Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 12, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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f mlth of Stnrgu Udo Head of the Rail
road Board.
HiuvkoihI, lilcmiinn, I'nlrtinilii nnd
llemiett Contribute ti Ilnj'a I'ro
iTrilliiKN .fciliiistiin Propose
Invt'KtlKiXli'K Cunrne.
I'IKIUIK. S. U., Jan. ll.-(Spcclal Tele-
gram: -Th railroad ommlsslon met today
tary was left until the next nice ing on
Js"S7.SB o hXav t o .ns7o Track
for this position. ,
In tho houso today tho speaker announced
. . . ..,. 1 1 .., ..lnrlo ,.i u
tho ointment o f comm It too c e ks of
wnicn wio iua .... o - - - - "
gels two linponuni ones , . . ....-
o. uuue, ruiiroini i-uiiiiuiuci-, win. .... "
Ilond of Kail lllver. for tho appropriation
committee. Tho clerks' pay and that of
other houso and senate employes was fixed
today Ht a rate running from $3 for the
chief clerk and secretary down to $2.23
for tho pages. Chief Clerk Hemor arrived
from Doadwood last night and has been
getting pointers on his duties today nnd
will begin work tomorrow.
Tho principal bills Introduced In the house
today wcru to appropriate $50,000 eadi to
erect buildings for state schools nt Vermil
lion and Aberdeen and raising tho salary
of tho governor nnd supremo court Judges
. . i -i .i.u, ,
to 3,00Q u year each nnd tho salaries of
tno circuit judges io z,i)uu eacn,
, .
My the lllnvk Hills Members,
Dills Introduced by IJlack Hills' mem-
bers were: Ilawgood. to reimburse tho twern jjayor i.'ic'schmiiiin and tho Suon
sheriff of Lawrcnco county for transporting gorfest Athletic tissoclatlon. After re-
prisoners to tho penitentiary; Chlesman, to
n... i .... i f- ii .iii, r.nn
people; llcncdlct, to chango tho terms ot
court In tho seventh circuit; 1'atrlqulu, to
provide a statu board of cmbalmcrs; Ucnnctt,
to appropriate $25,000 for building a school
of mines.
I'M wards introduced a resolution In tho
senate memorializing congress to mako u
permanent reglmontal post ot Fort Meade
Johnston presented a resolution for a com-
mttteo of three senate members and four
houso members to Investigate tho charges
mado by Governor Lee In his message
against the former lundH of tho penitentiary,
reform school and asylum fur Insane.
J. II. McCloud of llcrmosa Is back with
his bill for supplies furnished troops In
1890. Ills claim this time Is $4,171
Five Member of Soutli Dakota l.rir-Uljiturt-
Auk for Plenty of
I'JEIUIB, S. I)., Jnn. 11. (Special.) The
Domiltsts lost no opportunity which they
thought might help anchor them n little
longer onto anything In thq shnpo of nn
office In tho closlnir ilnvs nf thnlr rhnnpns.
lies dps thn iinnnliitmnnlK mndn W flnv-
nesiaos tno appointments mado by Oo-
ernor I.eo of tho Hoard of Charities and
Corrections, ho also reappointed his oil
Inspector a short tlma beforo going out
of ofllcc. Tho inspector followed by ap
pointing his brother, Daniel Meyer, as
deputy, nnd ho mnnaged to get hlc oath of
nfflco filed with tho secrotnry of state on
the day of tho inauguration ot a now gov
Tho commlttco places which wero asked
or by tho row fusion houso members aro;
Davlcs. on elections, stato affairs, agricul
turo nnd horticulture, public health and
llvo stock; Dean, on appropriations, rail
roads and military affairs; Gross, on Ju
diciary, stato affairs, insurance, tomper-
anco nnd appropriations; Kane, on county
affairs. Judiciary, elections and approprla
tlons; Kruso, on woyH and means, tempor
nnce, immigration nnd warehouses; Mar
tin, on education, appropriations, mines
nd mining, public health and llvo stock;
Stovo. on education, fedoral relations, agrl
culturo and horticulture and appropria
tions: Stransky, on ways nnd means, cor
porations, chnrltablo Institutions, lmmlgra
tlon and appropriations; Ylrsa, on rail-
rn,l fn,lrn1 rltlnn nn.lnfv nffnlr nn,l
" , v ' .
llvo stock.
1'urmrr Itenllzen 'Well.
SIOUX FALI.8. S. V., Jan. 11. (Special.)
Henry Ash, a Day county farmer, a year
ego purchased 1G0 acres of school land
for $11 per aero. Ho sowed tho tract to
flax, which lms Just netted him tho sum
ot )2,400, not only paying for tho land, but
tor tho need, 'breaklug and other ox-
Slensnrr DccliirlitK Wnr on Predatory
AnlmnlM lrl u Stnrt In Wyunt
Iuk I.i'Klslnturc.
CHEYENNE. Wyo Jan. 11. Tho legls.
Itturo couvenod at 10 o'clock yesterday
morning. Tho sonnto was called to order
by President Stono and after roll cnll
prayer was offorod by Chaplain Young.
Tho senate Journal was read and approved,
ftcr making several minor resolutions, In
eluding tho addition ot a standing commit'
ten on legislative apportionment. Recess
was then taken until 2 p. m., when the
standing committees wero named.
Tho houso was culled to order by Speaker
Atherloy and after tho call of the roll
Chaplain Davis offered a prayer. Tho Journal
urns read and approved and, as In tho
Whole Trxith !
There's nothing so bad for a
cough as coughing.
