, 41f 4e; centrifugal yellow, 44571 ll-10e: sec onds, 254l(l4e. Mobilises, quiet; open kettle, 20vri.".nc: centrifugal, 81721c. Synin, 201730c. NEW YORK, Jan. 22.-SUOAR-Raw, steady: fair refining. 3l3-16c; centrifugal, 96 test, -Ifi-lOc; molasses sugnr, 3 9-16c; refined, steady; crushed, Co; powdered, 5.60c; granu lated. 6c. LONDON, Jnn. 22.-BEET SUGAR-9s 14d. THE REALTY MARKET. INSTRUMENTS placed on record Tues day, January 22: Wnrrnnty Deeds. 13. K. Lower nnd wife to Atlantic Realty association, lots 2, 5, 6 and 7, block 8, Beml8 park $ 2,500 Willis Uuid company to J. M. Bete benner, lots 5 and 9, block 3, Willis park RO0 II. K. Lnthrop und wlfo to J. P. Mc Elllgott, lot 6. block 7. Summit ndd.. 900 O. E. Snyder to F. J. Collier, lot m, block 1, nnd lot 21, block 4, Portland Place 1,0110 Snmo to H. E. Co'ller. lots 6. 17 and 18, block 6. Collier Place 1,200 A. A. Young nnd wlfo to Fred Clarke, lot 6, block 2, C. E. Mayno's 1st ndd tn Valley 20) William Hart and wife to F. H. Clarke, lot 7, block 1, same 700 J II Soykora to Mary Seykora, lot 3, blcck 129. South Omaha 1 Q, I. Cornell to I). A. N. chase, o 29 feet of w 69 feet lot 2 (except n 150 feet), Johnson's ndd 2,H Unit (.'I11I111 Deed. J. S. Hale to A. B. Weak'ey, lot 24, block 10, Omnha Heights 100 lleod. Sheriff to S. 8. Ktnyim, el4 lot 9, block It, Shlnn's ndd 16) Total amount of transfers J 9,661 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Oood Demand for Oat tie and Market Hulid Actite and Fully Steady. HOGS TEN TO FIFTEEN CENTS LOWER Sheep Receipts (,'nnttnurtt Ilntltrr Mltht nnd Deiniiiul ItrlnK tliiltr Llbernl Trndlnjr Wns Artlic nt (lood, Steady Prices, SOUTH OMAHA, Jan. . Rerlllta rr-r'n ,.tllA lines. Sheet). Ofllclal Monday .' 1.015- B.4S6 J.t-'T Ofllciai Tuesday Two days this week... Same days last week... Same days week beforo. hame three weeks i.go.. Snmo four weeks ugo... l..h'l 1.1. IJI .0'M 4.377 7.VI 4,661 2,346 751 18,662 12,556 14.70J 8,613 6,318 11,601 6.9."7 0.1 11,2.14 5.6,rt 17 9.35S .j.wuu 1111-8 i,isi- year d,mi Average prlco paid for hogs for tlio past several days, with comparisons: , 6,881 I 1901. 1900.1899.1SDJ.1897. 1189.1. 11805. Inn. 1... Jan. 2... Jan. 3... Jan. 4... Jan, 6,., Jan. 6... Jan. 7... Jan. 8... Jan. 9... Jan. JO.. Jan. 11.. Jnn, 12.. Jan. 13., Jan. u 4 95 4 4 9;i4, 6 024 6 014 5 0641 5 05 5 11 3 18 3 40 3 43 3 46 4 22 4 16 4 08 4 11 4 16 4 10 4 09 4 11 4 09 4 OS 4 07 4 11 4 11 3 88 3 86 3 80 3 88 3 95 3 83 3 1 3 2 3 2 3 51 4 3 29 3 IS 3 63 3 48 3 46, 3 b6 3 12 3 H 4 3 07 S 14 5 2.li 6 234 6 174 B 16t 6 254 5 20- 5 20 4 5 294 5 274 t 25M 3 54 3 51 3 47 3 63 3 60 3 09; 3 19 Jan. Jan, 10.. Jnn. 17.., Jan. is.. Jnn. 9.. Jan. 20.. 3 26 323 3 23 3 26 3 26 3 26 3 66 3 721 3 S2 3 91 Jan. 21.. Jnti. 22.. 