12 TTTE OfAITA DA IT A" BEE; "WEPXESPAV, JAXT'ATIY 10, 1901. COMMERCIAL CLUB IS BUSY Initial Meeting of th Ntt Executive Committee it Held. JOHN E. UTT RETAINS SECRETARYSHIP After Traimnotlnn of Hntitlnr Ilnl ur.KH C'omiiiltlrr Mateim to it Talk on Prui''l I'ltvliuv I.rcljiln ( In ii l'upiileton'a .Speech. Thn new oxccutlvn commlttco of tho Com mercial club held Its (lrnt meeting yester day and elected J. F. Carpenter chairman nnd ru-clcctcd John K. L'tt secretary and commissioner, Hfter which n number of Important matters wcro dweussed nud noted upon. Undid Martin cnlled tho nttentlon of the club to tho bill thiit has been Introduced In tho lcglslaturo for nnicndmontH to tho Omaha city charter, which, In effect, abol ish tho right of petition In regard to tho pnvlng nnd repavlng of ntrcots. Ho Bald a committee of citizens, with Henry W. Yatoa tin chairman, had prepared nnd unnnlmously endorsrd other amendments to tho city charter, which would extend tho fullest rights of petition to property owners und called upon Mr. I'oppleton to explain tho proposed amendments. Mr. Popploton Hald tho citizens' commlt teo proposed that all pnvlng work In this city xhould bo done only upon petition of nhuttlng property owners. Tho charter Amendments proposed by City Attorney Connell and now tinder committeo consid eration In the lcglslaturo provided that oil paving work, Including repaying, could be ordered by tho mayor nnd council without n petition having been Bent In for such Improvement from tho peoplo who must pay for It, Dec-lure TIhto In DniiKPr. Mr., I'oppleton considered It nnwlso and dangerous to confer bucIi arbitrary power upon tho mayor nnd council. Tho charter amendment!) prepared nnd Indorsed by tho citizens' committee, ex plained tho sponkor, provldo that no paving or ropnvlng can bo ordered by tho city government unless It In petitioned for by n mnjorlty of tho owncra of tho taxahlo froutngo effected. Provi sion Is mndo In tho amendments to throw every posslblo snfeguard around tho process of petition, so that tho legality of tho proceeding cannot bo successfully denied by parties desiring to escapo taxa tion for Improvements nailed for by them, Every nlgnaturo to n paving petition would hnvo to bo acknowledged before n notary public and tho city nttornoy would bo ro qnlrod to examine tho titles to tho property lepresonted nnd certify that tho signers of n petition nro tho owners of tho property Involved. Mr. I'oppleton offered n resolution by which tho endorsement of tho Commorcln? club Is given to tho charter nmondmcnts offered by tho citizens' commlttco nnd it wns adopted unanimously. Itiillnu Supply Depot. Tho matter of lenslng n building for tho uso of tho now Indian supply depot was referred to committeo consisting of tho president, tho chairman and tho sccrotnry, with nower to act. A communication from tho l'ooplo'H Furniture nnd Cnrpot company offering tho four-story warehouse at 813-S15 Howard for tho supply depot at a rental of $1,100 a year was received. Tho tie between four members for tho twenty-fifth plnco on tho oxccutlvo commit teo wns dccldod by tho selection of W. W. TImstcd, A letter wns read from Georgo II. Max well of Chicago, executive chairman of tho National Irrigation association, stating Ihnt a Hitbcommltteo of tho senate commit tee on Indian nffnlrs had decided to report favorably on nil appropriation of $100,000 for preliminary work on tho proposed San Carlos reservoir In Arlzonn, which was designed to Irrlgnto about 100,000 acres of government land. Upon motion of John Steel It was dccldod to hold tho annual mooting nnd banquet of tho club on Tuesday evening, January S3. LIZZIE ST0RTZJS IN JAIL Wife of Korin.