THE OMAHA DAILY BETS: MONDAY, JANTrATtY I t, 1001. SPECIAL NOTICES AdrertUernrnl for liee column will he tnUen nntll 1- m. tor Uc evenliiB llll'n ni1 nn,'l H !1 t for inumlnu Hnndnr edition, Ttntei, I )-'" n word first Insertion, la n word thereafter. Nothing, tnlifii for lea tliuii 2Ao for the drat Inaer tlon. Tlieac iidre rllitmtnli mast be raa consecntlfelr. Advertiser, ly rrqnetln; a nnm kerrd elieelc. can have aavwer ad jreed to a nnraticred letter In rare of The nee. Answer so addressed will he delivered presentation af ths check only. SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED, position by experienced book keeper and stenographer. Address F 02, Hee. A-M172 11 YOt'N-i man desires place to work for board while attending vchool. Boylcs College. Tol 15SI. A-18'Jll WANTED, position h stenographer; ex perience; references. Allures nnx ji, Yr..., ,,. .,,.11., Kf. " a1!9i! Sft vaxti:i)-mam: help. WANTKD. wo liovo steady work for n few goou nusiicrs or goon nanus aim iippim ance. C. F. Adams Co., 1GU5 Howard St. 11737 BARBER trade taught thoroughly In short time, catalogue and particulars free. Address Western Barbera' Institute, Omaha, Neb. ""' WANTED, good man to dn canvnrslnR In the country: good pay for right man. Ad dress E 4, Pec. U MlKt Wivi'i'ii eomneteiit saletl men to sell complete lino nf lubricating iiln ir-,,nim i.ninia rnlnrs. varnishes, specialties, 'to. ; exclusively or as side line; liberal commission or salary; ex perience, unnecessary i olil reliable house. Address M uiufncturcr, Commercial blk.. Cleveland, O "H WANTHD, collector and salesman. 1SH Doi'glns st , before ! a. m. U M2"7J WANTIJD. n city salesman for Omaha nnd council mures; goou pay. irairw Dee, 11-M2.S II WANTED. '.1 collnrmakcrs; best of sai;es. nuckstaft Hros. Mfg. Co., Mncolli. Neb. Tt M221 II SAI.UHMHX AVA.THI. JIBN to travel for St UouN Mfff. Co.; also ndverllsers. stralclit salary. Triumph Co., Dallas. Texas. ll--.MS.iU l" wanti:i l'lniAi.i: imi.r. WANTKD, 200 girls. 11124 Dodge. Tel. STfi. C-T29 M girls wanted. Canadian oftlce, 1522 IJouglas l I VI WANTKD. younu lady nttendant. 220 Hee Uldg, Call nt A mitnilT routic man or woman to tnko shorthand scholarship and pny for It when course is tmisned anu posuiou securru. Addrt.-SM F IS, Pee. C 37 FOI'll rergetlc ladles; home employment; work anvnne enn exeeulc: no canvassing. no money to deposit; Induce stamp. Lock HOX 47fi. Pueblo. Colo. C-M2I1 14' OOOD girl for general housework, family or three; gcod wnges. 1131 . aisi m. ' C 216 WANTKD. ladles to learn halrdrcsslng, manicuring and faclnl massage; 4 weeks romnlete: tools furnished; constant prac tice; expert Instructions; positions guar anteed. Call or write for particulars. Jloler"n Halrdrcsslng College, 16'iT Farnam, Omnhu. zZ. ZLl Ointj for genenjl housn work, 2.139 Cali fornia. C 234-14. WANTKD. first-class girl, general house- work. 1113 Georgia live., family four no children. C-M3fil 15' FOIl HK.T-llOUSIC.S. IF you want ypur house3 well rented placo tnem wnn tionawa i-o. D-741 A1AVAVS moving II. II. goods. Pianos. Ofllce, 1511'A Fnrnam til. Tel, l3 or 80.1. D-742 IIOUHKS for rent In-nll parts of tho city. urennnn-j.ovo .o do. ijwi si. D-713 HOUBES, stores. Bemls, Paxton block. D-741 PKK IIKNltY 11. X'AYNK, C01 N. Y. MFIi. HOUBKS, etc. F. D. Wead, 1521 DoubTiis" D-7fi . .. M I HOUSES and flats. Itlngwalt. Uurker Tllk. in HOUSES wanted. Wallncc Iirown Illk. D-71S DARN. 2024 St. Mnry's Ave. D-719 FOP. RENT, bakery In first-class condition; S311 SEWARD ST.. now live-room cottage 101 ii'iu, i.uuu utnii iiuu water; runt H2.r,0. OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO., 16th and wnugiun ois. 1J 761 NEW 7-room brick, strictly modern, ent front. 27th nnd St. Mary's nvc., J35. Henils Paxton block, D M717 No, 1334 South 31st street, lust north of Han. scorn pain, 11 iiici-, couiioriniiic, 8-rooin modern house. Will bo put In good re Cnlr .f"rrl?Mt I'?rt.y- M J Kennard A Hon, aiu iiruwu uiock. D M8I3 TWO small five-room cnttngos In the same yard; city water In kitchen; In good con dition, renl, JS tier month, Omaha I.opn liuni v.i),, luill null lougias tils. D-900- Sitli. tipur l.'nrnnin: teo.ronm mnHt,.,, i.nt,...i completo In uvery respect; ten mlnutd-' wuiK 01 reuier 01 cuy; reasonable rent. umana uoan i nisi l'o lutn and Doug. ins am. C-ROOM house, nil modern. S39 Ho. 2Sth. D-201 15 112 N. 2Cth st., furnished or unfurnished. IBM Shermnn ave., 4r. modern, J12. 3(07 Decatur st., 7r J10. SSI0 Decatur, 7r. modern, J14, 1514 H. 2th st.. 7r.. nil modern. SI.1. 1215 Hurt st., 8r. modern, except furnnce. 12.1 PAYNE-KNOX CO., 1ST PI,. N. Y. MFKi U .M227 20 ln?5.w9iVrH 23IlD STREET 0 rooms, newly i...,'vv. 1, (ti, N,ijui-ii, ivuuT. sewer and closet In house. SIB n month. Tho Byron Roed Co,, 212 S. 14th st. D-236-14. A DESIRABLE Croom Hat. without small I'Uliill .w, .w. i'Ulll til. D-M2S9-15 F4IR RENT Fll UN IMIU1D ROOMS. BTBAM-hented rooms at Tho Thurston- E-753 DEWEY Etiropcnn hotel, 13th and Farnani. K 3 so VELL fumlshod front room; nil modern conveniences; privnie rnmiiy. Ainiress, F c, iiee. i-. 19 it' HOUSEKEEPING rooms, $6 up. 2G23 St. Aiary s. is mtoi J29' FOR RENT, n nlcelv furnished front room. south nnd east exposure within llvu biocl'.s of postotllce; batn and use of too. pnone. AunreBs f , nee. i'j .mwi 210 N. 17TH ST. stenm heated rooms, E-M116 F3 $42 SOUTH 22D street, private family. K-177 14 2201 DOUGLAS street, choice rooms '"ins. ,-Mbu'J 19 1; FURNISHED ROOMS AND HOARD. GLENCA I RN, transients, $1.25 day. 1G00 Doug F TW Tho Merrlnm. cood winter Iiome. 23 & Podse F 754 UTOPIA, 1721 Davenport St. F-753 THE PRATT, deslrablo rooms. Hot water heat. F-1SI ELEGANT large stcarn-hented front rooms, wnn iiourii. im capilo; uve. .11 1.13 it' FOR RENT STORES AMI OFFICES. HALL. 102 So. 14th. cor Dodge st. I-M1S3 F7 largo store room, coiiin uous oven, etc.; t 1 1.TIPN theatrical nlMi S.rnntn tiouse. with bnrn fn c Kll'.lll, Ull.lirii.ili, anil largo (wagon shed; all for 30.o per 1-arnnm. monwi. . 