Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 20, 1901, PART I, Page 6, Image 6

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Omaha Eeciety Talres Kindly to Freedom
from Reitriction.
Itiformnlltr Acquired OurlnR thr Unit
Sermon II I 1 I'nlr to l.liiKcr
I'rtiiiililriK Cnlritilnr tor
Current YY'ceU.
MONDAY Mrs. Homlnfiton's luncheon for
Mrs. c'hrlstluncy. , ,.,,
Mrs. Uarkalow entertain1 at six-handed
ouch rr. ... ...
Mr ii ml Mrs, I'nxton s dnnclnt? part).
TUKSI)AY-Mr.i. K. K. Hull entertains
South Side YY'hlst club.
Kt-a-Yirp assembly. . ,
Miss Kitty Hinlth cntnrtnlrw Mox can club.
WKDNKSDAY-Mr. mid Mrs. l'rltchett s
M'rHn"rT)'utanfH luncheon for Mrs. (.'hr;i-
Till '"Is DA Y M rs. K. M. rnirncw; nt
(Totlllfiti club party. , ... .
l'HIDAY- Mrs. Omliiliy dancing party for
Miss Jenti.
N. u. r. dnncliic party.
A prominent society man. ho in gener
ally acknowledged as authority on mat
ter social, Is rcsponslblo for the state
went that thounh January Is half roup, a
baker's doicn will Mill cover tho really
formal functions of tho winter. This Is a
record, truly, and scemlnKly a fulfillment
of tho prophecy that society would find
difllculty In abandoning Its habits of In
formality acquired durlnrj tho golf sea
Hon. To bo sure, tho unprecedented
IcnRth of that satno Rolf season was lan?cly
rcsponslblo for tho tardy bcRlnnlDt? of In
door affairs, but even no tho majority of
thoso who havo complained havo con
tlrucd to glvo lnformnl affairs, Informal to
tho extent of rescrvlns the Invitations
until a day or two previous to the occa
sion and frequently of lato the formality
of n written invttntlon has been omitted
entirely. Hut they have been none the less
delightful, especially those of tho Inst
Tho reception given by Dean and Mm.
I'nlr on Thursday evening was the feature
of tho week, but nn unusual number of
small nffalrs, two of which were compli
mentary to ono of this season's brides, and
srmn thrco or four others given in honor
of visiting young matrons formerly of
Omaha havo furnished tho fashlonablo peo
ple plenty of diversion.
Arms, ncrk, bust or entlro flntire devel
oped by tho new Henstrom electric nnd
massage treatment nt Tho Ilathery. Ex
clusively for the ladles. Hooras 216 to 220, bulldlnc.
lJiitortiilnineiits of thf XVerlt,
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Smith entertained
at dinner on Krlday evening.
The A. O. T. nowllng club was enter
tained on Friday by Miss Mao Heller.
Mrs. W. J. C Kcnyon entertained at
luncheon on Krlday nnd again on Satur
day. Mr. DI.Hon gavo n dinner at the Omaha
club on Wednesday for Mr. Meadows and
Mr. Tyng.
Mr. nnd Mrs. C. K. Yost entertained a
Inrgo supper party on Friday evening,
which was followed by cards.
For Mrs. Chrlstlnncy, Mrs. W. A. Iledlck
entertnlned Mosilames Wood, Ilarton, Mil
lard nnd Remington nt luncheon on Friday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. C, K. Tennon entertnlned
tho llawthorno club on Friday evening at
their homo on South Thlrty-soventh street
Tho nnnual meeting of tho .Omaha club
occurred nt 8 o'clock on Saturday evening
nnd wnB preceded by a dinner for tho mem
bers. Tho Washington Whist club wns enter
tnlned last week by Mr. and Mrs. It. May,
Mrs. Morris Hoscnthnl nnd Mr. llaaf win
ning tho prizes.
Tho party given by Thurston Illflcs club
on Tuesday wns ono of tho most enjoynblo
of tho winter. Thcro were about sixty
couplcH present.
Tho Metropolitan club gave n bowling
parly on Wednesday evening, which was nt
tended by nbout thlrty-flvo couples. Ths
prizes wero awarded to Misses Dolly I'olock
and llehfcld nnd Messrs. L. Wolff nnd
MIb Lomnx entertained a box party on
Monday ovenit.g to see "Rupert of Hcntzau."
Her guests wero Miss Kllznbcth Allen, Miss
Ilurko of Snlt Lake, Mr. Stockton Heath,
Lieutenant Leo unci Mr. Sam Hums.
Mr. (Icorgo V Harris of 1102 North Twen-ty-lourtli
street, was trented to n pleasant
surprise on Thursday ovenlng by tho nr
rival of n largo party of friends. Tho oven
lug wnH pleasantly passed nt music nnd
Mr. and Mrs. R, V. Hodgln of 42S North
Fortieth street entertained n largo card
party last Friday ovenlng. Tho first prizes
wero won by Colonel J. K, Utt nnd Mrs
II. O. Drown nnd tho consolation favors
wont to Mr. and Mrs. O, S, Honnwa.
