THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TIICHSDAY, JAXVAHY TO, 1001. SHOT DEAD BY HIS FRIEND B. A. Enbody FalU Victim Accident. lo man OLO, OLD STORY OF EMPTY PISTOL &kc (Jrimniimiii Sixteen Vrar Old, Tciiiiiiriirll- Held It' I'nllec, lull riietw MIhmv Acci dental KliontliiK, li S, Ing A. Knbody, n clock repairer, was show a rcvolvsr to Ills young friend, Ike Grossman. With tlio cnutlon Unit comes of loug expcrlcnco In tlio handling of fire arms, lio first looked nt the cylinder to sat isfy himself that nil tho chambers were empty, then passed It to Grossman, who, to test Its action, "snapped" It several times. There was n loud explosion, nnd Knbody, pressing his hands lo hU throat, reeled backward and exclaimed, "I am Bhotl" Ilo rushed out upon tho street, whero ho met his roommate, John Diner. Diner started lo lead him to a neighboring drug store, but b'eforo thoy hud gono a block En body fell upon the pavement, unablo to walk further. Ho was bleeding Internally from u wound In his throat. Tho police nmbillanco being called, Knbody was taken to tho stntlon. where In nbout ten minutes ho died. This fatal accident occurred nbout 8:45 n. m. yesterday In tno Bccomi-nnnu store 01 Meyer Orossman, u peddler, nt 1107 Douglas street. Tho storo had been "left temporarily n rimr-o nt i.u nn. iUi. win, Hnvs be Is 16 vnarH old. but who doesn't look to bo over 10. Since his arrival In tho city from West Hide, In., thrco weeks ago, Knbody hail made tho Grossman shop his headqunrtcrs, often engaging In thu barter of second-hand articles with Its proprietor, or repnlrlng clocks, firearms or gasollno stoves for him, n m ho was considered n handy innn with tools. Tlio To Wore Friend, Thcro was n cordial friendship between him nnd Grossman's son. Yesterday ho dropped In to show htm n quaint, old-fash ioned revolver ho had picked up at what ho considered u bargain. It Is one of thoso nntlquo rlmllro weapons, 32-cnllbcr, tho burrol of which turns upward on a hlngo nt tho point whero It connects with tho cylin der, permitting tho latter to bo detached. "Tho first thing ho did after ho cntno In,' said tho boy, "wns to tuko out tho cylla- dcr to sco that thcro wero no loads In It. I saw hltn hold It to tho light and look through tho chambers. I didn't look through them myself, but when I saw him do It I supposed of coursa ho hnd nettled thnt point, so didn't think any moro about It, nud when ho passed It to mu I began snapping tho hummer down upon tho chain bers to Beo if it was In working order. I wns surprised and horrified when I heard the report nnd saw, him fall backward and tny bo was shot. I couldn't bellovu ho was shot nt first, as I couldn't sco nny blood." Knbody, who wns unmarried, appears to liavo been nbout 40 yenrB oldN In his pocket wero found two letters, ono from Wabash, Ind., and tho other from West Side, In. The ono from Wabash addresses him as "Dear uncle," and Is signed C. K. Heed, 227 North Spring street, Wabash, I ml. Tho other, written on n letterhead of Fritz Kvcr's sa loon, West Side, la., Is from ono John Schmidt, and acknowledges the receipt of two Christmas presents from Knbody, n cigar holder and n plpo. Tho bedy Is now In tho hnnds of tho coroner, who will hold nn Inquest upon It today. Tho boy Is being held nt tho pollco station. Thu police aro satisfied that tho Khontlng wag purely accidental, but think It ndvltlablo to hold young Gross man until after tho Inquest. Diner, Knbody s roommate, sayH tho dc ceased spoko soveral times to him nftcr tho Accident, mil soiu nouung mat woum lean mm to uviiuo uieru wua iuuiicu lu mo shooting. LOUISA METZ IS 'A BRIDE Ilri'oiui'N (lie Kuiiok AVIf of Arthur Curl of lllooiuln.'ctoii, IIIIiiuIn. Arthur Carl Funck of Uloomltigton, 111 and Mls3 Louisa C. Matz, daughter of Fred Motr, sr., of this city, wero married at fi o'clock Wednesday nt tho homo of tho bride, 2556 Harney street, Hov. Thomas J Mackay performing tho ceremony. Tho rooms wero beautifully decorated in pink nnd white. Tho company comprised nbout twenty-flvo persons, and was limited to tho lmmcdlnto relatives of tho brldu and Broom Tho ceremony was followed by n dinner, nfter which Mr. nnd Mrs. Funck departed on tho 7:45 trnln for Chicago. Thcnco they will mako a trip throughout tho south nnd will return In u week or ten iiys to llloom lngton, which will bo their futuro honip. Too brldo Is popular among n large circle of friends In Omahii. Sho was educated nt Sacrnl Heart convent of this city. Alter tno weiiuing ceremony hov. .Mncitny baptised two Infants nt tho Mctz home, Francis Mctz nnd Kdnu Lenman. I'ujliio iiiNtiiiiutioii ,r or Tho RjtullcB of tlio Grand An tepubrin held a publlo liiHtnllatli MlleiTM. Arinv of tlio Hepubftn Held a publlo liiHtnllatliiii of ulll enrs unit reception last night. Mr. Agues llnzn whh lit churgo of thu Installation, uiiur wuu ii u mi'iary program wns givou JTesiuoni mini i i.yons mntin n nrii-r ml dress. Solos wero Slum by Misses Ceclln 121 llott and Hesslo KilwiirdH nnd there wero reiidliiKH by Henry Horraii und Mrs. C. Klllott. itoCrrflhmentH woro served ut tho close of tho urogram. The now olllccrs of tho organization aro ns follows: Mrs. Clara H. Lyons. tireHldent: Mrs. Ollvn Garton und Mrs. Cnrrlo Garllck, vice presldeiitH; Miss Hoso Horriin, treas urer; Mrs. Agnes Huzn, secretary; Mrs: Soiihta Itawitzer. chaplain: Mrs. Inez Ynr- ton, conductor; Mrs. Flora Lenr, usslstnnt conductor: Mrs. amy iinteKin, guuru; Mrs. amry iieuinnoy, iisstsiuni gunru. