Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 12, 1901, Page 12, Image 12

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rarish-Shloldi Cuo Goei Oxer Until
Heit Tneiday.
.Annllirr Itcnson for Dolnr, I" tli I.rKnl
MMrnilwli Arlnlmr from County
.Attorney ((urrr Ilocti
niciil on Pile,
Evidence In tho Parlsh-Shlelds election
contest will not bo commenced until next
Tuesday morning. There nro two reasons
or tho delay. Judgo VlnBonhnlor lias re
reived word that his father Is seriously
III at Maryvllle, Mo., so that he must go
thcro for a day or two at least. Then tho
nnswer Med ycatcrday by the county at
torney necessitates still further preliminary
lepal nklrmlahlng.
In this document counter charges of Il
legal voting on tho part nf men who cast
ballots for Mr. Parish wero freely ranilc.
llcsldes, the contestant Is charged with hav
ing paid certain individuals money for tho
promotion of bis Interests In tho election.
Ho Is declared to bo Ineligible for tho office
of county attorney becauso ho neglected to
illo a bond according to law'nnd to tnke
tho oath of allegiance to tho constitutions
of tho stato nml tho ration.
"It's nil buncombe," exclaimed Attorney
Conncll when tho nnswer was Med In court.
"Your honor, tho county attorney has dono
precisely what ho Insisted in his motion n
few days ago that wo cannot do. namely,
making charges without specifying the
names of men alleged to bo guilty. Wo
want him to furnish us with n list of tho
names of tho men who In bis opinion voted
Illegally nnd then wo will Illo our reply."
Niunc to ll llroiiKlit Out.
It was arranged nmong tho attorneys that
tho names will bo forthcoming as fnst as
they aro secured. Tho names of South
Omaha voters who cast ballots Illegally,
nccordlng to tho contesteo's unswer, will bo
handed to Mr. Conncll today. Tho names of
voters In tho Eighth, precinct of the Third
ward of South Omaha will bo produced by
Monday. Attorney Conncll must Mo his
roply on Tuesday, and then tho huarlug will
bo undertaken, beginning with a proof that
tho ballots In tho boxes nro the samo ones
cast at tho election nnd following with a
count. Tho Judges nnd clerks nf election
will bo summoned to Identify tho ballots.
Theso details being consented to by tho at
torneys, woro embodied In an order of tho
court sotting the dato of the hearing.
Attorney Conncll characterized tho answer
Med by tho contesteo as n paper absolutely
without effect on tho Issues In question.
"Tho county attorney's counter chnrgos nro
boyish," ho said. "It's JuBt ns If ono boy
calls a companion n story teller, In stronger
lnngtiago, perhaps, and tho companion turns
round and says: 'You'ro another.' Tho
county attorney Is now saying: 'You'ro an
other.' Ho has given tho names of twenty
four voters In South Omaha, who, ho main
tains, aro Illegal voters, not through any
fraud, "but becauso thoy wero Improperly
sworn In. Ho further nllcges that there
wero 100 ballots cast for himself, which,
owing to errors on tho part of tho Judges
and clerks of election, woro not counted for
"Then It Is contended that In tho First
proclnct of tho Fourth ward thero was no
organization of tho election board, a clr
cumstunco that Invalidates tho election as
far as that precinct Is concerned. In tho
Eighth precinct of tho Third ward ho mnln
1 tains thnt u lnrgo number of men wero al
lowed to voto who wero not entitled to do
so, becnuso they wero not duly registered.
No unmes wero mentioned and It Is tho
names of theso men that wo aro requiring
lilm to produce All theso allegations nro
inero subterfuges to gain tlruo nnd cause
nnnoynnce. They do not nffect tho case In
tho least.
.Vol IIiinciI on l'm-t.
"Possibly tho county attorney regnrds as
moat Important of tho counter charges tho
allegations thnt Parish paid certain men
money to vote for lilm. it Is snld that ho
handed to William McClowan $10, to John
David $1 and to John Vcdorgrcnn $2.50 to
brlbo them. Thero Is nothing to
tho Btntcmcntc. Paris never did nny
Mich thing nnd tho testimony will
show It. Regarding tho Ming of
tho bond, possibly tho county attor
ney Is not aware that thcro nro two bonds
Med to mnko perfectly sure thnt all tho
legal requirements would bo fulflllod. It
will bo seen that tho county attorney hns
mndo a wrong reckoning when ho alleges
that Mr. Parish's bond Is not legal In overy
wny. Wo wero not to bo caught napping
Jutlgo Vlnsonhnlor asked the attorneys to
ngreo umnng themselves, regnrdlng tho or
der In which tho ovldenco will bo Intro
duced. Thoro was a Blight disagreement ns
to tho manner of Identifying tho ballots now
In County Clerk Hnvcrly's possession. Tho
county nttornoy desired to hnvo tho Judges
nnd clerks of election only nccounted com
petent to make tho Idcnttllcntlon, Attorney
Conncll Insisting that tho Identification of
tho county cleric will bo sufficient. Tho
' court then Informed them of tho Illness of
' his father, i-nylng that ho would return
' from Missouri on Tuesday and desired to
bavn tho preliminaries completed so that
tho hearing might bo commencod at that
I'liAiini'i.r.vr llKCItl
is am.i:;i:i.
