Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 18, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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Victorions Penniyhanlan Regains a Beat
in the Senate.
Friend 'In the finllerlrn nml on the
, J-'luur- Knlrl)' Ov.-ru lirlm Hint
for n IVtv .At I II II ten After
He In .Strom In,
WASHINOTO.V, Jan. 17 Hon. Matthew
Btanlcy Quay, elected as senator yesterday
from Pennsylvania, today presented him
self at tho bar of tho sennto and took tho
oath. Ills election was accomplished after
most memorable contest and the sccno of
hs Induction Into offleo today was no less
memorable. Tho gallerl.- of tho senate
were thronged by n gay nn". brilliant assem
blage long boforo the hour of meeting.
Scores of Mr. Quay's friends, personal nnd
political, hod como from all parts of Penn
sylvania to witness tho flnal sccno of n
Croat contest n steno which, by thcru, was
made a gaa occasion.
Mr, Quay had been assigned lo the second
scat In tho back row on the rentibllcan side,
formerly occupied by Mr. Manna. An hour
r:forn tho senate, convened elaborate nnd
beautiful floral pieces ocean to bo piled on
ftlid around tho senator's Jesk. Ily tho
tlroo tho senate was railed to order Ihe
messengers found It Imposstblo to placo to
advantage any morn of tho floral offerings,
Not In tho history of tho senato has a sin
to senator been tho recipient o! such a
profusion of flowers, beautiful In themselves
tnd lavishly claborato In their arrange
ment, on tho Pennsylvania senator received
today, Ono of tho handsomest pieces was a
ht;go kcystono nrch of white Immortelles,
tho keystone being of deep red Immortelles.
It wus several feet In height. The flowers
camo to tho rapltol literally by tho wagon
load, nnd It was found Imposslblo to dis
play nil of them In the senato chamber.
Many of them wero allowed to remain In
tho senato corridors.
tlrent Apnlnune nn He Kilters.
Just before tho senate convened Mr. Quay
entered tho chamber. Ah ho wns recognized
by his friends tremendous applauso swept
over tho crowded galleries. It was pro
longed for n full half mlnuto. Meantime
Mr. Quay wnB receiving tho cordial con
gratulations of his friends on tho floor of
the senate.
Ily this tlrno tho senato chamber was
thronged with senators and others entitled
to tho privilege of tho floor of tho senato.
Eccres of members of tho houso had como
to tho senato sldo of tho capltol to witness
tho Induction of Mr. Quay Into oftlce, among
thrra practically tho entlro 1'cnnsylvunla
Ah soon as tho sennto had convened Mr.
renroBc, who was also tho recipient of
nvcml handsomo floral pieces, presented
tho credentials of Mr. Quay, and they were
plnccd on file.
Mr. Penrose then requested that tho oath
ef office bo administered to his colleague.
As no objection was offered, Mr. Penrose
escorted Mr. Quay to tho desk of tho presi
dent pro tcmporo, Mr. Krye. flcforc taking
tho oath Mr. Quay shook hands cordially
llh Mr. Krye.
The president pro tcmporo had previously
announced to the people In tho galleries
that no applauso or demonstrations of ap
proval or disapproval wero permitted under
tho rules of tho senato. Thus, no demon
stration occurred when Mr. Quay had token
tho oath. After ho had Hlgned tho roll nt
tho desk of tho secrutnry ho retired to his
sent, whero ho was overwhelmed with con
gratulations." Within a fort' minutes hun
dreds, of people, had left tho door and gal
leries, tho flornl offerings had disappeared
from tho chamber nnd tho chamber had
resumed Its wonted nppearnncc.
A bill to provldn for sub-ports of entry
and delivery In tho Hawaiian Islands wns
reported by Mr. Hnnna from tho commlttoo
on commorco and passed.
A bill tlxlng tho compensation of district
superintendents ot tho life saving servlco nt
$2,500 per annum, except In tho enso of the
superintendent of tho Klghth district, whose
salary Is fixed at $1,500, was passed.
Mr. Kornker moved that the senato pro
cecd to tho consideration of executive busi
ness, Mr. Pettlgrew protested thut the
motion ought not to bp pressed, ns it wnB
Jn- violation of a tacit understanding that
the nrmy bill should remain under ron
slderotlon until tho vote shall tmvo been
taken and Mr. Kornker withdrew his mo
tion. Mr. Money of Mississippi spoko in op
position to tho army measure. Ho nttnckrd
that portion which confers upon tho presi
dent dlserotlonnry power to Increase the
strength of the nrmy ns an nbdlcntlnn of au
thority by congress that was unwarranted
nnd niucusahlc. Ho admitted that tlio
people did vote at tho November election In
favor of republican policies, tncltidlns pos
Hlbly that for a largo standing army.
I'rotcntx Aunlnnt Went Point.
Mr. Money adverted vigorously lo t'ic
practice of having at West Point, declaring
It must lio stopped or tho Institution m.nt
bo abolished. Ho declnred that tho man who
hns ordered others at tho military academy
would bo a tyrant and despot with tho men
of his command after ho received his com
mission, llo did not bcllevo tho cadets
realized the contempt In which tliolr ac
tlmm wero held by tho American people.