-i- Oimiliii Ilnrlc Driver Gliiirut-d lvllli I,ur ii y. I.lzzlo Stortz, wife of X. Stortz, who was formerly nn Omaha hack driver, Is in Jail nt tho polleo station charged with grand larceny. She Is accused of stealing n dia mond pin worth $130, n gold watch worth $100. J2U In mouey nnd n rntlrond ticket to Denver from J. T. Ilusscy, proprietor of tho Nebraska thontcr. Tho woman wus arrested yesterday morn ing while alio wns eating breakfast In tho Vienna restaurant on East Fnrnnm street by Detectives Drummy nnd Mltcholl. Sho had with her n umall grip packed with wearing apparel nnd was evidently about to leavo tho city. A hack which ho had or dered to drlvo her to tho depot was waiting outsido tho restnurnnt. When tho polleo matron searched hor nt tho station tho property which Mr. Ilusscy claims was Btolen from htm wns found upon her por tion. Sho will bo held for trial. l.liiKcrhiK l.n (irlppr Cunuli. O. Vaehor, 157 Osgood St., Chicago, says: "My wlfo had n very sovcro ense of la Krlppe, nnd it left her with a very bad cough. Sho tried n bottlo of Foley's Honey nnd Tnr und It gnvo Immodlnto rellof. A fiO-cent bottlo cured her cough entirely." Trice, 25c und 50c. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Orcnha; Dillon's Drug Store, South Omaha, Co lit cm t for Sent In CiinurrM, IHJFFALO, Jan. 15. Rowland H. Mahany, republican, has served formal notlco on Keprcsentntlvo Uynn, democrat, that his election as a member of tho Fifty-seventh congress will bo contested. Tho nllegcd grounds for contest nro bribory, political .Intimidation nnd transposition of election returns. Hyan's plurality wa3 316. WPAN'S TAllULES Is nn elTectual cure for tho Ills which originate In n bad stom ach. 10 for Be. At all druggists. Cotton Union suits, iloeced llnod, $1.00 quality 7Cc 75o quality for EOc. $1.50 Wool Vesta or Drawers, for $1.00. $1.25 Wool Vests or Drawers, for 87c $1.00 Wool Vosta or Drawers for 76c. 73c Wool Vesta or Drawers for 60c. 50o Cotton Flercud Vesta or Drnwors 3Jc. Ladles' extra fine quality $2.60 Dlack Tlchts for 51.75 $2.00 quality for $1.38 $1.60 quality for $1.00 $1.00 quality for 75c 75c quality for 60c. Misses' Dlack Tights, $1.60 quality for $1.00 $1.00 quality for 65c. Children's Tights S5o up. PRICES CUT IN HALF In children's and ladles' Legglns 15c up. Outing Flannel Night Dresses 39a up What wo havo left In children's Cloaks wo will sell at Just half former price. Silk Uouneta at hajf and less than bs.lt former price 2So uc IIOSTO.V STOIti: MITIO.V HAl.li. (Irntiil ClrnrliiK .Hnlr of .Vcitlonn Thr lllguent HnrKnliiH IJvfr Offered, ON SALE TODAY. Hest crochet cotton, all colors, lc hall. Tho best embroidery silk, nil colors, 3c dozen spools. Crochet knitting silk, none better at any price, 5c hall. Delong hooks and eyes, 2c card. Improved safety hump hooks and eyes, 2 cards for lc. f00 yards basting cotton, l'.ic spool. Tiger darning cotton, 2 enrds, lc. H. I), embroidery cotton, 3 balls for lc. Hist grade angora yarn, nil colors, white and gray, worth ISc, go at 5c ball. All sizes safty pins, 2 cards lc. Silk clastic In garter lengths, 5c each, worth 23c. llrass drapery pins, lc dozen. Oilcloth, bibs. 2c ench. 25c rubber bibs, 5c each. All kinds bono nnd horn hairpins, lc each, worth un to 15c. 10c hairpin cabinets, 2c each. Steel pointed shnwl pins on fancy cellu loid card, ic dozen. 