Mrs. Edwnrd Minor Falrtleld gavo tho
firm of her "nt homes" on Wednesday aft
rrnooo, which brought out n largo number
of callers, Misses Ruttcrllold, Kmtly, Wake
ley, Doano nnd McKenna assist Ing Mrs,
Fairfield In receiving, while Mrs, Chnso and
Mrs. flulou presided at tho table, pouring
ten and coffee. Though simple, tho tablo
decoration wns especially effective, con
sisting of a silver bowl of carnations and
S HiptiMiiN of ii Vry Common Trouble f
Thero Is no dlseaso so common in tho
United States as catarrh becnuso It nppcars
In so many forms and nttneks so many dif
ferent organs
It Is n common mlstnko to supposo that
cntnrrh Is confined to tho noso and throat.
Any Inllnmmntlon of tho mucous mem
brano, wherever located, accompanied by
abnormal secretions, Is catarrh. Catarrh of
stomncn or bladder, or intestines is nearly
ns common as unsnl catarrh und much moro
serious, although It is truo thnt stomach
catarrh nnd catarrh of other internal or
gans Is tho result of neglected nasal ca
tarrh. A now remedy has recently appeared
which, so far as tested, seems to bo remark
ably effectlvo in promptly curing catarrh,
wherever locatod, Tho preparation Is sold
by druggists Kcnerully under nnmo of
Stuart's Catarrh Tablets, and in addition
to being very palatablo and convenient,
possesses extrwonllnary merit, In ninny
cases giving Immeillnto relief from tho
coughing, hawking ami constant clearing of
the throat und head, thoso symptoms with
which everyone is familiar who has ever
suffered from cold In tho head and throat.
Catarrh Is simply n continuation of theso
smptoms until tho troublo becomes
chronlo nnd grows gradually worso from
year to year.
Stuart's Catarrh Tablets nro composed of
Hydrustln, Kucalyptol, Oualncol and similar
antiseptics and catarrh specifics, from which
It will bo seen thnt no secret Is mado of the
Ingredients nndulco thnt no mineral pol
dons nro used, lis In tho caso of many well
known cuturrh medicines.
For cntnrrh of tho nose, throat, bronchial
tubes, for catarrh of stomach, Intestines or
bladder no prepuratlou Is so safe and gives
such rapid qiid permanent results as
Stuart's Catarrh Tablets.
All druggists sell them at G0c, for full
hlicd package, You can uso them with as
surance that you will not contract tho co
caine or morphlnn habit ns tho results from
this catnrrh euro arc apparent from tho
Out uuy't uio. i
four unshaded tapers In silver holders.
About forty women called during the aft
ernoon. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Johnson enter
tained the lion-Ton card, club on Monday
evening. The first prizes wero won by
Mrs. Campbell and Mr. Harding. Tho booby
prizes went to Mrs. Cllno nnd Mr. Ld
ward Johnson.
In honor of C. F. Hackenberg of Opal,
Wyo., Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Oulld entertained
a party of friends at their home, 1530 Suuth
Twentj seventh street, Thursday evening,
progressive high flvo being the means cm
ployed. Refreshments were served at a lato
Mrs. D. II. Wheeler, Jr., was hostess at
a buffet luncheon on Saturday afternoon,
given In honor of Mrs. LJward Minor Fair
field. She wns assisted by .Mesdames Mc
Cormlck, Romlngton, Rcdlck and Rodgers,
MUses Deane, Yates, Webster, McKennn,
Curtis and Sharp.
In honor of her cousin, Mrs. Thomas Den-
nlson, Miss Roso Fasley of 1507 Yates
street entertnlned a party of twenty-two
friends on Wednesday ovenlng. Tho tlmo
was spent at cards and music nnd later
luncheon was served In tho prettily decor
ated dining room, pink and green being
Mr. nnd Mrs. F. A. Kennedy entertained
the No-Namo Card club on Wednesday
evening nt their home, 2817 North Twen
tieth street. Tho game continue.) until
late, tho prizes being won by Mr. and Mrs.
II. O. Mathes, Mrs. n. T. Klrod and Mis.
K. S. Fisher and nt tho conclusion luncheon
was served.
Mr. nnd Mrs. nurd Miller entertained the
members of tbo Cap-a-PIo Card club last
Thursday evening. Several Interesting
games wero played, after which refresh
ments were served. Tho prizes wero won
by Mrs. Oranden, Mr. Haarman, Mrs.
Charles Rosenbcry nnd Mr. Charles Rosen-
bcry. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Oranden will
entertain tho club at Its next meeting.
