tjii: quaiia daily ivr.v,-. si n pay, jjvm'ahy lo, men. 12 THE HELPING HAND. IN THE DOMAIN Of WOMAN. A Plain Talk to Women. z & lllir.HMV SKJ.NS or MMUM1. I'nxliliiu Dri'liirrn Wllilrr to Hp Olllcliilly (lor. NISW YORK, Jan. 18. With slcct In the air and tho tlierinoinetor down In tho dumps, fashion linn nevertheless declared winter to be olTlclally over. Uauzo and ?lri Kim m and dltnlty samples bulge, the leathern shies of every woman's purso and mo long to bo off with our old cloths and on with the cliarmlnn; novelties spread In overy show window. Sonic of tis aro deeply Interested In tho study of now coats, be causo there Is something unusual and con sequently very attractive In the short sprlngtlmy Jackets. For example, black Irish poplin nnd Bcngallno coats nre ousting tho taffctaii I AW A i t H forms tho simple skirt nnd body of the waist. A draped bertha of Imitation Urns sels lace forms soft and graceful lines about the shoulders, helped out with straps of warm red velvet. A glided butterfly of crimson gauze brings In tho essential touch of gilt, without which no Woman feels any of her toilets complete. Ono of the exquisite new spring shadow crcpc3 Is utilized In tho making of the third smart waist of tho trio. Hbadow silks come from France, where they learned tho art of casting, upon the pastel tinted surfaces of line grained Chlneso crepes, tho sharp ycl dcllcatu black shadows that dec trie light throws. Tho studies of foliage forms In gray and black on the faintly tinted sill; produco Inimitable effects and In tbh lnstanco a subtlo rosy lllau (lush spreads over tho crepe and a deeper lltne liberty tlssuo Is combined with It. A little laco nnd black chenille and two rovers of pure amethyst colored velvet held by two panto buttons nro tho other elements In this ndmlrablo combination. Dinner DrcHM. Aside from tho three designs of fancy evening waists, which, with their odd sleeves nnd quaint nrrangcimtits of laco, typify soino of tbo very newest Ideas In bodice decoration, a new sleeveless dinner coutumo from Paris Is Illustrated. At leant this Is what tho Parisian dressmaker calls n sleeveless costume, esteeming tho garlands of roses and straps of velvet as requisite ornamentation and support. Violet chiffon, glistening with small pansy faces worked In gold, Is tho chief fabric and splendor of tho gown. Down tho front nnd below the knees runs nn Inset of lace woven solidly of gold thread, hut In varying opalescent tone3 of green, yellow, deep gold and pale lllnc. Ullt tlssuo roses encircle tho arms below tho shoulders and straps of violet velvet ribbon run up over them to show womlrously against tho wearer's white neck. Tlio dress la trained In tho rear and Is very long In front. So long, Indeed, that tho wearer must lift It a llttlo or thrust hr foot out cnutlously and push her from a rosu of gold or silver tlssuo, Is sot a trlflo to ono side of It. For tho morning nnd Indoors the head dross Is slmplo, Indeed. Tho full gypsy Ido rolls, n white, straight, central part, couple of long pearl-topped tucking combs and u soft coll at the rear Is tho most modish wny of combing one's self for breakfast and when serving its a luncheon's hestcss. In I'arls, whence wo cot our hulr pow lra and the ltomney nnd Opera coiffure, It Is not tho fashion to wear hnlr ornaments, 'Hip American woman Is, however, glowing nmnzlpgly Independent of the Paris fash ions nnd sho wears sundry conuotllsh trifles In her admirably arranged head. Illg balls of gold-threaded and pleated black tulle, from which n blnck nnd gold nlgretto springs, Is ono of horfuvorllo ornaments. nigni ot blue nnd black spangled gauze bnlterlllcs hovering on wires among n con stellation of wired IJWUlatits Is another cap tivating device. Threo tiny, white- ostrich tips, dusted with gold powder nnd spring- ng from a Jowcded hairpin tin, quivers and tlltters