Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 12, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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Honte Committes Decidos Agairut tbe Allen
0. Fithtr Contest.
CoiumHIsT In llcllevpil ( lliivr l)c-
lit I'iinchI HiiiIki'n iii ( liiiruf
of HIcKiit VnlliiK In lOitrucy
Con ill) .
LINCOLN. Jnn. 11 (Special.) Tho house
committee on prlvlleRos ami elections met
this afternoon ami nfter listening to ar
gument for both slilca, illflinlfisud tho con
tent caso against Charles K. Coffee, fuslun
representative from tho Fifty-third dis
trict Allan 0. KUlior, the conttstant, ap
peared In hln own hchalf and nrmiccl tho
ease on purely U'K.U grnumls. Tho com
inltteo held that thu contestrc had not
Iolated the corrupt practices act, as
charged by Klshcr, and further that tho
fct that he was a director of a natloml
Imnk did not disqualify him hoMltift tho
oini of memher of tho lefilsliture.
Tho enso of IMcgmtin agalnut Ream was
also decided adversely for the contestant,
the committee holding that there was not
Rttniclcnt ovldenro to warrant n roottut of
.IoIiiimoii Will Will.
It Is almost certain that the sonato com
mittee cn privileges and elections, which Is
to report on the contest caso of Johnson
ngalnst Hodges next Monday, will find In
favor of reatlng the contestant, Mr. John
son, and Hint It will so recommend In Its
report to tho senate. The case U one which
Involved Illegal valtiift In Kearney county,
find It Is asserted the evidence of enough
Illegal votcsi being cast for Mr. Hodges was
furulHhed tho committee to convince Its
members that Mr. Johnson, the republican
nominee, should havo received tho certifi
cate of election which is hold by Hodges.,
Tho final arguments In tho contest proceed
ings wero mndo before the committee Inst
night, but It has reserved Its decision until
Monday. It may bo that when the com
mittee meets Monday It will bo decided to
havo tho ballots produced and a recount
made, but this course Is not likely to be
pursued, as thcro seems to bo sufficient
evidence without this to convince the com
mittee that Mr. Johnson Is rightfully en
titled to tho seat. While tho members ol
tho commlttco refuse to state what tho
naturo of the report will be, the fact that
Juit before Mr Jotinson left for homo to
day ho was told by one of the leading mem
ber of tho. commlttco that while ho was
not at liberty to tell him what the deliber
ations of tho commlttco would result
In, It might In a good Idea for the
contestant to show up In Lincoln next
Monday evening, which was taken to mean
tjiut the report noiilil most likely bo favor
nblo to Mr. Johnson nnd ngalnst Mr.
Hodges, who on tho face of the returns
had n majority of two votes. Since Mr.
Johnson lives quite n distance from Lincoln
It Is not thought likely that a member of
tho commlttco would havo advised him to
return to Lincoln next Monday evening
unless tho report was favornblo to him.
Tno Hour Spent In Itootlno Work
mill Itrceiillon of 'mv Hill
liy (lie ltmly.
LINCOLN. Jsn. 11. (Special.) The sen-
nto bcshIoii today was n strictly business
nfcetlng nnd during two hours a consider
nblo amount of rout Inn work was lu'com
Pllahed, number,, qf tho me0)be1r3ljbolng
nnxlous to get through" wlth"tho work In
order that they might leuvo for their
homes on thu afternoon trains. It being
generally understood thnt when tho senate
mljournod that It would bo until Monday.
Tho senate was called to order by Lieu
tenant "iiovernor Savage, who soon nfter
retired, calling President Pro Tom Steclo
to tho chair. Tho rending of tho Journal
was, upon motion of Martin, dispensed
with, and tho Introduction ot hills was
proceeded with.
During tho reading ot these bills tho
clerk of the house was announced, who
stated that Iioiiho rolls 11 and 111, both
being appropriation bills, wero ready for
tho senate, Thu bills wero read and placed
on file.
A largo number of bills camo up for
second reading, nfter which they wero or
dercd printed and referred to their re
spective committees.
Tho senate, at, noon, adjourned until
o'clock Mondny aftarnoon.
The following senate flies wero Introduced
for their first reading:
H. F. tZ. by Jleredeth An net to regulata
tho practice ot midwifery In tho stale of
S. F. Mi, by McCarger An act to amend
sections 91. 92. 93. 91 and Art of chapter Ixxlll
of tho Compiled Statutes of Nebraska of
HOT cntiueit "kouuh, nun 19 repeal said
arlclnal sections.
8. F. 87. by .McCarger An act to repeal
sections li."), M, Hi, US and ifl of chapter 73 of
tlio uoinpileu statutes ot tno Htulo or rse
bra ska.
S. F. SS. by McCarger An act to amend
sections 7rt, S, 79, Ml and S3 ot chapter Ixxlll
of tho Compiled Statutes of Nebraska of
JX'.'J ami to re pen 1 sain original secuoiiki iif,
78. 79. 8U anil 82 or salit cluipter.
i. F. 89. bv Haldrlce All act to ameni
section 49 of chapter xvl of tho Compiled
Ktatutes of tho stato of Nebraska.
