Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 12, 1901, Page 9, Image 9

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Money Minted by United States Lut Fitcal
Year imounU to $141,361,900.
Itccorda Show Tlint Com morel n I Itnllu
of Slhcr nuil Colli AVni ail to 1
lnHnil of Tlint of 111 to 1 nil
Orilnluril liy llrsnit.
WASHINGTON. Jan. ll.-Ocorge JJ. Rob
erts, director of tho mlut, In bis annual
report shows that tho colnago of tho last
year was In excana of that In any previous
year In tho history of the service, aggregat
ing IHl.3il.960, m comporeil with U3C.S53.
676 In the preceding year. Tho value of tho
gold colnago wn3 allghtly bolov,- that of
tho provlous year, being 1107,937,110, ns
compared with $108,177,160. Tho colnago ot
Bllvcr dollars was $18,241,931, as compared
with 118,254.709. Tho chief Increase was In
tho output ot iiubaldlary and minor culns,
which surpassed all records, attributed to
tho extraordinary activity of retail trado
throughout tho tountry. Tho colnago of Bub
nldlary silver amounted to 67,111,270 pieces,
of valuo of $12,870,849, and of minor coins
to tho extraordinary total ot 101,301,763
pieces, of tho valuo of $2,213,017.
Tho Bolgnlorago or pront on this colnaRO
wan $5,477,525. Tho depoaitH of gold bullion
At tho mlnta and assay olllcc'i of tlio United
States during tho llscal yeur ended Juno
30, 1900, cxcluslvo of re-duposlts, wcro of
tho valuo of $13.1,920,119, against $113,497,190
the provlous year.
Tho total deposits of gold were not bo
groat as In tho previous year, tlio Imports of
bullion showing a decline, but thn depoaitH
of domestic bullion again surpasHed all roc
nrds, amounting to $H7, 158,83(1, against $70,-
:.r2,87 tho previous year
.MIIIIoiih III MflKiilnriiuc.
Tho sulgnlorago on tho colnago of silver
dollars, subsidiary and minor coins during
thn year amounted to $10,280,302.
Including silver contained In gold dcpo3
Its, tho doposlts nnd purchases of silver
during the llscal year ended Juno 30, 1900,
exclusive of ro.duposlts, amounted to 11,
.196,137 atandard ounces, against 11,073,151
standard ounces rnportcd for tho previous
year. Thu lluctuatlons In tho price of all
ver in tho London markut during tho twolvo
months ending Juno 30, 1900, wcro not of
a wldo range, tho lowest price being 26
ponco and the high prices 28 0-1G pence.
Kor tho llrst nine, months of the llscnl
year tho market whh sustained mainly by
purchases for India nnd thu Straits settle
ments, with small demands on continental
account, and also for the domestic coinage
of Kngland and her colonies.
Karly In April, 1900, a demand for silver
eama from China, which continued for the
remainder of tho year, nnd this, with tho
demand by tho Indian government, caused
tho prlco to ndvanco by the end of Juno
to 28 9-16 pence, tho highest of tho year.
Tho avorago prlco of silver for the year,
based upon dally London quotations, was
27.3750 pence, equivalent nt par of exchange
to $0.60017 per ounco, lino, In United States
money. At the highest martlet price for
sllvor during tho yenr the commercial ra
tlo of silver to i;old was ns 1 to .13.01; at
tho lowest price, 1 to 35.41; at tho avcrago
price, 1 to 34.41.
Xvsv C'irinriitliiiri.
1'IEllKH, S. D., Jan. 11. (Special.) Arti
cles ot Incorporation havo been tiled for
tho South Dakota I'lcatmru club nt Castle
tfood; trustees, K. Sanderson, Willis
(Jravcs and Andrew Larson. For tho Del
mont State bank at Uelniont, Douglas
county, with a capital of $5,000, lncnrpo
rators, Mriry Snnv', W. II. Shaw. Alvln M
Shaw and A. L. Drown. Kor tho Black
Hills Ico compuny at Hot Springs with n
capital of $10,000; Incorporators, If. S. Her
man, W. I'. Phillips and A. J. Keller. Kor
arise from weakness of tho whole sys
tem caused by disordorcd kidneys.
They uro rapidly followed by tho cx
trcmo stages of right's Disease, Dia
betes, Heart Disease, Paralysis or
Chronic Female Weakness. '
If you suspect that your Kidneys are
affected, place somo of the urine passed
on arising in the morning ia a bottlo
and let Itfitund for ia hours. If brick
dust or otucr sediment is found, it is
positive- proof that you need treatment.
are an absolute specific for every form
of Kidney Disease, and their wonderful
efficacy is guaranteed by n forfeit of $50
fdr every case they will not cure,
people cored by Kld-nc-oltla. In rrrttlnc them
pirate anclcso lamped addressed euTelope.
K.J. Kurhrra. 1051 01 Unmln
Mrs. 1L ModuiAti. &M N. iBtlint. Urron
Mrs. C E. Smith, 2AM Sherman a?r. Omntia
lU 11 Tunaer. Knglnrrr. IS02 Miami nt Omaha
Ura. V. M. (iamcr. :w'J Oak nt. Omaba
(I. 1L Taikcr. :.M N. 10th . Omaha
Ura. J. a IMtU. 600 S. 30th at r. Omaha
It, K. Uurphy, Coachmen. 218 H. 3Mli ,t Omaha
Ira. A. 11 Harris. Hill Howard ft. Omaha
Ura, It .M Denton. 70 H JOIh at. Or.ialia
John Smnvn, 1'rlntrr, all a. i:th at Omaha
Ura. T. IL Wllllamvin. 717 a 17lhl Otuilia
Mrs. 1L a Itncrra. iOO ,V. Nth at Omaha
Morrow's Kid-nc-oids nro not pills,
but Yellow Tablets and sell at fifty
centa,a box nt drug stores.
I K LicklnK In men
and women who aro not
.u itrunt; as they stioulJ
be; when they are Weak and
nav no r.nerfry or Amotion.
