TIIE OMAHA DAILY TtETC: TUESDAY, JANTTA'R.Y 22, 101. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL MINOtl MHNTION. Davis nellfl glass. Davis nails drugs. "Mf. lUloy," D-cent cigar. Fins Missouri oak. Gilbert Bros. Oas nxtures and globes at Blxby's. Klne A. Ii. C. beer, Neumaycr'ji .hotel. Wollman, sclcntino optician. 409 B'd'y. Schmidt' photos guaranteed to plrnso. Moore's stock food kills worms, fattens. W. J. Hostotter, dentist. Baldwin block. Ix!ffert, Jeweler, optician, 235 Broadway. Drink Budwelscr leor. L. Boscnfcld, agt. Picture framing. C. E. Alexunder & Co., IZi Broadway. . I.lly camp, Hoyiil Neighbors of America, will meet tonight. W. r. Oraff, undertaker and dlslnfcctor, 101 Bouth Main streot. 'I'hone BOO. Oct your work done at the popular Eagle Inundrr, 721 Broadway. 'I'hone 157. The Ilotall Clerks' Protective imaoclatlon will meet nt S tonight In Labor hall. Joseph Bmlth of the tlrm of Hmlth & Bradley has returned from Chlcugo. Morgan & KUn, upholstering, furniture repairing, mattress making. 122 8. Matn at. Fred A. Bennott of Sioux City, state bank examiner, was In the city yesterday on tiUHlnesti. r.if: Kennedy has left the nohiuiy theater nml returned to his homo at Council Jrovc. Knn last evening. llw. YV. B. Crowilaoii, pastor of the 1- Irst Christian church, haH gone to JSchawka, Noli., to assist In revival service. Mrs. Michael White of Saguache county, i Colorado, Is the guest of her brother, Ueorgo Irwin of Washington nvenuc. t A want ad In Tho Bee will bring results. The rnmo attention given to a want ad In Council Bluffs ns at the Omaha offlee. ltev. Myron f Waddell. pastor of tho Broadway Methodist church, la kept to his home on Fletcher avenue with grip, Sheridan r.al, onco tried always used. Smokeless, no soot, clinkers nor sulphur. Price X, IS M. Fctilon & Foley, nole agents. Iteports rr'tv!(l by the Board of Health yesterday wero to tho effect that there were ten coses of smallpox In Washington tawnshlj'. The regular meeting of Concordia lodge No. f.2. Knights of Pythlss. will be toulrht In Hughes' hall. There will bo work In ll.o second rank, Mrs. O. M. Brown of Houtu ecvcnui suini .. .....i.... t.. r.mhr i!cp. I).. where left yesterday for Cambridge. O., where she hh called by tho serious illness of her sue hh CHiicii iv i ne tti'iiKUB mi tirMiiirr.ln.liiw. Basil Brown. The annual meeting of tho Council Bluffs Ministerial association will be Monday morning at tho home of ltev. a, V. Sny der, Olllcers will Iki elected. Tho annual meeting of the stockholders of tho Omuhu, Council Bluff tic Suburban Hallway company, which was postponed from last week, will bo this afternoon. Tho case tigulnst John "Wilson, chnrnaJ with throwing a brick which struck Charles Hchulthclss in the back, was continued In police court yesterday morning until Fri day next. A transient roomer at tho homo of E. E. Bull on Upper Broadway left suddenly yes terday without paying his bill. A gold watch belonging to Bull disappeared at the sumo time. Tho police wero notified. The Ladle' Aid society of the FlrBt Presbyterian church will glvo tho women of tho congregation a reoeptlon nt the church parlors tomorrow afternoon from 2 to D. John Breunati, arrested In Omaha for al leged robbery In Sioux City, was nlaced for safo keeping In tho city Jail here hint night by Sheriff M. E. Follls of Woodbury county, who will tako his znati hack with him tix lay. Ben Barton, tho 13-year-old lnd arrested Sunday on a charge of Incorrigibility, wan discharged yesterday and allowed to go homo on the understanding that if ne illd jiot behave himself he would bo committed to tho reform school. "You oro charged with being a vagrant," aid tho court, and John Tierney cheer-, fully ndnlltted ho was guilty. Judgo Ayio worth sentenced him to ten days m the city Jail. Tlernny, according to tho police records, Is tho first man to admit toeing a vagrant. Tho pollco wero notified yesterday to look out for and detain M. F. Wolsoy. a promi nent farmer living north, of Malvern, who liad left homo and was thought to be de. ranged. Woolsey is thought to havo started for tho Missouri river. Ho left homo rid ing a bay horse. Countv Attorney Klllnack yesterday pre pared requisition papers for the two negroes wanted hero for stealing a watch from Itob Inson Bros.. Broadway Jewelers, and a ring from N. P. Conant. Tho ring was recovered In Omaha, where the two men are under arrest. Tho members of tho Board of County Supervisors, with tlie exception or i-crry Kemey left yesterday for 'Marshalltown to attend tho meeting of tho State AshsocI Riinvi nf County Suuervlsors. Supervisor Matthews Is on tho program for u paper on "Free llural ilall ueuvery aim uoou Bonds." George B. 'Wheeler, general manager of the Hold Belt Mining. Milling and Pros pecting company. Is in Council Bluffs to itnui the annual mectlnir of the company. which will be held Friday night. This Is the mining company in which large num bers' or business men oi mis cuy uru in tarested. Nniu TVtoriinn wh arrested yesterday KE".