AKiifM Smith Scc'liK to lluvc Divorce
llcoln t-fil Votil.
Judgo Keyeor has taken under advisement
tho enso of Agues Smith ngalnst Charles
Bmlth, in which tho Issuo is to havo act
nsldo a decreo of divorce which Smith Is
alleged to have obtained Illegally. Tho
I Smiths were married at Ploomlngton, 111., n
fow years ago. It Is said Smith paid court
, to tho girl and being refused at first vowed
to gain her consent to marriage eventually.
I Ho succeeded, and not long afterward sont
' his wifo to u picnic a short distance from
! whom they lived nnd then wroto her say
ing that sho need not como bnck. Ho then
. rami) to Omaha without her knowledgo and
secured n divorce on tho ground of nbnn
1 donment. It Is .illcged that Smith had not
lived In tho stato tho required length of
tlmo for t divorce.
Unit of tin llnrlicr Cime.
Ono of tho longest suits on record In tho
i district court was terminated before Judgo
Keysor and taken under ndvlscment yes
terday. H was tho caso of tho Homo Fire
Is Your
The Intelligent use of Ornngcino
according to directions in every package,
alleviates ami cures suffcring.ovcnvorkeil
women and men ns nothing else has ever
done. It cures, builds up, sustains,
compels natural action of nerves, stomach,
liver; always ready, always handy to
ward off nerve sickness, colds, headaches,
asthma, nouralgia.Src, and cure the cau3e.
Bol l by druffgltta gonnrnlly In 25 nnd fOo
pttclnuei. A trial paclngo will bo seat
to any uddrns for 2-coat vtuuip,
Insurnnco company ngnlnst C. J. Harbor, In
which the Issuo was to compel Harber to
mako an accounting for funds nllegcd to bo
long to tho company, and which lit- Is nb
leged to have turned to Ills own use In tho
purchase of stock. Tho amount Involved Is
160,605. The hearing has lasted almost con
tinuously slnco November 21. Tho decision
will be made known at the next term of
Court Hold Tlinf irvlpn Olitnliiril liy
l)l'('fit Inn In olil.
Judgo Vlnsonhaler hns decided that no
tion of n Rtitt served on n man who hns
been decoyed Into tho state for tho purpose
Is not operative. The opinion was handed
down In tho enso of William U. E. Green
ngalnst Patrick J. Hegan yesterday after
noon. Kegan Is n nurseryman of lown
City. Orecn Is n resident of Fremont, who
sold nursery stock for Itegnn on commis
sion. Ho brought suit ngnlnst his em
ployer to recover $74" duo on snles aggre
gating about $5,000.
As It was necessary to get service on He
gan In this state, It Is said that Orecn lilt
upon tho plan of decoying him to Omabn
by having D. M. Oorman of Fremont ask
to meet lilm on n matter of business. The
testimony showed thnt Hegan was first
askfd to como to Missouri Valley, then to
Illalr, nnd finally a telegram was sent to
him containing tho request to mnko Omaha
tho meeting placo for tho transaction of the
business In band. When Hegan appeared
at tho Paxton hotel In response to tho mes
sage, tho notlco of tho suit waB served on
him. Judgo Vlnsonhnlcr sustained objec
tions by Hcgnn's attorney to the Jurisdiction
of the court.
couit n.M'oucns itinVAiiii orrnii.
.Indue YIiinoiiIiiiIi'i- IIiiIi'h In tSimtnvc
WlelionlierK'n I'nvor.
Judgo Vlnsonhnlor has decided that Ous
tavo Wlckcnbcrg Is entitled to n reward of
$50 for finding tho body of Henry Kins
man last October. Klusmnn disappeared
from homo nnd his relatives had printed a
lot of posters bearing tho announcement
thnt $50 would bo paid for Information lend
ing to tho discovery of Kinsman's where
abouts, Tho announcement was signed by
tho chief ot police, although Chief Donahue
has slnco tiBsorted thnt his signature was
appended to tho offer without authority by
Wlckcnbcrg was hunting rabbits nlong tho
river bottoms ono day and found Klusman's
body partly burled In tho sand of tho bank
nnd hidden by brush and driftwood. Ho
roturned tho body to tho relatives. His
request for tho reward was denied on tho
ground that tho money was to bo paid for
tho return of Klusman living only. Wlckon
berg then brought suit ngalnst Chief Dona
buo and John and Louisa Klusman to re
cover the amount of tho reward.