There's nothing so good for
r cough as
The 25 cent size is just right
for an ordinary, everyday cold.
The 50 cent size is better for
the cough of bronchitis, croup,
grip, and hoarseness. The dol
lar size is the best for chronic
coughs, as. in consumption,
chronic bronchitis, asthma, etc.
Tbrtetliei: Zc 50c, $1.00.
If iour itrucgl.t cannot lurplr ya, irnd ui eno
dolUrand "111 tinrtll it lm bottle to jou,
kit cbtriti prepaid. lie iur 7011 sire ill jour
iittrrtt oxpreii ofnee. AaaieM, .1. ' atr "-t
Lowell. Mui,
senate, n committee on legislative appor
tionment was made one of tna standing
A was Introduced, memorializ
ing the lcgHlaturos of tho states of Colo
rado, Nebraska, South Dakota, Montana,
Idaho and Utah to appoint a Joint commit
tee from their respective legislature to
confer with a similar committee from Wy-
loralng relatlvo to the adoption of uniform
bounty laws on predatory wild nnimais.
Tho bill proposes to regulate the preuent
mode of marking pelts after bounty has
been paid so that wolf hunters nnd others
cannot collect but one bounty, no matter
In which of tho states ho presents his pelt.
At present the laws of the several states
arc at variance in this matter and a trapper
can have his pelt ear-marked In Wyoming,
collect the bounty and cross over Into Mon-
- - ':7nV V" "n "
than 'was appropriated two years ago. The
, ,, i1pi.1,m nf Ihn lni?tRlntiiri. but In
, ' ., .
prouuuiniy ll win uo jiunauu uuu ui
mm lllC(, , cnrr). on lha
war on wild animals. Tho bill
boululM ,lttl i,0
bounties shall be paid ns follows:
Cray nnd black wolves, $3; mountain Hons,
J3; coyotct), $1. Thcso nro tho same
amounts ns were paid during the Inst two
Mil) or I'Mt'licliiiiiiim of Cliielnniill Jtr-
itrrat.'N Promise to JelTrlcx-Iliili-1
1 1 I'IkIiI Promoter.
CINCINNATI. Jnn 11. The directors of
tho HiicncorfcHt Athletic association of
Cincinnati express the fullest determination
tonight that the Jrffrtcs-lliihiin fight will
be lu cd on hero 1' obruury 15, but the prc-
pomicr,mco ot I)Uuiit. sentiment Is to the
Whllo tho minister!" held nn enthuslnstlr
meeting today nnd tho women's rlulis nnd
"titer organizations opposing tho light were
P.eated conferences with their uttornnys
these two elements llnally met. Ttinlglit
these two elements llnally met. Ttinlg
mo directors gnve out tno rollou'tng:
i tie members of tno Huenccrfest Atnlctie
Association eomnanv todav requested of
Mayor Klelschmann tho Immediate Issunnco
of a permit. The mnyor declined to Issue
mo permit now, but renlllrmed tils promise
and assured tho committee Mint he would
Issue the permit two days before tho date
of tho proposed contest. The directors yet
Hold mat tno contest can nnd win luxe
place In Cincinnati on February 15.
unuricM j. unryslle, secretary to aiayor
Klelschmann, tonight gave out tho follow
ing: A formal written nnnilcatlnn by the di
rectors of the Suengcrfest Athletic club was
nmdu to Mnyor Klelschtnunn this, afternoon
xo gram a permit tor n sparring exultation
to be hchl in Snenucrfest hall February 13.
said exhibition to be confined to two boxing
contests one preliminary of not moro than
ten rounds and one principal contest ot not
moro than twenty rounds, said exhibition
to be for the benefit of tho deficit Incurred
by tho International Jubilee Saengerfest of
"The mayor, In reply, reiterated his or
iginal promise made to tho Saengcrfest di
rectors, viz. : That a permit for a sparring
contest would be forthcoming within a day
or two of the date set for holding the same.
but no declined to Kiant tnclr Huuniemenmi
and verbal request that a permit bo Issued
at once.
Slnco Jlavor Klelschmann has been le
gally advised that tho light for the cham
pionship of the world docs not come within
mo munition or tno unio statutes tor spar
ring exhibitions under the auspices of a
uwmmc ciuu, it in unuerBiuim uuu
tno (m,y Wml of a ,,erlnlt Jlo Vould glvo
even two days in advnnco ot tno dato would
bo onu that would come under the Ohio li
and let the directors take tho chances In
proceeding under that permit.
l.uwytTM ProtoNl to Mayor
In addition to tho conferences today be
tween counsel thero wns an Informal meet
ing of tho members of the bar nnd an opin
ion was sent to .Mayor i lelsclimunn. signed
by twelve lending attorneys, Including
Judgo Judson Harmon, who wns nttorncy
general undjr the Cleveland administration,
and other ex-Judges, notably Hon. John
w. wnmngiou. this opinion noius mat
for tho laBt twelve years the laws of Ohio
liuvo been sovcro against prlzo lights, the
oniy exception being ror sparring exniiu
tlons under ma auspices ot bona tide atn
letlc clubs. Tho attorneys hold that u con
test for tho championship of the world
would not no neiu by any court to no a
sparring exnibiiion, and it runner points
out mat mo Kaengerrest Atlilotle associa
tlon was Incorporated after the articles of
agreement wero signed by Jortnes and
Notw thslandlng all of tho obstructions
which confront them tho' directors of tho
Sacngerfest Athletic association still Insist
tonlglit mat they will nave t no lignt, and
the work Is still progressing at Saengcrfest
Tho attorneys of tho Hvnngollcal nssocia
tlon or this city havo a warrant ready for
OlO ttrrCSt Of lillS ItUtlllll, Wlln lin tin 011-
gngement to nppoar at thn irwln matlneo
hero next Sunday an.l at tho performances
during the week while he Is In training
hero Tho Ohio statute makes It a felony
to bo In tr.ilnlnir In tno state for a pnze-
llght and under this section the opponents
of tho light proposo to begin with the prose
eutlnu of Huhlln, even to the extent of tak
ing his case beroro tno grand jury, wnicn
is now in session.