"I think the Honator will bo satisfied." In
trrjected Mr. Proclor, onn of tho members
of tho military affairs committee, "when ho
sees tho West Point bill which will bo re-
purled In a day or two."
WmilH Akp I.I in It Miiillnhrd.
Mr. McComas of Marylnnd, while giving
the pending nrmy bill his approbation,
argued lii favor of eliminating tho ago limit,
A Hair Food
There is this peculiar thing
about our Hair Vigor: it's a
hair food, not a dye. It
doesn't turn your hair sud
denly black and make it look
dead and lifeless. But gradu
ally the old color conies back
to your hair, all the rich,
dark color it used to have.
And it stops falling of the hair.
Even if vour hair isn't com-
- ,
ing out, isn t turning gray,
isn t too short, isn t in the least
unsatisfactory, yet you certainly
want a fine dressing for it.
You can't get anything better
than Ayer's Hair Vigor. It
keeps the scalp clean and
healthy, makes the hair grow
rapidly, prevents it from fall
ing out, and does not allow a
single gray hair to appear.
One dollar bottle.
If your druggist cannot supply you, tend
ui fl.oo aud we will express a bottle to you,
all charges prepaid He sure and give us
jour nearest epre office. ..
J.C AVKR Co., Lowell, Man.
Our book on The 1 lair. Free.
na applied to the appointment of officers In
tho regular nrmy from tho volunteer serv
ice, urging thai the president be given dis
cretion to appoint nny competent officer
Irrespective of age.
Mr, Hate of Tennessee opposed the pend
ing bill, not only because It conferred upon
tho president authority which he thought
ought to bo exercised only by congress, but
nlso becnune It created a permanent stand
ing nrmy of 100,000 men.
Mr. Penrose addressed tho senate briefly
In support of nn amendment ho offered,
striking nut ot the bill all limitations ot ago
as applied to appointments of officers In the
regular army.
Without proceeding further with tho army
bill the senate at 4-55 p. m., on motion ot
Mr. Kornker, went Into executive session
ami at G:0. p. m. ndjourned.
Majority of Them AVItnes tinny' Uc-
eriitlnii I, mill .SpenU on l'n
tnl 1 1 c I I o ti,
WASIUNllTO.V. "jiiTnT 17. There were
hardly fifty members In their places when
tho houso met today. A majority of the
members had gono over to the senate to
witness the administration of tho oath to
Senator Quay of Pnnnsylvnnla.
Tho house, without preliminary business,
went Into committee of the whole,
renco of Massachusetts In the chnlr, and
took up the consideration of tho bill to re-
vlso nnd codify tho postal laws of tho
United States. The motion for Its consid
eration made last week was modified to
mnko It n continuing order not to Interfere
with ether bills or conferenco reports.
1-oud of California, In ehargo of tho
bill, made a brief explanation of tho pro
visions of tho measure and explained tint
tho bill made to modification of the exist
ing statute regarding railway mall em
ployes, tho salaries of railway mall clerks,
or nny of tho mooted questions regarding
tho postal service.
.o Mure I'ny for Letter Carrier.
Some disposition was manifested to Inject
Into tho measuro somo amendments to tho
precent law in tho Interest of certain
classes of mall employes, but such attempts
wero successfully resisted. Just beforo tho
house ndjourned, when no quorum was pres
ent. William Aldcn Smith of Michigan
offered nn omendment to Increnso the pay of
letter carriers of tho first, second, third and
fourth classes respectively to 11,200. $1,000,
1S00 and 1000. Tho nmendment was defeated
on a rising vote, ID to 33, but Mr. Smith
mado tho point of order of no quorum nnd
final notion on the amendment went over.
Hepburn of lown moved to strike out
the provision requiring that tho four as
sistant postmasters general should bo con
firmed by tho senate.
Hepburn said the confirmation ot these
officials by the senato simply cripples
tho appointing power of the president and
plnced It In tho power of the senators to
"hold up" tho exccutlvo In tho matter of
nppolntmcnts, Tho amendment was lost.
I.cntz of Ohio, Hoblnson ot Indiana and
Spcrry of Connecticut all called at
tention to the discrimination against
postoillco employes working outsldo of
Washington In tho matter of annual
leave. Those employed In tho department at
Washington get thirty days' leave ngnlnst
fifteen days allowed thoso employed else
where. Mr. Lontz attempted to offer an
amendment to extend tho leave of the lattor
to thirty dayB, but Mr. Loud mado tho point
of order that tho section to which It .should
havo been gcrmano had been passed and the
point was upheld by tho chairman.
Hoiino Committer on Ciilnnne-Llntenn
to Aruiinient by the Director
o! the Mint.
