i TILE OMAHA DAILY BISK: FIUDAY. AXTJAT?Y 18. 1001. NOTICES u n.dDli lor these column for the ..III I.. ,i- nnin i- Inn antll BiUO p. a, for m..M I""" """J !""?B: Hate!. I 2o tronl Brut Insertion. .. ..,.ierenfler. nothing taken ,. "n SBC for th first In.rr tlon Tr1' xlvrrtUerecatm mast be rMcon"""1'' .i...(ri, br rruneillic nnm- . , . hered can lte mtsTrers il- dresaeif numbered letter In rare of The Ananera addressed will he dllrC(1 areaentntlam ( th rncek ITl ATIU.NS AVA.VrilU. "w a vri). position f,s elpnnarnnhor: tx lerl,"i refeipnces, Addrcsf, Hnx SI, potrellP, Neb. A-M3OTS0 uit77ion wanted liv American lady sotf"nK romunprntivp which will also fnrh n home. Would leave city. Cull orjdrcss 71C North 20th Ht. , A-.W-17 0(10N In storo or office; four years' t'uiiliilPMl. iii'iiium 111111 ,.i,f,t.T. ct furnish references. U 23. c' A-M425 10 H.V'f sft of books to keen evening oronceS. Address (I 30, npMn, WASTER MALE HUM'. ANTED, we have tlraily work for a few ood hustlers of good htiblts and appear- Ancc. C. I'". Adams Co., iwj nownrii si. i H 737 JARHEK trade taught thoroughly In short Mime, cntnloguo mid particulars free. i Address Western Harbors" Institute, ' Omaha, Neb. 1 WANTED, good man to do canvassing In i mo country: goou pay ior riuiii dress E I, Hee. "r"9-- WAV'TOII rnll.il. In nn,1 rnmnplfnt snlPS men to sell coriplcto linn of lubricating oils, greuscs, paints, colors, varnishes, specialties, etc.; exclusively or ns side line; liberal commission or mmui perlenro unnecessary; old reliable house A(liress .-nnaraciuror, gommrro u y i Cleveland, O H-.M187 IS YOt'NO man ntlonilltiK school desires pinco io eurn iiu.hu. jhjiuu vmij. . 181, II M3S,i 21 R A t.KH.M AN WANTED, nblo to sell and look After Rasollni! cnKlnes, power shell n..!.liltla ..1.. tnr HllMlll T'bltte nlv'n references. Address S, care Hpp of flpp, II Mt.'J IS MEN or women to sell Roods to city trade flood nnv nnd Btendy emnloymeni, nix enbaiiRh & Co., Wnro blk. 11 M U2 MarlS WANTIOD, experlencrd packers; references reiiuireii. Appiy .m. i-. nmmi Jl,jg, t A VTV 1 1 n ftnmnntpnt ilrlll? elprk. VeillS- lered III Nebraska or able Vo pass board Hherman .t aicconncii urus J(( WASTHD. nil exiierleliced sulesrnon to St1 ......ri.iiu niiirln. (i.i'l.i.lM I'lc. on the mil for this states of Nebraska and South Da KOII1. .IIUrCSM U -U, lllin Ullltlj. H A I.HHM KS W.tSTUII, MKN to travel for 8t. Louts MfR. Co.: also iKlvet-tlsers. Htralrht salary. Triumph Co., Dallas, Texas. H-M3SC IS WANTi:n-ri:MAi.i: iu:i.i, WANT15D. 200 Rlrls. 1521 Dodge, Tel. 87G. C-730 W Rlrls wanted. Canadian olllce, 1S22 DourIii WANTI3D. young Indy attendant. 220 Heo Hide. Call a C-S03 A nitlOHT youtiK man or woman to tak filinrtliniul Kt-linln rshln and nnv for It whci cotirso Is llnlsbed and poultiou secured Address F 15. Uee. vj aji COMPETENT gill for general housework 2215 Hherman Ave. w m WANTMI) IiiiUpa In lenro lialrdrt-ssim;, miintcurliig and laclal. massago; I weeks rnmnli.tpii! cntiKtuiit iiractlco: exnert in- Htrur.tlonu: nonltlons guaranteed; tools furnished; call or wrlto for partlcunr3. Moler"s llalrdrcsslng College, icrt Far nam, Omulm. . C-M415 21 WANTED Immediately, experienced lady bookkeeper. Address O 21. t 1VANTED, girls who linderslnnd sortlnK of rags. A. Ferer, S12 Douglas street. . C-MI26 IS WANTED Oood girl for genera work. Apply 3005 Leavenworth. general housc- C 130-19 foh iikyi'-iiou.sf.s. IF you wunt your houses well rented placo them with llenawa & Co. D 741 ALWAYS moving 11. II. goods. Pianos. Olllce, 15111i Furnam St. Tel. 1539 or 8C3. D-742 HOUSES for rent In nil iarts of tho city. Urcnnnu-Love Co., 3:0 So. 13th St. D-713 HOUSES, store. Ucmls, I'axton block. D-741 BEE HENUY 11. PAYNE, COl N. Y. LIFE. D 743 HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wend, 1521 Douglas. D-7W HOUSES and flats. Rlngwait, HaritpTflik D-747 HOUSES wanted. Wallaco Hrown Iillc. D-71S HAUN. 1021 St. Mary's Ave. D 71 FOrt niiNT. bakery in llrst-class condition large storo loom, continuous oven. etc. also s-room nouse, wiui onrn ior v horses 1 and largo wagon shed; all for J70 0) per ' month. W. 11. Husscll. 420 Itamgo nidg. li-153 lr.ll SEWAHD ST., now uve-loom cottage 1 for rent; good barn iihd city water; rem. (iMAIlA LOAN & TIIUST CO., lfilh and Douglas bis. IJ 751 NF.w 7-room nricK. sincuy modern, pant Iront, 27th and Sti Mnry's live., SSG. IlPmls, iiaiuu uiuvn, u ,ij Ko. 1331 South 3lst street, lust north of Hun- scm paru, u mc. qoiiuoriauic, s-room inivlern house. Will be put In iron,! r- palr for right party. M J Kennnnl & oon, aiu iirown iiiock. u M8I3 TWO small tlvp-room cottages In the same yard; city water In kitchen; In good con dltlciu; rent. JS i per monih. Omaha Lonn o aiudv iuu iiiu uuugiaH His. d-Wi;- 21th, neir Farriom; ten-room modern hotiNt rninpletn In every rrrpect; ten minute- walK nr center or cltv: reimntiniii.. u Omaha Loan it Tmst Co., 10th and Dotigl inn fcjl.", W lllik 3407 Decatur si., "r.. lid. 3810 Decatnr. 7r. modern, ill. 1514 H. 2Ml t 7r.. all modern, excent fur nee, J2.. !2I5 flurt st, S-. iiiodorn, except furnace. $2'i pay: iMMiSOX CO., in 1 FL. N. Y. LIFE. U 132 1-TtOOM Hat, nvnlern Improvements. S!M foh iii;vr-i'i'i.M.siii;ii iioo.ms. BTEAM-hcated rooms at Tho Thurston. 13-753 DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnnm, E-3M) HOUSEKEEPINft rooms, JO up. 2023 St Mary s. n mivi j:"J" FOH RENT, u nicely furnished front room. south una east exposure, within tlvu DiocKs or postomce; bntn and use or ten puone, iureB8 r nee. i.-jimw 210 N. 17TH ST., stinm healed rooms. E Ml 111 F5 2201 DOUOLAS street, choice rooms. E-MSdl 19 FDHMSHEli IIOO.MS AMD 1IOAHI). OLENCA lRN,translonts,1.23 day. WQ Dour The Merrlam, good winter Iiome. 