10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, JANUARY 12,1901. 1 COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL ,Two IlrciB DoMort of tho Day'i Business in Wheat. UlRN MARKET QUIET AND FEATURELESS Shlpprm Are .Supplied wllh Onlr Onln OfTrrlnKH nml Mnrkrl I Uillrt ProtlMlonn Hull', CIim ln Mllsslilly Improved. CHICAGO, Jan. 11. Heavy receipts nml nnrcnftotiHlvo cables were factors unfavor able, to wliout prlcoii today ami Muy closed ?i'i''4o lower. Corn closod Ma lower and oats at n. llko decline. Provisions at tho closo wcro a nhndn to Co depressed. Them was a larger trudo In wheat than for days past, but It was of a mysterious port and confined largely to two linns. Othcrwlso tho market wiifl a dj'.l one. Ar mour bought l.DCO.ti) bu. and a commission llrm sold about that much. Homo thought tho buying was In tho way of evening up Armour trades In order to settlo tho estate, of tho la to 1'. D. Armour. It was also re ported that tho ojienitioriH had to do with Judgo Tuley's ndverso warehouse decision announccil yesterday, although In what wuy was not madii plain. Outsldo Interests wero not In tho market to any extent find nny demand Invariably met with liberal responso from longs. Lower cables, heavy receipts. Increased Argentina shipments and favoniblo news from that eomtry wpro depressing fiietorn. .May, having opened a simile to U1i'n lower at T7i77V4j' sole during tho forenoon botweon TJMnVM and 77Uo. later dropped to "GTsO and closed steady Mf!4o lower at 77c. The recovery from tho bottom tho last fow minutes was on prollt-taklng by shorts.- Primary re ceipts -wero 635,000 bu., compared with IliS.fiO) lm last venr. Mlnneapo'ls nnd Dululli re ported 17I cars, against 218 last week nnd an a year ago. Local receipts wero "C cars, two of contract grade. Heuboiinl clearance In wheat and Hour wero counl to I'B.OUO bu Argentina shipments wero HX.miO bu., com pared with 7.000 bu. tho previous week and 77i'.,W bu. a year ago. Corn whs Millet, with tho trndo Btnall In volume and without feature. Tho market wan Inclined to sympathize with wheat and to weaken on tho receipts too cars but fear of bad weather shutting off tho vol umo tended to steady prices. May Hold between 3So and SSfto and closed '.c lower at .Wfcc. Oats were quiet nnd steady. Country offerings wero light and thorn wns a good demaml from shippers, ltecelpts wero ais cars. May sold tietween 2!i',io nnd 2IT4.C und closed ',tc lower at 25c. Provisions were dull, opening lower In sympathy with lower hog prices, but steadying on mndorutn bull support. May pork sold between $13.95 and $11.10 ami rlosed 5c. higher at $U.0G; May lard between 7.10 and $7.1714. closing a sluidn up lit $7.15, and May ribs botweon $7.10 nnd $7.l5fli.l"Vf. with tho closo a shudo Improved nt V.Wif Kst'lmated receipts tomorrow: Wheat, li cars; corn, 500 cars; oats, 225 cars; hogs, 22.0W head. Tim leading futures ranged an follows: Artlcles.1 OiH'h.l Hlgh.l Iiw. Close.l Ycs'y, Wheat .Inn. 1'Vb. Mny Corn .Ian. l-.'b. May Onts .Ian. May rork Jan. May tird Jan. Mch. May Ribs .lan. May 74VS74W5TN 71 71U 74V, 75V, 75V4 71 7IT, 75 TTHfl-. 77i KrM&'.f 77?i7 W Wi Wi 37 M3WN4 M-Xfitt as C-SH 3S US', 231 i 2H.i 23' i 23U 23:, r. ?, 25Vi 2 IT, 25 25i(, 1123 H 25 1105 14 05 '14 40 13 93 11 10 13 95 11 05 lift) 7 3S 7 35 7 35 7 .15 7 30 7 37V4 7 37 W 7 37Vi 7 37V4 7 324 7 10 7 17 7 10 7 13 7 45 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 02U 7 10 7 17 7 10 7 12',i 7 12'. No. 2. rash nuotatlons wero ns follows: iri.niTii rtiilnt winter patents. $3.7Off3.90: straights, $3.203.05: elenrs. $2.S03.40; spring Mieclnls. JI.3iWI.40; patents. J3.fi0tff3.90; -i-niM,t.i KtViMIXfi): bakers. $2.2002.70. WHEAT No. 3 spring, 72e; No. 2 red, 7HP ''rvMivttn. 2. 37c: No. 2 yellow. .".7!ic. OATS-No. 2. 2lf2HJi': No. 2 white, 27ff 271'k': No. 3 white, 2CifnUC l!vWNiv 2. Me. BAULKY Fair to cholco malting. 5!gGlc. HBKDS No. 1 Unxseod. JI.Gj; No. 1 norm western, J1.07. Prime timothy, $1.75. Clover, nlril't i-rsiitp. X10.7ES. rnOVlSIONH Mess pork, per bbl., $11.00 (TT14.10. l.nnl. per inn Ins.. i.jt. nimri -ik uiiin llnnnn). $.90r7.20. Dry snlt(d ulinulders (boxed. .12Ml.23. Short clear .l.1. ninvf.11. 17.30(07. 10. WHIBICY-On tho basis of high wines, per KnunAllS-Cut loaf. $0.39; granulated, $3.75; confectioners' A. $5.69; off A, $5.51. Vollowlng nro tho receipts nnd shipments for today: Ariifle"! Itccelnts. Shipments, Flour. bblH 20.000 40,000 Wheat, bu 93,000 13,000 rVirn. hn 319.000 172,M Oats, bu 337,000 270,000 live, bu U.ooo t'OO Ttnrlev. hu 79.000 19.000 On tho l'roduco oxchango today tho but ter market was dull; creameries. I4u22r; dairies. 12fJ20c. I'hceso. cull, lotiyuc lCggs, dull; fresh, 19o. NKW YOltIC (ii:llll.I MAltlCHT. dnotnt Inns of li liny on Vnrloiift CoiiiiikiiIIIIck. NEW YORK, Jan. 11. -FLOUR-Recelpts 15.(01 bbln.: exports. 1,215 bills. ; weak und t ni0e lower, but still above buyers' views Minnesota, patents. $l.Hi4.3r.; Mlnneotn hakcrs. $3.(XVEf .35: winter extras. ?3.&U';2.'i) wlnlnr low urades. $2.K0fi 1.25. Hvo Hour. null nut nrm; lair 10 goon, w.nhi.i.id; cikmco to fanev. $3.1 lp3.H0. Huckwheat Hour, inlet. RUCltWHEAT Dull at 00f(2c, c. 1. f., New York. CORNMEAL Quiet; yellow wostcrn, 9lc; tlty. 92c: Urandywlno, $2.35f2.l&. H YE Firm: No. 2 western. BSl-c f o. b.. ntlont; state, 535(51c, 1: I. f.. Now York, car lot". ItAHLEY-Steady; malting, tVXfj 65c, c. I. f., Now York. PARLEY MALT Dull: western. fi3fT72c. WHEAT Receipt. 32,100 bu. Spot, weak; No. 2 red. SlVic f. o. b., iillont; No. 2 red, ,90. cU'Viitor: No. 1 hard Duluth. !)4C. alloat. Options wero In a weak condition all day, suffering from renewed liquidation, largo northwest receipts, short rolling, easier cables and lack of outside support. Closed weak at Wifto net loss; March, Rl'.s ffTSHJc; closed, Sl'U'l .Way, 81W&3 7-liie; closed, RIT4c; July closed, M)c. CORN Receipts, 131.551) bu. ; exports, 45 375 bu. Spot, easier; No. 2. IfiHc. elevator: 47'dc. f. o. b., 11 flout. Option market opened easy with wheat, steudled,up n lltllo oil liberal clearances nnd then yielded 11 nee ond tlmo to the wheat heaviness, closing easy at He net declluo: January. 4ii'M(4t;Vsic; closed. IfiHc; March closed, 45',Jc: ."May. 43-lf'ir4l:o; closed, 14'lc; July closed, 44V4(!. OATS Receipts. 91,000 bu.; exports, 1.71) bu. Spot, quiet; No, 2. 31f(3lHc: No. 3, 30'4c; No. 2 white, 35Viff33c: No. 3 white. 32c; track mixed western. 30(ii32e; track white, ui'.-iW 3ilc. Options quiet ami barely steady. HOPS Slendv; stato common to rholco, 19iX) crop. Offllc; old ol.ls, 25ifio; Pnrlllc coast, 19(V) crop, 15Jfl9o; 1SU9 crop, lOllc; old olds. 2S?fie. HIDES Firm; Onlveston, 20 to 25 lbs., lRWflOo: California, 21 to 23 lbs., 19c; Texas dn', 24 to 30 lbs.. 15c. LEATHER Firm; hemlock sole, llucnna Ayres. light to heavyweight, 21iu25o; acid, "llt121Uc. WOOI-Qulot; domestic Iloece, 21026c; Texas. 