Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 16, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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August 22, I900.
Warner's Save Cure Co.,
Gentlemen :
When my physician first told me that I had Bright's
disease a cold chill went over me and I felt as If I were a doomed man.
For three months I took his prescription and kept getting worse, when
my drupgisL who was a personal friend, told me that in his opinion
Warner s Safe Cure was the best medicine on earth for Bright's disease.
I took a bottle at once and gradually felt relieved. I kept
taking It patiently and regularly for two months and words can
not describe my feelings when I found that 1 was cured.
I felt like a new man. Bright's disease Is n thing of the past
and I would like to say to everyone similarly afflicted, try Warner's
Safe Cure.
Yours very respectfully,
rnrr sample
L U ! of WiitNin'gtUrs
I lib Li OonwlUta.n
of WAiimn'slUni
Cuim will bo sent
to any desiring
fiarno, on receipt of a pontal card, men
tioning this paper. Addrftw WAUSail's
Bira Cuius Co., Itochcstor, N. 7.
Excited Remark of Prisoner Death to De
tective at Bostchoiter Trial.
Hevrrnl Cliriulntn Testify to KIiiiIIiik
Siifltrlrnt Clilornl llyilrntc In Dead
ilrl' Stomach to Ciiunc
1'ATKnsON, N. J., Jan. 15. With an ar
ray ot expert evidence to show the cuuso of
death, tho udmlsslon of statement!) tuudo
by tho police that one of tho defendants
mado u confession of tho crime and n sen
national Interruption of ono of tho witnesses
by one of tho prlsouors, Prosecuting At
torney Km Icy tonight announced that the
case of tho Stnto ugulnst Wllllnm A. Death,
Andrew Campbell and Walter L. McAllis
ter, thrco of tho four men accused of mur
dering Jcnnlo Uosschlctcr, was complete.
Tho RTeatcr part of tho day was occu
pied with the testimony of tho medical ex
perts, tho most Important of which was Dr.
Androw V, McIIrlJo, thu county physician,
who performed the autopsy on tho body of
the girl, nnd declared that sho cario to her
death from tho cffectB of "some poison,"
nnd of Rudolph Wltthaus, a chemist, who
mado qualitative and quantitative analysis
of tho stomach nnd other organs of tho
girl, and declared tho presenco ot
chloral hydrate In sufllclent quantities to
how that death had resulted from tho ad
ministering of this drug.
A number of detectives and policemen
woro put upon tho stand to tell of tho ar
rcst of tho prisoners. Dctectlvo Sergeant
Mclncrncy, whn drovo over tho route with
tho hnckmnn, Hculthorpe, nnd found tho
bottle near tho body, was testifying as to
n statement mado to him by Death on tho
night of his nrrcst, or rather, In tho early
morning. Ho was saying, "I went to
Death's coll and asked htm If ho had nny
relations with tho girl nnd "
Death Instantly sprang to his feet and
shouted "You Ho; you Ho!"
Counsel pulled him away nnd after cvl
donco was given by sovernl dctcctlvci
Death was summoned to tho stand. Ho
told of his arrest and of n number ot ques
tions put to him by tho police, but ho
topped down from tho stand without stat
ing what It wns bo told tho police. Judgs
DUon admitted tho ovldenco ot tho police
men In which thoy said Death had con
fessed. Another CaiifcHHlini Detailed,
William Perry, a policeman, told of a
different confession mado to him by Death.
Ho said tho young man had stated to hlro
that McAllister had put tho drug Into tho
girl's wineglass two or three times.
Dr. Cyrus Townsond, to whom tho four
men took tho girl whon they first returned
to Tatterson, told ot his examination of
tho girl and of his pronouncing her dead
i no oinor witnesses examined woro
Danlot McHlino of tho prosecutor's office.
who had possession of tho bottlo found by
mo dead girl's side; Dr. Wllllnm Vroom
coroner for Qreone county, who was noti
fied of tho discovery of tho body nnd who
made an examination; Tunis Vermeulon,
tho undertaker who embalmed tho body; Dr.
I W. Todd and Dr. Thurber of Paterson,
who corroborated Dr. Vroom b ovldenco;
Dr. Calvin Torrlvorry nnd Dr. W. H. Now
man. who wcro present nt tho autopsy;
Chief ot Pollco Oraut, Detective Sergeant
John H. Taylor and Detectives Titus nnd
Lord, who corroborated tho statements tho
othor odlcers mado as to tho confession
mado by Death.
After recess Defective Bergennt John H
Taylor, who wns omploycd on tho enso, told
Grip 1h every whore. The papers tell uh there are
two million Americans now suffering with "grip" (or
La Grippe, as the doctors call it) and what, is worse it
is more violent in its character than in the past, as a
much greater percentage of victims are dying from its
effects. Grip attacks the old and the young, the hard
'workers and the people of leisure, the rich and the
poor, everybody in fact, whose system is not. in perfect
order. If the bowels are constipated or irregular,
the Kidneys are ailing, the blood impure, the
liver torpid, the digestion weak or disordered, it pro
duces a condition very favorable to "grip," and such
people are its victims. A little care will render the
body proof against attack; that is to say, the impuri
ties in blood, liver stud bowels can be driven out
through the use of Prickly Ash Bitters, the great rear
dy for cleansing and regulating the system. This splen
did remedy purifies the bowels, strengthens the kid
neys, renovates the liver and blood and tones up the
digestive organs. In short, it prevents "grip" by put
ting the system In good condition. And as a help, In
cases where the disease has already fastened" itself on
the body, there is nothing better. It flushes the sew
ers of the body and stimulates the vital organs so that
n a (ure is assisted to more quickly throw off the dis
ease. Sold at Drug Stores.