3 96 I R 12i! 3 23 3 91 Indicates Sunday. , ,,, The ofllclal number of cars of "'"c" brought In todny by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. H es. C, M. ft St. P. Ry... 1 O. ft St. L. Ry Mo. Pnclllc Ry W IT. P. system 13 C. ft N. W. Ry l-, E. ft M. V. It. R.. 35 S. C. ft P. Ry C, St. P., M. ft 0 17 B. ft M. It. R. R 23 C. B. ft Q Ry 3 K. C. ft S. J. Ry 4 C, R. 1. ft P., cast.... 2 C. R. I. ft P., west.. 1 Illinois Central Total receipts 175 4 21 3 42 4 33 3 57 4 29 3 57 3 48 4 27 3 41 3 41 4 37 3 47 3 38 4 35 3 41 3 39 j 3 4? 3 40 4 34 3 43 4 38 3 45 4 35 3 60 3 43 4 41 3 55 3 29 4 49 3 60 3 47 4 63 3 65 3 49 3 50 3 491 4 68 3 47 I 62 3 C2 4 48 3 49 3 47 I 65 3 61 3 51 4 54 3 54 3 64 4 61 3 66 3 50 3 69 3 61 4 63 I 3 67 3 1 ii '7 'i so 'i 'i t 3 1 n2 2 1 :ii s 32 " is! n 1 The disposition of tho day's receipts wns ns follows, each buyer purchasing tho num ber of head lndlcatea Buyers. Cattle, lings. Hiiecp. Omaha Packing Co 233 G. II. Hammond Co i:) Swift nnd Company 389 Ciidnhy Pncklng Co 631 Armour ft Co 410 Omaha P. C, Kan. City.. 96 Armour, Sioux City R. Becker ft Degan 1 Vansnnt ft Co 47 J. L. Curey M Lnbman ft Co 6S W. I. Stephen 113 Hill ft Huntzlngcr Livingstone ft Sclinller... 21 Hamilton ft Rothschild... 131 L. F. Husz 39 C. F. Hobblck 10 A. S. Mnwhlney 26 Other buyers 287 802 461 1.559 2.78 1 Lbo5 '796 S9 7li1 1,(9 477 688 18 Totals 2.7S3 13,125 2.833 CATTLE The demand was fully equal to the supply of cattle today, and ns n roitilt tho market ruled active and steady to strong on all deslruhle grades. There wero only nbout twenty-dvc cars of beef stcr-4 Included In the receipts, nnd packers went nfter them and bought them up In good season nt Just about yesterday's prices. As the supply was rather limited the common kinds of cattle moved moro freely than they generally do and the same was true to some extent of the common nnd wnrnied up cattle. Everything wns sold In good season. The cow mnrket wns also nctlvo nnd stendy to rtroug on tho good kinds and ulso on the medium grades. Canners. how ever, did not show much of nny change. For this week all but ennnera may saf-?ly be quoted a dlmo hlglior than nt tho Cloao of Inst week. Tim deinnnd being In good sbapn today, tho pens were cleared early In tho morning. Bulls, calves, etc.. nlso sold nt very f.at Isfactory 'prices, the same as the steers and cows. There were comparatively few feeders en solo todny, and ns yard traders have had no difficulty In disposing of their holdings tho market ruled active nnd strong ju the better grades. Even the coatse cattle nnd the loss desirable grades of all v."lghts moved freely at fully yesterday's prices. She stuff also moved quite freely nt itrnns prices whero the qunllty was satisfactory. Stock calves nnd stock bulls nlso com manded steady to strong prices ns com-7-ared with tho close of last week. Repre sentative sales: BEEF STEERS, No. Av. Pr. No. A v. Pr. 5 ...10K) 4 35 3 1226 4 40 4 1132 $3 0.