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature it Am i'ac-Sltnllt Wrapper Betow. Yry snail ana aa aaay to take s aagax. FOR HEA1ACHL FOR DIZZINESS. i-i-ri r uuii iiuuuanti. IVFR FOR TORPID LIVER'. PlLLS. TQ C0NITIPATIIR. rUH tALLUW R1B. F0RTHEC0MPLEXIOI . ounnmi mttianiATvii, I USSm I rarely VtciXtAv&SC ' 1111 1 J.I 1 ' v y AMUSEMENTS. - f "A l.ndy if UunlH)" A drama In live hcIk, by Frances Hodgson Hurnctt nnd Stephen Townyend, presented nt Hoyd's theater Wednesday afternoon and evening by Eugenie Ulalr nnd com pany. THE CAST. Sir John Oxon James Carew Duke of Osmotide C. Harry llobettson Sir Christopher Crowell Percy Cooko Chaplain to Lord Twemtow ......Frederick Uackus Sir Oeoffrey Wllditlrs Charles F. Keune Hurl Iuustnnwold Frederick Kills Dufl Lord Humphrey Wnre Edmnnd Mtilkay,1 r-lif,H.u f.,tt.'l.inn Willi Lord Kldcrshaw .Charles Douglass J01-1.1, rwemiou'.... Menry Morgan SftViV ," K nS. nick Hurdv .'. '.Franklin iMwell Jenfcr Wllllnm I'roctor uregiry...... .(.mines Mtuncy .iniiu iinuuiin ...iv it ill. 'I iim hi: nan J I. I.ndy Hetty Tnntllllon Elennoro Mnntrli In MISttf.M Wlnpole. .Corn Wells Clorliula Wllilnlrs ..Hugenlo lllalr A worm welcome always awaits Kugenlo IJlnlr when sho visits Omaha. This season has proven an exception to tho rule only In tho rcmnrknblo warmth of that aforc mentioned welcome. It wns Indicated by tho women who predominated at Miss lllalr'H opening performance a matinee Wednesday afternoon and wns taken tip Jointly by tho man and women who filled tho big theater to overflowing Inst night. I.lttlo can bo unit! of Miss lllalr'H ca pability In tho leading rolo of "A Lady of Quality." So general Is tho opinion of her supcrlatlvo excellence that Additional praise wcro manifestly unnecessary. Sufllce It to ar "'ai "iitir snows improvement ovur hcr former efforts, and that Is saying n great deal. Somehow she seems to bring out tho finer, tho more dellcntc, tho more womanly qualities of Clarlmln Wlldalrs, tho woman, which contrast nnd condono lomcwhat tho fnults of Clo Wlldalrs, tho shrew, tho hoyden, tho untamed girl. With n subtlety that is Irresistible sho makes tho character appeal to one, even though ho bo determined to find no good In tho wo. man becutiso of tho fatal step of thu girl Sho Invests CInrlnda Wlldnlrs with n won- ueriui personality, attractive and com mendable, and It Is, indeed, n hard-hearted one who would think other than Hint alio was moro sinned against than sinning. It Is, however, of Miss lllalr that kind words must bo spoken, ,for her vehlclo Is encumbered with many llawa. To dlsputo Its popularity would bo to deny tho sun, but, novortholess, Miss HInlr's friends bo- llevo that tho future holds greater thlngu 1,1 8toro for llcr t,mn "ooo sho has already accompnsiicu. wiin n good play nnd n capable company Miss Ulnlr will shlno with a brilliancy surpassed by few. Tlio play Is put on with an adequate scenic Investiture, tho sceno of tho roso garden being ono of tho prettiest Imagin able. Hut when ono hits snohoii hlchlv of Miss lllalr and of tho stagecraft acces sories tiioro Is little moro to bo said. Hcr support, wuiio in n mcasuro adequate is by no means what It should bo In order to mako n perfectly harmonious cast. Mr. Jnmos Carew would perhaps bo a good enough John Oxon woro comparisons not mado with William Urnmwell, tho John Oxon of laBt year. Percy Corko nnd Klennoro Montoll give nccurato portrayal or tno common conception of Sir Chris- topher Corvell nnd Lndj Dotty Tantllllon nnd aro deserving of especial credit. Miss Dlalr's engagement will close with "Carmen" tonight. DEATH RECORD AiiiciiNt Alloii of Cliiiiulicrliilii. CHAMBEItLAIN, S. D., Jan. 9. (Special.) -Augustus Allen, who for many years bns been conducting n general ntoro on tho prnlrlo about fourteen miles northeast of tills place, was found dead nn n nnfn with ono hand clenched over tho heart nnd tho otlicr lying by Ills side, with a partially consumed uottlo of moillrlim nn n nn.irl.v counter. Allen was alono In tho hmiw. . ... having been divorced from his wlfo nbout a year ngo. Doth ho nnd his wlfo hnd re. sided In Itbncn, Mich., whero tho deceased has several brothers and sisters. An Inquest determined that tho deceased cnmci to bis death from heart failure AVI 1 1 In in iiimvc nf liiuniiolilt. HUMIIOLDT, Neb., Jan. U. (Special.) William Howe, .i well-known resident of this plnco for tho last twenty-flvo years, died nt his homo north of town yester- duy. Ho Was born in London, Knglond, In April, 1830, nnd enmo to this country when qulto young. For a tlmo ho lived at Law- ronce, N. Y to which plnco tho body will bo taUcu for Interment. Ilo leaves n wife and two grown sons, Lon H. and H. W. Howe, who nro nt present engaged In tho drug business In this city. Mm, Antlri-iv Whitn of l.yonx. LYONS, Neb., Jan. 9. (Special.) Saruh. tho wlfo of Androw J. White, died nt hcr homo south of this city lust cvcnlnir. nfter n fow days Illness with typhoid-pneumonia, aged 45. Mrs. White leavoa besides her bus- hand, four children, who aro Hov. Georgo L. of McCook, Frank of Chicago, nnd Harry and Miss Grace of this city. Funeral fjorv- lecs will bo held tomorrow afternoon nt 2 o clock. .Mm. Ilnrtz of llniulioldt. HUMUOLuT, Neb., Jan. 9. (Special.)