15ifl7e. $11.00012.00; mess, $9.0009.50; hums, $19.56 lly, $11.00012.00; mess, $9.0009.60; hums, $19.50 029.00; packet, $10.50; city extra India mess, $11.00010.00. Cut meats, steady; pickled bel lies, $7.2fOti.50; pickled shoulders, $3.7500.00; pickled hams, $s.500'J.23, Lard, steady; west cm steamed. $7,05; January closed at $7.50, nominal: re unci I. steady: comment, if.su: South America. S,50: compound, $5.02HO',75. Pork, llrm; fam.ly. $14.50015.50; short clear, $14 tmtn.vv. mess, H.mi. TALLOW-Steady; city, 5c; country, 5H01 RUc. JllCE Steady: domestic, fair to extra, 371 ffjfiHo: jimnn, iTiDHtkc. PEANUTS Fancy handplcked, 4?i05c; other domestic, nc. poultry Alive, llrm: fowls, lie: chick Ana !,' InrUrvs. 9(Ynftc! ilresioil. n(p:ldv.' turkeys, SV4O10V4c; chickens, lOOUc; fowls, inc. nUTTER Receipts, 1,175 pkgs. ; weak; creamery. H023o; Juno creamery, lGj(21c; faetorv, lUfHC , ... , r"in.:tf;sE llece nts. 2.3S1 pkes.: Hrm quiet; fancy, large, fall made. lH4fJtUSoi nn.-i' hmviII. fall made. U'iOlHic. EOOS Receipts. 0,001 pkgs,; steady at tho docllno; western, averiiKu iiaum-ti, in uiarK, 191121c; western, loss on, ..c. I.lvrriiool (irnln null l'rovlslons LIVERPOOL. Jnn. 11. WHEAT-Snot strong; No. 1 California, 6s 6d; No. 2 red westorn, winter, G ZW. No. 1 northern 6s 4Ud. Futures dull; March, w 2d; .May CORN Spot, easy: Amcrlcun mixed, new, 3s ll4di American mixed, old, 4s Id. Futures unlet; Jarniury, 3s lid: March, 3s 10' Vl; May, as &HI. HOI'S At London (I'nclnc coast), steady at 2 5sQ3 5s-. I'nAS-l'nnndlan, quiet nt 6s iPid. KLOl'H St. I.ouls fancy winter, steady nt s-t (id. IMIOVISIONS Ileef. extra Indian mess, lull nt 65s. Pork, prime mess, western, dull nt 39s, Hams, short cut, 11 to l' lbs., llrm at 43s Id. llacon, steady; Cumberland, 2 lbs., 41s 9(1; short ribs, 11; to 2.1 lus.. llrm at 45s Id; long clear middles, heavy, ar to 10 lbs., 41s fid; short clear backs, 1 to 20 lbs., firm at 31s 3d: clear bellies. It to 10 lbs.. ISa fid; shoulders, square, II to 13 lbs., llrm at 31s. hard, American rellncd, In palls, llrm at 39s Cd; prime western, In tierces, llrm at 37s 9(1, Itece nts of wheat Murine tno Inst three days, lll.OV) centals, Including 03,000 ccntnlu, omaiia wnoi.nsAi.i: MAiiKirrs. Condllloni of 'I'rmlc nnd (liiotntlons 1111 stnp'.c nnd I'iiiicj- Prinlti'!'. KOOS-Hecelnts. light; good stock, 1SW202. 1,1 VH Pf)I'I.TllY Hens. fiV,fi7c: spring chickens, C',if(7c; roosters, 3Q4c; ducks, 6fp 6V4c; geese, ti'iiii'c; turkeys, 0fi7c. c'llKSH UltlCSSIJD POrLTKY-Hons, 7 5lte; roosters, b'llW, (HICKS, T'.i'asc; geese, MiSMic; spring chickens, per lb., 7141J3c; turkeys, 91il0c. OA.MU-Mnllnrd ducks, nor doz.. tZm 3.50; teal. J1.50O1.75; mixed, JI.50Til.75: lack- snipes. 73c: Jackrabblts. $1.50: cottontntw. SOcfltl. m'TTUH-Common to fair, llV4c; cnoice, J4-7UH81)234fi'5l4ir z 7b zb zb zb zb zb zb I4?il5c; separator, 25c; gathered creamery, -VF21C. rtl HSH OYSTr.nS First erade. solid packed, New York counts, tier can. 3"c; ox tra selects, 32c; standards, 23c; medium, 20c, Second grndo. slack lllled, New York counts, per can. 30c; extra selects, 2fi':; standards, 20c; bulk standards, per gal., $1.25. I'innONH-I.lve, per doz., 30c. VI3ALH rholce, Pf?10c. , , HAY Prlen niniteil liv Omaha Wholes.llo Hay McilerV association: Choice upland, 9; No. 1 uplnnd, $S; medium, $7.50; coarse, $7. Ityo straw, $0.50. These prices nro ror hay of cood color ana qunllty. uemana fair, ltecelpts. 3 cars. OATS No. 3 White, 2Cc. CORN No. 3, 32c. HAN-$13.50. VEdETAHLES. PAItSNIPS-Per bu.. Me. TI'ItNIPS-l'er bu. basket. 40o, TIEETS-Por bu., 40c. CAHHOTS Per bit., 40c. LETT t'C'E Per doz.. 3340c. ltAlltSIIHS Per ilni.. 30123c. HEANS Wax, per 1-3 nil. basket. $1: string, Wc. POTAT roES-l'cr bu.. GOflGOc: Idaho, scr bu., Mc. SWEET POTATOES Per bbl.. $2. CAHIIAOE-Hollnnd seed, lic. TOMATOICS California, per 4-basket crate. $2. ONIONS Native, ner bu.. wc: coiorauo yellow, per !b., 2c. cklisky cniirorntn, ns to size, jwjc. CAIJLll.'LOWEH-Ciillfornla. ner crato. $3. VllVVTS. PEAnS-Per box, $2.0032.25. OHAPES-Malaga, per keg, $6 509.00. APPLES Native 7Bnff7$1.0il nor till. I tier bbl., $2.60; rnstorn, $3.003.50; California IieliriowerH. tier box. $1.1001.50 CIlANHEIlIUES-liell nnd nugle, I1U.09 per bbl.; Jerseys, per bbl., ?9.23; per crate, $3.23. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANOES-Caltfornla seedlings. $2.30; navels, $2.7503.23; Mexicans, $2.75; Florldas, $3.50. LE.MONS-Cnllfornla, extra fancy, $3.50; Choice, $3. HANANAS Per bunch, according to size, $2.00Jf2 50. Fins-'jalirornla. now cartons, sue; lay ers, 75c. Imported, per lb.. lSfflBc. DATES Persian, in co-lb. unxes, Hairs, 5',4c per lb.; llnllnween, Cc per lb. MISCELLANEOUS. IIIDES-No. 1 croon. Cc: No. 2 green. 6'c; No. 1 salted, 7Hc; No. 2 salted, fic: Wo. 1 veal cair. is to 1 ins.. 3V4c: io. j vein calf. 12 to 15 lbs.. 0',4c; dry hides. 8jT13c; cheet) pelts, 23W75c; horso hides, $1.50'i2.25. NUTS-Encl Hh wnlnuts. ner lb.. 13c; 111- berts, per lb., 13c; almonds, per lb., 1820c; raw peanuts, per lb r7f5V4c; roasted, fiVSIP 4u; llrazlls, 13c; pecans, 10in2c. HONEY Colorado. 24-.hccIIoii case, $3.75. CIDER Per bbl,. $3; per half bbl.. $3. 8ACERICIIAUT Per bbl.. $1: per half bbl., $2.50. St, I.imiIh (irnln nml Provisions. ST. LOUIS. Jan. 11. WHEAT-Lower; No. 2 red, cash, elevator, 72'4C; track, 730 73e; January, 72',4c; May, 75?c; July, 74V4c; No. 2 hard. 71c. CORN Weak: No. 2 cash. ZCMc; track, 37',4c: January. 30V4c; May. 37Hc; July, 3SV&c. (JATS Weak; No. 2 cash. 25c; track. ZjWC 25c; January, 24V4c; May, 23c; No. 2 white. 27c. RYE Finn nt 60c. FLOUR Dull: natents. J3.60O3.75: extra fancy nnd straight, $3.20O3.a; clear. $2.70 2.90. SEEDS Timothy, nominally firm, $4.70 bid for nverage receipts, prlmo worth more, Flaxseed, no market. COIINMEAI. Stcuilv nt $2. HUAN Firm: sacked, east track. (TTOBSHc HAY Irregular; timothy, $10.00013.25; prairie, j'UKtfilo.wi. AVIIISKY- Steady at $1.1 IRON COTTONTIEU-J1 HAnf!INO-77?ic HEMP TWINE 9e. PROVISIONS Pork, tlrm: Jobbing, $14.50. Lord, nominal at J7.12'.4. Dry salt moatn (lioxed). steady, extra shorts, $7.12'4; clour ribs, $7.23; clear sides, $7.'37H. Bacon (linxcd). stendy; extra shorts, $7.75; clear ribs. $8: clear sides. $S,25. METALS Lead, nominal nt $4.20. Spelter, nominal at $3.92V40J..u. POULTRY Firmer; chickens, 6!o; tur kevH. fie: nnumr. 0Ac: ceese. CMC. flUTTlJR Quiet; creamery, 15024c; dairy, 13flNi ECIOS-S leadv at 17c. RECEIPTS Flour. S.000 bbls.: whont, 31, 000 bu. ; corn. 70,0OO bu.; oats, 30.000 bu, SHIPMENTS-Flour, 13,000 b:i.; wheat, 6S,000 bu.; corn, ss.ooo bu.; oats, 25,000 bu. Kiiiisnx City (irnln mid Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Jan. H.-WIIEAT-Mav. rs'ic: cash. No. 2 hard. 0SO09c; No. 3, B50' use: No. 2 roil. 72c: wo. . tmnic, CORN Mnv, 35Tic: cash. No. 2 mixed, 31'4034V4c; No. 2 white, 20UO2V4o; No. 3, OATS-No. 2 white, 2G?i2GVic. TIVE No. 2. 47'Ac. HAY-Cliolco timothy, $10.5011.00; cholco Tiralrlo. J9.50(fi 10.00. liu t i i'jii urcamorj inu-ic: uairy, tancy. 10c. EOOS Firm: fresh MlRsourl nnd Knnsas stooK, lie doz., loss oir. cacs reiurne.l new wbllewnod cases Included, tie more. itl'.i wii'in wncai, hi.fxjj pii.; corn, iv.Ml bu. : oats. 7.000 bu shipments--wucnt. S2.100 bu.: corn. 18.