KniiNiiK City WiititN II In llnttlr
KANSAS CITY. Jan. 11. Tho convention
hall directors met In executlvu session this
afternoon to consider Manager Hrady s
proposition to hold the Jeffrtes-Ruhllu light
hero, and they referred tho matter to John
1'. Jjoomns. manager ot convention 111111
Sentiment among tho directors favors tho
plan of hnUlltnr thn boxlnir match In Kan
sas City, and If satisfactory arrangements
can no matio iy ainnnger L,oomas ana air,
Hrady they will bo accepted by mo ill
rectors, Tho hall Is $23,00 In debt and
strong efforts havo recent, y been made
ralso tho money.
Defeat of ltollluur Iloer nt Oakland
Attributed to Had .luilKment of
III .loeUey.
SAN FRANCISCO. Jnn. ll.-Aftcr his
good nice yesterday Rolling Hoer was
Plunged on to win the fourth event nt Oak
land todav. Martin dlsnlaved poor linlir
meat on tho colt and he was beaten easily
by Orduung. Favorites again went down
to defeat, l.ou Ray took tho last event by
a neck from Opponent. Owensboro was bid
up ui 10 fiuu ny 1.. l.lger, but Sam
lllldreth retained him. Lou Roy was bid
up jaw. mil was protected by his owner,
Ham lllldrotn sold uihrnltar to Hums
Waterhouso for Jl.&oo. Rain fell all dav
ami 1110 iracK was moppy. ucsuiis:
First race, futurity course, selling: lsa
line, 101 (Mounce). 1 too 1. won: Mnui;
Davis, 103 (Buchanan), oven, second: Mon
rovla, inr. (Domlnlck), 12 to 1. third. Time
1:12V. Tliig-a-Mng, Iji .Mascnttiu I'llot
Dunboy, Hlrdlo Stone, hlttlo Mlnch, Jr., am
juva aiHo ran.
Second race, threo furlnngH. nurse: J. v
Klrbv. 115 (II. Shleldsi. 7 to 1. won: So
I.lchtenstcln. llii (lliichannn). n to 2. second
Torso Maid. 115 (DnmlnlcW. I to 1, third
Time: 0:3fi4. Rublno, Harklylte. Mike Mur
phy and ur. Meant niso ran.
1 inrci race, six iiirio uks. seiune eiat
terer. 107 (Mntiuee). 8 to 6. won: Ida N. in:
(O'Connor), 8 to fi. second; Quiz II. 107
tKnost. 20 to I. third. Time: liltPi. Ne
Forest, Merldu, Satin Coat and Hilly Lyons
also ran.
Fourth race, one ml e. nurse: Orilniinir
PS (Hucliaim.i), to 1, won: Rolling Hoer,
SS (J. Martin), 7 to 10. second; I.enuep, 103
(O'Connor), t to 1. third. Time: l:t2-i.
Fifth race, mile and fifty yards, selling
owensboro, iu; (uomitucKj, u 10 i, won
Oalenthus. R3 (J. Martin), a to 1. second
Donator. 103 (Mo.ince). 3 to 1, third. Time
l:4ti. Free I.anee. KIcKum Hob. Wal en
stein, I.ady Meddlesome and Expedient also
Sixth race, ml 0 and one-elglitli, seiilng
l.ou Hoy, 107 (Huchtinan), 11 to 6, won; Op
poucnt, 101 (O'Connor). to 1, second
Morlnel, 102 (Mounce), 7 to 5, third. Timo
1:G7. cimnd Sachem also ran.
ItehOltM nt tv OrleniiN,
NEW ORLEANS. Jan. 11. Weather rolnv
und track Vfry heavy, W, H, .nates was
t ie on v w nni ig ruvorue. 1 noun 11 va 1 cz
was so well bucked that he was the choice
over varro.. itrsuiis:
First race, one mile, selling: Heroics, 12
(Wlnkllold). 7 to 2. won: Fillers. 122 (Van
ilnsen), 12 to in and 1 tn a. second; I.nce
vood. 122 (Miles). 12 to 1. third. Time
l:W.l. Jack Martin, Tom Cromwell ttnd
bamovnr niso ran.
Kieond race, one mllo and onc-8txtenth
selling: vnldez, iinv (wctier), 13 to , won
Vnrro. 103 (Dale). 12 to S and even, second
WnodsllcK. PJl lu nrien), 1 to 1, inird
Time: 2;03Vi. ratchworK, nrambio Hun
mui 1 1 iiiKua lu a so ran.
Third raco, one mno ana an eigntn, sen
Pull of Pictures
Next Sunday's
WILL contain three full
pages of sharp, clear
pie turns rellecting individ
uals, scenes and incidents
connected with the inaugu
ration of Nebraska's new
stale olllcers and snap shots
of Ihe house and senate in
Til 10 frontispiece is a tine
llashlight portrait of
Miss Gertrude Dietrich, the
accomplished daughter of
Governor Dietrich, posed on
the staircase of tho execu
tive mansion, in ball cos
tume. TWO five-column puno
rnniiis of the house of
representatives and senate
in session.
turning over the keys
of executive oftiee to Governor-Elect
Dietrich. The
tall and short man of the
senate, the governor's stalf,
youngest member of the
house and a dozen others.