In honor of Mrs. Dudley Wolfo of Chi
cago Mrs. Clifford Smith entertained a
few women from 4 to 6 o'clock on Wednes
day afternoon. She was assisted by Mes
dames Henjamln Smith, Arthur C. Smith,
Misses ates and Summers nnd In tho din
ing room Mesdnmcs Louis Reed nnd Sum
mers poured chocolnto nnd tea and Miss
McKenna served Ico. Tho decoration of
tho dining room wns unlquo nnd extremely
For her daughter, Mrs. Chrlstlancy, Mrs.
(!uy C. Ilarton entertnlned at luncheon on
Thursday. Bach of tho tables wero dif
ferently decorated. Tho guests were;
Mrsdamcs Coutant, Ilrlnkcr, Shclton, Yntes,
Millard, Joseph llnrknr, Levi, Carter, Wood,
Clarke, Ilarton, Remington, Rogers, Red-
Ick, ost. Markell. l'rltchett, Summers,
Wnkeley, Downs and Uarkalow. After tho
luncheon six-handed euchro wns played,
tho prizes being won by Mcsdamcs Sum
mers, Carter nnd Yates.
In honor of Mrs. Edward Minor Fairfield
Mrs. Clement Chnso gavo n charming 6
o'clock tea on Wednesday, when sho was
assisted by about a dozen young matrons
nnd women of tho younger set. Tho houso
wns prettily decorated with carnations, vio
lets nnd greens nnd in tho dining room red
shnded candles wero nlso used. Hero Mrs.
Hull and Mrs. McCormlck poured tea and
coffee, whllo at tho Ico tablo Misses Huttcr
field, Mellona Iluttcrlleld, Allen, Kllznbcth
Allen, Oricst, Mrs. I). H. Whcoler. Jr., nnd
Mrs. . A. Rcdlck presided alternately.
Mrs. M. Rosenthal entertained about
thlrty-fivo women on Thursday afternoon
at Metropolitan club, guessing games con
stituting tho entertainment of tho p.irty.
for which prizes wero awarded Mcsdamcs
llcrg nnd H. Hlller. An elaborato luncheon
followed, all of tho women being seated at
tho long table, which was handsomely dec
orated with red and whlto cnrnntlons nnd
lighted by plnk-shnded candles In tall,
white holdors. Thursday being their wed
ding anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Rosenthal
entertained eighteen guests that ovenlng
at their home. Tho color schemo of tho
afternoon wns carried out In tho details of
tho houso decoration, carnations being
Complimentary to Miss Wessolls, Mrs.
Harry I. Whlttmoro entertnlned about
twenty young women at an lnformnl nftcr
noon on Wedncsdny, at which oho pro
vided amusement of nn equally novel nnd
Interesting charnctcr. Kach guest was bid.
den to como prepared with a toast and a
riddle nnd In compliance thero wero not
a few exhibitions of wit and wisdom, for
which prizes wero nwnrded Misses Mnrso,
Sharp, Taylor and Wessells. There was a
pretty floral decoration through tho rooms
and especially In tho dining room, where
hanging roses of narcissus nnd ferns wero
used, whllo narcissus nnd violets wore
arranged In flat effects upon tho round
Tho Inlty club hold Its regular semi
monthly meeting Frldny evening nt tho
homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. F. L. Hallcr, with
nbout sixty present. Tho soclnl half-hour
preceding tho program a custom Inaugu
rated by tho club this year spent In en
joying tho treasures of the nrt gnllory, was
especially pleasant. Tho program under
tho general heading, "Judicial Institutions
of Athens," comprised throo subjects; tho
first. "Tito Older Mnglstrntes nnd Tribu
nals," was cqnsldorcd by Judgo W. W. Key
sor lu n conclso nud Interesting address.
Mr. 11. T. Lcnvltt gave a comprehensive, pa
per on "Tho Hellnstlc Courts." Tho last
topic, "An Athenian Lawsuit," was treated
In n lucid nnd scholarly paper by Judgo W.
D. McIIugh. Tho president, Mr. C. S. Lo
blnglor, then nnnounccd that tho usual ills,
cusslon following tho papers would bo omit
ted, ns tho club was Invited to assist Mr.
Holler In a deferred celebration of his
birthday anniversary. Adjournment wne
taken to tho dining room, whero Mrs. Hal
lcr with gracious hospitality served doll
clous refreshments, assisted by Mosdamcs
Connell, Decbo nud Loblnglcr nnd the
Misses Wallace nnd Stebblns, Club mem
bers and guests united In wishing that Mr.
Haller might enjoy many moro "deferred"
celebrations of his natal day,
Ono of tho largest and most enjoyable re
ceptions of tho winter was that given by
Dean aud Mrs. Fair on Thursday ovenlug,
when nearly 700 guests, Including tho oldest
nnd youngest members of society, wero re
colved between v nnd 11 o'clock, Tho spa
cious rooms wero handsomely decorated
with southern smllax nnd cut Mowers, nil of
which had been sent by tho parishioners.