11, iiunac... namso HIU5. TintVATK homo before nnd .. -1 meut; babies ndoptfj. A (Ill ItKVr MTOIIBS AM) offices. FOR RENT, store In flra-dnss "lncatlJi! rent reasonable. Applv H. C Peters A Co,, ground lloor, Bldg. I 264 FOR RENT, the building formerly occupied by The Hee nt 913 Farnam street It linn fftir stories nnd a basement which wis formerly used ns The Hee press room. This will be rented very reasonably. If Interested Apply at oner- to C. C Rr3--water, secretary, room 10), Hee BuHdlns, i-:gi LARGE double room In Continental block; can be made into very desirable office nnd reception room for physician. Will ar range to Rlllt. OMAHA LOAN ft TRUST CO., 16th & Uouclas Sts. I 75H 11 LL for rent, 103 S. 14th, cor Dodge. I M1G3-F7. storage PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co., 012 011 Jones, general storage and forwardjjig, TjT OM. Van Stor Co., JSltli Farn. Tcls. 1539-S63. -75S WAXTI'.D-TO nvw Wit.!, purchase a limited number of Omaha Havings bank accounts. Urennsn- J.OVe L-O., St3 HO. 13111. IS 769 HOUSES to move. Wallace, Drown Hlk. N-760 WANTED to buy. J1.000 of Omaha Savings bank nccounts for cash. Address A 1C, lieu OII1CC. iN AIMS lllGIlKST prices paid for furniture and Biovcs. j. uevine, aui ?. letn. lei, N-373 1 : TOIt SAMJ-l'THMTI'ltK. CHICAGO FITriNITI'UM CO.. 1410 Dndco. Tel. New & 2dhand furnlturo bought, soiu, cxcnangcii. o 7s2 foii s j,i;-ii')it,r., viiiiici,i:s, irrc, IF' YOt'Il wagon breaks down take It to Harry Frost, H & llworth. He fixes 'em. i' ii i roil sai.i: mi.s(.'i;i.i,am;oi:.s. HAHD and soft foundation piling; hog fences nnd crlMilng. 'M uouglns. g iCJ 2DHAND enfo choap Derlght, lllfi Farnam. g ira SAFICS; buy. sell ex'ge. Schwartz, 114 So. 13. IJ 701 HKHTFOUD & CO.. lfith & llworth. FUHNITUHIS & UP1IOI.STKIIINO. Q-377 TIMOTHY liny and all kinds feed nnd coal .Monroe At ;o. y aio 1 HAVK n sure permanent cure for warts no nam or scat : sen si and n z-ccn stamp for medicine nnd full directions. ueo. uucera, western, xsco. Q Jt437-ai 2DHAND boiler and engine, about 20 II-P. for salo cheap nt Omaha Safe and Iron worKs, no ho, I4tn Ht.. omnlia. g I'ji FOU SADK, new and secondhand seda fountains; monthly payments. S II. Icier mono, isu tso. sitn at- g ira i i- FOIt SAIiK, n fine 5S5.00 Imported magic inniern, nn goou as new. only useu a snort nmo; suitiitiin ror lectures, cnurches oi lodge entertainments; for sale cheap. Ad dress F 03, P.eo ofllce. Q 179 WKI.SHACH mantles put on. 2.1c. Drop a postal, u. i. . uo , ti.'i utimiug. g 15' HAROAINf in 2d hand bicycles, JT, tip new wneois, tin up. umana uicvcie i o ICth nnd Chicago sts. g iM79( CI.AIHVOVAXT.H. jUS, pjutz, medium. 819 North 16th. v qrr.-. . . . , MMK.GI-YMKH genuine palmist. 1G03 Dodge S 7CG HfiKCTIl If! TIIRATMK.NT. . .. MAIIEIj QUAY, 317'. N. lGth St., Flat K. T J13C7-J17 KIjITK parlorfl. 015 South ICth, second floor, T 137 F-S MISS MAK I.KSLIK, CIS S. 10th. 2d floor. T JI347 22 MM II. AMKS. 1C15 Howard, 21 floor, room 1 thermal uatns. k .M346 17 T1 nAV rhtrnnnfllMt rnrnfi A1. animeriMn,, i,alr removed by electricity. H. 12. Fron zer uik. U-707 TURKISH baths, mas-ago baths, electric Dams, ior iiuurn oniy; SKiueu women massngo opcrumrM; uncsi equipped until In the city, Ilcnstro-n Hath Company linoms iu in i-v jjto mux. u TtH masquerade contumer, U 709 during confine lrs, Burget, SC2i llurdottc. u 710 WIDOWER having no use for a nearl now uprign: piano win sen cneap; ens 41-.. J lilraa 1.' A J Tla m Or lllliu 1 t woo uiuur, U M924-F FRKNCH a?corllon pleating; Ivory rim but tons; man unwn, umunu i-ieaung 1,0 1524 uougias. U 773 UAlllES nnd children cared for. S13 N. 23d , U HlOtb j.u- BUPPI IKS for ull machines; machines for rent. Willie ncwing nincmnc, juju uoug las. lei. IS". u &40 KritVJlTR hosnltnl for 'adles boforn on during ennuncmeni; uaoies auopieii, Grant hi. u wi SKATKS sharpened. 13c. I.ouls Fleschcr, 1022 dipnoi Ave. CHILDREN'S clothing made to order. Infants wonr, ana inaics unnerwear a specialty. Satisfaction i;uaranteed, 1919 Hurt st. U-232. IF your feet bother you do not put off until tomorrow tiuying a pox or ne-110-mny powder. Hold by all druggists. U-M293 LADIES, nil halrdrcsslng. manicuring nnd facial treatments rree ni Aioier b jmir dresslng College, 1623 Fnrnam. U-M349 14 CORRESPOND for amusement or mntrl- mony; sealed particulars, 2c. unampion, Council Bluffs, In. U-M378 14 MONEY TO LOAN-ttEAL USTATIJ. PRIVATE mo'.iey. 5, DK, C per cent; no di- lay. uarvin uros., iui.i f arnam. w n LOANS on eaatevn Nebraska and western Iowa rartjs st 0 per cent; borrowers can pay $1(0 ir any multiple; any Interest date: 11 elay. Brennan-Love Co., 300 80. 13tli i"f Omaha, Neb. W 775 MONEY lo lonn on Improved Omaha real estate. iircnuan-i,ovo uo., J'.u o. uiu W-77G H.CXV) nnd upward to loan on Improved city properly nnu farms, w. farnam niniiii Co.. 1326 Farnam. W-778 I'RIVATf, money. F."DrWrud7l52l DougUs. v III WANTED, city loans, bonds ami warrants. ucorgc ft (.ompnny. iuui f arnam ,rl" WANTED, city and fnrm loans; also bonds nnu warrant. 11 u. J'Cters fc i.o., in Farnam St.. Bee Hide. W-7S0 MONEY to lonn on farm and city property, lowest rates. O. F. Davts Co., 150u Farnam w T.J PRIVATE money to loan. J. II. Sherwood, 939 N. Y. Life. W 783 MONEY to loan nt 5 nnd 515 per cent on umana property, w. u. aicikic, ii o. ioin W 154 FIVE per cent money, Bcmls, Paxton block. w ISJ JLtVUl TO LOAN on real estate; call at one, M. J. Kenunrd & Son, 310-311 Brown block, W7Vf FIVE nnd one-half per cent loans. W. H, Thomas. First NHtlonr bank building, TfJ. 161S. W-M3I8 15 AND f4 per cent loans. W. H. Thomas, f irst Nai uan uuuuing, ici, ii'. W-MSI6 MO.M1V TO l,OA.