THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: T U BSD A V, JAXUAPY IB, inOT. 8 COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Batuid.j'i Bullishnees In Whcit Finally Overcome by Hears. CORN AND OATS CLOSE SHADE LOWER Provision Mnileriilely A'lle Str.iiiK on tlnml Cusli HciiiiiikI, CTimIiik from Ten Hi Tvriit l lc Cciil" lilulnr. CHICAGO. Jim. H.-Wheat held firm for a Omit today In Ihe fnco of bourlsh stalls tics, heavy receipts and Imllff erntit cables, but gave wny later. Mny closing 'iffVo lower, Corn closed u shade lower and oats o. shade higher. Provisions at tho close were IMlSJc higher. Of the bullishness which manifested Itself neur tlio cloie t?-"mlay thero was hUII enough left thin mornhiB to i-J" wheat to Ignore thu beurishliens of later devo np ments. May opened ','o lower to lie higher ut 771,0 to 78c ami on buying ly con mis uin i.o.ihph milled during thi' first hour to 7S5i'. Cables wens Indifferent, north went teeclpts heavy ti ml world's shipment!! t.WJ.O") hit. The Immensity of these ship ments, however, and the visible Increase of 6Wui Imi. announeed later, hud been pretty well illseolinted. On the bulge, the demand fell off and offerings, which early had been rather light, increased. The trudo at last was hiking eojpilzunco of the heavy nlme merit aial tint market shunned to u7c. Hern It held steady for a. while and toward the end of the session dropped to n'.ic. I hi; close was weak, May 'iSi-o lower at n',4 &'77o. Exporters reported six loads taken. Seaboard clearances In wheat and Hour wero equal to 4.16.0H) bit. I'rlmary receipts aggregated '.i.'iU'Oo bit., compared with i93, Ow bu. Inst year. Minneapolis and pit Juth reported 015 car, iiKalnst 6,3 cars last week and 757 cars a year ago. Local re ceipts were seventy-seven cars, nono of contract Krade. The corn market was narrow. Tho open ing was llrm on the unfavorable weather, but prices eased off a bit later In sym pathy with wheat. May sold between S.Hc and 3SV and closed steady, a shade down at SSMjASHe. Receipts wero 602 cars. Oats were quiet and steady. Receipts, 381 cars, caused some selling early, but offerings were well taken. May sold be tween 25'io and 2ITc and c!osed u shado up tit r.o. Provisions wero moderately active and strong on a pood cash demand. May pork mild between $11.00 and $11.25 nnri closed 25e lilghcr at $14.25; May lard between $7.45 and $7.56. closhiK 10o up at $7.62'41t7.65. and May ribs between $7.1714 nnd $7.20, with tho closo 10c liniiroved at $7. 'JO. Estltnutcd receipts tomorrow: Wheat, 130 cars; corn, Tia cars; oats, iiu cars; nous, Oon head. Tho lending futures ranged iih follows: ArtlolcsTlOpcn. I High. I Low. lose. Snt'y, Wheat Jan. Fell. May Corn Jan. Teb. May May Pork Jan. May Lard- .Inu. Mar. May lllbs- .lull. May The close here was quiet and easy, with sellers on tno turns ot this week. 75U 75 74Wi 74?AfTi "WiK 70 75 fiVM 75 779fi7S 78 77',4 77',4?f I .Ultf, .V.T4 T.r. 37U :i" .17 3S141I-1 38 ? SS3SMf'.- 23H KPi 2.ia. 2J 25 231; 24U 23 14 15 14 45 14 274 14 27V4 II (HI 14 23 It 00 14 23 7 40 ; 7 1214 7 10 7 42'4 7 37',4 7 IS 7 374 7 45 7 15 7 53 7 43 V 55 7 0214 7 0714 7 Oft 7 071? 7 07Vj 7 20 7 07'4 7 20 74T, 75, 37 381 23i 2ITMI2J II 25 II 00 7 K4 7 ;t 7 13 7 0ft 7 10 No. Cash quotations were ns follows: FI.OUR-Qulct; winter patents. $.1.70cT3.9C; rtralghts, $3.2oft.l.65' clears. J2.Roy3.4n; Hnrlng specials. JI.HVJil.50: patents. J.I.OOflS.SO; straights. $3.20'53.6o: bakers. J2.20J72.70. Wl I HAT No. 3 spring. 65ii73c: No. 2 red, 7r.U75ie. CORN No. 2, 378j37Uc; No. 2 yellow, 37ifl 3i'c. (JATS-No. 2. 2lf(2l'ie; No. 2 white. Wrft 7Ue: No. 3 white. 2i(27c. RYK-No. 2. 521Mc. HAflLMY l'iilr to cholcr innltlnc. SlfiS'.'C. HKKDS No. 1 ihixRcc-!. Jl.CC; No. 1 north western. Jl.iTi. Primo timotny, i.7. uiovcr, contract urade. J1I.00. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per Mil.. J14.25 ffMl.37',4. Lard, per 10H lbs., $7.40-1(7. 124. Itncou, short ribs sides (loose). J li.O'ifi 7 23. Drv Halted shoulders (boxed). JS.12if(t).25; Bluirt clear sides (boxed). J7.3Wi7.40. WIMHIvY-Oll the 'oasis of IiIkIi wines, per cal.. J1.27. SUOARS-Cut loaf. Jfi.3!; Kranulated, $5.75; rnnfeetlnnBrs' A. $5.69: off A. J5.54. KollowlnK nro tho receipts and shipments for today: Articles. Ilccelnts. Shipment I'lolir. Mils 21,010 37.000 Wheat, hit fti.Om 17.() Corn, hi 403,i 135,000 Oats, b;t 2.000 Ityc. bu 7.011ft 2,00.) Ilarlev. till 2.) 20,(00 On tho Produce cxchanitp today the but ter mnrket wna Inactive: creameries, lltf IPc; dairies. llfflSr. Cheese, dull at 10UW ll4i:. Kkks, dun; rresll. ixc. KVAV YORK tillXHU.Mi MAIIKIST. Cliiotntlons of (lie Itny oil Viirloun , CoinnioitltlPK NKW TORICi Jan. 14.- Kl.Ol'R-Rrcelpts. 17,440 bills.; exports. ,n,s urns; iiRaiu wcuk nnd lower to sen, nut wmioui noieworiny demand; winter patents. .i..irn;; win ter stralrhtH. $3. 15113.00; winter ex- tras. $2.fiOtt2.!Hl; winter low prades J2.45fI2.fiO: Mlnnesola tuilentH. (fN.3.i; Minnesota bakers. J3. 004)3. :15. small JobblnK business was done In plK lead nt 43P.4. but thn trend of prices wns downward In sympathy with forclKn weak ness. Spelter, thotiKh 6h lower at London to JLM 15s, ruled dull here, with unimpor tant price changes ut JI.10TM 15. Copper mHrkct ruled very dull and nominally quoted at J17.00 for Lake Superior nnd $16.50 for eaUlm: and elcctrotyco desplto lower prices abroad to 71 13m d. Domestic Iron markets wero extremely dull, with quota tions larncly nominal nt any IlRiirc. PIk Iron warrants, tXMIlO.UI northern foundry. Il5.iflfllil.rfl; southern foundry. $1l.rvfli-.r". soft southern, $13,007(13.75. Ihiullsh markets were weak nnd still declining. (JUgow cloed at 51s Ud and MlddlesboruURh at lis 4(sd. OMAHA AVIIOI.nSAI.n SIA11KCTS. Condition of Trnilc nnd lnotntlons on M1111I0 nml I'niiey Prmlii'-e. KGOS-Hccelpts. light; rtood stock. 1SI202. LIVi: POI'LTRY-IIens. fif6Hc; sprlnB chickens, CftGtfcc; roasters, 3lc; ducks, 6&Ii 7c; Reese, GfTc; turkeys, 7HfSo. I'ULSII nitnK.SHl) POl'LTRY-llen-. 7',4c; roosters, 6fJ6c; ducks, 7V4Wc; geese, W Jt'.ic; spring chtukens, per lb., 7QiHc; tur keys, 1(V. (lAMH-Mnllnrd ducks, per do.. $3.foff; teal. SI.Coffl.7S: mixed, f 1.50111.75: lack slill'i.v, ui., juiUiuhblU, l.Jj, (.uiiuliialld, Hl'TTint-Common to fair. 11c; choice, 13 ffillc: scoarator. 23c: gathered creamery, IS f?!' ... ... MCKHJI OYSTKHS first grnue, soim packed, New York counts, per can. 3ic; ox tra selects. 32c; standard, 23c! medium, toe. Second grndc. slaik tilled. New ork counts, per can, 30c; extra selects, zw: standards, 20c; bulk standards, per gat.. $1.25. PIOKONS-I.lvo, per doz., 30c. VKALS-Cholce. PfflOc. . .... , , IIAY-Prlco quoted by Omnha Wholfs.Hfl Hay Df.alerV association: Choice upland, to; No. 1 upland, tS medium. $7.50; coarse. $7. Rye straw. JS.50. These prices nro for hay of good color and quality. Demand fair. Receipts, 13 cars. OATS-No. 3 w:rtc, 26c. CORN No. 3, 32c. 1JRAN-$I3.C0. VRORTABLES. PARSNIPS-Pcr bu.. 60c. 11 TURNIPS -Per bu. basket, 40o. HKUTS Per bu 40c. CARROTS Per bu.. 40e. LUTTI'CIS-Per dor... 33fl40e. RAOISHKS-Per doz.. S0Q3Sc. IJI3ANS Wax, per 1-3 nil. basket, SI, string, Mc. PO. ATOKS-Pcr bu., fiOftWc: Idaho, ?cr bu., tflc. SWRKT POTTOKS-Per bbl.. $2. CA1IUAOB-lloMcnd seed, lic , , TOMATOHS California, per 4-basket cratu. $2. ONIONft-Natlve, per bu., Mc: Colorado yellow, per lb., 2c. , . CICLtCRY-Ciitlfornln. ni to size. 45R7jC. CAULIKLOWERJ-Oalliornla, per crate, $3. FRUITS. PHARS Per box. $2.00172.25. URA PICS Malaga, per keg, $r,.ri0ff9.00. APPLKK-Natlvi. 