Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 11, 1901, Page 10, Image 10

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Local Army Officer DUpleatad Over Action
of the Sen&ti.
Ofllrri-fl IIpIIpto A hull thin iif (lie 1'iint
Cuntrrn Will llrliiK the .NHkIi
borliiK I'lves llnck
Into IiIMrnce.
Local army ofnccrs nre displeased with
tho action of tup senate In rcfuslm; to
permit tho gale of licer nt post canteens.
When tho house repealed that provision of
tho existing law nothing was said about
tho matter amonK tho officers, although
thoy did not like tho action, because they
thoiiRht tho soniito would not permit tho
repeal of a measure, approved by all per
sons connected with tho soldier and his
physical and moral HtandlnR.
Ono of the officers expressed himself
freely on the subject, but for obvious ren
sons did not deslro to hnvo his name
stilted, lie said:
"Onco again In tho history of tho coun
try the liquor Interests and tho temper
anco agitators havo worked In harmony,
with tho result that tho former will de
rive tho rrollt while tho Intter claims tho
glory of tho defeat of tho measure With
tho canteen ns established nt present tho
soldier was kept upon tho military reser
vation. Tho beer seemed In most cnseH to
gratify hts appctlto for un nlcohollc stimu
lant. "As a result of the post canteen tho low
doRRorles which hnd existed around tho
posts vanished In n largo measure, and
with them tho scarlet woman nnd her In
variable escort, tho thus nnd thief. Tho
talo of whisky curtailed and tho
effect of tho law was felt by tho distiller
and wholesale llu,uor denier, who fount that
instead of tho army being- ono of tho best
nalrnns of tho saloon, It was becoming a.
small factor In tho trade.
I'nr ItimllifHn Itoimoit.
"For business reasons tho liquor dealers
opposed the salo of boor at tho canteen and
from sentiment tho tempcrnnco advocates
desired 'tho United States to go out of tho
business of selling beer.' Tho fact Is that
tho United States was never in 'tho busi
ness of selling beer.' Tho army cannot bo
operated upon sentimental grounds. Its
management must bo practical In tho ex
treme. Whatever tends to increaso tho effi
ciency of tho man In tho ranks must be
encouraged If wo nro to obtain tho best
results. Soldiers arc human, they nro
guided by humnu passions nnd influenced by
tho name conditions which Influenco all
men, Abovo nil the army must bo main
tained. If tho men nt tho head of tho army
find that by permitting tho soldiers to drink
beer on tho reservation they can bo stopped
from drinking whisky otitsldo of tho post,
It would seem tho part of common senso to
let them hnvo tho milder beverago where
they could bo watched by their, officers.
"Hut tho United States senate has con
curred In this point with tho house. Tho
sale of beer is abolished. Commnndcrs of
posts will havo to meet conditions ns they
will exist. They will find thnt tho low
whisky dives will bo ro-cstabllshed; that
tho men will absent themselves from duty
moro nnd moro and that tho guard houses
will bo again filled with soldiers. If It Is
possible tho action of tho sennto should bo
reconsidered. "
Coroner Axer rtitlnx Identity
StrnnKcr Who Died nt
Tho coroner hns boon making Inquiries
bout tho mysterious stranger who dlod
Tuesday night at Immanuol hospital, nnd
hns learned that his nnmo wns Julius
llachny, and that bo lived nt Mlra Creek,
Neb. An investigation of his personal ef
fects showed that ho had no money save
$1, which was In a small leather purso.
Tho eoronor has nlso learned tho identity
of tho two men who helped tho deceased
Into tho hack at Union stntton. Thoy aro
John Mnrcsh of On! nnd Frank Schwaner, a
trangor, who was on his wny to Wisconsin.
Mnrcsh says tho deceased was submitted to
his qaro by an acqunititnnce of his named
Albert Moletko of Mlra Creek, who got off
tho train at (irnnd Island.
Tho coroner received n message yesterday
morning from tho Klrst National bank of
Ord, saying that Ilnchny's fnmlly had been
notified, nnd directing him to hold tho body
for further Instructions. "This clears up
tho mystery," unld he, "all except tho fact
that Kachny bad only four quarters In his
pockot. It hnrdly scorns rcnsonnhlo that a
family apparently woll-to-do would send n
man In his condition so far without nn
attondnnt nnd without money. Still, so
fnr as I can see, thoro Is no evidence that
ho was robbed."
The Illnck Illninoiiil Ihprrm,
lenves Iluffnlo nt noon via the Lehigh Val
ley railroad for New York, A la enrtu
dining enr scrvlco and luxurious parlor and
day coaches.
I'"lrt Mooting of Ximv Directum of the
Com mere I nl Club Set for
that Oil).