S. F. 90, by Arends An uct entitled "An
act for tho encouragement of forestry ami
the: USE OF
Trie. tUKt
rborlrjilture. ' which urovldes for the se
lection of it tract of land by the owner, or
owners, us n permanent forest nr tree-
rowinx reservation ana rot me appraise
ment of same for taxation.
H. V. 91, by Steele An net to establish n
military cod. for the statu of Nebraska and
to provide for the organization, government
Mill compensation of tho orgnnlzed mllltla,
ml to provide for the enrollment ot tne
norganlzed mllltla, and to repeal chapter
Hovolnn l:i ws nf 1H7. known ns chanter
vl. Complied Statutes, approved April 12,
H. K. 02. by Halilrlge An uct to iimenu
ubdlvlslnn "Thin!" of section S of an net
entitled "An act regulating Insurance com
panies," p.'ssed February 23, 1ST", and to re
peal said subdivision us now existing nnd
nil nets anil puns oi nets inconsistent ireiu
with. K. F. A3, liv Ha i r hie All act to ntnonu
section 1 of on net entitled "An act to
facilitate the giving of IhiihIs, undertakings
and reeocn'.zances. and to authorize the ac
ceptance of certain corporations as surety
Hereon, ami to repeal an nets ami pans oi
ets In conlllct herewith, unproved April !i.
1815, and to repeal said section 1 ns now
S. F. 91. bv Steele An net to nmend sec
tions Mi and Mi of chapter xl of tho Com-
i led Miniutes or tne state nr rseurnsKa oi
SOT. entitled "Offenses relating to game and
tlsh." and to repeal said orlulnal sections
16 nnd MJi.
S.'F. !3, ov ICdgar-An net to provide pen
nies for blackmail, extortion and kindred
S. F. W. bv Hn dr tie An net to atncml
sections f.21. KM. 531a and 631c of tho Code
f Civil rroeeilnrn iiinl rbnpter xxxvl or tno
'oinpllcd Statutes of 18K entitled "Home
tends." mill In ,-ptipnl nnlil sections Ml nnd
531a, and to except certain claims, debts nnd
iianiiiues ;rom tne opetimon oi win nuniu-
icau ami exemption laws.
rulxtmlve Appropriation Dill I'nsseil
lleforo AilJonrnliiK ''
(lit Week.
LINCOLN. Jan. 11. (Special.) After
passing tho Fowler bill providing for nn
pproprlntlon of $113,000 for tho expenses
f tho legislature nnd listening for two
ours to the first nnd second reading of
bills, tho houso of representatives ad
journed nt noon today to meet nt 2 o'clock
Mondny afternoon. The routlno work 01
tho session wns Interrupted only once, when
n unsuccessful attempt was mado to secure
reconsideration of the action of yestcr-
ay authorizing tho preparation of a dupll-
nto copy of the house Journnl for each
Tho reconsideration was asked for by
Crlsscy of Johnson, who asserted that when
the voto was taken yesterday many mem
bers wero absent. Oawno of Merrick
moved to table the motion, which the house
faorcd by a voto of sixty to thirty-two.
As soon ns tho result was nnnounccd
Mockctt of Lancaster caused a laugh by
moving thnt tho next person proposing a
reconsideration bo tried for treason, but
McCarthy of Dixon, Who wns In tho chair,
declared tho motion out of order.
On motion of Cain of Hlchardson tho
peaker was authorized to appoint a eom-
mitteo of thrco to provldo tickets of ad
mission to tho floor of tho houso for tho
Joint convention of senntors and repre
sentatives, who meet In representatives'
hall at noon on Tuesday to ballot for United
States senators. A resolution providing for
tho purchase of chairs for tho use of sen
ators during tho conventions was tabled.
Among tho bills Introduced today was-
one by Coffco of Dawes county proposing n
constitutional convention to be held in
this city Beginning on tho first Tuesday of
June, 1902. Tho conditions of tho bill
provldo for n representation of counties
Imllar to that In tho legislature, each
ncmbcr to receive same salary and mlteago
as allowed members ot tho legislature.
The following bills wero Introduced and
read tho first tlmo In tho houso of repre
sentatives today:
If. II. M. bv Wilcox A bill for nil act to
require tho State Printing board to require
tin. Allied Prlntlnir Trades label be placed
on all printing matter contracted for by
tho state.
If. It. 99, by Olson A bill for an net 10
provldo for the destruction ot Russian
Hustles to prevent meir sproauing. 10 pro
vide 11 penalty for neglect ot same nnd In
event of neglect to permit uny person to
destroy sucli ltussian tnisiies nnu placing
tho tlrst obligation on owners of property.
If II. llirt. bv Tanner A bill for an act to
dellne the llanlllty of employers nnd making
employers liniile ror nil damages in consc
quencu of negligence, nnd making Invalid
all contracts restricting damage.