A Lame
Safe Cure.
Town clerk,
Lake View, Cook Co., 111.
Moved to
1931 North Ashland Ave.,
of a conversation had with Death at detec
tive headquarters, In which Death admitted
having been with tho girl on the night of
tho muidcr. This testimony wns ruled
out on objection ot the defense, as was
nlso testimony ns to what Campbell had
raid after his arrest.
Dctcctlvo Titus gave nn nccount of Death's
confesslcn. Denth was worked up to n high
degrco of excitement. Judgo Scott spoke
to him and tried to calm him.
Dentil' Contention Itrlold.
Dctcctlvo Mclncrnoy went over tho snmo
ground as tho previous witnesses. Ho then
wont on to say:
"At G:30 tho next morning, or rather the
samo ono, for It wns morning when Death
wns lu the olllce, I went to Death's cell
and usked him It he hnd nny relations
with the girl nnd "
Death sprang to his feet boforo the olUccr
could finish and exclaimed:
"You llol you lie!"
Judge Scott dragged tho highly excited
young man to his seat. Death was trembling
violently and seemed completely unnerved,
Detective Lord wont over tho same ground
as the other thrco detectives. Thero was
an argument nnd at Its conclusion Mr. Dunn
ordered Mr. Denth to tnko tho Btand.
Tho young mnn seemed to have regained
control ot himself. Ho said ho was nr
rested on a Monday night nnd waB taken
to tho station house, whero thero were two
other detectives. Ho continued: "There
woro thrco revolvers on tho tablo In tho
station house. Titus said to mo: 'Hilly,
thcto revolvers nro not loaded, so don't try
to kill yoursolf.' "
Ho was questioned by tho detectives nnd
answered them. Then ho testified Titus sold
to him:
"Hilly, you aro not telling tho truth.
Tell tho truo story nnd we'll sco you come
out of It nil right."
Ho eald ho wns nfrald of tho revolvers.
Ho wn osked wherO ho wos that night. He
answered because bo thought tho ofllcers
could get him free. Death wns allowed to
step down without hnvlng told what ho
claimed to have told tho detectives.
Judgo Dixon admitted tho testimony of
tho officers relative to Death s doings nnd
sayings In the station house.
Dctcctlvo Titus wns recalled and snld
Death had udmltted regarding tho girl
"Well, bho certnlnly had tho dopo thrown
Into her."
Knockout limps Arc tlrI.
Denth and McAllister put knock-out dropo
In tho girl's glass thrco times. Detectives
Lord and Taylor wcro recalled, giving testl
mony similar to that of tho other olllccrs.
William Porry, a policeman, related an
other confession In which Denth said Mc
Allister was tho causo ot all tho trouble.
Tho dofonso did not cross-cxnmlne.
Mr. Emloy then submitted his enso ns
complete. Tho court then adjourned until
Lnxntlve Hromo-Qulnlno Tnblots.
C. A. II. Knonnipmeiit Problem.
CLKVKLAND, Jan. IB. The nntlonnl
council of administration of tho Grand
Army of tho Hopubllc hint been advised to
meet In this city on January 21, when It will
ileehln wlicro tills year's national eneamn-
mcnt Is to bo held. At that time a formal
Invitation to ho'.d tho encampment In this
city will do tendered.
Throws Out the Miclit Cleric,
"William McCullough took possession of
tho Klkhorn Vnlloy house, opposite tho
pollco station, Tuesday night and threw
nut thn night clerk because ho did not like
his lookH. The cleric complained nt tho sta
tion nnd McCullough was arrested by De
tectives Dempsoy and Jorgensen and
booked for being drunk and disorderly.
Nn Council McetlitK Int Nlitht.
Hascall, llurkloy. Mount nnd Zlmmnn
wore tho only members of tho council pres
ent last night at tho usual hour of meet
ing. After wnltlng for half nn hour or
more, no q.lorum being present, tho mem
bers Informally ndjourned for a week.
President Springer Urgei More Energy for
Their National Organization,
Declare the Wmlrrii Stncktiinii irlth
III riock anil Herd In the
Tjplenl American Prince
of the Continent.
SALT LAKE, Utah, Jan. 15. Tho fourth
annual convention of tho National Live
Stock association has been In session nil
day. When tho delegates wcro called to
order nt 10:30 this morning In tho assembly
hall tho building was crowded. During
the assemblage ot the delegates music was
furnished by the Colorado cowboy band.
After the Invocation by Ulshop Orson
V, Whitney, the chairman, Introduced Gov
ernor Heber M. Wolls, who delivered an
address ot wclcomo on the part ot the state.
He uai followed by Acting Mayor Buckle,
who welcomed tho delegates to tho city.
A rcsponso was mado by H. M. Allen of
Nebraska. A telegram wns read from Vice
Prcsldint-clect Hoosevelt nendlng "Con
gratulations and best wishes to the boys."
President Springer delivered the follow
ing address:
Tho stockmen of tho Trilled Htatcs now
clenrly recognize that they must mnlntnln
nn energetic nntlonnl organization If they
woum nave weir interests looKen nner.
knowing full well that this century will
C resent new questions for solution with
roader omtortunltlen for commercial suc
cess. In our own business today there ure
too ninny small leaks, too Heavy tnxaiion,
too many thieves nnd stock rustlers
abroad, too many stnte Inspection fees. Thu
wnoie interstate inspection business snouiu
bo controlled by the federal government
without a dollar s expense to tho shipper.