&tf m . ... 1 I . . ,....,U n ti.l ka,. curred In tho southeast part of the city, where grading is being none, nmim leges Peterson struck him over the head with, a surveyor's pole. Peterson says Smith called him bad names. Justlco Fcr rier will arbitrate. Robert Hanthurno, a tiller of thasoll from Essex, In., came to Council Bluffs yester day to seo tho sights. Ho got as far na a snloou on Broiulway. when, In order to Hhow what a reul bad mun he was, he commenced to shoot holes In tho floor with a big revolver. He spent the night behind the bars nt the city jail and will have to explain matters to Judgo Aylcaworth this morning. For tonight tho Dohnny management hoa secured Mr. Robert Downing nnd company lu a grand double bill, comprising "Ingo mar" and "Paris in 17'J3." For his leading support this season Mr. Downing has se cured tho Bervlccs of Miss Alberta Con verse, than whom no better l'arthenla has been seen sinco the days of Mary Ander son. thlH being tho verdict of tho press throughout the south and east, in "J'arls In 1793, a pretty French comedy, Mr, Downing is given nn oportunlty to display IiIh vrrmitilltv lii other than clasalo roles. Tim nilivr mumticry nf the company, which include J. W. Downing, Mlnnlo Lindloy nnd IV T. Mnptnn. hnvn lionll MlUllllV Well Cast. while tho scenlo equipments nru of the usual elaborate kind, characteristic to Mr. Downlng's productions. N, Y. Plumbing Co., telephone 260. Commonwealth 10-cent cigar. Howell's Antl-Knwf cures coughs, colds. IT DON'T PAY To Buy Poor Shoes That ls'tba reason that every customer of bur stord, is always pleased with his purchase. Wo do not keep poor shoes even It we do sel at a low price. We keep the bVst1 the, factory turns out, and when you get shoes' at our store you can depend upon hav ing received full value for your tnonqy. SARGENT8 Look for the Bear. FARM LOANS Negotiated In Eastern Nebraska and Iowa. Jamei N. Caaady, )r m Main o., v.ounui uiuna. Savi Your Monty; By llnvesttna ' With the HAVINGS, LOAH AMU HUILDINU ASS'S, 188 Pearl Street, Council Bluffs, lu. BLUFFS. PASTOR AND WIFE ON STAGE Ber. Edward Darii Joins Kobort Downing'! Company in Council Blufls. MRS. DAVIS IN "THE DEVIL'S AUCTION" Former Clvricymaa Bellevr lie Can ) More (inuit by ActlnK Than by Sermon, mid In KhrhboI lu AVrttlnpr a 1'lny. "From the Pulpit to tho Stage," forms nn Interesting chapter In the career of llev. Edward Davis, who after preaching the gotpel for five years, forsook the ministry to become an actor and yesterday Joined Hobert Down lug's company In this city. Hcv. Edward Davis, when but 20 years of age was pastor of tho Central Temple In Oakland, Col., one of the largest con gregations on tho IbcI!1c const. Ho was a striking figure In the pulpit and his theatrical style uf preaching attracted at tention. Ho was widely advertised as "Tho Poet Preacher," "The Talmago of thu West" and "Tho King ltlchard HI of the Pulpit." One of tho lending New York papers de scribing tho young preacher said,: "ttev. Edward Davis is an actor-prenchcr, a word painter, a .patron of the waltz, a sponsor for 'bean poker, and tho most popular preacher on the Pacifllc coast." After throo years In tho church, llev. Davis decided that for him to continue to ill! a pulpit would be to lie. Ho realized that whllo he believed In the Divine Deity, ho was better fitted for tho stago than the pulpit of tho church. Ho had reached tho age when ho commenced to think, and tbe result of this thinking showed him his unfitness for the ministry as It existed. Talking on the matter of his leaving the church for tho pulpit yesterday, Mr. Dnvls said: "I left the ministry because I fully real ized that the sermon was entirely im potent to the sulllclent couvlctlou of men, and I assuredly believed that tho religious stage producing such plays as "Faust," "Tho Second Mrs. Tnnqueray" and the "Quo Vndts" will produce more lasting result than a homlletlc exposition of rhetoric. Threo years ago I refused a call to ono ot thu largest churches In Australia at a salary of $2,600, nnd In my determina tion to go upon the stage, realizing that I had ability la that direction, went to New York, where I secured a position In a stock company at 910 a week. Although I went by my right name of Edward Davis, I have always carefully concealed ray Identity as tho former preacher. I wanted to gain recognition by my merits alone. If 1 po sesscd any, and not by any frco advertis ing. I later Joined Charles Coghlan's com pany and last season was leading man In Frohman's company, playing "Tho Ad venturo of Lady Ursula." Two weeks ago I received an offer from Mr. Robert Down ing to Join his company nnd here I am." When Bev. Davis quit the pulpit to be- como a Thespian, his wife, who Is a daughter of M. II. Klngore, a leading busl nests man ot Denver, decided also to go upon th ninun. Toilav she Is leadinei lady In "Tho Devil's