Tho now directors of tho Commercial
club will hold tholr first meeting nt 1
o'clock tomorrow, whon they will pro
ceed to elect n president, a treasurer and
au executive committee of twonty-flvo
membors. Tho oxecutlvo commltteo then
elected will meet later and elect a secre
tary. Charles II. Pickens will In all proba
bility bo tho next president of tho club, nnd
there Is nn doubt ns to tho re-election of
Secretary John K. Utt.
It llnnner Siilvr
doesn't euro your piles, your money will
bn returned. It is tho most healing med
icine. Kor salo by Myors-nillon Drug Co.,
Omaha; Dillon's drug storo, South Omaha.
Wo havo a grand stock of Underwear In ladles' nnd children's goods, from the
lowest prlco In lleeco lined to the finest wool.
Wo havo tho STERLINO UNDERWKAIt recommended by Jcnncss Miller In her
lecture here.
Kino Wool Union Suits regular prlco $3.50 Silk Union Suits, regular prlco $6.73
and $8.25 all to be sold at a reduction of 20 per cent and so mo broken lines of
Underwear to bo sold at a reduction of CO per cent.
Children's Woolen Vests and Pants 23c up.
Children's Illnck Tights, 35a up,
Ladles' Illnck Tlghta, 60c up,
Ladles' Outing Flannol Night Dresses, 50c up very handsnmo ones, $1.00 up.
Children's Outing Flannel Night Dresses, 35u up, Sleeping Drnwers, with feet,
!5c up.
Ladies' and Children's Leggings will be bold nt Just halt former price.
County' Di-iiinnil (or llenvy llonil in
nn 1 1111 muni n t nhlr
Tho plan of building the Omaha & Fre
mont Klectrlc railway has been dropped,
At one time tho project was practically ns
snred, ns tho promoters wero prepared to
commence tho work of construction Just ns
soon ns tho franchise could ho secured from
the county and an agreement reached ns
to tho amount of annual revenue which the
county would derive from tho operation of
the line. Negotiations struck n snag when
the men back of the projected lino were
asked to submit a $23,000 bond guaranteeing
tho construction of the line by a specified
time nnd assuring the county a substantial
per cent of tho dividends.
Tho county commissioners said yesterday
that negotiations for tho franchise wero
dropped two weeks ago, and, ns fnr ns they
knew, would not bo renewed. The promoters
had insisted that no bond would bo fur
nished. They wero equally as Insistent
that tho rato of Income the commissioners
demanded was exorbitant, tho commission
ers having asked for 214 Per cent of tho
gross receipts nnnunllly during tho first five
years nnd for fi per cent of tho gross re
ceipts during the succeeding years.
Commissioner Connolly said yesterday:
"I am willing to admit that wc did sqttcezo
tho railway men pretty hard and possibly
tho commissioners will be willing to rescind
their nctlnn ns far as tho bond Is con
cerned. It may bo that If the promoters
of tho road will lay nlong tho lino $100,000
worth of matirlnl, thnt In Itself will bo n
sufficient guntnntce thnt the lino will bo
built, but no concession will bo made In
tho mntter of the rate of revenue tho lino
must he mndo to yield the county. Negotia
tions havo been dropped, however, and tho
project may hnvo been abandoned."
Illinois Cm trnl ,imv Oprrntra l)n
lluht Triiln (tut of
in ! It ii .
The Illinois Central hns made what is
considered by Interested rnllrond men to
ho a marked Improvement In Its Omnha
Chicago service, by placing Into opsratlon
n daylight train from Chicago to Omaha,
corresponding with Its enstbound daylight
train, Tho new schedule will become effec
tive noxt Sunday.
Tho train affected by this latest change
Is No. 3, which formerly left Chicago nt
11:45 p. m. nnd reached this city at 4:0.'i tho
next afternoon. After next Sunday this
train will leave Chicago nt 8:30 In the
morning, arriving hero tho same night nt
I.i-lilub'n Vlee President Ilrtlren.
PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 10. John H. Car
rott announred totlny that ho will retlro on
Tuesday next from the vlco presidency of
tho Lehigh Valley Hallroml company. This
decision wns communicated to President
Walter In November last and ho hns re
mained In ofllco slnco that tlmo at Mr. Wal
ter's request. Ho withdraws from railroad
llfo and will devote his tlmo to editorial
and philanthropic work.
The directors of tho Lehigh Valley Hall
road company held a special meeting this
Southern I'liollle KnrniiiK.
SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 10. The annual
report of the Southern Pacific for the year
ended June 30 Inst has Just been Issued.
Tho surplus for the year reached the large
sum of $7,233,120. For tho year before tho
surplus amounted to $4,4,r7.875. Th, average
miles of rail lines operate, proprietary and
non-proprletnry, aggregated 7,C4r., ns against
7,174 the year before. Cross earnings wero
$64,400,723. The net Income from opera
tion wns $20,157,745. A miscellaneous In
come of $1,321,887 brings tho net lncomo
to $21,479,633.
