Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 16, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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Tim umaiia Daily Bee.
E. IlOSKWATEll, Kdltor.
TKHMB ok flunficnirxioN.
Dally lire (without Sunday), One Year. $8.00
Dally Hee anil Sunday, Ono Yar s.w
Illustrated Hen, One Year
Sunday lice. Ono Year
Saturday Her, One Year
Weekly llee, One Year
Omaha: The Bee Hulldlnr. .-.,.
South Omaha: City Hull Hutldlng. Twen
ty-nfth anil N Streets. . ,
Council Uluffs: 10 Pearl Street.
Chicago: low t'nlty nuitdlng. ,
New York: Temple Court. . ,
Washington; M Fourteenth Street.
Hloux City: 811 I'ark Street.
Communications relating to news and edi
torial matter should be addressed: Omana
IJee, Editorial Department.
Business letters and remittances should
be addressed: Tho Bee Publishing Com
pany, Otnalia.
Ilemlt by draft, express or postal order,
payable to The nee l'uoiisiunn
-i ...
Tim QVKSTIOX OF OCOVVAXCr. Invested In forclK" loans will roach during last year, at least, socmen to nac
There aro Cubans who regard Anion- $180,000,000, In split- or the Rpmif " V."" "m "VC
fun o:oumtlon of Cuba aHiug wholly Una nt'ltiK that Is iav nurtur way " olll worj,.
unwarranted ana characterize our oiu- will later no ncetioii ror me consum-
,i ..u li..,,,l,, 'I'lmv iiKMi-rt I .,. .!.,,, ,. Hi., rntnlitiiiiHriiiR tin. riiltwiiv nrlnllnn f n.iii llir W nntlsiicu.
ClUin lllliv ii n it.w - urlnl,l tn.ll,U...lll
that paclflcatlon UeinK nn accomiuiHiieu inuiiHgerH arc untiorstooii u ninu m R WM nn nterc(,ltnK variation In the
fact the United States should, in uc- view. The supply or capital is riipiiny shanghai news which Is noted for lis ac
conlance with Its promise, withdraw Its Increasing and there Is nothing In ex- curacy to learn that tho heir apparent to
Miiniiirt-fnn-e from the Island and leave Utliiir conditions to Indicate a change, tho throno had been spanned ror being
. " . . i a. ..
....... .tee t,i Mm enmtifetn rntltrol nf llnr lltiiinnliil atrimtrth .JeolllH to 1)0 llll- I"lul ' lu euiicrur.
IIIU -lltJll J 'S "V ' w ...... - w - - r "
Its people, with tho unrestricted prlv- Rolutely stable and secure,
llego of establishing whatever govern
ment they please. This view Is enter- TjIE vxitkd .ST.lTKS SVXATOIlSllli:
talned by some Americans. The legislature has begun balloting
The. decision of the supreme court in f01. two imited States senators to rep
the Xeely case, however, does not sup- resent Nebraska In the upper branch of tho taxpayers to shoulder the tips the
,.-f 1 1. in wiiii,. tlm i-mirf linlil .i... ..,i i i i... ...... f..,i.,.. o. army officers may see lit to gtvo the Pull-
i. .iii.t ,,., ........ . illu uilliuuill ll-iniuiu. v. i - . .,i- i .
that It Is not competent for the Judiciary constitution the only .,uallllcatlons ex- Ihe'juueeb;;;;';' tha't ueour wars
to iuuko any ueeuir.muu m mu ichkhi pressiy prescrinou relate sinipiy u ukv, popular,
of tltm. r.lil)ii liuiv be rlnlltflllv occil- filtlzimiililti ntul rHlileiici within the
I,,1 l. Mi T'nHiiit ........ t. ( ..), i l.uilirrw III ! iim-vi
piui unu cuiii. vin.-vi i.iv, w.....-1 muLc limn ivuii.-ii niu pcii.ikui .n lhui.... i Indianapolis Journal.
States, that being n matter to be de- Time, custom and precedent, however, Tuo chlc caUgQ ot tn,, American and
ternilncd by the.polltIcal braticu or tile have prescribed other and nddltlonnl aerman manufacturers petting tho ndvnn
nrnriiiiiiiiit. vi't tlinni Is tin doubt that 1 nitnllfintlnti nn lisn tn 1 it. regarded If taeo of tho British Is that the British work
maintained so long as the political Is the highest within the gift of the men which limit tho amount of work one
tmtvor utintl ili.nin If- nwPHS.irr. The roitimonweiilth. It Is an honor as a man shall do.
Thcro ought to be
good stuff In that lad nnd ho may yet eavc
his fatherland.
Wnr's Llttl Plcnmiiilrlrs.
Washington Tost.
The cotrptroller of tho treasury has
kindly rendered a decision which permits
niy rent stamps acccpteu iu vajriiiyii. ". ,,, ,.,,..,a .in, Amnrtunn iii...inm. ti,n a..t..tin.,a ..rr, ...,! tin, mmi re- men win mu auap; incmseivL- v
mall. accounts. Personal checks, except m. . u.. .... - ' chanitcd conditions. Tho benefits .
mL' ?.r." S JA8 mSavv. tlon 0,1(1 COn,ro1 01 UUl,U n" U"U . J U"'"t8 0X1,CtC" ,)y U,C pe0,)U'- . from labor-saving machinery aro frequ
mr. i.r.n m'i"i- . right ami legitimate and therefore to lie The itosltlon of United states senator oftsct by the rmiCuious regulations of wo
ln TtmivInK PflllntV. SS.:
ru'bffing1' c"mS Hft's tlmt "tho contention that rule reserved for public men of tried
says i run ino actual mraimr m im. """ tne united Mtatcs recognizetl mo exisi- experience ami kiiowii iiuiiiiy
U offers
fcvenlnLm"Psunday lieo Sprinted' during : the enco of an established government, opportunities for the advancement of the
ftionth of UecemtKT. M. was as follows
1 a7,7HO 17.,
2 2T,'.U,1 18.,
3 2T,H00 19.,
I UT.'JOO 10.,
E aT,3r,0 21.,
8 27,-iaO 22..