It. n. 101. by Tern a diii ror on nci 10
rolmlitirsn William Stucfer. state treasurer.
and to approprlato J3.000 for payment of his
olllclal bond for tho yenr 1901, with emer
gency clause.
II. it. I uz, iy lanner ah nci 10 nmer.u
upotlnn 2 of chanter xxl of the Compiled
Stntutes of 189.1, and repealing said sections
so amended. Increasing limit of liability
for damages for death trom j.i.unu io rci.inm.
II. It. 103, bv Tefft A bill for an act to section 49 of chapter xvl of tho
Compiled Statutes of tho Suite of Nebraska,
mill giving Cl'ineirry iruniren iiiiinuiiiy in
recelvo money and property for caro and
decoration of graves, tombstones, etc.
II. H. 101, hy corree a dim ror an nci pro
vlillntr fnr llin hnldlnir of a constitutional
cnonventton and apportioning the stato Into
districts ror tno election 01 memners
(liprenr. the convention to bo held In Lin
coln In June, 1992, to bo composed of 133
ir. 11. ins. bv Lane A bill for an act to
amend sections 3 and 8 of chapter xll of the
Compiled Statutes ot .NcnrnsKu nun m
abolish days of grace In tho payment or ac
r.niiiriinn nt negotiable Instruments, nnd
1 ... . . ....... j. ........ ,.it
providing mill wneii uuiv m iiiuiimiy luuo
on holiday or sunnny such instruments
Himll bo navnblo on following day.
H. H. ion, ny Hiieiinnrn n act to gram
teachers certificates to graduates of col
trues mill universities.
H. It. vn. iy waring a mil ror nn nci
to suppress micKet snops and gamming in
stocks, bonds, petroleum, cotton, grain,
provisions or other produce, nnd to pro
vide a punishment for tho vtolntlnn thereof.
II. ll. h, ny liawxny a nm ror nn
in amend section 11 of chanter lxxxlxn of
the Compiled Statutes nf Nebraska of U99
(relating to tno ngiu oi wuy oi iciogrnpu
nnd telephone companies), and to repeal
said section as It now exists, and giving
telephorm ami teicgrnpn companies rigui or
way and requiring poles to bo within six
fect of roailwny nnd wires not less thnn
iwoniv (eel from cround. nnd renulrlim
weeds surrounding poles for distance of
twelvo feet to no cut in Augusi in eacn
7if ll. 109. bv Mullen A bill for nn act to
regulnto bakeries and bakeshops in tho
state of Nebraska, and to provldo for tho
sanitary conditions of the snmo and pro
vldo for a pcnnlty for tho violation of this
act. .
It n. no. ny ainr.en a diii ror nn nci in
nmend sections U2. r,30. Wl. Ml a and 031c
of tho Codn of Civil Procedure nnd chapter
xxwl or tno uomnuea Mintutes nr wj en
titled "Homesteads," nnd to repenl said
MtlnnR Ml nnd Fi3ln and to except certain
claims, debts nnd liabilities from tho opera
tion of the homestead and exemption laws.
it ii. ill. bv Armstronc A bill for an
net to nnprnprlato the sum of $75.5fin to
build a library building and a combined
chapel and gymnasium bulldlnc for tho
sinl. Normal sehnou located nt Peru. Neb
it n. 112. bv McCoy A bill for nn net
creating tho otilco of sanitary Inspector of
imti.'s. restaurants, catlnir houses nnd din
ing cats In the stnto of Nebraska, defining
Ills powers nml duties, regulating tho fees
for deputy sanitary Inspector nnd assistants
nnd providing lor n pennity lor tno vioia
I Inn nf Ibis act.
U. 11. 113. by McCoy A bill for an net to
nmnnil section 2 of chanter xxl of tho Com
piled Statutes of the State of Nebraska
des'gnnted by a compiler as 2.i0t, nnd to ro
peal said section ns now existing and au
tlnirl7lmr lurv to tlx tlnmann fnr death.
It. It. 114. by McCoy A bill for an v.cK to
amend sections 1. 2, 3. 4 nnd 5 of chapter
lxvlln of the Cdmpiled Statutes of 1897 en
titled "Labels," und to repeal said sections
ns now existing, and preventing Imitation
of labels, trnito marks and deslRiis, nnd
providing for recording tamo In the secro
tary of state's oillco.
IT, Tl. 115, by Hanillton-A bill for nn act
to prevent pawnbrokers In this stnte from
charglne n greater sum aa Interest on loans
thnn 10 per cent per year and to provldo
for the mono or selling unredeemed prop
erty, and to provldo a penalty for the via
l.itlon of the snme.
II, n. US, by Hamilton A bill for an act
to protect employes rrom being blacklisted
through the machinations of gunrnnty
ponu companies or corporations ana to pro
vino a pcnaijy lor mo violation mereor
I'osliiue for MennlorK.
