10 THE OMAHA DATLY "REE: WEDNESDAY, JAOTAKY 1G, 1001. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Liberal Receipts and Ditmi&ging Gables Impose on "Wheat's Weakness. WEATHER CUTS A FIGURE IN CORN pnts Market Nnrrmv nml Devoid of Speculative Interest l'mrlalnn Ha llnr of Ifpn nml Dimviis, lilt t Cluic Steady. rillCAOO. Jnn. 15. -Wheat was weak today and declined on weuk cables and the heavy movement, Stay cIosIhk WQP lower Ccrn nnd oata closed U down and tiro visions SliflDc to 7',ic higher. May wheat opened He lower at iTASiTic titid under tho discouragement of weak Liverpool cables and liberal northwest re ceipts sagged to 76!c. On tho theory thai u reaction wan about due there was Botno buvlinr on tho decline and prices slowly climbed over tho 77c mark and later, movoj thereto by a decrease of 37S.00O bushels m tho world's supply, touched 7ft77ViC. Thy lieavy primary receipt! 558,000 busheK compared with .TH.OoO bushels a year uko iind hick of outside Hiipport cuuped a reac tion und tho closo wan weak, May Wlte .down at 77c. Now York reported IS loads taken for export. Seaboard clearances In wheat and Hour wero viuiil to 210,(10 bushels. I.oral receipts wcro los cars, 2 of contract grade. .Mlnneuifolls anil Duluth re jiorleil Xr, urrs, ugulust 373 lot week and art a year an". . . , Corn was dull, but fairly steady, although itho crowd kept u clone eye on wheat ana rnn at Hmall losses. Uncottalnty over the wen then whleli at present l not favorable to tho movement, had a steadying clf-"t. ultlirttilt It whs reported that country holders were preparing to rush large quan tities to market, the car supply having be come mon; nearly adequate. Tho grade of crrn being received fhows no Improvement. Of today's receipts, fiKt cars, but I enr was graded contract. May Mild between ,'UtVo ir.O .Wit:, and clo!ed fce lower at IWMilWlu. Thcrn was a nnrrow market for oats and tho trado was bare of features lull specula tive way, nil hough thero continued to be a Kood cash demand. The movement from first hands continued liberal, but desirable Kradcs wero hard to get. Receipts wore Ii2 rnrn. May sold between IBo und L'lHc and clesed He lower at LMftc. Provisions were quiet und steady. The opening was blither lit sympathy with higher prices at tho stock yards. ThU wns followed bv n bulge mi the good cash de mand. I'rlcca reacted from tho top on realizing by sonlpers, but tho close was steady. May pork told between $11.13 nnd itr.Tii and closed SV4 higher 1,1 Ml. I'.'ii Mav lard between $7.2'4 ami JT.Ki. dining Md'iii' up at J7.W. and May ribs between Ji Hi and $7.22',4, with tho close Bo Improved at $7.25, Estimated receipts tomorrow: Wheat. tfi cars; corn, 310 cars; oats, 153 cars; hogs, 3), M head. , . ,, The lending futures rnnged n follows: larcciy nominal, r e m 10.60, northern foundry, JI5.0OQ16 6i south ern foundry, Jll.fiOflj 75, nnd soft southern, M.WtlH. li. Pori.THY Alive, steady and unchanged; dressed, barely steady; turkeys, S'.yiUOVic; chickens, lOtfllc; fowls, MiftlOc. OMAHA WHOI.njiAI.il MAUICCT9. Conditions of Trnile mill Unottlon on Stitptr nnd Kitncy Prmltlie. i:aOS Ilecelnts. light; Rood stock, UIf203. MVIJ 1'OUt.TKY-IIens, R'KJGe; spring chickens, tV; roosters, SUtci ducks, IWRSQi Reese, 64g7c: turkeys, 7(07Hc. l'llKSh DIlUKHKD POIM-TRY liens, 7c; roosters, of;'. ; ducks, 7'tfiSc; geese, SflSHc; sprint? clilckens, per lb., 7c; turkeys, !'c, GAMK-Mnllnnl ducks, per doz.. $303 2.50: leal, tl.Wdl.7u, mixed. tl.C0fn.7S: Jnck rabblts. :2t'-i.'j); cottontails. 75cQtl. IH'TTKH-Common to fair, lOlitlllc; choice. 13jHc; separator, I3c. iiti;u okti-;hx First grnac, sona packed. Now York counts, per can, 3sc; ex tra selects, .12c; standards. 23c: medium, LCc. Pccond grade, slack filled, New York counts, per can. 30c; extra selects, Cftj; standards, Mc; bulk standards, per gal., tl.25. 1'IOKONS-Mvc, per doz., 90c. VHALS-Cholce. O'fJlOc. HA5 Prlco quoted tiy Omaha Wholesale Jnv Dealer association: Choice upland. 2; No, i nplfind, M: medium, t7.60: coarse, Hye straw, tC.M. Theee prices nre Mir nu- or gomi color and quality, ucmanu fair. Kecelpts, S enrs. CORN-No. 3, 32c. UHAN-tl2.50. im 1 VKORTAT1LE9. l'AnSNIPrf-I'cr bu.. tOc. "'J Tt'It.NIl'ri -I'cr bu. basket, 40e. HKBTS-Por bu.. 40c. CAUllOTH-Per bu 40c. MOTTITB Per dor... 3J?f40e. HAIJISUKS-Per dcz 30333c. IIBAN8 Wax, tier 1-3 nil. basket, tli string, doc. , POTATOES Per bu., DOflCOc: Idaho, jet bu., iOc. SWKKT PPTATOnS- I'er bbl.. $2. . CAmiAOB--lIolle.nd seed, l;c. TOMATOKS California, per 4-baskct crate. $2. ONIONS-Natlve, per bu.. $1: Colorado ypunw, per io., 2C. with prices unchanged to 6 points higher, and rulcl quiet for tho remainder of the session, wltn no further change In prices. Investment trading being unseat and tho room elitnent siow tu tako hold vigorously tho opening rise resulted from tho tlrmer Knropeuu entiles than expected. Iltll s leared tho buBlurss or export and Interior receipts. Spot demand continued sluggish. Tho market closed steady, with prices un changed to 6 points higher. Total sales (i,75o bags, Including March at C.kic: .May, .!))c; June, G.liic; August, Cc: September, movi:mi2.t.s or stocks ami honus. Prominent stret AliiKiintr's Projects Sets Stocks All A-flutter. MEW YOItK. Jan. IS. Thero was n verv cotduslni: sentiment on tho stock market tulay. 'I ho steel stocks proved tho kciisl t.on of tho day and their erratic Ihtctu.i- Wheat .Inn. Feb. May. Feb, May. Oats Jim. May. Pork- .Inn. May. Ii rd Jan. Mar. May. Klbs- Jau. May. Open. High. I Low. I Closo.i Yes'y. "Hi 7H4 ' 7IH 74't, 74'H.liii ntU 77U'.i 7C7 77 77 T.C, Sffi M',4 3fi',4 r,f.i 37 37 M nfi 37 3Sf.4 Wis .T-S'i 3SUfli 38Wi ZVi, 2.1?h 23 2:Pi 237(, 25 35 21?; 21 23 14 CO 14 CO 14 17V4 It 17V4 II 27'i 14 30 14 13 It 2714 II 27'A II 23 7 Ml 7 5214 7 V6 1 7 4214 7 r.2',4 7 53 7 52V4 " 6H4 7 55 7 C2V4 7 55 7 GO 7 63 1 7 70 7 0714 7 22V4I 7 30 7 22V4 7 25 7 20 No. 2. Cash quotations wnro as follows: Kl.OUIt-QuletrwIuter patents. $3.703.90; rtralghts, $3.203.GS: clears. $2.80JJ3.40; spring specials, $I.IO(i7l.50; patents, I3.G0173.S0j strnlghls. t3.2iKij3.B0; bakers. $2.20Ji2.70. WIIBAT No. 3 sprlnp, 71(fi72c; No. 2 red, 75V4fi"7e. CO UN No. 2, 37c; No. 2 yellow, 35c. OATS No. 2. 2l5l'.'IUe; No. 2 White, 2r,'.41? t7c. No. 3 white. 2C'T2t;:)ic. , 11YU No, 2. 53c. ItAUKBY I'alr to choice malting. B2fT GOp. HI2KDS No. 1 llax, tl.Gt; No. 1 northwest ern, $l.i3j prlmo timothy, $1.63. loviir, con tract gradn. $11. PltOVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $11. 20 11.25, Uird, or 100 lbs,, $7.42!4W7.f1. Haeon, short ribs sides (loose). $7.00fl7..'. Dry salted shoulders (boxed). $i:.12V4f(G,25; short clear sides (boxed), t7.10fti.50. WIllHICY-On tho basis of high wines, per Bill.. $1.27. HUOAH.H Cut loaf. G".9c; granulated, 5.73c; confectioner's A, B.GDc; oft A, 5.61c. Following aro tho receipts and shipments lor tiiitny Articles. Flour, bills Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oats, bu Jtyr, 1111 Hurley, bu Kecelpts, Shipments. .... 