TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEEt TUESDAY, .TAHAHY 15, 1001. 15 YOUTHFOLELOPERS ROMANCE Lad of Alliance and 'Girl of Angora Mar ried hj Denter Ealvationiit. MOTHER WIRES CONSENT AFTER ARREST CIIIk Phillip a (Ironm nt 10 and I.nla .Mil nn IIIh Ilrlde nt 14 Court In If I'cmlatent Deaplte I'ratenti. DENVER, Colo., Jan. 14. (Special Tele gram.) Ellis Phillips, aged 19, and Lulu Nolan, aged 14, wero arrested on request of tbo girl's mother as elopers, as the Hur ling ton train pulled Into the union station lam midnight. I'htlllps lives In Alliance, Neb., and Lulu Nolan In Angora, twenty'-Cwo miles dls tnut. For the lust year Phillips has trav clod regularly twice n week from Alliance to Angora to seo his lady love. Mrs. Nolan forbade Phillips tho house. Clandestine meeting's wero the result. Lulu Nolan told her mother yesterday morning that she In tended to visit her married sister In AMI ance. She really did call on her sister, but, pleading an engagement nt, home, lef. tho house In tlmo to catch the next train to Denver, Her sweetheart was on tho same train. The sister's suspicions were aroused at Lulu's hasty departuro and she wired bcr mother, who In turn, wired the conductor of tho Burlington train. In Dcnvor the youngsters were not nt first taken to Jail, as thoy promised to stay that night at the houso of a friend, John Haynes of Argyie Place. They could not get In thcro, how ever, nnd registered nt tho Western hotel as E. L. Royal and wife of Sheridan, Wyo. Policeman Lovo, who first detained them, learned of this nnd sent them to Jail this mlrnlng. A telegram was sent" to Mrs. No lan nt Angora, who wired her consent to the marriage. Staff Cnpthln Wntson of the Snlvntlon army wns called as minister nnd tho wedding took placo In Jail, FOR A FOREIGN FELLOWSHIP L'nlvrrnltr of .Vehrnnkn I.cnrnn nf nn Aliiiiinrtc OfTrr of I'lvc Hun dred Dollnm. tlon from all graduates holding such cer- leged stealing of a horse belonging to tlflcates. Henri Melcher, a farmer living in Urnn- The nrellmlnary program of the National vlllo township. Jones was arraigned this Educational association, to be held In Dc morning before a Justice of the peace and trolt. July 8 to 12. has been received nt tho entered n plea of not guilty. In default of university. Among those people who will MOO bonds ho was committed to the county participate arc Superintendent E. O. Cooley of tho Chicago schools, Howard J. Rogers, director of education aud social economics nt the United States exhibit of tho Paris exposition, Superintendent J, M. Greenwood of Kansas City, Mo., and Presi dent A. T. Hadley of Yalo. Mrs. Thomas A. Williams, whose late husband was a member of the class of '89, and connected with the Department of Agri culture nt Washington, has written Dr. C. E. Dessey, offering to lend the large botan ical library and collections of her husband to tho university for use by students until her own son shall havo become old cnongh and show a desire to enter Into botanical work. News from former graduates In political economy nt tho University of Ncbsaska Is encouraging for the cause of civil servlco reform. W. 0. Hunter, A. M,, '98, Is on the Immediate staff of Professor Wilcox of the bureau of methods and results In the cen sus olflcc, whero he Is engaged In special Investigation. Worthy Putnam Stearns, A. M.. '97. Ph. I)., University of Chicago, 1000, Is In the employ of tho Treasury depart ment at Washington. Ray P. Teal, A. M., 99 In tho ofllce of experiment stations of the Interior department, Is located at Choycnne, Wyo., and has charge of tho Ir rigating statistics of the arid districts. He published n paper on "Water Rights In tho Arid West," In tho Journal of Political Economy, September, 1900. Dr. Stearns hns published numerous articles In tho samo periodical upon the trade bal ance of the United States and upon the banking system. Jail until court. tho next term of tho district SOUTn DAKOTA HAS A PLAN Senate Bill Would Make Life Imprison mint tho Penalty for Kidnaping. INJUNCTION SUIT DISMISSED STEERE'S LETTER WORRIES FUSI0NISTS LINCOLN, Jan. 14. (Special.) Tho