LINCOLN, Jnn. 11. (Special.) Tho cnu
cus held by tho republican members ot tho
senate at tho closo ot the session today
bad but little Importance, only a few un
Important matters coming up for discus
slon. The question of postage being fur1
Dished members ot the senate, which was
voted down nt a previous caucus, was re
considered, and It was decided to allow
ten 2-ccnt stamps per day to each senator.
Senator I'dnr, chairman of tho printing
committee, was given permission to ap
point a proofreader, nnd n commlttco was
named to appoint a night watch.
Mntue of Lincoln.
LINCOLN. Jan. 11. (Special.) The Ne
braska department of tho Orand Army of
tho Itcnubllc, through n special committee,
will ask the legislature for an appropria
tion to defray tho expense of cutting n
statue of Abraham Lincoln from the marble
nresentcd to Nebraska for this purpose
several years ngo by tho stato of Ten
nessee. The committee was appointed by
Commander Hccao this afternoon nnd con
sists of II. C. Ilussell of Schuyler, J. II.
Conway of York, J. N. Lyman of Hnstlngs,
F. i:. Kvans of North Platte, It. E. Palmer
of Omaha and J. K. Hill ot this city.
Kx-Secretary P. L. Hall of tho Stnto
Hanking Hoard has accepted tho cashler
shlp ot the Columbla'Natlonnl bank In this
city. Ho expects to remain permanently
In this city nnd will begin his now work
about February 1.
Itoiiulsl t Ion for SloKcninii.
LINCOLN. Jan. 11. (Special.) Oovcrnor
Dietrich today issued a requisition for tho
return of Fred Stegoman, alias Stackman, J
no is under arrest In Chicago. Ho is
wanted In South Omaha to answer to tho
charge of shooting with Intent to kill. The
prosecuting witness Is Joseph Mnlley of
South Omaha.
Thomns McCarthy, brother of tho well
known Vic McCarthy, has appealed to tho
stioretno court for a reversal of a decision
rendered In Sarpy county by which ho was
sentenced to fifteen years In tho peniten
tiary for assaulting Adam Koske in I'apll
llon some tlmo ago,
Vou n ht -Men nt Normal School TbriMV
Mpeelal Policeman Wntsou Out
of the IIuIIiIIiik.
FRKMONT. Neb., Jan. 11. (Special.)
Thero was a lively tlmo und n much-used-ud
special policeman nt tho Normal school
last night. Special Oftlccr Watson, who
wns appointed to keep things In order
around tho school, Incurred tho enmity ot
tho boy3 nnd last night after having somo
words with n student who was struggling
with a refractory stovepipe, Watson was
Picked up and thrown out of tho building.
Ho swore out warrants for two of the ring
leaders this morning, One pleaded guilty
and paid a flno of $1 nnd costs.
Tho other employed nn nttorney and will
fight tho enso to tho und. Tho students
nccuso Watson of prying around tho halls
of tho dormitories, listening nt tho key
holes and entering their rooms without
knocking, nt all hours and making himself
generally unpopular. While tho young wo
men havo no especial fault to llnd, they
think that tho olllcer Is too much disposed
n show his authority and aro active sym
pathizers with the young men.
This afternoon nbout COO of tho young
men nt tho school matched down town
nnd around the principal streets In doublo
file nnd n couple of hundred young women
enmo down at tho same time, taking tho
opposite nlde of tho street. Tho trial of
tho student under nrrest Is set for to
morrow and tho students say thnt tho police
court room won't hold a qunrtcr of those
who will bo on hand. Tho matter has
created considerable talk on tho street
this nftcrnoon and people generally appear
to .toko sides with tho students. This Is
tho first disturbance at tho school In thu
sixteen years of its history.
Ofllecrn I.onklnir for Aliened llorne-
Ihlet IV ho Won Too I'oj,
TKCUMSEII. Nob., Jan. 11. (Special.)
A young man named John Price, who la
wanted In Harlan county for horsestealing,
was arrested lit a farmhouse- near Sterling
yesterday, but got away from tho officers
Upon Instruction from tho ofllcors of that
county. Marshal Carter of Sterling wont
out Into tho country n short distance, where
ho found his man. Tho warrant wns served
and tho follow agreed to accompany tho
marshal to Sterling, Tho pair left tho
farmhouso to enter the ofllcor's carriage,
when Prlco Informed the officer ho had
left an article of clothing behind It would
bo necessary to secure. Tho officer allowed
him to ro-cuter tho houso unaccompanied
and the man escaped through tho back door
Into tho fields nnd nway. Marshal Carter,
Shorlff Strong nnd a number of men from
Sterling spent tho dny yesterday trying to
find tho man, but to no avail. Tho sheriff
of Harlan county had been notified that
tho man was located near Sterling and ho
camo on today for him, but returned empty
I)odo County AfTnlr.i.
FltlOMONT. Neb., Jan. 11. (Special.)