50c Japanese Imported crepe paper nap kins, Cc per hundred. Household enamel In largo cans, nil col ors, worth 50c, go nt 6c. K.MHItOIDKKY AND INSERTION. Sample strips of flno embroidery and In sertion purchased from a St. Onll, Switzer land, manufacturer, Including tho very fin est made, choice patterns, worth up to C5c yard, go at 5c, 10c, 15c und 25c yard, Kluo torchon laco nnd insertion, very dainty nnd claborato patterns, chotco styles, worth up to 20c, go nt 214c, 3Vfcc and 5c yd. N. II. Our Janunry sale of linens, mus lins nnd white goods Is now going on. 1108TON STOKE, OMAHA. J. L. HHANDEIS & SONS, Prop's. CRUSADE FOR CLEANLINESS .Smiltnry Ofllrcrn Miikc Tour of Nimirr oiifc CIipui I.oiIrIiik Hoiiftt-H. Sanitary Officers Woolrldge and (Jlbbons mndo a tour of inspection of tho cheap lodging houses of tho east sldo yesterday, and whllo no urrcsts wcro made, n lot of unwholesome bedding wns condemned and ordered burned nnd several of tho keep ers wero directed to elenn up under penalty of arrest and line. Tho worst of tho houses visited wns that of A. Gordon, 312-16 South Eleventh street. Wending tholr way through halls barely two feot wide, tho offi cers encountered sonio disgusting sights and Hmclls. Llttlo Htuffy rooms scarcely larger than dry goods boxes wcro without light or ventilation nnu wero furnished with n chnlr, a wnshslnnd nnd u slnglo bed, tho "linen" of which was In n deplorable condi tion. Everywhere, especially In tho mat tresses, wns a striking variety of Insect life. Soventecn of these mattresses wero ordered burned. Tho rooming houso of K. Robinson, 20D South Twelfth street, was In little better condition than that of Gordon. Several of Robinson's mnttrcsses wcro ordered de stroyed. Tho bedding of tho Cambridge ho tel. Thirteenth nnd Capitol avenue, was found to bo In need of nttentlon from tho laundress, which was enjoined by the olll eers. Tho lust plnco visited wns that of Jack Rabbltz, 307 South Twelfth street, whoso plaeo was found to bo In compara tively sanitary condition. Rabbltz was given n llttlo ndvlco In tho matter of Insect powders nnd tho Ulto nnd tho crusndo for tho morning was at an end. SUCCESSOR TO DR. F. F. TEAL Speeuln tloit nml Comment nn to Vn enncy 4in llnnrd of Kilucit tion. Dr. Frederick F, Teal will probably pre sent his resignation ns incmbor of tho Hoard of Education nt tho next regular meeting of that body, Monday evening, Jan uary 21, As that llmo approaches Interest lucrenscs In tho men who aro mentioned for tho vacancy. "I do not bollovo that n now member of tho board will bo olected tho snmo night that Dr. Teal's resignation Is handed In," said Member J. C. Darnnrd In discussing tho candidates for tho office. "Tho members hnvo given but llttlo thought to selecting tho doctor's successor, nnd In my opinion thcro will not bo any election beforo Feb ruary. Flvo or six men nro tnllced of for tho placo, but I do not know that any of them aro seeking tho place or would tnko It It tendered to thorn. "Two Second ward men nro talked of Ferdinand Haarmann nnd Fred Urunlng. As thoro Is no member on tho board from tho Second wnrd somo of tho members feel that a man should bo selected from that portion of tho city. R. C. Patterson and Geotgo T. Nicholson nro Fourth ward men who hnvo been suggested to mo as possible candidates. Dr. II. A. Foster of tho Sixth ward Is tho only other mnn whom I havo heard named In connection with tho ofllce." w 1 1 at o.usi:s n v.vnui: v i. Orcii text F.uroprnit Authority on Skin DlnfiincH, SnyM It' n ticrui. Tho old Idea wns that dandruff Is scnles of akin thrown off, through a feverish con dition of tho Bcnlp. Prof. Unnn, Hamburg, Germany, European authority on skin