Auction" company, appearing under her maiden namo of Margaret Klngore Bev. Davis has Just completed writing a play, which will be produced soon by Mr. Downing and his company. a ravel roofing. A. H. need, 641 Broadway. Davis sells paint. C1TV COUNCIL 11EFCSI3 CHECK. Five Thousand Dnllnrs Involved lu Ulnunte with Hallway Company. The city council last night finally de cided to refuse to receive the check for $4,999.40 deposited by the Omaha, Council Bluffs & Suburban Railway company for tho cost of the paving on South Main stroet between and ono foot outside ot tho track recently laid by It on that thoroughfare. This check, which represents the amount that Is to be refunded to the abutting prop erty owners, who have long ago paid for this paving, has been In the hands ot the city clerk since November 1 Inst. Up to last night the council refused to tako any action regarding the check for fear of com- itself la r.ference to tho dhv puted right of the motor company to lay a second track on Main street. The law provides that the cost ot tho paving should io deposited with the city treasurer and by htm distributed to tbe property owners entitled to it. This tho motor company was desirous of doing, but City Clerk Phillips refuaed to part with the check unless on orders from tbe city coun cil. City Treasurer True has announced that ho will 'refuse to distribute 1 cent ot tho money unices on orders from the coun cil and this the council refuses to do. In tho meantime tho property ownors who do slro to get back the monoy which they paid out for tho paving have to wait until some ngreomcnt is come to between the al dermen and the motor company. Dun CurrlM Want a Ills Share. Tho matter was brought before tho coun cil ast night by Dan Carrlgg, one of tho Interested property owners, who Is anx ious to secure the share that Is coming to him. Tho only satisfaction ho got was to be informed that the city council had abso lutely nothing to do with tbe check and he was referred to tho company nttorney. Tho discussion that followed developed the tact that tho motor company had nsked to bo returned tho check, but tbe city clerk had declined to surrender It without orders from the council,- In order to dispose ot the matter so far ns tho city wns con cerned Aldormnn Clark moved that the councils refuse to accept tho check and that' It bo returned by tho clork to tho motor company. As soon ob tno matter of the check had been disposed of Alderman Brown Intro duccd a motion to tho effect that the motor company be notified to take up Its track on South Sixth street between Ninth and Six teenth avenues. Ho withdrew tho motion, howover, when Informed by the city so licitor that tho injunction restraining the company from removing its tracks on that street, 'secured by H. I. Forsyth, had not boeh dissolved nnd tho case was still pend ing In the district court. ttuli-ii fur City MlectrletniT. A sot of rules regulating the Installation nnd malntennnce of electric wiring nnd np parntusifon the use of the city electrician was Introduced and adopted, One of the rules provides that should an especially dangerous condition of affairs ba found at any time the city electrician shall bo au thorized to remedy the trouble himself and char go tho party owning the apparatus with 'the cost ot such repairs. All poles will have to bear the Initials of the corpor atlon or Individuals owning them nnd will hnvo to bo painted n dark color from the ground -up to a height ot eight feet and from that to the top a light color. The sign. "Post no bills," will havo to be painted on every pole. The report of tho district court grand Jury on tho favorable condition of tho city Jail was received from the Board of County L Supervisors nnd ordered placed on fllo without discussion. Tbe matter of. tho con dltlon of the Jail was referred to tho com mittee ot. the whole. Closing nf Third Atenur, City Engineer Ktnyro reported the clos ing of the Third avctiue bridge and was authorlced to mako the necessary repairs. He also reported tho need of repairs to the sewers on North First, North Second and Bryant streets and was given author ity to havo tho work done. The bottom of the sewers will have to rercmented ns the brick Is wearing out. The city clerk was Instructed to ndver tine for bids for the city scavenging for the ensuing year. The city ranrshnl waB Instructed to have all ash boxes nnd barrels removed from the sidewalks In tho business portion of tho city. The council adjourned to next Monday night. TO COMPEL Tiinnt PAiuivrs. llo)M Want Court in (31 ve Them (he Fnrm They Enrnril. Walter, aged 19, nnd Thoodore Kllan ouskl, aged 18, brought suit In the district court yesterday, through F, J. Schnoor, their next best friend, to conipol their parents to convey to them n farm which they had purchased with their own earn ings. The young men, It Is act forth In the pe tition filed, have been working for wages and supporting themselves, Independent of their parents, and succeeded In saving up $1,000, with which they purchased a farm. Their father, they allege, waived nil right In nnd claim to their wages nr earnings, but, understanding they could not, being under age, hold title to property, they had the deed to the farm mnde nut In the name of their father as trustee. 