Ono subject which has engaged our nt
tcutlon this last yenr ha9 been the amend
ment now uendlinr In conuresn known ns
bill No. S13'. which extends the time limit
on snipmcntH or cnttio rrom twcnty-eigin
io imriy-inree Hours in summer ana tony
hours In winter under proper restrictions,
I hope some fnvoroblo notion will yet be
tnken by Its committee on law, to which my
resolution was referred with power to act.
Oleoma marine I.enlnlat Ion.
Thorn Is now ncndlne boforo tho senate
wluit Is known us the Grout bill, which
parsed the house by n large majority and
which seeks to liiumse 10 cents n iiotliul
tnx on oleomnrgnrlno In the sole Interest of
mo dairymen or tho untied mates, tiiu di
rect object to be attained by this bill Is to
so tnx oleomnrgnrlno thnt It will no longer
be nblo to compote with butter In the mar
ket and thus leavo our homo market to
the butter trust. No more rank niece of
federnl legislation wns ever proposed and
which If passed takes the butter from the
table of the poor throughout this land. Thn
time has fully come whon tho grent stock
Interests must be represented lu Washing
ton by ns nble men ns wo have In tho
business nnd by the very best legal talent.
Wo can no longer afford for n few thousand
dollars per annum to leavo our needs to un-
udvlscd and Hellish legislators. Wo should
navo such nn organization tnnt wnen ns
snults nro made In Washington upon the
live stock Industry (ns In now the caso with
tho Grout bill) tnnt we could employ our
nblcst men to go thero nnd defeat all nuch
special legislation and we should glvo our
senators nnd congressmen to understand
that whllo we hnve no sneclnl favors to
nsk thnt wo will to n tnuti resist both men
nnd mensurcs which have for their object
tho worKliiK or Hardships upon the live
stock producers of this country.
Aitslstctl by wnHliliiKton.
You will all recnll the Unlit made by this
orgnnlzntlon for the continuation of the ex
periments nnd distribution of vncctno virus
to stamp out blackleg In cattle. We wcro
opposed by nil the private concerns In this
country nnd nbrond. Wo proved It only
cost 1 cent per dose nnd the trust sold It
for 15 cents. As it wns of gcnernl public
interest thnt blackleg should be stamped
out wo succeeded with Secretary Wilson's
ntd lu keeping up the experiments under
the bureau of animal Industry nnd coi:
grcB.n continued tho appropriation for free
vaccine, is this or no consequence: noes
this not show what a creat consolidated
live stock organization can ncconrpllsh?
Then, nmiln. tnko the Inspection' of sheep
nnd lambs. Wo succeeded lu obtaining gov
ernment inspection, which entitled carloads
to bo nllowed shipment to tho markets
without bcinK held tin at every crossroad
by stnto Inspectors, who wnnted n fee for
looking through the bars of the double-deck
enrs many of the lookers nbsolutoly with
out nDlllty to have told whether they wore
sncep or goats, inn state inws ot nearly
every western stato need rewriting nnd re
vising, thnt nil laws appertaining to llvo
stock (Including brands nnd bounties) shall
be uniform nnd similar In tho various
stntes. Wo should now nsk of tho railway
management a universal basis of car
More KuiuIh Needed.
Every pnsslng year means much to tho
stockmen of this nation nnd wo must not
havo our efforts handicapped by lack of
Hulllcleut funds to work with. It Is the
part of wisdom to havo u fund of nt least
110.000 In our treasury, rather than barely
onouch to nay ono secretary. BtenoKranher.
our printing nnd postage bills. Wo nro rep
resenting tho live stock industry, which wns
never In such a flourishing condition us It
Is todny, nnd nmplo funds must be forth
coming or results will not bo what we hope
for. Whut Is $10,000 to men nnd an organiza
tion whoso working cnpltnl as represented
In tho Nntlonnl Live Stock iiKsoclatlnn Is
with our nugmented membership over JWX),
000.000? 1 trust that this present meeting
will provido the funds, so that your Incom
ing president will havo greater facilities for
accomplishing results than ho who served
you for nearly four years,
l.lve Stock CeiiHim.
In this connection 1 mny bo pardoned for
referring to tho Urst federnl enumeration of
live stock tnken this Inst year under tho
supervision of our nblo secretary, Chnrles
V. Martin, from heudquurtcrH In Denver.
Wo shall soon havo n tabulated report
showing tho llvo stock of the nation by
classes. Our people can then figure on
supply nnd demand nnd wo shall begin at
tho beginning, so fnr ns a knowledgo of
whnt we havo Is conrerned. Tho present
enumeration of live stock will show more
holders nnd smnllor holdings than ever bo
foro In our history. This menus better
stock, more enrcful feeding facilities nnd
a Inrger percentage of protected stock from
tho cold nnd bllzznrds than ever bofore,
HtoriiKC' Iteservolm unil l.unil I.etmhitr
The grent question of Irrigation Is now
boforo tho wholo peoplo nnd there Is no
tlnss that n system of storage reservoirs
for tho wnters of tho melting mountnln
snows would benefit more than tho stock
growers of theso mountains and plains, Our
Interests with thoso of tho agriculturists
nro reclnrocal nnd moro wnter means more
grass and the greater the nbundnncn of
loraRo ino moro mock can do supported, ji
Is Idle to talk of stato work along lrrlgntlve
lines. Thoy lack tho money nnd hnvo too
much politics, so wo must look to concress
to provido n way of making vnluuble tho
wosto pinres nil over tno western prairies,
tno land being the heritage, of tho people
of tho United States.