diseases, Bays dandruff is n gorm disease. Tho germ burrows undor tho scnlp, throw ing up llttlo scales of cuticle, and supping tho vitality of tho hair ut tho root. Tho only hair prepurutlon that kills dandruff germs Is Nowbro's Ilcrpicldo. "Destroy tho cause, you removo tho effect." Not only cures dandruff, but stops falling hair nnd enuses a luxuriant growth. Delightful hair dressing. Aiiiiouitt'iMiiriitn of tlir 'I'lirnt rrn. Thcro Is only ono Bhow In town this week nnd that is nt tho Trocndero, whoro "Ir win's Majesties" aro shining In all tholr regal splendor. Tho performances nro thoroughly enjoyed by thousands of well pleased visitors, who crowd tho theater dally, both matlnco nnd evenings. Thcro will bo n performanco next Saturday even-, log. "Fads nnd Follies" follows tho "Mnjes tlen" next Sunday matinee, January 20. MRS. J. BENSON. January Clearing Sale Don't forget wo are making big reductions In Knit Un dorwenr for ladles and children. Kxtrn fine quality JICNNESSE MIIXER STERLING UNION SUITS, part silk, $8.50 suits for $6.50 $4.25 tults for $2.00 $3.60 suits for $2.25 $2.50 suits for $1.75 $1.75 suits for $1.15 $1.50 suits for $1.00 $1.25 suits for 87c ALL IS HARMONIOUS NOW Factional Difference Between Union Painters Wiped Out. OMAHA HAS ONLY ONE ORGANIZATION I'lKlit of I, on it StiiuilliiK nml Which linn Attrnctcil Attention All Ovrr the Country In Ainlen hly .Settled. Monday night tho last estrangement be tween tho Haltlmorc and Lafayette factions of .the International Painters' union was settled and Omaha now has but ono paint ers' union, tho Iloltlmora organization hav ing been absorbed by tho Lafnyetto union after light extending over n period of several years. Omaha was tho bottle ground, In a great measure, of the light between tho Interna tional factions for supremacy and to Omaha union No. 109 tho present condition Is In no small mcusuro due. When thu union divided ns tho result of u meeting, tho Omaha union followed tho Elliott or Haiti nioro faction. Tho Lafnyetto brotherhood offered terms of compromise, which Elliott refused to consider. Relieving that tho terms should havo been accepted, tho ofll oers of tho Omnhn union asked Elliott to stnto his reasons for refusing. Ho de clined to answer nnd Omaha then led u re volt which cnrrled from tho Dultlmoro brotherhood three-fifths of Its member ship, giving tho numerical supremacy to tho Lafnyetto brotherhood, riliht In Curried t'p. Tho fight was then carried to tho floor of (ho American Federation of Labor hy W. II. Dell of this city, who was refused a seat as delegate becauso ho adhered to tho La fayetto brotherhood, tho Elliott branch nt that time being recognized us the legal union hy tho central body. Tho presenta tion of his enso beforo tho federation re sulted In tho unscntlng of tho Ilaltlmorc delegates nnd tho federation then put on foot measures for tho amalgamation of tho factions. This was perfected so far ns the International societies wcro concerned Inst year. Dy tho terms of tho nmnlgamntlon tho unions chnrtcrcd by each branch wcro to bo recognized by tho othor nnd this was done generally. Omaha union No. 109, the Lafayette branch, refused to rccognlzo Omaha union No. 101, tho Dnltlmoro union, nnd tho lattor nppenled to tho International olllccrs. After much correspondence A. J. Ilnlnbrldge, first vlco president of tho niual gamoted unlrn, enmo to Omaha nnd for several days has been at work trying to bring about a settlement. Union No. 109 offered to nccept nil members In good standing on tho books of union No. 104, but refused to rccognlzo tho