Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 12, 1901, Image 7

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Two Policemen Defy the Regulations of the
Beard of Health.
Unruly Wnlcr Supply llrliiR About
t'onillllmi f Affair Thai Neee-
nIIiiIl'n Jotne Nnlft lit- I
cctttlvc Actluu. !
torted, "Oo In, copper. You enn't catch
smallpox through that rind of yours."
The officer made a few false moves to
ward the front door, but was a little too
strong fo: tbo Job. Finally ho withdrew
to a safe distance and shouted for McfJowan
to open the door. Orasplng the faucet
the policeman took good aim at the opui
door and landed the flxturo In the wntcr
soaked house In spite of shouts of "Glaus
arm!" which fell on his ear.
"Uravol Uravo!" camo from a chorus of
trained voices. "Speech!"
In a few minutes the little river of water
ceased to flow and the policemen ognln
sought their well-worn paths In the snow.
A smallpox patient, n quarantined fam
ily, three policemen, a broken water faucet1
and somo Journeymen plumbers wero fac
tors In an exciting scene at 010 North Six
teenth street yesterdny afternoon.
Tho house situated at this number Is n
one-story frame structure, much tho worse
for age. For years it has dono service as
a boarding house. A new guest from Chi
cago, William McOowan, brought smallpox
to tho dilapidated house and two faithful
biuccoats woro paths In tho snow as they
wnlked back and forth to keep the Infected
boarders from escaping.
Hut smallpox was not the only misfor
tune that was visited upon the Ill-fated
household. Tho plumbing shared the gen
eral dilapidation of the house and a broken
faucet showered tho place with Ice-cold
water. The Inmates attempted to tell the
policeman what had happened, but wero
ordered to shut tho doors.
"You'vo got enough groceries to last you
for three days nnd wo can't give you any
bigger allowance of whisky," was tho reply
the officers, who wero veterans In guard
ing smallpox and had heard before of the
great medicinal value which attaches to
good brands of liquor uudcr certain condl
tlons. Pedestrians who ventured near tho
house before noticing the smallpox sign
saw the lmprlsoneed family standing on
tables and chairs and beckoning to tho of
ficers, whoso answers to all Inquiries were
"Smallpox patients nro always out of
their heads You can't tell what they'll do
next. They'ro llablo to get on top of the
house if we'll only let them."
Ani If Is probable that tho family would
havo been on top of the house If thero had
been any means of getting there. Tho
water deepened on tho floors and as the
furniture began to floaut around the police
men withdrew n llttlti further and paid no
attention to thu demands of the flooded
Itliuletn uf Wntrr Pour Out.
Water poured out beneath the front door
nnd rushed down to the paving In a tell-
talo stream which prompted somebody to
turn In a (Ire alarm. It was n plumber nnd
not tho Hro department that wns wanted,
nnd that fact was finally communicated to
tho officers.
"Send n plumber to 010 North Sixteenth
street nnd have him put a new faucet on
n washstand. Chargo 11 to tho city," was
tho commonplaco order received by tele
phono at the office of a well known master
plumber. Twd Journeymen vcrc sent to the
ml dress and Joined the throng of spectators
who filled Slxtccntth street.
"Throw out the Ilfo line," somebody
shouted. "Stick to the ship, lad, ennic
from a dm tboy whose specialty was con
Twenty-flvo feet of space separated tbo
now faucet and the broken washstand, and
thero two, Journeymen plumbers who
showed no disposition to bridge tho chasm
"You'vo been vaccinated. Oo on. It
won't hurt you," onu of tho officers von
turcd by wny of encocuragemont, but tho
plumbers refused with all tho spirit of
men who havo been trained In tho union.
"No scub work for us," one of them re-
Taxpayer! Forced to Fay Top Price for Thia
Eighty young men, all of them carriers
of cither Tho Morning Uce or Tho leveli
ng Hco, filed Into tho Crolghton Orphcum
theater last night and were asslgnod to the
choicest seals In the house. They were
tho guests of J. nush Bronson, resident
manager of this popular vaudcvlllo play
house, and nothing wns too good for them.
The young women employed In clerical ca
pacities In the circulation depurtmcnt were
also guests of Mr. Ilronsou. They were
provided with scats In the lower boxes.
Each of the young men had pinned upon
tho lapel of his coat a pretty ribbon badge,
which bore the single word, "Ueo." It
proved sufficiently magical to obtain for
the wearers the choicest brand of courteous
treatment that "Hilly llyrnes nud bU
capabtn corps of assistants havo In stock
at all times. The evening's entertainment
was highly appreciated by Manager llron
Bon's guests, os was evinced by tho hearty
applause they accorded tho various num
bers on tho well-balanced nnd entertain
ing program. As a token of their appre
ciation of tho compliment tendered them by
Manager Ilrnnson the carrier boys gave
him n bandsomo boquct.
.'I mil tit Inn Department AeeepU
pltnllly of MniuiKer
Cl inn or fir n Xciv llutelier Mnn Is
l.iiuil, tint Stltt the Majority Wins
of County llonrtl Mrtkr
.ii (limine.