-(HATTi:i.M. Loans made In nnwiuits from 410 to $210 on household furnl ure, planes, horses, car Mages, etc, without remtval or on you? S-A-L-A-R-Y without security All or ti part of the money may be paid back the first month, ur no part of It need be paid oncK lor several months, isncn paymen made reduces the coat nccordlhciy. , Em ployers and neighbors know absolutely nothing of our business relation. V.eonl3 who need money arc Invited to call ana get my terms and compare thorn with what others offer. Loans of other com panies may be tratisforied to me. No charge for papers. All business strictly confidential. Quick service aim lowest rates guaranteed. .t. V. . TAYLOE. 218 First. Nat. Bank bldg., southest corner ism anu larnam bis. ici. ! ,,,. -J1ni DO YOU NEED MONEY? We loan 110.00 and up on furniture, ina iios, horses and other chattels. SALARY LOANS , Without mortgage, to people holding permanent positions, You can get the money In a few hours nftcr making ap plication, and take 1, 2, 3, 4. 5. G months or mora In which to pny It back, and you need not pay for It one day longer than you keep It. We charge nothing for pnptrs nnd we give you the full amount In cash. There ure no lower rates then oura, our tern! are the easiest, our business Is confidential nnd our motto Is "try to plense. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., 119 Hoard of Trnuo llldg. Tel., 22M. (Established 1892J, 300 So. 16th St. MONEY to Loan on Furniture. Pianos, Diamonds, etc., on ensy payments, iou keep security. No charge for papers. No questions askd yo'ir neighbors. Tel. 1031. HE ROE RH' LOAN CO., 1501 Farnnin St. X 021 MONEY loaned on planes, furniture, low- dry, horses, cows, etc. C. I . Heed, sw a. i-i. ' X-790 MONEY lonnert on p'nnos. furniture, horses, cows, Jewelry. Dun ureon, lis, tsaraer om SALARY LOANS. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE AT CHEAPEST RATES IN CITY AN OPPORTUNITY" to take advantage of. We mano no startling, sensational an nouncements of rate "cut In two." We don't do business that wny: neither does else. OUR REDUCED RATES ARE THE LOWEST. You can borrow on your personal Note, without Jlortgage, iminmer. or Puhlltltv. Our Special Pay ment Plan surprises them all and soon pets you out or ueoi. very ninci oiucc, easily fniir.d. Come nnd see us. AMERICAN LOAN CO., Room 001, Dee Hldg. X MS20 MONEY . . MONEY LOANED SALARIED I'iSUt'lit,. W. ..In.n.r nf tn nr en I . VPOU I red. LOWEST RATES. EASY PA Y Mil NTS and STRICTLY CO.NKlIil';. iiau nMim rnt?niT i-n . Room 520, Fifth Floor. New York Life 111 riff. OAt.JIIV LOAN'S. ir .ni. am .mnini' hi' n resiionsllile firm we win loan you sums irum iu m iw n your note nt much cheaper and easier r.-ites limn elsewhere. Of this wo are positive. Absolutely no charges for papers vanillic iiu.lnrtr.l frnin amount desired Easiest partial pnyments. Reliable Credit Co., room sus i-axion m. a-.uw Mns'KV loaned snlarled neonle holding per mnnent pcjltlon with responsible concern upon their own nnmes without teciirlty: easv pavments. Tolmnn, Room 440, Hoard of 'J ratio mug., juin anu I' arnam ais. X 794 1U1SINI1SS CIIAM'U.S. $150 CASH or easy payments buys 2.1 strictly lawru; (niciicu sioi marnines iar urinKH, cigars or cash; will earn 12 nnd upward wecKiy eaen. I'.uri. uinrn .v 1.0., t-'urnl turo Manufacturers, (.nicago, 111, Y-813 WANTED, good man to do canvassing In tno country: goou pay lor rigni man. ah dress 1- . nee. i miw FOR SALE, r.U-1,000 stock of siloes cheap for ensn. v.. u. 4oyes, .Missouri vauoy la. x Altxti l IF YOU want to make money buy Lend vllle mining '.stocks. Write Powelb & Smith, brokers, Icadviue, uolo, Y-S1209 1,1 A TRAVELING man WISMIIK to quit mo I road would like an ofllce position with some reliable fuc firm or other honornble , i-tT"-""'. "V" 11'. " i"" S3.0(i0 as Junior nartner later on If agree nble; best of references. Address G 7, Bee Y-M243-14' GROCERY business, big estnbMshed trade. Enuulro of my agent, Lyman Waterman, G09 Hee Hldg. Y-M271 14 FOR SALE, bakery, restaurant nnd grocery cheap If taken at once, Address H 64, Hee, Y-M336 FOR EXCHANGK. WILLexchango Chicago vacant for Omaha vacant or necessary. vacant or Improved and pay difference, If Auurcss u 11, nee. V.-M299 19 FOU SAI.I'V-llllAL ES'l'ATi: I1.2.W-SIX-ROOM cnttngo. $1,230 on monthly payments of 513; north purt of city; house good repair. V. L. Sulby, Hoard Trade. RE-M3M 14 SEE HENRY B. PAYNE, 001 N. Y. LIFE. RE-T90 THE BEST Investment possible; 320. clear perfect title, cast Neb., smooth land, good growth grass, near good market; cost $2.60 per acre. 610, western Neb., fine grazng lund, $1.2J per ucr?. 10), smooth land. In Dundy Co., Neb., $173.00 for tho quarter If taken by tho 15th. 210, school land lease. In Antelope Co., 10i acres In cultivation, very cholco land; wtll sell at u bargain. Lyman Watcrmun, 009 Bee Bldg. ' HE M272 1I DESIRABLE east front lot, residence or business, 3d block so. depot on 10th. 1111 Vinton. RE M803 V3 RANCH AND FARM lands for salo by tho Union Pnclllc Railroad company. It. A. McAUaster land .csmmlfslonor. Union Pacific Headquarters, Oinahu, Neb. HE-S15 PROPERTY bought and sold; money loiucd; rents collected. L. L. Johnson Co.. 314 So. 16th St. HE-102 HOUSES, lots, farms, lands, loans; also lire Insurance, uemis. paxton mis. liu xil CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnam St. HU ,VJ CHEAPEST lot In city of Omaha; C2',i-foot east front in iscisan s nacuiinn. ni. j. Kennard & Son, 310 Brown block. RE-MS93 WHO wants It? Omaha property In cx cnango ror Hint, ot uc.iver. Appiy 10 owner, C09 S. 29th st, RE-M20S 17 SPECIAL 60 acres west of Elmwood park only 0 miles irom r. u.. owner ubhs no an acre, but wants offer. The Byron Reed Co., 212 S, 14th St. RE-233-14. MEDICAL. LADIES out of health find prompt relief. Box 232. Omaha, Neb. Confidential. -793 Opcrntlons for uterlno troubles unncees. sury. Address 348 Bee Bldg,, Omaha. Nob. -Mi-91 V1RTUAMA cures Impotency resulting from indiscretions or debility, gives vi tality, vigor, restoring desires, ambitions, aspirations nf youth, health, Ilttlng for success, hnpptuess in business; profes. slonal, iioclal, married life;; $2, or 3 for $3. Sent anywhere prepaid on receipt of price. The Kldd Drug Co.. Elgin. III. American Oflleo, retutl, wholesale, Mycrs Dlllon Drug Co.. Omaha; M. A. Dillon. South Omaha: Davis Drug Co,, Council Bluffs. Full lino rubber goods, I ,. , rrr-., . SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN SANT'S School. 