Vital Forcu I nothing but
L'lectrlclty. When you are
kick, thers It not enough
liltctrkllv In the svsten anJ
It must be turrlled. Nature
will not supply It, for, per
haps. Nature has been Im
posed upon. My Electric
lien and uectncai suspen
sory supply the nee.'cJ blec
trlcliy anJ you soon become
stroncanj vlenrous. 1 give
oua leifalwriiten guarantee
that my Ilelt wll cura you; If
It falls 1 will rclunJ every
cent you pay me for It.
Entirely different anJ mutt
pot be confused with other
electric belts. It has soft,
silken chamois covered
sponge electrodes which pre
vent that frightful bunting
and blistering caused by all
other belts, which have bare
meul electrodes. My Hell
can be renewed when burned
out for onlv vce! no other fan
be renewed for any price, and wlen burned out Is
wonhlcss. 1 absolutely guarantee my P.lecrtlc
Uelt to cure Varicose Veins, eveiy torm of Weak
ness In either sex; restore Vitality; cure Rheumatism
In every form, Kidney. tler and Tedder Troubles,
Constipation, Stomach Disorders, N vous and Gen
eral Debility. Lame Hack, all Pemnl I'.oinplalnts. etc.
wilte to-diy for my booh, "The lindlng of the
Fountain of Eternal Youth." Sent frei, postpaid, for
the asking, liookwllltellyouall about t. Soli only by
DR. BENNETT Electric Belt Co.
Iliiiima IS to Ul DntiKlii Illnok,
Uodtfe wild KM la street", Oi. ului, Ni-li,
the lied Cloud Mining company at Dead
wood with a capital' ot $1,500,000; Incor
porators, Cephas Crabtrce, Aaron Anderson
and Hurt ltodgcrs. Kor tho Twentieth Cen
tury Klectrlo Mining company at Dead
wood with a capital of $1,250,000; Incorpo
rators, M. K. I'lnney, A. W. Cou anil J. M.
Hon. Thome Hull la III.
IIUIION, S. V., Jan. 11. (Special.) Hon.
Thomas II. Hull, attorney for tho State
Hallway commission, Is seriously 111 with
pneumonia at his residence In this city.
Who will be named as his successor by
Governor Herrled has not yot been decided.
Kor some time past Attorney General Pyle
has been giving attention to the work and
It 1.1 probable that no recommendation for
tho position will bo made at present. Tho
position Is worth about $3,000 per year.
Prof. Hcyler, superintendent of tho city
schools, Is recovering from a severe attack
ot Inflammation of the eyes. Ho has been
unable to attend to bis school work for
somo weeks.
Itnllu Arc Turn tip, HrlilKc lllouit
Ass u- unit Armi'tl Men .Main
tain it llliiokuili.
OKAWKOKDSVILLH, Ind., Jan. 11. Tho
rails of tho Chicago & Southwestern rail
road, which crosses tho farm of Wesley
Orantham, near this city', wcro torn up
and removed from tho farm last Wednes
day night by Sheriff Canine, acting on a
writ of ejectment secured by (Iranthnnv
In 1894. All tratllc, Including tho govern
ment mall service, was effectually blocked.
Injunction proceedings were Immediately
tiled against Orantham, but today In tho
circuit court Judgo West refused to grant
n temporary restraining order, declaring
that Orantham had nlready been kept out
of his property seven years nnd that tho
constitution guaranteed him certain rights
with winch tho court did not proposti to
Intorfore. Tho road's attorney asked that
an order bo mado giving tho road posses
sion until tho land could be condemned, but
tho court refused this, saying that tho
company had had seven years to do this
and had failed.
Tho court Issued an order, however, for
bidding any further destruction of tho
road's property.
Orantham's land Is guarded by armed
men. Last night two ot tho road's bridges
wero blown up, ono of them sixty feet
long and fifteen feet high. Many loads ot
ralla wero carted off to u school house,
three miles from tho right of way. Two
hackloads of armed mon went down from
Ludoga last night to tho Grantham farm.
Tho road will bo blocked now for several
days nt loast, and Orantham's attorney de
dares tho road will not bo vacated until
tho road pays $3,000.
Willi NN III IlllfIX ("ft Ml 1 1 VI'M 1 1 K II 1 1 II II
SfiH.litut "Hcruuiiliiic C ailttiM'
1m I'eniituteiit
Y.. Jan;
The con
gresslonal committee vlilch
has been In
West Point
ostlgatlng the hazing of
endets resumed its labors
today. Cadet
Gcorgo H. Spalding of Michigan, who acted
as timekeeper at tho Kellpr-llooz fight, was
tho first witness called, nnd after being
sworn was examined by Congressman Wan-
gcr. Ho said ho was an ex-olllclo member
of the "scrapping committee," being vlco
president of his class.
"Is that a standing committee?
"Yes, sir, but thcro Ib not us much use
for It now as thero wbh some tlmo ago
Tho testimony then reverted to tho Hooz
lCellor tight, bringing out nothing now. The
congressman wanted to kuow why tho
cadets did not scttlo "affairs of honor"
with tho army slx-shootcr, but witness cnld
ho thought In that caso tho fourth-class
men would bo at a worso disadvantage thin
In a bare knucklo contest.
.1. V. W. Klliu- of lllnlr.
lUiAIIl. Neb., Jan. 11. (Special.) At 3
o'clock yesterday afternoon occurred tho
death of J. C. W. Kline nt tho family rcsl
donco In this city. Mr. Kllno was past CO
vears of ago nnd enmo to this county with
his uaronts In 1S50. After serving several
terms as county survoyor for this 'county
ho had been employed by tho Northwestern
rtallroad company for nearly twenty years.
Ills work was mainly the mapping of town-
sites, nt which ho was considered nn ex'
Mr. Kllno's Illness was something of tho
nature of a cancer of tho stomnch, nnd,
although nuffcrlng for somo two years, ho
hail only quit work about two woeks ago.