WASHINGTON. Jnn. 17. Tho several
measures providing for tho more dcnnlto
establishment of the gold standurd wero
under consideration again today by the
house committee on coinage, Mr. Roberts,
director of tho mint, being heard and let
ters being read from prominent financial
experts. Mr. Itoberts approved the general
Idea of legislation for tho exchange of sil
ver dollars for gold. Ho said It would not
add anything to tho burden of tho gold re
serve. The only demand on tho gold ro
Biyvo would be for export purposes nnd tho
government was bound to meet that demand
In nny event. Mr. Roberts wns cross-questioned
qulto sharply by Representatives
Cochran of Missouri and Shnfroth of Colo
rado, representing tho silver element on
the committee, and Mr. Cochran announced
that tho opposition to tho proposed legis
lation would ask for a hearing later.
A letter from President Williams of tho
The bo.ird of directors of tho Old Ladles'
Homo met on Tuesday morning. Mrs. H.
H. Dulcher of Minneapolis, president of
tho National Woman's Keelcy Rescue
league, spoko for n few minutes, explain
ing tho work of that organization nnd
asking for tho co-oper.-Ulon of tho women
of Omaha In establishing a local branch
hero at somo time In tho future.
Mrs. L. Perlno gnvo a full report of tho
Old Ladles' Homo and the inmates, report
ing n donation of n carload of coal, which
will mean much to tho Institution.
Slnco tho opening of tho Child Saving In
stitute tho work of caring, for nnd shelter
ing children has been taken almost entirely
out of tho hands of tho Woman's Christian
association, which nlso supports tho Old
Lndlcs" Homo, and tho cottage, which Is
on tho same bit ns tho homo and wiim used
ns n shelter for children, has been closed.
Within tho last few months tho demand
upon tho association to provide homes for
children has lead to a discussion or tho
advisability of re opening tho cottage. At
Tuesday's meeting tho women decided that
when that work Is again taken up by them
It will be toward establishing n permanent
Institution. As Omaha has no Protestant
orphanage, tho association Is In favor ot
beginning such a work nt onco and a com
mlteo will Investigate tho prospects for so
curing n lot nnd report nt tho next meet
ing. Tho association" bolloves thut If r. lot
can be provided there will bo llttlo diffi
culty In eroding a building and furnish
ing It.
Owing to tho Illness of tho leader, MIsh
HcshIo Snyder, the kindergarten teachers'
Odyssey class did not mcot on Tuesday
When tho board of dlrortois of ths
Omnha Publlo library grunted tho request
of tho art department of tho Woman's
club about two months ago tor the ex
clusive privilege ot decorating tho Juvenllo
department of tho library, thero was n
general expression of approval. This plan
seems to Insure an appropriate and har
monious decoration of tho room, which
never could havo been secured by Individual
effort. Tho furnishing of this room has
long been tho subject ot 'grave concern to
many who havo realized tho delicacy of tho
task, and that the art department should
undertake It seems especially fitting,
Tho question of socurlng tho means to
carry on the work was the first thing to bo
considered and tho department has re
cently formulated a plan which, If suc
cessful, will not only greatly help tho
fund, but It will bring manifold general
benefits. The plan Is to give an exhibit1
Chemical National bank of New York was
read approving the purpose of the pending
bills ns "demanded by public sentiment and
by tho emphatic endorsement by tho peoplo
of tho prlnclplo of the gold standard."
Mr. Williams expressed preference for
i tho Levy bill,
j A letter from John Harrison Uhodcs,
chairman of tho committee on finance ot
tho Now York Chamber of Commerce, also
was read, expressing hearty approval of
jtho proposed legislation.
M. L. Muhlman, In a memorandum sub
mitted, says tne Sliver million uaii cosi iib
about U2.I cents nn ounce nnd would sell
now for about C. cents per ounce. Its
coinage ns subsidiary coin, ho wrote, woutd
be entirely justifiable nnd would causo an
nctunt gain to tho treasury cash. Mr.
Muhlman added that If the purpose of tho
legislation Is to suspend the coinage of
tho standard dollars n "repealer" would
mako that purpose much more definite.
Tho hearings will bo resumed next Mon
Month Dnl.ntn fniiKrrnstnnn Declines
to t'omtnltt Himself Itrunnlliur
the Field Ttvii Yenr Hence.
WASHINOTO.V, Jan. 17. (Special Tele
gram.) Congressman Hurko of South Da
kota took occasion today to deny tho rumors
circulated In his stato that he was pluming
himself to succeed Senator Kyle two years
hence. Mr. Hurlte said that he had made no
announcement of his candidacy, cither pub
licly or privately, ns to what ho might or
might not do two years from now.
The senate rommlttco on commorco re
ported favorably on tho bill Introduced by
Senator Kyle extending the time for tho
construction of a bridge across tho Mis
souri river nt Oacoma, S. D.
Theso Iown postmasters have been ap
pointed: J. A. Smith, at Hosklns, Woodbury
county, and C. W. Harrison, at James, Ply
mouth county.
Wyoming: S. 0. Kolsom, nt Aladdin,
Crook county, nnd W. L. Smith, at Shell,
Illghorn county.