Itntllvny .Vote mill PerNoiinln.
Assistant Oencrnl Passenger Agent Ar
thur H. Smith of tho IJurllngton Is In Hur
llugton, In.
Assistant Onnernl Freight Agent Oeortro
M. Kntriktn of the Omaha & St., Louis Is In
St. Louis on a business trip.
Tho Illinois Central has Issued an M
tractlve booklet describing In advance tho
Mnrdl Gras festivities to bo held in Now
Orleans Febnmry 18 and 19.
If. a. llaugan, Innd commlsfdontr of (1m
aillwniikeo road nt Chicago, has boon un
pointed comptroller, vice K. Q. Fewnll re
signed. Ho will continue to servo ns laud
I). M. Collins, general agent nt Sioux City;
S0.Urr.n".ls'J1,v" Mtoc.k nunt nt Salt Lake
nnd T, M. Schumacher, generul agent nt
Han Francisco, nro Union. Pnclllc men trans,
noting business nt general headquarters.
General Mnnnger Dickinson. Superintend
ent or Transportation Hucklnghnm and
Superintendent or Motive Power and Ma
chinery McConuell or tho Union Pnclllc are
absent from tho city on a business trio
Tho next meeting of tho Transcontinental
Passenger nsHoclatlon will bo ho'd in New
Orleans next Tuesday. At thnt tlmo various
matters of Importance will comti up before
tho ussnclntlou. Including un agreement on
rates for tho Murdl G-ras festival nt New
Orleans. Among tho Omnha rnllrond men
who hnvo tmdo nrrungements to nttend tho
meeting nro Generul Passenger Agent
Francis of tho riurllngton and Chief Unto
Cleric Scott of tho Union rnclllc.
Do ItlKht mill Penr .ot,
A. J. Sllvera Is of the opinion that" ho
would not bo doing right by hts family If
ho did not keep n bottlo of Chnmberlaln's
Cough Remedy In tho house. "I never feel
alarmed when I hear my llttlo boy cough,"
ho says, "slnco I discovered what a wonder
ful mcdlclno It is for the euro of coughs,
colds and croup in children. I havo used
It frequently myself, too, and It never falls
to cure." Mr. Sllvera Is a well known
citizen of Duff Day, Jamaica, West India
Islands. This remedy Is for salo by all
.Mortality Statistics.
Tho following denths and births wero re
ported to tho city health commissioner for
tho twenty-four hours ending at noon
Deaths Mrs. Allco Minds, 3S10 South
Fourteenth, uged 76; Knto Uoon, 977 North
Twcnty-sovcnth. nged 15; Ilaby Seymour.
1918 South Thlrty-thlnl. uBed 10 days
Georgo Hobey. 3.05 Sewnrd; Elmlra R.
Oanet, 419 South Twentieth, uged 55: Leoim
Tony, 4021 Saratoga, nged 1.
lllrths-Chnrles F. Weymuller. 1S20 Sher
man avenue, boy; Georgo Uvnns, kXi Sout t
Tlil-ty-nrtli. boy. J M, Million. 910 Soutn
Thlrty-llfth avenue, boy; L. Hurtnn Clousli.
2017 Howard, girl; V. Tanchen, 1215 South
Fifteenth, girl; Robert Hehfuss, 1027 South
Nineteenth, girl.
January Clearing Sale
Big Reductions on all
Grand Sale of $1.00 and $1,50 Black
Silk 69c Yard.
All Ores CooiIn Itriniinitt thnt Have
Aim-ii in ii I nt fit (In In Three !,!( To
morrow nt I Re, 'Mf mill iWo
Ynril, All "Worth Double.
Wo will close out all of the silks from
J. N. Stearns & Co., high grade silk manu
facturers. All of their silk remnants In
1U ynrd lengths, many of them to match,
ennbltng a lady to make a wnlst or skirt,
In peau do sole, taffotas, nrmures, gros
grains, etc.. worth from $1.00 to $1.60 ynrd,
nil go nt 69c yard.
All of our 76c dress goods In remnants
ranging from 2 to 6 yards, strictly all wool
cheviots, novelty suitings, silk nnd wool
mixtures, black fancy weave dress goods,
nil on front bargain suunrc at 15c yard,
Thousands of yards of ladles' cloth, dress
flannels, silk nnd wool mixtures, Imported
plain dress goods, henrlettns, cashmeres,
black nnd colored crepons, every yard
worth up to $1.00, on sale on bargain square
at 25c. yard.
Many of these high nrt dress goods rem
nants run In dress lengths, from thnt down
to 2 yards. In this lot you will find broad
cloths, storm and French serges, crepons,
black and colored suitings, silk nnd wool
Imported mixtures, all on snlo on bnrgaln
square nt 39c yard.