Ilosldcs Mra. Kllno, thero aro two young
sons, his aged mother and llvo brothers
nnd slaters who survlvo him.
liilin Murillmrxt f Wyimirr.
WY.MOHK, Nob., Jan. 11. (Special.)
John Mnt'dhorst died at his homo In this
city Wednesday, aged 77 years. .Mr. Mord
horst was a pioneer here, having located
with tho very first moro than eighteen years
ago. Ho was prominent as a contractor of
moat and other supplies at tho time tho
Durllngton railroad was built from Lincoln
to Denver, Ho leaves a wlfo and four
children, two sons nnd two daughters. Tho
dato of holding tho funeral has not yet
been determined,
Ml' 111-)- A 111)'.
NEW YORK. Jan 11. Honrv Amv nf Mm
banking houso of II. Amy & Co. pf Wall
i street, died today at his homo In thlt) city
after a lingering Illness of pneumonia fol
lowing a complication of diseases. Ho was
72 years old. Mr. Amy took on active part
In the reorganization of tho Pittsburg, Por
Wnyno & Chicago nnd tho Chicago & Alton
Ho wns active- In tho organization ot th
Donvar & lllo Ornndo nnd tho Mexican Na
;-irn I'nrlriiil of Tni-niiin,
HUKON, S. I)., Jan. 11. deorgo Portrud
formerly ot this city, died In Tacoma a
tho homo ot his parents. Ho was 20 years
ot ago and for somo tlmo past hold a
position in tho ntllcos of tho Northern Pa
clllo railway nt Tacoina.
.lull n Itrilniiiiiil of Sllili)-,
SIHU3Y, in., Jan. 11. (Special Telo
gram.) John Redmond, sr., died yesterday
noon from Injuries received In n fall Mon
day evening from the second story of tho
Arends building. Ho leaves n wlfo and sons
and daughters.
Mrx. SIiiIIk nf Slrlln,
STHI.I.A. Neb.. Jan. 11. (Rneelnl
William Stnltz died at tier linme nr Rinii
this morning, after n short illness w
ipnoid rover. Her husband and ono
nro down with tho snmo disease
.lira. I. .1. tnllllii of OxeiMiln.
OSCKOLA, Nob.. Jan. 11. (Special.) At
tno nomo, rottr miles north of Osceola, oc
currcd this morning tho funoral of Mrs
P J. Qulllln. whoso death occurred after nn
Illness of only ono wcok.
i:-('iiini roller Tri-nliiiliii,
NICW YOltK. Jan. 11. William I.. Tre
holm, who was comptroller of the treasury
during ineveiantrs nrst niimlnlstrntl
died at his home In this city today
Nlriiuaa la .Mil ell llrltcr.
C111CA.(30, Jan, U.-A spcclnl to tho
Tribune from Albuquerque. N, M., says;
4 lr iiitt,,.ij , v., j.uutiiu Oliaiin.l
lni.1 MlilYftrltii' hiitt fntMii n iii.
tho better. He started for Denver to Join
m v'ljiinriu.i iti"i iiibiii, iiiiuiiuKii nis
physician sain it was not prudent and ad
..un.l 1.I..1 ... f.)ill.lti ..Mini ..n.l.. .1....
1 IOVU .... 1W IVIHHItl ,UIVI lUt UliUlltVl
Dan iSc Go, Report an Immensely Increaied
Exportation of Maize.
EXCEEDS 1900 BY 1,134,350 BUSHELS
nereiinu li .Mudii Dcnpltr tin- I'net
Tlint the (liiiitiitlon ia .Venrly 1."
Per Cent lllsclier Ciiiull tliini
of the Tniilcn,
NUW YORK. Jan. 11. It. Ci. Dun .t- Cn.'a
Weekly Revlow of Trado tomottow will
uniy in tno textiles is special Hesitation
hown. Stanle nroducts nru firm nntl nrlces
arc held without trouble, boots and shoes
and wool nre steady and all with fair de
mand, so mat manufacturer are uuiy. in
textiles, however, the Imnrovement which
seemed to bo promised with the new year
Is still deluveil. nnd In cotton stood storks
are growing In some quarters, thougti still
not ntinroHslvelv nrnvv iiiivwheri!. Tlirouirh-
out the country distribution of merchandise
continues on a good scale and collections
aro unusually prompt.
i onsiruction or nriugcs ana muiniims, iu
gother with contemplated track elevation,
rowiis too capacity or an concerns mamng
truettirnl Nlini)en nf Iron Mteel. Orders
iui iiri.uiiiiiiiiin. v.nn, iMi.n miu i.i. .......o
of rallwuy equipment arc also abundant,
nnd there Is no sign of reaction In the In
dustry. Plato and heet mills have large
fn. 1 .1 ..,....,. I .... a ... ...ill.. M...I .,11 'If IM C.
pusinoss unci inerrntint steel is in nrisit de
mand. Competition Is keen, however, and
Increased operations fall to affect prices.
New schedules are promised In tho
future, anil lower freight rates nro antici
pated. Stocks decrenscd slightly In lie
rcmbnr. lint tli.irn l.x four nf iircuniulatloM.
and quotations at Pittsburg nnd I'hlladel-
pnta liavo uccllnctl during tno last wcck.
Investment of Wall street capital was
rumored as supporting cotton nnd wheat,
but the eOect wns not permanent. Cotton
advnncnd temporarily, only to react when
I.lvnrnnol milieu fill I nil In reHtionil. Trad
ers express widely divergent opinions ns
to tne size oi me current crop nnti nn suui
clency. Meanwhile port receipts contlnuo
to largely exceed last year's figures at .1)
per cent higher. It was ugitnted by reports
nf a corner In the May option ami for a
timo oxniniicu xtrengiu. a unnrp reacumi
fntlnweil. Iinlilpm mirtlnir reuilltv with their
contracts. Despite tho advance of about 10
ier cent nnnvo tno pneo H year usrn
tantle exnorts-show an Increase to 3,S3.,0.i3
bushels, Hour Included, ngalnsl 2,15,5iB In
Hven moro remarkable Is tho comparison
ns to corn, of which shipments nbroad
amounted to 4,rl3.1t bushels, against Il.lOS.
