Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 20, 1901, PART I, Page 7, Image 7

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Eouth Omaha Citizens Mifca a SeoDnd and
Eucccssfu.1 Application of the Torch.
I'tillrr I'nrro I Speedily Hfnliii-t nml
I "Ire Urimrliiirnt Is I'linlili- to
t'lii-ck (n- Tlndrr-llnx
Vlre. v
Tho pesthouso In South Omaha, pur
chased by tho city council on" Thursday
for $160, was burned to tho ground last
night by Indignant citizens of the Fourth
ward. An attempt was made Friday night
to burn the building, but damage to the
amount of only $15 was done before tho i
flames wero extinguished. I.nBt night a
company ot men numbering fully 200 but.
rounded thn pesthouso and called out tho
three guards. At the muzzlo of guns tho
guards were compelled to march to tho
toi of t ho hill and remain there until Iho
structure was a heap of ashes,
As noon as the guards wcro removed to a
snfn distance men with cans of kuroseno
went to work and soon the entire struc
ture was saturated with oil. Tho match
was then applied nnd In a moment tho
entire building wns In flames.
A call was sent In for tho 11 ro depart
ment and when an attempt won made to
lay a lino ot hoso Chief litter and his men
were Jtold to go slow unless thoy wonted
to havo tho hoso cut. Etter declined to
tako any talk of this kind and laid his
lines, but the burning building was too far
gono by thin tlmu for him to render any
assistance I
JIhnLi-iI Escort for (liinriln.
Tho men who conveyed tho watchmen
to the top of'tho hill with pistols In their
hands wcro masked, but tho majority of
those, fathered about tho building wcro not.
Tho police attempted to put a njop to the
affair at the start, but were outnumbered
and withdrew.
By the loss of Iho building tho city Is
out Just J 1C0, which Is tho .amount paid
for the building by tho council on Thurs
day. Tho penthouse would havo been re
moved to a bluff overlooking tho Mltyourl
river on Monday. Members of tho police
force are surprised at tho action taken b
tho mob, especially as tho house was lo
cated dn city property and was a sufficient
dlstanco from uny dwelling. No danger
could, It Is asserted, have resulted from
the house remaining whoro It was, hut tho
residents of tho Fourth ward decided to
tako matters Into their own hands.
Whllo to n Brent extent the mob was
orderly, several shots were fired In tho nlr
prior to tho application of Iho torch, pre
sumably In order to terrify the guards. As
soon as the building was well llred and
after tho fire department arrived tho mob
slowly molted away so that'only tho lire
men were left to view tho cinders and
oshes of what was to be a pesthouso.
llepresentatlvo II. B. Wilcox, carno up
from Lincoln yesterday apd will spond Sun
day with his family. In speaking of tho
South Omnhn charter Mr, Wilcox said that,
In his opinion, there was llttlo hope of tho
bill passing In Its present form, nB too
many varying Interests wero to bo con
sidered. "Thero uro n great mnny things
in thut charter." said "Mr. Wilcox, "that
tho people aro not united on. Tlloiu who
ore working for tho passage of tin charter,
havo not so far been able to get together,
consequently tho committee hurdy Know
what to do." ,
It Is reported In Lincoln that llepresenta
tlvo Hunt, who wbb u member of tho cltl
rens' charter committee, does not llko cer-
tnln sections o tho charter and will op
poso them. Then thero Is Mayor Kelly and
Councilman C. C. Clifton, who want tho
section providing for tho prcsont ofllccrs
to hold over carried. Doth Kelly nnd
Clifton spent a portion of last week In Lin
coln representing that they wcro lobbying
for tho charter, but In reality they wero
dipping their tnlts Into the senatorial fight.
Councilman Kd Johnston virtually framed
tho now charter nml It Is reported at Lin
coln that ho Is nnxlous to oust tho present
city ofllelals by attaching an emergency
clauso to tho charter. Iluinor has It that
Johnston wnntH to havo nn election In the
spring nnd If such n thing comes nbout ho
will bo n cnndldato for mayor. 1". A. Wells
hnB also been In Lincoln looking on. What
WcIIb wanta Is for tho present city oulclals
to hold over, with the exception of tho city
attorney. Ho wantB to .havo An election In
tho spring for city attorney idid councllmon
only. Nenrly everyone knows that Wells
Is a candldato for city attorney and he
thinks that with tho backing of certain
corporations and somo of tho members of
tho Commercial club that ho can land tho
Ucprojentntlvo Wilcox said thot as far ni
ho had heard no ono objected to tho elec-'
tlon of a tax commissioner, but tlio board
of review appointed by tho mayor to pas.i
on tho work of tho tnx commissioner would
hardly pass. Thero was n rumor In Lincoln
Jast week that tho South Omaha corpora
tions had nlready picked out a uiau for tax
commissioner and proposed tf elect blm
when tho tlino conies.