- 400 bu.; oats, 4,000 bu. Toledo (Irnln nml Seed. TOLEDO. Jan. 11, WHEAT Active, weak; cash and January, 79c; May, S2c; July. tfs,o. corn Lower: casn nnu January. 37V'c: May. SO'c. OA ts-steady; casn nnn janunrj-, use Mnv, 20c. RV E 53c. CLOVERSEED 1S99 prime, $0.55; cash und Jnnunry, $7.45; March, $7.22',4. Plillnilolpliln Produce Mnrket, PHILADELPHIA. Jan. lt-BUTTER- Qulot but steady; fancy western creamery, 23c: fancy westorn prints, 24c. EOCS Firm; rresli nenrny, zse; fresn western. 22c; fresh southern, 22c; rrcsh southwestern. 20c. CIIEEHK Firm; Now vorK run creams, fancy, small, U012c; New orU full creams, fair to ciioico, iu',6'11 uic. 3IIiiii'Mi1Ih Wlient, l'lonr nnd Ilrnn. MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. ll.-WHEAT-Cnsh, 75u: May. Tiic; .nny, iiiwiniiu, on irncK: No. 1 hard. 77c; No. 1 northern, 75c; No. 2 northern. i0i7.c. FLOUR r irst putenis, a..vu i.jk; second patents, $4.0004.10; tlrst clears, J2.50O2.CK); second clears, $2.0002.10. JIRAN in uuiK, u.iotiiii'.w. Diitntli (irnln Market. DULUTH, Jnn. ll.-WHEAT-No. 1 hard, "fie: No. 1 northern, 74c; No. 2 northern, 01 i70o; No. 3 spring, fiOHc. To arrive: No. 1 hard. Tic; wo. 1 norinern, itc; May, 78e; July. 79c. CORN 30c. OATS-KWJGc Mllirniikeo Croln MnrUet. MILWAUKEE. Jon. 11 WHEAT Weak! No. 1 northern, 7707Sc; No. 2 northern, "34 075e. TlYE Easter: No'. 1. 64051Ue. llARLEY-Hult; No. 2, COOOlc; sample, 45 Q57',iC London Stnok Qnntndona, LONDON, Jnn. 11 1 p. m.-Closing: -4- Cons., money noy... 97 1-10 Erlo nt 97(1' do 1st pfd AC J T 1 1 . . 29 00 do nccou Atchison 'i,lCMIigjllllhlH .... . 91 Reading .167H No. Paclllc pfd.. .1341 Orand Trunk .... . 92(4 Anaconda . 85(4 Rand llnes .14S(4 Cnnadlan Pnc. St. Paul Illinois Central. Louisville Union Pnc. ,pfd. N. Y. Centrnl.. Ili'Z S7i 7i S"4 30 rlAll SILVER-Steady. 29Ud per ounce. MONEY 2(403 per cent: tho rat of ills count In tho open mnrkot for short bills Is 4 PT ceni. Hank Clcurlniis nnil ExclinnKc CHICACO, Jnn, ll.-CIcnrlngs, $23,039,485; balances. JZ.olK.2Su: posted exchange. J1.X3V f4.87l4: Now York exchange. 10c premium. NEW YORK. Jan. ll.-Clearlngs, $356,030,- 917: balances, ju.jvj.V'.'I. BT LOUIS, Jnn. 11. Clearings, $5,907,5 bnlnnccs, $119,390, money, 500 per cent; New York exchnnge, 25c premium bid, 35c pre mium nsked, HOSTON. Jan. 11 C ear ncs. $27,817,790: balances, $239,705. BALTIMORE. Jan. ll.-CIcnrlngs, $3,900, 161! balances, $.0I,C05. PHILADELPHIA. Jnn. ll.-ClcnrltiKS. $17,800,917: balances, $2.O6R,or0. CINCINNATI, Jnn. 11. Clenrlngn, $3,211,- Ono; money, soo ter cent; New York ex- cnunge, 200 premium. JIOVn.Mll.NT.S (IF .STOCKS AMI IKI.MIS. Nloi'k CtcIiiiiikc linn Hull liny Except for .Spurt ill tin Finish. NEW YORK. Jnn. ll.-Thn furious buying of Delaware & Hudson and Ontnrlo & Western In thn lux! tin I r hour of the mar ket saved the day on tho Stock exchnngo from something like positive dullness. After 1110 recent lilgli levol of speculative excite ment traders were unable to dlstlnuulih the tono of tho market from dullness, "o strong was tho contrast, and yet there wero ninny noiuuic inivnnecs in tno prices 01 im portant Mocks nnd a rente nt trading Hint would have attracted marked attention pre vious to last November. Tho repent iittpnititM to .iwnkon a conernl speculation In the Sntlthwcstcrns commen surate with that which has occurred In other group.4 worn apparently abandoned toda.V. Tho Bcticnil declluo In tho buvlnu demand led to large selling to take prollls, nnd except for the special points of strength the market was under consider able pressure from this selling. A growing sKopiioinm roKnriiiinr many or tno conn- tlent statements which hnvc circulated re garding coming combinations In the rail road world was the foremost motive of tho selling. Some, effect was produced by the ubscnen from ths i treet. with nn attack of grip, of an operntor commonly accredited Willi ncllig deeply involved on tho long siiio of tho market und where skill und bold ness In manipulation are much relied on for leadership or the market. Hut thrse condi tions led rnther to .1 waiting policy than to nny very active aggression on the part of tho bears. Their accounts are already so extensive that tho buying to cover shorts by that element serves ns nn effective prop 111 the market from nnv cninldcnible reces sion. The timidity of thn bears is also1 duo to a prevalent belief that tho tnnnv rumors on developments in railroad consolidations yei to como nave a nasis 111 r.ict. 1 10 marget. llierorore. snowed no ndtvo weakness ut any tlmo and the prollt-taklng wns well absorbed tinder tho sustnlnlng power of the speclnl strength. At various times during tho duy this wns shown In the Pncldos, especially Union Pacific, Haiti tnnro & Ohio. Chesapeako & Ohio and Nor folk t Wctern nnd In a number of lost prominent stocks, Including Clevelainl, Cin cinnati. Chicago H. St. Lnuls, New York Central and Omaha, on lluht dentines. The absorption of Ontario & Western wnr, very larce and comment. Tho declaration of the regular dividend on Delawaro & Hudson caught a largo f-hort Interest and there were wllfl tluettta llnn.i In the stocks under the distressed bidding by this element Successive, lump of ' und oven a full point carried the "took nn to 167. nfter a rtnotion of 3, up ngnln to 15S, where It closed. The other coalers f ym pathlzcd, especially Ontario fc Westerns, he Readlncs and tho Er es. the latter hav ing been reactionary In the early part of the day. The extreme advances wcro: On tario & Western. .Hi: Erie second preferred. 4'i; Erie tlrst preferred, 3-V and Erlo com mon and the Hemlines about 2 points each. Union Paeitlc ros-o to tho best nrico of the day nt tho closing, being then 3 p tints above tho lowest, but the market generally did not cIofo ut the top. Tho Indications of a gulu In cash by tho banks of over $S7,00'. 000 during the week wns without special of teci on the mnrKoi, as tno increasing ease of money has clearly indicated an iibun- danco of funds. rho bond market was tlrm. but not very nctlve. Total hales, par value. $3,025,0)0. United States bonds were nil unchanged on lust call. (ienetul conditions In local tin market continue In their rut. with sentiment on tho whole on a bearish avjrage. Tin was lower ngnln ns tho result of a lack of buy ing orders and ruled dull nil dny und closod weak, with sellers on tho basis of $20.25 for spot tin. At London, however, n rise of .CI was noted to 1!D 10s, prcsumah'v due to a Hpoculntlvo movement. At Philadelphia iron was somewnni lower nnn wcik, ioi lowing advices from England to tho effect that Iron at (Hasgow was lower to 55s lid. Pig Iron warrants wero dull. Lead was dull and easier In sympathy with the weakness nbrond, closing at $1.37(4 here and 10 5s nt London, with trndtng slack. Spelter was Inactive hero nnd In London nt Jl.onwi.in und 19 respectively. A quiet nnd uninter esting mnrket provnlled for copper hero dcsplto ndvlces rrom aiiroad, wnero prices closed nt 71 17s Od for spot, Nomlnal'v Lake Superior copper was quota! at $17. casting nnd electrolytic JO.C2V4, with sellers nt those figures. Tho following nro the closing prices on tho New York Stock exchange: Atchison 45AVabash SO',4 do pfd 91 Wheel. & L, 12'.4 27(4 12',ti do nfd Raltlmoro & O. E.. Canadian Pnc. Canada So JO! do 2d pfd.... 6M,S Wis. Central 404 Third Avenuo .. 