7!rl last year, while the quotation Is neatly
15 per cent higher. Wet weather Is Inter
rupting tlio movement iroin me iarrns nun
thero Is still much complaint of low grad
ing at Chicago.
Wool has ceased to decline nnd sales nt
the threo chief eastern markets Increased
slightly to 3,MS,7W pounds, against 3.121.00J
In tho week preceding. A year ago sales
wero considered romnrknbly small for that
season at (i.lSS.OOO pounds. ManufaetutcrH
purchase with extremo ccutlqn and domes
tic lleeces surfer by Increased competition
of cheap wool from Australia and China.
AltiKcrs or uoots ana snoes msm on inn
prices and as a result shipments from Hus
ton have declined 5,-I.V) cases for the week.
Jobbers in tills vicinity nre doing well nnd
wholesalers' orders are urgent. Sales of
leather Increase, Willi licmiocK soio nuriy
held, although rone?sslons nro made In up
nrr rtnek Vlille the hide iriarkct at Chi
cago Is unchanged the tone Is Irreuular.
raliures ror tne wcok were s.i in mi'
I'nlted States, ngalnst 271 last year, und u7
In Cnnnila, against :! last year.
II 1 1 A I) ST It K IZT' S T 1 X A N C I A I. UUVIllW.
riri'iniistiiiicpN Mil We Siiei'iiIutorM I.i'hh
I'enrfnl of n "lloiini rnlliiiie."
NEW YOHIC, Jan. 11. Urndstrcet's Finan
cial Hevlew tomorrow will say;
Trnillnir linon ti lamer scale than all
ntreet lias ever seen marked the end of Inst
week nnd the beginning of the present one.
The facts that on last Saturday, In the two
hours or business nt the ?nw YorK hiock
exchange, 1,777.000 shnreH changed hands
and thn on Monday, January 7, tho high
water mark for a full day was readied,
with rernnlnl ili-nllnir to the amount nf
2,150,000 Bhares, Illustrates tho size of tho
present market. This was duo to the effect
norm Hiieniimiinn or inn ncai uv wniun uiu
Jersey Central road has been nequlred for
tun lteniunz comiianv. sunn omenteii oy ino
irnneriil linllef that n foundation oxlsted for
tho rumors coneerning tno acquisition oi
the St. Paul ilnliwny company, ann, per
Inins. of other western systems by certain
corporations, Knormoua renllzlug snlcs
were mot hv an equally remarkable scale of
buying and tho speculative movement; later
in tno week, winio tno voiumo or iransac-
iioiiM ri.ntinneii inrire. tno tone nccamc
ntileter and there was n subsidence of tho
excitement, accompanied oy more or ies
reactionary tendencies. This was partly
occasioned hv the fuct that the growing
caso or money nas, ana too icnaency oi
funds to return to inow orK irom me in
terior Is. In decided contrast to tho con-
tinned nresstirc noon tho London money
market, which creates an urgent demand
for our iiHSlstauca mere, reueeieu in tno
further rapid rlso of foreign exehnnge rates
at New York this week and the prospect
that some gold will liavn to Do snipped to
tho other side. While tho bank statement
of last Saturday was satisfactory, and It Is
felt Unit somo specie can ue loaneci to Lon
don without nnv risk of producing pressure
In our monev markets, the outlook Interna
tionally is ono which would tend to foster
cotiRci vatlsm In banking circles. Hven
more effective, however, were developments
which seemed lo indicate mat tun street
was over-sanguine In Its conclusions about
tho nlnnd of tho llnanelcrs. who were sup
posed to bo preparing fresh combinations
poncerninc hi. l'aui aiin oiner ranrouus.
und tho announcement of prospective com
petition hv Hie t'arnegio company wun tno
National Tube company, the last news be-
Inz particularly denressluu In Its offectH on
tho industrials. It must, however, ho ad
mitted that at 'concessions thero was ap
parently a good buying demand for stocks
and that tho Investment market shows no
oxhauBtlou nf tho Inlying power, in ract,
nntnlilv lame nut-chases, apparently for In
vestment, hnve been seen in stocks, which,
llko Missouri Pacific, havo advanced on the
slrencth nf hit linn tlotiH thnt their restora
tion to tnu position oi niviucnu payers is
at hand.
Ilomls have also been very strong nnd
tlio scarcity of offcrlncs of prime Issues is
still a feature. The street Itself seems less
Inclined to renr an Immediate culmination
of tho "boom" than It wns a few weeks
ago, and tho prevalent opinion is mat nc
tlvltv on a scnlo which under ordinary con
dltlons might bo supposed to mark tho
turning point in mo speculation creates in
tin actual nilsirlvincs on tho part of specu
lators. Pools In certain stocks seern to
havo realized, but other securities havo
been taken In hand and ndvaneed In their
dace, and tho success with which mis nas
icon rcnentutl creates a feeling that tho
process can go on for somo tlmo to come.
inough SIOCKB which invc nran iinuuiy mi
vniieeil recedo to moro moderato quotations
and the market at largo suffers from torn-
lorary general reactions, tiio support given
it- in m Interests to the specialties has not
apparently been withdrawn nnd new com-
niuaiions inmiiiK me uiui"ii" ivi;ir.i
to bo nnnounecd, cvft If nctual farts In
snmo instances I0 noi agree wun npueuiu
tlve anticipations.
ii it . i ) st 1 1 1 : vyrv 1 1 h v 1 1 : w or tiiaim:
IIiikIh-hh SIiiissn ii i-iiIiik-I'ii In Sev
er nl Truiles,
NEW YOHK, Jan. It. Ilradstrcct'B to
mnrrnu- will Kliv:
liuniiit-fn in dui, i v . i. ..........
character in most lines, but n livening up
,....... I.. Irinl... Imu I. nnd
....,.. I.. utlll it t n l.nlti.nnti.linniinttU
III lllll'ivnk in ovMMti ....-.. ...... ......
noted this week. Itelattvely best reports
eomo from tho iron nnd steel, lumber,
...... I .1-... I. ill llinrn lti.u li.n..
leiiiner iiuii hhik .iiiw-.-. wiv . ..
somo enlargement of wholesale dlstrtbutlvo
trade oil spring iieuiiiuii in iuu nuuiu nun
c. I.n.ln I . .ti... unrul. In lllul
nlllllH 11IHIU III iiij h'J.m .- J'l". "I'.-M.llf.
up. and it in noted that n heavy shipping
movement on orders Is now proceeding at
tho west. Some gain in wool sales Is noted
at eastern markets, but weather conditions
havo not been favorable nt Hie caBt to
business ns a whole, exrept as stimulating
the retal' trado In shoes and rubber goods.