Tho tall doorways wero hung with tho
smllax, which also banked tho mantels of
tho vnrlous rooms, Tho chandeliers were
wound with tho sprays of green and shaded
to a soft red, whllo rows of red candles In
brass holders wero also used In lighting.
Assisting Dean and Mrs. Fair were Mrs.
Martha Clarkson and Dean nnd Mrs. Mills
paugh of Topekn, Kan. Dlshop and Mrs.
Williams were unablo to bo present, tho
bUhnp having been detained In Chicago,
whllo Mrs. Williams was confined to her
homo by Illness. Dean and Mrs. Fulr wero
further assisted by Mesdames l'rltchett,
Yates, Kountzo, Webster, Helth, Davis,
Reed, Potter, Farrlsh, Jones; tho Misses
Morse, Smith, Wessells, Lee, Drawn; Mes
dames Feck, Cole, Gates and Wakeley.
Tho supper room was especially elaborate
with its red roses and rows of red-shaded
candles. A largo silver epergne, tho cut
glass bowls of which wero filled with meteor
roses, occupied the eontcr of the round
table, abovo which tho drop light, shaded
lu red, hung llko a huge chrysanthemiim
Tho table wab further lighted by red can
dles In heavy silver holders, nnd presiding
thcro wero Mesdames Uarkalow, Darker,
Webster, Sheldon, Page, Davis, Yntes
and Mnnderson. Tho punch room
was in yellow nnd green, pro
sided over by tho younger women
A fenture of Dean nnd Mrs. Fair's hospi
tality, of which tow knew, wai a pretty
supper room fitted up, downstairs, where
tho coachmen wero served hot coffee and
Mim rinriil nnil WliPronlioiiM.
Miss Lorcnzen has gone to Kansas City
to visit friends.
Dr. E. W. Leo of St. Louts spent last
Sunday In Omaha.
Miss Gertrude Short Is vltltlng relatives
In Teralto, Nev.
Mr. Peter Whitney mado a short trip to
Illinois last week.
Miss Darrlgcr has gone to New York to
spend two months.
Miss Wessells will bo Miss Elizabeth Al
len's guest for a. time.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Itoscwater spent
part of last week In Lincoln.
Mrs. A. Heller and Mrs. George Decker
went to Chicago on Thursday.
Dr. nnd Mrs. Dean Thompson havo re
turned from their wedding trip.
Mrs. ClarUa Avery has gono to Chicago
for a few weeks' visit with friends.
Mrs. R. C. Patterson is entertaining her
sister, Mrs. Dickson of Kansas City.
Messrs. Clifford Smith, Meadows and Tyng
returned from Huffalo Tucsdny morning.
Mrs. E. M. Morsmnn was called to Chi
cago on Monday by tbo death of her sister.
Mrs. Avery E. White went to Dubuque, la
on Tuesday to spend the rest of tho winter
with her sister.
Mr. William E. Annln of Denver, formerly
of Omaha, spent several days of last week
at tbo Omaha club.
Miss Shnckman, who has been Mrs. Ar
thur nrandcls' guest, has returned to her
homo in Milwaukee.
Dlshop and Mrs. Mlllspaugh arrived from
Topeka on Thursday, to bo guests of Mr.
nnd Mrs. F. II. Davis.
Dr. W. H, Ramsey and brldo havo re
turned from Waco, Tex., whero their marriage-
occurred last week.
Mrs. Florenco Ilradshnw and Miss Ircno
nro In Jacksonville, FIa whero they will
remain until tho last of March.
Miss Mario Crounso spent last Sunday
and Mondny In Omnha, returning to Lin
coln nccompanlcd by Miss Wessells,
Mr. nnd Mrs. John Patrick returned from
their wedding trip on Friday morning nnd
will be nt Happy Hollow for a few days.
Miss Dolllo Polnck will leavo tho latter
part of tho week for Raltlmorc, to enter tho
Johns Hopkins Training School for Nurses.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. O. Pratt, who have been
residents of Omaha for mnny years, will
leavo this week for Clinton, In., to mako
their home.
Miss Shlvorlck nnd Miss Ruth Shlverlck
havo returned to their homo at Woods
Hall, Mass., after spending two wcoks with
Mrs. Chnrles Shlverlck.
Mr. C. C. Delden left for the cast on Sat
urday, nccompanlcd by Mrs. Delden's
mother, Mrs. Reed, who will spend tho rest
of tho winter In iho east.
Mr. II. C. Ilostwlck and his sister, Mrs.
Mncluro, leave on Tuesday for Now York,
from whence they will sail for Naples. Be
foro returning they will make a six weeks'
tour of tho Mediterranean.
Miss Antoinette Sherwood is expected on
Wednesday to bo tho guest of Miss Allen.