717 N. Y. Life. S01 BOYLES' College, court reporter, principal, lieu nidg. S03 NEH. Business & Shorthand college, Boyd's Theater. S03 OHEGa Shorthand. Om, C. Col. 16 A Doug! -834 ACCORDION PLEATING. ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best quick, est Mrs. A. C, Mark, S. 12. Cor, 17th and Faruuto. 421 OSTEOPATH V, JOHNSON Institute, CIS N. Y. I,. Illdg. Tel. 1004! Alice .lohnson D. O.. ladles' dept : Old V.. Johnson, Osleopathlst, Mgr. -804 M. ir DONOHt'i:. D. O.. of Still school, KlrkMvllle, Mo., 091 Paxton 111k. Tel. 1307. 17 l'ATK.NT.S, INVENTORS, GOT AN IDEA? We handle pater.ts, copyrights nnd trndo marks; you give uii tno pare men anu we win uo me test; modern equipped machine shop and foundry itt connection; Otllcln! (la.ette on Hie; guide book free. Mason, Fenwlrk & Lawrence, patent lawyers, 1400 Howard st.j tel. 1419, Omaha. J. P. Cronln, repr. -M170 LOST. LOST, Tueiday morning, lndles's nllUator sum purse, between nosion store nnd Omaha Hee: had some change, souvenir rolns. owner's cards, etc; purse valued hi Chrlctmns gift. Kindly return to Miss Hungate, Ueo office, and recti vo reward. Lost-SCO LARGE Spaniel, from 1113 Georgia nveuue. jiciurn ana claim rewaru. I.ost-M3'i0 i:' A SUITARLE reward will bo paid for In formation lending to uv recovery of phaeton, running gear dark red and black, stolen January "10, from corner lsth and Davenport sts. Thos. II. Smith. 2411 North 19th st. Lost-,170 13 DRESSMAKING. MRS. JEFFRIES KEMP. 404 Paxton Hlk. Telephone Z4Z0. M 5S4-J27 HI liny AMI TAXIDERMY. STOCK'S Bird Store. 1003 Leavenworth. TICKET IIHOKHH. CUT rate tickets everywhere. P. H. Phil- bin, 1505 l- nrnam. Telephone im. sua STAMMERING AM) STUTTERING. CURED. Julia VaVighn, 430 Ratngo Hldg. 8W NICKEL PLATING. OMAHA PLATING CO., Bee Bldg. Tel. 2333. MG18 LAl'NUItV. OMAHA Stenm Laundry; shlrtn. 7c; collars, :c; curts, 10. 17W J.eavcnwor-.u. -rei. bit. 79S Fi:il.MTimi2 REPAIRING. TEL. 1331. M S. Wnlklln, 2111 Cuming St, SOS HPIIIIEIt STAMPS. BADGES, medals. Om. Pl't. Co., Bee Hldg. Tel. 25.1 M-till DANCING SCHOOL. THE winter term nt Morand's Dancing school begins this week. Adul's. Tuesday and Friday, S p. 111.; 12 lessons, gentlemen. $8; Indies, 10. Private lessons day and evening. M-222 Fll PAAVNIIItOKEIIS. EAGLE Loan Ofllce, reliable accommodat ing; all business conlldentlul. 1301 Douglas, -811 CARPENTERS AND .lOlillERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree. 20th nnu luku om. oiu PORTO Popular Tourn RICO Feb. Sand 1C. March 'J. Hint l rated proarani; 24 days, all lpeiises, $1W Raymond & Whltcomb, 103 Adorns St.. Chicago POSTOFFICB NOTICE. ' Should bo rend DAILY by all Interested, as chanEcH may occur 111 any nine. Foreign malls tor 1110 weeic ending .innu ,,-v 10 1W1 will close (PROMPTLY 111 all ' c 1'nVlS as follows pAHf5Bi,s POST MAILS oloso ONE HOUR i:aRLIER than closing tlmo shown bo ow Parcels Post Malls for Gormaliy close at 5 n. m. on Janunrv 14 ner s. h. Trnve. Jan uary 10 per h. s, kocim ami 011 junuary i per s, h. rnoenicia. Regular and Supplementary malls close at Foreign iirnncli luur nour laier man closing time shown below. Trnns-A tlnntle NInlIx. TUESDAY At S a. tn. (supplementary 9-30 u. m.) lor KURuru, per h. h. 'J rave, via Kouinnmptnn nun Jiremcn (man ror ire land must bo directed "ner s. s. Trnve"). WEDNESDAY At 8:30 u. m. (supplemen tary 10 n. in.) for EUROPE, per s. s. Germanic, vln Queenstown: ut 8:30 11. m. (sunnlementnrv 10 a. in.) for EUROPE. per h. s. Noordland, via Southampton (man must 00 cnrecicu "per s. s. isooru lnnd"). THURSDAY-At 7 11. m. for FRANCE, SWITZERLAND. ITALY. SPAIN. POR TUGAL. TURKEY, EGYPT. GREECE. BRITISH INDIA nnd LORENZO MAK gUEZ, per s. s. La Champagne, via Havre (mall for other parts of Europe must bo cnrecicu "tier a, s. l.a 1 namnagne 1. SATURDAY At 8 n. tn. for NETHER LANDS, per s. b. Snaariulani (mail must bo directed "per s. u. Spaurndam'-); nt 8 a. m. for ITALY, per s. s. werru, via Naples (mall must bo directed "per s. h. Worra"): at 10:30 a. m. (supplementary li m.) for EUROPE, per s. a. Umbrla. via Queenstown; ut 12 m. for DENMARK di rect, per h. s, Norge PRINTED MATTER, ETC. This steamer nines rnnicii .Matter, c ommcrcini ami Sumples for Germany only. The same clnas of mall maiter for other parts of Europe will not be sont by this ship unless specially directed by her. After the closing of the Supplementary Trans-Atlantic Mails named nbove addi tional supplementary mulls ura opened on tho piers of tho Amorlcnn, English, French and German steamers and remain open until within Ten Minutes of the hour ot sailing of steamer. Mulls for South nnd Cent nil Aincrlfti, West Indies, Etc. TUESDAY At 9 n. in. for PORTO RICO, per s. s, Mae, vln San Juan; ut 9:30 p.. m (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for CENTRAL AMERICA (except Costa Rica) and SOUTH PACIFIC PORTS, per s. s City of Washington, via Colon (mall for Guate mala tnuBt bo directed "per s, b. Cltv of "Washington"); nt 12 m. for NORTHERN BRAZIL, per b. h. Dominic; nt 6:30 p. m for JAMAICA, per a. s. Admiral Dewey, from Boston; nt "ll p. m. for NASSAU, per steamer from Miami, Fla. WEDNESDAY At S 11. m. for BERMUDA, per