over many heads nt thu opera ouscs ami on ball room floors, whllo there Is no decoration mora popular than n coronet of five gnuso nnd silver rosea mounted about tho topmost loop of a Horn ney coiffure. AN AFTERNOON POEM IN GRAY ROMAN SATIN. from our bncks and soino ot us are buying dolcctnblo llttlo black, blue, or green, rain proof velveteen Jackets and turning them back over tho shoulders, as an accompany ing plcturo shows, with white satin col lars dashed with black chcnlllo tails. About tho edgo of tho collar runs a broad border of gray or palo green or turquolso bluo chcnlllo, and this Is' the smart spring substttuto for ermine nnd snblo. Tho figure- in the ukctch that displays 'this coat demonstrates also a thing or two about ono of tho novolty spring goods nnd (ho shapo nnd decoration of thu new wnlklng hat. A shallow, wtdo-brlmmcd sailor pinned on n slant Is what tho tidy morning hat should be, girdled with a soft scarf ot ,1311k canvas and sot off on Its tallest sldo with tipstaudtng bow ends ot gilt, stiffened tnlTcta. Alcready tho moBt adorablo Ivory whlto satin siirfnced felts, of whnt tho modistes call spring weight, liavo como to A VEIA'ETEEN JACKET WITH WHITE BATIN REVERB, DASHED AVITII CHENILLE. draperies ahead before venturing to make step. Such Is tho rulo ot tho modo and tho novolty cloth suits show no departure from the law. Spring CottmiM, Hero let n suggestion or two bo dropped regarding tho cotton pongees nnd tho now Irish dimities. Cotton pongees arc, we bollevc. to bo seriously reckoned with. They are as pretty as foulards and very much cheaper, not to mention their superior durability. -They- aro what tho sturdy sateens used to bo, only very much lighter In weight and with a delicious silky crisp nesfl. satin-faced and twined foulards aro already bravely to tho foro and their most novel feature Is tho gold dots their Bedouin brown nnd Serves bluo surfaces show Black and whlto dimities very closely corded or with raveled lines, ut brief Inter vals mako a strong bid for popularity. Added to theso nro sweot sheer whlto ill ml ties sprinkled with Bhamroclc leaves or wreathes of primroses. Thero aro as well smart llttlo cotton dres3 patterns printed with borders, n devlco not seen in many n long day. For oxampio ono can buy n bewildering bluo Scotch gingham with a threo-lnch wldo whlto border showing wreathes ot bluebells and tho samo floral devices that appear on tho organdies, em broidered Swiss gowns and flno dimities aro seen on the new ribbons, which tho wily shopkeepers placo beside their cotton fab rlcs In order to convey a strong suggestion MARY DEAN. coitcKous vi:niM! striirtiii- of Sujjiir ltnllf for the lirliles or the otii-. At tho wedding of Miss Elslo French nnd Mr. Vnnderbllt u stalwart and beautiful wedding enko that measured four feet nnd a half from tho base to topmost flower was ono ono of tho Interesting features or tlio bridal breakfast. Tho llttlo Queen of Holland, although sho doubtless heard notning about this towering Bunnr c.istlo. hai broken Its record by ordering one n foot nnd n half taller. Theso two brides, on ineir respective sides of tho water, hnvo therefore set the fashion In favor of loflv canes. Tho ono mndo for Miss French was set upon nn exquisite base of opon-worked silver gilt. On top of tho plaster and sugar monument stood n chnrmlng vase of transparent sugar crystal and from this flowed down n wonderful shower boquct of natural ornngo blossoms and snillnx. Clear or tinted sugar crystal ami natural ilowcrs aro not tho only materials for dcecr atlon used In tho making of tho grand new wedding enkes. Painted and spangled satin panels n-o let Into tho four or eight big faucets of the sugared haso very often, and nt tho wedding Inst autumn of n well known American hclrcssi tho wholo cake was cast In plaster and carried triumphantly to her now homo by tho