THE OMAHA DAILY H15E: SATUKDAT, .TAyiTAKY 12, 1003. 8 NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. JOHN BEIMO & CO.'S COUNCIL MINOll MUNTIO.V Davis sells glmci. Davis sells drugs. 1 "Mr. Itlloy," 6-ccnt cigar. Kino Missouri ok. Ollbcrt Ilros. Ohm llxturcs anil globes nt Itlxby'fl. Vino A. D. f. beer, Neumuyer's hotel. Wollmiin, sclentlllc optician, tW H'd'y. fichmldt's photos guaranteed to please. Moore's stock food kills worms, fnttetti". W. J. Hosteller, dentist, Haldwln block. J.pffort. Jeweler, nptlcliin, S3 Broadway. Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. T. Kelley, a son. Drink Hudwelscr beer. I,. Hosonfeld. ngt. MIsh Anna Mooro Is confined to Iter homo with grip. Picture framing. V. K. Alexander & Co., I Jil Ilroadwny. V. '. Oraff. undertaker and dlslnfcutor. 101 Hoiltll Main street, 'Phono 50ii. Oct your work ilonn at the popular Kaglo laundry, 721 Hroadway. 'Phono 157. . Mrs. r. ;, Miiycox of Kansas t'llv U tho 1 guest of Mrs. W. It. Klslier of Vine street. Morgan ft Kl In, upholstering, furnlturo repairing, mattress making- 122 Main st. Mrs. Albert f ole has heon kept to her bed for the hut week with congestion of the luns. Mr and Mu Leo II. fSammon of Pnrlflo Junction are guests of their daughter, Mrs. W U. Crewdsoti. Krod Juhl was granted a divorce from Treno Juhl by Judge Thornoll of the dis trict court yesterday. Htago Manager Hert Urown of the Do hanv opera house Is conllnod to his homo on Third avenuo with grip. William Wallaeo of I)es Moines hns been called to tlil-4 city by the serious Illness of his father. W. W. Wallace. Charles It. Maiinan. president of the First National hank, nas ben called to Detroit by the Illness of tils brother. Tho district court grand Jury, which has been In session since last Tuesday, Is ex pected to report this morning. Mrs. Chumplor, mother of Mrs. N. f Phillips, Is seriously 111 at her (laughter's homo (in Hoiltll Seventh street. Thi condition of W. W. Wallace 1aM night was reported to he somewhat better, although ho Is still In u crl'lcal state. A want ad In Tho Hep will bring results. Thn same n t leu t Ion given to n want ad In Council lttuffs as nt the Omaha otllcc. O. 11. Jennings, attorney of Shennndoali, la., was In Council HlunV yesterday on business connelceil with thn federal court. Hherldan dial, onto tried always used. Smokeless, no soot, clinkers nor sulphur. I'rlce. J5, IS.fiQ. Kenton .Vt Foley, solo agents. MIeh Jesslo Lindsay of Nlnbtiira, Neb, who has been tho cuest of Mr. nnd Jlri. Albert Colo of Kottrth r.venue, returned to her home yesterday. Dr. A. V. Stephenson has been nllowed 13) by tint County Hoard of Supervisors for riinsiiltiitlnn In tbreo cases of smallnox nt tho Woman's Christian Association hos- nltal. Key. (ieorge Crofts of Beatrice, Neb., for merly pastor of thn Congregational church of this city, has been called hero by tho serious illness or nis menu, wiiiiam v, Wallace of Uluff Btteet. Tho Household Kconomlc department of thn Council muffs Woman's club will meet l his nflernnnn nt tho club rooms. Airs. Harriet MacMurphy of Omaha will deliver nn undress on tne puru roou tiuesiion, .loo Oreen, u colored man. Is under nrrest nt thn cltv tail on susttlclon of being con- reeled with some of the recent thefts of chickens, (ireen Is suld to have rallied off rotnc choice specimens of poultry lately Tho motor company had u largo force of men clearing tho snow off I.nko Jlimawn yesterday anil by owning u spaco of about ten acrcH had been swept clean. The com pany will resuino Its train service to the lako this afternoon. Tho annual meeting of the Council Hluffs Crime nrnweru' Hhlnnlntr association will tin held thl m.irnlng In Farmers' hall at tho cnuntv courthouse. A dividend which lias been deel.ircd as a result of last year's tiusluess will Da paid at mis meeting, Tho case against H. H. Dowers, charged with selling u stolen horso to Jack l'lnell, n saloonkeeper, has been set for next Mon day In Justice Ferrler's court. Dowers hns been releaso-d from tho county Jail on ball in llio sum hi woo. Vltcor .Innscn, tho supposed Insane man picked up by tho police Thursday night, was released vestonlav morning. Arte: night's rest his condition was much Im proved and as ho said ho expected to go to worK cuiiing ico in iimaua me pouco uu elded not to detain him any longtr. Thn tmtrnti!! nf tho Dnhanv theater will be entertained next week by tho Kllfoll Htock company and It Is said It Is ono of the In. ul rntiertnlrn pomnuntes on tho road. It will open hero Sunday evening, presenting tho comedy-drama. "Our Slopliiisbarid. The, comminy. It is said, pays a heavy rovaltv on Its pieces presented nnd has tho solo right to play them, ro that tho public In attending tho performances can expect something new. Homo excellent specialties tiro promised. N. Y. numbing Co., telephone 250. 