At tho session of tho county board yester
day. Dr. W. O. Davles was elected county
Dhvstclnn nnd W. L. Houck Janitor of tho
court houso, Tho county treasurer was
allowed $1,300, register of deeds $700 and
county Judgo $500 for clerk hire, tho last
two nmounts to bo paid from tho fees of
tho office. Tho salary of tho county clork
as clerk of tho board was fixed at $400 and
an allowance was also mado to him for
clerk hire. Chairman Hepburn yesterday
revised his list of committees. Tho now
list Is more satisfactory than tho old one,
but two of tho members of tho minority
sav that they will not servo on any com
mlttcc. Joseph Roberts was appointed pur
chasing agent and S. W. Doyd selected to
look after tho Platto river bridge.
Sheriff llrnirn Four Jncks.
STROMSDLHG, Neb.. Jan. 11. (Special.)
Sheriff Nuqutst of Osceola arrived In the
city at midnight last night and entered a
poker room operated by P. 15. Nelson and
arrested four prominent young men, who
woro playing for tho contents of n good
sized Jackpot. They havo all pleaded guilty
to disorderly conduct and each paid a flno
and costs.
One. nf them accompanied tho sheriff to
Osceola to stny twenty days In tho county
Jail for stealing $20 from n drunken man
Christmas eve. There havo been ten arrests
mado hero this week.
Arrests Peim for Pen Work.
KEAUr- KV. Neb., Jan. 11. (Special Telo
gram.) Sheriff Armstrong of Custer county
arrested K. Pcnn in this city Friday morn
tng on tho chnrgo of forgery. It is alleged
ho forged tho name of a farmer for $37.50
nnd that A. E. Urlgham, a merchant ot
Oconto, cashed tho check. Drlgham ills
covered his loss Thursday and notified tho
sheriff. Penn arrived In Kearney Thursday
afternoon and Sheriff Armstrong In tho
evening. Thu prisoner was taken to Drokon
Row this morning,
CoKtly Cull for llev, Youtsy,
ELK CREEK, Neb., Jan. 11. (Special
Telegram.) lie v. D. A. YouUy of tho ChrU
tlan 'church ot this place has been giving
stereoptlcon entertainments around ove
tho country for tho past year and a half
charging an admlttanco fee. Today
United States revenue collector swooped
down on him and made him pay $31.25 for
not having the proper license.
Uli'linnU lo lie the Iteiirracntntlve,
P.LATTSMOUTH, Neb., Jan, 11. (Spe
clal.) Tho commissioners of this county
havo named 11. T. Richards of Wabash t
represent uass county ut tno .National Live
Stock convention, to be held ut Salt Lake
Cltv January 15 to 19.
Dr. Hull tietH n HruUliiK.
STELLA, Neb., Jan, 11. Dr. Hull
this placo met with a serious accident
Oklahoma yesterday. Tbe harness on
team he was driving broke and the team
ran away, throwing tho driver anil tho
dector out of tho cnrrlage. Ho arrived
homo on the train last night, with a frac
tured leg nnd numerous minor bruises.
Mrs. Wllllntu. Arresleil nt llendiiinrt-
crs of Allt'uril Ilniullls, Appenrs In
Justice Illinium's Court.
FltKMONT, Neb., Jan. 11. (Special.)
Mrs. M. M. Williams, who was arrested at
tha headquarters of tho bandits who arc
alleged to havo murdered Herman Zahn,
was brought up before Justice of tho Peace
H. Hlnman yesterday afternoon on the
charge of receiving stolen property. She
waived examination nnd In default of bail
was committed to tho district court. Tho
dicers expect to prove thnt somo of the
property stolen from Znhn's plnco passed
Into her possession, nmoug other things
ragged $10 bill, which had been mended
with n pleco of bright red paper of peculiar
Charles Ilhea, tho man who Is considered
the principal, la recovering rapidly from
his wounds and Is ablo to walk around In
his cell. Ho laughs and Jokes with tho
other Inmates of tho Jail nnd Is npparcntly
wholly unconcerned about his fate. Bar
rel! appears qulto anxious over the prob
nblo outcomo ot his trial and firmly pro
tests his Innocence. During a portion ot
tho day Sheriff Krcadcr permits them to
take somo cxcrclso In the big cago and
Darrell plainly shows that ha does not
caro much for tho computiy ot his asso
ciates. Woodmen Choose Dclcmit cn.
MADISON, Neb.. Jan. 11. (Special.)
Tho county convention of the Modern
Woodmen of America wns held In this city
yesterday afternoon. All camps except
Newman Grovo and Wnrncrvllle, wero rep
resented. James Nichols of this city was
hoscn chairman nnd James Magulnncss,
clerk. Delegates selected to go to tho Btnte
camp at Kearney next month were: Ocorgo
It. Wycoff of Madison, Mr. Mayer, Ilattlo
Creek, and M. C. Walker, Norfolk; alter
nates, Mr. Hartford, Norfolk; O. S. Snyder,
Madison. Mr. Fields, Tlldcn. Dr. Dlalr of
Wnyno was Indorsed for head physician.
TRI3NTON, Neb.. Jan. 11. (Special.)