Miss Klorenco Nichols of Shawnee, O. T.,
hns been appointed laundress nt the Cham
berlain (S. r.) Indian school,
Tho Postoffico department has renewed the
lease of the postoffico nt Grand Islnnd, Neb.,
of tho present premises, nt nn annual rent
of $1,000.
Harvey O. Ilurnell of Sandusky, Mont.,
has been nppolnted assistant engineer nt
tho Klandrcau (S. D.) Indian school.
President' Health Not Stiftlclently
t.ontl to AViirrimt Strnln of
I.ontr HeeeiitloiiN,
WASHINGTON, Jan. 17. Although the
president's progress toward recovery from
his recent nttnek of grip has been uninter
rupted, It Is now probable that, acting upon
the advice of Dr. Ulxey, his physician, tho
official receptions which wero announced
for tho winter, as well as tho cabinet din
tiers, will bo cancelled. Ono or two of tho
official dinners may bo given later In the
season, but it Is believed It would be Im
prudent for the president to undergo the
fatigue of n long reception for some con
siderable time.
AVnr Survivor Hememhereil by the
ticiicrnl t.nveriinienl.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 17. (Special.) The
following pensions havo been granted:
Ismio of December 31:
Nebraska: Additional John II. Groat,
Kniidolph. IS. Increase James Willi. Pal
isade, IIP: Alnnzo li. Noble, Sterling. $3;
Chimney W. Stroud. Nebraska City. I2.
Kwa: Additional l)enry T. Kgbert, Nor
wuik, JG; lennder I.. Chapman, Maplefm,
s; (special) Thomas 11. Mr'.'onnuimhey,
Dor.apartp, $12.
North Dakota: War with Spain (Origi
nal) Frank K, Ferguson, Kgnu, W.
South Dakota: Additional Joseph M.trk
ley, Tyndall. JS. Itencwnl William H.
Chambers, Delmont, $0.
Colorado: Additional Oliver J. Moffott.
Denver, $10.
In I'roKrenliiir.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 17. The senato com
mlttoo on finance today resumed Its consid
eration oi tho bill for the reduction of tho
revenues collected under the war revenuo
act. When the meeting concluded the mem
bers of tho committee announced that they
were progressing with tholr work, but It
was not concluded and there was no In
formation to give to tho public.
Neville I Much Improved.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 17. Congressman
Novlllo of Nebraska Is Improved today.
Tho occasional hemorrhages oro not co
pious nnd tho physician bays conditions nro
favorable to recovery.
in lub and
of Hrown photographs In tho assembly
room of tho Hoard of Kducatlon. Tho col
lection will bo brought from New York
aud will bo by far tho finest thing ot tho
kind over shown In Omaha. It will Includo
a number of tho studies In the $75 and $S0
sizes nnd n number of casts.
Tho exhibit will open with a reception or
n social function ot somo kind, nnd will
continue fivo or six days. Including a Sat
urday, so that tho school children may at
tend. Tickets will be sold at 10 cents each
und In order that they may bo widely circu
lated the department proposes to hnvo them
sold by tho pupils of tho various schools of
the city, $0 per cent of tho proceeds to bo
given for decorating tho school rooms and
to bo divided proportionately among tho
schools as they hnvo sold tho tickets. Tho
remaining 20 per cent will go to tho Juve
nile department fund. The art department
has consult oil tho principals nnd teachers,
who havo heartily endorsed tho plan, not
only ns n menus of securing tho necessary
money, but as n way of Interesting tho
children and Imparting to them tho full
benefit of the exhibit. Miss Toblt, tho city
librarian, thoroughly approves tho Idea nnd
Bays that tho children of tho city will ap
preciate furnishings of their department se
cured In this way as they would under no
other circumstances,
On tho other hand tho art department
renllzcH tho danger of allowing tho children
to tako up n work that must distract Inter
est from their studies, nnd beforo making
auy arrangements tho plan has been sub
mitted for tho consideration nnd approval
of the Doard of Kducatlon. Tho department
expects the decision of tho board on Tues
day, and anticipates that It will be favorable
to Iholr plan. If It Is, arrangements will bo
mado at onco to open tho exhibit In tho
early part of February.
Iho educational rommlttec of tho Young
Womnn's Christian association has Issued
Invitations to tho teachers and students nt
Its classes anil tho members of tho board
of directors to an Informal gathering In tho
parlors of tho association Monday evening,
January 21 nt S o'clock. Tho Invitation bids
tho recipient to "please como representing
some popular book." Tho object of tho gath
ering Is sociability among the class mem
bers, Now that the noon song services havo be
come established In bo many of -tho fac
tories, Miss O'Connell, the extension secre
tary directing the work, la planning occa
sional variations In tho services, On
Wednesday Miss Lillian Fitch gave several
recitations at tho nemls bag factory which
were greatly enjoyed and appreciated by tho
young women.
The anntveriary meeting ot the South
Cadet MacArthur Deniei Seniational Stories
Concerning Himself,
Aeeunntlnn Tlmt Itoox llml Feigned
to lie Itenillnir III lllble When
Actunll?- KiiRiiRed on a Noel
I Ilnilly Shuttered.