23,000 41,000 .... S7.0O0 1N.00O ....493.000 170,000 ....B37.O0I) 210,000 .... lli.UnO 3,001) .... 30,000 17,000 $3. CBI.BltV-Cnllfnrnla. ns to size. 431v73c CAL'MFI.OWEIt-Calllornla, per cruto, FRt'ITS. PBAItiPer box. $2.00iT2.25. On tho Prodiico oxchnngo today tho but ter market was Inactive; creameries, lift"1 19c; dairies. 12&lSc. Cheese, VHitflWie. ICgh's, dull; fresh, 18c. m:v yoiiic (.; i:icii.vi, maiiki-.t. lluntiit Ioiik nf tlie liny on Vnrloiis (.'OlllllllMlllil'X. NBW YOltIC, Jan. 15.-FI.OUa-Itecnlpts, 84,77:; bbls.; exports, 9.901 bbls.j uratelcally at 11 standetlll, as mills rofusn to.icesslans anil buyers will not pay old asking prices; winter patents, $3.G3i( 1.(0; winter straights. $3.l5ri3.6S: Minnesota patents, tl.ooyias. Ilyo flour, dull; fair to good, $2.S0fi,l,15; cludcn 10 fancy. $3.15'n.'I.Gfl. lluckwhcat flour, dull, 10 u, 62c, o. I. f.. New York. COKNM KAU Steady: yellow western, 91e; rtty. 92c ; llrandywliio, $2.35y2.45. HYK Steady; No. 2 wosturn, B8!4c f. o. h. nlloat; state, 63!Q5lc, c. 1. f., New Tork car lots. IIAHLKY-Steady; fending. 4S50c; c. I. f.. New York; maltliiR, GOlJGSc, c. I. f Now York. lVArtliKY MAI.T Dull: westom, 07072c. WIIBAT ltecolpts, B8,500 bu. Spot, easy; No, 2 red. Sic, f. o. b nlloat; No. 2 red, 7'jUc, elevntor; No, 1 northern Duluth, Btfc, t. o, b allout: No, 1 hnrd Duluth, WJc, f. o. b., atloat. Oiitlons wero Ronerally weak nil day and exceedingly dull. In nlnenco of V all street or other prominent Interests; heaviness was also Inspired by bearish cables, liberal primary receipts, poor rca benrd clearances and moderato liquidation. Closed weak at Kftfto decline. January elcceil. 79c: Mari'h. SOKIiSlc: closed. Slo: May. SlWiirtHe; closed, Sl-)icj July, SO'.'M SO lii.lCc: closed, S0ic. COUN-llecclpts. 122.SOO bu.; export!, S3. 1S7 bu, Spot, cany; No. 2. 4GUc, elovator, nnd 47c f. o. b., nlloat. Option market oponod steady and wns sustained about all day bv continued uuscar.on.ihlo weather west anil prospects, for nmaller receipts. Closed si in 1 y and unchanged. January closed, 4Ga; Murcli closed, 4H4o; May, 41c; closed, 41c; July closed, 4l?c. OATS Hecelpts. 53,200 bu.: exports, 10,205 bu Spot, quiet: No. 2, 30ic; No. 3. 30c; No. 2 white. 32Wi32:';o: No. 3 white. 32oj nock mixed western. 30$3Hic; track whlto. Wtp 35c. Options neglected nnd nominally steady. HOPS Steady: state, common to cholco, 1900 crop. 1G?T21cj ISM crop. lUfflBc; old, 21p Go: Paclllo coast, 1900 croi, 15fl9c; 1899 crop, lOWlIc; old. 2HCe. HIDBS- Flrm; Galveston, 20 to 23 lbs.. 18U riOc; California. 21 to 25 lbs., 19c; Texas drv. 21 to 30 lbs., 15c. LnATHBH Firm; hemlock sole. IJuenos Ayres, light to hoavywelght, 2lij23c: ntld, 23Ml24Ho. WOOf Dull; domcsllo fleece, 2l5J2Go: Texnr. 15fM7o. PIIOVISIONS-Tleof, steady; familv, $1 1 .'JO CflJ.20; mess, $9.00f9.50; packet, tlfi.OrtlIO.TO: city, extra India mess. tlt.OOfflG.To. Cut n.ents, steady: pickled hollies $7.B09S.fv Pickled shoulders, $r.75rjC 0; pickled hams, SS.6iWN.2S. I.nrd, llrm; western steinned, $7.S0: redned llrm: continent. $7.93: South America, $8.50: compound, $3.BOfi5.G2ii, Pork, stvoiiR! family, tlB.O'WiG.oo; short clear, $14 601)17.00: mess, $13.75tni,75. TAI.LOW-Steady: city, D',ic; country, 5U (TiBVic POl'LTUY Allvo. firm: fowls, He; chick, ens. 9cj turkeys, OfTlOo; dressed, sternly: turkeys, Sittfioko; chickens, lOffllc; fowls, 10c. Hl'TTlin-Itecr.lpts, S.3G0 pkRS.: firm; creamery. lG?T21c; Juno creamery, 15l2lo; factory. 14c. CH BBSB-Hecolpts, 3.1G1 pkgs.; steady; fancy, fnll made, lH4tfll,4c; fancy, small, fall mndo. lltfllc, Faas-ltecolpts, R.S14 pkss.; fairly ste.i.ly: western, nverago pKckace, nt mark, lSU'tf 20e: western, loss off. 20Vjc. MI3TAI-S Spccuntllco energy was con spicuous bv Its absenco In the local metal market todny, A few small sales of t.nko Superior copper at $1G.87'4 was practically tho only Impartnnt feature, hut, however, ns demand for that article wns fair, hold ers held for higher rates and nt the thv-n $17 'Was bid, with no offerings. Casting and electrolytic, dull nt tl7.S7'4: tnnrkel dull Tin. dull and was nominally unchanged at 120.25. with Iuulnn snles unchanged hi JCUS 15s. Lend and spelter contlnuo quiet nnd without quotable change on tho bisU of tt.STH nnd tl ,104,15, respectively. Do mestlo Iron murkets wcro featureless and OUAPBS-Malaga. ner ken. tG.BOHD.OO. . APPLBS Native. 75cfftl.on per bu.: per bbl.. $2.50; eustern, $3.003.50; California Iinllflovers. per box. Jl.lOJfl.K CltANllBmilKn-flell and Itugle, $10.00 nerbbl.; Jerseys, per bbl., $9.25; per crate, THOPICAL FmJITfl. OltANOBS-Cnllfnrnla seedlings, $2.50; navels, $2.75ff3.23; Mexicans, $2.75; Floridas, $3.50. LBMONS-Cnllfornla. extra fancy, 13.50: choice, $3. BANANAS Per bunch, according to size, $2.002.50. Fins-Cnllfornln. new cartons. ROc: lay ers. 75c. Imported, per lb.. 13f? 16c. DATBS Persian, In GO-lb, boxes, Salrs, 6c per lb.; Halloween, 6V4c per lb. M1SCBLLANBOUS. IMDBS-No. 1 green, GWc; No. 2 green, B4c: No. 1 salted. 7',4c; No. 2 salted, G'.ic: No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12 lbs,. 314c: No, 2 veal calf. 12 to 15 lbs.. GHc; dry hides, RWI80; sheep pelts, 23fi75c; horsu hides. tl.60f2.25. NUTS- Bngllsli walnuts, per lit., 13e: til berts, per lb., 13c; .almonds, per lb., lSJf20c; rnw peanuts, per lb., 5f6V4c: roasted, C'tfj 7teo; llrazlls, 13c: pecans, 10ftl2c HONBY-Colorndo, 21-scctlon case, $3.75. CIDKIt Per bbl.. $5; per halt bbl.. $3. SAUICHKHAUT-Pcr bbl.. Jl; per half bbl., $2.50. Liverpool Criiln nml Provisions. LIVBHPOOL, Jan. 15.-WHBAT-Spot, strong; No. 1 California, Gs 61; No. 2 red western, winter, Gs 2'4d; No. 1 northern, spring. Gs 4'4d. Futures sternly; March, Gs lHd; May, Gs lil. COHN Spot, easy; American mlxoil, new, 3s lld; American mixed, old, 4s Id. Fu tures quiet; January. 3s 10d; Mnrch, 3s Jtsil: May. 3s 7',4d. PBAS-Canadlan. tllot at Bs G)id. FI.OUH St. Louis fancy winter, steady at 3s Gd. UOPS-At London (Pacltlc coast), steady at JC2 Bsc X3 fi. PHOVI8IONS-I!ecf, extra India mess, dull at GGs. Pork, prlmo mess western, dull nt GSs, Hams, short cut, 14 to 16 lbs,, firm nt 43s. Lard, llrm; American retlned, In palls. 39s 3d; prime western, In tierces, 3Ss 3d. Paeon, Cumberland cut, 26 to 30 lbs,, 44s: short ribs, 16 to 21 lbs, 43s; Iouk clear middles, light, 28 to 34 lbs., 43s; long clear middles, heavy, 35 iq 40 lbs., 41s Gd; short clear ducks, iii to J ins., 3.1s mi; clear nel lies. II to 16 lbs.. 47s. Shoulders, square, 11 to 13 lbs.. Unit nt 35s. miTTBIl-Steady; United States finest, lOOs: good United States, 82s Gd. CHBBSB-Stcady; American finest white, 62s; American finest colored, 63s, TALLOW Steady; prime city, 23s 9d; Australian, in London, 27s 9d. Hecelpts of whent during tho last three days, 154,000 centals. Including 137,000 Amer ican, ltecelnts of American corn during tho last three days, 221,200 centals. Weather frosty. ClimiUfN In Available Supplies. NBW YORK, Jun. 15,-SpeclnI cablo ard telegraphic communication to Hradstreet'a show tho following changes in available supply from last accounts: Wheat. 