Tho Modern Woodmen of America enmps
of this county, at their meeting here yes
terday, elected C. J. Wllcov of Patlsado
ns delegate to the state convention nt Kear
Wheat Prospects Are Good.
WYMORE, Neb., Jan. 11. (Special.)
Wheat growers In southern Nebraska arc
jubilant over tho prospects for n lino crop
next season. Tho acrcago Is tho greatest
ever planted and the stand Is splendid.
Somo tlmo ago thero wero fears that tho
winter was going to bo too dry and that tho
Holds would Buffer for want of moisture,
but tho recent fall of snow, which Is about
thrco Inches on a level, has covered tho
wheat Holds and will supply sufficient mols-
uro to carry tho crop through tho winter
In tho best of condition. Prospects for
winter wheat wero never better at this
sncson of tho year.
Iiitrmlen Clear to the Ilrnln.
HUMROLDT, Neb., Jan. 11. (Special.)
A peculiarly sad accident occurred at Daw
son yesterday when tho 3-ycar-old son of
Joseph Rlcger fell on a largo nail In such
a manner that tha metal penetrated onu of
his eyes, going on through tho brain nnd
cnuslng paralysis, which physicians say
must ultimately result In death. Spcctal-
sts wero at once summoned, but gave tho
parents no hope for tho recovery of the
Cnnrt Matter at firnevn.
GENEVA, Neb., Jan. 11. (Special.) In
tho Belter assault case the jury could not
agreo and was discharged. ' '
Gates, tried for Incest, was sentenced
to two years In tho penitentiary.
Thompson Hrown's suit for a dlvorco has
been taken up and many witnesses sum
moned. For n Cold In the lleml.
Wenther For const for Nelirnnka for
Today Includes Fair Skies nnd
Southerly Winds.
WASHINGTON. Jnn. 11. Forecast for
Saturday and Sunday:
For Nebraska Fair and warmer Satur
day; southerly winds Sunday; local snows
For Iowa Warmer Saturday; winds be
coming southeasterly; Sunday local snows,
For Missouri Fair and warmer Saturday;
westerly winds, becoming southeasterly;
Sunday fair.
For North Dakota Generally fair and
warmer Saturday; winds becoming south
westerly; -Sunday local snows, probable.
For South Dakota Fair Saturday;
warmer In eastern portion; variable winds;
Sunday local snows, probable.
For Kansas Fair and warmer Saturday;
southerly winds; Sunday fair.
For Colorado Generally fair Saturday;
warmer In western portion; varlablo winds;
Sunday fulr.
For Wyoming Fair Saturday and Sun
day; varlablo winds, generally southwest
For Montana Snow Saturday; colder In
northern; southwest winds; Sunday fair.
For Western Texas Fair Saturday;
northerly winds; Sunday fair.
For Now Mexico Fair Saturday; warmer
In northern portion; northerly winds; Sun
day fair.
For Oklahoma and Indian Territory Fair
and warmer Saturday; northwesterly winds;
Sunday fair.
For Arkansas Fair and warmer Satur
day; northwesterly winds; Sunday fair.
For Illinois Generally fair Saturday;
westerly winds, becoming varlablo; Sunday
Local Itceoril.
OMAHA. Jan, 11. Official record of tern-
peraturo and precipitation compnrcd with
tno corresponding uay ot tno last three
1901. 1000. 1S9D. 1S0S.
Maximum temperature
Minimum temperature
Mean temperature
2S 4( 31
20 2S 31 3'!
37 S3
.07 T T .01
necord of tompornturo nnd prcclpltntlon
at Omaha for this day and slnco Mnrch 1,
Normal tempcrntttro IS
Excess for tho dny 4
Total excess slnco March 1 1131
Normal precipitation 02 Inch
Excess for the day 03 inch
Total slnco March 1 30.52 Inches
Excess slnco Mnrch 1 10 Inch
Dollclency for cor. period, IPoO.... 4.40 lueliei
Dellclency for cor. period, 1S90.... 4.0i inched
ItenorU from Stations ut 7 P. .11
i-4l V i
-5Itj tT i
Omahn, clear
North Platte, partly cloudy.
Cheyenne, cloudy
Salt Lako City, cloudy
Rapid City, partly cloudy ..
Huron, clear
Wllllston, clear
Chicago, purtly cloudy
8t, Louis, snowing
St. Paul, cloudy
Davenport , clear
Kansas City, clenr
Helena, cloudy
Havre, paitly cloudy
IJIsmarck, clcnr
Galveston, cloudy
SSI .01
T Indicates trace of precipitation. Zero,
Ii. A. VK!,HH,
- , Local Forecast OllicUl,
Proof from All Sections That Pe - ru
Congressman Smith, of Illinois.
Hon. Geo. W. Smith, Mem
ber of Congress, In a recent
letter from Murphysboro, 111.,
o Tho Peruna Mcdlclno Co.,
says tho following lu regard
to Peruna for catarrh;
Tho Peruna Mcdlclno Co.:
Gentlemen "I tnko plensuro
n testifying to tho merits ot
cruna. I havo taken ono
bottle for my catarrh and I
feel very much benefitted. To
thoso who aro afflicted with
catarrh and In need of a good
tonio I tnko plensuro In rec
ommending Peruna." Geo. W.