OpenliiK of I'o rent Ilenerve.
Another llvo question of Interest to our
peoplo Is tho opening Of tho forest reserves
to tho grazing of sheep nnd cnttio. This
should bo done and wo have been very suc
cessful with tho present administration nt
Wellington, not only In obtaining theso or
ders, but all other aid for anything of gen
eral Interest to the llvo stock men of the
l'nvors lletallatorj- I,nvn,
Whllo In Wnshlngton Inst Juno In onpo
sttlon to tho pnssnge of the Grout bill It
was announced that Gormnny hue! passed
n law discriminating uiralnst American
meats, etc., which would effect tho prices of
our products, Tho time has come in our
national existence wnen wo must retallato
nimliiHt nnv and everv trovornmont which
discriminates nuulust our uonds or nrod-
Aicls. Steps should be Immediately taken to
have a general inw incorporated as n part
of our federal statutes, so that tho whole
world may bo plnced on nntlco that our
goods and our products must not be dls
criminated ngalnst.
A Contented American.
Tho western stockman, surrounded with
nnturo's gems nnd benedictions, with his
flocks nnd his herds, with his growing fam
ily nnd vine-covered and rose-bedecked
abode, Is tho typical American home
builder the nrlnce of the continent. Hatinv
that mnn and thrice blessed ho who keeps
In touch with nuturo and can draw inspira
tion from tho prairies, the valleys, tho hills
n.i.l tli.t mniiiihilnul Tlilu la n nhnnn.l llf.i
appreciated fully only by a broad-gnugeii
American. We arc destined by our re
sources to lend the world nnd our states
men and our people hnvo not been slow to
tako advantngo of conditions, nor will thev
stop in this onward march, neither will
they hesitate to glean lu the world's busiest
marts of trade and commerce. There Is no
telling what wo will accomplish in tho com
ing four years. Judging from tho marvelous
record of the last four, when our Imports
nnd exports exceeded thoso of tho 100
years preceding. Let tho American stock
man bo prepared to lend In the glgnntle en
terprises that nwnlt the progressive minds
of the twentieth century. Wo must nil
work, expand nnd broaden. We must have
tho best, sell the best, keep nt the Wad of
the procession nnd nllnw no other nation to
excel In ttiythlng. Little wonder Is -t thnt
tho western man loves his broad oxpnnse
of verdure-clad hills, prnlrles and moun
tnins! he revels In the gorgeonsness of the
sunsets, the peneefulness of tho valleys, the
productiveness of the soil, while the cattle
nnd the sheep graze over the hill nnd vale.
Ills nature broadens with his generous en
vironment, while his witil nttuncs to the
lowing of the herds. From tho eternal
snow-capped peuks of the Rockies even to
tho wnters of tho sen his Inbors lehve In
tho varied courses golden wreaths of plenty.
At tho conclusion of Mr. Springer's speech
a recess was taken. The delegates wcro
slow In arriving for tho nftcrnoon session
and It w3 2: IS before the call for order was
I'ite-Hliiute Addre ly DeleBllten.
Tho first busincs was a call of the states
and flve-mlnute nddrcsses by delegates re
garding tho condition of live stock Industry
In their respective states. Under this call
addresses wero mado by H. W. McAffeo of
Kansas, H. H. Hunds of Mlchlgnn, C. J.
Miller of Oregon, D. C. Colllstcr of Utah,
D. N. Stlckncy of Wyoming. K. A. Harris of
Iowa, E. C. Hlgglnboth of Idaho, K. H.
Nlcholl of Kentucky, M. A. Dougherty of
Nebraska, John Drnest of Nevada, G. H.
Davidson of New York, J. O. Gavin of New
Mexico. Samuel Cowan of Texas, Mortimer
hovering of Indiana and H. V. Norman ot
l'.ltort for Individual Moiuliorlil..
Sovcrnl resolutions wcro presented by
members of tho executive committee, ono
by C. W. Hnkcr of Illinois, which was
adopted, provlllng that tho hcldlng of a
convention can bo determined by n majority
vote of tho executive committee.
Mr. Levering of Indiana offered a resolu
tion providing for nssoclato members, thus
no longer confining the membership to as
sociations, but allowing prominent stock
breeders to becomo InJIvIdunl members
on pnyment ot (25. Mr. Harris of Iowa
doubted the expediency of assoclnto mem
bers nnd after discussion the resolution
wns referred to tho executive committee.
A resolution by .Mr. McICenzle of Texas
asking thut a resolution bo mado to estab
lish federnl Inspection In lieu of tho present
stnto Inspection was passed. After soiiii
further Important discussion tho conven
tion adjourned until tomorrow.
Do Itlulit unit I inr Not.
A. J. Silvern I; of tbo opinion that ho
would not bo doing right by his family If
he did not keep n bottlo of Chamberlain's
Cough Hemcdy In tho house. "1 never feel
alarmed when I hear my llttlo boy cough,"
ho says, "rlnco I discovered what n wonder
ful mcdlclno It Is for tho cure of coughs,
colds and croup In children. I hnva used
It frequently myself, too nnd It never falls
to cure." Mr. Silvern Is a well known
citizen of Huff Hay, Jamaica, West India
Islands. This remedy Is for salo by all
i South Omaha News .