Miss Sherwood formerly lived In Omaha
and has been spending tho last few weeks
In Lincoln with her sister, Mrs. Lambert
son. Dr. J. r. Lord left for Now York on Mon
day evening to sail Jnnuary 22 for Europe,
whoro ho will spend several months In
travel and study. His sister. Miss Lord of
Dixon, III., will remain with Mrs. Ixird dur
ing his absence.
Mrs. Morltz Meyer left for Lexington,
Miss., on Saturday, to attend tho wedding
of her brothor. Sho was accompanied ns
far as St. Louis by Miss" Rehfold, who will
remain thcro for two weeks and then go
to Chicago for a short visit.
Finest and most effectlvo treatment ever
known for colds or stubborn enscs of la
grlppo nt Tho Hathory. Ladles only. IJce
building, second floor.
Pleiinuren I'romUril.
Tho Mexican club will be entertained on
Tuesday evening by Miss Klttlo Smith.
Mrs. S. D. Uarkalow will entertain the
Six-Handed Euchro club tomorrow.
Mr. nnd Mrs. M. A. Murphy will enter
tain tho Hnwthorno club next week.
Et-a-VIrp will hold Its next assembly on
Tuesday evening at Metropolitan hall.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Cocnlg nro receiving
congratulations upon tho birth of a daugh
ter. Tho next pnrty of tho Cotillion club will
occur at Metropolitan club on Thursday
Mrs. Robert Prltchott will entertain nt
a dinner on Wednesday evening, which
will be followed by cards.
Tho South Sldo Whist club will meet with
Mrs. F. E. Hall, DOS North Thirty-second
street, on Tuesday nfternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Cudahy will glvo a
children's dancing party next Friday for
their llttlo daughter, Miss Jean.
Tho N. O. P. club has Issued Invitations
for n dancing party, to bo glvon at Thurston
Rifles nrraory on Friday evening.
Tho board of managers of tho Sons of
the Amcricnn Revolution mot on Saturday
afternoon to arrange for their annual din
A luncheon will bo given on Monday for
Mrs. Chrlstlnncy by Mrs. Remington nnd
nnother in her honor by Mrs. Coutant on
Mr. and Mrs. William A, Taxton will
entertain a large dancing party at Metro
polltan club on Wednesday ovenlng In
honor of Mr. nnd Mrs. w. A. I'nxton, Jr.
Mrs. Fred J. Sackott and Mrs. Qcorgo
Shields will bo hostesses nt tho next meet
Ing of tho C. A. L. Euchro club, which will
bo o.itertalncd nt Mrs, Sackett'B homo on
North Nineteenth street.
Mr. and Mrs. O. N. Dletz have Issued In
vltatlons for a reception In honor of Judgo
nnd Mrs. Mungcr, to bo held at their rcsl
deuce, 428 South Thirty-eighth street, on
Monday evening, Janunry 2S.
The women of tho Pennsylvania club
havo beeti requested to meet nt 3 o'clock
on Tuesday afternoon at tho Commercial
club rooms to nrrnngo their part for tho
annual reunion of tho club, to bo held there
on February 15.
Tho play which was to havo been given
on Monday ovonlng to tho Odeon club at
Mrs, Chase's has had to be postponed owing
to tho Illness of so many of tho mcnibei'B
who wero to havo tnken part, it Is hoped,
however, that It may bo given In another
Now stylo Turkish baths, a great Im
provement ovor tho old way. For Indies
only. The Hathory, second floor, Doe build
omaiia smimus.
Tho llttlo daughter of J. V. Shipley is
not expected to live.
Miss Cora Goodell attended a party In
Oanha Friday night.
A baked bean social was glvon at the
Presbyterian church Friday night.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Sheldon of Omaha visited
their daughter, Mrs. Walker, Sunday.
Mrs. It. P. Hills wont to lllnlr Wednes
day, returning homo on tho ovenlug train
Davo Shipley, living three miles north
of town, lias sold his farm and will seek
another location, probably at North Plattt
Mr. and Mrs. Hardy, living four miles
north of lo-n, gavo n party to their young
friends Friday nlgbt. Mr. Hardy .has rented
hH farm for this year and will tako up
his residence In Omaha.
L. W. Taylor has been on tho sick list
for a couplo of days nnd Is not able to
bo out.
John Tracy of St. Paul, Minn., Is here
for a few days, visiting his mother nnd
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Paul and E. L. Reeves
were the guests of Mrs. W. R. Wall Thurs
day nlgbt.
Roso Rcbcknh lodgo No. 13?, Independent
Order of Odd Fellows, Installed officers
Tuesday ulght.
E. J. Dodwoll, county superintendent of
public Instruction, spent Wednesday hero
visiting tbo school.
Rev. F. C. Phelps preached nt Calhoun,
Neb., Sunday, bis place In tho Presbyterian
church being filled by W. J. Crcswcll of
Ico cutting was postponed this week on
account of tho warm weather. Thero was
about 2,000 tons harvested nnd housed by
the Reservoir company and tho Klerlc Ico
Tho Northwestern Soclnl club gave n well
attended dance on Tucsdny evening.
