THEHOMAIIA DAILY EE: THUBSDAY, .TAINT ARY 17, 1001. 11 SPECIAL NOTICES AdTerll-emet-, fo? these column will be tmUrn until 12 m. for the erenliiK edition nd until 8:30 p. . for im.rnluu nnil Bnndnr edition. ntc, 3 """"'I first Insertion, lo word tliarenfter. Mothlng taken for lei tliun 2fto tor the llrt Inaer tlon. Tliet adrertUemeata nnil be rnn consceutlvelj. Advertisers br reqnastlBK a nnm hcred clircU, on have mistrers ad drrsard to a numbered letter In care of The Her. AnsvrerB addressed ttIII lir delivered rcaeatntioa at tha pheeU only. situations wati:i), WANTED, position f.s -tenograph-T. x- prrioncei rereiences, Auurex. hox i Fontnnelte, Nob. A-M3I0 20 SITUATION wanted In- Amcrlcini Inily. something remunerative which will also furnish ii home". Would lenve city. Cull or address TIG North 20th St. A-awv-i" POHITtflN (n lnr fir nlllen! four fears college ftliiciitloM.mprtnnn mid English, can mrnlsli references. O nee A-MCS 10 wanteii-malij II UN WANTED, wc have steady work for n few goou nusticrs or room nnniis nn.i ui.iui unce. C. V. Adams Co., 1C05 Howard St. I D 1 37 BARBER trade tnught thoroughly In short time, cntaloguo and particular free. Address Western .UurbcrB' Institute, Omaha, Neb. D-733 WANTED, good man to do canvassing In tho country: good pay for right man. AO dress E 4. Hoe. H-M149- WANTKri rnttnlitn nnil rnmiiotent sales men io sen complete uno oi luoniainm oil, greases, paints, colors, vumlshes. specialties, ofc.j exclusively or .tin slrto line, liberal commission or- salary; cx- perlenco unnccoMsnry; old rellnblc nousc. Address Manafacturcr, Commercln' blk.. Cleveland, O U-M1S7 IS WANTED, collector and salesman. IBM Doi-glaa st , before 0 a. m. U-M507 17 WANTED, traveling salesman for whole sale grocery. Must havo experience In this line, otherwise do not apply. No plain ilrunUnrds or loafers -wanted. (live references. Addrcsn O ID, cure of llee offlcc, H-M332 17 ""vol "NO man attending selionl desires place to earn board. Hoylcs' college. Tel. 1981, ii-mm:, 21 SALESMAN WANTED, nblo to Hell nnd look, 'after gnsollno engines, power shelt ers. windmills,, etc.. for South l'latte; Klvc references. Address H, euro Hee of flee. H M303 18 MEN or women la sell goods to city trade, (iood pay and steady employment. Hlx cnbnugb A Co., Ware blk. H-MI12 Maris WANTED, experienced packers; references rciiulred. Apply M. E. Smith A Co. II 120-18' WANTED, a. eompelent drug clerk, regis tered In Nebraska or able to pass board. Sherman A McConnoll DniR Co. H-MI2I IS WANTED, an experienced salesman to sell nvcrallB, shirts,. Jackets;, etc., on the road for tho states of Nebniska and South Da kota. Addresa CJ 2tl, this olllce. B-M121 2.1 BAJ.ESMEN Fn Igars; new plain quick sales; good bu, oss; big money. Con sumers, 'Cigar Co., 3l H Seventh hi.. si. Junius, H. i II- S A I.ESSI 11 .V '. X TIC 1 1. MEN fo travel for St. LouIr Mfff. Co.; also advertisers, strulrht salary, Triumpn Co.. Dallas. Texas. H-Mrii IS WANTBIl FHMAI.K IIEI.P. WANTED, 200 girls. 1021 Dodge. TelrSTU.' to g rls wdntad. Ciinndlnn'dmcc,' 1522 Douglas r. -in . i i 'j WANTED, young lady nttendant. Call at 220 B'cc Bide. C 59S A'llUiailT younB'man or woman .to take shorthand scholarship and pay for It when course is nnisneu unu position securco. Address F 15, live. Ti5!- COMPETENT girl for general limisework. 2215 herman Ave. C-ai3 WANTED, ladles lo learn halrdreslng. innnlcurliil' and laclal mnsHage; 4 weeks completes; crinstant practice; expert In struetlonsi poaltloiiH guaranteed; ioIm furnished; call or, write for narlleul'iM. Molcr's Hnirdrcsslng College Ifi'i! l.'ar- r.ftm, Omaha. C-M415 21 WANTED Immediately, experienced lady bookkeeper. Address (1 24, lice.- C 119 17 WANTED, girls who understand sorting of rags. A. Fcrer, M2 Douglas street. r Cr-M12G18" I'OK IIILT IIODMES. IF you want your houses well runted place them with Bennwa A Co. D 741 ALWAYS moving II. 11. goods. Pianos. Onice, 151U.i Farnam St. Tel. 1559 or SC. D-742 HOUSES for rent In nil purts of tha city. llrennan-Lovq Co., 320 So, l"th St. D-743 HOUSES, stores. Bemla, Paxton block. D-741 SEE HENRY O. I'AYNE, B01 N. y. LIFE. nOUSES. etc. F. D. W-.-ed, 1521 DoigTafl5 ' D.-7W. iloUSES and Ilats. Rlnuwalt. Barker RlkT D-747 HOUSES wanted. Wallace Brown' Blk. D-7IS PARN. " 2021 St. Mary's Ave. D-710 FOR RENT, bakery In llrst-class condition; large storo tootn, continuous oven, etc.; also S-rooni house, with barn for 8 horses ail large wagon hIuhI; nil for .10.(X irr nioilth, W. 11. Rus'-ioll, 42ii Ramge Bldg. D-U2 1511 SEWARD ST.. now live-room cottage for rent; cood bam nnd city water; rent. $12.50., . , OMAHA LOAN A TRUST CO., Ifilh and Douglas Bts. D-751 SEW 7-room brick, strictly modern, eait fMnK r7lli nurt Ht. MrirvA nvo tIK .. ...... v " ...... iivinin. Paxton block. D M717 v; 0.1)331 South Jlst-street. lust north of Han Kcom park, a nice, comfortable, 8-room modern house. Will be put In good re jValr tor right party, jr j Kenn.ird A won, aiu iiruwu iniiuK. D MjI3 i hu kiiium mi luwiii ('uiuiKcn in uie same yard; city wator In kitchen; lir good con dltlniK rent, js pj-r month. Omaha Loan A Trust Co., 16th and Douglas sts. ' Dt tltli. near Farnami'ten-room modern hon: compJeto In every respect; ten minute J . wnlk of center of cltv: renxnuniii,. r.nt Omaha Loan A Tr:i8t Co., 16th nnd Doug las nin. u yti- 112 N, 20th st., furnished' or unfurnished. 3t07 Decatur St.. "r., Jlo, SSlrt Decatur. 7r. modern. III. 1514 S, ,2xth st., 7r., nil modern, except fur nace, $25. 