23 .. 15 ..102 Ches. unin.. Chicago O. W.. C, 11. & Q Chi. Ind. & L... .ICS II. & O. pfd.. ...U.i National Tube... 5S ... 20 do pfd 09(. ... fii-li Adams Ex H5 " ... 95 American Ex 175 ...173 U. S. Ex 68 do nfd Chi. & E. 111. C. N. W... c. R. 1. & r .125(4 wells-Fnrgo Ex.130 C. C. & St. L.. (Old Atncr. cot, Oil. 30 f.9 20 Colorado So S'.i, do pfd... do 1st prd i:iAmor, iunitiug.. do 2d pfd 17 I do pfd Del. & Hudson. ..15SV4 Amer. S. R... Del. L. & W 19S do pfd 69(4 I'll 2' 17' 29 70 Denver & It. O.. WPf, Aiuer. spirits .. do pfd Erlo do 1st pfd.. Ot. Nor. nfd. 03 do nfd. 29 fi'V ,115 Amor. S. Hoop. do pfd imer. S. & W.. ir?i Hocking Coal. 15 110 pfd.. Hocking Valley.-. 4?'i Illinois Central.. .133 Amer. Tin Plate. f.9(4 .i;hi mo pki . 21(4 Amer. Tobacco 9l" Iowa Central .111(4 .139 . 17 . 81(4 . 62H . 4?si . 95 . 51'i . 761 .ISO .. 4S . 9.5 ''1 : 7214 do pfd 00 Lako Erlo & W.. 42 do pfd 110 Lako Shoro 230 L. & N P"(: Manhattan L 117 Met. St. Ry 107' no prd Anne. Mln. Co. Rrooklyn R. T. Colo. Fuel & I. Con. Tobacco .. do pfd Federal Steel . do pfd Mox. Central i- Minn. & St. L. tVSTiOon. Electric . do pfd 103 lOlucoso Sugar.. Mo. PnclIIc MV!4 . '" I'M Mobile .i Ohio... 4i(itinter. I'nper M., K. & T do nfd. do nfd. .. 474 Lacledo Clas ..155(4,Nntlonnl Hi (II 10 92 17'1 87(4 401? N. J. Central ....155(4 N. Y. Central ...115'J Norfolk & W 45(4' do pfd S3 No. Paclllc 814 do pfd Si7( Ontario & W W. scult. do prd. National do nfd. Lead .. National Steel do prd 91 Vi N. Y. Air Hruke.151 Oro. Rv. & Nav. 42 No. American 194 do pfd i Paclllc Coast do 1st pfd.. do 2d pfd... Paclllc Mali lie'. 92 " 07 40 101 4:!i4 7S 199 4(4 13S(I 118 504 7f'4 21 Pennsylvania ....1501 Reading ' do 1st prd .'.Ti do 2d pfd 41 People s (Ins Rio O. W 05 Pressed S, Car.. do pfd 9: do pfd... Pullman P. S. R. & T. Sugar do pfd... Tonn. Coal St. L. & S. F 21 Car.' do 1st nfd W) do 2d pfd 60(4 St. L. Southw.... 21(4' do nfd 4U?i & 1. St. Paul 15l(i U. S. Leather do nn nn do nfd St. V. & Omaha.133 So. Pueltlc 4?Tt So. Railway 21(1 U. S. Rubber .... do pfd Western Union.. Atnnl. Copper ... Republic 1. & S.. do pfd s P. C. C. & St. L. 0!'4 87(4 91(4 15(4 ,1 69Ti do pfd.. 72( Tex. & Paclllc... 2M!,1 Union Paclllc ... WH do pfd Si5: Tho Co-nmerclul Advertiser's London Financial Cableiirnm snys: TI10 matkets here wero Idle today, partly because of tho settlement, which In the boRlnnlni; wns heavy because contatigoes In tho mining de partment wcro so suit, nut tins was so not so much dcciuibo or tno money rato as because of tho West Australian disaster. American shares wore torpid; they opened well and there was a lino disposition to sell here, but there was 11 sharp rally after tho Now Tork opening. New York sent over buying orders In the Union Pacific and the Norfolk & Westerns. After this this de partment Bugged, rallied again and wan quite strong. Thn Street In London regard) the Doom in Americans iih over and tno latest news from Hill Is t'iken as evidence that the Morgan people nre out. Money was a little tighter. Tho bank Is still boi rowlng to stiffen rates. Ilontoii Stock (imitations. HOSTON, Jan. 11. Call loans. 404(4 per cent; tlmo loans, 4'4(4 per cent, Official closing: A.. T. & 8. dn ofd... , 45liUnlon Land 2 . SO'i West Enll 9i4 Amor. Sugar 13S(4 do pfd 118 Amer. Tel 1011, Westlngh. Elec... 55 Aicmson is puis . Vi. u. v u. US. I.S Iloston ft: Ainy.-.M Uoston Elevated. 169 Iloston (t Mo 195 tdventuro 10 Amal. Copper .. Atlantic 91 27(4 317 SO 835 ivu .50 82 49 ,179 '"(3 335 3,1(4 c. it. & O. ..144H Iloston & Mont.. .. 3714 Hutto H Iloston. ..ins !Cnl. & Heclo.... . . 6I' Centennial .. 75 Franklin ..139 Humboldt ...1914 Osceola ..158 Pirrot ..22! Mulncy ,. 15 ,:nnta Fo Cop.. .. 13 (Tamarack ...iO'j lutah Mining .... Dominion Coal do pfd Federnl Steel do pfd Fltchburg pfd. Gen. Electric . do pfd Ed. Elec. 111... Mex. Centrnl . N. E. a. & C Old Colony ... Old Dominion Rubber Union Pnclllc . . 3io wtnona .. 014 4MS .. 2i'V4 Wolverines 4M$ ... S5THlngham M. Co.. 1514 ""Hid. Condition of (lie Treasury, WASHINGTON. Jan. 11. Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the sen eral fund, exclusive of tho $150,(00.000 gold reservo in the division of redemption, shown Available cash bnlnnce, $137,501,162; gold, $89,612,359. Sim York Money .Market. NEW YORK, Jan. 11,-MONEY-On call, steady nt 303(4 per cent; last loan, 3 per cent; prlmo mercantile paper, 4(400 per "STERLING EXCH ANC E Firm, with ac tual business In bankers' bills nt $1,810 4.871, for detnnnd nnd at $I.S3(404.S3H for sixty dnys; posted rates, 91.813 1.8.9; com mercial bll's. $I.K2(40I.S3. SILVER-Certlilcates, 054c; bar, C3'.4: Mexican dollars, 4940. HONDS Governments, steady; state, In active; railroad, llrm. Tho Closing prices on uouus touny nre as follows: V. 3. ref. 2s, reg.lftVi 1054 109(4 N. Y. C. Is 100'i, N. J. C. gen. 6s..l2Mi No. Paclllc 3s.... 70'i do 4s 1014 N Y, C & S L Is.lCSU N. & W. con. 4s.. 99Ti do coupon do 3s, reg. do coupon .110 do new 4s, reg.137'4 do coupon i.;7',4 do old is, reg.. .11 1 Oregon Nnv. Is.. .109 do 4s 10)i Oregon S. L. 0s..l29'i do coupon .111 do 6s, reg . do coupon ., ...112 ...112 ....125 ....102V, do consoi 6s nays Rending gen. 4s.. 9IS Rio O. W. Is 99i D. ot C. 3 03s Atch. gen. 4s do ad). Is St Ij & I M c. 6s.ll 1(4 Canada So. C. O. 4',is. s... .tW'i St L & S F g. 0S.12S .liil(4 Ht. l'a 111 cons ivi do 5m 120 St P. C P Is. ..US C. .t N. W. c. 7s.l391s do 6s 120, do B. c . deb. us.123 So. l'aciuc 4S M Chicago Tor. 4s.. WAi So. Railway. 6s. ..112'i Colorado So. 4s... S3 S, R. & T. Os 71 D. & R. O. 4s.... IOC. Tex. .V: l'ac 10 IS.lH.Tt Erlo general 4...MTs do 2s 95 r . w. i). v. is. pi niu pnc. 48....)utj (Ion. i:iectrlc 6s. 1M Wnbosh Is 118'4 la. Central Is 115(4 do 2s lot) i L. & N.'Util. 4s.. .100(4 West Shore 4s...lllU M., K. .t T. 2s... 77(4 Wis. Ccntrnl 1b... R55 do 4s.. Pi ,Vn. centuries ... ao .(MV York .11 1 11 1 11 it .Slocks. NEW YORK. Jan. 11. Tho following oro quotations on mining stocks: Adams Con 20 Little Chief .... Ontnrlo Onhlr . 10 .0)0 . 80 . 10 . 12 'r . 25 . 60 .400 Alice 45 Urceco 200 Brunswick Con... 25 Puuenlx Potosl Savage Sierra Nevada. Small Hopes ... Standard Comstock Tun... ! Con. Cal. ti Va..l90 Dcadwood Terra. 