brldo nnd set up under a glass ease to servo nw n monu mont nnd memorlnl of the bridal day. Tlio queen of Holland's wedding enko Is built In six tiers or terraces, on tho shies of which in sugar her christening, her review of tho fleets, her opening of tho exposition her coronation, her betrothal, nnd finally about tho baoo of tho small sixth terrace her wedding is Illustrated In high relief, The likeness of tho queen and her hus band, douo In Icing, nro snld to bo exnet but beside tho sugar castlg a special round loaf Is to bo made for her wedding aa Is tho fashion nowadays nt our own weddings, Into tho. loaf a ring, thimble, nnd a gold henrt aro slipped nnd only tho brldo uud her maids and ushers and nearest of lln cat of this cake. For tho wedding guests It Is still tho fashion to prepare cako boxes. At Miss Plerpont Morgan's wedding tho boxes wore covered with white watered silk nnd on tho top ot tho enko that lay Inside each pretty reccptaclo tho entwined Initial of tho brldo nnd groom were written In whlto sugar. For this beautiful wedding cele bration tho great enko was a double-story whlto sugar tcmplo of tho purest classic mould, an exceedingly perfect expression o confectioner's art, but a very costly ono aa well. AVlth tho entry of this new taste for lofty joarket and they aro nil trimmed up the iT?ar only with feathory bunches of won fdorfully shaded yellow catkins nnd palo creon, yellow treo foliage, or roses nnd lenves mndo wholly ot gilt tissue. l'vi-nllltt' lloillfr. In passing It Is Irresistible to lot fall ft word or two concerning this rngo for gilt rosps. Thov nro everywhere: on hats that aro worn ot nu ovonlng, tossed nmld tho '. sumptuous folds ot satin ton gowns and fastened to tho breasts ot evening frocks. Thero is a golden rono pinned nn tho left Ido of tho topmost bodice of tho group of threo bewitching examples. All of them deserve careful mention nnd a word as to their materials. Number ono U n treasure In coarso cream Rennssauco laco and bluo silk inns, Un, which last Is dropped over n lining of whlto tnffctn, on which lines of bright sil ver braid nro sowed. Hands of bluck vel vet ribbon nnd wco paste buckles, with the glorloun rosu on the shouldor. nro final distinguishing touches on h waist that la above criticism. A fitting companion to this pretty and cllioreal Inspiration is Its nearest compan ion In tho 'plcturo. Palo peach blossom pink crepo brocadu! with widely soparuted dots It I II Alt'!' IlAIIlDHISSSI.Vt.. Fualilou Drort'CM Unit CollTuro mul CoNtnmt Mnt Ilarmonlxi. " Tho hairdressers aro Jubilant and over busy, for tho vory good reason that the fashionable form of colffuro has becomo too elabnrato for any woman to nttcmpt tho pufllng nnd combing, and curling of her own silken locks. Last summer tho prldo of pompadour was punctured, nnd only tho oxportcst lingers enn twist and coll feminine, tresses nfter any of tho now modes. There nro Just now no less than four classic wny of wenrlng one's locks. Theso four ways nro owing chiefly to tho prevalence of several widely different types of gown nnd lint, nnd to dress one's hair out of liar mony with one's gown Is to commit a grlcv lous anachronism Indeed, For Instance If ono Is wearing nn ovcnlng dress cut frankly on tho pattern that prevailed In tbo sixties nnd adorned with bcll-mouthad sleeves of laco, n pompidour headdress or Psycho knot would be as shocking as a folding bed In n Louis XVI boudoir. Tho propor arrangement, with tho aforemen tioned typo of gown, would bo a colffuro pinned rather low upon tho back of tho head and a straight around coronet of blos soms and delicate green form foliage. On tho other hnnd, for tho proper adjust ment of n squash hat and tho framing ot an oval faco tho hnlr must bo rolled for ward to almost obscure tho forohead. Thh is technically nnd proporly cnlled the Rom ney wave, nnd la most