- Mrs. Hartz, nn nged woman, who was taken from hero to Qulncy, 111., two weeks ago .i inpn,i in Mm norm Mnii,n,iin. n V V , . fop Abc'1 ana infirm People, has died of dropsy, so her relatives hero nro Informod. bho leaves considerable nronertv hum hlch, It Is claimed, sho willed to tho homo prior to hcr demise. C.'oiiKrenNiiuui Krnnk G, ClurKe, I'BTKKUOItO, N. II. Jan. 9.-Congress- man Frank G. Clarko died at his homo to night. Death was caused by quick con sumption. Mr. CInrko had been u candi date for United States senator to succeed Mr. Chandler, but withdrew a fow days ago. Mrx. Ildimril Snolinilii of l'lnt (xinoiitli. 1'LATTS.MOUTII, Neb., Jan. 9. (Special.) Mrs. Edward Swoboda, 85 years ot age. died at tbo homo of hor son In this city yesterday. Tho funeral services will bo bold lu the Bohemian Catholic church tomorrow. Deceased has resided In thU city for tuanj' years. Allen 13. Iloueetle. CAMnUIDGK, Mass., Jan, 9. Allen E. Doucctto of tho Harvard university football team of 1897 and one ot tbo famous, foot ball centers of tbo country, died nt his homo hero Monday of typhoid fever. Ho was 2S years old. Mason t.Vntury Oil, CHICAGO, Jan. 9. John II. Lalng. bo. Iloved to havo been tho oldest Krco Mason In tho United Stntes, died hero today, aged 100. Lnlng joined tbo order in Scot land In 1820. HYMENEAL I'ee-t'oiiroy, DEMSON, la., Jan. 9. (Special.) Tho wedding of Mr. Prank Feo of Donlson and Miss Margaret Conroy of Arlon took place hero Tuesday morning. Miss Conroy U well known nnd popular In this vicinity. Mr. Feo Is n contractor. IllUlllU-Vim Uochimi. ATCHISON, Kan.. Jnn. a. Miss Lucy Van 1 Iloeeen und Sbcllleld lugnlls, youngest son ot tho late ox-banator Ingalls, wero mar ried tonight at Trinity Episcopal church In this city. MYSTERIOUS STRANGER DIES Hnriledly Token to Imrranuel Hospital in a Itsck. DESERTED AT DEPOT BY HIS FRIENDS Item-lies lluspltnl In IIjIiik Cimdltloii mill I, Inner (Inly u Miort While o-Vlcllin I'nnlile to MnUc Cipluiiut Inn.. "Tho Mystery of Hack No. 4" would bo an appropriate title for n story, tho Incl dents of which occurred Tuesday afternoon and evening and In which figured Krcd Trutloman, hack driver, and thrco Strang nnn ,,, ,..i,nm u nnw ilrnrt. About 1:30 .. ... , . .. , tho afternoon Trutlcman, who was stand Ing by his hack In front of tho Hurlington depot, wns approached by two men, who said thcywnntcd him to tako "their friend" to tho Immanucl hospital. He was very ill, they said, and Trutlcman would htfvo to help them lift him Into tho vehicle. Ar rangements hud been mado at tho hospital for his rccentlon. Tho sick man wna u wealthy grain buyer from Albion, Nob. After tho Invnlld had been lifted Into tho hack tlio two men who had negotiated for his transportation dropped out of sight and Trutlcman drove away. At tho hospital Trutlcman wnB surprised to learn that tho arrival of his passenger had been wholly unexpected. No arrange mcnts had been mado for his reception. Ho wan still further surprised to learn that tho sick man hair no money and was unablo to pay his hack bill. In li Dj iiiK Condition As tho man was evidently lu a dying condition, however, tho Institution con scnted to tako him lu, and ho was given tho best medical attention. The housn surgeon found him to be suffering from Ilright's disease, uud thcro was also evi dence) of an affection of tho heart. Ho wns suffering great pain. Terribly bloated und scarcely nblo to speak, ha managed to mumhlo n fow words In (lermnn, but ns no on B,t.lho 1snl,a nl " tlmo. B,(e a?r' man his talk was for tho most part unln telllglble. Ho tried to spenk his narao and to tell whero he was from. Tho namo sounded llko Kochuy Julius Hochuy. Not satisfied that they had understood tho nnma correctly, the attendants asked him to spell It, when ho attempted to do, but without making It any, moro distinct. Ho spoke tho namo of tho town, "Ord," however, qulto clearly, and It is believed that his homo wns there. At 11 o'clock the patient died, Officer Fleming, who Is on duty at tho Ilurllngton depot, remembers speaking with tho two men who wero lu charge of tho Invnlld, and Is qulto posltlvo they snld ho wns from Albion, Neb. Ho snys the men were strangers to hltn. Tho body wns taken to tho undertaking rooms of tno coroner, who will probably hold nn Inquest upon It today or tomorrow Thero Is little doubt expressed but that tho deceased died a natural death South Omaha Nows . The combination charter, tho result of tho labors of tho council, Commercial club and citizens' committees Is now being typo written nnd will most likely bo taken to Lincoln today. Whllo many of tho features of tho old charter have been allowed to remain as they wero or accepted with slight amendments, numerous changes have been mado with a vlow tosecurlng n char ter far tho nocda of South Omaha. In tho first place, tho charter Is framed to control cities having over 25,000 pcopl nn Icss l'lnn "M- Tllls provision makes 11 80lcl n.souiu umann dinner. ciiy is uivuieu 11110 ai warns 4,000 people each and six councllmen aro to bo elcclcd at ln;o. Two members of tno council aro to bo oicclcu nt tlio lirst an UUiU election nnd four at tho second, ench member to servo tor a term or two years There will bo ono assessor for county pur. poses Instead of four, as nt present. Tho new officers to bo elected nra n city nttor ncy, tux commissioner and water commls eloner. In order to avoid any squabbl nbout tho selection of a president of th council provision Is mnde for tho, election W ballot of n president nt tho first meeting P' tno now council, isvery