7 a7,l0 23.,
8 37,120 24.,
9 a,nor. 25.,
10 27110 26.,
11 S7J70 27.,
12 27,110 28.
13 27,280 29.
It 27,725 "30.
IS , 27.IWO 31.
16 211,11(15
Cliiuiur .Make a Center.
Sprlngllcld Republican.
Ills excellency, 1,1 Hung Chang, Is noted
for his humor, but his latest Joke hits us
Christians rather hard. Ho Is reported as
anvlnir "I.'tfnlv T finvn hern lonklnc nt
..27,:uo power to displace or overthrow It, Is the exercise of talents tested by devo- wmU you can yollr lcn commandments.
..ss4:t TvithonL merit." It was not the Inten- tlon to the public good. Tho clhth one says: 'Thou shalt not
"2t'!i4o tlon of congress. In the opinion of the There should be a lino of gradation steal. Now I want to Improve that one
,.27,oao court, to recognize the existence of an In the standards set for service In our
27,:uo organized government Instituted by the representative bodies. A higher order
known as the republic of Cuba, but It Is state and nation that can well command
27)780 now using Its military or executive the sterling traits of statesmanship and
ar ".?o 26 27 "no People of Cuba, when it declared that of ability Is looked for In state leglsla-
!li!!!!!!!!!!!!!37r370 2t!!!!!!!"!'.'."8t!i70 tl10 People or the Island were, and of tures thau lu city councils, a still higher
I suggest that tho eighth commandment
read. 'Thou shall not steal, but thou may
est loot.' A dead shot I
From Ilnd to Worms
Cleveland Plain Dealor.
ft la n llllln iinnlflnannl tn nntn till.
7'" This, as Interpreted by the court, simply the highest lu the membership of the toatlmony of tho big tobacco dealers ro-
!!!!!!2o)t)7o mt'iint that the Cubans were to enjoy national senate.
seir-control, 01 course at sucii time as
gardlng tho greatly Increased sale of cheap
They lay It all to
Net total sales.
While business caimcll.v. as evidenced and abominable cigars
tho United States should decide that the by successful commercial or Industrial '? wur " J cln1relle1'' As 1,10 ,,a"cr , nr,
1 . uriven out ino cueap cisars crown 111. iuci
" I . 1, ,. , 1 . 1. ..
desirable, United States senators should
Iss unsoVd'Vnd Veturned'eopleii.'... to,oo:i people were prepared to assume that enterprises or professional careers
.srm.iM responslbllUy.
dentally It can bo remarked that while tho
cigarette may bo Injurious to tho Immodl-
Kct dally averogo.j. .iJWi' 'llu luestlon of Cuban becupatlon be- also have a familiarity with subjects of nto user, tho cheap cigar Is far more ob
.hHi m ,v n,,,;,, VnVi worn to lug subject to the determination of the public Interest nnd an actiualntauce noxious to the general public.
before mo this 3ist ''"X jjjjC,jjjQ:j5" ' I political power of the government that I with the needs and sentiments of tVj Kioctrieity Cron-dinx wtenm.
is'oal.i ' ' 'Notary Public. Is to the executive and legislative people they are expected to represent. New York Tribune.
branches it may be continued Indetl- Ideas and Ideals that make for progress Tiieru is n growing tendency on tne part
At tlm naiinl nili. thn intrv fees In the ,,u.,K. tt i ti... riit,rr., f ..m,.,i-,u mill con vlr-t limn tlmt mu i-lr plinniflpr of tho electric lines which are competing
senatorial race will be Just sulllelent to L decide upon the length of time that should be as essential for a senatorial reev
pay nit: purse. I tills govcrniuelll snail exercise autnonty seal as legiu learning lor an eiucieui nnu nackaKCB as well ns passengers. Im
In Cuba, so that It can make the nerlod Judge upon the bench. nortant chanitcs may bo Impending In cor
The various senatorial lightning rods monM,3 or years, auite reKiudless of I our system of popular government tain linos of transportation. Electricity Is
have been given their first chance to whut the Cuban peonlo may wish. Ha v- there Is nothing to prevent any one who llkc'y t0 Bnln Kroun(1 on steam as tho cen-
. ... . . I 1 1 1.V ailvnnpnt DtiH frlcrht nvnrpaa nnrl
I -., , ... c, I ri.Klll.. ,1.. M,.....IM. ... ... .. .. . ..v..,, w,..
uig succeeueu 10 1110 uuuioiiiy 01 opuni ........... w.u .uiimn.-iMtum i "i' ma business may largely bo given up later
in uuna tne united states may ngnt- 10 ingueRi omce wiiuni me popuiur to tho mysterious force of tho dynamos
fully exercise that authority 11s long as gift, 110 mutter how lacking he may be ; -
It shall please to do so. . In the other .nullifications that go to ViTston Tranrh,
Undoubtedly this view of the rights constitute 11 meritorious candidate. Hut Tbut Ocneral Wood Is taking caro of the "on his buttonhole.
of this government, created by treaty, It devolves, In this Instance, upon the interests of the Cubans In every possible
demonstrate their drawing jwwers.