7G cents, nt Mot- lOlgln colored shirts, calf's prelnventory sale. Ice Jinn May Lose Knot. James h. Paimor, nn einployo of tho Council Illurfs Coal and Ico company, was seriously Injured In an nccldent yester day morning while loading Ico from tho cars Into tho company's storago houso nt Mm Union Pnclflc transfer. Supports of tho chute gavo way and Boveral blocks of Ice. estimated to weigh In tho neighbor hood of half n ton, foil on Palmer, break ing his right leg nnd crushing his foot, Palmer wns convoyed to his homo nt Six teenth nvenuo nnd Tenth strcot In tho nollco ambulanco. It Is posslhlo that his foot will have to ho amputated. Ten-dollar winter suits, $7.50, at Mot calf's prclnvcntory sale. Ileal Ksliitf Transfer. Tho following transfers wero filed Friday In the abstract, tltlo and loan ofllco of J. W. Hquire. 101 Pearl street: franklin I. Hrencman nnd wlfo to ' Albert D. Wnlile, B'V',4 33-75-II. ex. o ;; acres, w. d -M-" Sheriff to U wls W. Until, part s l and net', 9-2I-I0. s. il Oenign firow and wife to lians Peter- son, lots 7 and 8, block 2, Howards add, w. d ) F J. KehiKirr and wife to lTod Mor- gel. lot S. block 11, Potter . Cobb H A!"'!". 'satcl'ieV niid' wife' in Trinity Methodist Knlsi-opat church, lot lb, Turley's subdlv, w. d........ County treasurer to K. J. be inorr. lot S. block 11. Potter & Cobb B add, tax d 3 901 4'.'5 CO 910 3 Totnl six transfers UO.3'3 Qravcl roofing. A. II. Ueed, G41 Hroadway. What Do. You Think... When you see $ shoe adver tised for $3, and $3 shoes for J2? Does It seem rmsoimblo to you? Were they $3 or 15 bhocs or Is It humbug? If you think It Is, try SARGENT Whern thero Is lust one price, and ns good ns can bo bought for tho money on earth. LOOK FOR THE HEAU-THAT'S SARGENT. FARM LOANS Negotiated 111 Eastern Nebraska and Iowa. Jainm ?. cnsoily, Jr., 120 Main Ht., council isiuiin, Save Your Honey (Inventing ' With tho KAVINOS, LOAN ASH 1IUII,I)I0 133 I'enrI Street, Council Ulufla, In. BLUFFS. DENY INSOLVENCY OF BANK Rewiveia' Attornoji Allege That No Aocount is Taken of Individual Estates. PUSEY AND OFFICER FUNDS MAY SUFFICE C K. Wnltern, Kxpcrt Arrotinlnnt for Creditors, TeatlUe llrfore .lodge Thornell Tlint Ilntttc "Wit I.iiiib tillable to Mert I.lnlillltlcs. According to thn testimony of C. I Walters, expert accountant employed by tho creditors of Olllcer &. I'tiscy's bank to check over tho nccounts and books of tho de funct ilrm as glten by hltu In tho district court yesterday, the banking co-partnership formed by Thomas Olllcer nnd V. It. M. I'usey In Council Hluffs In 185G, had been Insolvent slncn 1883, nnd was so at tho tlno of tho appointment of tho receivers. Accoiintunt Walters Is tho chief witness for tho creditors, who filed n petition of Intervention, alleging that tho bank was Insolvent nt tho time they made their du poslts nnd that therefore their claims should bo preferred, tho hearing on which was commenced yesterday afternoon heforo Judge Thorncll. Walters was on tho wit ness stand nil of tho afternoon, and his cross-oxnmlnatlon hud not been completed when court adjourned for tho day. Ills testimony related entirely to what ho had discovered by his examination of tho bank's books and accounts, nnd he gave It nE his opinion that tho bank had at no time, from 1SS3 to tho time of Its dissolution been able to meet Its liabilities. His figures, an adduced from his examina tion of the books, showed that 111 April, 18S3. tho liabilities of tho firm exceeded Its assets by $34,1)00.08; In November, 1892, tho liabilities exceeded tho assets by $109, 102.11. nnd that in January, 1890, tho as sets fell short of tho liabilities by $211, C04.G9. Tho condition of tho bank at tho dato of tho nppolntmcnt of tho receivers bns nlrcady been mado known. Accountant Walters offered in ovldenco reports showing an itemized statement of tho assets and liabilities of tho hank nt tho dates mentioned, also statements show ing what portion of tho nssots his investi gations had lod him to classify as worth less, AixetN Snlil to lie Worthless. Thcso figures aro taken from tho testi mony offered by Mr. Walters. In 1883 tho nssots adjudged as worthless by him wcro Hills receivable Jt3.HiS.R2 Cash short lit.OOO.OO Hiisneiided list 1.381.20 Vnluo of real estato overestimated.. 