1 The father, they say, Is willing to con vey tho farm to them, hut tholr mother Is of n different mind. They ask tho court to have the tltlo In tho property decreed In them nnd their parents ordered to con vey It to them, and In tho event of I heir re fusing to do so that a commissioner bo appointed by the court with authority to make tho conveyance. OlijrclM in Allomrr'a Absorption. Tho hearing before Judgo Thornell of tho arguments In tho Officer & Pusey bank ense had to be postponed until today, as tbe hearing In the suit of Spencer Smith and others against Holloway and others occu pied the entire of yesterday In the district court. One of the witnesses for tbe defense In tho latter case, whllo under examination yesterday, caused considerable amusement by remarking, "What Is tho uso of a per son bringing a suit In court If the attorneys are to be allowed to absorb all tho judg ment obtained?" Tbe suit at bar is to se cure an accounting of the attorney fee as taxed. Both sides claim them. Tho "tax ferret" injunction suit of Shlnn against tlie Board ot County Supervisors had been set for this morning In tho dis trict court, but ns tho Officer & Pusey bank caso has tho right of way It will have to bo postponed. ' In tho BUit brought in tho namo of tho Stateof Iowa against David Johnston to enjoin him from maintaining a dam In Pigeon creek, near tho northwest corner of Hazel Dell township, the defendant yester day filed a motion for tho county attorney to show authority for bringing such an ac tion. Tveiit--Oue Churolica Iteport. At the meeting yesterday afternoon of the committee having In charge the re ligious census of the city twenty-one of tho twenty-seven church organizations which hod been assigned districts to can vass filed tlielr.rcports. Tho work of com pleting the canvass In tho remaining klx districts will take ten days longer. Tho several church organizations re ported that they had met with little trouble or opposition In securing the de sired returns and that tbo people gener ally wero willing to answer the questions asked. To the supervising committee, consisting of Bev. J. W. Wilson, ltev. Father Thomas and Rev. Alexander Lttherland, will fnll tho work of tabulating tho returns. After this Is done thei duplicate blanks will be distributed among the pastors according to tho membership or preference designated. The committee was much pleased at tho short tlmo In which tho canvass had been practically completed. Iteeenllon In Mrs. Ilutohlnnnn. The reception to Mrs. Mabel Dixon Hutch" lnson of Ottumwa, president of the Iowa State Federation of Wosien's clubs, at Hughes' ball last night wag a brilliant affair nnd was attended by a large gather ing of the club women of the city. Several prominent club women of Omaha wero among tho guests. Plana for th blonnlal meeting of the federation to be held In this city In May wero discussed and a pro gram partially outlined. CnmniKnirnt nf Two Children. In the superior court today Judge Aylcs- worth will hear the application for the com mitment of two children of William Mitch ell of Graham avenue to the caro of the Iowa Children's Home society. Mitchell Is a traveling photographer, and tho mother of tho two children was recently committed by the Board of Insanity Commissioners to St. Bernard's hospital. Mitchell will resist the application. Implement Mcu Smoke. The Council Bluffs and Omaha Implement Men's club hold Its monthly meeting nnd bnnquet last night nt the Grand hotel nnd thlrty-flvo members wero prcsont. Euclid Mnrtln presided, and after the cigars were lighted a short program ot toasts wns car rled out. Among tho guests wns J. Hnrley Flradley of Chicago, president of tbe David Uradloy company. ItenI Untitle Triiimf ers. The following transfers were filed Monday In the abstract, title and loan office of .1. W. Squlro, 101 Pearl street: Frank K. Robinson und wife to Ku Keno Robinson. seU nw'S 30.77-39. a w d 11,500 inuwor A. enrstensen and wife to J, B. Johannsen nnd P. C. Curstensen, center H of lots 8, 7 and 8, block 9j town of Wulnut, ii c d Chnrles P. Bowman and wife to E. P.' Dewey, ?t4 iwli 6-7H-41, w d J.C25 County treasurer to II. w. Binder, lot fl, block 18, Stutsman's 2d ndd,- tax it.. Ella A. Ittner to Chnrlos 'W, Hayes, government lots 1. 