Tlio Aiurrli'iin llcrt SnKiir Compnny
Innim. Coiitnu'lH for 1IMII.
Under tho provisions of this contrnct tho
grower is assured of n satisfactory prlco for
his crop. All beets testing 14 per cent or
less will be paid for at tho rato of $1. per
ton, 25 cents being pnld for each per cent
of sugar abovo II, fractions In proportion.
That Is, beets testing 14.1 per cent being
$4.02H; 14.2, per cent $4.05; 15 per cent,
$4.25; 15.1 per cent, 1.27. An additional
20 cents will bo paid for all boots siloed.
Tho factory will pay frleght charges on
beets delivered by rail, thus placing tho
grower nt a dlstanco on a satisfactory
Parties having dcslrablo land to rent for
tho growing of beets, send full Information.
Further Information or blank contracts
enn bo obtained by npplylng to tho offlco of
tho American Ilcot Sugar Co., Norfolk,
Aimouiit't'iiiciitn of the Thrnti-i-N.
With two performances today, a matlneo
nt 2:30 and evening nt 8:30, the Orphcura
closes a week with a bill that has more
than pleased tho largo audiences that hnvo
been present. Tho high stnndard of attrac
tions and tho clean show that this popular
houso glveB Its patrons seem to bo Just
what tho pooplo of Omnba want, and tho
family matinees aro always well patron
ized by the ladles and children.
Tho two groat Hopo plays, "Tho Prisoner
of Zenda" nnd "Hupert of Hontzau," will
bo given BUCce8slvo performances nt lloyd's
todnv nnd Sunday, presenting nlmost the
offoct of a continuous performance. "Tho
Prisoner of Zenda" will bo given this nfter
noon nnd night and Its sequel Sunday after
noon and night nnd Monday night.
Attention, Oilil Kcllinvn.
All members of Omaha lodge No. 2, I. O. O.
F. nro requested to meet at Odd Follows'
hall, Fourteenth nnd Dodge streets on Satur
day, January 12, 1901, at 1 p. m., to attend
tho funeral of our lato brother, Ocorgo
Smith. Members of slstor lodges aro also
Invited to attend. Ily order,
A. j. ENGLISH, N. G.
Anil Klrnt to Arrive.
Tho St. Louis CANNON HALL THAW, via
OMAHA &. ST. LOUIS & WAP.ASH. leaves
Omaha Union Station nt 5:15 p. m. dally, ar
rives St. Louis, 7:00 a. m. All Information
at city ticket office, 1415 Fnrnam St., (Pax
ton Hotel bldg), or wrllo Harry E. Moorcs,
C. P. & T. A., Omaha, Neb.
All who wish to cot nut nf thn nwfnl ran.
dltlon produced by tho liquor nnd morphine
nnblts can do so by being cured at tho
Koeloy Institute, corner of Leavenworth
and Nineteenth streets, Omaha.
You can depend upon th.o big store for
"Just tho thing you didn't think you could
get In Omaha" you'll always And It hero.
Head our ails on this pago and then como
and seo Hayden Bros,
Wanted, two flrst-clnss tea, cigar nnd
Bplco salesmen with an established trade.
In theso goods In tbo northwest. II. C.
Fisher, Chicago.
lii'vriiiie Oilier Hrci'lvt'N Order ns
to Iteileiiiiitlon of I'liimi'il
An order of especial Interest to tho banks
and financial Institutions of tho Internal
revenue district of Nebraska was received
yesterday by tho collector. Slnco tho be
ginning of tho last fiscal year thero has
been no printing offico In tho district li
censed to Imprint rovenuo stamps upon pa
per to bo used for bunk checks and other
documents, Under the circumstances tho
users of this class of paper hirvo been forced
to aend outsldo of tho district to havo the
work done. From tlmo to tlmo much of tho
stamped paper becomes (insulted for Its In
tended use nnd tho owners send to tho col
lector to hnvo tho money represented by tho
stumps refunded. Heretofore many of theso
pcoplo hnvo sent unused stamped paper to
tho collector of tho district In which It was
prlutcd. Tho now ruling is to tho effect
that all claims for refund must bo mndo to
tho collector of tho district In which tho
user resides, nnd by him forwarded to
Washington. All expenso of transporting
rcdeomed Imprinted papor from tho offlco
of tho purchaser to Washington must bo
borno by tho person asking for a rebate
Tho Reformed Episcopal Cnurch hns a
historic ministry, episcopal government,
liturgical worship and evangelical preach
ing. Any person desiring to know more
about It will receive without cost n package
of Us distinctive literature upon applica
tion. Address Lock Box 1165, Chicago, III,
Man Who Curries Vote of Nebraska to
Ineoli l .fueoliMiii of Omnlia Sny He
Will He (lie l,nel.v .Mpkimikit
If lie fSet.i .loliii !,.