Remnants of pants cloth in plnlds,
strictly all wool, for boys' nnd men's suits,
In basement on bergnln square nt 10c
An Immense assortment of colored vel
vets and velveteens, nil colors, on salo at
2oc yard.
An lmmcnso assortment of taffetas, plain,
fancy, checked, plaid nnd striped, bro
caded silks, plain silks, etc., In longths
suitable for waists, trimmings, fancy work
nnd skirt lengths, on sale at 49c and 69c
Short samplo lengths of silk for fancy
work and trimmings go according to length
of remnant nt 25c, 10c and 6c per remnant.
Dress goods remnants that match In cre
pons, serges, nil tho weaves of black goods,
2 to 5 pieces that match, go on salo at 6c,
10c and 25c per piece.
All tho ribbons of the great purchase from
tho Putcrson, N. J., ribbon mills, go tomor
row nt 214c. 6c, nnd 10c ynrd.
MORROW. 100,000 yards of new cotton goods rem
nants on sale for tho first tlmo tomorrow.
Now lot of HQ-Inch French percale, worth
25c, In now light nnd dark patterns, go nt
10c yard.
40-Inch drapery swlss at 10c ynrd.
Now striped, checked and plaid white
goods, worth 26c, golat 10c yard.
Now Eddv silk and mercerized sateen,
worth 40c, in long mill remnants, go nt 15c
36-lnch wldo bleached muslin go at 2J4c yd
Unbleached musjln, good quality, 2c yd.
Indigo bluo nnd black and whlto prints
354c yard.
New ecllpso and Imitation French flannel
remnants 6V4c yard.
Polkn dot navy bluo dress duck 6c yard.
Host grado light and dark outing flnnnel
8J4c yard.
10c light outing flnnnel 5c yard.
Now Chambray gingham worth 12c, K0
nt 6ic yard.
N. H. Our great January salo of linens,
muslins and white goods now going on.
J. L. Brnndels & Sons, Props.
X. Seurnl In Fined Ttrenty-FI ve Dol
lar for Keening nn IIii
uleiin .Slu, ii.
N. Segal, who conducts n bakeshop at 116
North Eleventh street, wns fined $25 nnd
costs in polico court yesterday for vio
lating tho health ordinnnco by falling to
keep his placo clean nnd free of vermin.
Sanitary Officer Woolridgo, who mado tho
nrrest, offered In evidence a bottle In which
were several enormous specimens of cock
roach. These, tho officer testified, Infest
Segal's shop In great numbers, nnd with
tho rats and mlco which abound form a
happy family. Tho officer drew n vivid
word picture of tho filth In tho defendant's
Segnl gave notice of appeal. He says his
shop Is as clean ns any other In tho city
and that he Is bolng mado a scapegoat for
personal reasons.
Kedernl Authorities (io to I'lnttx
month for Alleged Comi
terfeller. J. O. Moore, deputy United States marshal,
wont to Plnttsmouth yesterday morning,
uccompanled by Cuptnln John Webb, secret
service officer, to nrrest Henjnmln Graves,"
who was aircBted by tho Cnss county au
thorities on chargo of passing counterfeit
money. Tho story of Grnves' nrrest as it
reaches tho Omaha authorities is to tho
effect that he mado counterfeit 5-cent
pieces, which ho Inserted in slot machines.
A merchant ot tho town identified Grnves
as tho person who hnd been using tho
false coin nnd charged him with the
offense. Ho admitted tho truth of tho
chnrgo and with tho merchant went to
tho depot, where, In n trunk checked for
tho east, ho had tho mold In which tho
coins were cast. His arrest followed.
Its I'rofiiRlon, nt Her Ae, Hns AhvnN
lleen ii Wonder.
Over SO years old, Queen Victoria yet has
luxurlnnt hair, which has for years been
n marvel. Tho court physician, following
Prof. Unna's discovery, hns treated her
Majesty's scalp with n germ destroying
preparation, which ho has nlways kept
Bccret. It Is now known, however, thnt tho
remedy for dandruff, tho germ destroying
element, Is cmboldcd In Nowbro's Herplclde.
tho only hair preparation on tho market that
does dostroy tho dandruff germ. Without
dandruff, hair will grow profusely and fall
ing hair will bo stopped, "Destroy tho
causo, you rcmovo tho effect."