55 Horn Silver 110 Iron Silver 00 Loadvlllo Con.... C I'oielirn I'liiuiii'lnl, LONDON. Jan. U. Tho Hank of Eng land's endeavors to reduce the supply of money Is bearlnir fruit. There wns less disposition business at tho recent low rates and discounts tend to harden. On tho Stock exchungo most departments were quiet. In view of the mining carry-over, which is progressing sntlstactorlly. Ap prehensions or failures have diminished. Americans opened full on Wall street ad vices and further Indications of advance. Tho exchange welcomes tho break. Hopes were expressed that It will make further headway before marking up tho prices for Monday, but some of tho last differences between the last contatigoes and tho pres ent prlros are assuming such proportions us to cause fears that the money will not bo paid at the coming settlement. Later prices advanced and closed good. Hold premiums nre quoted ns follows: lluenos Ayres, 130.90; Lisbon, SS.50; Rome, 5.50. American eagbs, 76s G'fcd und bar gold, 77s 10f,(l. HEREIN, Jan. 11. Prices on tho bourse today were Irregular. Internationals wore quiet. Homo funds wore In good demand but weak; Canadian Pacifies declined on the decreased trulllc returns; banks were dull, especially American credits 011 Vienna sales, and mines wro Irregular. Exchange on London, 20m 45(4pfg for checks. Dis count rates- Short bills, 3 per cent; three months' bills, S04 per cent. PARIS, Jan. 11. Prices were weaker on tho bourse today, apparently Influenced by tho high contatigoes in London, Rentes wero easy. Spanish 4s declined on the ad journment of the Cortes, Industrials wore better. Thomson & Houston was In great demand und llulshed tlrm. Rio tlntos re lapsed on Loudon udvlces and tho decline In copper. Kafllrs were heavy. Threo per cent rentes, inif 17c for tho account; ex chungo on Loudon, 25f 16c for checks; Spanish 4s, "1.36 1-16. (.'o( (on .linrkol. NEW YORK, Jan. ll.-COTTON-H was an undecided crowd of traders In the cotton pit this morning and tho fiction of the market nil duy denoted wavering convic tions. Everybody had looked for a firm opening In Llverpopl this morning ns a re sponse to our groat rally of Inst night. Rut in this they wcro disappointed, as thn English market, "after opening a shade higher, broke tmdf Jienvy liquidation and bear hammering. On the first call prices hero declined ;i'(j.t nouns, with the marKet steady In tone.' A brief nauso followed. after which positive weakness made Itself apparent on every hand. I-ong cotton came out quite freely, while some of the more confident bears sold for a, break. Noon found values Big 8 points lower. Rut In the early nfternoon the mnrket suddenly stif fened on smaller estimates for tomorrow's recolpts and a lighter "In sight" statement than expected, tho latter showing 221,000 bales, as against general Ideas of 230.0C0 to 235,000 bales. Still later absenco of specu lative support caused prices to sink slowly and at tho closo the decline had reached GOO points, with the market nominally steady In tono. Philadelphia Interests sold May and bought May. Wall street failed to show interest on cither side. Spot closed dull; middling uplands, lOUc; mid dling, 104c; snlcs, 30 bales. Futures closed steady; Jnnunry, 9.70c; Mnrch, 9.4Sc; April, 9.41c; May. 9.41c; June, 9.42c; July, 9.3So; August, 9.09c; September, 8.60c; October, 8.26c. NEW ORLEANS, Jan. ll.-COTTON Steady; sales, 5,050 bnles; ordinary, Re; good ordinary, low middling, 9(4c: middling, 91iic; good middling, 9Tc: middling fair, 10 5-lOc, nominal; receipts, 0,556 bnles; stock, 301,443 bnles. Futures, quiot; January, 9.48 O0.50o: February, 9.4309.45c; March, 9.410 9.42c; April, 9.4009.41c; May, 9.3809.39c; Juno, 9.30O9.3Sc; July. 9.35O0.36c; August. 8.960 8.9Sci September, 8.42c. Secretary Hester's statement of tho world's visible supply of cotton shows a total of 4,087,277 bales, ngulnst 4,246,983 last year, of which 3,315,277 bales, against 3,50S,9S5 Inst year, is Amcrl cun. LIVERPOOL, Jan. ll.-COTTON-Snot, fair demand, l-32d higher; American fair, Od: middling (rood, 511-lOd; middling, 519-32d; low middling, 6 7-10d; Kood ordi nary, 5 3-lOd; ordinary, 4 15-10d; sals. S.OO bales, of which 500 wero for speculation und export and Included 7.700 American; re ceipts, l.ono bales, no American. Futures opened quiet but steady and closed easy; American middling 1. m. c, January, 6 27-Old, sellers; January and Fobru'ir.v, 5 25-Old, sellers; February and March, 5 22-Old, sellers; Mnrch and Anrll, r. 20-C4d, sellers: April "and Mny. 5 17-6405 18-Old. Hol lers; May and Juno. 5 15-04(1. sellers: Juno nnd July, n l2-0lft5 13-oki, sellers; July nnd AinitiRt. sg-WiiSlO-Old. buyers: August und September. 4 69-64 0 4 00-Od. sellers; October nnn iNovomnor, ui-iji(i, nominal, -mo ten ders for delivery nt today's clearlncs worn 15,000 bales, new dockets. Following are tho weekly cotton statistics: Total sale of all kinds, 55,000 bales; total sales American, 49.000; English spinners' takings, 90,009; total oxnort. 5.000. Imnnrts of nil kinds. 91.000: Import American, 86,000; Btock of all kind. GS0.GP0; stock American. 001.000; quantity ntloot of all kinds. 259.000: afloat American. 22T,oin)i total saiea on spocuiniion, i,ww; louu sines exports, i'w. Wool Market. nOSTON. Jan. 11. WOOI Tho Cnmmer clnl llulletln tomorrow will say: Tho re ceipts for the week aro 0,805 bnles domestic and 1,205 foreign, ngnlnst 0,252 domestic end SOS foreign last week, and 6,090 domestic nnd rci foreign ror tno same ween inst year. Tho receipts since Jnnunry 1 show a do- crenso of 010 bales domestlo and 3 02) for olun, ns compnred with the snmo period In iirnu. 'i no marKet nns stariou. Tno Amor lean Woolen company has bought heavily of medium fleeces and lino medium torrl. torv. Other mlllf have followed suit. Low flno medium Utah, from tho bankrupt Urowno wools, has boon flung down nt 3o c enn nnd nno small lot or onio xx was sold at 27c. lc below tho market. Henvv snles of (4-blood unwashed have been made nt .10 nnu strict nno medium territory staple sold in big diocks nt i(S clean. Aits trillion cables note a further ndvunro of ! ner cent slnco the Christmas holidays. Worsted yarns aro more active and the phenomenal salo by tho big woolen combine of 40,000 pieces In two days seems to mnko inn mm 01 inn tiae. o ships inis wook. ST. LOUIS. Jan. 11. WOOL-Weak: terrl tory and westorn medium, 16017(4c; fine, l24(u"itic; coarse, iswiioc. SiiKitr Mnrket. KI.'.W nrtt.FANS. Jnn. 11 snc.ATt- Strong; open kettle. 3'403!sc; open kettle, centrifugal, 3 H-lOOc; centrifugal yellow, 404Hc; seconds, 204(4c. Molasses, stendy; open kettle, 20030c; centrifugal, 8021c. HVrUP. 2UJI3UC. NEW YORK. Jan. lt.-SUOAR-Haw tlrm; fnlr roilning, 3(ic: centrlfugnl, 91 test. 4ic; molaBses sugar. 34o; refined, firm and higher; No. 0, 5.D0c; ia. 7. n.45c: No. 9, 4 80c: No. 10. 4.73c: No. 11. 4.70C! No. 12. 4.05c No. 13. 4.05c: No, II, 4,00c; standard A 6.40c; confectioners' A, 5.40c; mould A, 5.90c cut loaf, ClOc: crushed, 0.10c; powdered R TOor crnnu uted. 6.60c; cudbs, &.M5C. Mo lasses, steady: New Orleans open kettle good to choice, SwlOfj Evaporated mid Dried Fruit-, NEW YORK. Jan. ll.-EVAPORATED APPLES Huslness was confined chiefly to meeting Immediate wants of buyers and tho mnrkot for evaporated npples ruled quiet but steady nt unchanged prlees; state common was quoted at 3404'4o; prime, 60 &ic, choice, Dft'auc; rnncy, uvic. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattlo Eecelpti Light and Filcei Continued to Ebow Improvement. HOGS AVERAGED A SHADE LOWER Sheep Mnrkrt Aetltc nnd NlroiiK to a Dime Higher, Tilth Choice Mexican YrnrlliiK NcIIIiik ns High na Four nml a Half, SOUTH Receipts were: OMlclal Monday Olllclnl Tuesday Otllclal Wednesday .... oiiiclnl Thursday OMlclal Friday OMAHA. Jan. 11. Cattle, lio,:. Sheep. 