Council Itluffs Is Jo. have, a public
library building. Omaha's lown neigh
bor Js to be congratulated on this fact.
ablo hen segregated. They also show that
thn fictitious capitalization of Insignificant
Scenes nnd Incident. Aronnit the llnl Koiindntloii f tlur Hiipreinney In "" schemes has been abandoned to a cousld-
r ntliiiml I'olltlt-s. iiiinistrini "orl"' erablo extent. Tho records for tno past
Heturnlng to Washington fresh from tho St- Lou's Hepubllc. yrsif ,,rt,gent jrK0 anj imposing array
JocksonlHn banquet at Omaha, Senator Till- In the Increase of crude materials 0f ncw competitive companies coming Into
man related to tho Washington Post man ported tor manuiacturcrs in mm iu" J ' cxlstcnco to contest for business ltn tno
an Incident Illustrative of the musical tal- during tho year 1000, tho Ingenuity and consolidations commonly termed tho
"trusts." Tho steel nnd wlro trust, which
as practically alono In Its glory at tho
beginning of 1S99, found at tho cIosh of the.
vcit ftlv t,nrl,ntniiM rlvuln wllh n eanltal of
seemed to strike a responsive chord In the raw material wns Imported, while, It to this jpooo.000, which. It Is reported, will bo
ent of tho local braves. forwardness of the American worsmcn arc
I went for Cleveland pretty hard In my shown In a remarkable degree.
speech," said tho senator, referring to his According to reports of tho Treasury
speech nt the bantiuet. "and all that I said Bureau ot Statistics, $275,000,000 worth of
hearts of my oudlence. When I finished bo added the "total or articles wnony or
they wanted to do something to show their partially manufactured for uso as materials
appreciation of me, and so some ono tried n manufacturing," tno granu toiai v,oum
to start the singing of 'Dixie.' niess your h 1360,000,000, equaling 45 per cent of nil
soul, they didn't know It. The spirit was Importations. This Is tho largest In tho
willing, but the flesh was weak." History or tno united states, ootn in volume
"What did they do then?" a relative percentage
"They compromised on singing 'Amer
ica.' " said the
tho singing as best
Increased to $20,000,000 within the current
year. Tho tlnplato trust has witnessed the
advent of four rivals with a cnpltsl of
neorly $7,000,000.
So on down the list It goes.. Iu matches,
baking powder, Ice, oil, lubes and a largo
number of other commodities outsldo cap-
Peter Currnn, a fraternal delegate from )(n, naB fol,nd flclll (or investment and
i-.ngianu to tno contcrcnco recently uciu m w)l contcst for n aharo of tho trade. In
Arlington hall la Now York, gave ono of tho n colmtry 0f vast wealth, where natural
principal reasons for this wonderful Increaso opportunities enable capitalists to coma
A Washington correspondent gives an In tho Importation of raw materials when ho ,. rnt)ay fr0m tho ranks of laborers and
ng made 1110 statement: "ow employers nre Emu tradesmen, the
outline nf tin. nrpslilcnl'n tilnns for restlnK
and vUltlua- different sections of the coun- get'llng moro work out of tho worklngmen
try during the summer. About May 1 he than aro tno employers in the old country
will go to the Pacldc coast. The ostensible and the manner In which you rush In this
object of bis visit Is to ho present nt the country would not be tolerated for a single
launching of the battleship Ohio at San moment In England."
Francisco. In reality he will make his As yet, no ono has heard American worK-
u cxcuie for visiting all coast towns. He Ingmcn complain about tho manner in which
will bo absent from Washington botweca mey "rusn. ino American spiru ot corn-
four and flvo weeks. The presidential train raorco is rapidly conquering tho world, ami
will irn hv one of the southern roads nnd the worklngman Is behind It nil. If tho
return hv 'onH of thn northern ones. One manufacturers In (Ircnt Britain were awnko
of the features of tho trip may be a meet
ing with President Diaz of tho Mexican re
public at El Paso. When he returns to
Washington In June he will remain a few
weeks, when ho will go to the mountain!
for thn extreme hot mid-summer. For most
of tho time during his first term he re
mained In Washington during nearly nil ot
to tho fact that American worklngmen
"rush" because they take a prldo In their
work, they would not now bo Introducing
Into Parliament bills to drive products of
tho United States out of competition.
England has not had tho Increaso In this
class of Importations which hat marked the
rite of tho American workman with his Im-
ero will always be thou
sands nnd tens of thousnnds to contest the
right of nny man or scoro of men to monop
olize nny brunch of Industry. A dozen of
two men formed the steel trust, and tho
profits straightway boramo so alluring that
some of tho many thousand "outsiders"
rushed Into tho business and nre making
money out of It. There nro too many peo
ple and too much money In this country to
admit of nny excessive monopoly arising
from tho consolidation of nny Industry, pro
viding wc uro careful In thn distribution of
legislative ssslstnncc, better known us
roivrivii An i'i.i:ASA.vr.
the hot weather, the state of public busl- Prvcd methods nnd better brains. On tho
ness having demanded this. This year he contrary, tho Indifference of tho British
feels that he haa a right to tako moro rest, workman has homo fruit In a decrease of
Ho will spend a few weeks at home In the Importations In that country thnt ha. been
fall. Tho omco seekers will be dismayed by the- nation of a departed com-
thls program. It contemplates very little merclal prestige. Orcot Britain ran study
attention to questions of patronage. tbp 'abl? R,vo" b', e Treasury Bureau
of Stntlstlcs nnd find in thorn tho results of
"It Is rather Interesting to glance over Amerlcnn thrift and application expressed
the floor of the sennto nnd house," says tho m "ars nnu cents,
and nolo the various
Washington Post,
decorations or buttons which appear In the
lupcls ot the coats of senators and repre
sentatives. Senator Warren of Wyoming,
for instance, is never without the tiny bow
of red, white and bluo rlbbou thnt denotes
him to be the possessor of a medal of
Twentieth Century Prophets Let On n
Few Prophecies,
Chicago Tribune.