Association of Collegiate Alumnae through Its secretary, has sent communication to tho University of Noli rank ii cnlllng attention to Its offer of n foreign fellowship of $500 and also an offer of a scholarship In modem languages In the American Homo School of Rcrlln It docs this to encourago tho pursuit of advanced rourscH of study among the women graduates of colleges, tho $600 pay ing tho expenses of somo young woman who wishes to enrry on her studies In a foreign country. Tho candidates must be graduates of colleges belonging to the as sociation, nnd nppllcatlons for the year 1901-2 must bo handed In beforo February 1. The fellowship will be awarded only to candidates who glvo promlso of distinction In the subjects to which they devoto them selves. It will be tho aim of tho committee to appoint tho enndldato who Is best fitted for tbo position through original gifts, pro vlous trnlnlng, enorgy, power of endurance nnd health. To this end tho committee will receive applications In writing from ellglblo candidates who will present, ns clearly ns possible, tholr ctalma for the fellowship. A competitive examination will not be held, but tho bestowal of tho fellowship will bo bared upon evidence of tho candi date's ability nnd of her prospect of suc cess In her chosen lino of study. Stlch evi dence .will ,naturally. consist of her college, diploma; testimonials ns to superior ability and high character from her professors nnd other qualified Judges; satisfactory evi dence of thoroughly good health; a state ment, of the work In which ,sho proposes to engage subsequently; last, and of chief Importance, examples of her scientific, or lltornrv work In the form of papers 'or nrtlclco or accounts of scientific Invcstlga tlonH which sho hns carried out. Tho fol lowshlp will not usually be grnntod to thoso who are Intending to tnko up tho prac tlco of any of the three learned professions, though such are not formally excluded from tho competition. It will rather bo bestowed upon thoso who aro looking forward to positions ns professors and teachers and to literary and sclenttllc vocations. Prof, eronco will be given, other things being enual, to graduates of not mora than five years' standing. Tho fellowship will, In general, be hold for ono year, but In nn unusually promising caso the term may bo extended nt tho discretion of tho com mlttee. The department of education will offer two courses next semester that have always been appreciated and largely attended by the students n course In school super vision and management and a course In child study, a study of tho physiology and psychology of childhood, with special refer ence to the' pedagogical principles Involved. The Jattcr course hns attracted tho atten tion of parents ns well as teachers. Professor Luckey Is desirous of VunllnhluR n complete- llBt of the university ' graduates who havn re ceived tho university teachers' certifi cate, nnd their present occupation and ad droBS. To this end, he desires Informa tion HHKAICI.VG tmi'SIMKIl'S JAW. Merchant of .fnrknon, .h., Arrrotcd on Coiiiiilnlnt of Traveling Mnn.f DAKOTA CITY. Neb., Jan. 14. (Social.) T. J. Walsh, n merchant nt Jackson, Neb., wns arrested yestordny by Sucrlff Sides on n complaint sworn out by Oeorgo Sterling, charging him with assault with Intent to kill. Walsh gave bonds of $500 for his appearance January 15. Sterling Is a trav eling Bnlesmnn for Howell, Warflcld, Pratt ft Co., wholesalo grocers at Sioux City, who did business with Walsh. Iast September Sterling went Into Walsh's place of business to secure settle ment of an account nnd had somo troublo over It. Walsh followed Sterling to the depot, It is reported, and as Sterling was coming out of tho depot door with a grip In each hand ho pounded him over tho head and face with an Instrument of somo kind, breaking bis nose and Jaw. Sterling was laid up at the hospital for somo tlmo after tho assault. Maryland Cnsnnltr Company'" Pro ceeding Asnlnat John F. Cornell Ont of Court, LINCOLN, Jan. 14. (Special Telegram.) Tho suit of tho Maryland Casualty com pany against John F. Cornell, In which the latter, as