becoming to young ish fares. From tbo full, soft roll of hnlr that almost touches tho eyebrows tho tross os aro deeply oudulcd back to whore a lit tle upstanding tuft, which In tho evening serves to add Inches to the wearer's slender i height, and by day It Is the anchor to which her velvot flat Is mado secure, llnndsnmo young matrons nnd the vory ; stately girls affect with their ball and , dinner dresses tho colffuro do l'Oporn. For this n dash pt hair powder Is called Into service; silver, gold or puro whlto nre equally popular and offoctlvo and, when tlio wholo silky suit Is softly drawn up to a small knot on the top ot the head, a ccuplo ot tall black feathers, springing 1 "Strong and hearty itoy, teJJ(g8 g ananopasny Tnar&gooai- 1 nc joy ox n, new nrrivni m mu jimmy .- mu- -nlly overcast by tho shadow of the pain nnd dis comfort the expectant mother must bear. If sho knew of nnd used "MOTHER'S FRIEND," this would be all dispelled. Tell yourfriends nlxwt it, as being n simple liniment, exclusively for external use, that relaxes the muscles so that pain nnd suffering nru unknown. Itvllltutcnt by erien paM on receipt of price, IH.On per -V S."miWlre.conulnlnirieniWalcluipcUalinlieil. ! to gltj I lolj hir r T.IK Illl.l)Kli:i.I Hi;uili.vruii to,, Aiiunin, ua. hquht pi 1 ess: (a) WAIST OF CREAM LACE AND BLUE SILK MUSLIN. (b) OF PEACH BLOSSOM CREPE AND BRUSSELS LACE. (c) ODD SHADOW SILK AND CREPE. loose; la velvet, kersey, covert elotli or kid cloth thoy are snug and bnsquo-llko. Nothlnif Is prettier than red for young girls. Tho color Milts so well their fresh, lirljrlit faces nnd elenr complexions. lleJ lUelf a gny color seems thoroughly to har inonlzo with tho buoyancy of youth, nnd then It Is particularly npproprfnto during th'i dull gray seasons. Tho use of velvet and chiffon choux nnd rosettea gains lu favor as tho guy winter season ndvniices, nnd when this mode "f decoration Is not carried to excoBi, ns r-o many of our prominent fnshloim aro wont to bo. it lo n very offoctlvo trimming. Costly buckles nro used with many of the cIidux, nnd In some enses n scarf drapery of tho chiffon Is carried In n graceful curvo from ono rosette to thu other. Tho now visiting curds, so much rcdu-od THE STATL'ESQl'E l' KE. enkes of olnborato deolgns tho fathers ot rich brides may excusably quarrel. For one gorgooua enko designed nnd executed by n Chicago firm $000 was paid and this did not Include Its transportation to Its destination, under tho enro of two compe tent men. who were obliged to travel with It In order to seo that no Injury was dono Its delicate decorations nnd also In order to put It togother on tho bridal table. I!o sides tho fnlry tower no less thun Jir. la paid for tho loaf tho brldo cuts and when a crowded reception Is given tho contents of tho cake-londcd tablo prepared for tho guests In tho hallwny coaxes at tho last another $500 from the Indulgent parent. That Is, if tho cako Is good nnd the boxen covered nnd decorated In proper and fash ionable style. Frills of I.'iinIiIoii. Masses nf beautiful roos urn vry f.inh loniihle decorations fur tho nonvHl toqipM nnd round hats. Drooping istrleli Mim and iv compact eliihter of rose ind Iciivim uto styles of trimming perslstntly repealed. Thero Is u revival of black and whlto eiti lilolflery said lo have been In v guo In Ittily In tho sixteenth century. Tho nrubesfiim nr.d other designs in black are worlu'il In stltchns of ijrent variety mi llivjn luUNtu und chiffon. Tho question of the v.vmp ' th ihlrf wnlst for two sensTiin btfor us Is et'i"d In ynnd question. Already It in proinln-iitlv lu evidence in both Importing and fancy dry goods hmifes, Model in every ne,v jiiid pretty form aro but forth by faslil n i'c. sinners. Venetian cloth In love'y tints of llvr blue, opal-gray fawn, tnn, piiimy unl .iiin1 thyst shades, Is made up by Uoucet Into eleRnnt dress costumes with trimming of fur, pnnne or gulpuro yokes und silk em broideries In nppllque. Doublo-breastcd fronts are ch.irnct,'ritlc ot many of tho new French walking jaok.