A recent Investigation by some of tho
members of tho Hoard of County Corumls
ftlnnpra tins disclosed that tho county Is
I being mulcted to tho extent of about $3,-
' AAA . . t. . . 1 1 i.i,.llini1a nt
uuu a year mrougn uiu iikuhui iu.muu
tho popocratlc members of tho board. Not
long ago a few of the commissioners
reached tho conclusion that tho county's
meat bills were vastly In excess of any lu
previous years for tho corresponding
length of time.
A coinparlsou showed that from 1100 to
$100 a month more hos been expended dur
appear never to have been changed nndf
which present studies In entomology that
mako them more Interesting as fields of
scientific research than as places of re
pose. Ho thinks ho will get around to
these about Tuesday of next week. Mean-1
while he has caused a warrant to be Issued
for the arrest of S. Sungren, who, ho sayn, t
runs an unsanitary bake shop at 2006 Far-'
nam street.
City 'I'renmirer llennlim. Tall.
Ill Trip to Cnll-fornln.
A plunge In the Pacific ocean on Decem
ber 30. a trip to snow-capped Mount Lowo
on December 31 and participation In Pasa
dena's famous tournament of roses on New
Year's day wero somo of tho varied pleas
ures which City Treasurer Hcnnlngs ex
perienced while In California.
"California is certainly paradise at this
season of tho year. Picturo n flower
parade of great length, In which all the
decorations are of nature's making;
Imagine hundreds of girls and women
dressed In beautiful gowns nnd carrying
South Omaha News .
Thero Is liable to be considerable conten
tion over the election of councllmen when
tho new charter goes Into effect. Tho ar
rangement, according to the new charter
Is for tho election of six councllmen nt
large. Tho republicans object to this on
the ground that such a section will virtually
turn tho city over to the democrats. Past
records, however, disapprove this assertion.
Commencing with the spring of 1S99, when
W. O. Sloane was mevor, tho city council
was composed of eight democrats, four
elected at large and ono from each ward.
In 1S91, two of tho democrats gave way
to republicans, and In 1S92, when Miller
was mayor, thero were five republicans In
tho council. Two years Inter, under Mayor
Walker, the republican membership re
mained tho same. In 1S94, when Johnstou
was mayor, tho council was composed of
six democrats nud two republicans. This
samo ratio continued through Johnston's
term. During Mnyor Knsor's first term,
five republicans occupied scats lu the coun
cil, nnd In 1897 there were seven republi
cans. In lS'.'S the republican majority
Ing the last year than for any previous gay-colored parasols to protect themselves dropped to six. and In 1899 to five. At the
.MurrlitKC License.
The following licenses to wed were Issued
at tho office of tho county Judge yesterdny:
Mimo nnd Residence. Aco.
Jacob Lcmplko. South Omaha 26
Vlckl Vodekn, South Omaha 30
John Heldoogcl, Omaha 'Jl
Lena Parr, Omaha 19
Peter Ilenrlkscn, Omaha 21
Christina, I.nrcoi, Omaha 23
Oeorgo W. Hooper, Chicago .14
Motile Cole, Chicago ;a
F. Sonncnschelii of West Point Is at tho
H. II. Dalrymplc of Montpcllcr, Idaho, Is
In tho city.
W. A. Kcrlln of Lincoln Is registered at
the Millard.
A. L. Iluglo of Grand Island Is a u:st
nt tlio Pnxton.
John II. Griffin of Sioux City Is stopping
nt mo aturruy.
K. 1). Schneider of Fremont Is n guest
at. inc xuiiiaru.
.1. II. Itlcket of Juniata Is registered nt
We iicr uranu,
W. J. Stadolman of Plattsmouth Is atop
ring at tho Puxton.
Charles F. W. Ttocden of Platte Centir
is visiting in omalia.
K. K. Vulrntlne and M. J. Hughes of Wot
I'oini are in me iicr uranu.
D, K. Henderson, A. C Mclntyre and n,
W. DoFord of Hasting!'. K. K. Mockett of
Lincoln uud C. L. Curlson of Axtcll nro
siniu guests ai xne aiup-ny.
Nebntsknnn nt tho Merchants: Dr. and
sirs, ll. c. linnnuli or North Platte. J. I,.
Hanson and L. It. Gillespie of Mlmlen. 'I.
L. Sloan nnd Charles Dally of Pender. J. K.
Kessler nnd son of Bertha, T. D. Hcckrr of
Allium, J. j i. crownover or Uorcloti. it. (
Hansen of Tllden, W. M. Morrow of Clay
Center, John Dolil of Norfolk, ('harks
MorrlsHcy or c iintlro.i, c. J. Correy or Spoil
cer and .1, It. Cookus of Wlnside.
twelve months. After Investigation the
meat accounts and learning that between
tho butcher and Superintendent Olm'Jtcd
thero was an extensive leak every thirty
days, the commissioners voted not to award
tho contract again to the samo butcher.