1!!,000.00 Overdrafts 17.232.99 Total JSO.793.01 Tho total liabilities of tho firm at that dato wero $102,232.85 and tho assets reck oned as good wero $317,272.77, showing a discrepancy of $54.900. OS. In November, 1892, theso assets of tho bank aro given by Mr. Walters ns worth less: Hills receivable $72,313.33 Husncnded account iil.Uo. Shortage of cash Judgments 1,015.15 Overdrafts 9.234.23 Value overestimated of real estato 30,0O0.O() Totnl 5156.151.0S At thbi dnto tho total liabilities of tho bank nmouuted to $308,730.01, whllo tho good nssots figured by Mr. Wnlters wore $159,027.90. showing a difference between tho assets and liabilities of $109,102.01. In Jnnunry, 1890, Mr. Walters estimated that assets of tho bank In tho amount of $255,950.31 woro worthless, ns follows: Hills receivable $131,520.21 Cash short 10,000.00 Overestimate of vnluo of real es tato Suspended nccounts 33,572.911 Judgments 3iV?'i;? Walter Scott mine Sr'SiHJ Overdrafts 19.ui.Jl Totnl $233,930.31 Tho llnbllltles of tho firm in January, 1890, wero $537,270.02, ngalnBt which, nc cordlng to Mr. Walters' figures. It had only nsscts that wero good to tho nmount of $325,703.43, thus lenvlng tho liabilities $211,504.59 In excess of tho nsscts, On .cross-examination, Accountant Wal ters admitted that In estimating tho sol vency of tho bank ho had not taken Into account anything except tho assets of tho firm, as shown by the books, and had not Included any of tho property owned In dividually and soparntcly by tho members of the copartnership. To Cull on Private KhIuIcs. From tho tenor of tho cross-examination of the witness by counsol for tho rccolvers It was evident tlint tho latter will claim that ns thn cstnto of, tho pnrtners wero llnblo for the debts of tho bank, tho let ter's Insolvency cannot bo determined until It Is shown that tho prlvnto estates of tho lato Thomns Officer nnd W. H. M. Puscy aro Insulllclont to moct tho claims of tho creditors of tho firm. A number of tho creditors who have filed prefered claims filed yesterday sop nrato answers to tho petition of Interven tion of Day & Hess and J. K. Cooper, tho easo nt bar, In which It Is nllcgcd that the petitioners wcro simply general depositors in tho bank nt a tlmo when it wus doing business In nn ordinary and usual mnnner and was meeting Its firm's obligations promptly nnd was not being pressed by nny of Its creditors. Tho nnswers deny tho right of the petit loners to havo claims preferred. Tho result of tho present hearing Is being awaited with much Interest and the rourt room was crowded with nttorneys and tho creditors of tho bank. Danco tonight nt Hughes' hall. Fifteen-dollar wlntor suit;, Motcalf's prclnvcntory sale. $10 nt ON HAIMlOAirS VICTIM, Coroners 'Jury IIwIiIcn Cosaro s Struck liy Train No, ". Coroner Trcynor held nn Inquest yestor day morning over Eugcno Antonio ill Cesare, tho man supposed to havo been run down nnd killed by passenger train No. 5 on tho Northwestern tracks nbout a mllo north of Honey Creek, Tuesdny night. The Jury, composed ot J. C. Rhodabcck, II. J. "Palmer nnd F. Flick, brought In a verdict to the effect that tho man ramo to his death by being struck by Chicago &. 'North western passenger train No. 5 Tuesday night. The witnesses examined wero J. P. Do vltt. engineer, and Allan Purdle, fireman, of train No. 5, Dcvitt testified that while running nbout sixty miles nn hour Tuesday nlgnt a few minutes before 11 o'clock ho suddenly saw somo object In tho nlr. Ho nt once suspected ho had struck some thing, although ho had not noticed any thing on tho track abend of his train. He opened tho window of tho cab nnd looking back noticed somo object lying on tho east track. Ho Bald ho thought ho had struck n calf, ns the object lying on tho trnck did not look to blm like a person. Ho felt uneasy nbout tho matter, howover, nnd on reaching tho Hroadway depot In this city notified the operator and asked him to block the outgoing train at Crescent City and havo tho crow search tho track. Ho looked over hU englno nnd finding no marks on It camo to the conclusion that he must hao struck nomc person, as If It had been an animal thoro would have been marks of hair and skin on tho cowcatcher. Tho nvldenco of Allan Purdle, the fireman, corroborated tho testimony given by En gineer Dcvitt. Tho body was burled yesterday by Under taker Kstep In tho county burying ground. Howell's Antl-Kawf cures coughs, colds. Fifteen-dollar winter suits, Motcalf's