-1 IE 996 4 40 2 755 3 7.1 11 1015 I 40 10 833 3 7.1 IS Ilfiii I 60 12 833 3 75 14 118.1 4 50 5 782 3 60 16 1108 4 50 2 970 3 60 63 1119 4 55 4 1021 3 fid 10 1072 4 65 fi 9:i:l 3 80 17 1141 4 M) 4 802 I 00 13 692 4 00 1 1130 4 00 17 1110 4 I'O 18 831 4 0.1 11 1138 4 CO 10 913 4 10 1 VIOO 4 (V) 22 129 4 M 5 1170 4 Til 8 861 4 20 37 1169 4 6.1 1 640 4 20 IS 1263 4 Ci 6 !) 4 20 17 1210 t 70 19 1002 4 20 17 1187 -1 73 19 936 4 2.1 33 11G0 4 7.1 6 920 I 2.1 3 1146 4 " 21 Sfil 4 25 20 1319 4 90 6 932 4 t.1 2 1460 4 9,1 1 1120 4 30 4.1 11S0 6 00 12 1062 4 3.1 6 13U1 6 il 1 1200 4 3.1 42 1KB 5 110 12 933 4 40 17 1230 6 10 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 3 650 2 00 1 750 3 2.1 9 601 3 0.1 2 910 3 50 4 712 3 10 9 683 3 33 1,,..; 9V 3 10 9 443 3 33 1 tr.'O 3 13 STOCKF.R8 AND FEEDERS. 1 7ft) 3 00 6 80S 4 V) 1 810 3 23 1 80i) 1 00 2 723 3 23 6 771 4 00 5 66t 3 40 12 741 4 01 42 658 3 4 0 48 904 4 0.1 H I',S2 3 50 R 460 I 10 I 730 3 50 3 513 -1 10 2 600 am 3 693 1 10 2 fi20 3 75 fi 80S 4 13 5 800 3 75 32 712 4 20 8 782 3 90 23 fill t "0 5 688 3 90 3 840 4 20 2 755 4 CO 11 714 I 20 30 829 4 00 15 730 4 20 2 72.1 4 00 25 S10 4 23 3 696 4 Oil 6.1 S00 4 40 6 090 4 00 COWS. 1 630 1 60 2 1135 3 10 2 843 2 IH) r. 1110 3 15 2 106.1 2 SO 18 9i7 3 20 9 861 2 fS 12 1032 3 10 4 980 2 40 7 1067 3 25 7 917 2 40 4 1215 3 23 1 910 2 50 3 1136 3 2.1 2 990 2 60 2 1130 3 2.1 6 910 2 50 2 1140 3 2.1 5 1012 2 50 6 1008 3 25 I 970 2 50 1 1 110 3 2.1 2 1090 2 50 5 1002 3 23 1 9"0 2 60 1 740 3 2.1 1 920 2 60 1 1210 3 25 1 990 2 60 6 1016 3 30 fi KlV) 2 73 2 1183 3 30 4 1067 2 16 1 1260 3 30 7..1 962 2 7.1 3 956 3 33 fi 1093 2 85 6 1I1S 3 35 1 10O0 2 83 1 1140 3 35 1 1140 2 S.1 8 1097 3 3.1 1 890 2 8.1 1 1280 3 .'io 1 1000 2 85 6 1218 3 ,'tl 2 1100 2 85 7 992 3 35 7 1118 2 8.1 fi 976 3 35 7 985 2 8.1 6 1154 3 40 12 780 2 85 9 1116 3 40 8 931 2 90 4 1147 3 40 15 1010 2 90 1 1310 3 10 6 1041 2 90 II 1210 3 40 1 1110 2 90 II 1030 3 10 4 1057 2 90 25 9S9 3 40 6 lOftl 2 '.) 42 1140 3 60 1 720 2 UU 4 1070 3 60 1 12W 2 M 6 855 3 60 1 fllll 2 90 16 1110 3 60 1 1000 2 90 5 1108 3 6.1 J 1210 2 tiO 1 830 3 5.1 4 109.1 2 !) 1 1120 3 ft) II 1231 2 95 17 1147 3 00 1 970 3 () 6 1040 SI P0 4 900 3 M 3 976 SM fi 975 3 00 4 915 3 ''.1 1 1100 3 01 6 1180 3 61 2 1305 3 00 2 1120 3 73 4 990 3 10 4 1152 .1 S3 1 910 3 10 15 90S 3 90 3 986 3 10 5 1112 4 00 1 1170 3 10 7 9.11 4 10 BULKS. 2 911 2 60 1 1431) 3 25 1 790 2 60 1 1300 3 .10 1 1270 2 4S 1 770 3 31 2 1270 2 90 1 930 3 ?5 1 11fi0 3 10 1 1380 3 33 1 950 3 00 1 1020 3 40 1 p',10 3 l) 1 1080 3 4.1 1 1410 3 !i 1 14O0 3 45 1 770 3 CO 1.... 