1215 Hurt st., s. modern, except furnace, j:, PAYNE-KNOX CO,, 1ST FL. N. Y. LIKE, p-.M2'.7J 9-ROOM .Hat. modern Improvements. ;;ct DOUgiaS, Ui.W. D 3S2-I" vau ni'.vr fui'mn.iiud rooms. STEAM-heateil rooms' at The Thurston. E-752 DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam, , , ti JX HOU8EKEEP1NQ rooms, 0 tip. 2623 St atarys. is .m 701 j."J" FORUIENT. a nicely furnished front room south an,d east .exposure! within flvu uiiu'itn ut iMiMtouint-: uaiu 111111 use in il-i-j, phone. Aildrpss F 4, Bee. . E M665 210 N; 17TH ST.," sleain- heated rooms. E--MU6 F5 S201 DOUOIiAS atreet, cholro rooms. E-M30.1 19 FlIRMHIIlin ROOMS AMI IIOAHIl. QLEl;CATRN,tnm)lentBT1.2j day. 1609 Doug Ft'HNISIIED ROOMS AMI HOARD. Tho Mcrrlam, good winter home. 25 A Dodae i , it UTOriA. 1721 Davenport St. . F-Tl THE PRATT, desirable rooms. Hot water heat F-181 ELEGANT large -team-heated front room:, with hoard, iwj unpitoi nvti. i- .uno a Foil HUNT .STORES AM) OFFICES. HALL,, 102 So, Hth, cor Dodge st. I M163 F7 FOH HE NT, storfTln flrstclft-s location; rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters A Co., ground floor, Bee Bldg. I XX FOR RENT, tho building lormerly occurred by The lite tt 13 Fnroam street It has four stories nntl a basement which was formerly mod as The Bee press room. This will be rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at once, to C. C. Rn34 water, eecreiary. room 10), Hoe Building. I-261 LARGE double room In Contltienliil block; can be made ,nto very desirable olllce and reception room for physician. Will ar range to suit. OMAHA LOAN A TRUST CO., 16th A Douglas His. I ,ES HAM for rent. 102 S. Hth, cor Dodge. 1-M1CT.F7. AGENTS WANTED. KVERVHODY H inuklng. iu(.u'y: are ,you7 We havu something exceptional und pale able; workers KUnrntttrcd weekly. Ad- uress uepi. r, 41 .'MUiray Hi., now votk. . , v J M41i 21" AflENTS, with Hayer matallle nibber tires - tor- rocKinrf ejuiira you can maun n month. .Aiidtesj J. c. Haycu, lir. v.. r- euNi si.. Minnies, in. jMr is AOENTS wunteil. Indira or Kents, to cell a mw Hrnci", just our; v per cent prom; send 2)( for sninlile. Smith Ilrn-.. SI. j.ouis, .-io. litiK ma. j-,mw ii Av.wrni) to- hi:.t. 3 OH I unfurll'shel rooms for light house Keeping, ccnirai. mate price, u :u. Hee. IC-MK6 17 sum ;i . JL. . . PACIFIC Stnrago arid Wareh6u-e Co., !)12- an J ones, gcnernl storage und forwarding -757 OM. Van Stnr!Co., 151114 Frn. Tel:. 10-563. WAM'iin-to iirv. HOUSES to jnove. WaUuce, Urown Illk. N-70) WANTED to buy. J1.00O of Omnha Savings nanK, accounts lot cash. Address A 16, IJce olllce. N-MJI8 HIGHEST prices paid for furniture and siuves. j . i.evine, 301 rv. jut it. Tel. 771. N-II73 FOll SAI.I Ftril.MTHHi:. CHICAOO Fl'HNITUIlE CO., 1410 Dodge, Tel. 2020. New A 2dhatnl furnlturu bought sold, exchanged. O 782 FOll SAI.E ll'JIISF.S, VEIIICI.UM, ETC. II YOl'U wagon breaks down take It to iinrry v rost, li a liworth. llo llxes 'cm, rm Oil SALE MISCEl.I...EOl!S. HAHD and soft foundation piling; hog lences nnu cnouing. wi uougias. y 7CS 2DIIAND safe chea Derlght, 1110 Farnatn, q-G3 SAFES; buy, sell ex'ge. Schwartz, 114 So. 13. Q-761 HEUTFOHD A CO.. 16th A Uworth. FURNITURE A UPHOLSTERING. Q-377 TI IMOTHY hay. and all kinds feed and conl Monroe it Co. - Q M416 - J V . i,: . , , r. 1 , Z. , 1 'ITAVE B.'sure',nermatil,nt ciirJr fnr u-nrtq no fpaln 'or'srar: setul 1 and a 2-cent Biamp tor medicine anu. iuij uirectlons, ura, ivucera, .ycsicrn, rscu. Q-M437-21 2DHAND boiler, Jihd enclne. about 20 H-P. for sale cheap' at Omahu Safe and Iron YvorKHy my tso. urn St., uiiuuia. q 5 FOR SALE, new and secondhand soda rountnins; montniy pnyments. a. n. men mono, im bo, ntn at. qm&h it WELSHA"'II niaiit'tes put on, 25c. Drop postal. O. a. S. Co.. 1721 Cuming. 0,-203 16 BARGAINS In 2d hand bicycles, up ui'w wueeis, ij up. uinnua iiicvcin i o, Kitn HIHl (.'liicago HtS. Q M734 FOR SALE, nerfectlv new Oliver Ivnc writer; cheap for cnh. Address O SI, lieo, CI.AIHVOY.WTS. MRS. FRITZ, medium. 819 North 16th. S-705 MME.GLYMER genuine palmist. 1605 Dodge, H ICQ IlI.Et-Tttlt; T 1 1 K ATM K 'T. MABEL GRAY, 317V& N. 15th St.. Flat E. v Mwir ELITE parlors. 615 South ICtli, second iloor, T 197 F-S MISS MAE LESLIE, CIO S. 10th. 2il floor. . T M3I7 22 MME. AMES. 1613 Howard, 2d door, room tnermai natns. l M3IR 17 PRSO.VAI,. DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns A sunerdunn pair removcu u etucinciiy. ti. 12, l?rri zcr uik. U 767 TURKISH baths, nms'ago baths, electric .....I... r.,n In, Una ,irlt l.ll,..., .v. mum, i" ,v hivuivu women til mo c.iy. non iCii " ""'Paiiy LlElK,'l',ltt,cu, n-nsquentde costumer WIS I'uriiuin. U 769 nntVATI! home before antl'iltirlm- ,.(i.. .tnenii. iiuu f"i'" uurget, i'to tiuruciii;. 1 U 770 WIDOWER' having no' u so for a near! now upriB"; i"au win en cneap; cas . or tiiiiu. fjiuivfloi v n, wince. U-M924-F.5 FJIENCH accprdlqn. Dl?;tlnB; lyory rlnv hul tons; roall orders. Oniaha Pleating Co. 1524 OJopBins. , . U 773 BABIES and children cared for. $14 N. 23d. U .UOlU BUPPl H'fl fr "II machines; tnnchlnes for rent. White Sewing Machine, 1620 Doug las, rcl. 2231. U-540 P'RIVATE hospital for ladlps before and during eonllnement: babies adopted. srtcH Grant Sv. U 177 SKATES sharpened, 15c. Louis Flesrher, 1622 Caplto- Ave. U M975 CHILDREN"? clothing made to order. Infant wear, and ladles' underwear 11 specialty. Satisfaction Kuaranteed, 1919 Burt st. " U-C32. IF your feet bother you do not put. off until tomorrow buying n box of Re-no-may powder. Sold by .all druggists. UVM295 I I NDERSTAND the system and medicine so l can break any disease In one day. I'rof. D. W. Johnson, 1711 Vinton .it . city. U M399 U VIAVI Woman's way tb health; rational, wholesome homo treatment. ,'l8 Ben Bldg. U-891- BUY from the manufacturer. Burklov E11 volopo Co., Omaha. U 5llW FIG MONEY TO I,OA.V-llAI, USTATU PRIVATE money, 5, 6"', 6 per cent; no dr. lay. Garvin Bros., 1613 Farnam. W 774 LOANS on cjistcm Nebraska and western Iowa furun nt 5 per centt.borrowrs can nnv JHO ur any mu tlnlo: nnv Interest date; 11 clay. Rrcnnnn-Luvc Co., 3i So. 13tb ff Omnbn, Neb. W-77i MONEY tc loan on Improved Omaha teal estate. Brennan-I-ovu Co., 309- 80. ijth. , W-776 JLOfiO nnd upward to loail dn Improved city, property nnd farms. W. Farnam Smith St Co.. 1320 Farnam. W-77S MO.M3V TO LOAN-HEAL F.STATE. WANTED, city loans, bonds nnd warrnn!. George A Company, 1601 Farnam street. tj WANTED, city nnil farm loans; nl-o bonds nnd warrants, ii c. peters & in, ;m Farnatn 8t , lleo HMir. W-7S0 MONEY to loan on farm and city property, lowest rates, o. F. Davis Co., i&ua i-armm W 7fil RIVATE money to loan, J. II. Sherwood, 943 . i. I.IIC. Y 100 MONEY to loan at 5 nnd BU per cent on umnna property, w. u. .