Tho continual filing of personal dainago
claims ngnlnst tho city Is causing eomo of
tbo olllclals to look to tho cause. In n
majority of all cases defective sidewalks Is
given as tho cause of the accident. An ef
fort wns mado last summer to havo as
many permanent sidewalks as possible laid
In order to prevent to Borne extent Just
such accidents. Owing to tho fact that
contractors could not dispose of such war
rants thero wns not as much of this kind
of work done as had been expected when
bids for permanent sidewalks wero asked
for. .
A great, many new walks wcro laid nnd
sovcral hundred dollars spent In repairing
old wnlkitjjrho great troublo is that In
certnlnsoctlons of tho city looso planks
aro torn up nnd carried nwny to bo used
for kindling wood. An effort has been
rondo from timo to tlmo to stop this, but
tho pollco forco Is not largo enough to
cover one quarter of tho city nnd the ro
suit Is that portions of walks arc torn up
In somo pnrt of tho city every day. Tho
plan of wiring tho planks together when
now wnlks nro laid la being tried nnd In
some sections tho wired walks remain In
tact. Unless very cold wenthor sets In
tho street commissioner will most likely
get a forco of men out nnd repair ns many
of the old wnlks as rapidly as possible.
If this Is dono very likely u number of ac
cidents can bo averted nnd tho city saved
quite a sum In dnmngo claims. Every
claim will, however, bo contested In the
courts by City Attorney Lambert nnd In
cases where n Judgment Is rendered
ngnlnst tho city nn appeal will bo taken
to the supremo court. This notion on tho
pnrt of tho legal department will. It is
tnougni, tend in a mcasuro to discourngo
tho filing of largu claims for damages.
Undor tho provisions of tho now charter
policemen aro directed to report to tho
street commissioner dally all defects In
sldewnlkB on their beats. Should this sec
tion bo carried out tho street commissioner
will ho cognizant nt nil times of tho con
ditions of walks and enn mako Immediate
repairs, in this wny It Is thought that
numerous accidents will bo prevented.
i'hoNe Vlailuet Itepnlm.
At Monday night's meeting of tho coun
cil Miller secured tho passage of a motion
directing tho city clork to notify tho rnll
road companies to proceed nt onco to re
pair tho L street viaduct. Mr. Miller evi
dently overlooked tho - fact that tho rail
roads aro not responsible for the condi
tion of tho wholo bridge According to tho
law tho city can compel tho roads to ro
nalr only n certain number of feet outBldo
of tho spans. When tho Union Stock Yards
company and tho Union I'aclilc first con
sented to tnko chargo of tho repairs of
both tho bridges across tho tracks the
council wns requested to dcslgnnto tho por
tion of tho Ii street bridge which It de
sired tho railroads to keep In repair.
With the consent of tho council tho work
commonced nt tho oast end of tho viaduct
and oxtonded west nbout 1,100 feet. This
loft something llko 372 feet of tho west
nppropch to bo kept In repair by tho city.
It therefore follows that tho council must
Bpcclfy on whnt portion of tho brldgo tho
work Is to bo done, ns tho railroads will
not repair any portion excopt tho 1,100 feet
agreed upon somo timo ago.
(ins Compiinr l' Up.
Manager Davis of tho Omaha Gas com
pany yesterday paid Into the, city treasury
tho Bum of J6GS.80. This sum represents
5 per cent of tho number of cubic feet of
gns sold and p&td for last year. According
to tho sworn etntement filed with the
treasurer the gas company sold, from De
cember 1, 1899, to December 1, 1900, 13.570,
100 cubic feet of gas and tho amount turned
Into tho treasury Is tho royalty exacted by
the council for the franchise For tho first
yenr the gas compnny did business horo
only $207 was turned Into tho treasury,
but last year tho business Incrensed rap
Idly, ns tho tncrenso In tho annuity shows.
At tho present tlmo tho gas company la
serving about 700 patrons and as new con
nections nro being mndo almost dally thn
royalty next Jnnunry will probably reach
$1,000. This franchise Is tho only ono
which requires tho paying of a royalty, but
If tho now rhartor goes through nil compa
nies ami corporations desiring franchises
will bo compelled to pay an annuity. The
money paid In yesterday will conio handy.
as tho funds nro nt n low ebb Just new.
Dr. .In in I no ii'n .tlcttliiK,
"Tho New Evangelism" was the topic ot
lie v. Jamison's lecture at tho First I'resby
torlan church lovlval meeting InBt oven
Ing. Thero wns n very good attendance
and a great deal of Interest Is being muni
tested In these meetings. Aa a special
musical number, Mrs. James Grant Kelly
rendered a couple of selections very nc
coptahly. One hundred peoplo have nlreudy
slKticd cards expressing n desire to lead
n Christian life.
These meetings will bo suspended on
Wednesday nnd Thursday evenings on ne
rount of the Young Men's Christian nsuocl
ntton lecture course, but will bo resumed,
on Krldny evening, when Dr. Jamison will
speak on "Tho Home, the Church nnd the
School." A spe.-.lal Invitation Js extended
to patronB and teachers of the public
school to attend the Friday evening serv
ices, Theso meetings will bo continued
all next week.
Corrlunn School.