Tho llltlo children of Prof. Fox havo been
qutto 111 for n few days with severe colds.
J. A. Falk has sold his residence In the
west of town nnd will soon build near his
Tho weekly prayer meetings organized
last week will bo held on Thursday evening
at tho Methodist church.
Tho women of tbo church aro making ar
rangements to give a "sock" social at tho
town hall In two weeks.
Tho Ladles' Aid society will meet at the
hemo of Mrs, George Hawkins next Thurs
day afternoon at 2:30 o'clock.
Tho Ico on tho Williams pond Is being
harvested and a number of teams aro haul
ing for tho IcchouscB of Ucnson.
Mrs. William Moran spent a few days in
Omaha at tho homo of her father, who has
been seriously 111 with pneumonia.
Tho Installation of tho officers took plnco
last Wednesday night at tho regular meet
ing of tho Fraternal Union of America
Services will bo held today nt tho Meth
odist Episcopal church at 11 a. m. Tho
preaching, by the pastor, Rev. Mnrklcy, will
bo on "Tho Leadership of Christ."
Dun ilrr,
Fred Schcaror has been confined to his
homo by Illness the past week.
Walter Drcen is recovering slowly from
nn attack of grip and other maladies.
On returning from Sunday school last
Sundny nfternoon Mrs. William Colfax fell
nnd sprained her wrist, which has caused
her much suffering.
Tho Dundco Musical society met on Frl-
lay evening with Mrs. W. L. Solby, nbout
twenty-fivo persons being present. A num
ber of vocal, violin and piano solos wero
rendered by members of tho club.
Tho Round Dozen Soclnl club met at tho
homo of Mrs. E. V. Heaford on Wednesday
afternoon. The women were given "nuts to
crack" In tho form of conundrums encased
n two walnut shells, tied together with
narrow, whlto ribbons. Theso dnlnty do
vices wero glided nnd so arrnnged with an
other broader'rlbbon, bearing tho club mon
ogram, that they may servo as n useful
llttlo thlinblo case and nccdlebook com
bined. A charming workbag In pink and
whlto wan awarded Mrs. James McCul
lough as tho best gucsser In tho game.
For tho complexion thcro Is nothing equal
to tho new Rcnstrom treatment nt The
Dathcry. For ladles only. Rooms 216 to
220, Ileo building.
Chiropody In it 1'nllnrr.
After mauy years of study nnd practice
In this branch of surgery called chiropody
wo aro convinced that tho system of treat
ing and cutting tho corns Is dcfcctlvo and
often dangerous, giving momentary relief,
but stimulating nnd spreading the growth
which In turn necessitates frequent re
cuttlng. As thero Is no defect without n
euro we say from oxperlenco that perspira
tion nnd tarclcss drying nftcr bathing Is
tho prlnclinl cause of soft corns, excoria
tion nnd wounds between tho toes, render
ing tbo feet sensitive and very painful.
After becoming convinced that it was abso
lutely necessary to obtain a remedy for
oxccsslvo porBplrntlon, wo havo prepared,
perfected and used Ro-No-.May powder
with great success during tho last four
years, Wo can now offer to tho afflicted
a permanent euro by tho purclinso of a
box of Ro-No-May powder. Manufactured
by A. Mayer Co,, third lloor, Deo building,
Omaha. Consultation free daily from 2 to
5 p. m.
Suro euro for rheumatism and all forma
of nervous trouble. Tho Ronstrom olcc-.rle
and massaga treatment nt Tho Bathcry.
Ladles only. Deo building, second floor.
Aeiilro, nil Additional Ti-nct Adjoin
ing Itn 11 it ii t ut n Cont of
M. C. Petera, mhnager for tho nemls
Dag company, purchased on Saturday,
through E. C. Price, n tract of land sixty-
six by 132 feet ndjolnlng tho company's
plant, tho consideration being $20,000 cash.
rho track was bought for the company In
tho name of J. M. Demls of Doaton, Its
president. This gives tho concern, In tho
heart of tho Jobbing district. 200 feet of
Union Pacific truckage, a total In thnt block
of 200 by 123 feet of ground, nud nn addi
tional tract sixty-six by 132 feet within n
half block of tho plant, constituting tho
lnrgcst Individual tract owned by any cor
poration in Omaha proper. Tho nowiy nc
qulrcd property will not bo built upon at
This Investment proves tho commence
which Is felt in OmnhajB future as a Job
bing center by eastern cnpltnlists. It la
ono of suvorol similar uianl'.istatlons of
confidence which havo been obsorved dur
ing the last six months.
Wrinkles and crows' feet romovo.1 by n
pleauaut profess of magnetic facial mas
sage. The ilathery, second floor, llco
bulldlni;. Ladles only.