state auditor, was restrained from revoking the plaintiff company's Keens'!, has been dismissed from the dis trict court. In the petition it was alleged that Cornell had threatened to revoke tho license It an exorbitant examination fee was not Immediately paid. As Cornell Is no longer stato auditor ho cannot revoke tho license, henco (ho dismissal. A. S. Tlbbclts left tonight for Washing- ton, where he wilt ask the United States supremo court for a writ of error In the enso of T. P. Kennnrd against the Stato ot Nebraska, In which Mr. Kennard Is seek ing to recover $10,000 alleged to be due ns fees for tho salo of government lands while he wob secretary of state many year ngo. Ho received n favorable decision In the dis trict court, but tho supremo court ruled against him. The appeal ot the case to tbo United States court depends upon the de cision of the application for tho writ of error. Stipulation was filed In tho supremo court today asking for a continuance of tho case ot tho State against tho Argo Starch company until Fcbrunry 11. The request was signed by attorneys representing both sides of the case. Governor Dietrich this afternoon an nounced the appointment of H. B. Stewnt of Omaha to the supcrlntendcncy ot tho Ne braska Institute for the Deaf nnd Dumb. Uiii-otiscloiiH Several Days, WEEPING WATER. Neb., Jan. 14. (Spe clal.) A few days ago Justice Reed, a son of Dowcll Reed, living two mlleH west of hero, was thrown from n horse and struck on tho back ot .his head. IJelng a heavy man tho concussion wns so grent that ho was rendered unconscious. It has been Rovon days since the nccldcnt nnd he Is not fully conscious yet nnd his recovery Is considered doubtful. I,odffe Offleem Initialled. BLAIR, Neb., Jan. 14. (Special.) At the first regular meeting for the year and cen tury the Grand Array of the Republic post of this city held a Joint Installation ot of ficers with tho Woman's Rollcf corps. Of ficers of the Grand Army of the Republic post are: F. W- Kenny, sr., commandor; Joseph Thompson, senior vice commander; Major J. P. White, quartermaster; Georgo P. DeTcmple, adjutant; Thcodoro Hnller, chaplain. Officers of tho Woman's Relief corps nro: Mrs. F. W. Henry, president; Mrs. Thomas P. Llnolncott. senior vlco prcsldont; Mrs. Dr. E. R. Stewart, Junior vlco president; Mrs. L. A.. Williams, treasurer; Mrs. Mat tie Davis, secretary; Mrs. J. P. Wlshart, chaplain; Mrs. Jessie Smith, conductor; Mrs. Dr. Mortlock, assistant conductor; Miss Lottlo Rupp, guard; Mrs. Ulgford, as sistant guard; Mrs. Cora McKeen, Mrs. Lon Vaughn, Mrs. Julius Christiansen nnd Mrs. Hub Jones, color bearers. John A. Dlx post, No. 62, Ornnd Army of 'tho Republic, now numbers sixty members nnd tho Woman's Rollef corps, No. 197, has sovcnty-olght members. Iloth lodges nro In a prosperous condition ns to tho attond anco and financially. The Insinuation of officers was followed by a banquet given to members of both lodges nnd their families. WEST POINT. Nob., Jan. 14. (Special.) The Installation of ( the new officers of the Knights of tho Maccnbces took placo Sat urday evening. The following wero fn stalled: Dr. F. W. Taylor, commander; J. C. Hansen, lieutenant commander; Snm Hcppcrt, record and finance keeper; Dr. S. S. Sammons, physician; O. F. i. Hersc, sergeant; Alva Webb, master-at-arms; Henry Rank, picket; J. W. Mortcnson, seu tlnel; Jesse Camp, chaplain; Thomns Selpp, first master guards; Louis Simmers, sec ond master guards; J. W. Rich, trustee. OSCEOLA, Nob., Jan. 14. (Special.) J. F. Reynolds post No, 26. Grand Army of the Republic, together with tho Woman's Relief corps nnd tho SonB of Veterans, had union Installation. Judge Saunders was tho installing officer for tho Grand Army of the Republic and the following aro the (fleers: M. J. Drown, P. C; J. Locke, S. J. T. Byers, J. V.; J. H. Anderson, qunrtcrmaster; C. S. Webster, adjutant; Fred Timm, chaplain; W. K. Foisom, (J. M. S.; Charles Btirkhnrt, guard; H. F. Rerse, sergeant, and Georgo W. Orcgg, of ficer ot tho day. Mrs. J. II. Anderson for the Woman's Relief corps Installed