1770 3 60 3 1613 S 10 fiSfl -0 1 lid) 3 pi 1 1720 . 60 1 . . 1440 3 I I 1 1550 . ' 1 ... 1220 3 1 1 1590 M 1 K0 '.11 1 . . 1520 ,t i'.i 1 1470 3 11 1 1950 (fl 4 1165 3 20 2 1285 70 1 1330 3 80 3 836 S 7.1 1 l.tfA .125 1 1420 3 to) 1 910 3 JS 3 1880 3 st 1 660 3 73 1 1520 4 10 HEIFERS. 6 6(1 2 25 2 423 3 60 2 11 2 fin 5 860 3 60 2 TOD 3 10 17 915 3 60 5 SSS 3 10 11 790 3 60 b 5"0 3 20 12 .M3.1 3 W 11 827 3 20 2 995 3 6.1 6 .' 690 3 25 C 950 3 ft 1 1270 3 20 6 976 3 63 1 830 3 30 1 IH" 3 90 7 714 3 10 6 1132 4 00 1 1140 3 41 1 970 4 15 10 990 3 43 2 1C00 4 25 6 73S 3 43 CALVES. 2 205 6 1 160 6 25 1 240 5 7S 1 110 25 1 220 6 75 1 ISO fi W 1 120 6 00 1 120 6 60 1 150 6 OH STAGS. 1 910 3 V, 1 lfiOO 4 00 2 119) 4 () 1 1700 4 23 STOCK CALVES. 1 290 2 75 1 400 3 60 2 49.1 2 9.1 1 30il 3 75 1 300 3 25 2 346 4 15 1 340 3 25 1 310 4 20 4 455 3 35 4 427 4 20 2 325 3 50 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 19 978 I 33 STEERS TEXAS. 61 98.1 4 26 COWS AND HEIFERS. 14 919 3 PS 5 lOlfl 3 CO . P. Howard-Colo. 24 feeders.. 1102 I 15 40 feeders.. 018 4 15 16 feeders. .104 8 3 60 HOGS- There was the heaviest rim of hogs here today that has arrived In a number of wceiis nnd ns other points wero alst well supplied values declined sharply. The general market hero wns 124'i16c lower than yesterday. Buyers started out nnd nicked up 11 few of the choicer loads at $n.l5 and occasionally paid $5.14- It was the heavy hogs that brought the top prices. Medium weights sold largely at J.i-124 and the lighter hogs nt $5.10 and from thnt price down. After tho first few rounds buyers lowered their hnnds and did not want tu puy over $5,111 for the general rut; or hogs and $3,124 for tho best heavy weights. Sellers wero not willing to tnko those prices nnd as a result tho mnrket was very low, but they finally had to toko the prices offered. Owing to the largo sup ply It was noon before the pens wero cleured. As will bo seen from tho sales I'.t'!9,Y-tno l'u" f all the sales went from $o.l0ifC.i5 and It will bo observed from the tablo of averngu prices thnt tlio mnrket Is now at tho lowest point reached since oimuiiij b, iieprcHciimtive sales: No. Av. Sh Pr. No. AV, ...252 ,..257 . .267 ,..250 ...246 ...279 ...231 ..245 ...274 Sh. Pr. 28.... 69.... 31.... 93.... 102... 87.... 79.... 82.... 101... 79.... 13.... 63.... .111 ... .130 ... .150 ... .168 ... .182 ... $4 6.1 1 70 $5 IN) 6 00 6 00 6 IK) 5 05 6 03 6 03 5 05 6 15 5 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 5 10 5 10 6 10 6 10 5 10 6 10 5 10 6 10 5 10 6 10 6 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 6 10 5 10 6 10 6 10 67.. 41... 76... 71... 70. . 40.. 43.. CI... "6.. 0.. 61 . . 