WHST POINT, N. Y Jan. 17. The con
grcsslonal committee held only two sessions
at the West Point Military academy today.
Tho afternoon session lasted only a little
over an hour.
Only two witnesses were examined todny.
Tho first was Cadet James Prentice, who
had accused the Into Oscar I'. Hooz ot
feigning to read his Ulblo when ho had n
novel hidden Insldo tho coer. After n long
examination by tho commltteo Prentice
said ho believed ho was mistaken and Poor,
might havo been reading n lesson leaf or u
supplement to the lllble.
Tho other and moro Important witness
wns Cndet Douglass MacArthur, of whom
tho probers after facts about hazlug had
heard a great deal slnro they came here,
MacArtt ur stoutly denied that he had ever
fainted or become unconscious from violent
exercising, and Insisted that ho had not
been treated nny moro harshly thunhls tent
mates and several classmates. Ho told the
commltteo that ho had been feeling under
tho weuther before ho had been hazed on
tho night In question, and swore positively
that ho had neither convulsions norhystcrla
In consequence. Tho whole matter, he
said, had been greatly exaggerated and the
story that cotton had been stuffed Into his
mouth to stlfio his groans was perfectly
absurd. He acknowledged, however, that
Cadets Dockory and Perry had exercised
him until his muscles been mo cramped and
ho lost all control over them.
Ho said ho lay on his cot nnd moaned,
but did not cry out.
MncArthur's examination will be resumed
when tho commltteo meets ugaln tomorrow.
Novel IiikIiIc of lllble.
Prcnttco Is tho cadet who Is responsible
for the report tlint former Cndet Dooz had
secreted a novel Inside ot an open blblo
and wns reading It, while to nil appear
ances ho was reading the holy book.
General Dick questioned tho cadet closely
with reference to this action. Tho witness
said tho book was a paper-covered French
novel, but later on tho general mado him
admit that he could not swear positively
that It was. Ho also had to acknowledge
that It might havo possibly been a lesson
leaf or a supplement to tho bible.
"To whom did you tell this?"
"He Is tho president of the cadet branch
ot tho Young Men's Christian association."
"When did you tell him?"
"While tho cadet foot ball team was In
Philadelphia on tho 1st day of last De
cember,." "So you kept this Incident to yourself
for over two years, until you heard that
Mr. Dooz was dead or dying?"
"Yes, sir."
"What brought up tho recollection of the
"Wo were all reading about Hooz'3
charges In tho Philadelphia newspapers."
"What charges?"
"Ho had stated that ho was killed by tho
hazing ho received In this nendemy," replied
tho witness, who vlduntly did not sco tho
"bull" he had made.
Tho witness told of being Jiazcd by Cadet
Hoy during' his lira your C tho academy.
Ho was sick during tho day prior to being
havod nnd ho had done twelvo eagles and
becomo faint, and told Foy that he had been
111. Hoy lot up on him nnd scolded him for
not tolling of his Illness before.
"This." said Prentice, "mado me very
careful over slnco If 1 wns hazing u man. I
never Interfered with n delicate-looking ca
det. Hooz wan not a strong-looking mnn
and I always had a, friendly feeling for
him nnd tried to advise him for the bettor."
Admit lino. Win Hellenic Looking.
Whllo making this statement Prentlco wns
visibly affected nnd his voice broke. Ho
seemed to bo on tho vergo of breaking down
when In answer to General Dick he said:
"If I had known anything nbout It before
hand I should never havo allowed Uooz to
bo called out. I considered that he was
not physically lit to tako part In n fight."
Under Judge Smith's questioning tho wit
ncss became confused In describing tho dif
ference between tho spoken lino and the
acted line In reference to "dead beating" to
ifyVvs tyfV
branch at Oraco chapel on Tuesday evening
was In every, way a success. It was largely
attended and n splendid program was glvon.
Mrs. Georgo Tllden, who wns chairman of
the commltteo that organized tho branch,
made nn nddresu, us did Miss Ferguson, the
general secretary, and Miss Margaret O'Con
nell, who has directed tho work. Tho ro
port of tho secretary. Miss Joscphlno lien
son, was gratifying, showing tho branch to
havo accomplished all for which It was or
ganized. Cnstellar Is ono of the few schools that
supports a study club for thn benefit of its
teachers, tho organization having existed
toveral years, though tho rouro nnd sub
jects of study havo changed with tho teach
ers several times. At prcfcnt tho class num
bers thirteen, Including all tho teachers
but two, who cannot devoto the tlrno to It,
as thoy aro studying along other lines.
Lnder tho leadership of tho principal, Miss
Hanker, tho teachers meet every Wednes
day evening after school for tho study of
Kngllrth history. The reigns of Stephen nnd
Henry II nre beforo tho clnss Just at pres
ent. Tho subjects nro taken up topically,
tho events being carefully studied nnd their
influence upon subsequent history traced.