union. Tho mem bers of No. 101 stood out for several days, but when threatened with n cancellation of their charter under nny circumstances they finally decided to Join tho other union. Eighteen men nro ndded to tho membership of No. 109 by tho nctton nnd the last trouble In tho United Stntes between tho rival fac tions has been settled. CHURCH IN GOOD CONDITION Kntuitzc Mcmnrliil ConstrPitntlon UnloiflKffi tho l'nntor, Kev. Trcfs. Tho an una 1 meeting of tho congrega tion of Kountzo Memorial church was held Monday night In tho auditorium of tho church and was largely attended. Reports wero submitted from tho various com mittees and all of them went to show that tho church Is In hotter condition than over before. Tho membership has been largely In creased and tho attendance at nil of tho church services has grown In oven greater proportion. In tho report submitted by tho treasurer It was shown that oven though $5,000 wns paid out during tho Inst few months for repairs and Improvements In tho church, u nlco balance Is still on hand. Tho pastor, Rov. E. F. Trefz, wns com mended nnd nn eloquent testimonial to the high esteem In which ho Is held by his pnrlshloucrs wns given In nn unanimous voto that his salary bo increased $000 dur ing tho next year. An Invitation wns ex tended Rov. Trofz to make Omaha his per manent homo nnd servo Kountzo Memorial church as Uu pastor. La Grlppo coughs often conttnuo for months nnd Romcttmcs lead to fatal re sults after the patient Is supposed to havo posscd tho danger point. Foley's Honey nnd Tnr affords posttlvo protection nnd security from those coughs. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha; Dillon's Drug Storo, South Omahn. Mortality SKitUlleK. Tho following deaths und births wero re ported to tho city health commissioner for the twenty-four hours ending nt noon Tues day: Deaths Mrs. Mario , Hales, 1C0G North id You Ever Write advertising. If you did you certnlnlv rnn recall Instances whero you wus writing them when you wore asleep, can't you' IVcullnr feeling, Isn't It? Tho best ads wo over wroto was when wo wero sound asleep. Dut when wo nro inviiko wo write such nds as this one. Ilu-Cnu Corn Cure 20e I lu-Cnii Ilnlr Tonic 7,-, I'crnua 750 Cramer'H Kidney Ouro 75C Schaefer's Cough Cure "na LotiiH Crenin " n,tl l'nlno's Celery Compound ' 750 1 dozen 2-grnIn Quinine Capsules la 1 dozen 3-graln Quinine Capsules I0c 1 dozen 6-gratn Qulnlno Capsules i50 Ilromo Quinine iRp Wine of Curdul ... ... 75? Ajnx Tablets ina l'nltlin Tablets inX Duffy's Malt Whiskey Uc Plercn's Prescription 7-0 Oznmulslon ' 7n Coltsfoot Expectorant " ', rk0 Clem Cntnrrh Ctiro -lU Ulrney's Ctturrh Curo sjc Ett CUT PRICE II nHiir:r:ic:T h. V. Cor. 10th nnd Chlcnicu Stm. LATEST THING IN Kodaks Have you seen the new model of Eastman's No. 4 Cartridge Kodak? This is the best linished and most compact instrument on the market. List Price $25.00. Our Price $20.00. All other makes of kodaks and cameras at specially reduced prices. The Robert Dempster Go,, 1215 FurnamStrcct. Exclusive dealers In photo supplUs. Twenty-fourth, ogcil 25; Charles H. Youngs, i C09 South Twt ntv-nlntli. aged 72. I Hlrths-Harrv nine, 1321 North Twenty fourth, boy. Robert Kelscr. 3S07 Corby, boy; 1 Juines Frederick. 