75cfl$1.(xi per bu.: per bbl., $2.50: enstern, $.1.00fl3.50; California Hellt1o ers. per box. $1.40fil.W .... CRANHKRRIKS-Ilell and Rugle. HOM per bbl,: Jerseys, per bbl., $3.25; per crate, $3 no TROPICAL rnuiTS. ORANOKS-Callfornla seedlings. $2.50: navels, J2.75ff3.23; Mexicans, $2.76; Florldas, $3.50. LKMONS-Callfornln, extra fancy, $3.50; choice. $3. R NA NAS Per bunch, according to Blze, $2 0'.C'2 50. new cartons. SOc; lay ers. 75'.-. Imported, per lb.. 13fI15c. IMTES-Pcrslnn, In 00-lb. boxes, Salrs, 5'4o per lb.; Ilnlloween, Cc per lb. MISCELLANEOUS. HIDES-NO. 1 frecn. nUc: No. 2 green. Bt4c: No. 1 salted. 7"Ac: No. 2 salted. GV4c: No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12 lbs,. 3V4c: No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 15 lbs.. CVtc; dry hides, syiac; CUT-I. l.V.m. MI'IIIUL, IIU1 n ...til..-., ..."V H . N uts-i:iil-iihii wninuts. ner in., hc: in- berts. no? Hi.. 12c: nlmnnds. tier lb.. 18ii20c: raw neanuts. tier lb.. BUfc: roasted. 6V4 7',fcc: Krazlls, isc; iiecans, lO'id.c iium-jy Colorado, 21-section case, rmnit Per bbl.. $3: tier half bbl.. $3. SAUERIC RAUT Per bbl.. $4: nor half bbl.. $2.50. St. I. mil (i nil 11 nml Provisions ST. LOUIS. Jan. 14. WIIEAT-Lower: No 2 red. cash, elevator. 73c: track. Tiff rr.Vio: January. 72ii: Mny. 7j',4c; July, 34c; Is: Whtnt, 61.SI5.0ii0; Increase, bu.; corn, 10,5.10,000 bu; Increase, 210,om) bu.; oats, 9,212.000 Iij.; decrease, 620.0W bu. ; rye, 1,212, IXJ btl.; decrease, 24,000 bu.! barley, 2,230,000 bu.; decrease, 2X1,W0 bu. .Mlnnc iiiiolln U'lieat, 1' 1 011 ! nnd llrnn. MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. II. WHEAT May, 70c; July, 7Gs43iWc; on track, No. 1 hard, 70c: No, 1 northern, 71V; No. 2 northern, 7U(72Ue. FLOUR First patents, Sl.20fi4.50: second patents, $4.oofl lo; first clears, $J.fJf2,W; Heeond dears, $2,001(2.10. HRAN-I11 bulk, jll.75pl2.oo. Dultitli (irnln lnrliet. DULUTII. Jan. 14. WIIEAT-No, 1 hard, 77Tfce; No, 1 northern, 7SHc; No. 2 northern, G7tf.fiCSSc; No. 3 spring, l)3--,a(5.'ci May, 77H: July, 'Sc. OATS-25V4f?2574C JHIVHJI IJ.VrS VT S'itK liS AMI 110XHH. No. 2 hard. 70iA(it71ic. CORN Lower: No. 2 cash, 3flc; track, 37W; January, SCn: May. 37 He : July, .He. hath steady: no, . casn, a.'jc; trncK. 25:i42i!c: January, 2i'ic; May, 2ao; No. 2 white. 27V4c RYE Firm nt M'4c. FLOUR-Dull: tmtents. $.1.G0ift3.75: extra fancy and straight, $3.23fl3.35; clear, $2.70ff :.:h). SEIiDS-Tlmolhy. tlrm. $4.23fl4.70 for nwr- ngo receipts, prune worm more, flaxseed no market. CnitN'MHAL Steady nt $2. HRAN Firm: Hacked, cast track. 674ff 0S14C. HAY Finn: timothy, J9.ooftl2.50; prairie steady at jti.winu.t". WHIHK Y-Hteadv at J1.27. IRON COTTONTIKS $1.23 HA(KlNU-7f ie. HEMP TWINE 9c. M ETALS Lead, nnmlnnl at $1.20. Spelter. nominal at :i.:.'.,rM.:'D. POULTRY Stead v: chickens, fi'.ic: tur kevs. fie; young. 7c; ducks, 7',4c; geese, 5' 4", 111 1 1 lilt uuii : creamery. 101 -ic: nair.v 13'(I1M KOOS Lower at lfie. PROVISIONS Pork, llrm: Jobbing. $14.50. Lard, entirely nominal. IJjy salt meats, (Doxedl. weaKonca: extra snorts. sT.r.''i clear rltiH. $7.23; clear sides, $7.37'4. Raeou (boxed), steady: extra shorts. clear HUH, IM clear sides. JX..i. RECEIPTS-Flour. 13.000 libs.: wheat 73.000 bu.: corn. 1R2.000 bu.; nuts. 53,000 bu H I'MKNTH-Flour, 11,000 lilils.: wheat 3:1,000 bu.; corn. !,.,ooo bu.; Oats, 2.,Ono, SnH'iilull Llquldiit Ion ( niises Cun Nlileral.le W en LiiImn III MtouUs. NEW YORi:, Jan. 1 The currents In today's stock market were 1 xcccillngly con fusing and Irregular and tho contest be tween speculative forccH was by no means conclusive. Thero wan a very large ntnount of seculatlvn liquidation accomplished and thero were erlodM of ncilto and general we-lswmM, Some of (hc recently prominent stocks In tho advance suffered from mate rial setbacks, on tho other hand, thero were stocks whoso Rtrcngth was constant In varying degrco throjghout the session. Tho se'llng mnvuincr.1 showed symptoms of uaving largely expended itself tiurinx tne course of tho day, nnd thero were tdgns of renewed aggressiveness on the. part of tho bull interests nnd tho mnrket rallied throughout from the midday low lovel. New stocks enmn Into tho leadership and thero wero inuicaiinns tnai tno personality 01 tne leaders of the speculation had ulso under gone Home change. Tho brokers who were tho largest sellers In tho nil I road list wero very heavy buyers of some of tho steel 'Stocks, and It was ovldctit that nn attempt wa to bo tnnde to conduct a double campaign In the market on tho bear side In some of tho railroads nnd on tho bull side In tho steel stocks, rlio market closed. In fact, with snmn nota ble advances scored In the steel group nnd With renewed weakness ninoni? thn rail. roads and specialties, somo of the latter iwo classes seiliiur nt 1110 lowest on the sales. There wero nolnts of strencrth itnrlni? the day In tho railroad list, and amongst qulto 11 number of the stocks not usually con spicuous In tho trndlntr. Tho Erics had a noian:c recovery rrom rnrly wenkness. the first preferred getting 2' nbove Saturday. Tho southwestern group showed signs of siicngiu, ami nt. 1.0111s Houtiiwestern pre- icrreu coi 11 noun uoove saiuniny in one time. Cleveland. Columbus.' Cincinnati & St. Louis stocks rose .1 and 3U, respectively, tor tno common anil prcrerred, Tins Niv tlonnl Salt stocks gained 2 nnd 2si. re Hpectively. and I.oiul preferred tccovered 5 loints or lis recently heavy decline, Amer can Tobacco was 214 points over Saturday at tho highest. Hut theso points of strength were tno exce 11 10 lis in tno mnrKOt. n - thuugh they had 1111 effect In rallying other siocks unci in largely reducing tno aver ago net Ioshch. The market gave unmix- tnkaplo ovldenco or a decline In tho snecti lativo lurore and a disposition to revise tho more sanguine estimates or the high nrlco already attained for many stocks and those exnected for others. uisnppointmeni was Keenly manifest among tho holders of St. Paul over the failure of confirmation of the many stor lea of a lcnso to Northern Pnclllc, now pretty tnorougniy iiiscrcdiieu. Tile siock was forced at one tlmo below 150. which wns 5 below Saturday, and closed with a net loss of 3'.i. Tho other grangers wero weak apparently in sympathy. Tho local traction stocks relapsed shatply after the buoyant movement or Saturday, and .Manhattan closed weak at tho lowest after a midday rally at a net loss of 2H. The Pacifies worn vigorous y sod. hut .Missouri Fac 1 o showed a good recovery. At one time tho majority of tho nctlvo stocks in tho list wero from to 2 nolnts below Saturday. No admissions could bo secured from In ternational banking houses of nnv com ploted arrangements to ship gold, but with sterling exchange continuing to ndvance. reserves of money rapidly increasing at this center and continued unenslness over tho future In Iondon. thn conviction Is general that 11 considerable sum of money will go out nnd that the movement will bo Inaugurated on Wednesday. Thero is no renr tnai any scarcity or money will result, but thn movement created somo In- ovltablo disquiet among over-extended spec- ulat vo interest. Tho railroad noun market was weak In sviunalhy with fitoeks. Tho total sales, nnr Value, $2,S50,0uO. United States bonds wero nil unchanged on tno last can. Tho following arc tho closing prices on tho New yoi'K biock exennngo: balances, $VO,22: money. W per cent; New York exchange, 23c premium urn, c remiiim asKrii. f'tWIXKATI. .In.. 11 Mnnev at 3fl6 tier cut: New York exchange. MH'ic premium; clearings, $5,213,350. , , I'lllliAOl'.liPlUA. Jan. n. uiearings, 872.721; balances, $2,2ai,'.. I1ALTIMORE. Jan. H.