-t models for the cnmlng season. In tw.vd. cheviot or UuglUh serge they are scuil- neen given exclusively to men. The Fronoh government' has also given Its order of tho Legion of Honor to Fran von ltosthorn, wno during tho slego of Pokln distin guished herself by great valor, taking pnrt In military actions nnd lighting mojjt courageously nnd successfully against the Boxers. Mrs. Snruphlno Plsko resigned her ofllco as president nf the Jewish Charities asso ciation of Denver, which nho hns hold for eight yenis past. In ordor to collect fundi) for n national hospital for consumptives In that city. Every ono knowH that persons suffering from consumption ltoclf. to Den ver, and nlso that many of them go thero but to die. nnd Mrs. I'lsko llnds tho city overrun with them, many of them perfectly destltuto. Tho Jevs resident 111 Denver hnvo already raised $10,ooo with which they built a hospital for thee unfortunates, which nccommodates sixty, and was opened a year ago. Thero Is a wonderful charm and sweet ness lu the homo life of Moxlcnn families. Wellbred Moxlcan women are naturally gentle, but they command obedience, nnd, though they almost idollzo. their sons, they do not spoil them. Of course, there .ire ex ceptions, but these only prove the rule. As for tho girls, no respectable parent would allow her daughter to bo In the streets after dark unless under tho enro of an older person, a trustworthy servant, or an elder brother. Even nmong1 maidens of the humblo clnssea there Is no Htrolltnrr about In the streets of an evening- Thei'e Is plenty of proper liberty for young glrlfl, and they aro the objects of their parents' tcn derest love, but they may not run about without escort, nnd they aro watched nnd guarded by their relatives, even by distant cousins of tho other sox. Prompt Relief for Coughs, Colds, Jlstbma, Bronchitis, JjonrscncssSorc Zbroat THE FLORAL CAKE. In size, nre much nioro dainty, nppnnrlato and ladylllie than tho useless breudth and length of cardboard so long In vogue. Sonw of tho French stylen nre a small us tho namo and address will permit. Uoman let tering has Increased In popularltv, nnd with ultra-fRHhloiiblu women bus, for the nn inent, HiiiH'rseded Kcrlpl. and cei'tiniy haw the advantage of being morn leglbl" and of allowing the use ot a much entailer card. Talk About Women. Tdlrs Blanche Bernard, who wnf mlstrei at West Point for llfty nml known to all cadets, died Friday nf a paralytic stroke, She wan a i-lster f the wife "f Colonel Jaied A. Smith. V. 9. A The national convention or t no Woman's Help f enrpx, the li'rand Army of 1 1 . - :ic publle nuxlllurv. has decided to pm un a menument to tho loyal women of tho dll war. to bo placed In the UlilcknmuU'M Chattanooga, national military park In Ten ia stco. Every ono will be sorry to know that Mrs. PI ocbe Hearst has refclgned from the luard of control of tbo Nutlnnal Bed dim n ac count of having so many duties, mi l Mim. Harrington, president of the California io elrly, has taken the ldacc. Tho society ex pended $150 KKI In helptntr to care tor sol diers In Cuba and the Phlllpplnei. Mrs. Cushmnn K. Davis has returned to Washington and Is already busily onj.igl In compiling her distinguished hush mud works on law. politics, diplomacy, Miern ture, war and tho miscellaneous lotutos which ho delivered at various times 'u ig hti public career. In this labor she will m assisted bv Bishop Hurst ot the MMhoHit church, who win nn old and esteemed friend (if the l.ito Senntor Davis. The friends of the famous teacher of i" '.king. Mrs. rt T. Borer, say that ihs Is the peisotitlleatloil of health, and boasts rf i'eer having even a headache. This asser tion scorns to provo the story told ot