SNAP SHOT of Senator
Tillman, AV. J. Bryan
and a few prominent local
democrats, made at Jackso
nian banquet.
Photographs Specially
for The Bee
Louis R. Bostwick.
Ing: W. H. Gates, 111 (Dale), 3 to C. won;
Fa so lyead. 107 (.Mitchell). 0 to 1 and even
second: Hhldlas. 105 (Cockrnn). 10 to 1. third.
'lime: ucorgo Lee, itionnott mm
Charakeenc also ran.
Fourth race, one mile, handicap: Strang
est, 110 (Cochran), 11 to n, v6n; Donna Seay,
jz (sincK), a to IU nnd 1 to J, second; urn
press of Ileauty, 93V4 (Weber), 15 to 1, third
Time: 1:51. Monk Wayman also ran.
Fifth race, seven furloncs, handicap
l'nlarm, 104 (Kane), 12 to 1, won; Suo John
son. 05 (Cochran). 3 to 1 nnd C to 5. second
Oeoruo 11. Cox. 109 (Wlnkllold). 6 to 5. third
Time: 1:3s. Silver Coin, IMt Gurrclt, Star
cotton and Kgallto also ran.
Sixth race, seven turloncs. sc ling: Randy
m (Mav). 7 to 1. won: Heveruce. IK) (Mich
aels). M to 1 and jo to 1. second: JJltliolln
lOrt (Herman). 1 to 5, third. Time: 1:10,
TI o W. A vln W. Orev Force. West Ha
den, Made Mario and I'rcclslou also run
American I.imikiu MiiKimteN Announce
11 Meeting: nt I'll I Inl-1 pliln for
.Iniinnry ISO.
MILWAFKHH. Jnn. 11. Han H. Johnson
president of tho American leairue. visiter
.MiiwnuKeo today 10 comer witn si. 11. Kin
lea. president nf the Milwaukee club. Mr.
JohiiHnn says a meeting nf tho league will
on nolo 111 I'liiiaoeipiiiiL January s. wuen
tho eighth club will bo chosen. Huston, ho
saui, nan not oeen considered oiuciauy.
You UK Men'n Chrlntlnii Ansoelntlon
Auiilnxl Stnto University.
Tho llrst chnniplonshlt) basket ball con
test of the season will be In tho gymnasium
of thn Young Men's Christian association
tonight. Tho association team will mee
tho team from tho Stato university. A con
tlncciit nf rooters from Lincoln will ac
compuny tho players to help them with
vocal support 10 win mo game, tho Play,
ers nro all In the best form after weeks o
hard practice and the mutch will be worth
seeing, as the rivalry between tho two
teams is intense, i.iucup:
University Position. Y. M. C. A.
Cortelyou (O.L.Loft forward Stemm
Warren uignt rorwuru owens o
Pillsbtiry Center RltiKfiuest
Halisou Left guard McCarthy
Koricr uignt guani... Monitgnun (u.
nr I Instil
Siitistltnlns: Folvcrsltv Thomas. Mnnnll
Nelson: Young Men's Christian association
Uolllday, llospe, Anderson.
ltnbllii to l.cnvf for Cincinnati.
KI!W YORK. Jnn. 11. Gus Iluhlln eon
eluded his training In tho east today and
will li.iivo tomorrow for Cincinnati, whore
ho will begin Html preparations for his light
with Jenries, wnicn is scucuuicd tor Feu
runry lu.
Will Live nt Ilnni-ron.
ASHLAND. Neb., Jan. 11. (Special.',
Walter Noddlngs of Haucroft, Neb , nml
Miss Adda Klnnegar of Yuton wero mar
ried nt tho residence of tho brldn's undo,
J. Q. Lansing, In Ashland, Wodnesdny night.
Rev. C. A. Huyck of tho Christian church
porformed tho rcromony. Miss Ella Mar
tin of Yutan wns bridesmaid and Harry
Morau of Uancroft was beat man. Mr. and
Mrs. Noddlngs will llvo at Bancroft.
Ilrlilc of WnltPr (Inner,
HASTINGS, Neb., Jan. 11. (Special.)
Walter Onrver and Miss Minnie lllerco wero
married Wednesday at S o'clock at tho homo
of tho brhlo's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. H.
lllerco. Rev. J. W. Nelson of tho Congro
gatlonal church performed tho ceremony
In tho presence of relatives only. Tho brldo
and groom will depart tomorrow morning
for Denver, where they will llvo.
MnUliiK SitrKlium Syrup In Kiiiiniin.
TOPHKA, Kan., Jan, 11. In a paper on
the manufacture of table syrups from sor
ghum, read before tho Kansas State Hoard
of Agrlculttiro today, A. A. Denton of
Medicine Lodge foreshadowed thn large
pobslbtllttes of a revived Industry In Kan
sas. Mr. Denton's paper wns written to stimu
late attempts to mnkn pure sorghum syrup.
If It can bo made pure, ho suited, It would
become a greater Industry than the making
of sugar syrup In the southern states.
Kiiiiniih ill IHk IIiiITiiIo MIiimv.
TOPHKA. Kan.. Jan. 11. F. L, Randolph,
prenldent of the Kansas commission for tho
Pan-American exposition at Murrain, lays
Kansas will havo a very surprising exhibi
tion there.