As far as Mr. Wilcox knows n ono has
complained about tho proposed Increase fn
the salaries of city olllclals. Neither Is
thero nny objection to tho lncrca3o In tho
levy for flro and pollco purposes.
In speaking of tlm viaduct clauso In tho
charter Mr. Wilcox said that ho considered
It entirely too broad, ns It gavo unlimited
power to tho city council nndopcned tho
gateway for au endless amount of dirty
work In caso members ot tho council saw
fit to take advantage of tho provisions of
this particular section. Moro than likely
this viaduct section, will bo entirely ollm
South Omaha News . I
Grip is every where.. The papers tell us there nre"
two million Americuns now suffering wjth "grip" (or
La Grippe, uh the doctors call it.) and what is worse it
is more violent in its character than in the past, as a
much greater percentage of victims are dying from its
effects. Grip attacks the old and the young, the hard
workers and the people of leisure, the rich and the
poor, everybody in fact, whose system is not in perfect
order.' If the bowels are constipated or irregular,
the Kidneys are ailing, the blood impure, tho
liver torpid, the digestion weak or disordered, it pro
duces a condition very favorable to "grip," and such i
people are its victims. A little care will render the
body proof against attack; that is to say, the impuri
ties in blood, liver and bowels, can be driven out
through the use of Prickly Ash Bitters, the great lym
dy for cleansing and regulating the system. This splen
did remedy purifies the bowels, strengthens the kid
neys, renovutes th' liver and blood nnd tones up the
digestive organs. In short, it prevents "grip" by put
ting the system in good condition. And as a help, in
cases where the disease has alrendy fastened itself ou
the body, there is nothing better.. It flushes, the sew
ers of the body and stimulates the vital organ so that
nature is assisted to more quickly throw off the dis
ease. Sold at Drue Stores,
lnatcd and If not It will be cut down to the
needs of tbo city.
MtrKPitimi llrouulit llnck.
Police Captain Alllo returned yesterday
from Chicago, having In custody' Fred
Btegcman, who Is charged with shooting
Joo Jtaly, Tho complaint on which Stege
man was brought back charges that he
shot with Intent to kill. For the purpose
of 'giving tho prisoner comfortable and se
cure quarters Stegeman Is now confined In
the county Jail awaiting a hearing. It will
bu remembered that on the night of De
cember 29 Htcgcrann had an altercation with
tho bartender nt Dolezal's saloon, Twenty
seventh nnd Q streets and, drawing n re
volver, fired five shots, two of the bullets
landing In Maly's body.
In speaking of bis troublo yesterday
Stegeman said that bo wbb very sorry that
ho had shot Maly and declared that ho had
ho Intention of doing anything of the sort,
lio says that ho had some troublo with the
bartender and that be became so angered
that ho drew his pistol and commenced
shooting. Muly was not mixed up In tho
troublo In any way, ho having called at
tho saloon to apply for work.
It Is feared that Mnly will not recover,
as ho appears to he losing strength every
day. In case he does get better It Is as
serted that he will be n crlpplo for life, as
ono bf tho bullets went through his spine.
.tlniM'nlirps lunlnll OlllcerN.
South Omaha hive No. IE, Ladles of tho
Maccabees, held a public Installation of ofll
ccrs at Masonic hall on Thursday evening.
Supremo Ilcpuly l,oulo M. Ilouk ucted as In
stalling offlce.r. Horo Is a list of the am
eers: Emma L. Talbot, lally commander!
Mary Prwcra, lieutenant commander; Anno
Kowley, past lady commander; Mary Lynch,
record keeper; Jcjin Krydcr, flnonco kcepsr;
Ajnes Curtis, mistress of arms; Elizabeth
Lynch, 'chaplain, .Mary Gannon, sergeant;
hmma lener, sentinel: Kato Lannlui:
picket; Dr. Adda Wiley, medical examiner;
Anna Mitchell, cnptaln of euards. At the
conclusion of tho Installation there was, a
drill by tho guards nnd floworB were pre
sented to each of tho new officers. Mrs.
Talbot was the recipient of a handsome lady
comnir.ndcr's gold pin, a gift from the hive.
riilfiijru Wins Out,
General regret was expressed nt the stock
ards ycslerday over tlm full urn nt thit
Omaha delegation to land the National Llva
Stock association convention for Omaha.
uvory member of tho delegation worked
hard to secure the convention, but Chicago
won by n trick. Just befom thn !
rived for selecting tho next meeting place
imcngo steppcii to the front nnd subitcrlbed
n.vvj towuru a runil to bo used to defeat
tho OroUt hill, now nendlnir I
The schemo worked nnd Chicago, and not
uuiana, win get the next convention.