1'nltcd Stutes und Canada, east of tho Hockles, Increase. 822.0X) bu.; nlloat for and In Kurope, decreaso, lOO.OW bu. ; total supply, decrease, 378,000 bu. Among ino moro important increases reporieu to Ilrmlstreet's am thoso of 130,000 bu. at Chi cago private elevators, 61,000 bu. nt Port land, Me., 61,0(10 bu. nt Louisville nnd B.OOJ bu at northwest Interior elevntors. Tho leading decreases Include, those of 30,000 till. In Manitoba. S3.000 bu. at Omaha and 56.0H) bu. at Depot Harbor. Tho combined stock of wheat nt Portland, Ore., Tacoma and Seattle, Wash., Increased 5,050 bu. last week. Corn, United States nnd Cannda, east of tho Hockles'. increase, 601,000 bu, Oats, United States and Canada, east of tho Hockles, decrease, 1.077.C00 bu. Kiiiimiin City (iriiln 11 ml Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Jan. 15. WHBAT May, G7WiG74c; cash, No. 2 hnrd, 7&6S4c: No. 3, (WfitiGfyc: No. 2 red, "Wlc; No. 3, 67(G9i COHN May, 35'4c; cash. No. 2 mixed, SHifSHic; No. 2 white, 36(4c; No. 3, 26V4C. OATS-No. 2 white, 26Uc. HYK No. 2. 47c. HAY Cholco timothy, $10.50011.00; cholco prairie. $9.25519.50. HL'TTBH-Crcnmery, 17020c: dairy, fancy. 17c. BOOS Lower; fresh Missouri and Knnsas stock, lBu dozen, loss off, cases returned; new whltewood cases Included, c more. HBCHIPTS Wheat, 66.000 bu.; corn, 20.000 bu.: oats. 6,000 bu. SIIIPMBNTS-Wheat, 72,800 bu.; corn, 27, 200 bu.; oats, 9,000 bu. Toledo (iriiln mill Seed. TOLBDO. O., Jan. 15. WIIBAT Dull nnd weak; cash und January, 79c; Muy, 81V4c; July. SOc. COHN Firm; cosh nnd January, 37V4c; Mav. 39?ic. OATS Steady; cash nnd January, 24c; May. 2Gc. HYB 63c. CLOVBHSBBD Firm; prime, 1S99. $0.55; cash nnd January. $7.15; March, $7.2214. Philadelphia Produce Blnrkct. PIIILADBLPIIIA, Jan. 15. IHJTTBR Dull nnd lc lower; fancy western creamery, 21c: fancy western prints, 22c. BOOS Steady; fresh nearby, 21c; fresh western, 2lc; fresh southwestern, 21c; fresh southern, oc. r.1 1 liMCM.'' r,,lnf. V.ii. Vnrl full prAnmu v iii.i.ui . ...... ...... u. ..... w. v.. ...... fancy, small, 1U4C12C; Now York full creams, fulr to choice, lOMiJJUrtC MliineiiiioIlN AVItent. Flour nnd llrnn MlNNBAPOLIS, Minn.. Jun. 15. WIIBAT Cash. 7414c; Jlay. 70',(75o; July, Tii-KiO. On track; No. 1 hard, 7014c; No, 1 northern, 7l4c; No. 2 northern, 71!4i?7214e. FIX3UH First patents. $4.204f4.S0: second patents, $4.004,10; tlrst clears, $2.S02.90; seennil cienrs. j.'.wii 1. w. HHAN-In bulk, $11.75S12.W. Duluth (iriiln Market DULUTH, Jan, 15,-WHBAT No. 1 hnnl ensh, 75?c; to arrive. 76HC: May, 79Hc; No. 1 northern cash, 73&i,c; to urrlve. 74ic: May, 77ic: July, 7Sle; No. 2 northern, C3?itifi9Hc; No. 3 spring, w.t.utu'.kc. COItN-.".5Tc. OATS-25-)4c. Hons wero cotivinciiiir uvldptin. nf tho .in- settled framo of mind umong the .iteel lit teictts. 'I hero was some early weaunc-s In tho croup In i.ptte of 1111 opening rise of J In National Tube and of 2 points in Tin Plate, but the whole group became Strang later nnd rose 011 an uver.ige between I and 1 points over last night. For some Inscrut able reason tho declaration of an s per C'iit i.lWdcnd on the common stock of the Amer ican Tluplatc company tu bo distributed Hi quarterly ticrloiln 1'iLUHPfl timiinitrir.fvl wrnk. iiess in the group. Tho stock Itself dropped l:nck nearly 5 points. The currtnt turmlsti as to what dividend would bo declared I inched tho limit at 6 per cent, so that tho per cent dividend was far In excesi of tho mcst snngulno estimate. bemo selling to realize by Insiders was to be expected, but tho surprising fact wa.i that tho buying attracted by the largo dis bursement was qultu Inslgnlllcniit and en tirely Inadequate to ubsorb the ruallzatl in. T he more moderato conjecture as to tho moro fnvornblo development!) In ste l stocks made speculators ficl that tlulr movement on good news was likely to bo disappointing. Tho bears wero not slow to take, udvantnge of this framo of mind, u heir selling forced an extreme decline ( f 0' In Federal Steel, accompanied by a rumor that today's declaration would bo simply n qhurterly one of 1J4 per cent, omitting tho extra dividend or 5 per cent. After the close of the market a 5 per cent dividend was. declared. Steel and Wire was forced down Hi nnd National Steel. Smelting, Steel Hoop, Colo rado Fuel mid National Tube from 1 to 3 points. The episode Is, by some, rcKatdejl as rellectlng the Impression produced by th" uttcranco nnd project of the country s leading steel magus te. To tho same in lluenco was perhaps traceable tho weakness of tho Trunk lino rnllroad stocks, tho mng nato'H projects, belurr reported to Include tho construction or a railroad lino from Chleano to tho seaboard by way of Pitts burg, In order to secure satisfactory freight rates for Pittsburg. Pennsylvania and New York Central wcro both off about 2 points. Although tho market generally gave way In the late dealings, In sympathy with the break In tho steel stocks, there wto ex amples of strength In tho earlier part of tli3 tlav The Brio ttocks were generally and persistently strong and the grangers and l'neitlcs wero ut one time higher than las. night. Kanawha & Michigan was advanced 5. St. Louis & San Francisco was strong on a rumor of a plan for retiring tho com pany's first preferred stock. At th low jiolnt IIih extremo decline In Hiirllngtou w.u 2''4. In St. Paul 32U In Lackawanna 2'i and In Delaware & Hudson 34. Sugar was erratic and dropped 4 points from the enrly advance, closing with a not loss of 314. Tho break In sterling exchange this morn ing mndo It evident that gold would not ro out immediately und this had an effect 011 tho early strength of the market. Tho money rnto ran up to I per rent Just b'foro tin elo-e und reports wero current of snmo enormous borrowings by tho Pennsylvania railroad 011 account of Its purchases of stock of other railroads during tho hist year. A Philadelphia dispatch placed the nmount railed by tho company slnco Jan uary 1 us high as $50,000,000. Payments on account of the Pennsylvania Coal company nre also In progress this week, luvolvlin; scmo very heavy llunuclal operation1. Cash continues to flow to this center In verv laigo amountft and no notable hardening; of tho money market is thought to be possible. Ponds wero weak In sympathy with stocks. Total sales, par value, $2.1G0,un. United States refunding 2s declined '4 per cent and 5s, coupon, '4 on tho last call. Tho following are tho closing prices on tho New York Stock oxchnngo: 13 91 li SS',i (.7 Wabash do pfd.. I'eorln Market. VBOHIA, Jan. 15.-COHN-lnnctIve; No. 2, 3014c. t OATS-Stcady: No. 2 white, 261ic, track; billed through. 254c. WH18KY-On tho basis of $1.27 for fin ished goods. Mllunnkre. Crnln Market. MILWAUKHH. Jan. 15. - WIIBAT Steady; No. 1 northern, 7iG7754c; No, : northern. 735J7415C. HYB Lower; No. 1, 52f!i5tc. DAHLBY Dull; No, 2, GOc; sample, 47030c, x Kvniiorntetl 11 ml Dried Fruits, NBW YOHK, Jan, 15. BVAPOHATBD APPLBS The market ruled rather qulot, but about steady ut unchanged prices; statu common was quoted nt ."IVio; prime, 6if 6S0: choice. SMiCc; fanev. 