No particular textbook Is used by tho
rlass. nearly every member studying a dif
ferent author, hut volumes of llldpath nnd
Green aro kept in tho ofilco for general use.
In thin way tho opinions of widely different
nuthoiitlen nro secured, a nlan thnt tho
teachers regard as valuable, enabling them
to judgo without bias tho various sovereign
and the fentures of their reigns.
Tho largest attendance slnco tho organi
zation wus present at Tuesday evening's
meeting of tho Omaha Kquallty club In tho
Paxton hotel. Tho business consisted of re
ports of committees and tho completion of
nrrangements for tho reception to bo given
the visiting women of tho Nebraska Press
association on Tuesday, January 22. Tho re
tcptlon will bo held In tho parlors of tho
Paxton hotel nnd every detail that may add
lo tho pleasure) of tho guests has been care
fully considered by tho club. Tho exact
hour for tho reception cannot bo definitely
set, as It will depend upon the hour nt
which tho meeting of tho association ad
journs. A paper by Mrs. Dr. Lowrlo on "Tho Dif
ferences between Italian and Northern
Gothics" was the fraturo of Thursday morn
Ing's meeting of tho art department of tho
Woman a club. The clnss has finished
Gothic and taken up other styles of
medieval architecture In Italy, Including
llyzantlne Romanesque. The next lesson
will be on the architecture of Sicily.
avoid hazing and "dead beating" through
alleged devotional reading.
Witness wns forced to ndmlt that the
book ho saw In llooz's bible might have
been n religious publication.
Defuro dismissing the witness General
Dick said: "Now. turning back to your own
experience ns a fourth-clnss man, don't you
think thnt n kindly hnnd and nn encouraging
word from nn upper-class man to n fourth
clnss man would hnvo been n moro bene
flclnl o'le upon tho plcbn than the rude,
rough hazing to which he Is subjected?"
"Yes, lr, I believe It would," sold the
Congressman Wangcr congratulated the
witness for tho considerate manner In
which ho had treated Dooz in not reporting
him nt times when he had nu opportunity
und particularly when ho did not complain
of Moon to his clnss committee on one oc
casion when his doing so would hnvo re
sulted In Hooz being called out.
Ilnxeil t'nilet 'I'nUe Sliinil,
Cndet Douglass MacArthur followed
Prentice on tho stand.
Mr. Drlggs, addressing him. said: "Mr.
MncArthur, wo have had n mass of testi
mony given here with tcgard to your having
been hazed so violently that you had con
vulsions. Tho commltteo Is desirous o(
having you tell In your own way tho manner
In which you were hazed, the forms of haz
ing, tho names of the men who hazed you
and tho consequences,"
MacArthur replied: "I had been nbout n
month In tho summer camp of 1SA9 ns a
'plebo' when the hazing, an account of
which I have rend In tho pnpers, occurred.
Like most reports ot the kind it was a smnll
nffalr Riently exaggerated afterward. My
treatment was no more severe than that
given to others, nnd wim In no way calcu
lated to placo mo In a severo physical con
dition. "I had no convulsions. That report Is
entirely erroneous. 1 had what you
might call aggravated cramps nnd lobt
control of my muscles. I most cmphutlcnlly
deny thnt I was seized with convulsions.
I was not delirious nor out of my mind.
"The hazing took place nt 'A company
street. It was not my own tent. Thero
were other men there, Farnuui, Hnskill
nnd Cunningham, my lentmates. Thero
was a solreo nnd several of my classmates
wero hazed on that occnslon. Tho soiree
lasted about nn hour. 1 got nbout 2a0
eagles, hung on the stretcher for two
minutes nt a time and did somo dips.
Trentment .Not Seere,
"It was n very wnrm night nnd I had
been feeling 'under the weather' nil day
und was rather weak. It was dark when
the solrco begun nnd I perspired profusely,
but by 'taps' I was all right again."
"Did you consider tho treatment you re
ceived cruel nt tho time?" asked Mr.
Drlggs. who read the definition of tho
word from n dictionary.
"Yes, sfr."
"You still regard it as cruel?"
"Ves, sir."
"Now, tell us the names of tho men
who wero hazing you?"
"Cadets Dockery mid Harry."
Mr. Drlggs tried to get MacArthur to
admit that ho was seriously upset by the
violent exercises ho was required lo go'
through, but the witness would not. Hi
maintained that he had cramps in his
muscles and had lost control of them. He
denied that ho had been stuffed In his
mouth. MacArthur was very posltlvo In
his denials and tho committeemen looked
to bo very much surprised nt tho stund
he wus taking.
Tried Five Dm-liim,
Mrs. Frances L. Snlcs of Missouri Valley.
la., writes: "I had severe kidney troublo
for years, had tried five doctors without
benefit, but three bottles of Foley's Kidney
Curo cured me. For saio by Myers-Dillon
Co., Omaha; Dillon's drug store, South
The Cause of Many
Sudden Deaths.
There Is a disease prevailing in this
rountry most dangerous because so decep-
'iii ii ni'i ...jj..