Tho plan met with no opposition by any
member of the board, but since then there
has never been a tlmo when all the mem
bers were willing to decido what butcher
will bo awarded tho contract for meat
supplies at tho poor farm and county hos
pital for tho ensuing year. In tho mean
time, tho former contractor Is furnishing
tho meat at tho same exorbitant cost to
tho county. His contract reads that It Is
operative until It Is succeeded by n new
one. Tho popocratlc commissioners, by
remaining away from tho meetings and by
declining to consider tho matter, can keep
the contract In the same hands, nlthough
their vote In the open meetings indlcato
that they will not tolcrato crooked work
which results In n loss to tho county.
irom tno almost tropical neat ot tno sun; (present tlmo tho council consists of seven
fancy that you sec beautiful floats deco- republicans and one democrat. So that from
rated with cnllas and roses nnd Bmllax, andtho years ISSii to 1S90. out of fortv-clcht
to all these, so strango to n man who Is councllmen elected twenty-flvo havo been
accustomed to Nebraska winters, add rows republicans and twenty-three democrnts.
of orango nnd almond trees in full bloom. ( Taking tho voto nt large, tho democrats
Such is tho .fete which Pasadena offered have elected twelvo councllmen and the
to tho thousands of visitors who spent
New Year's day within its gates," said Mr.
"No other city can offer such a festival
as tho tournament of roses. It Is a feta
for which Pasadena has been famous for
years and pcoplo from nil parts of Cali
fornia Join In It," tho city treasurer con
tinued. "Karly In the day tho trains from
Los Angeles were crowded and there was
scarcely standing room In tho streets when
tho flower pageant made Its way through
tho gayly-dccorated thoroughfares.
"The spirit of gaiety and merriment
which seemed to exist In Pasadena on that
day was delightful. Thousands of well
dressed pcoplo Jostled nnd pushed each
other In the crowded streets, but seemed
HAYES' CAMPAIGN RECALLED to disregard all petty annoyances. Friendly
val-uuukl's ui ruaca uuu Luiiium scrvcu as
HelrH of Ki-Vrculilcut llnycH File un
IiiNti'tiioent with the Recorder
of Ueeilft.
Tho heirs of Iluthcrford n. Hayes placed
on flic with tho recorder of deeds yester
day n deed transfcrlng from ono set of
heirs to another a lot on Tenth street be
tween Farnam and Douglas, which the
senior Hayes owned nt tho time he ran for
the presidency. Old residents will recall
that there wan a saloon on tho property at
tho time nnd, as Mr. Hayes was zealous In
tho cause of temperanco, this circumstance
becamo talked about all over tho United
States. It Is said thot tho Baloon cost Mr.
Hayes many votes.
Similar" nMcer AVoolrlillie to Ilvtenil
Ills CriiNiiile to Keeper of
LoiIkIiik llotiNex.
a general Introduction and thero were no
strangers In tho city. Everybody felt at
pcaco with tho world nnd left Pasadena
with a kindly feeling for Its hospttublo
people. There were guests In tho city from
nil parts of tho world. A more cosmo
oolltan crowd could not be imagined.
"For four ycnrn southern California has
suffered from drouth, but heavy snows In
tho mountains and copious rains In tho
foothills havo filled the streams and In
sure a good supply of water for the com
ing season. Thero Is great rejoicing over
this fact and Callfornians nro confident
that the s,tato is about to cmcrgo from
tho temporary depression caused by tho
shortness of crops.
Mr. Hcnnlngs was accompanied on his
tour bv Mrs. Henuinga and their daughter,
Miss Ktta. After spending three weeks
In California Mr. Hennlngs returned, but
his wlfo and daughter will remain with
relatives in Los Angeles for several months.
republicans tbo samo number. Hy wards
tho democrats havo elected eleven and tho
republicans thirteen. It will thus bo seen
by tho records that tho republicans havo
had an even chance with the democrats,
when it comes to electing councllmen nt
Tlx jNrnsol bectn to feet tallcht rtn la rnr
htpeiind ltfs, nt M the ptln srew none It ex
tended (0 nir feet Ther nellel all outof ihape,
ml tn rain rrmdrrnuiil. Finally ni; fttt liin
to crow numb, and t could barrlr liobbl about.
One day whf n I hadromt down to tntMorx I cot
to the ultra and coul.' irn nofartbtr. Finally a
faurr-by htrM tun Into tbc lot and t at onre
nut mratlfln a doctor's rare. Klrrttlrltr will
trim, but Itbout relief I In fact the feline In my
fret nas so far cone tbat 1 fcarcely frit the full
force of the battery.
"Oneday Mlta Kernanf.a member of the family
of the late Henator Kernanvnf thu city, told me
about l)r.Wllllm' link 1111 for Pale Veorle n J
aiked me to trr them
up my rutnd I would (Ire tnem n fair t
t-ougM ten bote.
I said I nnuldund 1 made
th e them n fair trial. o t
In my opinion the majority
(inn Company Ito.inltv.
Within the next few days the Omaha Clas
company will pcy Into tho city treasury
a royalty on tho gas consumed In South
Omaha during tbo last twelve months. The
frauchlso under which tho company Is
operating provides that a report must bo
mado to tho council on or beforo January
15 of each year. A royalty of 5 cents per
thousand cubic feet of gas sold Is paid
to the city by tho company. Last January
at this tlmo tho gas company turned Into
tho city treasury the sum of $207.21 nnd
this year tho amount will be much larger
for tho reason that tho consumption of
gas has greatly increased within tho last
few months. Tho franchise granted to tho
gas company Is tho only ono now In force
which provides for n royalty. The money
derived from this sourco is turned Into
the general fund. City officials yesterday
estimated that tho annuity this year would
bo fully (500.
of people are not Killing to Hive a renmly a fair
trial. I knew tbat tno or three boiri would net
cure at bad n caee at mine, but I found that t had
bourhl more than wm neceiurr. I becan to find
great relief by the tltnt I bad need tire boxes, and
1 lime i nail mnsoeti lue evvrnin ivi i vine
1. I had no more pain, twelllne ormimbnrtt
n I nave to-dr. and that m nre jrate aco.
t hare recommended lir.WllltamV 1'lnk l-llla
o a crrat many people, for there It no Oonht In
my mind that anyone tvhn It tiifferlnt with rheu.
matltmnlll be rurvd If the pills are ittten a fair
trial." bljncd It I. 1UTI.N8.