Mrs. M. J. Drown, president; Mrs. C. M. Pulvcr, V. P.; Mrs. Gallant, J. V. P.; Mrs. J. Locke, secretary; Mrs. M. E. Saunders, reasurer; Mrs. Mary E. Wilson, chaplain; Mrs. J. G. Rhodes, guard; Mrs. J. Allen, conductor, and Mrs. H. F. Dense, assistant conductor. Then, nfter a few words of cheer by J. H. Anderson, T. H. Saunders nnd others, the tables, sixty feet long, wero spread In the hall and "the boys, "together with tholr sons nnd daughters, wives and sweethearts, partook ot tho good things provided. Ilrevrcra Build nt I'latUmonth. PLATTSMOUTH. Neb., Jan. 14. (Special.) Tho Ound Brewing company of Lacrosse, Wis., has awarded" tho contract for the con struction of a large two-story brick build ing, to bo orccted on the northwest corner of Main and Fourth streets in this city, to L. O. Larson of Plattsraouth. It Is understood that tho contract price Is $15,000 and work will be commenced this week. Mr. William Nlchol of Hellevue. PAPILLION, Neb.. Jan. 14. (Special.) Mrs. Wlllldm Nlchol, wife of Rev. Nlchol, died nt Bellevuo last night of la grippe Sho was 56 yeads old. Change on the Knty. ST. LOUIS, Mo., Jan. 14. Tho Missouri. Kansas & Texas railway today announced the appointment of a successor to tho late A. T. Drew, general frlcght agent, as well as several other changes. W. B. Grosoclore, assistant general freight agent at St. Louis, has been selected to become general freight ngent. F. A. Leland. assistant general freight agent nt Knnsns City, will come to St. Louts to succeed Mr. Oroseclose. Jj L. West, general freight agent nt Houston, Tex., has been appointed as the general freight agent at Kansas City and Thomas Noel has been appointed to a similar po sltion at Houston, Tex. Oklnliomn. Choctaw & Oiilf Itnllroad, PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 14. Tho annual meriting of tho Oklahoma, Choctaw & Gulf railroad was hold hero today, Tho follow Ing board of directors was elected: Charles Hartshorne. Allen H. Reed. Effingham H. Morris, Warren A. Wilbur. Sidney F. Tyler, Edward B. Smith, William II. Jcnns, Charles E. Ingersoll, William Hlncklcsmlth. All tho old officers wero re-elected. The report for the flscnl year ending October 31 shows gross earnings amounting to .v 463,505; operating expenses of railroads and mines, $2,234,767: fixed charges, $497,- 834) surplus, $730,90$. RAIN OR SNOW IS PROBABLE I uvnthrr Kurecnnt Incltiden Clondl- ne, wllli winm soum iu Southwest. An Excellent Combination. Tho pleasant method and beneficial effects of the well known remedy, Bvitur ok Viae, nmnnfucturcd by tho California. Via Syiiup Co., illustrate the vnluoof obtaining tho liquid laxn tlvo principles of plants known to bo medicinally laxntivo and presenting them in the form niobt refioshinfrto tho taate and acceptable to tho system. It la tho ono perfect strenfrtheninp; lnxa tlve. clunnslne the Kvstom effectually. dispelling colds, headaches nnd fevers Kenny yet promptly aim ennotiup; ono to overcome Imbltual eonstlpntiou per- inaueutlv. Its perfect freedom from every objectlontudo quality nnd sub stance, nnd Its actiuir on the kidneys. liver and bowels, without Weakening or irritating them, make it tho ideal laxative. .In the process of manufacturing figs aro used, as they are pleasant to the taste, but tho medicinal qualities of the remedy are obtained from senna and other aromatic nlants, by a method known to tho Camfoknia Fia Svnci' Co. onlv. In order to act Its beneficial effects and to nvold imitations, please remember the full namoof the Company prtutca on tho front of every package CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. BAN FRANCISCO, CAM.. LOUISVILLE, KY. HIW YOEK, H. T. For sale by all Druggists. Price Mo. per bojtla. WASHINGTON. Jan. 14. Forecast for Tuesday nnd Wednesday: For Nebraska Increasing cloudiness on Tuesday, ,wlth occasional rnln probable Tuesday night, or in eastern portion Wednesday; south to southwest winds, They Writ It Htpanareil from the Record hud nesult i l-nny voie Clerks Appointed and Hills Introduced. PIERRE, S. D., Jan. 14. (Special Tele gram.) In both houses today the fusion minority leaders moved to have the Stcero communication, which wns made a part of