city oiuciui win required to glvo a band in n surety nnd fidelity company, tho premiums to be paid oy tho city. Provision for tho removal of ofllcluls hvhother nppolntcd or elective, is made by tha llllng of petitions with tho district Judges. Any thrco councllmen may (Ilo charges against tho mayor, whllo tho mayor and nny thrco members of tho conn ell may prefer charges against any otllcla Further than this, tiny soveu freeholders may, by signing tlio proper petition, fll churges ngulust any ofllclal. VnonlliiK Htra-ctx or aUcjm. In tho caso of vacating streets or nlleys threo appraisers shall be appointed by the council to valuo tho property to bo vacated by considering the vUluatlon of abutting property. In caso tho valuation returned by tho nppralsers docs not meet with tho approval of tho council tho appraisement may bo rejected nnd proceedings com menced nnew A salary Is provided for tho city treas n f.,o i i,-. ..ii.. ""-a . " balances will bo turned Into tho treasury. Tho title of tho city prosecutor Is chnuged to assistant city nttornoy. No work Is to bo performed or material costing over $200 Is to bo ordered or pur chased without advertising. ln order to assist tho street commis sioner In maintaining good sldownlks po- llccmcn will bo required to report dally nny defects In tho walks on their beats. Tho tnx commissioner will mako tho val uation for city purposes only. Further, tho tax commissioner will mako out tho tnx list and deliver It to tho city treas urer. Ho will also mnko out tho dcltn quent tnx list for tho county treasurer and perform such other dutlas as tho council may by ordlnauqe provide, A board of revlow, composed of tho tax commissioner nnd two freeholders, tho lat ter to bo appointed by tho mayor ond con firmed by tho council, Is provided for to rovlew tho assessment. After this review tho council will sit as a hoard of equal I zn tlon. In vrMlKut Ion nf Accldcntx. In caso ot accidents tho strcot commls sloner Is required to mako nn Immedlato Investigation and report In writing all tho facts to tho city attorney. No Inspector, with iho posslblo exception of tho sanitary Inspector, Is to receive moro than $600 a year, and this sum la to bo paid out nf tho fees collected, In connection with tho building ot via ducU the provision In tho Omaha charter has been copied. To tho section copied liai been added n provision empowering tho council to order tho construction ot viaducts from streets ncrons tracks to prlvnto prop erty. If this section passed tho legUlnturo tho council will hnvo nuthorlty to order a vladuot across N or O streets, with tbo western terminus on railroad or stock yards property, l'rovlslon Is mado for tho Issuing of cer tlficatcs of Indebtedness nt a rato ot Inter est not to exceed C per cent, In anticipation of tlM collection of taxes to an amount not to exceed 90 per cent of tho tax lovy for the current year. In this connection It Is directed that nn estimate bo mndo by the mayor and council of tho probable amount of mouy necessary for tbo ensuing two months. Thus certificates tan be Issued for only two months nt n time, it Is stat.'d that this certificate system Is In vogue In nearly every city In Ohio nud also In S;. Paul" Those who favor this plan asstrt that when money Is plenty such certificates can be floated for 3 per cent, lly using this system tho Interest wing paid by tho city will be reduced fully ono-hnlf. Interest on tho clt-s warrants li reduced from 7 to 6 per cent. A saving li contemplated In the mntUr of city printing. Ordinances, notices, etc., will bo paid for nt the rate of 30 rents per quaro for the first Insertion and ID cents per square for each subsequent Insertion. At tho present time the city Is paying 25 cnts per square for each lnertlon. In ad dition to tho publication of notices ;v null tin board will be placed In the clerk s office, whero copies of all ordinances and notices will be posted while tho same aro being ad vcrtlsed. No ordinance shall 1o passed tho samo day It Is Introduced and no ordinance grnnt Ing n franchise, or rqnowing any franchise, shnll bo passed for at least one Week, and not then unless the ordinance provides nn annuity to bo paid to the city. In ranethli section Is adopted It will put a stop to the railroading through of franchise und otlicr ordinances Tlio council may, under the provisions of this new charter, Issue bonds for tho payltifi of tho cost of Intersection Improvements. Hcrctoforo such bonds had lo be voted on by tho people. Tho Idea Is to save tho ex pernio of special election. Ill the matter of Improvements petitions signed by a majority of tho property own crs will bo accepted Instead of three-fifths, us now. Hlds will he received up to tho tlmo of opening nnd bidders may attend tho open Ing and present their bids at tho time specified, Inslcnd of filing them with tho clerk. Mil work on tho streets, etc.. nnd by vlr tun of any contracts shall bo performed by union lnbor. Wages to bo not less than $2 a day and eight hours to constitute a dny's work. Whero skilled labor Is em ployed tho union scnlo must bo paid. All laborers will bo given tlmochccks each Saturday, which tho- city treasurer will cash upon presentation. Sale- of City lloinl. All bonds of tho city In excess of J 10.000 ore to bo sold, after advertising tho samo in ,uuu ui mu i.ii6 uuiijr impcm puuiiMiiiai i in Douglas county. liomiM for less tlian J 10,000 may be sold nt public auction utter thrco dnys' advertising. Provision Is mndo for the reassessment of general nnd special tnxes in cases whero errors or omissions havo been mado In the assessment of tho original tax. This fcaturo will, If passed,- permit the reassess ment of tho Twenty-fourth street paving tnx nnd other Improvement districts which havo been declared Illegal by tho courts All committees of tho council must re port on matters referred within thirty dnys. This Is for tho purpose of preventing chairmen of committees from carrying re ports around lu their pockets from ono month's end to tho other. Assessments against realty may be mado for thu removal of garbage nnd night soil, Tho levy has been nrrnnged ns follows I-or general purposes, not exceeding 15 mills; flro department, 5 mills; pollco dc pnrtment. 