25 & Uo.U !' 734 UTOPIA. 1721 Davenport St. F-755 THE PRATT, desirable rooms. Hot water neat- w SPECIL lt llMSIIi:i) IKIDMS AM) IIO.Mtl). I.KOANT large stoam-beatpd front roonif, with board. WJ Capitol nv. K SHI6 2 roit iu:.T-Titi:s ami imi(:i:h. HALL, 102 So. llth, cor Dodge at. J .M luri FOR ItKNT, store In first-class IncatM.i; rent reasonable. Applv II. C. Peter & Co,, ground floor, Dee IlldKj 1! FOR HUNT, the building lormerly occurIM oy imp ueo at vv inrnnm sircei. n n" four stories nnu a basement winch wis formerly usod ns Tho. Ucc pnss room. This will lie rented very reasonably. If Interested itpply nt once to C. C. HoSi water, secretary, room 1W, Hee IlullnlnK. I 6l .ARGH double room In Continental, block: enn be mado .nto very desirable omen nnu reception room for physician, W M r range to suit. OMAHA LOAN fr TRUST CO., 10th & Douglas 3ts. ... HALL for rent, 102 S. llth, cor Dodpe. l .Misi-r i. A!i:.vrs wA.'rl:ll. EVUHVHODY Is makliiR money' nre you? e nave sometlintR exceptional nnd sale able; workers guaranteed $.7) weekly. Ad dress Dept. F, 14 Murray St., New York. J-.M413 21 AOHNTS. with Hayes metallic rubber tires mr rocKiiu ruairs you can mane a month, Address J. C. Hayes, ll H. cust st Des Moines, la. J-M1) 10 WA.NTKII TO lti:.T. WANTED Hy young single man, room In residence wiui private tamiiy. iierer' ences. Address, 11 20, lice K I2D-17" KTOKAMK. PACIFIC StoraReimd Warehouse Co.. 912- till Jones, gencrni storago nnd forwarding, -757 OM. Van Stor Co., 151J!4 Fam. Tcls. lSM-Sitt. -75S tVA.TUI TO I1UV. HOUSES to move. Wallace, Ilrown 111k. WANTED to buy. $1,000 of Omaha Savings uanK accounts rot cash. Auuress a ib, Deo oillce. N MC-tS HtailEST prices paid for furniture nnd moves, j. ijovine, mi w. lutn. rei. N-373 WANTED to Iluy. n Klnrt Clinrles, Ulen nrim or .inpiinetr spaniel; stuto lowest price. Ad Irchs (I :u lien. .N-I'H I.'Olt SAIil'-KUHMTIIItn, CHICAOO Ft'UNlTURE CO.. 1410 Dodge. Tel. .uvu. iscw .t .uiuina iiirnuuro nougni sold, exchanged. O iB2 I'Olt SAI.H-IICmMHM, VEHICLES, ETC. IF YOI'H wnRon breaks down take It to Harry lTost, 14 it llwortli. Ho Ilxes 'em, I' Hil I'Olt SALE MISCELLANEOUS. HAItD and soft foundation piling; hog (unces nnu crinoiug. uui uougins. g ti 2DHAND uafe chenp Derlght, lllfi Farnam cj 76.1 SAFES; buy, sell ex'ge. Schwartz, 111 So. 13, j 7 til HERTFOIID & CO.. loth fc Uworth. FUHNITUHE & UI'HOLSTEUINO. Q-37J TIMOTHY hay and all kinds feed and coal .Monroe it uo. ij aiuu I HAVE a. suro permanent euro for wnrts no nulii or seal : send SI and n 2ccn stamp for medicine and full directions, ueo. ivueera, western, xieu. QM 137-21 2DHAND boll'-r and PiiKlne. about 20 II-P, for tftlo cheap nt Omnhn Safo nnd Iron wonts, uiu ho. ntn at., um.-uia. q t,vi FOH SAIjE, new and secondhand sod. fountains; monthly payments, s H. lllc.i mono, no. X4tn at. j ,IM2 fi IIAHOAINS in 2d linnd bicycles. $3 up new wneeis. u up. uniiina tilcycle uo, inin and fiucago sts, q JI7?4 MI'ST dispose of high grade piano; tprms ii oesireu. inquiries answered. Address, u js, nee. g 131 CLAUIVOVA.NTS. MKS. PKITZ, medium. SI9 North ICth. S-7K MME.GLYMHU Rcnulno palmlstlGO; Dodge H 76B EI.ECTHIO TRKAT.1IKNT. MAI1EL OnAY. 317W N. 13th St.. Flat E. T M307-J17 ELITE parlors. 615 Hoiith 16th, second Moor. T 197 F-8 MISS MAE LESLIE, CI9 S. 10th. 2d floor, I'Elt.HOXAL. DR. ROY, chlroiiodlst; corns & superfluous hair removeu uy eietiricny. ii. iz, Fren zer HIk. U 767 TURKISH baths, mas-ngo baths, electric bams, ior iuiiiub mm , HKineii women innssage operators; finest equipped bnths In the city. Renstrom Rath Company. Rooms 110 to 220 UM Bid. U-76S LIEHEN. theatrical, mnsquerado contumer. 1U1S I'nrnuui. U 769 I'RIVATB homo before nnd during confine. ineni; nauira uuuiur.t. .uru. uurget, :ti20 Rurdetto. U 770 FRENCH accordion pleating; Ivory rim but tons; man uiin-m. uuuna i-ieaiing uo., 1521 Douglas. U-773 HA1HES and children cared' for. 813 N. 23d. U .AlDjU JLTj- BUPPI II-S for nil machines; maehlnps for rent, wniie newinu .Muuiiuie, iu.tj uoug an. Tel. 2331. U-540 PRIVATE hospital for Jqdlcs before nnd during eonunemeni; uamrs auopied, 23ua Grant Si. U 177 SKATES sharpened, 15c. Louis Fleschor, 1022 Capitol Ave. U M975 CHILDREN'S clothing mndo to order. imams wear, aim nunc n underwear a specialty. Satisfaction guaranteed, 1919 Hurt St. U-232. IF your feet bother you do not put oft until tomorrow uuynig n box or lie-no- may powder, soui uy an druggists. U-M293 I I NDERBTAND the system and medicine so i enn DreaK nny uiseas.i in one day. Prof. D. W. Johnson, 1711 Vinton st.. city. 11- VIAVI Woman's wny to henlth; rational, wholesome home treatment. 3IS lieo Rldg, u yji- Rt'Y from the manufacturer. Hurkley En, Vl'lnpu CO., Omilll.l. U .MIO" FI6 HI l'Tl'RE cured; no knife, no pain, no danger; send ror circulars, umpire imp- turn mire, v.i. i. i.ue iiuiidipg, wmuna U-MIU FlS' MONEV TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. PRIVATE money. S, W.. 6 per cent; no d lay. Garvin Ilros., 1613 Farnnm. W 771 LOANS on eajtuvn Nebraska nnd western Iowa farm nt 5 per cent; borrowers can pay J HO or Miy multiple: any Intereat date; ti elay. Rrennan-Love Co.. 300 Ko. I3tu fJ omahn. Ncu. W 770 MONEY to lonn on Improved Omaha real cuiaie. iircnnan-L.ove v.o i.ju no. 13m. AV-770 J1.00O and upward to loan on Improved city property nnd farms. W. Farnam Smith & uo,a u.v farnam. w 1, WANTED, city loans, bonds nnd warrants, ueoigo iv (.omiiauy, iwi a-arnam sircai. W-T73 WANTED, rltv nnd farm loans! also bonds and Marrants. It C. Peters : Co., i7'.'2 rnrnatn hi., nee ti:ie, a wiffi MONEY to loan on farm nnd city nroncrty lowest rates. O. F. Davis Co,, 1505 Farnam w 7M PRIVATE money to loan. M9 N. Y. Life. J, II. Sherwood W 1 ,1MIHV TO I.OA.N-HHAIi r.STATH. MONKV to loan at 5 and G',4 per cent on Omaha property. W. IJ. Melkle, 401 a. jRth W u2 FIVE per cent money. Ilemls, I'axton blpek. tlAV TO LOAN on real estate! call nt once. M. J. Kennard & Son, 310-311 Hrown block. W-7S0 FIVE nnd one-half per cent loans. W. H. Thomas, nrst .National uanK . Duiiainu. Tel. 1613. W--M51I C AND S'4 per rent loans. W. It. Thomis, First Nat. Hank bulldliiR. Tel. W MS 18 PIUVATh. money. F. D. Wead, 1521 DotisUs. 