Npeelul District Tixm,
Special taxes on grading dbstrlct No. 4r,.
which Is on eighteenth street from J street
to Missouri avenue; on district No, 46, Nine
teenth streut from S to U; district No. 17,
S street from Thirty-sixth to Twenty-nlnth.
tind sidewalk district No. 29 will bo delin
quent on January 21. Treasurer Koutskv
desires to notify proporty owners In these
districts that on and after January 24 these
taxes win draw Interest at tho roto of 1
per cent a month.
HoHnl of Itrnlth Mntlrrs.
Ofllccrs of the Board of Health Rtntei!
yesterday that no new cases of smallpox
nan noon reported within tho last twenty
four hours. One caso was illsinlHRerl von.
torday. recovery being complete. Tho doc
tors say mat witn ono or two exceptions
tho disease Is very mild In form thin win.
ter, nnd that thero Is hardly any proba
bility oi nny deaths occurring.
'MliKlc City CiiNtJp.
Mrs. Herbert Osborne Is on the sick list.
Seo Bd Munsliuw & Co. for lumber. Tel 25.
Horace Hi-hhh 1m miftVrl
of tho grip. " '
Mrs. A. V. Strvker In rrcnvorlne fmm
recent Illness.
Tho Board or llinllh iiraon nnin. n
b"i . uui-iiuiieu.
W. A. Mc('nlllnt.l fn rnmvnvXn fpnm nr.
attack of thn grin. "
It. Ii. Coombs spent Inst week visiting
relutlves nt Ord. Neb.
Leo Smith IS Oil tlio Hlpk list. Tin linn nn
nggruvuted caso of tho grip.
Mrs. I'. I.. Miii-Hm i.-uim
.inula mi iii'cuuiii or sicKneiis.
Miss Mnltll Hmllll lniK rnllimnil fram n
extended visit ut ilising City, Neb.
;A,H0"J"1H "oon ,or to Mr. nnd Mrs. Ed
Miller, Twenty-sec,ond nnd U streets,
Itoy. Vr. Wheeler nnd Itev. Jamison will
speak nt tho Presbyterian church tonight.
oiingcs uum to suit buyers. Jno. J. Hynn.
Alulia Powell has conn lmnlr in thn nnl.
yerslty nt Lincoln nfter spending somo time
Mrs. Jnmcs If. VntlDimpn will mitnrtnln
tbo KlngH' Daughters on Thursday ufter-
A special meeting for men will bo held nt
inn i-reHiiyierinn cnurcn nt 3 nvincit h
Miss Hertha Clark has gono to Uvnnston,
111., to study oratory nt the Northwestern
Thn Bnrslleld Literary club will clve n re
ception nnd bull on Friday evening at Odd
ruiiuws illlll.
Sirs. Harry We s. Flflepnth nml M
streets, Is enfovlng a visit from her mother
of Homer, Mich.
Tho horse Bales at the stock ynrds Inst
week attracted a great deal ot attention
anil good prices prevailed.
MISS Ilertln Clinrnt linx rntlirnnil frnm Tilt.
nols wbero sho spent several months vlslt-
uiK irienus nnu relatives.
Ill" second quarterly conference oi tho
nrwi .tuunoiiisi episcopal cliurcli will Uo
held on Monday evening. January 28.
"Tho Advdit of Kternnl Llf" Is tho tonlo
upon which ltov. Jamison will preach nt
uiu rirnt iTcsiiyierinn cnurcn tins morning.
Tso Melcher's Oolden Cross Cough Syrup.
It absolutely cures coughs and hoarseuebs.
While resrut Is exnroHsed that thn ehnrllv
ball has been postponed tho move Is con-
HKiereu n wise ono on nccount or so mucli
sickness prevailing at this time,
Itev. J, A. Johnson nnnouuees thnt on
account of tho Iutko amount of sleknesd
Just now tho revlvul services at the Metho
dist church will bo brought to a clone to
night. Tlio Ladles' Aid society of tbo First Pres.
bytcrlnn church elected theso otllcers
rnurstiay: .Mrs. uraco Bturrocu, president;
Mrs. Josephine ltlch. vice president: Mrs.
O. H, Hrown. treasurer: Mrs. Nottto Wake.
secretary. Tlio meeting was held nt tho
Homo or .Mrs. , w. Davis, iooy N. street.
Henry Whetstone of Eelleme ii tho
Cirnrrnl 1'lntit In Which Cliitm W'rro
t'xril na Wcitionn nnd as o tlie De
tails of U'liliji Account
As a result of a drunken row last night
Henry Whetstone, a resident of Hellenic,
Is lying fatally Injured at the South Omaha
John Lewis, II. M. Hlndman, Charles E.
