E i I i .Tiuniary 13, 1001. New System of Fruit Preservation Tho dccllno or tho tropical regions of America has of Into years been a fruitful toplo of discussion. Well provided ns tho public has been with statistics as to tho condition of thoso onco favored countries, says tho New York Trlbuno, no ono who hna not seen with his eyes tho present state of affairs can fully reallzo tho change In a land whero naturo Is so prodigal that al most tho casual thrusting of a branch Into tho earth Insures a tree, desolation and poverty nro overywhero found. Tho reason Is plain enough; It Is only tho remedy that has remained tho problem. Tho products of tho tropica aro fruits, nnd tho exportation of theso Involves a greater risk and a larger knowledge of tho subject than has been at tho command of theso countries. On every sldo there Is a wasto of food fairly maddon Ing to tho student of economics; but how to utilize this superabundance, how to con vey It In proper shnpo to tho millions who win only a baro sustenanco from over worked soils In other countries, Is tho great nnd hitherto unsolved problem. Tho solution now suggested is ono which has tho sanction of Australia, nnd this menns moro thnn nppenrs on tho surface. Whothor it bo becnuso Australia hns fewor lives to caro for and finds them moro precious, or becauso tho authorities have less to do, cannot bo now dobatcd; but tho fact Is that Australians nro not permitted to poison themsolves with adulterated food, os Is tho glorious prlvllego of freo citizens In this country. Tho government watches with n nover sleeping eyo tho food which sup plies tho tables of tho people When, thero fore, tho Australian government Indorses a process nnd gives It medals gnloro It menns that science hns sot her seal on It. Tho systom of fruit prcsorvntlon which is now being Introduced into tho West Indlos and Central America hns for somo years been successfully tried In tho countries of Aus tralasia. A Simple ProccMM. Tho now system Is ono of evaporation, but tho process differs from others in that it is quickly dono and Insures absoluto cleanliness. Tho fruit nnd vegetables nro not dried on tho ground for days togothcr. Zy:JlT,rl ; ;.; ; . V ,D .e?u,rc. 10 change fresh will keep for months and years, and still prescrvo tho original flavor In somo onsen nil. mil, uu lirWCIU WniCIl actually Improvo It. It Is not, howovor, so much tho mochanlcal process as tho effect on tho tropics which Interests tho ordinary observer, nnd It Is in thla direc tion that it la at present being dovoloped. Thero la no fruit In tho world so easy nnd cheap to ralso as tho banana, or which contains moro nutriment nnd can bo served in n grcntor variety of ways. Yot thero Is -nn iruu wnicii is so carelessly exported nnd tho general valuo of which Is so little till it n 4 n,1 mi. 1 . . ...mU.luu. lllo unnnna is tno main ob- Ject of attack under tho now evaporation system. Tho exporting companies uso only Mm largest bannnas, nnd every year thou- sands nnd thousands of bunches rot on tho plantations in tho tropics. Tho new ovap- oration process takes theso smaller bananas nnd mnkes them Into a dozen rtlffnrnnt marketable commodities. Thero Is bnnnna flour, to begin with, used for tho mnklnir nf rnirna friMo,,. ktho like. Thero Is hnnnnn nr.n.,... substitute (an excellent ono) for citron nnd mains in mm rnko. It nlsn mnlfna An. iiKnmu preserve not unllko nnd quite ns dolleato ns fRs nnd prunes. Hnnnnn butter Is nnothcr product; this Is n sort of jnm, which Is not unknown In tropical coun tries ns a great delicacy rather difficult to mako by tho old-fashioned process. AH theso products ean now bo marketed nt n small cost. Tho machinery Is not olnbornto .nnd tho orlglnnl cost of tho fruit Is almost ro hlng. It is estlmnted thnt tho bnnnnn niiiiT, nir instance, can hn put on tho I'-uropcnn market nnd sold thero nt less man nnir tho price of any nntlve condl- ment. To tho POor Of Rtirnnn iv 11.1 . ,, , . i . '"nii link ... uuuuiiun-H is so limited, this will bo smnll blessing. no The bnnnnn in . tu " which I , bJL ,Z U ? My tr0p,ca' fru,t nv one wb , n Vy.tho. n0W proceB8- frtea knoJI thn. tr0p!ca' coun- on th .track n 'pi -m "m"""8 T0 nro not wmVTLf $ nU0?,T?B frm th0 . 