CHANtill or TI.1I1C
Via IVnhasu Ilnllronil,
Commencing Sunday, December 30th
the "CONTINENTAL LIMITED" will leave
Chicago at 11:00 a. m. dally. NO EXCESS
POINTS. For all Information write Joseph
Teahon, traveling passenger agent, Omaha,
Sam'l Hums, 1318 Fnrnam, sells a por
celain dinner set, $4.75,
WOLFE Peter Joseph, oged DO. January
in, 1901. Funeral Jnnunry 11, nt 2 i, m..
from tho residence of his sister. Mrs, J
K Wlnslnile, Mi Dodge treat Inter
incut Forest Luwo.
ffi.oo .mh.n's wool, iwvra, i.r,o.
if7.f0 Von ii u Men' nnilllnj' l.nnit
I'nntM Sulti, 91!. ,10 Kneli.
Saturday we begin tho grandest clearing
salo of men's pants that have accumulated
from our men's suits that was ever held
In Omaha. Wc give you tho unrestricted
choice of the odd pants that have accumu
lated from our men's suits at $1.50,
And we give you choice of nny of our
men's odd pants that we have been selling
for up to $3.60, nt $1.60.
$7.50 HOYS' LOST. PANTS SUITS $2.50.
Saturday wo give you the choice of over
1,000 boys' and young men's long pants
suits, ranging In slics, ngo 12 to 19 years,
In worsteds, cnsslmcres, cheviots, etc., that
we havo been selling up to $7.50. at $2.60.
Wo will also havo a great clearing snlo
of all our small lots and odd lots of men's
suits nnd overcoats, Don't fall to ntttend
this sale Saturday, as It wilt pay you. See
them In our show window.
J. L. nrnndels & Sons, proprietors.
Hon. I.nfnj-ette Yoiiiik, Den .Molnen
Killtor, Wrltrn nn Hlniineiit
K.tltni Int.
The Iowa Dally Capital, tho leading after
noon paper of Des Moines, contains In n re
cent Issue nn Interesting editorial on Gen
eral Mtzhugh Loo, commander of tho De
partment of tho Missouri, In this city. Tho
cdltorlnl Is from the pen of Hon. Lnfayctto
Young, proprietor of tho Capital, and one
of Iowa's most prominent citizens. It
Much has been said In the newnpnpera
about General Fltzhugh l.ce" speech at St.
Louis. hen efforts havo been made to
auoto what the generul s.tlil, no mm him
been ublo to do It, for the speech lo which
tho public him had Its rtli'i-tlnn culled win
not tho speech mndo at the New England
dinner. At that dinner tJereral Lee n
tiponded to tho toast, Tho Army nnd
Navy." tiiuk ng n patriotic nnd historic a l
dress, referring to grout Moldlcrs nnd cam
paigns of history nnd paying an onthuln4
If Jrlbuto to the American milder from th
beginning of bin career through nil wars
down to the present. The other speech wni
mado nt llomittmn linfnrn lli.t Mo,-, .hunt V
exchange, which Is the SI. Louis nnmo fo.
inn ixmnt ot traite. tiencrnl Leo was i-i-rorted
to the cxehunpe by the members- of
the commltteo of the New England society
and was received with tumultuous ap
plause. There was not ii n porter present
when tho cenernl sntiko ami nnthlnir v,-r
got away from the meeting except by hear
say. Hp made some happy references in
the time when ho was n delegnte In the
Mimo hall assisting In the nomination of
Samuel J. Tllden. Toward the eloKe of hi
reninrKn no expressed nimseir In ravnr or
tho union forever nnd snld that wherever
the American Hag tloatcd It meant liberty.
Ho further said. In substance, that lie
thought the llnu wntllil lmvn In romnlii in
Cuba. His utterance was -o plain that t
wns startling, in private conversation tho
general explained that Ms utterance would
probubly bo misconstrued without further
explanation. Ho said that he wanted Pu
Cubans to have every opportunity to dem
onstrate their ability to fully govern thm
selves. He said the nation wad pledged to
thnt course und every pledge must bo kept.