Linnndil fniitiim 1h tlwi ce n i.rf 1 1 1 V triinil
tenor of reports as to collections from all
western and southern points, itnni wiuen
It is Inferred that trado returns to retnllers
must havo been quite good. Hummed pp
brlellv the situation Ib ope of widespread
conlldonco In tho general business outlook.
Cereals have given a further exhibition of
life this week, partly on light northwest re
relpts and advices thnt Argentina ship
ments will not exceed IIS.OOO.OOO tin , or about
half those of u yenr ago. but largely on
!. ......II Iintii'lnl- ..f 11'.. 11
lite uiniiiniiJii"i. ii.iv .wining 111 nn
street money seeking nn n.itlet in tho grain
market, l-'luetuatlntis have been wider anil
It IH1H ill 1 II , poiihihi. i nniii in iiiiiinn.
with net changes for the week small. Corn
Is slightly higher lb Hympathy with wheat
and WIUUI l.-ll-nun ill niuum i.
... i.mitiiIiii. .MitliAf. Ilinn nn n.itli.n .In
mnnil Is the feature In iron and steel, but
UI!l' llll lllil.'lin.-,n, in uiiii'ii in
llessemer pig Iron and billets nt Pittsburg
and In plates at Chicago, No charge In
billets or plates has been agreed upon as
yet. Iron production Is Increasing, but has
i nr i.. n..i.i i
II ll "VP! WlltVIl IllinillllllUllll, Ullll MUH'lt.f
o reported smal'er than n mor.tli ngo,
nere are onlv two Idle furnaces nrnv In
-ii.i- ,i i.. ,i. .
III. uiLiikiii inniiiii
Cotton has weakened on discourage, d bull
liquidation, duo to larger receipts, white
cotton goods have been qutet on the ad
vices of a backward spring trade In tho
east. Wool has been In rather better de
mand than of late, duo to better buying by
manufacturers. A fair business has been
booked In overcoatings on next fall ac
count at lower prices, but the regular
heavyweight season has not yet opened.
Plain dress goods aro being ordered otitto
freely, but fancies aro neglected. Jobbing
business In shoes Is qulter, but Is quite
good at retail. Travelers aro now going out
with fall styles of shoes, which will sell
slightly lower than last year.
Wheat, Including flour, shipments for tho
week aggrcgato 6.JW1.005 bushels, against
3,914,301 bushels last week, I,2I3,K bushels
In the corresponding week of 1'joo, S.817,071
bushels In 1SW, 5,299,517 bushels In 1S93 and
3.915,154 bushels In 1897. From July 1 to dato
this season wheat exports are l(H,02a,&51
bushels, ngalnst 110.752.8ul last season and
134,036,049 in 1S9S-99. Corn .exports' for tho
week aggregate 4.S97.3H bushels, against
4,470,521 last week, 3.614.6.C In this week a
year ago, 3,297,072 In 1S99, 4,011,750 In 1S3S and
3,757,281 In 1597. From July 1 to date, this
season, corn exports uro KXJ.tJ0S.035 bushels,
against 113.920.7j7 last season and 49,071,999
bushels In 1S98-99.
HUBlness failures In the United Stutes for
tho week number 322. ngnlnst 208 last week.
295 In 1900, 304 In 1899, 3J3 III 1S9S and 473 111
lb97. Canadian failures for the week num
bT thirty-six, ngalnst twenty-three last
week, twenty-eight In this week a yenr ago.
iniriy-iuur in inyj, uii -uik'is in icvs una
fifty-ulna In 1S97.
WHI2KI.V CI.mitl.J TAIII.l).
KicreKiili nf IIiinIiii'sm TriuiMiieleil by
Hie AsHin-lnleil lliinks.
VMW Villi If Inn It Tim f nl l,.n-1 n
table, complied by Drndstrcot. shows the
bank clearings at all principal cities for tho
week ended January 10,' with the percen
tage of Increase and decrease, as compared
nn tno corresponding week last year:
Clearings. Inc. Dec.
New York
11.3 .
4.(1 .
11.8 .
iHi.i i.;i i
St. Louis
Pittsburg ,
San Kranclsco ....
Kansas City
New Orleans
St. Paul
9 2S7 '''
I tiillana polls ...
Columbus, O
Rochester ,
2,N, IK
1 1.2
New Haven
22 9
Salt Lake City ...
Sprlngllcld, Mums.
:i,S2. 178
i-ort worm
Portland, Me
Portland. Ore
St. Joseph ,
I.os Angeles
. 4.078.SIG!
lies Moines
Wilmington, Del..
Kail Hlvcr
Grand Itaplds ....
Augusta, (lit
1.0? .GVi
35. 8!
Davton. O
, l,
Sioux citv
Now Hedtord
Knox vlllo. Tent!..
7 17,071
I.exlnctnn. Kv
Jacksonville, I
Kalamazoo ....
1, WI.401
Chattanooga ..
Horkford, 111...
Canton. O
Sprlnglleld, O..
b'argo, K. D....
Sioux Falls. S.
. , IT79.CNI01
1 722.318
i KMLira;
.v.- K)7.aiH
" 4.a;.79i
",u' 215.509
Fremont, cob....
O 143.705!