1 "r "our wwen Is extremely Tried on t. n,, f 1 fl tl t " """ tins is niso nolnc put up for i- uu exporrntion. The ntlrnmr.lv nutritious okrn (tho valuo of which la fully realized In tho tropics, whoro lt I con stantly used ns food for Invalids) Is being propared In quantities for exportation. In rnnneq rorm the okra necessarily falls f. retain nil Its valuo ns a food, but the n(. .u.iiiii vi-Kommo nns neon proved by analysis to contain nil tho nutriment. Tho mnn who mnkes okrn soup a stnndnrd food among tho poor of nny country Is bestow ing n pormnnont benefit. Sweet flour Is nlsn mndo for exportntlon. potato TllO Tlrltlsh government Is IiirI rnw nn. sunny Keen ns to tho condition nf Hp U Indlnn nopsopslnns. As inm, . f-.. It . M It Mtb ,no (,n,nr Product of thoso countries nnd ns long na old methods of exportntlon pre- vnll so long will the dccllno of tho West enormous i ,J iiiij mill v wnsto hv finding n market for the Inn V "ifc!0 Prnductfl of tho south nnd tho li inun-s continue. Onco snvn Mm numer- Islnnds W l"n "in iiresiiKO. ri no gov- Lljiernment of Jnmnlcn hns been Interested In inn nvnnnrn? nn i(nnin j - .ir-.i iitiwii ii ii-p i iiiii fiiiii n fnvornhlo itcomo seem8 probablo. In Control Amor- lea tho proccsB Is now fully appreciated. Prom Santa Tomas, Quatcmnla, tho Ilrltlsh army Is now tecelvlng supplies of cvnpor- ated food. Tho republics of Ccntial Amor- lea liavo all Indorsed tho process and aro beginning to experiment on their own nc count. From a trado point of view tho In novation is important. Km It authorities think that It lb likely to revolutionize tho tropical fruit trade. Do this as It may, thero Is great Interest In wntchlng tho at tempt to glvo to dwellers In tho compara tively unproductive north somo of tho blessings of tho prodigal south. OI , . T , , SllOrt SlOriCS Well TOIU "it isn't safe to bo funny theso daya unless aim Iniinin nn'a ini,,.. - ni,i n ,. man who went abroad this past summer to a Washington Tost man. "You know I've always rnthcr fancied myself as a wit, nnd TUCKED BODICE TUCKS EDGED WITH WHITE SILK. the steamer coming homo I really let myself ut. Everybody was a bit seasick, ntn I well, oven I had times when I thought I'd rather own nn automobile than any kind of a yacht. Ono day wo nil fore gathered on dock nnd talked nbout what wo'd gono through you know how pcoplo do on shipboard. 1 was talking In my clev erest vein with an English family. " 'I'm like n" famous lady,' I chortled gaily. 'I'll bo extremely glad to set foot on terra cotta again.' "That evening tho mother of tho English family took mo aside. 