6ft7o. CALIFORNIA DHIBD FHUITS-Dull nnd nominally 3ViSUc per lb. for prunes, hh to size and quality. Apricots. Hoynl, 7?4Jj"12c: Moor Park. SMilSe. Peaches, peeled, Hit lbc; unpeeieu, uvi'iHcc. CnlTee Mnrket. .-.1. vndl.' Tnn IK nftPPLT. c. . i i'. JI. .IM UJ' I' 1.1'. ajllll nio. dull; No. 7, invoice, 7'o. Mild, dullr Cordc va, 6tip;wi. " uiurea openeu steauy, 19 A Ma lWVt 101 1st W. & L. B do 2d pfd Wis. Centrnl iThlrd Avntitm i.ji 11. it u. pru l-V2VNntlonul Tubo ,.. Jo do pfd 60 'Adams Bxpress.. M-ii Am. Bxpress .... 17.1 ,U. S. Bxpress..., 12! Wells-Fargn K., Illll, uuu wit...... do tifd im. AlaJtlng do pfd imer. S. & R do tifd u)?ilAmor. Spirits ... HO pill 30-;h Amer. S. II fiYt do pfd rjlVt'Amcr. S. & W.... 11 I do pfd 43 Am. Tin Pinto... WW do iird 21 Am. Tobacco .... 60$4 do pfd 4314 Ana. Mln. Co 1U Hrk. Hap. Tr 2.M Colo. F. ,i I S8T Con. Tobacco .... 121 I do pfd 106 Federal Steel .... 1H4' do pfd tttyj Oen. Bleetrlc .... 106 Glucose Sugnr ., , 8t"!i do pfd , 46 Int'n'l Paper 16J4 do pfd 47?4 Ln.cleilo Oas 153 Nat. Illscult ,113 I do pfd . 4576 National Lead .,, , t2 do pfd , F214 National Steel ... . HV do pfd . 324 N. Y. Air Hrake. , 42 No. American .., Paclllu Coast do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Pacltlc Mall People's Gas .... Pressed S. C do pfd Pullman P. C... Stand. R. & T.. Sugar do pfd Tonn. C. & 1 U. S. Leather.... do pfd U. S. Rubber.... do pfd Western Union . Anial. Copper ... Republic I. & S. 110 pru.... . 10 .IW. . 3?li . 9: .127'd . fS . 5;4' . 22 . 60?4 .149H .1SS .135 . K . 'V4 . 26k 81V4 fS'AP. C. C. & St. I 114 Si" 2S'i JGti 121V: M.U 56 W ll,i 170 Bt'14 135 2f.',4 RS 44 ?5V4 VP lfU If.l 71. 14 4015 S3fi my. COli mil 113 4M1 S4; 49- 44i4 9114 , B1'6 7314 , S9 , 4S 71 , 22'A 7Hi , 70 V4 . 10s 85 , 40?4 9'! .151 . 2011 5iS . f) . 61114 . 4J .10114 . 4?-; . 794 .198 114 .1331i .lis . B54 . 12 7fll' '. 2lft . li'J : 9o . H14 . h'J 1, B7 ding on the report of tho surrender of Capo rebels; West Australians wcro better, ex cept London nnd Globes, which were dull, owing to fears about the position of the corporation. West Africans boomed. Tho nmount of bullion wlthdrnwn from the Hank of Bnglnnd on balance today wns 30,000; Spanish 4s, 71l4; American eagles nro quoted In tho open mnrket nt 70s Ed. PARIS, Jnn. 15. Prices wero firm on the bourse today, being favorably Impressed by tho China news and stlmulnted by the gov ernment's success In tho Chamber of Depu ties yesterday, Internationals wero In great favor: Spanish 4s wero In strong request on the rumor of the convention being definitely nbnndoncd; Rrazlllans Hdvnnced sharply on Improved exchungc; Rio tlntos wero firm: Kufllrs advanced on Bngllsh buying. Three per cent rentes, luif 9714c for the nccount; Spanish 4s, 72.074, J1BRL1N, Jun. 15. On tho bourse today prices were llrm, bomb funds wcro In good demand nnd Internationals were harder, es pecially Spanish 4s, on Paris advices; Amer icans nnd Canadian Pacifies were easier: banks wero maintained; Austrian credits weakened 011 Vienna sales: mines advanced on benr covering. Bxchnngo on London, 20m 4Gnfgs. for checks. Discount rates: Short bills. 3 per ctnt: thrco months' bills, 3J4 per cent. Xctv York .Money .Market. NBW YORK. Jnn. 15.-MONEY-On call, steady nt 214114 per cent: Inst loan at 214 per cent; prlmo mercantllo paper, 45t5 per cent. STBRL1NG BXCHANGB Bnslcr, with actual business In bankers' bills nt $4,871 4.S71fc for demnnd nnd at $1.83H for sixty days: posted rates, $1.84 and $4.88; commer cial bills, $1,8214.83. SILVBR-Certttlcatcs, G4!4365!4c: bar, 63'4c; Mexlcnn dollars, 49-i4c. UONDS Government, weak; state, inac tive; railroad, weak. Tho closing prices on bonds today are ns follows: '. S. 2s ref. rcg do coupon ... do 3s, reg do coupon .. do now 4s, reg. do old 4s, reg... do coupon ., do coupon., do 5s, reg.. do counon .. D. nt C. 3 C3s. Atch. gen. 4s do nilj. -is Can. Southern 2s, C. & O. 4V4s do 6s C. & N. W. c. 7s., do 8. F. d. Bs.. Chicago Ter. 4s.. Colo. So, Is I). & R. G. 48 Brio gen. Is F. W. fie U. C. is, Gen. Blcctrlo 5s In. Central Is.... ft N. tin . 4s.. M.. K. & T. 2s.... do 4s Adams Con Allco Hreeco Hrunswlck Con., Comstock ..Tun. Con. Cal. & Va Deadwood Terra Horn Sliver Iron Sliver Leadvllln Con... Atchison do pfd Haltlmoro & O... Can. Paclllo Can. Southern .. dies. & Ohio Chicago ti. w (.'., II. & Q Chicago I. .t L. . do pfd Chicago ft B. I. Chlcugo ft N. W.. C, R. I. ft P C. C. C. ft St. L. Colo. Southern .. do 1st pru ,1,. ,! tif.l Del. ft" Hudson... Del. 1.. ft w Den. ft R. u ln tlfll Brio do 1st pfd Gt. Nor. pfd Hocking Coal Hocking valley.. Illinois Central.. Iowa Central .... do nfd L. B. ft W do mil Ijiku Shiiro Louis, ft Nash.., Manhattan L Met. St. Ry M,v. Central Minn, ft St. L..., do pfd Mo. Pacltlc Mobllo ft Ohio... M., K. ft T do pfd N. J. Centrnl.... N. Y, Central... Nor. ft West do pfd No. Pacltlc nfii Ontario ft W O. R. ft N .10 nfil Pennsylvania, ... Kcauing do 1st pru In nfil Rio G. W .... do nfd St. L. ft S. V.... do 1st pfd In "il nfd St. L, S. W do nfd St. Paul do pfd St. P. & Omaha. Sn. Purlfln So. Railway .... do pfd Tex. ft Pacltlc... union l'aciuo .. do pfd Nomlnnl. Bx-lnterest. Tho Commercial Advertiser's London financial cablegram says:, Tho markets hero wero moderately active and generally cheerful today. Tho market Is expecting American gold shllimenb and also views tho Capo situation moro favorably. Amer lcuns opened heavy and idle, but soon ral lied on tho purchnso of largo blocks of Brles on rumors attributed to the Morgans. Later Now York seemed disposed to bo weak all around, tho demand for Brles con tinued und tho belief wns expressed that Brio firsts would soon pay dividends, thus facilitating putting forth tho collateral bonds for paymuut of tho Pennsylvania company, rno naiiK iosi India. 50.000 L-iild to jicriin cnequo wus weaiter at 20.40. Huston SI not. limitations. HOSTON, Jan. 15.-Call loans, 4Q1H4 per cent; iiiuo iuuub, tuivs per cent, umcial closing: A.. T. ft S. F. ... do put Amer. Sugar .... An t.f.l Am. Telephone.. iiosion a ji Boston Blovated. lloston ft Mo.... C. II. ft Q Dominion Coal . do pfd Federal Steel ... do pfd Fltchburg ptd .. Gen. Bleetrlc ... do pfd Bd. Blec. HI N. B. CI. &. a... Old Colony Old Dominion .. Rubber Union Pacific ... Union Land 4.'14 f'514 133 H714 100 251 159 191 14214 r-.'4 10s' 1 51 71 139". ,iss: 1011; ;i224 COii 1 , 2H41 21 . MV41 , 3 West Und West. Bleetrlc , Atchison 4s N. B. G. ft C. 5s, Adventuro Amal. Copper .., Atlantic Hostou ft Mont, Hutto ft Hnston, Cnl. ft Hocla..., Centennial Franklin Humboldt Osceola Parrot Uulncy hanta Fo Cop.. Tamarack Utah Mining'.., Winona Wolvejrlnes lllngham . 93 . ts ldlli . G3 . 9'i . 90ii . 2S ' .523 . 79 .SIO . 23 . 161 . 5,1 . S21 . JO .170 .11 . 31 . 6', . 4H4 . 