-sieiKie, ui h. unit W i2 FIVE per cent money. Ilcmls, Paxton block. yv tot $l.iyJ TO LOAN on real otttte: call at once. m. j. icennura & son, siv-m urown oiocn. W 7S0 FIVE nnd one-half per cent loans. W. H. tnotnns, Mrsi ptationai uanit duikuhk. Tel. 16-l. W-MSI AND 6't per cent loans. W. II. Thomis, First Nat Bank building. Tel. 1648. -IMS. 6 RIVATE money. F. D. Wend. 1524 Douglas). w , i MUSHY Ttl I.OAX-CIIATTEI.S. stnvp.v TnnAY. Loans made In amounts from M0 to $250 on household rurnlruro, plnnos, horses, car riages, etc., without removal or on your without aecurliy. All or, a part of the money may be paid bnck t.Je ilrst mouth, or no part of It need be paid bnck for several months. ICach payment made reduces tho cost according''. Em plovers and neighbors know absolutely nothing of our business relations. Peopls who need money nro Invited to call and ijet my terms and compare them with what others offer. Loans of other com panies may bo transferied to inc. No chnrge for papers, All business strictly confidential. Quick aervlco and lowest rates guaranteed. .1. W. TAYLOR. 218 First. Nat. Batik bldg . southest corner ioni anu j'tirnnui bis. ici. X Mno DO YOU NEED MONEY? Wo loan lo.() and up on furniture, P'unou, horses and other chattels. SALARY LOANS . ... without mortgage, to people holding permanent positions. You can get the money In a few hours after making ap plication, nnd toko 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 0 months or more In which to pay It back, und you need net pay for It one day longer than you keep It. Wi charge nothing for papers und we glvo you the full amount In cash. There aro no lower rates thr.11 ours, our terms nro tho easiest, our business Is confidential and our motto Is "try to please. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., 119 Hoard of Trndc Bldg. Tel.. 229j. (Established 1M2), 306 So. 16lh St. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE AT UMHAt'Jcnr I'.n in v.n an niM(niTitN.MTV to take advantage of. We make no startling, sensational an nouncements of rate "cut In two. Vve don't do .business that way; neither does nnyhndv else. OCR REDUCED RATES ARE THE LOWEST. You can borrow on vour personal Note, without Mortgage, Indorser, or Publicity. Our Specla Puy metit Plan surnrlses them all and soon gets you out of debt. Very quiet Olllce, easily lourwi. come nnu see us. AMERICAN LOAN CO., Boom C01, Bee Bldg. X MS20 MONEY MONK LOANED OA I.AU1UU I'liurur.. No endorser of mortgage required. LOWEST RATES, KABY PAYMENTS ana STJlllJll Y UUK fllir.fll Room 620, Fifth Floor, New York Life Bldg, OAI.AnV T.flANS. If you nro employed by a responsible Arm wo win loan you sum ironi w i your note at much cheaper und easlor rates than elsewhere. Of this we nrc positive. Absolutely no charges for papers. Nothing deducted rroin amount desired. Easiest partial payments. Reliable Credit Co., room 2C3 Paxton nlk. X MSol MONEY to Loan on Furniture. Pianos, Diamond, etc., on easy payments, aou keep security No chargo for papers. No questions asked your "neighbors. TeL 16.11. BEKGERS' LOAN CO., 1501, Farnam tjt, n x-oai . MONEY loaned salnrled people holdln-r per manent po-ltlon with responsible concoin upon their own names without security! - ensv payments. Tolmnn. Room 440, Board of Trade Bldg.. lGth and Farnam Sts. X 791 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry. horses,. cows. etc. C. F. Reed, 31'." S. 13. X 790 MONEY louued on p'nnos. furniture, horos, cov;s, Jewelry. Dult Green, RS, Barker bk III HIXESS CHANCES. $150 CASH or easy payments buys 25 strictly ,,...,,, fnlnlfnli ulil m.nltliifla frit, il.tnl.. cigars or cash: will earn J2 nnd upward weeKiy encn. tunri. viarK ,v ju rurui turo ainnutacturers, cnicago, 111. v S13 WANTED, good man to do cnnvnsslng in tho country, goou pay tor rignt man .mi dress E 4. Bee. Y-M190 FOR SALE, ?. J.1,000 stock of shoes cheap for casn. V. 1. .oyes, juissoun vauey, la. 1 .iioii is FOR SALE, bakery, restaurant and grocery cheap it taiten at once, .uuress 11 m, nee Y-M356 FOR SALK, agricultural Implement nnd fjirHnim tiuslnesH 111 south central Ne braska. For further particulars Box 603,. west utterly, in. jiwi -1 FOH EXCIIA.(i. WII.T. pxehnncn Chicago vacant for Omaha vacant or Improved and pay difference, If necessary, uitiicus u it, hit, Z-M299 19 A FINE JS5.00 Imported magic lantern, as good ns new, oniy useii a snori tunc; suit' nhln fur leetttres. churches or Indue enter. tnliuncnts; u bargain. Address F 63, Beo olllce z'. FOH SAI.E-HEAL ESTATE. SEE HENRY B. PAYNE, 6oTTT Y. LIFE RE-796 DESIRABLE enst front lot, residence or business, isu moult ao. uupui mi juin. Mil Vinton. RK-MSS3 F3 RANCH AND FARM lands for salo by the Union Paclllc Railroad company. R. A. McAllaster land commlsslonor, Union Pncltlc Hc-ati'iuartors, uinunu, isod. RE 813 PROPERTY bought nnu sold; money lomeil; rni8 coiiccteu. u. u. aonnson Co., 311 80. 15th St. RE 102 HOUSES, lots, farms, lands, loans; also fire insurance, uemis, t-axtou oik. 111s an C1IAS. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnam St RE-795 CHEAPEST lot In city of Omaha; 62V4-foot east front in Mcison s nuuition. ,m. j. Kennard & son, i.v urown uiock. RE-MNS3 WHO wants It? Omaha property In ex change for that of Denver. Apply owner, GOD S. 29th st. RE-M208 17 to FOR SALE Ol. LEASE, Short Lino park In .Mont.: excellent rnucn nnu p:ensuro re sort; 43414 acres; title perfect. Address E, ji Kane, ucer i.ouge, ..moiii. RE-M39I IS BARGAINS FOR QUICK SALE, nn.ft. lot. corner 25th nnd Snnicue. 1K) 01. 10 acres 4's miles from P, 6,, 5-room house stable, gooti wen, v) iruu treeJ. vvw JI.HM. Want offer Garvin Bros.. 1613 Farnam, RE-MI01 IS SCRIP WW ncres; C. B, Burrows, owner, Norfolk, Ncu, m; uzi au PATENTS. INVENTORS. GOT AN IDEA? Wo handle patents, copyrights unit marKs; yuu glvo Ui the bare Idea it ml we will do the rest; modern equipped machine shop uml foundry ;n connection; Official Gazette on lilo; guldo book free, Mitson, Fenwlck A Lawrence, patent lawyers, llwi Howard st.; tel. 1419, Omnha. J. P. Cronln, repr. -Ml'O INVENTORS, wo ask nn fee until the patent Is proctije.l; If wo fall, w u t no lee; n.lvlco free Htien A Co., Intent I.nw yers. Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Long dis tance telephono 1623. -118 .Iarl3' PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Ofllce, reliable accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas, -ill MEiuru,. LADIES out of health llnrt iirompt relief Box Omaha, NeD. Confidential. 799 GONOVA Is a Frenh treatment for male anu remaie, ror tne positive cure 01 unit 1 orrhoea, Gleet, t'nnaturnl Discharges, In- . tlammatlons, Irrltatlens nnd Ulcerations I of tho mucous membranes. An Internal remedy with Injection combined, war rnntpil to rurp worst caes In one week. J3 per vackage or two for $0. Sent nny where on receipt of price. The Kldd Drue Co., Elgin. 111. American Olllce, retail, wholcrnle, Myors-Dlllon Drug Co., Omann; M. A. Dillon, South Omaha: Davis Drug Co., Council Bluffs. Full line of rubber goods. LADIES! Chichester's EngllfTi rcnnyroyal Pills are the best: safe, reliable; take no other, Send 4c stamps for particulars, "Relief for Ladles" In letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia, Pa. USTEOl'ATIIV. JOHNSON tnstltute, CIS N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. 1601! Alice Johnson D, O., ladles' dept.; Old E. Johnson, Ostcopathlf t, Mgr. -NK) M. E. DONOHUE. D. O., of Still school, Klrlsavlllc, Mo., G04 Paxton Blk. Tel. 1367. -307 SHORTHAND AM) TYPE Wit ITIMJ. X.ITVAN SANT'3 ScIiqoI 71l NTVrLlfc! S91 BOYLES' College, court reporter, principal, Bco Bldg. . -Sv2 NEB. Business A Shorthand college. Boyd's Theater. SOS- GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col. 16 A Doug, SOI ACCORDION' I'l.KATIMl. ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best nulclc est. Mrs7 A. C. .Mark. S. E. Cor. Hth nnd Farnam. 522 LOST. LADIES gold hunting ense watch, name nnd doner's on Inside Hise; liberal reward. Maude E. Bonnell, KM New York Life. Losf-381-16 LOST, Jan. 10. a pair gold-bowed spectacles. Return to 2224 Lake St. nnd receive, re ward; Lost M423 17 LOST, liuUcs handbag, between Kllpat rick's storo In Omnha and Council Bluffs. Reward If returned to Bee olllce, Council HIUIIS. DIliHSSMAICIXd. MRS. JEFFRIES KEMP. 401 Paxton Blk. Telephone 2120. M-DSI-J27 1IIIIDS AND TAXIDERMY. STOCK'S Bird Store. 1003 Leavenworth. 797 TICKET lIROKEIt. CUT rate tickets everywhere. P. II, Phil- bin. 1505 Furnnm. Telephone 751. S09 STAMMERING AMI STUTTERING. CURED Julia VnUEhn, 430 Ramgo Bldg. -812 NICKEL ri.ATIXO. OMAHA PLATING CO., Bee Bide. Tel. 255. I.ACMHlY. OMAHA Stenm Laundry; shlrta. 7c: collars c; cunrs, 4c. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. 547. -798 Ft'IlMTIHE It EPA I RING. TEL. 1331. M S. Wnlklln, 2111 Cuming St. SOS HUIIIIER hTA.Ml'l". BADGES, medals.-". t. Co., Beo BUIg, Tel. 25 ' m tii7 DAN'Clivfi !l"UO'UJ,. THE winter term at, Sl'orand's Dancing scnooi begins hub wcok auuiis, lue-oiuy and Friday, 8 p. m.; 12 lessons, gentlemen JS; Indies, 16. Private lessons day und evening. M 222 Fll CARPENTERS AND .lOIIIIERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work nnd repnlrlng promptly ntten.ieu to. j. r. ucniitree, '.'otn and Lnko Sts. . . 370 PORTO Popular Tours RICO Fob. 2 nnd 1(5, March 2. Illus- (rated program; 24 days, all expenses. ius. njymondd Whltcoinb,l03 Adams St.,Ch!carjo RAILWAY TIME TATILES, KANSAS CITY, ST. JO scph A Council Bluffs Rnllroail-'Thn Burling ton Route" Ticket Ofllce, 1502 Farnam Street. Tele phone, Depot, Tenth nnd Mnson Strems. Tele phone, 12& t ...n V I. Arrli.n Knnsas Cltv n.iv i n n--',t nm n ' , Kansas City Night Ex..a'":30 pm a 6:13 am fat. Louis Flyer for t a Dally Louis, a 0:19 pm all;13 am RUBLINGTON A Mis souri River Rallroad "TI10 Burlington Routo" General Olliees, North west Corner Tenth and Farnam Streets. Ticket Ofllce IMS Farnam Street, Burllncton Stntlnn 'l',.r,il. and Mason Streets. Telephone, 128. , , i.c-ave. Arrive. Lincoln, Hustlnga and . McCook . a 8:40 am a 7:33 pm Lincoln. Denver, Colo- rado. Utah, Callfornln.a 4:2.-. pm n 3:00 pm Lincoln & Black TIlllo h l-m n a,r '. Montann. Puget Hjund'.la 9:00 pm a 6:43 am U'.I" Fn,H,t -Vl" -"".b 3:00 !"' m V. ' "-iiio nnu Denver, Colorado, Utolt and Callfornld n 6-45 am South Bend. Louisville, ,b,m !- cZ'tVA b 3:35 om bll:03am 9rokf '"'tsniolith .111.1 j-uc'iiie . junction n 7:00 pm a S:20 am BelleViie, Plattsmout.'i m and Paclllc Junction '.ii!2:IO am a Dally, b Dully tjxeent flunail. CHICAGO, BFRLINOTON Qulncy ltnllron4-"Tho IAnr'R,t-n.,.,0,,,e,'-'rl'lt Olllce 1502 Farnam Htreot. Telephone. 2:0. Donnt Tenth nnd Mnsnn streets: TeIc)hoi)t, lm, . t .rn... . 1 Daylight Chicago Spe- -nne. OlOl fl'7-IVI -in... . Chicago Vestibule.! Ex a 4:00 pm 7-is ?S Chicago Local E3presff.11 man am n :ns i-,.ll.. . " P pm m a Dally. pm W ABASH RAILROAD Ticket Offlco 1415 Farnam , OUVfl. . .