2fl?) Iturdette. boy; Sam llurginnn, llio North Twenty-ninth, uov, J.L.1,"!,'l,ll!,t' -"" ,,0-; J- 1-nrsnn, 2103 Ohio, bov, Fred llnrker, Thirteenth nnd I'nclllc, boy Tho Itiicliotcr .Mine Co'n. .mt Store. When completed tho nbove company will ! havo tho best appointed salesroom to bo j found anywhere. Contractors, carpenters, I painters, etc., will soon take possession of tho store. The newest and most modern ! nppllnnces used In tho retail shoo business i will bo ndded, also .ladles' reception par lors nnd writing rooms. Tho Rochester Co. haB decided to open the new Btoro with en tiro new stock. They nro now selling broken lines of ladles' fine shoes worth $3..'0 nnd $4 nt $1.29. llrokon lines of misses' shoes nt C9c. Men's shoes worth up to $3.60 at $1.18. Wednesdny and Thursday will be extra snlo day of ladles' and children's shoes at 1515 Douglas street. Do you want n stenographer? A want ndd will securo you one. Deo 68 pianos sold during tho last two weeks tho climax to come. STKINWAY, STKGER, VOSE, EMKRSO.V, IVERS ft 'POND, STUCK, A. II. CHASE, PACKARD nnd eleven other standard mnkes, $150.00 less than reg ular prices. New upright pianos, latest styles, $126 and up, Rcaiitlful Dolling upright, only $CS.00. Voso & Sons' rosewood case, only $3S.00. Flno Chlckerlng 7 1-3 octaves, only $127.00. New Mahogany upright, only $156.00. Squnro Pianos and organs, $15.00 nnd up. Terms $10.00 cash, $3.00 per month. Now pianos for rent. Fine tuning und repnlrlng promptly done. Tclo phono 1625. Catalogues and prices furnished frco on application. Schmoller & Mueller, The old reliable piano house. 1313 Fnrnam St. OMHAA. 337 Broadway, CO. BLUFFS. TIME GETTING Men's Shoes worth $3-50 and 6-L00, Salo price, $2.18 CLOSE Soon We Will Be Forced to Vacate Building, To give possession to carpenters, brick masons, pninlor.s, etc. We have decided to open our NEW STORE with EXTIKE NEW STOCK, hence the remainder will be slaughtered regardless of value. Wed nesday and Thursday, extra arranged sale for ladies, misses' and children's footwear. Mnvk the place, ii Misses' Shoes worth up,J'3 to $2-50 Sale price $1.39 The Rochester,'' -Great Rebuilding Sale, 1515 DOUGLAS STREET The Linen Department Ours tho largest nnd most complcto In nearly every loom In tuo world. Irish, S Wo nro Belling linens at prices that cannot lng. Somo of tho very good things for to Iluck Towel, size 24x50 incnes, nt no cacn. nt tt.ooi. our nrlcc. C5o yard. 8-4 lino Iris nt ss.r.m. nt $2.23 ench. 10-4 lino Irish Lin M-G0), nt $3.00 each. Extra largo flno sutl nt $2.50 each. 3fi-in. camDric .Musun, ni u yard. Ono odd lot of Towols in our Ilargal real value Don't fnll to look nt them. I The Handsome I New Spring Silks aro nttractlng widespread attention among tho peoplo of Omaha. Moro hcautlful silks woro never scon. Wo do not wait until tho market Is all picked over nnd then hrlng to Omaha what to left, hut ns soon ns tho lat est styles aro taken from tho loom they find tholr way to Omaha's leading silk depart ment. Chooso now others nro doing It. Cheney Ilros.' llnest Foulards, all tho newest spring shades, over 100 designs to select from, nt 08c, Tfic, $1.00, $1.25, $1.00. Nonowlder Dlack Taffeta Is tho 20th cen tury taffeta, mndo hy Cheney Oros., Is fit In. wldo nnd one nt tho hest wearing tnf rotas made Is rolled on n roller nnd has no creases confined to Haydcn Ilros. for Omaha on salo $2.50, OUIt HIO SPECIALS AUK; $1.00 Dlack 27-ln. wldo Tnffeta for.... E9c $1.00 Dlack 36-in. wldo Jnp Wash Silk for B9 $1.50 niack Hemstitched Taffeta for.. 74c $1.00 Dlack Teuu do Solo for OSe $1.00 Checks. ln French twill silk SSu 75c Strlpo Silk for waists 2."c $1.50 Fancy Silks, all kinds COc A few moro of thoso swell 44-ln. wldo Il!ack Orenndlnos loft worth $3,50, $1.00 and $5.00, for only $1.08 A Special Bargain Ladles' flno laco trimmed suit gown, cor Bet cover, drawers, chemise and skirt to match, regular prlco $12, In