-CIearlngs, J3,i;,- CI2, balances, $301,053. A. DOSTON. Jan. ll.-ClcnrltiRS, $IR,i63,&0Si balances, $1,597,497. . , .... NKW YORK, Jan. 14. Clearings, i, 251,707; balances, $7,4M!,490. Nrw York Money MnrUet. VF.W vnitlf. .tun. 1 1 MONEY On call. steady nt 2ifJ4 per cent: last loan. 3 per cent; prime mercantile paper, 4f?5 per cent. . , , ST EH LI NO HXCM1ANUB Firm, with nctual business In bankers' bills nt Jl.8.1. for demand nnd nt $4.S3? for sixty tuiys Misled rates, $4.84 and Jt.fcs; commercial illls. $I.K4fi43',. , , HII.VKIt. -Certlllentes. MWiCCMr: bar sil ver, fi3'ic; Mexican dollars, 4Jtic RONHS-Covernmeiit bonds, steady: state bonds, Inactive; railroad bonds, weak. mo closing prices un bonus today are as follows: do old 4s, row do coupon .. do 5s, reg. . do counon .. 13. of C. 3 fios. Atch. gen. 4s. do adj. "is. . Canada So. 2s. ...1093; t L Ai 8 F g. 6S.12S C. & O. 4Hs 101'iSt. Paul cons. ...ISM do os ia) st. P. C. & P. Is. .IIS C .t N W c. 7s..i397i do 6s 120 do S F deb. 6a.l2:i 80. Pnclllc 4s... . St Chicago. Ter. 4s..9:'4Bo. Railway 5s... 112U Colorado So. 4s... b3 S. R. & T. fis 6S l). i 11. t.i. 4s....ivuftTex. paclllc ls.lir,i Erlo general 4s... 81 do 2s 2 F. W. A H. C. Is. 81W Union Pacltlc 4s.. 106 Oen. Electric 5s. 153 Wabash Is 118S la. Central Is. ..11554 do 2s 109'A L. & N. unl. 4s..lOOU'Wcst Shore Ill M.. K. & T. 2s.... 774 Wis. Central Is.. RJW no 4s Bi'yva, Centtirtes .. 96(4 Adams Con 20 Alice 4r. llreeco 200 Hrunswlck Coll .. 26 Comstock Tun... 4 Con. Cal. & Viu.l'O Oeadwood Terra, ul Horn Sliver 110 Iron Silver C. Lendvlllo Con.... 0 Atchison do nfd Itiiltlmorn & O. Can. Pacific .... Hau. Soutliern Ches. & Ohio... Chicago O. W.. t, 11, n w- .. 4SnVabash ( f.-.i(. in i.f.r . 12H . 12 . 2SV4 . Jfl .122 . 8fiU J . 921.S W. .i L. E . KK do 2d pfd... . 57' i Wis. Central .. . 40' 4 Third Avenuo . 17?i 11. & O. pfd... .144 National Tubo iMileiimi 1. & L.. 25 do nfil do pill '',1 iiiiams J..presn..n,i Chicago & E. L. ICiUwXni. Ixpress ....178 Chicago & N. W. 17.'i'4 U. S. Express.... 51 ("!.. R. T. & V... .12:1 Wells-I'urgo Ex.. 133 C. C. C. (L- St. L. 79HAm. Cot." Oil 30 Colo. Southern .. Tn do pfd 7 do 1st pfd V4Amer. Malting do 2d pfd 17 I do pfd Pel. .t Hudson... 15.V4'Amer. S. & It.. Del. k. & W. l,lverHMil (irnln nnd Pro vIhIohk, t.l VUlimOl,. .lull. 12. AVHUA'P Rnnt strong: No. 1 California. fix6d: No. 2 ret western winter, fis 2'id: No. 1 northern soring, fis 'id. Futures steady: March, fis $1,10 2',4d; May. fis 2141. Uvn CORN Snot, easy: American mlxod. new. flour, held llrm: fair to good, $2.SOfi'3.l5: 3sl1std; American mixed, old, 4s Id. Fit cholcc to fancy. J3.15f(3.fio. Huckwheat tines steady: January, 3s lllid; March, 3s rlinleo tn fancy flour, held llrm. hjkK2o: . 1. r.. New 1 orK. CO RNM E A I Kl rm : yellow western, 91c eltr. Bc: llrnndywlne. J2.3.)ii2.45. RYE Steady: No. 2 western. riSUe. f. o. b nflnnt: state. 63i54c, 0. I. f., Now York car InlH. RARLEY Steady: feeding. 4M?l50e: c. I. f. New York: malting, lW3e, c. I. f., Now York. PARLEY MALT H ill: western. r.7f72c, AY 11 EAT Receipts. r.s,wm till.: exports, iWliu.; snot easy: No. 2 red. Slic f. o. b. Tiflnat: No. 2 red. SOo elevator; No. 1 north cm. nultlth. ffflia t, o. b,. alloat: No. I bard. Oiiluth. 9U.o f. 11. b.. alloat. Ontlous opened Bleaily nnd for a time ruled quiet and lirm on goou npeotiiaiivn inlying in fuen of bearish Htatlstlcs. Ultimately, how ever, tho Intter nromnted realizing, under which nrlceH lost the ndvnncn and held weak nil tho aftemoun. A largo vlslblo supply lucrcasc, liberal primary receipts, big world'H shlpmentu and an Increase on passage weio the cnier near niriors. Closed weak at a.o net decline. Janunrv closed ROSe: March, MM1S2C closed Sl,.c; lOUil: Mm . :!s UHd. PEAS-Canadlnn. quiet. 5sG54iI, FLOUR St. Louis fancy winter, slendv. Sh fid. HOPS-At London (l'ncillc const), steady, 5h1( i'3 5s. PROVISIONS-Reef. extra India inns, dull, fifis. Pork, prime mess western, dull. HntiiH, snort cut. 11 to is lbs., tlrm. 4i:h. Lard, llrm, American rellned, In tinlM. :s)fid: prlmo western, in tierces. 37s'd. llacou. 1 unioeriauii cut, i. to 30 ins., 4f,; short rib" 16 to 21 lbs.. 26s d; long clenf middles, light. 2S to 31 lbs.. 43s; long clear middles, heavv, 35 to 40 lbs., Ilsild: short clear bucks. 16 to 20 lbs,, -Ids 3d; clear bel lies. 11 to 16 lbs.. 4S. Shoulders, square, 11 to 1.1 ids., urm. .us mi. R UTTER Stead v; United States finest. lOOs: good United States. 82s fid. CHEESE-Steady; American finest white, 52: American llnept colored. 53s. TALLOW steady ; prime city, 25s Dd; Australian, In London, 27s 9d. Knuxn City (irnln mwl Priivlsloim. t. va tl ri'p- T,tt. n AifiTi. t Mny. M;ftS2 11-hV. closed SHic; July. 81 W UsiV VaHli. No. i hard. fiSfj.Wc; No. 3, &4 81 11-lfic. closed SUte. CORN Recclnts. 259.000 bu.: exports, fill, POO bu.: Hpot, steady; No. 2, 46Hc elevator and 47lie f. o. b.. al oat. Option market opened llrm on light country offerings and warmer weather, after which It slowly eased off with wheal, in race or llrm cnbles nnd henvv seaboard clearances. Closed easy nt 'Wi'tc pet decline. January. 4.1 15-iiie. cloned w: .May. j.-itu hc, closed 4c: July, 43ti4.l Ih-llic. closed 4J'jC. CSUe: No. 2 red. 71c: No. 3. C7t70e. CORN- May. 3SUc: No. 2 mixed. 3 ff3 Pic: No : white, 36'4e; No. 3. r,CVif3fiVjC. OATS -No. 2 white. 204c. TIVI. No. 2. 47Ue. HAY-Cholce timothy. J10.50nil.00: choice pialrle. 'i.00fi!l.r0. RUTTER-Crcamery. 17J20c; dairy, fnncy, lie .... KOdS-Lower: fresh .Missouri and Kan uim utinr 1ML ti9m InwM ttt nnnra in. OATS Receipts. 13S,ri bu.; exports, 7fi3 turned; new whlto wood cases Included, Ho ni'.; spot iiuiei; ., jottv; fso. a. ii'ic; vo, ninre. RECEIPTS wnciit. aB,tui mi,: corn, w, white. 32i4fi33o; No. 3 white. 3.'e: track mixed, western. '5i31c; track, white, 3P.4W 3.SC tipiiniiH inactive 11111 sieany. HOPS Steady: hlnte, common to choice 1900 crop. 165i2 o: ismi crnn. lKfiir.c: o d. 211 fie; Pacific const. 1900 crop, 15iftl9oi irio crop, llKTHtc: old. 21160. HIOES-FIrm: Oalvcston, 20 to 25 lbs., 1R14 rl9c: Cnllfornln, 21 to 25 lbs., Itc; Texas tirv. 21 to :tn ins,, l&c 400 tin.: outs, lfi.000 bu. SHIPMENT Wheat. 4S.003 uu.i corn. 10. 100 bu.; oats, 10,000 bu. Toledo (irnln Mnrket. TOLEDO. O.. Jan, 14. WHEAT Dull end weak: cash nun .lanunry. ia'c: .May k!i: .lulv. SO-llc. iinnV l,.ll .....1 .1..,. nnch n.i.l Initiu,,, iiUAiiti'jii-i'irm; nemmcK soie. iiuruoH stuc: sin v. ,iisc. domcjtlc lleece. 24t(."6c; Avres. light to heavyweight, 2lfj2!c; ntld, WO'OL-Hull Tevapi. 16fT17o. PROVISIONS-Reef. stenily: famllv. t!lH ni i-.ju; mess, j;t ts'iry.ft'i; naritet.- t'l.-m: city, extra Imll't mess, JM.OOh lfi.w. Cut incuts, uteadv; plcklrd bellies, J7 2WS '.'; nlekled shoulders. $5.75if6 0ii: nickled liati,.. $K.5(vfS,25. Lard, llrm: western steamed, J7.75: retlned llrm; cnuttuout. J7.95: South America. JS.50: compound. Si.67UitTV7!. PnrV. firm: family. JUJWir. 50; short clear, $14 60h' 17.: mesi. $13.23-' 11.50. TALLOW Steady; city, r.ijc; country. 5',(, I'Ul )ULTRY- Alive, llrm: fowls. 