prclnvcntory sale. $10.75, at Danco tonight at Hughes' hall. Ten-dollar winter suits, J7.G0, at calf's prclnvcntory sale. Met- SUPKHVIMMIS MiNOItr. VUiS IIOM). Similar ApMoii Ii Tnkrti In Hie Cnsc of (lit Valley Township HulVs. Acting on tho ndvlco of County Attorney Klllpack, tho Hoard of Supervisors yester day decided to Ignore tho bond filed by Ovlde Vlun, who believes that under tho wording nf tho Titus nmendmcnt ho hns a right to hold on to thn office of Justice of peaco for nnothcr term. Tho Hamo action was taken by tho board In tho matter of thn bonds filed by A. M. Huff and J. II. Huff of Valley township, who havo emulated Vlcn's examplo nnd aro trying to hold over ns Justlco of the, peaco and township clerk respectively. Tho board nppolnted n number of Justices of the peaco and constables to fill vacancies caused by tho persons elected last full cither declining to accept tho olllco or hnv lng failed to qualify. They arc: Justices of tho Peaco Doomer township, J. M. Axtell. Carson, Z. T. Llnvlllo; Center, A. I). Putnam; Crescent, N. Swarm; (lamer, I... Prouty; Drove, A. D. Hills; Hazel Dell, W. W. Hnrrls; Keg Creek, William Schultz, D. S. Frank; Dayton, E. C. Thompson; Lewis. W. F. Hlchanls; Lincoln. J. W. Hurckholter: Macedonia, John Knyburn; Plensant, Adolph Hnustrnn, A, C. Horgninn; Hockford, Henry I.owe; Washington, J. K Currlo; York, U. McLnlti, William Ivors. Constables llolknap, 11. D. Crofts; Uoomor.A. U. Hurbrldgc; Center, Fred Hack ott; Orovc. C. J. Pender, W. Putnam; Hardin, Itobort Keating; Hazel Dell, Alcxnndor Val tier; James, Walter Husso; Keg Crook, F. O. SUvcy, J. J. Mls8cr; Knox, J. Livings ton; Layton, John Frnscr, Jr.; Lowls, Otto Dryer; Lincoln, A. E. Young; Macedonia, O. A. Summltt; Mlndcn. W. P. Itosch: Pleas ant, K. A. Bergman; Hockford, William Crooks; Silver Creole, W. A. Wilbur; Wash ington, W. L. Choyno; Wavclnnd, L. D Uogue, D. W. Leonard; York, Peter Dankcn The men thus appointed must qualify on or beforo February 1. Contracts for furnlshlnc medlcnl nttend mice to tho poor woro entered Into In nil tho townships except In Crescent, Hazel Dell, Norwnlk and Mlndcn townships. No bids had been received from those town ships, nnd tho nppolntmcnt of county physl cinns In thcso townships was referred to Supervisor Hansen with power to net. Dr, A. V. Stephenson of this city wns appointed county physician for Garner, Kano and Lowls townships at tho following remunera tion; Oarnor, $9; Kane, $232; Lewis, $9, mnklns a total of $250 for tho year. Tho contract for burying tho pauper dead was awarded to Undcrlnkcr W. F, Grnff of this city nt $8 per person. Onp AxNPMMor (Jols n llnlse. i lie salaries oi mo lownsnip assessors woro fixed at tho samo rate as' paid In 1899 oxcopt in tho case of Assessor Everest o Council Bluffs, who will bo nllowed $2,500, which is $,00 more than his predecessor received. The assessors will also ho al lowed $2 a day for each day they may bo called upon to attend boforo tho local bonrd of review provided that continued attend nnco bo not occasioned by tho assessor neglect or failure In tho performance of his duty. This per dlcm allowance will bo paid on tho nuthority of a certificate from tho town or township clerk, ns tho enso may be. Clerk of tho District Court Reed wns allowed an extra $100 for clerk htro dur ing 1900. Ills commission for collecting costs duo tho county was fixed at 10 per rent for tho yenrs 1899 nnd 1900 nnd 15 ner cent for nil yenrs prior. To tho committee of the wholo was dele gated tho duty of checking up the accounts of tho county officers whoso terms havo lust expired, tho report to bo mado at tho Anrll session of tho board. The com mltteo on nccounts was instructed to check tho reports of County Recorder Smith for tho term ending January, 1901, nnd to re nort at this meeting. Tho bill of Townshln Trusteo H. H. Rounds of Ilelknap township for attending n meeting of tho trustees ut which ho was elected to fill a vacancy wns rejected on tho rccommondatln of tho county attornoy. In n communication to tho board Presi dent N. W. Ells of tho motor company, re garding n petition to havo a consent high way established through section 21-74-41, calls attention to tho fnct that by recent decisions of tho court all of that portion of tho south half lying west of the thrend of tho mnln channel of tho Missouri river nrior to tho cut-oft in 1881 has been nd- Judged In tho stato of Nobraskn and tho tltlo auletcd In C. S. Leffcrts, whoso as signee tho motor company Is. The board expects to take up