Kennedy' Vote,
Thpre Is still a lively contest among tho
Nebraska presidential electors for tho po
sition of messenger to Washington. The
cnrrylng of the state's voto for President
McKlnley to tho cnpltnl city Is regarded as
an unusual plcnsuro nnd honor this year for
the reaion that the registering of tho well
won rcfiubllcnn victory In Ncbrnsku In the
electoral college will In nil probability be
ono of tho most enthusiastically received
fruttircs of tho meeting. Tho elector who
will be chosen to represent tho Nebraska
electors at Washington will bo something
of n lion for tho fow days ho Is there.
Of tho eight prcsldcntlnl electors for this
stnto flvo began an nctlvo canvass for tha
position of messenger to Washington, thn
aspiring quintet being composed of John
F. Nesbllt of Tcknmah, It. I). Windham of
Plnttstnouth, Edwnrd Hoyso of Broken How,
Jacob L. Jacobson of Omaha and Joseph J.
Langcr of Wllber. It Is unnorstood that
Mr. Langcr has withdrawn from the rnco
slnco becoming n cnndlduto for appointment
as consul to Prague nnd thnt Mr. Hoyso has
promised to voto for Mr. Jacobson. The
cholco would therefore seem to lie between
Messrs. Nesbttt, Windham and Jncobson.
Jiieolinn In Hopeful.
Mr. Jacobson claim that ho has already
been promised tho votos of Messrs. Lunger,
ChrlstenKcn nnd Hoyso, and ho nsscrts that
ho will bo tho messenger If ho succeeds In
getting tho voto of John L. Kennedy, his
Omnhii collcngtio on tho board. Mr. Ken
nedy would regard It ns n pleasure to carry
tho Nebraska voto to Washington himself,
but ho has not offered his services ns mes
senger on account of tho heavy demands
of hla law practice, which take up lils whole
tlmo and nttentlon. Ho has not committed
himself on tho messenger question nnd Is ns
likely to voto for Jacobson as for nny other
Tho electors will meet nt Lincoln nt noon
today to recelvo their certificates of
election from tho governor, nnd to till nny
vacancy that may occur In tho board, al
though nono Is probable. On Monday tho
elector meet ngnln nt Lincoln to officially
cast tho voto of Ncbruska for president nnd
vlco president of tho United Stntes, as pro
vided by law. They may elect their mes
senger to Washington nt either tho meotlng
on Saturday or tho ono on Monday.
C, II. I. I. Coiiipniiy Milken Over
the Cowrie fc Xortli we ntern Line
to TriiHt Company.
FORT nnrm? Tri Inn 11 fSnnot-il Toln.
gram.) Two important docntr.onts wero IlloJ
wun mo county recoruor in this city today
by nn nttornoy for tho Chicago, Hock
Island & Pacific, railway. Intcrnnl revenuo
stamps to tho amount of J2.220 wero placed
on tho pnpers.
Tho llrst document Is a deed transferring
tho (lowrln Sr. NnrthwPHtrrn rnllwnv In thn
Chicago. Hock Island & Pacific In considera
tion ot tho sum of $1,479,215.08.
Tho property sold extends from Gowrlo
In Webster countv through Cnlhnnn. 1'nm.
hontns, Huena Vlstn, Clay O'Brien and
uscoom countici to a Junction with tho
Burlington. Cedar Hanlds & Nnrlhe rn rail
road at Sibley, In Osceola county. The
transfer in nbsoluto nnd embraces all prop
erty nml privileges which have belonged
to tho former road. It Is attested by W. J.
Lawrence, president, and J. H. Mather, sec
rotary of tho Gowrlo & Northwestern rood.
At the same tlmo the Hock Island road
filed a mortgngo with tho recorder, mado
between Itself nnd tho Contrnl Trust com
nany of New York, tho samo hnlni- mri nf
series of transactions which havo occurred
between tho two corporations. Tho docu
ment states that in 1S9S tho Hock Island
gnvo In part security for a mortgage ar
ranged with tho trust company shnres of
cnpltnl Btock of tho Minnesota & Pacific
rallwnv. nnd thnt later It nnlil thn atnMr ,.r
this rond and turned In money received for
it to tho trust company.
Of thlS monoV thPV llrow frnm thn InulM
of tho trust company, with whom it had
been deposited, tho sum of Jl, 179,215.68 for
the nurchnso of tho Gowrln Vnrthwnutnrn
rntlrond. In return for this tho Hock Island
turns over tho road Just bought to tho trust
company, but retains tho use of It under
trust a Mil tho pnymont of Interest.