Major Longstrcct.
Major Robert L. Longstrcct,
who served on tho staff ot Gen
eral Leo, General Frnncis V.
Orecnc, General Arnold of tho
regulars and General Wlllls
ton, In tho lato war with Spain,
la tho son of tho great ex-Con-
federato General. Major Long-
street was mustered out in
June, and ho Is now In Wash
ington trying to get rid of thu
pcrnlcioua malarial fover which
ho contracted in cuoa. no
found Peruna of benefit on his
return to tho United States
and says tho following In re
gard to tho great catarrh euro
and tonic:
"I havo taken Peruna n3 :
tonic on my roturn from tho
Cuban climate, nnd 1 And It
Miss Jennlo Johnson.
Miss Jennlo Johnson, Vlco
President Culcngo Teachers'
.'ederatlon. 3US Lake Park av
enue, Chicago, III., writes:
Amonc tho different reme
dies I havo tried when In need
a tonic nono havo helped
mo moro than Pcrunn. I find
It cspcclnlly helpful In cases
if catarrh of tho stomach; It
restores tho functions of na
ture. Induces sleep nnd builds
up tho cntlro system."
Catarrh of tho pelvic organs
Is tbo bano ot womankind.
Most cases of backacho aro
caused by catarrh of tho kid
neys. Peruna Is Just tho mcd
lclno for catarrh of tho kidneys.
It stimulates tho kidneys to ex
creto from tho blood tho accu
mulating poison. It gives vigor
to tho heart's action and diges
tive system, Peruna should bo
used In nil cases ot catarrh of
of tho kidneys.
For rari Ilia cry haa nono up from humlrrdt nnd
Ihounndi uf men, jrouug anil old, for a remrdr that
would lid them of the terrible rnult of rarlr rclllti
or eicrnfe, or of tha ortrwork ami worry that tap
tlj phyilcul vitality.
The m'dlcol profenlon of thl country leemfd
lowerlm to core with tbe appalllns nil dlsantroui
dlmaiti and annoying Mrakncmtt of mm roultlug
from violation of Nature'! lat.
It remained for the eminent French authority.
I'rof, Julea l.aLorde, to conduct arlentina Inquiry
into the came und cure ot boat Vitality,
Wcakneaa, Sperraatorrhira, Kpllepay, Impotency,
Small Tarta. and the world today acknowledges tlm
aupremacy of the wonderful remedy CAI.TIHIS."
The Von Mold Company, of Cincinnati. Ohio,
recognirlng tha commercial value of I'rof, baborde'a
diacorerr, aeeured the aole American rlslili for
"CAI.TIloaj," and through Its agency Ihouianda
of men who auflored from aeiual dieeanee and en.
feetillng nervous maladlea have teen reatured to
health and Ihe virile powers of perfect manhood,
We ore now authorlted, by The Von Mold Com
pany, to announce that every man who tends elmply
his name und addrcat will he aupplled nbaolulrly
frro by aealeil mail, with flve.iUyt full treatment
vt "CAI.TIION." Thia is no CO. II, or Deposit
hrheme, and there- la poaitlvely do condition at
t ithed to the offer, fou need not give humiliating
detaila regarding your trouble, You need not send
one cent ui money not even a poaiage aiamp. All
The Von Mohl Co., 262 B,
Wherever Located.
' ettnu .fat a Cure All.
Peruna Is not n "cure-all"; It cures Just
ono disease catarrh. Hut slnco catorrh Is
able to fasten Itself within the different
orgam of tho body, so It Is that Peruna euros
affections ut these organs. Hut we insist
that Peruna cures one disease only. Wo
claim that Peruna Is tho only Internal,
scientific remedy for catarrh yet devised.
claim that catarrh U n systematic di
sease; that is lo say, It lnvndcs tho wholo
system. Wo claim Peruna Is u sys
tematic remedy; that Is to say It eradi
cates catarrh from tho system. Catnrrh
Is not n local disease; Peruna Is not a local
remedy. Slnco catarrh Invades tho sys
tem, only n systematic remedy can reach
It. This Is In brief, our claim In assigning
to tho disease catarrh our remedy, Po
runn, Hooker T. Washington, President ot Tin-
I fcegeo College, Tuskegec, Ala., says:
i "I have used one bottlo of Pcrunn nnd
t enn truthfully say that I havo never
taken any mcdlclno that has Improved mo
ns much ns Pcrunn."
Thcro Is no medicine that can take Its
place. Address Tho Peruna Mcdlclno Co.,
Columbus, O., for frco catarrh hook.
Says of Peruna: "I Join Sen
ators Sullivan, Roach and,
McEneryin their good opn
ion of Peruna as an effective
catarrh remedy. "
You Can Bo Cured of
H0$ "
Full 5 Days Troatmont
By Sealed Mail.