this salo spe cial for, $7.90. Ladles' stylish straight front corsets, nil sizes, drab and whlto, reduced from $1.00 to 49c. Children's 35c drawers, In all sizes, at only 15c. Children's embroidered trimmed gowns, In all sizes, reduced rom 75c to 60c. HAYDEN BROS We are always anxious to make amends for any mistakes that you or we may make. This has made SHERIDAN COAL popular from to start. iiiite as much as the fact that it is the best coal mined in Wyoming. VICTOR WHITE, 1605 Farnani St. Tel. 127. VINOL This Is tho namo of the most palatable preparation of Cod Liver Oil ever made. wij .sni.it it. MiTicn tiii: Timni: top phici'is. 11.00 Kirk's Dandruff Curo. wo sell .... 69c $1.00 Llsterlno (genuine), wo sell .... COc $1.00 Cramer'H Kidney Cure, wo sell.... 75c 'I'o k( IIicni price triule nt Micr iiinii .V- Mi'Coiiiu-ll Driiir Co. 50e Morrow's Kld-m-olds lOo !.() Ilurnlmm b snrsaparilin r.'c $1.00 Yule h Preparations c fA) Poztont'H Face Powder 2c 2."c Woodbury's Facial Honp 1"i' $1.00 Plnaud's Kan do Qulnlno 3c WK.' I'ituunrs Kai no ijuinino foe Schlffmnli" Asthma Curo We r.0c Parker's llnlr Hulsnin io rV Milkweed Crenm TSo Sozodont . .. "' Snmll size Sozodont 2i'e If you cough, get La Grippe Cough Syrup. Sherman & McConnell Drug Go con. Kith nml noiicn. Third week of our Great Clearing Snle of High Grade Pianos. Prices Cut Deeper Than Ever Ladies' Shoes worth $3. 50 and $4.00 Sale price $2.18 Boys' Shoes worth up to $2. 50 Salo price $1.38 U MYriEM' HAT UU1S the west. Wo nro showing linens from cotch, German, Austrlnn, In fact all of them. ho duplicated In tho city. Seeing Is hellcv morrow nro: A very line, largo Damask or Irish Hand I.oora Damask (would ho cheap h Linen Pattern CIoths( that sell usually en Pattern Cloths( that sell usually nt n Quilts (In qualities that aro tho finest), Uc yard, Seo our Dleached Muslin at 5c n Doom enn bo bought for ono-thlrd their t will pay you. Muslin Underwear Sale Tho most comprehensive nnd cxclusivo stock of cxuulsltc, stylish undergarments ever put on Bale. Prices less than half. Ladles' lino Cambric Drawers, umbrella rufllo, with tucks nnd hcmstlcthing the regular 35c quality, on Wednesday, l!)c. Ladles' elegant cambric Oowns, embroi dery, laco and hemstitched trimmed tho regular $1.25 quality, on Wednesday, 50c. Ladles' dainty French Corset Covers worth regularly 60c to 7oc on Wednesday only 25c. Ladles' very flno Cambric 'Skirts, umbrel la ruQlcs of laco and embroidery reduced for this salo from $1.50 to 9Sc. Ladles' laco trimmed Chemise, reduced from USc to 60c. Dress Goods Sale $1.08 Lupin's Colored Cheviot 98c $1.50 Pnquln Serges S9e $1.25, $3.50, $3.23 Holf Cloth, yard $2.60 $2.98, $2.50 Oolf Cloth $1.50 $1.9S. $1.75 Oolf Cloth 98o $1.50 and $1 23 Golf Cloth 75c Of our Men's Winter Tan Shoes. Of our Men's Winter O'coats Of our Men's Winter Ulsters Is more important to more people in and near Omaha than the records of war in South Africa. Of course you understand such values are better than the average. The Nebraska is never satislied with the commonplace. M UN'S W 1 NT 13 1 v T A N SI 1 013 S AT 2.50 MEN'S WINTKU OVOATS AT $t.r0 MEN'S WINTEK TLSTHKS AT ?I.(M) Such values as these ought to interest every man who wants winter shoes or winter clothing. Special Notice. BE SUm3 AND HEAD OLTIi AD TN WEDNESDAY EVENINCS'S HKK SOMETHING? SPECIAL FOR YOU WOMEN FOLKS HAYDEN S 2 pound packngo self rising panenke flour, S'.c. 2 pound superior hrenkfnst food, made from Paclllo coast hard wheat, 12V4c. 10 pounds puro New York Stnto buck wheat. 