7 millsr publlo lights, 5V& mills; rental of flro hydrnntB, GiS mills; sinking nnd interest fund, 8 mills; mnlntenunco'ot public llbrory, mill: Judgment, 2 mills; repairing paved streets, 1 mill; parks, $ mill. Under no circumstances can tho low exceed f0 mills In nny ono year. According to tho provisions of this chnr lor tho present officers will hold over nud servo out tholr unexpired terms. , i Hero Is a list of paj&rles provided by tho now chnrtcr: Mayor.1,500; treasurer, 2,- .,u ,f V.10 ''"J1,80 keeping her on tho door 000: deputy treasurer ' b00: c ork, n.00: ? X 'iM'J" f '"umor"- ruoputy cicrK, ?ttoo; engineer, ?1,200; pollco Judge, $1,000; chief of pollco, $1,200; police men, $720; chcf of fire department, $1,200; flremun, $720; nttornoy, $1,500; assistant nt- tornoy, $900; tax commissioner, $1,500; councllmen, $G00. HoMiilliil Churl ly Hull, Although tho South Omaha Hospital as sociation is in n llrst-clnss financial condi tion, It has been decided to hold n charity ball tho latter part of this month. It Is expected thnt tho F,x.clmngo dining hall will bo secured for tho purpose and as toon ns tho arrangements for tho hall aro mndo tho dajo will bo announced. According to tho report of tho trensurer of tho Institution. thero is now n balance ln tho treasury of ?n. Officers for tho ensuing year havo been chosen ns follows: Mrs. 1). L. Holmes, president; Mrs. J. M. Tanner, first vlco president; Mtb. W. S. Dabcock, second vlco president; Mrs. C. L. Talbot, secretary; Miss Madolln Pollnrd, treasurer. Ollleern Itinlnlleil Upchurch lodge No. 2. Degree of Honor, Mary Lempko, usher: Mrs. ISUa Hoffman, Insldo wntch; Mrs. Thomns Whalen, outsldo wntch; Miss lreno Ilchmko, musician; Drs. bialmugh, Ucrry and McCrann, mcdlcnl ox amlncrs. fieri; SIirlKlcy'x lleiiorl. City Clerk Shrlclev lias lirennrnil n vnnnrt showing tho balances In tho vnrlous funds nn Tiiimnrv 1 1101 f ,i. innn on Ja i wy 1, 1901. Amount of .tho 1900 lovy. $10.',92.5-I; amount drawn to January : .. ... . ' 1, $7-1,158.83. Theso aro tho balances: In- XJ'i ',0l,C0:?2' t-i i'fivi niiit fiiiui, nuiui', ft,uit, engineer, $035; general, $3,820; street ro pair, $197; park, $l,KtS; water, $1,310; spe cial ncenso tax, $10S. IMiikIi; lily ;ikIii. Icq euttlnir commenceil nt Sovmnnr litm yesterday. A sale of blooded stock wns held ntltho stock yards yesterday. MembcrB of the paid flro department) aro nrrnnglng for un niinual ball. , Tlio funeral of Mrs. Mary Corr will bo neiii nt Ht. Agnes- cnurcn Kriiiny morning. Armours plant hero was clojed ml day yesuTiniy on nccouui ot mo tuttcrni ov 1', D. Armour. Mull Curriers Mnrtln nnd Mnnirnn hfiwn received their new mall delivery wagons from tho fnctory. P. J, Hnrrett fell down tho stairway r,t tho Singer block Tuesduy nud broko two tlngera on his left hand. Flro ilnmii:rrd tho resldcnrn nt Vllllnm Ainugold, Twcnty-sixtli nnd O streets, to mo extent or fiu yesterany. KvnncellHt Jamison delivered nn lntnrot Ing lecture on "Heal Wealth" at tho I'm- uyicrmn cnurcn inst evening, Chief Mitchell Is nrennrlncr to ro to f!hl cago to bring back Frank Htcgt-miin, who Is wanted for hooting J. J. Mnly. Tho Ladles' elrcln of tho Mnthnriixr inirn;i will hold a business sti-Mien at tho homo d Mrs. Shields. Twenty-second nnd M streets, 'inursday uftcrnoon. Aililltlounl liimii'iiiiee Wiiuted. Ill tho caso of tho First National bank nguinsi mo uast uninim uox company I;. Xabrisklc. tho receiver, has lllod nn In. ventory. recommending Unit provisions bo niiiuo mr lecuriiig uuiiiuonai inairancc in tho mini of $10,000 on tho building mid tho machinery of tho company. Thero Is now $H.tK) lusitranco on tho nroncrtv. neennllni to tho report, but tho most of this lu on tho merchandise. The receiver has rented tho nlant to the Omaha Ilox eomiinnv rm $M a month pending u snttteinent of tho suits tna i navo nren ncgun, .Miirrlnxr LIcciinim. Tho following licenses to wed wero Issttod at tho oftlco cf tho coynty Judgo yesterday; Numo nnd Ilesldence. Ago. Alfred Wuhlstrnui. Omaliu ,,,, 43 Augusta Carlson, Omiilia.,,, 30 Pell Franklin. Onnha , (, 57 Pell Frnnklln. Om-vha Sarah Hemphill. Omaha ; ol?i" 1;3;,IM,,,;,c'k',P"mlia Delhi Chiindlfr. Omalm John Albert 1. Dttncn.-i, Itnndnlph, la 35 Estclla Needham, ItmiUolpli, lu, 20 has Installed tho following oHlcers to sorvo several days, left yesterday morning lor proVo' the conditions of tho retail Implement for tho coming year: Mrs Catherine Ca- rH. j. u. lAtUts o( Vnnlon, j. trade. . hill, I. C. of H.; Mm. Alice Sullivan, C. c Gogglns nnd II. F. Hyer of IIiistlngH, J. ..,.-r f...