160., 49.., 79.., t'6,., 33.., 120 3 124 a 12V4 5 124 5 124 5 124 c 124 5 124 5 124 5 124 6 124 6 124 5 124 5 124 5 1'.'4 6 124 5 124 5 124 5 124 5 124 6 124 5 I24 5 120 40 120 120 40 200 ioo 'so 40 .187 .190 40 .190 40 200 40 'io 80 80 80 240 40 SO 120 '40 80 "so 'io 80 120 .173 .199 .138 .220 nv 'iS, . . . .209 . . . .269 . . . .229 ....212 ....237 ....257 ....216 . . . .rjo ....207 ....251 ....362 . . . .251 ....215' ....169 93 2l 41 18S 73 231 66 226 43 312 12 262 8S 202 7J 213 100 1S3 71 221 55 272 75 269 40. SO. 63. 80 '40 69. . . 43... 69... 61... 18... 31... II... 82... CI... 61... CI... C7... 71... 69... 13... 80 40 ...200 . . .239 ...213 ...200 ...190 ...22 J ...230 ...237 ...216 ...19i) . . .2iH . . .261 . . .237 ...2.11 . . .257 ...175 ...26S ...183 . . .23.1 ...231 ...312 ...177 . . .200 ...218 ...212 . . .260 . . .2.17 ...266 ...236 . . .278 . . .263 ...231 ...191 ...2IS ...251 ...239 . . .235 . . .281 . . .293 . . .26.1 ...317 ...212 ...247 . . .230 !.'!i6 ...223 ...229 . . .209 ...331 . . .237 l.'.'iot 6 12j 6 124 6 124 6 124 5 124 6 124 6 124 6 124 6 124 5 12$ u 15 C 15 5 15 5 15 6 15 6 15 6 15 6 15 6 1,1 5 IS 5 15 5 15 5 15 5 1,1 fi 1.1 5 15 5 15 5 15 6 15 5 11 ,1 15 .1 15 5 11 5 15 5 1.1 5 15 6 15 6 13 6 15 6 15 5 15 5 15 6 15 5 15 5 15 5 15 5 15 6 15 5 13 5 15 G 15 6 15 6 15 6 15 6 15 5 15 5 15 6 174 5 174 5 174 6 174 61... 79... 93... 77... 78... 63... 66... 88... 99... 76... 0)... 70... 71... 67... 93... 63. . . 85... 61... 65... 23. . . 96... 77. . . 70. . . 69. . . 73... 62. . . 66. . . IIS. . . 63... 70... 57... 74... 70... 63... 72... 61... 03... 63... 67... 66. . . 07... 6.1... 44... 66. . . 62... 70... 73... 84... 60... 68... 75... 114 4 1 62... 33... 56. . . 192 299 24') 260 246 120 120 SO ....267 ...211 ....213 ....249 ....166 ....21.1 . . . .253 . . . .3110 . . . .226 ....228 ....236 ....2.11 . . . .230 ....215 . . . .234 ....323 . . . .237 ....235 ....309 ....212 322 ! i i .'231 ....233 ....261 160 SO 240 160 120 '40 'so 'so 160 80 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10' 10 10 83.. 73.. 73.. CI. . 135. 151. 75. . 60.. 61.. IS. . CO.. CO.. S3.. 73.. 60.. 6v. fil.. 10 80 40 120 240 5 IP 5 124 6 124 6 124 5 14 6 124 5 12(3 5 124 r, 124 5 12 4 b 124 6 124 r-124 5 '24 6 124 5 124 5 124 5 124 6 124 6 124 6 124 5 124 6 1J4 6 124 6 12' 6 12 ' 5 124 r. 124 6 124 6 124 6 12Ji. 5 124 5 124 6 124 6 124 6 1214 6 124 6 124 6 124 200 1 73 244 44 239 26 235 SO 40 100 '40 12Q 120 40 120 80 40 SO ....24S ....2.13 . . . .267 . . . .205 ....303 ....243 ....253 ....274 . . . .2.18 . . . .23$ ....23S . . . .336 ....242 ....233 . . .255 . . . .283 . . . ,3VH SO 40 10) 120 40 80 ..267 . .277 . .261 ..307 ..28.1 ..271 ..273 . .267 . .274 ..273 ...251 . . .2.19 . . .259 ...213 . . .320 ...213 ...234 ...210 . . .243 SO 69.. 62.. 62.. 66.. 