Ex-Secator Edmunds recently deprecated
the growing concentration of wealth tn this
honor awarded him by congress for gallant country ns a grave social menace. Ex
action In battle, a distinction which Is only Mayor Hewitt followed with strictures upon
shared by one other senator General the Indlfferenco of persons of wealth to
Sowell of New Jersey. Senator Quarks tho glaring Ills of our social life and with
wears the button of tho Order of the Loyal a declaration that It present day cities
Legion, and quite a number of members were to bo regarded as the best environ-
of bothhouses display the crccccnt nnd meut which modern progress can provide for
scimitar of tho Mystic Shrine. Heprcsontn- human life, ho would prefer to seo them
tlvo Richardson of Tennessee Ib the only stricken ns wcro Sodom and Gomorrah, and
member who wears conspicuously tho their Inhabitants returned to the native
starred and barred flag of tho confederacy, soil.
showing hlra to bo a member of the Con- Over ngolnst these utterances may be
fedorato veterans, whllo Representative cited another Just made by Henry D. Lloyd.
Loudcnslager of New Jersey never comes "Early In this century," he declares, "a
Into the house without a bright red carnn- well known citizen of Boston will perfect
his Invention for tho conversion of carbon
"But tho most Interesting Insignia Is that coal directly Into electricity without tho
It is uso of fire," he having "already made a
manufactured laboratory success of this." The "Indus
pinned upon trial revolution" wrought by steam "will
comes bo but a summer shower to that following"
inaugural this success. By tho ownership of tho
procession." patents "a score of men will become tho
mnfltara nf nnrlnlv" nnrl ll "Rnrlnl rnvolll
When ho Wns asked ns to tho policy of ,inn.. wiil Hrenr,llnnlv h nrnvnked. In the
tno oomocrnuc party benator Lindsay or imnrnvPl unrlnl crmnliatlon followlnc
Kentucky remarked tho other day that he ..power will flow in every house and Dhop
i.ul wo i-Auuai-u .mm nn interview as freely ns water" now flows nnd "tho new
"Caffcry nnd I have a caucus." Lindsay rap)a tranglt" will make It "possible for
mm wucrj- nro uie wo Koiu uemucnuB in riM n ho 400 or COO miles In d amctcr.1
the United States sennto and both of them ti, rn,ti,..ui nnin, .nn hninr "win.i,, nn
Lincoln. Kvon tho poor honor of head- and adopted by the Cuban people and senators for the state the aim should be tlon of the bringing together of tho nations refused to support Colcnel Bryan In the ,our of tho centCr." Not only will the
lug a forlorn hope was denied the re- this should be accomplished wllliln the to Bve tnem capniile anu worthy sue- tnrouga modern instrumentalities man tne insi election, us tney uiu in jno. Judge i'6moke nuisance In cities" then "bo abol
cessors. iiumituiiw irum uuur w uuur uurius, iucij.hiu.--uj is nuiipuni-u iu unve men 101 M,hed, ' but "so will tho cities themselves,
last tour auy 01 ine pngni ot tne wreicneu
people on the stranded steamer Ruesie, on
It Is hnrtlly likely that the Associated . . . , 11,1,1iu,ru nP .. i.ii,.t.i,- voi.i -im, way Is scon In the ronort that ho will have worn by Senator Mason of Illinois.
Press will bo permitted to transmit " -. l V.. . ' " Plant erected at Manzanlllo, to com- a miniature American flag.
Kenernl Kmrnn's onlnlnn of Senator wu" ,,Hr "s ,nost 01 u,u " " ."T' . ' " '"''"f. . pete with tho combination there of two r American silk. It Is
,;, : They will be very likely to see In It u not in tneir limivitiiiai capacities, out as omnnn, ca nireaiiv PBtabll8hed. who charee senator's coat, and when he
1 ITIllfr. I - . . I A .. . I !-.. I - ' ,t .. . 1.
inonucc ot tno
permanent occupation lepreseuuiuves 01 uieir consiiiuencies, 8Ucn exorbitant rates that the poor people
"ITnlo lilm Mini lintli cl.nll l.n l,.n " WHICH SOU1C Ot tllC neOIUO Ot tllO ISllllKl " wuiiuu iiiuu HiHii iu 1111-11 nil, cannoi uuy wie pruuuci. avnurni .v uuu
W (Itl I'lllll IV.I I ... a m .
A Now York milIoiutIre held the ticket ro urging and which has advocates In as senators, can rellect credit upon them- ,, nave , wnnt urn
which won tho Sioux City mansion In this country. There Is, however, no selves and on the state Nebraska has J'Pj Pft c t tojost
n rnlin. 1-01,1 dauger that American occupation contributed to the United States senate abIo figuro
will be extended beyond the time that a several eminent representatives who
The sting of Ingratitude was painfully constitution Insuring stable government have rellectcd honor upon that illustrl-
In evidence at the legislative session nt shall be approved by the United States otw body. In choosing now two new
All the World Watched.
Philadelphia Record.
There has seldom been n better llluBtrn-
clplcnt of the first Jab.
present year, possibly In a few months.
The sentiment in this country lu favor
Wyoming's boast of Its wool crop is 0f Cuban Indenendeilce Is very nearly
nn excellent evidence of tho trend of uuanlmous.
Industrial affairs lu tho west. Wyom
ing should havo mills to work up the JMAKIXO to buhoi'K.
crop Into cloth, however. Germany will soon place another
loan on the market, amounting to at Kentatlves of the Chinese government
How harmonious those fuslonlsts nre. least 5100,000,000, and It Is expected glgucd and dreams of n speedy end of
What a forcible example for the rcpub- tha't government will endeavor to nego- (j10 (MilcultloH were lloatlng around.