1 1 JIO.M1Y TO I,OA. CHATTELS. iinvi'.v Tnnv. Loans made In amounts from HO to J30 on Household rurnr.ure, pianos, norscs, cm i tapes, etc., without removal or on your 8-A-L-A-H-Y without security All or s. part of tho money may be paid back t.Jij first month, or no part of It need bo paid bnck for several months. Each raymiint mado reduces the cost accordingly, em ployers and neighbors know absolutely nothing of our business relations. Fopl9 who need money aro Invited to call ana et my terms and compare them witn whnt others offer. l,oans of other com panies moy be transferied to inc. no charRo for papprs. All business strictly confidential. Quick servluo and lowest rates guaranteed. .T. W TAYLOR. IS First. Nat. Hank bldg , southest cornsr 13th nnd Fariiam Stis. tel. 715. DO YOU NEED MONEY? We loan $10.li nnd up on furniture, p'nnos, horses and other chattels. .... . SALARY LOANS, ........ Without mortgage, to people holding permanent positions. You can get tne money In n few hours after making nn pllcatlon, urn! take 1, 2, 3, 4. 5. fi months or moro In which to pay It back, nnd you need not pay for It one day longer than you keep It. Wo charge n'hlruy for pnptrs and we give you tho fun amount In cash. There are no lower rntes than ours, our terms aro tno easiest, our business Is eonlldentlal und our motto Is "try to please, Omaha Mortgage Ldtin JLp 119 Hoard of Trade Illdg. Tel.. 229o. (Established 1M)2), 300 So. 10th St. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE AT CHEAPEST RATES IN CITY . AN OPPORTUNITY to take ndvantORO of. We make no startling, scnsauonui km- nAimn.in.nl. nl rnln nil! Ill t WO. Wl don't do business that wny: nelthfr does anybody else. OUR REDUCED RATES ARE THE LOWEST. You can borrow on your personal Note, wunoui iioriKHKi-, ln,i,.r,.p nr iii i.i i -i ( v nor Sneclnl Pay ment Plnn surprises them nil and spon Rets you out of debt. Very quiet omce. easily ioiir.il. wome nnu nvu u, AMERICAN LOAN CO., Room COl, Hco Rids. A 1 820 MdKKY JlOWCil LOANED SALAUI1SU 1'liUi ""' No esidorser of mortRBge required. LOWEST RATES. EASY PAYMKrviB nnu STRICTLY L'UNM ihniinu. nilittl nllPnlT IVI.. Room 620, Fifth Floor, New York Life RJdd, OAI.AIIV T.OANS. If you nre employed by a rcsl'0"luL0.J?"" we win loan you sums num your note nt much cheaper and easier rates than elsewhere. Of this we nre positive. Absolutely no charges for pap'" Nothing deducted from amount desired. Easiest partial payments. Reliable Credit Co., room 3C3 Pnxton blk. X-MS5I MONEY to Loan on Furniture, Pianos, Diamonds, etc.. on easy payments. ou keep Hecurlty No charge for papers. No questions asked your neighbors. Tel. 1631. UERQERS' LOAN CO., 1504 Farnam St. MONEY loaned salaried peoplo holding per manent petition with responsible concern upon their own names without security: easv payments. Tolmnn. Room 440, noard of Trado Uldg., 16th and Farnam t MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, low elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, jjl'- MONEY loaned on p'nnos. furniture, horses, cows, Jewelry Duff Green, R 8. Unrkor blk IIIJSINESS CHANCES. $150 CASH or eaBy payments buys 23 strictly lawful (nickel) slot machines for drinks, cigars or caBh; will earn $2 and upward wccklv each. Earl. Clark & Co., Furtll- turo Manufacturers, unicago, jii. Y S13 WANTED, good man to do canvassing In tho country; gooa pay ior rigiu mun. ah dress E 4. lteo. Y M190 FOR SALE, i J3.0OO stock of shoes chpap for cash. '.. T. Noyes, Missouri A'olley, lu. v .M1SU 13 FOR SALE, bakery, restaurant and grocery cheap If talien ni once, auuress nw, nee. Y M356 FOR BALE, ngrtculturnl Implement nnd rrlnno hUSlllPHS III SOlltll central Ml'- bruska. For further particulars nddros Hox 603, West Liberty, in. i mwi FOR SALE, good harness business In rr.rmini- ilUlrli't: cood reasons for selling. Wrlto at onco If you want n Miup. Wal ter Davis. North Loup. Neb. Y M 1.1 1 19 FOH E.YCIIARE. WILL exchnngo Chicago vacant for Omaha vacant or necessary vacant or improved und pay difference, If Address u 11, nee. Z-M299 19 a vi vi! J5.3.00 Imported magic lantern, ns good ns now, oniy uneii n niiuri iimu; suu ublo for lectures, churches or lodge enter tainments; a bargain. Address F fti, Heo olllce. wm I'Olt SALE-REAL ESTATE. SEE HENRY 11. PAYNE, 001 N. Y. LIFE. in iw DESlRARLE east front lot, residence or bus neSS, oiocn nu. ucjjui uu tuiii. illl Vinton, RE M&13 F3 RANCH AND FARM lands for s.ilo by the Union j'acinc inunuiui uuuipiuiy. n. j. McAllaster land commissioner, Union Pacttlc Headquarters, uinaiia, jseu. RE S15 PROPERTY bought ana sold; money 10ined; renin cuurun-u. x.. u. uuiiubuu CO.. 314 So. lDtll Ht. UIS-102 HOUSES, lots, farms, lands, loans: also hro Insurance, ucmis, 1u.m11 inn, nr. on CHA8. E WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnnm St HIS 7U5 CHEAPEST lot In city of Omaha; 63',4-foot east front in rseison nnniiiou. ni, j Kennard & Son, 310 Urown block. ' RE-M693 FOR SALE OR LEASE, Short Lino park In Mont.; exceueni raucii nnu pleasure n sort; 43H4 nrres; title perfect. Address E JI liar 0, ueer i.ouge, .