Saturday's record, expunged therefrom. In tho houso this motion was tho cnuso of the first demand for a roll call and re sulted In a strict party voto against tho motion to expunge. In the house a tesolutlon was also pre sented by Johnson of Clark to Instruct the custodian of the stato houso to deliver to ex-Govtrnor Leo his official chair, and nn amendment wns offered to nlso Include tho chair of Prlvnto Secretary Ayrcs nnd tho whole matter was tabled by a voto of 43 to 30. A resolution to establish tho position of reading clerk wns tabled. House bills wero Introduced to provide for payment of vil lago and town assessors by the county; to npprcprlato $95,000 for buildings nt the stato university: to provide for a food and dairy commissioner; requiring payment of taxes by non-resident owners of cattle grnzed or herded In this stato; providing for reorganization of militia; creating tne offlco of commissioner of Immigration; ap propriating $13,600 for ralleago of members of tho senate and houso; providing a method of discharge of mortgages held by deceased parties; empowering executors nnd admin istrators to mortgngo property under cer- tnln conditions; appropriating $25,000 for buildings nt tho School of Mines; to compel owners and operators of traction engines to plank bridges before crossing them; de fining causes of dlvorco and tlmo they must oxtendr providing for humane treat ment of animals; providing for trentment, at county exponse, of indigent habitual drunkards, and a general education bill. In the senato several moro petitions were presented asking that tho law requiring publication ot certificates ot nomination be repealed. Senate committee clerks appointed were: John Loann of Lincoln: Georgo F. Ross of Sanborn, and R. L. Eddy of Codington. Sennto bills Introduced were: To pun ish kidnaping with llfo imprisonment; re quiring directors of state banks to own five shares of stock; appropriating xzr,ooo for a new building at tho Springfield nor mal, and to legalize acknowledgments by notaries taken prior to January 1, 1901. DEALERS GATHERING EARLY Implement Men Arrive In Slonx Kail a Day In Advance of Convention. SIOUX FALLS. S. D., Jan. 14. (Special.) Scores of implement dealers already nro In tho city to nttend tho second annual con vention ot the Retail Implement Dealers' association of South Dakota, southwestern Minnesota nnd Northwestern Iowa, which will bo called to order at 2 o'clock tomor row afternoon by John Colvln ot Mitchell, president. The nnncrs to bo read nro as follows Tho Value of Good Credit," by M. I J. Thompson of Vermilion; "Tho Traveling Man as tho Dealer's Best Friend," by J. E. Sinclair of Doresford; "Why Should Every Member of tho Association -Attend tho Con ventlon?" by D. B. Sontng'df Heron Lake, Minn; "Whnt Methods Shall Wo Pursue to Protect Dealers From Catalogue Houses?" by W. B. Brown of Pipestone, Minn; "Can vassing for Binders." by IV. S. Hill of Alcxnndrln. S. D.t "What Measures Can Wo Uso to Bring Manufacturers and Deal era In Closer Bonds of UnlonT" by J. D, Burghurdt of Volley Springs, S. D.; "Tho Warranty on Vehicles," by W. II. Wumkes of Lennox, S. D. Thursdny evening trio dolegates and visi tors will be Invited to a thenter party nt tho new opera house. COUNTERFEITER AND HIS KIT Alierdccn I'ollre Capture Suspected Check ltnlarr nnd III Grlp f ill of Nnppllcn, ABERDEEN, S. D., Jan. 14. (Special Tel cgram.) Tho pollco mado nn Important capture Inst night, arresting a man calling himself Leonard.' In his grip was found an outfit for raising checks, the outfit con For Iowa Fair Tuesday; winds becoming Listing of blank checks, perforating instru Grand Islnnd Schools Reopen. GRAND ISLAND, Jan. 14. (Special.) The public schools ot this city reopened today after a vacation of four weeks, two of which were occasioned by the prevalence ot sickness. The Board of Education, In a note to tho public Saturday, stated that the health conditions of tho olty were so Improved nt tho preient time that with thorough vaccination and the caro taken by tho city authorities, it was no longer considered necessary to keep the schools closed. Union