E. s. Trinidad; nt 9:30 a. m. for 1NA OUA and HAITI, per s. h. Lauenb lrg, at 12 m. fur rtTRA. f'AMl'KCHR. Vl'f'A. TAN. TABASCO and CHIAPAS, ner s. s Havana, via Havana and Progreso (mall ror oilier parts or Mexico must he ill reeled "per s. s. Havana"); at 11 p. in. for JAMAICA nnd PROVINCE OF SAN TIAGO, CUBA, per s. s. Admiral Samp son, from Phlladclnlila. THURSDAY-At 12 m. (supplementary 12.30 p. m.) for NAHHAl , IRANIAN A M o and SANTIAGO. CUBA, ner K. n. Hantlnco. SATURDAY At 5:30 a. in. for BRAZIL. AROENTINE REPUBLIC. URUGUAY nnd PARAGUAY, per n s. Hcvellus imall for Northern Brazil must be directed "per s. b. uevenus- j; at 11 a, in. (supplementary 11. m.i lor visrarr.iA nnu ui'iia CAO, per s. b, Maracnlbo (mall for Havanll a and Carthageim must bo dl reeted "per s. s. Muracnlboi; at 9 a. m. for PORTO RICO, per p. s. Ponce, via San Juan; at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10 n. m.l for ST. THOMAS, ST. CROIX. LEE WARD nnd WINDWARD ISLANDS and DEMERARA. per s. s. Fontnbelle; at 10 a. in. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA, SAVA NILLA. CA RTI I AG EN A and GREY- TOWN, per s. b. Alleghany (mail for Costa Rica must be directed "per s. s Alleghany"): nt 10 u. m. for HAITI, per s. s. Jeanne (mall for Curacao, Trlnldnd. ! Venezuela. British nnd Dutch Gular.a must be directed "per s. s. Jennnt"); nt 10 a, m. for CUBA, per s. s. Mnrro Castle, via Havana; ut "ll p. m. for NASSAU, per Bteutner from Miami, Fla. Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney, nnd thenco by steamer, close ut, this otllce dally at 11:30 p. m. (connecting close here every Mondnv. Wednesday and Saturday) Malls for Mlqueloti, by rail lo Boston, and thence by steamer, closo at this ofllcu dnlly nt 6:30 p. in. Malls for Cuba, by rail to Port Tampa, Fla., and thence by steamer, close at this ofllce dally at G a. m. (the erminctlng elopes aro on Sunday, Wednesday tind Frldav) Malls for Mexico City, overland, unless specially addressed for dispatch by l.lfmer, close nt this ofllce dally at 1 30 p, in and 11 p, m. Malls for Costa Rlra. Ilerizc, Puerto Cortez and Guatemala by POSTOFI'ICE NOTICE. ril! to New Orleans, and thenro by slqiltiT, close nt this oftlce dally nt 1.39 P m (I'otinei'tlng close? here Mondays for I'i'lUe. Puerto Corte?. and Guatemala and T.esdavs for Costn fllcn). "Reiflstcred mall closed at 0 p, m previous dn. Trinis-Pni'ltlo stalls. Malls for China, Japan and Philippine isinnus. via racoma. Close nere uauy ni 0.30 p. ni. up to January "13, Inclusive, for dlsnateh ner s. s. Glenozle. Mall for China, Japan and Philippine isianus, via racomn. rioc nere uauy ai fi:30 p. m. up to January IRth, Inclu'lv, for illsnntfn nor a. s. fllvnitilil Mails for Australia (except West Australia), iew .ciiiaiui. jinwau, j'Ui anu fnnio:in Islands, vn San Francisco, close hefo dally at G.30 11. m. January Gth uti3 tin tn January l&tli. Inclusive, or on day of arrival of s s. Campania, due nt New York Januarj 19th, for dispatch per s. . Sonoma. Malts for Hawaii, China. Japan and Philip pine islands, vln San Francisco, close here dally nt 0:30 p. m. up to January Mvth, Inclusive, for dlspnlch per 3. s. Hong Kong Mum, Mulls for China nnd Jannn. via Vancouver, close here dally nt G:30 p m. up to Janu ary 22, Inclusive, tor dispatch per s, s. EmpresH of Japan (registered mall must be directed "via Vancouver"). Mnlls for Hawaii, Japan, Chlir nnd Philip pine Islands, via Han Francisco, clow here dally at 0:30 p. in. up to January '7. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. w. China. Malls for Australia (except West Austrnlln, which goes via Europe, und New Zealand, which goes via San Francisco), and Fill Islands, via Vancouver, close here dally at tfi.'to p. in. after January IS nnd up to Febrimry "2, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Aorangl (supplementary molls. "la Seattle, c'osc at (1:30 p. m. February 'Ml. Trnns-Puclllc nmlls nrc forwarded to port of salllni; dully nnd the schedule of closing Is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. Regis tered mall closes at 6 p. m previous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster Poslomce, New York, N. Y.. January 11. 1901. LEGAL NOTICES. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Entire Is brrebv clven thnt the nnn:ml meeetlng of the stockholders of Thn Bee Building company win ue neiu ni 4 o c:ock p. m., Tuesday. January 15, 1901, nt the ofllce of said eotnpanv In The Hee uulldlng, nrnulin for the election of a board of dl- rcctom for the ensuing year and the trans action of such other business as may prop erly come before such meeting. Hy order of the president. C. C. HUSK WAT Kit, Dec23d23t RAILWAY TIME TARLES. IfAVSAS CITY. 8T. JO scph & Council Bluffs flnllrond "The Hurling ton Routo" Ticket Ofllce, 1502 Fnrnam Street. To r phone. 260, Depot, Tenth and Mason StreMS, Tele phone, 12E Leave. Arrive. Kansas City Day Ex. .a 9:20 am a 6:2.1 pm Kansas City Nlclit F.x ..ii(i:30 11m a 6:15 am St. Louis Flyer for -t josepn anu at Louts.. a g:io pm alias am 11 uauy. BURLINGTON & MIS sourl River Rallroad- "The Burlington Route" uenerai otllces. North wcet Corner Tenth and Farnnm Streets. Ticket Oflleo 502 Fnrnam Street i'elenhone. u. Hurlliigton Station. Tenth and Macon streets, Telephone, 128. . Leave. Arrive, Lincoln. Hnstincs and McCook a S: 10 nm a 7:3j nm Lincoln, Denver, Colo rado, utnh. California. a 4:2j pm a 3:00 pm Lincoln & Black Hills, .n 9:00 11m a G:4S nm Montana. Puget Sjund..n 9:00 pm a 0:45 am Lincoln ensi .Man o 3:w pm a v.ii nm Wymore, Hentrlco and Lincoln a 8:40 am bll :55am Denver, Colorado, Utah and California a G:45 nm South Bend, Louisville. Plattamouth b 3:35 nm b11:05am Ft. Crook, Plattsmouth and Pacillu Junction.. a 7:00 pw. 8:20 am Bellevtie Plattmouth and Pacll c Junction.. nl2:10 r.I a Dnlly. b Dally exeem Sunduy. CHICAGO, BURL1NOTON K: Qulncy Railroad "The Hiirllngton Roitti' Ticket Ofllce 1502 Farnau Street. Telephone, 250. Depot, Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Telephone, 128. ijcavc. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe- eial a 7:00 am alo: pm Chicago VesUbuled Ex. .a 4:00 pm n 7:46 am Chicago Local Exprcss.a 9:30 am 11 4.05 pm Chicago Limited a 7:50 pm n 7:45 nm FnBt Mall a 215 Pnl a Dally FREMONT. ELKIIORN it Missouri Valley Railroad "Tho Northwestern Line" General Ofllces. United States National Bank Bldg., S. W. Corner Twelfth nnd Farnam Sts. Ticket Office. 1401 Farnam St. Tel. 561. Da pot, 15th und Wobster Sts. Tel. 1438. Leave. Arrive. Black Hills, Deadwood Hot Springs 1 3:00 pm a 8:00 pm Wyoming, Casper and Douglas d 3:00 pm e 5:00 pm Hastings, York, David City, Supprlor, Geneva, Exeter and Soward b 3:00 pm b 5:00 pm Norfolk, Vcrdlgro and Fremont b 7:30 am bl0:23 nm Lincoln. Wnhoo nnd Fremont b 7:30 am b!0:S!5 an Fremont Local c 7:30 nm n Dally, b Dally except Sunday, c Sun day only, d Dally except Saturday, o Dally except Monday. CHICAGO & NORTII- westorn Railway "Tin Northwestern Line" -- City Ticket Ofllce, 1401 Farnam St. Telephone. 501. Depot, Tenth ami Mnrcy Sts. Telephone 029. i.cavc. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe- cfal n 7:00 am all:30 pm Chicago Passenger a 4:15 pm a 3:10 am Eastern Express, Des .Moines, Mursnautowii. Cedar Rapids and Chicago al0:55 am a 4:0j pm Eastern Special, Chi- cano and East a 4:55 pm a 4:C5 pm Fast Mall, Chicago to rimnhn a 2:45 pm Omahn-Chlcano Llmlt'd.a 7:13 pm a 8:00 pin Fast Ninu '' Cedar Rapids Passenger a 5:30 pm V.... ... ...... !.'.. 1. O'Vl I'.HBlt'l II LAl'l.-n. " .J. I"." n Dnlly. I) uauy except aiurauy. SIOUX. CITY & PACIFIC Railroad "The North- stern Lino ' General Ofllcet.. United Stntea utionai lianK tiuiiding, corner Tweiun rnnm Sts. Ticket Ofllce. 1401 Farnam St. Telephone 501. De pot, Tenth and Mnrcy Sts. Telephone 029, Lenvn Arrlvo. Twin City Express a 4-' i!5 nm nl0:23 pm Twin City Limited n 7:35 pm u 8:15 nm Sioux City Local 11 8:00 am a 3:60 pm a Daily. CHICAGO. ST PAUL., Minneapolis & Omaha Railway "The North western Lino" General Ofllces, Nebraska Divi sion, 15th nnd Webster Sts. City Ticket Ofllce. 1401 Farnam St Telephone, 561, Depot, Kill ana weosier bis. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger... n 0:00 am n 9:10 pm Omaha Passenger 11IDIO urn Sioux City & North- east Nebraska a 3:13 pm n Dnlly CHICAGO, ROCK ISL nnd & Paclflo Railroad "Tho Great Rock Isl and llouto" Cltv Ticket Olllce. 1323 Far nam Street. Telephone, 428, Depot. Tenth nnd xviarcy his, xeio phone. 629. Leave. Arrive. EAST. Dps Moines and Daven port Local a 7 25 nm bll:33 am Chlcngo Express 1)11:15 nm a S:10 am Des Moines Local a 4:20 pm a 4:45 pm Den Moines, Rock Isl and und Chicago a 7:10 pm n 9:33 pm Lincoln, Colorado fipgs.. Denver. Pueblo nnd West , a 1:30 pm a 4:15 pm Colorado,, Oklahoma & Texas Flyer a 5:20 pin a 9:50 nm a Dally u uauy except tsununy. OMAHA AST. LOUIS RAIL rnail -Onialia. Kansas City & Eastern Rallrnnd "The ;H ki Ji tjta mm gulnoy Route" Ticket Of lice. 1415 I'arnam St. Tele phone. 322. Depot, Tenth und (9. Leave. Arrive. St. LoiiIb Cannon Hall Express n 6:15 pm a 8:20 nm Knnsas City and Qulncy Local a 7:00 am a 9;00pm a uuuy, MINING IN THE BLACK HILLS Former Methodist Minister of Dcadwood Controls Oilt-dged Proposition. CYANIDE TO TREAT H0MESTAKE TAILINGS Great Clrnn-t i from Clnm Hell Omnlia I'nrtle Are Next to n Good Til I n if To 11 -St nm t Mill Simula Idle tor Luck of Ore. DEADWOOD, S. D., Jan. 13. (Speclnl.l- Ono ot the best propositions In Lawrence county Is that of the Colorado-Hlack Hllla Mining company. Rev. C. E. Glddlng, for merly a Methodist mnlstcr In this city, gen eral manager. The company has ncqulrrd large tnlnlng estate In tho Crown Hill mining district, ten miles west ot this city. Tho ore occurs In very large flat shoots, running In values from $1 to $40 per ton gold. The company has decided to erect a cynnlde plant In the spring. A wnter right nns uccn purcnased below tho ground, where the plant will be built. The tiro will be convoyed from tho mine to the plant by a gravity tramway. Captain William McLaughlin and asso ciates of Spearfish havo finished a cyanldo plant neir Crook City, on Whltowood creek. nnd It will bo started up as soon as the weather will permit. Tho plant will treat the old Homcstakc tralltngs which have ac cumulated In n great bar for a number of years. Tho tailings run high In values. Tho process of treating them will bn very simple. They nre already crushed fine enough to bo Immersed In the cyanide so lution In the tanks, They will be dumped Into tho tnnks by teams and scrapers. There will bo n number of cyanide plants nlong Whltowood creek during tho coming season. A Lead company has recently hern or ganized for the purpose of creating a large plant with 200-ton dnlly "capacity. There are mnny millions ot tons of tailings along tho creek, which are easily cyanlded nnd they offer unusually good chnncca for In vestment. The tailings hnvc become quite thoroughly oxidized. As soon ns the Homr stnlio company's new 1. 