Whetstone, Henry Whetstone nnd Wallace
Hlko were on the way to Bcllcvuc when
an altercation occurred. Tho Wliclstonea
and Hlko Jumped from tho wpgon and com
menced to light. Woodrack sticks wcro
used as weapons nnd someone In tbo bunch
struck Henry Whetstone a blow which
crushed his skull.
When It was discovered that Whetstone
had been severely Injured the occupants of
the wagon returned to South Omaha nnd
the Injured man was placed under medical
attendance. Conflicting stories aro told as
o who delivered tho blow which caused tho
Injuries to Whetstone.
Charles R. Whetstone, a brother of the
Injured man, says that Wallaco Hike
struck his brother with an oak stick. Hllta
denies this and says that Charles El Whet-
Btone Is tho man who delivered the blow,
John Lewis says that It was Hike who
struck the blow. Hlndman, another occu
pant of the wagon, Is noncommittal.
The police havo In custody Charles B.
Whetstone, Wallaco Hike, John Lewis and
II. M. Hlndman. The last two aro held as
witnesses. Tho crime was committed In
Harpy county, but tho participants aro
odged in Jail hero. It is asserted that tbt
troublo between tbo men started in a
saloon In South Omaha.
Conservative Kstlinntr l f UO.OOO.'DOO,
Altliouuli .11 ii n y ilitvc l'liieeil
Value lllwlicr.
DUTTE, Mont.. Jan. 19. The Marcus
Daly estate Is conservatively estimated at
$20,000,000 by those most familiar with It,
though others havo placed It us high us
$50,000,000 to $100,000,000. Tho former
figure is tho ono named by Mr. Daly him
self as nearest designating his wealth. The
estate Includes large blocks ot stock In tho
Amalgamated, Annconda and Washoo cop
per companies and tho Hitter Hoot; stock
farm of 22,000 ncrcs, upon which thero wore
until a few weeks ago horses valued at
$1,600,000. Tho estate also owns tho Ana
conda Standard nowspapcr, two magnlQccnt
hotels nt Anazonda and Hamilton, vast tim
ber lands nnd great sawmills In different
parts ot tho state, coal mines nt Holt,
Mont., nnd 'filnmondvllle, Wye; tho Butte.
Anaconda & Pacific railroad, running from
Ilutto to Anaconda; tho Anaconda towuslte,
electric light, water nnd other cotnpanys.
TliuumiudH Sent Into Kxlle.
Every year a large number of poor suf
ferers whoso lungs nre eoro and racked
with coughs aro urged to go to another
climate. But thUi Is costly and not always
sure. Don't bo nn ex'tlo when Dr. King's
Now Discovery for consumption will euro
you at homo. It's ho most In fallible modl-
clno for coughs' colds nnd nil throat nna
lung dUeascs on earth. Tho first doso
brings relief. Astounding cures result from
persistent use. Trial bottles free at Kuhn
& Co's. Price 60c and $1.00. 'Every bottle
INSTRUMENTS filed for record Saturday,
Junuury j, iwi:
Wnrrniity Uveds.
U. Kramer and wife to B, C Price,
sl4 lots 7 nnd S. block 1TB. Omnhit... .$20,000
C. W. SIcCoy to Carolena Bveneon,
lot 17, block 8. HeiiHou tuv
D.R. HnatlngH and wife to Omaha
jflrldgo and Terminal IMllwny com-
Sany, lot st uiock ii, xnompson cc
r.'H nrlrl 117
wnilam Hteln nnd wtfo to lllldur I.ln-
berg. lot 0. block 12, Omaha View.... COO
Nebraska Lonn and Ilulldlng nssocln-
II mi rn is.-, ii. ueinnnrur. lot 1J. uiock
11. Dtnnhn. View 100
Jonn wrnig, irusieo, 10 a. ir jonnsun,
lot S, b'.nck IS, Kountr.d Place
anr.ili Mrniivnntr In .Tnhn .Tnnntn. nU
lot 3, uiock i-.', s. Hogcrs- mm.... uai
Quit Claim Deed.
Annie McGavock to S. A. MnOavock,
n'i lot 3, block 12, 8. K. Rogers' add.
T. II. McCague, receiver, to R. H.
Hastings, lot 6, Huseall & R.'s sub;
lntx 2. 3 to 12. block G. Thnrnnsnn
& O.'s add 470
Sheriff to H. A. Mcoavock. lift lot fi, T l.'niinl.. ItU ...1.1. ..f IaI 1
U.UVIt , 1VU1IIH.U -.111 HUH, II. 3 IUV
block 12, 8. E. Rogers' ndd 20
Totals nmount of transfers 122.SK)
i Prsctlcil Suggestions About Foodsnd the
Preparations of It.
Dully Menus.