A. L. Davis, tho Hoard of Education
architect, said yesterday that the Corrlgan
school was nenrlng completion. Tho heat
ing uppnrntus Is In position nnd carpenters
nro now laying the floors nnd putting on
tho Interior finish. Mr. Davis thinks thnt
the building will bo finished and ready for
occupancy In nbout four weeks. When
tho now building Is completed tho two
room frnme school building which was
first erected ou tho Corrlgnn 6lto will bo
moved to somo other locality, possibly to
tho Fourth ward. Somo of tho members
of tho board would llko to retain tho old
Corrlgnn bulldlug In tho Third word nnd
movo It to a point near Good Luck addition.
Other members, however, think that tho
building enn bo of more service If moved
to tho Fourth ward.
Thnt Charity llnll.
Tickets for the charity ball, to bo given
nt the Exchange dining hall on Monday
evening. January 28, wero distributed to the
various committees yesterday. It Is tho
Intention of tho Hospltnl association to
place tickets on snle nt all of tho principal
stores. Committees will wait upon tho
mnnngers of the packing houses nnd other
corporations with n view to soiling ns many
tickets an possible. A thorough canvnsa
will bo mndo and Mrs. Talbot said yester
day that' tho association hopes to clear at
least JC00 by tbo ball.
Mny llulld n 1'rntlinusr.
Councilman Tralnor said last evening that
It wns going to bo a dluicult matter to
rooure n vacant dwelling or building for n
pesthousc. As fnr as ho can sco, tho only
wav out of tho dilemma Is for tho city to
seruro a slto and erect a houso thereon bo
that n permanent pesthouse mny bo es
tablished. A building suitable for tho pur
pose, ho says, can bo erected at llttlo cost
nnd can bo completed In two or thrco
davs nftcr work Is commenced on It. No
new cases of smallpox wero reported yes
terday. Mimic City Gossip,
Mrs. O. E. Wcw Is confined to her rooms
with tho grip.
Edward Uurson Is out tignln nfter n
Bovero Illness.
James D. Nethery 1b enjoying a visit
rrom his rather.
Georgo W. llrlggs hn sold hln hardwnro
ntoro to II. II. .Monereo.
Two vagrants wero sent to the rock pllo
yesterday uy Jtiugo King.
Albert Spenr, Twenty-second nnd I
streets, Is laid up with the grip,
Twenty-fifth street nt N street Is In n
filthy condition nnd should be cleaned.
I'errlo Moll. Wheeler Is homo from Helle-
vuo college on nccount of nn attack of tho
Street Commlsloner Frank Clark reports
thut two of his children nro down with
Thero Is n bad wushotit In front of flro
hall No. 3. A horso fell Into tho hole yes
terday afternoon.
A contract him been signed for tho ptir
chaso of a hoso wagon for the Second ward
flro hull. Tho wagon will cost $tG7.
A refrlcerntor enr wan wrecked lu the
north yards yesterday, but the handling of
siock trains wns not .nterrcred w:tn nt nil.
G, F. Swift, president of Swift nnd Com
pnny, nnd I.. F. Swift, both of Chicago,
spent yesterday In the city looking over the
Swift plant hero.
M. C. McKano nnd Frunk Wilson wore
each sentenced to thirty dnys In tho county
Jail yesterday for stealing n pair of panta
loons from tho lioneer clothing store.
Complnlutx nllcglng grand larceny have
been filed ngalpst O I learn nnd Corcoran,
tho youngsters nrrcsted In Kansas City,
charged with stealing n watch from Airs.
J. Ii. Watklns.
It Is reported that tho Schlltz IJrowing
company win soon commence the erection
of two brick buildings, ono nt Twenty-sixth
and O Btreots and tho other nt Twenty
sovonth and L streets.
Tho funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Hopkins
won held yesjerdny nftcrnoon nt tho Den
nett residence. Twenty-second and H
streets, nnd wni largely attended, inter
ment win at Laurel I 111! cemetery.
At tbo request of tho United States Cen
sus department City Engineer Heal is pro
pat Ing n statement showing tho number of
ncreH In each wnrd in the city of South
Omaha. This is for the purpose of assist
ing tho census department in arriving nt
the density of population,
Joseph J. Mnly Is not gaining as rapidly
ns his friends had hoped for, but every
thing possible Is being done for him by the
nurses nnd physicians at tho South Omaha
hospital. It is expected that Captain Allle
will return todny from Chicago with Frank
8te,emnn, who Is charged with shooting
Mnly. ,
At the First Presbyterian church this
evening tho third of the lecture courso
series of tho Young Men's Christian asso
ciation will bo given. Alfred L. Fudo will
bn tho attraction. Tnuluht hn will clve
stereoptlcon views from the Yellowstono
iarK nun on Tnursuay evening ne will do
Iver his humorous lecture on "Hnblcs and
Other Things.
"The rnrnblr."
Tho Instruction In Trinity Cathedral
chapel for Wednesday. January 10, at S
p. m., will bo by tho Very Itov. Dean
Campbell Fair, D. D.
Try in Whip Two onieerx.
Eugeno Wnlbrldgo and Sam Wnttles wero
having a noisily drunken tlmo of It on North
Sixteenth street Tuesday night, when tho
lnttor fired several revolver shots, attract
ing tho attention of Patrolmen Lahey and
McDonaM, who placed him under arrest.
Then both men attempted to whip tho offi
cers nnd camo out of tho affray with soro
heads. Thoy were charged with being
drunk nnd disorderly nnd resisting olflcers.
Iown Hoy DlHnppenrn.