A. live. many iUUUCIl
deaths are caused by
J i? It - heart disease,
pneumonia, heart
i failure or apoplexy
p are often the result
of kidney disease. If
kidney trouble Is al
lowed to advance the
kidney -poisoned
blood will attack the
tm,mmJXLM vnai orpans or trie
kidneys themselves break down and waste
iway cell by cell.
Bladder troubles most always result from
a derangement of the kidneys and a cure Is
obtained quickest by a proper treatment of
the kidneys. If you are feeling badly you
can make no mistake by taking Dr. Kilmer's
Swnmp.Root, the creat kidney, liver and
bladder remedy.
It corrects Inability to hold urine and scald
ing pain In passing It, and overcomes that
unpleasant necessity of being compelled to
go often during the day, and to get up many
times during the night. The mild and the
extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root Is soon
realized. It stands the highest for Its won
derful cure3 of the most distressing cases.
Swamp-Root Is pleasant to take and sold
by all druggists In fifty-cent and one-dollar
sizr.fl noil r.s. Ynn r K"
have a sample bottle of
this wonderful new
covery and a book that
4-tl ll -1 . ,. 1 .1
IC115 ail aDOUl li, pom Honif nt 8wam-not,
sent free by mall. Address Dr. Kilmer ti. Co.
Blnghamton, N. Y. When writing mention
reading this generous offer In thl3 paper.
dls- B.KSSKII D HilK'J
Jap Rpse
because of
its delicate perfumer
creamy latherand
cleansing properties.
i Wb
Cure to
SpeelnllMt In UlNenMe of .Men,
nml CoiiKiiltluur riij xlcinii of the
State Kteef ro-.Medlenl Institute,
IIIIIS I'liriiiini St., Ointihn, .Neli.
want every man thus afllteted to honestly lnveotlgnto our special Blectro-Mctll-cal
system or treatment. We Invite In particular all who have trcutnd elsewhere
without success; all whose cajies have been abandoned by family physicians and so
called experts. We will explain to you why such treatment has not cured you ana
will demount ratol to your entire satisfaction that wo can curo you safely, qulcltly
and permanently' Our counsel will cost you nothing, and our charges for n perfect
curo will not be more than you wilt be willing to pay for benefits conferred, wo will
do by you as we would want you to do by us If our canes wero reversed. Certainty
of cure Is what you wnnt. We can and will cltn you. by permission, some of tho best
cltlzcnn of this city whom we have cured and mode happy nml who will cheerfully
vouch for our financial an well as professional standing. Wut we have
for them we eiin do for yon.
triDIPnnCI C T'mler our Klcctro-Mc.llcal treatment this Insidious disease rapidly
OiJjUUUU vt.t disappears. Pntn censes almost Instantly. The pool of stagnant
blood are driven from the dilated veins and all soreness and swelling quickly nubslden,
lCvery Indication of varicocele soon vanishes and In Its stead comes the pride, the
power unci the pleasure of perfect henlth and rrntorrd liiitnhaoil,
CTBIfTIIDE ,lr Eleetro-Mcdlral treatment dissolves tho stricture completely
dlnlulUllu and removes every obstruction from the urinary passavr, allays
nil Inflammation, stops every unnatural discharge, reduced the prostate gland, cleanse
and heals the bladder and kidneys, Invigorates tho sexual organs and restore health
and soundness to every pnrt of the uoily affected by the dlee.
nnGITfinilC Dl nnn DfllCnkl Our bpcclal form of Electro-Medical treat
bUNinUlUUo DLUUU rUIOUll ment for this disease Is practically the re
sult of our life work, and Is Indorsed by the best physicians In this and forefgn coun
tries. It contains no dangerous drugs or Injurious medicines of any kind. It coca to
the verv bottom of the disease and forces out every particle of Impurity. Boon every
sIkh und symptom disappears completely and forever. The blood, tlio tissue, tho flosh,
the bones, nnd the whole system are cleansed, purified and restored to perfect health
and tho patient prepared anew for the itutle and pleaanre of life.
MrnWflllt? net)!! 17V Men. many of you are now renpliur tho result of your
SltHlUUt UbUILM I former folly. Vour manhood Is failing und will soon
be lost unless you do somethlnB for yourself. There Is no tlrno to lose. Impote.ney,
like all sexual diseases,, Is never on the. "tnndstlll. With It you can mako no com
promise. ICttlier you must muster It or It will master you, and fill your wb In future
with misery und Indescribable woe. We havo treated so many cases of thlH kind that
wo uro as familiar with thfin as you uro with tho very dnyllKht, Onco cured by us
you will never upalti he bothered with emissions, drains, prematurcness. small or weak
organs, nervousness, falling memory, lose of ambition or other symptoms which rob
you of your manhood and absolutely unfit you for study, business, pleasure or mar
riage. Our treatment for weak men will correct all of theso evils and restore you lo
what nature intended a hale, healthy, happy man, with ph-lenl, mentnl nnd
riunl iiniver complete.