11c chick elm ttirllCVM. lllrme! ilroHHeil MtenilV' turkeys, SV40 lO'.sc; chickens, ioyilc; fowls, 10c. TH'TTER RnceliitH. 9.431 pkgs,; steady at declluo; creanierv. 1iVjJ2lc; June creamery, lSfi'-Hie: factory. UfH4c. CHEESE Receipts. 929 Pkgs.: nulet and steady: fancy, large, fall mmln. llUJi'llHc; rnncv. smaii, tan muue, iru'iu.e. TCOflS Recelnts. 6.339 nkgs.: tlrm: west ern, nvernge narked, nt mark, 19iJ20Vi ; BfAatani Ia6i. n ft METALS A slow nnd uninteresting mar- I "3'(Tjr; Uet in local circles wai exiicricncen ncnln today. Speculation was conspleuoiiH by ItB absence nnd trading was or u nnnd-lo-niouth character, Advices from abroad tinted a loss of 1. 10s in till to 118. 7s lid which crcnted n weak undertone to the local situation, following nrrlvals of 15S 4oni or tin, with about 1,100 tons cxpsctcd OATS Quiet and steady; cash nnd Jan ur.rv. 21c: Jlay, 26!sc RYE Me CLnvERSEKO-ISiO prime, $6.65; Janu nry, $712'4i March, 7.2o. Plilliidoliililn Produce Mnrket. PHILAHELPIIIA. Jan, II. RHTTKU Heady, fancy western creamery, 22c; fancy prims, vjc EOOS Dull and 1c lower: frsh n?arbv 21c; fresh western, 21c; fresh southwestern, 21c: frexh southern. k., CHEESE Steailv: New York full croamn fancy small. I1M')2c; New A'ork full crcums, fair to choice. 10ij5iil4C Peorln .MnrUet, PEORIA. Jan. 14.-CORN-Easy: No. .. 36Vc. HATP-Steady: No. 2 white, 26!ic, track billed through, 2Cc. WHISKA'-Ou tho basis of $1.27 for fin Ished goods. MlHvnuUee (irnln MnrUrt, MI LAVA U KEE. Jan. 14 WHEAT-Nnm Inal: No, 1 northern. n'4c; No. 2 northern mf74V4c itYK null: No. 1. 51c. RA11LEY Dull; No. 2, Hi61c: snmple, 60 ' A'lulltlc Supply if (irnln. NEW YORK. Jan. 14 -Tho visible sup nlv of uniln Saturday. January 12. ns com piled by tho New York Produce exchange 83',!, ... 2S4 ...llli'.i ...195 91 . r7 . 4t .111 .SSI .. 47i ..iwi Den. ft R. C. do prd Erin do 1st pfd.. Ot. Nor. pfd.. Hockinc Coal llncUliic A'allev.. 45 Illinois Central ..13P.4, Iowa Central .. do pfd L. E. K- AV do pfd Lake Shorn Louis. & Nash. Manhattan l, .. Met. St. Ry Mex. Central .. Minn. hi. do nfd Mo. Pnclllc Mobllo Ohio. M.. K. K- T do nfd N J. Central.. N. Y. Central.., .liml Nor. ft West I.V'i. do pfd No. Pacific ... do nfd Ontario ft XV.. O. It. ft N do prd Pennsylvania . Rending do 1st. prd... do 2d nfd... Rio a. W do prd St. L. ft S. F.. do 1st prd... do 2d pfd... St. L. S. AV.... do Pfd St. Paul do nfd St. P. ft Omnha.. 133 So. Pacific 42 So. Railway 21( do mil... Tnv. ft PiLClllc... L'lrti Union Pacific .... 8ai do prd .116m do pfd.. . 32U Amor. Spirits 9; 26 tUNi :m .. Ki4 .. 83U .. 861.4 . . .TI .. Z .. 71 ..iw;1 .. 31 ..7.1 .. 4 US1 .. or. .. 92 .. i'i'-Js .. Ml Hoi: ..l.i .1M 21 17 301 751, 40-H 9-) ..1I54 ..140 16 as I3H . . : .. 65Ti .. 7 1?; ...190 .. 18 .. 91 ... l'2i. ... 72'.4 ... 70 ... 10 9! 11 92 N. Y. Air Rrake..l6l tlo pfd Amer. S. ft. 11.. do pfd Amer. S. ft AV.. do pfd Am. Tin Plato.. do pfd Am. Tobacco do pfd Ana. Mln. Co Hrk. Rap. Tr... Colo. F. ft 1 Con. Tobacco .. do prd .157',4'Federal Steel . n4' no run mil nen. Electric 105 lOhicnse Sugar RM Mil liM 47 lnt'n'l Paper . OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET 103 3 10 280 3 25 HULL ih nv i inj si m 1 270 AND COW. 3 53 3 (0 higher, and was Inclined lo further Im provement during tho rest of the session Beef Steers Fire to Ten Gents Lower nnd Oows Ten to Fifteen Cents Lower. 8TAOS AND HULLS. ...1083 3 10 8TEER8 AND HEIFERS. 2.3 991 4 10 22 1142 14 10.", 4 20 19 1232 on covering, light foreign buying nnd soiim support from the bull side, 'flic European cables were better expected, thorn win HOGS AVERAGE A SHADE EASIER " ..1193 4 40 4 1143 STEERS AND COWS, 1043 4 3D 8TOCKER8 AND FEEDERS. 4 50 4 SO 4 i5 . S. rcf. 2s, reg.l05N. Y. C. Is do coupon UI5-VN. J. C. g. 6s... do as, rcg ii"j'4 do coupon iiu do new 4s. reg.l3,U do coupon 137(i ..111 ..114 ..112 ..112 ..125 ..10214! 106S .128 No. l'ncillc 3a.... 70V, do 4s 101", N l'CftS L 4s..H)Si4 N. ft AV. con. 4s. .I'M Ore. Nnv. Is 109 do 4s 101)1 O. S. L. Cs 129 i do I'onsoi (h.....iu'4 Rending gen. 4s.. 84'i R. a. W. Is 99 St L ft 1 M C 5s.H4i (iood llnmnnd for Mhrep nml t.nmbs nil .tlnrUet Aelltr nml Stendy (in tiood .Stuff Feeders Also (looted the Sninc. SOUTH OMAHA. Jan. II. HeenlntH were! Cnttlo. 1 loirs. Sheep. Ollitlal .Monday 3,693 4,89) l.ool 8amu day last week 1.451 4.226 4,019 Hnmn ilnv wiielc liefnrr... 1.231 4.UH 1,914 Samo three weeks ago... 1,112 4,42i 2,173 S.Vtno four weeks niro 754 6.348 17 Avorage price paid for hogs for tne past sovcral days, with comparisons: 1900. lS99.ti98. I897. 1S9.1S3.183I. Bid. civ York MlnliiR- .Stock. NEW YORK. Jan. 14. Tho following nr quotations on mining stocks: Little Chief .... Ontario Oiihlr Phoenix Potosl Savage Sierra Nevada, Small Hopes ... Standard .. 16 ..025 .. 70 .. 10 .. 12 .. 12 .. 25 . 63 ..375 London .stock ((not nt Ions. LONDON, Jan. 14.-4 p. m.-ClosIng: Cons., money .... 9fTlErlo do account .... )i Atchison 47i aniidlatl l'ac... St. Paul !5V4 Illinois Central ..vm Louisville 1U Union Pnc. pfd.. 80'4 N. A". Central.. ..150 do 1st nfd... Pennsylvania ... Reading No. Pacific nfd.. Grand Trunk ... Anaconda Rand Mines 77 IS 90 7"i l"Si 36i do pfd. Lnclqdo Gnx .. Nat. IllHcult ... do pfd National Lead do pfd National Steel . do pfd.. HAR SILA'ER-Steady, 29Hd per ounce. MONEY" 3l4ff3 per cent. Tho ratn of ills count In the open market for short bills Is 4VMH .'-i: ior tnrco months' uiiis, i tui'i per cent. Foreign Flnniielnl. LONDON. Jan. H.-Monev wna In fair supply today and steady. Discounts wero llrm. iluslness on the Stock exchange' was undecided, operaturs being absorbed bv the carry-over. Prices opened depressed, owing to tears or tno result or tho settlement. west Australians were weak, especially London nnd Globe securities. There was Homo relief when the result of tho London and Globe failure was known, though tho effect was generally not marked. Central London Electric declined on rumors of an overhauling of tho system. Americans opened weak, nut wero afterwards tlrmer. St. Paul was especially, on tho statement i inn tun icaso oi tne road to tho Great Northern and Northern Pacific, wns likely to provo illegal. Union Pacific wns ex ceptionally llrm. Townrd the c oso Ameri cans weakened, but closed with a partial recovery. Katllrs wero dull on tho South African news. Tho fcaturo on account of tho fluctuation was Americans. They wero some times wild, closing below the best. Genertlly tho advance nas iieen carried to bucii a height thai tno position is considered peculiarly dnngerous, On tho Stock exchange, tho position of the I,oni1on and Globe Is considered tn bo most unsatisfactory. Nobody seems able to give a clear statement of what Is to bo paid or when tho money will be distributed. Tho result Is a continuance of uncertainty us to thn financial position. On the street Americans were heavy. Atchison and Erie went down ?i, St. Louis 1V4 nnd other stocks from '.4 to 1 point, American eagles nro quoted In the open mnrket at 76s OUd and bar gold at 77s. 10V4d. Oold premiums: Lis bon. 39; Madrid, 31.60; Rome, 66 5; Spanish 4s. 70i. RERLIN. Jan. 14. Prices all round wero good on tho bourso today, owing to tho Chinese peaco commissioners having signed tno .mint noto ot tno powers, i-nincso se curltlcs wero In strong demand, Hnmn funds wero firm and locals wero harder. Americans and Canadian Pacifies wero easier. Exchango on London, 20 marks 46V4 pfgs. for checks. Discount rntes, short bills, 3 per cent; threo mouths' bills, 3 per cent. PARIS. Jan. II. Prices opened fairly llrm on tho bourse today, hut owing to the un satisfactory situation of certain Industrials nnd tho decline in Katllrs thn whole list became easier and tho market was Inactive throughout. Toward tho closo some tram ways and somo tractions partly recovered tho light contagoes in London cnusing a rn vorabln Impression, Threo per cent rentes 101f. 87!4c for tho account; exchango on Loudon, 25f, I'tc for checks. Condition nt the Treasury. AVASIIINC.TON. Jan. 11. Today's state. tnent of the treasury balance In tho general fund, exclusive of the J150.000.000 gold re serve In tho division of redemption, shows: Avallalilo cash ba imce. $138,298,801: gold. J84,335,216. Jan. 1.... Jan. 2..., Jim. 3..., Jan. 4.... Jan. 6.... Jan. 6.... Jan, 7 Jan. 8..,. Jan. 9.... Jan. 10... Jan. 11... .Inn. 12... Jan. 13... Jan. 14... 