- i...,.i......... m.. of II.; Mrs. Mary Cahlll, recorder; Mrs. F. Cain of Ilubburd. K M. F. Lennng of . , "7'lr MVnil LV,V. V. n,,' Nolllo Nag.e.; Mrs. Magg.o Wha- Jfnn J", MV. "irS :!:,r;r,i!chY,n' len, receiver; Mrs. Llzzlo Dlckard, I. of r7c'"J; " l' "'J , "V ' ,,, :.i., tertnlned tho d.iegutes to tho Implement II.; Miss Cntherlno Desmond. C. of C: Mrs. il?W,.L ' ..'..V..1.? .VlrU,l.t" J.? U dealers' convention ut tho Commercial club SIXTY DIRECTORS ELECTED Considerable Interest in Annual Election of I Commercial Olnb. HONORS EASY FOR NEW WHOLESALE MEN l! of llu Nimv .tiililitnu Mould Ultrn n ltriroriilntl on tlio llonril mill unu' Old 1)1. I'ectorn Lett Out. Considerable Interest wns shown in the niinunl election of tho Commercial club yes- ter,iny, tho vote polled being the heaviest In several yenrs. Sixty directors were elected, tho choice being made from a ticket containing 133 nominations. Tho sixty receiving tho highest number of votes wero elected. J. F. Carpenter received moro votes than any other candidate, with Chnrles H. Pickens a very close second nnd Kuclltl Mnrtln n good third. 1). It. Fuller of tho Ilynie-Hammcr Dry Goods company, Frank Martin of tho Mar- tlu-Cott lint company and N. A. Sples- bergcr of the N. A. Splesberger & Son com pany, all new men In tho Jobbing trndo of Omaha, wero honored with plnccs on tho board. There wero soino surprises In tho election furnished by tho defeat of several members of tho old board, who also served on tho executive committee. ri'i'Miiniii'lMif tin- llonril. Tho sixty members of tho new board will bo: H. M. Andrcoson, Alfred Millard. K. a. McUlltoli, Frank Martin. F.ilclld Martin, Charles Mctz, Homo Miller, Charli-8 11, Pickiiis, II. J. Pcnrold, W. S. l'oppleton, 11. C. Peters. II. K. Palmer, C. G. Fcnrse, Georgo M. Uibbell, .1. II. Itnhm, Floyd M. Smith, N. A. Splesberger, V. 13. Sanborn, John Steel, .1. A. Sutherland, II. G. Strelght, t 1. Thomp.-ion, W. W. Cmstod.N A. J. Vlerllng. W. S. Wrlitht. Kdgur Allen, K. 13. Andrews; C. C. lleldcn, H. U. llruee. J. H. llaum, II. J. Iturkett. W. 11. Honnott, O. 13. Hcdwoll, J. F. Ciirnenter. victor Cu dwell. A. 11. ConiHtock, i. n. ljumout. It. J. DllllllML-. Gould C. Dlctz. Daniel 1). Fuller. j nomas a. its: i. . . iieorge, C. S. Hay ward, r. IIOSIIO. Thomas IlliKitrlek i iuirieH 'I . JvoUtllZO, J'"iii . i mix, W. .1. ( Kfiiyon. t F. Weller. O. D. Klpllngor. II. H. Wollur. v.. J. i.iiuiHt'y. r. wiinoim, l.. joomiH, ,i, a. wnito. M. Lew. W. 1.. Vi.lti!!-. 13. V. luwis, o. 13. Yost. Tho new board of directors will meet within n week or ten dnys und elect from Its own membership nn oxccutlvo com- mltteo of twenty-five, which has tho lm- mediate manngomcnt of tho affairs of the club. Do Itlulit mill IVni- .Vol, A. J. Silvern Is of tho opinion that ho would not be doing right by his family If ho did not keep n bottlo of Chamberlain's Cough Hemcdy In tho house. "I never feel alarmed when I hear my little boy cough," ho says, "since I discovered -what a wonder ful medicine It Is for the euro of coughs, colds nnd croup In children. I havo used It frequently myself, too, and It never falls to cure. Mr. Silvern is n well known citizen of Uuff nay, Jomulca, Wost India Islands. This remedy Is for calo by nil druggists. She In Tired of the Vokr. Minnie Sowios has commenced "tilt nmiiust Chorion Sowies. alleulni; nvtrenn. "cruelty. Tho couple wero married at llcll- vl le. linn.. October Lu. isns. on May 1. inOO. Sowies Is charged with liming thrown inn iiHiniinL wit, 11,111 ui iuu luitui ine' w-ero occupying, and having locked hcr 1.1 t,.. ......1.... ,1... .....II .. ........ ., lug Victim of AiM-iiitlc ItlN. Kntlo Hoon. 11-year-old dnuuhter of Huch F. lloon, S77 North Twenty-seventh nvenuo. died Wednesday morning nt St. Joseph'H Hospital as tno result oi nn operation for appendicitis, The funeral will be held from tno rcHiueitco iTHliiy nrternoon nt l o elocK, interment in f orest i.uwn cemetery. Tim following nermlts have 'been-. Issued bv tho cltv Inspector of pullillups: It. 13 Patrick. 2511 South Ninth, frnme dwelling. i-'M): II. A. Martin. 2222 liurd. rooairs to trame store building, $r00; John Smith, 3520 Hamilton, frame burn, $.V0, PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. GcorKO W. Snnrks of Marshall, Mo Is In tho city. F. M. Schumacher of San Francisco Is ut tho Millard. Mr. nnd Mrs. John JInrloy of Yuma. Colo.. nro guests or tno .MercimniN, Mr. uud Mrs. G. Wldell of Mankuto. Minn., nre visiting in uniana J. C. Ilarnhatn ii loaning iiiiHiiiess mail and president of V ... ""IR,-t,uu ol I.'IICOUI, in 111 lllll Vll). Ulshnp .Llnehan of Cheyenne, who Iuih been tho guest of lllshnp Bciinnoll for Co., htH resigned Ills position with that Ilrm to become n partner in tno western Utiyers ussoiiutlon, tlio gencrnl liead (Itiarters of which nro lu this city. 8. H. Co ukh and H, T. Ford of filer tig. J. lluudlck of Norfolk, Paul Hcrpolshelmcr or Hewnru, v. u. hosh ot i-nirniont, .i. r. llnrnham of Lincoln. J. A. Wachtor of I'en- der nnd Tom Itolllns of Wnkellold nro stutu , , rio.i.i l'of,l" nl,ho. I!,'r, C,r,an,11' u, , O. W. Straub nnd W. h. Htraub of Avoca, c, Ui j,UUvr aml w. k. Acker nf Wnhoo , J. Murphy of lingers. D. M. Dauphin of THdon, Hd Seymour or rsorfollt, .1. C. Hares nnd0 Mcliey'or are W i nirniy. Nebrivskuns nt tho Merchants: Georso Klrkner, D. It. Tlbbets und it. IVnn of Idle Creek, ti- W. Mulono of Heaver City. Carl Hchwlnk of West Point, A. Kaynnt of Moore lend. A. J. JIca s of O'Neill. If. P. Simmons