tho mat ter of tho proposed compromise with for mer Sheriff Morgan this morning and to adjourn this afternoon. - Train servlco to Lako Monawa for tho benefit of skating parties will bo resumed this nfternoon at 2 o'clock. Trains every hour from Pearl and Hroadway. Last train will return from tho lako nt 10:30 p. m. Fifteen-dollar winter suits, $10.7 at Motcalf's prclnvcntory snle. Dance tonight nt Hughes' hall. sir. cointv rou ci.kiiic hiiii:. Itccorilcr Smith IIcipi-iiiIiicm to IJn forcc Ills Claim on (lie Coauly. As it result of tho Board of County Su pervisors refusing to nllow his bill for clerk hire, County Recorder Elmer E Smith yesterday dispensed with tho services of his two assistants. This will leavn tho work of tho ofllco to bo performed by tho recorder nnd his deputy. Wllllnm Lnrscn. Mr. Smith will bring suit ngnlnst tho county to enforce his claim for clerk hire, I'lidcr the law tho county recorder Is permitted to retnln $1,500 per nnnum out of tho fees of tho olllco as salary nnd ho Is further nllowed ono deputy nt $900 year. Recorder Smith says tho wprk nf the office cannot possibly bo kept up by himself and one deputy, nnd this Is gen ernlly conceded to be the fact by tho county officers, but tho wording of the statute puts a stumbling block In thn wny of tho board nllowlng tho recorder nny think for clerk hire. Last year Recorder Smith paid for clerl cal work $1,458, Just $52 short of his full balnry. On nn nverago. over GOO Instru mcntB aro filed for record each month, all of which havo to bo copied Into tho records nnd compared. This, It Is claimed, Is mnro work than tho recorder with tho assistance of one deputy ran possibly perform. Spong ing of tho matter yesterday, Recorde Smith said- "I do not Intend to work any longer for the glory of tho thing, and havo laid off both my assistants and tho office will havo to get nlnns as best It enn wllh out them. Tho work of tho omco Is bound o get bciumi nnd I no punno win do uic sufferer, hut 1 cannot help It. Until the board scee fit to allow me sufficient to pay for tho necessary clerical help tho office will huve to do without It. 1 havo quit paying for It out of my own pocket." On the part of tho county bonrd it is said that It would be perfectly willing to allow the recorder all tho holp necessary If It could sco Its way to do so legally. ltecorder Smith expects to Ilia his suit against the board In tho district court to day, and tho court will ho naked to set nn early dato for hearing It. Danco tonight at Hughes' hall. Elgin colored shirts, 75 cents, at Met- calf's prclnvcntory sale. Mrlf-Coveriniirnt .Vol n, Suret'ss. The Girls' Lltirary society of tho High school held a puhllo meeting yesterday afternoon at which tho question, "Resolved, That Sclf-Govcrnmcnt Will He n Success," was debated. Fredcrlckn Dorlnnd nnd Fan nlo Davcnpcrt spoke on the nfflrmatlvo nnd Edith Hutler and Jennlo Ilenson on tho negative. Tho negative was decided to havo won the day. Ethyl Kendlo gave n rending, "Pruo and I," and Marian Denton recited "Tho Inventor's Wife." Elgin colored shirts, 75 cents, nt Mot- calf's prclnvcntory sale. Davis sells paint. Ten-dollar winter suits, $7.50, at Mct- calf's prclnvcntory snle. Commonwcalth 10-cent clear. FIRE IN THE CUDAHY PLANT Sioux City Department linn Hard ritfht to (.'online DniiiUKO SIOUX CITY, la., Jan. 11. (Special Tele gram.! Fire In tho fourth floor of tho Cudahy Packing company's plant gave tho flro department a hard fight this morning, but did only $2,500 damage. Sorlnl Interpretation of Christ. OR1NNELL. Ia., Jan. 11. Prof. Herron will not becomo tho head of n soclultst college, as has been stated In sovcrnl papers Ho has no connection wlialovcr with either educational or colony schemes. For somo years J. S. Wilson, his brother, D. F. Wll son of William H. Wise, nil pastors of prominent churches In Indiana and Illinois, havo been living communistic lives nnd leading a movement called tho social cru sade, nnd Dr. Horroa has token this move ment nnd organized it into n social aposto late, using thcso young men ns a nucleus around which to form a dovotcd band of nctivo workers for social Christianity. Tho members of the npostulatn aro to bo scut out over tho country, following tho plan o the old circuit riders, to preach a social interpretation of the teachings of Jesus Christ. Dr. Herron will begin tho crusado by a threemonths' course of Sunday after noon lectures in Chicago. ltolii Ills l'lvo tlooimnntes. FORT DODGE, Ia Jan. 11. (Special Tele gram.) An unknown