1574 ".1 Hid. Foreliiii Financial. LONDON. Jan. 15. Money was In fair ile mnnd, plentiful nnd ensy todny; discounts wero Hienuy; mucii cannon wns inannesieu, nwlntr to the uncertainty of tho outlook. On tho stock exchuntjo operators wero moro confident, though there was a ilegreo of nervousness over tho settlement. Consols wero llrm on tho cessation of sales for money In connection with tno settlement; homo rails wero In good demand, onerators being on tht tlptoo of expectation rcgmdlng dividends; Americans opened weak nnd be- low parity. Micro wns consiucrnoio prom taking after they advanced, facilities for carrying over not oeing wiuiornwn ns pre. dieted; later they wcro easier, closing dull i.-ni.li7nerH bad 11 better tone, on Parts mi. vices nnd the possibility of a largo, new Japanese loan tor miuiary- worss neinsj ms cussed. Kaltlra Improved on vigorous bid 1064 N. Y. C. Is 106 10S4 N. J. C R. 6s 128 19'9 No. Pacific 3s.... 70V 110 do 4s lOltd 13Gli N'YP&SL 4s.. 18)4 111 N. & W. con. 4s. .100 111 Ore. Nnv. Is 109 13714 do 4s 10'i?i lhlj O. S. L. 6s 129 111? do consol 5r....'.1G4 125 Rending gen. 4s.. W-h 1023, R. G. W. 1 91 89't, St L ft I M C S9.1U?i 1914 St I. ft S F R. C3.12S 10114 St. Paul cons ISO 1204 St. P. C. ft P. Is.. 118 1394 do 6s .11914 123 So. Paclllc 4s 83v4 9214 So. Railway B8...112 H-,f S. R. ft T. 6s CJ 100- Tex. ft P. Is il34 MU do 2s 92 801i Union Pacific 4s..inr,i4 163 Wabash Is 11814 11514 do 2s 110 1004 West Shoro 4 1114 7714 Wis. Central Is.. 83(4 97 Va. Centuries .... 9GV4 Bx-lntcrest. Hid. riv York MIiiIiik Stoekn. NBW YORK. Jnn. 15,-Tho following nro quotations 011 mining stocks: 20 45 220 7 6 ViO 51 110 65 6 Llttlo Chief .... Ontario Onhir Phoenix' Potosl Savago Sierra Nevada Small Hopes ... Standard . 16 .023 . 70 . 10 . 10 . 15 . 23 . 70 .400 London Stock Quotations. LONDON, Jan. 15. 1 p. m. Closing: Cons., money . tlo ncct Atchison Can. Paclllc ... St. Paul Illinois Centrnl Louisville U. P. pfd. .97 MP. .97 :mg ..47 ..92 ..1544 ..135 .. 911, . 86 N. Y. Central H9 Brio tlo 1st pfd Pennsylvania ... Rending No. Pacific nfd.. Grand Trunk ... Anaconda Rand Mines 301k 6914 IP 7Ji SOUTH OMAHA, Jnn. 15. Rccelnts worn Cuttle. Hoes. Sheen. Oniclal Monday 3,69.1 4,t9J 4,063 Ofliclal Tuesday 4,1U 7.666 2,052 Two days this week.... 7.S0I 12.636 G.lOu Same days last week.... 4,661 14,701 9,254 Bnmo days week before. 4,221 9,67 D.34S Samo three weeks ago,. 751 6,348 17 Sumo four weeks ago.. 4,764 1S.014 8,389 Avorago prlco paid for hogs for tho past several days, with comparisons: 9 1 G II 1 30 "8 21 3 13 1 . M. A HI. 1 Tv O. ft St. L. Ry Missouri Pacific Ry.... cmon l'aciuc system.... C. ft N. W. Ry F.. B. ft M. V. R. Il 8. C. ft P. Ry C. St. P., M. ft O. Ry.. !. ft M. R. R. R H. ft Q. Ry II. I. . 1 en C, R. I. ft P.. west.... Illinois Central Total receipts 178 107 It 22 The dlsnneltlon of tho dav's recclnts was ns follows, each buyer purchasing tho num. hit or neuu imncnicur Huvcrs. Cattle. Hogs. Sheen. Omaha Packing Co 331 mt G. 11. Hammond Co HO 1,308 Sw ft and Comnnny.... 603 1.53S 619 Cudahy I'acklng Co 1,320 1,486 1,269 Armour ft uo 11O kiu Armour, from Sioux City 39J Omaha P. Co.. K. C 71 Vnusnnt ft Co 18 J. L. Carey 19 Lobmaii ft Co 27 ..... 1.... McCreary ft Clark 33 1 1111 ft liunlzltiger so Livingstone ft Schallcr.. 89 L. F. Httsz G7 It. F. Hobblck 43 II. S. Maw 1 nney 8 Other buyers 789 HAH SILVBR-Stcndy, 28i.d per ounce, MONEY SUffi.l iter cent. Tho rate of dis count In the open mnrket for short lillln, i-'TJ4 3-i6 per cent; for thrco months' bills, IlitdU per cent. Hank CI car I tins nnd Hxchnnste. CHICAGO. Jan. 15. Clearings. $23.S22.SG7: balances. $2,181,701; New York exchange, par to 10c premium; posieu excnatiKO. Ji.Mit 4.KS. ST. LOUIS. Jnn. 15.-Clenrlngs. $7,932,877: bulunces. $.557 718; money, BS7 per cent; Now York e.xchnnge, 20c premium bid, 30c premium askixL NBW YORK, Jan. 15. ClcnrinRS, $333,302, B33: balanceB,-tl2.2CO(4G7. I'llll.AniJl.l'HlA. Jan. 15. c eanngs. tlR.844.irii; balitnces. t2,S96.619. HOSTON. Jan. 15. Clearings. $37,490,142: bnlances, tl,MW,S27. CoiulHInn of tlie Trennurjr. WASHINGTON. Jan. 15. Toilnv'n state ment of tho treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of tho 'tlSO.OOO.ooo gold reserve In the division of redemption, shows: Avnllnblo cash balance, tl33,5H,631; Rold, 172,763.271. Wool Mnrket. LONDON. Jnn. 15. WOOL Tho first series of tho 1901 wool auction sales opened today. Thero was a largo attendance nnd competition was brisk. The nverago of prices wns from 5 to 714 Per cent above the October sales. Merinos nnd Capo of Good I loni! anil rentals soul mita nor cent nnu cross-brcds pnr to 5 per cent higher; tho offerings numbered 7.82b hnles and wero too small to fnlrly test tho market. Tho demand was fairly distributed com ing from homo nnd abroad. Merinos nlnved a good tono and nt top prices wero In re- nucst: cross-nreiis were orrereu in smalt lots and met with a good demand: Cnno of Good Hope und Natul cross-breds sold read ily; grensies 0 per cent ana scoureii 7 per cent uenrer. Following nro tno snies in no tall: Now South Wales, 900 bales; scoured, 4'4d; creasy. 5'nlOd. Uueenslnnd. 1,300 bnles: scoureii. issris 4$u; grensy. Mftsii. victoria. ttYi Hnlnu. annllrrul f.li.,1 till nrunuv r.t..l 9d. South Australia, GOO boles; greasy! 414ff Od. west AUstrnlla, ii"0 uaies; greasy. 4'iW Sd. New .ealand, 1.900 bales; scoured, 7l4d fnis a'.tn: greasy, 4tiV4, cape or uomt Hope and Natal, 400 bales; scoured, Is l',tlai 12s 6id; Rrcaay, 414S714d. SttKiir mill Molasses. NBW ORLBANS. Jan. 15.-8UGAR-Mar- kot strong: onen kettle. 3'.If4c: onen kettle centrifugal. 3 13-1G1M 6-16c; centrifugal yel low. 11-iuc; serouus, s-vi'iftc. NBW YORK. Jan. 15. SUGAR Rnw stendy but quiet: fair refining, 3Tic; cen trifugal, 96 test, 4o; molasses sugar, 3Hc; refined, steady; standard A, 5.40c; confec tioners' A. 5.40c; mo J 111 A. B.93c; cut loaf, ..... . ......1 1 . .A. .... ...... a. ' u.tuu; 11 uniieil, 11.1m:, Mil liri in, u.liro; RraUU- lated, 5.60c; cubes, fi.83c. Molasses, steady; Now Orleans open kettle, good to cholco, 32 ttIOe. LONDON, Jan. 15.