Csrenl, Cream,
Thin Slices Hum, Ilrolled, Omelet,
TOf4Bt' LUNCH. C0"
Slices Cold Duck,
Applo Fritters. Orange Sauce
Tomato Soup,
Broiled Steak, Slashed Potatoes.
Creamed Carrots, Uuttered Ileets
Rolled Rlee, Orange Compote,
Whipped Cream,
Cereal. Cream.
Beef Sausages, Creamed Sweet Potatoes,
v.wt ii iiicui muiiilin, (JOliee.
, Tripe and Oysters, Creamed,
Brown Breud, Celery.
Cereul Coffeo.
Cabbago Soup,
Breaded Veal Cutlets. Crenm Snuee.
Escalloped Potatoes, Stewed Tomatoes,
Cereal Mush, Sauted, Stewed Fruit,
Funlan I laddie. Creamed.
Hashed Brown Potatoes,
jiuns, police,
Macaroni and Cheese Balls,
Tomato Sauce.
Baked Apples. Cream.
Cream of Clam Soup.
Frlcasse of Chicken. Rice.
Baked Sweet Potatoes,
Celery with Orated Cheese.
Plain Suet Pudding. Fruit Sauce.
"Thnt Saugulur Inexperience I.nvns
to Mxke."
The evolution of the sandwich has been,
qulto ns rapid and marked as tho changes
In any other line pertulnlng to dainty tabto
preparations. It would bo difllcult to rec
ognlzo In the attractive and tasty creations
of today a very marked resemblanco to tbu
original sandwich. The "two thick slices
ot bread and a huge hunk ot beef," de
scribed as tbo earl ot Snudwtcbe's favorite
In tho way ot a dainty, or at least conven
ient, form of refreshment when Journeying
Manhood's Escape From
The history of medical practice Is roplete with the record of dismal failures In
the treatment of Diseases Peculiar td Man.
Thdco particular maladies which nre Inflicted by nature ns penalties for the viola
tion of natural law, and follow ns tho destructive effects ot tho specific vicious virus
of contnglous disease, usually attack some organ or set of organs embraced In the
Gcnlto-Urlnary System, and not only nffect tho general health, but Impair or destroy
the essential nttrlbutes of manhood, often rendering their victims the prey of their
own folly nnd l eglect or of misapplied or Imperfect treatment.
Upon surveying tho mcdlcnl field nt the beginning of my professional career I
was struck with tho iiqpcrfcctlon ot ordinary methods of treatment as administered
for illstnscs of tbo urlnnry and gcnltlvo organs nnd associate pelvic1 Infirmities, and I
resolved to ovolvo a perfect system of cure for tho emancipation of men enslaved by
The results of my, labor In the cure of thousands of men ot nil ages once aflllctcd
with Nervous Debility, Vnricocle, btrictnre, Prostatic, Disease, Specllic
(i'ontnglotiH Mood l'oisuu or other special maladies havo demonstrated beyond
a shadow ot doubt that I havo successfully attained my object.
The secret of my success lies In tho fact that I discovered, developed and per
fected oilglnal tnjlhods of treatment which aro distinctly my own nnd by which 1
treat nnd euro to stay cured the special mala maladies without resort to experiment.
I was not content until I had successfully adapted every available scientific prin
ciple, to the cure of disease. In my specialty, and It Is n matter ut particular pride with
mo that I have tho unquestioned command of well-tested and reliable, methods of
affording enslaved manhood certain means .of cscapo from tho boudngo ot physical
weaknesses nnd dlceases. ,
This ability I acquired and possess through the ngency of the wonderful power of
true modern specialism. My methods are my own and cannot be measured, nor roust
they be Jti'ged by thoso of others.
Thoso should apply to me who would obtain immedlato euro of special malo In
firmities without long nnd tedious experiment with (Jcfcctlve, old-tlmo methods and
questionable procedures of thoso who ennuot reasonably lay claim to cxpcrlcuce so
vast or professional ability so certain and reliable as mine.
The lament of nervous debility Is charged to tho expression of supreme happi
ness UKn Its perfect restoration by my curtulu menns of cure. Nervous Debility
Is a most rultnblo term for tho condition which Is marked by Impairment of the
nervous functions of the body nnd tho loss of vital power. In recent years tho
term neu-rus-tho-nla has been applied to this morbid state. This term, us well us
Nervous Debility, denotes the loss of nervo Impulse or force by any cause which
robes tho body ot nervous onergy nnd vigor.