-tium. RE-5I391 18 IIAItGAINS FOR QUICK SALE. Krt.fl. Int. corner 25th nnd Snragun. t J0O CO. 10 acres 4Vi miles rrom r. u., o-room noi se, slnmc. gooa won, iw iruu ire.;. i-ritv JI.W0. Want offer. Gnrvln Pros.. 1013 Farnam. RE-M101 18 SCRIP 16,000 acres; C. H. Rurrows. owner, NorfolK, Nen. nw jm;: .su- A llenl HnrKiiln III n I'nriu. Ail APHKS of choice land onlv 6 mllcM wns ol Omaha r. 11., near paved ro.i 1, ior only $75 per acre. This Is Just what you have been looKing for so long. 1'or par tlculars can on or onuress l'AYNE-KNOX COMPANY. Atnln lloor N. Y. Life Uld. nE-M130 20 RARCJAIN8 IN LAND ADJOINING OMAHA. r nrres cholco garden j.ind. JS675. M ncreu line level luno, i,jin. 17 acres Just west of city. 3.lo0, n.i nnrn, nlnHi mneailnmlzed street. S2.750. Fine CO-ncro farm, rich iiapplo valley land onlv 3 mues irom rini:n yurus, HICKS, Room 325 Hoard Trade Illdg. nE-MHS 18 PATP.NTS. INVENTORS. GOT AN IDEA? Wo handle patents, copyrights and trndo marks; you givo ua ino iiiiru meu anu w win no in .'t! mnili'rn enulnned machine sbon an foundry m connection; Official GnzettH on I'.lo; guide book free. Mason. Fenwlck & Lawrence, p.itent lawyers, llgti Howard ui.; ici. :iu, umuiiii. j. 1 . urunin, repr, -MI70 INVENTORS, we nsk no fee until th patent Is procured; If wo fall, we get ni p! mlvlco free. Hue), A: Co.. Patent I.nw yers. Hee Illdg., Omaha, Nel. Long dls lunco teicpuone m us .Maru MEDIC L. LADIES out of health find prompt relief. Uo.x 232, Omaha, Neb. 'jonnaentiai. -769 DR. LE DUES Femnle Rpgulator, posl- lively wnrrnnted to cure the mo.it stub born cases of monthly stoppages, Irregu larities, obstructions nnd s.ippresslons brought on from whntever cause, $2 u packago or 3 for $5; sent anywhere pre paid on receipt of price. Tho Kldd Drug Co., Elgin, III. American Ofllce. retail, wholesal", .Myers-Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha; M. A. Dillon, South Omaha; Davis Drug Co., Council UlufTs. Full line of rubber Roods. OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute. 515 N. Y. L. Rldg. Tel. 1C6I! Alice Johnson, u. u.. intues- dept.; Cld E. Johnson, Osteopathlst, Mgr. SOS M. E. DONOHUE, D. O., of Still school, Kirksviiic, lo., 004 raxion uik. tci. 1S67. S97 SIIOHTIIAND AXD TYPEWItlTIMl. A, C. VAN SANT'S School, 717 N. Y. Life. S01 BOYLES' College, court reporter, principal. hoc. mag. 302 NER. Ruslncss & Shorthand college. Doyd's Tlienicr sos QREaa Shorthand. Om. C. Col. 16 & Doug. ACCORDION TREATING. ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best quick est. Mrs. A. C. Mark, S. E. Cor. 17th and I'drnam. va LOST. LOST Indies' handbag, botween Ktlpat Tick's store In Omaha nnd Council muffs. Howard If returned to Uee olllce, Council IlUffs. Lost 127-19 STRAYED or stolen, lemnn-colored pointer bitch, 9 months old; white on nose, breast, I rant toes and tip of tall. Telephone I4K2, W. L. JaRgar. Reward. Lost-M4t IS' rAW.NIIROICEIIS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. -Sll DHESSMAKI.NO. MRS. JEFFRIES KEMP, 401 I'axton Rlk. Telephone 2420. M-5SI-J27 IIIRDS AMI TAXIDEH.MV. STOCK'S Rlrd Store. 1603 Leavenworth. -797 TICKET IIHOKEH. CUT rale tickets everywhere. P. II. Phil bin. 1505 Farnnm. Telephone 7SI. S09 STAMMEniXC. AM) STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramgo Uldg. si; NICK 111, TLATINO. OMAHA PLAT I NO CO., Deo Hldg. Tel. 23S5, mum LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shlrtn. 7c: collars, 2c; cures, 4. l?w i.eavcnworiu. -ici. hi, IV3 1'lIHN'ITl'R E II E PA I H I N O. TEL. 1331. M. S. Walklln, 2111 Cuming St SOS HI1IIIIEH STAMPS. RADGES, medals. Otn. Pl't. Co.. Hee Rldg Tel. 253S JH liW "WATCH REPAIRING. W. O. SANDERS, roomlJI, Rorker llloek - lis r-iii- DANCINti SCHOOL. THE winter term at Mornnd's Dancing scnooi negins mis ween, auuiis, Tuesday nnd Friday, x p. m.; 13 lessons, gentlemen, W. ladles, J6. Privato lessons day and evening. .11 333 I' ll CARPENTERS AND .IOIIIIEHS. ALIi kinds of carpenter work nnd repairing promptly nttcn.tcu to. J. 1. ucniitree, 20th nnu i.aKo nm. j, POSTOFFICE NOTICE. Should bo read daily iy nu miercsted, as changes may occur at any lime. Korlun mails for tho week online Jnnu ary 19. 1931, will close (PROMPTLY In all niispsi ni 1110 ifPiienu I'osioiuco as ioiiowh: I'ARCHI.S J'UST .MAILS CIOSO U.M'J HOUR EARlilEit man closing umo Known nc:ow PnroelB I'ost Malls for G 'rmuny closo -n r, 11. m. on Jnnuary 14 per s. s. Trave. Jan uary 10 per s. s. Koelu and on January 18 per h. s. i-uociiici. liegumr iiuti ruiiiiiiiiii'iiini y iuiiu close nt Foreign Hranch half hour Inter than closing umo suown ueiow. Tiiuis-AlliiiiMc. .Ilnlls. SATURDAY At S n. 111. for NETHER. I.A.N um. pc s. h. npanrnuani unan must be directed "per s. h. Spanrndnm"); at S n. m. for ITALY, per s. s. Wetra, via Naples imaii must dp inreeieu -per s, s Worm"): nt 10:30 11. m, (supplementary l: ni.) for EUROPE, per s. h. I'mbrln. via Queenstown; nt 12 in. for DENMARK dl rect, per h. s. .qrge. PRINTED MATTER. ETC.-Thls steamer takes I'rlnted .Matter, Commercial nnd Samples for Germany only. Tho same clans of mall miutcr for other parts of Europe will not bo sent by till ship unless Hiii'i'iuiiv directed uv ner. After the closing of the Supplementary Trans-Atlantic .Minis named r.yove iiddi tlonal supplementary malls nro openerl 01 thu Piers of tho American. English French nnd German steamers und remain alien until within Ten Minutes of the hour of sailing of steamer. Mailt for South ami Central America, Went Indies, Etc. SATURDAY At 6:30 a. m. for RRAKIL. ARGENTINE REPUHLIC. I Rl'GUAY and PARAGUAY, per H. s. Hevcllus (mall for Northern Brazil must be dlri'ctrd "per s, s, Hovellus' ); at 9 a. ni. (supplementary 9:30 a. m.) for VENEZUELA and Cl'RA CAO, per s. s. Mnraculbo (mall for Savanllla and Carthagenii must bo di rected "per h. s. Alaruculbo) ; nt 9 11. 