DCCI CV fllCRACCQ Many ailments are reflex, orl;lnntlnir from other dls
ntrLCA IIIwChwCv eases. For Instance, sexual weakness sometimes comes
from Varicocele or Stricture, Innumerable blood and bone dlneajtee often result from
contagious blood taints In the system, or phynlcal and mental decline frequently fol
low lmpotcncy In treating diseases of any kind we always removo the origin we
curo the cause.
nftDDCCDflUnCMOC no perronal vlMt Is always preferred, but if you cannot
OUnnCOr UllUCnuI. calf at nur olllrc, wrtto tin your symptoms fully, our
home treatment by correspondence Is always successful.
Legal contract given to all patients to
you cannot can today, wnm ami ciescnoe
Kcferencc Beat Hunks nnd Lcaillnn Business Men in this City.
Office Hours From 8 a. in. to 8 p, m.. Sundays, 10 n, in. to 1 p.m.
Permanently Located, 1.10S Farnani Street, near l.'tth, Omulia, Nek.
hlormon Blshopa Pills
Cburch a&u tAei. uuuwcik. rotiuic.
of leiMUue, dlnlptuan, exttuei, or
30tency. Lost Power, Nlght-LOMee, Spermatorrhoea insomnia, rains
n.bncHiKtll Oedrei, eVSmlnnrKmlsalone, Lnmn Back. Nervous Da
?( Ity. HeadacTie.UntUneeetoMnrrir. l-oor IT"WU Oeman, Varicocele,
or constipation, Jitnps Qulckneea ,of pis- ETf 1 charge, stops iisr-
YOUSrtYltChlnB Of Eyelid. Meet io i Iramediitt. rpirtiEf J poiency M
evtrt runiiioti. lionr pet ueiuoudent. m. cum u it lima, r.i I ' .T Ktttoreft smlll. un-ievelonaC
Tf l"l. Stimulates lh bu'n tnd nrre center,, soc , bar,
ricuwua, wua wui, bucuun uer4.aarMuitno0 Hem say wo., van rranciDco uiu
Disordered kidneys nro rcsponslblo for
moro sickness nnd Miffcrlnu than any other
disease. Kidney trouhlo Irritates tho
nerves, makes you dizzy, restless, sleep
ing and irritable. Makes you pass urlnn
often during tho day and obliges you to net
up many times during tho night. Ilackacho
Is caused by your hldncjri not being In a
healthy condition. You think you havo
ambition, but llml your strength has left
you. You get weak and wasto nway. Cra
mer's Kidney tlure, that wonderful medi
cine, will glvo you strength and bring color
to your face and mnko Ilfo easy for your
kidneys. Tako rumor's Kldimy Curo that
will do It. It lends them n helping hand
nnd It puts sunshine In your work ami
iimkca things pleasant for you,
Cramer's Kidney Curo Is endorsed by t ho Medical I'rnfesslon berauso tho Cramer
Chomlcal Co. never refuses to givo their formula to any physician. Itcnd what theso
doctors havo to say about Cramor's Kldnoy Curo:
Albany. N. Y . July 21. lOOO.
I tnko pleasure in testifying thnt I have
used Cramer's Kidney ami I,lver t'uro in
my practice. I llml It gives most gratifying
results. It Is safe nnd effects permanent
...,, T. I. I,l. In. .Ilrilnt.l It... 1, .. 1. .... I. ..1.1
I , . ... .. ,.. . ...
nun iiiiiik" uiM'ui n npet'iiy run' iiiiCKiy.
If you cannot got Cramer's Kidney Cur
"Western Agent Cramer Chemical Compan
express, prepaid. Insist on having Crumer'
Send for freo sample.
Cramer Chemical Co,
Stay Cured
Varicocele, Stricture, Con
tagious Blood Poison,
Nervous Debility, and All
Reflex Complications and
Associate Diseases and
Weaknesses of Men by
Our Electro - Medical
Treatment Which Com
bines All the Curative
Powers of Both Medi
cine and Electricity.
hold for our agreement.
Do not hesitate. If
your trouble,
Successful treatment by mall.
twrii In uteover i yeiri by ttii. leiefeu fit Ike MoraM
cum lb went cum In old ftnd younr arlilnr fioa cfltcie
dcmtte - imoUoc, Bursa Lost Manhood, Im-
6 for f t o by mill. (WAua4 A written cuvmtre, to cure
11IIUG CO., t (It'll AND KAUNAS!.
by Doctors
Albany, N. Y.. August .1, 1001.
In all my pructlco of mcdlclim I never
saw anything lo eiiual Cramer'H Kldnoy
nnd l.lvcir Curo In all diseases of kldnoyil
ami bladder. I havo uscii it constantly for
theso disorders ami know of nothing that
gives better results. Ilorddeg It diX'H not
seem to disturb illgiMtlnn, as most remedies
glvui for theso illscnseM
W.M. I'. IlHIHItl.KY, M. I).
o from your druggist, solid f 1.00 to tho
y, Omaha" who will send you a bottlo by
s Kidney Cure. Tako no substitute.