2 nnd 4 In 32-77-14. w d 2.275 Thomas II. Jafferjon to George I... Rust, hoW M-flS-40, o d Adlnn K. Skerrltt and L. It. Skerr tt to Paul McDonald, nV4 seU 3-77-4i, w d 25 Seven trnnsfers, aggregating... $),031 &lnu City KxiieetN Illation Leullinii SIOUX CITY, Jan. 21. (Speclnl.) Dean Treary reports that Archbishop Keane whllo at Fort Dodge a few days ago said that he did not Intend to go to Sioux City for the purpose of administering conftr raatlon, tor the simple reason that Soux City would soon have n bishop of Its own, and tbe new bishop would administer the sacrament. The announcement Is taken ns pretty nearly conclusive. It Is generally understood that Rt. Rev. T. M. Lenllmn, bishop of Cheyenne, will bo Sioux City's bishop, He has wanted to change from his present location on account of his health. Himt It Gnen In Knnnnn City. During tbo present cold and grip season Blxty. three thousand boxes of Laxative Dronio-Quinine have been purrhnsed by the following wholesale drug houses ot Kansas City: Kvans-Smlth Drug Co. and Faxon, Horton & Gallagher. DIAMOND ROBBER'S PARDON End of Fumoiu Pollock Ohm from Near California Junction, SHERCLEFF SERVED BUT SEVEN YEARS Senleueetl for e nileeu Crime fur Which He Wan Convicted n Hold One Ilnnht nn in III" Identity nnd t'otincctli'ii iillh Crime. DF.S MOINKS, la., Jan. 21. (Special.) There was nlwnys some doubt in the mlnils of many persons conversant with tho fncts surrounding the trial of Frank Shcrcleff for tfic Pollock diamond robbery ns to his Iden tity with the robber and his relationship to the gang of thieves supposed to have profited by the theft. This doubt was what culminated In the release ot Shercleff1 from prison nftcr Borvlng about seven of the seventeen years for which ho was sen tenced. Shercleff bnd been fully Identified by tho victim of tho robbory. but there were evidences of doubt in the minds of many persons nt the tlmo of tho trial. It was supposed he was tho notorious "Kid" McCoy, or Ed Burke, well known In the western cities, but this may never lx known. Tho crime for which Shcrcleff, nr he said his namo was, wns convicted was thut of robbing William C. Pollock, a trav cling man for a diamond house, on a tralc from Omaha to Sioux City on the cvdnlnr of November 4, 1&S2. near California June Hon. Pollock had been showing goods In Omaha during the day and wns followed tt the trnln by a man whom ho had seen In a Jewelry store In Omaha. When the train crossed the river at Blair tho stranger approached Pollock and struck him over tho head with a bag of shot. The bag burnt nnd Bcnttered tho shot nnd did not do Injury to Pollock to prevent hlra from Immediately rising In his seat. Thrire Sliutx Arc Fired. The robber fired three shots from a re volver at Pollock, hitting him In each arm and In the breast, but not doing serious Injury. Tho passengers In tho car wore panic stricken, and not ono nrose to help Pollock, In fnct, the passengers did not know what was going on and were unable on such short notice to tell what they should do. The two men fbught togother In tho car nlslo up to the front end, where the robber demanded Pollock's money. In his testimony later Pollock said he was on the point of getting his pocketbook when tho robber thrust his hand Inside Pollock's vest and drew therefrom his wallet, con taining the diamond samples, valued at $16,000. Then tho robber broke away, nnd running to tho rear of the car pulled the air brake and In tho darkness Jumped of Into tho weeds. Tho robber mado good his escape, tntf Pollock, who was pretty badly used up, wnt taken to Omaha nnd placed In n hospltnl fo treatment. In due time Pollock recovered nnd a reward was offered for the conviction ot tho robber. Pollock was unable to give a good description ot him. Identlfleii the Itohher. Some time the next summer a man was arrested In Lcadvillc, who was Identified by Pollock as tho robber. Ho gave his name as Frank Shorcleff and said that his pa rentB lived In Pittsburg.- He was Indicted in Harrison county, Iowa, In September, 1893. In tbo meantime' a gang of safeblowcrs was under arrest In Turre Haute, lnd., and one of them, Frank "'Bruce, was charged with being the Pollock robber. Pollock went to Terro Haute and declared that Bruce wob not the man. In spite ot this an attempt was made to havo Bruco Indicted in Harri son county. On the trial of Shcrcleff two women sworo positively that ho wns not the mnn who had committed the robbory on tho train. One John Hollensworth of Lead- vllle testified that ho hnd known Shercleff well In Montana five years before, that he saw him at Aurella, la., In October, Just before tho Pollock robbery, that Shercleff went from there to Leadville, and that he was In Leadvlllo on the day tho robbery was committed. This nnd much other slra- llnr testimony was discredited as nn at tempt on the part of Shercleff's pals to get him out of trouble. Ho was convicted, and on September 22, 1893, was sentenced to soventecn years for tho robbery. Shercleff always protested his Innoceuce. and on being sontenced pleaded for leniency bocauso of ill health. The diamonds were not recovered Smallpox SHU SprrndliiK. Smallnox renorts urn comine In frnm h state with greater rapidity than over before. inis morning tne secrotnry of the State Board ot Health received official notlco of tho prcsenco of smallnox In