111. for TORTO RICO, per s. s. Ponce, via San Juan: nt 9:30 i. m. (supplementary 10 11. in.) for ST. THOMAS. ST. CROIX. LEE WARD nnd WINDWARD ISLANDS und DEMERAHA. per s. s. Fontnbello; nt 10 11. in. (supplementary 10:30 n. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA, HA VA NILLA, CARTHAGENA and GREY TOWN, per s. h. Alleghany (mall for Costa Rica must be directed "per s. s. Alleghany"); at 10 a. m. for HAITI, per s. a. Jeauno (mail for Curacao, Trlnldnd, Venezuela, British and Dutch Guiana must bo directed "per s. s. Jeanne'1); at 10 u. m. for CURA. per s. s. Morro Castle, via Havana; at 11 p. m. for NASSAU, per steamer from Miami, Fla. Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney, nnd theiice by steamer, close at this office dully at 6:30 p. m, (connecting rloso hero every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday). Malls for Mlquelon, by rail lo Roston. and thence by steamer, close at this ofllce dally at 0:30 p. in. Malls for Cuba, by rail to Port Tampa, Fla., and theneo by steamer, closo at this olllce dally at "6 a. m. (tho connecting closes nro on Hununy, Wednesday ami tridayj. Malls for Mexico City, overland, unless specially addressed for dispatch by steamer, closo at till" office dally at 1:30 p. m. and Jl p, m. Malls for Costa Rlru, Hellze, Puerto Cortuz and Guatemala, by rail to New Orlpans, and thenco by steamer, closo at this offico dally ut 1.30 p. m, (connecting closes hero Mondays for Relize, Puorto Cortoz and Guatemala nnd Tuesdays for Costn Rica), Reglstored mall closed at 6 p. ni. previous day. Trniis-Piiolllo Mnllx, Malls, for China, Japan nnd Phlllpplno lalfinds, via Tnroma, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to January J3. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. GlenoglP, Mnlls for China, Japan and Philippine Islands, via Tacoma. close hero dally at 6:30 p. m. up to January 16th, Inclunivo, for disputed per s. s, Olympla. Mnlls for Auslralla (except West Australia), New Zealand, Hawaii. .Kill and Hnrnoan Islnnds. via Shii Francisco, dote here, dally at 6:30 u. m. Jnnuaiv 6th nn.'. u, to January "mil, Inclusive, or on day of nrrlval of s. s. Campania, duo at Now York January 19th, for dispatch per s. . Eionoma, Malls for Hawaii, China. Japan and Philip line Islands, via San Francisco, close here POSTOFI'K'i: MITIt r.. dally at 6 10 p. m. up to January tsih Inrlushe. for dispatch per s. s. Huiig Kong Marti. Mslls for I'hlna nnd Japan, via Vancouver, close here dally at B:30 p. m. up to Jnnu ary 22, Inclusive, lor dispatch per s s, Empress of Japan (registered mall must be directed "via Vancouver"). Malls for Hawaii. Japan. Chln and Philip pine Islands, via San Francisco, cloao liero dally at 0;3t) p. in t.p to January 27. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. h, China Malls for Australia (except West Australia, which goes via Europe, and New Zealand, which rocs via Salt Francisco), and Mil Islands, via Vancouver, tlose hern dally nt 6:30 p. nt. after January "19 Rnd up to February "2, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Aorangl (supplementary malls. Ma Seattle. c'oe at 6:30 p. in. February .. Trans-Paclfle malls nre lorwnrded to port of sailing dally and the schedule of closing Is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overlrnd transit Regis tered mall cloes nt o p. m previous day. CORNI INELI I S VAN COT ' . Postmaster PORTO Popular Tours RICO Pel". 2nud IC, March !i lllu. trated program! '-'4 dnj, nil p.xpcu'cs, Mas. Raymond A Whltcomb, 103 Adams St., cniogo RAILWAY TIME TAIILES. KANSAS CITY, ST. JO seph & Council Rltiffs Railroad "The Hurling ton Routo" Ticket Olllce, 1502 Farnam Street, Tele phone, 2SU. Depot, Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele phone, 128 lfiip. Arrive. Kansas Cltv Dnv Tlx. .n 9:20 am n :!., nm lCnnsiis (Mtv viol, t.-v niin.'m t,,n n r..i nM. St. Louis Flyer for t josepn aim ol, l.ouia..a D!I0 pm all:la nm n Dally. RURLINGTON & Mis souri River Railroad "The Rurllngton Route" General Offices, North west Corner Tenth and Farnam Streets. Ticket Office 1502 Farnam Street. Telephone, jjo. Rurllngton Station, Tenth and Mimon Streets. leicpnone, lis. Leave. Arrive. Lincoln, Hastings nnd JlcCook n 8:40 am a 7:35 pm ncolii, Denver, Colo rado. Utah. P.lllfnrnln n if?., tim n .no ,m Lincoln Rlack Hills. .a 9:00 pm n 6:45 am Montana. Puget Hjund..n 9:00 pm n 6:45 nm Lincoln Fnst Mull b 3:00 pm n 9:17 nm Wyinore, Ileatrlco and i.incoin n 5:10 nm bll:53am uenver, v..oiorauo, utnll nnd California South Rend, Louisville. a 0:13 am Pluttsmodtli b 3:33 om bll:03 nm Ft. Crook. Plattsmotith nnu i-aciup junction.. n 7:00 pm a S:20 am Hellevue, Pluttstnuuth nnu 'acn e junction.. nl2:10 um a Dully, b Dally except numiuy. CHICAGO. RURLLNGTON V otiincy Railroad "The RurlltiRtoii Routo" Ticket Olllce 1502 Farnam Street. Telephone, 250. Depot, 'lenth nnd Mason streets. Telephone, 12s. , I.pnvo. A..t,.o Daylight Chicago Spe cial a 7:V nm ninni nm Chicago Vcstlbtiled Ex. a 4:00 pm 11 7:15 nm rnicago i.ocai u3press.11 !i:3j nm 11 :05 pm Chicago Limited 11 7:50 pm n 7:15 am i-nsi .Man n 2:15 nm OMAHA & ST. LOUIS RAIL rnnd -Omaha. Kansas City & Eastern Railroad "Tho wuincy Home ' Ticket Of lice. 1415 Farnnm St. Tele phone, 322. Depot, Tenth and Marcy Streets. Telephone, Leave. Arrive. St. Louis Cannon Rail Express a 5:15 nm n 8:"0 Am uansas v-uy 111111 11 nicy Locni :00 nm a 9:00pm a Dally. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL road General Offices and Ticket Offices, Southeast Corner 14th nnd Douglas Sts. Telephone, 101. Depot, union niuiion. Leave. Arrive. SI. Louis and Kansas City Express aio:w am n c:2o pm K. C, St. L. Express.. . u!0:50 pm u 0:15 am Leave from 15' n nnd Webster Streets: N'plirnskn Local. Via Weeping Watpr b 4:10 pm nl0:43 am a Dally, b Dally except Htinuay. FREMONT. ELKHORN A Missouri Valley Railroad - "Tho Northwestern Lino" General unices. I'nited States Natlonn Rank Illdg., S. W. Corner 'rivpirtn mm i.nrnnin nio i iciiei uiiice, lioi Karnaui Ht. Tel. mh. no pot, 15th and Webster Sts. Tel. 145S. Leave. Arrive. Rlapl; llillu nnniltvnml Hot Springs a 3:00 pm a 5:0) pm Wyoming, Casper nnd . Douglas d 3:00 pm c 5:00 pm Hastings, yorK. David CMtv. Slliiorinr Clpnnen. Exeter and Seward.... b 3:00 pm b 5:00 pm Norfolk, Verdlgro and Fremont b 7:30 nm bl0;25 am Llncnln. Wnhnn nnd Fremont b 7:30 am 1)10:25 am Fremont Locnl c 7:30 am 11 Dally, b Dnllv except Sunday. . c Sun day only, d Dally except Saturday. Dally except Monday. CHICAGO & NORTH western Rnllwny "Til Nnrt hwentern Line" - City Ticket Office, 1401 Furnam St. Telephone, MX. Oenot. Tenth an.l Mnrcy Sts. Telephone 029, Leave. Arrive. nnv!lr.ht Phlc.liro Sue cfnl a 7:00 am all:30 pm Chicago Passenger u 4:15 pm a i:0 am lsnstern express, Lies Moines, -Murshnlltown, (pili, flnntdi and Chicago al0:55 am a 4:03 pm Eastern Special, Chi- cago and East a 4:55 pm a 4:05 pm Tiisf Mnll. Chlrneo to Omaha a 2:4a pm Omaha-Chicago Limlt'd.a 7;4j pm a s:0) pm Fnst Mall a S:30 am Cedar Rapids Passenger a 6:30 pm Eastern Express b 3100 pm n Dally u uauy except nuruuy. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Railroad "Tiio North western Line" Genera Offices, United Stntrs National Rank Rulldlng, S. W. Corner Twelfth nnd Farnam Sts. Ticket Office. 1401 Farnam St. Telephone bqi. ho pot, Tenth and Marcy Sts. Telephone 629, l.enve Arrive. Twin City Express n i55 am nli:25 pm Twin City Limited a 7:35 pm 11 8;15 um Sioux L ily Local a h.vj am u j;au pm a Dally. CHICAGO, ST PAUL., Minneapolis & Omaha Railway "The North western Line" General Offices, Nobraskn Divi sion, 15th and Webstor Sts. Ulty Ticket omce, Telephone, 561, Depot. 1401 Farnam St. 15th und Webster Sts. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger. ..n 6:00 nm n 9:10 pm Omaha Pnwsenger nll:10 am Sioux City & North east Nebraska a 3:45 pm a Dnlly. ILLINOIS CENTRAL Rallroad-Clly Ticket Of fice, 1402 Farnam Street. Telephone, 245. Depot, Tenth nnd Marcy Streots. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Express . Chicago Limited .. MliuuuimliH and Pnul Express .. Minneapolis nnd ...a 7:00 am Ul:25 pm ...11 7:45 pm u S:Uj um St. ...b 7:00 am b 9:40 pm St. ...a 7:45 pm a 8:03 am Paul 1 lmiieu Fart Dodge Local irom Council llluffs b 1:30 pm a 5:15 am Fort Dodge Local from Council Rluffs a C 00 nm a Dally, h Daily except Sunduy. CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE r i.ifcxr'- &. St Paul Hullway-Clty Ticket Office, 1504 Farnnm Street, Telephone, 2W, Depot, Tenth nnd Mason IMlLWAUKu, b 1 reeis. leicpnone, 625, Leave. Arrit. Chicago Limited Ex...,n 6:00 pm n 8:05 a'm Chicago & Omaha E.x..b 7:15 am b 3:40 pm a uauy. u uuuy except aumiay. Bt I nula "fnnnon Rail Express a 5;13 pm u 8:20 am a Daily. r-" sat' . . WAR ASH RAILROAD Jr7r Tlckot Office. 1115 Farnarn rVl WSWv Htre0'- Tolepliono. 322. Do! IViSIa pot. Tenth nnd Marcy Sts. J VZ22Ci. Telephone. 629. V Leave. Arrive. II tll.MAY TIME TAIILES. UNION PACIFIC-' TIIE OVER, lani Route" Genernl Offices, N. E. Cor. Ninth anil Farnam Streets. City Ticket Office, 1324 Farnnm Street. Telephone, 316. Depot, Tenth and Mnrcy Sts. Telephone, 629. i.en,ve. Arrive. The Overland Limited.. n S.20 nm n 7:30 pm The Chicago-Portland Special . a 8:20 am a 7:30 pm The Fast Mall ,.n S:W nm a 3:25 pm The Mali and Express. ,nll;35 pm n 4:25 pm Lincoln, Rentrlre and Stroinsburg Express, ,b 4:05 pm 1)12:30 pm Tho Pacific Express. ..a 4:23 pin Tho Atlantic Express... n r.:E0 nm Grand Island Local,, b 5:30 pm b 9:35 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO, ROCK ISL nnd & Pacific Railroad "The Great Rock ls. nnd Routo" city Ticket Office. 1323 Far nnm Street. Telephone, 42S. Depot. Tenth and Marcy Sts. Tele phone. 629. Icave. Arrive. EAST. Des Moines and Daven port Local n 7'25 am bll:35nm Chicago Express 1)11:16 nm n 8:10 nm Des Moines Local.... ,..n 4:20 pm n 4:4.1 pin Cblcngo Fast Express .11 6:00 pm a 1:23 pm Des Moines, Rock Isl and und Chicago a 7:40 pin a 9:35 pm WEST. Lincoln, Colorado Spgs., Denver, Pueblo nnd West a 1:30 pm n 4:15 pm Colorado,. Oklahoma Sc. Texas Flyer .n 5:20 pm a 9:50 am a Dally b Dally except Sunday. AVING FOR PROSPECT HILL mpriM I'loi'iit ( lull Appro rs the Pro posed Chnrter Amendment mill Indites Mriuorlnl. The Prospect Hill Improvement club met Wednesday night nt Thirty-fourth ond De catur streets. Tho most Importnnt mat ter considered wns tho question of tho pro posed chnnge In the charter provisions In reference to the question of paving. Tho Ian proposed by City Attorney Council was endorsed unanimously, nnd n commit tee was appointed to prepare n memorial to tho legislature on tho subject, which wns presented as follows: Wliprcn. Wn ffirnnnlxn Ibp iipcphhIiv of tlilu rltv Itnlncr lirnlpclpil In flip tlliltt'T of collecting speclai paving taxes levied for hip purpojc 01 improving us Hiiruin, nun. iiprpim. p rpimzp null 1 ur r iv ih uii'i lllng up 11 monstrou inocbtednes'i by th" continued assaults being mado upon paving petitions, with 11 view to removing tho ex penso of paving from the property hcneilt'd mm shouldering II upon tin? general public; tliHVeinre 00 11 Resolved. H.v I ho members or tn. i'ro- wet 1 1111 Improvement club that we iciirtllv endorse the bill presented to the members or tno icgi.M.uure irom in s roiuny in- linn w .1. I'niiiii'M. mill I'liiiiiMtl v re- niiput nf Miilil mptiih.ir nf the leulshiltlte from this county their urd"nt support r.f raid