10 II...
25.3 ,
2 3
Sprlngllold. 111...
I. title jcock
Colorado Spiinga
30. 0 .
Tntnls. V. S...
$2,013,791,415! 41. 1
5S5,SSC,059 13.1)1
Totala outside N.
Montreal ....
2, 189.31S
Winnipeg ...
Hamilton ..
St. John. N.
Vancouver .
13,595,711! 21 .Si .
Niillimiil lliirrnii of Iilenllllcnllon
Want 11 Ciimiilflo lllvnrei uf Po
lice Work mill Polities.
CHICAGO, Jan. 11. At Its Ilnal session
held hero today tho. board ot governors of
tho national bureau of IdentlUcatlon adopted
a resolution looking to tho emancipation
ot tho pollco departments of tho cities ot
tho United States from political lnllucnce.
Tho resolution Is as follows:
"Tho board In vluw of pollco conditions
which In many Instances work not only to
tho detriment of localities, but to tho cm
barrassment of the servlco at large, unanl
mously recommends that tho board of ill
rectors of tho National Chiefs of Pollco of
tho United States and Canada accept as
the opinion of this board that appropriate
action obnuld bo had at tho next annual
meeting of tho association tending to bring
about tho non-partisan organization and
conduct of pollco departmenta throughout
tho country nnd tho extension of ayniputhy
and support of chiefs of pollco who muy
bo removed from olllco after long years
of honorable servlco without cause."
Tlio committee which submitted this rcso
lutlon was composed of Philip Dcltseh of
Cincinnati, Hlchard Sylvester of Washing
ton nnd Georgo E. Corner of Cleveland
chiefs of police.
Dele. liven Snlil In Hi 'Wiiti-liliiK Pun
Hi-iiKerx Who Siill for
A us I nil In.
VANCOUVKIt, n. C, Jan. U. Two
mysterious Individuals, mild by tho Van
couver pollco to bo Pinkerton detectives,
havo been In tho city for tho last two days,
Their mission Is said to bo to arrest Pat
Crowe, tho alleged abductor of youug Kd
ward Cudtihy of Omaha. Crowo is ox
pectod by thesr detectives to attempt to
sail for Aus,ralla nn tho Minwern.
llri-iuiNf Tin)' l.ouU l.llii- Put ( rnni
WAI.TIIAM. Mass., Jan. II -Two men
ono of whom Is fciild to bear ,1 striking
semblinee to tho newspaper pictures of I
1 in
v ii.i.'. ii. i,ii-ni -1, .,1111, mi, niu 11,1 l- , hi'iu
sentenced to serve six months at tho Htutu
in in iiiuuy on ine 1:11111 m oi vngranc
iney gave ineir names us e reii .turnr
Putnam. N. Y , and Fred Wilson if N
Haven. The men liml been ner.urivlniF
enmp In a heelnded piace Until were well
uresseu. a newspaper iroin which a plcturi
of Pat Crowe had been lorn was picked 111
near tho camp. Tho men were photograph"
today ami their pictures will be sent l" tin
pollco of all the largo cities fur lilenllllcit
Holler 11.iIiinIoii Injure Three.
CHICAGO, Jan. 11. Three men were In
Jured, two probably fatally, by tho explo
slon today of thn main boiler In the Illda
&. Morcnsoy Mill company's plant at Oak
Park. Tho Injured: Isaac Proqueiier,
Charles Fiibs, serious; Herman Heck, aerl
ou. 1 lie ' nine ut tho explosion li unknown
For 11 I'nlil tn I lie lli-nil,
Correspondent of London Timet Predion
Continued Trouble in Gtiinn.
MiirliiK Will Find Her Supplied ulth
Treiiieuiloiit I'liri'i nf .lien, Well
Arim-il, mill (.rt-iit "triin
Kle Will I'olliMT.
CHICAGO, Jan. 11. A special to tho
Trlbuno from Vnucouver, H. C says; Cap
tain C. P. Lockhart, correspondent of tho
-ondon Times In China, who accompanied
Oencrnl Gazelee's relief force, left for Now
lork enroute to London todny. Speaking
of tho situation In China, ho tald:
"I think so tar ns 1.1 Hung Chang him
self Is concerned, ho Is perfectly sincere
n his position as mediator, but my obscrv.v
Ion lends mo to Judgo that any agree
ment tho Chinese make now would bo kept
by them no longer than It suited their con
venience. The empress dowager will by
spring havo a tremendous orco of men
armed with modern rllles nt her command
and neither she nor Prince Tuati has the
slightest chance of falling Into the hands
of tho allies' forces. Next summer will
seo tho great struggle betweou tho well
organized Iloxcrs under tho empress and
Prlnc Tuan and tho nlllcd forces In their
attempt to scat the young emperor flrinly on
tho throne.
llipnrtrt from I nlleil Stiitc.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 11. Tho monthly
statement of tho exports of domestic
products of tho United Stated, Issued by
tho bureau of statistics, shows that during
tho month of Doccmbcr, 1000, the exports
by articles wero as follows, comparisons
being made with December, 181)!): Dread-
RtulTs, $21,323, C65; Increase, Jfi.loO.-OOO,
cnttlo mid hogs, S3,lC3,y::l; Increase $1,100,
000; provisions, $lR,038.2Sf); decrease, $350,
000; cotton, $II,15.1,7SS; Increase, SlS.322,000;
minerals oils, $5,127,SM; decrease, $350,000.
Kor thoitwclvo months tho aggrcgato was
i$8.12,30l,250, a net liarenso of $UU,000,000.
-l rim Unit In Coloiilxlnn; 1'lniix.
JAMESTOWN. Tenn., Jan. 11. A. F.
Dreutzcr of Chicago nnd Olaf Ilergstrom
of Nebraska have inado arrangements for
colonizing about 100,000 acres of land In
Kentrcss and Morgan counties with Finns.