4 95 4 96 V 4 D54 5 024 5 04Vi, 4 5 034 5 03 6 14 5 25J 5 23H 5 1714 5 164 4 21 3 42 3 18 3 40 4 33 3 57 3 17 3 43 4 29 3 57 3 48 3 46 4 27 3 41 3 44 3 25 3 61 4 37 3 47 3 38 3 27 4 35 3 48 3 39 3 29 3 63 3 42 3 40 3 18 3 48 4 31 3 43 3 12 3 46 4 38 3 45 3 14 3 66 4 35 3 60 3 43 3 64 4 41 3 65 3 29 3 07 3 61 4 49 3 60 3 47 3 14 4 53 3 65 3 49 3 09 3 4i 3 60 3 49 3 19 3 63 4 22 t 16 4 16 4 11 4 16 4 10 4 09 4 11 4 09 4 08 4 07 4 11 tnillenlva Mimrlnv Tho oltlclnl number of cars or stocn brought In today by ench road was: Cattle. Hogs. She'p. H rs. C, M. ft St. V. Ry.... 2 12 O. ft St. L. Ry 4 .. Missouri Pnc tic Ry.. 1 1 .. .. Union Pacific system. 33 10 4 1 ft N. w. Ry l t E. ft M. A'. Ity.... 23 10 3 1 S. C. ft P. Ry 2 2 c, st. p.. ai. ft o. ity - R. ft M. R. Ry 32 7 ? .. c, R, ft q. Ry 3 3 .. 1 t. H. I. I'., east... J o Illinois Central 7 1 Total receipts ....154 63 16 J Tho disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, cacti niiycr iiurcuusniK "" tX"J 3 00 4 712 3 70 1 fit 3 00 K fiVt 1 70 6 850 3 25 38 706 3 i8 3 716 3 25 40 62.8 3 75 1 680 3 25 26 912 3 80 1 IW) 3 25 2 760 3 80 1 875 3 25 1H 773 3 SO 4.... 775 n 40 1R fill .1X5 19 898 3 40 30 982 3 l) 2 610 3 60 13 429 3 90 I S30 3 65 19 839 3 95 n isn a so i ! n .n J? 7!) 3 10 1 920 4 05 H Wis 3 IB Moso Lewis Idaho, g cows 9S0 3 10 2 heifers... 770 2 85 cows S55 2 25 3 heifers... 53 2 65 .1 feeders.. J!l.i 4 ii t l.nifnr . Mil 1 fi. 17 feeders.. 684 3 So , , L. O. Mtinson C'-ilo. 29 feeders.. 826 4 00 29 feeders.. 818 3 75 28 feeders. 962 1 15 32 feeders.. 66 4 15 1 hull 1130 3 15 1 bull 830 3 15 HOOK Tlw.rrt .l'a .. !...... nt hogs here today, but as other points re iHirted a deelln. In vnltiPB, tlw. mnrUr.! here eased off n trifle. Tlu bulk of tho hogs sold at J3.15 and J5.17H, with tho long string ut tho former price, so that today's mnrket was about Ilko tho close on Saturday, or a shade easier than Saturday's average. It . activo tnarKot, as reners wero holding for good strong prices and buyers wiiuiiMi in koi tneir droves, at j.ib. i-or that rensnn flu. lint u'nr ruihnr itnw In changing hands. Packers hiul tn bnve thn hnirs. however. and Dually raised their hands, so that more of tho Into sales were at J.VUU than early In tho morning. In spite of the slow bo ginning everything wns sold In good season, wio top prico being jo.20. ltoprescntutivo tales: No. Av. 25 124 S3 183 75 199 66 246 88 180 74 183 64 246 88 251 92 202 her of head indicated: Iluvers. Omaha Packing Co, O. H. Hammond Co Swift and Company Cudnhy Packing Co Armour ft Co Armour, rrom a. city... R. Reciter ft Degnn I. oliman ft Co MrCreary ft Clark Hill ft Huntzlnger Ilenton & Underwood... Llvlngstono ft Schaller.. Hamilton ft Rothschild. L. F. Htisz II. L. Dennis ft Co Hobblck . S. Mawhlnncy Other buyers Total Cattle. Hogs. Shcvn. -t n'i. 371 206 400 796 518 'sf.8 HI 15 21 199 3 r,7 fi9 36 II 8 269 763 7!) 749 6SS 852 1.141 3J2 II 717 W.9 til 161 3.491 4.SS3 3,151 I'ATTI.W Tlmro irna !l unnil. liberal rill) of cattle at tho yards today and under the Influence of unfavorable reports from other points tho trade at this point wns u nine slow and prices lower nil around on fat stuff. Packers did not take hold of tho beef Bteors In very good shapo nnd bids were generally 5't10o lower. ine ocuer crmlfiH nf ennrMp. moved morn readily, hilt nivlni? In the lirenlt In ChlcnKO. amounting to n dime, nuycrs wnnien 10 k-i un.ii supplies nt tnis point tor less money, i wna not n nartleulnrl V active market and tho morning was well advanced before tho ynrds were cleared, row Htnff nlso took a drop In nrlco and tr.ll,.rM were enlllnir thn mnrket a big dime lower, or 100150 lower. The greatest de cline was on tho medium Kinds, wnicn IuiMitk fo.irnl dlfllcult to move nt any price. IMruers tninit tnai tney pniu too mucn mr their HLnnllcs last week nnd conBeatlently started out to pound the market down, The liberal inppiv on saio tooay gave mem n good cpportunlty. nuns wtro also siow saio touay at prices n Khnuc (nsier man tuoso ruling at tne close of last week. Tho Mucker nnd feeder trade held tin in good shape today and prices on good stuff were Just about steady. Thorn Is a pretty fair demanu for the better quality of steers of most welghtt. and Hellers have little difficulty In disposing of that class of cattle ut vcrv satisfactory prices. The common stuff, howevet. was slow sale today nnd tho market wns barely steady. Choice she stock ttday was In good demand and prices strong. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. American Pacific Coast do. 1st prd... dif 2d nfd... Pacific Mall .... Peonie s Gas ... Pressed 8. C... do Pfd Pullman P. C....19S Stand. R. ft T 4VI, Sugar W,l 20i i .. 6714 .. 91 .. 66 .. 41V4 ..102U .. 43U snif do nfd lis Tenu. C. ft I fa V. s. Leather.... 13 do pfd 71-Vi U. S. Rubber.... 21 do pfd 61i West. Union .... U, Amiil. (Nipper .... 9i',4 Republic I. ft S.. 15 do pfd 61 S3 P. C. C. & St. L. fSiA Ex-dlvldend. The Commercial Advertiser's London financial cablegram says: The markets hero were steady today, preoccupied with the settlement. Americans wero weak on cash sales, In connection with tho Wcstra llan collniwo, which, it Is estimated. Ii iih caused a. direct loss of 2,600,000 to tho Slock exchange. Tho market was a so af fected by tho stiffness of cr,ntangoes, 6 to 61,, Ht. Paul was nn exception, opening nt I and going to 2. and then to 4, Tlushiess wns slack and tho closo weak on tho ah hcuco of New A'ork support. Money rates wero unaltered. Tho hank Is still borrow Inir and Is unllltelv tn encourago gold nhln meats from Now A'ork until It secures com. plete control of tho mnrket. Otherwise gold will sunpiy leaa away. Ronton Stock (luiiln I Ions. ROSTON, Jon. ll.-Call loans. 4frlU yir cent; iimo loans, inn per cent, uillcinl closing: , AT.ft"s. V 4.YU West End .7793 do prd S5Si AVesllngh. Elec. r.6 Amer. Sugar ,...13i,4 Atchison 4s mil 4 do nfd. Am. Telephone Ronton ft Alh'y Roston ft Mo... C. 11. ft Q Dominion Coal do pfd Federal Steel .. do pfd....... . Fltchburg nfd.. Gen. Electric .. do pfd Ed, Elec, III.... Mex. Ontral .. N. E. O. ft C Old Colony . .. Old Dominion .. Rubber Union Pacific .. Union Lund ,., 117 N. E. O. ft C. 6s.. 63 , .iitfVi Adventure JO ,.?53 lAmal. Copper .... lot .191 'AthlUtlo 28 ,.11114 Roston ft Mont. .320 .. 304 Rutto ft Roston.. 81 ..108 "Cal. ft Heeln....S36 . . hi. i.-entennial .. 7.M Franklin ..i:9 Humboldt ..191 Osceola ..161 Parrot ,.'