Hoth of these terms nre broad in their meaning nnd embrnco every form of
SPERMATORRHOEA, PREMATURE DECLINE nnd n host of nervous diseases und
illsturluuicoM, wlilcu often suggest to Uiuir
i.ivingT I'liuer tne stress ot misery, uotn meniui nna pnysicm, cniniieu iy ierv
ouh Debility In ItH many forms. If so relief or cure could ever l afforded. It Is not;
but I wish to ulllrin that upparently most hopeless cases, when brought under
tho almost magic Influence of the special system of treatment I discovered Bomo
veiim Rlnco for tho renewal of mental nnd animal vitality, nre restored In a most
rapid nnd gratifying manner. The peculnr
11 lurnisnes unu supplies new viiai ecus, wnicu suusuiuie, in ii iiHi.inu wity, inn
broken down and wnsto tissues of tho body, and this Is POSITIVELY THE ONLY
RATIONAL AND SUCCIOSSI'UL SYSTEM OP CURE. 1 care not what tho entlse
of your physical breakdown or what skill
you,- i will uanisn every element oi your Hpccnu iiineiuso una renew nnu ro-emuu-llsh
your manhood! Weakness vital loss and drnlnugo I will arrest, and, by means
which 1 havo demonstrated to the nerfect satisfaction of an urni V of men onea
mulcted whom' I havo cured, has not n
lost Qlemcms oi your organism esscniini to your nenuu ana special (unctions.
If those who discern ovldenco of declining vital power in unv particular will
tako advantago of tho chanco to learn from me their preclso condition and submit
themselves to the positive curntlve power of a treatment which Is In no wlso un
plcasant. I will prove to them that their lives aro worth living.
1 wHITcmovo forover their special Imperfections, nnd so rebuild them as to ln
sirro their full enjoyment uf every ono of nature's ktnd gifts to man.
Thin malo lntlrmltv. which Is very common nmomr civilized nntlons bv rennon
of their more general resort to early secret Indulgence, consists ot a relaxed con
dition of the spermatic veins and the enlargement of their caliber, which permits
them to becomo unnaturally swollen with vonnus blood. This manhood-sapping
disease Is a barrier to tho cure of Nervous Debility nnd sperlnl weaknesses of tho
gunlto-urlnury urguns, and when permitted to remain uncurcd Is Itself a fruitful
source of special trouble.
Descriptions of tho countless devices and worthless procedures for the treatment
of Varicocele would till volumes.
Tne spermatic veins uro vuai in mo mo or aencnic nerves nnu specini organs,
nnd I spent several years In tho careful study of the dlseaso with tho view of dis
covering my present method of treating and curing It without the use of the old
time, wide-open operation with the knife. My system of treatment gave me tho
means of completely conquering this physical evil without the least shock to tho
system, and In such a manner ns to quickly rcstoro perfect health nnd full possession
of vital power. Tho effect of my method on Varicocele Is to contract the veins In n
natural manner by re-establishing the tono and elasticity of their muscular conts,
which Is all thnt Is necessary to secure return of tho natural blood circulation, tho
nutrition of important organs and vital nerves, and tho complete cure of disease.
tiIu iitinilMrnl condition Is fraucllt with more or less nhvslcnl nnnnvanrn nml
ei.rrorinir nml often with trreat dancer to life.
causes, tbo most common of which Is tho
results in tne rormaiiou vi nuru, uuminuai
of tho urinary uiiunnci. m uuvam-vu L-uca
most dirilCUliy. li iretjucnuy numiiMia mm jiiiiuiiniuiiiun unu ulceration occur, rol
lowed by perforation of the 'channel walls and tho PASSAGE OP POISONOUS
t.-n- iiit ilnMrnetlvn dlseasa I use n certain solvent, curntlve treatment Inntrn in
me which, when nppllcd to tho urinary channel, dissolves and removes all unnatural
tissues and leaves tho urethral canal perfectly free for the cscapo of urlno from tho
bladder In an easy and natural manner.
State Electromedical Institute,
s 1308 Famatti Street, Omaha, Nebraska.
In his coach from town to country placo.
Despite Its aristocratic origin polite society
failed to recognize Its fitness to graco their
functions until quite recently.
No doubt tfio association of ideas was
responsible tor tho sandwich being so long
In disfavor among tho fastidious. And atlll
we rind tho homely, atrocious, unhygienic,
plebeian cousin to our present social favor
Ito nt almost every cheap restaurant nnd
railway lunch counter, laying In wait for
the desperate nnd hungry tourist who trusts
In tho Infallibility of railway tlrao cards.
Who Is not familiar with tho thick, soggy
bun or roll with, perhaps, a dab of butter
(?) and n ragged, thick slice of fat, undcr
dono ham? Verily, wo may designate this
horror as "poor, whlto trash" as compared
with the dainty sandwich made and served
by tho hand of the modern hostess. Let us
hopo that with tho passing ot the train boy
and his indlgestlblo wares wo may also be
relieved of the bun sandwich.
MuUlntr of Siiinlivlcbca.