"We confidently expect nn appropriation
of 50,0o0 from this legislature," he said
todny, "and with this wo shall bo nblo to
mukn a full display. Kansas mode 11 hit
nt the Centennlul In 1876. Tho exhibition
we nro about to make will b thu most
satUXnctory since then.
nleiitlni' I'liiiloftrniilier linn I'nt Itotl
of lull Tnkrn from Ills
VALENTINE, Neb.. Jan. 11. (Special.)
While O. A Shaw was attending a theater
last evening burglars entered his photo
graph gallery through a back door and took
from his desk money which he reports ns
having consisted of five 1100 bills and twenty
50 bills Mr. Shaw explains that ho had
ust returned from Omaha, where he had
drawn the money from the Merchants bank
preparatory to expending it on his gallery.
No clue to the Identity of tho thieves
could be discovered and Mr. Shaw states
thnt he will glvo 1300 for the capture of
tho thief or thieves nnd tho return of the
of .NelirniUn Install Their
.! Heentles.
HLAIIt. Neb., Jan. 11. (Special.) At the
election of tho nfflcers of Kquallty lodge
No. 127. Fraternal Union of America, the
following wero elected for tho present
ear: Dr. C. F. Mead, fraternal master;
Miss Lulu Ctitneron, Justice; Miss Mnbal
Oalncs. truth; Miss Lllllo Olbson, mercy;
II. II. Taylor, secretary, nnd Krncst Smith,
renstirer. The lodgo celebrated tho llrst
mooting night of the century nnd tho inltla-
lon of two new members by n fine ban-
nuct. The regulnr work of tho order was
followed by a scries of tableaux, which
closed tho program for tho evening.
YORK, Neb., Jan. 11. (Special.) Tho
Orand Army post held a public Installa
tion at Fraternal hall last evening. Cap
tain W. C. Henry of Fairmont, cx-com-mander
of the Grand Army of tho Republic
of Nebraska, wns Installing olllcer. Thcso
nro to bo tho officers of Robert Anderson
post No. .12 for tho ensuing year: Henry
Jacobs,' post commander; S, A. Newell,
senior vlco commander; C. G. Thamer,
unlor vlco commander; J. L. Medlar, ndju-
tant; N. M. Ferguson, qunrtennastor; J. H.
Conway, surgeon; D. F. Johns, chaplain; R.
C. Shlpmnn, officer of tho day; J. C. Dcro
incr, olllcor of the guard; J. I. Miller, scr
goant; 13. Rcluenger, quartermaster ser
geant. Captain Henry also Installed officers of
R. Anderson corp3 No. 5 as follows: Presi
dent, Mrs. Ovlatt; senior vlco president,
Mrs. Uryan; Junior vlco president, Mrs.
Peck; treufiuror, Mrs. Copsey; secretary,
Mrs. Hro. chaplain, Mrs. Dull; conductor,
Mario Miller; guard, Mrs. Walkup.
TRKNTON, Neb., Jan. 11. (Special.)
Trenton camp No. D327, Modern Woodmen
of Amorlca, installed "olllcers as follows:
W. L. Washburn, V. C; F. Hacgan, W. A.;
D. Filbert, clerk; C. Secley, 13. 11.; F.
M. Flaesburg, 13.; II. I. Evans, C. v.; B.
Stoddard, T.; M. Ilcnjamln, W.; A. Johnson,
Trenton enmp is tho youngest and largest
In the county. A number of cards were
ncte'd upon nnd a banquet will soon bo
SUTTON. Neb.. Jan. 11. (Special.) Tho
Installation of tho Grand Army of the Ho
public and Women's Relief corps oftlccrn
was a Joint, public one. Theso aro the
new officers ot tbo post:
P. C, Philip Hatman; S. V., Stovo Ken
dall; J. V., Samuel Shrakcngast; surgeon,
Dr. M. V. Clark; chaplain, Charles New
man; quartermaster, Philip Schwnlc; ad
Jtitnnt, Robert Stewart; O. D., Howard
Nownham; O. G., Georgo Rectzel; Q. M.
S., I. N. Clark.
Women's Relict corps: Prosldcut,
Mary Schwab; S. V., Mary Hull; J.
Mary M. Clark; treasurer, Ann nrown;
conductor, Louisa Nownham; guard, Roso
Donnelly; A. C, Hattlo Rise; A. G., Louisa
Ames; first color bearer, Marian Schroeder;
second color bearer, Elizabeth M. Stewart;
third color bearer, Maggie Shultz; fourth
color bcarcc,.Hannah Tower; delegate,
Marlon Schroeder; aUcrnato, Jennie Camp
After the Installation the company sat
down to a bountiful supper.
County Attorney Hum ClinrKc
I be I
O'NEILL, Neb., Jan. 11. (Special Tele
cram.) D. II. Cronln, editor of tho O'Neill
Frontier, who was arrested January 2 on
tho charge of criminal libel preferred by
W. R. Hutlcr, ex-county attorney, had his
preliminary hearing in tho county court
vestcrdav. Tho prosecution was repre
sented by tho complaining witness, W. R
Hutler. while Hon. R. R. Dickeon conducted
Mr. Cronln's sldo of the case. Tho proso-
cutlon Introduced a copy of tho Frontier
of April 2C and offered It In evidence. This
was tho Issue ot tho Frontier In which the
alleged libelous artlclo appeared. The stato
then rested.