.2o Oulncy . . uvi Miintn i'o uop... . . l?14Tamrtraok ..:: Utah Mining ... . . 32 AVInona .. 21 AVolvcrlnes .. KU ning M. C 23 . 17 . 60 . 6T14 .175 .uci . 33 . "'.'4 16 Asked. Uld. Hunk Clenrlnss. CHICAGO. Jan. II. -Clearings. J24.0S0.273 balances, Jl.382,64; poBted exchange, Jl.Siy 4,ks: New 1 orK exchange, ioc premium. ST. LOUIS, Jan. 11. Cleurlns. J7.5S9.253 No. 1 1 1 , 6 1 , 1 1 7 7 18 5 1 4 1 12 :t 20 11 28 19 33 10 13 17 It 1 1 4 1 1.... 29.... Av. IT. .. 690 J2 50 .. 870 2 75 ,. 9(0 3 00 ..1053 3 f ,. 660 3 73 ..1170 4 00 ,. 690 4 00 ,. 929 4 00 .. 885 4 (0 ..1111 4 10 .. 880 4 10 ..1230 4 10 ..1110 4 10 .. 980 4 15 .. 816 I 15 ..910 4 15 ..1034 1 13 ..1032 4 r.o ..1143 4 30 ..1178 4 30 ..1092 4 35 ..1005 4 35 ..1201 4 40 ..1072 4 10 .. 701 1 75 750 1 75 No. 20 15 20 19 27 11 , 19 13 61 28 19 21 20 IS .11 20 17 1 28 .16 17 18 Av. Pr. ....1097 4 13 ....1210 4 45 ....1124 4 50 ....1136 4 60 ,...1209 4 65 ,...1163 4 60 ...1145 I CO ,...1023 4 tlO ....1193 4 l ....1277 4 65 ....1211 4 70 ....1141 I 15 ....1414 4 75 ....1376 4 80 ....1239 4 80 ....1166 4 SO ....1279 4 90 ....1230 1 90 ....1099 4 90 ....1388 4 fG ....1235 6 00 ....1411 5 13 ....1311 6 00 Cotton Mnrket. NEW A'ORK. Jan. 14. COTTON The mnrket opened easy with prices 46 points lower. This loss was soon Increased tn n matter or 10H12 points hy nctlvo selling from all directions, led hv tired holders. The English cables, wero the cause of the dtrllnn and selling here, having reiiect"'i a weak situation In Liverpool, whero boih departments suffered from liquidation. The basis for the heaviness abroad was largo c I. f. offerings by nervous i-pot holders nnd a big crop estimate Issued here Sat- uuiay. Liverpool continued wens, to ma close and fold from time to time here. New Orleans and tho south generally worked on tho bull side. The Receipts nt the ports and Interior towns fell consld- erainy snort 01 estimaicH, wim 1111 innu-i-tluiB pointing to continued light arrivals. uemanii ror uesirauio grades. 01 spin toi ton was active for domestic mill use. Fresh liquidation carried prices to the low point of tho day, Tho market was finally easy, not 10fil7 points lower. Spot olof?d dull lie lower: middling uplands, 10c; mid dling gulf, 10!ic: sales, 1,700 bales. Futures einseii casv: January, ii.'fc eciirmiry n.37e: March. 9 31c: Anrll. 9.30c: May. 9 3ta June, a.jxc: juiy, ii.aic; aiiruci, s.uic; acp- if.inlinr. x.hee: (letnlier. s.ibc. NEW ORLEANS. .Inn. ll.-COTTON- Oulet; sales, 2,650 bales; ordinary, 7T4c: rocd ordinary, 8Hc; low middling. 9'4c; middling. 9 9-lCc: good middling, 9 13-16c: middling fair, 1'ivic. nominal receipts. ioi;n uai.s; stock. 357,905 lmles. Futures, barely steady; January. 9.32f9.34c; February 9 29'u"9Me: March. 9.27i9.2Sc: Anrll. 9 25ii9.27o: May, 9.24J9.25e: June, 9.22ff9.24c; July. 9.21fi9.22"; Auvust, k 'i-o asKeu; aeptemoer. .i"o nen, ST. LOUIS, Jan. 14,-COTTON-Dull; middling. 9'Sic: no sales reported; receipts, 3,780 hales; shipments, 6,101 noies; stccK, 74.861 bales. GALVESTON. Jan. H.-COTTON-Eny nt 9 3-16c r.ivnni'nnr. .inn 1 1. COTTON Modor. ate business, 13-32d lower; middling fair, r. 5!l-.12il: mlddllnir. 6'-d: low middling 51122d; good ordlnnry, 413-32d; sales. 5(0 bales, of which 1.600 were for speculation, and export nnd Included 7.800 American; rtrelpts, 20,000 hales, nil Amerlcnn. Fu tures quiet and steady: American middling, 1. m. c. January. 5 22-6fi6 23-64d, sellers; January nnd Feliruiuv, b 20-'ni 21-0111, nuy r- Vohrmirv nml March. 3 18-61(1. h'.ivera March nnd April 6 M-6ld, pellers: April nnd Mnv. 5 14-64(1. sellers; May nnd J11119. 511-61 Ui5 12-filil, buyers; Juno and Julv. 50.61,1, buvers; July nnd August. 5 6-61ffS 7 fii.i. sellers: August nnd September, 4 r.7-(,4d. buyers: September and October. 4 57-64d; October nnd Novemoer. i sj-ijio, nominal, Evnnornteil nnd Drlnl Fruits, NEW A'ORK, Jan. ll.-EVAPORATED Aiipr.ES Thn market for evnnorntcd an pies experienced a dull trade today, with iiiiimnortnnt nrlco chances noted. State. common, was quoted nt SMfllHc; prime, 6 5;e: choice. riU'ific, and rnncv. m(ic, f'AT.IFORNIA DRIED FRUITS AInrket quiet, rranes were quoted at StJOSUe per lb,, as to sliso and qualltv Atiricots. Itoval, 7iil2c; Aloor Park. Si'.ff715c. Peaches, peeled, 14(f?18c; unpeeled, 6Vi(i10c. EIrIii Under Alnrkrt. EfJIIN III Jan. 14,-IlUTTER-Ste-idV nt 21c, offerings, 21 tubs; no sales; output or week, jo.uo tuns. 6... 4... 1... 17... 1... 1... 1... 19... . 640 . 852 .1010 1 75 2 00 00 90) 2 00 . 875 2 00 . 870 2 00 . 915 2 00 . 980 2 00 .1190 2 10 . 910 2 10 945 2 25 2 25 13 2 9 8 5 18 , 7 7 , 10 , 1 1 17 S.'.'.'.Y. 11 4 6 a.'.'.'.'.'. 3'.'.'.'.'.'. 21 4 18 15 20 fi 4 1000 1380 1061 2 25 1145 2 30 910 2 33 864 2 S5 1050 2 40 1110 2 rn 790 2 50 1000 2 60 1029 2 rn 855 2 60 1073 2 65 1022 2 75 840 2 75 1090 2 75 1017 2 75 , 912 2 75 960 1131 COAVS. 44... n 1.'.'. IS... 14... o V.Y. 10... 18... 5... 18... 6... 6... 9... 6... 20... 6.... 14.... 17.... 1.... 2.... 6.... 16.... n 4L 7. 1.... 18.... 1.... 10.... 2 80 2 80 2 85 : S'5 85 21.. 3.. 20.. 21.. 3 .1 5 1 20 64 20...., 21 7 21.... 4.... 16 4.... 3.... 18.... 1.... 40.... 12.... 1.... 0.... COWS AND HEIFERS, .1091 3 7a HEIFER8 . 614 3 00 8 Jo 2 75 .1108 2 75 ...1082 ... 965 ...1074 ... 920 ... 8S6 ... 930 2 85 880 2 S3 891 2 65 ,...1115 2 85 ... 976 2 85 ... 913 2 90 ...1032 2 90 ...1106 2 90 ... 850 2 90 ,...1193 2 90 9) 2 93 ,...1010 3 00 990 3 00 ,...978 3 00 . . . .1290 3 00 , ... 896 3 0) 1052 3 tn 1290 3 00 mm 3 00 1014 3 00 1105 3 05 1020 3 10 910 3 10 805 3 10 936 3 10 1016 3 16 973 3 15 ., 965 3 15 928 3 15 1056 3 15 1246 3 15 1052 3 15 1231 3 15 1078 3 15 10.10 3 20 1150 3 25 900 3 25 1115 3 25 858 3 25 1430 3 25 1012 3 25 1056 .1 25 1110 3 25 1129 3 25 1170 3 25 1083 3 23 1190 3 25 938 3 25 1080 3 30 1052 3 30 9.19 3 SO 6S6 3 30 1056 3 35 1090 .1 35 1180 3 35 917 3 33 1197 3 40 1126 3 45 1007 3 43 1293 3 15 , 10:i5 3 45 1290 3 60 , 1101 3 60 1930 3 60 1180 3 60 1108 3 50 1090 3 rn 1029 3 50 1136 .1 6". 1210 3 'iG 1020 3 85 , . 963 3 23 ..1003 3 30 .. 934 3 60 ..1062 3 50 .. 877 3 DO 4.... 23.... 4.... ...1090 3 fiO ...1000 3 W ...1077 3 63 ... 787 3 85 ...1022 4 10 1.. 1690 2 .10 !l.!0 2 i.l 1350 3 00 1190 3 00 1650 :i tn 1100 3 00 1350 3 10 1600 3 10 1400 3 10 1070 3 15 1500 3 20 1450 3 23 1436 3 25 900 3 25 1110 3 25 DULLS. 1 1170 3 25 1 1 1 1 1 13 1 3 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 . .1560 ;: : ....1450 3 35 ..,.1550 3 35 .... 900 3 3i ....930 a ....1.141 ::35 .... 6S0 3 40 ....151V) 3 40 ....1870 3 40 ....1256 3 50 ....1070 3 60 ....1400 3 CO ....1090 375 ....19S0 4 00 CALVE3. 460 1 75 1 19) 6 I 300 3 60 1 210 6 I na STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS, o.m . OA -A,- 1 l 820 2 20 870 2 05 3.... L... 1.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 8.... 1.... 20..., 523 . 790 630 640 2 in 2 ;r, 2 75 ,6 1 3 1 i fi.'.'.'.'.'.'., 4 1 .1020 2 90 . !I90 2 95 , 658 3 on STAGS. . 890 3 3S STOCK CALA'ES. ,, 392 3 10 J 705 3 tn .1040 3 00 . 716 3 15 . 650 3 15 . 785 3 15 . 8.16 3 15 . 890 3 15 . 800 3 65 1540 3 60 , 600 3 SO I Bh. Pr. ... J4 60 5 10 80 40 ST... 57 67 65 66...., 71 36 20 63.... 53.... 67 81 67 58... 131 .3.15 .276 .305 .228 .205 .215 .281 .239 .236 .265 .211 .213 254 6 10 6 12J4 6 J2U ... 5 121, ... 6 12(i 40 5 1214 80 5 15 ... 6 15 200 5 16 ... 5 15 5 15 5 16 6 15 6 16 6 IG 6 15 5 15 5 15 5 15 40 SO No. 74... 39.. 61.. 05.., 63... 