This la truly an art, rcaulrlng not only
the refinement ot tan to In blending the
materials composing them, but an .artistic
senso ns well. Tbo composing of tho so
ciety sandwich calls for tho rnro and fas
tidious taste of tho epicure, and the soul
of an artist to blond the proportions In Just
such harmony ot manner as will mingle. In
full concord with their variety.
Tho first step necessary In making of
sandwiches Is to have bread In suttablo con
dition. Tho bread should be ot close, uni
form texture. White, brown or entire
wheat bread may bo used. For very dnlnty
Bandwlchcs for especial occasions, It Is
better to bake the bread purposely. Sand
wlches tor afternoon teas are always small
and dainty as possible, and ""placed on n
dolly on a pretty dish. In order to avoid
waste In trimming, and. have tho slices of
uniform size, the bread can bo baked at
home, in baking powder boxes. Kill the
boxes' Just halt full of tho dough, let rise
and bake. Bread for sandwiches should be'
a day old, as It cutB better. Cut slices thin
as posslblo, spreading first with butter.
When a number of sandwiches nro re
combines Strength, Purity and Solubility. A breakfast
cupful of this delicious Cocoa costs less than one cent.
toa at il grocery
victim tnc question. 'J l.uo worm
merit of my method of euro Is thnt
has been exhausted In the effort to euro
single record of failure. I will supply the
It comes on urndunllv from He.vpml
poisonous effect of specific disease which
usnuen nnu mriciure-uanns in imo una
wneii uiu urinu is iinsseii wiin ino Ut-
quired, they may bo prepared hours previ
ous to serving, and kept nice and fresh by
wrapping each ono In paraftlne paper. They
are better It allowed to stand awhile be
foro serving.
The butter for sandwiches should be soft
ened by creaming, not melting, so It will
spread easily and smoothly.
Flavored butters nro very popular for
sandwiches and may be prepared and packed
In small 'Jars and kopt on Ice until needed.
Fresh, unsalted butter Is used far this pur
pose. First creamed and then tho flavoring
added, and all beaten until smooth and
thoroughly blended. Cnvlar, anchovy, sar
dine and lobster, cheese, olives, parsley,
chives, cress, horseradish, chutney chilly,
paprika and curry are all used for flavoring
thesu various butters.
, Fruit and flower buttors aro very dainty
for outdoor luncheons or teas.
Anchovy Sandwiches Rub tho yolks of
hard-boiled eggs to a pattc, moistening
them with softunod buttor. Season to taste
with anchovy essence, and add a few olives
stoned and minced very fine. Spread this
mixture on vpry thin slices of buttered
breud; lay slices together and cut into ob
long strips or triangles.
OyBter Sandwlchesr-Buttcr thin slices of
brown bread and cut in squares; lay a crisp
lettuce lent on a slice and on this two fried
oysters. Spread tho second sllco of bread
with mayonnaise and lay over tho oysters.
Ladles' Club Sandwiches Spread zephy
rettes with very thin slices of cream
checso; cover with u. layer of plmolas sliced
round. In center place half a teaspoonful
of mayonnaise. lio not cover these.
Fruit nnd Nut Sandwiches Stem and
chop very flno n suttlclent number of llgs;
add sufficient water to make consistency of
marmalade nnd cook until a smooth paste;
flavor with a llttlo lemon Juice. When cool
spread on thin slices of buttered bread nnd
sprinkle thickly with finely chopped nuts,
Jolly Sandwiches Mix a cupful ot qulnco
Jelly or marmalade with halt a cupful of
finely chopped hickory or pecan nuta and
spread on thin slices of buttered bread.
Ginger and Orange Sandwiches Soften
tore order it next ume.
DO Not
Cure All
And Consulting Physician of the State Electro-Medical
Institute, 1308 Farnnm Street, Omaha, Neb.
The direct effect of the treatment is to reduco Inflammation and enlargement ot
tho prostate gland, to arrest iimiiit.inil discharge nnd to exert n bland, soothing In
fluenco on nil tho orgnns of the Ucnlto-l'rluary System, which Is positively curntlve
of tho diseases und restores the weakened powers of manhood, Tho character of
tho tissues in the urinary channel Is so thoroughly changed to normal thut return
uf the muludy Is Impossible.
This truly wonderful treatment has boon successfully used by many victims of
stricture at their own homes without visiting my olllces, but u call und examination
aro always to bu preferred when possible.
Tho (.caret of my success In tho cure nt every form of blond tulut wan. In the
first place, my discovery of menus of directing certain remedies to the blood and
different tissues of the body which possess tbo proven property of antagonizing
and destroying nil orgnnlo poisons, while, ut thn sumo time, urn iicrfuctly harmless
to normal, healthy tlNsues. Thin is why 1 curu tho most obstinate cases uf Cuntaglous
Blood Poison after nil others have failed.