l'aclrla Puis lu ItN Own Plant. COLUMBUS, Nob., Jan. 14; (Spoclal.) The Union Pacific has a forco of men at work putting In a system ot wntorworka for Its own exclusive uso. For tho last fifteen years tho company havo been buying water from the city nt a cost of nearly $3,000 per annum and has concluded It enn furnish Its own wator much cheaper. Tho bill In December was $324. southerly. Wednesday rain or snow, For Illinois Fair Tuesday; westerly winds, fresh to brisk on the lnko. Wednes day fair. For North nnd South Dakota Gcncrnlly nloudv Tuesday, with rain or snow Tues day night or Wednesday In eastern por tlon; southwesterly winds, becoming west erly. Wednesday generally fair In western portion For Kansa Fair Tuesday: south to west winds. Wednesday fair. For, Colorado Generally fair Wednesday and Tuesday; corner; nortnoriy winas. For Wyoming Occasional rain or snow And colder Tuesday; southwest to north weat winds. WedncEday fair. For Montana Rain or snow Tuesday; colder In western and central portions; southwest to northwest winds. Wednesday fair, For Oklahoma, Indian Territory, Arkan sas and Missouri Fair Tuesday; south to west winds. Wednesday fair. For Western Texas nnd New Mexico Fair Tuesday; variable winds. Wednesday fair. Iocnl Record. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU, OMAHA, Jan. 14. Official record of temper ature and precipitation compared with the corresponding any ot me last mreo yeurs; lOOt. 1900. ISM. 1898, Maximum temperature,... CO 4S 21 35 Minimum temperature.... 37 36 13 2: Mean temperaturo 44 43 18 28 Precipitation 00 .00 . 01 .00 Record of temperature nnd precipitation at Omaha for this day and since March 1, lwo: Normal temperature 17 Kxei'H for the dav 27 Total excess slnco March 1 USO Normal nrcclnltat on DZ inch Deficiency for tho day i02 Inch Tntnl rainfall since March 1 30.52 inches Ktii'hh Rlnrn March 1 34 inch Deficiency for cor. period, 1900... 4,46 Inches Deficiency for cor. perioa, itxj.,. t,u incnes Reports front Stations nt 7 1'. .11. ments, somo chemicals and also a completo disguise used by Leonard when passing the goods. He operated last at Montevideo, Minn. Attacks the HeKltitrn.tJ.on I.nvr. CUSTER, S. D., Jan. 'Kf (Special.) Judge Moore ot the Eighth Judicial clrcQlt has decided In tho caBo of F. J. V. Rutowskl against F. Palmer, a contest for tho el tlon to the offlco of county clerk ot courts tnat.the present registration law Is void. He contends that it Is uncertain in its meenlng nnd Is not sufficiently specific- to be consld Office open continuously from 8 a. in. to 9 p. tn. Sundays from 8 a. in. to 5 p. in. CHARGES LOW. DISEASES OF MEN ONLY DR, McGREW is the only Specialist in Onmha who lias always limited liis practice strictly to tho treatment of Diseases of men only. The Doctor's quick cures and low charges are tho wonder of all his competitors. He positively cures VARICOCELE IN LESS THAN TEN DAYS. His treatmont of Varicocele has no equal anywhere. An absolute cure is guar anteed. Charges low. HOT SPRINGS TREATMENT OF SYPHILIS DR. AlcnUKWcnn ulvo vou Hot Snrinus treatment for Svnhllis (o.xeont tho wnter). nnd bo mitirnnt , bet tor results nnd bottcr sutlsfnotlon, bosldos.vou can tnko his treatmont riirht tit homo nnd no ono will ever liuu out tlmtyou liavo this torrlblo disease. It Is quite different when you ijo to the Sprlncp, for tlmt trip nlono la quito stif llt lont to ndvortho just what your atlmont Is. Ilnvo you over thought of this? All external tdgns of tho disonto dis appear at onco under Dr. MeGrow's treatmont and not a spot or pimple will over nppenr to expose tho nature of your dlseaao. This fact alone Is a prlcolcss comfort and consolation to ono nflllctcd with this ailment. Dr. Mcdrow guar antees you a permanent euro for life and hla charges aro always reasonable. ftu. nn AAA havo been cured of Lost Manhood, Loss of Vitality, Loss, of Urnln Powor, Ncr UVCl tfcUjUUU IfdSCS vous Debility, Poor Memory, Despondency, Stricture, Gleet, Gonorrhoea and nl unnaturnl discharges. CHARGES LOW consultation FREE. ' Treatment by Mail Medicines sent everywhoro, free from gaze or breakage, ready