60c. 10 pounds Nebraska buckwheat, 33c. Uotllo mustard, ic. Economy cream, 9c. Assorted pickles, por bottle, 814c. Santa Clara Prunes, per pound, 6c. California largo prunes, per pound, 7lc. Hutto county peaches, per pound, 9c. Kancy largo Mulr peaches, per pound 12',4c Now York fancy apples, per pound, 10c. SPECIALS IN TEA AND COFFEE. Golden Illo Coffee 12',4o Mocha nnd Java 20c Old Government Mocha and Java . .. 25c Sun Dried Japan .ISc Uneolorcd Japan 39c English Breakfast 30c Gun I'owdcr 39c First Crop Tea Sittings 20c FISH SPECIALS- Largo fat KKKK "Norsk" Herring, 10c a pound. Largo, fat KKK "Norsk" Herring, 9c n pound. Now Labrador Hound Shore Herring, 7',4c a pound. New Holland Herring, only ono keg to u customer", per keg, 90c. Kxtrn whlto Saur Kraut, .1 pounds for 10c. Swcedlsh Llngon Uerrles, 7',c pound. New Mackerel, 2flc, 17c, 15c and 12c pound. Georges' Cod Klsh, In pound bricks, nt M&c pound All tho Kish Salads,, this sale at 12',c pound. Norway Anchovies, 8 l-3c pound. Headquarters for all kinds of Smoked Fish. CHEESE AND MEAT. Fancy full cream Young Americas.... 10c Wisconsin full croum . 120 American Club Houso (fancy) 10c Fresh new Ilolognn 5c No. 1 California Hnms 7c HAYDEN BROS. I A Triple Shortest m A 1 Line Best s VI SHERMAN GRAVEL (disintegrated gran ite), the finest bal last in ihe world, is used on the main line of the Union Pacific, making a perfect and dust less roadbed. Roadbed mm t 10 HOURS QUICKER TO SALT LAKE CITY 15 HOURS QUICKER TO SAN FRANCISCO IS HOURS QUICKER TO PORTLAND FROM MISSOURI RIVER THAN ANY OTHER LINE. Only One Night to Utah Only Two Nights to California Only Two Nights to Portland DimiiD mromtkTioN cnttruui fuhnishio uron application. New City Ticket Office, Union Passenger Station, THE NEWS Groceries and Provision Sales BIG SALE CRACKERS and GINGER SNAPS. Wo will put on sale n curlond of Sods Crackers, Oyster Crackers and Ginger Snaps nt such prices that wo will close them out quickly. Thcso aro strictly llrst clasb goods, fresh and crisp. Soda Crackers, lb fie Oyster Crackers, lb Do Ilutter Crackers, It 5c Ginger Snaps, lb fie Oatmeal Crackers, lb 8c Graham Crackers, lb , .... So Wo will mako special prices on tho soda oyster nnd butter crackers by tho box nt $1 per box. Restaurants and trado supplied In nny quantity. SPECIAL BARGAINS. Dover Hgg Dealers fie Mrs. roll's Iron Handles fiu Flvo rolls Toilet Paper 10c Kindling Hntchct fic lliuul Saw S7u Kitchen .Meat Saw 13c 2.c Carving Knife 10c l-Frcthm Clothes Hacks 3!lo No. S Copper-bottom Holler 7'Jo Six dozen Clothes Tins fic Gnlvanlzed Wash Tubs 3'Jc Jt.'i double heating Bubo Humors $37.50 f 10 Oak Heaters $7.40 Jl'.'.fiO No. S Cook Stovo J8.H3 Skates, Pick & Snyder's 4!ic Sleds 10c di:kp cut in iiuating stovks. IN ECONOMY BARGAIN DEPT. 5,000 ynrds of remnants, 6c, 10c, 15c nnd 25c n yard. 600 dress patterns worth up to $10 ench at $1.08, J2.08, nnd $3.8 for entlro pattern. 600 pieces of half wool doublo fold dress goods, 5u yard. 300 pieces of halt wool doublo fold dress goods, 10c yard. 42-fnch Serges, extra henvy, 19c yard. 44-luch storm serges, 25c yard. 38-ln h henrlettas, 25c yard. 48-Inch nil wool novelties, 23u yard. 54-Inch extra heavy homespuns, 30c yard. 40-inch satin borher, black only, 36c yd. Everything In this department for less than onc-llfth of regular price. Alliance j 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Missouri River to Salt Lako City 238 ) MILES San Francisco 31 0 Portland . . 54) Other Line NO DUST NO JARRING SMOOTH AND EASY RIDING 'mi." m m Fastest Time 1 ft m Pi VIA THE UNION PACIFIC 1.121 Farnnm. IMionc .110. lOtli and Aiurcy, Phone 020.