-BBET SUGAR-9s 3;ii. New York Hry fiooiln .Mnrket. NBW YORK. Jun. IB. Tho general mar. ket conditions nre without change. Thero Is more nuslness lining than a week ago, maintaining tho Imnrovoment noted yester day, but tho market Is still quiet. Ship ments of heavy brown goods to China out of previous purchases considerable, No rhango In prices noted In any direction, either staples or fancy cotton goods. Print cloths Inactive. MANCHBSTBR. Jnn. 15,-Buycrs asking concessions, inrns tiuu. I.nst of tlie Motlocn, Another good Indian has been mndo by the death of a Modoc brave, nnd now the bucks of tho trlbo have been reduced to tho fatal thirteen In number. Thus have dwindled tho fighters of tho moit wnrllk-: tribe of men that ever nrrnyed themselves itgnliiit an enemy. Thoy have been tho Tshmnclltes of the Pacific slono. nnd thero. fore thoy wero called "Modccs" by the otllT trines, xor "mouoc menus nnemy. ' Tho entire trlbo hnsi dwindled to seventy seven members, nil wrMched beings, with no thirst for war. but an nmbltlnnless In. dolent nnd dull set of beings that have cast nslde eynry vlrtuo that they ovar possessed and havo tnkon on every vice that civilization nan offered. This remnant, mostly women nnd dl"enscd children, th'tt has dwindled from a lighting power worthy of United Stntos opposition to the very vcrgo of extinction, Is now quartered on a small reservation In the quapaw country Theso laf.t of tho Modocs nro nrlsoners of war. lmld by tho government, but allowed great freedom, for fiiey nro not likely to ivandor from tho sunnlles they nro nrovld 'd with, for If thoy should they would starvo to ueain. Only one nmong them shows any of tho snlrlt that once, netuated tho tribe. Ho Is Snm Boll, about 100 yenrs old, nnd ho is wining to titKo tno warpatn ugain. Xornlt'o Foresluht. Youth's Companion: Tho kitchen rnnld thrust her hetul Insldo tho ooor of the family sitting room nnd culled nut: "Mrs. Sthrahng. tho cockronehs Is thick In the rnnthry an' tho chlny closet! Whnt'll 1 no win em, mem ; "Cockroaches. Norah? exclaimed Mr Strong, much dliplensed, "How doe.) It happen that you have alloweu tnctn to be coitik so nnmtrnus'" "They klm liern from Mrs. Pnlrklns mem. nlxt door." mentioning the name of a neighbor with whom her mistress was not on very goon terms. "Came from Mrs. Perkins', did thev?' said Mrs. Btrnnir. considerably mollified "Well. I don't blame them I They'd starve to death in that house," OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Receipt. Liberal and Prices on Btef Steeri and Oowa linen Lower. HOGS ACTIVE AND CLOSE TO IOC HIGHER Light Ittin of Sheep, bnt Qnnllty Above the Average nntt Deninnd Good Mnrket StronK nmt Ten Cents HlKher Tlutn Last Week, I 1901. 1900.1M.1S9S.1S97.1S915.1S96. Jan. 1.... 4 95 4 21 3 42 3 18 3 40 4 22 Jnn. 2.... 4 96; 4 33 3 67 3 17 3 43 4 16 Jan. 3.... 4 954 1 29 3 67 3 48 3 46 4 08 Jan. 4.... 6 0214 4 27 3 44 3 44 3 25 3 61 4 11 Jnn. 6.... 5 044 4 37 3 47 3 38 3 27 4 19 Jan. 6.... 4353 41 3393293 63 Jan. 7.... B Of.U 3 42 3 40 3 18 3 48 4 10 Jan. 8.... 5 05)4 4 34 3 43 3 12 3 46 4 09 Jan. 9.... 6 14 4 3S 3 45 3 14 3 56 4 11 Jnn. 10... 5 254 4 35 3 60 3 43 3 51 4 09 Ju.li. 11... 5 231i 4 41 3 65 3 29 3 07 3 61 4 08 Jan. 12... 5 1714 4 49 3 60 3 47 3 It 4 07 Jnn. 13... 4 53 3 55 3 49 3 09 3 47 Jan. 14... 6 164 3 50 3 49 3 19 !M 4 11 Jan. 15... 6 25H 4 68 3 4 7 3 26 3 69 4 11 Indicates Sttndny. brought In today by each rond was: Cnttlo.Hogs.Hhp. stock 1118. 19 91 Total 1.2S2 7,622 2,1.18 CATTLB There was tho heaviest run of cattle hero today that has arrived slnco tho second week In December or last year. As a result of the littoral supply In sight buy ers wero Inclined to tako iiilvnntnKo of tho opportunity to potinu tno mnrKct, aim con sequently it was 11 Blow, nraggy market I,.., ........ . ,itai. ..,1.1. .t. IIUIII l IU IIIII9II. Willi fcllU llllll.'lll.J' VI prices considerably lnvcr. Thero was a large run r Deer cattle, nut comparatively few of tnem could bo called finished. The best grades were not so much lower than they wero yesterday, but tho genernl run of tho offerings was a bis dlmo lower, nnd in some eases more thnn mat. Iiuyers wero exceeding slow aiiout taking hold of the common nnd varmed-up ntufr, nnd sellers found it dld'cult to dis pose of thnt class of cattle at any price, It wns Into beforo anything like a clearance iviiH effected. Tho cow mnrket was In much tho samo condition us tho trado on steers. Thero were nearly 75 cars of cows and heifers offered and ns a result buyers did not have to hurry In order to get their, orders filled. Tho, choicest grades were picked up in fairly good shapo ut prices noj, so vnry much lower thnn yesterdny, but aside from those tho mnrket could safely bo ouoted 10 4(15c. lower and slow. Tho greatest decline was on tho medium kinds, which uro neither choice nor ennners. Thero wero vory few feeders offered to day. Tho best ones sold readily at ntcivly prices, but the common light stuff was slow and lower. The demund for that class of stock Is not good und tho tendency of prices is lower, nun sellers say 11 is uimoult to move that class of cnttlo at any prlco. Representative sales: I3BBF STBBRS No. G 4 5 3 4 11 18 8 17 10 10 9 9 1 :i , 19 19.'."'."! 28 19 14 5 6 23 6 26 1 1 3 5 6.'.!!!!'. 1 1 3 3 3 4.'.'!!!!! 3 8 23 20 3 7 6 6 6 19 6 7 7 6 1 25 2 21 2 IS 11 23 13 Av. ... 763 ...1187 ... 962 ... 906 ... 910 ...1003 ...1127 ...1075 ...1011 ...1101 ...1100 ... 951 ...1278 ... 9i K) ,...1083 ...1113 ...1227 ...10S6 ...1015 ...1167 .1255 l'r. 3 SO 3 85 3 90 4 00 4 00 4 10 4 15 4 20 4 20 4 23 l 23 4 25 4 30 4 -M 4 33 4 10 4 40 4 43 4 50 4 55 4 Ut No 12... 20..., 21... 21... 41... 62... 4... 23... 16... 12... 21... 41... 12... 32.. 3.. 39.. 21.. 28.. 38.. S9.. .v. ....11G6 ....1117 ...,1195 ....1223 ....1377 ....1121 ....1185 ....1252 ....1202 ... .12W 1256 12S5 1283 1301 120.1 1509 1329 1621 1321 1305 8TBERS AND HEIFERS. .1050 .. 76S .. 917 ...1100 ..1146 .. 810 .. 930 ,..1060 .. 900 .. 780 .. 920 ...11S0 ..1020 .. 973 ..1000 ,..1020 ,.. 965 ,..1007 ,..1033 ,..1043 ,.. 920 ,..1070 ...1046 ,..1148 ... 920 ,..1100 ...1110 ,..1107 ...1260 ,..10:il ...1200 . . .1006 ... 910 ... 961 ...1035 ... 970 ...1175 ...1100 ...1185 951 90 3 90 4 00 4 25 4 45 ( 1 50 2 U0 2 25 1 55 2 25 2 25 2 40 2 60 2 50 ' 2 60 2 60 2 60 2 60 2 60 2 W 2 65 2 i0 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 80 2 SO 2 80 2 S5 2 83 2'85 2 83 2 V) 2 10 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 03 3 05 17 20.. . 19.. COWS. 11.. 3 6 1 19 8 , 8 , 20 4 15 10 7 4 11 3 17 1 12 0 9 11 3G 1 7 20 21 19 14 24 18 19 9 ...1132 1080 1100 1105 ...10.11 ,..1100 ...1250 ...1050 ...1133 ... 965 ,.. 813 ,.. 866 ...1102 ...1080 ...UU6 ...1115 ...1063 ...1155 ...1070 ... 816 ... 9T9 ...1080 ....1140 ....1110 ....1072 ....1190 ....1148 ....1010 ....1061 ....1130 ....1352 ....1120 ....1131 ....1170 .... 987 ....11SS .... 977 ....1110 Pr. 4 55 4 65 4 60 4 65 4 65 4 63 4 65 4 63 4 73 4 73 73 4 73 4 75 I 80 4 W 5 00 5 00 5 05 5 10 5 10 4 33 4 40 I 40 4 40 3 10 3 10 3 10 3 10' 3 10 3 10 3 15 3 15 3 IB 3 20 3 20 3 20 3 20 3 20 3 21) 3 20 3 2.3 3 23 3 2.3 3 25 3 30 3 .13 3 40 3 10 3 10 3 43 3 15 3 50 3 50 3 60 3 60 3 65 3 75 3 iS COWS AND HEIFERS. 1.... 1,... 6.... o 6..'. . 1.. 1.. 1.. .1.. 1... 1... 1... 1.. 1 10 3 1 11 14'..'..'.,.'. 1 5 10.... 1.... 4 1 3 3 4 4 . . . 10 955 ... 912 .... &3G 800 ... 670 ... 810 .... 470 ... S90 .... 810 ... 855 ...1230 ,...1130 ... 640 ,...1090 ,...1470 ,...1310 ...1170 ...1110 1275 .A... 1000 1130 940 500 1025 300 130 150 STOCK 950 850 970 893 830 650 755 9... 18.... 13.... 3 lO 3 10 3 10 3 15 22 HEIFERS. 3 (X) 3 20 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 10 3 W 6... 20 II 32 .1082 .. 870 ..1119 .. 993 896 982 911 1051 1175 1305 3 25 3 2.5 3 33 3 10 3 60 3 65 3 25 3 65 3 76 4 10 1 770 3 M 2 75 1 1170 3 13 2 S3 1 630 3 23 2 90 1 650 3 23 3 00 1 1100 3 23 3 10 1 1500 3 30 3 10 3 1046 3 35 3 25 1 1420 3 40 3 25 1 1300 3 GO 3 23 1 1650 3 60 3 25 1 1530 3 GO 3 23 1 820 3 65 3 25 1 1680 4 15 3 23 CALVES. 