ot Cluidrnn, H. 11. M. Kcntz of Ansloy und W. V. Illlby of Adams. Nebrnskuns nt the hotels: It. W. Grant. lleutrlco: 1.. K. Wnlker. Uenkleinnn: J. H. 1 owKsuury, u. wray, Lincoln; uoorgo j, o'llara, Grand Islund; A. W. Uurelmrd, Falls City; Georgo W. Houk. JnmeH Polk, lloweus; i'. . ueniicy nun wire, j. is, Krcldler, Fullertnn; K. 1,. Myers, Newport; 11, i welister, rcKamnn. LOCAL BREVITIES. Hurry It. Knur of ICcurnoy Iwih ne'tltloned tho United States district court to adjudge him u iiuukrupt. his uummies tiro iu,tni, with no nssets sciieiiuieit. Tho county eommlssloiiers hnvo posted n now Jury list bearing 2,9V) names. It wns decided, on tho advlco of tho county at torney, io uuuuuoii mo oiu nsi. Clinnccllnr K. Ilomamln Andrews una promised Superintendent Carroll O. I'enrso that ho will mldresH tho Dmuhii teachors somo tlmo in M'liruary or Aiurcn. Wl lam Morr h. or tho Oosnel of Work." will lio tlio suiijcct or tno lecture wnien Klbert Tlubbard will deliver at tho Firs Methodist cliurcli next .Mommy evening, Dr. Hurry C. Hlorbower of Ht. Kdwaril. Nob., bus born unpointed noting assistant xiirerou In tlH' l'liltcd Stales army find lias letl lor minium, wueru no win nurvu tor two years or more. Tho Omaha nostolllco Is running short- hniided on nccount of Illness among tho emnloyei). Kcvorul ofllce clerks are laid up with colds nnd Iniluiiiza nnd two of tho iiostmnster'M otlleo forco nro upon enforced ten vi a of absence. Frank W. Drown, 11 Hloomrield farmer. nud Zelntcs I). Yeiiton. 11 farmer from Lyons, have mado upplleutlon to lm do- clured bankrupt. Tho former lists debtH of $3,M0 und nssots of $315, whllo tho latter gives liabilities of $10,2U5.15 und ustets of J22S. Tbo lien's sneelnl renort from Wnshliig ton nnnnunclng tbut United Htutcs District Attorney Summers hud been Instructed to (UsuilHs tbo canes against tho deputy United HtatcH pi 11 ramus ennrgcii wuu out 57 Stte omomiy noV K O'n2d'on,y0 ?ec' 5 court. A. S. Coolly of Ci 87 now under $1,000 bond ti taiso voucnurs uiui coriuying 1110 ex- not inline unectH but records of the dlstrlet cubs county, who to uppmir for trl J Four other persons wero under nuvplcbilt, but hud not been arrested. ' f A WHOLE HOTEL CURED. A WONDERFUL PIECE OF NEWS. Tho Metrotiolttntt Hotel is one of tlio largest anil most fntuous hotels of Washington. D.C, and its genial proprietor, Col. W. It. Teller, is one of the best know liotej men in America. Ilo savs: " I havo tisr-tl Dr. Ureene's Xorvtirn in tny family and am well acquainted with its lienetloinl results nnd have been for n long' time. In the case of nervous dyspcpln it lias proved ex cellent to'niy knowledge. I have no hesitation In recommending t It o remedy to nil. nnd grnnt permission to pulJllsh this letter." Mr. W. W. Price, Head Clerk of the Metropolitan Hotel, states: " I hnvo found my long sustained mental lnlnirs were wonting upon me, anil that nfter my cares for the day were ended my former refreshing tdeep forsook me. 1 have sutTereil from insomnia for some time past. Noticing the many famous men wlio were using and recommending' Dr. (Jrccnc's hcrvura Mood and ncrvo rcmedv. I also resolved to try It. It gives me pleastiro to sny tlint I have found relief from its use, nnd I gladly recommend it." Mrs. A. M. Lyons, Matron of the MetrojwHtAn Hotel, Bays: " I have Known ot jir. tirecne s Nervuru blood nnd ncrvo remedy for six or eight yenrs. My sister wan troubled with rheumatism for three, years without relief. She suffered greatly nt the time. 1 hnd rend much about Dr. Greene crvurn so mm i determined sho should try It, She TALKING ABOUT MACHINERY Retail Dealers in Farm Implements Continue Their Convention, ' CRITICISE BINDER TRADE CONDITIONS Itetnlt .Mm Do Not l.IKe (lie 1 ill Coiiiiii'tltlou of Aueiitx Sent Out li) .lliiiuifnrtiircr mid Would .Stop It. Tho second day of the Nebraska and Western Iowa Retail Implement Dealers' association convention opened yesterday morning with nbout 300 delegates In at tendance. J. J. lluchnnan of Hastings was thu first speaker lu the morning, taking for his sub ject tho federation of the vnrlous Imple ment dealers' associations Into a general na tional organization. Mr. Ilitchannn referred to tho natlonul association formed at Chi- cngo last February, and expressed tho opln Ion that every s'nto nnd sectional organiza tion should oend delegates to the meetings of tho untlonal body. Ho bollovod a strong national organization would bu able to forco many concessions from thu manu facturers to tho retailors. II. It. Gould cf Hartlngton, who spoko next, denlt with tho sharp competition for tho binder r.nd harvester trade, nnd as sorted that a great deal of unnecessary lnbor nnd expense might bo saved If tho dealers of each locality could agrco among themselves upon a tlmo of year for begin ning tho canvass among tho farmers. T. C. Itccd of Corning, In., J. B. Skadan of Malvern, In., and W. A. Collier of Vul i , - , , . pnrolso, Neb., also spoke on tho binder and Harvester question Dl'ilNtlo Action .SilKltesli-il. Tho discussion fnvored some drastic ac tion to prevent tho manufacturers from putting canvassers In tho field to competo with locnl dealers II. P. Shumway of Wakoflpld mnde a sug gestion that Eccmed to meet with tho ap provnl of tho delegates when ho said thnt at futuro conventions sessions should bo hold ?nly. ln lUo fo.rnnoon n(1 ln cyc,n Ing, leaving tho afternoon opou for visit to wholosalo warohouses and