her, that once, on being tiuestloned about a cer tnln recipe nf hers for a rich dish, she ex plained that Khc never used any such recipes. If sho did make them. A war medal has been given to Frau Yloea von Rosthorn. the wife of the acting Aus trian minister at Pekln. by the emperor of Austria, such a decoration having hitherto A SKIN OF BEAUTY IS A JOt FOREVER DR.T. FELIX GOIIRAUD'S ORIENTAL CREAM, OR A1A0ICAL BEAUTIFIER. ncmovei Tan, PlmplM, Frcckln, Moth I'ntch, turn una KKln die case, and every blemlih on beauty, and dedei deieo tlon. It has ttood tha teat of I years, and li to harmlen we taste It to be lure It Is properly mnde. Accept' no counter feit or iimiiai name. Dr. I.. A. Kayre raid to a la dy of the liaut-ton (a patient)! "As you ladles will use them, 1 recom mend 'CJOUBAUD'S CBEAM" as th least J harmful of all tho Skin preparations." For Dealers In tho U. a. and Europe. I'KIt I). T. IKH'ICINS, I'roy'r, 17 Great Jon Bt. N. T. rl M 'S RHEUMATISM CURE When Prof. JIunyon says his Hlieuma Itxiu Cure will cure rheumatism therj isn't any suetHWorlc about It-there Ian t nny faloa statement about It It simply cures. It docs Just exuetly what ho says It will do. It cures more quickly than pcopln expect. It cures without leaving any 11 effects. It Is a splendid stomach and nerve tonic, as well an ft positive cure for rhAlimtlinaMunyon remedies are Just ok re. liable, Any druggist vlnl, Tho Quite o Health Is free, so Is medlcnl advice If vou write to Broadway and 2bth St., New ?ork. Falling Imlr nml dandrulT sneedllv overcome: Irritated. iSl Itching and eruptlvo bcalpi Arv perniniieiitly cured ; tholiair 1 preserved, its brilliancy and I igkV natural color ntored, nt your home. J- til I Informa tion with hook mulled free. JOHN II. WOODBURY, ICj STA1C SI , CHICAGO By MARGARET L. BRIGGS. (ALL IllOUTS UESEUVED.) Mis. Plnklmin'at offoflu in liolmlf of miiVorliijr wonifii Is flnutiftorlXftt liy deep sincerity. , This Is it fnot wliloh niUHt lie pluln (o nil wonien stilllt'Iotilly Interostetl In lliolf own woli'iirc nntl In lie wolf nre ttf other women to follow tlio course of -Mrs. l'lnUlinm's work. That she Is tlolnj.' n Kient wurl; nml n piotl one for Hie wonien of this country U true beyoml nil itieslloii. .Morover, the work tint t she l titling renelies Into the niltlst of out- families nml sheds it brighter nttllnnec around many llreshles. It Is dlllleult for the woman who has not iiersonally tested .Mrs. l'lnklianrs exiierlence nnd skill to realize Hie tleei jnitltudu of those who have. Most of us linvu been educated by our iudlu'eronee to look upon Mrs. I'lnkliam as an advertisement nnd not as a reality. The fact. Is that Mrs. l'lnklmm Is a living, brontliltiB person who hits devoted her life lo the eurlii, or distress ing ailments of women. Women front every corner of our country write to lierj the corerspondenee therefore Is voluminous, but It Is sacredly coiillden Hal anil women only see ami answer the letters from women asking ad vice nbotit lienltli. This one fact alone lias made Rival numbers of women write to Mrs. lMnkliam, who could not place the family physician In posses sion of the necessary details about their condition. To those women who need Mrs. rinkliam's counsel, how shall It be made plnln that they may seek It safely, If not tliroujih the testimony of women who have sought It before them and found the help they so much needed? The most dlllleult cases come to Mrs. I'lnkliam, because, as a general thing, women exhaust the resources of the family physician and perhaps of several other physicians before they make application to Mrs. Plnkhnni for her ad vice. It Is not strange, then, that the women who ilnd the means of cure through Mrs. I'lnkhant's help should be grateful beyond any words to express. Illnesses of women are real troubles; they creep upon women unawares many times through their own