Ilcnns to follow Is nffordod by the easy tlate a considerable, part of It In the it now appears that the royal seal Is
agreement reached by the populists and United States. This, it Is snlil, will not missing from the document, and, as this
democrats as to whom to honor with necessarily Involve the sending of very iH necessarv to make It effective an-
mucli money to Germany, our credits ot1L,r onB delay Is unavoidable,
When It conies to delays the Chinese the coagt of Krance. wrecked on Its pas-
statesmen are entitled to the palm, sago from Oran. Algeria, to Marseilles, Tho
When It wns discovered the powers
were becoming impatient over the fail
ure to sign the peace terms the repre-
people of all tho continents have partici
pated In tho suspense and the sufferings ot
these unfortunate voyagers and In the joy
of their final rescue.
their votes.
Trcnmirc Uuk from Xnliirc'n
MocUoil Storehouse.
Sun Frunclsco Chronicle.
Estimates of the mineral and metallic
The Production of tho United States for the
Charges have beeu tiled
against Congressman and
llalley., The statesman ts sick at pres
ent, but when he recovers there Is likely
to bo trouble, u few tloors kicked lu and
several tempers milled.
lu that country are today probably troors of the allies will cerlainlv remain year 1000 havo Jl,st bcen nub"8hc,, bv lhe
d In Texas tw tlinu t, evol. wm. nn thc New York Engineering and Mining Journal.
Kptnitnr-olpcr , , - , l ""m ,0"' t-'Oiitn 10 olloiul accn jt s t00 eary 0f course, for exact figures 1.1 lmin enn ha ourIIv pmiHiiiiinintiil tlii'niiL'li .........1 i ,i i, .1... i....i . . .. . .. ... ..
.Members of tile congressional com
mittee spoke their mind with decided
frankness regarding the hazing prac
tices at West Point. Fifteen cents
looks large beside the picture tho con
gressmen drew of some of the cutlets.
loan can be easily consummated through
a shifting of credits, as was done with
the first of the German loans last year.
The kingdom of ltavarla Is also In
the market for u loan of ?2r,000,000 and
It Is understood expects to raise the
money In Ilerlln nnd In New York.
The Impression In the latter city Is that
even If Ilerlln gets a share of this loan
It will not be thc lion's share and will
practically represent n use of Amer
ican credits, so that It will be accurate
to say that the whole loan Is .financed
It Is a little bit laughable just now to with Amerlcnn money. These two trans-
recall the fact that one of the reasons actions, It Is stated, will Increase by
urged for the ratltlcatlon of the Loutsl- nt" least ?7r,000,000 American Invest-
ana purchase was that somewhere out ntent In the loans of foreign nations,
lu tho wilderness was a 'solid mountain it Is probable, says a Now. York dls-
of salt, which would become valuable In patch, that private arrangements made
time. between banker and banker, one Amer
ican, the other European, represent
Hon. Thomas M. Patterson, senator- American bankers' credits ncross the
elect from Colorado, has such a way wu. f not far from $75,000,000 more, a
with hlni. Ills opponents all withdrew. part of wIlci, win be liquidated through
Mr. Patterson's presence In the United , iIU:K 0f these national loans. It
States senate will probably compensate H believed that within the next two
for any loss that might result from months another British loan will be
rettigrcw s retirement. offered In tlfe American market, unless
there shall be nn early ending of the
Clark lias dually received the popo- war In South Africa, which does not
cratle caucus nomination for sonntor In nt present appear probable.
Montana. The hint given last week There are some who regard with np
Has doubtless induced hlni to open up'a prehension American Investment In
Coppermine. This should not IsMnken foreign loans, on the ground that it
to Indicate, however, that he Is being tnkes out of the foil n try money that
played to lose. ought to be employed here. In the Inst
national campaign the democrats
Lord Huberts certainly exhibited good pointed lo Jt ns evldeuce that condl
Judgment lu requesting that no more tlons here were not so prosperous as the
fetes lu his honor be arranged until republicans clnlmed. Hut these foreign
affairs lu South Africa became more set- Investments were drawn from the large
tied, .lust at present there does not np- surplus In excess of any home demand
pear to be any reason why Kuglatid and hail no effect upon the money mar
.fchould Indulge lu any Jubilation. ket. This will be the case with. further
foreign loans. Capital haw been ac
If the reputation Senator Pettlgrew cumulating here so rapidly In the last
has made lu the senate is to follow him three or four years that our moneyed
home even his opponents may wish they Institutions can buy foreign bonds with
had kept hlni nt Washington. Senator ut having to reject any legitimate
Sowell asserted In tho senate that In home demand.
Pottlgrow's twelve years lu that Imdy Of course there Is a point iu tills
ho had never 1teou known to say a loaning abroad beyond which It Is not
good word for anyone, but always had desirable to go, but that point has not
n brick ready to throw. . yet been reached ami probably will not
be In the near future. It Is not to be
Hev. Dr. Stevenson may be a little expected that Kuropean government
nheiid of his time, but the west will will continue to place loans on th
suffer nothing because of his entbusl- American market. What they hav
asm for It. Ills picture of the metrop- done lu this respect caused no llttl
oils of the United States on the Pacllle resentment on tho part of home capl
const Is no more overdrawn than would lallsts. Hut so long as foreign loan
have been a picture of a metropolis earry rates that make It profitable t
where Omaha now stands had a public Invoht In them more or less America
speaker In 1801 undertaken to paint the money will tlml employment lu that
future of tho "west for an nudlonce of way
his dav. And Dr. Stevenson has n solid It Is believed that within the next si
hasls of fact to bank his opinion on. . months the amount of American capital
mated If they wait for the final settle
ment of the troubles.