other Indi vidual business affairs of tho nicmbors. As It Is now, tho nttendnnco at tho lcssIoiis Is materially reduced by tho absenco of delegates who havo business to transact with tho Jobbers nnd manufacturers. Stato Senator .1. J. Trompcn of Lincoln gavo tho convention a Jolly talk Just beforo tho noon recefs. Tho nfternoon session was brief, tho principal fcaturo being a speech by J. J Guston of Wlntorsot, la. Mr. Gaston ap reared as n reprcsentntlvo of tho Iowa Im- piement Dealers' nssoclutlon, which ho re ported ns being ln prosperous condition nnd reaiiy ni nil nines 10 co-nporaio wuu owier organizations In nny worlc (loslgnad to lm rooms. Preiiurntlons for tlio event und been mado by n commltteo of thlrty-llvo nnd ut X o'clock the rooms wore In kIiiipo for tho visitors with appropriate decorations. Two punch howls wero provided and clgnrs wefo Iilentitui. Ill tno inning room a iKiniiioi wiui npreiiu, tno guests puriuKiug or mo vinuus in win in tbn front room an nreheHtrn supplied i.. .....i ...ii. nnrt..Au.,.i.... tt.. i. ........ lliuniu lllll nil,, i tun ciniiiiini iiiu iiuiiin wero passed pleasantly. It was estimated that 2,000 peoplu woro present The Right Price $3,50- Wo havo tnlcon moro euro tliiin usual this year in Kcleetlnp; our inon's .flLW) kIiol'H nnd heretofore they have always proven to lm the host $;!.r0 hIiou ever noltf In Oinalia the now heavy koIo Is bettor tllllll tiVOI' find we know that you will not llutl it shoe 111 woarlnn quality that will equal It for less than ? 1.00 or $1.W matlo of pootl, holiest leather, with full double Hole anil the now foot form, round too last Riven It absolute comfort nud n dressy nppefiruticc. Drexel Shoe Co,, CntuloKiie Kent l'rce for tins AnkliiK, Onaks'i Up-to-date Shoo House, uia WAItNAM &T1IKBT. Guitar Players Are Finding Out that It Is necessary to uso K"t strliiKs If they wnnt to obtain that sweet, soft tone which makes thu gtiltnr the most beautiful string Instrument known. We have taken thu nceiiey for the cole- iiiteil "Martin'' iriiltnrs which nro l,lau" Min im, vwi " nio Hlliugcii wuu gin niiiugn e.M'iiisivei.v. n,i Wo believe that their world's lepil A A, ... . , ., . , , , tatioil will liiaUti It easy (0 Hit rod lieu them In this town, especially as all thu teachers endorse them, fall and ex amino tho elcKnnt uud beautiful Instru ments. ,A- HOSPEj 31 Iil3NfKl8S. hnd no faith lu it, but I felt fcntlstlcd that It would euro her " I boucht. nnd earri -d to her two bottles nt n time until she hud taken thirteen bottles, whcti she wns cu- m Cot.. VT. It. Tt:i.f.n. tlrely cured, nnd 1 know It wni Dr. (iree"nt?'s Nervuru thnt cured her nnd nothing else. Her case, wns u very bad lne, indeed. Anyone wishing to iutulrc nbout her ease enn do so, nnd 1 will cheerfully answer nny tjucs tlonu." JAIL IS BETTER THAN WORK No Mi)n .In men ltoliliiiiu, Who la liuiruril mIHi h Polly Ihefl, "Tho tnxpnyers of Oiutiha' have got to keep mo until spring." said James ltobln bou when ho was brought to the city Jail Wednesday afternoon for ttenllng u pair of trousers from Hnydcn Ilros.' store. "Why should I hURtlo around ln tho cold trying to mako n living when I enn Just ns well spend tho winter ln this warm place, where I have nil I want to eat', with a uniformed servant to wait on mo nnd nothing to do trom ono week's end to t.nother but eat, sleep, smoke, read nnd play enrtls with congenial company? A fellow's a fool to work In Omaha ln tho winter tlmo so long as this graft can bo worked. Of course, when tho llowem bloom In the spring I'll hit tho road, for It's not at nil pleasnnt to spend tho bummer In Jnll. Till then, nd- dreFB mo lu caro of Chief Donahue." Uoblnson was reUwed from Jail Tuesday afternoon r.ftor cervlug a thlrty-d.iy ton- lenco for B'.cnllug nnd ho had Just left tho Jnll building when ho mmlu directly for Hnydcn Ilros. und lifted o pair of trousers. Then ho calmly waited tho ar- rlvnl of tho olllccrs, Patrolman Thomas nnd Kmergency Olllcer Baldwin, who plncod hint under arreat. Wllllnm Wilson, nn old-timo thief, who would rnthcr bo In Jail than outside. In cold weather, stole n pair of gloves lrom tho Iloston store Into Wednesday iifternoou nnd was urrested by Special Olllcer Greer nnd Kmergency Olllcer ltclglcmnn. In speaking of these enses. Turnkey "Jimmy" Kirk, tho veteran pollco olllcer, said: "What Omaha needs Is n workhouse whero theso petty offenders may bo madu to work hard. At present they nro tho worst nulxnncuB with which wo havo to contend. If wo hud n workhouso with u good-sized rock 'or wood pile, tho hoboes nnd cheap thloves would glvo Omaha a whin berth. I hear them comparing notes In tho room whenever n now gang Is sent In. Cities which have workhouses aro classed as "on tho bum," whllo Omaha Ib noted ns tho "softest graft" In tho wholo push. Hy till means we should havo'n workhouso nnd wo can't get It too toon." MnrNliiil Vint ter iIcnIkiin, WASHINGTON, Jan. y. 0. L. Vnwter, tho United States murshnl nt Nome, Alaska, has sunt his resignation to thu president. Ho Is from Montana. F. K. Richards of Washington has been recommended for tho vacancy. The Brownie Camera. Have you seen the new Eastman Day light Loading Camera? It taken pictures 2'(ix2',4 Inches and sells for $1.00. It Is a winner. You can nl-1 ways ilopond on getting tho lat est and best goods at tho right prices at our utore. THE ALOE & I'ENFOLI) CO., Amateur Photographic Supplies, l'08 Var-uniti St. OMAHA.