I'nnnriiR'er .Men Aet on Theory thnt
the llnrly lllril C.ctH
the Worm.
Even though tho placo of holding tho next
annual encampment of tho Grund Army of
tho Republic Is now somewhat In doubt
becauso of tho failure of Denver to land
tho plum nt tho lust meeting of tho execu
tlvo committee, tho rntlroads nro busy an
nouncing rntcs on tho assumption that tha
efforts of tho DcnveritcR to securo tho cn
cumpmcnt will yet be rownrded with suc
cess, Tho Chicago it Northwostcrn Iwb Just
Issued notlco to tho effect that It will mako
n 1-cent per mllo rato to Denver In case
tho enenmpment Is hold thoro, nnd this
action of tho Northwestern is harmonious
with that provlously ta'ken by tho Union
Pacific, Rock Island and Burlington. Tbo
nbstaclo In tho wny of locating tho encamp
ment in Denver waB failure to securo rail
road rates, Bitch as havo slnco boon agreed
to, and for this reason tho Denver com
mittees belicvo thnt tho nctlon of tho ex
ecutlvo commlltco of tbo Grand Army In de
claring that tho encampment should bo hold
elsowhoro will be annulled nnd reconsidera
tion given tho subject.
To I'linrid' lor PiilonilliiKr.
Aftor February 1 trnnsmlBsourt lines,
will charge shippers ror unloading nnd stor
ing cnrlond freight nt polntB whero thcro
nro no public warehouses. Tho charge will
bo three-quartern of 1 cent per 100 pounds
for unloading and ono-qunrter of 1 cont
per 100 pounds a day for storage. Thla
SI8.29 and Costs
If wo wero Judgo lonm ond a man waH
brought before us who hnd a rough and
did not usn Sclmofer's Cough Syrup, tbo
linn would bo JIS.'.-J nml costs. It's u incdl
clno that cures.
hehueter'H Cnuuli Syrup
Criiiner'n ICIiliirj- Cure
Ilromo Quinine
1 dot, --Rrnln Quinine CnnimleH
1 iloz. :t-uriilii (Inlnlne Ciiinule
I iloi. n-nriiln Quinine I'liimiileii
llufT' .'Mult Wlilnkey
I.olnx C'reiui,
I'lilne'H Celery Cnmponnil
Wine of I'nriliil
7 o
. 75o
11. OO
l'lerer'n I'renerlpt Ion
Seott'M Kmiilnloii , . .
Oxti in ii 1 I ii it
Coltufnot Iliiieetnriint .
I'lilmn Tablet
While Hllilxill Itenieiljr
S, . H.
Mnlteil MIIU 10c, 7 fir, ?.',
I'inkhnnrn t ompiiiinil Trio
. IV, Cur, lutu uud Chlcauo SI.
movo Is Intended to facilitate the handling
of freight enrs nnd was decided upon nt n
meeting of the Missouri alley Cnr Servko
association, held In Kansas City. All
Omaln roads nre Interested In thl mntter
and It Is nssertrd thnt the proposition will
bo carried out to tho letter.
'I'eIN nn " Inter len er Thilt the l.enne
of the Nt. I'll nt I Anionic
NEW YORK, Jan. 11 J. J. Hill of tho
Great Northern Rnllway company wns
shown n dispatch from tho west today say
ing In effect thnt tho lensc of tho Chlcngo,
Milwaukee St. Paul road to tho (
Northern and tho Northern Paclllo roads
had gone through. Mr. Hill suld that If
tho deal hnd boon closed ho had not been
Informed of It. Ho wn nsked If it were
ponslblo for It to go through without his
knowledgo nnd ho said bo did pot think
so. Mr. Hilt wns nsked as to the prob
ability of tho deal being consumated. His
reply wns Indirect, us ho raid he nml oilier
men wero working In the direction of co
operation among the roads.
"But Is it probable that the St Paul deal
will bo perfected?" he was asked,
"Vou hnd better put that on tho side
of possibilities," was tho reply. "All things
aro possible you know."
Hull ii n j- .Note nml l'oriiiinl.
If. S. (Imy, commercial ngent at Kiiiikim
City for the Central of C.eorgla railroad.
Is nn Onmlui visitor.
Mnjor J. H lliichniiaii. general passenger
ngent of the Klkhnrn. 1ms returned from
u western IiuhIiioss trip.
.T. H. Fniwley, general ngent of tho
J nlon Purine piuiscuger department nt
kimmiH City. Is u visitor In the city.