for use. Office Hours 8 a. m. to 9 p. m. Sundays S a. in. to 5 p. m. P. O. Box 766 OFFICE OVER 215 SOUTH 14th ST., BETWEEN FAR NAM AND DOUGLAS STREETS, OMAHA, NEBRASKA, orort of effect Tho trlnl In tlio abovo cimo was postponed until a Inter iliiy. Uutowskl wns tbo republican c.indlilnto una runner wns tho populist candidate, who won tho oloctlon by bIx votes. WrmnlnK Iirjflitnturn Nlnrt. CHEYENNE, Jan. 11. Nearly all the members ot tho Wyoming legislature left hero today for Salt I.nko City on a special train provided by tho Union Pacific rail road for tho purposo of attending tho con vention of tho National Live Stock associa tion. They will Issno a memorial to the legislatures of the western states In favor of a uniform bounty law for the killing of wolves and other wild animals. IllB llnloc In Knlitry. HBM,E rOUIlCIIE, 8. V., Jan. 14. (Spe cial.) Tho county commissioners of flutto county hnvo raised tho salary of tho stnto'B nttornoy to tt.GOO per year from J600. Judge Plowman, tho newly elected stato's attorney, has nppolntcd W. O. HIco of Dead wood his leputy. Tho rolslng of tho salary will bo contested. Ono Mnn lint Two Ruin, LARAMIE, Wyo., Jnn. 14. (Special Tele gram.! Ono man held up nnd robbed u sa loon at Tio Siding last night. Ilo was armed with two guns nnd secured consldorablo cash nnd Jewelry. Onlccrs nro scouring tho hills In their search for him. BRUTES PLACED ON TRIAL (Continued from First Pago.) S5.00 MONTH. SPECIALIST In All Private Diseases and Disorders of Men 12 Years In Omaha. VARICOCELE HYDROCELE cured. r " wemounow, never rails, I without cutting, palu or loss of time. tVPUII I ft cured for life nnd thspolsoti 1 '"WlhoroiiBhlv rleanntd from A r the system. Soon everr slim and svmDtom completely anil frever. No amppears comp "11KEAKINQ OUT" of the disease on the skin or face. Truatment contains eo dangerous drugs or injurious medicines. WEAK MSN I'Osh or Manhood from r" ' . . "' , " ceases or Victims to NEtivoud sbAUALLT OKnn.iTV or Exhaustion, Wasting Weakness Involuntary Losses. with kmily Decay In Yocno and Middle Aocd. lack of vim. vigor and strength, with sexual organs luipalri d und weak. STRICTURE Kadlrally cured with 4 new :m(I liifallllilo Homo Trest ana LLtti ment. Noinstruments.nopatn, no detention from business. Gonorrhoea, Kidney and Warirter Trouble. UllKICS GlfAKANTKKD. CoMoltatlon free. Treatment by Mall. Call on or address 119 S. !4th St. Dr. Searles &.Soafe omaha. Nob. tho men took H off nnd It was cnrrlcd Into tho darkness, whoro tho woman had been borne. Schulthorpe, In n rough volco that could bo heard with fearful effect In tho llttlo court room, told tho most horrible part of Ms story. Kerr only was exempt from participation In tho assault which tho hack driver described. With brutal roughness, without tho slightest nttcmptu to conceal facta under nice words. In tho language of tho street Schulthorpo told of tho occurrences on tho Hock road. Alinxpil Girl Tnken Hack (n City. Tho girl was then carried to tho hack nnd placed In tho renr scat. At that tlmo tho girl's head was hanging far back. Tho mon in tho hack wero alarmed and a llttlo past the school houso on tho Red road thoy stopped ngnln and tho men tried to rovlvo tho girl. Tho witness then told of tho drivo back to Patorson, of tho examination by tho physician which ended with tho romnrks: "Hoys, I can no nothing for you," Tho men ordered him to drlvo back across tho river. Tho witness then told of tho disposal of tho body whero it was found. Ho drovo tho lour men back. McAllstor nnd Kerr left tho hack and' tho former handed him $10 and sntd: "You know what to do; keep your month shut." "Did you seo any evldenco of llfo In thjo girl after you started from tho saloon7" asked Prosecutor Emley. "Yes, she roso up, kind of straightened up. nnd then fell back again." Judge Hoffman then began tho cross-ex-i nmlnatlon, which had not been concluded when court adjourned. NO CURE, NO PAY 1 C tou havo gmaU. w cak nrsranf. lout power or rftktnlntf drain, our VMimm Oman Drrrloprrwill reflore you without ilruim or eloptricltrt 9.VO0O In nci not ono falluroi nut one rrturrwli