W. F. Currle of Lincoln h nt the Murray.
I. II. Kennedy of Lincoln Is u Mll'.nrd
Ii. S. Kollcr of Hastings Is n guest nt tho
Mr. nnd Mrs. K. O. Osborn of LlncoW nro
nt tho Jler Orunil.
K: K. Valentine of West Point wns nt tho
Her Grand yesterday.
T A. Hluekburn nnd family of Lincoln
wero nt tho Mlllurd yesterday.
Mrs. Charles Ochn of LnncaHtcr. O., is
visiting Mrs. T. It. Neal on Sherman ave
nue. J. S. ItogeiH, general representative of tho
llmersnn Piano company of lloston, la
transacting business In Omntm.
.Inlm V. Stener. fnunder nnd ex-mayor of
Kteger, 111., nnd president of tho Stegrr
Pluiin .Miuiurneturing company, i k visitor
In Omaha.
MUi MoIIIh Puullne Sownrd en'rtnlned
twenty little frloudu yo.i. -ril t nfti" mnn nt
?y.t North Nineteenth Htreot In celt hrntl in
of br llfth birthday imnlviTsary.
Ni'briiHkiuu nt the Merch.intx: K. Si-hell,
bore mid !. .1. JeiiHon of LymiH. John SKlr-.
Inc nud J. II. Miredllll of O'Neill. .lull is
K(iwui-ilou of Oakland, John Da hi if Nor.
foil! nnd F. AnrnUrong of Kim Creek.
llALSTHAH Margaret Louise, nt Newark.
N. .1.. on Saturday, sliinuurv U, only child
of Kdlth L. Lane and l-'rcd Ilalotcad, aged
17 months.
GOOD for
43rd and rowler Streets.
Mr, Brown Has Delivered Milk to
I n I r i .
many urnana reopio for tne past
Ten Years and Was Cured By
Cramer's Kidney Cure,
Omnha, Dec. 3, 1300.
Cramer Chemical Co.:
"I received your Bnmplo bottle, of Cra
mer's Kidney Curo. which vnn uimitv
me. It helped mo very much nnd I hnvo
uiaen two nettles since. Ilelng out in nil
klnd3 of wonther I contrnrt,i
settled in my back. It was Impossible for
m. iu propeny nttend to my work, nnd I
had to employ a man to do my work. I
was told by ono of mv cuatnmnra wi,n ri
mer's Kidney Curo had dono for blm. and
roio tor mo sample. Today I can attend
to my duties and feci ten years younger,
i cT.rtiiily can't prnlso your remedy
enoush. c. P. imowv.
, .
it J'OU C.'llinot not Cramer's
.,!. . . , : v " ,ii"f3B,f" uj iiiu --western
Agent Clamors Chemical Company, Omaha" who will send you a bottle by express, prepaid.
Insist on having Cramer's Kidney Cure. Take no substitute. Send for free sample.
Pianos Cheap
So Shall Vou.
2 piano manufacturers in town at the same time, both call
ed on Schmoller & Mueller, anxious to sell and get the cash
- both of them accepted Schmoller & Mueller's proposition
on Jo carloads of pianos for spot cash, at 00c on the dollar.
We will not quote any prices on this lot
but guarantee to save you from S100
to S150 on every piano.
Our line consists of the world-renowned
Steiiiway, Steger, Emerson, Steck, Vose, A. B.
Chase, Ivers & Pond, Packard and the
beautiful Singer pianos.
Correspondence in regard to this great money-saving
sale will receive immediate attention.
Schmoller & Mueller,
The old reliable piano house.
1313 Fainam St. OMAHA. 337 Broadway, CO. BLUFFS.
Ti:i,i:iuo.n ntr,.
Mr. WIiinIiivi'n Soutlilnn 'i'iip.
Has been used for mir I'MKTY YllAltfj by
KKt'T SL'CCHHS IT SOUTHI'S Uu 1 1111,1),
SllVi'KNS the lit 'MS. ALLAYS all I' YIN,
li'KKS WIN'I) rol.U'. and Is tin- best rem
edy for DIAIIIIIIOKA Hold by DrusKlsts In
every part of tho world Ho rurr and ask
tor "Mrs. YYinslow h Hoothlm.' Syrup," und
tnko no other kind. Twenty-llvo cents a
IIIp 111!
Ml jiit 'i--' m
Woman! Woman! Woman! Tin snnshino in
every liomo. lint how many arc thcro today who
aro not. troubled with many ailments, which they
are subject to, and go doctoring year in and year
out without getting any relief. They have kidney
and bladder troublo the name as men. They natur
ally think it's female weakness, but it's nothing
else than kidney trouble. Their children are natur
ally weak and it is impossible for them to hold their
urine, and bed wetting is the consequence. Von
scold them, when the poor, innocent children are
Is pleasant to take, dive them something to
strengthen their kidneys and you will notice the
change in a ve.ry short time. Doctors frequently
disguise from their patients the real trouble of
their complaint, (.'miner's Kidney Cure brings re
sults quickly. Then we ask why will women con
tinue to suffer and drag out an unhappy and miser
able existence of sickness, pain, weakness and debil
ity, when there is a remedy that is suro to cure you.