-,l,W!ltl, o., ue- pot. -renin nno .Marcy sts. 4C1CPI1UUI-, Uw. Leave. Art-i-n Kt. Lnnl "Hnnnon Ball" Express n 5:15 pm a 8:20 am a Dally- MISSdUP.I PACIFIC RAIL-road-Gcncrnl Ofllces and Ticket Ofllces, Southeast Corner 14th nnd Douglas Sts Tcicpnone, iui. Depot, 1 ,..(.... U,,fnn ' UlMUIl WIHHWII, Leave. Arrive. fit i.,,ii.u nml iCunsas City Express alOiM nm a 0:23 pm IC C, St. L. Express ,al0:50 pm n 6:13 um Leave from lMn ,uud Webster Stieets; Wlirnsku I. oral. Via Weoplng Water b 4:lo pm al0;45 am a Dally, u Dally oxcept t-ainuay. Illinois Central Rnllroad-Clty Ticket Of flee 1402 Farnam Street. Telephone, 243. Depot, Tenth ami aiarcy streets. Leave. Arrive Chicago Express .. Chicago Limited . MlnntnpohH and Paul Express .. Minneapolis nnd ....a 7;00 am alli'.Z pm ....11 i.u iui u a;vu um tit. .. ,l)7;00ntn b 9;40 pm ram uiiniieu ....a ;(.' pm a S:05 nm Fort Dodcu Ijjcal from Council Bluffs b 1:30 pm a E:15 nm Fort Do.lge Local from Council Bluffs a 6 0) am 1 Dilly. b Dally except Sunday, fr IvbhSA UAH, WAY 'II ME TAIII.ES. FREMONT. ELKHORN A Mtsnoiirl Valley Rallrmtd The Nurthw-tern Line '-- General Otllccs, 'IIUSfi!flB' I nited States Natlotml UiSv"v"' nanK mug . m. 7 Twelfth and Farnam Sts. Ticket Olllce. lioi Farnam St. Tel. Ml. De pot, i&tn und Webster Sts. tci. ins. . , Leave. Arrive. Black Hills, Deudwood. Hot Spring a 3:00 pm n 5:0) pm yonilng, Cnsper and . Douglas s.d 3:00 pm c 5:00 pm Hastlncs, York, David 1 uy, superior, Geneva, Exeter nnil Sewnnt Ii S:00 tint b 3:00 Pm Norfolk. Verdlgre nnd Fremont b 7:20 nm bl0:2o nm Lincoln, Wnhoo und . Fremont b 7:30 nm bl0:2o am Fremont Local c 7:30 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, c Sun day only, d Dally except Saturday, c uaiiy except .Monday. CHICAGO A NORTH western Railway "Tlu Northwestern Line" City Ticket Ofuco,. 1401 Farnnm St. Telephone. 601 Depot, Tenth and Mnrcy Sis. Telephone n. Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe- cfnl n 7:00 am nll:S0 pm Chicago Passenger a 4:15 pm a 3140 am in stern express, lies .Moines. .Marsuniiiown, Rapids and A Chleaso nl0:53 am a 4:0j bra Eastern Special, Chi cago nnil East a 4:j pm b 4:C5 pm Fast Mall, Chicago to Omnha n Silo Pm Omaha -Chicago Llmlt'd.n 7:15 pm a 8:0) pm 1- aSl .Mail a lira Cedar Rapids Passenger a 5:3) Pm .1131.-11, I.AIII 1-91- ....... .J .'."V llll n Daily, u ualiy except ituruay. SIOFX CITY A PACIFIC Railroad "Tho North western Line" Genenl Ofllces, I'nltcd States National Bank Building, S. W. Corner Twelfth nnd Farnam Sts. Ticket Ofllce, 1101 Farnatn St, Telephone Ml. De pot, Tenth and Mnrcv Sts. Telephone 629, Leave Arrive, Twin City Express. a -53 nnv al0:2J pm Twin City Limited a 7:35 pm n Bioux city J.ocai n :w urn u j;w pm a Dally. CHICAGO, ST PAUL,. Minneapolis A Omaha Railway "The North wt'Ktern Line" General Ofllces. Nebraska Divi sion, 15th nnd Webster Sts. City-Ticket Olllce, Telephone. 561, Dcuot. 1401 Farnatn St. 16th nnd Webster Sts. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger... a 6:00 um n 9:10 pm Omaha Pussengcf nll:10 am blouxt city & North east .NeurasKii a pm a Daily. OMAHA A ST. LOUI8 RAIL road -Omaha. Kansas City A Eastern Railroad "The Qulncy Route" Ticket Of fice, 1415 Fnrnnm St. Tele phone, 322. Depot, Tenth and Mnrcy Streets. Telephone, C29. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis Cnnnon Ball Express a 6:15 pm n 8:20 nm Kansas City and Qulncy Local a 7:00 am a 9:00pm a Dally. UNION rACIFIC-"THE OVER land Route" General Ofllces, N. E. Cor. Ninth nnd Farnnm StreetB. City Ticket Ofllce, 1321 l'arnam Street. Telephone, 310. Depot, Tenth and Mnrcy Sts, Telephone, 629. j-cuvc. Arrive, The Overland Limited, .a 8:20 nm a 7:30 pm The Chicago-Portland Special a 8:20 am a 7:30 pm The Fast Mail a S:W nm a 3:25 pm The Mall and Express.. all:35 pm u 4:20 pm Lincoln, Beatrice and Stromsburg Express, .b 4:0T pm 1)12:30 pm Tho Paclllc Express.... a 4:23 pm Tho Atlantic Express... n 6:50 nm Grand Island Local b 5:30 pm b 9:35 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE Ti.u41.Arr,- A 8t Paul Railway-City Ticket Olllce, 1501 Farnam IMiLWAum Street. Telephone, ssi. Depot. T'jntii nnd Mason Streets, xcicpnonc, 112a. Leave Arrive Chicago Limited Ex... .a 6:uo pm a 8:05 am Chicago A Omaha Ex..b 7:15 nm b 3:40 pm a uauy. u except sunuay. CHICAGO, ROCK isl and A Pacl'lc Railroad "Tho Great Rock IhI. and Routo" city iicKct uiiice, ta;j f ar nam Street. Teleplione, 42S. Depot. Tenth and Mnrcy Sts. Tele- nnone, u.-j. , . I-oave. Arrive, EAST. Dos Molne.t and Daven- tiort Locnl a 7-25 am lit 1 At nm Chicago Express bll:l5 am n S;10 am Des Moines Local a 4:20 pm u 4:45 pm Chicago Fast Express. .11 5:00 pm u 1:23 pm ucn ivulu isl and und Chicago a 7:40 pm a 9:35 pm, ..... Lincoln, Colorn.'o Spgs., Denver. Pueblo und West a 1:30 pm a 4:15 pm Colorado,. Oklahoma A Txas Flyer a 5:20 pm a 9:50 am a Dally b uauy except Sunday. 1. nun iuiinii-aiiw,wi'iuuii,i. I itHI-M0STHLY.-HW4 WtlSLY Fine SHIPS ' INCOSNtCTIOS wmt SPCCN3ID SLRVICE Tl HOBIl BNWR.H. ALONG THE NORTH SHOHC HAVANA, MATANZAS, CARDENAS, SAQUA, CAI IiAClE.1, MEVITAS, 01 BAR A, (id HARACOA, ini otter nm MtIXSff St KAMSIIIP J.INK.J7 WIKIftm t, Mw York City. RAYMOND A WHITCOMB, Union Square, New York. For Tickets, Stateroom Reservation and Gsntral Information of the MO BILE SERVICE, apply to Ticket Agent Mobile. A Ohio It. II. and South rn Ry. POSTOFFICE NOTICE. Should bo rend DAILY by all interested, :is changes may occur ui any time. Foreign malls for tho week emllnir Janu- nry 1, 1901. will closo (PROMPTLY in all iiiscsi 111 inn tieuerai i-osiouico as to ows: PARCELS POST MAILS closo ONE HOl'R EARLIER than closing iimo suown no ow. Parcels, Post Malls for Germany closo it 6 p, in. on January 14 per s. s. Truvc, Jan uary 16 per h, s. Koc-ln nnd on January IS tine H. n. i-iioeiiiciii. Regular und Sutiplomentnry mnlls close at Foreign urancn niiir nour later timn closing time snown neiow. Ti-iiiin-A tliiiitlo ."lulls. Tlll'RSDA Y At 7 n. m. for FRANCE, SWny.Klll.A.NU, ITALY. HI'Al.N, l'Uli TI'GAL. TCRKEY. EGYPT. GREECE lmiTISH INDIA nnd LORENZO MAR QUE'., per h. s. La Champagne, vlu Havre 1 mull lor other narts of hurnno must bo directed "per h. h. 1.11 c'lianipiigne ). SATI'RDA Y At S n. m. for NETHER lands, pc- h h. ,-ipaurn.iam tmuu must lie 1 reeled "tier s. s. Hliaarndam 1: at i n. m. for ITALY, per s. h, Werra, Via Naples (mull must no directed "per s. s, m..hv,,". 