65.., 83.., 100., 70.. 81.. 67.. 70.. 69.. 65.. 61.. 101. 145... SO 10 80 40 30 217 30 323 Av. Bh. Pr. ..216 160 6 16 ..234 ..305 .,239 0). 7.262 ..245 ... ..184 160 ..256 160 . .19 ... ..245 ... ..246 ... ..250 ..221 ..283 ..196 .234 5 15 6 1714 6 174 5 17fc 5 1714 6 1714 6 37(i 6 I7I4 5 !IH so 120 40 r. 6 174 6 17 4 6 1714 5 17( G 1714 46 323 S3 317 ) 217 66 251 120 6 16 200 6 15 ... 6 15 ... 6 15 ... 6 l.i irn 5 is 120 5 15 61 245 80 6 1714 65 2S6 40 f. 174 69 2S 10 t li'j 65 326 68.. 18.., 67.. 66.. .258 286 .232 223 160 5 174 ... 5 20 ... 6 20 ... 5 i0 ... 5 20 SHEEP There wnn tost nn nverncre lllll of sheep hero today, and although Chicago enmo wenk to 10c lower the market nt this point wns steady and active. The demand was In good shape, and as a result every thing was sold in good season. The top on lambs wns $5.33, nnd oil yenrllngs JI.5'), nnd on eyes J3.60. Thero were very few feeders on sale nnd no change In tho prices offered wns no ticeable. Quotations: Cholco fed wethers. $(H)H 4.35: fair to good wethers, 3.854.oo: cholco yearlings, J4.40W.50: fair to good yearlings, l. 2514. 40: cholco owes, J3.35B' 3.60; fair to good ewes, J3.00fi3.30; cholc spring lambs, J5.0W5.35: fair to good o . I ., 1. 1 n ... v. .. I r. . .. .. .... (t r, l(l(t. un, fl. ..l..v , irvitri (i;3.00; feeder wethers, J3.6043.75; feeder Iambs, JI.00CT4.40. Representative sales 9 ewes. 1 buck 99 ewes 10 cull lambs 11 yearlings 2 lamhs 1 western lambs No. 20 cull ewes PS feeder ewes , 423 owes 8 ewes 117 ewes 460 western fed vearllntrs 195 yearlings 231 yearlings 291 lambs 3 lambs 280 lambs 221 weHtent lambs 131 western lambs 97 ISO 102 75 130 43 91 Av. 93 90 , 96 US , 102 , 96 . 105 , 93 , 69 , 100 , 70 , 81 , SO 3 20 3 23 3 60 4 40 4 40 ft 00 6 10 Pr. J2 50 2 SO 3 40 3 60 3 60 4 40 4 rn 4 60 5 111 6 15 5 23 h 35 6 35 CHICAGO 1,1 Vi: STOCK MARIvK G'nttlr Stonily tn Hiik" Firm nt CIokIiik Sheen l.inicr, CHICAGO. Jan. H.-CATTLE-Rccelnts. 23,000 hend, Including 700 Texnns: choice steers steady, others 5H10c lower: butchers' stock, nctlvo, firm; Texans nenrly steady; goon to prime siecrs, u.i.'jrqti.on; poor to medium. J3.60fifi.20: Blockers and feeders nbout steady, J2.7Wfl.35: cows. J2.70fi4.40; Heifers. dinners.; nuns slow, J2.75(j 1,40; cnlveH, weak. Jl.00ift6.25; Texas fed steers. JI.001J4.S5; TexaH grass steers. w.30CM.oo; Texas nuns, w.wiisixmi. HOGH Receipts today. :.,ono head; esti mated tomorrow. 30.000 head; left over, 6,000 head; weak, uneven, closed steady; top,, mixed nun nuicnerH, ..i.vii...ji; srood to cholco heavy. J5.15W5.33: rough heavy. I3.0ftt5.1O: light. $5.053.27''I: hulk of sales. .i.'jo(iKi.2;i. SHEEP Receipts. 22.000 head: sheen, cholco Hteady. others slow to 10c lower: Inmhs, wcnK tn lite lower; good to choice wethers. J3.s,iH( l.7u: fair to choice mixed. J.1.403.85: western sheep, J3.7f44.65; Texns sheep. J2.50'3.60: native, lambs, Jl.2505.50; western litmus, io.wm.w. St. I. on In Live Stock Mnrket. ST. LOUIS. Jan. ll.-CATTLE--Recelnts, 3,600 head. Including 2.300 Texnns; mnrket easier; best natives steady, with other. 101? 15c lower: native snipping nnd export steers, $4,704(5.80: dressed beef and butcher steers. .i.Wif((r.4ii; sieers under i.nno IDs. $3.50ft;4.25; stockers and feeders. $3.001.50; cows and heifers. dinners. $l.2iw 2.75; bulls. $2.1551.00; Texans 11ml Indian steers, J3.40fl4.75; cows nnd heifers, $2.3031' .1.50. HOGS Receipts. 10.900 head: market 5c lower, but e os ng firm: pigs nnd 1 ghts J5.10fc6.20; packers, J5.W6.20; butchers, $5.20 51 5.3714. SHEEP Receipts, 1.200 head: market 10fii l5o lower: native muttons, w.uisn.a-i; inmns J4.35ft5.75; cullH nnd pucks, jz.&wii 1.2.1; stock, ers, $2.253.25. Knunn City Live Stock MnrUrt. KANSAS CITA". Jnn. 11. CATTLE Re. ce.lpts. 6.000 unlives. 2,100 Texnns and 200 calves: dressed beef steers were steady to 10c lower; cows nnd Blockers and feeders were steady; native beef steers. JI.50iirS.60 stockers and feeders. $.1.65fll.60; cows and heifers. $3.0O?H.GO: cannera. $2.25f?3.00; west ern fed steers, Sl.on''i; Texas nnd In dlan steers. $3.25l,60; bulls, 93.10ffl.SS calves. J4..rnf0.00. HOGS Receipts, head: markot steady: top, J5.30; bulk of sales, $5.20ff? 6.271; heavy, $5.205.30; mixed packers. $5.15 Q6.2&: light. JS.lZ'i'CfO.ii.; pigs. iMm,v, SHEEP Receipts, 2,500 head; market steady to 100 tucner: western am in. M.20M 5.&i; western muttons, t.3.rtn.w; yearlings $l.3ow.,oo; western ewes, sa.255f3.s5; culls, $2,755)3.60. Xrw A'ork Live Stuck Mnrket. NEW A'ORK. Jnn. 14 REEVES- Itn oclpts, 4,000 head: steers higher, lbxli IniMs lower, others steady; steers Jl fi.WiO): bill H. $2.6014.25: COWS. Jl.S5fJ3.S0. f 'fill on niirite llvo cattle slow nnd wenk nt HSi 1214c inrrnreraior neei Hicany in urn ciieen lower at 12WJ 1314e ; exports tomorrow. 810 cattle, l.izri sneep nnd twi quartern or pe?r CALA'ES Receipts. 1.395 hend: veaht aienriv tn Z5e lower narnvani ra ves lower I'ttle calves, oarnyarii caives, n SO- wentornu. $1.60. SHEEP AM) l.A MHH lieceipis, l'l.'iNi head; sheep. $3.("wf I.O-v export nPeep. Jl.7fi nulla. 12.76: lambs. $5.00(176. 15: two ears 01 choice. $6.30; Canada lambs, J6.oofl0.10 fiillx 11.50. HOGS Receipts, u.raa iiean: tower nt J3.45if6.65; few outsldo sales of stnto pig nt Stock In SlfchL T.'nllnwlntr nro tho recclnts nt the four principal western marKets ior janunrv i; 11 Cattle. Hot".. Sheen South Omaha 3.693 4.S90 (,HT,3 Chlcngo 23.000 J6.000 22,001 Kansas city ".i"' ".'"' St. Louis 3,600 10,901) 1,200 Totals M.593 69,790 29,753 Oil nml RorIii. All PITV 11.. Inn 1i f'ra,1lt tir,lnitAB 11.20; certificates', no bid or offer: ship ments. 130.100 bbls.; average. 90.SS8 bids. ; NEW 1UIII. Jiiu. n. 1 ( ' 1 uir)i,ij OIL Easy; prlmn crude, 26V4i27c; prlmo vellOW. .HC. I'ermie'llii. nm. uwnni I ri'iirrtAntlrin (lull ftflff? Sftl-ie. LIVERPOOL. Jntl. 14. t'UT'l UNHEEM OIL Hull. reflneiK spot steady, 21s (id; pe 1 1 ifi.ii.i,,. -.. Tni.Hnn .Inn 14. Oir. North Limn. S80 I T I n 1.., 11,1.1(1 btA 1 nniiiii l.UIKV ,11,., . ,l. .(,., ". LONDON, Jan. 11, 1 aicuiin unseen spin 57s; linseed nil. 30s 41td: petroleum. Amerl can refined, 6 6-16d; turpentine spirits, Es 3d Coffee Mnrket. NEAV YORK. Jnn, 14. COFFEE -Spot nin Miiloi! No. 7. Invoice. 7Ue Mild, dll'l! enninvn Kii2Ur Thn coffee market onerel steady, with prices unctiangca o 0 uoini llirlit Imtiriiv fitimni In uiint ilntiiil lid ntld Rmzlltnn reeelnlv r innller. 'lYlldlllg wns nt no time nctlvo nnd but lit t lo lnvot tnent speculation was noted. Spot demand nlso continued light. The market at the close wns quiet, with prices net PirlO points higher. Total wiles were 8,750 bags, Includ ing V nt 6.65c: .March. 6.80c: ,AIlV. 6.86Ti6.90o; September. 6.951(60; December, 6.10c. Suuur nml .MitlnHsen, mil t. 1 l.i, , mid All .r.n viivi,r.,.ri, Jan. 11, ni vi. Strong; open kettle, .1M(4o; open kettle cen trifugal. 3 13-16fl4Sc, centrifugal yellow, 4 CN 11-16c: seconds, 2iH'c, viae vnin. 1,... 11 uiiiiAHtii'. steady but (fillet: fair refining, ffNe: centrl- .1 A. ...... .4 .. n .. nff. 111K111. (ii it-ni, t -m, .ii(iii(KMei iniK1", .'- Refined, steady; stamlanl A, R.4iv; confec- .1 a r. . ...... .1.. . r l....r lllillt'l it. ii.iiiv', 11K111111 t, ii.-.w. nil .(,((. 6.10c: crushed, 6.10c; powdered, 5.70c: granu lated, 6.61V: cubes, 5.83c Molasses, steady; Vf... nln..a ....... 1,A,I ... nl.xlnn 'II !"Y Ul ivtiild i.('v,i ni-iiii., oiri. tip i.(o.t.. f40c. Dry (iniids. NFAV A'ORK. Jan. II.