For several years p.iRt Mr. Ilergstrom has
boon colonizing Finns In Nebraska. Finns
uro leaving Finland by thousands yearly
on account of tho oppression by the govern
ment. Alli-nipteil ANNiinnliintlon of 'XViiIi'n,
LONDON, Jan. 11. Th.j basis of the rn-
port of nn attempted asnasslnatlou ot tho
prtneo of Wales turns out to be that a
harmless foreign muslclnn followed the
prlnco. Wedneadny when ho wes returning
from slioot'ng on tho duko ot Devonshire's
estate. Tho stranger ran when detectives
went toward him. Hu eluded them, but was
Identified Inter.
t'ollcKi .Hen Delnitr i-riiiu:i Ixe.
CIIICAfiO. Jan. 11. For tin. liml limn
In tho history of tho two Institutions,
Northwestern university will meet the Uni
versity of Chicago in competitive dob no
n- Kvunston tonight, for tho Int ircoileginto
debuting championship of tho west. North.
ull' be represented bv Harry O.
Hill. Georce II. Parkinson nnd J. K. Hmllev.
while Guy W. Hoss, ThomiiH 11. lllloy und
S O. Levy will uppcar for tho University
of Chicago.
Tho subject ror debate will be, "Should
House Dill No. 7MV) Hecomi a Law?" Tim
bill In iiuestlun was Introduced by Senator
Lodge 01 Massachusetts In l.W and provided
for tho restriction of tho elective franchise
by nn educational test
Prices of .11 (-11 Ik Co I'p.
CHICAGO. Jan. 11. Prices for fresh
meats yesterday reached tho highest point
for Janunry since 1S3I. With S.000 cattle,
20.000 hoes and 10.000 sheep on tho innrkei
at prices running from ll.fti to $5.00 for cat
tle on tho hoof, hogs, fo.l0'ii5.l7 and sheep
j.i iieui i.i"i per jmi piiuinin, 1110 consumer was
forced to pay 22 cents per pound for a
portorhouso steak. 10 cents per pound for
pork ehops and 20 cents per pound for
enoieo cum 31 iiimo nnu mutton. Tho
prices veti; Lambs, 20 cents; pot roast
(beef). 7 to 12 cents; salt pork, 11 cents;
corned beef. H to 12 cents. These prices
considerably Increased tho cost to tho heads
or famines.
fnncr .llnrket.
NEW YORK, Jan. ll.-COFFEK-Spnt,
Itlo. dull: No. 7, invoice. 7Vic. nominal.
Mild, Cordova. 81f!2Vic. The market for
futures opened quiet at a decline of 5 points
and later ruled dull with a. weak under
tone, the eablcH being unsatisfactory.
Spot demand slack und speculation Indif
ferent. Thn feat that thn market has bo.
eomo oversold cheeked selling and covering
wok about me only support. Thn market
closed steady with prices unchanged to 5
minis not higher, lotiu sa:es, it,.'on nags,
nettldlng January at fi.OOc: March. 5.701D
5.7!e; April. 6,f5,Sii; May. S.KWifi.OOc; Rep.
temper, u.yjc; ucioner, wi; iovcmixtr, i.wo;
December, O.OTic.
and my sioniach became too -week to retain food. Hov
eral doctors, some of them specialists, failed to benefit
me. 1 then began taking Dr. Kay's Renovator. After
the first dose I stopped taking morphine, antl have not
had any pain in my stomach since. My appetite is
gootl and 1 eat anything. I feel like a new man.
Farragut, Iowa, April 8th, 1897.
Now, almost four years afterwards he writes:
"My health is good. I eat such things as cucum
bers, onions, cabbage, etc., without fear of consequences. 1 consider niyM'lf us sound and
well as anybody."
Dr. Kay's Renovator
cures io slay cured. It will cure your stomach trouble! (let; a L'Hc box as a trial. That M
gnawing pain in your stomach, your gas belching, your sick headaches, your horrible, $
sleep-destroying, mind-racking dyspepsia pangs can now be cured! Cons! ipaliou, Liver
Complain!, Kidney Diseases and all organic disorders are cured by Dr. Kay's Renovator,
simply because nr. ivays
Wo Will Hlvo Vou Froo
nrmnniil uilvli't. fne nf rliaritl Ho
(lid book mi treatment of Uli'.iic'-. fin- Do not lul-o i KUlHtltulr, tin mutt-r who ti-lld j-.m mini mtnr rc:m tl In jir-t
ns kooiI ll Hist up in tryiK Or K.iy'H Itinnvatir. II m- in i'(iiiil. If you i-ar.'t tsul it at ilni-i:intr. mi ir tin- prion '!
rcct to Or II, J Kav Mcilt'al t'o., Karatoira Spring), N. V, titl it will bf jrnt prepaid ny nmi'. I)r K.iy'a IV-ucvator
la uolU lor Ki ami $1 w.
Time anil again we see voiine men
Just arriviiiR at their legal majority,
or having oarely passed it, suiidcnly
stopped in a career full of promise.
Disease has laid its hand on the limp I
He who never took a thought (or him
self must be careful now. He must lie
careful about food and drink, careful
about Ills clothing and his exercise. No
more late hours or night air. No more
athletics. His lungs are "weak." He
has nn ominous cough, He has fallen
away in flesh.
When that cloud of consumption falls
on a young man's life it darkens every-
thing. The words of lore tile unsjMken
011 his lips. He CAtihot speak jow to
the girl be hoped would shurt. ids ftilure.
Middle ngctl men that have been under
that cloud remember it still with a
shiver. Hut the important fact is tl'.v.t
there arc men who were once in danger
from "weak" lungs who have grown
strong again, married and brotnjlit up
healthy families.
HOW IT HAl'l'ltNlil).
Tk ere is no chance about such cures.
If only n few persons had been benefited,
it might be said that they had exagger
ated their danger or had only been suf
fering from some common ailment. Hut
when the cured are tiumbered by thou
sands ; when the doctor's diagnosis was
consumption ; when every symptom bore
out that diagnosis weakness, emacia
tion, bleeding of the lungs and these
sufferers were perfectly nnd permanently
cured by the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery, it must lie concluded
that these cures are not of chance, but
due to the healing power of .1 great
remedy, for coughs, weak lungs, bron
chitis, and like diseases, which if neg
lected or unskillftilly treated, find a fatal
termination in consumption.