5 75 1 140 6 25 5 75 2 115 6 60 6 00 COWS AND HEIFERS 00 2 15 2 25 2 60 2 50 2 65 3 1 6 9', 2 90 STOCK 3G0 2 75 362 3 00 352 3 : 666 600 714 . 3.82 41V) . 681 , 600 2 Ik5 3 00 3 (5 3 10 3 10 3 10 3 75 CALVES. s 1 10.. 380 310 460 8TOCKBRS AND FEEDERS. 3 25 4 00 4 25 720 , 722 610 433 . SOO . 607 . 850 900 00 2 75 3 IK) 3 M 3 00 3 00 3 23 3 40 4. 4. 6... 17... 7... 1 .. 8... a.... 830 ,.. 782 ... 850 ... 678 ... 824 ...770 .. 76.1 ,. 959 80 3 S3 :: k; 3 90 3 90 3 95 1 ) 1 CO 31 71$ 1.. 900 69 G77 21 196 3 .883 1 910 13 7S0 24 850 19 838 27 1019 .1 80 E. P. Sweeney Neb. 1 heifer.... 870 2 85 1 bull 1200 B heifers... 791 2 85 7 cows S67 1 cow lew 2 63 1 co W. ..... 1170 HOGS There was not an excessive 3 60 1 920 4 00 3 50 2., 400 4 (0 3 65 30 763 I (0 3 65 17 915 4 05 3 fO 30 917 4 IS 3 GO 6 1016 4 13 3 70 7.. S3I 4 15 3 73 29 421 4 25 3 ,5 1 790 4 .15 2 60 2 66 2 75 SUP' ply of hoRS today, and ns packers were all good buyers tho mnrket wns tho most active It has been In somo time. Opening bids wero 7Hc to 10c higher than yeaterja. and tho close was strong. Httyers bought up tho hogs ns fast as they were unloaded nnd took a good many of them in the shutes, so that the pens wero cleared be fore 9 o'clock In the morning. Tho bulk of tho snles went from $3.22li1iTi.27'ii. with a top of $5.30. As will bo seen from tho table of average prices, tho mnrket Is now .Hist about back to where It was on January 10. Several carloads urrlved Into in the morn ing, but buyers were wnltlng for them nnd they sold largely nt $5.25 and $5.2714. Chlcatni'n close was weak, which ntToctCd tho sale of a few of tho Inst Iiors, but wero sold before the Representative sales: No. Av. 8)1, Pr. 48 341 40 284 91 278 25.. 37.. 71.. 66.. 62.. CI.. 65.. 49.. 64.. 73.. 60., nenrly nil of them wenk report arrived No. Av. Sh. Pr. 85 150 51 171 45 179 48 274 81 225 28 185 39 316 72 248 23 291 79 179 84 163 67 221 15 165 13 233 97 208 60 251 61 199 69 26S 44 211 101 194 61 285 SO 192 42 326 65 221 62.. 40 80 240 85. 7a... 60... 61... 65... 75... 74... 72... 73. . . 60. . . 9... 65... 63... 43. . , 80. . . 65... 61... 58... 25... 30... 64... GO... 63. . . 63. . . 61... 8.1. . . 31... 97... 47... .291 ...17S ...220 ...29 ...29J ...22S . . .226 ...199 ...211 ...22.1 . . .261 . . .250 . . .323 ...227 . . .230 ...197 . . .253 ...291 . . .280 . . .238 ...257 . . .282 ...236 . . .28.1 . . .232 . . .29.1 ! ! !V67 ...182 T1 80 120 160 210 80 40 's6 40 80 iib so 120 WO 80 SO 40 210 120 40 120 160 40 40 '41) SO 80 6 IS B 1714 6 20 6 20 6 224 6 22 1 j B 224 6 2-A 6 ?2(i 6 ?214 6 221, 6 22 i 6 rjii 6 22,4 6 22H 6 22H 6 ml 6 2214 6 25 5 25 B 25 5 25 6 23 5 25 B 23 6 25 B 23 6 23 6 23 B 25 B 25 B 25 B 25 5 25 B 25 6 25 6 25 6 23 6 25 B 25 6 23 6 23 6 26 6 25 6 25 B 23 6 23 6 23 B 25 R 23 B 25 B 25 B 23 6 200 0 23 40 6 25 200 6 25 ...301 40 B 25 ...224 ... 6 23 , . .206 SO 6 23 ...273 ... 6 25 ...292 120 6 25 ,..23.1 ... 6 23 ...257 40 6 25 , . .205 40 6 23 ,..247 ... 6 26 , . .21S 40 6 25 ..321 40 6 23 0.1, .... ,,7 80 5 .0 43 211 ... B25 84 243 120 tj 23 78. .. . . 17S ... D 25 61 348 ... 6 26 29 349 120 B 25 20 149 ... 6 25 90 203 120 B 25 61 271 120 6 25 78 217 40 5 25 GO 216 ... 5 25 68 292 SO 6 25 68 230 200 B 274 63 361 80 B 274, 60 291 ... B 27'4 63 282 ... B 2715 00 191 ... B27'4 72 231 ... B 271j 77 221 ... B 274 a 243 40 B 2714 91 197 ... 6 2714 69 271 ... 6 2714 40 38c) 80 5 2714 73 224 80 B 27fl 63 220 80 B 271a 51 210 120 B 275 60 2G5 160 6 2714 4S 279 SO 6 2714 68 251 ... 6 27V4 88 213 80 B 2714 77 201 40 6 2114 75 21S 160 B 27V4 110 181 80 5 2214 6S 261 200 B 27',4 76 211 40 5 30 66 276 ... B 30 46 402 ... B 30 72 250 200 B 30 G7 229 ... B 30 5 30 ...I fa few 71 2IG SIIBFP Tlini-n warn i,l.. sheep oil solo today, but what was offered nun ouoico una nitovo tno Rcncrai run that has been coming In of Into, The da mum! wus In c-onil Hlintin und everything sold enrly at good strong prices, or fully a, dlmo higher than tho close of last week. A ehnlen hiineli nf nlfnlfn foil veitrl lues sold as high as $1.75, hut they wero by far the best that has been on tho market this year. Another string of yearlings sold for $1.53, nnd n bunch of wethers nnd yearlings mixed brniiBht $4.60. Bwes sold as lilch as $3.60, and a choice bunch of lambs brought $5.45. I hero were very few feeders offered today nnd the mnrket could be quoted steadv. wuointions: cnoico ten wetnors, i.wi 4.3o: fulr to good wethers, ja.S5fj4.O0; choice yearlings. tl.40W4.75; fair to good yearlings, Jl.25f74.40: cholco ewes, tl.Jftfp 3.G0: fair to trood ewes. $3.oiW3.30: choice spring lambs, $5.00f?6.45: fair to good spring iambs. $4.75T(fi.00; reciter ewes, ff3.00; feeder wethers, $3.50513.75; fender lambs, $4.00f4.40. Representative sales: No. .10 cull owes 18 bucks owes owes owes ewes owes wethers wethers wethers wethers 9 yearling wethers.. .12 lambs 92 lambs Av. 80 150 99 St SO 92 12.1 110 113 11.1 91 97 65 78 Pr. $2 10 3 23 3 40 6 40 3 50 3 60 ." 60 4 60 I 6 ) 4 50 4 65 4 73 G 00 I 15 CHICAGO I.IVB STOCK M.VUKBT. Cattle Generally I.oiver Hok" Sternly to lllnlier Sheep Dimyii. CHICAGO. Jan. 15.-CATTLB-Hecclpts. 6,000 head. Including 1,300 Texuns; cholco steers steady; others slow to 10c lower; butchers' stock steady and active: Texans 5fll0c lower; good to prlmo steers, $5.25f0.00; poor to medium, j;i.ooii;j.iu; Biocacrs nnu feeders.' strong to 10c higher nt $2.75574.50; cows. $2.70fi4.25; heircrs, $2,6011.05; dinners, $2.0Mi2,70; hulls, slow nt J2.G5H 1.30. Culves, 15c lower at $I.O0iiiii.O0: Toxns-reil steers. $4,001(4.80; Tqxos grass steers, $3.30174.00; Texas bulls. $2.60ff3.62V4. HUGH Kecelpts totiay, jo.ikhi nenii; tomor row, 30.000 head; loft over. 3,0ii0 head; steady to 5c higher, closing wenk: ton. $5.10: mixed nnd butchers, $5,105.374; good to choice, heavy, $5.25ff5.l0; rough heavy, $5.10ii?5.20; light. $.5,105(6.33; bulk of sales, $5.20 5.30. hiii;i;i' and IjAhihs iteccipts, iri.ono bend: cholco steady. others Iflc lower: lambs, firm; Rood to cholco wethers, $3.75fJ 4.63; fair to cholco mixed, t3.40t73.S0; west ern sheep, $3.755fl.G5; Texns sheep, $2.50 3.0); natlvo lambs, tl.W5.50; western lambs, $S.U047j.IjO. KmiNiiK City Live Stock .Mnrket. KANSAS CITY, Jim. 15. CATTLB- -Receipts, 9,400 head natives, 850 head Texans, 1' head calves; best beef cattlo steady to 10c lower: cows nnd heifers, stendy; ntock ers and feeders, strong to 10c hlcher; na tive beef steers, t4.6.,(5.50: stnekern and feeders. $3.T5ff4.75: cows and heifers, $3.15'i( 4.15; ennners, $2.40fi3.15: western-fed rteors, $l.00f7l.95; Texus nnd Indian steers, $1.r,0iT 4.30; Texns and Indlnn cows. $3.fXU3.60: bulls. $3.0OfH.50; calves. $3.50175.00. HOGS Receipts, 17,200 henil; market Bo hlpher; top. $5.35; bulk of sales. $5.25g5 32; henvv. trt.30ffS.35: mixed packers. t3.23f7 6.32'A: lleht, $B.20fJ5.30; pigs. $4.50ff..lO. SHEEP AND LAM HS Receipts, 2.500 henil; maraet uclivo una Menuy; western Inmbs. $5.25f!5.50: western muttons, $l.2V7 4.45- ewes, $3,25fi3.80; culls, $2,5Ofj3.00. New York Live Stuck Market. NBW YORK, Jnn. 15. CATTLB Re ceipts, 675 head; No sales nnd nnmlnnllv stendy; cables quote live cattle at WWfr 12-140; refrigerator beef at 1010!4c; ship ments, 810 cattle. 