Attorney Dickson then moved to dlsmlsa
becuuso tho prosecution had not proved
tho chargo false or malicious, which ho
contended was necessary in ordor to bind
tho prisoner over to tho district court
Arguments wero presented upon this point
and tho court adjourned until 1:30 today
to look up authorities upon tho points In
volved. Upon reconvening nt 1:30 today
tho court overruled tho motion ot tho de
fenso to dismiss.
Attorney Dickson then asked for a con
tlnuanco ot four days in order to bring
witnesses from Illinois and various points
In Nebraska and whllo reading a list ot
names to tho Judgo to Issue subpoonas for,
County Attorney Mullen nroso and said
ho had never been consulted In the caso
and having examined numerous authorities
was convinced that n conviction could not
bo secured, and that plaintiff had no causa
for action. Ho thcreforo moved a dls
missal of tho caso, which was tlone, am!
Editor Cronln oneo moro breathes tho nlr
nf freedom unhampered by bonds or legal
Aurli'iil tiirnl Society Meet.
MADISON, Neb., Jan. 11. (Special.) The
'innunl meeting of tho Madison County Ag.
rlcultural society was held Tuesday after
noon. A larger number of stockholders
wero present thai) there has been for
years. Mark Richardson succeeds Ilcrm
Harney ns president, John Ilyncarlson whb
elected secretary and O. R. Wycoff treas
urcr. Mr. Wycorf reported a balanco In th
treasury of $08.96. Tho dates for tho next
fair aro the 10th, 11th, 12th and 13th of Sop
Dr. DeiirhiK Tender ItCNlKUntlmi.
BEATRICE, Nob., Jan. 11. (Special.)
It Is given out hero that Dr. W. II. Dcurlng
the present superintendent of tho Institute
for Feeble Minded, has tendered his reslg
nation to Governor Dietrich, to take effect
April 1. It was thought hero that Dr. Dear
lug would relinquish probnblo possession to
his successor, Dr. Johnson of Omaha, about
January 15.
(tin rinli OrKnl.iMl,
SYRACUSE, Neb., Jan. 11. (Special.)
There was organized tn this village las
evening tho Syracuso Gun club, with
etghteon charter members. F. E. Hrow
was cioctoa president, Hid Locxnnrt see
retary and E, W. Hlsscr, treasurer. Tho
club contains a good deal of live blood, und
show up ns well as the old "Sllsby Gun
club of this place.
CnrneKle Cnninii llriiiii'lilnur Out
NEW YORK. Jan. 11 The Journal
1. oinmerco says una inriniT iniormatlnn
regarding ;no inrneKiu nieei company
plan for a tube and plpo plant nt Cnnneatit
o,, indicntes mi project is even more lm
portant than at llrst sunpnsed. it Is re
ported mat inn new piapi win iiiiyp
capacity of l.(ta).0o0 tons at the start. vlilr
very closely approaches the tntul capacity
nf the Natlonnl Tube company. It h
further reported tnui tno i-arnegie eompun
him ncnulred the plant nf A. M. Hvern i
Co., considered one of the chief tube enn
cerns rutslde of the National Tubo coin
Finilly Succeed in Beaching tho Wrecked
Ironch Steamer.
III 1 Hit Hern on the ltoeKs Since
Monday and All Previous llf
fortii nt Iteneue Were
FA HA. MAN. Uouches-du-lthouc, Jan. JL
After n night of terrible suspense ull of tnc
assetiKers and crew ot tho trench steamer
Russle, from Oran, Algeria, which stranded
near hero during n violent storm Monday,
havo been safely landed.
As tho life lino ctmnocted from tho snore
with tho steamer parted again yesterday
ftcrnoon. when night set In, no com
munication with tho stranded steamer wns
possible. Tho last signalled messago rend
as follows:
Wo havo not n scrap of food left. Con
tcrnntlon prevails on board."
On receipt of this nppcal the nshcrmcn
mado two moro plucky launches of their
boat, but were beaten back, and, as tho
Rutslo disappeared In tho darkncsB, tnose
on board apparently wero trying to launch
their only remaining boat.
Tho storm raged with renewed fury dur
ing tho night and only thoso who were com
pelled to do bo stayed on tho shore, part of
them huddled beneath a tarpaulin ami
thcrs seeking refuge from tho galo In tho
Knratnan lighthouse.
At midnight two floats with lines at
tached to them wero launched, but both
ttcmpts to rcuch tho Russlo wero fruit
In tho early hours of the morning torches
wero lighted at the bow ot tho Russlo and
in responEO to the signal tho fishermen mado
another effort to reach tho wreck. Uut they
were again tossed ashore, and tho crew ot
ho lifeboat, who belong to the fishing vil
lage of Carro, gathered round a bonfire
mado of wreckago from tho steamer,
drenched to tho skin nnd with tcoth chat-
erlnc from cold, but not discouraged.
Their heroism finally was rewarded, as, with
daybreak, tho weather perceptibly moder
ated, tho sea became calmer and tho wind,
having shifted from cast to north, tho Carro
tlshcrmcn, at about 6:30 a. m., again put
to sea. Tho spectators watched with fast
beating hearts ns tho boat disappeared
through the waves. Moro than onco It
was thoucht It was eugulfcd. but tbo small
craft rose In slg"ht again on tho crests of tho
waves, upproachlng gradually nearer to tho
AVomen Come First.