1 lo also said there were many enpnble. k
and patriotic men In Cuba who would do
their best, but he feared that the perpetual
unrest which yeemcd to characterize that
people would prevent tho success of Imme
diate self-government. Mo .mill he shud
dered when he anticipated tho'l
tles that would still rest nnnn the American
government after ournrmlcH had been with
drawn, no tiinugni it would be much bet
ter for the Cubans If they would tolerate
American control n good while yet until
me pcopio generally una. n more inn
Hire Idea of what thev wanted nnd were
better fitted t'i do tho things that are re
quired to sustain n good government. The
general said he loved the Cuban people ns
ho could love no other people outHlde of the
1'nlted Stntes nnd that no felt that tho
Cuban peoplo loved him. In the early part
of the revolution they trusted him Implic
itly wnuo no nein tno position or consul in
Havana. Ho walked the streets of Havana
when his life was In dancer everv ml unto
because he wns known to be a Cuban sym-
Iiiiinizer, inereiore, no nam lie ieit mat -lie
was entitled to have his own opinions us to
what would best conserve tho welfare of
the native Cubans. Ho simplv expressed
tho deep-seated ilttxlety that fills tho heart
of every man wjlo personally knows any
thing of the Cubnn people. The general
wondered whnt would happen If the rights
of nn Englishman or German resident In
Cuba Woro Injured In case of n revolutl3ii
nnd tho loss of their property. He won
dered that If such thing happened the
English und German wnr vessels might not
nppeur In Hnvnnn harbor and remain th-ro
demanding reparation nnd restitution. He
said that the English were especially de
voted to tho protection of tho lives of h lr
own peoplo In other lands and with tho
trained thought of tho soldier nnd diplo
ma. General Lee called attention privately
to some of tho possible dangers to America,
ns well ns Cuba, In these oncoming cnmpll
cations. If Oenernl's sentiment nod
position wero correctly stated, ns ho fully
explained It to those who Inter In tho
day snt with him nt the banquet bonr-l,
thoro would be no occnslon for crltlclom
for his supposed utterances. His speech be
fore the merchants was a bold nnd bluff
defense of tho American union, nnd no pa
triot living could havo heard hlni wltho-it
throwing his hat nnd shouting for Old
Glory, (lencrnl Lee has promised to visit
Des Moines some time In the near future
and to bo nccompanled by his wlfo nnd
J. A. Lambert of Rachel, N. C, writes:
"I heartily endorso Foley's Kidney Cure
It does what you claim It will do, nnd thcro
Is nothing equal to It, and I thank you for
tho good It has dono me. Accept no sub
stitute. For sale by Myers-Dillon Drug
Co., Omnhn; Dillon's drug storo, South
The Amerleiin lleet Sunr ('nmpiiiiy
Isniie ContriietH for 11101.
Under tho provisions of this contract tho
grower is assured of a satisfactory price for
his crop. All beets testing 14 per cent or
less will be paid for at tho rate of $4. per
ton, 23 cents being paid for each per cent
of sugar above 14, fractions In proportion.
That Is, bcots testing 14.1 per cent being
$4.02-I. : 14.2, per cent $4.05; 15 por cent,
$4.25; 15.1 per cent. $I.27V4. An additional
0 cents will bo paid for all beets siloed.
Tho factory will pay frleght charges on
beets delivered by rail, thus placing tho
grower nt a dlstanco on n satisfactory
Parties having desirable land to rent for
tho growing of beets, send full Information.
Further information or blank contracts
can bo obtained by npplylng to tho ofllco of
tho American Meet Sugar Co., Norfolk,
AininiineeiuriitN of the 'I'henterm.
Iioyd'B theatpr will bo dark tonight, hut
tomorrow afternoon and evening "Tho Pris
oner of Zenda" will bo presented, to bo fol
lowed in two performances Sunday and ono
Monday by Its sequol, "Rupert of Hent
zau." It will bo a coincidence In tho an
nals of stago history, that In tho center
of tho continent such bookings should oc
cur and tho play bo followed by tho sequel.
Each Is presented by a distinct and sop
arnto company, Mr. Vaughn Olascr and
Miss Charlntto Tlttcll sustaining tho roles
In "Zonda," whllo tho over-popular young
actor. Howard Gould, will appear In the
title rolo of "Rupert of Hentznu."
Are You Prepared?
Wo havo been telling you about Lotus
Cream qultn frequently of late Are you
prepared for this kind of weather If not
do so by buying Lotus Cream. It's only
lOo bottlo and It keeps you face and hands
from chapping,
Crnmcr's Kidney' Cure 7o
Schnefer's Cough Cure jj,)C
Lotus Cream ine
Palno's Celery Compound ;jc
1 dozen 2-grnln Quinine Capsules ic
1 dozen 3. grain Quinine Cnpsules pic
1 dozen 6-graln Quinine Capsules iro
nromo Quinine isc
Wlno of Curd u I ;50
AJnx Tablets 400
Palinn Tablets 40c
Duffy's Malt Whiskey yt0
Pierce's Prescription ".to
Oznmulslon , 75"
Coltsfoot Expectorant t.'ic
Gem t'atnrrh Curo 2.-,r
Mlrney's Crturrh f'uro 33c
Carter's Liver Pills )5e
Stuart's Tablets 40c
Miles' Nervine Vdq
Ayer's Hair Vigor . ... - 73c
I. W. Cor. 10th and Chlvnuo bts.
Everj Mtn, Woman nnd Child in the Oitj
Should Be Deeply Interested.