41 lirinkerhnn Ave.,
March 1, 1. Utlca. Jf.Y,
Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills
, for
Pale People
are told by all drurnl'U or will be nent pert.
paid on mtlptof price, to cents a bo, or
tlx bote for lito (they are never enld In
bulk or tbe luu), Addrett Dr. William
Medicine Company, rtcbenectady, K.V.
Sanitary Officer Woolrldge plans to
make ono moro arrest nniong tho bakers
who havo failed to bring their bake shops
up to the standard of cleanliness exacted by
the city health ordinance, and then he will
give his attention to certain unsanitary
lodging houses on the east side. Some nf
thebo houses, he says, arc In a deplorable
condition. Ho has In mind two In partic
ular, wherein tho sheets and pillow slips
. . Maverick Stories . . . .
Rounded up at Random.
Mtntc t'nn Affortl to Lose.
Ono day when tho Douglas county elec
tion contest proceedings were suspended
for half hii hour In order to glvo the fu
stonlsts tlmo in which to scare up somo
witnesses, tho attorneys turned to relating
pleasant reminiscences of court life. Per
haps tbo best story wns told by Ed Sim
oral and It ran llko this:
"Somo years ago there was a lawyer In
Omnhn whel had an Irresistible -habit of
to tho pickling vat. Ono warm day n few
weelts ogo thero were threo cadavcr3 for
the college. A student conceived the Idea
of having himself sewed up for a fourth,
so "Hoc" was notified that during tho morn
ing thoro would bo four "stiffs" to caro
for. "Doc" prided himself on handling his
uncanny subjects without tho slightest
qualms. Ho. was at tho bottom of tho
ehuto when the wagon was driven up to
tho baBoment window. Threo of the cada-
roccntly. Hut ho was too pollto to resent
"Tho church always has precedence," ho
retorted, taking another step backward,
hat in hand.
Tho minister was trying to think of some
thing gruceful to say when three great,
hulking section hands Jostled them out of
tho way and went In to pay their lines. Tho
charm was broken.
resting his foot at un elevation about levet vers wero slid down Into his arms, ono at
with his head. When seated at the attor- n. time, and carried to tho vat. Then camo
noy's table- In n court room, engaged In tho tho fourth subject. Tho medical student
trial of n rase, this lawyer would tincon- simulated tho rigidity of a corpse to thfc
scloubty lift his feet onfo tho tnblo and icst of IiIb ability and allowed himself to
keep them there until tho offended dig- bo slung over old "Doc's" shoulder.
nlty of tho Judgo found expression. Ono When they camo to a part of tho cellar
Crent SI n He Concoiiln,
"In nn early day In Omaha H. C. Towsley
was a market gardener In tho city," re
marked tho reminiscent citizen.
"Yes, I know of him," responded the law
yer. "I And his namo mixed up In tho ab
stracts of n largo lot of property In tho
day the mnn with tho soaring extremities which the student know must bo dark ho northern part of the town."
was trying a caso beforo Judgo Kcysor and straigbteucd out und throw his arms about
It beramo necessary for tho court to oraer tno old man s necK nnd twined his legs
the foot removed from tho tablo several about his body. There was an car-spliting
times. When for tho fourth tlmo the shriek that penetrated to tho farthermost
Judgo ordered tho practitioner to tako his eorncr of the rollego building. Tho old
feet off tho table, ho added that tho next man, who had been brought to the floor by
offense would bo punished by a flno for tho antics of tho student, sprang to his
contempt of court. It was but n icw
minutes later wheu tho lawyer again de
posited his pedals on tho table. This time
tho court mado good Its promise by In
flicting upon the offender a $10 fine, with
nn order that ho Btand committed to Jail
until the'Jlno was paid.
"When court adjournod tho lawyer, who
was 'full' halt, of tno tirao anu iropceuuiuuB
feet nnd dashed for tho exit. Not a speck
of color could bo seen In his complexion.
The other students, grouped about tho
door, had not expected that "Doc" w-uM
recelvo Mich n fright and thoy forgot to
lough when ho rushed pantlngly by them.
It required Just an hour for tho old man
to get his nerves back to their normal do-
gree of steadiness. "Hoys. 1'vo got a prop.
"Well, ho was a gardener when ho owned
that property, which Is now a constituent
pnrt of tho city. Ho was a good neighbor
and a man who had tho respect of nil. El
der Shtnn or somo of tho other pioneer
Methodist preachers held a revival lu town
one winter and Mr. Towsley was a regu
lar attendant. Tho next winter another
revival was held by tho samo man, who
again noticed tho venerable head of tho vil
lage truckgrower In the congregation
night after night. After two wooks of
preaching tho old man camo down to tho
mournero' bench nnd nsked tho prayers
of tho members of tho church, but still he
did not feol thnt ho had received tho light'
offered, "If you will agreo not to cut
any moro I won't, either."
all of tho time approached tho judge, ns osltion for you," ho said, when tho occasion of salvation. For a whole season his mind
ho was descending from tho ucnen, ana
asked him for a loan of $10.