1.431 4.22(1 3.213 3,'KJl , 1,167 1.5S1 10.471 S.S77 7,730 0,076 Five days this week 10,743 37,993 Samo days lust week.... 9,361 26,613 Same days week before. 6,621 23,792 hnme three weeks ngo.. 10,6(11 47,611 Slllno four weeks nir.i .lC.VS'J 51.b2S 15,0 IS GSfl 3,f9 13,396 17,972 Average price paid for hogs for tho past several days, with compnrlsons: t I 190O.mllS9Tir897.lS90.lS95.iU9(' Hoc. Dec. Dec! tec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. 16 4 S3 )4 4 09 3G... 3 17.. 18.. 19.. 20.. 21.. 22.. 23.. 21.. 4 S2J4 4 73 4 7qZ 3 48 3 36 4 13 4 13 4 07 4 11 4 15 4 14 4 13 1 17 4 13 4 13 4 13 4 23 4 22 4 16 4 OS t 11 4 16 4 10 4 C9 4 11 4 09 4 OS 3 31 3 3 3 27 1 ,Ji 1 aj'.Sl 4 86'4 4 8SJ4 4 Kk 4 764 4 Ml, 3 311 t 3 30; 3 3S1 3 3S 3 41 3 39 3 40; 3 43 S... Dec. 29... Hoc. 30. Dec. 31, 4 904 Jan. Jan. Jun. Jan. Jan. Jan, Jan. l . ?.. J.. 4.. 5.. 0... 7. . . 8... 9.. 10. 11. 4 9i C 02'J 5 04(, 3 40 3 61 3 53 6 ;.Mt r. 054 6 14 I 3 IS Jan. 3 46 3 60 3 64 3 61 Jnn. Jan. Jnn. 5 231 Indicator Sunday: Indicates holiday. Tho official number of curs of stock brought In today by each road was: Cuttle.Hog.Strp.UT a. 10 C, M. & St. P. Ry. u. A; hi. 1.. y Missouri Pacific Ry 1 Union Pacific system ... 10 C. & N. W. Ry 1 F., E. M. V. R. It 10 C, St. P.. M. O. Ry.. 10 H. & M. R. R. R 0 C, H. & Q. Ry 1 ('., R. 1. & P., east C. R. 1. & P.. west 1 Illinois Central 15 1 4 10 5 10 5 6 Total receipts 10: 10 1 The disposition of tho day's receipt is follows, each buyer purchasing tho receipts w.13 num ber of head Indicated lluytrs. Omaha Packing Co. Cnttlo. Hogs. Sheep. SO 1,150 C II. Hammond Co Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour k Co Armour & Co.. Sioux City R. Hcckcr & Degan ,1. L. Carey Lobmau & Co McCrcary & Clark Hill & lluntzlnger Llvingstono & Sehallor .. Hamilton & Rothschild .. Mawhlnney Other buyers 190 ID 223 110 'iw 48 13 10 1 7 20 1 1.3.71 1,531 1,311 1,231 1,181 S3 1.57S 237 ItO Totnls 1.HI 7.791 2.S3S CATTLE Thero wns not a very heavy run of cuttle hero today, nnd, ns packers all wanted a fow, they paid 11 little stronger prices all around. Tho few beef steers offered were picked up early In the morning nt good strong prlees. The, light supply mnde even tho half-fnt stuff nnd common kinds sell a little better thnn they did yesterday. The market on beef cattlo has Improved considerably the last week and the advance hns been greutest on tho half-fat cattlo. such kinds selling all of 23c higher than they did ut the closo of last week, whereas tho good kinds hnvo not nd vnnced moro than 10013c. Tho cow market was also In good shape n,inv nml nn thn start sales wo ro mndo that looked Btrong to a dime higher. Along toward tho last ond, lifter buyers had tilled 1 mnrn nrironl orders. Idev dill Mill KU after them quite ns nurd nnu 1110 iceung did not seem to no quuo iih k""". ' " nrlr.no lit tvlllpll thn COW Sttltl KOllI lOUUy. inwevcr, wero an 01 ivuiuo ihkiwi wiun mi Mnmlnv on all crudes except tno com iimnoHt kinds of cnnncrs, wnicn navo not shown much Improvement, 'riinrn woro onlv a fow feeders on sale to day, nnd, ns Is npt to bo the enso nt the closo of tho week the mnrket wns hardly as good ns it wns earner in wiu wren. 4" common light stufT was particularly hard to move and sellers were culling tho mar ket on that stuff a little lower. Cholco cuttle, however, of most nny weight could bo quoted stendy. Representative sales I1EEK STttfciUa, No. Av. Pr. Av. Pr. . . r,:n 2 35 3.... ..1000 4 20 4 45 4 00 4 05 4 75 5 fO 5 20 No. 905 6 1103 1... 1... .... 840 2 35 16 1028 ....1030 $2 50 4 1312 .... 830 3 75 57 1214 ....1074 3 90 62 1355 ....1050 4 40 STEERS AND STAGS. ... 9.Y7 3 50 1... 15... 0... STEERS AND HEIFERS. 16... .1000 4 50 1098 4 Co COWS. 1... 910 790 775 950 9(0 1025 750 , 1025 , 1025 1010 , 950 , 992 , 930 , 1030 1010 1070 10.0 1130 1080 890 870 1050 1200 1010 935 1000 1203 1100 9S0 1081 1170 110.) 1100 2 CO 2 00 1... 3... ,. 920 ,. 993 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 05 3 10 3 II) 3 10 3 15 3 15 3 15 3 20 3 25 3 25 3 23 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 20 3 40 3 40 3 50 3 50 3 60 3 60 3 55 3 65 3 00 3 60 3 00 3 CO 3 SO 3 80 1... n I.'!! 1.., 2 35 2 60 2 ro 2 60 2 50 2 ro 2 50 2 60 2 50 2 65 05 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 73 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 75 1120 1075 1070 1010 1230 1120 1200 1150 1012 1. 0. 3. G. 4. 1. ..1270 ..1200 ..14110 I... 1... 1... 1... .1031) .1200 .1110, 1 1 1200 .12)1 .1010 10.... ....1135 ,...1073 ....1105 .... 991 ....1073 ....1090 ....1040 ....1300 ....1192 ....1185 ....1200 ....1113 ....1700 1'.'.'.'. 80 2 85 2 90 2 2 90 2 90 2 90 2 95 3 CO 3 00 3 fO 19 20 9 9 1 9 , 2 , l.T..., 8 , 1 , 1... 3... 4... 1... 18... 1... 1... 1... 3... 990 3 00 COWS AND HEIFERS. 3 75 3 E5 .... 1-0 .... S5 912 .... 650 .... 8S5 .... 705 .... 410 .... 810 .... "05 .... 830 ....1040 ....i4on 1440 .... 970 ....1310 ....1200 ,...1000 ....1270 .... 850 ....1730 2 73 3 23 15 4 .1025 . f90 7.. 14.. 3 "j HEIFERS. 1.... 2.... 2 75 1... 620 1012 3 60 3 E5 3 01 3 75 3 90 4,00 .1 23 3 23 3 25 3 23 3 35 3 45 3 50 3 00 3 00 3 05 0 00 6 00 3 00 3 00 3 10 3 25 24 28 920 loi'.IIK!!!'. 90s 91G 3 50 3 50 r ..1165 BULLS. 2 85 2 90 3 00 3 110 3 10 3 10 3 15 3 25 3 26 3 25 1350 1490 , 1100 1110 0X0 , 1450 1470 1000 900 1 1 1260 CAIA'ES. 170 200 240 STOCK 620 710 S30 5 M 2 130 210 5 '(.) o no cows S 76 I 85 2 tfi 1 1.. 1.. 1.. 2.. AND 1 9 2 HEIFERS. .... 900 3 n: .... 5.7) .... 775 3 15 3 15 3 25 830 85 4. 8G3 STOCK CALVES. 1... 65... IS... 4... 4... o l".'. 3... 10... 300 3 HO 5........ 270 4 23 205 3 25 1 210 4 25 410 4 15 3 130 5 CO STOCKER8 AND FEEDERS 112 fO 17 706 3 ,3 055 005 650 600 621 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 75 4 747 3 85 13 800 3 90 3 790 1 fx) 1 000 4 00 4 170 I 20 3 75 3 80 II, II. Dalrymplo Idaho. ,..123? 2 00 3 hulls IOCS 3 00 ...1166 3 30 17 bulls 3 hulls HOGS Ttiere was a folrly liberal run of hogs here today and under tho Influence. nMnnw nrlces at tho other points buvers stnrted out hlddlng 2H05c low'er. They tried lo nuy men !(" i( .,..v ami nnd a fow sold at those prices on I ho start i,,,. thn mnrket soon firmed un and J5.22U und $5.25 beenmo the popular prices or only o uhmin to 2Uc lower thnn yesterday. The mnrket wns fairly nctlve nnd as buyers nil seemed to hnvo liberal orders tho mnr ket kept growing stronger and toward the Inst end J5.25 was the popular prlc ",1th i fow lnnils uoltiL' at S5.27'4. so th decline, of the morning was very nearly .ul regained. It was a good nctlve mnrko 3 95 3 27 3 24 3 111 4 01 3 30 3 29 li 3 26 3 31 3 1( 3 9.1 3 31 3 16 3 9.' 3 2S 3 18 3 94 3 28 3 33 . 4 01 3 3 28 3 li 4 02 3 31 3 24 3 14 I 04 3 37 3 21 3 17 3 47 3 26 3 19 4 11 3 60 3 20 4 09 3 41 3 30 4 14 3 48 3 SO 4 16 3 45 3 30 3 18 4 14 3 45 3 31 3 15 3 61 3 35 3 1( 4 21 3 42 3 18 4 33 S 67 3 17 4 29 3 67 3 48 4 27 3 41 3 41 3 2o 4 37 3 47 3 38 3 27 4 35 3 4S 3 39 3 29 3 42 3 40 3 18 1 34 3 43 3 12 4 38 3 45 3 II 4 35 3 50 3 43 4 41 3 65 3 29 3 0" from start to finish nnd everything was sold In good season. Representative sales. NO av. an. it :so. av. nn. it 31.. W.. 24.. 