Then n rope was thrown, which tho fish
ermen caught, and thn lifeboat soon after
ward was alongside. Then, nbovo tho howl
ing wind, rose cries of Joy from those on
board tho Russle, which were re-echoed by
tho crowd ashore. Another boat, manned
by four men, was then launched and suc
ceeded lu rcachlnc tho wrecked vessel. A
tew minutes later tho Carro boat left tho
Russia's sldo, heavily laden. As It ap
proached the shoro the occupants wero seen
to bo women and one baby. Tho enthusiasm
was delirious. The spectators plunged Into
thu sea. Somo ot them dragged tho llfo
boat ashore and others lifted tho women
out ot tho boat and carried them In their
arms, through tho waves, to dry land. One
woman was clasped In the arms of hor son,
who had been waiting on shore since Mon
day. Sho swooned and had to bo trans
ported on a stretcher, hastily constructed
from wreckago and covered with blankets,
to tho lighthouse. The other women col
lapsed from fatigue, cold and hunger. Their
haggard faces and trembling limbs told ot
tho awful experiences they had gone
It was unfortunato that want of foresight
resulted in all tho nourishment being kept
at tho lighthouse, two miles distant, for
tho sufferers had to walk there, assisted by
their friends, beforo restoratives could bo
Tho four-oared boat next, arrived with
sovon moro passengers, und tho lifeboats
then mado repeated Journeys, until all
wero saved and sheltered in tho lighthouse
For n Cold in the limit.
Livery Stable nt Stilton.
SUTTON. Nob.. Jan. 11. (Special.)
John Taurlcr's livery stable burned this
morning. Tho horses and vehicles wero
saved; tho other losses nro covered by
Resilience nt Ilviiim'.
EWING, Neb,, Jan. 11. (Special.) Tho
residence of C. F. Guntcr was destroyed by
flro on Thursday morning. Tho building
was Insured tor a considerable part of
Its vulue.
Holland Prepares for Trip.
NORFOLK. Va.. Jan. 11. Tho submarine
torpedo boat Hollantl Is being prepared
hero preparatory tn Its trip to Pensacola.
whero It will Join tho North Atlantic
Thn distance from Annapolis to Norfolk
Is 10) miles, tho longest trip yet tnken by
tho Holland, Down Chcsapeuko bay nn
average speed of llvo and one-half knots
nn hour was recorded nn the surface and
olnht knntn was accomplished on a nnurt.
An armature bar on tho electric onglno
broke, but the lioiiann was tint disabled
ns It was nt thn tttno using Its ensolluo
An Excellent Combination.
Tho pleasant method nnd beneficial
effects of the well known remedy,
Hvnup ok Fiob, manufactured by tho
Camfoiinia Fin Sykut Co.. illustrnto
the value, of obtaining' tho liquid laxa
tive principles of plnnts known to be
medicinally laxative nnd prehcntinK'
them in the form most refreshing- to the
tnsto and acceptable to tbo ayntem. It
is tho onu perfect strencrtlicniuir laxn
tivc, clcansini? the svbUuh effectually.
disponing colds, headaches and fevers
fjontly yet promptly and enabling- one
to overcome Habitual constipation per
manently. Its norfect freedom from
every objectionable quality and sub
stance, and its acting on the kidneys,
liver nnd bowels, without weakening
or irritating them, inalto it the Ideal
In the process of manufacturing figs
nro used, ns inpy aro piensaiii to tno
tahto, but the medicinal qunlltlesof the
remedy nro obtained from senna ami
other 'aromatic plants, by a method
known to tho Oamfohma Fio Svitui'
Co. onlv. In order to tret Its beneficial
effects and to avoid imitations, please
remember the full name of tbu Company
printed on tho front of every paclcnge
Fertile by all Druggists. l'rlco Wo. per bottle
Why a Cold Kills
At this HCHson of tlic your eoui-lis utul coUl.s lire
prevalent because of a lowered vitality. The cold,
does not yield and too often pneumonia supervenes.
"Hvr.11 then," .says a high authority on this disease,
"pneumonia does not ordinarily prove fatal except
In the case or very old or very young people. The dan
ger arises when It Is complicated by heart or Kldueydis
ease." This Is the secret of the ravages of pneumonia.
If the body beslroun an the blood pure and ordinary
cold is immediately thrown olT, but when the nodylly
vlgor'ls weakened by excessive work, vwirry or grief
and the blood is vitiated by acid (which the kidneys
ought to and will remove when healthy, the dread
pneumonia too often claims its victim. If the blood
be kept pure by tho use of that kidney specific,
Warner's Safe Cure, a vigorous body will follow and
eotighd, colds nnd attendant discomforts of the win
tcr month be wholly prevented.
Gentlemen: If I.wiih thu "chief" I would older tvery nllletr
to keep a bottlo of nriter'n Safe Curo on hand and there would
bo but it few to May off" on account of sicklies.
Ilelng exposed to all kinds of weather, exeorslve heat, and
sudden front, or rain, it take an Iron constitution to staml it.
I advocate WnrierV 8am Cum nn It keeps the kidneys In
good comlltlon. which means that ull poison and illsento U
'lieaitn cu 01,1 1,10 l''st-'fi. Jbus maintaining goo.l
It cures you when sick and keeps you In aood health If you
tnk.vii tlno now and thru.
.1 1 "dvlso every tiin wio has tn be nut of doors most nf iho
time in ull kinds of weather to keep Wnrncr'j Suro Curo on
hand ull tho time.
Yours truly. TIIOS. W. JOYCIC.
Dsk Sergeant. 43rd I'reclnct,
Chicago l'ollco Uep't. Chicago, UU
F R H K S A 31 P L K.
Fend postal for free samplo
CO., Itnchester. N. V. Men
tion this paper.