to be obtainable but In past years the
Journal has been approximately correct In
Its preliminary estimates, which arc based
flnlnrmln nniinnndit fniinil It iii....Kmu-v " "pons rceeiveu ironi omciai Hourcen
I find frnm nrnitunAra Thn trttnl volna r t
to snow men- men oi poiuicui rigius uy , mota, produc(1on of the country last
nrowing out oi tne legislature me re- year Ib placed at $509,800,
publican members elected from Pueblo 1496,057,320 In 1899. This
bv larce majorities. Nebraska, reiiub- 13,7,672. It Is trnceabl
cans preferred to do themselves an in- , y ,n " " ;,, "nn .VuiriM-. concluao 10 mtlKe Jcnersonmn democracy crazo wa8 Bt lt8 llclglt ln tl0 eury months
Justice rather than unseat democrats Crinni0 creek-was over iG 000 000 In ex- 110 p! l,y . . . 1 of W and tho nllnost countless millions
J . . ... .... urippio L,rceit waB over u,uuu,uuu in ex- ,,. p,.,i Brmv of demnemts .Instead of n , . i .,..,i,..,i..
wl.o gained a similar isisitlon Dy rea- cess of that of tho previous year. Then :nnMrm ,,, ,. )hft wnrk " l"" T" Vr"u" "
son of outrageous frauds. It Is no moro tho increased yield of tho precious metal of orciul,za.,OIl wll, lmve ,)PCn accmniflhcd "11 Z "TV " 1 Tbt' .. "r . Z
safe to judge a politician oy tne loud '" " ' and tho democrucy, whether successful In i,lBr instltnUnna raused much concern
latins of purity and fair dealing liH o .2nr LTZri is T n'Z wcur"1B cotr',1.,lf.,,w ,,nem, Knvc"irat'" It was feared that this growing tendency
makes than It is to take your eye off mnes In the Grca Lakes region and In ho "r " ' ' Z I tor TteUn TV Industriu. -ti.onopoly foreshadowed
the cuplward because the small boy Is western states and territories turned out L", ."''"i. P"" " ""o""K the doom of tho smaller Investor, dea cr and
huiiiniing church music. moro metal last year than at any previous
period in tneir history, nut tne value nas
Mrs. Vntl.ii. has ile.dileil. nfli-i- snend- sKhtly decreased. The non-metallic sub
1 1 ulnnpfia tiilnoil rlnrlnv n rt vnfil am vnliiArt ot
mgii seosou in n ivunsus j.iu, uuu 55,680,991, ns against J645.754.305 In 1899.
lug martyr In the anti-saloon cause is An Increaso of S109.92G.6SG is thus shown
not so much fun and is productive of In thn valuo of these minerals, The total
less glory than she Imagines, and has mineral output of the United States during I...II f,.r l.,..- .. ........ r.m.... nfr Mm , ,asl lwo ypars wl" la,,B comparo as
JicKiiuey. Mr. Caffcry did not voto nt all. Bnd ..tno population will be educated back
ineHo uro esimiuoio genuemcn mojiiiain lo their old home tho soil.'
that they mono of all thc senators represent Aai,i0 from til0 nreclso outlines of this
the truo orthodox Jcffersonlnn democracy broad uredlctlon It Is entirely reasonable
nnd that their former political associates to expect that tho mechanical Inventions of
wno supponeu urynn are merely popuusts. .i... PPIlt,irv will bo oven moro notcnt In
Judge Lindsay remarkod, however, i tl.eli- Influence udou social development and
tnai no nopea to see a new alignment ot organization than were those ot the nine
tho democratic party, so that all factions teenth century. It Is also reasonable to
would bo supporting tho cnndldute of the BUspect that such inventions will Include
party nt mo next prcsiuenuai election, out g0ln6 method for developing and dlstrlbut
admitted that the reorganization must bo nR p0wcr, which will reverso tho central
mudo by thoso within the party rather than ZK influence of steam upon population.
tnrougn tnose wno nnve ucen outsiuo tno Tho flro from heaven conditionally In
breastworks. voked bv ox-51avor Hewitt may really coino
It Is absolutely necessary, however," for ts work, though In the form of some
said Mr. Lindsay to a correspondent of the ew prlnclplo of power production and tits
t nicngo llcconi, "ror tne organization to trlbutlon.
get rid of popullstlc Ideas nnd popullstlc
lendershlp. It must reassert tho fjndn- IJHCI,I.K (IK Till, i mis l .
mcntnl principles of democracy, tolerate , - , ,
in. ',....... ....i ,,i. I.ldt In Cnnsolldiillon of 111k
... ....... u JUb....o u.o.... teresln Itencheil.
oi mcro numiniHirnuon nnu uiscaro tno inrli.n,i nrirnnlfm
revolutionary spirit which has been maul- ,r,.n nnannlal nnd Industrial record of the
resieii ov us new icauers. J man s i n on -. , .,i. ........
o iihuuixi imon tho nronr etv of colnlnc money out .u- .... u i,i... ...i... i..,.
an increase ot nf ... Ri,ni.i nnt u maiin n test of ... ..... ..
e chiefly to two .. ,T.. . .V , tno niiegru cncroiiciiiiiunin ui uujxiui uii
L"ieii 10 i.o lf.vnllv. Whenever those In inithorltv I .. ...... . mu. ....... .
,,, - - - 1 11 n,n ..'nil i.iii.. illu LUUBUiiumiuu
Ilrooklvn Life! "'rhere'H n luckv man
for youf'
"How's that?"
"Win-, lie'n irnt 11 butler an illsnlfleil lllkt
ho even awes the conic Into submission!"