Jimmy Thompson, travelln;; imBscngu'
ngent of the Cntmditm Pnclllc with beml-
(lllnrterM III fhlt'ili-o. lu elrellliltlm. timrint.
tho local railroad men.
I-. l McMillan has been appointed di
vision freight ugont of the Wabash, with
hendqunrtrrs ut Dcs Moines, lie will luivc
miporvlslon of trnllie originating In,
destined to and reaching the Wiihnslt
through Omnlm. Mr. McMillan Is well
known to loenl rnllrond men nnd his pro
motion to this responsible position Is a
matter of gnitllloation to them.
Tor i; Colli in Hie Ikenil.
CheekN Tolineeo Wnrlm,
Kmcrcon Benedict, deputy revenue cnl
leetor. bnM finished the work of checking up
tho cigar nml tobacco innniifiu'turers in
his district, composed of Dougliis, Sarpy
and Ciixh counties. In this district he has
found ilfty-seven cigar factories mid twelve
factories for tho manufacture of smoking
tobacco. Of the former factories forty-Hvo
nro In Omaha. Ilvo In South Oiiiunn four
In Pluttsmouth nnd ono each In Oretn.i.
Pnpllllnti nnd Millard. Eight of the tn
bncco factories are bicntcd In Omaha nml
four nt other places In the district Theso
fnctnrles employ from one to twenty-ilvo
operatives, many of them being women.
Some pcoplo can't drink coffee ;
everybody can drink Grnin-O. It
looks nnd tastes liko coffee, but it
is mado from pure grains. No
coffee in it.
Grain-O is cheaper than coffee:
costs about ntiQ-qunrtcr as much.
All grocers: 15c. tndtso.
Heavy nil wool Ulsters
or Dress Top Coats, double-stitched
rcRiilarly $10 on sale at
ilG-ouucc Irish Frieze
Overcoats, heavy Italllau
body lining; In nil shades;
n rcRUlnr $15 vnli(c; clear
ing; snlo prlco $7.&0.
At $10 ami SIS wo are
closlnn out tho finest
overcoats made, worth up
to $30.
Suits at $5 to $12.50,
from tho best makers In
America. They aro priced
at half tho usual figures
for this sale.
CAPS In nil nintolrnlH and nearly every
color nt 10c to 50c; Including tho very best
cans made; 'worth up to $1.50.
Men's 13c -l-ply Collars, nt 3c.
1,000 dozen moil's 'l-ply Collur.i In nil tho
new stylcH, overy collar warranted now and
perfect ut He. Mcn'H 4-ply Cuffs In I.inlc
and Strnlght. ut fie.
Men'n Mo white unlaundered Shirts nt 23o.
Every shirt warranted to (It nnd perfect.
Men's $1.00 colored laundered Shirts tho
Griffin brnnd, at t'Jc.
Men's $l,0i) and $1.50 wool Underwear, nt
Men's 50o fleeced lined Undowenr at EOc.
Ladles' $2.00 W. H. Corsets at $1.00.
Toadies $1.00 straight front Corsets, at 40c
Ladles' ami children's 20c Hosiery, In fast
black, tlceced lined, nt 10c
All tho 50 Indies' heavy ribbed vests ana
pants, at 25c
75c silver-plated Ten Siionns, 23c per sot.
$1 sllvor-platcil Tablo Spoons, 50e per wot
(iermnn silver Tea Spoons, Wo per set
ncrmnn silver Tnblo Spoons, 25c per set.
35o Salt nnd I'epper Blinkers, with silver
plated tops, l5n pair.
I.udles' watches, ti size. 20-year case, El
gin or Walthani movement. $0.95.
Ladles' S slzo, E-yeur case, American
movement. $5.Wi.
Largo 8-day clocks, hour and half-hour
strike, $2.9S.
Alarm clocks In fancy bronzo frames,
Theso nro special valups ond worthy your
RflDE MflnK
cr Co.
A. May
rni'os nil illKonni!H of tin' fct't. Slops
odoroiiH perspiration euros tonilor nnd swollen foot. Kndorsed by lend
ItiK physicians.
removes all liodlly odors. If properly iifsed no dress fdilr-lds nro re
Sold by all (Ini-lsts.
A. MAYER CO., Bee Building. Omaha, Neb.
Wlion ordurluu by ninll add fi cents for postage.
rim t tiiii'.s riio.ii o.Mit.
llurlliiKttiti nnmiiier I, on' Itnte to
1111115 I'lnecN for Ttieadnj.
Ono faro plus $2 for the round trip.
To alt points In Texas, Indian Territory
and Oklahoma.
To many points In Arkansas, Arl7onn,
Loulslnnn. New Mexico, Colorodo, Idaho,
Kansas, Nebraska, Montnns, Oregon, Utah.
Washington nnd Wyoming.
Tuesday, January 15.