78 J4 H' 110 171 78 250 u 20 ....117 ....204 , . . .205 . . .242 . . .258 ...190 ...161 ...231 , . . .252 ...227 ...380 , . . .208 . . .208 ,..2Si 5 CO 5 20 6 20 5 20 6 20 6 20 6 20 6 20 5 ::'4 5 -2U 6 -2ti 6 22(4 5 22(4 6 UU, 6 22l5 5 22(5 120 40 ISO 40 SO.) 40 SO 80 120 40 40 10) 80 40 ISO 3 20 5 20 5 2.4 5 22'i, 5 22'a r : mj 5 2:-j 6 22H f 22'1 5 V23 5 22)4 5 22 4 6 22 3 6 22'a 5 22'5 6 22( 6 22 ij 6 22' 5 -2(4 6 22(a 6 n.iv 6 KJb 5 22 3 6 22(a 6 13 5 25 5 25 5 Sit 6 25 6 V5 5 25 6 25 5 21 6 25 f. V5 5 25 5 25 6 25 5 25 6 i.. 6 25 6 271;. 6 i"tj 5 17 1 160 102 100 82 186 77 202 60 son 105. 3.. 95.. 61.. 39 249 ( 1 . . 105. 66. 01. ..287 . .291 . .331 . .230 ..290 . .250 ..217 ..241 . .263 . .IKS ..187 ..216 . .'.113 ..251 . .201 ..308 ..259 . .281 . .258 ..2.11 ..215 "253 . .205 . .2.4 . .371 ..2S.I . .233 . .250 . .218 109. 51... 63. . . 66, . . 71... 08. . . 73... 63..., 9S... II... 71... "li.. 70... 67... 48... 67... 41... 02... 05... 79. . . 73. . . 72... 129... 65... 62..., 03. . . , 72..., 65..., 70. . . t.. 43.. 80.. 83.. ll' .l.5 .207 .270 !... 5 5 :j(. 4... SO 10) 280 40 '40 50... 5 22 (, 6 22'4 6 32,, 6 22U 6 22', 5 .-J(4 6 22J mi 6 2.5 " )... . . . .337 . . . .252 ....170 ....185 ion 210 Ml 100 40 '40 120 40 SO 100 40 63... ,'3... 87... 49... 61... 60. . . ....257 . . . .272 . . . .328 . . . .2S5 !!!!20() ....210 . . . .32.1 ....215 . . . .2(9 ....310 20") 10 10 "so t-0 80 iso SO 80 SO 40 80 'io 200 '40 30. 63.. 15. 0. . u . 6 25 5 25 5 25 6 23 6 25 5 25 40 10 120 40 160 40 2S0 .201 .230 .205 '2 !5iT .227 .322 117 201 274 279 03 02 60 27 53 I... S3... .23 3... 6 25 5 25 5 25 I 25 4 40 . . .231 . . .230 ...241 ...213 70.. 23. . 83., 80 10.. -T.4 10.. 6 27( ...'till 20 SHEEP rlt,r,' tvfia ,1 rnnrl mil i( uhron hero today for tho last end of the week. mi mo marKet was strong nnu uciivu aim II some rases nnrlmtitt 11 illmn hlelinr. Tho ile mam! for cholco stuff was active 11s was nowit ny the way packers nicked up the moro desirable bundle offered. The top n lambs was $5.33 and on sheep nnd yearl- tigs $1,10. A choke string of Mexican ('unities Mold iih hlirh 11 11MV OwllU? to the good demand everything changed hands early In the morning. 1110 lew rctdcrs otTond sold nt ruuy toady prices. wuotutioiis: Choice red wethers, si.wif 35: fair to mint foil wethers. ll.KWi K : cholco yearlings. $1,4001.50; fair to good V'ntiflli'.r.. (A. ..l.nl... n..nu t'l laVn '( fair to good ewes. $3.00O3.S0: choice spring Inmbs, J5.0V(i5,?5; fair to good spring lambn, $4.8505.00; feeder ewes, J2.23O3.00: feodT wethers, $3.3003.75: feeder Innibs, Jl.OOfi 1. 10. Representative sales: No. Av. . 145 . 100 . 100 . 00 . 112 . Ill . 67 . 90 . 81 . 70 . SI Pr. $3 no 3 to 3 85 4 00 I 15 4 40 I (7) I 60 I 60 5 l) 5 33 2, Idaho rams 410 western owes feeder wethers 12 cull Iambs 10S fed nlioen Gso western wethers .. 'm feeder Inmbs 1 fed wether 03 Mexlcnn yearlings 71 fed Inmbs 30 western Inmbs CHICAGO, Jnn. H.-CATTLH-ltooclpts, 5'i0: steady to slrmiK: cood to prime steers. 5.3506,10; poor to medium. $3.6004.25; stock rs nnd feeders. $2,7504.40; cows, $2.0504.25, lelfers, $2.7504.50; canners, I2.0002.n0; bulls, i2.751fl.40; calves. S4.OKi6.25: Texas fed steers. $1.1001. 1W; Texas grass steers, $3,350" .00; Texas bulls. J2.50O3.o0. HOUS Roce pis today. 20.0HO: tomorrow. 'iVano: loft nl'er. 0.8111: Hfnmlv nt vOBlnrdn v',i close; top, $5.10; mixed npd butchers, $5.1ooi 6.10; good to choice heavy, $5.2505.40; rough heavy, $5.10T5.2O; light, $5.1005.37',; bulk of sales. $5.20Jrt.3O. HUEHFRocelpls, o.niio; sheep and Inmbs steady; good to choice wothers, $3.sftf(."5; fair to choice mixed, J3.5i(ia.Sj; western sheep, M.8504.65; Texas sheep, $2.50j?3.0O; native minus, jioii.tiij; western liunns, .5.0003.60. OMlclal receipts nm' shipments for yester day: Receipts, cuttle. 7,629; hogs. 32,821; sheep, 10,353, Shipments, cattle, 4,376; hogs, 3,261; sheep, 2,538. CHICAGO 1,1 VII STOCK MARKET. Cntlle flonrrnlly Slcaily (o HlKlier 'Irni. IIiiks unci Sheep 1 CHICAGO. Jan. ll.-CATTLE-Recolnts. 2.60O head; steers, strong to 10c higher. Texnns higher; butchers' stock slow; good o prlmo steers, $j. 35OG.10; poor to medium. $3.00O.25; stockcrs and feeders, $2.7504.40; cows, $2.030'I.13; heifers. $2.7504.40; cnnncrs, J2.00O2.fi0; bulls. $2.7301.30: calves. $1,000 0.35; Texas fed steers, $1.1004,90: Texas grass steers. $3.3504.00: Texas bulls. $2,600) 3.60. HOGS Receipts. 29.000 head: tomorrow. 20,000 estimated; loft over, 6,000; actlvo nt yesterday s clone; top. $j.42(4; mixed and butchers, $5.1005.42(4; good to choice heavy, $5.10O'3.4U; rough heavy, $5.0000.10; light, j.i.HKii;i.i'.,; nuiK 01 na en. ?o.m SHEEP AND LAMPS Receipts. 5.000 head: llrm: cood to choice wethers, $3,800' 4.85; fair to cholco mixed, $3.500 3.83; west ern sheep, $3.830 4.75; Texas sheep, J2.50O 3.05; native lambs, $4.2505-00; western lambs, $5.0003.50. ev York Live Stock Mnrkot. NEW YORK. Jan. ll.-CATTLE-Rc- celpts, 2,573 head; steers slow; good beeves steady; medium und common, wenk to lower: bulls nnd thin cows stendy; medium and good cows, 15020c off; steers. Jl.lflO 5.40; hulls. S2.C5KM.40; cows. $1.8003.33; fat Ohio cows. $3.75. Cables quolo Hvo cattlo llrm nt HOl2(4c; tops, 124c; refrigerator beef, 10O10(4o per lb. CALVES-Recolpts. 141 head; market steady; veals, $5.0005.80; llttlo calves, $4; yearlings, $3. Kllldl',1' AN1J lul.MU!)- KCCCIPIS, Mtfl head: sheep, steady for desirable stock; lambs, 25010c lower; sheep, $3.6001.45; lambs, $5.7nO6.60; cholco and extra, Jii.Sosi) li.Oi); cutis, $1.75; most of tho sales at $a.90O' 0.40. HOGS Roce nts. 4.317 head: feeling weak: cholco pigs sold at $3.75. St. I.oiiIn Live Stock Mnrket. ST. LOUIS. Jan. ll.-CATTLE-ttcoelpts. GOO head, Including Toxans; market strong, with Texans 10c higher; native shipping nnd export steers, $1,7516.85; drespod beef nnd butcher steers, $1.0000.25; Blockers and feed ers, J2.10O1.65; Steers under I.imi IDS., 4.75; cows and heifers. $2.00OU75; dinners, $1.2502.75; bulls, $2.1503,75; Texans and In dian steers, $3,3001.60; cows and heifers, $2.300 3.50. Hunts ucceipis, ;(,iuu iieno: marsni kkiw, 5010c lower: pigs and lights. $5 infls.so, packers, $3.1505.25; butchers, $3.200535. nlihririiivii i,mim m-'ceiinw, miii market steady: nutlvo muttons, $3,75f(1.2o. lambs, $4.500 5.25; culls nnd bucks, $1,000 1.25. Kmiviis City Live StncSi Mnrkrl. KANSAS CITY, Jnn. 11. CATTLE Re colpts, 3,800 head natives, 160 hend Texans, iiju neau caives; inarnci uuiivu nnu oitimj. natlvo beef nteers, $4.750 6.30; stockcrs nnd feeders. S3.50O1.05; cows nnd heifers. $1.000 4,50; cnnncrs, J2.25O3.00; enlves, 5 1 . tvrj 1 1. ;r , bulls nnd stngs, js.iiow.wj. HOGS-RocolptK, 12,800 bond; mnrket 5c lower; top. J5.35; bulk of biiIo.i, J5.2OO5 30; heavy. $5.2505.35; mixed packers, J5.2085.25; ih-'i'i.. w.ioo-3-2?; pig?, fim-. , HIIEEl' ANI) l,rt.llia ivci-ciiiu., i,.iw head; market sternly to stronK; westorn 1,. ...I.;, nnlhlnn rlmll-O. t , 001 6. 