'My dear,' said sho, 'I'm so much older than you that I'm suro'l may make so bold as to tell you something, and I want you to tako It In tho spirit In which It Is meant, Vou said this morning you'd bo glad to gut foot on terra cotta again. I thought I'd Just call your attention to tho thing so you won't mako tho same mistake again, It Isn't terra cotta; it's terra flrma.' " S "T1, CouBressmnn'a Wlfo," In her lottcrs to tho Saturday Evening Post, tells many good stories. Hero Is ono of them: Finally, theso men cot around to tho.ro- cent vlslt of ox-l'rosidont Hnrrlson to ""aniiigion. "Goneral Harrison," said Senator P , "is ono of tho strongest, soundest, nblest mon wo havo over had In public llfo. Ho hna always been reserved nnd la rather handi capped by an unresponsive cold mannor. Why, I remember" nnd hero tho senntor begnn to chuckle to himself, nnd tho wholo tnblo leaned forward full of expectation. Tho senator wont on; "When Harrison was In tho senate ho al ways used to bring his luncheon to tho committee room. Ho carried It In hla coat pockot and would eat it whllo ho went on with his work. Ono day whon ho got It out ns usual from his pockot wo saw him look It all ovor ruefully, and It did look rathor flat and dubious. Ho finally remnrked to us that ho guessed ho must havo sat on it ccuicntally. Ono of his colleagues, ono who had recently been Ignored by Harrison, 8P0k0 up Impulsively: 'Well, by Jovo, Har- rlaon' " you'vo sflt 0,1 lt nl l,ot 5 ponco lt 18 'rozon 80,l,,:' nntl of courao a shout went un from Mi How did ho tnko It?" nsked I, whon tho merriment had died away. "Oh," roturncd tho senator, "ho Joined In tho laugh. It was too good n ono on him nnd ho hnd to unbend." In Dr. Weir Mitchell's recent book n pleasant story or two is told of Walt Whit man, tho writer to whom somo would deny tho namo of poot, whllo others regnrd him na ono of tho greatest of nil poots. Ono of tho chnrnctors In tho story of "Dr. North and His Friends" says that Whitman waB entcn up by his own vnnltv. rmrnrillntr OVorvthlne hn dirt na nf mini, atinrnmn i,nl.. that ho had lost nil nownr nf snif.rpitinUm nnd rmilrl nnf toll rmnA nm i,n,i nH i,u . ..wW vw. huuil lull) UU Ul IliUU feront. Onco ho was nBkcd If ho thought Shakespenro aa great a poet os himself. Ho replied that ho had often thought of that, but had novor been ablo to como to n decision. Ho went to a physician upon nn occasion, thinking himself seriously out ot health. I When ho learned that his ailment, whntovor It was, could bo treated best by living as ; much as posslblo out of doors without dos-! THE ILLUSTRATED It EE. Ing hlnuelf with medicine he was leaving In all good humor, when ho bethought him self of tho physician's fee. "How much will It be?" ho Inquired. "Tho debt was paid long ago," said the doctor, who knew and liked his writings; "It la you who nro still tho creditor." Whitman thanked him and went out. Another patient, a woman, had taken his place when ho leturncd. He put his two great hands on tho table oppo 8,to 1,,s ,iu'l,,cn' adviser ho hud not stopped to knock or announce himself- and said: "That, air, I call poetry." Tho woman wns scandalized by his abrupt appcarauco nnd demeanor and asked, aa soon aa tho writer had gono for tho second time: "Is tho gentleman Insane?" Hut, learning his Identity, sho wished sho had nsked for his autograph. "Colonel," tho falrglrl nsked, "what wns tho closest call you ever had?" Tho hamlsomo soldier looked thoughtful for a moment, rolatca the Chicago Times Herald, and thou replied: "I waa at Fort Laramie, several years ago. I waa In command of tho fnrcea there at tho time. Somo of tho ollloertt had frlenda visiting them from tho east, most of them being women who had come out west to get a glimpse of real frontier llfo Well, wo got word from ono of tho agencies that tho redskins were nctlng ugly and Ii was feared that thero would bo a terrible maBsacro unless tho soldiers were hurried forwnrd to settle matters. "It happened that my horse hod stum bled a few days before and fallen upon ni) left foot, hurting It so that 1 was unable to got around except on crutches. I hated to remain behind when there waH troubh anywhere, but It waa simply out of Hit