Tickets. 1502 Fitrmitn street.
Ilonieseeker' I. eu rlun,
Next excursion via Missouri Plcnfle Ily.
to points In Kntiwn, Oklahoma, Texns, etc ,
j leaves Omaha Tueiday, January 15th. For
' further Information wrllo or call on com
pany's ngents, S E. corner 14th nnd Poug
Intt streets. THOS. F. GODFREY.
A G F. & P A.
$1.00 Kirk's Dandruff Cure, we Bell I0e
$ LlBtorlno (genuine), wo sell.... t!0e
$1.00 Crnmer's Kidney Cure, wo noli . . 73c
To get these prlccn tmde at Sherman &
McCnntlell Drug Co.
0c Morrow's Kld-ne-olds
$1.00 Ilurnham'M Sarraparllla
$1.00 Yale's Preparations T.'c
ROc Pozzonl's Face Powder "Sc
L'oc Woodbury's Facial Soup ISl
$1.00 Piliaud s Enu de Quinine 73
Me Plnnml'n Enu de Qulnlno oSr
rUc Schirfmnn's Asthma Curo 40e
fiOe Pnrker's Hair Balsam -10c
.-.n.. M ill, f'.nn... Jn.t
. IVV ..I .1 I Ull V I 1.1 ,11 . ....a. ...... -ivv
c.....1n... 1'n,.
Small size So7odont 0c
If you cough get La Grippo Cough Syrup.
Sharman & McConnel! Drug Go
Now Storo S. W. Cor. ICtli find Dodge.
lie ntit- r.mttn. We ifllnrn 11 ten
Jour work to bo the very l-est
t You enu pay lilKhcr prices
.!... ,...n Ittit vnn f.itiiidt
Bet bettei work, no mutter what you
Best Set Teeth $8.00
Gold Crowns $3.00
Tad's Philadelphia Dental Rooms
1517 DoitKliisSt.
An elegant lino of gilt dress trimming'.
Ladles" 50c belts 15c
worth from 10c to 25c yard, on salo Satur
day at 5c. (Seo window.)
Splendid lino of fancy braids In gilts,
tinsels and plain colors; worth from 6c to
10c yard, at lc.
10c embroideries nnd 10c lnscrtlngs, lc
Ilcst quality Corduroy Velveteen Dress
Binding, 2!4c yard.
2 pneknges llnest quality ncedlo point
pins for 5c.
Lndlcs' 50c belts 15c.
$15.00 WOKTH OF HOOKS FOIl $7.S0.
Ask to seo tho famous library. Sold on
subscription plan; only 5c day; an elegant
oaken bookcase with each set of books.
Cholco of any child's jacket In tho houso
worth up to $10, for $2.25.
Your cholco of 400 ladles' suits, worth up
to $23, for $7.03.
Lndlcs' automobile coats, worth up to $20,
for $8.S0.
Ladles' box coats, tight back, worth up to
$18.00. for $8.50.
Ladles' Wrappers, 20c each.
Heaver Pelt
Lncc Shoes, at $1.48.
Misses' and children's 73c Red Pelt House
Slippers, nt 31c.
Women's flno $1.25 Heaver Felt Turn Solo
Houso Slippers, at C9c.
Men's good $1.35 Hucklo Arctics, nt 08c.
Women's good $1 Hucklo Arctics, at 73c.
Child's good S6o Hucklo Arctics, at 40c.
Women's flno $1 Jersey Leggings, nt 75c,
Misses' lino $1 Jersey Leggings, t 59c.
Hoys' flno 83o Duck Leggings, nt 49c.
I'INK l'OWl)l!K
not only ioIIpvch, lint positively
fi retR'i
mats mim SPECIALS
U'nmnn'B 41
AfeSfin. Heaver Top
Vpwtw-. roxcU h 0 c 0
1 rial
Will result in iimiicdiittc conviction. You can't possibly
oNcupp the conviction that they're worth all that'coukl be
staled about them. Increased trade always insures de
creased prices. Our prices are so low as to make a big
demand certain.
Men's Fine Beaver O'conts
Jn black and brown, in all sizes, quilted lining, made with
as much care as though you paid the merchant tailor ',7
or -10 dollars -silk velvet collar, perfect OO
litters -our price, only J JJ
most stores say The S dollar one is Irish Frieze
it's the ulster that gives the greatest amount of real com
fort of anything we know of -most stores get 10 and 12
dollars. We could get it just as well as not. but. if we tlid,
that wouldn't be Nebraska-ism. Vou know this store, and
you know that we're satisfied with the reasonable.
It's a question whether our S dollar ulsters have tWKe.
the value of the -l dollar ones. Vou must be the judge as
to that. 'Wo know they both have values in them that
can't be found elsewhere for the same money.