thief committed robbery In tho American houso in this city this morning. Owing to limited facilities, b!x men occupied ono room In tho hotel Quo of tho occupants nroso early and mndo off with tho property and money nnd cloth lng belonging to his bedfellows. All of thn men In tho room lost something nnd the thief secured $50 In money together with clothing of somo value. Ho has thu far eluded detection. Tho men robbed wcro all In tho city on business connected with tho meeting of the grand Jury. State Sunday School Association. CLINTON. Ia Jan. 1L A. D. Galleo, slate superintendent nt tho Iown Sunday school association, has been In the city for a few days and snys ho has been In formed that the committee on location had decided to hold tho next annual meeting here, Juno 23, 20 and 27. As this society was organized hore thirty-five years ngo, It Is tho Intention of the association to roako this tho bannor meeting. It Is expected thnt GOO delegates will bo present, coming from all portions of tho state. Smoke .enrly Chokes 'I'lirm. LEMARS, la., Jon. 11. (Special.) Threo children, aged 0, i and 2 years, of August Helgncr, nnrrowly escaped nsphyxiatlon this morning. Their mother loft them 1 a room and they set n largo horsehair dial on fire. Tho smoko from tho burning ma tcriol rendered tho children unconscious In which stato their mother found them on her return. Prompt action on the part or a pliyslclnn saved their lives. Thieves iet llio I'relBlit. O.NAWA, la., Jnn. 11. (Special.) Thieves broko open two Chicago & Northwestern cars standing on tho sldotrack nt this sta Hon last night nnd stole and destroyed n ot of groceries nnd clothing consigned to local merchants. Thero Is night servlco at tho depot, but tho thieves managed to get n their work without being discovered. There is no cluo to tho robbers. I.fiunrn I.oiiii AhnocIiiIIoii. LEMARS, In., Jan. 11. (Special.) Tho stockholders of tho Lemars Loan nnd Ilulldlng nssoclntlon held their nnnunl gen eral meotlng today. Tho old officers of tho company wcro retained for tho ensuing vcar. They nro: I. S. Struhle, presi dent; O. A. Sammes, vlco president; W. S, Freeman, secretary; W. G. Ilolser, treas urer. din viiknIiik .iiiiich on 1'ollllnn. ONAWA. Ia.. Jan. 11. (Special.) Tho supervisors of Monona county aro work- ins behind locked doors, with two minis ters, threo lawyers and ono nll-aiound prohibitionist present, Investigating the al leged frauds of tho "saloon consent" pe tition. They may not finish tho tanvass of names for several dnys. CiriMVH Trc(H In 111" Olil .ko. CHEilOKEE, la., Jan. 11. (Special.) John Stevenson of this city Is growing a now set of teoth In this, his 78th year. Ho Is an Inveterate tobacco chower. To Add lo ;iiiiinerelul Cinirni', IOWA CITY, In., Jan. 11. (Special.) Tho University ot Iowa Is planning for courses In higher commercial cducatlou noxt year. BAILEY TO BE INVESTIGATED Triin I.eulfilntiire Will I'roltr Into ChiirncH In Connection tvllli Wnterx-IMerce Oil IVrmlt. AUSTIN. Tex., Jan. 11. Tho houso of tho Texas legislature today ordered tho appalnt inent of n committee of soven to Investigate chnrges preferred ngnlnst Congressman J W. llalley, that ho wus Interested In secur ing a reissuance of a permit to tho Waters. I'lerco Oil company, to do business In this stnte utter that company's charter had been nnnullcd. Tho resolution calling for Investigation raised considerable dissension but It wns finally modified as to tho charges and adopted, Tho Investigation will bo bo- gun nt once. ItoiiMi-f clt A liiiinliiiiH Train. IUKI.E, Colo.. Jan, 11 Colonel Theodore Roosevelt and IiIh hunting companions left hero this morning for .Meeker In a four horso tallyho. On their nrrlvnl at Meeker tho huntei-H will at onro start with John Con, tho guide, for Coyote basin, where tho come is tu do ruunu. GREAT On FRIDAY and SATURDAY, This Week. Thn icnitinnts In nil departments, itccuiiiiiliitcd ltit-liijx our liolldsiy litislnrsH, will lr put on sale the lust two dnyH of tlilH week AT AltOl'T IIA1.P OF UIHJUlAU IMttCKS. AND IN MANY (JASllS LIISS. All dopartnionlM will bo reprcseiitrd: Silks Linens Our Clearing Is Ktlll on nnd cvorythinc; In Winter Goods can lie bought at discounts A 3P CLOAKS $10 and $25 plain nnd crushed Plush Capes and Jackets, sala prlco Saturday $3.95 $7.50 to $15 Cloth Capes, on sale Saturday S3.95 AND RIGHT HERE WE WANT IT TOSITIVKIiY UNDERSTOOD THAT NOTHING CHOICE OK OUR ENTIRE STOCK. WMTELAW & GABDINE Boston Store m TIPPECANOE BASHER It it to Circulate Among Iowa OountieBThat