11. 1fl 1TI 1, t Ininmlamnn,,,.,, 1 ni.) for El'ROPE, per h. h. I'mbrln, vlu Queenstown; nt 12 m. mr Denmark di reel, per s. s. .-ore PRINTED MATTER. ETC.-Thls stenmer takes Printed Mutter, Commercial and Samples for Germany only. The same clans of mall mii..ter for other parts of Europe will not bo sent by this, ship unless specially itliecieu uy ner. After the closing of tho Supplementary Tr;ins-Atlantlo Mulls named above addi tional supplementary mailt, tire opened on the tilers of tho American, Eng'-lsh. French and German steamers and remain open until within Ten Minutes of tho hour of sailing of steamer. "lulls for South nnd CeiKrnl America, .W'ct Indies. Etc. THURSDAY- At 12 m. (supplementary 12:30 p. m.i for NASSAU. GITANTANAMO und SANTIAGO. Cl'HA, per h. . Suntlago. SATURDAY At 5:30 11. m. for BRAZIL. ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per s. h. Hevellus itnall ' for Northern Brazil must be directed "per s. h. Hevellus' ): ut U .1. m. lnupplementary fl:.'M a. m.i for VENEZUELA and CURA CAO, per f- s Mnracuibo (mull for Savunlli.i nnd Carthugenu mint bo di rected "per s. b. Muracalboi; at I) 11. m. for PORTO RICO, per s. h. Ponce, via San Juan; .it ;30 1. m. (Hiipiilcmenlury 10 1. m.i for ST. THOMAS, ST. CROIX, LEE WARD nnd WINDWARD ISLANDS and DE.MERARA, pur h. Foiitubi'lle; at 10 n. m. (supplementary l":3n m.j for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA. SAVA NII.LA. CARTHAOENA hii.1 GREY TOWN, per h. h, Alleghany imall for Costa Rica must be directed " h, s, Alleglmny"). at 10 a. m. for HAITI, per k, a, Jeanne (mall for Curacao. Trlnldml, Venezuela, British and Dutch Gulur.a rO.HTOI'FICn NOTICIV must be directed "per s. f. Jeanne"); nt lo a. tn. for Cl'HA, per s. s, Morro Castle, Via Hnvniia; nt "ll p. m. for NASSAU, per steamer from Miami, Fla Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney, and thence by stenmer, close nt this ofllce dally nt 0:30 p. m. (connectltu close here every Monday, Wednesday nnd Saturday). Malls for Mlquolon. by rail to Boston, nnd thence by steamer, close nt this olllce dally nt 6.30 p. 111. Malls for Cuba, by rail to Port Tampa, Fla., and thence by steamer, close at this ofllce dally nt 6 n. m. (the connecting closes are on Sunday, Wednesday and Friday). Malls for Mexico City, overland, unless specially nddressed for dispatch by steamer, close nt tb'" nlllce dally at 1:30 p. m. and 11 p. m. Mnlls for Costa Rlfu, Belize, Puerto Corte and Guatemala, by ml! to New Orleans, nnd thenro by steamer, close at this ollke dally at 1.30 p. m. (connecting closes here MondnyB for Belize, Puerto Corter, nnd Guatemala nnd Tuesdays for Costa Rica). Registered mall closed at 6 p, m, previous day. Triiin-I'iicltle Mnlls. Malls for China, Japan nnd Philippine Islands, via Tacotna, close here dally nt 6:30 p. m. up to January 13. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s, GlenoKle. Mnlls for China. Japan and Philippine Islands, via Tacotna. loe here dnlly nt 6:30 p. 111. up io January ,!5tli, inclusive, for dlspitt- n per ri. s. Olympln. Mails for Australia (except West Australia), Now Xculaud, Hawaii. FIJI and Samcttt Islands, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. January 8th nn.; u; to January 19th. Inclusive, 01 on day of nrrlvnl of s. r. Cnmpnnln. duo nt New York January 19th, for dispatch per s. t: Houomii Mnlls for Hawaii, China. Japan nnd Philip- pint) iBiiiiiiin. viu cun r riim-isvv, 1 nvju dally nt 0:10 p. tn. up to January 9th. Inclusive: for dispatch per s. s. Ilomr IConir Muni. Malls for China and Japan, via Vancouver. close hero dally nt 6:30 p. m. up to jonu- Iiry "il, inclusive, lor UlspatCIl per s. v. 1 Empress of .Japan (registered lmln ml,st Malls for Hawaii. Japan. China' nnd Philip- nino isinnus. via nn ' raucirco. ri'"i- l,.?,!:o..,.,i"'.."t V.Vt..VV,. V.,'-t'' ."."tViI,1,. Mnfls for Australia (except West Australia, which goes vlu Europe, -ind Now Zealand. which goes via San Francisco), nnd I-III Islands, via Vancouver, close hero dally nt :au p. 111. niler JHUliary "i:i aim up " rebruary "2. inclusive, ror iiispaicn 1 .1 wjt, ,ne ,a painted white, making It cas s. s. Anrnngl (supplementary mulls. la ... ,.. .,.. tm. Seattle, c'ose nt 6:30 p. m. February "3). Trnns-Pacine mails nro lor warded to port of ?sllHra,,W uuliitci runted overland transit. Regis- tered mall cIocs nt 6 p. m previous day. CORNEL1FS VAN COT' Postmaster. TO TAX OR NOT TO TAX lnt-Ntloii of Debute llctMeeii I nt'ie Hume nnd Cfitnlu Jlelllrs Nmv There U Heller from lliiidcii. .ManufncturcrH ot "self-raising Hours nro to be relieved of tho necessity of fear 01 a lslt from the United States revenue coiiec- tor with n demand for tho payment of lutcr- nni rcvenuo tax nnu n neay pennuy mi falluro to pay at tho proper tlmo. Tho question of what constitutes mixed flour" under the terms of tho war rovouuo act has troubled revenue ofllccrs from tho tlmo tho law went Into effect. It was cur- rled to the commissioner, who deciucu ono way, and a few weeks, afterward ono or tno ntlorneys of the department decided In ox autly tho opposite way. As a result tho collectors of Internal revenue havo been In doubt ns to what flour should pay tho tax. Omaha Is 0110 of tho greatest centers of manufacture ot "self-raising" flour In tho west. A dozen or more local brands arc to bo found for salo In tlio city and Its com merclal territory. Some of this flour bore the Internal roventio stamp and other Hour of similar character was without the stamp, morning, "It Is true that tho orcc Tho local collector had recently begun nn tlon of such shops has been under Investigation and nt ono tlmo required n tax from one of tho Omaha houses which wa3 paid under protest. 