- MI5V OOOU3 'hero hnH lieen Home liniirovemeiit In thi) demand for cotton goods today, but th) market Is still quiet. Tho ntteudnnen ot buyer Is Increasing nnd u better business Is likely during tho week. No chnngo In tone or prices 13 noien 111 any (iireciien i" fnf ns Maple cottons nro concerned. AVoolen goodr. nro selling uot In cloaklnus for next fall, a good business being (lone In these. AVnol .AInrket, ,. mux . .. . . .( (,.it Ul.t.H.I... Ill, J,Ul m, .11111. 1 1.- l JKtlr -nuiitiiiiiii 1es depressed, without nuy lniirnvement In Tim Inn... ulnnlra ll.iailld nrnlll til prevent nn advance, but a change from the titter ntiiiTiinllnii heretofore nreviilllng .. f .. II 1 n . I I 1 1 , miincH ninill' lei'llllK Ul n-m.-i. .,(-,..(. grades. 13U20'5c; light Hue. 13tfl6c; heavy tiiiv-f ivifiov.'i tun niienuiii j.n.v. TAIIASC'O AVAS ,OTHIX(S TO IT. A "lint Htuff" Incident Thnt Ilrnkr V n Me.xli'iin Dinner I'nrly. Thn Tabasco sauce Incident, which plays such nn Important role In the Roor. Investi gation, reminds mo of 11 very harrowing ex perience of my own In old Mexico," said a railroad man to the New Orleans Times. Democrat man. "About ten years ago I went down over the Mexican Central to Chihuahua, nnd that being tny first visit to tho republic, everything was new and strange, especially the cooking. I hnd 11 letter of Introduction tn the commnndante of the city, who proved In be 11 courtly, Hiipcrh-looking old gent'eman, nnd hc I111- meuiateiy m.tuo preparations 10 give n (mi ner In tny honor nt his residence tho fol lowing afternoon. 1 wns a little embar rassed at so nr.ich attention, hut nt tho samo tlmo I wns nnxlnus tn got a glimpse of native social life, and when I put In nn ppearanro I round a renliy lirilllant assem blage, composed of the principal person ages nf tho place I was duly presented all around nnd, after a llttln ceremonious conversation, wo took our Heats nt the in itio, my own plnco being between niv host nnd his beautiful eldest daughter. Tho din ner wns excellent and everything passed off moothiy until ahoiit thn middle or tho re- past, when the commnndanto rctnnrked Hint he was about tn Invito my attention to 11 characteristic Mexican dish, which he had ordered his cook to prepare for niv particular delectation. 'It Is a local version or chlle-colorow. he said, 'and while It s a trlflo high flavored I will guarantee that you wl'l find It delicious.' At the same tno. tnent the delicacy made its appenrunce. it wns brick red in color nnd had (ho general aspect nf a thick vegetable stew. Seeing that I was a till timid the he.1utir.1l senor lta al niv Hide helped herself In 11 portion nml smllllngly swallowed a liberal spoon. fin. nun dissipated mv rears, and with out nnv further hesitation I proceeded to follow her example. To fully describe whnt happened next wou'd need nn uecompllshed linguist. A'nu couldn't posslhlv do It lus tico In one tongue. T felt as If I had bolted a iiuart of red hot carpet tacks. The roof of my mojth shriveled like a collapsed bal loon, rears ran down my cheeks like rnln. 1 cnuidirt nreatne. 1 leaped tn rav feet, gurgling horribly, nnd rushed around the room looking for water, which Is the last thing in the world you will find on 11 Mex lcuii table. Tho guests shrank back In ter. ror. supposing 1 had gone suddenly triad. nnd most nf the ladles went off Into violent hysterics; hut tho courteous commandantn ran nfter me and seized 1110 bv the Hying tails of my coat. Then ho held (men 111" Jaws whllo his beauteous daugh'ir poured r cruet of olive oil Into my sizzling gullet Thnt relieved me. but the episode bioke un the banquet and 1 dnre say It Is still a stock story in the best circles of Chihuahua -so; clcty. I lert early next morning and hnvo never been back. It Is a black spot In my memorv. j arterward ascertained, hy thn way. that chlle-co'.orow Is nrennred from native red pepper pods, which have ripened on strings at lenst five years. Each year rinses tneir tempcraturo 20 degrees Fahrenheit." HNSIONS FOIl AVESTF.R.V VETERA. Survivor of Amerlcnn AA'nrs Remem bered liy Cenernt Government. AVASHINOTON. Jan. 14.-(Sneclnl.)-Tlm fo'lowlng pensions hnvo boon allowed: issuo or Decemncr : Iowa: Original -MarciiH Freeman, do- ceased, Pomeroy, J12; Ambrose Frallck, Du buque, $8. Renewal and Increase Thomas AVhldiip. Allerton. JW, Inerense Frederick (5. Schultz. Rurllngton. Jll: Michael Rvnn. Srandvlew. JI7. Original widow Emma J. AVebster. Cnstatlo, $20. AVnr with Spain (original) Joel F, Oregory, Adel, $6. Colorado: tjrlglnnl -Joseph u. Coberlv. Sulphur Springs, J12; Henry L. Hull, Crlp- pio 1. rcoK, n Atnrr Inure License. Tho following marrlago licenses were Is- sued yesterday: Namo nnd Residence. Age. Stephen H. Jones. Hnrvnrd, Neb 57 Mrs. Mary A. Kelly, Omaha 61 AVIIIIam M. llarr, Omaha 33 Lilly M. Collins, Omaha 2.S Jacob Mert7.. South Omaha 65 Rarhnra Llsy, Omnliii , 43 THE II MALTA MARKET. INSTRUMENTS filed for record Mon jnuunry 11. iwi: Wnrrnnly Deeds. It. C. Peters et ul to 11. I. J'luiukett, lot 11. block fti. South Oniiihn $ J. A. Reck mid husband lo F. J. Fitz gerald, lots , 1 and i, (lnry & Co.'a sul . L. Pugh to R. L. Rnlley. lot 6. block 11. Orchard Hill 8. O. Patrick to D. II. Itrotchle, lot block S, Patrick's 2d Saratoga add.. J. M. Abraham and wife to Alvah AAatermnn, se hw and hw se 5, i!4 nw 3-16-10 Charles Merryweather to AVllllam Powers, sw nw 5-I6-10 Fidelity Trust company to 11. R. Cur- lis et ni, lots J.', it, hi, .11, anil . Bturgls Place J. F. Lally, trustee, to J. F. D.ivlln, 4 acres In se nw 7-15-13 Mnxwell & Freeman company to W. 8 Shnrer. 11 tract In 3-11-13 M. A. MeOuIre to Hurry Phelnn, lot D, imock 1, i-iirK'i n mm Union Stock Yards company to Joseph Dolezol et al. lot 7, diock i', 1st add to South Omaha Fltst National hank to Nntlounl Land company, lot ti, iuock .j, nascau s Sllll Shiiio to same, n tract In so 32-16-13.. Snme to some, lot 1, block 3, Sweesy's ndd Smiio to snme, mv'i lot 16 (except s IS feet, Oknhoma Omaha Savings bunk to W. 11. Ander son, lot n. niocK ii. pntricK s 2d warn toira ndd JohnJohn McCrcary to D, R. Smith, lots 10. 11 and 12, block 2. Marys- viuo add R. C. (ampbell nnd wife to C. Stleger, lot 10, block 38, Ileuson E. D. Samson, trustee, to A. (1. Tag ger, loth 14 to 18, block 168; lots 6. 7, R nnd 9. block 169. Florence. .......... 1). E. Rlnker to C. O. Nelson, lot 6. Smith pnrk ... .... .... .............. M. E. Snyder and husband to Con servative Stock and and Land asso ciation, lot 8, block 1, Stevens Plnco ((nil Clnlm Deeds. J J. Smith to S. O. Patrick. Patrick's 2d Saratoga add. except one lot...... L. M. Touznlln to Campbell l'air, lot 15, block 7. Hillside ndd No 1.. O F (Jllmore. trustee, to MrCnguo Savings "'auk. lots 17 to 21, Mystic J ''Nlii'iskeii 'to same,' tot's' 18 iind'ii! block 4, A'atiar Place L D. Spalding nnd wife to snme, lot 16, block 4, same Deeds. Omaha tb Republican A'allev Railway c ninny to Union Pacific Railway c npi. y. lots 1 to 5, block 60, Platto Valley, and 9.69 acres III sw nw 31-17-10 and other property In Nebraska Total amount of transfers... day. 0,000 2,500 250 400 6,1)3 1,00) 73 2,00 850 2,618 rno r.'o 31) 2.tW 1,277 155) 200 fV) SCO 75 1 1 1 I 1 $.10,501 JAMES E. BOYD & CO., Telephone I (HIP. OlMillin, .Veil, COMMISSION, CHAIN, PROVISIONS nnd STOCKS, Hoard nf Triide, Correspondence. John A. AVnrron ft Co. Direct wires to Chicago und New York.