" 'I'm dead broke,' explained tho attor
ney with tho elevated feet habit, and un-lr-ps
you ran lend mo 10 to pay that flno
with Pit havo to go to Jail.'
"Tho Judgo simply turned to tho cleric
nnd said:
" 'Mr. clerk, you will enter up a remtt-
'tno utaic
l-'enr the KltliuiperH.
"Will you pleaso send nn escort to tho
theater with me? Whllo I wns In Kansas
City I heard such terrible talcs nb'out
Omaha that suppose It Isn't safo to ven
ture on tho street nlone."
Such was tho request Miss Mary Dupont
was perturbed. Tho third winter at the
revival he was still troubled and the min
ister for the third or fourth tlmo camo
from tho pulpit to pray with him. As they
stood In front of the mourners' bench tho
minister said:
" 'Mr. Towsley, mnybo you aro not
blessed with peace because of some sin
you havo concealed from the world.' The
old man remained in thoughtful stlenco
i onnn nt ttint flnn fnr rnntemrit.
of Nobrasko can better afford to loso that made of tho Her Grandhotct for somo tlmo nnd then responded
iin'ivmn i rn " Sunday evening. Miss Dupont Is the " 'Brother. It may bo so, but I h
$10 than I can.'
NtnilentH l'lnv Uu'ii,
It would bo unkind to mention names,
but in consequence of tho omission truth
need not wander In tho telllug of a good
story on an inveterate Joker, who becamo
the victim. Students of nq upper class In
ono of tho medical universities In tho city
havo been scheming for u long time to get
oven with tho Janitor of tho building, who
has a iocoso turn of mind nnd has man-
need, year after year, as ono lot after un-
dlmlnutlve comedienne who, with Charles
Lothian, Is doing .i clever little sketch at
tho Orphcum this week. Sho Is so small of
stature that lu tho profession sho Is called
tho vet pocket edition of comedy. Thoro
was so much of real fear In Miss Dupont's
,olce and actions that Mr. Miller provided
nn escort for the llttlo woman and saw that
sho wiis safely locked In her dressing room
at the theator.
Mcantlrao some of Miss Dupont's frloudi
heard of her fear of the bogey man and
other of embryo physicians left tho clinics prepared n largo placard, which wns sent to
to practice, to play some clover pram; ou her posthaste, a noio accompanying mo
. ,t 11, a noinhnr ..,1 mlv-laiMl llin llttlft WOBinn tO tie It SB-
This Janitor Is nn old man who has been curciy about her neck nnd not to venture on tho best fM0 mK'SS wht Wl" probably b CalleJ f0r Saturday
of the "profession" himself, although with- tho ,treet without It. Tho Insertion on ?ero hi ,ho cit " country butter nlbht.
ave con
fessed every sin I can remember but onu
and that sin Is that when I grate horse
radish for sale I usually grato a llttlo
turnip Into each bottle.' "
Their Chrlatntnn Sprentl.
In his Christmas morning mall a man out
on North Twenty-fourth street received n
letter from an undo of his who lives on a
farm over in Iowa and reads tho comic
weeklies every time ho has to wait for a
hair cut. Tho letter read:
My Dear Nephew: Wo aro sending for you
by express a box of country butter for your
uiinsimiis present unu wo nopo you win
llko tho same. Wo thought It was probably
Monday evening tho ThtirMon Illlles will
hold their annual meeting for tho purposo
of solectlng ulna directors.
Anton I Clmfcl of Stanton county, with
dobts of 54.327.OS nnd assets of f. nnks to
bo released from tho burden of his lia
bilities. John Ilvnn wnH n limicrv lienrt Vrt.
day afternoon thut ho stolc'u lilg, Juicy ono
from the Central market. Sixteenth und
Capitol uvenue. Ho wun Urrested by Ser
geant Hudson. '
Tho women of the' Church of the Good
Shepherd will servo a chicken plo luncheon
in uie puriBii iiouho or Trinity cntneurai
18th and Cnpltol avenue, from lt:30 to :
o'clock on Saturday, January 12th.
Tho Omni ii Coal. Coke und Lime com
pany hu taken out a building permit for
n iu.wo warehouse to Do crecicu in iignin
and Dodge streets. The. new building will
b of brick and two ntorlcs lu height.
A spontaneous combustion nf oily papers
In tho kitchen of K. A. Cudnhy's resldencrt
at 518 South Thirty-seventh street was the
cause of calling out the lire department
late Friday afternoon. The damage was
Mrs. Ida French of Omnhn View Is among
the) public school teachers who aro not In
school this week on necount of sickness
Fifteen teachers nil told are on tbo sick
list and their places nre being tilled by
persons on uie ussigncu list.
Tho Omaha Savings bank has transferred
to the Omaha Healty company about 2Wi
lots In various oarts of tho city. The con
slderatlon of tho transfer is given In tho
deed us Jl, but tho revenue stamps Itidlcuto
mat tno vaiuo or tno lots is nuoui sw,iju.