IJver.r Drinr More In Omnhn Will IMn
enril Its Wlniln.M Today Mlth the
lliiiiilKonie I'onter I'libllobeil on
Illicit Ciller I'iikt of the
For moro thnti thirty years Amlcn Tooth
Soap has been the standard dentifrice und
for nearly that length of time, many of
Omaha's citizens who can boast of pearly
white, well preserved teeth, will testify to
Its use. It Is pleasant to the taste, gives
a delicious aroma to the breath and pro
serves tho teeth and gums almost Indefi
nitely. Tho chemist who discovered thla
wonderful dentifrice spent nearly n lifetime
In nttnlnlng protection. Every mother
should see, to It thnt her child begins the
use of Amlcn Tooth Soap early In life, for
by preserving the teeth you must feed
them nnd Amlcn Tooth Soap Is tho best
food for molars extant. It Is so harmless
that It can ho eaten without tho slightest
lnlury. Those who tise Arnica Tooth Soap
nro never troubled with cankerous soro
mouth or tongue. It Is the most healthful
and delicious tooth preparation known to
the world. So great Is Its popularity thnt
It Is known from one end of the earth to
the other and Is on snlo wherever civilized
peoplo reside.
C. II. Strong ft Co.. propretors, who sup
ply tho wholesale trade only, have agents
In all principal cities and In nil countries.
A box of this delicious dentifrice costs
but 25 cents nnd will Inst longer and do
better work than nny other. There Is noth
ing to spill out on your wnshstand or your
clothing, but, to tho contrary, cleanliness
Is In every way apparent. Tho drug stores
In the city of Omnha will, nearly every ono
of them, have Arnica Tooth Soap on snlo
today nnd hereafter, as in the past It
It should happen that your particular drug
gist docs not hnvo Arnica Tooth Soap, you
can easily be nuppllcd, either by calling on
some other druggist, or by sending tho
nnmo nnd nddress of your druggist on it
postal card to C. H. Strong & Co.
Wntch for tho placards In every drug
storo window.
Ami Flrit to Arrive,
Tho St. Louis CANNON HALL TRAIN, via
Omaha Union Station nt6:15 p. m. dally, ar
rives St. Louis, 7:00 a. m. All Information
nt city ticket office, li!5 Fnrnam St., (Pax-
ton Hotel bldg), or wrlto Hnrry E. Moores,
C. P. & T. A., Omnhn, Nch. 1
All who wish to get out of the awful con
dition produced by tho liquor nnd morphlno
habits can do so by being cured at the
Keolcy Institute, corner of Leavenworth
and Nineteenth streets, Omnhn.
Cough for Fun !
If you cough Just "for amusement." don't
will STOP THE FUN. Hut If you hnvo a
cough nnd want to GET HID OF IT, use
haven't FAITH or MONEY, usk for FREE
25c Carter's Little Liver Pills 15c
Apenta Water, bottle 15c and 25c
$ Hulb Fnmlly Syringe Wo
$1.') Periina, wo sell 750
$1.00 Plnkhiim'H Compound CJu
$1.50 Fellow's Syrup $i.)
Wc Wycth'H Phosphate Soda I(V
25c Malt Nutrtno 20c
60c Phillip's Digest Cocoa 4:'r
2.10 Lnxutlvo llromo Qulnliio Juc
Wc Dodd's Kidney Pills 40c
Eagle or SwIhb Condensed Milk 15e
$1.00 Wlno Cnrdul 73c
Sherman & McConnell Drug Go
New Storo S. W. Cor. ICth and Dodge.
New Prices,
New Cameras,
for New Year
Wo only carry photographic material
and havo tho largest assortment of
Kodaks and Cameras In the west.
All amateur supplies fresh, rellablo
and at lowest market prices.
Developing and printing dono by
first class workmen.
The Robert Dempster Co.,
1215 I'iiriiiiinStrcct.
Manv peopln arn troubled by perspiring
foot, the odor of which Is moat disagree
able nnd embarrassing to themselves and
their friends.
positively relieves tender feet and cures the
disease of swenty feet White Powder for
the body, dlsslmllatlng all odors pink pow
der for tender, odorous und perspiring
Not Only Relieves But Cures.
For salo by Myers-Dillon, flhermtn &
McConnell, and all druggists.
lis our t.iotto. Wo guarantee
lour work to bo tho very best.
' 1 ou can pay lugocr prices
. lAHU'lii'rn. but vnll riinmtl
get better work, no matter what you
Ifest Bet Teeth JS.M
Gold Crowns J5.00
Taft's Philadelphia Dental Rooms
1517 DoiiKlasSI.
irj I
es long
es you
live !5
know aldermen who wear Nebraska clothing. He may bo
a laborer wo know laborers who wear Nebraska cloth
ing. What does it signifiy? Their good judgment and
Nebraska clothing is good clothing it is
no idle speech when we claim that our clothing department
is pre-eminent in Omaha, and il is no idle boast to say that
it will continue so. Our plans and scope for it all are laid
on a wider, larger and better basis than ever before, which
makes it more than ever
Clothing Headqviart'rs
if you hoLve been paying too mvich for
your clothing, stop it. Mring $fi, $ti. $7. ?S, $., or $10 with
a7"'- " "
from $U to ?r better oil' than
Beware of
Thoro Is no organ In the body which h
Why not strengthen otir kidneys',' lor
properly that is required ot tnem.