81.., fiO.. 61.., 40 120 11 124 SHEEP There wns not a Inrgo supply of sheep here today, and the demand being of liberal proportions a good, active, steady market resulted. Lambs Mold ns high ns $5.3j nnd yearlings brought $4.85. A string of 2-yeur-olds brought $4.76. It was a. good nctlvo market from start to tlnlsh nnd everything won sold early In tho morning. I ho same as has been the ense for somo tlmo there wero very few feeders on the market und prices remained Just nbout steady. 1 buck 11 western ewes , 15 cull lambs 20 cull Iambs 89 western yearlings 441 Mexican wethers 69 Iowa lambs 108 Colorado yearlings , 110 Iowa lambs 250 western lambs , 255 western lambs , 133 Colorado lambs 4ft) Greeley lambs , 17 cull ewes ITS western ewes : 16) Mexican yearlings 81 western wethers 120 $3 50 98 3 0.1 76 4 00 60 4 00 111 4 60 101 4 73 67 4 80 97 4 83 61 6 00 73- 6 15 76 5 25 SI 5 35 87 6 35 8t 1 25 88 3 2.1 84 4 374 89 4 60 CHICAGO I.IVI1 MTOCIC MARKET. f-'ntlle Murliet (Jrnrrnlly Henilj- lloifs Lower Sheep Stendy, CIIICAOO, Jan. 23 -CATTLU- Receipts, 4,600 head, Including BO) Tcxuns; market goecrnlly steady, Including butcher took and Texnns; good to prime steers. a,Wii 0.10; poor to medium, $3.6n?3.20; stackers nnd feeders. $2.75fT4.fiO; cows, $2 T5 I i'O: heifers, $2. tiBff 4. 00, dinners, $2.00ft2.70: bulls. U "54.40; calves, 26c lower than a week ngo nt $3.73J(6.73; Toxas-fed steers. Jl.uOfi 4.80; Texas grass Bteers, $.1.35Tj 1.00; Texas bulls, rJ.60f?3.S5, IIOOS-Recelpts today, 4i,000 hfad; to morrow, .IS.OiK) head; left over. 6.010 head; market 10fil6c lower; top, $5.30; inl.ied and butchers, $5.05)6.30; good to cholco henvy, K.SMtU.M; rough heavy, $3.0Vf6.15; light, $3 05516.271'-; bulk of ales, $5 20ff5:.ri. SIIKKI" AND LAM US Receipts, 11,000 head; market about stendy; good to ohnl-n wvtbers. $3.75f5.00; fair to choice mixed, $3.60f3.S3; western sheep, $3.75J 3.00; "Vxns sheep, $2.60fj3.60; western lambs, $5.0025.60. NI. Louis Live Stock Mnrket. ST. LOUIS. Jan. 2'.', -UATTLI3--Receipts, 2.01)0 head. Including 1.2'i Texnns; market stendv for natives .strong for Texnns; na tive shipping nnd export steers, $l.yi;C S0; dressed beef nnd butcher steers. $1 056.25; steers under l.oon lbs., $3.!W?4.73; stackers nnd feeders, $2.60"fl4.55; cows nnd heifers, $2.(io14.i)). dinners. $L2iVg2.73; bulls, $2 40ff 3.40; Texns .and Indian steers, $3.60a4.C0, cows and heifers, $2 33fj0.50. HOGS- Receipts. 9,30 head: market 10c lower, pigs and lights, f.. tRTio.SO; packers, $3 lrJS 23. butchers. $5 Zfli&.SH. HHKKV AND LAMHS- Receipts, 1.200 head: market steady; native muttons, $1.00 iff 1.60; lambs, $4.76y5.Ki; culls and bucks, $3 00fl-0; stackers, $2.l". St. .loseph Live Stork Market. SOUTH ST JOSEPH. Mo., Jan. 22. (Hp rial ) The Journal quotes as follows: t'ATTL 1-3--Receipts, 1.200 head: mnrifit stendy to strong, natives, $l.