Cleveland Plnln Denier: "Hut. ma. Uncle
John eats with his knife."
Hush. dear. Uncle John Is rich I'tnuirli
to cat with a flro shovel If he prefers It."
Detroit Jourtinl: "Did he clvc n eond
account of himself In battle?"
excellent. lie wns nctlnc ns corresnonu-
ent for several of the lending papers, you
Puck: The Prima Donna (nfler the tlrut
net) I won't go on again unless that box
party makes less noise! I nearly had hys
The Mutineer (In surprise) I dldn t hear
nny noise.
Thc Prima nonna Ton diin't7 way.
they encored that upstart of a contralto
tour times:
New York World: "What kind of a man
Is thin John Smith?"
"Oh. no's the klnil that thinks ho can
linlil nn to his umbrella liv hnvlnc his nruno
engraved on tho handle."
Indianapolis News: "A man," said thn
Cornfed Philosopher, "usually realizes at
mldillo age that ho Is a good deal of n fool,
though soinctline3 ho needs the .isslstano
of feme young person to aid hint In Hading
It out."
Wnsliltictnn Star: "Do von think that
base ball Is going to arouse tho enthusiasm
next season that It used to create?"
"1 think so," answered the sporting num.
What we want to do now Is to t the-
public as much lutcm-ted In tho fights of
the manacrei-K ns it used to be ln the atrilu-
fles of the players,"
Philadelphia Press: Dascher Say. old
man, what's the secret of your popularity
with tho women?
Moscher Well, whenever I meet a pretty
woman I make It a point to tell her sho's
Dascher Hut when you meet a woman
who isn't pretty?
Moscher I tell her how homely some
other woman Is.
lit Ip.
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Cold that makes you rear and rip;
Qulnlti3 with a tlery nip:
Dolling drinks to sip nnd elp:
Lemonade and hlnh-splced flip:
Hack that aches from neck to hip:
Swollen ndse nnd pulTy Hp:
Head that ueems to so ca-zlpp!
Pulso that shows n lively clip: ,,
Strength that swift away doth slip;
Feet thnt stumble, stub and trip.
Knees that towurd each otner dip:
Oalt that rolls as If on ship:
Tongue that's furry to tho Up:
Still moro quinine, 'nothcr nip
Into what vast and volcelcFK, realms
Have you, now, gone, Intrepid soul?
Whnt deeper knowledge have you gnlneiU
Whut higher truths havo you dlscern-M?
You, who were strong to Ilnd your w.iy
When foes were fierce nnd friends were fow,
Will Journey swiftly and lu peace
With earth's confusion left behind
And Cod's love shining on before.
Hut many henrtf, now faltering
t'pon Time's treach'rous. shifting sands
Will miss their bravo and gentle KUlde.
Your sturdy force and cheery word,
Your doctrlno of the right of man
To active help 111 time of need,
Stretched fur beyond tho bound ry line
Ot shallow souls nnd narrow creeds.
Search on, uniiaunieii pioneer,
Heyond life's limits, murk n road
For thOSO "hOKOOH.
Wlnsldc, Neb,
national affairs.'
i'i:nsoAi. mti:s.
Thn Into Philip 1). Armour once said:
'I am no talker. I made my fortune by
learning to keep my mouth shut. When
tho teeth nro shut tho touguo Is nt home."
Tho fnct, however, that Mr. Armour
manufacturer. Had this consolidation
movement bcen an unqualified financial suc
cess tho figures for 1900 would have been
largely In qxecss of thoso of 1899. Money
was moro plontiful, tho gcncrul prosperity
of tho country was greater ami all condi
tions wcro much moro favorable for hand
ling gigantic- financial schemes limn In 1899.
ln splto ot these facts the aggroguto capi
talization nf tho now consolidations of 1900
time of her trial. The Kansas law pro
vides a way for getting rid of the sa
loons In that state nnd thpsc who vio
late the law In the effort to suppress
them put themselves lu the same cate
gory as other lawbreakers.
ways stnnd out ns ono of tho great traits
of his character.
Mrs. Julia Dent Orant, widow of tho gun-
said, "care for musical gymnastics, as he
lfW. 1900. Increase ln 1900,
$1,141,811,025 JI,;flr,,4Sl,93 I23,G70.:i58
Tho latter figuro represents thc Increased
wealth to tho nation which tho mining
Industry has contributed directly during the
year. What It has added Indirectly must be
looked for In the Influence which this vast
mini liml nlliAf I rwl 1 1 ll 4 r I siu avtrl r ri
duiu una uu until ihiiubuh,o miiu wm I,.,. 11 t 1 9 ...i
Western Nebraska men come to commerce associated with mining and its " " -'. " , ,'V, v'
t !i i. ii... I nrrtdimts. 1 -
UllllUHl yi!.IUl HUl'h m Will ' . . . . . . , ... rn,.. n.H4o,,. .r rVlrmh. fVPOk nnH Vlnlnr.
prosperity that prevails in that Hoctloil. ft Imvo Joined In presenting to Colonel
It wns a myth, said the tKipocrats last ..(nn,!. u tin value is oiaeni at lion.- lloosevelt the club with which hn was
fall, but their majority lu the lllg Sixth 154,345, nnd gold third with a total value struck at Victor when he spoko there lust
.1...1...11...1 im...Ui ..... i,...i... ,,f x7i).r,.Mi.7rK nvr tR nnn.nnn mnrn thnn thn fall. Tho club has been trimmed with
ngalnst Congressman Shattuc of Ohio has a weak-
novor during his long, exciting and eventful
business career, struck first, or attacked tntr nnn.nno. romnarpd with over
nny man, except ln sclf-defcnBO, will nl- .2 rno.000.000 in 1S99.