Klilnev trouble Is one of the most dn
Thousands of persons die every year of s
enso und other quick-ending disorders, w
ungui s incense.
A fen- HVnuitoiiis of Kidney Trouble:
ness, Gradual Loss of Flesh and Dropslc
hire to I'rlnate, especially ut night.
These symptoms don't appear all nt on
you discover nny one ot tho ubovc, com
Cramer's Kidney Cure
tit once. You can havo a sample of this wonderful remedy sent you free of
chiirgc. ,3'heii you can test tho wonderful curative powers of this grent remedy.
Allow mo to express my slncerest gratutido to you for the good done mo by your
wonderful Kldnev Cure. For several months I had severe attacks ot paliii In my
back. Sometimes 1 wns. uiiablo to work a full day without resting myself. After
taking one bottle tho change It brought forth wus simply astonlshlnc. I use three,
bottles In nil nnd now consider myself p. well man. mill I say to my fellow sufferers,
Tako Cramer's Kidney Cure. It cured me nnd will euro you. W. W. KOt.LKR.
Asst. Munagcr Hxprcfcmncu'H Del Co.
I bellove that Crumer's Kidney Cure will never fall to effect a cure. If I could not
get It for less I would willingly pay $".( n bottlo for It. Home time ago tho doctors
told tno that niv kldneya were In u very bud condition nnd gave mo medicine, but
Instead of getting bettor I got worse. My sleep w:ih Impaired. I wns told bv a
friend who had used Cramer's Kidney I 'nre that It cured hlni. I bought n bottlo nnd
was delighted to notice the effect. Relief camu at oncn nnd I llrmlv hcllcvn that of
nil tho medicine I havo taken none did so much good as t'riimer'R Kidney Cure.
II. F. PKTIIIH, House Mover.
2Sth nnd Webster Streets.
If you cannot get Crnmir's Kidney Curo from your druggist, send $i.on to tho
"Western Agent Cramer Chemical Company. Omaha." who will send you a bottlo by
express, prepaid. InslHt on having Cramer's Kidney Cure. Tnko no substitute.
Send for freo sampliS to
Cramer Chemical Co., Albany, N. Y.
All tickets for California and Oregon aro Rood via Salt
Lake City and Denvor without extra charge.
Ordinury (Tourist) Excursions run eye y dny In tho yea
nd aro personally conducted overy Wednesday and every Friday.
Dotnlled Information ohoorfully furnished upan application.
New City Ticket Office,
Union Station I Oth
The greatest citizen is dependent for his home
comforts, and upon
The host coal mined in Wyoming Wc also sell Pennsylvania
host hard coal.
VICTOR WHITt, 1605 Farnam.
I ' it. all ICiilne)
Diseases. Hack
n'-)ic, ef. At Iriiif
if I sis. or by wall.
It Krro book, ill
ttce, etc., ot Dr, U. J. bura".Ca, N. V.
utjudjing men oymcir
out w st r d iiDDcaninco. You
may think his suit cost him
tfin.Ol), when a ft or a careful ox
iiiiiinalion you'll find our name
plato insitlo 1 ho coat collar.
Jlo may bo a banker wc know
bankers who wear Nebraska,
clothinjr. lie may bo a nior
chant wo know merchants
who wear Nebraska clothing.
He may be an alderman wo
M MV II wil (J Willi
if you went elsewhere.
ns so much work to do ns the kidneys.
wiicn tney nro strong tliey do tho work
iigerous diseases that people nro subject lo.
opposed nppolcxy, pneumonia, heart ills
hen In reality they are victims of chronic,
Kxtremo Wnkeftnncss, Distressing Nervous
ol Swelling, Fieklo Appetite, Frequent De-
ce. but they iKvclop gradually nnd wncn
nicnce inning
CIFIC KAlhKOAI) aro assured
that nil limunn Ingenuity hns
lieen adopted, to protect them
ngnlnst nccldnnt. Millions of
dollars lmvn been spent by the
Union Pacific Hnllroad Company
In Improvement of Its track and
equipment. I'IiIb lino Is renowned
for Its fnst trains and their ar
rival on time, and the general
superiority of Its service.
1324 Farnam St. Tel. 316.
and Marcy. Tel. 629.
Tel. 127.
".Mini wants but
little here below"
Said it morbid poot
long years uro,
I'm prone to doubt
t Ii tit anciu nt sane
When I look at The
Hue's great "Want
Ad" pago.