Alonzo Dnnlels. an Iowa boy. who han
been visiting tolatlvcs nt 171S Nicholas
street, left there at 7 p. m. Tuesday and has
not returned, Ho has been sick for somo
tlmo nnd his relatives fear ho Is sllghtely
H. 'Rechmeycr of Fremont Is at tho Mil
lard. Julian Lover of Chndron Is nt tho Her
I J. Murphy of Ilogcrs Is a guest of the
O. If. Lamoureux of Sprlngvlew Is nt tho
Her Grand.
O, H. Jenkins of Ohlown Is nmong tho
Mlllnrd guests.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. C. White of Chndron urn
stopping nt tho Murray.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. II. Btrcnter of Aurora
nro registered nt tho Murray.
Nobrnsknns nt tho Merchants: W. II. II.
Clnrk. J. H. Hrook and MIhh Jessie Drook
of Atkinson. H. A. Ankcny nnd C. Quest of
Lauro'. Fred Fuller nnd daughter of Fuller
ton, Mr. and Mr, Thomas Mortimer of
Madison. E, A. Wright of Wolbach. T. T.
McDonald of Tllden, II. M. I'ttloy of
O'Neill, G. V. Hovd of Oakdalo. .1. O. Mooro
of I'almyrn. G. H. Klnklo of Oenova, (', A.
Forsllng of Kimball. 1'. W, Magulro of
Ixigli, II. M. Fulmer of Kthuylor. .1. It,
HnrneH of Norfolk nnd John Kolly of
The monthly meeting of the Visiting
Nurses' association wli be held nt 1 o'clock
Thursday afternoon in room 4ffi, I'axton
llov. II. N. Spear, usslstnnt superinten
dent of tho Anti-Saloon league for Ne
braska, bus noon transferred to n similar
position lu Indiana.
F. II. Walker entertained tho mombern
of tho Mldcontlnent Helglan Horo company
at a Helglan hare dinner Jnnunry 13. All
present woro of tho opinion that tho Hel
glan horn was far superior to tho wild rab
bit as a. food,
Dr. Lowrle of the Theological seminary
and Dr. Keir of IJellevuo addressed tho
Twentieth Century Progress meeting nt
tho First Presbyterlnn church Inst night on
tho subject of the educational phase of re
ligion and the educational Institutions of
tho church, Tonight Dr Dickey of Phllu
do'phla. moderator of the general assembly,
will deliver an uddress.
No baby ever came into the world,
however weak and frail, but held as Its
birthright the precious dower of n
mother's priceless love. But love can
lo so little for the weakling child except
pity it and sorrow for its helplessness,
that the mother who had looked forward
to the care of her child with happy an
ticipation finds it n task that tests her
devotion, to care for a puny, fretful,
wailing baby.
What a difference, -.rhcti the baby is
big, healthy and happy ! What a joy
to watch the growth of the sturdy little
one, whose gurgling laughter finds nn
echo in the voice of every member of
the family.
The question is, arc the conditions
which determined the strength or weak
ness of the child unalterable? U it
possible thnt a mother who has lornc
Several children and lost them all be
cause of inherent weakness, can be so
strengthened that lier children shall be
healtliy and hardy?
to that question, written by a woman
who is certainly competent to speak a.s
to the remarkable strength-giving power
of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription.
Mrs. Alex Kjer, of Gordonville, Cape
Girardeau Co., Mo., writes: "When I
look at my little boy I feel it my duty to
write to you. Perhaps some one will
see my testimony and nc led to use your
1 l'avoritc Prescription ' and be blessed
iu the same way. This is my fifth child
and the only one who lived ; the others
having died from lnck of nourishment
60 the doctor said, I was not sickly in
any way and this time I just thought I
would try your 'Prescription.' I took
nine bottles, and to my surprise it
carried me through and gave us as fine
a little boy as ever was. Weighed ten
and one-half pounds. He is now five
months old, has never lccii sick day,
atid is so strong that everybody who sees
him wonders at him. He is so playful
nnd holds himself up so well. So many
have asked me, ' Do you think those
are the testimonials of the people, or ban
Dr. Pierce just made them up and printed
them ? ' that I should like you to print
"I do hope that if any women have
the same trouble that I have had they
will try Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip
tion. We recommended it to one of our
I Do Not
All Diseases,
All I Treat.
Specialist in Diseases of MEN and Consii ting Physician of the Stats
Electro-Medical Institute, 1008 Farnant at. Omaha.
Men, many ot you are reaping the result of your former folly. Year nuvnhcod la
falling and will soon bo lest unless you do something- for youraeM. There Is no
time to loce. Impotency, like all rexual disomies is never on the standstill. With It
you can make no compromise. Either you must maxter It or It will maatar you
nnd nil your whole future with misery and lndeacrlbable won. We have treated 00
many caaea of thU kind that we are aa familiar with them an you art with the very
daylight, Onco cured by ub, you will never again ho oothercd with emissions, drains,
prematureneai, small or weak organs, nervousness, falling memory, loss of ambition
or similar nymptom which rob you of your manhood and absolutely unfit you for
study, business, pleuure or marriage, Our combined Klectro-Medlc&l treatment for
weak men which combines all of the curative powers of both medicine and aleotriclty
will correct all these evils and restore you to what nature intended a bale, healthy,
happy man, with physical mental and sexual powers complete.
We also cure to stay cured by our combined Electro-Medical treatment.