(f5.25; i'exans and westerns. $3.Nft5.10; cows and helferi. $2.10'f(4.30, hulls nnd stags. $2,10-34 00; ytar lings nnd cnlves, $1.601 4.60; stackers nnd fefders. $3.fiO5"ir4.30; veals, $4.00igO.6. llOriS-Receipts. II.iiOO head; market big and 10e lower; oil grades, $i.161j6.30; I i.lk of sales, $5.15116.25; pigs, steady. SHKKP AND LA.MHB-Ilerepts, 2.200 head; heavy lambs, lower, others steady. Kmisns City Live Stock Market. KANSAS UITY. Jan 22. t'ATTLK Re ceipts, 7,500 natives, l.lfti Texnns, best beef cattlo steady to lOo higher, others steady; native b ef steers $t lot?" f,ft stnrkers nnd ferders. fUj oflii i.-wn ,iul heifers J,l 1 1 ui-ri. j. ,, . ij. i.iiiin. a., ii", n inhes 1 11 1 1 , ? ? , - I , l, . HOGS Receipts, 19,000 head; market I'D tower, top. $;, an, bulk of sales, J.V15M6 2'., heavy, it 1 2W6 3o; mixed packers, $3.1Mj5.2j; Unlit 4-. kU. . it,. I 1 A, 47, 1 SHEEP AND lMBS-Rccclpts, 2,400 . . ft.fri; wcstirii w Huts, ,.h..(Ii.im j e.iu-,n ewes, JJ.in4 Oil; culls, J2.fiMT3.60. ,nv lurh l.lto .stuck Mnrkrt. . J'ORK - ,Iii 21.-CATTLF.-Re-celpts, 1.321, head: nearly all consign?.! dl H'M'ly. cables unclialiged; rtunrtTrs US9 S"PC" n,M ll.ve,cy,os:1$'i:,,,, ,m ,yi iJ'liP,,.,,.ANn I'AMRS-Recelpts. l.'M vrn,Vi.firft'lyi K',;,' 'J;'; ethem. Jl: no,Ttea,nb,,,.b5' " lWO): c'"' 'w' nrnPnt3' 7fl 0,l"nll' Slock In Mluht, Following nre the receipts nt the four principal western markets for January 12: 13.197 2,867 4I.IO) H.MM 19,() y.too P.OK) 1,200 Chlcngo 4.80D Kansas City 7,600 St. Louis 2,fioo Totals -- 17.3 82.197 TtTiC "My stomnrh v.as affected by grip nnd I could cnt nothing but crackers and milk. I began taking Dr. Miles' Nervine nnd Pain Pills nnd tho trouble disappeared." Mm. J. Lttidsoy, Montrose, Minn. Burns Wife nnd Child. SCRANTON. Pa., Jan. 22,-Frank Jans sen. n barber of So.tth Scranton, went homo drunk this moriilPK from a ball and In u quarrel with I1I3 wife threw n lighted lamp at her. The bed was Ignited and their i-year-old boy burned to death Mrs Janssen was probably fatally burned. Her sister. Maggie McDonald, wns serlnus'y burned. Tho house wns destroyed. Jans sen Is under arrest. Henvy ftalc of PIk Iron. PITTSBURG, -Jan. 22.-Tho Valley lies seiner association this week sold to the lending 1 Ittsburg Interest 60,000 tons of pig iron nt $12...0 nt the Curnnces In the Bhen nngo and Mahoning vnlley. This Is tho larg est single iiurchnse of pig iron for mnnv months. Tho price paid Is also an advance of -1 cents a ton und 60 cents a ton nbovo tho lowest prlco paid for pig last month. "My heart wns badly nffected by nn at tack of grip nnd I suffered lntenso agony until I began taking Dr. Miles' Heart Cure. It made mo n well man." S. D. Holtnan, IrcsliurR, Vt. $6.00 A MONTH. SPECIALIST In All Private Diseases and Disorders of Men 12 Years In Omaha. VARICOCELE d ) HYDROCELE cured. Method" new, never falls, without cutting, pain or - - . (udi.i limn, O V DU I I I Ceill'i-i! fnr'.lrnknri lh.nnl.nn iT ."'t thoroughly clentW from ins system. Soon every sign and symptom !!!?rV.'P??r; completely and forever. No "IIKliAKINO OUT"ofthedleaseonthesl(in or facs. 