25 '. HMCeil linil yearlings, Sl.25"5H.6); western wothers, JI.OOO1 4.3u; cwos, w wn j.oj, He. .loseiili Live Stock Mnrkel. ROUTll HT. JOSEPH. Mo., Jnn. ll.-(Spe- clal.) The Journal quls: , . , , CATTLE lieccipis, WW IlUIKli llirw n ....- Ivo nnd stendy; quality poor; natives, $4 00 05.15; Texas anil westerns, j.i.4ii.w: rows and heifers, $2.2301-60; bulls and stags J2 10 (84.65; yearlings and calves. S3..WM 50 Blockers and feeders, $3.0001-30; veals, $3.7u HOGS-Rocelpts, 0,300 head; market av; nraccd about 6c lower; all grndes. Jj-lpO 5.321 ; bulk of sales, $i.200o.27(4i plgB. 10c SHEEP-nccelpts. 400 head; mnrkot steady. Slock la Sllil. nv,tlnulnir nro the receipts nt tho four pr.nc.pnl western mnrkg for sh p, South Omaha Chicago Kunsas City St. Louis Totals 8,031 67,170 9,410 Ilry (JiioiIm Mnrkrl. vi.Me vnnif. .Tnn. 11. Tho weather lo- cnlly has again been mnil for the dry goods trndo and business on tho spot In all di rections hns been limited. Some fnlr orders by mnil hns necn received mr cukuii nu fabrics. No demand of moment otherwise Prices without quotable change Linens are firm but quiet; burlaps, strong nnd scriiro. (.nicuiia marsoi hiivhhituk. MANUllEol nn. Jan. u. v.kiuis mm yarns quiet but (Irm. LEGAL NOTICES. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING, Notlco is hereby given that tho nnn'ial mefetlng of tho Htoekholdors of The I3e Ilulldlng company will be held at 4 o'clock p. m., Tuesday, Jnnunry 16, 1901, at the office of said company In The Ree building, Omnha. for the election of a board of di rectors for the ensuing year nnd the trans action of such other business as may prop erly come before such meeting. Ry order of tho president. C. C. ROSBWATER. Secretary. X)ecd23t 1.681 1.070 Z.3ID 2,500 29,(i0 5.(00 3,950 12,800 1,000 000 9,700 600 S6.00 A SVIOWTH. SPECIALIST In All Private Disposes and Disorders of Men 12 Years in Omaha. VARICOCELE hydrocele Method uew never falls, without cuttinif. pain pr lo.-Mii time. QYPMII ICrurntfiit llfe.indthepolon 1 rr,g-, thoroughly rlc.-inKou from the system. Soon every Jinn und symptom rtlnppoars cotnpletelv srtl fnreirr. No "IlltliAKIN'G OUT" of thedlesi.eontliesl.lti or face. Treatment contains so dangeniiis drugs or Injurious iiit'illclnc .. WPAk MEW ''" ui' MAMiootifrom K.. nCri a ( i i O 'ci'Hsrsor Vk-timsto Nruvocs bEXUALLr DeutUTr or ExiiAfsriiiN, WASttNd WKAKNK-nS iNVOt.l'NTAtlV IIRSFS, nlth i:lit.v lir.i-w lii Yoi-no and Mltitit.K Amt, ,u'k of vim vigor nnd strength, with sexual orgnn Impmrtd nndMrnk J5TRICTURE hndlciiliy inrrd with . new m o ccT""a '"'"llll'lc Ilonm Trcul. nna bkLLi tuent. NoinH!rutnints,nopatn, nn deteutlon from bininefs, Ootiorrboen, Kidney nnd lllndrier Trouble ct'RE.s (ur.iANTi;i:i). CiniultJllon rrtf. rrrstmnt by Vail. CMlon oraililreM 110 S. !4th St. Dr. Searlos & Searlss, Omaha. Nob. You Can Buy Brains at a ment market, or you can hiro other people to think for you, or a nimble fingered girl to write your letters, but do you Know a good dictionary is a great help in writing or speak ing correctly? Trobably you haTe a decrepit old dictionary In your ofllce. It li so Uttered and dirty that you leldoni uie It, Throw It In to waste basket and set a Standard Dictionary It Is tbo latest out and scholars everywhere pronounce It the best. Containing over 300,000 words and having a corps of 240 editors, specialist! and educated men, costing nearly a million dollars before placed beforo the public, It ought to bo a valuable book. It is a valuable book by far the best dictionary before thn English-speaking people. CALL ON OR WRITE THE MEOEATH STATIONERY CO. UOt FARNAJC 8TIUEBT. IN REGARD TO IT. NERVITA PILLS Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor and Manhood Cure lm potency, Night EmlIons, Loss of Mem ory, nil wasunv uiscnjen, all nlfocts of snlf.nbute or 60 PILLS SO CTS. excess nnd Indiscretion. A nerve tonlo snd blood builder. BrinRB tbo pink clow to pnlo check nnd rostoros the .tiro of youth, lly mall IfiOo nnr Ihii. Q boxns for box. o $2. BO, with our banknblo gaurantoe to oure or reruna tne money nam. ocnu lor circular and cr py ot our bnukublo Rnarnntco bond. Positively imnrantend euro for Ioss of Power, Vnrlcocolo, Undeveloped or Shrunken Orunn?, I'nre'l, Locomotor Atnxln, Norvoui I'nmtsji tlou, Hystorln, Fits, Insnnlty. I'lirulyslH and tfro Itntults of Kxcesilvo Uno of Tobacco, Opium or Liquor. By mnil In plain nnekHKo, $1.00 n box, O for $0.00 with our banknblo puar antoo bond to cure In iiO dayB or refund money paid. Address NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton &Jnckson sto., CHICAGO, ILIC for snlo by Kuhn & Co., 15tb nnd Uousln St., Omnliu, Nob.; Geo. ti. Davis, Council Uluffa, Iowa. STRONG AGAIN. You wbo once possessed sturdy phys iques mid steady nervrs, but now have insufficient physical force to properly attend to ordinary dutlei; you who haven sense of "nll-Koneuen'ruftertIie llfthtcstcxertlon; you who nre dull, languid and old In spirits at an age when you should be fill t of physical fire; you who may feel that your life Is not worth the struggle there Unscientific means of redeeming nil the precious powers which seem to be entirely lost. Have cured thousands such ns you. Don't experiment with your health or money. We will take the rift If sir boxei do not cure you, your money is returned, l'or years we have been curing men on these satisfactory terms. bar. 0 for .700 mailed In plain package Hook free. Address I I'l.KU Mhhicinr To (' lnd Ohio. 1 Bold by Kuhn & Co.. 15t!i and Douglas, and II. A. Dillon, South Omnha. (k ChluHLSTEH'B ENGLISH Pennyroyal pills n TitTV Orislnnl and Only tUnuloiw mm .arllM. iK Dfatilit f.t CIIICIIKSTKK'S ENGLISH kit) HKI wrvA Ciold niU!M bii li4 I itt Iibi rtvbn ink it no otbrr. ntfutm UQcrra Valitlllntlotii ad Iiall Host. Hu ef jar DrUt. r 4a. IB mai Ut lrtlouUr, Testimonial Ql 'lfcllrror l41,Mn Iiifffr.br r turn Hall. 1 0.UOIr TtttltiaiifcU. Said hi fell Ufuf ftltl. tf'klffktfAtrr 'kcmtiil McotUn UlJ pfr Madl hnu.n. 1'IUI.A.. S'A. CURE YOURSELF ! I!. llltttl for unnatural ilUcliurgri.lutlaniui&tlnni, IrrltallunH or ulccrfttlont ut mucous lurnitrulif", I'ainlcii. ii ml nut attrin- lEvAySCHtUiAlCo. genloruolsonom. aOmciNNtTl.o.HBl r ruiritt. or I" lit 111 plain wrspr'r, tir fliirp(i, rrIaM, fo II. (Mi, nr 3 tiottlra, Circular ut oil reijuMt. NO CURE. NO PAY If you hare vm&ll, weak orjranr, lost power or wenkfealnif drain., our vacuum Orgn Hetrloi'tr lll reotoro you ivlthout druiri or elretricltvi J..COO in ulei not CI..I follurai notnnorrtunifJi no C O. II. fraud 1 wrUolcr tuinlcuUri. irnt icalrd In plain enflo. 10CAI APPLIANCE CO.. 414 Chides Bide, Demur, Colo. IIOWRM.'S Don't disturb Anti-Kawf tho wholo family oourhlnir. Antt- Kauf will ntnp It nt once, iio nt iiriig storff mum nr. Kay n Utlcuro cures all UlllCilirf tcmnlo diseases. AV drug If llwlll C Uti iUub,ratfd Ik.o1c and advice freo. Dr. 11. J. Kin Saratoga, N. TC JAMES E. BOYD & CO., Telephone Omnliu, '!. COMMISSION, (iltAI.N, I UOVISIONS nml hTOCKK, llonril of Triwlr. Corrcspord'ncc: John A. Warn'n & 2o. Direct wl-cs to Chlcugo and Nw TorK 4U CIIKKHH gW In to S 4a;i. V in ou.iDi.i P Prv,n(. (VU(.,lnn MEN