Tho Von Mold Comptmy dcilres la that you give the
remedy a fair and thorough trial, und they are will
ing tu i und nil the (jpeiKtt connected with the trial
to prove the faith in Us merits.
The first day J ml take the treatment you Mill It
benefited. The second day you will feel uu Improve,
merit. The third dny you will note an Increase ut
strength. The fourth day "III show a gain botl
mentally and phytlcally. 'J ho liftli day you will
feel like a new man. If you suffer from any form
ot Korvoua Decline and heual Wealtiieas, rprrmi
torrhirn, Varicocele, Impotenry, f-mnll I'artt, Night
bweate, Palpitation of the llonrt, Nervouineta, Cnn
f ualon of Ideas, and bona of Memory, you can poai
tlvely bu cured by "fAI.TIIOS," but It the dlaea.o
liss prngreiaed to the Hugo markud bv tho symptcbia
of Kpllepey, Consumption or Inianlty, wo cannot
proml.o complete rocovcry.
As you value your health, your hnrplueaa, your
very life, lu not tlrlny hrBlniiliiic Ire-Mluirnl,
The Von Mi'hl Company haa thousands of toatlmo.
nlals on file from persona who have taken the treat
ment, showing ita marveloua restorative power.
The Company doea nut publish teatlnionlala, and
your correapondence la sacredly confidential,
Many who take only tho tivn.daya free treatment
write that they are entirely cured.
Fnr the sake ot your family and friends, st well
as for your own beat Interests, write to The Von
Mold Company for tha free treatment by mail, In
plain aeaien package, at once.
".M Cincinnati, 0.
- na Cures Catarrh
Hon. Wm, A. Dcano, of San Francloco,
Hon. Wm. A. Dcano, Clerk
of tho city and county of San
Francisco, In u letter written
from San Francisco, says:
"I would not bo without Pe
runa. as 1 havo round It to bo
tho best remedy for catarrhal
complnlnts thnt I havo ever
used. I huvo tried most nil ot
tho so-called catnrrh remedies
advertised, and can conscien
tiously sny that of all tho rem
edies for catarrhal complaints
recommended to mo nono havo
been ro beneficial ns Peruna."
Wm. A. Deane.
Everybody Is subject to ca
tarrh. Peruna cures catarrh,
ncuto or chronic, wherever lo
cated. Hon. Thomas Gahnn, of Chi
cago, member of tho National
Coramftto of tho Democratic
party, writes as follows:
"I was afflicted with catarrh
for fourteen years nnd though'
I tried many remedies and ap
plied to sovoral doctors I was
not ablo to find a cure. Fi
nally I learned of tho remedy,
1'crunn, through a friend "who
had used It, I took rcruna
twenty-two weeks, and am now
entirely cured. I havo every
reason to think my euro a per
manent ono, ns It has been a.
year slnco then. I can heart-.
ily recommend fcruna as a ca
tarrh remedy; It will euro when?
all other remedies fall."
Thomas Gnhun.
Mrs. Ilrackott.
Mr. F. E. nrackott, S SaMo
street, Medford, Mass., says:
"I havo been treating myself
for cntarrh for about twenty
four years. During that tlmo
I havo used many different
kinds of medicine, but since
using your medicines I find
them far superior In every re
spect. The tonic effect of To
runa on mo In truly wonderful.
My wlfo uses and recommends
Pcrunn." F. E. Drackett.
Few stop to rcallzo In how
many ways catarrh can effect
tho body. Every organ, every
duct, every passage, every
opening of tho human body Is
llabln to catnrrh. Peruna 13
an Internal, systemic catarrh
remedy, and acts beneficially
on all of tho mucous mem
branes of tho human body. Con
sequently It Is equally effect
ivo to euro catarrh In any or
Run via the
Leave Omaha
via Scenic Route through Colorado anil
I'or Information and "Tourist Dictionary"
addreja City Ticket Office, 13J3 ParnaraSt.
Omaha, Neb.
. TRIAL mjour inmiuuit.wo
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inn a uttniTsxniutiLi
to any reauler ot shin papv.
fOUttaey U S4fuf very lev
fe.ltes.Hlvsraarulee. MSl
alsintT MnTVIHn nnmkUtJ
with most all other treatment. I,m wk all sUar )
Srle ealts, appltaatea rMlUa IsIL OUICK C0II for
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veale I ronfldentlal catalotrne, eul iku adetrt aaS nail leiu.
SFAP8. ROEDUCK & CO., Ovlrrf o.
CimEfi ull ICUnn
l)lraws, lUct
acho. rw. At 1rusr.
flats, nr tiy uall,
I :-'ri.ot.ook.a
flee, etc., of l)r. )! J. If ay, Kurrt'ogu, J. V.
(Ircat monthly
regulator for wn-
urei most stubborn rases relieved In tew daysi tl
at bhernian & McConuells, Kuhn Cn. nfi other
drogglati or mailed by Lisa Drug Co, lluitalo, U V
Hon. Thomas Gnban.