Show Republican Gains. PEN TEACHES HOW TO LIVE CHEAPLY Ai'trcNN Trlcn o Ort Abducted liy Hokum Policemen from u Hotel Thnt In Under llunr nutlne. DES MOINES, Jnn. 11. (Spcclnl.) A now Tlppecanoo banner Is being prepared for tho famous Tlppecanoo club in this city, which is in reality a stato club. The old Tlppecanoo voters, or those who voted for Benjamin Harrison for president and nlso voted for his grandfather for tho same olllco, conceived tho idea of having pre pared a fine silk bannor to go to tho county which showed tho largest republican gain, or gain In republican majority each year, a county to hold It ono year and tho banner to bo awarded each year. This was in the campaign of 1SS0 nnd a magnificent banner wns prcpnred. Now a now banner Is bo Ing propured, which will bear on It the nnmes of tho various counties ot tho stato which havo hold tho bnnncr and tho years they woro entitled to It. Tho banner has circulated about a good deal. Hero Is Us record: Winnebago county, lf)8!i; Clay, 1800, and in succession tho following counties: Dubuque, Scott, Plymouth. Scott, Howard, Seott, Decatur, Scott, Monona lust year and this year again to Monona. Scott county got tho banner four times by manifesting great fickleness In voting. Monona mado great gains two ears In succession, as It wns tho only populist county In tho stnte and tho pop ulist party went all to pieces a few years ngo. Cheap I.Iviiik In 1imii. That cno mny llvo on 15 cents a day or ess for food Is bolng demonstrated nt somo ot tho Iowa institutions. Tho report ot tho penitentiary nt Kort Madison of tho food account of ono week In tho month of De cember shows that tho Inmntcs aro being fed very cheaply nnd thnt they havo good food. In fact, their food Is tho best and s given them In abundance. Tho Fort Madison kitchen report for ono week shows a total cost for materials of $52,..01; tho uverngo number ot persons fed, 471; aver ago cost per week for each person, $1.11; average cost per day for each one, 15.921 cents. Tho faro Is good. For Instance, ono Sunday dinner was mado up as ioiiows: ncei, auc cotnsh, canned corn, coffee, chicory, syrup, glngersnnps, graham bread, butter und beofstseak. A sainplo dinner on one 'lues- day had roast pork, mashed potatoes, roust hoof, ginger stagn plank, cotleo, chicory, sugar and milk for eolfee, graham bread, white- breid, dumplings, npplo pie, liuttor, oranges nnd npplrs. Tho report for tho school for tho deaf shows thnt tho cost of tho raaterlnls used In tho kitchen for one week of tho month of Decembor wns $2ti9.82; nverngn number of persons fed, S08 16-21; nverago cost per person per week, 87.3S8 cents; cost per person a day, 12.IS1 cents. SiuullpnT iiiiiiriiuline In Ilex .Molar. Tho pcorlo of Des Moines havo not tnken much Interest In tho smallpox epidemic until today, when It was discovered that tho fifteenth enso had Just broken out In tho Iowa hotel. A chambermaid was taken 111 with tho disoaso yesterday and tho Hoard of Health ordered tho house closed and everybody In It to remain thoro under riuar nantlno. Tho houso has been having a good business nnd was well filled. A great many traveling men wero under tho necessity nf telegraphing to customers cnnrellng dates. An umuslng Incident was In connection with tho efforts of an opera house, manager to gut the lending lndy of tho stock com pany playing nt his houso nut of quaran tine. Ho fent some persons to the houo enrly this morning disguised ns policemen, nnd they wero taking MUs Mny llosmcr awny bodily when the regular police dis covered the ruse- and sent the nctrcss and her would-be abductors all back Into tlu hotel to remain, A commercial enllego Is being deserted by the Htuilenti, who eomu from nil over tho state, and several hun dred have gouo away. None ot thu cases in REMNANT Embroideries French Dress Goods Corsets And All Other Lines. AND Our entlrn line of Ladles' Jackets, Cnpcs nnd Suits, ranging In prlco from $7.50 to JJ.r.1, will go In ono lot nnd one price SUITS On Saturday You spend half your lifetime in your office. Why stand the aggravation of dirt and cold of miserable elevator service bad light and ventilation? There is no ofllco building in the town kept like The Bee Building The best is none too good for you, and you will find it n good business investment to take a half hour and look at the three or four vacant rooms. We keep them lllloil. Why? R. C. Peters & Co., Bee Building, Rental Agents, Ground Floor. HVIMflatrfliLWW AUilr" ! Bli;il:i.N't: CD., 1'. O. FOn I1Y