1 Ciimmlsaloiier Snya Xo Tm, When the matter waB brought to tho at- tentlon of the commissioner ho decided that no tax was required iind a claim wns filed for a return of the money paid. This claim was approved until It reached tho auditor, who overruled the commissioner and do- cldcd that tho money could not be refunded, No further attempt was mnde, however, to colloct additional tax and, with one or two exceptions, nono of tho houses of tho city have paid tax on "solf-ralslng" flour slncc that time Collector Houtz announced yesterday that so far as the Omaha factories wcro concerned they could rest nssurc.l that nor,.""" ""-'c inuB H'o w I nni Irril' nrnl l m I ti n -. further attempt would be mado to collect tnx upon theso goods until .tho passage of tho amended revenue law by tho present congress. If the hill passes In Its present Lnys: Tho Great Northorn Express corn condition tho necessity for tho tnx will bo pny wm withdraw lis service from Port- removed, ns tho net uciines "mixed Hour to uo n iooti prouuci wuoso priuuipui cum- poncnt is wheat or tho product of wheat mixed with other grain, or tho product of nny other grain used ns food, excepting spoclftcnlly wheat flour mixed with such mnterial as baking powder, unless this mix- turo Is offered for salo as pure wheat flour, when tho tax applies RARE PRIVATE WINE CEI.I,H. Siippliiiitc.l lt- the linllvldiiiil lloltle nml the Dealer. Until after tho middle of the nineteenth century, says tho New York Sun, tho con- sumption of wine wns twofold larger, In proportion to the population, than It was nt Its close. In tho earlier period almost every nrosnerous mnn In tho country was the mvnor of n u-ell.fitncked nrlvntn u-lnn cellar. This not only Indlcntcd social con- scquencc. but was a necessity of tho pro- vnlllnc conditions of tho Imnortntlon and Kln nt u-lnefi nnd llnllnrs. Then thev wnrn rarely sold In bottles. They tamo In tho "I wood and wcro bottled by the purchasers, who In consequence wcro provided with a IlllBU niWH, DIUICIl .1. LCIIUIB .... .... L-U tcmjiernture. huh sysiem icu io very generous ronsumpunn ot tne more strongly fnrtlfle.l wines, such as shorrv. Mn.llnhi. Bureundv etc. This custom continued 1)U1 pviuil , linn I.IBIUIU 1 11.1 1 ... Ill U , particularly in tho southern states, until n vnnr or two before tho onenlnir of Dm nlvll wnr Thnrn nt flint thno u-hnt u-nn - ' calico a inrec-ootiio man was uy no means an extinct species, no woh huh so numcr- ous that no one who bulked nt a second bottlo was looked upon, morn or less, a a miiK sop. These performers through tho changed conditions that prevail nt the closo of tho nineteenth century arc now as rnra as tlio ilodo. Their disappearance and that of tho prlvnto wlno collar wcro synchronous, Tho copious drinking of wine hns waned with tho century. Nqw pcoplo content thomsolvcs with a glass or two of dry champagno at a dinner. For ono to glvo evidence of over-inilulKcnco nt this func- tlon would subject hlniaolf to serious crltl clsm. Men nrc no longer so convivial in as socintlon ns In tho past. Not that thoy drink so much less, hut that drinking Is in secret. Tho Individual whisky bottlo has taken tho place of tho prlvnto wlno cellar, whoso contents In tho earlier years of tho century were generously shared with congenial companions. At tho end of the nlnotecnth century tho private wlno cellar has been replaced by tho storage vaults - .U- .4n.rt.. ,ullnln llnn. nn,l lln,.A... In l"u r.y.'," ::: J " .?.. . cases oi ia . .,.. .c.u u. uo- very. This Is vastly moro convenient. Quality has not been sacrificed in tho change. Brandy nt J100 a do.on and the rarest vintages of Luropp aro procurable at n call of thn telephone. This rellovea people of tho need of devoting household spaco to storage. Wo can nchlevo (lis- tin, tlon as connoisseurs without tho om- plojment of a trained or cultivated faculty beiond that of cupaclty to add our signa ture to a check. Tho possession of tho title of gourmet nt tho closo of tho nine- teenlh century Is open to all who novo the power io pay tne pitco in icgai iimuer. ,. thn century's inception It was consld. ercd an attribute of heredity and breed ing. UNCLE SAM'S ERRATIC CLOCK Timepiece on Federal Building the Carpet. it on AUTHORITIES AT WASHINGTON INTERESTED Clock Cuts l Mich II I u It .links tlmt thr Ctistoilliiti of Hie lltilldlnu Report II t llend-liiiirtcr-. The olok 011 the postofllce building Is not giving perfect satisfaction, aud for that reason Is attracting attention In Washing ton. The trouble is that the chronometer has a way of disclosing tho secrets of its mechanism which Is most unprofessional. It Is ns If an actor would come out on tho stage In full view of the audience to put on his grease paint nnd wig. The hands trace their cycles on tho face in faithful compliance with chronological conditions, but at night there Is something amiss with tho florid disk on top of tho government bull liiig. However keen of eyo ho may bo n person standing two blocks nway catinot make mil the hour after tho sun hns gone down because tho lamps In the clock nro so placed that tho hands ,tp- pear nil mixed up