10 pound sack of celobrated New York
Huckwtcat. 60c5
10 pound kiln dried Oatmeal, for 25c.
Oood whole Carolina Hlcc, 5c per pound.
Imported Lintels for soup, only 7Hc.
10 pounds now Graham Flour, only 20c
a sack.
10 pounds white or yellow Corn Mcnl,
.1 pound pall Fruit Jelly, only 13c.
Qunrt can good Tablo Syrup. SVic can.
Tall can Silver Sldo Salmon, 714c
2 pound can Lima Ileans, only 714c.
2 pound enn String Ileans, only 6c.
2 pound can Tablo Corn, only C'c.
3 pound can Pumpkin (mako 3 pics) for
1 pound can good linking Powder, 10c.
New Turkey Prunes, only 4'fcc.
New Santa Clnru Dried Peaches, S'tc.
Cholco Santos Coffee, only 1214c.
Oolden Illo Coffee, only 17Vic.
Oood Java anil Mocha, 25c.
New Tea Sifting, only 20c.
Hnsket Fired Japan Tea, only 35c.
Sun Dried Japan Ten, only 3Sc.
Fancy English Hrcakfnst Tea, 39c.
5 pound pnll Jelly, only lf.
Can Michigan Prult Jelly, only 5c can.
and Meats
5 pound pnll best brand Lard, 45c.
10 pound pall best brnnd Lard, S9c.
No. 1 sugar cured Hani, 0-io.
Honcless Pigs Feet, 10c.
No. 1 California Hums, 7!Jc.
Fresh Pork Sausnge, 8 l-3c.
Fancy lean No. 1 Uncoil, 1214c.
XXX Cured Ilaron. 014c.
Host brand small Hams, 1214c
flood salt Pork. 7'K
Fresh Dressed Chickens. Rl4r
Fresh Dressed Turkeys tO's
All tickets for California nnd Oregon nro ,'ood via Salt
Lake City and Donvor without oxtra ehnrp;c.
Ordlnnry (Tourist) Excursions run eye y dny In tho yea t
nil nro fcrsonally conducted ovory Wndnondny and every Friday.
Dotnllcd Information chcorfully furnished upsn application.
New City Ticket Office,
Union Station 10th
Some trials end in
acquittal, others In coiv
viction. A trial of our
One at $4,00
One at $8,00
Thn 4 rinllnr nno is a Ver-
mont gray, extra high collar,
Big Sale on
Crackers and
Ginger Snaps
We will put on snlo tomorrow n rarloaof
of soda crackers, oyster crackers nnd gin
ger snaps, at such prices that wo will
clo.o them out quickly. Theso uro strictly
first class goods fresh aud crisp.
Sodrt" crackers Cc pound
OyBter crackers 5c pound
Butter crackcra 5c pound
Olngcr wnaps 5c pound
Oatmeal crnekers e
Graham crackers
Wo will mnko special prices on the soda
oystor and butter crackers by t hit box. nt
$1.00 per box. Hestaurnnts and trado sup
plied In any quat'tlty.
China Dept
Decorated cup aud snucers, pnlr 5o
Decorated dinner, ten nnd plo plates .... 6c
Im. cut glass fruit dishes,. S for Eo
Flno Altrolnn glass vases, dec'tcd.... llo
Decorated oyster and soup bowl bu
Lnrgo slzo crystal fruit dishes l.'o
Flno cnnieo fruit dishes or pinto 15o
Fluo Dresden figures lOo
Salt and peppers, Imt cut 214c
Crystal sugar bowls 5c
Spoon holder 4 6c
Cream pitcher 5c
Covered butter dish 5c
Special Saturday Bargains
Dover I'Kg Heater 5c
Mrs. I'otln' Iron Handles 5c
6 rolls toilet paper lOu
Kindling hatchet Do
Hand saw 27c
Kitchen meat saw 13c
25c carving knifo 10c
No. 8 coppor bottom bollor 7fM
4 section clothes rack 39c
0 dozen clothes pins Cc
Galvanized wash tubs 89c
$45 doublo heating baso burners $350
$10 oak heaters i'l iO
$12.50 No 8 cook btovn JS nn
Skates- -Peck & Snydrrs 4 lis
Sleds .... lUc
di:i:p cut in hi:atig stovi:s.
ATllONS of tho UNION PA.
CIFIC HAILKOAD nro assured
that nil litnnnn Ingenuity hns
been adopted to protect them
ngnlUHt accident. Millions of
dollars have been spent by tho
Union Pa el lie Itallroud Company
In Improvement of Its track and
equipment. This lino Is renowned
for Its fast trains and their ar
rival on time, and tho general
superiority of Its service.
1324 Farnam St. Tel. 316.
and Marcy. Tel. C29.