2.000 sheep and 4.860 quar ters of beef; tomorrow, 1,800 quarters of beef. CALVES-Rocelpts, 287 henil; veals, $4.50ft 8.50; llttlo ealves, $4; barnyard stock, $3.20fJ 3.50; yearlings. $3. SHEEP AND LAMPS Receipts, 1.671 head; steady: sheep, $1.50f(4.60; culls, $2.75; hinibs, $5.9060.15; no very prime lots oId; culls. t4.50. HOGS Receipts, 2,179 head; none for sale; nomlnnlly quoted ut t5.40jG.GO; light pigs, $5.00475.63. St. Louis Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS, Jnn. 15. CATTLE Receipts, 3,700 hend. Including Texnns; market slow, weak, with Texans SfylOo lower: nntlve shipping nnd export steers, JI.752".S0, dressed beer and butcher stenrs. tl.2517t,40. steers under H0 lln $3 IW7I.25: stiukert nnd feeders, $2.45fJ4 GO: cows and hctrnri, J2 nofi 4 75; ennners. $!,25&2 75; bulls, t2.1Rffl 4.00: Texns nnd Indian steers, $3.61f7l i5; cows nnd heifers. $2.35T3.50. HOGS Receipts. 9.000 bend: mnrket 5c higher; pigs and light-. $5.00175.25; puckers, $5.23fi5 35: butchers, $5.205.40. SHEEP AND LAMUS-Recelpts. 700 hn;1: market steady: natlvo muttons, tl00.il.30: lnmbn. $1.60f(4,90; culls nnd bucks, $3.00t7 1.23. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. SOt'TH ST JOSEPH. Mo., Jan. 13. (Spe cial.) Tho Journal quotes: CATTL15 Receipts. 1,300 head: market stendy to strong: quality fair: natives, 11,00 (173.15: Texas anil westerns, $3.40fM.OO; cows nml heifers. $2.10774.33; bulls und stags, $2.25 fi4.60; yearlings nnd calves, t3.35ftl.65; stock ors and f"edors. $3.(XVf35; veals. tl.OOfM 73. 11 OC1S Receipts. 5,700 head: market '-vcr-ncd 6c higher; all grades, t5.tOJ75.33; bulk of sales. t5.25f)6.30; pigs, steady. SHEEP AND LAMHS-Rccalpts, 1,6'jO head; market active, sternly. Stock In Sluht. Following nro tho eceliits DEWET GREATLY INCENSED at the four principal western markets ror jnnuary i&: Cattle. Hoes. Sho'-n. South Omaha 4.111 7.650 ViSi Chicago BOOO 30 0-0 15,il Kansas City 10.250 17 200 s.r.'O A. .... 1.. 7vi a 1W1 m. i.iiuia ...v Totals .23.061 63,800 21,232 ntur.il llenrel. Chicago Tribune: "I got drunk on the morning of tb new centurv. y'r honor, exnlained Tuffold Knutt, "to drown tny Borr?r." "What was there about tho new century to fill you with sorrow?" asked tho rnagls- "I got to thlukln' that mebby I wouldn't live through it, y'r honor." Keport He Threatens to Bhoot Boon Who Advocate Making Peice. SUPPLIES IN TOWNS GETTING SCARCE llurgher Reported Active .orttiTi nnl of Krooiitnd Coniiiuiiiilns Also Join llevret In the Siiutliuaril. KUOONSTA1), Orange River Colony. Mon day, Jan. 14. Tho success of tho burgher peace committee In distributing among tuo republicans Paul llotha's book, "From Doer to Doer," has infuriated Ocncral DoWot, who, It Is reported, swears ho will shoot tho author nt tho tlrst opportunity. Tho rcfUReo camp Is now occupied by 2,000 persons. Another is bcluB formed at lthcnostcr. Supplies of all kinds In tho towns nro shortening dally. Tho Uocrs nro most active northward and also In tho direction of Llndlev. Various commnnds nppear to bo Joining General Dewet to tho southward. Kroner Will llnte Ills Byes rUeil. HAM IllJItn, Jan. IB. Mr. KritRer starts for Utrecht In n few days to consult nn oc-cullst. SL22A MONTH. SPECIALIST In All Private Diseases and Disorders of Men 12 Years In Omsha. VARICOCELE HYDROCELE cua. Method uew, never falls, without cutting, palu or S YPHILISeur,'df'rll,('nntheI'ol',ori the system, th.trnil0t.lv rtta.,,..l hoon every sign nnd symptom mtllMl.ttAlv .n.. ......... . uuamu'iirn COM!) ut V mil f.irnv.r. v.. or rK,.;)0T" ontliesKln SI., i'' . 1ir,Mm;n- ''out ns 20 dangerous drugs or Injurious medicines. ""t.ous WEAK MEN r'osa "r MANitoott from SPXHAl 1 v ST"'"' Victims to Nriivotta ..V.T,. numt-tTY or Exhaustion, Wastino Wkaknkss iNvor.u.NTAnv Losers Ao. lack of vim. vigor nd strength, with sexual organs Imtialrtd and weak. STRICTURE ,?'r,"",5',,rilr('11 with new and GLEET ? . 5 . I,nmn Trent. nnH.,.,in 1 ,nent; NT"t,r'"n',,ts.nnpaln, no detention .from Imsinens. Oonorrhoes Kidney and MsMder Tr utiles. "'"" Ot'ltKS OUAItANTRKl). Consultation r re.;. Trcttmf nt by Mall, n """"foddveos 119 S. '4th St Dp. Searles & Seaplas.omaha. Nob.' $500 REWARD! t .V7 W.!1" VT ,.no n,,nvo rewind for any cnno of I-ljcr Conipltthit, Dyspepsia, rdrk lkadache. Indigestion, Constlpntlnti or Cottlvcr.ess wo tu,.in0tiiSL1I...SltlV 1'l.or".?' "?') M-To-IHto Llttlo L yor 1111. when tlie directions tire Uriel ly compiled with. They nro im.ely Vegetable, l"evrr fnl to giro satisfaction; fi5o boxes contfilnioo Pills, 100 boies rontnln 40 Pllli.So boxes contain IS Pills, llownro of BUlutltutions r 1 . . . 'v"niuoi dm .until u'jun nd I'liltatlouH. Rent by mall, htsnins tnkon. MljDIUAIi CO., Cor. Clinton and NRIIVI'I'A Jackson St., Chlcaijo. III. Sold by Por Enlo bv Ifulin a rtn iikit. .....t i-.....t,,. Ht., Omaha. Neb., tJco. a. Davis, Council IllulTs, Iowa. 1 1 i Dr. Kay s micuro cute all UllCUrR 'Kl" disease. At drug- BlstSi (l illustrated book and advice free. L'r. II. . I. Ka,, Saratoga, N. Y. JOBBERS & MANUFACTURERS OF OMAHA BOILER AND SHEliT IKON WORK hrake, Wiisosi u Si Williams Successors Wilson & Drake Manufacture boilers, smoko stacks nnd breechlngs. pressure, rendering, sheep dip, lard and water tanks, boiler times con stantly on hand, second hand boilers bought end sold, Special and prompt attontlon to repairs In city or country. 10th and Pierre. DRY GOODS. Ml E. Smith & Go. V Importers and Jobbers ol Dry Goods, Furnishing Goods AND NOTIONS. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. Uestern Electrical vv Company Electrical Supplies. Eltctrlo Wlrlnc Belli aad Oas I.lfhtlnf, Q. W. JOHNSTON, Mgr. 1510 Howard Su SAFE AND IRON WORKS. Davis & Gowgill Iron Works. MANUFACTUnKIlS AND jonnnns OF MACHINEItY. QBNERAIi nEPAiniNO A BPKCIAliTl IltON AND DUASS FOUNDKRS. I0O1, 1503 aid inOB Jnoksaa Ntravt, Omaha, Neb. Tel. O.'lfl. B. Za,brlskte. Anent, J. B. Cowaill, Mar. ELEVATOR SUPPLIES ELEVATORS Improved Quick and Easy Klslns Steam, Electric and Hand Power Elevators. AUTOMATIC HATCH CATE8. Bend for catalogue, KIMBALL, IinOS., COUNCIL, ni.UFFS. U. 100S 8th Street. gelephoim Ht. Davis & Son Aarnls for the Illohmoa Nnfety (Jntes nntt Klrr Iloor. Klavator Hydraullo nml Hand Eleratore. RnrclaUy. Leatbftr Valvo Cups for Klevatora. Enjlnen Printlne rressBes. and GASOLINE ENGINES AND ELEVATOR MACHINERY D avid Bradley & Go. Council llltiM's, lown. Gasoline Ensiiies Vcrtlral, Horizontal and Portable, from ono horse power up. Jobbers of AKrlcullurul Implements and everything in wutcr, steam and Kas sup-piles. JAMES E, BOYD & CO., Telephone IIKttl. (liiiuliii, .Ni-li. COiHMISSION, OllAI.N, PltOVIHHS mill STOCKS, llonrtl of 'i'rnde. Correspondence: John A, Wnrren &. Co. Direct wires to Chleano and New York.