SIVUHS-DILLOM f&SK bin Vllllir.tliprr:npUonoffiuoiul'rBnrlipb.Ticln.wlll qnlcUIT cure you ioiw ffi ntTTouiwir cllinurmif Hie Ki-ntmUve firmans, nuca !. Mniilioyn, a'"J 5 (3M 'uln In Urn llarU, Neiulual Kiulaaluua. NfrtniK Helilllly, ;'"' . VPaJ JInrrj, :liMln Itratna, Trl-elf ", ".""MiSLVJEi - - vffiif Icwla lo Hi.e-rniaiorrbu) and all tbn Iiorrors o( iianotr-ncy. J'.J'J'J !;";25:c'.C5SKhl2 -" liver. the klilneyti uua ine urinary orgau cJ all Impurities. CUriUJ.NfcatrfJOftnaBa nd1fl"t FeawTauffwSi1 ar'e imlctiinil by Doctors ! bwmise 50 per cent ar ; troutlr1 1 with jProatalltla. CUl'lDnNFi tlio only known nwrty ui cure, without an operation. ''"u2i"A fwlVS guarantee Klven and money rettiriied If tuxes does uot effect u permuncn eury. f 1 m a lox. ror s&w, y mall, heti-1 for Fiiwie efrc-jlnr and tentlaii.L'lals. "HE THAT WORKS EASILY, WORKS SUCCESSFULLY." CLEAN HOUSE WITH SAPOLIO Den Moines has proved fatal, hut tho local Hoard of Health holdH meetlnga practically every day to wntch tho process of tho epi demic. !ti-i'itinl In Tun ClllrN. Nut pntlotled with tho census returns In their cities, unollhlal recounts hnvo hecn taken In Iledfnrd nnd Newton. In Iledford tho count ns tnken by it newspaper showed n fiitln of twenty-nine over the fedoral cen sus, or n totnl of a,02fi. Thero was n sllnht gain In Newton also, but not ns much nn expected by tho people. 'I'u AIIimiiI liiiiiiKiirnl, President Macl-ciui of tho Stnto university of Iown has received an Invitation from Wallaeo Donald Megrim to havo the Uni versity of Iowa represented in tho inau gural parado ut Washington, I). (', on March I. Tho matter will bo referred to n maBS ireetlng of tho students for neilmi. A slmllnr Invitation has been extended to tho other universities and large colleges of the country. Alumni ot tho university who contemplate attending the Inaugural nnd who desire to Join tho studenls fihoiild com municate the matter at onto to President Mac Lean. I'nlli'il In CiMincll HIiiiTn. W. J. Wallaeo nnd bis sister, Mrs. J. H. Wyman, aro In noiincll lllulfs, called by a announcing tho critical Illness ot their father, W. W. Wallace, who wns slid dnnly stricken with 1 emorrliago of tho stomach. Tho nows of Mr. Wallace'H (on dltlon was a great fiiirprle In his children, as bo nnd his wlfo had Just roturnrd home after a holiday visit hero nnd he was then In tho vory best of lien lib. Mnv Hi- lli-ollirr nl llnlirrlN SAN PHANCISCO, Jan. 1'. Tho contents of it letter touud among lh effects of tn lato Abraham Huberts, who died on January !. m it room mi iiuwuru nn-r,, has led the coroner to bellow, that tin; de ceased may have been a brother to l.oril Uniterm, thn distinguished lli ltlsh gener il The letter lit question was written on November -. 1WI, by llaery Robert, n brother of the deceased, who Is an uei-iiunt- nnl employed ny uic i ni .in unn unn of Princeton. Ill- In this, letter tbo paHKaan occurs: "Our brother, (letieral HoborlK U now. I believe. In charge of thu IMgllsll l I, iau In I f.llfl ml the tlmo of his death. AlirilllHni Itoiier M " jv.iin "'" lie wns poor and had no relatives neiu nt the morgue. Ills body 13 nun SALE Flannels Sale ratiKliu: from 20 to fiO ner cent. $aa-5 $7.50 to $27 ladles' Box Front and Aut 1 tUtlb UU( 4Ut omobile Coats, on rkIo Saturday nt $10 to $25 ladles' Tnilor-Mado SultB In good assortment of colors, on sale Saturday at S3.95 IS RESERVED. YOU HAVE THE Council B.uffs M TOCO I W d W thu rrut vtK?uw .'tox vent. Han Franrlaco, cat. ..HUH CO.. JttTH AND KAIINA1L D 0HANY 1 HEATERS COMING: The Kllfoil Stock Company 4lii M'itIi, SI Ml VV, .Tim. lit, Opening in Iho (Srcut Com-I'dy-Draiun. Our Step-Husband The comnanv carrlcH MIX HIO VAUH15- VII.I.H ACTS, making a continuous per formance Prices- me, aoe iiuii I.mcIIch free Monday night. One lady will bo admitted free with each paid ;Wc ticket. BARTEL & MILLER mo llruailn a) Tel. ir.ii. KI.Ol It 1 1 Chillies of Normandy. none $1.00 1.1) 1.13 I.) 1.21 !, better .. ! our ItcHt II Itcd Cross l J)IK J. Diamond llluff CAXMili tiUOHS r Cans Tomatoes 2-i l :i Cans Corn "5i ' Peas l')D I IlcaiiM I0u FIUHT- II Plums, 10:j Poaches. 12'io: Aprl- t il eois. ir,c. utlier fioous in pro i purlieu Genierviile Goal Anil coal from tho boat tnlnoi In tho cotnitrv. Also lmrtl coal and wood, rrotnpt ilollvory is our motto. Transfer Line Between Council Bluffs and Omaha. Council nitHTH Office. No, 2IJ North Main Ht. 'iVluiihcno Omaha Office, :ill Houth 12th Streos Tolenhono K108. Connection inntlo with South OmulA Iran-dor. I WILLIAM WELCH, (