We Cure to
Specialist 111 IHsense nf Men,
nnd Coimiiltlnu l'liynlcliui of (hi
State Ulcntro-Mfillcul Institute,
llttLS I 'urn n 111 St., O11111I111, ,ob.
w wnn nvnrv man Hum nflllrtprl to
cal system of treatment. We Invite In particular all who have treated elsewhere
without success: all whoso cases have Ixen ubundoncd by family physicians and so
called experts, We will explain to you why such treatment hun not cured you and
will demonstrated to your entire satisfaction that wo can cure you mfely, quickly
und permanently". Our councel will cost you nothing, und our charges for a perfect
cure win not oe more man you win oe wiiiiiik 10 iay iur ucuchik iumru, nc nm
fop thcin Te can do for yon.
UIDinnnCI C Under our Electro-Mo Heal treatment this Insidious disease rapidly
VHtlluUuCLC disappears. Tain censcx almost Instantly. The pools of stagnant
blood are driven from the dilated veins and all soreness and swelling aulckly subsides.
Every Indication ot varicooeie booh vaiunnes anu in 11s sican cuiurs mo pnur, um
power and tho pleasure ofprrfeet health nnd restored ninulinoil.
CTDI ATIIDC Our Electro-Medical treatment dissolves the stricture completely
dlnlulUnC and removes every obstruction from the urlnnry paBni?o, 'allays
all Inflammation, stops every unnatural discharge, reduces the prostate gland, cleaiue
and heals the bladder and kidneys, Invigorates the sexual organs and restores health
and soundness to every inrt of the boil- nffected by Ihe disease.
llllt Ot OUT IIIO WOm, UUU IS lllUUia UJ
and tho patient prepurcd
tries It contuins 110 dangerous nrugx m .ujunuun iiicuiniuen m iu) nn,... u kuu, m
the very bottom of the disease und forces nut every purtlclo of Impurity. Soon every
slitn and symptom disappears completely und forever The blood, the tissue, the flesh,
,v, hnnM and the whole system are cleansed, purified and rettnrod to perfect health
urniinilC nCDII ITV Men. many of you nro now reaping the result of your
NrHVIlUa UCHILI I I former follv. Your manhood is fa ling and will noon
he lost unless you do something for yourself. There Is no time to lose. Impotency,
like all sexual dlseaBe.i,, Is never on tho standstill. With It you can mnkn no com
promise. K1U..T you must master It or It will mnster you. nnd fill your whole futuro
with misery and Indescribable woe. We hnvn treated so many cases of this kind that
we nro as familiar with them as you are with the very daylight. Onco cured by us
you will never again be bothered with emissions, drains, premntureness, small or weak
oreans nervousness, falling memory, loss of ambition or other symptoms which rob
you of your manhood and absolutely unfit you for study, business, pleasure nr .mar
riage Our treatment for weak men will correct nil of theie evils and restore you in
what nature lntendrd-a hale, healthy, happy man, with nhyslenl, inentnl nnd
sexual power cumiiinr,
npFI TV niCCACCC Many ailments are leflex, originating from other dls
Hrrl rl UlSLlSCil rnses. Var Instance, ssxunl weakness sometimes comes
from Varicocele or Stricture; Innumerable blood and bone diseases often result from
onntagtous blood taints In the system, or physical and mental decline frequently fol
low lmpotsncy. In treating diseases of nny kind we always remove tho origin wo
cure the cause.
nnskBrcnniinClinC One personal visit Is always preferred, hut If you cannot
UUnittOl UllUEIluC call at our office, wrttn tin your symptoms fully, our
homo treatment by correspondence Is always Miccessful.
Legal contract given to all patients to hold for our agreement. Do not htsltats. If
you cannot call today, write and describe your trouble. Successful treatment by mall.
Reference Rent Unnks and Lending HiihIiicss .Men in this City.
Office Hours From 6 11. 111. to 8 p. 111.. Sundays, 10 n, 111. to 1 p. ni.
Permanently Located, 11IUK Fariinni Street, near llllli, Omaha, Neb.
Remnants at half Price
At this season of the year we nlwn.vs have a lot of short
ends in yard goods and odd pairs in enrlaiiis thai have,
accumulated during the busy season, which we are now
offering at prices that will move them in short order.
One lot of Japanese Crepe, worth 7 1
3rc, at 1 2s"
One lot of Cretones, worth iioc, 1 Ap
at, yard 1VJ
Lot of Muslin and Cretonne ltemnanis at, half price.
Curtain Poles, 1 and 5 ft. lengths, -j
foot 1V-'
Lace Curtains we have two lots we O J SL
are offering at, per pair, (i.7r and..
See our window.
Special Carpet Prices
for Saturday
on the remainder of the Traynor it (iorham stock carpets
nt prices from one-half to one-fourth what the goods regu
larly sold. Home that, sold as high as and $.'1.00 per
yard in this sale at fiOc. This is your opportunity.
Orchard & Willielm Carpet Co.
1414-1410-1418 Douglus Street.
Stay Cured
Varicocele, Stricture, Con
tagious Blood Poison,
Nervous Debility, and All
Reflex Complications and
Associate Diseases- and
Weaknesses of Men by
Our Electro - Medical
Treatment Which Com
bines All the Curative
Powers of Both Medi
cine and Electricity.
hnnestlv lnvextlente nur sneclal Klectro-MeJI-
;o ao oy us 11 our casen were ravrmeu. -rimni.jf
n 'and will clto you, by permission, some of the best
aye cured nnd made happy and who will cheerfully
13 professional standing. AVhnt wr Imvc done
UIC rai juiyou .nun ,11 1,113 .u. V.UW..-
anew for the duties und lilennures nf lire,