no CO. I), fraud wrttofor particular", rr nt uralrd 111 plain f ntnlnpo. tOCAt APPLIANCE C0..4KChtilesBldc. Oenvtr, Colo. airii Romcmbor a pint of Cook's Imperial Extra Dry Champngno "after a night of It" makes tho now day bright. De WITT'S Wiich Hazel SALVE A well known cure for Piles Tliissalvc cannot, be eqtmlled wherever asoothliiR.inrt healing atitlsoptlcrtppll cation Is needed. Itqulckly cures sores, cuts, burns and scalds without leaving a Jcar. For piles, eczema and all skin diseases lb Is considered Infallible. Boware of Counterfeits TTnseriimilous nersons may offer you worthless Imitations. Take only thoor Iglnal DkWitt's Witch Hazel Salve Prepared by E. C. DeVVITT a CO., cmcaao. DR.KAY'S RENOVATOR Invigorates and renovates the system: DuriUes and enriches tho blood: cures tho worst iljspcpBln, constipation, headache, liver nnd kidneys. SSoandil, utdruggliits. Ftce R advice, snmplo and book. Dr. I!. J. Kay, Saratoga, N.Y. ENOVATOR 1 Cook'iDuchrss Tablets aroiuietssfullr used monthly by over 10.000 ladlts. Trice, . SI, ny mall, Jl.Ofl. Send 4 ctots for nample and particular!. The Coul: Co., 13 Woodward ave.. Detroit. Mich. Sold In Omaha tiv Kuhn & Co.. 13 & Douxloa. You Can Buy Brains at a meat market, or you can hire other people to think for you, or a nimble fingered girl to write your letters, but do you know a good dictionary is a great help in writing or speak ing correctly? Probably you havn a, decrepit old dictionary In your office. It is so tattered and dirty that you seldom use It. Throw U In tho waste basket and get a Standard Dictionary It Is the latest out and scholars rerywhoro pronouncs It ths 1 wt. Containing over 800,000 words and having a corps of 240 dltors, specialists and educatod men, casting nearly a million dollars beforo placed beforo tho public, It ought to be a valuable a book. It Is a valuable book by far tho btt dictionary before thn English-speaking people CALL, ON OR WRITE TUB MEOEAT1I BTATIONFJHT OO. lit FARNAM STREET, IN REGARD TO IT. It'n tbo leathery faced, sallow, homely, Imd-sklniicd folks who don't uso powder. Nevor know a pretty girl that didn't, did you? Blilny, oily, red, iinnumlc, unhealthy complexions niiulo lovely by adhesive, tn vislhln, harmless Siitln-Sltln Powdor. Qlvrn rcllncd, dollcuto sluidn or exquisite beauty to nny face. KreHli, whlto, hrunuttn tints, richly perfumed. In dainty boxes, only iic. Application of Hatln-Hkln Cream, followed by Batln-Bkln 1'owder, gives pretty, pot fumed skin, u untln complexion. Just try it. Tho Iloston Htoro Druj Department. M MEN r mm Far a Library llullillnar. YORK, Neb., Jan. 14. (Special,) Ono of tho first largo buildings to be erected in York this year will bo a $10,000 library building. Tho late Mrs. Woods, wife of O. W. Woods, bequeathed $10,000 to York for the purposo ot building such a struc ture and the bequest will be received this month. STATIONS AND STATE OP WEATHER. Superintendent Visit Ornnd Island, GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Jan. H. (Spe clal.) General Cole, newly appointed com mandant of the Soldiers' Home, arrived In the city yesterday and Is looking over tho field and becoming acquainted with Grand Island's business men. He expects to as sume the management of the home on Feb ruarr 1. J onto Sara He Ild Not Htcal It. COLUMIHJ8. Nab,, Jan. H.-(Speclal.) Sheriff Uyrnes roturned fromS Madison county Saturday night, bringing with him Charles Jones, who la wanted for the si- Omaha, clear North Platte, partly cloudy. Cheyenne, parity cloudy Salt Lake, cloudy Rapid City, clear Huron, cloudy Wllllston, cloudy Chicago, clear St. Louts, clear ., St. Paul, clear Piivennort. clear Kansas City, clear Helena, cloudy Havre, cloudy Illsmurck. cloudy Galveston, clear H M ?! Z- 2. 3 2 e c I 2 : o W J 1 JJ w : ? : :- 46 K1 .00 60 62 .CO (2 66 .00 44 W ,00 40 61 ,00 44 66 .00 35 42 .00 36 4 .00 64 60 .00 38 40 .00 35 42 .00 64 GO ,00 48 62 ,00 36 44 T 42 48 ,00 60 66 , 01 H.M.r L. A. WELSH, Local Forecast Official. T Indicates trace of precipitation. Wmmmk frafaVri vr i i 1 I ."PI M I I I M M E. E. Bruco & Co. Ml mm IMatrluntor, Omaha, Nets. T T TT