the following places, In each place ono caso being re ported except In Atlantic, whero there are several: Maxwell, Creston, Atlantic, Dodgo township, Doono county; Blaine township, Ida county; Washington town ship, Sioux county, nnd Washington town. snip, winisnicK county, in addition to theao ensca reported tho secretary, Dr. J K. Kennedy, renorted six ciums in i.iu.r more, which ho personally discovered. He recciveu word Sunday that there were suspicious cases thero nnd ho went to Llvermoro, arrlvlnc at a lntn hnnr nf night, returning this morning, but In tho mioi nine ne wns mere ne found six cases In two families. This mnkr-n n inti f fifty-four places whero tho epidemic has been reportod In Iowa since tbo first of the month. j Nnmple TrnvrlliiK Libraries. Tho library board hns A1lthn.9nH Johnson llrlghani, state librarian, to pro-- (iuiu camples oi tne state traveling, li braries in uso in Iowa and send the same to Lincoln nnd to Pierre, whero friends of tho traveling llbrnry movement nre In terested In having laws passed providing for traveling libraries. Theso traveling llbrarleH arc solect libraries of forty or fifty volumes each, put up In a ncnt caso nnuiiiv tucitcd v. Tuesday, Jan. 22 Thn Eminent Actor, Mr. Robert Downing Assisted by the beautiful nnd talented ALHURIA CONVIJRSK In a grand double bill of "INOOMAR," preceded by "PARIS IN 1793." Prli-ent U.lc, HBc, BKo, 7Cc, ?l. BARTEL & MILLER KM) Ilruail'vny, Council 111 tiff. (JOI'IT.K- Arlota, per lb r l'c B. Brund 16a Peabury 2a Rio, best 2Sa Santos 'iha 2lb. can Mocha and Java.,,, 5fo B. &. M. Blend 28c Bun-Dried Japan, per lb,.,,,,.. Mo THA Hniuer I .eg, per m Gunpowder, per lb ,. Young Hyson, per lb.... English Breakfast, per lb. Mo . 76c . 75o for shipment and the nre sent from town to town or out Into the country on request, whero tho books are to be kept a cer tain, time and then to he shipped on to soiuo other place. Tho work of consoli dating the miscellaneous part of the Iowa Slate library with the historical depart ment and placing the whole under con trol ot the state librarian Is now In prog ress. Tho state law library, on of the best In tho west, will be left In the rooms In the capltol occupied by tbe present li brary. ftcrr Cnrpnrnllnnn, Now corporations legalized In Iowa; Clin ton Separator and Engine works, Clinton, capital, $60,000; Incorporators, J, Dwlght Lamb. William O. Pratt, Samuel W. McKee and Marvin J. Gates. Bartlett and Krnp fcl Stove company, Waterloo, capital, $10, 000; Incorporators, Adelbert Bartlett nnd J. W. Krapfel. llnr Killed In Klevntor. A cash boy named Mrady, who wns ot poor parents and lived In Knst Dea Moines, was almost Instantly killed In an elevator In the Frankel Clothing house this morning. His head wns caught as the elevator was started nnd his life, crushed out quickly. Would He a. Minister. It Is understood that II. S. M. Dyers ot this city Is a candidate tor tho position of Unltod States minister to Portugal, the post now occupied by J. N. Irwin of Keo kuk. Dyers onco held a position in the consular service nnd Is v man of literary tastes rather than a politician. Irwin in (aid to be anxious to return home to busi ness, i UnnNnlldntlnn of Telephone Compnnlex Nine Independent telephone lines, con trolled by the Central Telephone company, ho Hawkeyo Tolephone rompany, the Doono Telephone company, the Indlanola Tele phone company anil Cleareld-Mount Ayr Telephone company arc now operating under ono management, that of A. R. Smith of Mount Ayr. Those companies havo been forced to comblno tholr business to meet tho opposition of the Bell Tclephono com pany. town .Snnrrnic Cnnrl. Following ore the dcclslonn rendered by tho lown supremo court today: Carrie C. Teaney et nl, appellants, tignlnst Henry Mains, et nt, Guthrie county: land title questions: Hfllrmed. Albert L. Leminon auulnst Towu of Outh rlo Center, appellant, Guthrlo rounty: MUrs tlor. of moving frame house In fire llnilio; affirmed. Lucy Ann McAnlch et ul against Julia Hnlse. nppelhuit, Poweshiek county; action to quiet title; reversed. George McDonald, appellant. Against Isaac Bice, Linn county; alienation of wlfes affections; technical questions only; reversed. Jatneti A. Jewell against Sumner Town ship, Buchanan County, appellant, B,i cnanon county; assessment controversy: reversed. Aitnlnat the Amendment. C. A. Irwin of Sioux City this morning filed a printed argument In tho Titus amendment caso with the clerk of the su preme court, In which he contends that the supreme court la without Jurisdiction as far as declaring the amendment void Is con corned. His argument Is divided Into threo parts, viz: validity, Jurisdiction and Interpreta tion. Under the second hoad he contends that tho court Is without Jurisdiction, In thnt It cannot go back of tho records of the twenty-eighth gencrnl nssorably, the duty of which body It was to fully investigate nnd detcrmlno upon tho validity of the amendment as passed by tho previous