"I beg to state that I have used three
liottlcs of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery since my correspondence with
you," writes Mr. A. lf. Novotny, of New
YorkN. Y. (Ilox 1437). "I feel that I
am in need of no more medical assist
ance. When I started to take yonr medi
cine I had a regular consumptive cough,
of which I was afraid, iintl everybody
cautioned and warned me concerning it
I was losing weight rapidly, was very
pale and had no appetite whatever. Now
my condition is changed entirely. I
do not cough nt all, have gained eight
pounds in weight, have recovered my
healthy color, and my appetite is enor
mous. In conclusion I beg to state that
I can and will recommend your medi
hi j j msum
"r.RAtO.Qni ypWT"
"Morphine and Laudanum
alone gave relief."
"Twenty yours ugo I lmd a Blight stomach trouble
sis I grew olcler the trouble grew worse, und for the
Inst few years T have not been able to work most of the
time The puin in my stomach grew so intense that mor
phine and laudanum alone gave me relief, and that only
for a little while. For six weeks I never left my bed
nenovaior renovates me wnoie
dvlrto. Writ' us nil I'boui your cympi'i'in
will also hiii1 you li famuli- (if Hill rr-mt'ilv
cine to everybody vtho may lie in need
of same, as it Is a sure cure, no humbug,
as are most other twlcnt medicines, nntl
is far superior to ail similar medicines."
Gratitude, like murder, will out. You
can't stillc it. To that is due the fact
that there is so a of tett
tnotiy to the remarkable effected
by "Golden Medical Discovery." It is
testimony which no one can" gainsay ;
testimony indisputable and iniAM.ti'i.iUe.
It conies from people of all classes and
conditions, but in many cases fioni those
who have found n cure in the use of
"Discovery" when other medicines have
failed to help, nnd often when physicians
had pronounced the sufferer incurable.
"1 took n severe cold which settled in
the bronchial tubes," writes Rev. I'ratik
Hav, of Nortouville, Jeftcmm Co., Knns.
"After trying medicines labeled 'Sure
Cure,' almost without number, I was led
to try Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis
covery. I took two bottles
and was cuicd, and have
fcl J staved cured,
"When I think of the
great, iiuiu 1 uiiu 10 cnuuic,
and the terrible cough I
had, it seems almost a
miracle that I was so soon
" That God may spare
voit many years ami abund
antly bless you is the prayer
of vour grateful friend."
I'here 13 ouctriking evi
dence in almost all these
testimonials, both to the
actual diseased condition
and its positive cure. That
evidence is found in the
loss nf Ilcnh, marking the
wasting character of the
disease, mid in the gain of
flesh which marks the cure
' by the ur of "Golden Med
ical Discovery."
"While living in Char
lotte, N. C, your medicine
cured me of asthma am?
nasal catarrh of ten years'
standing," w rites J. L.
I.umsden. Ksq., of 22 1
Whitehall Street, Atlanta,
Ga. "At that time life
sas a burden to me, and nfter spending
hundreds of dollars under numerous doc
tors I was dying by inches. I weighed
only 131 pounds. In twenty days after
I commenced your treatment I was well
of both troubles, and in tlx months I
weighed 170 pounds antl was in perfect
health. 1 have never felt the slightest
symptom of either since. Am now sixty
five years oid and in perfect health, nnd
weigh 160 pounds. No money could re
pay you for what you ditl for inc. I would
not return to the condition I was In, in
October, 1872, for Rockefeller's wealth."
There is no alcohol in "Golden Med
ical Discovery," anil it is free from
opium, cocaine and all other narcotics,
Accept no substitute for the "Discov
ery." Speaking by the record of the
medicine, there is nothing else "just as
good" for those who cough or have
weak lungs,
Persons who are suffering from disease
in chronic form are invited to consult
Dr. Pierce, by letter, free. All corre
spondence is 'held as strictly private.
Address Dr. K. V. Pierce, Iluffalo, N. Y.
Dr. Pierce is chief consulting phy
sician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical
Institute, Iluffalo, N. Y. He is assisted
by a staff of nearly a score of experi
enced physicians, and the success of his
methods may be gathered from the fact
that in a practise of over thirty years, and
the treatment of hundreds of thousands
of sick men and women, 98 per cent, have
been perfectly and permanently cured.
Big in its scope as in its size, Dr.
Pierce's Common Sense Medical Ad
viser, containing ioo3 large pages and
over 700 illustrations, is cent free on
receipt of stamps to pay expense of
mailing only. Send 31 one-cent stamps
for the cloth-bound volume, or only 21
stamps if content to have the book in
paper covers. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce,
Buffalo, N. Y.
Cured While You:
Sleep, in 15 Days.
DIhioItm Stricture llko mow UuiMlb the tun. mluoei
RiilaricHlT'rustnte, liml troiiglhBiift tlio Henilnal IlucU, uouulnic DnUiui fcruli
KmlMlonii In Klfteon Dote. No drugs lo ruin thn slouiiu-h, tmtmJIrect loeall
and lrfinlUre Miplloatlon m the onllro tiriUlirn! IrucL "Grau-HolTiinl" Una a.
Ilnittd. 11 la prepared In Uio form of Crajoin or I'enrlls, mootli and flex-
'Pi t"ro.trmnc"rS! Every Man Should Know Himself.
J IIKHT. jaiKS ASNK, IV l til hi, uitieuiiuiii, u. im proanu 111 a mm mm
meat expense an tMhaiintlTU Illustrated Trcatlan on the nialola ihr S !
kjuim, nuicb ttiej will aond lo aujr malu applicant, prepaid" "
at 3
nil our tilij-t cl-i n wl'i cluil'y urinl viu
nnil I)r Knv'.s 'I n ulrr.i'iit. .1 vnfn i.