Ignorance or disregard of Indications; once they come, however, they stay. This Mrs. I'lnkliam has understood, and no one has done so niucli as she to help stllleiiiig women. Why do the palo cheeks appear so early In life? What brings about that hopelessness whleh makes so many women's lives dark and dreary? Surely the mainspring of discouragement Is In some distinctly feminine III. It Is dlllleult to realize what a great help Lydia K. l'lnkham's Vegetable Compound has been to the women of America, unless you are suillclently In terested In the matter to make diligent Inquiry among your friends; It will surprise you then to llnd that every woman you know has either been helped by this medicine herself or knows some one who hits. There Is absolutely no question about the etllcleney of Mrs. l'lnkham's medicine for femalu troubles. It Is a perfect safeguard against the development of diseases aris ing from Irregularities or from any displacement of the organs of the genera tive system. Why, then, will wonien who know they need help, who have evidence all around them of lives that have come to discouragement and hopelessness, hesitate to ask for the aid whleh .Mrs. I'lnkliam oilers. so freely? There Is no trap beneath Mrs. rinkhnm'H offer of free advice. It Is quite true that Mrs. I'lukham will recommend In nearly every case the taking of Lydla 13. l'lnkham's Vegetable Compound, but she will give those instruc tions about Its use whleh will be a material aid to the working out of the best results. Furthermore, the cost of the course of l.ydla K. rinkliam's Vegetable Compound Is Inslgnlllcant compared with that whleh will be pre scribed by any local physician. The vital thing about this, however, !s the unalterable fact that In using Mrs. l'lnkham's medicine for any of the ills of women you are using the medicine that cures. There are great numbers of wonien today who do not realize how sick they are, who believe that they have to struggle through with their back aches and the wearying, draged down .sensation, without comprehending that they must get help for those things or their lives will be spent 'in misery. These nre not idle statements. If any woman doubts them lot her look around among her friends and inquire. are. who believe that they have to struggle through with their backaches and the wearying dragged-down sensation, without comprehending that they must get help for .those things or their lives will be spent In misery. These are not idle statements. If any woman doubts them let her look around among her friends and Inquire. The helping hand of Mrs. Pliikhiim Is .outstretched to all such women. Her advice Is the safe advice of the person who knows. It Is impossible that any case can come to her so radically different from those that have pre ceded It that she will not know how tfi give counsel. The diseases of women are an open book to Mrs. Hnkham, and her pronounced success, unvarying for many years, shows the virtue of her medicine and value of her advice. ARE YOU one of the halfTmillion women who are now receiving; THE Delineator a or FEBRUARY 1 SO Large Pages a (Many In handsome coluts) Eighty Incoming and Prevailing Styles. Also a big table of Literary CONTENTS z -t.ii Mi 31 A Valentino Luncheon Midwinter Din MntelUli Tlio Homo nml Hourkei-plnB (,'luli Women und t'luli I.lfn Women (HverH und TlielrlilfH Learning a New Opera Ann Arbor Stories Full uf help to women lit all toclal and hounehold matters Cnterulnmrnt tar all, Myli'n for Mlr anil Clilldrcu Tilt! fieweit Hooka !lrl' Intorratn and Occupation! i-nelal OMervuueei! Ktnrlri of Autliori' Loret Ian I !ii ill r 7 Modem J.icc-MakinK fit $1.00 lor an Entire Year SINGLE COPIES, FIFTEEN CENTS l'or aale by all Butterick Acntt and N vvurtevlern. Send I One Dollar now and begin vith thin si tut nur.itcr. 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