Claudo MrCrtim of 512 South Seventeenth
street lOHt u KIT, roaster on .Iummrv ft und
found It Friday night In tin; nor session of
Henry Oollner. The latter refused to glvo
it up and was arrested liy Patrolman Kilgc
hill. Oollner will have to exnlaln to Judcr
Learn how ho happened to havo McCrum'e
Harry Allen of Koutli Omaha was
arraigned before Justice Crawford yes
terday on the chnrKo of shooting with
Intent to kill uud was bound over to the
district court. Allen Bhot Chesnoy Owens
last week. Ho w..- released on ball. The
hearing will bo on Jnnuarv 17.
HenJumln Graves, arrestct' at Platts
mouth Thursday for nasslnc counterfeit
money, pleaded guilty beforo Commis?onor
Anaerson ann was pinceu m tno uougi..
county l.ill to nwalt tho action of tbn fed
eral grand jury. Tho mola euptured is of
copper, ana is said to u a worn or sin.
Civil servlco examinations for tho posi
tions of Japanese Interpreter lu tho Immi
gration bureau and for inpertor of meat
In tho Agricultural department, are set
for February 2. Novices rnav enter tbo
examination for Interpreter, but tho In
spector must bo n gradualo of a veterinary
Tho second aunuiil evasion of tho State
Ornithological association will be held
this mornlnc at the nubile library
Tha morning session will be ono devoted
to business. In tho afternoon them will bo
a session onen to tho nubile. Interesting
scioutiiio pitperH win op iciiu ny ueirguics
from all purts of the state. Somo of the
students nud professors from Lincoln will
uttend tho meeting, and there will be
delegates from other cities us well.
Tho Uelglan Hare club of Omaha has
completed arrangements for an eight-days'
Institute, which will bo held nt IfilS Farnam
street, beginning January 23. Tho program
for the mrntlnir has not been arranu'
but there will bo present prominent ruLier
of pores in America aim unKiitnu who
will locturo uiion the propagation of tho
latest fad in pet stock. Thu club of
Omaha now has about 100 members, nnd
thero nro probably W0 hare faucjers m tho
Tho Emplro Flreproollng company, which
wnsi nwurded tho contract for llrenroollnc
the High school building, has submitted to
tho Hoard of Education a bond which is
not entirely satisfactory. Thu original
bond prepared by tho board was altered
nnd munv of tho members nro not sattslled
with tho rhunges made In It. Tho matter
will bo considered nt a special meeting
Inquiry About Vlmliiet.
Yesterday City Clerk Shrlgley received a
letter from T. S. White, vice president of
tho Penn Hrldge. company nt Heaver Falls,
Pn.. Inquiring about tho propose! viaduct
across the tracks. He says: "Wo notice
vour ultv will erect a steel viaduct at O
street. Please send us copy of plans and
EDeciflcntlons. togothcr with tho ditto of
lotting tho contract, as we want to submit
a proposition."
Clerk Shrlgley replied that ho hoped a
bridge ncross tho tracks would bo built
somo tlmo during the present century. Fur.
ther ho said that the city had nothing to
do with tho building, and referred Mr.
Whlto to tho railroad companies.
Clirlatlnn Axaoeliif Ion Lectures.
Prof. Fludo will glvo two entertainments
of tho Young Men's Christian association
lecturo course on Wednesday nnd Thurs
day evenings of next week at tho First
Presbyterian church. Tho lectures will bo
Illustrated by n steroptlcon, which throws
a twenty-foot picturo on rnnvas. Thla
course of "lectures and cntertnlnmcnts Is
given for the purpose of raising a building
fund for the oung Men s Christian assocla
Vnll nf llrnvy I'lnno Crnshm Take
llelilno' SUull, CnunliiK luatnnt
SIOUX CITY. In.. Jan. 11. (Special Tele
gram.) Take Hcklns, ono of tho proprlotora
of tho Ileklns Van and Storago company,
who has n van lino nt Omaha also, met
with accidental death In Dakota City, Neb.,
this morning. While ho wns assisting In
tho removal of a piano from ono of his
large wagons at a residence, ho slipped
and tho heavy Instrument fell upon hltn,
striking his head, crushing his skull and
causing instantaneous death.
A rush of work had led Hcklns to tako
personal chargo of tho removal of a piano
from Sioux City to Dakota City. Ho drovo
over alone, but at Mr. Hart'a rcsldcnco
ho received tho assistance of Charles
Gabriel, nn cmployo of Mr. Hart. Mr.
Hcklns stood nt the open end of tho wagon
steadying tho Instrument as it camo out,
but his footing was Insccuro and whllo
bearing the weight of tho Instrument he
slipped and the heavy caso was upon him
beforo ho could get away. Medical nsslBt
anco wns called, but Mr. Hcklns was dead,
Hcklns was about ,42 years old and
leaves a wlfo and nlno children, one
brother In Sioux City nnd two In Omaha.
A coroner's Inquest was held nnd the body
was removed to his home In Sioux City.