200-ton cynnldo nlnnt is In operation tho tailing:) Hint nre carried down tho creek will bo practically worthless. Tho Omaha Mining company hns a good proposition at tho Whltowood falls, under which u tunnel Is being run to strike n rich deposit of placer gold nnd tailings. Brother .Mnkc Great Clriimiii. The Hebcrt Hros. of Custer county aro nuikltiG great cleanups from tholr Clilrn Dell gold mine, which Is located about two miles enst of Orevllle. Tho last cleanup from a two-Btnnip tretnalnc mill gave a gold brick said to havo been worth $400. Tho mlno is proving lo bo n wonder. Tho shaft, which Is following down a big ore shoot, has reached a depth of 150 feet. Tho mlno continues to yield rich specimens of gold, n number of very rich ones having been found In tho post few days. The oro' vein Is about thirty feet wide. Tho owners aro threo German brothers, who have held onto their ground for h number of ycnrB. Adjoining their mlno on tho east Is the St. Elmo mine, owned by Omaha parties. Tho St. Elmo Bhoot ot oro was worked out up to the division line nnd thoro tho Ho ueris commenced wonting it. it wnn a cloar pickup for them. The St. Elmo com pany had an opportunity at ono tlmo to buy the Hcberts out very cheap, but tho company failed to do It, nnd ns a conso- quenco tho St. Elmo ten-stump mill snndB Idle loday tor lack of ore. Tho Hebertn propoEc to work their mlno until they loy away sufllclcnt capital tn erect a largo Mump mill. They own somo good tin pros pects near their mine. Men 111 Hoist for fmperlul. Tho Eteam hoisting plnnt for the shaft of tho Imperial Mining company hns ar rived from Denver and It Is being Installed. This company Is sinking a nliaft upon somo newly ncqulred ground in Blacktnll gulch. Oro Bhoots havo been worked extensively on thn Bouth end of tho ground, espoclnlly on tho American Express group, owned hy tno samo company. Work is ooon to com menco on the 100-ton cynnldo plant to be built by this compnny In this city. Tho Chicago and Two Bit mlno In tho Two Bit district is being plnced in shape nnd Binning will 110 resumed very -soon. Ths Hardin companies of Two Bit now have am ple capital with which to develop all of their properties. Central City parties nro negotiating for the uso of tho Dakota company's cyanide plant nt that place. Tho Dakota company mado Its first experiment there nnd It hns now been decided to erect a larger mill Deadwood. Tho University Mining company, whose stock is hold nlinost exclusively In South Dakotn, has Just purchased additional mln ing ground In Custer county, on Spring creek. 'Ilio ground has been devoloned showing n ledgo of freo-mlllins oro that runs from $0 to $18 per ton, gold. The ledgo is an extension of tho Grand June tlon oro load, which has been opened Into at tho Grand Junction mlno to a depth of 100 feet. On this new ground thoro Is live-stamp mill, which was run successfully It .VI I, WAY TIME TABLES. ILLINOIS CENTRAL Itallrond-CIty Tlcknt Of flee. 1102 Farnam Street Telephone, 245. Depot Tenth and Murcy Streets, Leave, Arrive, Chicago Express . . ...a 7:00 am nll:25 pm . .. a 7:45 pm 11 S;0J um Chicago Limited .. Minneapolis and frit, i-nui fixprcss ... MiiincnpolU and . .b 7:00 am h n-tn .,. ..... Paul Limited a 7:15 nm n 8:0.1 nm Fort Dodge Locnl from Council Bluffs b 1:30 nm n f ir. n. run juuk' i.ui'ui irani Council hhiITh a 6 00 am n Dully, b Daily except Sunday. UNION PACIFIC-"THE OVER lin.l Ilnllt" riniiftrn I I101....U N. E. Cor. Ninth and Furnnin Slrectu. city Ticitet Ulllce, 1324 , Farnam Street. Telephone, 310. Depot. Tenth anu Murcy Sts, 'i ciepnoue, u.. Le.ivo. Arrive. Tho Overland Limited, n S;20 am a 7:30 pm Th Phlcnpo Portland Special a 8:0 am n 7:30 pm The Fast Mall a 8:50 am 11 3:23 pm The Mall and Express ,ull:33 pm 11 4:23 pm Lincoln, iienincn nun . Stromsburg Express.. 1 itOj pm bl2:30 pm Tho Pacific. Express.... a 4:21 pm The Atwntlc Express... n 0:50 nm Grand Island Local... b 5:30 pm b 9:33 nm a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. WABASH RAILROAD Ticket Olllco, 1415 Farnam Street. Telephone, 322. De pot, Tenth and Murcy Sts. Telephone, C29. Leave. Arrive. St. LouIb "Cannon Hall" Express a 5:0j pm a 8:20 am a Dally. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL road General Ofllces nnd Ticket Ofllces, Southeast Corner 14th nnd Douglas Sts. Telephone, 104, Depot, Union Station. Leave. Arrive. Louis and Kansas City Express ul2:?2 am " C'25 Prn K. if., St. L. Express... al0:50 pm a 6:15 am Leave from lfi'n Webster Streets: MMirnska Local. Weeping Water h 4:10 pm al0:43 am n Dally, b Dnlly except Sunday. CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & Ht Paul Rallway-Cltv Milwaukee Ticket Ofllce. 1501 Fnrnam Street, Telephone, 281. Depot, Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone, 629, Leave. Arrive. Chicago Limited Ex. .a 6:00 pm a 8;05 am Chlcngo & Omaha Ex. b 7.15 um b 3:40 pm a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, V St. In the early days. The company has also purchased tho Yerkes plncer mlno on Ten derfoot creek, half a inllo cist of the Grand Junction mine. This mlno has never been worked oer nnd tho compnny will ground slulco nbotit half n mllo of creek early In tho spring. A shaft has been started on ft ledgo of quartz ore on the University group near the Yerkes placer. This ledgo Is 11 continuation of the Old Hill lodo. Tho Black Hills Porcelain Clay and MarblJ company of Detroit, Mich., has Just pur chased $4,000 worth of mnchlncry to bo used for qunrrylng out marble from a largo quarry cast of Custer. Two gnngsnws were purchased and within thirty days tho plant will bo Instnllrd and marble tn differ ent colors will bo ready for tho market. Tho compnny owns n mllo and n quarter of mnrbto, pronounced n superior quality. Tho ledgo hns been stripped coiisldcrnbln dlstnnco nnd a shaft shows tho ledgo to be over forty feet thick. The company Is preparing to patent most of Its ground. Another carload of mica was shipped from Custer this wcok by the Chicago Mien com pnny. Tho Daly mien mlno has been pur chAscd by this company and It Is showing up Fomo remarkably lnrgo books of mica, considered tho largest ever mined In tho Blnck Hills. Thin samo company Is also tnkliiir out mica from tho Monarch mine. There seems to bo a hilea craio In Custer county nt present. It Is surprising how many old mien prospects thcro nre scattered all over tho country, Regular shipments of mica aro being mado from tho New