question for mo to try to do any cnmpalgn Ing, with my foot nil dona up In bandages ao I wns forced to let tho boys go nheai without mo. Our force nt tho fort wns un usually small, for which reason every uiai except myself waa sent forward to deal with tho Indiana." Ho paused, and sho, In agony of suspens cried out: "Oh, colonel! And whllo all the rest wen away tho Indians camo swarming nroum tho fort and you, single-handed and alom had to hold them at bay. Oh, how did yen ovor do lt? How heroic! And how Ion was lt boforo " "No," ho Interrupted, "It wasn't that "You see, thero wore two grass widows among thoso visitors from tho east, and foi thrco days I was tho only soldier around the fort." A wearied Clovelander stepped from n train nt Pittsburg tho other morning at an early hour and rushed Into tho depot lunch room to got breakfast, reports tho Cloveland Plain Denier. Ho was extremely tired from a long rldo, and consequently not In tho best, of moods. "What do you want?" snarled ono of the wnltcr girls. Sho bad a got-up-too-eoon expression on her faco and spoke savagely "A llttlo courteous treatment," responded tho traveler. "Wo don't keep it hero," rejoined tho girl, "I thought so," was tho lnconle reply of tho Clovelander. "Olvo mo some regulai egga." "Wo only keop fresh eggs," replied the girl. "Everything fresh nround here?" queried tho Clovelander. "Yes," sho hissed through hor teeth. "I thought so," tho traveler replied. A tho travelor ate his breakfast In silence Ik wondered who had tho best of tho skirmish From tho look on tho girl's fnco, she, too was pondering over tho samo question Brewed and Bottled at Home, Metz Beer For the Home Trade. N IOAIUVY every one npprcclate.s a good beer for ono reason or nn othcr. Many lead ing physicians pro scribe it regulnrly where a tonic or stimulant la needed, and a good many people like It nnd uao it aa n boverago, without waiting for tho advice or con sent of nnyono on earth. And thero nro aa mnny different branda of beer aa thero aro reasons for drinking it good, bad, nnd Indifferent. Wo mnko only ono brand of bottled becr-tho beat brand that time, expe rience, puro hopa and selected barloy can produce. Wo would like to havo , your onlnlnn of Mil. ' homo brow. Nearly all dealera handle It now. ARE YOU WITH US? Tol. 119. Mi Bros'. Brewing Go, , OMAHA. Used in U. S. Mnrlno Hospitals GREEN RIVER M. WOM.STEIN & CO. Photographic Art Studies These are the works of tho Tonncson SlBters of Chicago, and there Is probably no moro cnpable pbotogrnphlo nrllBts lu the world than these enthutdnKtlc young women. Thero aro twelve subjects from which to choose, of which wo reproduce eight. Theso pictures nro handBonie enough for anyone's drnwlng room and may be lined effectively unframod, or will look plondldly with a Btmplo dark frame. How to Get Them TbfKo pictures aro mounted on handsome bluck raw silk stock moimtH, I2xlfi Inches, the photographs nro 7x9 Inches. These have never been Bold nt tho art stores for less than ono dollar, liy securing nn Immense quantity of them wo ore nblo to offer them With a Coupon for 10 Cents. When ordering Btato Ibe nnmo of the subject, and If they are to bo mailed enclose four cents additional for postngo and packing. aht imiwiiTsinvr, THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY, 17th and Fariiam Sts. IlKFIiKCTION. THE ROSE, EASTERTIDE. THE WAIF. CUT OUT THIS COUPON Present at neo Offlco or mail thU coupon with 10c and got your choice of Photo graphic Art Studios. Whon ordering by mall add io for postage A.HT PUPA It 'I'M K NT, 5K PUIIMHIIING CO., OMAHA. GRANDMA'S TEA. DOLORES. THE NEW HAHY. THE OLD HARPIST'S TREASURE. 5p HttMMflHwOHHHHjjjB i