meaiure. believing that said bill Is for the best interest or the cllizeux 01 lius cny and protects them from those people who would n vnll themselves of the most frivolous technicality to defeat the .ih or iiitlcc by transferring to tno general pun c n burden which luslly belongs lo them, mill In, It further Resolved, That a copy of this preamble nnd resolutions tie rorwnrueii 10 ino mem bers of the Douglas county delegation r.l Lincoln nnd t lint 11 copy uc eeni 10 i ny Attorney w. J. council. Tho proposed opening of Thirty-third street for street enr traffic was discussed and a commlttco was appointed to confer with the city council on the subject. This committee wns Instructed to also bring the matter of sidewalks, crossing, sewers, fire hydrants and lighting before tho council nnd see If some plan cannot bo devised by which that part of the city enn receive ad dltlonil service In these matters. Addresses were made by (5. S. Rcnawa Charlea Unlit, C. W. Johnson and H. R Payno nnd the meeting closed with smoker, cigars being supplied by President Plcrsou. NEW JOB FOR MR. L0THR0P lie In .limit' (ipurriil AkimiI of (lit Port I Mini mill Asiatic Sleiini slilp Line. J. II. Lotlirop, formerly general ngcut of tho Union Pacific nt Portland, Ore., has been appointed general eastern ogent of the Portland & Asiatic Steamship company, with headquarters In New York City. Announcement to this effect wns Issued at Union Pacific headquarters yesterday nn enmo in tlio shapo of on uppolntmcn mndo by tho officials of tho steamship line, which is a subordlnnto property of tho Union Pacific, operated by the Oregon Rail way nnd Navigation company. Tho news wns received with more than ordinary in terest In railroad clrclea for tho reason that there hns been for somo time past a great deal of speculation ns to what poRl tion would be provided for Mr. Ithrop. Ills appointment to an office created spe cially for him Is a matter of gratification to n number of officials of subordlnnto rank who were a bit nervous lest somo shnko-up might result in order to provldo Mr. Lotli rop n placo by which they would be af fected. Mr. Lotlirop begun his railroad enreer many years ago in tho general freight offices of tho Union Pacific In this city, lie later lived at Kearney, serving as general mnnagor of tiio Kearney & Rlnck Hills lino of tho Union Pacific, nnd hns over since oc cupied somo position of responsibility nnd Inlltionco with tho company. Ills now po sition Is ono of Importance and his appoint ment to it is gratifying to his many Omaha friends. IDENTITY OF VERNON SUSPECT .11 nil WI111 tlnvc 11111e of .loncpli Scott rrnwa to He Onirics linker. Chief Donahtiu has succeeded in Identify ing Joseph Scott, tlio man who wns ar rested near Vornon, Ala., December 21, nnd Is now being held thcro upon the theory that ho may huvo been Implicated In the Cudahy kidnaping case. Ho la recognized by a number of officers ns Charles linker, a supposed horso trader, who had been making South Omnhn his headquarters for revcrnl months Immediately prior to the kidnaping, when ho suddenly disappeared. It Is not thought, however, that ho had anything to do with that crime, ns he could not have gono so fnr In so short a time. "Ho was under espionage In South Omaha for somo time." said tho chief. "It was his custom lo suddenly drop out of sight, bo gono for a few days and then return, usu ally bringing with him two or three horses, which ho would sell. Tho chances nre ho knows something nhout somo of those safe- blowing Jobs that worn committed In vnrlous purls of tlio fctate during the fall and early winter, but It would ho difficult to convict him of them. Tho sheriff down at Vernon by tlio way, still Insists that Scott is Pat Crowe. LUMBER DEALERS TO MEET L. E. Mer. President of the .Vc liriisKit AhuocIiiIIoii Is Here, L. K. Myers of Newport was In tho city yesterday. Mr. Myers Is prcaldcnt of tho No brnskn Retail Lumber Dealers' association which will hold Its annual meeting In Omaha February 13 and 14. Tho headquar ters will be opened at tho Dcllnno hotel th day before tho meeting Is In bo held nnd the stato officers nnd directory will then re colvn nppllcatloni for membership. The ns soclatlon has had a prosperous year and th coming meeting will In a great degrco bo congratulatory affair. Many things, cspo daily tho scalper nnd catnloguo salesmen still trouble tho local dealers, and thes questions will all be considered at tho com Ins meoUni, STRICKEN WITH SMALLPOX Diier.se Adds to the Bitter Lot of the Kentner Familj. LITTLE CHILDREN ARE LEFT ALONE Doors of Child Silt Itm Institute Open fur Hip Orpliitn mill Tliry Are ax Ht'cclt ln Proper Attention, Smnllpox tins added to tho distress of James Krutcr's poicrty-slrlcken family. Renter's wlfo Is dead, and until Wednesday he nnd Ills two smnll children lived In humble quarters nt 2013 Cuming street. On that day the man was stricken with smalt pox and tho health ofllrers removed him lo he emergency hospital. Tho children, 11 little boy of 7 years nnd n little girl of a, had no one to care for them. They had been exposed to tho dlsense nnd nn nttendant could not bo found who would look nftcr tl.elr wants. The condition of tho little folks wns piti ful. They were mourning tho loss of their father, yet no ono dared to comfort them. For hours they wero left nlono In their mean surroundings, Finally their plight wan made known to Superintendent Clark of tho Child Saving institute, nnd he granted the health commissioner tho privilege of removing them to his institute, whero twenty Utile waifs arc under quarantine. Heller for the Children. An Invitation to enter a home which Is practically n pest house holds but little charm for