My treatment Is followed by benellclat results us long as It Is continued, puri
fying tho body In Its Inmost recesses, Improving function nnd augmenting uutural
Thoso who undergo my system of tcratment for blood, poison never have oc
casion to npprehend ill nftcr-effects ns when their bodies uro knturated with mer
cury, potash and other deleterious drugs and chemtea's.
Tho myriad of Skin Diseases, Scrofulltlc und Rheumatic Affections duo to spe
cific blood poison, disappear under my treatment with nstonlshliiK rapidity. In nil
stnges of Its hnrrlblo manifestations, my muthods uru mnsters of tne dlsenso to tho
degree ot perfection unapproaehed by other means. Vast numbers of men, cured by
mo In. the. iinst, have never noticed tlm least sign of the monster's reappearnneo and
nro today tho happy heads of healthy families. They gratefully attest the safety, cer
tainly und permanency of my spuclllc treatment for the euro nf thoso whose sys
tems havo been Invaded by tho Urus of tho King ot Blnod Poisons.
I want every man to know that, In keeping with tho requirements of my specialty,
I qualified myself years ugo, In a, most thorough manner, to euro tho diseases
associated with tho main maladies which ullllct tho male. Over nil assoclato and
rellox diseases which nro present, nt tho same time, irom other causes, or nre
brought on by tho principal infirmity, and over nil tho countless nervous mastery,
nnd when I havo cured tho special dlsenso ou nccount of which tho patient first ap
plies to me, I remove also every other unnnturiil or morbid condition su a to bo
nblo to dismiss every caso cured In every particular to stay cured. x
I have overlooked nothing and havo never spared a dollar that I discovered could
bo expended In the acquirement of knowledge or equipment which would render
my system of treating the DISEASES PECULIAR TO MEN absolutely perfect In
every minor ns well us essential particular.
Mlno Is tho absuluto rule of candor with regard to the curability of every case.
Inniirnblo ones I do not undertake, my vast cxporletiru euubllng nic to correctly
Judge. When I nssure you that 1 can master your disease whatever Its nature or
cause, you may depend upon being cured of. your particular liiilrmlty mid made
physically a man In tho truest sense.
The Electro-Medical Specialists of the
Different Departments
of this Institute, by their special combined Electro-Medical Treatment, nro limit
ing many wondorful cures In discuses of tin KIDNEYS, RHEUMATISM, PARAI
Most cases can bo treated successfully at homo. Ono personal visit Is prefer
red, but If It Is Imposslblo or Inconvenient for you to call at our olllco, wrlto us n full
nnd unreserved history of your caso, plainly stating your symptoms. Physicians hav
ing stubborn cases to treat nro cordially Invited to consult us. AVo mnko no chargo
for private counsel, nnd glvo to each patient a legal contract to hold for our
promises. If you cannot cull at tho Institute today, write. Address nil communica
tions to
neufchntel cheeso with a llttlo butter or
rich cream; spread on thin slices of whlto
bread und sprinkle, with tlnely-mlnced, pre
served ginger and candled o ran go peel.
Placo slices together.
Pure Food
k None but Advertising of Thoroughly Re.
liable. Pure and Healthful Foods Will i
Be Accepted for These Columns.
4 A.
It you are willing to teat our state
ments you can quickly oettlo tho beer
question. Wo claim to give you bet
ter and purer beer than any other
brewery. Wo bollovo our claims are
based on facts. You'll get wlso In a,
mlnuto after the first trial. Our beer
Muda by
A. J. SHORT. Mannger Omaha
Branch, C24-20 South 16th Street.
Telephono 1124.
Your Stomach b net your slave.
Den't abuse your friend. Help
la already partly digested (all the wheat
starch having been turned towards sngar).
When taken into the stomach it is instantly
assimilated. The process is not unlike
Biiowilakcs Bcttling on a warm sponge
Orauola hns.the rich nutty flavor
of the wheat, and la perfectly
Every package of genuine Gra
nola bears a picture of the
Battle Creek Sanitarium. Ask
your grocer for it. Deware of im
itations. Drink Caramel Cereal
and sleep well it leaves
nerves strong.
Send 3c for Granola sample to
Battle Creek Sanitarium
Fcod Co. Battle Creek, Mlcb.
Only, and
It U perfectly dlgeitible, which
Urd h not. It d cleanly nd frte
from diieite-taint to which iwine,
from which lard ! made, are liable.
Dyipcptici can with Impunity
enjoy food made with It. It goci
twice ai far as lard or butter and it
therefore cheaper. Wenion'a SaUd
Oil Is far ereiter value than the nnett
olive oil and has the lime flavor.
Allc your friendly grocer to supply
you with WeMon'i OiU.
It' your friend. Vx V!
your friend. isfi
the f. : f I . I ' P f 3