leg islature before It passod Its resolution. Mr. Irwin holds that Inasmuch as the twenty-eighth general assembly approved tho acts of tho twenty-nevonth that It had no nuthorlty for acting in tho premises and that as it did approvo such action of the twenty-seventh general assembly the su premo court of lown cannot now go back of tho twenty-eighth general assembly. Under the first head of the argument Mr. Irwin contends thnt. the amendment was properly enrolled; that cntored "on" means to spread upon the records and that en tered means lees than that and, therefore, means only referred to In tho record. Under the last head it Is claimed that nl though Iho amendment was properly adopted that it must bo translated liter ally. ARE AFRAID OF THE BUTTER LehlRh Cltlaena Object to Hairy Prod uc from n Nmnllinx-In-fected Kurin. FORT DODGE. Ia., Jan. 21. (Special Tel egram.) The little village of Lehigh Is In a foment of excitement over the alleged ac tion of a farmer near there In attempting to sell butter from a place Infected with smallpox. Tho disease has existed for some time In the home of Carl Douglas, but was concealed, It Is charged, to prevent quar antine. Today ho brought several Jars of butter to town, and the fact of sickness existing there caused an investigation. This disclosed that several morabers of the fam ily were Buffering from smallpox. As the city bus been suffering from the effects ot the dread disease for some time the act of Douglas .aroused great Indignation, and his family wan immediately placed under strict quarantine by the local authorities. TEN SOPHOMORES SUSPENDED S. V. I. Third Year Men Are Out 'for Ilnvliia; Abducted Freshman from a linnquct. IOWA CITY, la., Jan. 21. (Special Tele gram.) The ten sophomores who had con fessed that they were Implicated in the ab duction of the freshman president on the ovonine of the banniint worn tnnloht ..... pended from the university. This action was laiten oy me racuity. Among those students nre somo of the vory best In uni versity work, scholarship, oratory nnd ath- loiics. hid university autnoritles aro met ing out this penalty In tho hope of crushing the spirit of class scrans and to itliniirii. futuro nttcmptB of this kind In connection wun iresnman-sopnomore social functions. It practically spoils the fellows' work for this year, but they can he reinstated at tha opening of the next college year. Constipation leads to liver trouble, and torpid liver to Brlght's disoase. Prickly Ash Bittors is a certain cure at any stago of the disorder. Genterville Goal And coal from tho best mines in tho country. Also hard, conl nnd wood. Prompt doltvory is our motto. Transfer Line Between Council Bluffs and Omaha councii Bluffs Offico, No. 23 North iMaln St. Tolniihono 128. Omaha Offico, nil South 12th Streot. Tolophono 1308. Connection made with South Omaha Transfer. WILLIAM WELCH, RHEUMATISM rsa Hcd Cross Rheumatism Cure, a prompt ami sura cure for rheumatism In any form, Cures sciatica, lumbago, neu ralgia, gout, pains In the hack, lameness. Hlirt and swollen fnlnts. The best blood purltlnr made, A wonderful remedy has cured thousunds will cure you try It. At dnw stores or sent by express,- prepaid, l'rlco J1.G0. Hcd Cross DniK Co., Council lllllUH, jowu, IMPAN'S TA HULKS Is an effeotuM cure for the Ills which originate In a bsd rtom- ach. 10 lor &c. At an uruggiiis. The best Toilet Soap man can make costs only ioc. now. That is Jap Rose, transparent, glycerin soap, made from pure vegetable oil, and delightfully perfumed. Any soap that approaches Jap Rose Soap costs 25c, and the difference is wasted. A better soap could not be made, if you paid a dollar a cake for it. There is no better soap-maker than Kirk and Jap Rose is Kirk's best, yet it costs but a dime a cake. Why I Cure Men Only The State Eleetro-Medicnl Institute, Which Combines All of the Curniive Powers of Both Medicine and Electricity in Our System of Electro-Medical Treatment. Professional Excellence Can He Attained Only by the Doctor Who Concentrates All Uis Faculties to a Single Class of Ills. .8 I do not troai all distases, but euro all I treat. DR. TOLSON, .SpocIulisU invthc Diseases of Men nnd Consulting Physician of thtf Stutc Elcctro-Mcdlcnl Insti tute, 1308 Fitrr.um St., Oniuhu. Neb. 0 In the treatment of certain special diseases there can he no comparison between the ability of the ordinary doctor und that of the trained, scientific specialist. Tho troublo with tho ordinary doctor is that he tries to do too much. In hie fruitless effort to conquer tho whole Held of medicine and ur(?ery he so scatters his talents that he becomes proficient lu no particular branch. Llko the Jack of all trades, lie Is master of none. He possesses no special skill, no expert knowledge of any given subject, but Is simply u "cure all," who can do but little more for th alleviation of human affliction than the vender of specifics, free samples, trial treat ments or similar devices, which do not und cannot cure diseases and weakneses pe- CU,Hutt0th"Ctruo specialist not the ALLEGED specialist, whose pretended specialty Includes every human ill, as their announcement simply but the genulno expert never attempts to do more than ho can do well. His persistent study, diligent research and scientific Investigations are all on the line of a few diseases, a single class of them, on which all his efforts are conccnteratod nnd to which his entire practice is strictly limited. Hence he becomes easily supreme In his chosen field. 