'Iroatmvnt contains no dangerous drugsor injurious medicines. WEAK MEN L,OS!' 0,r Manhood from J-: cviiai 1 v cesiesor Victims to Nituvocs hlauallt Dnnii.iTr or Exhaustion, WART.,.f'0 WBAKNr.SS INVOMINTAIIY Lossrfl. with F,Aiii,Y Diccat In Youno nnd Minntt Aoin, Uck of vim. vigor and strength, with sexual organs Impaired Rndwenk. 8TRICTURE Radically cured wjth A new unci CLEFT 111 . '"'"""'I" Home Treat ? "r,tET11"'ntLNolD"trum"s,nnpaln, no detention from business. Gonorrhoea. Kidney and Bladder Troubles. ct;iii:s (itMiiA nti:kd. Consultation I rrf. TrMtmmt by Mill. Call on or address 119 S. '4th &t Dr. Searlos & Searles ; Omaha, Neb. JOBBERS & MANUFACTURERS CF OMAHA EOiLHii AND iHET IRON WORK' Qrake, lir. & William;; Successors Wllaoa Jt Drake. Manufacture boilers, smoke stacks and brcechlngs, pressure, rendering, sheep dip, lard ana water tanks, boiler tuoes con. stantly on hand, seconu hand boilers bought and sold. Special nnd ptompt attention to ri-nilrs In r'ty or country liith nnd I'lerce. DRY GOODS. M. E. Smith & Co. Importers and Jobbers of Dry Goods, Furnishing Oood AND NOTIONS. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. Western Electrical vv Company Electrical Supplies. Electrio Wiring Bells and Gas Ltchtlaf. Q. W. JOHNSTON, Mgr. 1510 Howard St. SAFE AND IRON WORKS. Davis & Cowgill Iron Works. MANUFACTURERS AND JOBUERB OP MACHINERY. GENERAL REPAIRING A 8PKCIALT IRON AND BRASS FOUNDER3. 1C01, lCOU nud inns Jnckson Straat, Oniaba, Neb. Tel. nSH. B. Zabrlskla. Agent, J. I). Cowaill, Mar. ELEVATOR SUPPLIES ELEVATORS Improved Quick nnd Easy Rislnc Steam, Electric and Hand Power Elevators. AUTOMATIC HATCH CATE8. Send for catalogue KIMBALL nROS., COUNCIL RLUHTS, I. 1008 8th Street. tfelephona 111. c H. Havis & Son Agents for the Mlchmou-I Snfrtr (Sales nml I'lre Doors, Klevutor Hydraullo and Hani ElfTatori. Elevator repairing specialty. Leather Valv Cups for Elaratori, Emlno and Prlnttng PreBsaes. I jhE IhGlMS J I E GRAIN ELEVATOR MACHINERY Co. Council llltill's, Iowa. Gasoline Engines Virtlial, Horizontal and Portable, from one horse power up. Jobbers of Agrliulturul Implements nnd everything In wuter, steam and gas sup piles. JfiMES E. BOYD & CO., Telephone lOIlb. (iMiulin, Nell, COMMISSION, ;itl, 111(1 VISIONS nml VIOCKS, llniiril nt Tinile. Correspondence. John A. Wnrion Co. Direct wires to Chicago and New YorSc navid Bradley &