most people, but thero were no happier children In Omahn than the llttlo Kenters when they Joined Mr. Chirks family. Tho little tots In the Institute nro not worried over the presence of officers nt tho doors and tho smallpox signs which nro posted nt the entrances. Insldo tho home Is bright nnd attendants nre doing nil In their power to ntuuso tho children anil make their imprisonment endurable. Wedncsdny developed two new cases nt smnllpox In the Institute. Carrie Klmmcl, n little girl 3 years old. and Mrs. Ilrown, 11 womnn who was employed ns cook, were tho victims. Doth of them wero removed to tho emergency hospital. Several of tho other children have shown symptoms of tho disease, but nn additional cases aro well enough defined to make their removal from tho homo Imperative. Miss Harriet Wells, matron of the Insti tute. Is In charge of the children and has tho assistance of two nurses, Mrs. Johnson mid Mrs. Klmmcl, nnd n Jnnltor. Mrs. Kim- md'a llttlo daughter was one of tho laBl patients removed to the hospltnl. Two of tho employes of the Institute lmvn taken the disease so far and nddltloniil help wns sent Into tho Instltuto yesterday. "Every procnutlon Is being taken to pre vent the other children from taking tho disease." said Superintendent Clnrk In dis cussing the situation. "Tho children whu hnvc been taken dick so fnr havo smallpox In a ' ry light form, and tho attendants at tho emergency hospltnl hoy that nono of the cases will result fatally." County U llrlil Itrxpoiifiltile. Dr. Coffman. city "clUI! commissioner, has notified tho potmt officials that tho county will he required to provide for tho Inmates of the Child Saving Instltuto dur ing tho term of their quarantine. Tho chil dren nro publla rhnrges, In Dr. Corfmnn's opinion, nnd ho says the county must enro for them Just ns It would provide for any paupers. "We aro willing to niulntnln the quaran tine nt the expinso of the city, but wo will not purchase provisions and other supplies for tho Institute," snld Dr. Coffman. "Thcso peoplo nre charges of tho county und wo will not keep them at city expense." DA.VDItl VV WO.VT WASH OUT. The tierin thill Causes It Hns to He Di-Nlrnyftl, tn Cure Iliiiulrnff. Many a woman spends nn hour twice n week scouring her scalp, thinking scrubbing off tho scurf will euro jtho dnndrulT. Two hours a week, nt the ago of 40 years, sho has spent 2C0 days of 12 hours each, or two thirds of a year of her llfo, In that vain hope; vnlu, 'iccauso you can't euro dand ruff without killing tho dandruff germ, and tho only hnlr preparation on earth that will do that Is Newbro'8 "Hcrplcldo" also 11 do- llghtful hair dressing, and thorough anti septic against all conlnglon from use of tilers' hnlr brushes. It Is nlso n dcugni- f ill hnlr dressing. CITY C0UNCILMEN SEE A WAY Hriiu- tin L'fiirrnl I'uuil to unKf up Dfllcleiit'li'M In Oilier l port units, A special meeting of the city council will probnbly be called today or tomorrow for tho purpose of making up tho deficits In tho city hall malntenonco fund and tho funds set nsldo for tho city treasurer and the po lice court. Tho mayor vetoed tho salary lists In thcso departments on account of the overdraft nnd tho dellclts must bo mndo up before December salaries run bb paid. Thero la still money in tho general fund und tho councllnicn propose to draw on that fund to mnko up tho deficiencies. Tho over draft In tho city hall nmlntcnunco fund is $1,518.10. Tho treasurer's department hns exceeded its limit $772.35 and tho police court Is overdrawn $259.55. This action will make It posslblo to pay all departments hut that of the comptroller, who has exceeded tho $5,000 nllowcd him by tho charter for lerk hire. Relief for this department may bo asked from tho loglslnture. A Cure fnr l.unilinun. Sufferers from lumbago or rheumatism In tho back will be pleased to know that quick relief may bo had by applying Chamberlain's Pnln Balm. Mr. W. C. Williamson of Amherst, Va., sayB: "For more than a year I Buffered with lumbago. I flnniiy tried Chamberlain's Pain Halm and It gavo nie entire relief, which all other remedies had failed to do." For salo by all drug gists. linker tint nn at Strlkr. NEW YORK, Jan. 17. A uew strike of Hebrew bakors has been commenced on tho East side nnd uboul 500 men uru out. After tho bakers had wou their recent Btrlko 1,000 men went back to work In 140 bakeshops. Since then tho owners of fifty of tho bnko shops have refused to discharge their non union men or to make them Join tho Hobrew bakers' union, and this wns tho cnuso of tho latest strike. Tho proprietors of tho shops assert that whllo tho lirst Btrlke wat In progress tho non-union men who con tinued to work formed tho Independent Hebrew Makers' union. This new organiza tion, however, Is not recognized by tho United Hebrew trades, nnd consequently Is looked upon as a "Hcab" union, LliiKcrliiic Ln llrlppr CoiikIi. O. Vacher, 157 Osgood St., Chlcugo, says: "My wlfo hod a very novoro coso of la grlppo, and It left her with n very bad cough. Sho tried a bottle of Foley's Honey and Tnr and It gave Immcdlato relief. A 50-cont bottle cured hor cough eutlrely." Price, 25c and 50c. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Oirnha; Dillon's Drug Store, South Omaha. Protest nn Horso Shipments, ROSTON, Jnn. U.Tho dlrectora of tho Amerlcnn Humane, society nnd Mas sachusetts Society for tho Prevention of Cruelty to Animals havo voted to petition congress to take measures to prevent th' further shipment of Amerlcnn horses und mules for uso by tho llrltlsh nrmy In South Afrlcu, in consideration of tho terrible suf fering of American horses nnd mulcn shipped from American ports for uso by tho llrltlsh army in South Afrlcu.