Cramer's Kidney Cure is pronounced by physicians
to be the best, most wonderful discovery of the 20th
century. If you have an attack of the grippe com
mence taking Cramer's Kidney Cure. It will make
you feel like a different person.
Ex-Deputy Sheriff, Dooelas Co
'For 25 Years a Resident of Omaha
Omaha, Oct. 16, 1900.
Cramer Chemical Co.:
I hnvo been a great sufferer for over fif
teen years, from lamo back. I havo tried
various remedies for relief, but got none.
My doctor told mo I had rheumatism of tho
bowels, and could glvo mo no relief. When
I would wnko mornings I would bo obliged
to sit up In bed to got my breath. In
stooping -1 would have to get support '.o
get up. Seeing your Cramer Kidney Curo
ndvertlscd I mndo up my mind It was Just
what I needed, and I bought a bottlo. I
commenced to feel stronger nnd Improved
every vi.y. I took five bottles In nil, nnd
nm now cured of kidney nffectlon of long
standing, I cheerfully recommend It to
thoso who nro thus afflicted.
Mn.QRt! QTlttln V
' """"'""
Ivirlnov fiifo frmti -ivm. ,1,.,,.,
Outing Flannel Night Dresses,
Handsome Flannelette Night
Dresses in pink, blue and striped
goods, lace trimmed or plain,
l.IiS and $1.25 quality, reduced
to S7c. Ladies' Outing Flannel
Night Dresses as low as JIDc.
Children's as low as .'He.
Children's handsome pink and
blue flannelette Night Dresses,
were cheap at 7fc, now -JSe.
20 Per Cent
deduction on all eiderdown
Dressing Saeques.
600 FlHhor Bldg.
GEM go?
Tells of the Great Results Given by
Cramer's Kidney Cure,
Omaha, Dec. 18, 1000.
Cramer Chemical Co.
I was unablo to get nny relief from phy
Blclnns who havo continually been treating
mo for kidney troublo. They gavo mo nil
kinds of nauseating medicines, that would
not aerco with my stomach. I began to
get wcrso nervous, nnd my sleep was Im
paired, In fact my wholo system wns shat
tered. I tried many different remedies but
found no permanent relief. Ono of my
brother ofllcors nuggosted to mo to try Cra
mer's Kidney Cure, which I did. After tnk
lng threo bottles, I nm today feeling better
than I over did, nnd nm n cured man from
kidney disease. My stomach Is In better
condition nnd my sleep Is rnturnl. Thanks
to thnt wonderful remedy. I can recom
mend It to nil persons that nro troubled
iu "ivy l vwib, OlllUliAiNT 1IKIJUUT.
ei nn a nr.,
tlio way I was. SU 11013 A. N'T 11KDOUT.
We extend
to nil our customers n cordial Invita
tion to como nnd neo the beautiful em
broidery nud fancy work done, on tho
Wheeler & Wilson machines by Miss
I'ondrnn, an expert from ChlcnKo. Hho
will bo nt our more ten days hc;;lnnltiK
January lltb. Cull nnd lenrn to do
tho work on your own machine.
DurlnK her stay wo will kivh nwny
tb WILSON sowIiik machine, livery
lady culling nt our store will bo given
a number which entitles her to ono
chance. Sco tho machines now lu our
Wo rent mnchlnes nt $2.00 per month.
Wo repair, nnd sell parts nnd needles
for nil makes of machines.
Monday wo will sell machines for so
llttlo that they will como within tho
rench of everybody. Vou will bo sur
prised nt what wo offer you.
.'I SlnBerb, each
1 Now Homo 4,00
1 New Homo f, ()
1 Domestic n oo
1 Domestic goo
1 Household jo 00
SJiiKera, hlch nrm, each t!oo
1 SliiRer, Kood ns new 12 ft)
1 White, perfect condition 12.SO
hIiikci1 Hhoenriker 2;, 00
4 modern drop bend mnchlnes, Htiin
dard. Sinner und D.ivls, In perfect
condition, nt half rcKiilnr price.
Nebraska Cycle Co.,
Cor. I51li and Harney Streets.
OHO. V.. MH'ltlll,, .llBr.
Tclophono 11513.
Call nnd ct pamphlet, books and Herald
of the Hot Spring
tickht orrinii
S. II, (oilier KnurO'cutli iiml DoiihImh,
The toast: "7b jsour
health "has deepest
rXr-Jm 'K.2ff -Vj. W TT
is srtF&of.
t build Sltcr.hh and Health,
' joldhydrciiit.i anJdriilorJ.
Gladstone tiros., AgenU, Omaha,