Thcsu figures Indlcato that there is a
limit to consolidation of big interests; that
there is a point at which they may become
cral. recently denied tbo stories of her hus- so un wieldly thut they proe more proflta-
hand's dislike for music, "llo did not," she
ROD an
Not thn oldest, nor the greatest, hut oiu
ot tho 8AKHST INVU8TMKNTS offered In
the California oil business Is
rim i'in:i'i:itimii stock
of this company, which Is offered now nt
a low price, subject tn udvunco on comple
tion or well No, 3, which Is now started.
Tho character and business s.tnndlug ot
Its llvo Omnhii and four Los Angeles di
rectors cssure wlso and direful manage
ment. Otlll I'ltOSI'lXTIIS
with names of ofllcers and directors, inaps
and full particulars, will bo sent you for
th; asking.
IOI l lint euport fit., Oninhn.
Thl r.... Ik thn i...ut .muili.i.. ui tht Tr preceding. The value of tbe silver Cripple Creek gold and suuao.j inscribed.
production In 1900 waB $37,085,248, as n
$34,036,168 In 1899. ncsa for gaudy vests, although In other re-
the people, are doing well.
AlnrmlklM Minnlnir Opportunities.
Washington Star.
No ono has yet offered tho theory that
tho signal lights on Mars nre Intended to
warn the Inhabitants of this earth of some
danger Into which we aro rushing lu our
Tho collieries of thc country yielded last spects ho dresses quietly. Ills seat In the
year 274,847,779 short tons of coal, ngalnst house Is in the front row of tho repuhltcun
side and ho Jocularly says that he wears
252,115,387 short tons in 1899 and 218,333,833
short tons ln 1898,
The total gold production of tho world
lu 1900 Is estimated at (256,462,438. In 1899
It amounted to $312,307,819, of which the
career through space. It Is feared that the Transvaal mines yielded 72,961,501. Last
alarmists aro growing careless and mlsBlng
C'lllIlN 11 llll ("lOtltlN.
lliooklyn Ragle.
Tbero was a club thrown nt Colonel
lloosevelt In Victor, Colo., during thc can
vass, when ho was talking there against
freo silver. Since ho was elected, tho club
has been lipped with gold and on Thursday
It was mado a present to him. All's well
that onds well, Kvcn tbo clouds abnvo
Lincoln, Neb., aro snld to havo a silver
.Vet (in I ii In Knur Kspurls.
Philadelphia Ilccord.
Of tho four leading articles of Amerlcnn
oxport cotton, brad8tuffs, provisions and
mineral oils there were seut out $832,
1(4,260 during tho year 1900. As compared
with similar exports In 1899, breadstuffa
fell off $16,713,135, petroleum Increased $S,
294,033. provisions Increased $4,437,389 and
cotton Increased no less than $123,011,317.
Tho net gain of about $119,000,000 Is to be
credited almost entirely to cotton, which
year these mines contributed practically
nothing. Whatever was extracted from
them by tbo Transvaal government before
tho evacuation of .Tohonnesburg and
Pretoria and tho occupation by tho nrltlsh
of tho Harbcrton district has not been n(
counted for.
Tbo suspension of mining In tho Trans
vaal placed tho United Slates InBt year at
tbo head of all gold-producing countries.
Iu 1899 it was outranked by Australasia
which hud an output of $79,206,130, tlr
United States having produced only $70,
096,021. ln 1900 tho gold output c!
Australasia seems to havo declined, amount
log only tn $73,253,215. The United Stater
thus lends tho Inttcr by $3,400,000, It will
bo a long tlmo before too Tranvnal miner
will again reach their maximum output.
Until they do thc United States will proba
bly hold first place as a gold producer. Ii
fact, It may be held permanently, sb th
possibilities of future development in tblt
branch of the mining industry In Alaskr
and throughout tbo western mineral boltt
are nearly unlimited.
showy vests in ordor to catch tho speaker's
Several ublo lawyers ln northern Ohio, tn
whom fees aro largo and frequent, have
chown, It In reported, by speedy declina
tions thnt the position of Judge of thn
newly created United Stntcs district court
thorn does not havo sufficient attractions,
p(-n with the honor ndded to the meager'
salary, lo Induce them to accept tho position.
Thn popo gave an audience or three
quarters of an hour tho other day to M.
Kugeiui Wolff, who has Just relumed from
iiu extensive tour through China. The
latter says that ho wns much Impressed,
l ot only with tho holy father's physical
strength, but with thn clearness of mind
which hn displayed In listening tn tho story
related to hltn.
Hunker Hill monument nt Churlestown,
M.isH,, It. to have, nil encircling row nf
eli ctrio lights near Us top ut night If any
body can tm found willing to pay tho cost,
estimated at $1,200 a year. The monument
,vn)cIatton refuses to pay thn bill nnd
sonin of Its members, while they will not
npposn the project, are of the opinion that
thn garish lights would cheapen thc historic
i plls.
Time . . .
All kIioH lines of mon's si ml btryu1 winler suits
lmv been greatly roil need in' prk'e for immediate
sale. Values that are now represented here arc
exceptional for this kind of clothing.
918.00 suits as low as 10.00.
515.00 suits as low as $7.fi0.
Odd trousers at $2.00, $2.R0, ?:.00 and $4.o0.
And some tempting reductions in the price of
underwear. There are several broken lines that,
siId at one dollar, and a lot of odd garments that
rtold ii) to JjM.OO ,vour choice of any of these for Toe.
This is just the time of the year that there are
many line values to be had here just for the looking.
No clothing fits like ours.
Browning, King & Co,
R. S. Wilcox, Manager.
Omnhu'a Only Excluslvo Clothiers for Men und Uojr.