with sprocket wheels, nutteva ulnlnnu nml ntlipr tncrhanlcnl I1X- Pno). I'lnionH and oilier mccnaniin 11 x lures of Its Internal economy. H10 prob- lnm n.,mfc tn tin nnn fnr tin student In .,., .nl,P ,iin fnl. ,i, rlm-kmnker. "'",:. unmnn Jini 111 . w,)pn t,)p muUcr wns flrgl cb1Ic), ,0 ,b nttentlon of tho officials nt Washington ono 01 tne inspectorn suggesteu tnai tiio uman.i people who took their time from tho gov- ernmcnt tlmcplcco should bo satisfied with rpCclvlng tho knowledge of the lllght of .. .t,in ,, ,iv Kn. ni-nmmended that time tltlling the day nnd rttomiiioiidcd tnac tne nanus 01 tne ciock no pauiieu omvm " V'" . mrmlntlon would have been adopted had not oaJet Taylor, the custodian, taken the mat tor up and convinced the Washington au- thorltlcs that Omnha domanded nn all-night HCrvlco on tho part of tho government clock. Then experiments wore made. These ex periments were mainly In tho wny of learn ing the effect of tho different colors, nnd tho hands and dial of tho clock wcro painted several shades, tho present whlto nnd black icing settled upon ns the most desirable. Then tho mystifying effects of tho Hashen and supports became apparent, but nothing was attempted until tho present time. gnco 0C,1K authorized to mako further experiments Mr. Taylor has requested tho Treasury department to iloslgnalo tho dis- tnnco at which the hands should bo ills- ccrniblo nnd ns soon as ho rcrclvos this Information his experiments will ho commenced. Several methods havo nlready t,ccn HUggcstcd, none of which nro deemed satisfactory, and tho custodian is nnxloua f0 hear from people who have Ideas upou the subject. ONLY PRELIMINARY PLANS No I'.iNltlle Decision Ve( lis li' (elision of 1,'tilmi I'nclllc .HIlOIK. "No dcllultc decision has hs yet been reached by tho Union Pacific to build now machine bhops In this city," iald T. M. Orr. assistant to the president, yesterday consideration for somo tlmo past, but no appropriation has been made to cover tho cost necessary In their building, nnd absolutely nothing definite ,ms hcen 'dctormlne.l upon." iu railroad circles It Is deemed likely tllut w"hln tho nenr futuro tho present c,u tor additional facilities will compel ,hc extension of tho Union Pacific's prcs- ent I0P3- When such necessity is rccog- n'"'1 "jilcinlly by tho management of tho Union Paclllc It Is n foregono conclusion hat the n('tlcJ facilities will bo provided. " P'imuion .or mien au exigency pinna "c being prepared In the ofllco of Chief I -vmj iui nuuj imuiuuiks mien um ". L "'-'"7 to meet tne rcquiremen a. ""77':; assene.t oy ' ' '' i'i-i-f-.-n Out tircnt Nnrilu-ra. PORTLAND. Ore. Jan. 16. Tho Oreconlan anrl ncxt Sunday, January 20, nnd quit tho nnca 0- tho Oregon Railway and Navigation COmnany. its two years' contract havinir PXpired. As tho Union Paclllc rules In tho ffftrs 0f tho Oregon Railway and Navlgn- ton corapany and tho Pacific Express com- .,nny ms ,ho preference on the Union Pa- clllc system, It Iiub been found Imprac ticable to renew tho agreement with tho Great Northern company. Tho superin tendent of tho Great Northorn Express company Indicated a short tirno ago that the Grent Northorn was not abandoning this Hold oxcept for the time being. This gives rlso lo tho rumor that the Great Northern may build Into Portland, leaving tho main lino nt Wenntcheo nnd come In over tho Portland, Vnncouver A Yakima; fc P Dividend. UOSTON. Jan. lfi.-Thc Chlrngo, llurllng- ton & l"r-cy dPi'lnred a quarterly dividend 4 " 1 KVlH- Pymo to siock- noiuers oi li-coi.l l-CDruiiry ,, It WO also ,nt" "'""" i,cr 01 nrw kiock ni t .1 (A 1 m . . 'ar 10 fincmioiuers or record lebruary 7, Ior roniruenon mm equipment. 1 1 O I I H II V NnlPK II... I I n .... M 1 I . . AsHlstiint Genernl Frclht Auent W. 1 f. uarrim 01 tun t tiion faciuc iiiih uceu am- icring Willi nil aiueit Ol 1110 grip. " "". cnsninr 01 inn iiiirung- nn,,-,..,! nm.mii-or , nnnrlm.ii lu ..I,. Uont from his ofllco on account of 'sicklies mill "Dllko" Buckingham lu combining the . . .. - , i. . .-7 lll'a..ul win .111 i cumcr iur U, iiiim)iH Central has Introduce,! .nm... tiling new in souincru railroad uffalrfi by establishing a through sleeper from Chf- M piissengerM troiu . iii...ik uoiinu lor mo 'oim lm" ln c'"K cars tit tno Ohio I t nkno" n .liiiiins from EiuIh liriduc ST. LOUIS, Jan. 16.- All unldentllled young man committed sulcldo today by Jumping from tho middle span of tho Ends bridge Into tho river. 100 feet below. Ap- p.irently ho regretted his net after striking I tho water, for ho mado a desperate effort to keop afloat. Ho sunk und his body was not recovered. Tho sulcldo was woll dressed nnd apparently about 27 years old. A It eiuurUiilile ('liiinipiiKiir. When for yours ono brand of clmmpngno has Increased Its Imports from doublo of uny other brand to 70.203 enses moro, as ll O- Mumm's Extra Dry, Importing HIM" ohcs " i" l exclusive oviuonco of lis quality, nnu tnai now imported is specially fine. I DUi.nel. limit SnIU for MmHlo. ,w yonK Jitll. )0. Tlio United States ,,.,,nrt Wright, which has been snmn tlmo luting out for Moulin, to bo used hh tf orl"VitC t'oda y TI i o W r Tg h t wiih"') r l'i I mil I y a rrlJtur and wns presented to tho govern- ment by aomo, patriotic Boston womwti for H'.iri.'irr'wlleit IJff. fiSMol!f" A'fter ttm war it wan .ised for a tlmo hy General woou ui c;uia mr n uisputcn nout The, Wright has been laid nn for u lonx tlmo In tho Erlo basin. Month nt lloapltnl. Seven election booths nro now In iim nt the emergency hosiillal and cartienters r nt wi.rlc i, re. Hiring five, additional booths for hospital purposes, i inn uie present w' niy inen nave o.-eii cjueu i r i.y n o t but the removal of women und children to the hospital bus mauo it necessary to pro pure additional upurtinenls.