Take Hekln wns a brother of John and
Abo Hekln of Omaha. Whllo engaged In tho
samo occupation there was no business
relations between tho Omaha nnd the Sioux
City houses. Upon receipt of a message
announcing his brother s death, John He
kin left for Sioux City, where ho will re
main until after tho funoral. Hekln went
to Sioux City from Lincoln ten years ago.
C'lini'lty Hull .Iniuniry US.
Mrs. D. L. Holmes, president of tho
South Omaha Hospital association, an
nounced yesterday that the annual charity
ball would bo held at tho Kxcbnngo dining
hall on Monday evening, January 2S.
Tickets will bo on snlo Monday at all of
tho principal stores. In addition to placing
tickets on sale, committees will mako a
thorough canvass of tho city. Ono ticket
admitting gentleman nnd lady costs $2,
whllo single tickets may be purchased for
$1. "Wo shall expect everybody to bay a
ticket." saiu airs. Holmes, "pecause wo
need tho money."
Pn HlRlit mill rrnr Not.
A. J. Silvern Is of tho opinion that ho
would not bo doing right by his family if
he did not keep a bottle of Chamberlain's
Cough Ilcmedy In tho liouto. "I never feol
alarmed when I hear my llttlo boy cough,'
ho says, "elnce I discovered what a wonder
ful medicine It Is for the euro of coughs,
colds nnd croup in children. I have used
it frequently myself, too, nnd It never falls
to cure." Mr. Sllvcra Is a well known
citizen of Huff Hay, Jamaica, West India
Islands. This remedy is for sale by all
s. i:
And All Points South,
Corner Fourteenth unit Ilunnlnx.
Purely Vegetable. Mild nnd Reliable..
Sick Hondncho, Blllouunoan,
Indigestion, Torpid Llvor,
Dizzy Foollngo, Dyspepsia,
The following symptoms resuttlng frnrr
Disease of tho Digestive) Organs; Constl.
patlon. Inward piles, fulness of tho blood In
the, head, acidity of the stomach, nausea,
heartburn, dlssust of food, fulness or
weight In the stomach, sour eructation,
sinking or suffocating sensations when In
a lying posture, dimness of vision, dlr.zlnes
on rising suddenly, dots or webs before the.
sight, fever nnd dull pain In tho head, de
ficiency of perspiration, yellowness of thn
skin and eyes, pain In tbe side, chest,
limbs and sudden flushes of heat, burning
In tho flesh.
A few doses of HADWAY'R PILLB wH
fren tbo system of all tho above named
Pilce 25 cents per box. Sold by druggist
or sent by mnlL
RAHWAY & ( Kim 8t.. New Yoi
Oil for the Con vent Ion.
A portion of tho delegates to tho Na
tional Live Stock association convention, to
bo held at Salt Lake City Tuesday, will
lcavo this afternoon over the Burlington,
Another batch of delegates will start Sun
day over tho Union Pacific. The delegates
from hero go with the determination to
secure the next nnuiinl convention for
'tin: hf.aii'v M.Mtifi;
.MiikIc City (inwNlji.
A mcctlne of tho Order of tbo Eastern
htar win oo new tonigni.
An adloumed mcetlnc of the city council
win ie ncid Aiomuy niqni.
On Monday a committee of three will
tako the new charter to Lincoln.
A datmhler has beon born to Mr. and
Mrs. J. II. Itynum. 2011 K street.
A. If. Noves. mnnacer of the Hammond
plant, spent yesterday in ciiiciirh.
Tim Mimcer. who has been uullo ill with
pneumonia, in reported some nciter.
Fourteen teams of the Younir Mens
Christian association are now playing
Tho Pleasant Hour eluh will meet thU
evening with Mr. und Mrs. F. A. Hart,
rweinu ami I streets.
An exclfo board, commsed of tho mayor.
city treasuter and city attorney, Is pro
vided i or in me new cnarter.
It is retiorted on the street that the boiler
Inspection nrdl'inncn Is doomed to defeat
wnou ii comes to a vote in ino council.
Wnslmkle tribe of the Ited Men will nub-
llcly Install ofllcers nt Workmen hall.
Tweniy-sixtn ami i streets, on .vionu.iy
Pollen r'nnlutn Alllo left yesterday after
r.oon for Chicago to bring back Frnik
Stegeman, wlio is cnarged with shoo
Joy Maly.
The lawyers put up such a howl ubout tho
section nf the chnrter preventing those who
have tiled claims against tbe elty from
boldtng' ofllco that tho section hus been
There will be a nubile Installation of otll
rcrs of Phil Kearney post. No. 2. Grand
Army of the Republic, and tbo Wonnn'i
Relief corps at the hall ovur the South
Omaha isatlnuai name uuiitiins nils even
ing. All comrades arc invited.
Fur n Cold in tin- lleiul.
INST Rl'MENTS placed on record Friday.
January 11:
Warranty Decdx.
W. C. nnd S. R. Hayes to n, A. nnd
II. I. Hayes, tindlvtf. lot block 12X
Omaha S 1
Omaha. Sn!ngs bank I.) tho Omaha
iteaity company, n in i-n tect lot r..
block 10; lot 7 and e 25 feet lot 6.
bloek 1"; lot ti, block C2; o 44 feet lot
3, block , anil other lots In the
original elty und in various additions
(rovenuo stamps J300) l
F. II. Garvin anil wife to II. E. Mor
n-en. 4'jxiso feet In sulilot It, In tux
lot Ki in 10-15-13
John McCreary to N. C. Pratt, lot 8,
block 3, Murysvlllu add
dull Clnlni Deed.