1 . .. nr. ,ititin,trti' victim . V A n Tl riA't .1.' DT!1 1. TT tt I,' avlllt. IL1TIC BLOOD POISON, NEHVO-BEXtTAL DEHILITY or ullled troubles, who ought to be ablo to do you moro good tho ordinary doctor, who treats all diseases and cures few of them, or the expert specialist, who treats a few diseases and cures all ho treats? J nero can no oui ono answer. IfADinnOCIC Under our Electro-Medical treatment this InsldlouH disease rapidly VAnibUuCLk disappears. Pain cruses almost Instantly. The pools nf stagnant blood are driven from the dilated veins and all Rareness and swelling quickly sub side. Every Indication of Varicocele soon pride, power ana me pleasure OI rtnrci OTDIPTIIDC Our Electro-Medical treatment dissolves the stricture completely and'. OlnlwiUnu removes every obstruction from the urinary pasuro, allays all In flammation, stops every unnatural discharge, reduces the prostate gland, cleanses and heals the bladder and kidneys, Invigorates the sexual organs and restores health and soundness to every part of tli body affected by th dlaraae. nnUTaDIMIC Dinnn Dnl?nil Our special form of Electro-Medical treat bUrllAmUUa DLUUU rUIOUrl ment for this dtscaau Is nractlcnlly the re- suit of our life work nnd Is endorsed by tho best physicians of this and foreign countries. It contains no dangerous drugs or Injurious medicines of any kind. It goes to mo very uouom oi me uineune nnu lurut-n uji i-vcrj- jmruuii; ui impurity. Soon every sign and symptom disappears completely and foruvor. The blood, the tissue, the flesh, the bones and the whole system are cleansed, purified und restored to perfect hialth and tbe patient prepared nncw for the duties and pleasures of life. llCOlfflllC nCDII ITV Men, many of you nre now reaping tho result of your nCnVUUO UCDILIII former folly Your manhood Is failing and will soon tu lost unless you do something for yourself. There la no time to lose. Impotenoy llko all sexual diseases, Is never on the ntandstlll. With it you ran make no com promise. Either you must master it or It will master you, and fill your whole fu-u-ith tiilnerv nnd tndlscrlbnblc woe. We havo treated so many cases of this kind that we nro ns familiar with them ns CUreU Uy UX, yUU Will IlUVer HHIMll uvilllfiuil null ,'iiiinniuiic,, iiiniiin, ,i cilimui J- ness, small or weak organs, nervousness, falling memory, loss of ambition or other symptoms which rob you of your manhood nnd absolutely unlit you for study, busl nes pleasure or marriage. Our treatment for weak men will correct nil these evils and restore you 10 wnm nruure imciiuru mental and sexual pancm complete. HDTIIDC Cured to stay cured by our Electro-Medical treatment without the us nUrlUnC of tho knife nnd without detention from business. DC CI CV niCCACE? Many ailments ar redox, originating from other diseases, Kor nrrl cA UIoLHOLO lnstnncn. sexual weakness sometimes comes from Varicocele or Stricture; Innumerable blood and bono blOOd tUlnlS in IC bnivill, Ul I'liyriuui mill Jliniiim wruilliv, nriiii'iiM; I'lilun jiii- potency. In treating diseases of any kind wo always remove the origin we cure nnnn'cobn iinC IIP C Ono personal visit is always preferred, hut If you i-annot uUnntorUnUEnUr. call at our office wrlto us your symptoms fully, our home treatment by corcspondenco Is ulways successful. lUgftl contrncts given to all patients to hold for our promises, Do not hesitate. If you 'cannot call today, wrlto and describe your trouble, Successful treatment by mall. RcfercncsH Best Banks nnd Business Men In tho City. CONSULTATION FREB AND CONFIDENTIAL. STATE ELECTRO-MEDICAL INSTITUTE, Office lloum From 8 it. in. to 8 p. m Suiid , lo n. m. to 1 p. m. Permanently Located at IflOR Faftiattl St.. Ottinhfl. Net). Good Property Is a Good Investment Ptftaaa lota In a body for sale at a Terr reasonable pries. Tdm lots are located tn Omaha addition and lie high ana dry. Ther will make a splendid location for soma factory. Bersral other lets suitable for building purposes one of them especially will make a flna location for a horn: being within one block of the motor lino ant vlthln two Mocks of a school heus and church locaUa la tha wostora part ot tho city. Apply at Bee Office, Council Bluffs. 00 I trtat man only and . cure them to stay cured. 00 vanishes and In Its stead comes the nrmm nnu rrmorra ninniiuun you aro with tho very daylight. Onc u nuic, ileum,, mnn, mm i ..i., dlseasm often result from contagious