Varicocele, Stricture, Syphilitic Blood Poison,
Nervo-Sexual Debility, Xnpture, Kidney and
Urinary Diseases,
and all aasoclate diseases and weaknesses of men. Fhyslclona having stubborn cues
to treat are cordially Invited to consult us, We charge nothing for private coun
sel, and five to a patient a legal contract to hold for our promises. Is It not worth
your while to Investigate a cure that has made life anew to multitudes ef menT
If you cannot call at our office, write us your symptoms fully. Our horns treat
ment by correspondence Is always successful,
Rcfcreuccat liest Hanks nnd Lending Ruslncss Men in this City.
Office Honrs: From 8 n, m. to 8 p. 111. Sundays, 10 n. m. to 1 p. m.
Permanently Located ut 130S Fa mum St., OMAHA, NEB.
cured nv
Can ho given In OInss of Water, Ton or
CofTto Without l'atient'H KnowlcdKO.
Whlto Hlbbon llrinudy will euro or do.
stroy tho tlUouBi'il nnputlto for nlcolnlla
stimulants, whether tno pntlimt Is a con
flrmeu Inebriate, "a tippler," nodal drinker
or lrunknnt
ImpoHHiblu for nny one to hnvo nn np
netlto for alcoholic liquors nltor tmlm,'
Whllo Hlbbon ilemedy. Uy mnll 1. Trial
package freo lv writing Mrs. T C Mrmro,
PrcK't W C T. l. Ventura, California,
Bold In Omiihn, Nob., by C'has. II. Bchautcr,
ICth and Chicago struats.
neighbors and she tried it and the result
is a big, healthy boy. Her last two
babies before tins otic were lorn dead,
nfter she had suffered untold tnlscrv.
She feels very grateful for the 1 l-'avori'te
Such testimony ns that of Mrs. Kjcr
must carry conviction to the mind of
every wottinn who reads it, and let tills
be remembered ; there are thousands of
such testimonials to tho fact that Dr.
Tierce's l'avoritc Prescription inaL-s
weak women strong nnd sick women
well. There is indeed scarcely a form
of disease peculiar to women and cur
nble by medicine which has not yielded
to the use of " l'avoritc Prescription."
" I was very weak and nervous when 1
commenced taking Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription nnd 'Golden Medical Dis
covery1 nbout n year ago," writes Mrs.
M. Ii. Kverctts, of 89 Ox
ford St.. Woodstock. Out.
"1 had been suffering for
seven long months, and
had taken medicine from a
physician nil the time but
It seemed to make tne feel
much worse. My stomach
was bad (so my tloctor told
tne), and my nerves were
in such a state that I would
start at the noise. I
felt irritable all the time :
was not able to do any of
my own housework ; had
to keep help all the time.
How I suffered God and
myself nlonc know. I was
greatly when
1 commenced taking your
medicines, but the first
bottle seemed to help me.
1 took live oouics ot ' i n
voritc Prescription,' two of
' Golden Medical Discov
ery,' nlso two vials of Dr.
Pierce's Pleasant Pellets.
I can highly recommend
'Favorite Prescription
and 'Golden Medical Dis
covery' to all who suffer
as I did. My sickness
dated from the birth of my
last child, who died the
Kituc day she was born.
My own life hung ou a
thread for weeks. If I had
enly taken Dr. Pierce's
I'avonte Prescription I am
sure my poor liaby would have been
alive to'-day. I suffered all the time
before she was born. I never had better
health than I now enjoy and it is all
owing to Dr. Pierce's medicines."
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription ia
a safe and .sure medicine for women.
It contains no alcohol, neither opium,
cocaine nor any other narcotic. It
establishes regularity, dries the drains
which weaken women, heals inflamma
tion and ulceration, and cures female
weakness. It is the best preparative for
maternity tranqitilizing the nerves, en
couraging the appetite nnd inducing
refreshing sleep. It cures the nausea
experienced by many women who antici
pate maternity. It increases the physi
cal vigor and vitality, so that the ordeal
is approached, without anxiety, and the
baby's advent is made practically pain
Dr. Pierce invites women who suffers:
from long standing nlltnents to consult
him by letter, free. All correspondence
is held as strictly private. Address Dr.
R. V. Pierce, Buffalo. N. Y.
Accept no substitute for " Favorite Pre
scription," There is no motive for sub
stituting except to enable the dealer to
make out of his customer the little more
profit paid by less meritorious medicines,
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical
Adviser is priceless iu two meanings : Jt
is priceless as being above price, and
priceless as being without price. It is
the best popular work on medicine at
any price and it costs nothing, being sent
entirely free on receipt of stamps to pay
expense of mailing only, Sena 31 one
cent stamps for the book in cloth binding,
or only at cents for it in paper-covers.
Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
I Treat
Men Only
Cure Them
Stay Cured.
tan, moth blotches and nil
tliscolonitions of the skin
ami complexion speedily
and absolutely removed nt
your home. Full informa
tion with book mailed free.
DR. IK AY ' 3
HENOVATOK InvlKorules nnd rcnoTatcn tlin
hTHKimi purines nnd i nrlclit-K tho blood; cures
tlio wnrnt djr(.prpi,l, constipation, hcaduclie,
liver mil kidneys, onnd$l, atdrutglkts. Krco
Fb. advice Bum pin and book. sss.
Dr. II, J. Kay, Saratoga, N'.Y,
Don't disturb
tho whole family
couchluu. Antl-
Knuf will Mop It at
onco. S3c at druu
L &l