York mine. .liny Menu Another Greitt .'Mine. Excavations for the hoisting works that ro to bo erected by tho Belt Development company of Colorado Springs havo been commenced. Machinery for tho hoist has Iready commenced to nrrlvn nnd It Is ex pected thnt work on the shaft will bo in progress by tho first of March. Work upon ho hoist buildings will be commenced this week. Tho sinking ot this shaft will ho watched with unusual Interest, for It means, erhaps, tho making of another great mlno, Threo tlu companies have recently been rgnnUed to opcrato In tho Hear Gulch In district, liflcen miles west of this Ity. Two of tho companies will dovelop properties and tho third company will undertake to treat tho ore. This district a almost wholly undeveloped, but It shows very rich stirfaco ores. For years rnsslter ltc, or stream tin, has been mined lu ttvj reeks. Tho Dendwood-Hear Gulch Mining ompnny hns been reorganized by capitalists of l'corla and Chicago, III., and tho Gold Coin company has been organized lo de velop new property. Colonel James A. Cln,rk of Keystone, gen eral manager of tho Golden Return Mining company, hns gono to Detroit. Ho will nrrnnge to start up his company's work- tigs, nbout ono mllo northwest ot Key stone. Two shafts havo been sunk 100 feet each, on n good ledgo of frcc-rallling ore. CAN'T COMPETE WITH AMERICA (ierinnn ."Mn 11 11 file (11 re is lienor! to S in 11 1 1 Method tn 4'lrcuni vcul TrniiMntliintli; Competitors. WASHINGTON, Jan. 13. In compliance with Instructions from tho Stato department Consul General Mason at. Berlin has BUbmltted a report ECtltug forth the restrictions plnced upon tho publication ot advertisements for certain American prod ucts by trado journals In Germany. Tho movement, stales tho consul genoral, dates back to 1S9B, when tho growing com petition of Amorlcnn bicycled Icgan to alarm tho German makers to a considerable ex tent. It woh nt first attempted to Hecuro an advance In tho rato of duty on American wheels, but falling In this, tho association of German manufacturers adopted tho plan of bnycottltic, no fur as possible, adver tisements of Amorlcnn wheels nnd blcyclo parts In tho trndo papers of tho country. Theso trndo Journals wero given to under stand that they were to chooso between tho pntronago of German blcyclo makers and tholr foreign competitors, especially thoso of America. Under this prcssuro most, If not nil, of tho German blcyclo publications refused to nccept American advertisements and still malntnln their restriction. Consul General Mason also state3 that a move to llkowlso excludo American sewing machlno advertisements oven In tho dally press was set afoot. As far aa tho dally newspapers wero concerned this movement failed, as tho papers refused to bo bound by such n nnrrow policy nnd freely accepted ndvortlsomcnts of American products on ths camo terms as thoso of natlvo origin. Somo of tho trndo publications, however, which nro dependent upon tho patronage of tho homo trado havo been forced Into excluding Amotl-an advertisements of this character. NEW BIDS FOR ARMY BLANKETS War Di-imrtiiM'iit Rejects All Proffer mill Order tluiii-teriiiiinter'N De partment to Head vertlxc. WASHINGTON, Jan. 13. Bids wero re cently opened by tho officers of tho quar termaster's department In Philadelphia, Boston, Chicago and San Francisco for 50, 000 blankets for the uso ot the army. Tho lowest bid received wns that of Georgo Campbell of Philadelphia, who formerly held a similar contract with tho govern ment and whoso business was recently placed In tho hands of n receiver. It has been alleged that ono of tho causes of hU failure In business was thn rejection by the government of blankets delivered by him under his former contract. It was announced nt tho Wnr department today that all tho bids recently received for blankets had been rejected "owing to nn apparent mlsunderstnndlng on tho part of tho bidders as to tho government's require ments" nnd that Instructions had been U eucd to the officers of tho quartermaster's department to rc-ndvcrtlso for now bids for thn blankets desired, nbout 50,000 In num ber. BIG GUSHER DOWN IN TEXAS Well S u nl.' Ni-nr Snlilne Pn Prod ac inic l.'.IMIO Hiii-itI n Day, All of Which Got to AViihIc. PITTSBURG, Pa.. Jan. 13. J, M. Gulfcy hnB mado tho most Important oil discovery of tho last ten years. LtiBt Thursday noon ho drilled In n mighty pusher In south eastern Texas, located on a 3,800-ncre tract, eighteen miles from Bnblno Pass, on tho Hablno river and fourteen miles from Port Arthur, In Jefferson county. Tho well was drilled In Thursday noon und tho first tele gram Mr. Gulfcy received from hla super intendent wns at 10 o'clock on Prldny morn ing, stating that tho well hud been drilled, In and was flowing tho full of. the six-Inch casting, estimated 15,000 barrels a day. No Innkagn had been provided nnd at tho tlmo named tho well had not Ken brought under control and tho oil was running 5n n stream Into tho Suhlno river. This well Is located about 240 miles southenHt of tho Corslcana Held and tho nil In tho samo in specific grav ity, about thlrty-Huvcn degrecB, but reachod at a depth of less than 1,000 feet. Mr. Guffoy stated tonight that ho thought 15,000 barrels ft day would bo a cnnservutlvo estimate of what tho well Is producing and thnt It would reach 20,000, which Mould make It (ho largest In tho world. Editor' llrotlier lln llt-nrt I)leno, (Copyright, 1901, by Pp-sh Publishing Co,) PARIS, Jan. 13. (Now York World Cable gram Sfecial To'egrum ) Churlcs Elnsbcln, brother nf the proprietor of tho New York I'refs, is dangerously 111 hero of heart disease, complicated with Inflammatlnti of thn kidneys, Dr. Heftier, a heart specialist, regards his condition us serious, Mr. Ein stein's sister, Mrs, Wcndt, habtencd thcro lo Uiu Invalid's bedside.