J. D. Taylor and wife to J. H. Taylor,
unuiVHi lot -, uiock iu, wuierioo
Total amount of transfer i
Eyes arc
They'll eee maybe quite well,
through a pair of glasses you
pick from a basket but na
ture beats a sheriff In forc
ing a collection of lier debts
end fitting one's self to glasses
It rlaky terribly risky tho
assurance that we glvo you
of furnishing the proper
glasses places you beyond all
risk Frco cyo examination.
Lending Scientific Optician.
UOS Fai-naiif. OMAHA.
High Grade Pianos
Arc flio cheapest In llio ciul, its thoy
mo lioiiml to glvo you absolute sat inflic
tion -so many pianos nre sold which
aro r.YM,r,n HIOII GUM)!?:, but you
cannot make a mistake when you Hclcet
Ktich pianos as tho Knabe, lniiil:li &
liach, Klnibnll, JInllet A: Davis, Need-
ham, McPhnll nud other similar makes,
which wo aio cafryltiK-Como and
look over our immense Mock and he
convinced that you are gettlng'tho very
boHj value for your money.
Millie ill Art. 1513 Doogtai.
out siireniiM financially anu mis is
among many reasons why ho holds his
position. It has como to bo a tradition at
tho college that old "Doc," as he Is callod,
will orlglnato nnd spring a successful
prank or two sometimes during tho year.
At first, members of tho class tried to
circumvent him In his attempts, but, fall
ing in that, recourso was had to evening
matters up by retaliatory Jokes. The dif
ficulty was that tho students had never
been able to fool the old man. It had
about been decided to conccdo his super;
the placard was:
I Am Little Mary Pupont.
Do Not Cudahy Me.
Pol I tent Mnn In Oiunliu.
"Judge" Cooloy, tbo well known police
court nttacho, has tho reputation of be
ing tho most obtrusively pollto man In
Omaha. He Is so pollto as to bo almost
Among other of old "Doc's" du
ties Is that of caring for whnt the
students call tho "stiffs," or "cada
vers." u often happenB that there
The man on Twenty-fourth streot was de
lighted nnd offered to bet his wlfo the price
of a wholo family of kidnaped children that
it would bo such an article of diet as she,
In her poor, provincial existence, had never
even dreamed of. In tho afternoon an ex
pressman called and delivered "tho country
butter," It was a young ram!
are several deaths at about the samo tlmo
at the poor farm and the county hospital,
providing the students with "subjects"
at tho Jail tribunal to see about a cruelty-to-anlmalg
case and met "Judge" Cooley
Just as both wero in the net of entering
the clerk's office.
"Aftor the cloth," said tho chlvalrlo
Judge, stepping, Pacic wiut couruy uow.
nnirs nine u uriEicuw. -
ller Kxplniia tlnn.
Tho two llttlo maids wero "playing Sun
day school" and It had been agreed that
Gladye should sing aud Mary rectto. When
tho former finished tbe second Innocent
faithfully aroso and, bowing decorously to
her ono auditor, recited:
Ood bo nimble!
Cod be quick!
Ood Jump over the candlestick!
Then, noticing tho somewhat dubious ex
pression on her playmato's faco she has.
Thero Are Hundreds
of people no doubt who ate not it warn
of the fact that we make a specialty of
furnlshlnj; everything complete for par
ties, weddings and receptions for In
stance, frozen punches, Ices, puttie
shells, crotiuets In fact everything In
tho way of refreshments and if you
desire It, wo will furnish tablo linens,
napkins, silverware aud china anil an
other thing, no order is too small for us
neither can It bo too large If you aro
going to have a wedding, or party, or
reception, come In and talk It over with
I'nrfl V
for. . ., e St,",eut' wl,n BUDjeV.ert turned the divine, with a splendid wave of tened to explain, with pious seriousness:
for dUscctlon. These cadavers nro sewed urned he diune, wim i
... KunnysncKinR. taken In a wagon to m " """ ., .....v,.,,,. rmirtesv. first, hut when we nlay Sunday school why
"I niH nttB I trail j t tvu n --...-, , - . -
... sunnysacking. taken In a wagon i rcalh. 0 jeft-handed courtesy, first, hut when we play Sunday set
JTh."nh?W ,,0rn l0nB.'n LTs as "Ws honor" very sens Uve about that you'seo wo must put Ood In Jus
h.rVSer;''anrd rrU Sem SrlJSi .f U wild, has appeared so thing, else It won't be stable to
W. S. Balduff,
1520 Fornam 9U
Here is to the Senator
Ami here Is to tho boys that have been
wearing Drex I.. Shooman's shoes
and will bo senators Wo havo been
pushing our $1.50 shoes for years and
tlml they arc a good thing to push for
they pleaso everybody Mado of good
solid leather, uppers and soles, that
will stand moro hard wear than any
shoe over mado at that price We know
thut you will bo satisfied with the
shoes fur they are tho best ever soio
for 1.50.
Drexel Shoe Co,,
Catnlngne Sent Tree fur the A!liir.
Omul ru-to-date Home.
"iu VAH.VAM WIUir.T.